The only thing we have to fear is climate change?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five,"November 30, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Kirsten Powers, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

According to President Obama, we got ISIS contained. The terror isn't the world's biggest threat, its climate change, so let's battle the weather with all our might.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Nothing will deter us from building the future we want for our children. What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it. I believe, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that there is such a thing as being too late, and when it comes to climate change, that hour is almost upon us.


BOLLING: Most our commander-in-chief talking tough today about a very dangerous enemy we need to slay.


OBAMA: One of the enemies that we'll be fighting at this conference is cynicism, the notion we can't do anything about climate change.


BOLLING: While the future of the planet is at stake, Mr. President is threatened by Jihadism, not the weather. Now K.G., President Obama today announced that the United States is, quote, "the second largest emitter" while suggesting climate change is the driving force behind terror. Put those two comments together and you get the president of the United States literally blaming America for terrorism. Am I wrong?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well, no, I'm going to agree with the call of the question. I mean, when you put it together, those are the semantics that he's driving for. This is the narrative and the ideology that he's been consistent and espousing from day one. If you see the man and the measure of his words and his enthusiasm and his passion for climate change, this is where his focus is and his attention. He does not want to have to deal with ISIS, whatsoever. It's significantly getting in the way of his own personal ideology and agenda. I mean, you just see it. This is where he feels most comfortable, talking about this. This is who he is, this is his climate can. He's good to go.

BOLLING: Not necessarily a terror alarmist, but a climate alarmist.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, you know what, the reason for this, a transparent. It's easier for leftist to champion a cause in which we are at fault. You cannot do that with Islamic terror, you can't blame it on us. Unless, through the machination of climate change. Now, I say we should throw it right back at them. Like climate hysteria actually causes terror. For example, activism is fueling a war against coal. They want to get rid of coal. There are a billion people on this planet who are not on the electrical grid. They are living in poverty, burning impure fuels. That makes them vulnerable to the desperate move into cities where they aren't wanted, i.e. ended up becoming a fodder for a terror machines. So by preventing these poor people from getting cheap fuel, you're actually making them vulnerable to terror. So in a sense, it is his climate conference, it is his climate hysteria that is leading to terrorism.

BOLLING: All right, down we get to Dana in a second, but.

GUILFOYLE: Call it a connection made.

BOLLING: Kirsten, the call -- there was -- President Obama connected climate change to terror, yet I don't see Christians, I don't see Jews blowing people up and beheading people on the basis of climate change, I'm seeing radical jihadists doing it.

KIRSTEN POWERS, POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, OK. I will say a couple of things. First of all, I think you can care about both things, and that's the problem. You actually can care about terrorism and climate change. The problem is when you start linking them together. Now, if we want to look at the Department of Defense, though, all the way back in the Bush administration was saying, the climate change is a national security risk to the United States. I think the president was going a little bit further, though. I think when you start talking specifically about terrorism, and I think we know there are lot of causes terrorism that if you take climate change out of the equation, it's still going to be happening, right?

BOLLING: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dana, there was -- it was a cheap shot to do to what he did today?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Well, I think one of the problem that the leftist had on climate change, getting any sort of solutions that they would be satisfied with this that they speak about climate change in these apocalyptic terms that just go, it just goes way overboard, and it makes you realize -- it makes you think, well, can they not actually deal with both issues at the same time? Because I agree with Kirsten, but really, I think is interesting, well, at least to me is that I see terror as --it's the root is evil, OK? Climate change is a scientific issue that is -- it's based on how we actually fuel all of our lives, and if it's real or not, I happen to think that you can at least try to believe that the science is real and then take measures to deal with it. Our carbon footprint in the United States has actually been shrinking over the last 15 years, while ISIS, their footprint is growing. And that is where they're able to plot and plan attacks that could actually hurt people today. So I do think that they could have done two things at once.

BOLLING: Couple of instances why you bring it up, the carbon footprint of that Climate Change Summit. The 300,000 tons of CO2 emitted.

GUTFELD: Imagine what this effort could have been devoted to, like in terror, if you replaced climate change with the word terror. When he said, when it comes to terror, that hour is almost upon us. That will make sense. Like obsessing over climate change during the time of ISIS, it's like shaving your legs while you're on the Hindenburg. It makes no sense at all. This link about the drought.

GUILFOYLE: Except for the autopsy.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's true. You look great in the autopsy.

BOLLING: That's true.

GUTFELD: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: Honestly.

GUTFELD: You want to look nice.


GUTFELD: But the thing about the drought, being linked to the Syrian civil war. Wheat yields have quadrupled since 1990. They haven't had a problem with the -- the farmers have not had a problem. So why that link would be made, perhaps because it absolves President Obama from his failure during the Arab Spring.

GUILFOYLE: That's it.

GUTFELD: If it's climate change, it's not Obama's fault.

BOLLING: K.G., also, he's climate activist. It should -- they destroyed a couple of the memorials to the Paris terror victims today. I mean, talk about a total, total disregard for humanity.

GUILFOYLE: Total disregard for the sanctity for human life, for unity of nation coming together to unite against the common enemy of jihad, total lack of prioritization in terms of where the focus should be. Sure, we can talk and we can discuss weather and climate change -- fantastic, after we're done with the patient that's bleeding out on the table. So anybody who goes in, you see like the gaping chest wound, it's open, you go to close that and address that. Then you move to the other area, this is the extremities that are not like threatening. That's the problem I have with it. We can focus on a lot of things at the same time, but anybody with a reasonable sense of intelligence and urgency for the situation at hand is going to prioritize in the right way and effectuate change in that direction, and we're not seeing that.

BOLLING: All right, let's move on now to the climate hysteria. Yet today, President Obama resided that same description to comment Al Gore delivered years ago, listen.


OBAMA: I saw the effects of climate change first hand in our northernmost state, Alaska; where the sea is already swallowing villages and eroding shorelines, where permafrost thaws and the tundra burns; where glaciers are melting at a pace unprecedented in modern times. And it was a preview of one possible future, a glimpse of our children fate if the climate keeps changing faster than our pursued address. Submerge countries, abandoned cities, fields that no longer grow, political disruptions that trigger new conflict and even more floods of desperate peoples seeking the sanctuary of nations not their own.


BOLLING: Sorry, Mr. President, arctic ice is not actually melting, it's actually growing, and by the way, how are all those warmers going to explain the 19-year, quote, "pause in temperatures." Dana, you chuckled during some of those -- the pretty.

PERINO: Well, it was just -- it was like Walt Whitman.

BOLLING: Elaborate comments. Yeah.

PERINO: Yes, he is. I mean, like -- this is a speech that he has been wanted to give for a long time, it's not the State of the Union, it's the state of the world. According to President Obama, he was never going to miss this conference. They've been working on it for seven years.


PERINO: Here's my big problem with it, though. One of the things that President Obama and John Kerry are saying in Paris is that there is going to be no enforceable language. So you do all this huge conference, there is no enforceable language. The only goals that can be achieved through national level action, and so you have the EPA executive action, it's not gone through Congress, and it's the clean power plant. Over 50 percent of the states have sued the government. It already looks like it's probably going to be turned around, so basically President Obama is saying, "we're going to do our part through executive action, and even though it's the illegal, and even though it's unlikely to be overturned," then when it gets to the courts, he will say, "our entire foreign policy rests on those executive actions, so, therefore, it cannot be overturned." So he's basically trying to put America in a box.

BOLLING: America in a box, even if China does get onboard. Kirsten, India is a big emitter of carbon emissions, and they're poor.


BOLLING: They can't get on board.

POWERS: Well, this is the problem. I mean look, I see the climate change as a real problem. I will say I'm from Alaska. It's not quite the wasteland that he's describing it as, though it does feel a lot warmer to me than it used to be. I mean to be honest with you, the one I was growing up, it's dramatically warmer.

GUTFELD: Well, that's good for a laugh.

POWERS: Exactly, right.

GUTFELD: That's good. Then people will move there.

POWERS: Yeah, but buyer -- the authority people living there, thank you very much.

GUTFELD: Are you sure about that?


GUTFELD: I haven't seen the facts.


PERINO: Thousands.

GUTFELD: I've heard thousands of people live there.

POWERS: Thousands, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Check out Wikipedia. Yeah, they're good.

POWERS: Exactly. Saw it on TV, probably.

PERINO: Thousands.


GUTFELD: And they were cheering global warming. They were cheering.

BOLLING: And there was video. I'm sure there's video of that.

POWERS: You saw it on television.

PERINO: At least heard.

POWERS: Yeah, but the problem is that you have -- how do you get everybody on board? Even if we do everything right, how do you get the rest of the world to stop polluting and deal with it. And I think that's one of the main problems.

GUTFELD: Do you know what you do, though? You are somewhat like accurate and sincere about the statistics. The world temperatures are rising at half the pace of the consensus -- what the consensus said in 1990. They've never been correct. Prince -- according to Prince Charles, when he said these 100 months ago, by this time, the world will be in ruined. I think if we can be figuring the apocalypse because they're always wrong. So because of the prior exaggerations sensible people, American citizens.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: Are skeptical. We need a foreign policy leader, not a Greenpeace volunteer right now.

POWERS: That's the problem with it, the apocalyptic.


POWERS: And there are lots of smart scientists who will say, climate change is real, but apocalyptic climate change.


BOLLING: Can I also point out K.G..


BOLLING: That Al Gore in -- this is COP 21 Al Gore and COP 15, six years ago said, by 2013, the North Pole, the polar cap would be ice-free.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yeah, you, chicken little, chicken little.

PERINO: And don't forget.


PERINO: Don't forget, the administration has been working very hard to basically dismantle coal jobs in the United States, even if they were clean coal jobs. And these jobs are probably, unfortunately, not coming back without some sort of change in administration and direction soon, and that has led Hillary Clinton to say that she not only wants to continue the policies of Barack Obama, but in exchange for that, she will give you a handout of $30 billion so that you can be on welfare.

BOLLING: By your job.

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: Just go away.

PERINO: And your political loyalty.

BOLLING: Just go away quietly.

PERINO: And your vote.

BOLLING: All right.

GUILFOYLE: This is just like climate change Kabuki Theater, you know that right?

GUTFELD: If you were insist.

GUILFOYLE: It's just like making themselves look good and feel good by doing this, and even the activist knows nothings gonna get accomplished.

GUTFELD: Again, it's ocean privilege. We have our coal, we have our electricity, we have our iPhones, we have our automobiles, there are a billion people that are burning impure fuels that kill a few 3 million people a year. They're burning feces. They're burning trash because they don't have coal. So what we're doing is we're saying coal is bad, you can't have any. That's makes the desperate -- they move to areas to live a better life, they end up being vulnerable to the death machines and death coals of radical Islam.

BOLLING: On that high note.


GUILFOYLE: We know it.

BOLLING: Next, one of our embassies -- another one. One of our embassies is warning an imminent terror threat within the next two days. We're gonna tell you where and when, when The Five returns.


PERINO: All right. While the president is overseas sounding alarms on global warming, terrorists are preparing to strike again. An attack is imminent in Afghanistan's capital of Kabul, and that is according to our embassy there. It's received credible reports it may happen within the next 48 hours. Americans are being advice to leave or exercise extreme caution when moving about the city. Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham is urging the administration to commit more troops to the Middle East to fight terror before another attack happens here.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There is no ground force being formed in Syria. And if you don't look at Iraq and Syria's one battle space, you're making a huge mistake. Inside of Iraq, if we had 10,000 American forces with some western coalitions helping us, I think we could get them out of Mosul a lot quicker. I cannot stress to you how urgent it is that we destroy ISIL. Every day that goes by that they hold millions of people under their sway, is a bad day for us, because they're going to hit us at home if we don't put them on the run.


PERINO: All right, so K.G., what is basically saying is that.


PERINO: ISIS is being -- is allowed to plot and plan attacks from a safe haven. He's way to solve it, will be to send in more troops. So I think what he's trying to do is sound the alarm that another attack could happen here if we don't try to do something more there.

GUILFOYLE: All of these seems reasonable to me. I mean, this is what we've been saying, so be prepared to commit the resources that we need to get the job done. If you're saying that you want to destroy, eliminate, cancel ISIS, then do it. Do it. All the loose like, you know, verbiage, it's -- forget about it. Do something, come up with a plan and actually execute it, because I think everybody else there knows. The United States is serious and committed about doing this and eliminating ISIS, we could do it. We could do it and we could do it fast.

PERINO: And the thing is, Eric, with Lindsey Graham and John McCain was sitting with them that we didn't have a sound from him that, there are not coming from a place of total ignorance, right? Because not like they are just reading in a paper, so they have a lot of sources and I'm sure there are people, either the Pentagon or the Intel community kind of tell them to try to help them get their message across the administration.


PERINO: It seems to me that the White House doesn't really want to seem to listen to anybody.

BOLLING: The White House has a plan. I guess their strategy and it seems to be they're sticking by it. By the way, I watched Homeland last night that you can tell what's gonna happened to ISIS next by watching Homeland.


BOLLING: Everyone thought ISIS was gonna back to Syrian, fight that battle there with some chemical weapons. They actually turned around, went back to Berlin, i.e. Europe, so watch for that.


BOLLING: A year in advance they taped that show and they've been spot on. The point is who knows what the strategy is? The other day -- I think it was Friday, Morell, maybe said that they didn't -- the Obama administration.

PERINO: Got it.

BOLLING: Didn't bomb -- do you have the SOT?

PERINO: Yeah, you want to hear it?


PERINO: OK. Take a listen.


MICHAEL MORELL, FORMER CIA DEPUTY DIRECTOR: There seem to have a judgment that -- look, we don't want to destroy these oil tankers because mass infrastructure that's gonna be necessary to support the people when ISIS isn't there anymore. And it's going to create environmental damage. And we didn't go after oil wells, actually heating oil wells that ISIS controls because we didn't want to do environmental damage and we didn't want to destroy that infrastructure.


PERINO: Morell is providing us a lot of information.

BOLLING: Yeah, but things that we suspected before, that he actually no strategy. In fact, we talked about here wiping out those oil fields, because you can -- Mr. Obama, all you -- people in the State Department, you can rebuild those oil fields very fast. Those are standard drilled wells that can be rebuilt very, very quickly and very cheaply. But they say they didn't bomb the oil fields because they're worried about environmental damage, tell that to the people who died. Tell that to the families of people who died since they decided not to do.

GUILFOYLE: Hello to the refugee.

PERINO: Well, not only that.

BOLLING: Tens of millions of dollars per month revenue to ISIS that they could have cut off.

PERINO: That's actually -- that was the point I was gonna get to, because they actually, not only do they have a place to plot and plan, but they have a place to gain revenue because they're using the oil field.

GUTFELD: Well, here's a weird proposition, OK. Either you annihilate or you capitulate, and I'm thinking like, you know, this Islamic state has no air force, and they have no navy. Essentially, what they have is terror. And as long as you have no air force or no navy in -- on your own, you will always commit terror acts, but we somehow accept North Korea. We accept that there is an evil, awful regime that is contained like a benign tumor, that whenever it becomes malignant, we will zap it, but we leave it there and we decide, that's what we're going to do. It seems to me that it works so far with North Korea, we are hoping that one day will stop working and we can destroy them. Why can't we apply that to ISIS?

POWERS: What do you mean now?

GUTFELD: I'm saying.

POWERS: Why have.

GUTFELD: Why not just say OK -- Islamic state.

POWERS: Just leave them alone?

GUTFELD: Let it go, let him cohese or become a structure, and then wait for their.


POWERS: Because we can't, I mean, well first of all, North Korea has -- is not as evil and horrible as they are, is not a direct threat like what ISIS is.

GUTFELD: Exactly. And the reason is.


GUTFELD: There is North Korean ISIS.

POWERS: And they have nuclear weapons.


POWERS: So, I mean, that makes it a little more difficult. But I think we have an immediate problem with ISIS -- I mean, look, I wish we could do something about North Korea. It's -- what they do their own people is horrific. But the problem is the thing about the 20,000 troops that we're talking about that we started out on this is that I wonder is that even enough, you know, with what we're talking about.

PERINO: Lindsey Graham said it was 10,000.

POWERS: Ten thousand, OK. Yeah, and so I mean, it's not even enough, though, we get into a situation -- or still either you're going in with overwhelming force and you're going to do it.

GUTFELD: That is my point.

POWERS: Or else don't do it. Was that your point? OK.


GUTFELD: I said annihilation or capitulation.


GUTFELD: If you play this middle game, the middle game will never end.


GUTFELD: To annihilation or capitulation.

GUILFOYLE: Annihilation, use it.

GUTFELD: Capitulation ultimately a leads to annihilation.

POWERS: Yeah, I do.

GUTFELD: What you get them in one spot.


POWERS: And really just people think Americans don't really support sending troops in for the most part. They think, well so, we just send some troops in, but then we'll just continue the problem. I think that, you know.

PERINO: It's a little bit unfair that Lindsey Graham and everybody from the Pentagon, including those who have resigned under the administration who come out and said, their consensus are that they need $10,000.

GUILFOYLE: And they know better, right?


GUILFOYLE: Yes. We have.

PERINO: Really?

GUILFOYLE: My point is we can respect the opinions, you know, public opinion, but that's why leaders are in place, that's why Intelligence Department in the Pentagon and people are there at the Department of Defense, et cetera. To be able to make these calls to assess the information, compile it and make responsible choices on our behalf. And I trust them.


PERINO: Can bring one another topic?


PERINO: All right, did you have another point?

BOLLING: I just want to agree with Greg. I love this idea, drive ISIS back into Syria. Let them have Syria. Let Syria figure out that Bashar al-Assad working out with ISIS, whoever wins, and then you -- yeah, there still have a problem, but you've isolated your problem.

PERINO: But you cannot contain their social media reach or the fact that people are able to travel with passports back and forth, that's the problem. And that's actually the second point that I want to bring up, Greg. We talked earlier today about how the United States, the President Obama, today announced that they are going to change the way that we -- and screen people that are coming in from terrorist safe havens.

GUTFELD: Well, so President Obama hates women and babies.

PERINO: Orphans.

GUTFELD: He hates orphans. No, but this is -- he realizes that to continue down the fantasy of an open border for these refugees, it suspends the logic of everyday life. Suppose you were told that a popular baby food contained a spiked -- get spiked ingredient of cyanide, but it's a very small percentage of the product. It's like one in a thousand -- one in 10,000, would you still buy that baby food for your child? Of course, you wouldn't. When there is a malfunction in the car, you don't recall 10 of the cars, you recall all of them. So that is practical -- that is a practical way of thinking that he was suspending when it came to terror, and now he realizes he was wrong. And I like the fact that he admitted that he was wrong, probably watching The Five.

PERINO: Well, he's not -- he's not exactly admitting he was wrong.

GUTFELD: Of course not.

PERINO: But it does seem to me, Eric.


PERINO: We could have avoided the whole refugee fight of the past.

BOLLING: No. He's turning the refugee debate which he realizes he's wrong to jump people jumping their visa debate, or which he was wrong on his well. And frankly, we've been wrong for a long time.

PERINO: Yes. So the changes are good.

BOLLING: They're very good.

PERINO: So we are supportive. We are all in agreement. I love that.


GUTFELD: I disagree with agreement.

PERINO: All right, next. Donald Trump on the defense again after creating a new series of controversies for himself, Greg, has some advice for the presidential candidate he may want to heed when The Five returns.


GUTFELD: Last week, Donald Trump mocked a reporter.


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Right after a couple of good paragraphs, and talking about northern New Jersey, draws the prober's eye, written by a nice reporter. Now the poor guy, you got to see this guy, "Oh, I don't know what I said! I don't remember!" He's going, "I don't remember, oh, maybe that's what I said!" This is 14 years ago. He still -- they didn't do a retraction.


GUTFELD: Now he claims he didn't know the guy was disabled. Here's the reporter and Trump, close call. A dude with disabilities mocked in a way that seems to play off a disability. Let's watch the tape again.


TRUMP: The poor guy, you got to see this guy, "Oh, I don't know what I said! I don't remember! He's going, "I don't remember, oh, maybe that's what I said!"


GUTFELD: I'll admit it, I cringed. But hey, as long as he's in front, who cares?

Well, I do. And fans of "The Five" do, too. They're fans of this show because they like how we treat each other. If they saw their son pulling a Trump, they'd smack him.

But it's not Trump's fault, it's the enablers who indulge him. I embrace the broken window theory. You know, if you don't police small crimes, you end up with bigger ones.

During my speeches, my manager sits up front. Later, he tells you what I did wrong, and my wife chimes in. They save me from my idiocy, and it's a lot of work for them. And it's hard for them to be honest and say to me, "Greg, stop being a jerk." But they do it because no one else will.

That's my role here Donald, I care and telling you knock it off, because clearly, no one else will. Stop treating this like a blue collar comedy tour. You're not Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog. You need fewer toadies and more folks who operate under a code. And a code is a set of principles that exist independent of politics. A person with a code reacts consistently to actions regardless of who did it.

Remember when we nailed President Obama for his Special Olympics joke? A code requires that we do the same here and now.

So no more excuses, exaggerations and impersonations. You're running for president, believe it or not.

By the way, Kimberly, I hate the fact that I'm being an arbiter of good behavior.


GUTFELD: I am probably the most obnoxious, tasteless person on this network.

GUILFOYLE: And I'm here to tell you that you're right.


GUILFOYLE: The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

GUTFELD: Well, if this were your spouse or child at, like, a playground, you would be like, "Uh."

GUILFOYLE: I would ask them what they were doing.


GUILFOYLE: Do they know? I would investigate it and get the facts and find out exactly what was going on.

GUTFELD: I'd smack 'em.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, I like to actually find out first before I punish. You know what I mean?

GUTFELD: And you would -- and what if they lied to you about it when you know they're lying?

GUILFOYLE: Then they would be double punished.

GUTFELD: But they would like being double punished by you.

GUILFOYLE: First -- now you see the problem.

GUTFELD: I know.

PERINO: That's where your wife would say, "That thing about Kimberly, no, no."

GUILFOYLE: People deliberately lie to me so they can be punished again.  This is the problem.

GUTFELD: What do you think, Kirsten? So why do some people choose to accept behavior in one person but not in another? The team sport part of politics?

POWERS: Are you saying so why are people...

GUTFELD: For example, like, if President Obama had made a joke about John McCain being handicapped from his war injuries and being a POW and not being a hero, we would have the pitchforks.

POWERS: Right, yes. I mean, I think a lot of people would criticize him for that, even people on the left.

But I do think there are just double standards. People do tend to, unfortunately, kind of, yes, stay with their team. So if it's somebody on their side, it makes them sort of feel like they have to come to their defense. They'll say -- what I notice a lot, too, from Twitter or whatever, it's always, "But the other side is worse."


POWERS: Always what they come back with. It's like, when you sort of say, they shouldn't have done this, it's like, "Well, what about the time Obama did this? Or what about the time?" It's like, what about it? That was bad and this is bad. They're both bad.

GUTFELD: Yes. I mean, that's the defense, is that OK, look what the left did to Sarah Palin or her child.

POWERS: Right, exactly.

GUTFELD: Or look what they did about Special Olympics. The media didn't care, so we care then.

POWERS: Exactly.



BOLLING: Well, again, we have to be clear. If Donald Trump knew that Kovaleski had this issue, he had this disability, then you can say, Donald, what are you doing? Do you really want to make fun of someone with a disability? We don't know that for a fact. I mean...

GUTFELD: It's a coincidence.

BOLLING: Well, it may be. I think -- but I also over the weekend, I also saw Hillary Clinton with a similar hand gesture in one of her speeches.  Now, it had nothing to do with this reporter. Is it some -- listen, I'm not an apologist for Donald Trump. I'm simply saying if he knew and did it on purpose for the shock value, then I would suggest as a person -- who knows, and probably not the best thing to do, not at this point.

You're winning. You've got 31 percent in a Reuters rolling average. The next closest is 14 percent. Everyone else is under 10, single digits.  Maybe you don't need to do that.

If he knew it. If he didn't know, I mean, we hold him at a very -- we don't have a standard for him. We're letting him get away with everything.  If any of us had done that, we would be -- I don't think we'd have a job.  And we're not running for president. I mean, that's what I'm saying.

I am not -- I'm an obnoxious idiot. First person to say that. But I am not running for president. I can make mistakes.

PERINO: But mocking somebody for a physical deformity that they have no control over is, I think, beyond the pale. There's a guy that I talked to the other day. He's a Trump supporter, and he said, "What do you make of Trump about the reporter?"

I said, "What do you think?"

"You know, Trump gestures all the time when he's speaking."

I'm like, "OK." And he -- when he realized I wasn't buying it, he said, "Well, I think that he was kind of justified because a reporter once wrote a bad story about the Tea Party."

I'm like, "Listen to yourself. You went from thinking it would probably be a bad idea for mocking somebody with a physical deformity from defending someone for an article that they wrote at one point. I actually admired the people. There were some on Twitter said, "I don't care if he mocks the reporter." That's fine. If you want to live by that code, that's your choice, but don't try to convince me that what I saw with my own eyes isn't true.

GUTFELD: Yes, here's Trump talking about The New York Times reporter actually benefitting from this.

PERINO: Right.


TRUMP: This reporter is so happy.  People have heard of him now. Nobody ever heard of the guy. You know, people are so -- he's having such a good time.


GUTFELD: So the theory here is, Kimberly, it's OK to make fun of somebody because you'll make them famous.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, I don't know. Listen, we have a job to do here, and we have to answer to our management and to our standards and practices, right? We're not running a project.

What I'm saying, voters will decide, and they will choose and see if he is the nominee based on a whole bunch of things. Now do I think, you know, it's OK to make fun of anybody with disabilities? No, I do not. Would I personally do it? No. Do I know that he specifically was intending to make fun of him because he was disabled and do that? I'm not going to pass that judgment on. He knows he can answer.

GUTFELD: Would you pass that judgment if it was Obama or Hillary Clinton doing it? Would you pass that judgment.

GUILFOYLE: And they knew that? I would -- yes, I would want to find out if that's, in fact, what they intended, what they knew and that they acted on it.

GUTFELD: You'd be every bit -- show every bit as such self-restraint.

GUILFOYLE: I don't care what your political party, affiliation, subcategory, subtext is, if that's what you knew and you did it on purpose, that's not the thing to do, period. I don't care who you are. Is that fair?


GUTFELD: I guess so. But you're withholding your judgment on whether he did or not, and I'm wondering if you would withhold your judgment on other people. Because generally, it goes back to the double standard.

GUILFOYLE: But this is my point. I would say I would investigate it, just like I did with every case. I would be handled a case where the defendant was some prison (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

GUTFELD: Did you investigate this case?

GUILFOYLE: I didn't investigate this case. I've been reading all the reports about it to see what the fact pattern is.

GUTFELD: I watched it a lot.

GUILFOYLE: And when did he meet him, and what did he know? So that's how I approach all my...

GUTFELD: He did know the reporter.


GUTFELD: He did know the reporter.

GUILFOYLE: He said he met him 14 years ago.

GUTFELD: He says he has a fantastic memory. So I mean, he remembered the thousands and thousands of people that we have no documentation of celebrating 9/11, no physical documentation. He remembered that. So I don't know, it's weird. It's very weird.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I think that you sit comfortably with your decision.

GUTFELD: I think I have, Kimberly. Shall we move on?


BOLLING: Please.

GUTFELD: Hillary Clinton has unveiled a plan to create more jobs in America, but she forgot to tell Americans how much it's going to cost them.  That's up next.


GUILFOYLE: Good one.

Hillary Clinton has a promise for all those hard-working Americans out there.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: My job as your president will be to do everything I can to create more good-paying jobs, to get wages rising again for American workers and families. Because Americans have not had a raise. And it's time we get back to where we were before the Republicans came in and messed it up again.


GUILFOYLE: Ai, yi, yi.

So what's her plan to get our economy back on track? She's just unveiled a $275 billion proposal to invest in our infrastructure, but she isn't saying how she's going to pay for it. That's a problem.

The Republicans say it could result in tax hikes on the middle class as Clinton's campaign promises have now topped $1 trillion. Big spender -- Bolling.

BOLLING: So this has been going on for a long time. They've been talking about this infrastructure bank that they wanted. They want to form a bank.  They want to attach things like financial transactions, gasoline additional 50 cents or a dollar. They've come up with all different ways to do it.

I love the idea of spending a lot more than $275 billion in infrastructure.  I like the idea of spending a trillion dollars or more on infrastructure, because we need it. Our roads and bridges are crumbling, and that's legit and that's true.

The question is how do you raise the money for it? In my opinion, it should be done on a private basis. In other words, privatize some roads.  The real bad ones, go ahead and make them highways. Sell them the hedge funds. Sell them the banks and let them charge tolls. And then let them fix it, because they're a lot more efficient at things like that than the government is.

GUILFOYLE: You can say that. I think that's a refreshing idea. You know what I don't like? Why is everything piggybacked, you know, on the middle class? Why, why, why? That's not going to help the economy, markets, jobs, any of the above. It's not going to encourage people, small businesses. I mean, we're already choking them to death with excessive regulations, Dana.

PERINO: Well, that was going to be my point. There might be -- no, it's good. It was very helpful that there might be a need for $275 billion worth of infrastructure spending.

But what could really help is if the government actually got better at streamlining a permitting process. This is where everything is bogging down. You don't -- you have to do so many different environmental checks.  You have to do so many safety checks.

All of those things may be important, but they're not done at the same time. They're done one after the other, so that you delay projects for so long to the point that they just fall apart.

There were no shovel-ready jobs available when President Obama put forward the stimulus package. And it showed, because you weren't able to actually produce any jobs or get any results and improve the infrastructure.

GUILFOYLE: Remember that? Terrible.

PERINO: To me it's bureaucracy. That's where we could actually have a bigger impact.

GUILFOYLE: Are we going to, like, shrink the waist of the bureaucracy, Greg?

GUTFELD: Mm-hmm. Well, for a liberal, spending your money is their Olympic sport. Bloated programs is their pornography. I -- it's not about workers; it's about union workers. Is this about employing more union workers for these programs, because they're the ones that are eligible?

I have an idea. How about a $10 billion southern -- a freeway along the southern border? Just build it all on a big, white freeway, and then the day before we all run down there and we push it up. There, we built a wall.

PERINO: That would be beautiful.

GUTFELD: It would be. See? That would work.

BOLLING: I heard it's going to cost a lot more than that, though.

GUTFELD: Really?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, exactly.

GUTFELD: But you would do it! A $10 billion freeway, and then we just push it up. And there you've got the wall.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe they'll pay for it.

POWERS: Well, I think -- I think one of the biggest problems with this is that she doesn't really explain how she's going to pay for it, and that's something that even the "Washington Post" editorial board has dinged her for. She somehow is going to do all this with only -- the only group of -- there's, like, 3 percent of the population she said that she will tax, right, which is impossible.

There's just no way to do this without taxing the middle class. And so I would want more details, more specifics about how she was going to do this, because I do think the middle class is completely overburdened right now.

BOLLING: Would you be willing to -- would you accept a gasoline tax or a transaction tax?

POWERS: Yes. I think this is -- like you said, this is important. I mean, these are things that we have to do, but I think you have to be transparent and honest about how you're going to pay for them. And look, I know all politicians do this when I don't think we should accept it. I think that we should press them. Reporters should press them on explaining it. You can't just -- it just doesn't add up. You can't throw out these few little things that simply are -- there's no way you're going to pay for all of this.

GUILFOYLE: So she's saying throw a flag on the play. Explain yourself.

All right. Thanksgiving 2015. Oh, yes, it's in the books, our special about 25 times. Only 26 days until Christmas. What's our favorite part of the Christmas season? You want to know. And in Greg's case, his least favorite, there are many. Stay tuned.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sure, Charlie Brown. I can tell you what Christmas is all about. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the lord. And this shall be a sign unto you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Linus is right. I won't let all this commercialism ruin my Christmas. I'll take this little tree home and decorate it, and I'll show them it really will work in our play.


POWERS: You know it's -- the Christmas season has officially kicked off when "A Charlie Brown Christmas" makes its way back to TV. The animated classic is marking its 50th anniversary tonight. it's the second longest running holiday special in TV history, behind "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

So now that Christmas time is in full swing, what are we looking forward to the most this holiday?

I think I'll ask Mr. Holiday Cheer over here. What are you looking forward to?

GUILFOYLE: The Grinch?

GUTFELD: No. And I don't make any secret of it: I hate this season probably more than anything on the planet. But I will -- I would prefer to talk about what I like, which is Charlie Brown, which I think is the most powerful comic strip in the history of comics, because it was able to take the insecurities of children and express them. It's stuff that we carry in our genes that we don't understand. Charlie Brown focused on them.

And the most important thing about -- what's so interesting about this strip was Pigpen. He was always the dirty guy, and wherever he walked, there was a big -- big tumult of dirt behind him. What's behind that story? What does that story mean?

It was about absentee parents, because everybody knew a kid in their classroom that was neglected, that was wearing dirty clothes, and it was borne from the selfishness and addiction of their parents that neglected these kids. And Charles Schultz, with Pigpen, pretty much predicted a large consequence of our society as our family structures broke down.  Pigpen was that story. If you ever watching "The Wire," Dukie. The kid who was the -- the kid, one of the kids. Remember? That was Pigpen.  Pigpen predicted almost every problem that we have had in the last 30 years.

PERINO: That's deep.

POWERS: You just wrote, like, a college thesis.

GUTFELD: I think I did it on this show, though, three years ago.

GUILFOYLE: Correct. Correct. You remember? But it was good then, too.  It's good.

GUTFELD: Impressed everybody.

GUILFOYLE: He's right. And the Pigpens out there, they know who they are.  And I have such love for them. And so what I would do...

GUTFELD: You know who they were?

BOLLING: You have a -- you have a sweet spot?

GUILFOYLE: I don't want to give their names, but I swear, I swear I'm well known for this. If you're not like a little Basil (ph) and you're not getting attention, I would mother you.

On Valentine's Day, I would buy you the cupcakes from the secret admirer.  I would buy you the cupcakes if they had a cupcake. You know? Because I had others that would come from the secret admirers. And if I had a cupcake, I'd sit next to them in school. I sat next to and ate with a couple of these little Pigpen guys that you see in the cafeteria.

GUTFELD: You're like the Florence Nightingale of people who didn't bathe.

GUILFOYLE: OK. I mean, wouldn't you want...

PERINO: Went straight to Valentine's Day.


POWERS: Let's stay with Christmas.

PERINO: I loved in Charlie Brown, which I didn't realize until I read the article today, is that the story of Jesus in the Charlie Brown Christmas special was almost not included, because the -- Schultz and others thought it was too risky.

To me when I watched it as a kid, it was just very natural, because I went to Sunday school and this was the story that I knew; and this is what I knew about Christmas. So...

GUILFOYLE: It's my favorite.

PERINO: I'm so glad that they included it.

BOLLING: Can I just point out my wife has obsessive -- opposite of you, she has obsessive Christmas disorder. I mean, it's everything. It's the tree lighting. We're going to have to go to the tree lighting.

GUILFOYLE: That's Wednesday, 7 p.m. Eastern.

BOLLING: You have to go watch that. Top to bottom, she's all over it.  But it's kind of cool.

GUILFOYLE: You love it. I love "Charlie Brown Christmas" first and then "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

POWERS: Me, too.

GUTFELD: What about "Frosty the Snowman"?

PERINO: Love it.

GUTFELD: White privilege.

POWERS: All right. "One More Thing" is up next.


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." Dana's first.

PERINO: I'm excited about this, because I have a gift for everyone. Pay attention.

The White House Historical Association designs a White House Christmas ornament every year. And this year, they are honoring our 30th president, Calvin Coolidge. And what's cool about this, for the first time ever, it has a little light, a little LED light. There you go. Look.


PERINO: This is the White House Historical Association. You can go on, and you can order them. You can collect them every year. But you get to start your collections today.

Greg, I know you like Calvin Coolidge. You don't like Christmas, but you like Coolidge.

GUTFELD: Coolidge will look great at my Kwanzaa.

PERINO: You can have it. Anyway, thanks to them for sending that up here.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you!

PERINO: Thanks, Stuart and Lauren.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

POWERS: Thank you.

BOLLING: OK. So I told you all before we left for Thanksgiving holiday we were bringing Eric Chase, our son, to Las Vegas, the Las Vegas rescue mission to serve Thanksgiving dinner and the next day to the homeless there. Here, check out the pictures. By the way, it's the greatest gift you can possibly give a child.

Here's -- there's the meal that was served, the Thanksgiving meal. There's -- they put out -- get this -- a thousand meals on Thanksgiving dinner and 400 meals the day after Thanksgiving. Next one, there's Adrienne over there in the white hat serving. There's Eric Chase walking through the crowd talking to people. Amazing, amazing day, two days, actually, and then afterwards we had the good fortune to spend some time at Steve Wynn's hotel, and that's it. That's what we did.

Greg, you're up.

GUTFELD: Well, that's depressing, because I didn't have as much fun. Get out of my -- get out of my line here. I'm trying to speak.

First of all, if you want to learn how to defeat ISIS on a personal level, go to I've got a column up there where I talk about how you can actually beat ISIS.

Now, Eric shared you his plans for Thanksgiving. I -- people thought that I spent it alone, but actually I didn't. I met up with a good friend of mine and we had a good time. It was -- there he is. His name is Scruffy McNucken. And there he is. He's...




GUILFOYLE: Is that a carrot?

GUTFELD: Yes. He enjoyed it. We just sacked out. We watched a bunch of movies together, all the "Diehards." And you know, it's great, because he's a very cheap date, just one piece of one carrot.

GUILFOYLE: Is he still alive?

GUTFELD: Well, I rolled over and he died.

BOLLING: He wasn't drinking, was he?

GUTFELD: Very low tolerance.

BOLLING: All right, K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Mine was really sweet and normal. Yes, normal. So we had a great Thanksgiving. It was with Ronan's grandparents, and his dad.


GUILFOYLE: And then we spent the weekend doing fun things like going to the park. That's me, Ronan, Ro-diggity and Bella. And then Ronan's an aspiring photographer. He took a really nice picture outside of the sunset and everything, which is fabulous.

And I also want to say happy birthday. We were supposed to get to it, but with the breaking news we didn't last Friday. To Sean O'Rourke, who is amazing.

GUTFELD: Boo. Boo.

GUILFOYLE: I love you so much, Sean. You're fantastic. Irish and Puerto Rican like me.

BOLLING: Sean does a nice job.

GUILFOYLE: He's amazing.

BOLLING: Even when he cheats on the music.


BOLLING: All right. Kristen, you're up.

POWERS: I went out to Seattle for my Thanksgiving. My family lives in Alaska, that wasteland where the environment's ruining it. And anyway, we went up. These are my nieces, Mateo and Chloe and their little cousin Carter. This is me and Chloe. And I think we have one more of just the three of us. And my phone was broken, which is why everything is a selfie.  So -- but yes, it was awesome.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

POWERS: There's them looking -- Yes, that was -- I think their mom took over that picture.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it right there. Set your DVR's so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us right here. Guess what's up next? "Special Report" is up next.


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