The media's Kanye West double standard
The same media calling Kanye unhinged loved Kanye West when he attacked former President Bush; Howard Kurtz explains on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," October 12, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE in Washington tonight. The last 24 hours have revealed so much about the left's clubhouse. No divergent ideas are allowed and sometimes they are pretty viciously intolerant of any political differences then and end up watching deeply personal and destructive attacks against anyone who violates their orthodoxy.
Most recently, someone like a Kanye West or Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They felt their scorn. Tonight, as we barrel toward the midterms, we will reveal the latest attacks and the possible political fallout. Tucker Carlson, Raymond Arroyo, Corey Lewandowski and Howie Kurtz all here and many more.
But first, the odious Kanye West pilon (ph). The outrageous attacks on Kanye West continue as the left pulls its hair out over this meeting that Kanye had yesterday with President Trump. Now check this out, MSNBC guest Michael Eric Dyson, you have seen him a lot on cable news. He pretty much called Kanye just too stupid to talk to the president on any issues regarding race and trying to give the president cover on what he really is, I guess, just a white nationalist. Watch.
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON, SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR: We as African-American people cannot stand idly by while you give cover to a man who has proved to be a white supremacist, who has no interest in the African-American people. This is such a blitzkrieg of blathering ignorance. Kanye, please cease the interventions through media of trying to engage issues about which you don't have sophisticated comprehension and knowledge.
INGRAHAM: Sophisticated knowledge like Beyonce and Jay-Z went in the Obama White House. All right, meanwhile, Donna Brazile is accusing Kanye of setting African-Americans back 155 years. Look at that. Joining me now, Pastor Darryl Scott, CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, Leo Terrell, civil rights attorney, Jeffrey Lord who served in the Reagan administration and is a contributing editor to the American Spectator anmd with me in studio, Garland Nixon, radio talk show host and political analyst.
All right guys, great to have you all on. Thanks for joining me. And now, Leo, let me start with you. I just have to go back to what Michael Eric Dyson said, white supremacy by ventriloquism. Now, to me when hear that, Leo, I mean, just set aside politics. If a conservative said that about an African-American celebrity who was liberal, who was showing up with Obama or Clinton or anyone on the left for that matter, there would be hell to pay.
But because Kanye is in the oval with the president, it is okay to call it a minstrel show, call him stupid, call him insane. And now, he is just a dummy with Donald Trump operating his dummy body. How could you think that that was a good thing?
LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Well, let me be very clear. I am not going to condone the personal attacks by Dyson. But I will simply say this. I was embarrassed when I saw Kanye West speak yesterday. It was a photo opportunity for Trump. Why was I embarrassed Laura? Because I challenge anyone on this panel to say that the elimination of the 13th Amendment is a good idea, that stop and frisk exist.
Kanye West does not have the skill set to talk about the 13th amendment, which he did yesterday, stop and frisk, which does not exist and Kanye West is a guy who said that George Bush hates black people. Let me be very clear. He is not a Condoleezza Rice. He is not a Colin Powell, and you no Michael Steele (ph).
Kanye West does not have the skill set to talk about any of those subjects and I challenge anyone on this panel to tell me they support the idea of eliminating the 13th amendment. Please. Tell me if that is not whacko.
INGRAHAM: Well, I don't -- I'm not getting you on the 13th amendment. I'm not sure he ever said it in those terms but --
TERRELL: That's what Kanye West said. It should be eliminated.
INGRAHAM: So let's go to -- OK, let's go to Pastor Scott. Pastor Scott, Kanye West is a very unconventional figure, let's just put it that way. I mean, his music is very popular. He is one of the top rap artists in the world. He speaks to a certain, you know, segment of the population. Again, very wealthy, incredible entrepreneur.
Not my cup of tea but he comes out and he says a few things about fatherhood and people who lack masculine role models. I love this president. I want him to be successful. And suddenly, he becomes, oh, my god, he is the KKK. I thought the reaction to him was just way over the top and I was wondering why? What are your thoughts?
DARRELL SCOTT, NATIONAL DIVERSITY COALITION FOR TRUMP: Kanye West critics and detractors, they have a problem with how he said what he said and who he said it to. His content, when you dissect the content of what he said, what did he say that was so wrong? Even when my brother was talking about his abolishment of the 13th amendment. There is a component I the 13th amendment that legalizes slavery for criminals with blacks being disproportionately incarcerated.
TERRELL: You are wrong. You are wrong.
SCOTT: Man, I didn't interrupt you. Calm down.
TERRELL: You are wrong.
SCOTT: With blacks being disproportionately incarcerated. He is saying that and I had a brother-in-law that served years in prison and he said it is turning into institutionalized slavery. They don't like that Kanye West is his own man and whatever you say he is not qualified to speak on, he is qualified to have his own opinion.
TERRELL: You don't know what you're talking about the 13th amendment. You're wrong.
SCOTT: He doesn't try to be a Condoleezza Rice. He doesn't try to be anybody else but a Kanye West. And you know what I don't like? All the people that criticize the fact that he went up there --
TERRELL: You are ignoring what he said.
SCOTT: All the people that refused an opportunity to go themselves, Kanye West was there unfiltered and the president allowed him to be.
TERRELL: He is not qualified. He is not qualified just like you.
SCOTT: They don't have the courage to go up and sit down with him and talk him so, then you can't stand outside and throw rocks. Grow a pair and go up there and talk to him yourself.
INGRAHAM: OK. I want to go to Garland here because I actually think this is an interesting moment. And it is an interesting moment because the conversation about race in America to me is stuck. It is not moving beyond where it is right now. And again, Kanye is kind ifof this unconventional guy.
He's an entrepreneur. He's a businessman. He's a rapper. He starts small business. He is interested in technology. I don't know him. I don't know really much about him but to me and what he is saying is, let me think for myself. Don't denounce me because I actually like this guy who is president and want to make him successful.
And I think to myself why would the liberals be against that. Everyone is for freedom of thought, be who you want to be, express who you want to be. So why are liberals so exercised about one guy? You got the whole celebrity community on your side. One guy who says he likes Trump.
GARLAND NIXON, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: I think there are two dynamics going on here. The first one and let's be real and let's be honest about this. Within the black voting bloc, Donald Trump is absolutely loathed. And that --
INGRAHAM: 36 percent approval is not bad.
NIXON: I'll tell you what.
INGRAHAM: 36 percent approval yesterday by Rasmussen.
NIXON: Let's talk about --
INGRAHAM: It's double it was last year. You guys are worried about that, are you?
NIXON: Hold on a second. I understand those numbers. Let's talk about the second or third week of November and see if those numbers hold up, which they certainly won't.
NIXON: Number two, and that's you've got Kanye West, a guy with -- and let's be honest, he does have a history of some mental issues and some outrageous statements. A guy who is worth $350 million to $400 million. He does not speak for the black community.
INGRAHAM: Who does?
NIXON: If Donald Trump was to ask me to speak with him tomorrow, I would but I would expect to be vilified, because I know the black community hates him so bad that I better be ready --
INGRAHAM: Garland -- hold on, hold on, hold on. Garland -- hold on, hold on guys, hold on. Do you think when you say the black community hates him so bad, how does that advance the black community to say that?
NIXON: I don't think it advances the black community, but let me tell you something about the history of the black community in politics.
INGRAHAM: Because they didn't think that -- they didn't think that -- wait a second! Wait. They didn't think that five years ago. He was a featured guest and celebrity on music videos and movies. He was revered by the entertainment industry, the sports industry but suddenly Donald Trump is running the country.
We got the lowest unemployment in 49 years for the country, historically low unemployment for African-Americans, still need work to do but we are making some progress. So when you say they hate Donald -- there is something that is not adding up here, Garland.
I'm honestly trying to make progress here and not just doing a talking point. There seems to be a bridge that can be built between what the president wants to accomplish for America and African-Americans. Do you think so?
NIXON: Absolutely not.
NIXON: Let me tell you what --
INGRAHAM: Prison reform and what he's doing?
NIXON: Forget it.
INGRAHAM: Forget it.
NIXON: The black community -- when they saw a bunch of guys in Charlottesville with Nazi flags and Donald Trump, that was it. There is no coming back.
INGRAHAM: Let's go to Jeffrey Lord. Jeffrey, you haven't spoken yet. Jeffrey Lord, go ahead.
JEFFREY LORD, CONTENT EDITOR AMERICAN SPECTATOR: Laura, you hit it exactly on the head. Kanye West walked off the liberal plantation and that is something that is not supposed to be done and now they are coming from him.
Laura, I am going to read you a line, which I know you recognize well, since it was said by Justice Clarence Thomas for whom you clerked. And the line is, what he was put through, what Justice Thomas was put through was a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who had anyway deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas. That is exactly what is going on here.
TERRELL: What does that have to do with Kanye West? That is irrelevant.
IMGRAHAM: Hold on, Leo. Leo, just hold on.
LORD: Kanye West said the other day, I'm an American. He is an American. He has every right to think whatever he chooses to think and he should not be come for and not have people going after him like this in this is disgraceful performance. I mean, this is disgusting. Disgusting what you're doing.
TERRELL: He didn't know what he was talking about.
LORD: He is an American hero for having the guts to stand up and say what he believes.
TERREL: Laura Ingraham has done a beautiful job of talking about Kanye has a right. No one is questioning that. But Laura Ingraham, you know as well as I do, as a lawyer, what came out of his mouth, the content, made no sense --
INGRAHAM: OK, I have a question for you, Leo. Leo, I have a question for you. When Lebron James comes out and says as he did some months back that, you know, Donald Trump, I'm paraphrasing it. It's not an exact quote, but he doesn't, you know, he doesn't care about people. It was featured everywhere.
I mean, LeBron James is an amazing person, incredible athlete but I don't know how much he studies politics. Maybe he studies a lot, maybe he doesn't. But like, you know, do you throw out a few blankity blank lines about Trump and suddenly you are a hero in the liberal sports world.
And then if you criticize LeBron James -- oh my god, you can't criticize LeBron James but Kanye West does it in the oval office and suddenly it is, you don't know anything. Does Kanye West know any less than LeBron James knows about politics? Probably not.
TERREL:: Great point.
INGRAHAM: All I'm saying is probably not, but probably about the same because it is not their -- it is like I don't know anything about basketball, I don't know anything about rap music. That's OK, but they have a right to speak out. That's my point.
TERRELL: Great point, Laura. You make a good point about LeBron James and Kanye West. The point here is everyone on this panel, you heard the content of the 13th amendment and stop and frisk. Everyone on this panel knows there is no stop and frisk in this country. And that came out of Kanye West mouth, and what's scary about it is he has a platform in the White House..
INGRAHAM: No, no, no. What you are saying here -- no, no, no I understand what you are saying. Leo, you are monopolizing the panel and I love that. You have so much emotion. But there is a push to bring back stop and frisk because people think including I think Rudy Giuliani, that it actually was successful in stopping crime.
He was coming out and saying, we don't want stop and frisk. So, he was actually acting I think in a proactive way for what he happens to believe. I want to go though to Pastor Scott. Pastor, again, I think there is an enormous amount of progress that can be made on race relations.
And I think it is going to probably come from new people. It's not going to come from probably anyone on this panel. It is going to come from new thinkers, people from different walks of life. And it is going to bust the old stereotypes. I don't know if it is Kanye West. Maybe it is not. But I don't like the idea of casting off people as deplorables or he is stupid or he is mental. I don't know. He is a person. Judge him for what he is.
SCOTT: Laura, the black community doesn't hate Trump. The black media hates Trump. The black media is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party that hates Trump. The black men on the street they don't hate Trump. They like his policies. They like the fact that unemployment is an all-time low --
TERRELL: You don't speak for the black people. You don't speak for the black people.
INGRAHAM: All right. Nobody speaks for anyone. We are speaking for ourselves. Go ahead.
SCOTT: I talked to some guys earlier from Chicago. The guys on the street of Chicago appreciate Kanye West standing up for them, speaking up for Larry Hoover, speaking up for other people and conditions in Chicago and saying we want to make those conditions better. You guys are upset because he is not allowing himself to be a puppet for the Democratic Party.
TERRELL: Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on you.
SCOTT: -- black stuff, but you don't mind vilifying or crucifying another black man on television. You don't mind doing that? You're a hypocrite.
TERRELL: Shame on you.
INGRAHAM: All right. Let's go to Don Lemon. OK, hold on. I want to go to Don Lemon. This is something he said that had a lot of heads turning and involved the phrase minstrel show and Kanye. Let's watch.
DON LEMON, CNN HOST: I actually feel bad for him. What I saw was a minstrel show today. Him in front of all of these white people, mostly white people, embarrassing himself and embarrassing Americans, but mostly African-Americans because every one of them is sitting either at home or with their phones watching this cringing. I couldn't even watch it.
INGRAHAM: OK, this is from someone who is doing some type of shot on New Year 's Eve on the cameras, speculated that a black hole could have swallowed up the Malaysian airliner, talking about something -- I usually like Don Lemon. He is like a nice guy but, again, it is the pejorative.
It is not dealing with any of the substantive issues that are actually on table, the lack of father figures, how African-American kids and all kids without father figures gravitate toward others who can give them guidance. That racism as a weapon, instead of racism as something we want to defeat and then move beyond. I was actually disappointed with Don Lemon and the minstrel show comment because certainly no conservative could have ever said that. Garland.
INGRAHAM: Hold on. Hold on. Let Garland speak, please. Hold on
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See, I don't know about minstrel shows.
INGRAHAM: Hold on guys. Garland is speaking.
NIXON: Yes, I got a cringe because the thing about it is it's the person. I like Kanye West. I don't dislike him and I have nothing against him. But, you know, you remember the Taylor Swift issue. You never know what he is going to say and you are always -- I am always on the edge waiting for cringe when says -- he's in an alternate universe and things.
Let's face it, he is not the right spokesman. And now, it appears that conservatives are holding up this guy --
INGRAHAM: I'm not.
NIXON: -- he is not the best spokesman as though he is like speaking for all the wonderful things Trump is doing for black people in America.
INGRAHAM: I don't think anyone speaks for any one big group. When Jesse Jackson comes out and he says he represents all black people. I always have people on my radio show who say Jesse Jackson is an interesting guy. He was with MLK. He was big for me so, anyone who says that he speaks for --
TERREL: And Garland doesn't speak for me either. Garland doesn't speak for me.
INGRAHAM: Yes. I get it. So, everybody is speaking for himself or herself, I understand that. All I'm saying is, I think all of us are trying to get to the point where individuals of any color can speak their mind and have their ideas judged for what they are, for what they are.
NIXON: But the question is, is Kanye a credible spokesperson for the issues of black America? And I think most black Americans are looking at it and saying no. He hit on a couple of issues that I would say I agree, but it was muddled.
INGRAHAM: Is LeBron James?
INGRAHAM: Is LeBron James?
NIXON: No, but he didn't say much.
SCOTT: He can speak for himself. He can give his truth.
INGRAHAM: Everyone -- guys, guys, everyone has their truth, and I am not putting down LeBron James. He has a right to speak and campaign for whoever he wants, but all I'm saying is when one of the best, if not the best basketball player on Earth speaks and does a rally for Hillary, nobody is saying, what's his expertise.
Suddenly, they are saying Kanye has no expertise, well, versus whom? I don't know. I just think we got to be clear on, you know, what we are talking about here and who is representing what group. I think the more voices, the better. That's my view. Judge everybody for their opinions and whatever they are and I think it is a good thing. And I value all my opinions tonight, every one of you.
All right, guys, for more insight into the mind of President Trump and the conservative populism that drives him, make sure to pick up a copy of my new book in paperback now, "Busting The Barricades: What I Saw at the Populous Revolt." It is in bookstores everywhere.
And coming up, cable news hosts, particularly some at CNN, have donned their psychiatry caps to diagnose Kanye as, well, totally crazy. Up next, one of the country's pre-eminent psychology professors is here to tell us why that language might be damaging. Don't go away.
INGRAHAM: You know what's not OK using someone's mental health struggles as a weapon when you attack them for, you know, basically, you don't have an argument against them so you just say they are nuts. Well, of course, that's what they are doing with Kanye West. His political views not all that important, but you just hurl insults at him to try to demonize him. It is simply disgusting.
LEMON: This was an embarrassment. Kanye's mother is rolling over in her grave.
JIMMY KIMMEL, LATE NIGHT HOST: Not only was this a crazy conversation for this White House. This is the kind of conversation that would typically be held between people wearing hospital bracelets.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know if he is open to help but I just feel like this is a public cry for help and he is not getting any help.
TREVOR NOAH, DAILY SHOW HOST: There was a ranting lunatic in the oval office today.
LEMON: Kanye, back away from the cameras, go get some help and then come back and make your case.
INGRAHAM: Get help? Dr. Lemon, why are you stigmatizing people who battle mental health issues? How dare you try to minimize what Kanye is saying because he is open about some of the mental health issues he has had? I think you owe Kanye and everyone else dealing with the struggle an apology and you need to do better. Don Lemon is actually a good guy. He knows better.
Joining me now, is Patrick Corrigan, psychology professor and author of the book, "The Stigma Effect." All right professor, now how deleterious is it for anyone in the media, left wing, right wing, to exploit another person's medical history as was done just over the past 24 hours regarding Kanye West?
PATRICK CORRIGAN, PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR: Reducing somebody's conversation to illegitimacy by saying they are mentally ill is in the same category as a stigma related to racism, sexism, homophobia. It is saying that your message doesn't count because once upon a time you had an experience with bipolar disorder or rather illness.
The stigma and mental illness is not trivial. People labeled with mental illness are unable to get jobs, live independently, get good health care. And it is all because messages like this perpetuate them as being different or worse than we are.
INGRAHAM: And professor, it seems like it would deter people from getting counseling. Let's say they lost a parent, went through a difficult time, if they know later on they are going to be described as one of those people who got help. And as someone who knows a lot of people over the years who have gone through especially with death of children, death of parent, gone through incredibly difficult periods of time, we want to encourage people to be able to talk to others, to get help.
And to me, in this case, it's mostly liberals sadly in this situation who are demonizing someone just because, I guess, they are in the oval office with Trump and thrown in the crazytown deal as a way to demonize him and dismiss him.
CORRIGAN: Any time you throw in the word crazy, whether it comes from the left or it comes from the right, it undermines the opportunities of people who struggle with mental illness. And by the way, that's a lot of people. Epidemiology suggests it could be one out of five people have a serious mental illness.
The stigma fundamentally comes from the label. I am seeing somebody come out of the psychiatrist office and I know they must be nuts or coming out of the counselor's office and they must be crazy. And so they are going to avoid those kind of places so they don't get those kind of labels, and they are not going to get the kind of treatment you were just talking that we know really will work.
INGRAHAM: Professor, thank you so much for your insight. And Obama's White House, by the way was a revolving door for celebrities. Remember the policy summit he had with rappers Common, Busta Rhymes and Ludacris about a criminal justice reform. You probably don't because the left wing media didn't freak out over it like they did when one guy goes to the Oval Office yesterday, Kanye West.
Joining us now with reaction, double standard extraordinaire, of course, Howie Kurtz. Howie, of course Media Buzz, great show on the weekends on Fox. Howie, this is wild because I remember when Kanye came and then he did his poetry slam at the White House. I mean, truth be told, I actually kind of, you know, laughed at it because I thought the poem was really bad that he did on stage, but Obama was just really at ease with celebrities and obviously, they loved him. No one cared.
HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS HOST: Obama's celebrities, Obama's rappers, they wee -- they had the approved ideology so it was OK. The media kind of celebrated it. Look, what Kanye did in the oval office, it is fine for critics to say, it was weird, it was strange, it was bizarre. Even Donald Trump seemed kind of speechless for a moment.
But the brutal nature of some this criticism is clearly driven by ideology. When Kanye West was talking about George Bush doesn't care about black people --
INGRAHAM: I criticized him for that.
KURTZ: Yes, but a lot of these liberals said, oh, he is a really cool dude. And now because he is wearing the red hat and he's embracing Donald Trump, he must be loco.
INGRAHAM: What are the chances like next week he will be wearing like a Cory Booker hat? Is there any chance? All right, Jackie Speier, I want to play this for you Howie. Congresswoman from California said this about Kanye and his mental health.
REP. JACKIE SPEIER, D-CALIFORNIA: It was a combination of stream of consciousness. I felt like I was sitting in on a psychiatric visit and a commercial for Donald Trump. It wasn't newsworthy certainly but I would suggest that the president should maybe curtail these kinds of engagements.
INGRAHAM: Well Howie, 36 percent approval from Rasmussen among African-Americans. That is double from last year, same poll. It seems like they are more worried about the Kanye effect on the midterm elections than they are about Kanye's mental health.
KURTZ: Well, here we see the mental health issue being brought up again. And you know, in addition to the congresswoman, it seems like the harshest criticism is coming from other African-American. You played Don Lemon dragging Kanye's late mother into it. CNN contributor Tara Stmayer said he was a token negro. I haven't heard that phrase in decades.
And so, it is rooting in the notion that if a black person -- black people who are for somebody like Donald Trump, they can't know what they are talking about. They are completely misinformed there, they have serious issues and all of that. And that, you know, they no longer have a monopoly. And so the piling on here against Kanye West, who is an entertaining guy, like you say probably don't know that much about politics.
INGRAHAM: More so than who? Matt Damon?
KURTZ: Yes. And he was there to talk about actually a serious issue like his wife Kim Kardashian did so. The freak out is just so over the top that I think it can only be written off as ideological opposition to a guy who thinks a little differently.
INGRAHAM: We'll be watching "Media Buzz" this weekend Howie. Thanks so much for being with us.
And the P.C. language, police strike again. Whoopi Goldberg reveals a HeToo moment. Those are just some of the topics ahead on Friday Follies with Raymond Arroyo. Plus, Hillary Clinton losses her security clearance. Oh, I'll tell you more coming up.
INGRAHAM: It's Friday. That means it's time for Friday Follies.
Political correctness is now messing with our language. And did Whoopi Goldberg just admit her own he too moment? For all the details we are joined Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor, bestselling author of the "Will Wilder" series. Raymond, I hope you can do this without injuring yourself.
INGRAHAM: OK, what am I now not allowed to say? What words can I not say, P.C. police?
ARROYO: We came across this article in a San Francisco periodical where the term "Indian summer" may not be used anymore.
ARROYO: In political correct thought you shouldn't use Indian summer.
INGRAHAM: They're putting up the words too fast.
ARROYO: We'll get to those in a second. But the problem is this.
INGRAHAM: Take those down.
ARROYO: Indian summer may have its origin in cargo ships traveling the Indian Ocean. It may have nothing to do with Native Americans. We don't know the exact origins.
INGRAHAM: What other words. Now you can put them up.
ARROYO: There are other words we cannot use any longer. Words like "Indian summer," "sitting Indian style," "off the reservation," don't say "off the reservation," Ingraham. "Blackball."
INGRAHAM: "Blackball," I used that today.
ARROYO: "Whitewash." Don't use "whitewash," you will offend me. "Inmates running the asylum."
INGRAHAM: I used that yesterday.
ARROYO: And one you talked about earlier, "freshman." You can't use "freshman" anymore.
INGRAHAM: You can't just say first year. You can't say "freshman"?
ARROYO: Because you are discriminating against women.
INGRAHAM: I thought it was fresh, like, don't be fresh, man. OK.
ARROYO: There was a new poll by a group called More in Common. They found 80 percent of people, 80 percent found political correctness a problem.
INGRAHAM: The worst.
ARROYO: But when you break it down by race, 79 percent of whites, 82 percent of Asians, 87 percent of Hispanics, and 75 percent of African-Americans think political correctness is a problem.
INGRAHAM: But then it said hate speech a problem, 82 percent.
ARROYO: Yes, 82 percent of people thought hate speech --
INGRAHAM: Let's talk about Neil Patrick Harris.
ARROYO: Wait, wait, wait. Speaking of the P.C. police. "The View" had a moment that few caught the other day. Actor Neil Patrick Harris revealed he did his first film with Whoopi Goldberg, and then he said this. Listen closely.
NEIL PATRICK HARRIS, ACTOR: I did my first movie ever with Whoopi Goldberg, a movie called "Clara's Heart." And we worked together on that. And she told me --
HARRIS: She told me, I was what, 15, 16 years old. She told me on my last day of shooting that 10 years, in 10 years time she was going to have sex with me.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG, HOST, "THE VIEW": I might have. In those days you could actually have some fun like that. You can't do that now.
HARRIS: I was not offended. I'm looking forward to it.
ARROYO: Have some fun like that. Imagine, imagine if a young female actress got up and said some Academy Award winning director had told her when she was 15 that he would have sex with her in a few years, "The View" would be asking for that guy's head and promising he would never work again. But there apparently is one rulebook for Hollywood and one rulebook for everybody else.
INGRAHAM: Everyone was kind of like --
ARROYO: Ho-hum.
INGRAHAM: The cat got her tongue for a few seconds.
ARROYO: I did notice that. I did notice that.
And James Gunn, you remember we did this story several weeks ago. In July James Gunn was the director of the big marvel "Guardians of the Galaxy." They ended up slicing his contract, canceling his involvement, and they moved him to D.C. Comics now. He is directing "The Suicide Squad." This is a guy who wrote these pedophilic like tweets. They fire him, they rehire him in a matter of months.
INGRAHAM: OK, so it's a different standard.
ARROYO: Where is the mercy for --
INGRAHAM: Real quick, "Conners" versus "Last Man Standing," where are we on that?
ARROYO: "Last Man Standing" is the biggest breakout hit FOX has seen in seven years, FOX Network. Tim Allen's show, of course a conservative show that was bounced off of ABC. It beat the "Murphy Brown" premier by a million viewers. And you know how they pushed that. Then of course what happened next was it beat "Will and Grace" this week. "The Conners" is Meanwhile in full panic mode.
INGRAHAM: Without Roseanne, what a shock. You predicted this. Raymond predicted "Conners" without Roseanne.
ARROYO: I say three or four episodes and it is canceled. And executives are telling The Daily Mail they think they may have fired Roseanne too early.
INGRAHAM: You think? They had a hit show and they blew it. That's all I can say. Raymond, fantastic, as always.
Just hours after the GOP releases an ad comparing the left to an unhinged mob, they are proven right. Vandals defacing a New York Republican club in the middle of the night. That's next.
Plus, Tucker Carlson is here to reveal Kanye's important message about men in modern society. Stay with us.
ERIC HOLDER, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: When they go low, we kick them.
REP. MAXINE WATERS, D-CALIFORNIA: And if you see anybody in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them.
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.
SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-NEW JERSEY: Please, get up in the face of some Congresspeople.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this the, quote-unquote, mob?
INGRAHAM: That was a new ad from the GOP capitalizing on how unhinged they believe the left has become. Here to react, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and former aides to Senate majority leader Harry Reid, Jon Summers. Let's start with you, Jon. I know the word "mob" is a very sensitive topic for some people, but how can you possibly dispute what you saw last week, the banging, clawing at the door, getting in your face, getting an inch from someone's face, cornering poor old Susan Collins in the elevator anything but a mob?
JON SUMMERS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: It is a lot like what we have seen on a number of occasions on the Republican side.
INGRAHAM: Really, where? Where did Republicans corner people in an elevator?
SUMMERS: Let's talk about the tea party protests.
INGRAHAM: Never, never.
SUMMERS: Please.
INGRAHAM: Cornered people in an elevator? They were wearing Betsy Ross outfits. How is that threatening?
SUMMERS: And they were showing up at town halls for both Republicans and Democrats and disrupting those.
INGRAHAM: Asking questions.
SUMMERS: They were disrupting them, with the intention of disrupting them and getting people upset. We can also talk about people showing up at Barack Obama rallies armed.
INGRAHAM: Armed? Name three.
SUMMERS: We can talk about Cliven Bundy and his armed militia who created a standoff.
INGRAHAM: We had thousands of people.
SUMMERS: And let's not forget Charlottesville.
INGRAHAM: Charlottesville, first of all, is what the left continues to throw up. But Corey Lewandowski, what we saw over just the last three weeks in Washington, people with signs, "F" Kavanaugh, predator Kavanaugh, things I can't say on television. Susan Collins is about the most moderate person you can get. Jeff Flake probably had to wear a pair of depends in that elevator, he was so upset about the crowd coming in on him. I don't know. I just think that's not what America really wants right now. People are pretty happy with the economy.
COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: People are very happy by and large. This movement has gone back to the day that Donald Trump was sworn into office. The next day was the woman march in Washington, D.C. And if you remember what they did, is we saw the video footage. They celebrate by throwing rocks through storefront glass, lighting cars on fire, and having what exactly the Republicans describe as a mob taking place.
And what we saw last week in Washington is hundreds of people being arrested, people clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court, running people out of restaurants, screaming at staff members who work for the government. That never transpired when the Democrats were in office. Never once did I see David Axelrod be thrown out of a restaurant because the Republicans are so angry at the policies. Never once did I see Democrat senators have to be removed from restaurants or cabinet officials because the crowd was so outrageously screaming at them because of the policies, because we don't do that.
And I remember the Tea Parties well. I took place in them. I participated in them. Not only were they orderly and they were concerning and they were very well thought out, but in the end, there was no mess. We didn't light cars on fire as a sign of our angst or disgust. We left in an orderly fashion.
INGRAHAM: A New York Republican headquarters was vandalized last night with all sorts of Antifa-like graffiti. Ed Cox talked about that from New York today. It happened last night. But gentlemen, both of you, before I let you go, President Trump is charging full steam ahead with the judicial appointments, including on the ninth circuit, a very liberal appeals court. We have a very limited time. He is bypassing the blue slip, meaning Feinstein and Kamala Harris don't get a sign-off. John, your reaction?
SUMMERS: It is unfortunate that he is doing that because this is a process that's in place. The constituents can talk to their senators and voice their opinions about the nominee. Unfortunately, that is not happening. Not surprised it's not happening.
INGRAHAM: People didn't used to leak stuff out of FBI files either, but that happened last week.
SUMMERS: There is a lot happening under this administration that didn't happen before, including the separation of thousands of kids from their families. So people have lots of reasons to be upset with this --
INGRAHAM: Ninth circuit -- Corey, ninth circuit decision. We have like 10 seconds.
LEWANDOWSKI: Look, 84 new judges this president has appointed. The senators had their chance to work with the White House to put a package together for the ninth circuit. They couldn't get it done because they wanted to play partisan politics.
INGRAHAM: All right, out of time, but very interesting, guys. Both of you, fantastic to have you on.
Coming up, FOX's own Tucker Carlson, Kanye West's message for the modern man, up next.
KANYE WEST, MUSICIAN: The campaign "I'm with her" just didn't make me feel as a guy that didn't get to see my dad all the time like a guy that could play catch with his son. There was something about when I put this hat on, it made me feel like Superman. This hat, it gives me power in a way.
INGRAHAM: I am with her. Didn't Hillary Clinton think that that phrase might alienate a large part of the population? It took someone like Kanye West of all people to put a bright red hat on and say, hey, what about us? Here he is back in August explaining why the MAGA hat represents a lot more than just supporting Trump.
KANYE WEST, MUSICIAN: It represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt no matter what anyone said, and saying you can't bully me. Liberals can't bully me, news can't bully me, the hip-hop community, they can't bully me, because at that point, if I'm afraid to be me, I'm no longer Ye.
INGRAHAM: Joining me is Tucker Carlson, host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" and author of the New York Times number one bestseller, "The Ship of Fools" just knocked Bob Woodward off the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. Tucker, first of all, I'm so happy that I know you. Congratulations.
INGRAHAM: When I was going through some tough times in the last year, you were among the first people who reach out to me. And you're just such a -- you're a bestselling author, you're a top TV host, but people have to know this about Tucker. You're also just a really good person, which in Washington D.C. sometimes is hard to find.
CARLSON: Well, I'm not a good person, but I have certainly been attacked. So I deep sympathy for anybody, including Kanye West, who I know nothing about and I'm not interested in. But I feel for people who are all of the sudden getting it from everybody. I really do.
INGRAHAM: Yes. And I saw your show last night where you talked about the issue of fathers and missing fathers, and entire segments of America. He was talking about that. Look, he is not a political person. He is not going to speak in pundit terms. He is going to speak the way he is going to speak. Again, it is not my music, it's not my thing, nor is it yours. But that was an interesting moment where he said the masculine presence in a family is so important, and she didn't speak to me. It wasn't because she was a woman, but it was because of how she was portraying her campaign.
CARLSON: And he is absolutely right. The Democratic Party is anti-masculinity and anti-father. They have to be. That's their base. And that is just true. And they have been for a long time. And not everyone in the Democratic Party, but the leadership of the party is -- ask a leading Democrat. It is really simple. I have done it, actually. You say is it better, all things being equal, there are a million exceptions to every rule, but in general is it better for kids to grow up with the dad at home? They won't say it, even though it's true. And by the way, I grew up for part of my childhood in a single parent home. It was great. I am not attacking anybody. I'm just saying, if you can't say that, then you are lying. And everyone knows you are lying. And he just kind of called them out in his stream of consciousness way. And I think we should not attack him for that.
INGRAHAM: David Gergen, one of your close friends on CNN yesterday said the following. Let's watch.
DAVID GERGEN: Is that what's going on with some of the men in this country and their relationship to Trump? Does being for Trump make them feel more masculine? I just don't know the answer to that, but boy, there was sure an overtone of it in that session.
INGRAHAM: In other words, masculinity, the toxic masculinity, it is a brutal type of being masculine to be aligned with Trump.
CARLSON: Dave is doing the best he can. I am not going to attack him. But the truth is, that's real.
INGRAHAM: Why not?
CARLSON: I feel bad for him. But that's real. Men feel that they can't be men, and that's not a talking point. I'm not a men's movement guy or whatever. But if you had a movement that was against toxic femininity or toxic homosexuality, you would say you are attacking people for who they inherently are, and you shouldn't do that because it is mean and actually hurts kids when you do that. And yet we send $60,000 a year to these stupid schools, these colleges that have entire departments devoted for attacking men for being men. Why are we putting up with this garbage? If you have a son, this is a huge threat to him. If you have a daughter, who is she going to marry? These are not minor questions. They're central questions.
INGRAHAM: Tucker, your book has, the interesting thing about Tucker's book, it is such a great read, it's about the elites, both on the right and the left. But in your "Ship of Fools" is Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. And both of them were critical to pushing Kavanaugh over the --
CARLSON: They did a great job this week. And I think anybody who believes in fairness should be grateful to them, and I am.
INGRAHAM: We haven't gotten the wall yet, though, Tucker.
CARLSON: Which is not a small thing. And by the way, when Republicans face difficulty in the midterms, maybe it is because the party ran on building a wall, not on an abstract wall, a metaphorical well, but on a physical wall, and then they sort of give the finger to their voters, well, the wall is kind of stupid. Maybe it is stupid. It doesn't matter. You promised it. If you tell me I'm getting a pony for Christmas, you better not give me a bag of hair, because I'm going to be really disappointed.
INGRAHAM: I got a bag of hair once.
INGRAHAM: Tell me about your daily life. You wake up. Give me your time. If you had to just drop into Tucker Carlson's life, when you wake up in the morning, it is approximately what time?
CARLSON: I wake up around 7:30 or 8:00.
INGRAHAM: OK, then what's the first thing you usually do?
CARLSON: My wife wakes me up every morning with a cup of coffee. She goes for a run. She comes back. She gets back in bed with me with the dogs. I sit and do e-mail and I talk to her for a couple of hours. I really try and get all my work done sitting in bed in the morning.
INGRAHAM: Like Churchill, except he didn't have email.
CARLSON: Yes. And then I work and I talk to a million different people. I don't go to lunch. Typically I go into work and do a ton of writing, mostly it's a writing job. And then the show ends and I go out to dinner almost every night, and with my beloved nephew tonight.
INGRAHAM: So how many dogs are in bed with you at night at any given time?
CARLSON: Two. Two spaniels, Meg and Dave.
INGRAHAM: Are they at the top of the bed? Are they always at the foot of the bed? Do they make their way up?
CARLSON: This is a very controversial question. So all four of our kids have gone. So we are the parody of the people who are very focused on their spaniels.
CARLSON: But one I think is basically mine, and my wife disputes that. And then the smaller spaniel, the sub spaniel, the reserve spaniel, is more loyal to her.
INGRAHAM: Are they hunting dogs?
CARLSON: Both are them are hunting.
INGRAHAM: So bird dogs?
CARLSON: Both are bird dogs.
INGRAHAM: Pheasant, quail, what do you do?
CARLSON: Pheasant, quail, chukar.
INGRAHAM: Anything?
CARLSON: I'm not a huge mammal hunter. I go shoot pigs once in a while. But mostly I grew up bird hunting.
INGRAHAM: How about a tennis ball? Will they take that?
CARLSON: They will take a tennis ball. They come fishing with me a lot. They're my fishing dogs.
INGRAHAM: Tucker, I am so -- proud of you sounds condescending. I am so happy for you. Tucker is one of --
CARLSON: No one has ever asked me what you just asked me. I can't believe I said that on TV. I'm embarrassed.
INGRAHAM: No, because you're like my brother.
So Tucker Carlson, "Ship of Fools," get this book. It is phenomenal. It actually, you trace the elites on the left and right and how they try to steer America in one director and people actually took it and said, we are going to go into a different direction. Tucker, congratulations. You're such a great colleague.
CARLSON: Thank you, Laura.
INGRAHAM: Will you come on my show next week?
INGRAHAM: Can I come on your show next week?
CARLSON: Any time. Are you kidding? Ratings gold.
INGRAHAM: I'll walk over to that studio. Tucker, congratulations, again. Get this book. Phenomenal, great stocking stuffer. Early shopping for Christmas. We'll be right back with today's biggest winner and loser.
INGRAHAM: OK, it's time for our winners and losers of the week. I'm going to start with a winner. American pastor Andrew Brunson, who was finally released by the Turkish government after pressure from the Trump administration with a little help from the private sector. That is him tonight with Ric Grenell, the ambassador from Germany on his way back to the United States. And previously, a photo of him with others who helped in this regard from the private sector. Pastor Brunson, we are so happy you are on your way back to the United States, and thank you to President Donald Trump. Raymond, loser of the week?
ARROYO: Loser of the week is another pastor, Cardinal Donald Wuerl who the Pope accepted his resignation today. This came in the wake of the abuse scandal in Pennsylvania, of which he made some mistakes, but on the whole, Donald Wuerl did a lot of good in regard to sex abuse allegations. He dealt with them. The problem was denying he knew nothing about the McCarrick situation here in Washington. That really was his undoing. And here's the really bad thing, a lot of victims are very upset about this. Though he has resigned, he remains in charge in Washington until his successor is named.
INGRAHAM: So the successor, who will be the new archbishop of Washington, D.C.?
Also make sure to pick up a copy of my new book in paperback, "Busting the Barricades." You'll love it. "What I Saw at the Populist Revolt."
And that's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" take it from here. Shannon?
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