'The Ingraham Angle' welcomes a new family member

This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” October 16, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. We have breaking news for you tonight on this Friday. This just dropped from Fox just moments ago. One of the people on the explosive email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden has corroborated the veracity of the messages and appeared to outline a payout for former Vice President Biden as part of a deal with the Chinese energy firm.

Now that's a direct quote, much more on that in a moment. But first, this kind of is related Joe's real comms team. That's the focus of tonight's Angle. It's been another embarrassing month for our nation's press corps. A few weeks ago, remember Steve Scully of C-span, a prominent media figure who had been tapped to host the second presidential debate, well apparently, he sent a tweet making clear that he was hostile to President Trump.

Now when the Trump supporters cried foul Scully claim that his account had been hacked. Immediately the mainstream press rushed to his defense. The Washington Post exalted fact checker tweeting, "Come on everyone, everyone knows it's Steve Scully is the calmest, most decent, least partisan person in Washington DC." MSNBC's Sam Stein added, "The idea that sees golly it's some sort of sleeper NeverTrump partisan hack is among the most absurd campaign meta stories and there are a number of people pushing it who absolutely know better."

The response from Lockard of CNN Joe, well former press secretary for Bill Clinton, what do you expect? Well, he was perhaps the piece de resistance of the Scully defense.

"Fact: If Steve Scully says he didn't send it you can take it to the bank.

Period. Anyone who questions him or makes accusations as a damn liar."

Well, this week we learned who the damn liar really was. Now Scully was not hacked he did send a tweet. He had no business moderating a presidential debate and C-span has suspended him for lying about what happened. Now the irony is that Scully by the way whom I have always personally liked. He's never been anything but kind to me and nice to me but he only got caught in this endeavor because he works for C-span which apparently still does care about whether its employees are being forthcoming, whether they're lying.

If he had worked for a major outlets like CNN or NBC, they never even would have checked and of course he would have gotten away with the whole thing.

Well, you don't believe me. Three years ago CNN anchor Anderson Cooper claimed that he too was hacked after posting a vicious anti-Trump tweet.

There was no apology. CNN only offered up this laughable excuse.

Cooper's assistant inadvertently left his phone unlocked and unattended at the gym early this morning and someone took the phone and sent the tweet.

And who can forget Joy Reid's lame excuse for all the nasty things she wrote on her blog years back.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: I hired cybersecurity experts to see if somebody had manipulated my words or my former blog. And the reality is they have not been able to prove it. But here's what I know. I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things.


I genuinely don't believe I'm even hosting the show right now. Come on, over time this type of behavior has convinced tens of millions of Americans that the mainstream press, most of the press is no longer interested in reporting the truth. Instead it's abandoned its traditional mission to become instead mere propaganda for the Democratic Party.

Now last night's Town Hall again proved the point. ABC's George Stephanopoulos of course former White House Comms Director for Bill Clinton didn't ask Joe Biden a single question about the breaking story of the day, which was Hunter Biden's emails revealing how he and the rest of the family cashed in on Joe Biden's position.

Now any objective observer would agree that the voters should know why foreigners would pay the Bidens millions to see Vice President Joe Biden.

Instead, ABC just airbrushed the story away as if it never existed. It's like the old Soviet Union, like Pravda or Izvestia.

CNN did an entire segment earlier today on what it considered the real scandal though from the Town Hall.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: Of all the questions to come from last night's town hall with President Trump, one of the big ones was who was the woman nodding behind Trump. The overly agreeable woman immediately garnered internet fame despite the Town Hall event being billed as an audience of undecided voters, Julie is actually a Trump supporter who ran for Congress as a pro-Trump candidate in 2018.


INGRAHAM: Now leave it to CNN to not even get the facts straight. NBC never said the Town hall audience is made up of only undecided voters. It was a mix of voters that included Biden and Trump supporters. Plus, that woman never even got a chance to ask a question. Big deal. Meanwhile at least two of the questioners at Biden's town hall were actually Democrat operatives including - I love this part, a former speech writer in the Obama administration.

But that's not all you may recall that earlier this year Vice President Biden faced those allegations of sexual harassment from Tara Reid. Again, our media doesn't care. They're going to ask about it? They don't care. If you want more information on that topic, you will need to watch 60 minutes in Australia.


TARA READE, ACCUSED JOE BIDEN OF SEXUAL ASSAULT: Smiles, it's like a wolf in sheep's clothing. He pushed me and up against the wall. He kind of pushed, he moved towards - he moved his body towards me and then he used his knee to separate my legs. He said I want to (BEEP) you.


INGRAHAM: The media's liberal bias has been a pernicious problem. We know for decades but for a long time there was at least of the near of objectivity in some reporters but no more. That all vanished after Obama entered the White House because for eight years it was as though the Washington press corps became People magazine.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's one of his brief shining moments with his jacket off and feet up in the backseat. We're off for an undisclosed burger location. This is when the leader of the free world remembers to ask me for my order. Inside the restaurant the president samples what a 65 percent approval rating feels like. Now operating on something of a fast food high.


INGRAHAM: Martha Stewart would be considered a possible interviewer compared to Brian Williams. And while the press was fawning over the Obamas and attending swanky concerts at the White House, Americans were seeing their jobs outsourced and their wages stagnate.

Now by the time Obama left office, race relations were worse than when he got in there but again the media just looked the other way. That was a Gallup survey by the way. Obama was on their side and that's all that mattered.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have said that you would come back. Are you fearful for the status of (inaudible)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you think LGBT rights will rank in terms of your accomplishments and your legacy?


President, it has been an honour. I wonder now how you and the First Lady are talking to your daughters about the meaning of this election and how you interpret it for yourself and for them.


INGRAHAM: So that was on the last press conference in the White House for the press. How do you feel? And of course this all applies to Biden and Harris as well. We know how the press is never going to never ask them any hard questions, never will hold them accountable even if they take office.

It's going to be like it was with Obama and that means you will have a White House that is completely unchecked by any press except fake polls, fake news, personal attacks on Biden's critics. That will abound. All will be common practice in a Biden term.

Hunter could be selling the Jefferson Memorial from the Oval office and they would never even report it. No news there. Now this whole situation is bad for America. We're drowning in a sea of lies right now and if the media takes control of the White House, it will become almost impossible to know what's actually happening in DC. They put Probder (ph) to shame as I said earlier. The implicit promise of Biden's campaign.

Think about what he said. It's a return to calm. Things will be a lot calmer. But is it going to be calm or normal in anyway to have a press corps that will not ask tough questions of a presidential candidate and then a president. In fact, it's really scary. The left likes to claim that Trump wants to be a dictator. That's his real dream.

It's hard to be a dictator when the press is fighting you. It's much, much easier if the press does whatever you tell them to do. Then it's carte blanche. Biden's not going to face any watch dogs in the mainstream press.

He'll be surrounded by lap dogs and that will encourage corruption and incompetence.

To prevent that outcome and to teach the media less than that they will never forget. The press of course wants to tell you that the election is over. But we already know that they're not interested in the truth. So let's all vote, let's tell our neighbors to vote. Let's tell everyone at church to vote wherever you worship and let's do everything we can to save our country from the oligarchy that our media will end up imposing on us and that's the Angle.

Joining me now is Lara Logan, host of 'Fox Nations.' Lara Logan has no agenda and David Marcus, New York correspondent for 'The Federalist.' Lara, I need to get to the breaking news just out from Fox tonight. In what I think could have huge implications for the presidential race if anyone covered this, Fox news has learned that one of the people on an explosive email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden has corroborated the veracity of the messages.

One email dated May 13, 2017 and obtained by Fox includes a discussion of remuneration packages for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email includes a note that Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate. Well, a proposed equity split referenced as

20 for H and 10 held by H for the big guy.

Well, sources now telling Fox news that the big guy is indeed a reference to the former Vice President. Lara, in other words Biden himself may have directly benefited from Hunter's dirty dealings with China. How big a deal is this potentially?

LARA LOGAN, FOX NEWS HOST: Well potentially, if it is confirmed that this is accurate and then there's probably more there and it's particularly relevant right now because China is so much you know in everybody's lives, all our lives have changed because of China. Right? People have died because of China.

And so it has more significance now than ever before and it's always interesting to see, imagine if it was Russia, right? Could you imagine if it was Russia. You know exactly what the reaction would be. It would be everywhere, it would be all the time. It would be treated as a you know a definitive conviction and it would never ends, right?

You'd never hear the end of it and when you look at the difference in stand, it's like that. That's one of the things that makes people in this country lose faith in the media because people are not stupid. They see what happens and they recognize why that's happening.

INGRAHAM: Well, then David, we have a piece tonight by David Ignatius in The Washington Post which is playing cleanup for Biden and he goes into great detail as to why this might have been personally bad judgment but it's really not a big deal for Joe Biden and he quotes some anonymous consultant who calls into question the emails, part of which we just confirmed tonight on Fox news to one of the recipients of the emails.

So you know he made a mistake getting involved in a dubious company like Burisma but the notion that Burisma undermines Joe Biden's cases to be president as he would say is malarkey.

David, cover up by the Washington Post under the rug.

DAVID MARCUS, NY CORRESPONDENT, THE FEDERALIST: Yes absolutely and it's not the only piece along those lines that The Washington Post has run today.

They ran a very similar one up by Max Boot. Let me be blunt. George Stephanopoulos' failure to ask Joe Biden last night about this bombshell New York Post story is the most egregious example of journalistic malpractice that I've ever seen and that's a really competitive category these days.

What makes it so astonishing is that the Biden campaign isn't even disputing the basic facts. I mean the closest they've come is to say there was no meeting on the official calendar, really? It didn't say 3:30 PM met with Hunter's sketchy Ukrainian business partner. I mean this is really outrageous and the way that that the media is trying to turn this into a intend no story.

First, it was Russian disinformation. Now maybe it's true but it's not a big deal. It's extremely bad for the country.

INGRAHAM: Lara, Biden was finally asked about these revelations from the New York Post about his son Hunter and here's what he said.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I knew you'd ask it. I have no response. It's another smear campaign to right up your alley. Those are the questions you always ask.


INGRAHAM: Lara, this is how they get away with it. It's a smear campaign when there's an email trail but it's good journalism when it's supposition set up by the deep state as in all Russia gate.

HOGAN: Well, they get away with it Laura as you say because they're allowed to. Why? Because they have information dominance. They dominate most of the media and they dominate the institutions that have held credible places in our society for so long, that so many people grew up believing we're you know we're neutral or at least try to just play it down the middle.

And as we see today over and over and over again, that's just not true anymore and you only - you have to look no further than the Steele dossier to see the evidence of that, right? Not only was it not unverified. It was pretty easy to verify that. There were many things in the Steele dossier that were absolutely untrue.

But even if - even if you went with that story in the beginning, what's your excuse for continuing to run with it now? You'll still see, I mean Joe Biden in one of the debates, he actually inferred the same thing over again and mentioned Putin and Russia and repeatedly does.

How can you allow him to get away with that as a journalist and I agree completely that not asking him about the whole issue with his son and Ukraine is a very significant, I mean it is not a small thing because when you look at the extent of Biden's history with Ukraine, there are some very, very serious questions there in addition to this that have yet to be answered.

So it's a further example of how as the press is bias, is being exposed, they're not even trying or pretending anymore. They're just not - they're not just doubling down, they're ramping up on the bias and yet they still demand to be viewed as credible and objective.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, this idea that you're going to pick among these people for debate moderators David Marcus, I mean I tweeted out earlier today that there should be a conservative and a liberal, you know someone who can do an interview and if we're going to have liberals do it, then there should be a liberal and a conservative and that's it and the two candidates and that's it.

And all is fair in love and war here and we'll just go at it. I'll be one and we can get someone on one of the other networks to do - to do the liberal side but this is just ridiculous. Republicans shouldn't even agree to these absurd moderators, given what we saw from Savannah Guthrie.

MRCUS: No, it's ridiculous. Now, look, I will say that that I think you know Trump is pugnacious, I think to some extent he brings that out of moderators or some people who interview him.

You know Joe Biden's about as pugnacious as a marshmallow but I like your idea. I even like the idea of let's get rid of the moderators, let's just have the two guys stand there and go at each other. I mean, I'd frankly prefer that I think.

INGRAHAM: Yes but then it would be the emperor has no blue cards because Biden's always pulling out the cards with the numbers on it. That would be

- that would be a disaster for him. Now Lara, it's not just the bias, the media also, your favorite topic. They're trying to push off the Hunter Biden story involving China and Ukraine to bring back their favorite narrative.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: There are fears that what Giuliani is now pushing here in the United States could actually be part of Russia's latest and very massive disinformation campaign in the U.S. presidential election.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Is it really possible that Giuliani wouldn't know these people were Russian assets?

JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: How is this not an associate of the president colluding with Russian intelligence?


INGRAHAM: Lara, this is coming from the same people who spent years peddling actual Russian disinformation.

HOGAN: Yes, the exact same people and this is what's so extraordinary about it Laura because it's not like the evidence isn't there. I mean you just have to go back to the transcripts of what people like Clapper and Brennan and Rice were saying under oath. At the very same time they were saying the opposite on television.

I mean that's just one example and what's really disturbing about this to me is that as a journalist, I can understand you know we all have our bias and ideologically most of the media is very much aligned and in lockstep and that's one thing but when you actually know the truth, when it's staring you in the face, when you've received Pulitzer prizes and you've run headlines.

And you haven't run you know five or ten stories that have been incorrect.

You've literally run hundreds if not thousands and then go on to any one of these websites today, whether it's for CNN or for any of the big papers and see if there are 12 stories on a page, they will be 12 negative stories about Donald Trump. I mean and that's day in and day out, day in and day out.

So to claim that there's any kind of objectivity or moral authority in


INGRAHAM: It's over.

HOGAN: - at all is not just a joke. It's very deliberately and intentionally deceptive and has real consequences.

INGRAHAM: This is why the only people who can run these things are multi- billionaires because there's no accountability, they're losing money most of them and they're dying. They're dying on the vine and they wonder why.

Lara and David, it's great to see both of you tonight, great voices on this. And coming up troubling new COVID numbers coming out of Europe tonight reveal what we've been saying for months.

Lockdowns do not work. Plus, why are global flu cases dramatically dropping? Hmm. An Angle investigation in moments.


INGRAHAM: Troubling new COVID numbers coming out of Europe, proving once again that lockdowns do not work. Now for months, we were told that Europe was doing everything right and they unlike us I guess were following the real science but now we see again, just how wrong the so-called experts really were.

Now as of yesterday the EU as a whole reported nearly 90000 new cases.

That's more than the U.S. has ever recorded in a single day. Now when you compare what's going on in individual European nations, things look even more grim. Now look at the U.K. They saw about 19,000 new cases today.

That would translate to about 91,000 new cases in the U.S. Across the channel, France recorded more than 30,000 new cases today and the Netherlands, another 7700.

Now if both of those countries were the size of the U.S., well their daily case load would be more than 150,000. What about little Belgium? Well they counted 7565 new infections on Wednesday which is latest data available.

That's the equivalent of more than 215,000 cases if you compare it to the United States population, nearly tripled by the way our one day high.

Now remember, not only is Europe now in the midst of a COVID outbreak worse than anything we've experienced, their economies are in terrible shape, much worse than ours ever has been during this pandemic. That's despite following the expert advice to impose these severe lockdown measures.

Joining me now is Dr. Ramin Oskoui, cardiologist, CEO of Foxhall Cardiology in Washington. Dr. Oskoui, France now announced they're instituting curfews until December in Paris that are just devastating businesses.

Restauranteurs are in news stories saying it's going to be the end of all these dominant restaurants in the capital and here's the media engaging in their own full blown panic in order to push us back into a lockdown. So what do folks need to know tonight about the real truth?

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CARDIOLOGIST: I think the real truth is that positive cases don't equal ICU hospitalizations and don't equal imminent death and that we're seeing a lot of testing. Farce law of epidemiology which we talked about earlier this week with Steve Alice is exactly correct.

Lockdowns have significant problems. They delay the onset of herd immunity but they also have significant economic complications and they also cause their our own health issues. Undiagnosed cancers, delay in treatment in other disease processes, increased depression. Lockdowns simply are the wrong answer and the WHO said this last year.

INGRAHAM: Yes, the business owners in Paris alone, I was just reading that story tonight.


INGRAHAM: It's heartbreaking. I mean these are restaurateurs who's the servers, they're like family to them and they're just crying, being interviewed, crying saying it's over, we're done. Let's look at this. I want everyone to see this tonight. These are confirmed cases right in United States on October 15. The 14-day change, new cases are up 25 percent but the death rate is down 2 percent.

OSKOUI: Exactly.

INGRAHAM: Now Europe is trending the other way. The death rate is not down.

The death rate is going in the wrong direction in some of these European countries again showing that our approach open up at least you know a lot of the country, much smarter but we're still - we're still hearing complaints about herd immunity is the worst thing ever Dr. Oskoui.

OSKOUI: Herd immunity is how all pandemics end, whether it's induced by the use of vaccine or not. Under the age of 60, this virus acts as a prototype coronavirus vaccine. It makes you a little bit ill and you move on. Look at our own president. He had it. He was on Vitamin D, zinc and Pepcid.

He was sick for a few days and now you've seen him all this week campaigning. The man look as robust and energetic as he ever has.

INGRAHAM: Now Dr. Fauci took another shot at that great Barrington declaration Dr. O, which of course with all the hundreds and hundreds of doctors, health care professionals opposing lockdowns and other severe COVID restrictions. This is what he said.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NSAID: If you just let things rip and let the infection go, no masks, crowd, it doesn't make any difference. That quite frankly George is ridiculous because what that will do is that there will be so many people in the community that you can't shelter, that you can't protect. So, this idea that we have the power to protect the vulnerable is total nonsense.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, your response to the great Anthony Fauci.

OSKOUI: I think some have accused him of being responsible for this crime against humanity. The reality is never in human history have we locked down a whole society. You quarantine the sick, you quarantine the vulnerable, you don't shut down the whole country.

What he's suggesting is scientifically antithetical and unsubstantiated.

I'm shocked that this man has any sort of podium anymore. He's been wrong so many times.

INGRAHAM: Yes, I'm shocked that he's still heading the coronavirus task force.

OSKOUI: I am too.

INGRAHAM: That has no meaning. Why is he even still heading at this point if he's been so wrong?

OSKOUI: I think the biggest mistake was involving him.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, great to see you, thank you so much.

And here's a question -- where have all the flu cases gone? According to the latest CDC report, only 61 flu cases have been reported by labs over the last two weeks. What? This time last year there were 1,251 confirmed cases. So gosh, that's a 95 percent decrease. And that's just the United States. The WHO reports that flu cases have gone virtually undetected globally since April.

My next guest says if this trend holds, it could change the calculus.

Joining me now, Phil Kerpen, president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Phil, some global estimates show a pretty significant drop.

What have you found? 

PHIL KERPEN, COMMITTEE TO UNLEASH PROSPERITY:  Well, it's pretty remarkable, Laura. When the COVID epidemic takes hold and takes off in a particular geographic area, flu plummets. And I don't know if that's because the nonpharmaceutical intervention, the school closures and the shutdowns and the other things are more effective for flu than they are for COVID. I don't know if it's because the virus itself has viral interference and maybe a mucosal response that blocks flu. I think there are a lot of unanswered questions about how and why this happened, but we are now seeing it in country after country after country, including right here in the United States where we are a couple of weeks into the flu season and it just hasn't shown up yet.

INGRAHAM:  And Biden, Phil, is claiming that COVID it will end up be deadlier than any U.S. war.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  The next several months there will be over 200,000 additional deaths. That will be one year, 400,000 people American will have died. That is more than lost in all of World War II.


INGRAHAM:  I'm not sure what wars have to do with viruses that emanate from communist China, Phil, but does that math even check out?

KERPEN:  No, it makes no sense. Frankly, what it indicates to me is the Democrats and probably the media are going to attempt to launder the normal increase in winter deaths that we have every year into COVID deaths and to pin them on the pandemic and to politicize them and use them as a pretext for shutdowns and more population control measures.

INGRAHAM:  Yes, and I want anyone to understand, again, just getting back to the European adventure that they are on right now, in the U.K., teachers are now calling for what's called a circuit breaker lockdown, two-and-a- half weeks, or a two-week half-term. So in other words everything shuts down for the entire country for two, two-and-a-half weeks. They call that the circuit breaker lockdown. That is like breaking the country lockdown.

KERPEN:  Laura, in America we call it -- yes, in America we call it 15 days to stop the spread.

INGRAHAM:  Oh, that's right. That worked out so well the first time, Phil.

Believe me, as a mother navigating this online -- 

KERPEN:  It's 15 years to stop the spread now, I think.

INGRAHAM:  But again, they keep doubling down on failure in Europe. They are doing the same thing that didn't work the first time.

KERPEN:  It's remarkable. We've got so much evidence now, so much empirical evidence that lockdowns were ineffective and had massive, massive societal and health costs and economic costs. And yet we see the exact same thing happening right now in Europe and the United Kingdom. They're basically saying, look, cases are rising, we have to shut things down. We have to show politically that we are being active, that we're doing something, even though the doing something will almost certainly cause more harm than good.

And Frankly, Joe Biden is saying the exact same thing that these European leaders are saying.

INGRAHAM:  Yes, this is his police.

KERPEN:  He has the same policy

INGRAHAM:  If Joe Biden is president, he is going to rubber-stamp whatever the E.U. does on trade, on COVID. It's going to be governance by the globalists, and that's what going to happen to our country, as well.

By the way, Angela Merkel, everyone watching tonight, you have to know she said if you don't behave in Germany, Christmas could be essentially canceled. So the grinch who stole Christmas, or the COVID who stole Christmas. Phil, wonderful to see you. Thanks for being with us tonight.

And up ahead, leftists gone wild, and the unseen moments from last night's town halls. Of course, "Friday Follies" with Raymond Arroyo next.


INGRAHAM:  It's Friday night, and that means it's time for "Friday Follies." For the latest we go to author of the new book, huge, huge smash already, "The Spider who Saved Christmas," FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, some celebrities, now they are in full meltdown mode over the election, even dear Mandy Patinkin.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Even Mandy Patinkin. The "Homeland"

actor, Broadway legend, has gotten very political of late, Laura, joining virtual Democratic fundraisers across the country. And now he's hitting MSNBC where he tried to find ways of telling Donald Trump we do not belong together, without the music without the music or the falsetto. Watch.


MANDY PATINKIN, ACTOR:  I don't give a -- I'm sorry. I don't give a -- hold on, I don't give a damn. I just did it. I don't give a damn what Trump says on the Truman Balcony today or any other day, because he doesn't speak the truth. And this day for me -- 


PATINKIN:  What were you going to say?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Excuse me, Jonathan. It's irresponsible!

PATINKIN:  Stop listening to a Donald Trump!


ARROYO:  Now, look, everybody is entitled to their political opinion, Laura. But there is a vein of anger that's coming from some celebs of late.

Patinkin wrote in a recent op-ed that his wife Kathryn Grody, the woman you saw with him here, she helped him understand, quote, every decision we make, every privilege we hold, every person we meet, literally everything we do is political. This realization is what has given my life meaning.

Now, Laura, usually God gives one's life meaning, religion, your children, but for too many it's politics. This is Mrs. Patinkin at full tilt.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  These people are talking about going armed, armed to make sure that Amy Coney Barrett, whatever the -- her name is, gets nominated. What has happened to America? Every indigenous person whose ancestors were killed -- 

I don't want to have to be a refugee that leave this country. I want the White House, I want the Senate, I want the state legislature to be just drowned in Democrats. And then we can figure out how to fix things and see where we agree and disagree.

I held it together.



ARROYO:  Laura, we need to send her some aspirin and pain relief. I'm worried she's really, really overwrought there.


ARROYO:  But did you hear, did you hear the bit about, we want everybody to win, and then, then we'll teach you where you went astray and we can solve problems. It's something.

INGRAHAM:  What else?

ARROYO:  Mrs. Patinkin is now even doing her own hateful Trump dances.

Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  My interpretive Trump dance. Start with that head.

Pick off that hair. Sitting on you, sitting on you, sitting on you, and picking you up and putting you in --.


ARROYO:  Can't make this up.

INGRAHAM:  That's like something if "Cuties" were -- that movie "Cuties"

from Netflix, if it were done for the octogenarian set, or septuagenarians.

She is doing that grinding on the ground. I wasn't sure what that is, God bless her.

The Patinkins are not alone in their Trump derangement symptom. Demi Lovato at "The Billboard Awards" premiered a new song, "Commander in Chief."




ARROYO:  That's about five seconds too much time of that song. But Lovato has had a lot of problems in recent years, Laura. And though she claims not to care if this ruins her career, it seems like a desperate attempt to salvage her career. Remember Streisand tried this a few years ago with "Walls," remember the "Walls." It was the lowest selling album of her entire career. None of these people are alone. There are a slew of celebrities who are joining this course.


ROBERT DE NIRO, ACTOR:  This -- idiot is the president.

The guy is a -- fool.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I rant in my sleep about what a prick our president is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Kim Jong Don removed his mask. Kneel before me you weak and withered and inhale my precious droplets.


ARROYO:  Laura, for years Democrats have said that love trumps hate. But this season, they have inverted the formula. They are now banking on Trump hate overwhelming love. This is Trump at the Georgia rally today. Watch.


CROWD:  We love Trump! We love Trump! We love Trump!

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  You know it's very -- I love that, but no politician, I believe, has ever heard that chant, really. We love somebody.


INGRAHAM:  Let me just say -- hold on. I want to know what Mandy Patinkin's wife, what her reaction was when she saw that? "We love Trump." What other dance or odd commentary would we from poor Mrs. Patinkin?

ARROYO:  I don't know, but whatever support Biden may have, Laura, he does not generate the kind of excitement or affection you saw there.

INGRAHAM:  It was beautiful.

ARROYO:  So the equation this time out really is Trump hate beats Trump love. We should make the t-shirts because that's what's happening here, but I don't think it works out well for the Democrats in the end.

INGRAHAM:  I have been covering politics for more than really 30 years, and I have never seen crowds react to any politician, including Obama. They loved Obama, but not like that, not Clinton, not even Reagan. This is something very different.

All right. Let's talk about the ABC tender town hall with Joe Biden. Even in the cushiest of environments, Biden can't get his act together.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  This is the same thing with Regeneron, which is a useful antidote. Not antidote. A useful tool.

Cops are kind of like schoolteachers now. A schoolteacher has to know everything from how to handle hunger in a household.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Does President Trump's foreign policy deserve some credit.

BIDEN:  I do complement the president on the deal with -- with Israel recently.


ARROYO:  This was painful, Laura. And it was such a relaxes -- this was like Lawrence Welk compared to Trump's UFC Fight Night over on NBC. And Biden still couldn't quite get it all together, even when he had 20 minutes to answer these questions, and they were all prepackaged and all friendlies in the audience. I don't know if this helps him long term.

INGRAHAM:  Raymond, great to see you tonight. Congrats on "The Spider who Saved Christmas."

ARROYO:  Thank you.

INGRAHAM:  Great new Christmas book just out.

And coming up to the end of the show, stay tuned. I have a big announcement.

Plus, the only pollster to correctly predict Trump's 2016 upset in Michigan says the president has a clear path to victory in 2020. He'll tell us why in moments.


INGRAHAM:  Back in 2016, you may remember that all the pollsters were calling Michigan for Hillary, all except for Robert Cahaly of the Trafalgar Group. In fact, Cahaly was only pollster correctly to predict Trump's 2016 Michigan win and Ron DeSantis' 2018 election victory in Florida. And now, he is once again bucking the conventional wisdom.

So let's walk through some of his latest polls of swing states that Trump won in 2016. First is Michigan's where the RCP average has Biden by 7.2 points. But Cahaly's Trafalgar Group has Trump up by one point. RCP has Biden up four in Arizona, Trafalgar puts Trump up four. The RCP average in Florida shows Biden with a just one point lead over Trump. However, Trafalgar has Trump up by two. And in Ohio, the RCP average has Biden up by less than a point, but Trafalgar has Trump leading by four points.

Robert Cahaly's, chief pollster of the Trafalgar Group joins me now.

Robert, why do you think your findings differ from so many of the conventional pollsters, certainly that RCP average?

ROBERT CAHALY, CHIEF POLLSTER, THE TRAFALGAR GROUP:  Well, to start with, thank you for having me be here tonight. We approach polling in a much different way. There is a reason people refer to us as an industry disruptor in that we just reject a lot, wholesale, of what is usually done in polling. I think these long surveys, 10, 20, 30 questions, are way too long. Average people, they have got busy lives. Who has time when that phone rings at 7:00 at night to stop what they're doing and sit down and talk to a pollster for 15 minutes. Nobody does.

So average people don't participate. And the kind of people who have real strong opinions on either side or the kind of people who are bored are the ones who participate in so many of these long questionnaires. So it doesn't hit average people. Now --

INGRAHAM:  Robert, go ahead, real quick on the second point. We want to go on to the whole map.

CAHALY:  Yes. And second, you've got people who they insist on just live callers, and we all know we are in a political environment where people are being shamed for their opinion. And there was an understated vote for Donald Trump. I think it is double this time.

INGRAHAM:  Doubled the unsaid vote for Trump because people don't want to get into a brouhaha. That makes sense to me.

Robert, here's a map of those so-called toss-up states that could really matter in this election. They add up to 120 electoral votes. But now you predict that Trump will win 74 of those toss-up state electoral votes.

What's your thinking?

CAHALY:  Well, I think you have got to start by giving him a base of all the southeastern states with the exception of Virginia, including North Carolina and Florida, Georgia, all the way through Texas, and you can add Arizona. And then at that point, All he has to do is win one of the big three -- Minnesota, Pennsylvania, or Michigan. Now, Wisconsin only has 10 electoral votes, so it alone wouldn't do it. But if you add just one of those others with -- I think Pennsylvania has 20, and Michigan has 16, that is enough to get you there. So we're predicting he's going to break --

INGRAHAM:  So Robert, we're going to bring you back for a longer analysis on Monday, but we talked about this. The Midwest is where this is going to be decided. And I have some big news to share with you all in just a moment. Stay there.


INGRAHAM:  Well, "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" has decided to get serious about the Hunter Biden emails and have decided to bring in a tracker. We will find all of the remaining emails and verify them. This is Zoey (ph). Meets Zoey

(ph) from Unconditional Pet Love Rescue in Arkansas. What do you think?

Come on, that's the announcement. This is a big addition.

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