'The Ingraham Angle' on US role in Ukraine war

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," March 16, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. And this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from a very busy Washington tonight. Raymond Arroyo is here with the full breakdown of the contrasting styles today between Presidents Biden and Zelenskyy.

Plus, there are new reports of bombings at this hour in Ukraine. We're going to have a live update from our own Greg Palkot in just a bit.

But first, roadblocks to peace. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, nearly three weeks into this war of choice by Vladimir Putin, we see the horrors of his brutality even against civilians. We also know that with America run by a hologram president with a hobbled economy, chaos reigns and our enemies are emboldened.

The world is changing rapidly and what happens next, it's not easy to predict. Still, there are signs that a peace deal may be within reach.


NIALL FERGUSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION SENIOR FELLOW: Look at what's being discussed, because at the moment, the Russians seem ready to accept Ukraine as neutral, not in NATO, but on the model of Sweden or Austria, potentially in the European Union.

And letting outside powers that would certainly, I think, include the United States provide guarantees of Ukraine's security. So if you listen to what they're actually talking about with their Ukrainian counterparts, and ignore some of the more steamy rhetoric, the Russian position is shifting.


INGRAHAM: And Zelenskyy is shifting as well by being realistic on NATO membership.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE: We have heard for many years about the open doors, but we also heard that we can't enter those doors. And this is truth and we have simply to accept it as it is.


INGRAHAM: Now, there's clearly a deal here for the making. Yet to any of you feel watching TV or reading online, any urgency for peace, actual peace. Now, of course, Putin could just decide to stop the shelling right now. But he's not going to do that unless he gets something for it.

And President Xi and one call to Vladimir Putin could end these hostilities. Hey, Vlad, no more wheat purchases, no more oil buys, tovarisch, until you stop the killing. But Xi's not going to do that.

Now, right now, he has Western Europe and America all tied up in knots, blowing billions (inaudible) trying to help Ukraine after the fact, then leaving more discounted Russian oil for China.

And who else is acting as an impediment to peace while we're at this conversation? Well, people who don't seem particularly bothered by the prospect of the war dragging on. Well, mostly for political reasons, that's what we're talking about.

Well, the principal parties are clearly trying to get to, yes, we've already discovered that. But the Biden administration never seems to sound hopeful.


NED PRICE, SPOKESMAN FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE: We have not seen any concrete indication from President Putin that he is serious about diplomacy, that he is serious about putting it into the violence and much to the contrary.


INGRAHAM: And today, Biden didn't talk off ramps, or a lot about peace, but it was all about punishment.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: And together with our allies and partners, we will keep up the pressure on Putin's crumbling economy, isolating him on the global stage. That's our goal. Make Putin pay the price.


INGRAHAM: Well, that's a nice applause line. But as we know, sanctions rarely work. And then there's Michael McFaul, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia under Obama.

Now, he thinks Zelenskyy, not our own elected officials, should dictate our Ukraine policy.


MICHAEL MCFAUL, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO RUSSIA: What about listening to him, rather than we pretend that we know what he needs? What about if he thinks he needs these weapons? Why don't we listen to him?

And when we say, oh, they'll be shut down? Oh, he doesn't have airports to put those MiGs in? What about listening to his judgment to help him fight the war that he is - he, after all, is the one fighting the war?


INGRAHAM: It's his country. So of course, it's his job to fight for it. What is he talking about?

Plus, is McFaul aware that Congress hasn't voted on an actual declaration of war, or the fact that there's scant public support for us to get into a shooting war with Russia? Does that matter at all to him?

You think McFaul (inaudible) and actually thinks Zelenskyy is our Secretary of State, or our Vice President? And let's not forget what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said when he urged peace. Well, he didn't urge peace that's a trick question. He's too busy playing the fan boy role.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): In one sense, his speech was reminiscent of the stirring feeling all of us had in the aftermath of 9/11. Equal parts resolve and unity and determination to save democracy from an hour of darkness.


INGRAHAM: Now, invoking 9/11 here is simply obscene. He sounds like he's repping Zelenskyy, not his constituents. Those words, by the way, don't calm things down, they ramp things up.

Do we want Putin to really believe that all on 9/11 were digging in for the long deployment of U.S. forces? And just as reckless is (inaudible) soon to be former Congressman Adam Kinzinger.


REP. ADAM KINZINGER (R-IL): And I personally think we need to do a no-fly zone. I think we've gotten to the point though, where there is significant risk in in action.


INGRAHAM: Now, when Zelenskyy calls for a no-fly zone, it's totally understandable. I don't blame him one bit. When Kinzinger does it, it's highly irresponsible.

Rather than doing what's in our national interest, which is avoiding a war with Russia, he just stokes further tensions. Oh, and you didn't think I'd forget Mitt Romney, did you?


SEN. MITT ROMNEY (R-UT): Enough talk. People are dying. Send in the planes that they need. They want MiGs, get them the MiGs.


INGRAHAM: Why don't you pay for them? Now, did he ever stop to think that more people could die if we send Ukraine MiGs? And I'm not talking about Russians.

And last but not least, Lindsey Graham.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you still stand by your call to have Putin be assassinated? Do you still stand by --?

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Yes. I hope he'll be taken out. One way or the other, I don't care how they take him out. I don't care if we send him to The Hague and try him. I just wanted to go yes. If John McCain were here, he'd be saying the same thing.


INGRAHAM: Well, we all want Putin gone, no doubt about it. And regarding John McCain, God rest his soul. But McCain's also the guy who saved Obamacare, wanted us mired in Syria, and never wanted us out of Afghanistan.

Graham's comments don't ratchet down tension again. They stoke tension. The last thing we need is Putin even more paranoid than he already is. If he thinks he'll die or rot in prison, Putin may just say, forget negotiations, let it rip.

So poo-pooing negotiations, threatening Putin, that's the easy stuff. And it's satisfying at the moment. I get it. But it doesn't accomplish much.

No one should be cynically thinking that an extended conflict in Ukraine is good for him, or her politically, either. I hope they're not thinking that. Because history shows that the longer a war lasts, the more costly it is, by the way to all involved.

U.S. policymakers have to be very careful to make sure we do not end up in a worse position when this is all over. And prolonging this by dismissing any chance of peace or downplaying it will only ensure that more innocent people are slaughtered.

A lot of the same people who are promising sure victory in Ukraine if Zelenskyy just gets those MiGs or service to air missiles, were the same ones promising the same in Iraq and Afghanistan. And we know how that all worked out for us.

We all know that both Putin and President Xi are ruthless and determined. They must be resisted in a manner and in a time that will be effective and meaningful.

Reagan won the Cold War by rebuilding our economy and growing our Military, which took a few years after the devastation we faced under Carter. The same pattern will have to play out here.

Now, as the 'Angle' has said from the beginning, the situation in Ukraine is a horrific tragedy. It breaks all of our hearts. But we have to be prudent, and we have to be thoughtful in our response.

And right now, the U.S. is simply in no good position to engage in another protracted Military struggle. We need time to repair our economy, reform our Military, and get political leadership that actually works, is good, is smart. Whatever happens, we cannot repeat the same mistakes we made after 9/11. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is William Ruger, president of the American Institute for Economic Research. William, why does it seem like there is such a wide array of political forces opposed to, or at least not helpful in the pursuit of ending this war as soon as possible?


I think one of the big problems here is that there are parts of the foreign policy elite that are ideologically driven towards this position. They're not prudential. They're not realists, like I just heard you talk about, right? They don't understand the world as it is as opposed to this kind of idealistic world they would like it to be.

And that leads them to want to want to, in some ways, have an unintended consequence of actually harming the people that they would like to help. And I think it's largely because of this ideological project. And we've seen this over the last 20 to 30 years actually.

It's about peace. Even though this is a different front, it's similar to what we saw in Afghanistan, the people had opposed the withdrawal, and still think it was a bad idea for America to end its longest war.

So I think that's one of the big problem is that we're talking about realism, which you expressed, which I expressed, which so many more Americans believe in, and that kind of ideological nature of the foreign policy establishment in Washington.

INGRAHAM: You know, that poll that came out, I think it's a YouGov poll that came out a couple of days ago. When people just ask, do you think we should help with a no-fly zone?

It's pretty - there's a lot of support among the American people. When you say, a no-fly zone, where American Military aircraft could engage with Russian aircraft and expand this Military conflict. It just - the numbers completely flip, and overwhelmingly against involvement in a no-fly zone with that context. I mean, they had to admit that in the poll. That really tells the story, does it not?

And the people were saying the same thing from about 2006, or so on, regarding Iraq, and then ultimately in Afghanistan. They wanted our troops home.

RUGER: Yes. I think what Americans appreciate the cost that could occur, and we saw that again in Afghanistan, where they understood that if we continued to stay there, it was going to be more Americans suffering, more Americans coming home at Dover, and more dollars out the door.

But I think when Americans appreciate the cost, they know that this is not a good deal for Americans. Because, again, this is (inaudible) interest. We don't want to get into a war with Russia (inaudible) armed Russia over Ukraine, which again, we can feel terrible for the people of Ukraine and the tragedy of this, aggression by Putin. But it isn't our fight. And we need to avoid an escalation into that.

And what's funny is that even academics realize this no-fly zone is a bad idea, right? William and Mary did a study that just came out today that showed that only 7 percent of International relations scholars believe that a no-fly zone is a good idea.

I mean, again, there's just a kind of anti-realism involved in these people who say, Yes, let's risk it all. I mean, that's just got us down this terrible road all along, right, back to 2003 in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, an underrated bad war.

So again, we shouldn't listen to the same olds, same olds. We need a new guard. And fortunately, I think there are more people, not just the base of Americans, but others in Washington that are kind of bubbling up and exercising this voice.

INGRAHAM: Well, the State Department more often than not is really dismissive of the idea that Vladimir Putin, as horrible and evil as he is, would ever pursue any real negotiations that end up in ending this madness. Watch.


PRICE: Our concern has been the strong possibility that what the Russians are engaging in is something akin to the pretense of diplomacy. In other words, going through the motions. We need to see happen. Less words and more action on the ground.


INGRAHAM: When the State Department just doesn't seem to be interested in getting involved here, and certainly not ushering us toward a peaceful resolution after the slaughter that's taken place.

RUGER: Yes, we don't want a situation where, for these ideological reasons, we're willing to see the Ukrainians fight to the very last person. There's an unintended consequence here of people dying and suffering on the grounds when this is going to end up in a negotiated settlement. And that's a settlement that, unfortunately, we should have had before this crisis turned into a war.

I mean, this issue of the enlargement of NATO, of the Military to Military exercises that the West has had with places like Ukraine and Georgia, to increase Military interoperability. These are things that Russia has signaled were real problems.

And again, that doesn't justify the aggression. But it does show you that we've been pushing, pushing, pushing, and there's been a push back. And I think that we really need to think about ways to peace, ways to stability, especially because our interest is mainly avoiding an escalatory spiral into a war, particularly a nuclear conflict.

And we need to find ways to cooperate on those issues with Russia, because that's what diplomacy does, right. It works with not just friends but adversaries to find a path towards our national interests.

INGRAHAM: Well, backing people into a corner as always a very risky move. William, thank you. Good to see you tonight.

And given all the media manipulation around all issues, including war, we have to ask who is this supposed to benefit? Well, today The New York Times gave us an answer.

"Ukraine war shifts the agenda in Congress, empowering the center" "With a crisis rocking Europe, the left is shelving demands for defense cuts and a swift end to fossil fuels. While on the right, Trump-era foreign policy and criticism of Ukraine are fading."

Translation, the establishment is back and control, and no dissent will be tolerated. Here now is John Daniel Davidson, political editor at The Federalist.

John, the establishment wants to declare that America First foreign policy and more nationalist, patriotic foreign policy is over. We've turned the page from that. And the media wins too in this game.

JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON, THE FEDERALIST POLITICAL EDITOR: Yes, it's a rare bipartisan moment in Washington. There's nothing that Republicans and Democrats in the center so-called can agree on than getting America involved in a war overseas. And so we're kind of seeing this return to form in Washington.

You mentioned that New York Times headline, you're also seeing it in places like the Wall Street Journal, where you open up the - to the opinion page, and there's all sorts of columns and editorials calling for humanitarian airlifts, and limited no-fly zones. And the provision of these really advanced weapons systems to Ukraine.

And nowhere is anyone talking, or even that - being honest about the fact that we run a very serious risk of escalation with these actions. It's like they're just hand waving these things away and we're not even having a debate about it. Like, you can see it changing day-to-day in Washington.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, and who's going to get the weapons that we end up funding or sending that make their way to Ukraine? Who ultimately will have possession of those weapons? We've seen that play out time and again as well.

And by the way, no one is more representative, I think, of the establishment than the morning Joe gang.


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: You have Nancy Pelosi, you have Mitt Romney, people in the right and the left coming together to support a man who's a spiritual leader of democracy in the west and around the world right now. We see very clearly between right and wrong.

America is strongest when America stands together. And the President United States has performed remarkably well.


INGRAHAM: John, they're celebrating the political establishment, the bipartisan political establishment coming together to do something. The American people, when you give them the actual context and the facts, do not want.

DAVIDSON: Well, yes, that's what the establishment does best is doing things the American people do not want to do. And that's true of international wars overseas. It's true of international trade and global trade deals. It's true of the southern border. It's true of so many things.

There is the establishment, there is permanent Washington bipartisan establishment that does what is in its own best interest. And it doesn't really take much account of what the American people want. And so we had this brief window during the Trump presidency, where you started to see what a more populist agenda in foreign policy, in trade kind of breaking through the crust of establishment Washington, and they fought back very hard. And now we're seeing it a return to form.

There's a sense, I think, in Washington, that everyone is relieved that there's this war to talk about, and ways to talk about how to escalate it. Because now we don't have to talk about the things that most Americans are really concerned about, inflation, the price of gas, the southern border, the problems that we have in our schools, the problems that we have in our cities with homelessness and with drug addiction.

INGRAHAM: Well, because then, John, you have to hold them accountable. Then the politicians who allowed all of this to happen, including destroying our industrial base in the Midwest, sending all of our jobs overseas, they don't want to talk about that.

They'd much rather talk about another country's devastation, without talking about the fentanyl or everything else that's devastating the American population. They don't want to talk about that. I think you hit it right on the head. It's a way to avoid a conversation about America. They always prefer that. That's why we love the Federalist. John, thank you.

And breaking right now is Kyiv's 35-hour curfew. It's going to be coming to an end just about 90 minutes or so. Fox's Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent Greg Palkot is to the west of the capital in Lviv.

Greg, you're hearing those air raid sirens now, I understand. I can hear them.

GREG PALKOT, SENIOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Exactly. You can probably hear it behind us. Quite an eerie scene here hearing that, empty streets. When the sirens go off, it doesn't necessarily mean their attack - Russians are attacking this city itself. It could be anywhere in the region.

And in fact, just a couple hours ago, we got reports of a cross border attack from Belarus to Ukraine in a town just to the north of where we are right now who was shelled. But yes, a lot of action in Kyiv on Wednesday.

Just about a mile and a half from President Zelenskyy's residence, a building was shelled. Another 12-storey building was destroyed. The bulk of the Russian forces remain outside, but they're basically pounding the center and also pounding the suburbs.

The port city of Mariupol, a big theater was hit there that was being used as a shelter for civilians, including children. We don't have the word on casualties there yet. Hospitals commandeered by Russians to - for shooting position, and eight convoys were blocked again from going in.

And in the city of Chernihiv, 10 people killed. They were waiting on a bread line when a bomb dropped on them. This caused President Zelenskyy to refer to that when he was speaking to Congress. And he also said in his simple words, We need you now, to the United States. President Biden coming up with another $800 billion worth of Military aid.

Finally, Laura, the word on the negotiations between the Ukraine and Russia. They describe it as serious and realistic. But the horror going on around this country is very unrealistic. Back to you.

INGRAHAM: Greg, do we have any reports tonight about our own Benjamin Hall and his condition?

PALKOT: Some good news in a very sad week for Fox. Benjamin, we are told has now been brought out of Ukraine. He is in a very top notch health facility right now. And the best news that we've got is that we are told he is alert and in good spirits. Again, some good news in a sad and tragic week for Fox here.

INGRAHAM: It sure was, and we needed that good news. Greg, thank you.


GRAHAM: I support enthusiastically the sending of MiG aircraft from Poland.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): My personal feeling is we should provide those planes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I haven't met anybody in the Senate who's not in favor of seeing those MiGs get into Ukraine.


INGRAHAM: As calls to send MiGs to Ukraine grow larger by the day, louder by the day, we want to take a step back and ask, Is that wise? Would it even make much of a difference at this point? And who is in Ukraine, who has the actual skills which are considerable to fly those planes?

These are relevant questions and something as Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Jack Reed addressed today.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You say that as a distraction because they simply couldn't fly them effectively anyway. Explain.

SEN. JACK REED (D-RI): Well, they have a number of MiG aircrafts themself and they're flying very few sorties. That could be a combination of lack of support, mechanics, fuel, the safety of the pilots in the air, the lack of pilots.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, who also sits on the Armed Services Committee.

Senator, you do not agree with that assessment? Why?

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): I don't, Laura. First, I want to say that I'm very grateful to hear Greg Palkot's report and I, on behalf of all our Kansans, continue to send prayers to Benji Hall and his family. I know it's been a very tough week for you and the whole Fox News family. We're very sorry for your losses, for Pierre, the cameraman and Sasha. The interpreter that we're working with, Benji, but we're glad to hear he's doing OK.

There are just three more innocent civilian victims among thousands in Vladimir Putin's brutal war of aggression. I don't agree with Jack Reed's assessment. I do think that President Zelenskyy and Ukrainian army has proven that they can take this fight to the Russians. They can close their own skies if we support them with the weapons and aircraft they need.

Now, these MiG aircraft are not a silver bullet, Laura. There are no silver bullets in warfare. It is about the total mix of weapons and vehicles and aircraft you can bring to bear. But Ukraine has these aircraft. They're familiar with flying them. Poland is willing to send them. It was ridiculous for the Secretary of State to say, We greenlight at the transfer one day and then two days later say, that would be escalatory in the United States, transfer them.

President Biden once again is on the backfoot. He needs to be where President Zelenskyy urging to be today, which is leading the world in helping Ukraine fight for their own freedom.

INGRAHAM: Biden can't lead the United States, Senator Cotton, with all due respect. I mean, when I hear President Biden being told you need to lead the world. First of all, with all due respect to President Zelenskyy, he is obviously incredibly heroic. He's fighting for his country as he should.

But we have a president who's, as I said on the 'Angle', essentially a hologram. He is not an active President defending our interests here, let alone the president of the world. So I mean, I think going down that road is kind of ridiculous at this point.

COTTON: Yes. What he could do is just stop engaging in half measures that are a day late and $1 short.

Last week, Laura, for instance, he came out and gave very chesty speech about how we're going to ban the import of oil into America from Russia. We're still importing Russian oil. They had a month and a half long line down period of that. So we're still sending on average more than $20 millions a day to Russia's war machine.

This goes back for months, Laura. You have had President Biden, who's continually been a day late and $1 short, whether he's dragged along by the bravery and the courage that the Ukrainian army has displayed, or by members of Congress, and, frankly, by members of Congress in both parties in many cases.

I mean, just look today, they announced the transfer of $800 million of weapons to Ukraine. It's welcome. Should have been done a month ago, or two months ago. And it's still just a fraction of what Congress proposed last week.

Look, the Ukrainian people and army have proven that they are capable of fighting the Russians. We need to encourage them to do so and we need to provide the weapons that they need to fight the Russians.

INGRAHAM: Now, you don't think we're giving the Ukrainians at this point and the rest of the world false hope? You think, given the fact that Russia is closing in on Ukraine at this moment. You heard the air raid sirens outside of the Lviv, that we're not building people up to this false hope at this point? I'm worried about that. Given the fact there's still so many people are in those cities. I'm worried.

COTTON: Laura, I really doubt. One of the reasons you're hearing air raid sirens across Ukraine is that the Russian army has failed and its first plan to encircle the cities and force their capitulation.

Kyiv is being hit with missiles and artillery, because the Russian army cannot encircle Kyiv. They've been trying to do so for three weeks. They are no closer today than they were. So yes, there is still a lot of bloodshed in Ukraine.

Russia is still engaged in indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas. That's because they have not been able to achieve their Military objectives. And if we provided them not only with MiGs, but with the kind of anti-missile defense systems and anti-aircraft systems they're pleading for, they could help close their own skies, Laura.

INGRAHAM: And you think, Senator, at this point a peace negotiations, which I said in the 'Angle', it seems like you don't hear anybody, not many in the Senate, and certainly not Biden really indicating that there's much interest in - having this stop tonight, like come to an end.

The focus is getting the MiGs or getting the missiles, or getting more weapons, a billion dollars here, a billion dollars there. But it looks like they're fairly close to an agreement at this point. Would you be supportive of that?

COTTON: I would welcome a peace agreement that stops the bloodshed in Ukraine. It's not really for us, though, to negotiate that, or certainly to impose it upon the Ukrainian people. That's a choice for them to make led by President Zelenskyy.

But I don't think Americans, whether they're in the Congress or whether they're in this administration, should be dictating those terms. But if President Zelenskyy representing the Ukrainian people can reach a peace agreement, he needs to - he will need to do so from a position of strength. That's one reason why he needs these weapons that stops the bloodshed and preserves Ukraine's freedom, then I think that would be a welcome development, not only for Ukraine, but for the world.

INGRAHAM: Senator, thank you, as always for coming on. We really appreciate it.

And we now turn to a stunning report from Newsweek. A Russian dissident named Vladimir (inaudible) claims to have obtained leak letters from an FSB whistleblower, saying the CCP was just months away from launching its own invasion.

"Xi Jinping was at least tentatively considering the capture of Taiwan in the autumn. There's a colossal power struggle among the party elite though now after the events in Ukraine, this window of opportunity has shut."

Joining me now is Mike Pillsbury, Director for Chinese Strategy at Hudson and author of The Hundred Year Marathon. Mike, Fox hasn't confirmed the authenticity of these leaks. I have to say, someone you and I both know told me something similar a few months ago, that the (ph) go date would be sometime in the autumn. But this could be a smokescreen, correct?

MIKE PILLSBURY, THE HUDSON INSTITUTE: Yes, that's correct, Laura. Taiwan itself frequently forecasts that month of April and the month of October are the two most dangerous periods. That's when the sea state is flat in the Taiwan Strait and the chances of a monsoon or even major thunderstorms are much less.

So we know that Beijing does debate what it should do about Taiwan and if it's going to invade win. So this is the leak, if you will, from the Russian intelligence service from a whistleblower inside the Russian intelligence service. It fits in with the idea that Taiwan as a topic comes up in Beijing. Sometimes they'll postpone it for two or three years. They are always looking for favorable circumstances, and that's my own worry, Laura, is unless we get a peace deal involving the Russians and Ukraine, this provides a opportunities for the hawks in Beijing to say this is our chance. Let's go.

INGRAHAM: So you take the opposite view of so many in the foreign policy establishment who say, OK, if the U.S. doesn't get more involved and put Putin back on his heels with more weapons and more money off to Ukraine, the MiGs and so forth, China is going to see that as a green light to go into Taiwan. I've never agreed with that, but I'd like your thought on that.

PILLSBURY: I agree with the clip you played of Niall Ferguson, that we need to focus on the makings of a peace deal. That is going to deter Xi Jinping and the Chinese hawks if they see that something has worked out involving neutrality of Ukraine or some sort of promise that he won't join NATO for ten years. He wasn't going to be able to join NATO for at least five years anyway because of various conditions that Ukraine was not meeting to join NATO.

So I tend to think that your focus tonight on the idea of what is the contents of a peace agreement, that's really quite important. And strangely enough, the Chinese are offering to help, but their price is very high, Laura. Their ambassador wrote an article today saying they will help with a cease-fire, but only if the U.S. doesn't sanction China in any way. So they are afraid of sanctions being put on China.

INGRAHAM: They want those tariffs lifted, Mike, right. They don't want any of those Trump tariffs, they don't want any new tariffs. So again, the longer this goes on in Ukraine, the higher the price that Ukraine and the west will have to pay for that peace. That's my concern. Mike, as always, thank you.

PILLSBURY: And the better --

INGRAHAM: We just lost him.

In moments, Raymond Arroyo presents a tale of three presidents, a look at the contrasting styles between Biden and Zelenskyy. Plus, what's Barack Obama up to? That's "Seen and Unseen" and it is next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, President Zelenskyy addressed Congress today virtually.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: He did, indeed, and he used the address, Laura, to ask for planes, a no-fly zone. He used heart-wrenching video to make his case. Then he addressed President Biden directly. Listen.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: It's not enough to be the leader of the nation. It takes being the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace. Strong, brave, and ready to fight for the lives of his citizens and citizens of the world.


ARROYO: Laura, that is a curious thing there. God bless Zelenskyy. He is facing this thug Putin, who is killing who is killing civilians. He kills people in his own country. He's a monster. But he's saying here that somehow Biden has to be the leader of the world, a citizen of the world. No. Just as Zelenskyy is committed to the Ukrainian people first, Biden needs to be committed to the American ideal, and that's what he's doing, promoting peace, hopefully, and working for that peace and multiple ways.

So I think we need some clarity here. And most Americans don't realize, Laura, Zelenskyy was an actor and comedian who started in a show called "Servant of the People." It was about a high school teacher who finds himself president of Ukraine, with the actor eventually became. He named his political party, Servant of the People. This is an amazing example of art presaging life. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We decided to take your country in to the European Union.



All of the Ukrainian and all of our country, we have been waiting for this for so much time.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm so sorry. That's a mistake. I was calling for Montenegro.


ARROYO: In some ways, Laura, the whole story is right there. The U.S. and Europe made overtures, Putin felt threatened, and Zelenskyy became the Ted Lasso of the world leaders club.

INGRAHAM: Meanwhile, Biden, he is looking more like, what, Anthony Hopkins in "The Father." What was this, yesterday?

ARROYO: Yes, this is yesterday. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We've had a little change in the arrangement of who is on the stage because of the first lady's husband contracting COVID. But look at this room and what you see. Pardon?


BIDEN: That's right, she's fine. It's me. That's not together.


BIDEN: The second lady, the first gentleman. How about that?



ARROYO: Laura, so he had COVID, the president, Doug Emhoff is the second lady. He's not sure of anything, and I really worry about the president going to Europe. There is some breaking news tonight, that Iran nuke deal, he says one thing, Putin is a war criminal. Here's what they're doing on the policy front. In that Iran nuke deal, guess who gets the $10 billion contract and all sanctions waived to build the Iranian nuclear plants? Russia. It's in the Iran nuke deal. This is mind-blowing, what's happening. So this administration better get its story together with its policy. Right now, they are at odds part.

ARROYO: I would take issue with this idea that Biden is pursuing peace. I think he sees -- he sees what Obama saw in Syria, which is why he stepped back from the red line, drew the red line. He shouldn't have drawn it because he realized the American people don't want this, but Biden stepped back -- I mean Obama stepped back. And now Biden is kind of doing that same thing. He knows that it's too risky to get involved in some protracted military adventure in Ukraine.

ARROYO: He is throwing billions at this thing. But I applaud his restraint. There are a lot of people on the left and the right telling him send planes, we have got to do more. Zelenskyy is doing the big emotional push. This is sober statecraft if he sticks to the plan. But this Iran nuke deal contradicts everything he is saying.

One good bit of news on the Ukraine front. Pope Francis had a video call with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow who supported the Putin invasion. The Pope told him today war is always unjust, and that they as religious leaders must not use the language of politics but the language of Jesus. He's also throwing a big consecration on March 25th, consecrating the country of Russia, which is a big deal, and an important one.

INGRAHAM: I believe this is the first time on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE that Raymond arroyo has said something truly, completely positive about Pope Francis. So that's --

ARROYO: That's not true. I report the truth, Ingraham.

Finally, if Zelenskyy was looking for a citizen of the world leader, he should've turned on Netflix. Rock Obama is hosting a new documentary called "Our National Parks." Not Yosemite or Glacier Bay. Global national parks, Laura.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Join me in the celebration of our planet's greatest national parks and wilderness.

This sleepy sloth might just save us all.

This is a journey through the natural wonders of our shared birthright.



ARROYO: Laura, along with the $1 billion of armaments, I hope Obama sends the sleepy sloth to Ukraine. They could use the help.

INGRAHAM: The sleepy sloth, was that a dig at Biden? What was that?

ARROYO: No. It's sleepy sloth in a tree at one of these national parks in a foreign country.

INGRAHAM: He and Michelle got, what, $125 million in Netflix deal. It looked like he was in Hawaii just with a green screen in the back. And it was so nice. No, it looks like a nice show.

ARROYO: Beautiful footage.

INGRAHAM: Yes, well, $125 million. Raymond, thank you so much.

And first it was eastern Europe, and now, well, Kamala could be coming to a city near you. In moments, details of the unintentionally hilarious Biden plan to unleash the Veep ahead of the midterms. Look out.


INGRAHAM: I know you need a laugh to end your day, and this is courtesy of "The Hill." Before I read the headline, just know that this is the Biden team's big plan to save Democrats ahead of the midterms. OK, ready? "Harris to become the Biden road warrior." She's "be hitting the road more frequently in the coming weeks and months. With COVID-19 cases declining, Harris will be spending my time crisscrossing the country and touting the successes of the administration." What a plan.

Joining me now is Tom Bevan, Real Clear Politics cofounder and president, cofounder and president of Real Clear Politics, and Mark Penn, former Clinton strategist and Democratic pollster. Tom, your thoughts of Kamala, the road warrior?

TOM BEVAN, COFOUNDER, REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Look, this reminds me of 2010. If you remember, Barack Obama campaigned all across the country in 2010 for Democrats and said, if Democrats, if people just knew what was in the Affordable Care Act, they would appreciate it, they would understand it. Obama had much higher approval ratings than Kamala Harris. He was much more well-liked, much more charismatic than Kamala Harris. And Democrats lost six Senate seats and 63 House seats. So if history is any guide, this plan is not going to work out well for the Democrats.

INGRAHAM: Tom, apparently Kamala is going to be touting all the success -- I'm sorry, Mark -- going to be touting all the successes of the administration. So what, pray tell, are those successes?

MARK PENN, FORMER CLINTON STRATEGIST: I think that's a bit of a problem right now. At least they are getting her out of the White House and getting her on the road to do what a vice president is supposed to do. But with ratings underwater on inflation, economy, crime, immigration, it's pretty tough.

And after all, what Democrat is really going to want her coming into the district given the ratings of the administration? They will be running away from Kamala Harris in their district.

INGRAHAM: And Tom, what Kamala Harris said about high gas prices last Friday, well, that raised some eyebrows.


KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There is a price to pay for democracy. You've got to stand with your friends. And as everybody knows, even in your personal life, being loyal to those friendships based on common principles and values, sometimes it's difficult.


INGRAHAM: Tom, Americans are being asked to sacrifice for their friends. Someone is trying to fill up their Ford F-150 out in Missouri going to work, will that work?

BEVAN: Probably not. The problem for Kamala Harris is it's probably 50-50 that she's going to help the administration versus commit a gaffe which will generate negative publicity for the administration. As I mentioned, her approval ratings are below Biden's. Her favorability ratings are below 40. And so she's just not that good of a communicator, and this is what the administration is left with. Theoretically, I think it's good for her to pursue and get out around the country, but at the same time I'm just not sure it's going to do with the Democrats need it to do.

INGRAHAM: You're being very charitable tonight, Tom. I read your Twitter feed.

Mark, there's been tweets that have had to be deleted, right, because she keeps getting this mixed up, or a staffer keeps getting it mixed up that Ukraine is not a member of NATO. That's the whole point here. They wanted to be a member of NATO. Russia claims that freaked them out, et cetera, et cetera. So she had to tweet something linking the two, than she had to delete it about her trip to Poland. OK, so that happened.

And then, she gets caught again in this nightmarish situation where that's then the news cycle for the next 24 hours. If the vice president doesn't know the basic facts of the Ukrainian situation when we're talking about MiGs and more weapons and billions of dollars, what does that say? Is that why there's a k-exodus in her office. Another staffer, Sabrina Singh, I guess is leaving as well.

PENN: Look, this vice president has a lot of problems. She needs a reset or a reboot, and maybe getting out there will enable her to try to get that. But so far, she has gotten really terrible ratings on almost all the issues she's taken on. And if she's going to be the Democratic nominee in a couple of years, which I think is more likely than not, in a lot of ways she's going to have to kind of do a reset, show what she is really about, and impress some people.

And you know what, if she doesn't impress people in the midterms, and boy, these midterms are likely to be pretty brutal for Democrats unless some things really change here, I don't see how she's being set up for success coming out of the midterms either. She is going to go into a lot of districts that may fail, and she's going to be blamed for the midterms. So this is a mounting set of problems here that she has got to overcome.

INGRAHAM: If she does for midterm candidates what she's done for the border, it seems like we are in quite a bit of trouble. Gentlemen, great to see you both tonight. Thank you.

And we are not done yet with Kamala. A bizarre comment she made at a payee equality event is tonight's Last Bite.


INGRAHAM: Speaking to women's soccer players today, Kamala Harris offered a new definition of what it means to be a winner.


KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: How do you define the win, right? And the score is certainly one. But I think that on this point, and to Megan's point, anything that's about a fight for equality, the win includes that you fought. That is part of defining the win.


INGRAHAM: Wow. That's profound. Trophies for trying, basically the whole ethos of the Biden administration.

That's it for us tonight. Don't forget, set your DVR, you always stay connected with us. Finally, remember, to get your USA made Freedom Matters gear. Everyone loves these trucker hats all made in the USA, all for Samaritan's Purse this month, and they are doing a lot of wonderful work in Ukraine supporting the orphans there, and especially the refugees in real trouble. So please go to the website, LauraIngraham.com.

Remember, it's America now and forever. Gutfeld next. A live report first.

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