'The Ingraham Angle' on unmasking America, transgender school bathroom rules

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," April 19, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. Thanks for being with us tonight.

The new old normal. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

How about those unhinged reactions to the court ruling reversing Biden's mask mandate? Have you seen these? Look at poor Valerie Jarrett, Obama's BFF. "Wearing my mask no matter what non-scientists tell me I can do."

Then journalist, and I put that in quotes, Roland Martin tweeted, "I don't give a damn what some grossly unqualified Donald Trump judge said. I'm double masked and wearing goggles on this Nashville to DC flight." Two words, Roland. Stay home.

OK. Then there's the pathetic New York City Mayor Eric Adams. The man has no answers for a city overrun with crime and filth. But he really wants you to think he's protecting you from a virus.


ERIC ADAMS, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: We should still have mask on the subway system. New York is unique. We are densely populated.


INGRAHAM: Of course, he has a point, right, I mean mask do help. They help New York criminals conceal their identities. But the truth is, of course, the activists in and out of office, they are freaking out.

First, the guy they pushed for president is, let's face it, he's decomposing before our very eyes. Even they can't deny it at this point. And he's cratering in the polls across all these different demographic groups. And now, they're losing one of their most potent political symbols, that filthy blue surgical mask.

Now, this could very well be a tipping point. Now, I know many have wondered, why do liberals cling so fervently to these masks? Well, to answer that, you need to go deeper.

Now, remember, seeing people's faces being with friends and family, shaking hands. That's normal. And the truth is the left they don't like normal. They detest normal. They loathe the traditional. They despise traditional patriotic songs. They can't stand traditional education. They have no use for traditional borders. They think there's no such thing as traditional families. And they think you're selfish if you drive traditional cars and trucks.

And, of course, they think it's time to cut way back on traditional freedoms, like the freedom to worship, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom of speech. Now, this is why they love the COVID lockdowns. It gave them an excuse to force change on the American people.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think we get back to normal. I think we get back, or we get to a new normal.

ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: I hope the new normal also includes a real strong corporate memory of what pandemics can do. So we don't just go on when we get this under control.


INGRAHAM: Now, they cynically use the fear of extreme illness and even death to drive otherwise level-headed people to do the craziest things, like not see their aging parents for years, or having their kids in Zoom classes, giving healthy kids experimental COVID shots, and of course, wearing masks even outdoors.

Now, the 'Angle' sounded the alarm two years ago.


INGRAHAM: The old normal was when your kids actually went to school. You could go to work, you could go to church if you wanted, and maybe a restaurant or watch a sporting event, or play sports with your friends.

The new normal means abandoning the life we love before the coronavirus, or using this crisis as some seem to be doing as a vehicle for advancing a left-wing freedom killing agenda. Well, count us out.


INGRAHAM: And never forget, this was never ever about the science. If it was, of course, the border would have been shut down to illegals during the Biden administration. And left leaning politicians would never ever have hung out maskless when they thought the cameras weren't rolling. French Laundry.

And, of course, now we know that the states that did best overall with COVID, they weren't the ones that had all these draconian measures, the mask mandates or school closures.

Data from the National Bureau of Economic Research revealed that "The bottom 10 on the list are dominated by states that had the most stringent lockdowns and were among the last to reopen schools. Their economies are still behind most others and recovering from the pandemic. New York ranks 49th. Albany's severe and overlong economic shutdown ranked 48th, had no pay off in mortality where it was ranked 47th.

But all along, think about this, you were made to feel like you were reckless if you didn't stop traveling, you didn't stop socializing, and if you didn't wear a mask. You were just playing dangerous. The propaganda was relentless.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wear a, shall we say, darn mask. That's Jennifer Aniston's brand new message. Anne Hathaway posted her own mask selfie with the caption, I wear a face mask, because I care about others.

PAUL RUDD, ACTOR: Listen, height, beasts, masks protect you and your dank squad.

MARK ZUCKERBERG, CO-FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN AND CEO, FACEBOOK: I have a question here. I'm asking if there are any known adverse effects about wearing a mask at all? Has anything negative been found?

FAUCI: No, not at all, Mark.


INGRAHAM: And Biden strung you along, of course, with a really lame pitch.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I know it's become a partisan issue. But what a stupid, stupid thing for it to happen. This is a patriotic act.

I'm asking the American people to mask up for the first 100 days.


INGRAHAM: All along it was about creating a permission society. Meaning, that they wanted you to believe that you had to ask their permission to be a free person. And they love the lockdowns, because they love controlling you, right down to mask wearing. And more than anything, that was the symbol of their total control.

Now, forget that they never passed a law. The CDC didn't even allow for the chance as is required by administrative law for the public or businesses to weigh in and what's called a notice and comment period before these transportation mask rules actually went into effect. So it was always a scam.

And finally, the people had a federal judge in Tampa. Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a proud fellow Clarence Thomas clerk, I might add, she put an end to this entire charade. The mask rules were illegal from the beginning.

Now, remember, Democrats in the Biden administration, they've been engaged in a nonstop power grab now for nearly 16 months, and they've been losing fight after fight. Their OSHA vaccine mandate of businesses, that was illegal. Their eviction moratorium, that was illegal. And California's ban on indoor church services, that was illegal.

They don't have the statutory authority to do any of this, certainly not the constitutional authority. And for future reference, we have to remember that they always begin their march toward a new normal with pleas for things like tolerance, and claims that the measures will be limited and temporary.

They said things like, we must close down to protect the elderly and immunocompromised, or 15 days to slow the spread. That's all we needed. Or we just need the vaccines and then we'll all be ok. It was all a lie. Now, from the start of this, the 'Angle' was attacked for telling you the truth.


INGRAHAM: They'll say this whole mask thing is settled science, just like they do with climate change. Of course, it's not. And they know it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Masks just won't work.

HARVEY RISCH, PROFESSOR, YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: People think there's a reason to wear masks, but there's no hard evidence to show that they're beneficial. These public health officials and they further terrorize people by making them into orders.


INGRAHAM: Now, it took a full two years or so. But now, most Americans have, in fact, developed immunity. They're now immune to the herd mentality of the panic pushers. They're immune to calls for fake patriotism. They're immune to politicians and pundits who lecture them about the need to sacrifice as they themselves sacrifice nothing. They're immune to teachers and school boards, telling parents that they have no right to decide what their children are learning. Not all.

This mask ruling was a great win in the battle for the old normal, but we have a lot more to go. But be confident, be cheerful, strong and fearless, and the victories, they'll keep coming. And that's the 'Angle'.

All right. Joining us now, Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow; along with Stephen Miller, former Trump White House senior advisor, America First Legal founder.

Stephen, now just today the HHS secretary, who never should have been appointed, came out against this ruling. And the DOJ said, it might appeal. It's kind of - they're kind of saying it, as if they want to lose. What are your thoughts?

STEPHEN MILLER, "AMERICA FIRST LEGAL" FOUNDER: Well, they're completely trapped here, because Joe Biden is the mask president. When he came into office. He said, we're all going to mask for 100 days then we're going to defeat the virus. Of course, what happened instead, we got the mask mandates. And tragically, we had record cases, record infections, record hospitalizations, and very sadly, record fatalities under Biden.

Now, almost 600,000 people died under his strategy, so the masks have never, ever, ever been as you've said in your opening about the science. It's been about control. The ultimate symbol of this pandemic are wealthy elites dining at four-star restaurants, no masks in sight, while they're waiters, of course, are covered in mask from start to finish. That's what this is about. Controlling others.

INGRAHAM: Now, Victor, the idea of social and cultural control is a powerful one, throughout history. And fear, especially fear of bodily harm is used in - by tortures, it's used by dictators. And people don't understand, but maybe they are starting to understand that it was used here. Your reaction to this ruling and the fallout from it.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTE: Laura, it brought out the worst of all of us. And it was a - sort of, an emulation of the Eastern Europe and the Soviet period.

You had your concierge snitches, the bureaucrats that exercise judicial executive and legislative power without any consent of the people. And then you have people spying on each other and turning each other in. And then you have the nomenklatura, the wealthy elite people who didn't follow their own edict.

So it was bankrupt from the start, because Gavin Newsom didn't care about it. Nancy Pelosi went to her hairdresser. She didn't wear a mask. And then Anthony Fauci was the mask person. And he said, don't wear them. And then he said, wear one. And then he said wear two. And then he said, he lied about it for our own good, so we wouldn't buy them.

And then he - it was never calibrated to the pandemic that came in waves. And we just wore masks, whether there was few cases or many cases. They couldn't even define a mask. A mask was a handkerchief, a half a T-shirt.

N-95 mask had some utility, but kids couldn't wear those. It was just "mask". You've got to do it. And we did a lot of damage. And the exemptions were just starting. We had millions of people coming across the border without masks. Not to mention, without vaccinations or tests, where we were clamping down on people on airplanes, whereas at the same time, we were told that is the safest air because it's circulated every three minutes.

Our children, they were very unlikely to pass it on, or to get COVID. They had to wear these masks at age five and six, even special needs kids. And so, we don't remember the 1000 healthcare professionals that said, if you're going to protest for BLM or Antifa, you don't have to wear a mask. It'd be too dangerous to your mental health. But if you're a five-year-old kid, I have a granddaughter with special needs. You've got to wear that mask. It was medieval.

And this is even talking about the collective damage of kids growing up, as you pointed out, where they can't see facial features. Or a bank official told me, I used to be terrified of a mask, and now I have no idea every day when people come in if they're going to rob me, or do their banking because we really created a sub industry on TikTok and YouTube, of people going into stores with mask on perfectly normal, and then they pull out a gun. Because there was no differentiation between a criminal and us. It just--

INGRAHAM: But this - Stephen.

HANSON: Always was.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Stephen, I think the media here are in a real pickle. Because they've used this as their symbol. If you're anti-science, you're mean, you don't care about people, unless you double mask, or unless you wear the right kind of mask, or tightly enough or whatever it is.

But now, as Chuck Todd said, it looks like the Biden administration is just racking up loss after loss. Watch.


CHUCK TODD, MSNBC HOST: So it's one thing for a Trump judge to strike down an order from the Biden White House. But it's an entirely different thing for the White House to let it happen without any legal pushback. And it's not the first time recently that something hasn't gone the White House's way. They don't fight back. They don't defend their rationale. They just give you the emoji shrug.


INGRAHAM: Stephen, your reaction to the media. They're just so mad. It's seething underneath poor Chuck Todd's collar there.

MILLER: No, they're apoplectic. And some of the members of the media are fighting back. By now, they're posting pictures of themselves saying basically, I'm going to mask forever. I'm going to mask till the till the end of time.

But what this comes down to is that people saw the videos. The spontaneous cheering and celebration on airplanes from passengers, pilots, flight attendants, when these onerous mandates were finally lifted. And you can't argue against that. What you're seeing is Democrats, Republicans, independents, elderly children, they just want to live again.

And you can't as a politician run against a policy that is supported i.e., living freely by 90 percent of the country. So they are truly in a box clinging of their own making. There's no way out, because again Joe Biden is the mask president. He opened this presidency by promising people that if they all mask, the virus will go away. And instead, he presided over record fatalities.

And the only way these mandates end for good is to vote out the Democrats, because if they are still in office come December, all the mandates will be raging back.

INGRAHAM: Oh, all back. All back. Victor, Stephen, wonderful to see you. Thank you.

Now, remember, if you can't watch us live, tsk, tsk, but make sure you set your series record on your DVR so you don't miss us every weeknight at 10pm.

Now, two weeks ago, we at THE INGRAHAM ANGLE launched our parent portal. Now, it's a forum where moms and dads across the country, you can document any sick lesson plan, or narratives that you have questions about, your children are being subjected to in the classroom.

We have received literally thousands of submissions. And up next, we're going to unveil a few. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: I can't believe it's already been two weeks. But that's when we told you about our brand new parent portal, Ingrahamangle@fox.com, to give parents across America a forum to share stories about what their kids are being taught at their schools.

Now, we've received so many submissions and we're reading through all of them. Some of you probably heard back from us already. We want to take you through a few of them tonight.

I'm a mom of a Virginia Beach student. I've been spearheading the fight in our school boards for the last year in Virginia and I was recently banned last month for an entire year from speaking in person to the school board. I received a letter a week after my speech to the school board where I enlarged the pornography that's in our schools on poster board. I raised my voice at that meeting asking why porn is in our schools.

In previous meetings, I was told to put the pornography down because it was inappropriate when I held it up. The cameras were turned away from me. No parent should be banned from the school board chambers for speaking truth.

Now, this is from DK in Michigan, who writes, My 10th grader is at Dakota High School in the Chippewa Valley School District. The English and language arts subject for this semester is the American dream. My child's teacher on the first day of class said, she does not believe in the American Dream. That women and minorities are oppressed. That her husband makes more money than her. My child tried to get out of her class, but was told others have had trouble with her. Why should students be subjected to teachers' political opinions?

And this remind me, yes, my close friends husband is a full-time middle school science teacher in Gwinnett County Public Schools, which is the largest school district in Georgia. As her husband prepares his lesson plans, he's required to answer for each lesson plan how he has included diversity and inclusion in the lesson. This is forced upon the teachers, and he in no way agrees with this, nor wants to waste his time with this.

No parent should be silenced for speaking up for their children. And no teacher should be forced to instruct in a way that runs counter to his mission.

Now, THE INGRAHAM ANGLE reached out to these school districts for comments, and so far received no response. How shocking!

I want you to keep these stories coming. They deserve to see the light of day and we will follow up on them. Email them to our parent portal again at Ingrahamangle@fox.com, include the school district, the city, and the state. And remember, you are not alone.

Now, the words of the concerned parents echo those of our next guests. Riley Flack is a father of three daughters in Oklahoma with his eldest being a student at Stillwater Middle School. That district has decided to enforce the Biden administration policies allowing transgender students to use bathrooms corresponding to the gender they identify with.

Flack told Fox News Digital, that a lot of people like to make it a different issue than it is, but that the issue is singularly that there is a boy being allowed in his daughter's public school bathroom.

Joining us now is that father Riley Flack. Riley, now as you point out these are sixth grade girls being forced into this situation. So what's been the reaction to your speaking out here?

RILEY FLACK, STILLWATER MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT: Well, the reaction has been good, I would say. We're starting to see some people stand up and push back and speak the truth. And that's what we're sorely lacking.

There's been some church leaders and some elected reps that have been held, their feet has been held to the fire a little bit on this and it's - there's no fence on this issue. And so, that makes it easy to pick who's going to side with the truth and not.

INGRAHAM: Riley, here's my question here. OK. This is not even a religious question. I mean, I'm glad religious leaders are getting involved. But this is a common sense issue. Girls and boys sharing the same bathroom.

Now, I know people identify as different identities. I understand that's happening and that's become very trendy and percentages of people, it's growing oddly. But it's growing. But nevertheless, a sixth grade girl now is forced into this situation. So, my question to you, are parents - other parents, afraid to speak out, because they're worried about their child being in some way bullied, or perhaps you won't get that recommendation to go into a next school or maybe later on go to college? That's what I find when I talk to parents, they're afraid.

FLACK: Yes. They're afraid of being canceled, fired from their jobs, ostracized, being told they're hateful. And you did say, it's not a religious issue, and you're right. But common sense, as you know, was given to us by God. And that's the true attack here.

The First Amendment, you talked about that, I got a buddy who's running for House in the state of Oklahoma. He was physically removed by our local police department for reading Romans wandering public comment.

SPD - the police officers participating in this was quite shocking and chilling. And yes, who wants to speak out against this? Nobody even wants this fight. But they're bringing it. And so we're going to have to step up.

INGRAHAM: Now, Riley here was President Biden just a few weeks ago.


BIDEN: We're committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work, in our military, in our housing and healthcare systems, everywhere. Simply everywhere.


INGRAHAM: Well, Riley, isn't your daughter here being left behind in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion? What about the girls who don't agree with this, or feel very personally uncomfortable?

FLACK: Well, they do this trick all the time. And it's been pretty clear for the last couple of years that the majority is made to feel like the minority and it's quite the opposite. It's pretty clear that men can't be girls. And I'm sorry, and I don't think it's hateful to say that, and I just want-- Number one, single issue, I want to have free speech and I want my daughter to be in the bathroom with other girls. And I don't think that's a crazy idea.

INGRAHAM: Riley, thank you for speaking out. We appreciate your joining us.


LLOYD AUSTIN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: One of the things I want to do is make sure that I create as - an inclusive environment as possible. You know, diversity is really important to us.


INGRAHAM: And now we see how this is all playing out. In a Department of the Air Force memo obtained by the Free Beacon, the military branch is instructing its commanders to create a safe space, in which recruits can partake in healthy conversation and share perspectives as part of what leaders are calling a cultural shift in the service.

The initiative called airman's time was created to advance the well being and development of those serving in the Air Force. Oh, what could be wrong with that? Joining me now is Indiana Congressman Jim Banks, member of the House Armed Services Committee.

Congressman, here's my question to you. Why should we give another dime of military spending increase to the Pentagon, given what the Pentagon is doing with our incredible men and women in uniform and all branches of the military? Why should we be funding any of this?

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): Well, if they're using it to pay for safe spaces, we have to question why we would use our taxpayer dollars to go toward initiatives like that. But the bottom line here, Laura, is that wokeness is weakness. And when I put on the uniform and serve my country, everyone I know who served in uniform, we did that to defend and protect America.

You wear the uniform - when you wear the uniform, you endanger yourself to make America safe. That's the opposite of a safe space. You go to basic training or bootcamp to make you tough, to put you in stressful situations. And creating safe spaces is exactly the opposite.

So I'm embarrassed for all of the extraordinary men and women I know who joined the Air Force to serve to protect and defend America, for them to see stories like this, that their leadership are imposing such a ridiculous concept on the Air Force that is antithetical to everything that we stand for.

INGRAHAM: And last week, Congressman, the Pentagon rolled out its equity plan. OK. Now, in the text the DoD explained what was a series of procedural changes to better align with the White House is demand for equity.

Again, it's all a college campus now. And you got all these Adam Kinzinger types, congressman. We got to take on Russia. I'm like, what, you're busy doing other things. OK. That's what you're doing. I have no words for this, frankly. I grew up in the Reagan era. We had a different view of what the military was supposed to be doing, Congressman.

BANKS: In noticed they didn't create safe spaces for anybody to go and complain about Biden's DOD pronoun policies, or to complain about the vaccine mandates. Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was kicked out of the Air Force for complaining about Critical Race Theory and social Marxism in the military. They didn't create a safe space for him. This is all ideological. They're kicking out anyone who has a right-leaning political belief in the military, and they're creating safe spaces for those who lean to the left. This is all part of their grand design. They're going to do as much damage as they can for the next two-and-a-half years while Joe Biden is the commander-in-chief, and we've got to do everything we can to stop it.

INGRAHAM: I'm just going to repeat it again, I've said this to the senators who have come on -- Republicans hold the key to funding military increases in spending. Without Republican votes, they can't get the increases they want. So this has to be an absolute insistence on the part of the Republican senators and congressmen, we're not doing this. You want to do this, don't look to us for the funding. You're not getting it. But it seems like we just keep writing a check to them.

Congressman, we appreciate your joining us, and thank you for speaking out on this.

Now, OK, the clue to tonight "Wit's End," OK, that's our new segment, it's the end of the show. It's going to be revealed then, and you're very clever on how you're answering these questions. But here it is -- what does George W. Bush and Michelle Obama have in common in their post- White House lives? Think about it. Tweet me your guesses @IngrahamAngle, and we're going to see if you get to the right answer at the bottom of the show. And I said bottom of the show for a reason

But next, J.D. Vance just won the endorsement of Donald Trump in the Ohio Senate primary. He's here next to respond to that. Plus, we're going to get his reaction to the most noxious Internet personality around. Stay there.



TAYLOR LORENZ, "WASHINGTON POST" COLUMNIST: You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the Internet to destroy your life. And it's so isolating.


LORENZ: It's horrifying. I'm so sorry.


INGRAHAM: Projection, the name is Taylor Lorenz. "The Washington Post" Internet scribe made a name for itself in "The New York Times" where her was similar -- target people online, usually conservatives, and then try to destroy their lives by insinuation or just plain old doxing. And that is what she's trying to pull off with the founder of the anonymous Twitter handle "Libs of TikTok," which is hilarious, of course. This account merely posted what was publicly being shared by unhinged people on TikTok.

Apparently alarmed by how much influence this account had, and it was amassing thousands and thousands of retweets, they were freaking out, and Taylor and her bosses at "The Washington Post" set out to destroy the woman behind this account. Why? Because the left wants to be free to destroy our kids' innocence without any accountability, but when they are called on it, no, can't have any fun on their part.

Not only did Lorenz descend on the homes of her relatives like some sick teen stalker, her original piece linked to the woman's home address and her real estate license number. The senior managing editor at "The Post," Cameron Barr, tried to deny this in a statement late this afternoon, but it's a lie. Though removed, the hyperlink can still be found with minimal Internet searching.

So people like Lorenz brag secretly about how they can turn kids away from their parents. But now they are being called on it, and it's all coming apart, and they know it.

Joining us now is J.D. Vance, U.S. Senate candidate in Ohio, newly endorsed by former President Trump. J.D., you've been talking about the suppression of free speech in this intimidation game on the left for a long time. They don't like it when the tables are turned, though, do they.

J.D. VANCE, (R) OHIO SENATE CANDIDATE: No, not at all. And of course, it's not just them suppressing conservatives, which is ridiculous, but now you're not even allowed to see what the liberals say about themselves. That's all "Libs of TikTok" does, of course, is they just post videos of what crazy lefties have already said.

And if you think about the principle at stake here, Laura, it's basically, if Jeff Bezos, who, of course, owns "The Washington Post," and his hired propagandists at "The Post" don't think you should be able to know something about your kids are being taught at school, then they will harass and attack the people who are telling you the truth. It's industrial scale harassment by the mainstream media. We've never seen anything like this, or at least it's never been revealed to quite the extent that it is right now.

INGRAHAM: I want to dissect the very first line of Taylor Lorenz's hit piece that describes a clip that was played on THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. She begins, "On March 8th, the Twitter account called Libs of TikTok posted a video of a woman teaching sex education to children in Kentucky, calling the woman in the video a "predator." The truth is that woman is named Tanya Turner, and she runs something called a sexy summer camp for children in Kentucky. Here's a bit of her philosophy, J.D.


TANYA TAYLOR, FOUNDER, "SEXY SEX ED" COLLECTIVE: Explore your own body. Masturbation is really healthy, and I recommend it to people of all ages, all ages. As soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing that.


INGRAHAM: J.D., describing Tanya as a woman teaching sex education, a bit of a stretch, wouldn't you say?

VANCE: Yes, I'd say it. And how dare you, Laura, engage in harassment by actually showing what this crazy woman says in her own words. That's what so insane about this is I didn't even believe that there were people like this out there. Apparently, there are hundreds of them because they're posting videos of themselves on the Internet. It's like they're telling on themselves and they don't even realize it. What a complete farce. And frankly, how scary it is as the father of three young kids to know that there are people like that in our schools and in our communities. Thank God organizations like "Libs of TikTok" are shedding some light on it.

INGRAHAM: J.D., you received a big endorsement this week from President Trump, much coveted, but you've also been getting some backlash for old comments like what you said back in 2016.


VANCE: I am and never-Trump guy. I never liked him. And the white working class community is still a pretty significant part of the electorate, but it's not nearly enough to elect Donald Trump alone. So my fear is I think Donald Trump is not the right candidate for this group of voters.


INGRAHAM: Now, J.D., what facilitated, or propelled that change of heart? And I like you with a beard, I must say.

VANCE: Thank you, yes. One, I realized I was wrong about the guy. At the end of the day, I think Trump -- I've never seen a political leader have so many powerful interests in this country come after him. I've never seen a president actually deliver on his promises. I'm 37-year-old. Most politicians have been an incredible disappointment.

And I just think it's important, Laura, if you're wrong about somebody to say, you know, I got that wrong, he was a great president. Of course, I've supportive of the president for the past several years, and it's great to have the presidents trust and support and, frankly, endorsement, because it suggest that I'm actually the guy who agrees with him on the core issues.

So great to have the president's support, and definitely for those of my opponents who have been attacking me for the past, something I said six years ago, they're going to have to find a new line of attack because the president himself knows exactly what I said back then. He also knows I'm the best America first candidate in this race.

INGRAHAM: All right, J.D., and lots of other people, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, a lot of people weren't thrilled about Donald Trump, and they came around to really, really loving his policies. Thank you so much. We'll be watching the race.

VANCE: Thanks, Laura.

And where exactly is that Biden administration headed from here? Earlier today they laundered two significant stories through their media organs that offer a clue. Charlie Hurt and Tom Bevan decode it in moments. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Two articles caught our eye this morning. It's hard not to see them as kind of related. The first was in "Politico" where they noted that Biden has been consumed by Ukraine, but that his team wants to bring him to focus back home through what they're calling a heightened domestic policy push. OK. And the second from "The Hill" reporting that President Biden told former president Obama that he, Biden, does plan to run for reelection in 2024. Apparently, Biden believes he's the only candidate who could beat Trump in a rematch.

Joining me now, Charles Hurt, FOX News contributor, opinion news editor at "The Washington Times," and Tom Bevan, president and cofounder of Real Clear Politics. Charlie, what do you make of these articles dropping within hours of each other? Now we're doing domestic policy, and yes, I'm running for reelection in 2024. Are they worried? Is this their secret plan to right the ship?

CHARLES HURT, OPINION EDITOR, "THE WASHINGTON TIMES": It's almost like there is something coordinated going on here. But I'm sure the media would never do something like that. No, but I do think you're exactly right. I think it is sort of the fact that Joe Biden is so obsessed with Ukraine, is so obsessed with foreign policy, it's kind of a product of these creatures who have been part of Washington, in his case, for 50 years.

First of all, they don't care about the American people. And second of all, it's like the only arena where they feel like they have any sway. But I think that he probably is surrounded by people who are at least wiser than him, which isn't saying much. This election, this year and in two years, is going to turn entirely on, not on Ukraine, but on what goes on here domestically.

And the probably is that they have nothing but terrible ideas, and even if they did have any good ideas, they're not going to get any of them done in the next six months before the next election, because in Washington, nothing ever gets done in an election year.

INGRAHAM: Tom, James Carville, he emerged. He had some advice for the Democrats ahead of the midterms.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: The thing that Democrats need to do is start pointing out how weird and strange the Republicans have become and talk more about that and less about what Biden hasn't done for them. If Biden could get right below 50, if the Democrats rallied behind him and started attacking the Republicans for being weird.



INGRAHAM: Tom, how is that weird argument going to work by a party that's obsessed with teaching little kids about transgenderism? How is that weird argument going to work?

TOM BEVAN, COFOUNDER, REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Look, I understand James Carville is old school, and this is all about negative campaigning, right. When our guy is not doing good and can't do good, the thing you've got to do is depress the vote on the other side and keep people at home. I just don't think that's going to work.

And the reason we are seeing Biden spend so much time on foreign policy, they thought they were going to get a rally around the flag effect. And it did not happen. And so they weren't receiving any political benefit from that. And so they're reorienting now and trying to reboot for the midterms. And the problem is, the Democrats have this idea, we've got a story to tell -- remember Obama said this -- we've just got to tell it. It's a communications problem. If we could just explain to the American people, if they could just get it through the thick skulls all the great things we've done for them, they'll see the light and turn out for us in November.

The problem is that's a flawed premise. The public understands exactly what the situation is in the economy every single day. And they are holding Biden and the Democrats responsible for it right now. And they don't seem to have a plan to turn that around in the next few months before the election.

INGRAHAM: But wait a second, guys, because your favorite, Charlie, CNN's John Harwood, he has a way to kind of move past all of these difficult stories, saying basically Joe has no control over any of it. Watch this.


JOHN HARWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Sometimes there's not very much he can do about it. Now, in the case of inflation, which is the dominant economic problem, the answer is not much. That's the Federal Reserve's job to try to tackle that.

On immigration, the flow of people from south of the border seeking to get into the United States is something that has existed for decades great. That's just a thorny problem that there's not a whole lot that the president can do to manage. Same thing with crime.


INGRAHAM: Charlie, I can see the 2024 bumper sticker, "Biden, not very much, 2024." What is that?


HURT: It is so strange. And of course, John Harwood, in a town full of clowns, there is no clown bigger than John Harwood. And the fact that he would make an argument like there is nothing that Joe Biden could do about immigration when the whole problem, current crisis of illegal immigration is exactly because Joe Biden undid all of the policies that Donald Trump put in place that stemmed the tide. Obviously, there's a much larger problem there, but President Biden fixed the crisis, the acute of the moment.

INGRAHAM: Yes, it was fixed.

HURT: And Joe Biden undid all of it.

INGRAHAM: Charlie, Tom, great to see you both tonight. Thank you.

And up next, our "Wit's End" segment. Remember, here's the clue -- what does George W. Bush and Michelle Obama have in common in their post White House lives? Hurry up, tweet me all your guesses @IngrahamAngle. And we are going to see if you get it right, next.


INGRAHAM: Now to our "Wit's End" segment. What do George W. Bush and Michelle Obama have in common in their post-White House lives? Here are some of our answers. Scott tweeted "Both will support Democrats." Florenc wrote, "They both ended up on the cover of a magazine." OK, fine. And Julie said "Painting and/or writing a book?"

Here's the big reveal.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today we are going to be working on the human physique.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The human body is generally eight heads tall.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you start with a head for another area?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's like they always say, when they hang low, you paint high.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't say that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, you've always said it.


INGRAHAM: Congrats, Julie, you were the closest. George W. Bush is known for his portraits.

That's it for us tonight. Remember, get all your USA made Freedom Matters gear at LauraIngraham.com. All the proceeds for the month of April go to the amazing Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

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