'The Ingraham Angle' on Durham investigation blackout

This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on October 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

The pandemic of the unvaccinated narrative gets a reality check. My medicine cabinet is here and they'll expose why cases are surging in highly vaccinated areas. And it's not just Texas, Arizona now is under a massive strain from illegals crossing the border there. We're going to bring you a dramatic report from Yuma.

Plus, Pelosi becomes a dancing queen and James Bond gets a makeover from the woke left. Oh say it, ain't so, Raymond Arroyo is here for Friday Follies.

But first, last night special counsel John Durham dropped his second bombshell in just the last two weeks. He issued subpoenas to one of the most politically connected law firms in the country. It's called Perkins Coie.

Now, in 2016, that law firm represented the DNC and the Clinton campaign, who then, of course, used the firm to funnel money to former British spy Christopher Steele. Now Steele, in turn, used the funds to finance his phony dossier on then candidate Donald Trump.

Now, this comes just two weeks, by the way, the subpoena after the federal grand jury indicted former Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman for lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting that helped spark the Trump Russia probe. Now, we're not sure why it's taken Durham this long to do this. But we may finally, finally be close to learning just how far the Clintons and their allies went, and all their efforts to destroy Donald Trump, his campaign and his presidency.

And when the truth finally comes out, we'll also see how invested the Deep State was in deep siccing Trump. Their goal was to frustrate the Trump agenda, and put them on the defensive from day one.

And as we all remember, the main villains here were aided and abetted by a corrupt left wing media complex that fan the fraudulent Russian collusion accusations for years. By the way, remember, none of those media folks decided to resign after their role in all of this. There were no (inaudible). And as far as I can tell, there's been no accountability. Sound familiar, or sounds like just what's happening at the Biden Pentagon.

And when the Durham subpoena news did break, Hillary's collaborators in the press, they kind of just decided to downplay it or just ignore it entirely. So last night, ABC and CBS fond over Biden's moves to save his mega spending bill and also to keep our borders wide open. And the Durham probe didn't make NBC Nightly News either, but, well, they did find time to do a very important feature on the lineup for the Super Bowl halftime show.

But come on, it's understandable. Eminem, Snoop Dogg over here versus boring old Durham and Perkins Coie over there. Maybe it's time to strike the whole word, news, from NBC Nightly News at this point, more like NBC Nightly Distraction. Of course, the news blackout extended to MSNBC, which spent years dining out in the twisted Russian conspiracies.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump was trying to do business with Russia. And then six months later, Russia is trying to help the Trump campaign. It's not very complicated.

JEFFREY TOOBIN, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: This is not how presidents behave. It's a dark moment in American history today.

DEXTER FILKINS, THE NEW YORKER CONTRIBUTOR: Eric Lichtblau of the 'New York Times' calls Alpha Bank's lobbyists in Washington. 48 hours later, the Trump domain vanishes from the internet. And--

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: One thing, if the alpha side of it disappeared, they called alpha and the Trump side disappear.


INGRAHAM: Ok, ok. But surely CNN gave the Durham developments their due.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It seems like he's not delivering that big fish that former President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr promised.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right. Exactly after 2.5 years or so, there's only been these two indictments. And they frankly have been very thin.


INGRAHAM: Now, what's really thinnest here is their credibility and objectivity. It's not existent. Wolf Blitzer even trotted out one of the slimiest guys in this ongoing drama, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Is this the action of a special counsel, who after once again two years of investigating has found essentially not much, at least not yet?

ANDREW MCCABE, FORMER FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR: Well, that's absolutely right. There's really very little here relevant to what he supposedly was hired to investigate. The recent indictment and these subpoenas really hold the FBI more in the position of victim rather than subject of an investigation.


INGRAHAM: The spin just never ends. Just remember, Andy's always going to play the victim though. So the FBI, our Intel agencies, the media, and dishonest Democrats, they did incalculable harm to the office of the presidency and the people's faith in these institutions. And none of the guilty parties in this saga, not the press, the DOJ, certainly not the Intel community, have learned anything over the last few years.

Since we discovered that the Russia probe was a fraud from the outset, they've just moved on to targeting innocent Americans, who oppose the Biden agenda, while dismissing Biden's conflicts of interests on China and his general incompetence and managing the affairs of our nation. It's a complete an ongoing disservice to the hard working people of America who deserve to know the truth about the lengths to which our own government and media will go to take and keep power.

Joining me now is Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at the Federalist; and Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary, both Fox News contributors.

Mollie, this attempt to gloss over the Durham news, as if the first thing they're going to announce is that they have Jim Comey, or somehow Andy McCabe is going to be marched out in handcuffs. That's not how investigations ever work.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Well, the thing about this conspiracy is that it was complicated and very difficult to unravel. There are three different sets of bad actors. There are the Clinton campaign and their law firm who made up the hoax, invented it, mostly out of whole cloth. There are the corrupt intelligence officials, who weaponized it. And then there are the completely reprehensible media, who uncritically regurgitated it.

There is some accountability that can be had for the corrupt FBI officials and for the Clinton campaign. But the media are really the bad actors. They're the ones who reported this day in and day out for years, undermining administration affecting the 2016 election, the 2018 election, and the 2020 election. And because of the laws of our land, there's not so much you can do even though they probably knowingly lied about all of this. But one thing that can be done is that conservatives and victims and Republicans, who were victims of this need to hold them accountable.

And here's one way you don't hold them accountable. Chuck Todd, who's at a different network, lied about the Russia collusion for years. He brutally attacked Republicans who tried to fight back. He defended deep state actors as they lied. The Virginia Republicans had him host their gubernatorial debate, where they allowed that to happen where their candidate debated with him moderating. There is no reason that conspiracy theorist and liar at that level should have any access to Republicans.

And Republicans need to have greater self respect for themselves, that they don't allow these people to continue to act like nothing happened. What happened to this country was evil and wrong, and they need to be held accountable.

INGRAHAM: Ari, do you agree? It seems like Republicans are so quick to forgive what are frankly unforgiveable moves by an independent media, supposedly independent media. So they're basically just now an extended comm shop of the Democrat Party. So why shouldn't they at some point be treated as such?

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes, Laura. I'm not willing to forgive or move beyond. I'm actually writing a book about it and how much the media has led America down. But let's reset the table here.

First and foremost, the Democrats and much of the media never accepted the results of the 2016 presidential election in which Donald Trump won. And as a result of Trump's win, they did everything in their power to undermine the win and make the claim that it was somehow illegitimate that he's not the duly elected president, that the only reason he won was because of Russian interference in America's election. And they perpetrated that myth, and it became the dominant theme of the early years of the Trump era.

Everything Donald Trump did seem to be tainted by the press, falling over themselves, to make it lead the evening news, front page coverage, websites, everywhere about Donald Trump and Russia, and went as far as I'm accepting much of the Steel Dossier too. And so what do you have now with what happened last night in this revelation about subpoenas, a total media hypocritical approach.

Every time a subpoena was issued by Bob Mueller and his investigation of Donald Trump, it was hysteria in the media about this and where it could lead. And now, in the case of a subpoena issued to the Clinton law firm, 'The New York Times' and 'The Washington Post' buried it. One paragraph in each of those papers.

And as you pointed out, Laura, the network's poo-pooed it, made it act like it was nothing. A total hypocrisy by those who said the election was stolen by Donald Trump.

INGRAHAM: Now, moving on to another issue, which is I think, really hurting Biden is his approach to the border and immigration. And Mollie, the AP is reporting that "The administration announced new rules that require authorities to only pursue migrants who recently crossed into the country since November 1 without permission - or they're deemed to pose a threat to public safety".

Mollie, what message does that send to the 60,000 Haitians plus, who are making their way to our southern border?

HEMINGWAY: It sends the same message that the Biden administration has sent since before it was even in office. When Biden campaigned, he encouraged people to illegally cross the border. He tore down all of the rules and restrictions that we had put in place, kind of patchwork that we had in place, in other countries, in our country to ensure that some of the trafficking that we've seen would be controlled.

And so it's not - you know, it's a crisis of his own making. He chose this, he wants this. And so it's very difficult to solve, because he doesn't actually view this as a problem, even as much of the country is having to pay for this and deal with the consequences of his open borders policy.

INGRAHAM: And, Ari, yesterday's hearing on Capitol Hill in Congress was meant to strike back against Texas and other states that are putting abortion restrictions in place. And a lot of people didn't believe what they were seeing. Watch.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): Black Lives Matter should be very much at the forefront and every policy that we ever do in this country.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): Abortion bans like this are rooted in patriarchy, white supremacy, and perpetuate systemic racism.

GHAZALEH MOAYEDI, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY SPECIALIST: I know firsthand that abortion saves lives. Abortion is a blessing. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is freedom.


INGRAHAM: Ari, does that help the Democrats with those kind of working class Democrats, a lot of Catholic voters and others. But Congresswoman came up when they basically told their abortion stories and others, and it's an act of love now. Is that going to fly? What happened to safe legal and rare under Clinton?

FLEISCHER: Yes. And Hispanic voters too, Laura, between immigration and this. That's another reason the Democrats are suffering erosion in the Hispanic community. But now, that type of rhetoric, that type of extremist language never works on either side.

And that's why I've made a career of trying to carve out treating people with respect, understanding two different sides of an argument, coming down on a principal position and holding to it. But you don't vilify and demonize the other side. And on a host of issues, that's the only Democratic approach they have left, demonize and vilify. And that's why they're not getting majorities for anything they're doing on the Capitol Hill these days.

INGRAHAM: Mollie, does that work, that abortion tech they took?

HEMINGWAY: It's extreme, and it's mostly just sad to hear people talk this way about the ending of unborn human life. And it's a reminder that everybody needs to care for the women in their midst and the children that they bear. But this language is so extreme, and it doesn't match with what we know about Americans, which is that they, in general, would like to see restrictions - some restrictions on abortion, and that we have the most radical policies relative to any country on Earth. So not wise on their part.

INGRAHAM: All right. Mollie, Ari, great to see you. Have a great weekend.

And over on Capitol Hill, my next guest was hammering HHS secretary Xavier Becerra for twisting the science on COVID. Watch.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Do you want to apologize to the 100 million Americans, who suffered through COVID, survived, have immunity, and yet you want to hold them down and vaccinate them? Do you want to apologize for calling those people flat earthers?

XAVIER BECERRA, HHS SECRETARY: We follow the facts and the science at HHS, we use the expertise of the medical professionals, scientists at HHS to make decisions. It's a team effort. And we rely on what is on the ground showing us results.

PAUL: Except for the dozens and dozens of studies, in fact, most if not all of this studies, show robust immunity from getting the disease naturally. You're selectively doing this because you want us to submit to your will.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Senator, I had so many friends send me that exchange, texted it to me last night. It is stunning. The bureaucracy uninformed, ignorant, certainly no medical background. What's going to happen here?

Now, Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation to stop the unvaccinated, prevent them from traveling domestically on an airplane.

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): You know, the truth is actually the opposite. For those of us who have had the disease and survived, we're more at risk in being around only vaccinated people. So these people who are hysterical about the unvaccinated, it's actually the opposite of the truth. The riskiest people to catch it from are people who are vaccinated versus people who have had the disease.

Now, there are some people who are unvaccinated, who haven't had the disease, and I do recommend that they voluntarily get the vaccine. But the thing is, is think of all the doctors, think of all the lawyers, the orderlies in the hospital, who worked for a year and a half to save lives without any vaccine at all. They got COVID, they survived. They now have immunity. And the hospitals are just saying, you're worthless. We're getting rid of you unless you submit to a vaccine. But it doesn't go with the science. The science actually shows greater immunity if you've had the disease than if you've just simply been vaccinated.

INGRAHAM: Well, the court is ultimately going to have to settle this one. They're just not going to change their view on that. But getting back to my point about this radical legislation seeking to isolate and punish unvaccinated Americans to prevent them from flying domestically.

Dianne Feinstein, when we haven't seen her much lately, but she apparently introduced legislation to do just that. Your reaction, Senator?

PAUL: The ever present, Dr. Fauci agrees with her. He wants to ban people from flying as well, unless they're vaccinated. It totally goes against the science. It's ignoring the 100 million people that already have immunity who got it naturally. It's a terrible idea. It goes against, sort of, the very basic idea of a free society.

I said, yesterday, one of the most incredible, our primary medical rights we have is to decide what goes into our body, what kind of injections we get, which doctor we go to, whether we have surgery, or we don't have surgery. And so everything they're doing is against the science, but also against really the foundation of what are - the freedom that our country was founded upon.

INGRAHAM: And yesterday, on a separate issue, Senator, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, well, she addressed just how bad our national debt is.


JANET YELLEN, TREASURY SECRETARY: The debt held by the public relative to GDP is around 105 percent.

REP. TED BUDD (R-NC): Do you believe that there is a level of debt that is unsustainable in our economy?

YELLEN: If interest rates are zero, and negative in real terms, certainly we could have a substantially higher burden.


INGRAHAM: So, I guess if there's no end to the debt we can rack up. That is terrifying. Real quick.

PAUL: Yes. The other way to look at it is that we're approaching the same percentage of debt that Greece had when Greece declared bankruptcy. So, yes, great nations can declare bankruptcy. The checks will all go out. But the question is, will the checks buy anything?

I think inflation is coming back in a big way. And I think the whole bait and switch of Democrats offering you free stuff, you will ultimately pay for it with higher prices. Don't be fooled. Nothing in life is really free.

INGRAHAM: Senator Paul, incredible exchange (inaudible) about yesterday. Thanks for joining us.

PAUL: Thank you, Laura.

INGRAHAM: And you've heard it repeated, ad nauseum. COVID is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, Biden said that, Fauci said it. Well, tonight we're giving that narrative our own INGRAHAM ANGLE reality check. My medicine cabinet is next.


INGRAHAM: Now, just as predicted by anyone who has studied viruses, the Delta variant looks to have run its course in the south. Over the last two weeks, daily caseloads have fallen precipitously in states like Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Texas and South Carolina.

Meanwhile, it looks like COVID has migrated northward toward more heavily vaccinated states. Maine has seen a jaw dropping 34 percent increase in cases over the last 14 days. Vermont's caseload jumped 29 percent. And even New York, the land of vaccine mandates has seen a surge.

Let's bring in my medicine cabinet. Dr. Steven Smith, founder of the Smith Center for infectious diseases and Urban Health; and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford Professor, University Professor of Medicine there.

Dr. Bhattacharya, what should we take away from this COVID trend from south to north? Is it related to the strict mandates, the controls? Or is there something else going on?

JAY BHATTACHARYA, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, STANFORD: Laura, there's an illusion of control that we sometimes have with this virus that somehow we - if we just lock down hard enough, if we just bay enough we can stop the virus from spreading.

But, in fact, the virus spreads on a seasonal, regional basis, it's very, very difficult to stop a virus like this from spreading. It's unfortunate fact. That's why it's so important to protect the vulnerable with the vaccine and whatnot. But it's also important to realize that these measures that we take have enormous harms. We have to acknowledge that and we basically get away from it.

INGRAHAM: And, Steve, Dr. Smith, the other thing that's going on, is it not, as it has been reported is that, the vaccines overtime did begin to wane in their effectiveness. So after five months or so, you start to see waning antibodies. Is that also what's going on, because they went early all in on the vaccines in these states?

STEPHEN SMITH, SMITH CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Of course. And I agree with Jay. He is one of my favorite experts on TV. We don't know what the virus does, or why it does what it does.

But as far as we do know a few things, and one of the things as we know that the vaccine induce immunity or protection against infection and disease, more importantly disease. It wanes overtime, and that's not unexpected at all. We just didn't know what timeframe and we couldn't know what timeframe and in which hosts, older people of course, who is a quicker, without having time.

And with time and, of course, the experience in Israel has shown us that, it does wane and relatively quickly and especially in people that don't have perfect immune systems in other words, the elderly or otherwise. You may have compromised hosts.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Bhattacharya, President Biden chimed in earlier this week on the percentage that would need to be vaccinated, not taking into account any natural immunity, but percentage that would need to be vaccinated to kind of be done with this. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: how many Americans need to be vaccinated for us to get back to normal?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I think we get the vast majority by just going on with some of these, some industries and some schools, 97 -- 98 percent. A quarter of the country can't go unvaccinated and us not continue to have a problem.


INGRAHAM: OK. Dr. Bhattacharya, the phrase vast majority now means 97 percent. That's kind of almost 100 percent. But he's not taking into account as neither is Fauci nor any of the other public health experts, the fact that a lot of - millions of millions of people have already been infected with this virus, correct?

BHATTACHARYA: Yes. I mean, it doesn't make sense that that number is pulled out of - I mean, I don't know where. It did - I don't know what he's doing with that number. I'll tell you. If we get to 97 percent to get there, I think what he's envisioning is mandates. It will tear the country apart. We're already seeing in New York tens of thousands of people working in hospitals, threatening to quit their jobs, getting fired from their jobs, because they don't want the vaccine. We're going to have shortages of people in nursing - for hospitals and beds. Because of this, we're going to have all kinds of problems caused by this goal of 97 percent.

And the irony is that even after you get to 97 percent, as just as we were talking about, the virus will still spread. Heavily vaccinated Israel, heavily vaccinated Iceland, have seen enormous surges in cases. Stopping the virus is spreading using this vaccine is not a strategy that will work. The right strategy, protect the vulnerable with the vaccine. If you're older, if you've had - strongly recommend.

INGRAHAM: That's already been done, Dr. B, that - for the overwhelming percentage of those who are vulnerable have gotten at least one shot and most have gotten both shots. So that's happened already.

BHATTACHARYA: You're right, Laura. You're right. We've made a lot of progress. And I think there's still some left and those who are still left, please get it. But to force it on working class people, who many of them are already protected, because they were - they recovered from COVID, makes no sense. And it's just - it's a goal that almost a tailor-made design to tear society apart.

INGRAHAM: And Dr. Smith, I want to get your thoughts on some therapeutics topic you and I have talked about a lot over the last year and a half. And this is published in a kind of an unusual place. It's published in a journal on cardiology, I believe. But it was a study of - about 10,000 patients, a review of 10,000 patients.

And the conclusion was that the treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was associated with lower risk of death, independently of age, sex, and epidemic record. Early ambulatory treatment with COVID-19 with these drugs as a standard of care is associated with very low mortality, and the drugs improved survival compared to other regimens.

Dr. Smith, the median age, I believe, when I read this was about 45, which may seem low. But again, when they looked at it for the older patients, it was the same deal. What does this tell us?

SMITH: Well, the data remarkable. I mean - this is (inaudible) group again, and I think the only two changes they made to the regimen, which they published on first, like March 23, 2020. It's the same read basic regimen, hydroxychloroquine, 600 milligrams, one per day for 10 days. And then basically Z-Pak azithromycin, 500 the first day and then 250 milligrams days two through five.

They didn't change that. They did add prophylactic - prophylactic anticoagulation. They also added zinc orally. But the data, unbelievable, I don't know how you - no matter how you slice it, the data are stunning.

INGRAHAM: Now, we all know but the critic Steve will say, oh, well, these were outpatient. These were - this was delivered in outpatient setting. But does that matter? Because you've said all along that it should be given early. That's what you've said all along.

SMITH: Yes, I'm fine. I mean, if these data hold up and you can - it's only about the genetics of southern France, I don't know. But these data are overwhelmingly amazing. And I'll take them - I'll take those data. And you know - the - now you have other data, and their data, of course, we have our data, which show it works even in pretty sick patients, which really surprised me.

INGRAHAM: So this is a tool. This is a tool in the toolbox. You had it, you use it with sick patients, you use it early on. Did (inaudible) early proponent of this, it got trashed. We're taking ourselves back now, Steve, 18 months, 19 months is how long we've been talking about this, but thank you both for your perspectives on all this breaking news on the COVID front. We appreciate it. Dr. Smith and Dr. Bhattacharya, thank you.

Coming up, woke James Bond, inclusive X-Men, and Nancy Pelosi unmasked. Friday Follies with Raymond Arroyo is next.


KEVIN CORKE, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: This is a FOX News alert. I'm Kevin Corke in Washington.

Congressional Democrats need more time to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill and potential $3.5 trillion resolution to be passed by way of budget reconciliation. That from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a dear colleague letter tonight, which reads in part, "Our chairs are still working for clarity, consensus. Clearly the bipartisan infrastructure bill will pass once we have agreement on the reconciliation bill."

Pelosi releasing that letter just hours after the president visited Capitol Hill to speak with the House Democratic Caucus. He later tried to tamp down timing expectations, telling reporters "It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter whether it's six minutes, six days, or six weeks. We are going to get it done."

This has been a FOX News alert. I'm Kevin Corke in Washington. Now back to more of THE INGRAHAM ANGLE.

INGRAHAM: It's Friday and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And for that we are joined by Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor.

Raymond, in the latest James Bond movie, it's not just the bad guys trying to take down 007, but an army of literary majors and feminists, is that right?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, well, the new 25th Bond film intentionally neuters 007, Laura. Here's what James Bond use.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you, but I think my mouth is too big.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, it's the right size. For me, that is.



ARROYO: OK, but now, director Cary Fukunaga, he said that that version of Bond was basically a rapist, an antiquated male trope that pushes unhealthy gender roles, Laura. So in the newest Bond movie, "No Time to Die," seduction scenes are traded for, well, this. In one scene, Bond asked Paloma, a female agent, to turn around as he changes before shaking hands with her in a scene of mutual respect and understanding.


ARROYO: Daniel Craig, who plays Bond, is OK with this new touchy-feely submissive 007. Maybe they should have called it "No Time to Cry." Laura, Ian Fleming created this character in 1952. It was male escapism. It was about an archetype for men, and it's escapism. Nobody thought this was true or real.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, I have never been a huge James Bond fan, but I'm definitely not a fan of this new James Bond, OK? It's stupid.

ARROYO: Women don't go to James Bond movies. They go because someone takes them. It would be like us insisting we take rom-coms and insert more killing. I'm sorry, but if this keeps up, if they keep neutering James Bond, the audience may very well live and let James Bond die. We'll see.

INGRAHAM: It's not the only franchise, though, Ray Ray, that's getting a makeover. I guessed X-Men, anything with "men" in it is apparently on the chopping block. I don't think we can call them men anymore.

ARROYO: Not if you want to be inclusive. The new Marvel president Victoria Alonso back in 2019 suggested dropping the "men" from X-Men, calling that outdated. That same year they slipped this into a movie. Listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's funny, I can't actually remember the last time you were the one risking something. And by the way, the women are always saving the men around here. You might think about changing the name to "X - Women."


ARROYO: Maybe X-Folks would be a better alternative, Laura. I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Marvel releases. How about Spider-person, or Iron Being, or maybe Ant-X. If you can have Latinx, why not Ant-X. Heck, let's call them all X-X or double X, and no kids will come at all because the people will get a totally different idea.

INGRAHAM: It's all bad. I don't go to any of these movies, none of them are any good. It's all green screen, computerized c-r-a-p. I'm sorry, it's just not my cup of tea. None of it. I hate it all.

ARROYO: I'm with you. I agree.

But Laura, moving from one confusion to another, I am perplexed by these COVID rules at the White House. Biden is vaccinated but he wears a mask when he walks out for press conferences. He wears one when he meets with heads of state. But here he is at the congressional baseball game this week, hugging, kissing Nancy Pelosi, shaking hands with players. He's in a massive crowd of people. Why aren't Fauci and friends screaming at him? This could be a super spreader event. I'll bet it was.

INGRAHAM: You remember that first pitch that Fauci did in 2020? Remember that? Was it 2020? It's all a blur at this point. But you can't say that he throws like a girl anymore. Raymond knows that I have a pretty good arm, so it wouldn't apply to me, but anyway.

Nancy Pelosi had a rough time, though, at the ballpark, didn't she?

ARROYO: Same game.

INGRAHAM: Because instead of peanuts and crackerjacks, there was yelling and gesticulating.




ARROYO: Laura, I couldn't tell if she was cheering or having a grand mal seizure. I don't know what that is. She kind of just quakes and quivers. I don't know what was happening there, but I hope there was a medic on hand. They should have got her help.

INGRAHAM: She was doing it, Raymond, for the children, the children, the children. She does everything now.

ARROYO: What is interesting, we saw a very different Pelosi in the next inning. You can tell she's really into this game. Listen to this commentary.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The speaker no doubt happy about that play. But she is known as a big sports fan, and often after dealing with a lot of really difficult reporter questions related to what's going on in Congress on the Hill, she will banter with reporters about what's going on in various sports.



INGRAHAM: I thought she was calling the dugout. She's calling the dugout, bring in the reliever.

ARROYO: Laura, she looks furious. I can translate, I can read lips really well. If they put that back up, I will tell you exactly what she saying here. She's saying, Alexandria, you vote for that infrastructure plan or I'll introduce you to my green new heel. That is with happening, there, no doubt about it. She is worried about that vote.

INGRAHAM: That Ilhan Omar and she aren't texting each other in a friendly manner. Doesn't it look like she was calling the bullpen right there? Get him warmed up -- she's falling faster.

ARROYO: I think she's calling to the cloak room.

INGRAHAM: Yes, it's falling faster than a bad face out there. Raymond, thanks.

We have all seen how bad the migrant surge is in Texas, but next we'll take you to the Arizona border where even more problems are brewing, if you can believe it. A dramatic report, next.


INGRAHAM: Understandably, our border focus has mostly been on Texas lately given the massive surge and then release of thousands and thousands of Haitian migrants into the United States. But that does not mean that there aren't huge problems brewing on another part of our southern border, Arizona.


KARRIN TAYLOR ROBSON, (R) ARIZONA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Here we are in the Yuma sector of the Arizona border with Mexico, and we have behind me approximately 75 illegal immigrants from Brazil and Honduras. It is evidence of a failed border policy. It is evidence that the Biden and Harris administration are feeling us as Americans, and Arizona is on the front line of this border crisis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're seeing it now, that's because the cartels are orchestrating that to tie up Border Patrol resources so they can smuggle in whatever they don't want caught at another location.

ROBSON: OK, so the contraband and the drugs will come over as they have now got the agents all concentrated taking care of the people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, exactly. It's all orchestrated by the cartels, so for the administration to not secure the border, you're enabling the criminal element to further exploit the weakness in our border right now.

ROBSON: In the system.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By not doing nothing. In October they had 25 apprehensions here in my county. November, roughly 30. And now they're getting 600 to 700 a day.

ROBSON: It's 600 to 700 a day?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right, versus 25 to 35 a day.


The border is chaos. It's broken. Where is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Our border is a disaster.

Behind me are illegal immigrants that were just dropped off less than five minutes ago on the Mexico side of the border. And I'm standing in Yuma, Arizona. And here they are crossing into America.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is the woman you just saw in that video, Karrin Taylor Robson, candidate for governor of Arizona. Karen, everyone is on Texas, Texas, Texas. And again, it makes sense given the enormity of the problem there, but why isn't the Arizona border issue, given what you found and what you reported on, getting such scant attention?

KARRIN TAYLOR ROBSON, (R) ARIZONA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Laura, first, thank you for having me on. And to answer your question, I don't know why, but what is happening on the Arizona border just like in Texas is a full- scale invasion. We literally went to the border to a spot that is very popular with the crossers, and you saw a portion of it in that video Literally a tourist bus literally shows up, drops off the illegal immigrants, they come across the border. We are standing there like the welcoming committee as they came by waving at us, thumbs up, walking straight to the Border Patrol agents to be processed and sent into the United States.

INGRAHAM: I want people to understand the scope of this, because the Yuma sector of the border has seen these migrant apprehensions surge over 1,000 percent from August, 2020, to August, 2021. And Karrin, that's only the people they caught. So you have to think of all the people that are just flipping past our thinned out border security, and who knows how many there really are?

ROBSON: That's correct. Just last week alone you heard the sheriff say they were experiencing 600 to 700 a day. That number is already up to 1,000. And what happens when you saw the 75 immigrants that came from Honduras and from Brazil. What happens is they then aggregate all of the Border Patrol resources managing those people, and then it opens up a wide swath of the border for all the contraband, the drugs and the people that don't want to do good things in the United States, to come across.

And so, to your point, we have no idea how many others are coming across the border. So these numbers that we are seeing are just reflecting the apprehensions that we have.

INGRAHAM: Now, Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has a different view, which might not surprise you, Karrin, about the border situation. Watch.


REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, (D-TX): Let me pronounce to my friends that the border is both sovereign and secure. It is obviously subjected to biased and unfair narratives for political purposes.


INGRAHAM: Karrin, are you using the border and you are reporting for the border for political expediency purposes? That's essentially what she's saying.

ROBSON: Absolutely not. The American people need to understand what is going on. The cartels in Mexico are organized and they're sophisticated, and people need to know that they are literally delivering people to the border in tour buses, delivering them to walk across our border into the welcoming arms of the United States.

INGRAHAM: What, Karrin, as governor, should you get the nomination and win, what as governor would you do about it that is not being done now?

ROBSON: The first thing we need to do is finish the wall. We need to enforce our laws. And when I'm elected governor, I'm going to surge our National Guard to the border. I will provide our sheriffs and our local law enforcement along the board of the resources they need.

INGRAHAM: Karrin, this is just such a disturbing sight, and you have done more reporting from the Arizona border than a lot of reporters lately, so thank you for that video, and best of luck to you. We'll check back soon. Thanks so much.

ROBSON: Thank you.

INGRAHAM: Up next, we reveal this month's Freedom Matters charity.


INGRAHAM: It's fall. So do you have the right Freedom Matters gear for the season?

Look, it's October, right? So we have a new charity to announce, and it's the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. It's a great, great group dedicated to the education and faith formation of Dominican Friars in the broader Catholic community. So please, get your great shirts, your great mugs made in the USA. And your favorite and my kids' favorite, the camo hat. Come on. Get the trucker hats. There's a lot of other good stuff on the site as well.

And don't forget, set your DVR so you always stay connected with us. Thanks for watching. Remember, it's America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld takes it from here. Have a great weekend.

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