
This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," March 8, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Could we be approaching a resolution in Ukraine? Or will Putin double down and Zelenskyy dig in as the Russian military surrounds Kyiv. In about two hours. Russia says it'll stop its bombardment and five Ukrainian cities including the capital. But as we have seen in the past, some of those ceasefires have been tenuous at best. Now, it's notable that the Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has moved off his demand that Ukraine gain NATO membership and that could be a major concession from what he was saying just a few days to go.

But the Biden administration proceeded today as if none of these potentially positive developments were even happening. Instead, they dispatch their intel officials to Capitol Hill to paint a picture of what could be a bloody month ahead, presumably with billions of dollars on the line. So, what's really going on here? Tulsi Gabbard has a theory, and she's going to join us in moments.

But first, let's check in with Fox's Benjamin Hall who's standing by in the Ukrainian capital. Benjamin, what is the situation there tonight?

BENJAMIN HALL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Well, without a doubt, Laura, what we've seen today is a continuation and escalation of these indiscriminate attacks on civilians. On the one hand, you have humanitarian supplies which are unable to get into these besieged cities. On the other you have people who are unable to leave them. In the city of Mariupol, 200,000 people have been trying to escape for about a week now. Bodies lie on the street. They have very little food, water heating, hospitals are running out of supplies, very low on painkillers, very low on antibiotics.

The death toll there is unknown, and yet Putin's bombs they keep dropping. There was one successful evacuation today from the northern city of Sumy 3500 people taken out on buses but as you said the others all failed. According to the Red Cross, the routes into Mariupol had been mined and other corridors were being shelled. Russia has now announced that other ceasefire for tomorrow at 9 again, and the civilians they will try again.

Meanwhile, although Russian forces do continue to make some gains, particularly around Kyiv, they also continue to suffer major losses. This convoy was destroyed outside Sumy, that being said, despite these Russian setbacks, the sheer size scale of the Russian army means they just keep coming. President Zelenskyy today, again, called for more help.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: We are looking for your help, for help of the civilized countries. Please increase the pressure of sanctions against this country. And please recognize this country as a terrorist state. And please make sure that our Ukrainian skies are safe.


HALL: Around the capital of Kyiv, there were more scenes of desperation as Ukrainians tried to flee young and old crossing the European river to reach the capital. Scenes repeated across the country. The mayor of that town saying he would never surrender, but would stay in fight. And yes, there are some interesting movements on the diplomatic front. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba will meet the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday in Turkey. Expectations set low, but it does certainly suggest a push to a more serious level of negotiations. Laura.

INGRAHAM: Benjamin, thank you so much. And despite clear signs that the American people do not want a hot war with Russia, the Biden administration almost seems hell bent on frightening us into one. Now the latest salvo started Sunday was Secretary of State Blinken's big promise.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If, for instance, the Polish government, a NATO member wants to send fighter jets, does that get a green light from the U.S. or are you afraid that that will escalate tension?

ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: No, that gets a green light. In fact, we're talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs.


INGRAHAM: Well, not convinced that that was a brilliant idea. Well, neither were some of Blinken's friends at the Pentagon. Spokesman John Kirby earlier today clarified that the U.S. did not support transferring fighter planes from NATO bases in Germany to Ukraine, but have no fear the deep state spinsters were on Capitol Hill today, intent on making you feel like we have to do a lot more.


AVRIL HAINES, DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Our analysts assess that Putin is unlikely to be deterred by such setbacks and instead may escalate essentially doubling down to achieve Ukrainian disarmament.

WILLIAM BURNS, DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY: And I think Putin is angry and frustrated right now. He's likely to double down and try to grind down the Ukrainian military with no regard for civilian casualties


INGRAHAM: Joining me now, former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Congresswoman, why are we talking about no-fly zones instead of the fact that for the first time, we have President Zelenskyy stepping back from his earlier NATO wishes and even demands?

TULSI GABBARD (D) FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That is literally the most important question here, Laura. When I look at these issues, I think about what is in the best interests of the American people is what we're doing going to be good for the American people or not, and clearly, this continued escalation of this conflict and this war is not in the best interest of the American people or the world, frankly, which is why Zelenskyy statement last night with on ABC News for the first time, that I'm aware of opening the door, a window of opportunity, where he's open to the fact of saying, hey, yes, maybe we'll set this NATO membership thing aside, and he's willing to talk with Putin directly to negotiate the outcome or the status of these disputed territories, really extending an olive branch.

A two points here, the first thing I thought is why isn't this making headlines everywhere? Why isn't everybody talking about this? Even ABC News themselves, didn't write a great piece and publish this across all their platforms had to dig to find it.

But secondly, and really most importantly, is, why isn't the Biden-Harris administration, charging forward to take advantage of and support President Zelenskyy in this opening that that he has created in trying to bring about an end to this conflict, bringing about an end to this suffering that we're seeing every single day.

INGRAHAM: Now isn't it--

GABBARD: The only conclusion.

INGRAHAM: Isn't it the case, excuse me for interrupting? But isn't it the case that the longer this goes on, unless there's some miracle in the offing, but the longer this goes on, the higher the price, I would argue that Putin is going to try to enact from Ukraine, it's not like it's going to get easier as time goes on, it's going to get harder for Ukraine as it goes on? And yet, we don't seem to hear any of this. Any discussion of this, from the foreign policy elites in Washington?

GABBARD: Nothing that the Biden administration has done, has helped to make this situation better has helped to deescalate the situation, which is why the only conclusion that I can draw about why they have been completely silent and not engaging at all on this window of opportunity that President Zelenskyy opened last night is that what is happening before our eyes right now is exactly what they want to see, continue.

Why is that because it's good for the military industrial complex, it makes these politicians look tough. And really, it allows them to have this proxy war with Russia, something that Hillary Clinton laid out, just recently, really what their aims are this this war machine, this power elite in Washington is, they want to turn Ukraine into another Afghanistan, turned into this killing fields where this long-term insurgency is supported.

And they bleed out and cripple - kill as many Russians as possible for who knows, who knows how long and they're really showing their real aim in the fact that they're not taking action right now to end this conflict.

INGRAHAM: Now, it might not surprise you, since you just mentioned it, but Hillary Clinton is indeed back on the war wagon. Watch.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: If you care about freedom, if you care about democracy, if you care about the rights of individuals, if you care about our future, even though it's a war that is happening far away. It is a war that will affect what kind of world we're going to live in. The Ukrainians are really - and I would argue fighting for all of us.


INGRAHAM: Tulsi, so they're fighting for Americans in Ukraine. What?

GABBARD: People like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, they all use this flowery language about how you know we've got to take a stand and pay the price, the American people need to pay so much more for gas, so much more for food, make those decisions between filling their gas tank and buying groceries because freedom. The question that we should all be asking them is OK, tell us how Russia somehow has the power to take away our freedom of speech here in America. Tell us how Russia has the power to take away the freedom and rights of parents who want to - make sure their kids are getting a quality education.

Tell us how Russia has the power somehow to take away our rights to bear arms, the rights that are enshrined in our Bill of Rights. The answer to these is, they don't, they don't have that power. So, the lines that were being sold, it's just crap, Laura, it's crap. And sadly, their actions are resulting in more and more people suffering rather than being leaders and deescalating this and bring about an end to this war.

INGRAHAM: Now, we have our own politicians eroding our constitutional rights every day and we see it on the Supreme Court as well. Tulsi, great to see you tonight. As always, thank you.

Now there was a pretty stunning poll released yesterday that speaks not only to the current conflict, but also to Americans views of their own country. The Quinnipiac survey asked Americans what they would do if they face the same situations as Ukrainians are facing right now. Would they stay in fight? Or would they run?

Majorities of Republicans and independents said, not surprisingly, they would fight. But 52 percent of Democrats only said, that they would well said, they would leave the country. And by 48 percent to 45 percent margin, 18 to 34 year olds said they'd also flee.

Joining me now is Tom Bevin, President, co-Founder RealClearPolitics and Mark Penn, Democratic Pollster, Former Clinton Strategist. Tom, the sad thing is that, I mean, are you surprised by these findings? I'm frankly, utterly not.

TOM BEVAN, REALCLEARPOLITICS PRESIDENT: No, I mean, it makes perfect sense. I mean, if you don't have a passionate belief in love for the country, then why would you want to stay and fight for it? And I think the problem is, particularly when you look at the younger generation, they've been taught that America is a racist country, we have a shameful past. And so, they're not connected to, they haven't been taught about the beauty of America and have a real love and passion for it.

And so, I think in some ways, these poll numbers reflect exactly what we're seeing. We did a poll actually, for RealClearOpinion research in last July, asking about patriotism. And the Generation Z, the millennials, 49 percent of all Americans said that they were very patriotic, but only 28 percent of the youngest generation, those millennials said that they were very patriotic. So, there's this disconnect from this younger generations that's been basically taught that America is a shameful place to live. And I think that's reflected in these poll numbers.

INGRAHAM: Mark, are there any warning signs here for the Democrats? Given this, again, this belief that being taught and re-taught in public schools, especially private as well, that America is a structurally racist place with a pretty horrible past. Now, but we're supposed to go and export our values abroad? How does that work?

MARK PENN, FORMER CLINTON STRATEGIST: Well, look, I thought the results were disappointing. They were surprising because if only 45 percent of those 18 to 34 would stay and fight, and 66 percent, of those over 60 would stay and fight. Well, an army needs to be staffed by those 18 to 34. So that is a real problem, not just for our politics, but for our national security, for maintaining an army that will defend this country in the event of an attack.

INGRAHAM: Yes, who's going to sign up for a military if its main focus is wokifying the enlistees? I'm not sure who's going to actually sign up for that military the way it's being organized? Well, the media has been touting another recent poll. And it's Reuters Ipsos finding that 74 percent of Americans said that the U.S. and its allies, and NATO should impose a no-fly zone in Ukraine, Tom, how irresponsible, is it? Or is it irresponsible for these polling outfits to ask these provocative questions, without any context, what it would involve? And perhaps what it might trigger?

BEVAN: Right. I mean, look, polling is an art as much as it's a science. And it depends on how you ask the questions, how you phrase the questions, and whether you provide what those trade-offs are going to be. 75 percent of people may think a no-fly zone is a great idea until you ask them if you say the result of that, or the consequence of that might be triggering an all-out war with a nuclear powered Russia, and then you'd see those numbers drop dramatically.

So, I think that is one of those questions that it is irresponsible, I think, to publish something like that without providing the context. And it's one of those questions that quite frankly, is better to be ignored in the current environment.

INGRAHAM: And that same Quinnipiac poll, Mark, that I just mentioned, also asked that if the invasion of Ukraine contributed to feelings of anxiousness? Well, 57 percent of Republicans said no, but 61 percent of Democrats said yes. Mark, what's going on?

PENN: Yes, there's an anxiety gap created by the war. Look, I don't know what to make as much of that finding as 71 percent of the poll did support the ban on Russian oil. And so, I think there's big support for an economic boycott, but there is anxiety and Democrats have more anxiety, but remember, Republicans here may want to step it up and fight more.

So, look, I think the American public is looking for leadership on this. They can't analyze all these issues and individual poll questions. The question is, what do our leaders thinks should be done and how should it be done and what the public wants is they want Putin push back. They want Ukraine saved and they don't want to get into a war. And we may or may not be able to accomplish all those things at once.

INGRAHAM: I can tell you what I also want, $2 a gallon gasoline prices. Gentlemen, thank you. And now, Joe sacrifices America. That's the focus of tonight's angle.

Now, when President Biden finally announced his ban that you heard so much about today on Russian energy imports, he decided to use the moment to do something that is disgustingly Washington, shift blame.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This is a step that we're taking to inflict further pain on Putin. But there will be cost as well here in the United States, defending freedom is going to cost, it's going to cost us as well.


INGRAHAM: Now, who is he kidding, we've been doing nothing but paying for Biden's and his party's mistakes, since he took power, from their insane COVID mandates to their willful denial of inflation, to their maniacal crusade against fossil fuels, and now, their bungling of U.S. foreign policy. Now, this isn't simply incompetent. At this point, it's purposeful. I think it's vindictive. Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. We know that. And the fact is Ukraine, just like the pandemic is another tragedy for them to exploit in an attempt to save themselves in the midterms.

Now you think the country is going in the wrong direction, pain at the pump? Well, all you need to know it's Russia's fault.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, do you have a message for the American people on gas prices?

BIDEN: They're going to go up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What can you do about it?

BIDEN: Can't do much right now. Russia is responsible.


INGRAHAM: Now, this is just one of the many lies that Biden is telling Americans who are suffering under his weak leadership. There's nothing that a U.S. president, most powerful country in the world, nothing he can do about it, nothing. It's all in Putin's hands. Are we all just imagining our previous energy independence under Trump? Well, that's what Biden wants you to believe.


BIDEN: It's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. That's simply not true.


INGRAHAM: Well, except that's precisely what he did do. He halted new drilling. He issued fewer permits. He ditched the big Alaska oil project, he suspended leases in NWAR and he canceled Keystone XL. Now, that's what has us really behind the eight ball now. And because solar and wind don't run America, we're more dependent now on despotic regimes for energy than under Trump.

Now, enter the Biden team's genius new plan, boycott Russia by Venezuela. Oh, that's brilliant. Come on. But the lies didn't stop where we stopped them. They kept going on like, who's really to blame for the current predicament we're in?


BIDEN: A united response to Putin's aggression has been my overriding focus to keep all NATO and all of EU and our allies totally united. Today, we remain united. We remain united in our purpose to keep pressure mounting on Putin and his war machine.


INGRAHAM: Well, false, NATO 0 you knighted, or unified only to the extent that they all wish this didn't happen. It's a terrible tragedy. Of course, they all agree on that. But NATO unity is one of the greatest illusions ever sold.

For starters, Germany opposes banning Russian energy, the Netherlands, they're not totally onboard. And even the UK is weary of immediately cutting off Russian oil and gas.


BORIS JOHNSON, UK PRIME MINISTER: You can't simply close down use of oil and gas overnight, even from Russia. That's obviously not something that every country around the world can do.


INGRAHAM: Or maybe so, but that's Biden's fault too. They could have been buying from us, but Biden shut it down and empowered Russia as a major supplier of Europe's oil, natural gas and coal. So, what would have made us stronger and freer, and by extension, make Europe stronger and freer. The Democrats wholeheartedly rejected. And that's all on Putin. Oh, he's just the beneficiary of our own self-loathing, self-destructive, terrible, awful rotten leadership.

Biden swore to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States, not to uphold and protect international norms, global equity, climate change, and a border area and in a non-NATO country. Yet the people controlling Biden, they know full well that there Go Green Global agenda requires the resetting of the American mind away from the old normal to a new, more compliant kind of normal. So, every move they make is designed to prepare you, America, to get used to living with a little less, less travel, less privacy, less income, less freedom. But when you're pining away for the way the things used to be, don't blame Joe, blame Vlad,


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Americans are paying a higher price at the pump because of the actions of President Putin. This is a Putin spike at the gas pump.

BIDEN: I'm going to do everything I can to minimize Putin's price hike here at home.


INGRAHAM: Who needs a White House press secretary, though, when you have a White House press corps to spend for you.


VANESSA YURKEVICH, CNN BUSINESS AND POLITICS CORRESPONDENT: Gas is actually less expensive than it was in 2008 during the previous record, at if you take inflation into account, we spoke to one couple who says they say it's worth paying higher prices right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm willing to pay higher prices at the gas.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am willing to sacrifice and pay for the people that are suffering in Ukraine.

YURKEVICH: Now every single person that we have spoken to here feels the exact same way they feel that it's worth it to pay higher prices, if it is supporting the people in Ukraine.


INGRAHAM: We'll see in November, won't we? These are Biden propagandist. They would make Putin proud, they're so good at their job. Now, that's when Biden drones on about the cost of defending freedom in Ukraine. Our own citizens now with everything that's been happening over the past 14 months, may be wondering about our own freedom and our own safety at home. Because they're seeing life's basic necessities become increasingly unaffordable, and unattainable.

Meanwhile, they see our southern border becoming increasingly overrun with migrants and criminal cartels. But don't think about that. No, no, you're not allowed to complain about anything that is happening here. No, you are not. Because if you do, you're just doing Putin's work. You're doing it for him. Or you do not care about the suffering of the Ukrainian people. You're a horrible person, if you worry about your own country.

Well, we do worry about Ukraine. But we also care a lot about what's being done to our own country by people who will not stop lying.


BIDEN: Russian oil will no longer be acceptable to U.S. ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to Putin's war machine.


INGRAHAM: A powerful blow. Well, the war in Ukraine will end when Putin gets the deal he wants and not a moment sooner. When most of Europe is still buying oil from Russia, and when China is there to pick up the slack. Our oil sanctions, they're not nothing but they're basically symbolic.

Finally, the venal destructive role our press is playing here cannot be overstated. They don't believe that Americans paying higher gas and food prices is a real sacrifice for them. They believe America has too much. And it's time to reset the American mind altogether. Global thinking only, please.

Now, despite all their alleged concern about Ukraine, the media remain committed to what we know is just a highly partisan and divisive agenda that weakens our country and ends up helping our enemies. For example, they could support more drilling here at home, so would be more energy independent, but they're not going to. They could dial back some of their anti-American propaganda that China is always citing back at us. But they won't.

They could acknowledge that the 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump are loyal Americans, they're not traitors or fascists, but they're not going to do that. They can hold the Biden administration accountable occasionally for its mistakes, even if that means the GOP might, on occasion benefit. Not going to happen.

They could tell the truth about China, including how it influences U.S. politics. Oh, don't hold your breath. All of these developments would make America stronger, and thereby put us in a better position to help Ukraine and defend democracy. But no one really expects the media to abandon its radical hard Left agenda. Instead, they're going to continue their civil war against America Firsters and their culture war against everyone who believes in traditional morality, and of course, their propaganda war against the whole idea of the United States.

Because like Biden, and like the Democrats, they care more about those causes than they do about Ukraine. In fact, just like Biden himself, the only thing that they're willing to sacrifice here is America. And that's the angle.

Joining me now is Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow. Victor, your take on how this is proceeding. We now learned today that Zelenskyy may be edging closer to some type of position that could lead to, we hope the ceasing of this invasion and then needless violence, but doesn't seem what - like what the press corps or certainly the establishment in Washington almost wants at this point.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUION SENIOR FELLOW: Well, he has a different constituencies. He's got 43 million people that are faced with a Russian Army. And he's fought brilliantly. And he's starting to achieve parody. So, he's in an advantageous negotiating position vis-a-vis 10 days ago, and he's going to use it for the interest of his own people. And he should, if he can get a good deal, and it's a tribute to his courage and his people, but Laura, we talked about this administration, the middle class, you and I have talked about this hypocrisy of our bi-coastal elite, therefore, they put their kids in prep school, they're against charter schools, they make fun of walls, they have Nancy Pelosi or Mark Zuckerberg have these big walls.

But when you're in a war, or you're in a pandemic, it's kind of the scab gets torn off. And I think we got the wrong paradigm. These people are very cruel, and they don't care. So, when Biden says there's, it's not his fault, or Pete Buttigieg talks about electric charging stations, he's telling the guy down the 99 freeway, who's driving 12 hours a day, in a diesel truck, you should learn coding, you're going to lose $200 a day, that's no big deal. Or he's telling the farmer who out here in California, his nitrogen has tripled and he's saying, you know what, it's not my fault, it's your fault.

Or he's telling that when they have this modern monetary theory, they print all this money, we get 7.5 inflation, what they're really doing is they're telling this couple who only had their life savings of 50,000 on a passbook account. Now go speculate in the Wall Street, the market go, flip houses, but we're sorry that your 1 percent interest, if you can get that in your passbook has just cost you about 7.5 percent of your life savings in one year. And so, it's a real callousness. And same thing with a border.

We have this idea that borders are obsolete, but they're really telling people along the border, we don't care how your schools are impacted, your crime. We don't care about, you have to wear masks, and you have to get vaccinated and 2 million people don't. So, it's really revealing now, and I think we got the wrong paradigm. These are very selfish, arrogant people who are worshipped theory and abstraction and have no concern--

INGRAHAM: No, but they never suffered, I mean that's the point. Victor, they never sacrificed, they won't move an inch off their green radicalism, doesn't matter how many people suffer, they don't care. And to your point that you made the Director of the National Economic Council is celebrating today basically the destruction of our energy industry. Watch.


BRIAN DEESE, NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL DIRECTOR: The only viable path to energy independence for the American economy is to reduce the energy intensity of our economy overall. And ultimately, to reduce it to zero and get ourselves to a position where we're no longer reliant on fossil fuels. That's a long-term project. But what we're seeing today, and the geopolitics and the economic pain should only reinforce our efforts to try to move there more quickly.


INGRAHAM: Zero carbon, Victor. Let me - hold on, I just want - everyone watching to know that guy who's willing to bankrupt the country for X number of years, is being hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, in Sea Island, Georgia. That's where the think tankers are taking our discourse, Victor, on what to do with America. So just wanted to throw that out there. What a nightmare he is.

HANSON: Yes, we'll translate that. That means North Dakota, Alaska, Texas, you're not going to produce any of the dirty fuel. But we're going to go beg the narco state of Venezuela, and we're going to beg the theocracy in the terrorist state of Iran. And we're going to beg Vladimir Putin and the Royal Saudi house, we're going to have them pump the dirty oil that we won't pump. And then we're - it's going to make us safer. Well, all we're doing is empowering people who don't particularly like America. And we're telling people who do like America, you can't help us. And it's insane. It's (inaudible), I don't know what the logic is other than its destructive.

It's destroying the middle class here. And it's making us vulnerable, and our enemies are delighted about it. And he thinks this is good to be depended on these illiberal regimes for our very survived.

INGRAHAM: Victor, so-called conservative think-tanks., OK, that corporation send hundreds of thousands of dollars to every year, so-called conservative think-tanks are hosting that this weekend in Georgia at their big soiree. OK, that's what their idea of, I guess the future of consert. Good luck. We'll see how that works at the polls. Victor, thank you. Great to see you.

And as the White House thumps its chest on Russia forces inside the Biden administration are busy propping up and protecting China. So, who's doing this and why. According to Politico, the Treasury and Commerce Departments are derailing a National Security Council proposal to restrict U.S. financing of Chinese tech companies. Now, the departments argue "that new rules would dramatically reduce new U.S. business in China and put American firms at a competitive disadvantage to European and Asian banks that will continue to access the world's second-largest economy."

What is really going on here? Basically, Janet Yellen thinks we should allow U.S. banks to support China's tech industry. Yes, she is our treasury secretary. It's despicable and it's anti-American.

Joining me now is Gordon Chang, senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, author of "The Great U.S. China Tech War." Gordon, you called this a long time ago. But Janet Yellen is supposed to look out for American interests at our Treasury Department, but who keeps benefiting from these policies most?

GORDON CHANG, CHINA EXPERT: China, of course. That's the same China that in May, 2019, declared a people's war on the United States. That's the same China that sells fentanyl into the United States as a matter of Communist Party policy. And that's the China that deliberately spread coronavirus beyond its borders. We are supposed to fund these Chinese tech companies. This is just insane because we are helping develop the tech that China's military wants to use to kill Americans.

INGRAHAM: And the other significant thing here, obviously, is all the money that we're spending in China, there was an $11 billion trade deficit just in the month of January we just learned earlier today. All that money ends up helping to prop up Russia and the war in Ukraine. So it's a crazy, insane deal, literally funding, indirectly, the slaughter of the poor Ukrainian people. We are indirectly funding that. I hope people understand what I'm saying out there. Yes, Gordon.

CHANG: Biden is rescuing China, and China is rescuing Russia and Ukraine.


CHANG: It's so clear.

INGRAHAM: I want to play something that the CIA director William Burns told lawmakers today. Watch this.


WILLIAM BURNS, CIA DIRECTOR: I think President Xi and the Chinese leadership are a little bit unsettled by what they are seeing in Ukraine. They did not anticipate the significant difficulties the Russians were going to run into. I think they are unsettled by the reputational damage that can come by their close association with President Putin.

I think they are a little bit unsettled by the way in which Vladimir Putin has driven Europeans and Americans much closer together.


INGRAHAM: Gordon, this is our -- is this actually our CIA director, thinks that the CCP is unsettled? How are they unsettled in any way, shape, or form by what is happening with this consternation about Ukraine?

CHANG: This is part of a broader narrative that China is trying to distance itself from Russia, so we should be supporting the Chinese. This is just so wrong. If China was really unsettled, to borrow the word, then they would stop buying Russian commodities, the oil, the gas, the wheat, the coal. They wouldn't be trying to buy these Russian companies to be a short-term rescue of Vladimir Putin. This is a political class that has an unbreakable view that China is the savior of the world, or at least that we have to obey China. This is just -- what do you say?

INGRAHAM: It's breathtaking ignorance, or purposeful venality and anti- Americanism. Neither is good. They are both bad. Gordon, you're good. Thank you for joining us.

Still ahead, a report about how Russian recon groups might have already started the offensive on Kyiv. Plus, we want you to know about the horrors being inflicted upon our own citizens, so we have a shocking story out of Sacramento and the infuriating immigration failures behind it.


INGRAHAM: The Russian onslaught in Ukraine continues. We go now to Lviv where FOX's Lucas Tomlinson is standing by. Lucas?

LUCAS TOMLINSON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Laura, over 200,000 Ukrainians have come here to Lviv in western Ukraine to flee the violence in the north, south, and east of this country. Lviv's mayor spoke earlier. He says he needs a lot of help from the international community to deal with this onslaught of refugees.


ANDRKIY SADOVYI, LVIV, UKRAINE MAYOR (through translator): I want to appeal to all international organizations for help. We need your support. We need your direct participation here in Lviv.


TOMLINSON: While tens of thousands arrive here in Lviv each day, the U.N. says more than 2 million have left the country altogether, Laura. That's five percent of the country's population two weeks after the Russian invasion and this war started. Today Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, which is about the size of Dallas or San Diego, another Russian general was reportedly killed in battle as well as more than two dozen innocent civilians. Many of the residents have fled the violence.

Earlier today I spoke with Olga (ph) Shevchenko (ph) who owned a coffee shop off the main square in Kharkiv until a Russian missile destroyed it. She's now one of the millions fleeing the country. She went to school at Oral Roberts in Tulsa. Last night she slept on the floor of a church with her mother.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): You lose everything. Your friends and your home and your job and your business and your money, and just everything.


TOMLINSON: Tonight, the Pentagon says a Russian recon team is outside the capital of Kyiv. They're probing inside the city, clearly probing those defenses. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Thank you, Lucas.

And now from the horror that's developing inside the capital of Ukraine to the carnage in the capital of California. In a story that received scant attention just last week, a man named David Mora, he shot and killed his three daughters and their chaperone at a Sacramento church before turning the gun on himself. Mora was out on bail after being arrested five days earlier for drunk driving and assaulting an officer.

But here's the worst part. He was in the U.S. illegally. So why wasn't he apprehended by ICE and deported? Because California's sanctuary laws, they barred local authorities from handing him over or even communicating with ICE agents after the arrest.

So as we rush to greenlight $14 billion for help to the Ukrainians, we first must ask questions about how we are protecting our own citizens.

Joining me now is Scott Jones, sheriff of Sacramento County, California congressional candidate. Sheriff Jones, this is heartbreaking, it's infuriating, it's all too predictable, we have done these stories before. But I think there is so much suffering overseas we can't avoid discussing what is happening right here in the United States. How much longer can Californians put up with this?

SCOTT JONES, SHERIFF OF SACRAMENTO COUNTY: I think you pointed out in your earlier segments, that we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. I think we can do that as a nation.

But this is a battle I have been fighting since 2014 when I had an officer killed and another officer killed by the same man the same day by a person who had been removed from this country four times with no consequences, committing crimes every time he was here. And I have been screaming this from the rooftop. I have spoken in front of Congress. And this is just the latest tragedy.

And the infuriating part about this, and you alluded to it with the sanctuary state law, is ICE did what they were supposed to do when this person was in custody five days prior. They served a detainer saying we know where this guy is. We want him. We want to take custody of him. But solely because of our sanctuary state laws, the jail was unable to not only hold the person but communicate with ICE in any way about his release. And so he was free to walk out the jail and free to kill those people four days later.

INGRAHAM: We have to remind everyone that the president of the United States supported these sanctuary policies when he was on the campaign trail. Presumably he still supports them. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Vice President Biden, you opposed sanctuary cities as a presidential candidate in 2007. Where do you stand now? Should undocumented immigrants arrested by local police be turned over to immigration officials?



INGRAHAM: Sheriff Jones, what's your message to President Biden from Sacramento tonight?

JONES: Then there's more blood on the hands of California legislators and the federal government and the politicians that support it. There is a number of things that could have contributed to this, a tragedy in Sacramento. But there's only one thing that could have prevented it -- if ICE was allowed to have those detainers honored and take custody of this person, that is the only thing that would assure these three beautiful little girls and this innocent man weren't killed just a few days after he got out of jail.

INGRAHAM: Crime is just out of control in so many parts of our country. I have so many wonderful friends and family in California. Everyone is really, really worried and upset about this, but it's going to take political change. Sheriff Jones, thank you.

Now, the COVID centers flew into a tizzy after Florida's surgeon general bucked the medical establishment on vaccinating otherwise healthy children. He's here in moment to fire back at that media smear machine. You will not want to miss his comments. Don't go away.



DR. JOSEPH LADAPO, FLORIDA SURGEON GENERAL: The Florida Department of Health is going to be the first state to officially recommend against the COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children.


INGRAHAM: For making that totally commonsense and science-based announcement, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo was viciously attacked by the usual COVID fanatics. And he joins me now. Dr. Ladapo, excuse me, good to see you tonight. I want you to hear the White House's reaction to your announcement today. Watch.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We know the science, we know the data and what works. It's deeply disturbing that there are politicians peddling conspiracy theories out there and casting doubt on vaccinations when it is our best tool against the virus and best tool to prevent even teenagers from being hospitalized.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Ladapo you are a Harvard educated doctor, and she called you a politician peddling conspiracy theories. Your reaction?

DR. JOSEPH LADAPO, FLORIDA SURGEON GENERAL: I didn't know I was a politician, or that I was peddling conspiracy theories. All that time I thought I was asking an important question that I actually wish more doctors and public health officials would ask, which is, do the benefits of vaccinating healthy children for COVID-19, many of whom have already had COVID, almost all of whom are very low risk -- do those benefits outweigh the risks? That's the important question.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Ladapo, CNN trotted out a vaunted expert to refute your vax recommendation. Watch this.


DR. CHRIS PERNELL, PUBLIC HEALTH PHYSICIAN: That anti-science propaganda really is deadly. We know that any COVID infection can lead to long COVID, and as long as that is true, we need to be doing what is in our best interests to prevent all COVID infections.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Ladapo, she is obviously one little detail wrong. The vaccines, we have seen don't necessarily prevent you from getting the virus, correct? Or am I missing something?

LADAPO: No, Laura. Laura, I'm just going to break this down in a very simple play. So you're right. The media has been hysterical about our announcement, and the argument that you hear is that, well, the vaccines and the COVID vaccines in children reduce the risk of hospitalization.

We're not denying that. That's not the point that we're discussing. It's part of the question that really should be asked, which is it's not about whether or not it reduces risk of hospitalization. The question about is whether it's the right decision for the patient in front of you. So the considerations for that include the fact that, as I mentioned earlier, a lot of these children, in fact, most of the children based on CDC data, have already had COVID-19. Do any data indicate that children who have had COVID-19 who are healthy have any clinical benefit from COVID-19 vaccination? There's no data that shows that.

INGRAHAM: I want to bring up another issue which is this 38-page report that the Children's Health Defense group has discussed, because they say they have documents from Pfizer and the FDA on the vaccine itself. They were forced to release this 38-page report, including the documents, features an appendix, and a list of adverse events of special interest. It includes 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination.

Dr. Ladapo, we reached out to Pfizer to confirm the issue with these documents. We haven't heard back. Either way, it seems like the medical establishment has been downplaying the negative side effects from COVID vaccines, everything from kidney issues, brainstem embolisms, thrombosis, cardiac events, we know myocarditis, neonatal death. There are all sorts of negative side effects in this report, and yet nobody wants to talk about them. Why is that?

LADAPO: I think it's, frankly, because we've had so much science that has, instead of staying in the scientific lane, has decided to enter the propaganda lane. So it's like, whatever is good we'll talk about, whatever is not so good we'll ignore. And we're not going to do that in Florida. The data are the data. Show me the data that show the benefits outweigh the risks in healthy children, and we will happily revise our policy. But those data don't exist because it is a big question mark for healthy children. That's the truth. Those are the facts. And people who say that you still should do it need to ask themselves, what is their objective? Because our objective is to do the best we can for the children in Florida.

INGRAHAM: I think that's admirable and correct. I also think questions always arise when there is a lack of transparency. Why didn't Pfizer put this information out initially? Why didn't China come clean on their role and all the documents and data early on? These are serious questions, and we still don't have answers to this. Dr. Ladapo, thank you so much, great to see you.

And then say everything is bigger in Texas. Does that include Biden's gaffes? Maybe. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Joe Biden didn't let a nice event promoting veteran health care in Texas to stop him from a cringeworthy comment.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This guy is the real deal. The three congressmen you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball, and the other one looks he could bomb you.


BIDEN: And it's a tough group.


INGRAHAM: Can you imagine Donald Trump said anything like that?

That's it for us tonight. Shannon Bream and Benjamin Hall will take it all from here.

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