'The Ingraham Angle' on Chicago's decline, Ukraine aid

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," May 10, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Everyone, I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Thanks for joining us.

The Chicago way. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Lori Lightfoot is one of the most repugnant and disgraceful people in elected office today. That a woman was such disregard for her own constituents serving as mayor of Chicago, one of our great American cities is itself shocking.

As an unrepentant radical, her policies precipitated Chicago's decline and decay. The city's bleeding people, literally and figuratively. People are up and leaving and their record numbers of its residents are becoming victims of crime.

As much as Chicagoans love the summer on the lake and who doesn't love the bears, the cubs, the restaurants, the architecture, they're not going to stay if their home becomes unlivable.

Chicago under Lightfoot is slowly turning into Detroit. But you'd never know the situation is urgent, if you're listening to her.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Real Chicagoans are asking me, how could you possibly even consider running for reelection as mayor of the city of Chicago after all the harm you've caused?

LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO MAYOR: Well, I disagree with you fundamentally. And I don't think I need to address any - and dignify your comments one second further.


INGRAHAM: Her city is being ripped apart by violence, drug overdoses and despair. And she's on Twitter issuing a call to arms, urging people to fight back. If the court reverses Roe, it's going to be the end of the world.

Only a radical out of touch activist like Lightfoot would try to sow confusion about the court's draft opinion to distract residents from her own pitiful performance.

Over Mother's Day weekend alone, at least 18 people were shot, 4 were killed, including the heinous attack on a 23-year-old culinary student Dakotah Earley Friday night. That has left him clinging to life in intensive care.


INGRAHAM: He would go on to shoot him again. This is for a cell phone password. Lightfoot's office has yet to comment about this vicious assault that police believe is connected to seven other robberies in the area, same two individuals. We've reached out to her ourselves, but she has not responded to that either.

So thugs and gangs are running and gunning across Chicago, because they know that Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx and Lightfoot together, they're never going to take them on. Not really.

Chances today are pretty slim, that criminals are going to be caught for maiming and even killing, and certainly for stealing. They'll probably do that without repercussions or penalty. If they're arrested, oftentimes they're put out in the streets the next day.

But Lightfoot hopes people are stupid enough to believe that if Roe is overturned, what, federal authority is going to be busting through your bedroom door? Not that we're supposed to be worried that a man is writhing on the ground under your apartment window in Lincoln Park gasping for life, left for dead.


INGRAHAM: He's saying what's the password? Let's give Lori the benefit of the doubt here. Let's say she's done her best. OK, she's done her best. Well, her best is a disaster. Her radical policies have made Chicago a living hell for the people who most need a break.

Like another family morning after their 22-year-old son was gunned down last week.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --is murdered and it's really hard. I just need justice. The city of Chicago, you got to do something. We have to do something. This is got to stop. I was born and raised here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This young man was one hell of a ball player. That's why I coach so hard to try to save all our young men.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like justice for my grandson.


INGRAHAM: It's heartbreaking. Listed as statistics, the murders, the robberies, the rapes, burglaries, they don't affect you. Like hearing the sobs from the victims, the cries, from their families. But Lightfoot has no answers. Only cliches and meaningless generalities.


LIGHTFOOT: We have taken stock, analyzed the data, and we will be making the necessary changes going into the New Year. None of us will rest until we bring peace to this city.


INGRAHAM: Empty words. There's some monies promised for, I guess, doorbell cameras, some street cameras, jobs programs. But things have only spiraled downward.

Police officers in the Windy City have told me that the revolving door of justice often makes arresting suspects essentially a fruitless exercise. And at a time when police morale has dropped so low, Lori Lightfoot decided to get into a fight with police over a pointless vaccine mandate. It's insane.

Of course, she also sided with teachers unions and kept kids locked out of their schools for over a year during COVID. The damage that was inflicted through that decision alone was immeasurable. Again, the rich kids, they could figure out kind of doing tutors and a workaround, not the underprivileged, who needed in-person schooling the most.

In the end, (ph) we should take on the teachers unions, force them to go back to school. Lightfoot wasn't going to do that. Think about this. This is all Lightfoot and her corrupt party. Republicans do not have the numbers to block her with things as they are.

Look, how many of you would want your kids to work, or live alone in Chicago today? Would you? I love Chicago. It kills me to say this, or ask the question. Democrats there have had every chance to try to succeed. Their hero Barack Obama still calls it home.

But where are his sustained efforts to influence the place for the better? The South side's a long way from Martha's Vineyard. It's what? It's faith, family, law and order, hard work, respect for small business. I mean, that's kind of it. It's not a secret.

Chicago has a very sophisticated and highly educated workforce. It has a strong investment and banking sector. Sports franchises, come on, they're worth billions. But Lori Lightfoot acts as if, I don't know, if she's the president of kind of like a community college, because she prefers getting down into the mud on all the cultural issues. Kowtowing to the gender and racial identity crowd.


LIGHTFOOT: I am here today to formally declare systemic racism as a public health crisis here in Chicago.


INGRAHAM: Yes, the rampant murders. That's - we'll leave that to another day.

So here's a cultural issue, Lori, how about fighting crime? Remember those filmmakers who produced the Dark Knight and the Batman? Well, they shot their films, a lot of it in Chicago. And now, Lightfoot is turning Chicago into a version of Gotham City. It's bleak, it's dark, and for too many, it's really gotten depressing.

But Lightfoot prefers to turn on the local officials, like my next guest, who dares to ask questions.


RAYMOND LOPEZ (D) CHICAGO ALDERMAN: Half our neighborhoods are already obliterated. It's too late. We have to come up with a better plan, because once - my fear is, once they're done looting and rioting and whatever is going to happen tonight, God help us. What happens when they start going after residents? I've got gangbangers with AK47s walking around right now, just waiting to settle some scores.

LIGHTFOOT: Thank you, alderman. Next question.

No, I want an answer. I - you commented on everybody. I want an answer. It's not something you ignore. This is a question that I have.

LIGHTFOOT: I think you're 100 percent full of s*** is what I think.


INGRAHAM: Back to the repugnant and odious part, yes. And yet, she'll always be defended by her friends in the press.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Lori, when she says a call to arms, that's something we in the 60s know what that means. That doesn't mean to go and do any crime. That means to pay attention and make sure you're there voting, doing what you need to do.


INGRAHAM: I'm totally sure that Whoopi would have said the same thing, right? If a Republican mayor issued a call to arms over a school curricula. We already know what our Attorney General thinks of parents who just get upset and write some angry letters.

If liberalism Lightfoot style doesn't work in a city as vibrant as Chicago, my friends, it ain't going to work anywhere. And that's the 'Angle'.

All right. Joining us now, Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez, who is running to unseat Lightfoot. We just watched that golden oldie Alderman. Her approval is at around 30 percent. She's outdoing Biden. How could she possibly win reelection with those numbers?

RAYMOND LOPEZ (D) CHICAGO ALDERMAN: Well, I think - Laura, good evening to you and your viewers. I think her numbers are lower than that. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think she even realizes that she's doing that badly. Because I've never seen someone work so hard to be this disconnected from reality.

You talk about her focusing on the agenda issues of the left. She's been gaslighting people for two years. And what we've seen as of late is that now she's turning to the national issue of a possible decision about abortion rights, which is in no way, shape, or form under attack in the state of Illinois.

It is the law in Illinois. It is legal in Chicago. But she wants to deflect to what's going on at the federal level in the hopes that, as you said, everyone will ignore her failures locally.

Just today, three hours ago, we had a double mass shooting in the back of the arts community, where a group of individuals were shot at by - five people were shot at by gangbangers, and then the retaliation of six other people half a mile away and sued 30 minutes later.

Not a peep out of the mayor. Nothing from our police department because their hands are tied, trying to address this, while she's too busy gaslighting everyone else to deflect from the fear - the real fear that people have. And that's why I--

INGRAHAM: Chicago's - they got to save themselves. Chicago has got to vote this woman out of office. But I want to get to a point, Alderman.

LOPEZ: In 10 months, I'll have the chance to do that.

INGRAHAM: Yes, they absolutely will. And I want to get to your point about being out of touch, because Mayor Lightfoot, last month, she was insisting that everything's just going to be great. Watch.


LIGHTFOOT: I've told my team, this must be a summer of joy. We have the ability to dream about a summer of joy and getting us closer to whatever our new normal is. And it's got to be a summer of joy for our youth.


INGRAHAM: Alderman, how are we looking for the summer of joy?

LOPEZ: So far, in the month of May, we've had 19 people killed by gun violence in the city of Chicago. It is not joyous for Antwon Gee, Devel Jones and others, who have been gunned down, or any of the 184 people who have died by gun violence in the city of Chicago.

The new normal, as far as Lori Lightfoot is concerned, is that everyone in the city of Chicago should live in fear. And that is something that is unacceptable. We cannot continue to allow her to normalize gang life and the violence at the expense of law enforcement.

We will continue to push back. As mayor, I will set sanity back in the city, because this is not only the most American of American cities, but this is a global city. And right now, I refuse as so do tens of thousands of Chicagoans to allow Lori Lightfoot to destroy this city any longer.

INGRAHAM: Yes. If that Boeing move out of the city doesn't wake people up, I mean, if that video that we showed of Dakotah Earley getting gunned down Friday night. And the way that that happened in Lincoln Park, you know the taxes on Lincoln Park, I don't have to tell you, Alderman. It's the highest among the highest in Chicago. He is still clinging to life, but--


INGRAHAM: It's a horrific situation. Alderman Lopez, we're going to be watching this very carefully. Thank you.

And while Lori Lightfoot wants to make Chicago an abortion oasis, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen believes killing the unborn is a boon to the economy.


JANET YELLEN, TREASURY SECRETARY: Eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades.

Roe v Wade in access to reproductive health care, including abortion helped lead to increased labor force participation.


INGRAHAM: Translation, getting rid of those pesky babies will get women, are we allowed to call them that, back in the labor force much quicker than if they actually are mothers. Senator Tim Scott, like many in the room, couldn't believe what he just heard.


SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): Did you say that ending the life of a child is good for the labor force participation rate?

YELLEN: One aspect of a satisfying life is being able to feel that you have the financial resources to raise a child. In many cases, abortions are of teenage women, particularly low income and often black.

SCOTT: As a guy raised by a black woman in abject poverty, I'm thankful to be here as a United States Senator.


INGRAHAM: That was the line of the day. Joining me now is Kellyanne Conway, former senior counselor of President Trump, author of "Here's the Deal", and mother of four.

Kellyanne, what does Janet Yellen, who shouldn't even have her current position at Treasury, things are so bad she should have been fired long ago after dismissing inflation. What - why is she now going off the rails on the abortion issue? I mean, what?

KELLYANNE CONWAY, FMR SR COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: She's singing from her hymn book, and this is their religion, Laura. It was so embarrassing to have the Secretary of Treasury, who's presiding over this economic decline of the Biden-Harris administration, to actually read from pre-written notes perhaps supplied by Planned Parenthood.

They give one pregnancy referral for every, about 81 abortions, they perform everybody. You pay about a half a billion dollars in taxpayer dollars a year to Planned Parenthood. And she's talking about the economy being more important than about 885,000 babies aborted a year.

And then she goes in and channels her inner Margaret Sanger, the eugenicist, who started Planned Parenthood who said, Don't tell anybody but we'd like to extinguish certain race in this population. She goes and tells Tim Scott, a black Republican senator, who's just asked her to clarify her very racist remarks, and doubles down on them by saying, Look, a lot of these people who need access to abortion so they can participate, not be in labor, but be in the labor force, they're young, they're teenagers, they're black. What kind of life for their child have?

My goodness, that is racist. And this is somebody, who as Secretary of the Treasury, should be worried about inflation. She should be doing what Steve Mnuchin did at this point in our administration, having presided over Tax Cut and Jobs Act, deregulation, a sound economy. It goes on and on.

But this is what's defining the left now. They think they've got a new issue headed into the midterms, even the Vice President has something new to do. But it's not going to work.

INGRAHAM: No, it's - it is, I'd say, last gasp that kind of plays into the abortion issue for them. But it's pathetic.

There's another, Kellyanne, kind of ghoulish comment from Yellen that we need to play. Watch.


YELLEN: It allowed women to plan and balance their families and careers. And research also shows that it had had a favorable impact on the well being and earnings of children.


INGRAHAM: Kellyanne, so she says, abortion--

CONWAY: Well, not of our children. Not the ones who didn't make it. Yes.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I mean, they - it just kind of takes your breath away. But this is where they are. This is the core of the Democrat Party today. This issue, more than any of the other issues, climate - that is their sacred altar, and they will go back to it every time.

CONWAY: Yes. But I think Yellen made a big mistake today, Laura, because even the hard left, the feminists are trying to downplay the elitist aspect of their message. They don't want you to know that roughly 400,000 black babies have been aborted per year, roughly about 18 or 19 million since Roe v Wade.

And there's a great op ed on foxnews.com right now by T.W. Shannon. He's half black have check us all. And he says, Don't tell me black lives matter until black babies lives matter and goes through all the statistics for folks.

So, I think that Janet Yellen's testimony today is the sort of Nantucket quieter version of what's going on in front of the justices' houses, where people are protesting, violating federal U.S. Code by doing so. Threatening, intimidating, not trying to change, not protesting an opinion that's been issued by the court, Laura, but trying to change an opinion, trying to intimidate in sight.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Kellyanne, it's great to see you.

CONWAY: And it won't work.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, I think people are reacting very poorly to this. But again, they don't have anything else. They have a dying economy on their hands.

CONWAY: Laura, there's an entire chapter in my new book "Here's the Deal", entire chapter in the new book coming out about the arc of abortion opinion over the decades.

INGRAHAM: Oh, great. Well, Kellyanne, thank you so much. Great to see you tonight.

And, remember, if you cannot watch us live, make sure, set a series record on your DVR. I've helped a lot of you do this. I realized that. Don't miss us. You don't want to miss this. Remember, it's every weeknight at 10pm.

OK. Biden's big speech on inflation. Well, one about as well is expected today. But beyond the policy prescriptions, there was something more troubling about his appearance. What was it? Mollie Hemingway and Stephen Miller have reaction in moments. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: All right. It was a bad decision in hindsight. But today, Joe Biden held a press conference on the issue of runaway inflation. Why they think sending him out is ever going to be a good idea is beyond me.

But he said, it will be the first of many on the topic. And then he made a promise.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I know the families all across America are hurting because of inflation. I want every American to know that I'm taking inflation very seriously and it's my top domestic priority.


INGRAHAM: OK. It's a little late, don't you think? A year ago, this show and others, we tried to warn you.


INGRAHAM: Inflation surges. The Democrats dream of a wild massive fake spendorama is slowly fading away as their own party's economic gurus are ratting them out now. Former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has been warning about the dark clouds forming over the Biden economy for months.


INGRAHAM: Now, forget the ignored warnings. If you truly cared about resolving the crisis, you wouldn't continue making excuses for why it's now happening.


BIDEN: I think our policies help, not hurt. Think about what they say. The vast majority of the economist, think that this is going to be a real tough problem to solve. But it's not because of spending.


INGRAHAM: Let's just not ever stop spending. But it isn't just the President's reckless policies that have lawmakers worried. Earlier today, Senator Rick Scott questioned the President's fitness for office. Biden was asked about it at the presser.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said, and I'm just quoting here, that the best thing was the fact that thing Joe Biden can do to solve the inflation crisis he created, is resign. Joe Biden is unwell. He's unfit for office. He's incoherent, incapacitated and confused. These are his words, offering you a chance to respond.

BIDEN: I think the man has a problem.


INGRAHAM: No, Joe. The problem is you. You prove the senator's point.


BIDEN: They've made their intentions perfectly clear. Senator Rick Scott who is constant, a member of the Senate Republican leadership laid it all out.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Mollie Hemingway, Fox News contributor, editor in chief at The Federalist; and Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to President Trump and founder of America First Legal.

Stephen, first time I've seen you in a studio for a couple of years.


INGRAHAM: Well, unbelievable. All right. Is it good or bad for the country that inflation is now on Biden's mind? That's a question.

MILLER: Well, it's very bad, because everything he puts his mind to, turns extremely catastrophic very quickly. In President Biden's speech today, he said that inflation is his number one domestic policy priority.

They should have just added the word increasing before the word inflation. And I can guarantee you, he would be successful in that mission. Because inflation has set a record month after month after month for decade high we are suffering through right now.

INGRAHAM: Now, Mollie, Biden has a new catchphrase because Putin's price hikes didn't work quite well. But he hopes this one will smear the Republicans.


BIDEN: I never expected the ultra MAGA Republicans, who seem to control the Republican Party now, to have been able to control the Republican Party.


INGRAHAM: Mollie, ultra MAGA, what, it sounds like some product that I'd rather not mention right now. But I'm not quite sure what this is. I guess, would Miller qualify as ultra MAGA?

MILLER: I hope so.

INGRAHAM: Let me just say, you're definitely ultra MAGA. I think, I'm probably ultra MAGA. Mollie, what is this? Someone's writing this for him.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, THE FEDERALIST: I know. I would love to know who thought this was actually a good idea to use this term. Because it actually takes something that you're - they're trying to actually make it sound uncool. Ultra MAGA sounds totally cool.


HEMINGWAY: And so, I don't know what they're thinking at all. But I do assume what they're trying to do is kind of move away from the extremism of their policies, the failure of their policies, everything Biden has.

As was just mentioned, everything Biden has touched - He said inflation was his number one priority, he didn't actually say, decreasing inflation. He said, maybe--

MILLER: No, they said, to spend some that way.

HEMINGWAY: Yes, maybe it was increasing and then he's done actually a pretty good job with his spending packages, with his decreasing of energy independence. He's managed to create this power.

INGRAHAM: Miller, how worried are you about the fall and the mentioning of COVID. It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. 100 million cases unless we get our $20 billion and more pushing of the mail-in ballots, more justification for extended voting.

Again, maybe people are worried about schools and some cities as well. Teachers unions are going to be saying that we need more ventilation or whatever their latest complaint is.

MILLER: They are clearly laying the groundwork now. All these news articles that you're reading about how in the fall and winter there's going to be a catastrophic, disastrous surge of COVID, 100 million cases. What they are saying is in October, they are going to have to force everyone to vote by mail, drop boxes everywhere, no identification, no verification. And then, if they are not drubbed in November and December, you will see mandates come back with a vengeance.

INGRAHAM: I think that's right. And Mollie, the White House is now endorsing illegality. Watch.


MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, EDITOR IN CHIEF, "THE FEDERALIST": I know that there's an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to update, and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges' homes.


INGRAHAM: What she is describing is against the law.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, EDITOR IN CHIEF, "THE FEDERALIST": Yes, the proper response when asked about these protests is that what she should be things is that President Biden condemns them, that he tells people to get away from people's houses and their children if they are Supreme Court justices. This is against local, state, federal rules. You're not ever to intimidate a justice in the course of them coming up with a decision. And instead, they are actually encouraging this to continue. And it's not just Biden. It is, of course, Senator Schumer has personally threatened two of these justices.

INGRAHAM: Imagine if any of this was done outside of the Watergate hotel with RGB's -- how many times have conservatives been upset about court decisions over the last 10 years, forget the last 30 years? Imagine if conservative activists went to justices' homes and started screaming at any time of day or night?

HEMINGWAY: But we have two standards of justice in this town --

INGRAHAM: Right, totally.

HEMINGWAY: -- or in this country. And it is one where you are allowed to threaten and go after people if they are political opponents.

MILLER: If those were ultra MAGA protesters they would all be in jail or be in ankle bracelets right now, without a question. And they'd be facing years in jail potentially.

INGRAHAM: But Glenn Youngkin, of course, his election just completely I think has galvanized so many parents across the country and given them real hope you can make a difference in these elections as the new governor of Virginia, he said he is monitoring the situation at the homes of the justices. Is that a strong enough response, Stephen?

MILLER: I don't know exactly what his plan is, and so I hope he is just not tipping his hand. But I will say you need a forceful law-enforcement response. You need to print up and disburse these illegal protests at once, and anyone who has broken the law goes to jail for the maximum.

HEMINGWAY: Final word from you, Mollie, on this, because it takes one person in a crowd who feels invincible in a situation like this for something to happen.

HANNITY: And that is why monitoring is not sufficient. You don't want to have a situation where someone is actually assassinated. You've been hearing a lot of this rhetoric from the Democrats and supporters of Joe Biden. He should be personally condemning them by name for what they are doing here before something horrific happens.

INGRAHAM: All the liberal justices should also sign a letter with the other justices, all the justices I'm sure --

HEMINGWAY: I'm sure they have --

INGRAHAM: -- they're all worried and they're all concerned. But Youngkin has got to do more. I think both of you are right on that. Stephen and Mollie, great to see you in studio tonight.

MILLER: Thank you, it's great to be here.

INGRAHAM: Here's a clue for tonight's "Wit's End" segment that will be revealed at the end of the show. Which celebrity is finally speaking out against soaring prices? It's probably, by the way, hint, not for the reason you think. Which celebrity is finally speaking out about soaring prices? Tweet me your guesses @IngrahamAngle, and we're going to see if you get it right.

But up next, is a major upset brewing in Pennsylvania in that Republican Senate primary? Kathy Barnette thinks so. She has surged into contention and she joins me next to explain why she thinks that's going to happen. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: In the hotly contested Republican Senate primary in Pennsylvania, there's been a lot of attention paid to two men, Dr. Mehmet Oz and David McCormick. The two have spent tens of millions of dollars on the campaign so far. Oz, as you know, won the endorsement of former President Trump while Dave McCormick is the choice of former Trump secretary of state Mike Pompeo and former trade rep Bob Lighthizer. But despite all that money and the political star power, there's now a third candidate who has seen a late surge, veteran and single mother Kathy Barnette. "Politico" is describing her as an "ultra MAGA longshot." But that doesn't apply any longer, because two new polls have her surging within the margin of error.

Kathy Barnette joins us now. Kathy, it's good to see you. You were on with us last week, a week-and-a-half ago or so, to talk about your mom and your own story of life. But to what do you attribute your late surge in this race?

KATHY BARNETTE, (R) PENNSYLVANIA U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE: Yes, and let me just offer just one point of correction. My husband is watching right now. I am not a single mother. We have been married for over 20 years. So I love you, babe.

To your question, Laura is we have simply ran a much better race than my opponent. And we ran a much better race because we have always kept the main thing the main thing, and that is the people of Pennsylvania. Instead of doing slick commercial ads and having posters tell me whether I use a fork or a spoon and what buzzwords I should say, we simply walked out of our front door, and I earnestly believe that if the people of Pennsylvania knew they had a better option, they would take it.

And the polls are showing just that. They now know, contrary to many in the media who have just made this about two particular people, they now know that they have a better option. They don't have to hold their nose and settle this time.

INGRAHAM: Now, Kathy, the National Journal has a piece out about what they are calling "extreme candidates," and it mentions you specifically, saying that "Republicans fear there's a lot more baggage that could come out if Barnette is the nominee given that she has not faced the same degree of scrutiny as her better-known rivals." Do you want to share the dirt with us, Kathy? What is all the dirt that they are referencing here?

BARNETTE: Yes, there are no bones that are going to fall out of my closet. But we know mainstream media, we know politics is dirty, and so people come up with a slew of things. I don't care. We have been running for over 13 months now. If the media was not so taken aback by the money that these two particular gentlemen were bringing to the race, they would have seen me. I have always been here. I was here before Oz decided to leave New Jersey and come and run as a Pennsylvanian. I was here when McCormick was still living in Connecticut and decided to move here this year. I have always been here.

So they could have done their due diligence. Now they are just late to the party, and they are upset. But again, the people of Pennsylvania, they are looking for someone who actually lives here in Pennsylvania and who shares their values. And I have made much better case for the fact that I am them. I am a true Pennsylvanian.

INGRAHAM: It's a tight race. The three of you, it is fascinating for me to watch, because I really think your story is amazing. I think David McCormick's story is incredible as an Army Ranger and West Point. I think you both have a lot. I don't know Oz. I'm not quite as wild about that situation. But Kathy, you have made such an impact on the abortion question, and it's again, front and center. We were referring to your single mother earlier, by the way. Here's part of the ad that frontrunner Dr. Oz released about the issue just yesterday. Watch.


DR. MEHMET OZ, (R) PENNSYLVANIA SENATE CANDIDATE: I have a very strong perspective as a pro-life candidate. I'm a heart surgeon. And a heart surgeon operates on children. I met a child who at five days of age had surgery at my hospital. That heart is about the size of my pinky nail. Could you imagine harming that? Imagine nine months earlier, terminating, killing that life.

I'm pro-life. Life starts at conception. And that's how I feel.


INGRAHAM: Kathy, I think it was Dave McCormick who released that ad showing him saying the exact opposite about a heart, whether it was beating at a particular park. I'm not sure what he was referencing right there. But it seems to be a reaction to that pro-life criticism of Oz. Your reaction to that?

BARNETTE: Mehmet Oz is having an identity crisis. We don't know if he is Pennsylvanian or from New Hampshire. We don't know if he's Turkey first or America first. And we certainly don't know if he is truly a liberal as he has portrayed himself to be during his public career, or if he is now a MAGA conservative.

And the real point is that we don't have time to wait for Mehmet to figure out who he is. Our nation is in trouble. And the people here in Pennsylvania, we see it. Now we're talking about not having enough baby formula for our children. We are looking at gas prices. We are looking, Biden inherited an inflation of 1.7 percent. Now we're well over eight percent and growing. So we have real issues, and we need people who actually understand who they are so that they can be in service to the people of Pennsylvania, and that's what I'm offering.

INGRAHAM: Kathy, we are watching this race very, very closely. It's days away. And we really appreciate your being here. Thank you so much.

As Kathy just mentioned, shortages of baby formula threaten thousands of babies, and the House of Representatives just passed a bill sending another $40 billion of your tax money to Ukraine? What do Americans really think about this? The Angle hit the streets for answers. Stay there.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have been having to look pretty heavily for it, I would say, for the last four or five months. But this last month it has just become impossible to find.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Unfortunately, for me, I can't breast-feed my kids. I depend a lot on form that, otherwise my kid can't eat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You would think it wouldn't be a problem to be able to feed your baby. But now it's really scary.


INGRAHAM: How is this America? This the United States of America. And as American mothers like the ones you just heard, they are struggling to feed their children. We're sending billions and billions and billions to eastern Europe. In the last hour the House passed a bill to spend another $40 billion to Ukraine in military and humanitarian aid. Is this even popular with the American people? Well, we took to the streets to do our own little survey.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Babies aren't coming first? Why not take care of children? That doesn't make any sense. I think the government needs to do more than that. They need to really think about America and put money on the side for our means first. Take care of ourselves, then we can take care of the rest of the world.

I'm very sensitive to people losing their lives. I'm very sensitive for the fact that people are dying unnecessarily. However, we have the same problems here in the United States. I don't see any of these issues being addressed here in our own country. There's still homelessness here. There's still unemployment here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Inflation screwing every working-class person, especially young people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do if you can't find formula? My daughter breast-feeds, but if you can't find a formula, what do you give your new grandson? I don't know what the appropriate amount of money to send to Ukraine is, but I think we need to take care of business at home at the same time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a lot going on in America, but it's like, why are we worried about overseas? And that's all I've got to say on that one.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Jim Jordan, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, who voted against this massive appropriation. Congressman, do your fellow lawmakers realize that to the average American who is freaking out right now about issues like baby formula, that they are not in sync with what they would like Congress to be doing right now?

REP. JIM JORDAN, (R-OH) HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER: I think the men on the street and the folks you were talking to, they get it. Think about your typical family out there. We've got a 41 year high inflation rate. Everything costs more for the moms and dads and families. Rent costs more, gas costs more, clothes cost more, food cost more --

INGRAHAM: We know that, Congressman. What is Congress doing?

JORDAN: We've got a --

INGRAHAM: What is Congress doing? You guys are sending $40 billion over to Ukraine. American weakness helped create that, and Europe helped.

JORDAN: I understand, yes.

INGRAHAM: But this is just -- Ukraine money dump, if people think it was a Democrat led initiative, Congressman. Everyone has to think again. Watch this.


SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL, (R-KY) SENATE MINORITY LEADER: I think we all agree the most important thing going on in the world right now is the war in Ukraine. I had a chance to call the president last week and request that the Ukraine package move by itself, and quickly.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, meanwhile, we still have an open border, gang wars on our streets, homelessness two blocks from where we are doing this show right now.

JORDAN: Look, Laura, I understand people's intentions. I understand how bad the situation is for the Ukrainian people, what they're going through and why some of my colleagues may have went that way. But I also understand what is happening here in this country with record levels of crime, a border that is wide open, an attorney general who treat the very moms and dads you were talking to as if they were domestic terrorists.

And what have the Democrats done in the last two weeks? Last week they give us the disinformation governance board and come after our First Amendment liberties, and this week spend $40 billion on a foreign country. So that's the concern that I have, and I think so many Americans have. I voted for all so any kinds of help for Ukraine thus far, but this bill, we said no, look, we've got to focus on the issues that count here in America, that matter to American families, and also help Ukraine, but do it in a way that makes more sense than I think this piece of legislation did, particularly the fact that we only had a few hours to look at it, for goodness sake is another reason we should have been against it.

INGRAHAM: This is insane. This is insane. And at the same time we are taking the tariffs off of the Chinese goods coming into the country, which means we are helping the country that is giving money to Russia, by dumping the tariffs, Trump's tariffs. So figure out how that makes any sense.

JORDAN: That's why we need President Trump back. That's why we need President Trump back. All of the good things he did, we would not be in this situation if President Trump were still in the Oval Office, and I think all your viewers know that.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, great to see you tonight, thank you so much.

And our "Wit's End" segment is next. OK, the clue -- which celebrity is finally speaking out against soaring prices? And it's probably not for the reason you think. So hurry up, tweet me your guesses @IngrahamAngle. That's next.


INGRAHAM: Which celebrity is finally speaking out against soaring prices? Here's some of your answers. Ann Pierce tweeted "Elon Musk," what? jack starks wrote "Britney Spears," and TREE guessed "Will Smith." Who is TREE? Interesting. Here is the big reveal.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All over the world they give these things with no charge for it. There's an exorbitant charge. Why? Why when it's so important now to address climate change? There's no reason for it except greed.


INGRAHAM: Legendary actor James Cromwell glued himself to the Starbucks counter.

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