'The Ingraham Angle' on Biden's COVID response

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," December 2, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: All right, Hannity. Thanks so much. We'll see you tomorrow. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is 'Ingraham Angle' from Washington tonight.

Anthony Fauci has now spent the better part of 18 months promising the American people that normality is right around the corner. But something he said last night reveals that he doesn't really want that, never did. Alex Berenson banned on Twitter is not banned here. He's here to explain why we knew this all along.

But first, the COVID warrior smites himself. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm not going to shut down the country. I'm going to shut down the virus.


INGRAHAM: Now, how's that going? That whole shutting down the virus thing. Now, let's look at the facts. Now despite three widely available and free vaccines, along with employer and government mandates to force them on people, nearly 352,000 Americans have died with COVID thus far during Biden's first year in office.

And while he didn't shut down the economy, well, his reckless agenda has flattened the curve on wage and GDP growth. Inflation soaring, that's eating up wages, the price of gas, food, housing, it's all climbing. And millions of Americans are out of the labor force because of vaccine mandates or fat unemployment checks.

The only bright spots in Biden's America are the bright red ones run by Republican governors who knew early on that any response to COVID had to be carefully balanced against other things like economic, educational, and basic liberty interests.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): Florida, we have the lowest COVID rate in the country for cases. Lot of those places that have the high infections, they have mandates and they have passports and they have all these things. We should not be imposing any type of mandates or restrictions on the American people.


INGRAHAM: Now, it's clear what approach Americans prefer over the course of the pandemic, thousands and thousands. We don't even know the whole - the entire amount have fled blue cities and states for redder pastures. Florida, Texas have gained congressional seats, while California and New York have lost them.

And no one is going to convince me that Youngkin's victory in Virginia wasn't impart a rejection of school closures and mask mandates. People are over both.

Of course, the Biden White House refuses to see that they have a substantive problem on their hands at all. They think they can spin and spend their way out of bad poll numbers. Yet even after Biden signed that so-called infrastructure bill in the law, his polls and we predicted this, sunk to another new low today.

A morning console survey has Biden at an abysmal 45 percent. Now, it seems that every time we report on another dismal Biden benchmark, the White House decides to send him out to deliver remarks that are both deadly boring and inconsequential. Today, it was more testing sites, free ad home testing kits, and stricter testing of international travelers.

So the most powerful man on the planet sounded like he was reading a press release written by some intern in the comms shop.


BIDEN: If you're wondering where to go again, visit vaccines.com. And today, I'm announcing that we're going to launch hundreds of new family vaccination clinics across the country. These sites are going to offer vaccinations for the whole family one stop. Get your booster shot when you're eligible. Excuse me, we don't yet believe.


INGRAHAM: No, you're not excused. Of course, on the COVID front, the constituency the White House is really trying to serve is the press corps. From day one of the pandemic, the press has urged lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, any and all restrictions on our freedom.

And now, even if most Americans have moved on from COVID, they're still pushing Biden for more isolation of the unvaccinated.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why not go further in the direction of mandates given the potential risks?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I would say that nothing is off the table, so - including domestic travel.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why the hesitancy to require proof of vaccination for domestic travel?

JEFFREY ZIENTS, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE COORDINATOR: We do as we talked about have those type requirements on the international travel. We'll continue to look at all options and everything's on the table.


INGRAHAM: All options are on the table. Think about that.

Now, what the media really want and they always have wanted this is for us to look like Europe. They love the high gas prices. But that's not all. Of course, Europe is quickly becoming its own COVID police state.

Just yesterday, the Austrian government approved and extended 20-day nationwide lockdown, because they worked so well the first time. Now, this comes after they announced compulsory vaccinations for all.

Meanwhile, Germany is imposing its own strict lockdown for the unvaccinated, and leadership there wants universal mandatory vaccinations. Now, with its dark history, Germany's tactics would make the old fascist proud. And don't think for a second that whoever is winding up Biden every morning, wouldn't do the same here with all these controls, if they could.

But thankfully, America has a constitution that protects individual liberty. We have states that value freedom over false promises of safety. And we have federal judges who are one by one halting Biden's vaccine mandates.

Yet another court challenge was announced today by Oklahoma's governor on behalf of members of the National Guard there, who are objecting to the vaccine order for the U.S. military.

And in New Jersey, state legislators today did their own part in defying an order requiring that they show proof of negative COVID test, or proof of vaccination. A number of them ended up walking right past state troopers into the House chamber.

The officers eventually let them through, although we hear that the assembly Democrats are still trying to figure out ways to physically remove these Republicans, prevent them from voting. But the GOP is on a roll there, almost winning the governorship in New Jersey. And remember, they flipped seven seats in the New Jersey legislature. It was their most successful state legislative election in three decades. New Jersey Republicans need to keep fighting.

Most Americans need to be conscientious objectors and just say no, we need more of you. And congressional Republicans, right now they need to make it crystal clear that they will use every legal means at their disposal to stop any future domestic controls on the unvaccinated.

No travel bans, no vaccine passports, no more mask mandates. Any such executive orders coming out of the White House are illegal and unconstitutional. And we believe the court will rule as such. They should fight these stupid mandates for masks on planes as well, forcing these little toddlers to wear masks. It's total child abuse.

The order is always and was ineffective and idiotic. So, of course, Biden extended it today until the spring.

Now, but as I've said since the spring of 2020, if left up to the Democrats and the media, we are never going to be free of masks and rolling lockdowns. No matter how many Americans are vaccinated or already have had COVID.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I wonder if I'm the only one who is going to wear a mask, now even after the pandemic. Traveling and--


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just going to do it. Joe, it's like, it protects you from the flu and stuff.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's been really nice not having the flu for a couple of years now. If I can go another year and a half, two years without the flu, I'll put that mask on in a plane whether I like it or not.



INGRAHAM: It's so ridiculous. Like all these people don't go maskless when they think the cameras aren't rolling. Hello, Obama.

Real America has already gone on with life. Whatever COVID variants pop up next, they've moved on. At the SEC college football championship in Atlanta on Saturday, about, what, 85,000 people will be cheering and yelling maskless for Alabama and Georgia. They're going to be having a great time.

And thousands of churches across the United States, believers will be singing their hearts out without masks. Because most of them know the truth. The red states got COVID right. And Biden's not really running the COVID response anyway. A fact that the President let slip today in a lame attempted humor.


BIDEN: I've seen more - Dr. Fauci that I have my wife, we kid each other. But look, who's president? Fauci. But all kidding aside, I sincerely mean it.


INGRAHAM: He sincerely means it. Fauci is really president. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Utah Senator Mike Lee. Senator Lee, tonight, your effort to defund the government, if they didn't rescind these mandates failed. But I think this vote is really significant for this reason. All 50 Democrats, including Manchin and Sinema voted to essentially fire frontline workers, military personnel, et cetera.

So how can they look at their constituents in the eye after this vote today, given what it does to the regular working class people and military folks that we need so desperately?

SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT): Laura, you're exactly right, that it was imperative that we have this vote. We've got a federal government whose tentacles reach into every aspect of human existence. And it's threatening right now to fire 45 million American workers.

We needed to have a vote on whether to decide to fund that feature of government that's going to enforce this mandate. Every Senator needed to put his or her name on the line. Tonight, they have that opportunity to do so. I'm glad I stood with the workers of Utah and of America. I think it's sad, and it's frankly disgraceful that Senator Schumer resisted this long, allowing us to even cast a vote on whether to defund those mandates.

INGRAHAM: Now, Senator Lee, Biden's COVID czar was on TV today, lying about the effectiveness of these vax mandates. Watch.


ZIENTS: Vaccine mandates or requirements work. It's really important that we implement the existing mandates, the best tool we have is vaccination. And for those who are fully vaccinated to get booster to take their vaccination level or their protection level to the highest level yet.


INGRAHAM: Senator Lee, vaccine mandates have, of course, forced thousands of Americans out of their jobs and a down economy. So how does this - how was this a success? And if it's a success, why in places like Michigan, where they've pushed these vaccines on their people have had some of the biggest upticks in infection and hospitalization?

LEE: Not only have they seen upticks, but you also see, in many instances, a lot of the same people who might otherwise be persuadable to get the vaccine at some point, are now more reluctant to get them than ever. Why? Well, because the government says, you have to get it.

If the government has so little confidence in their ability to make clear that people ought to get this, that they have to force it on people or fire them, it's going to cause a lot of people understandably to say, maybe this isn't such a good thing.

In fact, it's a reaction I hear about from a lot of people in any event, regardless of whether it's good or bad, regardless, even if you could demonstrate, which you can't, that this is somehow having some positive physical impact on American health. It's still wrong. It's still immoral. It's still illegal, and it's wildly unconstitutional.

INGRAHAM: Now, we're going to examine the constitutionality question in our next segment. But Senator Lee, you're an incredible lawyer, in addition to an amazing senator.

What's your take on whether, let's say, they actually bow down to what the media wants and try to institute because of Omicron, or some other variant, a domestic travel ban for the unvaccinated? Do you think this Supreme Court would uphold such a ban?

LEE: No, I don't. Nor do they - do I think they will uphold the employer mandate either. These are some of the most egregious acts of presidential overreach since on April 12 of 1952. President Harry Truman seized every steel mill in America.

The Supreme Court knocked down that presidential overreach and it's going to do the same thing here. But it's going to take a few months, which is why we need to defund this thing in the meantime.

INGRAHAM: You bet. And thank you for pushing that vote. Now, we have everyone on the record. Senator Lee, thank you.

And joining me now is Jonathan Turley, George Washington University law professor, Fox News contributor. Professor, I do want to get your reaction to the question I just asked Senator Lee.

What happens - let's first start with the vaccine mandates that are in place now. We have the challenge now against the military vaccine mandate coming out of Oklahoma tonight. We have the other vaccine mandate questions for health care workers. They're all going to end up at the Supreme Court. How do things look with that Jacobson precedent with smallpox from all those years ago?

JONATHAN TURLEY, GWU LAW PROFESSOR: Well, it's been a remarkably bad run for the White House. They've racked up a number of losses in notably different areas. These are mandates related to federal contractors. I also mandate with regard to Medicare, dealing with facilities. And then, of course, the big OSHA ruling. And all of those courts said that they don't see at the preliminary injunction stage, the clear authority for the government to do what it did.

In fact, the Fifth Circuit cited a Biden's own chief of staff Ron Klain, who really was - really ill advised when he cited the - or retweeted a statement that this was all a workaround. That it has acknowledged that they didn't have the constitutional authority to do this directly. And so, Klain retweeted that we found a workaround.

Well, the Fifth Circuit cited that courts don't take to workarounds in the Constitution. They like to see direct authority. And many of the problems that they've encountered has been an effort to avoid, notice and comment. They used an emergency provision under OSHA that allowed them to skip that. Another court found that to be also a problem in another mandate.

So there's a host of issues here that courts are flagging. And they're really racking up quite a litany of losses.

INGRAHAM: Now, one of the issues, professor, that much of this has been driven by things like TV doctors, who are saying really outrageous things like this.


PETER HOTEZ, TEXAS CHILDREN'S PEDIATRICIAN: Our major tool is vaccination. So the Biden administration is doing everything it can within the power of the federal government. The problem is, by constitutional design, the way Madison and Jefferson did this, there are limits to the reach of the federal government.


INGRAHAM: They're really annoyed at the founders. They really don't like the fact that we have a constitutional republic. That annoys these people who want total medical control over individuals.

TURLEY: Well, it's rather ironic, since the Democrats really took Donald Trump to task when they believed that he was acting unilaterally. This is an extra constitutional move in some regards.

Keep in mind that with the CDC eviction moratorium in another area, the President acknowledged that he was told by his own White House counsel that that moratorium was likely unconstitutional. He acknowledged that most legal experts that they spoke to said, that was unconstitutional. They could only find one apparently, Lawrence Tribe, who gave it a green light.

And he said, you know what, we're going to go forward because by the time it takes them to strike this down, we'll get a lot of money out of the door. Well, the courts made fast work of it. But there's this reckless attitude of the administration towards some of this litigation. These losses cost the executive branch. They're creating precedent, not just against this president, but future president.

INGRAHAM: And, Jonathan, really quickly, because we're out of time. On this domestic travel ban, which they're itching, they're clearly itching to impose on the unvaccinated. In your estimation, what are the like - what's the likelihood that that would survive constitutional scrutiny?

TURLEY: Well, they have considerable authority in that area. So it could end up a close question. But I got to tell you, courts are showing greater and greater skepticism. You have to make the case. You can't just simply say, we have a new variant. The courts are now asking those questions they didn't ask at the beginning of the pandemic. They're all from Missouri, and they're saying, show me.

INGRAHAM: Now, well, if depriving individuals of their right to travel in interstate is one of the more stunning things--

TURLEY: That's a significant deprivation.

INGRAHAM: I would never - I mean, we've never heard of that in the United States before. I don't believe. Jonathan, thank you.

Now, for 18 months, Anthony Fauci has promised that we are all going to return to normal. It's right around the corner. But we have new video that shows that he never really wanted that.

Alex Berenson is here with reaction in moments.



ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic.

BIDEN: If we succeed in this effort, then Americans will have taken a serious step towards return to normal.

ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: If people follow the recommendations what to do in traveling, in getting vaccinated, in getting boosted, we could have a situation where you do continue to veer towards getting to some degree of normality.


INGRAHAM: Some degree of normality. You got to parse the sentences here. The truth is they never liked the old normal. They always wanted to use the pandemic to usher in a new normal. And all of this was made clear in last night's COVID town hall on CNN.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everyone has been talking about what to do if you're unvaccinated, or without a booster. But what should someone who has all three shots do to protect themselves against the Omicron variant?

FAUCI: The question that was just asked is very relevant. One of the things that's very clear is that, you - if you have to be in an indoor congregate setting, in which you're unsure of what the vaccination status is of the people around you, wear a mask.


INGRAHAM: Wait, does that include Nancy Pelosi, or Gavin Newsom? Here now is someone who hasn't been scared to tell the truth about this pandemic from the start, Alex Berenson, the author of the new must read book, I love this book, 'Pandemia'. Alex, congrats on the book.

Now, this Fauci comment, and the mindset from him is - he's confirming what you and I have thought from the beginning, that this is a way of life now. This is the American way of life and masks and mandates are never going away until we have a change in leadership.

ALEX BERENSON, "PANDEMIA" AUTHOR: I think that might be true. Certainly, there's no scientific rationale for at this point even distinguishing between vaccinated and unvaccinated people in terms of their ability to transmit this. We know vaccinated people can be walking around with very high loads of virus just like unvaccinated people.

And in writing Pandemia, I got to see all the lies and all the misstatements from Fauci and other public health people for the last two years. And I understand better now, why everyone is so cynical. Everyone who's been paying attention is so cynical about everything that comes out of this man's mouth, and Rochelle Walensky, and everybody else who's telling us what to do. They've been wrong about practically everything from the beginning.

And it's increasingly clear that if we had done next to nothing, we'd be in exactly the same place we are now. We might be in a better place. We might have actually reached herd immunity at this point.

INGRAHAM: Well, if they actually believed in herd immunity. Well, one of the experts, by the way--

BERENSON: And natural immunity.

INGRAHAM: Yes, exactly. MSNBC's this guy, Irwin Redlener, who is the Chief Medical analyst there, he doesn't see COVID going away for a long, long, long time.


IRWIN REDLENER, MSNBC MEDICAL ANALYST: Those who were wishing myself included for a soon ending to this catastrophic pandemic, I'm afraid we're just going to have to be waiting a while. I don't see whether this is going to go away in the next two to three years. And we're going to have to just prepare ourselves for the long haul.


INGRAHAM: Alex, all the red states pretty much know it's endemic likely. But they've learned a little bit and they're moving on. They're not cowering in the corner masked - with three masks.

BERENSON: And all these people were the same people telling you, if you just rolled up your sleeves and got two shots. The data was great last year in November and December. The vaccines were going to end this. I mean, you could do an hour of people saying that the vaccines would end the pandemic.

And for them now, I mean, they're lying when they say they didn't say that. It's all on the record. Again, it is just astonishing to me. It was astonishing, remains astonishing to me in writing this book. It's about school closures, about lockdowns, about testing traits, about masks and now about vaccines. All of it.

INGRAHAM: Yes, speaking about the school closure issue, you might not have seen this. But posted tonight in the Washington Post, it's kind of - if there is a section called duh. This is where it would be.

This is the title, "In a San Francisco high school, the scars of remote schooling linger". "The joy of being back in person collides with the trauma and setbacks brought on by the pandemic and virtual schooling." Well, who was telling them that from the beginning? No kidding. You destroyed kids. You destroyed them.

BERENSON: You and I were telling them that.

INGRAHAM: Yes, and we got totally hammered for it. We got hammered for it.

BERENSON: That's right. We wanted to kill kids, we wanted to kill teachers. It was all nonsense. It was all political to hurt Donald Trump. And you know, that story your - your producer sent me that story and I was reading it a few minutes ago. It's a tragic story. What we've done to our kids is tragic. And it can never happen again.

And I wrote this - I wrote this book because I wanted people to have this down. So we don't make these mistakes again.

INGRAHAM: Never again. And so many of those children are minorities, or lower income kids, who already have difficulties. And now, they have to deal with this. That's all on the Democrats. Alex, congrats on this book. Everyone go out and get it. 'Pandemia', Alex Berenson.

And sadly, this COVID hysteria has already hit the GOP too. Earlier this week, 80 House Republicans voted with Democrats to pass something called the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act. So if this is signed into law, and I'm sure it will be, this would help fund a federal vaccination database.

Now, does that level of intrusion sound like something Republicans should be supporting? One of the Republicans who did vote against this, Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, joins me now.

Congressman, now proponents of this bill say, all the info will be kept private. So no worries there, right?

REP. BYRON DONALDS (R-FL): Yes, right. Listen, I don't think the federal government should have this kind of information at all. And it's been crystal clear throughout the years that there are leaks, there are hacks, this information gets out. And the last thing we need is some administration like this administration, doesn't even care about the Constitution or the law, targeting Americans and leaking information about who is vaccinated and who is not. It's none of their business. That's why I voted no, and frankly, that's why the entire Republican conference should have voted no.

INGRAHAM: So what is going on, though? What is this database presumably going to be used for?

DONALDS: This is the whole thing. I think what they're looking at is saying, I think the Democrat that sponsored it is saying this is where they can keep all the records together so we can get through future pandemics. But again, that is not the role of the federal government. They're ignoring the Declaration, they're ignoring the Constitution when it comes to this stuff.

INGRAHAM: Could that also be a way to have a national database on the unvaccinated? Who are the unvaccinated, where do they live, and specifically, ultimately, if it gets into the wrong hands or the wrong party, surveil them, punish them, isolate them?

DONALDS: That's my point. We should never even allow such a thing. My hope is it goes nowhere in the Senate. Not to mention they want to spend $400 million to create this thing. And we are already spending more money than we even have. We shouldn't be spending more money to do something that frankly goes against the health privacy of every American. It's not the business of Congress who is vaccinated and who is not.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, this is so shocking that 80 Republicans voted for this. It sounds like there's a lot of primary challenges going to be underway just on that topic. Congressman, thank you.

And a well-known L.A. philanthropist was just murdered in her Beverly Hills home, showing even the most elite neighborhoods there are not safe from the ongoing crime waves. Trace Gallagher brings the report before the head of the L.A. police union tells us why this is happening. You don't want to miss this.


INGRAHAM: Police have arrested the suspect in the brazen murder of a prominent L.A. resident who was shot and killed in her Beverly Hills home yesterday. FOX chief breaking news correspondent Trace Gallagher is live in our L.A. newsroom with all the latest. Trace?

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Laura, the motive behind the murder of Jacqueline Avant remains unknown. Avant was a well-known philanthropist, Democratic activist, and wife of music legend Clarence Avant. And while the circumstances behind her death are a bit vague, her suspected killer has a long history of violent felonies.

At 2:30 Wednesday morning police were called to Avant's Beverly Hills neighborhood where they found her suffering a gunshot wound. She was later pronounced dead at a hospital. Investigators say the killer apparently got into her home by shattering a sliding glass door and then shot Avant with an AR-15 rifle. Here's the Beverly Hills police chief. Watch.


MARK STAINBROOK, CHIEF OF THE BEVERLY HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT: To our Beverly Hills community, let me reassure you this is one of the most protracted and patrolled cities in the world. Crimes of any kind will not be tolerated here. Let this be a message to anyone thinking of committing a crime in Beverly Hills. You will be caught and brought to justice.


GALLAGHER: The family of Jacqueline Avant have also asked that justice be served, but in California that it's a tall order, and the suspect in the killing Avant is a prime example -- 29-year-old Aariel Maynor has been a career criminal his entire adult life, and yet he continued to walk free. In June of 2010 Maynor was charged with robbery and struck a plea deal for a lesser offense. Six months later he was arrested for assault. Prosecutors dropped the case for insufficient evidence.

Two years later the D.A.'s office again declined to prosecute a burglary case. Two years after that Maynor was finally convicted of felony robbery and sentenced to five years. He served four, and when he got out, he was almost immediately arrested again for felony robbery. And under California's then three strikes law, he should have been sentenced to nine years and would still be in prison. Instead, he got four years and ended up serving even less. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Trace, absolutely shocking. Thank you.

And my next guest has seen firsthand the shocking crime wave sweeping L.A. Joining me now is Jamie McBride, director of the L.A. Police Protective League. Jamie, I have a number of friends in L.A. who knew Jacqueline Avant very well. But I think in Beverly Hills, Malibu, ritzy areas, Georgetown, and Washington, people think because they are rich, they are protected. But how safe are these people in any of these neighborhoods when we have district attorneys like George Gascon in L.A. who keep this revolving door of crime going?

JAMIE MCBRIDE, L.A. POLICE PROTECTIVE LEAGUE DIRECTOR: Let's not forget, the criminals don't know when the city lines stop and start. So I've worked all over the city of Los Angeles in my 31 years of law enforcement, and I have seen firsthand. I used to track criminals down into the cities of Beverly Hills and all over the place as they are trying to commit their crimes.

People like George gascon, they are helping the criminals. There is no such thing as helping the victim. In fact, they almost want you to feel it's your fault to be a victim. Let's not forget, though, the ACLU, this is a bag of goods they sold years back with George Gascon, who cowrote Proposition 47, and they made it sound like this is a good thing because all this stuff is happening is racist, sending people to jail so long. It was a bag of goods.

That is why we created ourselves the Los Angeles Police Protective League, San Jose police union and San Francisco police union created a national database which tracks the ACLU, how they help violent criminals succeed in committing their crimes and not going to jail. And if you go to it, it's ACLU-watch.com. You can click on your state and you can read real-time information, exactly what ACLU is doing. Nobody is going to jail.

I heard the bit about the chief of Beverly Hills saying that they are safe. And I know he wishes that, but nobody can guarantee your safety. And right now, in California, it is so violent. And let's not forget, this year more police officers have been killed by gunfire than in any other year. And so --

INGRAHAM: Jamie, Jamie, they all went after the three strikes law, which, if I remember it, says if you have been convicted of three serious or violent felonies, you are going to jail 25 to life, correct? But they all came after that law in California. It was passed in 1994, but the ACLU, all of these defendant rights groups, they trashed it as unfair and vicious and un-American, et cetera, et cetera.

MCBRIDE: Right. And what they did, though, you heard about the guy stealing a slice of pizza and going to jail for life. That was their poster child they put up there. But what they didn't say was his violent history before he stole that slice of pizza that sent him to jail for life. In order to get to that point, he had to have a series of violent felony convictions. And that is one thing they didn't say. All they said was he stole a slice of pizza, and he went to jail for life. That is how they got people on board to not go for the third strike law. It's ridiculous.

INGRAHAM: I want to play something that happened in the White House briefing room today. This is our own Peter Doocy asking a question of Jen Psaki about why crime is exploding. Watch.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: When a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store, a CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean, do you think that is because of the pandemic?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think a root cause in a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes.


INGRAHAM: Jamie, is the pandemic really what is driving up crime?

MCBRIDE: No, not at all. In fact, when they talk about the Nobel, for example, they say that as a poverty thing, it is not fair to people who are poor. I don't see people doing smash and grabs at grocery stores. They're not going into Albertson's. They're not getting milk, they're not getting bread. What they are doing is they're going to Louis Vuitton stores. They are going to high-end stores, jewelry stores, and they are looting.

In fact, just recently, a day or two ago in Hayward, California, up north, there was a group of people doing a flash mob smash and grab, and one of the officers was able to stop one of the cars. And in that car they had a fully loaded assault rifle with two drums fully loaded. These are violent criminals.

But again, nobody's allowed to take them to jail. And if they do go to jail, they are going to get released. They're not going to get filed on. And mind you, Jacqueline Avant, terrible tragedy. But I'm telling you right now, with George Gascon as the Los Angeles district attorney, when there is a crime like this, and generally it's special circumstances, and because of that they can say file enhancement which will send somebody to life in prison or serious time or even the death penalty. George Gascon made it clear that nobody will get these enhancements.

INGRAHAM: So they are not going to get enhanced punishment. California voted for Newsom. They voted against the recall, and they are going to get a lot of bad things happening on the other side. Jamie, thank you, great to see you.

Why doesn't anyone like Kamala Harris? Comedian Adam Carolla has some thoughts, plus details on his new comedy special. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Something interesting happened this morning aboard Air Force Two. It's just 11 months into his first term, and a Joe Biden cabinet secretary was asked this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you say about the various rumors, that perhaps President Biden wouldn't run, perhaps you --

PETE BUTTIGIEG, TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: It's 2021, and the whole point of campaigns and elections is when they go well, you get to govern. And we are squarely focused on the job at hand.


INGRAHAM: That is a non-answer. This is hilarious for a few reasons, not the least of which is that the D.C. press corps has already written Joe Biden's political obituary. But also because they are skipping right over Biden current V.P.

So what is wrong with Kamala? For starters, no one seems to like her. She has a 28 percent approval rating with the public, and the people who work with her seem not to be able to stand her either. With the announcement that top advisor Symone Sanders is now leaving, Kamala has lost four senior aides in just the last month.

Our next guest saw Harris up close as a resident of California, and she was A.G. of course there, until he fled last year. Adam Carolla is a comedian and host of the brand-new show "Truth Yeller," and podcaster extraordinaire. Adam, I want to get your new special in a moment, but first, what is up with Kamala?

ADAM CAROLLA, HOST OF "TRUTH YELLER": Well, if you are going to be a politician or a used car salesman, you either have to be good or likable, and Kamala is zero for two. She is the least charismatic person on the planet, and I don't think she's very bright. This is Biden's fault, obviously. If he's going to do an affirmative action hire for the vice president of the United States, you sort of get what you got. He said it. I want a woman of color. He got a woman of color. He should have found a good woman of color. He didn't get that. And now we are all stuck with her.

INGRAHAM: Adam, I know you are a big fan of Newsom, especially when it comes to his handling of COVID. Now "The Daily Mail" is reporting that just days after extending the state of emergency in California, he jetted off to a Mexican resort town for Thanksgiving and stayed in a $25,000 per night villa that's owned by Russian oligarch. Adam, are you surprised?

CAROLLA: No. I have a saying. It's called disappointers never disappoint, and that is all Gavin Newsom does is disappoint. But he's very consistent in his disappointments. The thing about Newsom, so I don't know if you know this, but Thanksgiving Day, there was no power at my house or my sister's house on Thanksgiving, not because there was a fire, but because the electrical grid was so weak they had to shut it down so it wouldn't cause a fire.

So Gavin Newsom is hobnobbing in Mexico, and we are high and dry in a blackout in southern California. And by the way, when Larry Elder ran against him, Larry Elder ran on getting the power grid back up and running. And all Gavin Newsom did was focus on race. And the people of California are so stupid that they vote for the guy who never stops talking about racism, meanwhile the power grid is falling apart.

INGRAHAM: And smash and grabs all over the state as well.

Adam, I've got to show a clip from the debut of your new comedy series, I'm so excited, with "The Daily Wire." Your first episode featured your old friend Jay Leno. Watch.


JAY LENO, COMEDIAN: This is the biggest audience for last year. You couldn't go to bars, you couldn't go to restaurants. You had to keep six feet away from women. It's like every guy, they lived like Harvey Weinstein.


I see Dr. Fauci every night on the news, and he says the same thing, coronavirus is a war, we've got to fight it like a war. And when you think about it, it's the only war in history that when the war is over, all the soldiers are fatter.



INGRAHAM: Adam, I watched that, and I thought, man, not only do we miss Jay Leno every night on television, but there was a reason he was the last one to get really big late night ratings on the major networks.

CAROLLA: Yes, absolutely. And it's great to be doing standup specials on "The Daily Wire." Hollywood is Hollywood, Netflix is Netflix, HBO is HBO, but they didn't count on these other entities popping up and creating a home for voices like myself. And God bless guys like Jay Leno for putting friendship over partisan politics and coming on and cracking wise with me and the audience. So there are two that are up now. We've got four more to do.

INGRAHAM: But Adam, at its best, comedy never really was political. They were equal opportunity offenders. Everyone was fair game.

CAROLLA: Absolutely. These specials are not political at all. They are just funny. But in a way, maybe just being funny is political in 2021, because somehow you have to denounce the right in order to get more applause than you do laughter. I think comedians are going for applause more than laughter now, and that is a big mistake.

INGRAHAM: Adam, I cannot wait to watch all your episodes. How many do you have in the can already?

CAROLLA: Two are in the can, available at Dailywire.com, and four more.

INGRAHAM: Fantastic. Adam, thank you for coming on. We can't wait.

Just a short while ago on another network, Stacey Abrams told an egregious lie. Up next, we'll tell you about it.


INGRAHAM: Stacey Abrams made her way to Maddow tonight and let loose with this whopper.


STACEY ABRAMS, FOUNDER AND CHAIR, FAIR FIGHT ACTION: On the 16th of November when I acknowledged that I would not become the governor, that he had won the election, I did not challenge the outcome of the election, unlike some recent folks did.


INGRAHAM: What? Did she know we have the videotape?

Remember, get your Freedom Matters gear and your free ornament on LauraIngraham.com. All proceeds this month go to the Big Oak Ranch.

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