'The Five' on Ukraine, Ketanji Brown Jackson hearing

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 21, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro along with Jessica Tarlov, Joey Jones, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Innocent civilians suffering as Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine enters a new phase. After failing to quickly capture key cities like Kyiv, Putin appears to be shifting focus to inflict as much damage to the country as possible.

The city of Mariupol refusing Russia's demand to surrender, even after enduring weeks of devastating air strikes. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy continues his call for peace, but says his country won't give any land to Russia.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE (through translator): I think that we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating, a possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, that would mean that this is a third world war.


PIRRO: This comes as President Biden prepares to head to Europe where he'll attend a major NATO in Brussels as well as a meeting with the Polish president in Warsaw.

Jeff Paul is in Lviv, Ukraine with the latest. Jeff?

JEFF PAUL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Air raid sirens continue to go off here in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. And despite those warnings, people in the city are very much trying to get on with their daily lives as much as possible. But they do realize that at any moment things could change and they are watching very closely what's happening just outside of this city center, especially to the east and to the south and coastal towns like Mariupol, where hundreds of thousands of people right now are trapped and trying to get out of harm's way after Russia issued that ultimatum for the city to lay down its arms.

The mayor didn't ever wait for the deadline and rejected that offer to surrender without hesitation. Officials say after weeks of heavy shelling and constant bombardments they estimate upwards of 2,300 people have died in the city. Residents of this area who survived the attack say battles are taking place on nearly every street.


DMYTRIO GURIN, UKRAINIAN M.P.: There is no Mariupol anymore. They bombed everything. It's all this drama theater and the maternity hospital and art school -- it's -- all of this is very catchy for the use of the New Year. But anyway, they bombed everything. We don't have Mariupol anymore. We have to build this -- build this city from scratch.


PAUL: In Kyiv crews are sifting through what's left of a shopping center after it was blown up last night. Ukraine estimates as many as eight were killed after a Russian-fired rocket blasted through the mall in that city. The explosion charred cars and sent shrapnel into homes and businesses.

Now Russia claims that they only targeted the shopping center because it was housing Ukrainian missiles and rockets, but that claim has not been independently confirmed by anyone. In fact, one mother who spoke just today about that incident said her daughter was working in that very shopping center and you can just imagine some of the thoughts just thinking if that attack had happened just a day before. Judge Jeanine?

PIRRO: All right, Jeff, thanks so much. Stay safe.

Dana, I'm going to start with you. We're in the fourth week of this and every day we hear about more and more attacks on civilians, civilian protesters -- civilian protesters being shot and killed. And we hear more and more about literally war crimes happening. When Zelenskyy talks about the beginning of the third world war, is he really -- is he really talking about where we are possibly?

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Well, actually that phrase has been used since the first day of this invasion by some because one of the things that President Biden is trying to do and then other NATO countries is to figure out how do you provide the Ukrainians enough so that they can defend themselves without, again -- I disagree with how we are describing how Putin is provoked, because he's apparently provoked by everything. But to provoke him into a nuclear war.

Nobody wants that. I don't know what Putin wants, I don't -- I don't know what Putin really wants but I imagine he doesn't want that. So, I think this trip that Biden is going to take this week is important. I think it's good that he's going. I think that it's time for some more front-seat diplomacy.

He sent Kamala Harris. That did not necessarily move the needle. So now he has to go. I think it's better to be sitting in a room face to face with other NATO leaders rather than on Zoom because it's not -- that's not going to cut it. They have so many important decisions to make, and that they have a terrible -- a terrible dilemma in this situation.

And Joey can answer this question I have that it's been going through my mind, which is, we're giving the Ukrainians enough to keep -- they are doing pretty well defending themselves. And it could be that Zelenskyy thinks that he can keep the capital city of Kyiv, but outside of Kyiv, if you don't give them enough to win quickly or to back them quickly, then you're just going to lose slowly. And if that happens, then you're going to see the death toll of civilians increase much more.

PIRRO: You know, Joey, I'll go to you on that. You know, it appears that we're at a stalemate right now, that there were -- there was a deadline that was given to Zelenskyy at 10 p.m. our time last night to surrender and he hasn't gotten Mariupol -- Putin, he hasn't gotten Kyiv. He's trying to destroy and crush the spirits of the Ukrainians. But when you're at a stalemate, it's a very dangerous time, is it not? And what does Putin do now?

JOHNNY JOEY JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think when Zelenskyy says then it will be World War III, I think what Zelenskyy is saying, in my opinion, I can't translate word for word is, if we continue to hold him off, he's going to eventually -- he being Putin is going to eventually use chemical weapons, use nuclear weapons. And the west has already said, essentially when that happens, they are involved.

PIRRO: Right.

JONES: And so, I think that's -- I think what Zelenskyy is saying is you all -- what he is saying, is you all underestimated us, we're able to stay in this fight because of your help actually, because of the weapons you're giving us. If we stay in this fight and don't win decisively, that's what's next.

And he may be true. That might be true. I think we try to report on this every single day. You can't report on this one day to the other. We say they haven't gotten Mariupol. Well, they haven't gotten Mariupol, but Mariupol is a wasteland of war.

PIRRO: Right.

JONES: So does it matter if they are sitting in the city center or not? And that's part of the problem here. Just like what Dana was saying, just to kind of wrap this up, if the end result is we're three months of war and 30,000 people dead and Russia standing in the center of Kyiv, when you look back, what do you say? You know, what was the purpose of this war? What was gained from it? What was gained from these 30,000 deaths? It may be the next 30 years of insurgency but that's just more innocent people dying. Any insurgency turns into IEDs in Moscow before it turns into Ukraine being independent again.

PIRRO: You know, Greg, with respect to that, I mean, let's assume that he just, you know, scorched earth from this point on. He will never defeat the Ukrainians' spirit and the Russians they don't appear to have the ability to actually occupy. What do the Russians do at that point?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I, you know, your fantasy is that they take care of the problem themselves. But I don't know if that's going to happen because Putin is so far removed. It's weird he's essentially destroying the very thing that he claims that he cherishes --


GUTFELD: -- which is Ukraine. I mean, it's like a really bitter acrimonious breakup where the creep goes, well, if I can't have you, no one will.

PERINO: And then it gets really bad.

GUTFELD: And then it gets really bad.


GUTFELD: And it's really is the opposite of damage control, what he's doing. And I -- I'm very pessimistic about Biden just because he doesn't seem like he's in any particular rush to fix this.


GUTFELD: And we know that -- I mean, Joey, we were talking about how many examples there are of places where we have helped and it didn't help. And I'm beginning to feel that the longer we do this, the longer it goes on and the longer that it goes on, the more people die. It's really weird.

This is the longest fog of war I have seen. And the only thing that's really clear is the brutality. I mean, both sides say they're winning, you know? How can that be? Both sides are calling each other Nazis. Russia was first when they did that. I don't know how to break that stalemate but we need some kind of creative thinking.

And you know, I go back to the only example that I can think of, is that like, you know, when Trump went to North Korea, it was like, let's see what happens, let's shake the box, see what happens, you know, we can promise something but if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.

At least it was innovative and it introduced another variable into a situation where we already knew the variables there were not working. And so now we're four weeks in and we're no -- we're kind of in the same place we were before.

JONES: We're before we've seen on this. But we're -- since 2014 on this war. And that's the part we always forget.


JONES: The reason why Putin was able to sell this to begin with is what's happened in Donbas -- and I'm not taking a position on that because quite frankly I'd have to read a bunch of books to even get there. But I think it's important when Americans sit here and say you know what, it was really easy for Charlie Wilson's War, that didn't bother us until we're in a war for 20 years.


JONES: Like, I get really aggravated that I've sat in front of a television camera, now for almost since losing my legs saying, Americans, please ask questions before we get into another war. Please ask for accountability. And if you do that now, I mean, you're in Putin's pocket, right?

GUTFELD: Exactly.

JONES: I mean, come on. There has to be an opportunity for Americans to understand what are -- what we're getting into and at any point, no matter how righteous the cause.

PIRRO: Jessica, the whole idea now if we're fighting to this point where we're at a stalemate, it's all about diplomacy, isn't it?

JESSICA TARLOV, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: A lot of it is at this point. And I thought it was really important that John Kirby in his briefing this afternoon basically said we're doing things that we're not telling you about, which is what everyone is asking for. And you expect that your government and the most powerful government in the world with the most weapons and all that is doing more than they are publicly coming out and telling us.

JONES: Absolutely.

TARLOV: And that is a game changer because one consistent thing that I have noticed from everyone I've talked about this, whether everyone is on the same side here, whether you're Republican and Democrat, is we want to know what are you doing for them, these people are making such personal appeals, Zelenskyy has just -- the videos he's putting out theatrical, emotional.

He's taking us on a tour of Ukraine that makes it palpable for the average person sitting in their home in Kentucky. And what are we doing. And John Kirby, he told us, we're doing things. Those missile systems that are in there, we're not saying we gave it to them, we're not going to tell you what's on the ground there, but I'm telling you that we're doing more than you think that we're doing.

PERINO: Can I add one thing, Judge?

PIRRO: Go ahead.

PERINO: Before we go in terms of that creative thinking. It's something that doesn't have to do with weapons, but it could be something that really could help the actual Russian people and not help Putin. So could you figure out a way to have a creative banking system that allows the people who are in Russia to actually -- that either can't leave Russia or the ones who left Russia already, instead of shopping Kyrgyzstan as the tech company.

Can find a way for them to be able to be a part of the international banking system or our banking system but separate out the leaders like Putin and the oligarchs and the military so that you create some sort of fissure that way which is a creative way to do it without weapons?

GUTFELD: Dana, that is too smart.


GUTFELD: We're not sure it's not going to happen -- it's too intelligent.


PIRRO: Yes. But not only that.

JONES: The great (Ph) payment of Russia.

PIRRO: I mean, you draw a distinction. And that is between Putin and the Russian people. And we've got to recognize that the Russian people, a lot of them are being oppressed by him as well.

Up next, tensions already flaring on Capitol Hill as Supreme Court confirmation hearings start for President Biden's first nominee.


JONES: A brand-new Supreme Court showdown brewing on Capitol Hill. Confirmation hearings kicking off today for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Republicans promising to ask tough questions, but say they won't turn the hearing into a smear campaign like Democrats have.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): This will not be a political circus. This will not be the kind of character smear that sadly our Democratic colleagues have gotten very good at.

SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): The most nominee was subjected to repeated accusations that we're nothing more than unfiltered religious bigotry against her. The nominee before her was accused of serial rape.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): No Republican senator is going to unleash on you and attack about your character when the hearing is virtually over. None of us, I hope, have been sitting on information about you as a person for weeks or months.


JONES: But some of the mainstream media are already giving the nominee cover before the hearing even starts.


ELI MYSTAL, CORRESPONDENT, THE NATIONAL JUSTICE: What Josh Hawley is doing, what's been -- what's been very clear when he tries to do this, is he's trying to get her killed. He was trying to get violence done against a Supreme Court nominee.


JONES: All right, Greg. You know that guy, don't you?

GUTFELD: Yes, he's been on my show. I think he discovered -- he discovered the more extreme you become, the more -- the more you end up on our show.

JONES: Well, death threats aside I guess, because criticizing someone is equivalent to that. The Republicans get a nail either way, right? Because they either fight the fight Democrats have fought, which takes all their ability to stay mad about the Kavanaugh hearing away and all the moral ground away that they believe they have. But if they just do a regular hearing, this is just a progressive on the Supreme Court.

GUTFELD: That's right. I would say that -- I would go with that direction. I would just say keep you powder dry because you're replacing an l with an l, right? This is a push. And true, she's probably going to be the most progressive person. But the fact is, they lost a liberal, they are going to get a liberal.


GUTFELD: So, it's kind of zero, zero, So you don't want to lose your mind over something like this. However, you will be reminded in this hearing how different Republicans are. They aren't as vicious and as disgusting in these settings. I mean, when a Democrat runs this, it becomes a witch trial. And in this case, I would like to see the Republicans just a little bit tougher. They don't have to go, they don't have to obsess. If they obsess over critical race thinking you know what's going to happen -- critical race training --

TARLOV: Theory.

PIRRO: Theory.

GUTFELD: They're going to -- theory, they're going to -- whatever, Jessica, how dare you.

TARLOV: I'll say whatever to CRT too.

GUTFELD: But anyway, that the -- what's going to happen is the media is going to galvanize that weapon that they have, which is the demonization through racial accusation. So, if you bring up CRT, they're going to call you a racist. Speaking of disgusting, I have to apologize for my hygiene. There was no hot water.

PIRRO: They can't tell you.

GUTFELD: I haven't -- no, I apologizing to you because I haven't shaved and I stink because I haven't bathed in two days.

PIRRO: You're proud of that?

GUTFELD: No. I'm disgusted.

JONES: Well, to clean things up a little bit, Dana.


JONES: So, I saw Marcia Blackburn video, because I think (Inaudible) in coverage today because we're covering a lot of things in war what's going on.


JONES: And she really went in on her pretty quick and pretty hard about things like parental rights. That was one thing she brought up. The idea of how schools are treated and whether parents' rights are.

But when you look at this nominee's background one thing that stood out to me, I guess as in Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran is that she volunteered to go and defend Guantanamo Bay prisoners of war. Now her brother I will point put, her brother is an Iraq war veteran. So, it's not she's immune to that. But I mean, how do you think Americans should see that?

PERINO: Well, I think that they should -- I think Americans know that our system is just different than other places and defendants get to have a public defender. And they get to have representation in court. And the Gitmo detainees were given that. And, I mean, some people might say they shouldn't have been. But that is our system. That's our system of justice.

She was participating in the system of justice and I don't know if she went down there and she's talking to her Gitmo detainee and she's like, hey, did you know anything about such and such. I don't know if they were there as apologists for them necessarily but trying to get those cases adjudicated, but we'll see what comes out in the hearing. I'd love to hear her explaining. I mean, I'm trying to defend it right now for her. I don't necessarily have to.

I would also like to say on the decorum front. I mean, we saw in the Kavanaugh hearings and I think in some ways the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, there was a race to the bottom and the Democrats absolutely won it. I mean, they got the gold. Ans so there's no need for the Republicans to do that because --


PERINO: -- they've all met with her. Apparently, they think say that she's quite charming, that she's very wise. But this question about one -- two questions. One, she says she doesn't actually have a judicial philosophy.

GUTFELD: They would say that.

PERINO: But then what is your -- what is your constitutional philosophy? I mean, that is actually what you are there to do, is to interpret the Constitution so there will be that.


JONES: Marcia Blackburn (Inaudible) on that.

PERINO: The second -- Marcia Blackburn, she's -- you're on top of it today with her. The other thing I would say is there is this question that you'll hear Republicans bring up again and again, we'll see if they can figure out a way to land on any of this, which is this question of the dark money groups that they say -- like dark money that basically ensured that the progressives got Ketanji Brown Jackson, rather than Michelle Childs as the nominee.

JONES: She was -- she was on Obama's short list. Judge, soft on crime is probably going to be the theme of the hearings.

PIRRO: Yes. And you know, let me just say this. She's got the votes. Look, she was -- she was approved to go to the circuit court of appeals I think a year ago, a little over a year ago --


PIRRO: -- two years ago. And so, and three Republicans voted for her. Right now, she only needs all the Democrats to vote for her. So, this is an easy win for her. The question is -- and Dana made reference to this. A judicial philosophy. That is not telling people how you would vote. It is your interpretation of the Constitution. Is it a living document?

And the Democrats for years have gone after conservatives and they have said that, if you have a conservative judicial philosophy, then you're not qualified to be on the court. And so, the Democrats have created a precedent to go after this judge, potential justice. But I think more important is her record on crime and specifically child porn.


PIRRO: That's something I did a lot of as a prosecutor. Right now, she has to explain why her sentences were lower than the sentencing guidelines. And here's the statute. It is a federal stature that says you've got to give a mandatory minimum of five years or a maximum of 20 years. She very often went under the required sentencing guideline.

And they say the reason she did that was because she was -- she was looking at possession as opposed to receiving. As far as I'm concerned there's no difference between the possession of child porn or the receiving of child porn. If you distribute it, if you make it, you're a dirt bag, for sure.


PIRRO: But explain to me, justice, potential justice, why you went below sentencing guidelines for the dirt bags in our society.

JONES: But you know what, I bet Jessica has got an explanation.

PIRRO: I don't think she has.

GUTFELD: Defend Child porn, Jessica.

JONES: Tell us why she should be a Supreme Court justice.

TARLOV: Well, that's a larger question than child porn --

JONES: Absolutely.

TARLOV: -- sentencing guidelines and Josh Hawley has kind of been beating that drum. He did again today. There was in the National Review, I saw you just out it out a piece, a conservative outlet saying that these attacks are disingenuous on her --


PIRRO: No, no, she said she had to explain why she went --

TARLOV: She will.

PIRRO: -- below the guidelines.

TARLOV: Absolutely.

PIRRO: So, they're not disingenuous until she makes them disingenuous.

TARLOV: Disingenuous is actually in the title of the piece. She was taking notes on all of Josh Hawley's points as he was telling her about cases specifically, he wants to know about. And she has, according to everybody on both sides of the aisle, has been extremely receptive to both adoring type questions and hard questions from Republicans.

We heard Marci Blackburn bring up CRT, that will definitely feature in the hearings as we go forward. A couple of things that I thought were really important about her perspective and it was highlighted, I believe by Dick Durbin, talking about that she discusses her jobs in terms of talking about how the people who are affected by her decision take it.

And her experience as a public defender and she would be the first on the court to have that experience, really frames her perspective in a completely different way than other people we have had on the court. And there's a very handy chart that the Washington Post created that all of the qualities that Supreme Court justices have, you know, where they went to school, --


TARLOV: -- debate champion, et cetera, and she's the only one that checks every single box on that chart.

JONES: OK, listen.

TARLOV: And that makes her pretty special.

JONES: It's six to three, she'll get in. That's -- I mean, it's six to three.


TARLOV: We could just say that. Yes.

JONES: If you have filed before, bailable (Ph).

GUTFELD: And you know what, that's a good point. Why don't we just skip this and get to the votes.

TARLOV: About your hygiene?

GUTFELD: No, because we know what's the vote is going to be.


GUTFELD: We talked about this at every -- at every one of these hearings.

JONES: All right. We've got to go. Ahead, a liberal media outlet telling Americans to give up meat and just suck it up with when it comes to inflation. No, I'm -- no.


GUTFELD: Jesse hates this song. President Biden's policies have led to record levels of inflation. But the out-of-touch eggheads over at Bloomberg are offering some words of advice to struggling Americans. "Inflation steams most. If you earn than three -- or less than $300,000 a year, here's how to take -- here's how to deal with it. Take the bus, don't buy in bulk, try lentils instead of meat -- nobody said this would be fun."

The opinion piece also telling people to forego cancer treatments for their pets to save extra bucks. I think it's going to take a huge dent out of this for millions and millions of people, Judge. How do you like -- what do you make of their suggestions? You own pets. Do you like the -- do you like one of these guys telling you, you know, maybe your pet, your sick pet should skip the chemo?

PIRRO: First of all, it's none of their damn business. All they're telling us is to eat cake. And I love lentils but I don't want someone telling me I should eat lentils and instead of meat. And I gave one of my dogs chemo. I was very fortunate. He was worth it, Mikimoto. Rest in peace, Mikimoto. He died anyway.

But in any --

GUTFELD: Such an upbeat story.

JONES: We got nothing.

PIRRO: But here's the truth. I mean, they've got -- they've got nothing to give us other than it's all our fault, we should lower our standards, period.

GUTFELD: Right. Yes, Dana, this is the ideology of punishment again. They love enforcing sacrifice on others. I doubt those writers went home after they did that in ate lentils.

PERINO: Definitely not. They're at Del Frisco's, you can bet. It's incredible how fast we went from let them buy electric cars --


PERINO: -- to let them eat lentils and watch their pets die.


PERINO: I mean, how did that -- what happened? I was gone last week. It seems like things went downhill on that front.

GUTFELD: You can afford the car but not the chemo.

PERINO: Yes. And then, it just also shows like under $300,000 -- like, electric vehicles cost 60 to $80,000. What if you have a family that has three or four cars --


PERINO: -- and everybody's working? Like oh, you're going to buy four electric vehicles? It's nonsense.

GUTFELD: Jessica, I would have loved to have been in the meeting when they brainstorm suggestions. Kill the pet. How about that? What about grandma, right? Grandma is getting old.

PIRRO: She may need chemo.

GUTFELD: She may need chemo. You hate people and pets, Jessica.

TARLOV: Bring back the death panel, right? When I first saw the headline, I was like, please be an opinion piece. Thank God, it was an opinion piece and by someone --

PERINO: I thought the same.

TARLOV: -- who I don't think will be invited back. Because when you have both sides ridiculing at this level, you know that you've done a really poor job in selecting what editorial to go with. Only one percent of Americans make over $300,000 a year. We all know that. It's totally absurd. And a missed opportunity to talk about real solutions.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TARLOV: The White House is considering another round of stimulus checks.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's great for inflation.

PIRRO: Yes. That'll make your dollar worth more.

TARLOV: It'll make you able to fill up your gas tank and buy meat and not lentils at the supermarket. I'm just saying that there are things on the table and it does -- the things on the table -- I'm not talking about food on the table. I mean, proposals on the table that would help everyday Americans. And these kinds of pieces obviously are a big distraction.

GUTFELD: I don't think we can afford tables.

PERINO: Yes, but I think -- imagine the lengths that the White House is willing to go to avoid opening up oil and gas production in America. Like, gas cards or lentils and no chemo.

JONES: Inflation hurts worse for people under $300,000. I wait -- I make well under $300,000 and inflation is not hitting me like it's hitting my friends and family to live off a household income of under $80,000. You tell him to ride a bus, you can't ride the bus in Whitfield County Georgia or Murray County Georgia or from, you know, the outskirts of Nashville -- into Nashville, Tennessee. That's ridiculous.

There are two American experiences, one is rural and one is urban. This was not an op-ed for Americans read it was a diary entry.


JONES: You don't tell me to eat lentils. I don't know what a lentil is. I don't eat lentils. But let me tell you something. I got one more point on this and it's really important. If you want pets and you want to eat meat, there's a solution that's self-evident there. Just come out I'll show you how that works. I had chicken, and pigs --

PERINO: You got a show about that, right?

JONES: I had a lot of pets that also provided food for the table.

PIRRO: Where do you go and --

PERINO: You call them pets?


PERINO: No, you didn't call the pets.

JONES: We give them -- Oink and Hank, the two pigs we had. That one was Oink, this one Hank. I mean, it works.

PIRRO: You killed your pigs and ate them?

JONES: Well, I didn't kill and them and not eat them.

GUTFELD: That might have been the greatest answer of all time. Coming up, Republicans want heads to roll after the media tried to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Speaking of pigs.


PERINO: Republicans demanding a new probe in the Hunter Biden's laptop after the New York Times finally confirmed the authenticity of the infamous story. But it might be too little too late after how the media are originally reported on the story.


BRIAN STELTER, ANCHOR, CNN: The U.S. authorities are seeking if those emails we just talked about are connected to an ongoing Russian disinformation effort.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is so obviously a Russian operation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hunter Biden, this laptop, the intelligence officials have warned is likely Russian disinformation.

WOLF BLITZER, ANCHOR, CNN: Ongoing Russian disinformation effort.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ongoing Russian disinformation effort.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All of a sudden, two and a half weeks before the election, this laptop appears somehow.


PERINO: And the New York Post calling out the 51 intelligence experts who are refusing to apologize for falsely discrediting the story as Russian disinformation when it first broke. And if you go through that, Greg, you can see that there's a bunch of -- they just declined to comment. They didn't respond to the request.

GUTFELD: You know, you got to -- like, you got to give the New York Post a lot of credit. I'm surprised Twitter didn't take that -- banned them for that article because I mean, you -- I will -- I mean, I don't know people remember what it was like when that article came out and the sudden -- I mean, it was in unison, it was directed, it was manipulated and manufactured the idea that this was fake.

And like, if you even set -- like, we were worried to talk about it. We thought that if we said something, would we get in trouble? I mean, that's how it was done. And this could happen again because there's no repercussions, right? I also hesitate using the word probe in a sentence with Hunter Biden.

PERINO: Yes, let's not do that. But let's go to the Hunter Biden laptop expert, Judge Jeanine, who has a documentary on Fox Nation.

PIRRO: Yes, well, the documentary will tell you things, you really are so disgusted that you really are sorry that you heard it in the first place. But the sad part --

GUTFELD: Don't eat.

PIRRO: Yes, don't eat. But the sad part about all this is that the media is so in the tank of the left and the left-wing ideologies that -- and then crack-addicted porn pig that they are willing to subjugate the truth to support a porn pig in. And they don't care about Americans. They don't care about any of us and that these 50 so-called intelligence officers who swore that this was Russian disinformation.

And you know, these are liars, they're just paid liars. Look at Clapper. He's the one who went before Congress, swore to tell the truth and says we don't spy on Americans but not wittingly. They are in the business of politics. They are not in the business of protecting Americans.

And the sooner we get rid of all of them, especially now that they're not willing to admit that they made a mistake -- they tried to change an election. That's just what they did. 50 percent of those who voted for Joe Biden said, if they knew about this, they might have changed their vote.

And it is a sad commentary. They don't care about us. They don't care about the small American. They only care about money and power.

GUTFELD: Shouldn't that to be investigated, though, Dana? Like, how did -- all of them should be investigated to find out how they got --

PERINO: Well, it's like -- it's like there was a conference call or like a Zoom, and the bad signal went out, and everybody said the same exact thing. And then now they refuse to answer. Like, they wanted their names in the paper to say that it was Russian disinformation, but now they won't answer press calls about them saying it was Russian disinformation, which I think is wrong.

Jessica, do Democrats understand the frustration from people that were following this? They're looking at this now with the New York Times confirming it, and this like the other -- like, I don't even -- I can't find the right word that's appropriate.

GUTFELD: You could swear.

JONES: Disgust.

TARLOV: So, I wasn't on that call, if there was a call. I was not invited to it. I think that as we head into a midterms where everyone from the head of the DCCC to every political consultant I've spoken to is expecting it to be a bloodbath and for Democrats to lose potentially up to 40 seats or something in the House and could very well lose control of the Senate.

Now, the expectation is that will be about inflation and what's going on in the economy, and not about something like Hunter Biden's laptop. But I think that what people see as a genuine issue gets murkified -- murkied -- is that a thing?

GUTFELD: Oh, murkified.

PERINO: Murkified, I like it.

TARLOV: Murkified. By the fact that you have like, the Benghazi probe, for instance, right? And people who were very upset that four Americans died, including one of our ambassadors, that there was, you know, doing the full Sunday shows, and then the 11 hours of testimony. And then in 2015, you have Kevin McCarthy on Sean Hannity's radio show admitting that it was a political stunt.

I mean, he actually said, oh, everyone thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable. Well, look at her numbers now? And because people don't -- these probes get thrown around but for political reasons.

And when the judge says, you know, they don't care about actual Americans, well, we actually had Americans that died in Benghazi, and Republicans were using that as a stunt as per --

PIRRO: We're talking about Hunter Biden right now.

PERINO: I don't think that has anything to do with this.

TARLOV: It does. It has to do with how people read these things. They don't take them seriously because Republicans and Democrats throw them at each other all the time.

PERINO: OK, Joey, what do you hear? You're the man of the people.

JONES: There are two scandals at once right here. One of them involves the Biden's and the idea that Hunter Biden was making deals using his father's influence, and potentially giving money back to his father for it. I don't see anything coming from that, because I don't see the people who protect each other letting anything come from that.

The other scandal is one that bothers me. The first one to talk about bothers me and I wish they were accountability. I expect my politicians to be corrupt. That's part of the American system. I wish I could change that tomorrow.

When it comes down to the second scandal, we're talking about Twitter and New York Times discrediting and removing a media source for simply reporting what they found to be the truth. That's the one that we can have some accountability on and it's one we should have accountability on.

And we talked about investigating the intelligence people who signed off on this lie. Who's going to investigate them, the New York Times or the deep state? Who's left? There's nobody left.

PERINO: There's Joey Jones.

All right, up next, liberal students at Yale who shut down a free speech event could have trouble finding jobs.


TARLOV: A federal judge pushing back against woke campus protests. The judge emailing colleagues across the country saying they should think twice over hiring law students who disrupted a free speech event at Yale University. Over 100, students tried to shout down -- shout down speakers and a bipartisan panel on civil liberties.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, Yale has a policy of freedom of speech and (INAUDIBLE.)


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Guys, come on, grow up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, you are disrupting the free speech panel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're disrupting us.


PIRRO: Unbelievable.

TARLOV: Dana, what did you make of this?

PERINO: Well, I think that these -- to be clear, these are not college students, they are actually in Yale Law School. So, these are adults who are about to get on their way to some high flying professional career and they typically want to be a judge. Well, if you want to be a judge, your literal job is to listen to both sides.

And they don't understand that? How did they get into Yale Law School with that kind of mentality? I think that it's pretty interesting that there should be finally consequences for something like this. I don't know if you need a list. You could just, you know, do it without a list. Just do your research and see if you want to hire these people.

TARLOV: Judge?

PIRRO: Look, free speech is very important. And the person who came to lecture or engage in dialogue, there was someone who had argued before the Supreme Court. And you would think that these students at the law school would be interested in critical thinking and dialogue and -- but the truth is, that they just want to drowned out first amendment.

And that bothers me. And that tells me if they end up on a bench somewhere and end up in the Supreme Court, then we've got a real problem. I think they should be asterisk.

TARLOV: Greg, do you agree with that? Justice Silberman, I believe is his name. It's OK that he emailed all his colleagues and said, don't hire these people?

GUTFELD: I love that. The only bench these people belong on is a park bench, you know. I mean, they're not -- I mean, their behavior proves that they're not qualified for any job other than maybe being an extra in a zombie film. Like, they -- that's what you are looking at are zombies.

These are people that have nothing going on upstairs, except kind of some spiteful ideology that they picked up like a virus. And there should be consequences. And good for that judge. You deny the rights of others to express themselves. You don't deserve a job. I could hire them to work around the house, though.

TARLOV: Doesn't this take cancel culture to a whole new level though?

JONES: The coddling of the American mind, read it, understand it, and see it in action, number one. Number two, take your kids out of the house at 18 years old, make them pay for their own bills. They probably can't afford to go to college, but they'll learn to be a welder, build a family, make a lot of money and be a whole lot better for it. That's my advice.

At 15 years old, you're an adult in World War II. Now, at 25, your parents pay your bills and you scream at people because you're passionate about things you haven't lived long enough to understand.

TARLOV: I feel a lot of shame about my path in life right now. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


PIRRO: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Dana?

PERINO: Well, last week, we delivered devastating news that a Fox News team that was newsgathering in Ukraine was hit by Russian fire, killing two of our colleagues, Pierre Zakrzewski and Sasha Kuvshynova. Our correspondent Ben Hall survived and is currently receiving treatment at Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany.

But his journey to safety would not have been possible without an organization called Save Our Allies Their co-founder join me on newsroom today. Take a listen here.


SARAH VERARDO, CO-FOUNDER, SAVE OUR ALLIES: We have people in our team that are willing to go into harm's way to protect those from evil. And especially when we got the call for help from Fox, we could not move quickly enough to mobilize a multinational effort to secure Ben's extraction from a very dangerous combat zone.


PERINO: Save Our Allies' mission is to rescue American citizens, permanent residents, SIV holders and other special populations from conflict zones and contested areas. And they're doing such important work. To learn how you can help, go to saveourallies.org. And she's a very precious woman.

PIRRO: That's great. All right, I'm next. Now, here's a picture of a dog who is frantically trying to eat magazine pictures of food in a hilarious video. He's reading a magazine and trying to lick and eat the food. And he frantically paused and lamps at the glossy photos of pasta, meatballs, and other treats.

But I want you to know that this hilarious video currently boasts more than three million views on TikTok. But my very own dog, Stella, also has some expensive tastes. You'll see her here. She's always trying to eat jewelry. She's eating a jewelry box or a pouch of jewelry. I think we've got more of them.

Whenever I come home, she'll find whatever looks like jewelry, and she eats it. And that's the end of that. All right, Greg.

GUTFELD: And that's all I have to say about that. We haven't done this in ages, so let's do it.

PIRRO: Animals are great!


GUTFELD: Animals are great! Animals are great! Animals are great!


GUTFELD: They really are. As Joey stated, animals are great because they taste good especially baby goats. I kid. They're so adorable, but they're not very bright. Here are baby goats misunderstanding the purpose of a slide. You're supposed to slide down. But these goats do not understand the concept of sliding. So, we got to dumb animal segments, the dog that thought a paper was food and these goats cannot figure out how to slide. And that's -- and that's all I have to say.

PIRRO: All right, Jessica, you're next.

TARLOV: So, you may remember this adorable little girl who was singing Frozen from a bunker in Ukraine. It got worldwide attention including everyone who was in Frozen, who wrote Frozen. This Ukrainian girl named Amelia Anisovych gained worldwide attention, as I said, and she just sang her country's national anthem in Poland at a charity concert that raised close to $400,000 for Ukraine. Listen to her.



TARLOV: So, she's in Poland with her grandmother and her brother and her parents actually remained in Kyiv today.


JONES: Beautiful.

PIRRO: God bless them all. All right, Joey.

JONES: All right, real quick. So, on March 26, 27th, this weekend, I will be at Riverside Golf Resort and Casino in Riverside, Iowa with Warrior Rising. And then we'll move over to legacy acres for a little shooting, hunting, and fundraiser.

This is an organization, warriorrising.org, that invest in veterans that are entrepreneurs. And you have to earn it. They don't just give it to you. And they help you start a business, they give you capital infusion mentorship.

PERINO: Awesome.

JONES: Fantastic.

PIRRO: All right. And I forgot to say, I'm hosting Laura Ingraham tonight at 10:00 Eastern Time and tomorrow night.

That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" up next. Hey Bret.

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