
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Juan Williams, Dana Perino, Tyrus, and Judge Jeanine Pirro. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

It's about time. After months of mixed messaging, conflicting guidance and flat-out confusion, the CDC says fully vaccinated Americans can ditch masks and don't have to social distance in almost all indoor places.


DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: Anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor and outdoor activities, large or small without wearing a mask or physical distancing. If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. So, if those things get worse, there is always a chance you may need to make change to these recommendations.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Today is a great day for Americans. We have gotten this far. Please protect yourselves until you get to the finish line. After a year of hard work and so much sacrifice, the rule is very simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours. You all made this possible. Now, let's finish the work of beating this virus and getting everything back to normal. Some may say, just feel more comfortable, continue to wear a mask. They may feel that way. So, if you are someone with a mask, you see them, please treat them with kindness and respect.


WATTERS: Kindness and respect. It's kind of funny coming from Joe Biden who called Texas Neanderthals for dropping the mask mandate following the science months before the CDC finally got around to it. All right, let's bring in everybody here. Juan Williams, he says it is a great day for the American people, but I have a feeling you might still be wearing that mask. Am I right about that?

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: I went to the ball game the other night and I did wear the mask, but that's required at the stadium. That was the rule to go to the Nets game. But when I'm walking around, I don't. I keep it in my pocket. Some people -- I think we discussed this, Jesse. Some people will give you the stink eye if, you know, they think, you know, you shouldn't be doing that.

I don't -- but I haven't been wearing the mask outdoors. I mean, it was a month ago that CDC said if you're fully vaccinated and I am fully vaccinated, that you can run, hike, walk, even be with people in small family groups, you know, who are also fully vaccinated with no problem.

So, you know, Jesse, I just want to tickle you, I want to slap you on the back. I want to say come on, man, celebrate. Today is good times. I mean, I just can't believe we are through this. I mean, you know, this has been a struggle for everybody. I don't care who you are or where you are.

And this is good times. I say hats off, I know you're going to get upset at this, but hats off to the Biden administration. I say hats off to the people who are -- the pharmaceutical people who came up with this because they have --

WATTERS: Who else?

WILLIAMS: -- they pulled this out of a mass --

WATTERS: Who else, Juan?



WATTERS: Come on, you can say it.

WILLIAMS: Oh, you want --

TYRUS: Say it.

WILLIAMS: You want me to say --

PIRRO: Say it.

WILLIAMS: All right, here it is, here it is, here it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you President Trump for not getting in the way of Warp Speed. Thank you.

WATTERS: You know, that's the best we're going to get out of you, Juan. That's fine.

PIRRO: That's sick.

WATTERS: That's fine. That's fine.

PIRRO: That is sick.

WATTERS: Not getting out of the way. All right, Tyrus. You know, I think what is it, maybe I think half of the governors have already dropped the mask mandates. So, federal government a little slow. I don't think you need the federal government to tell you that you don't need the mask once you've been vaccinated, but how do you feel about today's announcement?

TYRUS: Well, like I say, you know, it's a day late and a dollar short, but I'm glad we have got there. Anybody who lives in Texas or Florida could have said been told you that, bro. The frustrating thing for all of this has been the politicization of the CDC and their excuses for not telling us what -- all Americans want -- we just want the truth, straight up. Good, bad and different.

Tell it like it is, doc. Do not mess around. Don't sugarcoat it. And now they're getting to the point now where like, well, the other states are doing it and I think may be this came out more so because they're trying to catch up with the red states that are saying hey, we're outdoors and we're going to go in the water regardless of sharks and it works. So now they're saying, oh, yes, everyone. But it's still political and it's the sad part.


WATTERS: Judge Jeanine, did you miss seeing Joe Biden's beautiful face out there today at the White House?

PIRRO: Well, actually I was shocked. I didn't know he won, you know, until he pulled the mask on. I said, yes, that is Joe Biden. Look, the other thing -- the other thing is, do you remember when someone asked him at the podium, they said, if you're vaccinated, why are you wearing a mask?

And he said something about it's your (inaudible) patriotic duty. Look, there is -- which it is not a patriotic duty. It doesn't seem to me unless I'm, you know, missing something. But what did we learned today that we didn't know a month ago or two months ago?


PIRRO: If you're vaccinated, if you waited the two weeks, you can go outside and actually be indoors with other people who are vaccinated and not wear your mask. What is new? I mean, what pushed them to this point? And all this panic about, you know, oh, my gosh, at the podium, I lost my mask.

And then the other thing with Kamala Harris kissing her husband both with masks on when they're both vaccinated. This is theater. Rand Paul was right. Now, the other crazy part of it, is that the people are vaccinated apparently, are the people who are most hesitant about getting back and doing things that we have done normally.

And so whether it's taking your food, you know, going to restaurants, the vaccinated ones are the slowest ones to get involved, and there you have it.

WATTERS: You know, that's interesting, Dana. What do you attribute that to because you would think that those people, it would be a reverse?

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. I'm in the reverse category so maybe it's just possibly caution or may be waiting to hear specifically from the scientist as they wanted to follow the scientist that it's all going to be okay now to not wear a mask.

I think we take it as a win, like, okay, this is great, I agree. And I think that when President Biden said Americans have missed each other's smiles, I think that's true. He's got a great smile. Kamala Harris has a great smile, everybody loves a smile so that's good.

Judge Jeanine said something I was thinking about too, which is earlier this week the CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, she testified in front of Congress. She wasn't wearing a mask. Yesterday, though, John Kerry was testifying and he wasn't wearing -- he was wearing a mask. And so that was like --

WATTERS: Yes. I prefer that part.

PERINO: I think all of this is sort of strange. Now, you might wonder why today -- I'm not saying, but I would admire the skill to hold a positive announcement when every other story and every other headline when you're at the White House and every story is bad. You're looking for a good story that will break through directly to the American people and this would be it.

TYRUS: Way to dunk it, Dana.

PIRRO: Yes. Smart.

PERINO: I admire it.

WATTERS: So, do you think maybe they held this -- they held this for a day, like today when they were getting killed with bad news and then dropped it? I don't know.

PERINO: I'm just saying either they are extremely lucky or extremely skilled and I admire it either way.

WATTERS: Either way, all right. That's fine. Coming up, the Biden White House reportedly panicked as multiple crisis pile up.


PERINO: So the White House reportedly worried about the political fallout from the pipeline hack. President Biden trying to reassure Americans that fuel -- excuse me -- fuel shortages are crippling some states.


BIDEN: This morning, Colonial reported that fuel is beginning to flow to a majority of the markets that they service and they should be reaching full operational capacity as we speak. But I want to be clear, you will not feel to the effects at the pumps immediately. This is not like flicking on a light switch. This pipeline is 5,500 miles long.


PERINO: Experts say it could take weeks before the gas supply returns to normal. And President Biden causing controversy for his reaction to a report that Colonial Pipeline paid hackers $5 million in ransom.


UNKNOWN: Were you briefed on the fact that the company did pay the ransom?

BIDEN: I have no comment on that.


PERINO: Tyrus, what do you think about -- well, I guess, let me ask you if you have shortages there in Louisiana, but also, on the paying the ransom point. I mean, there is a reason you don't pay ransoms, but a lot of these companies or governments or hospitals that get hacked, they do pay.

TYRUS: Yes, and I think that's the biggest crime here. We are so laissez- faire about the fact that terrorists shut down our gas line and they got paid for it. So, what could possibly stop them from doing it again?

And although in Mandeville, Louisiana we have not felt the buzz (ph), able to fill my beautiful paid truck off this morning.

PERINO: Was that your Prius?

TYRUS: But I did notice a hike in price.

PERINO: You don't drive a Prius?

TYRUS: A Prius would be like me wearing shoes. If i wanted to roller-skate, I'd get a couple of Priuses. But I got to drive in a grown ass man truck. But the fact that the president was so just kind of like, oh, you know, it will take a few days to get back. No, it's going to take weeks.

And a lot of people, the stress levels are high. We're already on red alert in this country just dealing with pandemic issues. And on top of that, the excuses. The DarkSide, we know the name of the group which in itself is a whole other issue.

We're pretty sure they live in Russia, but we don't think they work for the Russian government. Could you imagine the previous administration making a statement like that? It would be collusion. They're not being hard enough. I would assume everyone's guilty. I'd say -- I'd go after everybody until they brought the people forward.

But instead, it feels like we're just letting them get away with it. No big deal. We'll get the gas back in a week or two. I think that's bad.

PERINO: And Judge, it's almost, you know, the administration several times said this is a private-sector matter. This is a company. The company can deal with it, but this actually does have a national security and economic security consequence for the country.

PIRRO: Of course. Of course, it does, Dana, and that's the very point. And, you know, he is saying, you know, I have no comment on whether or not they paid a ransom which allegedly is $4 million to $5 million that's been reported. And even Nancy Pelosi said, well, you know, you can't use the excuse it's a private company, we can't get involved. That is pure nonsense.

Plus, in addition to that, what you've got is Biden administration -- when Joe Biden comes out he says, we're going to make sure that there is no price gouging and we're going to make sure the price gouging is prosecute - - hey, you know what, Joe, we don't need that. You got local prosecutors doing that every day.

You've got to make sure that our grid is hardened. And what President Trump did in 2018 was he created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. And in addition, in 2020, he warned of cyber ransomware attacks in exactly this kind of situation.

So, here we are again in the B block talking about what the president did just like in the A block, President Trump, that was right. And, you know, 100 days in, they sense that Biden is weak, and so the Russians whether it's the Kremlin or not, and you know, don't give me this, but we don't think it's the Kremlin. Really? Prove it to the American people. I'm with Tyrus.

PERINO: Judge, wait until you see the C block. You will be impressed with our ability there. Juan, what should the United States do? I was thinking of right after 9/11, all of these young people wanted to work in the federal government and they signed up to be Navy SEALS, and they've joined other branches of the military.

They wanted to be a part of the intel community. The CIA hired a whole bunch of young people that were studying terrorism and issues. At this point, I feel like we should hire every young team that's basically gaming all day long since they couldn't go to school during the pandemic.

WILLIAMS: Good advice, Dana Perino. You should write a book about this.

PERINO: Oh, okay. I don't have a lot of time on my hands.

WILLIAMS: I think that -- you know, I think that, you know, the whole country has to take this very seriously. And you know, yesterday, President Biden put out an executive order on cyber preparedness and it got a big thumbs up from the corporate world and from all the people, including those young people you described who spent all of their time writing code and understanding how hacking works.

So, I think that's the kind of thing we need to do. And I might add, I think that we have to view this as very much a part of infrastructure. It has to be seen as essential that we keep up, not only oil pipelines, but keep our computers running.

It's just part of how we live and essential to the American way of life right now. I must say that, you know, with regard to the gas situation and even to the arguments about, well, we are risking inflation. Today, the stock market is up 400, I think it's more than 400 points. You know, treasury bills are still trading low. I think it's 1 percent.

So, people don't expect this is going to be a long-term problem. What they've got is an economy that's humming, that's starting to get fast, you know, going 0 to 60 quickly. And we're going to have some blips. But I don't think it's any reason for all of us to go running around alarmed, oh, the world is ending, no. You know what, we are in a good spot. You know, as I said yesterday, happy days are here again.

PERINO: Okay. Let's go to the sunniest optimist on the panel now. Jesse Watters, what do you think?

WATTERS: Well, if regular hardworking Americans are paying a lot more in gas, that's not a blip. That hurts, Juan. Also, Joe Biden put out an executive order? I bet Putin is terrified. I remember when the Russians hacked Hillary Clinton's campaign manager and the world turned upside down.

We kicked out ambassadors, we slapped sanctions on everybody. We locked Republicans up in prison, you know. It was a big deal. What was there? A $40 million investigation for three years into collusion? And now all of a sudden, not just Hillary was hacked, basically the entire southeast got hacked, inconveniencing millions of Americans financial pain and suffering aggravation.

And Joe Biden goes, it wasn't Russia. It was just some Russians inside Russia. I mean, last time Hillary got embarrassed, the Democrats wanted to restart the Cold War. And now, Joe Biden is just kind of giving Putin a pass, like that's not him.

But, I'm going to put out an executive order? Didn't North Korea hack Sony and Barack Obama literally destroy the internet in North Korea permanently. I mean, what are we going to do, Juan? We're just going to just put out an executive order. This was an act of war. This was the biggest cyber terror attack in U.S. history. And he's putting out an executive order that the stock market likes? Come on, man, that's not real. Do something.

PERINO: But don't forget about the solo (ph) (inaudible), right, that we learned about just a couple of months ago.

WATTERS: Exactly.

PERINO: They were in our computers all across our government for a long time. Probably the same people. We need to trace it all back. Okay, coming up, if only everyone drove an electric car, a top White House official with a controversial comment about the gas shortage.


PIRRO: Talk about tone-deaf. The president's energy secretary says Americans wouldn't be suffering from gas shortages if they had only bought into Biden's green agenda.


JENNIFER GRANHOLM, ENERGY SECRETARY: We obviously are all in on making sure that we meet the president's goals of getting to 100 percent clean electricity by 2035 and a net zero carbon emissions by 2050. And, you know, if you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you, clearly.


PIRRO: And Republicans not mincing words when responding to that.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): That was the dumbest thing in the world if we had all electric cars, the pipeline hack wouldn't matter. Well, what if they take down the power company?

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): We could stop demonizing fossil fuels and understand that we cannot run the greatest economy and all of human history by putting fairy dust and unicorn urine in our cars.


PIRRO: Okay, I will go to you, Tyrus, first. Fairy dust and unicorn urine in the cars.

TYRUS: Very expensive.

PIRRO: Well, first of all, do you -- look, do you have an electric car and do you plan on getting one?

TYRUS: I only have electric toothbrush, I'm old school. Listen, I'm all for advancement -- 2035, we ain't there yet. I'm just trying to get through '21 and '22. This is what happens when elitist out of touch people think they are helping. You know, my grandmother had a great saying. If it was fifth, we'd all be drunk.

This is just pure ignorance. And you're sitting in front of -- in the White House telling us, well, if we all have electric cars, I think that riding that guy in the car, well, if you want to listen to me and turn left when I said so.

You know what happens to him? He gets put out the car. If I was in that meeting and after that, I'd be like, you got a second? Can you come here for a second? You're fired, clear out your desk, please go away. Like that was just unbelievably insensitive, ignorant, and I expect a lot more from a woman of her caliber. That was just really insensitive.

PIRRO: Well, there is a lot more to talk about when we get to her. But Dana, I'll go to you. I mean, even the Energy Secretary Granholm, she actually said that the pipeline is the best way to transport fuel. And it appears that John Kerry said something very similar. I mean -- and yet, their administration is canceling the pipeline.

PERINO: Yes, the cancelled the Keystone Pipeline.

PIRRO: We have to stop (ph). Take a listen.


PIRRO: I think we have to stop here.


GRANHOLM: These are not easy solutions because they may or may not be the right rail cars, they may not or may not be the deep-water courts available. This is why we have doubled down on ensuring there is an ability to truck oil in and gas in. But it's -- the pipe is the best way to go.


PIRRO: Go ahead, Dana.

PERINO: This is super fantastic, super fantastic because look, if you are a Republican ad maker, they are making their work so easy for you. You just pull the clip of Joe Biden, his first in office canceling the Keystone Pipeline, shoot to a clip of guys down in Arkansas who had jobs and now they were told by John Kerry to get a solar job. There are no solar jobs. They can't find jobs.

And then you have this whole situation where, first of all, the hack is what -- I think the hack is the bigger issue here rather than the fuel. The hack is the issue because if you have an electric car and you want to plug that sucker in and load it up with energy for the next day, well, what happens when DarkSide decides to hack into our electricity generation system or distribution system?


PERINO: That's where I think the focus should be. Fine, if they want to try to get to more electric vehicles, but that means you got to have power in order to do that. But another thing, imagine this, so Secretary Granholm is a woman, very successful. She has millions in stock in a company that makes electric car batteries. Okay, great. Well, where is the media on this?

Because when Biden went to do a big event to talk about this program and his plans and his goals, which are lofty and fine, but why would they choose to go there?

Imagine if Rex Tillerson who had been at Exxon, and then it comes to work at the State Department for President Trump had used a crisis with Iran in order to make the case for fueling more with, you know, gas and basically drilling more all around. The media would have lost their minds. The Democrats would have gone crazy.

PIRRO: And I actually -- I'm pretty passionate about energy issues. And I think that you have to have an Energy Secretary who wants all the types of fuel in abundance so that America can continue to be a safe country and one that can be prosperous as well.

PIRRO: OK. So, Juan, what about the fact that she's got a multi-million dollar investment, the Secretary of Energy, Granholm, in Proterra that the President took a walkthrough, and she is promoting that the pipeline is the best way to transport oil.

Now, is her position shaky in the administration? I mean, she's gone against it. And we've got some ethical issues there.

WILLIAMS: I am puzzled, but I'm going to -- I'm going to talk for a second, Judge, and I let anybody interrupt this time, because I'm a little puzzled.

First of all, I think you guys are late to the game here. The big car companies have all said they plan to stop making fossil fuel-driven cars by like, 2030, 2035.


WILLIAMS: Go ahead, Dana.

WATTERS: No, they don't, Juan

PERINO: May I interrupt? May I interrupt?


WILLIAMS: Dana, yes.

PERINO: That's great. That's great. But the shortage is happening now. And the idea that there's not enough electric cars --

WILLIAMS: No, my point --

PERINO: I know that that's going to be the future, we're talking about what's happening right now.


PERINO: And also you have a Secretary of Energy that's invested --

WILLIAMS: Right. And what I'm saying --

PERINO: She should divest that.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't know. But I'm saying, she made these investments long ago.

PIRRO: You don't know. That's (INAUDIBLE)

WILLIAMS: She doesn't need to --



WILLIAMS: She's not trying to promote something to happen. Already, the car companies even before the Biden administration came in, made their announcements about the move towards electric cars. You know, on this pipeline business, again, I'm puzzled, because the Keystone pipeline wasn't even going to produce oil for the United States.

We were shipping it through -- they were from Canada, through the United States, down to the Gulf of Mexico. And it was going to be export it

PIRRO: That's not true.

WILLIAMS: Yes, it is. And so to me --

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I'm interrupting right there, Juan. I've had enough. I actually -- I just want to say that.


WILLIAMS: Go ahead, go ahead, Tyrus.

TYRUS: I just want to say that. I love you, Juan. I just wanted to interrupt. Go ahead. You're going, man. You're going.

WILLIAMS: Oh, OK. I appreciate you. I appreciate you.

PIRRO: Jesse -- let's hear from Jesse.

WILLIAMS: But here's my thing. You had Republican -- let me finish up. You had Republican senators today meeting with President Biden on infrastructure, and specifically arguing, you know, we want to support an infrastructure deal but what about -- what about we just limited to roads and bridges and tunnels. But I think this argument that we're having here says, Hey, we want to make sure that our infrastructure in terms of things like pipelines, in terms of traffic lights, in terms of, you know, media and --

WATTERS: Traffic lights.

WILLIAMS: -- you know, one of those poles that have the cell phone poles, all that are protected. That's a -- that's a different argument, I think, for Republicans to hear, an expanded vision of what is infrastructure.

PIRRO: Juan, we're talking about, you can harden the electric grid. And right now, Jesse, I'm going to go -- I'm going to go to you. But the truth is, there are people who can't afford a new car, OK. And all of this forcing people, you know, out of a job with a pipeline to energy. Nobody has got a job yet. And now people have to buy a new car. Jesse, hit it.

WATTERS: Juan, do you have an electric car?


WATTERS: Why not, Juan?

TYRUS: Because he don't want to, Jesse.

WILLIAMS: I asked you for a loan, remember that?

WATTERS: Exactly. It's a boutique vehicle. Only two percent of all the vehicles on the road are electric. And I bet you could start in the western side of Virginia. Drive down to North Carolina, through South Carolina, into North Georgia, county after county, you probably wouldn't see one electric car for sale at a dealership. Not a single one. And not only that, I don't think I think you'd see a single charging station.

And let's just say you live in a city and you don't have a garage and you park on the street like most people, where are you putting a charging station, Juan? Ever think of that? So, I mean, these things are ridiculous.

WILLIAMS: I think they have lots of them.

WATTERS: And how are you going to charge the charging station? You're going to use either coal or natural gas, the two things that the Democrats have declared war on. Go make sense of that.

PIRRO: All right, guys, we got to go. All right, get the vaccine and you could win $1 million. The state rolling out that idea next.


WILLIAMS: Two wildly different ways leaders are trying to incentivize people to get the vaccine. Ohio has an interesting idea on how to get people vaccinated. Just give them a million dollars. A lucky group of five will get that windfall, but only if they get their vaccination.

And New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio chowing down while touting free Shake Shack as a vaccine perk. Watch this.


BILL DE BLASIO, MAYOR, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: If this is appealing to you, just think of this when you think of vaccination. Vaccination.


WILLIAMS: Tyrus, free food, are you in?

TYRUS: Normally I would say yes. I'm never down for free, but something about when a creepy guy talks with his mouth full just kind of makes me want to just say I'm good for now. These are all bad ideas. These are all horrible ideas. And the fact that we're still watching him eat is making me really proud to be on my sensible meals. I'm so happy to be on my sensible meals.

Literally, listen, if I die watching this, do not let Greg Gutfeld read a monologue at my funeral. Promise me, Dana.

PERINO: Got it.

TYRUS: Promise me.

PERINO: Got it.

TYRUS: Just give people the information. Just tell them what they need. If you got an extra million dollars laying around, throw it in school systems, OK? Get a vaccination, here's the reasons why. Here's the reasons you could think about it. And being Americans, just do it if you want to do it. If you choose not to, then you don't have to wear a mask. That's it.

We don't want to watch them -- and I'm tall, but he's creepy tall guy eating whatever that was saying (INAUDIBLE). No, no, sorry, Juan. No.

WILLIAMS: So, Dana, Mike DeWine, the governor of Ohio is offering a million bucks. But you know, the thought to me was just as a matter of strategy, how many people have to get vaccinated to say that was a good idea?

PERINO: Well, when I first heard about this, I thought that's outrageous. There's a lot of better ways to spend a million dollars. And then, I listened to the governor today in his interview with Bill Hemmer, and I thought, actually, no. Whoever wins this money is going to spend it a lot more wisely than the government would.

And look, if it's the experiment that they want to put in place to try to get more people to be interested in getting the vaccine, I think, you know, knock yourselves out. I think it's better than offering people free Shake Shack.

WILLIAMS: All right. Well, Jesse, West Virginia has given out $100 savings bonds. New Jersey though, Jesse, a shot and a beer if you get your vaccination.

WATTERS: Oh, my --

WILLIAMS: Yes. So, what do you think, Jesse? Is all this a good idea? Would it get Jesse Jr. out to get a vaccination?

WATTERS: Not a beer, Juan. He's not of age, but pretty much anything else. I'll take the bond or the tuition. Other politicians are bribing us with like real things. And De Blasio is bribing us with fast food.

PERINO: Exactly.

WATTERS: I mean, we're New Yorkers. We're going to have to get off the couch for more than Shake Shack. Didn't Biden just give me work like a quadrillion dollars? So, De Blasio sends like 20 grand to Shake Shack for a promotion. I mean, we need Knicks tickets, right, some Playoff tickets? That we get people vaccinated, not a burger and fries. We're not a starving third-world country.

PERINO: How about to Hamilton?

WATTERS: Come on.

PERINO: Yes, tickets to Hamilton.

WILLIAMS: Hey, so, Judge --

TYRUS: I'm with the game.

WATTERS: I don't know about that.

WILLIAMS: Here's my complaint. Judge, I'm coming to you with a complaint. So, I've already been vaccinated. How come I can't win the million bucks? I want -- I mean, am I eligible?

PIRRO: I'll tell you what I would do. First thing I would do is I would sue Governor DeWine for denial of equal protection for not having sufficient notice. You wouldn't be held back on the vaccine if you had known that you would have been eligible for $1 million and you don't want to be denied because you're X, Y, or Z. I'm not even going to go there.

Anyway -- but by the way, let me tell you what Ohio is doing on June 2nd. They were ending all COVID restrict anyway, no masks, no nothing, June 2nd. COVID is over in Ohio, so I don't know what's with the $5 million but whatever.

WILLIAMS: All right, up next, Ellen DeGeneres, she's ending her show. But she claims toxic workplace allegations have nothing to do with it. We've got that story next for you on THE FIVE.


TYRUS: Ellen DeGeneres says she's ending her show and denying that allegations of a toxic workplace had anything to do with it. Right, check this out.


ELLEN DEGENERES, TALK SHOW HOST: If it was why I was quitting. I would have not come back this year. I read in the press that there's a toxic work environment, which I mean, I had no idea. I never saw anything that would even point to that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you feel like you were being canceled?

DEGENERES: I mean, I really didn't understand it. I still don't understand it. It was too orchestrated. It was too coordinated.


TYRUS: OK, all right, all right. Judge I'm going to have you pass judgement. I want you to judge this panel, and at the end, give us your ruling.

PIRRO: You got it.

TYRUS: OK, now, I have an inside source on this whole thing. First of all, you know, she had 3000 episodes -- I'm going with the positive -- 3000 episodes, 30 Emmys, and she had revenue at one point up to $116 million. Now, when they started coming out about her workplace, this was not a big secret for those who have worked with her.

I, I don't know if all of you know this, at one time was Snoop's bodyguard, and I was friends and work with some of her bodyguards. And it was very different. We would talk about the fun we had at work, and they were always talking to how they got yelled at and were treated bad.

So, this kind of always carried with her. It's just no one ever got together and compared notes once people started coming out and seeing how bad it was. Is there -- and I'll go to, Juan, because you have a lot of wisdom and experience on this one. Is there ever a good time to say you know what, maybe it was a mistake? Maybe looking back, I could have done things differently.

Is it ever good to say I had no idea what's going on, you weren't aware that you had literally hundreds of unhappy employees?

WILLIAMS: Well, in this case, unless she's just trying to avoid the blame, Tyrus, I don't know. I don't know anything about it. You just gave us some valuable insight. It sounds like that -- you know, the grapevine was out on her.

I mean, to my mind, I think the gig is up on bad bosses. You know, everybody -- this guy, Scott Rudin on Broadway, you know, think of Weinstein in the film business. I just think that bad bosses, you know kind of people who would, you know, curse at you, argue, extremely demanding -- it used to be that people say, well, they're the boss, you got to accept that.

I don't think that's the case at the moment. I think people have changed on this front. And it's surprising because Ellen DeGeneres is such a friendly- looking sort, you'd never would have thought it was her.

TYRUS: It's always the friendly-looking ones, Juan. Everybody knows that. Look at Jesse, though friendly he is, he's always yelling at all, not me. Look. Look at him. Look at that face. You know, he's guilty. Jesse, if you're in the executive board --

WATTERS: "WATTERS' WORLD" is a toxic work environment for sure.

TYRUS: Yes, you never invited me on but I'm not holding a grudge.

WATTERS: I don't need -- I don't need my staff to -- no, I think -- the sensitive side of me, Tyrus, says this, that no one should be bullied or treated with disrespect. But the other side of me says toxic work environments are very successful.

I think all of us have been involved with a work environment that maybe you loved, but someone of your colleagues thought it was toxic. It could be very subjective.

TYRUS: Right.

WATTERS: And very talented people oftentimes have toxic work environments because they're crazy or demanding or just idiosyncratic. I'm not talking about Gutfeld, but he would fall within that category. But imagine a Patriot player in New England quitting the Patriots because he said, oh, Bill Belichick has created such a toxic work environment here.

You know, he's yelling at me, and he's screaming, and I was benched because, you know, I got flagged for holding. No, you'd be laughed out of the NFL. Successful environments breed competition, and this stuff happens sometimes.

TYRUS: Speaking of toxic, the nicest person in the entire world, Miss Perino, I'll go to you. When you lose a million views -- when you lose a million viewers and ratings, don't you think this should be a wake-up call that maybe you need to atone a little bit?

PERINO: Yes. And perhaps, I do think that for her fans, this is a big loss. Whenever I had a chance to see her show, she would make me laugh. She brought a lot of joy to a lot of people for a long time. I think she's got an encore performance somewhere. She'll do something that is creative and make people laugh again, and maybe that new environment will be a little better.

TYRUS: Now, I'm not saying that Judge Jeanine is a bully. I'm not saying that she could be tough to work for. All I know is that before I actually met her, I wanted to public defender every time I was around her. She's vicious. She doesn't play.

So, Judge, as someone who expects the best, is there a thin line between expecting the best and being mean from your employees? How to get the best out without being mean?

PIRRO: Well, first of all, I work for Warner Brothers. I had a syndicated show for several years. And, I -- you know, at the same time that she did. But let me just say this. When you have 255 employees, and it appears in several -- there were several accusations of sexual misconduct, as well as more than a dozen of their employees accused of misconduct, you've got a problem. And you've got to run an organization and know that your organization is OK.

And if you're tone-deaf to what's going on in your organization, that's a problem. So, to answer your question simply is yes, there's a fine line between getting the group going and being mean. But in this case, I think she wasn't on top of her staff and she got canceled. A canceled person got canceled.

TYRUS: We're going to kick this home. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." Dana Perino.

PERINO: All right, it's just going to do a little promotion. The next episode of Everything Will Be Okay podcast is available now. It's with Lydia Fenet. And she wrote a book called The Most Powerful Woman in the Room Is You, which I highly recommend. She is an auctioneer at Christie's and she's raised hundreds of thousands -- millions of dollars for charities all around the world and she's got some good advice in there.

And then tonight, I'm going to be on "GUTFELD!" exclamation point with my co-anchor Bill Hemmer, Guy Benson, and Kat Timpf.

WATTERS: Sometimes I do feel like I'm the most powerful woman in the room. I need to get that book. I think it's really good.

PERINO: And then you could tell everybody how you save the world.

WATTERS: I'm going to blow out my "ONE MORE THING" -- that's true. I'm going to -- I'm going to say something that bothered me about the last segment, what I heard, and it's the fact that Ellen DeGeneres has 255 staff members. I have five. We both have hour-long shows. She does not need 255 staff members.


TYRUS: Conservative networks. Conservative networks.

WATTERS: That is way too many staff members. Obviously toxic if you have 255 people working on one show. Oh my God, that is the most bloated show I've ever heard of. And I feel like a Navy SEAL that we can get "WATTERS' WORLD" done with just five. I had to get that off my chest. Go ahead, Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right, I want you guys to take a look at Mace the ACE. That's Mason O'Reilly or Mace the Ace as his 45,000 TikTok followers call him. He's an Irish four-year-old and he has really great soccer skills that he's developed by practicing with his dad quite precocious.

As you can see, his one-touch passes are incredible. And he can put the ball on the net, folks. This one reminds me of practicing boxing with my dad. You know, it just -- it builds lifelong bonds that will never ever get old.

PERINO: It's super cute.

WATTERS: Missed the face. All right, go ahead, Judge, real quick. OK, I want to tell you about a place called Delta Rescue which is the largest no- kill, care-for-life animal sanctuary in the world. They rescue animals from the wilderness that are starving, abandoned, sick, and injured. Go to DeltaRescue.org. They do incredible work rescuing and saving animals. '

And I'm on "HANNITY" tonight, so there.

WATTERS: It sounds like a great organization.

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