Gutfeld: Taliban names well-known terrorists to new government
'The Five' react to the news that the Taliban has appointed former Guantanamo Bay inmates to government roles in Afghanistan
This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on September 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): You've been noticing after
(Inaudible). Hi. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Dagen McDowell, Jessica
Tarlov, Jesse Watters, and the last time she withdrew her savings she fell
into the piggy bank, Dana Perino. THE FIVE.
The Taliban has formed a new government in Afghanistan and big surprise, it
is filled with terrorists. And sorry, not a single female among them. It's
so sexist. Their incoming cabinet includes four jihadists released from
Gitmo by the Obama administration in exchange for U.S. army deserter Bowe
Bergdahl back in 2014.
Gee, who could have predicted these disasters outcome.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Most of the people that are in Gitmo maybe
they were picked up in Afghanistan but they've been picked up all over the
world. They are terrorists, they're enemy combatants, they're not prisoners
of war.
GUTFELD: So, basically, what you have is catch and release game with
maniacs, it's OK to let them go but you got to kill them when they get out
of there because they're going to come back. It's absolutely, it's insane.
GUTFELD (on camera): Who is that gorgeous truth teller? Then there's the
Taliban's new interior minister, he's wanted by the FBI with a $10 million
bounty on his head and he's believed to be holding at least one American
hostage. And this after saying just yesterday, there was no hostage like
situation with the Taliban stopping Americans from leaving. Secretary of
State Antony Blinken is now changing his tune.
ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: As of now the Taliban are not
permitting the charter flights to depart. They claimed that some of the
passengers do not have the required documentation. Those flights need to be
able to depart. And we will work every day to make sure that they are able
to do that. We will continue to press the Taliban to allow the charters to
GUTFELD (on camera): You know, Dana, I love how the State Department was
surprised and dismayed that it was an all-male cabinet. It's like they
expected the, you know, a brochure on diversity from a local college.
PERINO: And it was -- and then the statement that said we're very
disappointed, we're very concerned.
PERINO: It's like strong letter to follow to the Taliban.
GUTFELD: Yes. Yes.
PERINO: Like if they thought they were going to be more friendly, that's
like getting high on your own supply if you know what I mean.
GUTFELD: I bet you do know what you mean, Dana.
PERINO: Yesterday you brought up the point that we have to ban the phrase,
the world is watching.
PERINO: Like the world is averting its eyes.
PERINO: Because now what's the world going to do when these characters but
together their government, not only do they have the detainees from the
Bowe Bergdahl exchange, but they also have invited some countries to the
ceremony. And the countries are Russia, China and Iran.
PERINO: And so yes, that's happening.
GUTFELD: That's amazing. We weren't even asked.
PERINO: I don't if we were on the list, maybe. And I also feel that with
Secretary Blinken's comments are one. We talked about this semantics over
the word hostage yesterday.
PERINO: And at this point I'm like, OK, so there are people that can come
to America, they've got their paperwork, there might be American citizens
amongst the group also with people who helped Americans and the Taliban
won't let them go.
To me, like that's the -- you look up in Webster's --
PERINO: -- that is the definition. And I think he is a soft-spoken person.
It would be nice to see a little fire and a little determination that yes,
we are going to get the people back.
GUTFELD: They seem like they don't know what to do. They are in a
quagmire, a word I just came up with. Jessica, I noticed in the new cabinet
not a single trans individual. What do you say about this?
JESSICA TARLOV, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's what I'm most upset about.
TARLOV: About the situation currently. It was kind of like, you know when
there is a new administration comes in but they're never actually like a
new administration because they are holdovers from the last time, there is
Republican or Democrat. And this is like the greatest hits of terrorists
from the 1990s.
TARLOV: Right.
TARLOV: Like people who went into bunkers essentially for 20, 30 years and
now they are back in there in prominent positions. And Dana, you referenced
Russia, China, and Iran getting the invitation to the inauguration. While
the rest of the world can't come because we'll be thinking about the lives
that we lost on 9/11 --
PERINO: Right.
TARLOV: -- because they're doing it on 9/11 which is probably the greatest
troll --
TARLOV: -- of all time, you know, as we're sitting here having a somber
moment as our allies who went to war with us over what happened when we
lost 3,000 plus Americans in one day, and then obviously, you know, they
are countless lives since then.
It's terrible. It's a hard-liner government and the people are sitting on
these plains. Like what do you do? I mean, you're ready to go. Obviously,
the paperwork they are lying that they don't have the right paperwork, no
one got on those flights without it but it's government plans.
And then, it's also charter flights, like Glenn Beck had a bunch of planes
that were held back, he's paying $750,000 per plane, couldn't get them off
the ground a couple days ago. It's really diplomatic disaster at this
GUTFELD: Yes. This is, it's beyond belief. When you think about Bowe
Bergdahl, Dagen, I mean, you know, we -- how -- we knew that was going to
happen and now it's happening, now they are in charge. That trade.
MCDOWELL: I am just astonished by the language, maybe I shouldn't be
surprised by the language that Tony Blinken is using, that they were
dismayed that the Taliban interim government wasn't inclusive, and he's
calling them, they have challenging track records.
Listen, the Taliban is horrible and evil and they will always be horrible
and evil, there is no born-again Taliban. And that's who we just
surrendered to. That with the greatest dishonor, and now putting our
Americans and our allies in the greatest danger, even here at home.
But this goes -- in terms of the language this goes to what Carter did with
the Soviet Union and Clinton did it with Al Qaeda, Obama did it with Iran.
They act like, well, you know, everyone if we just may be hope and not pray
because that's evil, right? They just evolve into good Democrats.
That if you treat them say with Iran, if you just treat them like a normal
western government, then if you treat them like Britain than they will be
Britain and that just -- it doesn't happen.
Regular folks, you always talk about the rubes and rednecks and the
hayseeds with love, and if you talk to them we know looking at a rogue or
reprobate that you can't treat them like a normal dude because they will
come at you and they will steal from you because they are a rogue and a
reprobate. But these people in the Biden administration don't seem to know
that about a terrorist organization.
GUTFELD: Yes. It's like dating somebody, you can't change them. They are
going to be a terrorist no matter what. You know, Jesse, when I told you
that the Taliban also banned sports for girls you said now there is
something I could get behind. I couldn't --
GUTFELD: Sports, yes.
WATTERS: I think they should be able to play some, not all.
GUTFELD: There you go.
WATTERS: So, if I could go back in time --
WATTERS: -- and change one thing what do you think that would be?
PERINO: All time.
WATTERS: I'll answer it for you. All time. I would go back in time and
make sure that Barack Obama was never president. I don't know how I would
do it, but here's why. It's like, you kill two birds with one stone because
if Barack wasn't president, then Joe Biden wouldn't be president. Butterfly
effect. The book was better than the movie.
Think about what Barack Obama did in Afghanistan. Even I can't even take it
seriously --
PERINO: You read the book?
WATTERS: No, my friends brother produced the movie. He is the one that
surge 100,000 troops into Afghanistan. He was the one that nation built.
He's the one that trained the Afghan army. He was the one that got
hoodwinked by the Pakistanis. That Bin Laden was just hiding there in plain
He was the one that told us on all this great progress there that was a
mirage. He was the one that traded five Taliban commanders for a deserter.
I'm not sure. Four of them are now back.
WATTERS: I don't know what the other one is doing. He's like assistant to
the regional commander in Afghanistan. And Barack Obama was supposed to be
the smart one. Remember Joe Biden was the joke, Obama was smart? And now
the joke is president, the joke is on us. How stupid do the feds look?
The feds put Trump campaign officials behind bars, and then they released
the Taliban. The feds framed Carter Page for colluding with the Russians,
yet the FBI's most wanted terrorist in Afghanistan is colluding with Al
Qaeda. Is holding American citizen hostage and Joe Biden wouldn't even call
them the enemy. He doesn't want to offend the enemy.
So, they're now upset there's no women in the government. It's an onion
article. Joe Biden thinks he can Me, Too the Taliban. The world is
watching. Who is the world? The mullahs don't have women in the cabinet. Do
the Saudis have women? They're concerned, Blinken. I mean, Blinken, Antony,
where is the h? Maybe that's why he lacks the fire. There's no h.
WATTERS: Instead of being so concerned about the gender of the Taliban
cabinet, be concerned about stranded Americans.
GUTFELD: Look, you know, I was just going to say, Biden doesn't like the
Taliban because it's hard to sniff hair under a burqa.
TARLOV: That's wasn't the reputation I was looking for.
TARLOV: I know we have very limited time, there was a lot of stuff that
just flew out of Jesse's mouth.
TARLOV: So, if you could go back in time and you can undo one thing, I
sincerely doubt that that would be making Barack Obama president. The surge
WATTERS: The first thing, maybe the first thing. I get to some other stuff
TARLOV: OK. The surge is widely looked upon in all political circles
actually as being one of the most successful parts actually of the war on
PERINO: That was in --
WATTERS: In Iraq, not necessarily in Afghanistan.
PERINO: Right.
TARLOV: OK. Well, they're -- we'll get other people in the show to talk
about that. OK. We have to go, but basically, everything that you said
basically it was kind of absurd.
GUTFELD: This might have been the best discussion ever about Afghanistan.
PERINO: Like in the history --
GUTFELD: Yes. Days away from the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Americans feel
less safe under President Biden.
WATTERS (on camera): We are three days away from the 20th anniversary of
9/11 and the majority of Americans don't feel safe from the terror threat.
Just 49 percent say the United States is more secure than it was before the
attacks. That's down from 64 percent a decade ago, maybe this is why.
President Biden has botched Afghanistan withdrawal and the Taliban return
to power could turn the war-torn country back into a terrorist safe haven.
And DHS Secretary Mayorkas says that while there is no credible threat,
well, he is still concerned.
seen the threat evolve from the foreign terrorist seeking to enter the
United States to the individual here radicalized to violence by a foreign
terrorist ideology, to now, what we consider the most serious terrorism
related threat on our homeland which is the domestic violent extremists.
So, am I concerned? Yes. I'm concerned today, tomorrow and I was concerned
WATTERS (on camera): Well, Dagen, he's not too concerned because he's --
the border is wide open and people are just pouring across. So he can save
that. Why do you think the American people are more concerned at this
MCDOWELL: Because everything that this administration touches turns into
chaos. I think that's the word that Greg has used over and over again. The
-- you know what, just sounding like you drank half a bottle of Benadryl
doesn't make us feel good. When the world spiraling out of control. It's
not only to keep us safe, their jobs, it's to make us feel safe.
And if you look at what happened in Afghanistan clearly but it's also how
they have not stood up to China on the Wuhan virus. Tony Blinken met with a
Chinese official in March and sat there and let that official lambaste him
about the sins of America and he was like, didn't do anything, didn't say
So, when is Biden going to stand up to China on the Wuhan virus? And by the
way, you can connect the two because Al Qaeda was running bioweapons labs
20 years ago. They probably learned something from the what, four and a
half million people who've died worldwide because of a single virus that
spread around, it's more than 650,000 Americans? So that's why people are
utterly freaked out.
WATTERS: And it's not just Republicans, Dana in the polls. It says
independents and Democrats also are much more concerned.
PERINO: Yes. So, independents are fickle voters usually, they pretty much
don't like either political party so they like to -- and basically, they
don't like Washington. But what you would hope is that they could at least
trust Washington. You can dislike but still hope.
I do think actually on the merits the United States is safer today than it
was on September 10th, 2001.
PERINO: There's a couple of reasons. One, this is kind of, it's
unbelievable to think about now but at the time it was illegal for the
intelligence community and law enforcement to share information with each
other. And you think back and like, what in the world, how could that
possibly happen?
That changed in the Patriot Act. And even though it is still not perfect,
at least that does us make us safer. But still two things are true, they
were true then, and they are true now. Which is, the terrorists only have
to be right once.
PERINO: And you know, that could be with a weapon of mass destruction or
not. But they don't have to be right once, we have to be right every single
time. That means we have to have a committed focus on this.
The second thing that's so true is that this is a generational war on
ideology. So, you have to fight it from various different perspectives. I
think you have to stay on offense. And I wonder if the American people it
just feels like right now that they feel like we are on defense and that
doesn't feel good. I don't think that's necessarily true. But again, it is
also how you feel.
Congressman Michael Waltz today said that Afghanistan under the Taliban is
now a terrorist super state. And Josh Kraushaar of the National Journal, I
highly recommend his column today about the politics about all of this. You
could see a return of the security moms of 2004 because yes, the economy is
a critically important but if you do not feel secure, that's your first
GUTFELD: Soccer moms, security moms, a lot of moms, Greg.
GUTFELD: Yes. Yes.
GUTFELD: So, if Afghanistan is a terrorist state then that makes us the
world's largest sponsor of terror. With like $30 billion worth of weapons.
WATTERS: From (Inaudible).
GUTFELD: Yes. So Majorca said, is that his name?
PERINO: Mayorkas, yes.
TARLOV: Majorca is just a place to go.
GUTFELD: It is. I get confused. He said there's no credible threat unless
it's white supremacist in face paint. So, you wonder, why is it that when
the Democrats enter power, we instinctively feel less safe? It's that
reason because we'd met the enemy and to them is always going to be us. You
We've had terror under both parties, but we feel like the Dems are always
more concerned about our phobic response to it, right? So, whenever there
was like something awful that would happen and beheading or a terror
attack, the Fox would -- the Fox -- the Fox. Fox News would cover it but
other cable channels would be obsessed with Islamophobia.
So, the phobic response, Dana, it would be actualized attacks which is why
they always often denied the signs of organic terror of converted Islamic
radicals. So, I don't know. Maybe when -- if Al Qaeda decides to attack,
they will identify as white supremacist, which by the way is cultural
appropriation. Which would be probably the most offensive thing about it to
the hard-left progressives.
You got to worry about bioterror, cyber terror and what was the last one,
attacks on our grid.
GUTFELD: That's the new thing.
GUTFELD: I don't think it's going to be like the 9/11 or those types of
spectacles but it could be something far more sinister or even more
constructive if they could shut down a country.
WATTERS: Jessica?
TARLOV: OK. Thank you.
WATTERS: You're welcome.
TARLOV: Yes. China on the grid this is happening. I mean, Leon Panetta has
been talking about this for a long time now that we are not going to have
traditional warfare anymore, and we are starting to see that certainly from
China and Russia and Iran and we'll see kind of how the Middle Eastern
players get into this.
In terms of the drop of feelings of security from 64 percent a decade ago
down to 49 percent today. Around 9/11 things do get a little antsier for
people. You just can't help but be reminded of what's going on. It's
obviously across -- every paper you open, any channel you turn to.
But now, we have 9/11 plus. Right? We have these images of what's going on
actually in a hub of Islamic extremist terror. And that's really
compounding things for people. And Greg has mentioned a few times that this
was a story that people could largely turn away from over the past few
I mean, foreign policy and that's obviously thinking about it all the time
and it certainly mattered. But now, there is no escaping, basically our
worst national nightmare which is what 9/11 was. And I think that that's a
very tough thing for a lot of people especially heading into the 20th
And it's informing how Secretary Mayorkas who, maybe likes Majorca is
talking about what's going on, see of the domestic threat which has been
huge and prevalent the past few years compounded now with a new foreign
threat that we hadn't thought in a long time.
MCDOWELL: Can I just add one --
WATTERS: Yes, sure.
MCDOWELL: I want to thank Andy McCarthy who's talk to me a lot on the
phone and he is dismayed. He covered a lot of points talking to me that
Dana did, but he's dismayed that we seem to be repeating what we did 30
years ago. And he said they don't understand the Jihadist enemy and they
refuse -- and to Greg's point, that conservatives get treated as if they're
evil because we refuse to coddle the enemy that is being sheltered by the
WATTERS: All good point except for me. Street Fentanyl just surging in
America. Too high-profile cases highlighting that major problem, next on
MCDOWELL (on camera): Two high-profile drug overdose cases show America's
street Fentanyl crisis is far from over. Comedian Fuquan Johnson was one of
three victims who died last week after investigators say they consumed a
batch of cocaine that had been laced with Fentanyl during a party in Los
Angeles. And police reportedly think "The Wire" actor Michael K. Williams
may have overdosed on Fentanyl after he was found dead in his New York City
That, as the deadly drug is up to 100 times more potent than heroin that
keeps pouring into this country. Fed say a shipment they seized from Mexico
had enough Fentanyl to kill hundreds of thousands of people.
GUTFELD: I know you guys get tired of me talking about this, but I'm going
to do the whole refrain, I mean, the whole reframing of this, and that it
is not an overdose. These are not overdoses. These are poisonings. These
victims are not overdosing on Fentanyl. They are doing a different drug
that is spike by fentanyl.
This is very important that you understand that so you separate it from the
drug user or the junkie. Fentanyl is made in China, it has killed everybody
from Tom Petty to Prince, to Mac Miller and now Michael Williams, a great
And these deaths, you know, these deaths could be prevented but I'll get to
that. This was much like what happened with prohibition when alcohol was
illegal people were dying from poorly made booze mixed with bad chemicals.
The solution was they legalized it and that went away.
The big story here is that it's spreading from heroin to coc. So now, if
you're a parent with kids in college you can say to yourself, Buffy and
Steve (Ph), don't do coc. You don't know that. A lot of kids in college try
it once, they try it once in a party, a friend says try it. All it takes is
one and Buffy (Ph) is not coming back.
So, this is -- this is a -- I mean, all it takes is one line of Fentanyl
and you're dead. And this is a -- this is China sponsored terror that's
killing tens of thousands of Americans a year. Its street substance is
doing the killing, it's not prescription drugs. Yet we're punishing the
patients, the cancer patients and the fen patients by telling them they
can't get the oxy that they need, they give them tramadol. Give me a break.
It's kind of like going after gun control going after law-abiding gun
owners instead of the gangs. So, the solution is, identify the problem,
it's Fentanyl poisoning imported by China, stateside terror. Two, take out
the producers of it as if they are a terror cell. China can help do that,
but we could just do it independently. And lay off prescribers and doctors
and patients who are not abusing the drug and leave them alone. That's my
MCDOWELL: Right, Dana, a lot of doctors -- to Greg's point -- a lot of
doctors have said there's no data showing people are -- more people are
struggling with substance abuse. But you see more overdoses because of the
tainted -- it's tainted drugs with Fentanyl. It's a controlled substance
like cocaine, but they have no control over it.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Yes. I'll never forget interviewing a
couple who lost one of their children, a teen who COVID School Board never
tried it before. You can get it basically on Uber Eats or whatever. Door --
it comes right to the door. The first time he ever tried. It was laced with
Fentanyl. He died.
And they had no hope -- it wasn't like getting him to rehab and helping
him. Like, it was just over. But it's amazing how many of these issues
actually come back to the border because this is another political
albatross that the administration seems to just not -- either not know what
to do with or don't care, because one of the things that they keep finding
is that while they're produced in China, they're coming across borders --
the port border as well as maybe ports of entry. But the southern border is
a huge problem.
MCDOWELL: Yeah, what does Mayorkas have to say about that, Jess?
Majorca. So, we do know about a lot of this Fentanyl that's coming because
it is being stopped, like that big shipment that we were talking about.
That's something that we know about because the feds were able to
confiscate it.
But this transformation from it becoming something that's used for people
who can't get their hands on opioids because they have real pain problems
to party drug time is a really tremendous problem in this. And it was
interesting, I was reading some accounts from people would actually
interview drug dealers about what's going on, and they were saying that
there's a supply chain problem in the drug world, just the same way that
you can't get lumber to build your houses, that we had gas shortages,
etcetera. So, COVID-19 has clamped down on everything.
And I thought that that was really interesting. So, they're turning to less
expensive alternatives which they're liking. I guess you don't get as many
repeat customers if you kill them.
TARLOV: And now the kids are back at school, they were watched for a whole
year, right? And now, they're finally let loose there. They may be
vaccinated, but they want a party. They're 18, 19 years old. And just on
the Michael K. Williams front, there's an amazing article on
from couple of years ago called the redemption of Michael K. Williams that
I recommend everyone read where he talks about his road to sobriety, which
obviously has been -- that did not end well for him, the role of religion
in his life and finding a great community for him. In specific, Rev. Ron I
think is the name of the Reverend that he used to see in New Jersey.
MCDOWELL: What do you think about comparing lumber to Fentanyl that's
killed much people?
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Well, the supply chain has moved a little
to India, but it's still primarily coming out of China. And Joe Biden has
got to do something about this because he is in a unique position because
his son was an addict, but he doesn't talk about it. And he actually just
reduced sentencing guidelines for illicit Fentanyl traffickers here in the
United States. That was his proposal. And he was asked about it on a CNN
Town Hall. What are you going to do? And his answer was, we're going to
hire more lawyers at the Department of Justice.
That's not a strategy. That's patronage. Then he says, oh, yes, it's about
China. They got to do something. Well, Joe has to make China do something.
And a lot of people are asking questions because Hunter has got a stake
worth millions in these Chinese concerns. Is that why Biden hasn't been
tough? He had a perfect opportunity to take that lab leak intel report and
turn the screws to the Chinese. Instead, they whitewashed it.
If that had come out honestly, they could have said, this is on you. You
killed 600,000 Americans. We want money. We want accountability. What are
you going to do? One of the things Chinese could have done is crackdown on
these manufacturers, the drug chemists, and all the shipments that go out.
But Biden doesn't use leverage like that. He's not smart enough. So, we
still just get washed in through these cartels that bring it through Mexico
into the border and we're getting killed. And he's -- it's because of his
donors don't want to make waves with the Chinese. He wants to get reelected
more than he wants to fight these Chinese drug warriors.
MCDOWELL: It's like Greg says, terrorism.
MCDOWELL: So, killing 650,000 Americans --
WATTERS: You got to be more aggressive.
MCDOWELL: The Wuhan virus, killing 650,000 Americans, that wasn't enough
MCDOWELL: Again, day after day, dead Americans.
GUTFELD: The Fentanyl today.
WATTERS: Yes. This is 100,000 almost a year.
MCDOWELL: Dead American, dead American, and nothing from Biden. Ahead, a
COVID crackdown on college football. Dr. Tony Fauci and the media scolding
fans from going back to the stadium.
TARLOV: Welcome back. College football fans are once again packing stadiums
across the country and it's giving Dr. Anthony Fauci and some of the media
think it's smart. The rule is going to be, if you want to participate, you
get vaccinated. If not sorry, you're not going to be able to do it.
JOY REID, HOST, MSNBC: As soon as I saw it, I thought COVID is about to
have a feast. What did you think?
JIM SCIUTTO, ANCHOR, CNN: If we keep doing this, are we going to be kind of
stuck in outbreak mode?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: America is acting like the threat from COVID is over
even though the fact is we're actually much worse off than we were a year
TARLOV: OK, so Dana, I'm curious what's your take on this. Unless -- I've
seen that now the CDC recommends outdoor masking but we still haven't seen
an update to the science aspect of it that you're going to get it you're
outdoors. I thought that it was the safe spot.
PERINO: Right. Well, and I think that it still is. It seems to me that
there could have just been some political pressure from somewhere. Well,
where might that be? So, today, we find out that the CDC revised some of
its mask guidance a while ago. Remember when all of a sudden they said,
people -- that are even if you're vaccinated, you have to mask? And
everybody was like, where did that come from? It turns out this teacher's
unions were agitating and giving pressure, and that's when the CDC changes
So, if I were a college student, and I'm looking at European Soccer League,
because I know a lot of them do, but I have to watch a lot of it in my
house. They've been -- they've had fans there for several weeks and it
doesn't seem to have been a problem. So, I could imagine that a lot of
these college students are going to say, put that where the sun don't
GUTFELD: Oh, Dana.
PERINO: Is that bad?
GUTFELD: Yes, that was bad.
TARLOV: Do you have anything else to say?
GUTFELD: Sure. They're saying that COVID could have a feast, but they
didn't feel that way during the protests, right, when everybody was filling
the streets. We -- initially, we had one goal, and that was to return to
normal. That's what everybody agreed on. But the media has turned it --
turned normal into deadly. It's exactly the opposite of you know, keep calm
and carry on. Now, it's keep screaming and carry three masks.
But we predicted this when this whole thing started. We said this is going
to be a battle between adults who understand benefits and risk analysis,
and politicians in media who are too cowardly to deal with risk and do not
want to accept risk because they don't want to be blamed. So, they had --
so instead, every day there's going to be this kind of reporting because
there's always going to be a little bit of risk involved. The media should
not be listened to except for this show and my show and maybe Jesse's.
WATTERS: Speaking of your show.
WATTERS: You're promoting Trump on "GUTFELD!" Who's Harrison?
GUTFELD: Oh, from Pawn Stars.
WATTERS: OK. It should just be Trump. You do Trump and Harrison. Oh,
Harrison from Pawn Stars. I don't know that.
GUTFELD: I didn't do that.
WATTERS: You need to fix that graphic. My goodness. My goodness.
GUTFELD: I like they're saying --
WATTERS: Trump gets the solo promo. Are you new? Now, everyone is going to
watch it.
TARLOV: That was all your talking time, by the way.
WATTERS: No, no, actually, I made a list. You know, I have a list. Here are
the events that Dr. Anthony Fauci did not nag us about, Black Lives Matter
protests, the CNN concert in Central Park, Obama's massive Vinyard birthday
party, Lollapalooza in Chicago, and all these caravans and illegals coming
Here's what Dr. Fauci did nag us about, Sturgis, college football, SEC
football, and anytime more than three people get together in Florida. Have
you noticed something about Dr. Fauci? He's not an equal opportunity
nagger. He plays favorites. That would be like if Fauci criticized me every
time I went to football games, but every time you went to your Dixie Chicks
concert, he never said squat.
GUTFELD: It's the chicks.
WATTERS: The chicks, right? That's why you know he's not playing it
TARLOV: He should have stepped to the SoulCycle game we were playing.
Dagen, final thoughts.
MCDOWELL: The man that causes instantaneous acid indigestion on site, Tony
Fauci, not you, Jesse.
WATTERS: Thank you.
MCDOWELL: He had nothing to say -- add to your list baseball games, you
know, despite the fact that he has the arm of a 3-year-old?
MCDOWELL: He said nothing about baseball games. Stadiums have been packed
watching baseball for weeks, if not months. But now because, let's see,
college football is a red state sport.
MCDOWELL: It's the Neanderthals with the tailgate.
GUTFELD: In his defensive, it'll be the only time, do you think it's -- it
depends on who asked the question?
PERINO: Yes, of course.
WATTERS: Well, he's getting asked questions because he's on TV every day.
GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.
WATTERS: We've been warning you.
TARLOV: Well, he has a pretty big job.
MCDOWELL: I do love CNN complaining about people in the football games
exhaling with vigor. Exhaling with vigor.
WATTERS: With vigor.
MCDOWELL: That's my --
GUTFELD: When you breathe, you have blood on your hands.
TARLOV: We have to go with vigor right now. "THE FASTEST" is up next.
PERINO: Welcome back. It's time for "THE FASTEST." First up, you know when
you sit down to watch TV after a long day and then you find yourself just
flipping around forever trying to figure out what to put on. Well,
apparently people spend, get this, more than 100 days of their lives
deciding shows and movies to watch as if that's like a show, Jesse.
WATTERS: I don't have this problem. I wait until other people watch shows
and then the buzz develops. And then I'll be watching it years later.
PERINO: So, you're a follower.
WATTERS: Right, I'm a follower. Like, I'm just going to get into the
Sopranos this year. Like, it's kind of built up and people -- enough people
have said watch the Sopranos.
PERINO: OK. Have you watched The Wire?
WATTERS: No, but that's next after the Sopranos.
PERINO: OK, Jessica, do you have this problem?
TARLOV: Definitely. Even when I know what I want to watch, I'll get lost on
the way there. If there's like a movie that you love, you know how they'll
go through months where they'll show like Pretty Woman every day, and then
you're suddenly watching Pretty Woman every day. It's like Goodfellas is on
right now, like eight times.
PERINO: And do you scroll or do you know what you're going to watch?
MCDOWELL: I don't waste a minute. Fox News, keep it on Fox News 24/7.
PERINO: Very good. Give her a raise. How about you?
GUTFELD: She took my talking point. This is why Fox News is so successful.
I call it the -- I call it the blue aquarium. Like, just keep it on. Like,
keep it on at all times. Look, here comes Tucker. He comes around. And then
he wait a couple of hours, and then it comes around again, and then there's
Hannity up here. He comes down. It's like -- it's a cable news aquarium. I
live in the little castle. I came out of the castle.
But it's great because if you just keep it on, you have all the friends you
need, recognizable people. Look, there's Jesse. He's hosting seven. And
there's -- oh, there's Dana. It's just like why -- who needs anything else?
Especially Netflix, the more options you have, the more loathing you have
for that whole thing. Isn't that weird?
It's like when you look at the wall of stuff on Netflix and you go like
there's nothing there. But then you go on YouTube, and you can find podcast
and you go, oh, this looks great. And you turn it on and it's awesome.
PERINO: We have a problem in that we have -- Peter and I have very
different tastes in what we like to watch but he will -- he will watch
things that I like to watch, but I won't watch things he does. So -- but
you know how it says when you turn it on? It's like, is this for Peter or
for Dana? If you accidentally end up in Peter's world, it will be like
terrorism, suspense --
TARLOV: Soccer?
PERINO: Well, I can -- I can handle soccer.
GUTFELD: And then, you ended to just porn.
PERINO: I mean, I clear my history for sure. Do we have time for this next
one, guys? OK, so, in the quarantine, nobody has any hobbies anymore. 60
percent of people have felt the urge to do something outside of their
comfort zone since a pandemic. But the average person has not tried
anything new in two months. Does that includes you?
GUTFELD: Yes. I don't try anything new period. I just find variety in my
comforts. So, I like ribs. So, I just keep trying to find new ways to have
PERINO: I don't -- I guess food is something new. Do you have anything else
WATTERS: Well, I had a baby during the pandemic. I got a new haircut. I
wrote a book, How I Save the World, still where books are sold.
PERINO: Yes. Jessica, are you try anything new? I mean, you got something
new coming.
TARLOV: Yes. And now the audience knows. So, I'm pregnant. This is not how
GUTFELD: Nicely done.
TARLOV: I'm really sorry.
PERINO: You could have said anything. First of all, I thought people knew.
I am so sorry.
TARLOV: It's totally -- yes, I also learned how to make sourdough bread
like everybody.
PERINO: OK, OK. That would have been a great answer. Can we congratulate
Jessica altogether?
WATTERS: Congratulations.
MCDOWELL: I can't top it other than -- the only think I can top it with is
like partner swaps or orgies.
PERINO: No, and even that is not a topic, the news that we have --
MCDOWELL: No, I meant your --
PERINO: I thought it was old news.
MCDOWELL: You give it away. I didn't mean her with the --
GUTFELD: Well, she does -- she make sourdough bread and buns.
PERINO: Maybe this is a good reason I shouldn't have two shows. I'm just
tired. But anyway, Jessica, I'm thrilled and I'm living through --
TARLOV: I'm excited too. We're excited. There was another person involved,
my lovely husband.
GUTFELD: There goes -- she was doing a gender reveal with a -- with a
TARLOV: With a -- with a big gun, like an AR-15.
WATTERS: I just can't believe I didn't blow that.
PERINO: I'm dying. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
GUTFELD: Awesome.
GUTFELD: Once a week. All right, time for "ONE MORE THING." Let's do this.
Greg's plugs. Yes, all right. You know, tonight, I got 45, Donald Trump on.
This is part one of five interviews. Let's take a look.
GUTFELD: Do you remember how much I hated you for that brief period of
time when you weren't a fan, and then you started -- and now I think -- I
don't know if it's love, but it's getting close and we like it.
GUTFELD: It's -- I wouldn't say it's love, but I would say it's admiration.
TRUMP: Thank you.
GUTFELD: And also admitting that I was wrong because I was focusing on
words and not deeds.
GUTFELD: That's just a taste. Also, it'll be on tonight. We got two parts -
- two parts tomorrow. It'll blow your mind. Also, "Gutfeld Live. Go to my
Web site to find out ticket info, I'll be in Memphis in
October, Birmingham in November, Newark, New Jersey, December. Go to live with Tom Shillue. All right, it's -- Jesse.
WATTERS: I'm going to watch that.
GUTFELD: Please do.
WATTERS: And I never watch exclamation. But I am going to watch that.
GUTFELD: That hurts.
WATTERS: Well, it's true.
GUTFELD: You're hosting.
WATTERS: I am. You weren't supposed to say that.
PERINO: That brings me to a pause.
WATTERS: All right.
PERINO: Can I be -- I mean, you're hosting?
WATTERS: Big changes in college sports this year, obviously. Everybody
knows now some of these athletes can actually get paid through sponsorship
deals. So, our friends at Rhoback have a new thing, the Rhoback U Program.
It's the first apparel sponsorship program that rewards college athletes
with real cash payments for their hard work both on and off the field. It
has over 1000 athletes participating.
So, if you are an athlete in college, and you know a college athlete, and
if they want to participate, you have one more week to apply to Rhoback.
So, go to and see if you can get a sponsorship deal.
And also, THE FIVE, we just hit half a million on Instagram thanks to Greg.
Congrats, everybody.
PERINO: All right, from our friends at Fox Bet. You just down low the Fox
Bet Super 6 app and you enter for a free chance to win $1 million of,
believe this -- believe it or not, Terry Bradshaw's money, $1 million.
GUTFELD: I don't believe it.
PERINO: All you need to do is pick -- I know. I'm like, how do we -- is
that real?
WATTERS: Terry has $1 million?
PERINO: OK, you just pick six outcomes from Sunday games, and you watch to
see how it all plays out. It's free to play. You can just download again.
Fox Bet Super 6. That's an app.
GUTFELD: All right, Jessica. Any secrets?
TARLOV: Not anymore. So, it's Kennedy's birthday. That is my "ONE MORE
THING" for today. This is with her on the fourth of July with Degen's
MCDOWELL: That's my brother.
TARLOV: Who made delicious sourdough bread which I also learned to cook
along with babies over the pandemic. Boozy brunch, Dagen there, Kat Timpf.
TARLOV: Drunk Dagan. Kennedy is a master at fishing guy in Adam's wedding.
Happy second anniversary. They celebrated yesterday. Kennedy, at Kat
Timpf's wedding. Kennedy, Kennedy all the time.
WATTERS: Happy Birthday.
TARLOV: She's been fantastic. Happy birthday to you.
GUTFELD: Dagen, you've got 20 seconds.
MCDOWELL: These two little boys in Batesville, Indiana. They got caught
stopping at a funeral for an 89-year-old Charles Everett Yorn, a veteran.
They stood and waited until taps were played and the gun salute.
GUTFELD: Very nice.
MCDOWELL: Well done, mom and dad.
PERINO: They're so cool.
GUTFELD: All right, that's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with the
evil Shannon Bream.
SHANNON BREAM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Stay tuned to find out just how
evil, Greg.
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