'The Five' slams Democrats' push to add amnesty to infrastructure bill
Fox News footage captured serge at the southern border; reaction from 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: But they are not done, not by a long shot. That will do it here. Here comes "THE FIVE."
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Dagen McDowell, Harold Ford, Jr., Martha MacCallum and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is THE FIVE.
WATTERS: Earth's richest man leaving the planet for about 4 minutes today and it's already upsetting (inaudible). Billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said his Blue Origin rocket crew blasting off to the edge of space in a historic flight that could lead to a new age of tourism. Bezos having the time of his life floating around in zero gravity.
UNKNOWN: Here, catch.
UNKNOWN: Oh, yes, (inaudible) Wahoo!
WATTERS: Before the capsule landed safely back on the ground. The billionaire describing what it was like.
JEFF BEZOS, BLUE ORIGIN, AMAZON FOUNDER: Now, on how it felt, oh, my god! My expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded. What we are doing is not only adventure. It is adventure and it is fun. But it's also important because what we are doing is the first step of something big.
WATTERS: But right on cue, liberals are attacking him for spending an estimated $42,000 per second.
REP. RO KHANNA (D-CA): I don't think I've heard of a bigger oxymoron than talking about billionaires going up into space and then using the word democratizing. These tech leaders view the social good as equated to technological progress and market value. Why did Bezos and a few of his friends get to make these decisions and why are they using money that should have been used to pay taxes? That's offensive.
WATTERS: Offensive. All right, Martha, I don't understand politicians that complain about the tax code. They write the tax code.
WATTERS: They are the ones writing it.
MACCALLUM: That's exactly right. So, if he thinks that Jeff Bezos and companies across America should pay more, that should be his 100 percent effort that he makes every single day to making sure that that happens. I have no problem with Jeff Bezos spending his money anyway he wants.
He comes from a long history of very wealthy people in this country who had a lot of innovative, you know, Carnegie and the railroad. You look at Howard Hughes and, you know, he invented like all kinds of craziness and (inaudible) of good stuff. But you know, Rockefeller, the National Parks.
It's like, this is what -- he can do this. He could do this for $206 billion and he can also give away billions and billions and billions of dollars and never feel one penny of the money that he spend on any of those things.
But I'll tell you what bothered me today. The cowboy hat thing was so embarrassing.
WATTERS: This is space cowboy.
MACCALLUM: It was like, I get it, but I'm thinking to myself, you know, it's named after Alan Shepard, his vehicle. I'm thinking like, can you imagine Neil Armstrong like wearing a cowboy hat and saying -- did you see the part when he said, "Mom, are you out there?" And he took this like necklace thing off that he brought into space and he gave it to her and said, "Mom, I wore this in space and I want you to have it." Could you imagine Neil Armstrong doing that?
WATTERS: I thought he was kind of charismatic, Greg. I was surprised when he opened up his (inaudible). I had never heard him speak before.
MACCALLUM: Oh, yes, you have.
WATTERS: No, I have not. Trust me.
WATTERS: I have not, Martha.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: He laughed -- he only lasted 4 minutes. Now wonder his wife left him.
WATTERS: Oh, Greg.
GUTFELD: Robin Williams once said that having a coke addiction is proof you make too much money. These days it's flying into outer space, you know. It used to be the markers of being a billionaire were, you know, yachts, famous friends, fabulous gem stones, exotic homes. Now it's I have a spaceship.
A spaceship is now a billionaire's yacht and I'm not complaining. I think it's great. I think complaining that you should spend money on taxes as opposed to really, what it really is its long-term situation. This is about saving the Earth because it's going to be 100 percent certainty on barring any kind of asteroid collision that we are going to have to be explorers again. We will.
GUTFELD: If we're going to be around for another billion years, that's going to happen. So we need to go. We need to make the first steps. And we also come as I've said many times, we need a new food group. Because I'm just tired of eating earthlings. That's all we are doing is eating earthlings.
I mean, a lamb is an earthling, a chicken as an earthling. I want to eat, I want to enjoy like interstellar cuisine.
WATTERS: Like a space chicken.
GUTFELD: Space chicken sounds already better than a regular chicken. And the left should be embracing this because think of the possibilities of spreading critical race theory into outer space. Right? You could put the race in space race. Anyway.
WATTERS: So, Dagen, I don't understand why liberals are upset because if you look at this guy's resume, he came from nothing. His father abandoned him. He was adopted by an immigrant father. His mother had him when he was 16. And he founded this great company that has made all of our lives easier. Employs 1.3 million people. And he even owns "The Washington Post" which savages the Republicans on a daily basis. So the left should be worshipping this guy.
DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: But that's the first rule of being a Democrat, is you got to hate rich people.
WATTTERS: You got to hate rich people.
MCDOWELL: Particularly nowadays. And you saw this -- it didn't just go as far as Ro Khanna complaining about Jeff Bezos' wealth. Congressman Blumenauer was, you know, back here on Earth spinning into a headwind, if you will, being his usual self. But he was talking about we need to create a per passenger tax on the price of a commercial flight to space.
We need to have a two-tiered excise tax depending on how high suborbital flights go. This is what he was talking about. But this man, you know, I thought I was Luke Skywalker when I was in the third grade. You know, my mother didn't have the heart to tell me. I knew the name of every flight director on the Apollo 11 mission, which today is what, 52nd anniversary of it.
So, I am the nerd that appreciates what Bezos, what Musk, what Richard Branson are doing because it's not -- the government failed at this. They stopped sending people into space because it didn't have any more political clout. It was too costly. We were hitching rides with the Russians for how many years.
And now we are going to be able to maybe harness solar power in space. Discover incredible materials and minerals whatever on asteroids, because this is what we need to do. Also, because China is challenging us militarily in space. So it's going to fall on the shoulders and the wallets of Bezos. So I'm just super ecstatic. Although this is clearly the most expensive midlife crisis I guess.
WATTERS: And if AOC is right and the earth is going to end in 12 years, we've got to get out of here, right?
HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Look, I'm reminded as we think about the money that this guy has, I'm reminded of a Bruno Mars song where he says I'm a dangerous man with some money in my pocket. Jeff Bezos has a lot of money in his pocket and thank god he's putting it to good use.
I think Ro Khanna, I kind of understand where he's coming from but he's completely misguided here and should redirect whatever ire there may be. The fact that we are doing all these things to fight China, this is a climate change move. This is a move that will improve telecom if you are worried about your phones dropping in certain parts of New York or certain parts of California.
We're maybe sooner than a few years away from being able to use technology out there. And I applaud any person who would take the kind of risk this guy took. (inaudible) congratulations to him and I wish him nothing but the best.
WATTERS: We can get that better cell service now?
FORD: That could be -- well, the satellites are going to be able to launch there. I'd tell you that that part of the technology, antenna technologies that will come from this are amazing, really infinite.
MCDOWELL: This is all prime -- I'll shut up the rest of the show, but this all private industry. If these men --
FORD: Well, they used -- they used public infrastructure also, but this is --
MCDOWELL: -- if these men had not created this wealth, they couldn't be doing this right now.
FORD: This is true.
MCDOWELL: And so, it should be embraced because those bozos in D.C. can't even get Amtrak to run right.
MACCALLUM: And we abandoned NASA, instead that it should be more -- the burden should be carried more by private industry. And that's exactly what we're watching being carried out here. And I do think it's kind of like, you know, you think about the Wright Brothers getting a plane off the ground. It's like this is the very beginning, as he says, of a future of new innovations.
GUTFELD: Do you guys really -- do you guys really think it could happen?
MACCALLUM: You think he didn't got --
GUTFELD: No, I don't -- I mean, look, look, I'm just putting it out there. Just wait -- asking questions --
WATTERS: Like the same thing with the moon landing?
MACCALLUM: No, I know, I didn't have that thought today. I was like 4 minutes in the air. This could be invented.
GUTFELD: The moon landing?
MCDOWELL: It's called "Capricorn One."
GUTFELD: Yes, a classic O.J. Simpson movie.
WATTERS: All right. I just like the name, Ro Khanna. I like how that flows, Ro Khanna. All right, up next, Democrats pushing mask amnesty as hundreds of migrants trying to force their way past our agents.
MACCALLUM: So, Republicans warning Democrats are about to open the floodgates on the border that is already seeing a record surge. New video shows about 300 migrants pushing through the gate in Del Rio, Texas yesterday. And now, Democrats are working to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants by adding that saying that has to be -- Pramila Jayapal says, it's got to be part of the deal in this infrastructure bill because they are saying that immigration is infrastructure in part. Senator Lindsey Graham warning that that could lead to "an invasion." Watch this.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): That will lead to an invasion of illegal immigration. It will put jet fuel on a system that's already broken. If you give one person legal status, there will be a run on our border like you've never seen before. The dumbest idea in the history of the Senate, the history of the White House. It will lead to a breakdown of law and order beyond what you see today.
MACCALLUM: So Harold, let me start with you. You know, just what goes through your mind when you look at that image of people pushing on the gates, right, to get in and then the Border Patrol folks that we were really glad that we had the extra Border Patrol folks from Florida and Nebraska helping us because it could have turned into a really tough situation. And then eventually it says further down the piece, they just let them all in.
FORD: So, it makes me think we need a stronger border security patrol and that we should not just rely on state militias and, should rather state police officers and others coming in. Two, it makes you realize that part of what Lindsey Graham said there is correct. If we don't do the first thing here, you could incentivize even more.
And three, it screams again the lack of a hemispheric strategy to how we are going to address this challenge combined with border security first both beg the question. I think Democrats who believe that we are going to get an amnesty, first of all, the amnesty idea is dumb. I don't know if it's the dumbest idea the Senate or the Congress has come out with because there is a lot of competition.
MACCALLUM: There've been a lot of them.
FORD: But this is -- any Democrat that votes for something like this is probably setting him or herself up for defeat next November. Some may like that, some may not. I think it's bad for the body politic, but it's just bad policy, put aside the politics.
Finally, and I come back to where I have always been on this, 90 miles off our shore there is a communist nation called Cuba. We see the unrest there. I think the unrest there could lead to something more positive because it's the people fomenting all of this. You look at Honduras, Nicaragua. You look at Mexico. We have a challenge in this region that we are not going to solve by remarking on it every night or even Democrats and Republicans yelling in the Congress every day.
Get the border done. I'd even argue for building the wall and then let's figure out what we do from aid standpoint to stabilize this hemisphere. We spend trillions of dollars around the globe stabilizing parts of the world. It's the right thing to do. Our security is at stake. How is not spending billions in our own hemisphere not smart for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids?
MACCALLUM: You know, I'm just so struck, Jesse, by that image of people pushing on the gate and one thing that comes to mind is that there are plenty of areas that are wide open. Are they going to just, you know, go that way and go through those? The other thing that occurs to me is this the only place, you know, on the border where that could be possible. Can you imagine people landing in an airport and rushing the passport agents? They would everywhere. Can you imagine?
WATTERS: Of course, they wouldn't be able to tell them to take their shoes off fast enough, Martha. But I think this is a very powerful piece of footage because it will influence how people see the Biden border crisis because you are seeing not families. You are seeing adult grown men force themselves across this barrier with our Border Patrol agents trying to hold the line.
This is not families waiting across the Rio Grande and surrendering to Border Patrol. You see the border. You see the fence. American see that and they see adult males penetrating it with force. And that is not something that is going to gain sympathy in the American people's eyes.
And then you hear about Biden just let them all in afterwards and bust them to god knows where. If he right now continues this policy, we are on pace for 2.3 million illegals. Think about how many we are not catching. And he is basically releasing the 30 to 40 percent of them into this country and they are not all from Guatemala and Mexico.
You are getting people from Africa, from the Middle East, from Venezuela. And there is no way we know who these people are. Dick Durbin even said that we're opening the borders for political reasons. He says that new voters, aka, foreign-born voters in America do not vote for the Republican Party and that is the demographic trend, he said. And he's right.
Foreign born voters vote 2-1 Democrat and one in 10 voters are foreign born and that trend is going to continue. "Axios" has reported in this. This is not a conspiracy theory. Forget the politics. How can he swear this with a pandemic right now? There is a 900 percent increase in COVID cases in the Rio Grande sector right now.
And so, he is now going to say it's dangerous to post something about a vaccine on Facebook, but it's not dangerous to let in hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated migrants into the country and then bus them to swing states? That's crazy.
MACCALLUM: Yes, it's a good point. And they want to pass, Dagen, $3.5 trillion deal, budget deal that would include pre-K, community college, elder care so, I mean, you can see why there is a lot of interest in coming here once all of those individuals become part of the beneficiaries of that kind of package.
MCDOWELL: A vast entitlement state, getting all of America essentially addicted to government handouts. That's what they want to do. Senator Alex Padilla in a quote said, "Citizenship is essential infrastructure for immigrant families." Well no, amnesty is essential infrastructure for the Democratic Party. It is the very foundation and the future of the Democrats for retaining power because right now what we are seeing is crumbling.
If they are talking about amnesty, these left wing nuts in Washington, D.C., it smacks of desperation that they know they're going to lose in the midterms. They know they are going to lose the House by holding it right now by the slightest majority. You know, 50/50 split in the Senate. They know that they are going to lose that.
MACCALLUM: And it's probably the last shot they'll have at reconciliation.
MCDOWELL: So they're just trying to -- right, they're trying to jam anything through juts like these gian entitlements. And because, again, crime, inflation, this, L-O-S-E out.
GUTFELD: Yes, you know, looking at the video, you saw people, you saw an obstacle, which creates friction. So we look at that and go, well, that could have been a wall, right? That could have been a wall. The only reason why they got in is that they were let in. But imagine if that, I mean, this kind of is a visual representation of what could be there and what could have worked.
And to Jesse's point, you do see that this is not, it's not a Cuba situation. It doesn't feel like refugees. It feels like work, like they are coming here to work, which is, you know, it's great for corporations. They are going to get cheap labor but what is that going to do to our unemployment rate at this rate, right? You're going to have -- we are the people that aren't working?
And they are not going to work for the -- they are not going to work for the hourly wages they are going to work for. And that's the other part of this, is that this is an -- there is a lot of corporations that really love this stuff because it's a few steps away from slave labor. It's cheap.
FORD: May be a few more than you think.
GUTFELD: Yes, that's a good point.
MACCALLUM: So straight ahead, the media tries to spin the crime surge as new video shows a police officer being brutally attacked. His head cracked open with a bottle.
MCDOWELL: Crime is surging across the country but the liberal media, they don't seem to care. Instead, networks like MSNBC claim to be shocked by the violence in places like Washington, D.C., and trying to find the positives.
ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC HOST: We know how safe and wonderful our city is. This is just a shocking way that it was displayed for the whole country to see. In a place that has been improving in safety. But we do have over 100 homicides here already this year and it is really of concern.
MCDOWELL: Homicides are of concern and criminals are emboldened during this crime wave. New video shows a man who has been arrested twice for attacking NYPD officers, smashing a bottle over one cop's head in an unprovoked attack. That's the best concern you're going to get from an Andrea Mitchell.
GUTFELD: Yes. And she -- did you notice how hard it was for her to actually muster up any energy for that? It was like she was talking about constipation. You know, it was just, I mean, there are a hundred homicides in Washington, D.C. It's really important, Martha. You know?
Did you see how quickly they are concerned over the baseball shooting came and went though. It was like, you know, if there were only white nationalists or proud boys and not some gang shoot-out. And by the way, that doesn't disturb Don Lemon's dinner, right, because see, these people are so far removed. I don't know. I can't remember if I said this before because we talk about crime forever.
National news doesn't cover this because it doesn't affect them. Local news covers it because it's outside their doorstep and the people that listen to local news, they care, right? They watch. They want to know what's happening on their street. But the CNNs of the world -- we're the anomaly. Fox News is like a local news station for America, right?
We talk about all the problems that are on your street, but the rest of the national news people, they act like, you know, it's like I got a private car service. My feet are never going to touch the ground when I get out of work. I'm going to go to the baseball game. Oh, my god, I took my family to the game and there was crime there.
Well, that's the way it's been every day for everybody you jackasses. And I think, you know what we have to do? We have to come out pro-crime because the only reason why the media is not coming out anti-crime is because we lead on pro-crime.
So if we decide to talk on behalf of the criminals and laugh at the victims the way Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo did, you know, black on black crime. I remember that. Maybe they will change their story, right? Because it's disgusting. They are living through a horrible time. We are seeing epidemic numbers. This is not some kind of delusion.
They would rather think about one day, January 6th, than any of the savagery that is happening every day on our streets. Whatever happened to their concerns about the elderly Asians? It didn't fit their race narrative so they don't even give a damn. Anyway, sorry.
MCDOWELL: Well, Jesse, they did talk about Asian hate crime because they tried to pin it on Trump. I have heard this at this table where Trump called it the China virus or the Wuhan flu and that was the direct connection to elderly Asian women being attacked by mentally ill men of color in places like San Francisco and New York. That was the best that they could do. That was the most outraged that they could muster because it was about, well, they tried to make it about Trump.
WATTERS: Right. I just can't wait until Greg does a pro-crime monologue on his show. You go first with that, Greg. I'll follow right by --
MCDOWELL: They tried to make it about Trump.
WATTERS: Right. I just can't wait till Greg does a pro-crime monologue on this show. You go first with that, Greg. I'll follow right behind you on the pro-crime thing.
GUTFELD: You should do all the pro-crime for a week just to see if it changes the public narrative in the media.
WATTERS: Yes, I can see that working really well, Greg.
FORD JR.: Yes, artificial stance.
WATTERS: Yes, artificial stances. That's not a bad idea. So, Andrea Mitchell, it's -- right now D.C. is on pace to set a 16-year record for homicides. But I can't even talk statistics with the left. They don't listen to me. You have to talk about feelings. And Andrea, most people in Washington D.C. feel unsafe.
Andrea probably doesn't because she lives in one of the most exclusive and prestigious treelined enclaves in the entire Capitol surrounded by mansions with wrought iron gates and armed guards and dogs. And she even lives near a castle, Dagen, an actual castle is a few doors down from her.
So, she takes the chauffeured car to the secure NBC News studio and she goes back, and she doesn't go to those neighborhoods. So, she feels safe because Alan Greenspan is very tough guy, he will protect her. And -- but that's not the problem. I have another problem with these people in this city here.
This suspect from Hackensack, New Jersey that smashed the guy -- I don't like people from New Jersey committing crimes in New York, first of all -- but this guy's priors, groping, punching an officer, two robberies, terrorist threats, all these lazy DAs, they play these things down because they don't want to waste time at trial. And this guy only served a couple of months, then gets paroled, and smashes an officer in the head.
If they would stop focusing on trying to go after the CFO of the Trump Organization for a tax issue, maybe actually lock up criminals. That's what people want.
MACCALLUM: You know, there's a police chief in Washington D.C. who got in front of the cameras the other day when this little 6-year-old girl Nyiah Courtney was killed. And he said, listen to his community, tell me what you know. I know you know whose car this is. I know you know what's going on in your community. This is not snitching. This is saving lives of other children in your community.
And this is the problem because he, you know, talking to the guy today, it's a neighborhood on neighborhood crime. And so, if one person feels that they have been offended, they're going over to the neighbor -- and you can tell from when you watch it, their hits, their direct, intentional hits on individuals who are together for a reason.
And you know, this is -- this is so bad. And to not report on this, to not talk about what's going on in our cities and you think -- you look at the lockdowns, you look at all these kids, they're teenagers, half of them, they've been home for a year and a half because nobody would reopen their schools and they didn't have anywhere to go. And that there's a direct link, I believe, between these things between the lockdown and businesses being closed and school being -- there too much time on everyone's hands, all this animosity that's built up, and it's rolling over the top and it's ending up with these children who are -- who are losing their lives.
MCDOWELL: What are the Democrats going to do about it, Harold? Because again, bail reform, you get arrested, you're right back out on the street. That is one of the biggest problems in terms of the wave of crime that you've seen in all these major cities, particularly here in New York City.
FORD JR.: New York is the biggest city in the country. New York voters, Democrats spoke about nominating the candidate who spoke toughest about crime, who said he returned gang units to the streets and was against defunding to police. The most important voice in policing in the last 50 years I think is Bill Bratton. He talked about community policing. This new mayor we're going to get here New York, Eric Adams, just talked about precision policing.
Every big city that has a Democratic mayor that has a police chief, many of them are African-American, many of them are Democrats. They're speaking up along the lines that you raise, Martha. This is not a Democrat coddling criminals by no means. You may have a few people on TV who misspeak or who may be taken out of context. And I'm not saying we did either with Andrea, but I'd say this. Democrats don't like crime. We don't support crime.
And I can tell you as an African-American, we want criminals hung in our communities, those that are dealing drugs and gang members and those shooting our children. I will -- we won't accept any African-Americans, certainly not a black democrat is going to accept the notion that we like crime or coddle criminals by no means.
WATTERS: Well, Democrat city council members defunded the police across the country. So, that is the problem.
FORD JR.: Look, Black mayors, Black Democrats want to fight crime as much as anybody else in this country because oftentimes it's communities that are populated more by us that are affected more personally.
WATTERS: Well, they didn't want to fight it last year when they signed all those defund --
FORD JR.: Who's they?
WATTERS: 30 cities defunded the police. Washington D.C. defunded the police to the tune of $40 million.
FORD JR.: Voters --
WATTERS: And now, there are homicides. They're about 100 already in July.
FORD JR.: I'm not going to fight you. I'll let the numbers say. The biggest --
WATTERS: Don't fight me, Harold.
FORD JR.: The biggest city --
WATTERS: Don't fight me.
FORD JR.: The biggest city in America, New York City, just nominated an African-American former police captain --
WATTERS: I agree.
FORD JR.: -- who stands and who wants to bring gang units back to communities to protect every community. Not just Black communities but every community.
WATTERS: I can't wait. We need it.
FORD JR.: Neither can I.
MCDOWELL: Can't he stop the --
GUTFELD: Where is De Blasio? Isn't that bizarre?
MACCALLUM: Did you see when he's standing behind him and Eric Evans is like, when I'm mayor -- and De Blasio was like, oh, sorry, I'm just back here.
GUTFELD: I mean, talking about the disappearing act.
MACCALLUM: It's unbelievable. It's been going on for years.
WATTERS: He ran for president, remember?
MACCALLUM: Yes, he did.
GUTFELD: I wish he one.
MCDOWELL: Greg, he didn't know what month it is.
MCDOWELL: Coming up, Dr. Tony Fauci blows up on Rand Paul in a fiery clash on Capitol Hill.
FORD JR.: Tensions rising in Washington is COVID cases spike again and some mask mandates return. Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci calling each other liars when arguing about how the pandemic started.
SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Knowing that it is a crime to lie to them. Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11 where you claimed that the NIH never funded, gain a function research in Wuhan?
ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress. And I do not retract that statement.
Wait a minute. I can --
PAUL: (INAUDIBLE) did come from the lab, but all the evidence is pointing that it came from the lab and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab including yourself.
FAUCI: I totally recent --
SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): This committee will allow the witness to respond.
FAUCI: I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating. And if anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you.
FORD JR.: Jesse.
WATTERS: I just love how they hate each other. His lips were trembling, his fingers are shaking, that is real drama, not the fake stuff they usually see. They loathe each other. So, this grant goes to the Wuhan lab. And in the grant, it spells out what the gain of function is supposed to do. So, the bat lady takes the grant, she does the gain of function. And then she thanks the grantee, Fauci, for providing her the money to perform the gain of function.
So, when Paul asks him about it, he goes, gain a function isn't really what gain of function is. I almost appreciate how bold of a liar this guy is. This is like playing with matches. You lit your neighbor's house on fire, and then you say, no, no, it's not a fire. I talked to my people at the insurance company, they say that does not meet the definition of a fire.
I mean, Bill Clinton must just be like, you got to give it to the guy. The guy is good.
MACCALLUM: It depends on the definition of is.
WATTERS: That's what we're thinking about here. It's Clintonian.
FORD JR.: Martha, but does it serve anyone's interest to have that kind of exchange?
MACCALLUM: In a way I think it does. Because these are questions that actually really do need to be asked. And for so long, we were told just to listen to the science. And the truth of the matter is that when you look at the investigation that the State Department was doing for a long time, and this Dr. Steven Quay who looked at the breakdown of the virus. And he said, you know what these, this virus actually is the kind that they make in labs. This is not the kind that comes naturally through animals.
And then they tested all the animals in the west -- wet market, and they couldn't find any match at all. So, yes, I think it's OK to confront Dr. Fauci on this. And I think he's obviously upset. And that tells me something as well. And I think the American people need answers to this. We really do need to know.
And it's not the definition of oh, that's not exactly gain of function. Well, we made it more virile this virus. And then the next thing we knew, it was hitting our shores, and I think there were -- there were there scientists who were in the hospital in November of 2019.
FORD JR.: I don't -- I hear you, but I don't know if he -- if Dr. Fauci thought that was exactly what was going to happen with the money that was spent because we've done gain of function things for a long time. But Greg, what are your thoughts on that exchange?
GUTFELD: I hate this sort of hyperbole, you know, that I'm against it, but Fauci should be tried for murder. Now, here's the thing. We're never going to know how this stuff pans out. We will never get the answer because no one knew the answers. And I do think that this was created in the lab, but that's -- Fauci ticked me off for a different reason. I don't know what day it was. Maybe it was yesterday when he said that if this reluctance over vaccines, or let's say skepticism over vaccines existed back 60, 70, 80 years, you wouldn't have had the polio vaccine or the smallpox vaccine.
So, basically, he was criticizing anybody who dare question him. So, you go back and you look at the smallpox vaccine. It's in 2005. The government started a program to vaccinate a half a million healthcare professionals to deal with bioterror, right? So, that's-- they all were supposed to get the smallpox vaccine. Less than 10 percent did, 40,000 out of a half a million. Are you going to call them ignorant rubes? No, they understood that the smallpox vaccine was infectious. It may be safe, but it was infectious and pregnant women aren't supposed to do it or anybody with any kind of compromised immunity.
So, I hate the fact that I know more about science than Fauci and that maybe I should have his job because he should know this stuff and not some rube like me on THE FIVE.
WATTERS: So, you're saying you know more about science than Dr. Fauci.
GUTFELD: I think it's safe to say yes.
WATTERS: It is safe to say.
GUTFELD: You know what, I didn't even have to go to medical school. Remember, he was wrong -- he was -- he was wrong in a lot of stuff going back to HIV. So, I'm kidding.
WATTERS: You know, like hyperbole.
GUTFELD: I'm being -- I'm not really believing that.
FORD JR.: Dagen?
MCDOWELL: I have a prediction. He's going to get fired. The Biden administration is going to fire him.
WATTERS: He'll retire too before he gets fired.
MCDOWELL: Well, yes, but we know what it is.
MACCALLUM: He probably going to retire tomorrow after that.
MCDOWELL: But no, the octogenarian spokes hack is, you know, the Biden administration did not meet the vaccination goal. He is -- he's going to be the scapegoat. It's not going to be Facebook. It's going to be him. Time and again, we've said -- we've said it all along, don't wear a mask. Oh, it's not a lab leak, completely dismissed that, and we find out that one of his buddies who was also -- that he was funneling money to the Wuhan lab through congratulated him for pushing back on that. We still don't have a natural source for the Coronavirus.
Remember in February Fauci wouldn't say that mama and papa could see their grandkids if they were vaccinated. This guy is got to get gone. He can retire to his laboratory in the country, and cook up whatever he wants to. But he's -- there's no way anybody trusts him. And when they talk about misinformation that dismisses people who have legitimate concerns about getting a vaccine, he's not the man to allay those concerns.
FORD JR.: I like Dr. Fauci and Sean Hannity. Sean, congrats for saying what you said last night about everybody getting the vaccine.
MCDOWELL: We all said that.
FORD JR.: I'd like to be on record saying if you'd like -- if you'd like -- going against China, get the vaccine. Up next, critics accusing AOC of hypocrisy for cashing in on tax the rich T-shirts.
GUTFELD: It pays to be a socialist In America. AOCs online store is booming. She's selling tax the rich T-shirts and sweatshirts along with other branded merchandise. And it looks to be a big cash cow for her campaign, although she's a vegetarian. They spent over $1 million on the swag in the first six months of the year. AOC responding to criticism saying transactions are not capitalism because it's not all about turning a profit but it is going to a campaign.
Harold, what do you make of her? Because you're a moderate Democrat, meaning you're sane. I actually -- I actually kind of -- I admire her because I think she's got some -- she's got game, but it's kind of becoming and maybe more of a hindrance than a help to the party. I don't know.
FORD JR.: Look, I admire for a couple of reasons on this regard. We don't agree on a lot of things but America is a contest of ideas. So, if she's able to sell t-shirts, say with this, I'm not sure I would buy it, then more power to her. Now, I'm glad to hear that this is -- I'm not surprised here because I think would be illegal if she were taking this money personally. You're not allowed to do that when you're in Congress.
FORD JR.: But it undermines your argument a little bit if you're against capitalism but you want to use it for yourself. But she's using it for -- she said for public good, in the greater good, so we'll see if it works.
GUTFELD: And it undermines the capitalist if you criticize her for it because she she's -- you know, it's a capitalist society, Jesse. You're kind of jealous, aren't you?
WATTERS: I do. Yes, "WATTERS' WORLD" swag up there and running. I don't know why they don't have that on the Fox News shop. We should be selling those for a nice discount, made in America. And that's why her stuff is so expensive because it's actually made in America.
GUTFELD: Oh, is it?
WATTERS: Yes. That's why it's like $65.00 for a hoodie.
MACCALLUM: Good for her.
WATTERS: If you make that in China, that's about half the price. But I know her grandmother was struggling. And she showed some photos of her dilapidated condo --
WATTERS: -- and tried to I guess pour shame Trump for not sending enough money. Well, there she's got tons of money coming in from all these expensive mugs and T-shirts. Maybe she can send some of the money that way.
GUTFELD: Here's a good idea. So, obviously, you can wear a tax the rich shirt just about anywhere. No one's going to come after you because they're too -- Republicans are like, what do I care? I'm going to go play golf.
MACCALLUM: Well, then that would be funny.
GUTFELD: Yes, it would be. But what would be the antithesis to that if you were like a conservative? What would be the sweatshirt that would probably get you into trouble, right?
WATTERS: Cut the welfare roll. Why didn't that fly off the tip of my tongue?
GUTFELD: Get a job.
WATTERS: Get a job.
MACCALLUM: No more deficit spending.
GUTFELD: It's not as exciting as it is.
MACCALLUM: Yes, yes. It's kind of catchy. I think I might do that.
GUTFELD: I think I should do that, Dagen. Dagen, I'm sure you would come up with some fairly interesting models.
GUTFELD: At the Fox News shop, cut unemployment checks.
MCDOWELL: Drug test all entitlements.
GUTFELD: Don't do to that, please.
MCDOWELL: No, no, no, I'm just kidding. I would like to see her wear -- sell some Cuba Libre goods. That would be --
MACCALLUM: That's a good idea.
MCDOWELL: That would be a real capitalist of her. I'm just going to sum this up as in spinal tap when Derek Smalls played his Jazz Odyssey with this.
GUTFELD: All right.
MCDOWELL: She's -- yes.
WATTERS: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." So, yesterday I was in Tampa, Florida and I was at the Turning Point USA student actions summit, right there giving a little speech.
GUTFELD: Look at him.
WATTERS: Gesticulating a lot.
MACCALLUM: Working the room.
WATTERS: That's right. And I met a very special fan. Let's roll it.
WATTERS: Frenchi Firecracker, the woman who writes all of the questions for Greg's Facebook Friday was there at my book signing. So, thanks Frenchi. I also met a guy, Bill from I don't remember where he was from.
GUTFELD: Oh, great.
WATTERS: But he has 32 great-grandchildren.
FORD JR.: Bless his heart.
WATTERS: He's been busy. He watches every show, all THE FIVE episodes and he's a big fan even of Greg's, and we just very appreciative for all of his loyal viewership. Also, for all my loyal fans, I'll be at Northvale, New Jersey bookstore there. Go check that out. You can maybe get a photo of me and I will smile. And I'm on "TUCKER" tonight smiling, promoting the book How I Save the World. You may have heard of it. It went number one on the New York Times list.
MACCALLUM: All right.
GUTFELD: All right, let's do this.
GUTFELD: It's Greg's international, global, amazing, awesome, national flattery week.
GUTFELD: Let's go to the -- let's go to the map. We're going to see how it's going across the Earth right now. We've got a lot of intense flattery in North America, in Africa, and those other nations. It's modern flattery -- other nations -- and in, of course, in Asia. We've got some minimal flattery but I'm thinking that's going to turn up.
Now, let's go to the interplanetary model right here. The flattery as it's moving towards the sun is kind of burning out, or actually it's getting a little bit more intense, but then it gets moderate. In the -- in the -- on the mid-size planets, we've got some moderate flattery.
WATTERS: Mid-size planets.
GUTFELD: And minimal flattery in the tiny planets. And so --
GUTFELD: I have to flatter everybody. Dagen, you're very stout, and I bet you could change a tire quickly.
GUTFELD: Harold, I like how your eyes match your tie. Jesse, your six-pack is delicious. And Martha, you are the hottest of all Charlie's Angels. There you go.
MCDOWELL: I like flattery week.
WATTERS: Is stout a component?
GUTFELD: Yes. Go to celebrate National Flattery Week on social media at THE FIVE on Instagram and Twitter. There you go.
WATTERS: All right, Martha.
MACCALLUM: All right, so, look at this dog. He was stuck in between two walls, just really, really quick. And this great firefighter, they were hacking. I was so afraid because I knew the dog came out. I was afraid they were going to hit the Dog while they were doing this. But look at this, stuck in between two buildings and she saved his life.
WATTERS: Well, stout also means bulky and bodied.
MACCALLUM: Yes, that's what I thought it meant too which Dagen is totally not.
WATTERS: So, I think you need to apologize to Dagen.
MACCALLUM: Stout would not fall into the flattery category adjective.
WATTERS: That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hello, Bret.
GUTFELD: She told me to say stout.
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