
This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on October 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SHANNON BREAM, FOX NEWS ANCHOR (on camera): Hello, everyone. I'm Shannon Bream along with Katie Pavlich, Jessica Tarlov, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld times two, I think.

It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Growing outrage over a reported plan to give cold hard cash to illegal border crossers. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is in talks to pay up to a billion dollars to illegal immigrant families separated at the border under former President Trump's zero-tolerance policy. With each person set to get a payout of up to $450,000. Republicans say that plan cannot move forward.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): First you break the lawn you get amnesty with Democrats. Now they are going to pay you for breaking the law. I mean, you would think we have a problem and a caravan coming towards the border now and what we've seen since the last several months. Wait until the word gets out that you get paid for breaking the law to come into the country.

MIKE PENCE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: This incomprehensibly stupid idea passing on half a million dollars to people whose first act in this country was a violation of our law makes no sense at all.

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R-FL): That is going to be a slap in the face to every hardworking American who works hard and plays by the rules and it will especially be a slap in the face to people that have immigrated illegally to this country.


BREAM (on camera): Congressman Dan Crenshaw tweeting for perspective, if a service member is killed in action their next of kin gets an insurance payment of $400,000. Let that sink in.

And dozens of House Republicans just sent a letter to three cabinet secretaries behind the reported plan demanding answers. Jesse, I'm guessing because you brought this up yesterday. We weren't sure if it was the Babylon Bee or --


JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: It's just way -- yes.

BREAM: -- if it was real. It's real, it sounds like.

WATTERS: Biden's border policy is written by the Babylon Bee. He pays you to break the law and then he bails you out remember if you break the law. And didn't he stop building the border wall and then build the border wall around his own house? And then he put the kids in cages. The same cages that he got mad at Trump for putting people in. Those happen to be the same cages he built when he was the V.P.

And so, I think he spies on your bank account if you haven't broken the law and then he puts --

BREAM: Just a plan.

WATTERS: -- a half a million in your bank account for breaking the law. And then he fires you from work and then pays you not to work. And then he flies illegals into New York in the dead of the night. And so, it's actually not the dead of the night. It's actually, early in the morning.

My god. This guy has already shattered the all-time American record for illegal entries and then he blamed Trump for that. Now there was a reason we all remember why we had to separate families. Because Donald Trump was following the letter of the law. You cannot hold adults and minors in the same facility legally. And you can't hold minors for more than 21 days. Plus, you had to separate them to see if they were actually parents or if these were kids just getting traffic. And it did have a very strong deterrent effect.

Do you remember when there was a guy who came to the country, I think it was 11 times illegally and then murdered an American woman in a sanctuary city? Kate Steinle. She sued San Francisco and the federal government for damages.

BREAM: Her family.

WATTERS: And the federal government wouldn't pay her. They said no. But they're going to pay an illegal to come over here. We have been separated from our families. We were told we couldn't see our grandparents. We couldn't see our grandparents, --


WATTERS: -- we couldn't visit them in a nursing home. We couldn't say goodbye to them on their deathbeds. Couldn't hold the funeral. Shouldn't go see them in church. What do we get? A check for $2,000? And these people come in here and they get half a million. This is crazy. This is crazy.

BREAM: And now it's time for a commercial break. I'm just kidding. Jessica, this is really going to be tough messaging if the administration stands by this.

JESSICA TARLOV, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'm just putting it out there I do not want this to be the lead message for the midterm elections. I would much rather --


BREAM: Not a successful one.

TARLOV: No. Definitely, not. We'll see if it comes to pass. A lot of these things are proposals that exist and they never actually come to fruition. Everybody gets hot and bothered about it as we just heard and then nothing happens. But it is important just to say that we had, you know, 5,000 sets of parents or guardians whoever, whether they were actually related to these kids or not, separated from them.

And there is still 1,000 kids that we have not reunited them with their families. And that's something that spark outrage on both sides of the aisle. No one wants that situation. And I believe there are 940 plaintiffs in total for the suits. And the ACLU that's part of the lawsuit has made it clear that it's only a minority of the 940 that would even get any kind of settlement.

Now I'm not saying that I think it's smart to go ahead with this. Even particularly at this moment where exceptionally vulnerable anyway. But this isn't like thousands and thousands of people getting half a million-dollar check.

WATTERS: Well, it's reparations.

BREAM: Well, OK. But --


TARLOV: A lot of people don't think reparations are a bad thing.

GUTFELD: It's not reparations.

BREAM: But wait.

WATTERS: It's not reparations.

BREAM: We've been told that the border is close but there will be those who argue that this is going to be further incentive. Because in these cases where they say that there is the parent and a child, that's now up to close to a million dollars per family. I mean, this is a very dangerous journey that these people embark. And it's almost like we are putting them in like the most dangerous game show ever.

GUTFELD: Who are you talking to?

BREAM: People. You, Greg Jr. That Greg.


GUTFELD: I couldn't get --

BREAM: Who wants to answer? Do you want him to answer in behalf?

GUTFELD: It's Halloween I couldn't get a sitter.

BREAM: He can sit my (Inaudible).

GUTFELD: All right. So, here's the deal. The whole key is -- sorry, guy. You cannot allow this to be framed as Democrat versus Republican. You cannot allow it to be framed as an immigration question and you cannot let this be framed about separation. This has nothing to do at all with immigration. So, you don't want to get drag down that hole.

This is about draining the power of America which is -- which is because this is so far left. There's a reason behind this. If illegals get a half a million per illegal, we are done. Because that means they can keep doing this and keep doing this and this is how you drain a country. You are basically opening up the drain -- you're opening as turning on the faucet and everything goes out.

So, the only solution is for us, Americans to sue the government. We have to start suing the government over the perceived mistreatment of a Democratic White House. Or let's talk about the Afghanistan debacle. Surely there could be lawsuits over that. Let's talk about the response to the riots. Right? We can sue the Democrat cities. How about inflation?

How about the separation that you brought up? There are people who lost their loved ones who didn't even -- they weren't there in the last moments.


BREAM: Janice Dean.


BREAM: Janice Dean.

GUTFELD: They weren't there in the last moment. You -- that is way worse - - way worse than any of this crap. And a lot -- and this is crap because a lot of people they were separated for the children's own good and we can't forget that.

But this is a bigger story about dismantling America. This is not about immigration. Because this is the craziest idea. It goes beyond that. I thought it was a joke. You're tweeting --


BREAM: Right. Yesterday --

GUTFELD: -- you're reading it off Twitter, and I'm going that can't be right.


GUTFELD: This sounds like something that you would get on a far-right web site that you have to check 100 times to see if this is true.


WATTERS: This is like ab libs for liberalism.


BREAM: Wall Street Journal.

WATTERS: How bad could you get it.

BREAM: So, Katie, you know, are we incentivizing something that's incredibly --


BREAM: -- dangerous for these people? Because what is the message then? Why wouldn't you? If you were in a desperate situation whether it's economic or whatever persecution situation that you have coming here, why wouldn't you if you hear about this.

The reporters who were down there talking to these caravans, the people say we are coming because Joe Biden told us to come. That's their misperception of what's going.

PAVLICH: You're incentivizing an already multi-billion-dollar criminal cartel industry. And the Biden administration has done this on multiple levels, you know, flying kids in the middle of the night to whomever they say are their relatives in the United States.

They have no interest. They have taken away every single tool we have to disincentivize to -- as a disincentive not to break the law to come here illegally. And it's because Joe Biden said on the campaign trail that we can absorb two million new people a year. We're almost to that number now. They believe in this.

But on the issue of the separation and paying families who were separated, the first thing I would say is it's a result -- a reflection of how the left feels about the American citizen. Right? So, if you're an American citizen and you commit a crime, you were separated from your family and sometimes --


PAVLICH: -- for very long time and sometimes they put you in prison. There is no money for that and there shouldn't be. But this idea that people who break immigration law, coming to the country illegally breaking federal law get a huge check of $450,000 to do so. Nobody else gets to do that if you're a citizen.

The other thing is, there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors who are voluntarily separated from their parents in El Salvador, in Guatemala, and they were sent alone on this journey and they already separated.

And so, this is just, you know, it's a way to, as Greg said, drain the system but it's also a reflection of the distain that the left has for the American taxpayer and how they think that you should be paying for rule breakers not just inside the United States but coming into the country as well.

WATTERS: How do illegals have standing to sue and reap all these damages? They don't have standing.

TARLOV: Well, it is their -- it is their right. Legally they are allowed to seek asylum here. That is part of our system.

BREAM: And to --


WATTERS: No, no, but how do they have standing to sue for damages if they're not even citizens?

BREAM: But if they say that they are here and they're being held against their will in a situation that is less than ideal, they are going to be able to sue over conditions. And they have a number of lawyers --


GUTFELD: With our lawyers. It's a total scam.

BREAM: -- who have organized on their behalf.

WATTERS: So, I mean, so Gitmo detainees can sue?

TARLOV: Well, they've been convicted.



WATTERS: No, not all of them.

BREAM: And a lot of them waiting, they're waiting.

WATTERS: Not all of them.

TARLOV: But they have sued.


BREAM: But they have --

GUTFELD: There is no justification.

WATTERS: We haven't paid, have we?

BREAM: But they -- and wait.

WATTERS: The (Inaudible) is going to pay Gitmo damages. Watch.

TARLOV: All right.

BREAM: They did not fight their way into getting to Gitmo. You know what I'm saying?

WATTERS: Well, they fought their way up.


GUTFELD: Totally irrelevant.

BREAM: I mean --

GUTFELD: This is not about separation. This is about something totally different.

BREAM: OK. All right. Up next, President Biden hamming it up with the pope and European leaders overseas as his spending plan sputters here at home.


PAVLICH (on camera): Well, check out this split screen in a moment. President Biden getting rolled by the far left again while hanging out overseas with the pope and European leaders. Progressives refusing to budge after his big announcement introducing a new framework for his scaled-back but still massive spending agenda.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): Need a little bit more than kind of an I owe you.

UNKNOWN: I felt a little bamboozled because this was not -- this was not what I thought was coming today.

REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We need to keep the promise that was made. We've been very clear.

REP. PRAMILA JAYAPAL (D-WA): Progressives have done our work in getting everybody to a place where we endorse the framework that the president laid out today.


PAVLICH (on camera): All right, Jessica, as the Democrat at the table, do you feel bamboozled by what's happening right now on Capitol Hill? For once, Republicans aren't getting blamed for anything, it's all just Democrats fighting with each other.

TARLOV: Enjoy the moment, it won't last too long. No, I think there has been a tremendous amount of progress here. We were two weeks ago talking about how we're going to end up with the 1.5 to $1.7 trillion range. Because that's what Joe Manchin told Joe Biden he was open to. Now we're there. And Ro Khanna who is a congressman from California the whip of the progressive caucus, was telling Neil Cavuto, 10 days it will be done. Both bills.

There is a lot in there that progressives should be happy about. I think the attitude should be versus nothing, you're getting a whole lot of something. And everyone will get on board. Nancy Pelosi doesn't mess up. It just -- it doesn't happen. She knows where people's boundary lines are. And she knew when she endorses the framework that it was going to work, and Biden knew as well before he took up on this trip that he was going to come back to a much rosier picture.

PAVLICH: So, Shannon, it was either a really good idea for the president to make this announcement yesterday and leave and let them kind of hash it out. Or it looks really bad because it doesn't look like he's really involved as they continue to talk about what may or may not happen.

BREAM: And because Greg has childcare issues, that's why Greg Jr. is sitting with me now. It is a huge gamble. Because you either go out there and now really put pressure on your party because you're leaving and you're saying I expect this to be done by the time I get back.

The first was by the time I land I want one of these first votes. But like you said, Speaker Pelosi doesn't mess up in the sense that she's always very aware of what her whip count is, what her vote count. And so, she's not putting something on the floor to watch it burst into flames. So, we'll see how she does in the next few days.

But it puts the spotlight on how much sway the squad does or doesn't have. They've lost a lot of what they wanted in this bill and I think they are finding maybe for the first time it's a lot easier to go campaign on social media and to do TikToks than it is to get hundreds of members of Congress to agree to anything. So, it may be a little bit of a reality check for that wing.

PAVLICH: So, Jesse, there is a game of chicken going on here. Because progressives are basically holding infrastructure hostage. But saying -- Democrats are saying we already voted on an infrastructure bill that was bipartisan and we are not going to vote for that unless you cut the spending. So, someone has got to figure out to give here.

WATTERS: The squad will blink. There is too much money on the line. They're getting a lot already. Their get their climate army. Hundreds of billions of dollars for a little army. Little AOC's. Paid activists to fight for the progressive wing of the party. That's big. They also have bureaucrat day care, elderly care, government run everything.

They are going to edict everybody the government now. Everything is free. You've got to take that win and rock with it. They also slipped in amnesty, green cards for Silicon Valley. It's a lot. Plus, they jiggered with the bottom-line numbers.

They basically took four trillion and cooked it down to under two trillion by just fooling around with the sunset clauses to fool the moderates. I'm not fooled by it. Everybody knows the games they are playing here. But Biden is an old man, he has been in the Senate forever. He knows how long he can wait to get this thing under the wire. They are going to slip it in under the wire and they are going to get something eventually.

PAVLICH: Well, Greg, now that we have little Greg --


PAVLICH: -- I'm sure you're for all of the childcare spending --


PAVLICH: -- in this country.

GUTFELD: Finally. You know, the -- so, you know, the topic is the far left threatens -- is threatening to sink the Biden agenda. I think the pope is not that powerful. Yes.

WATTERS: Pope Joe.

GUTFELD: This pope is far left.


GUTFELD: Let's not forget that. I refused to fall for this bifurcation, this scam of the squad versus Joe. Because that's only being done to make Joe appear more moderate.


GUTFELD: My God, look at the squad. They are so far left. Joe is old Joe, he is going to fight them. This is exactly the same framing they did with the spending bill. Here is $3.4 trillion. My God, my God. Maybe 1.8 doesn't look so bad. So, it's the same, it's the parallel. Right?

The squad is the 3.4 and Joe is the 1.8. Suddenly, they both appear moderate. And we're all getting screwed. I didn't realize that they are having the -- they still have the army in there.

WATTERS: They got --


GUTFELD: That's almost as much as our military.

WATTERS: Biden corps. They have it. They have it.

GUTFELD: It's incredible.

PAVLICH: The squad has been saying that they are trying to pass Joe Biden's agenda. And that people like Joe Manchin are getting in the way. So, Greg is absolutely right.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PAVLICH: Up next, Democrats in full blown panic over the Virginia governor's race that could have major implications.

WATTERS: You know it's --


WATTERS (on camera): Democrats getting very nervous over next week's Virginia governor's race. A new Fox polling spelling absolute disaster for Terry McAuliffe. Republican Glenn Youngkin surging ahead of McAuliffe. he's now up by eight. McAuliffe not left with a lot of options to turn things around. The deeply unpopular Kamala Harris is set to campaign with him today.

So, he continues to claim the outrage over education in this state is fake news.


UNKNOWN: How are you going to work with those parents who have concerns about how things are being taught in schools?

TERRY MCAULIFFE (D-VA), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Yes. Let's be very clear. This is all generated by Glenn Youngkin. They try to find a divisive tactic. This is a racist dog whistle. And I hate it. Because it's pitting parents against parents and parents against teachers.


WATTERS (on camera): All right, Katie, speaking of racist dog whistle, they had a little false flag that brought --


WATTERS: -- up in the McAuliffe's campaign face. What did they do? They put a bunch of what white guys --


WATTERS: -- with tiki torches?

GUTFELD: Not whites.


WATTERS: Yes, not whites.

PAVLICH: Because they pulled the stunt, they check up all the diversity box that the left has.


PAVLICH: You've got to have a woman, you've got to have a person of color. They allowed the white males to show up at this event.


PAVLICH: So at a Youngkin event today in Charlottesville four Democrats who are tied to the Virginia Democratic Party showed up in the same khaki pants, brand new tiki torches with maybe the tags still on them, the same white shirts and like random camo hats, you know.

And then of course the media picked up on it and said look at these white supremacists who showed up to back Glenn Youngkin. So, you know, Twitter did its thing and conservative reporters caught on it and found out, you know, they are Twitter profiles. And that they work for Virginia Democrats --


PAVLICH: -- and maybe, just maybe some of them may actually work for the McAuliffe campaign.

WATTERS: No, they deny it.

PAVLICH: So, they got caught.

WATTERS: The McAuliffe campaign.


WATTERS: They deny it, let me say they deny it.

WATTERS: But they're not the most honest campaign.

PAVLICH: Right. And the left takes white supremacy very seriously. So, I'm sure if they were involve they'll be calling the FBI to track down these white supremacists because they are very, very dangerous people. So, they blew it.


GUTFELD: Such a mean plan to play on CNN. (Inaudible) were running around. They probably wet themselves.

PAVLICH: Yes, exactly. So, this --


WATTERS: This does not sound like a --

PAVLICH: -- does show that they're desperate.

WATTERS: a confident campaign, Greg.

GUTFELD: Well, right. I mean, it's amazing. Biden showing up did not help. I mean, he shows up, he was like a guest at a dinner party that throws up in the buffet. Because everybody saying my God, this is going to be great. But what we are seeing is a really amazing phenomenon.

Parents are woke in the good sense, they have woken up. They had no idea for the longest time how much contempt that the teachers unions and the teachers and, I guess the whole educational system has for them. And that their intent is to brainwash the kids.

This is the -- this is the positive aspect of COVID. That's where the parents learned all of this, at home. They saw how left-winging teachers were, how they hate the kids, how they hate them. So, this isn't just about Virginia. This is an education problem writ large. This is the time to wrestle control from this monstrous monolith. the evidence is there. Everyone at home saw it on their Zoom -- their Zoom classes.

WATTERS: And now according to the Washington Post, education is the top issue in this race.

BREAM: Yes, it is in Virginia. And we've seen all these board meetings, Loudoun school board, Fairfax school board, all of these suburbs of D.C. which makes you think the DOJ memo that came out a couple of weeks ago that was talking about parents' potential threats, has now blown up on Democrats and on this administration. Because that made parents who were already upset now feeling like someone was coming potentially after their first amendment rights.

That's the way they, many of them, interpreted it. It's been a backlash for McAuliffe ever since then. Because what parents have said is like, not only do you have all these things that I disagree with, but I'm supposed to sit down and shut up? And since that's happened the numbers have continued to take down for McAuliffe. We'll see. I mean, we still have a few days to go.

WATTERS: He has a lot of momentum, Glenn Youngkin. Any predictions, Jessica?

TARLOV: I think it's going to be within the margin of error.

WATTERS: That's not a prediction.

TARLOV: No. Well, it is. It's going to -- it is statistically tied at that point.


GUTFELD: You are making bad Greg angry.

WATTERS: Yes, is this a ruby doll by the way. If I stab him do you feel pain? It works.

BREAM: Wrong side.

TARLOV: So, there were two other polls. The Washington Post and Echelon Insights both put out a poll. Echelon had Youngkin up three. Washington Post McAuliffe up one. But the education question is so fascinating because now McAuliffe is down 15 points with parents who have kids ages kindergarten to 12th grade. That's a very big group.

And Virginia now is not as blue as New Jersey where also Phil Murphy is in a tighter race than he would like. New Jersey will stay blue. But if this becomes a wave of some kind with these education voters when their expectation is that we have jobs in the economy. Voters, so you have COVID voters, and that becomes the number one issue.

There is going to be, have to be a big reversal in terms of the messaging that's coming out about it. And Republicans, frankly, you know, Youngkin has been smart. He campaigns alone. He has not nationalized this race at all. He has fundraisers with high-profile Republicans, but when you go to a rally, you just see Glenn Youngkin. And the Democrats are going to have to pay attention to that because, obviously, we've nationalized it. But if it doesn't work in this scenario, then going forward we've got to think about that new model for a Republican race.

WATTERS: Yes, you guys have a lot of thinking to do.

TARLOV: I think all the time.

WATTERS: All right, and little Greg is going to host the next segment so stick around for "THE FASTEST"


TARLOV: Welcome back. It's time for "THE FASTEST." First up, bruised by a series of bad headlines, Facebook is trying out a facelift. The company rebranding its name as Meta. And CEO Mark Zuckerberg dropping the absolutely insane demo video for something called the Metaverse.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, are you coming?

MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO, FACEBOOK: Yes. I just got to find something to wear. All right, perfect.


ZUCKERBERG: Hey, what's going on?




TARLOV: So, first of all, practicing for the big day, I think I have this baby handling situation down next supported, demon face intact. Greg, why doesn't Mark Zuckerberg ever let somebody else speak for Facebook.

GUTFELD: He need -- you know what? What you just said is absolutely right.

TARLOV: Thank you.

GUTFELD: There needs to be somebody to front the -- front the company. He's obviously the guy in the back -- that you keep in the back with all the great ideas but you never let him out front. If you ever wanted to make a movie about an alien pretending to be human, that's the movie. I wish I could change my name. I wonder, if you go to that world, can you be canceled in that world.

BREAM: Oh, I bet you could.

GUTFELD: If you get -- if you get canceled, go to that simulation and live a different life.

TARLOV: But didn't you think that -- and Jesse, I'll let you take this one. That when they hired Sheryl Sandberg, I thought that that was what was supposed to happen. That Sheryl Sandberg who has such a popular name brand and has the book on leaning in, etcetera, would become the person to do the demos and answer questions and things like that.

WATTERS: You're going to change your name for bad headlines? I mean, I would have changed my name years ago.

TARLOV: For what?

GUTFELD: At least 40 times.

WATTERS: I mean, Fox would not be called Fox if every time we got bad headlines we changed our name. That is a weak move. It should stick with Facebook. It's like changing Coca-Cola or Nike. You're not going to have people calling it Meta for years. You can't -- you can't teach an old dog new tricks. And speaking of, I feel old watching this.


WATTERS: They're creating this whole little universe out there. I just downloaded my first app last week and Johnny had to help me. This is brilliant. I feel left out.

TARLOV: Well, the point is or what they're arguing is that this world already exists, so Facebook is just getting big -- getting Meta about it because this is what's already going on in this incredible world that they've created.

BREAM: This is ridiculous. Can we just call a spade a spade. He says, you put on the glasses and you're going to enter a world so you can connect with more people. You're doing it wrong if you're strapping something plastic on your face and flying through virtual reality to connect with people.

I think this takes us in the wrong direction for actually like bonding face to face and having experiences in communication. It's super weird and I will not be doing it.

PAVLICH: Yes. So, Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly a big fan of the Sims game with all the little people. Now, he has his own that is created and I just have to say I really liked his video flying across the lake with an American flag much better than I like this. So --

GUTFELD: I like -- I mean I'm looking forward to this stuff. It's going to happen.

WATTERS: You're looking forward to that.


BREAM: You don't like people though.

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm a Misanthrope.

BREAM: So, this is perfect for you. This is perfect for you.

GUTFELD: I prefer robots and dolls.

WATTERS: I think you like are you physical tough of a human.

TARLOV: Are you jealous that I'm holding him?

GUTFELD: I'm getting a -- little I'm getting a little separation --

TARLOV: You love being him.

GUTFELD: I'm thinking I might sue you.

TARLOV: If you try to take my baby away. OK, next up, if you were going to dress up for Halloween, make sure you get the costume right. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio learning that the hard way after mixing up key Star Trek characters.


BILL DE BLASIO, MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY: This is my homage to Captain Kirk. But I want to remind everyone of the prime directives, live long and prosper with candy. All right now, beam me up.


TARLOV: On Tuesday -- we get to go vote for a new mayor, by the way -- De Blasio later apologize to Trekkies for claiming to be Captain Kirk while dressing up like Spock. Katie, are you a Trekkie?

PAVLICH: I'm just glad that mayor was at work for once, like talking to people. But he's still not doing his job. This is just weird. Like, I don't know. Do something else with your time.

TARLOV: Well, it's really weird that no one on staff mentioned the color issue.

GUTFELD: Well, he's obviously stoned. I mean, they probably told him that's the only time blue will ever get near him because he's not Captain Kirk, he's Captain Jerk.

BREAM: OK, here's the --

GUTFELD: I'd like to beat him up.

BREAM: Here's the problem. If you claim to be a Trekkie -- he's like, oh me and my wife, we are huge Trekkies, you wouldn't make that mistake. And also, does he need to take off any more constituencies?


BREAM: And the only ones left potentially had to pull in with the Trekkies. And you've come off now as so phony claiming to be -- It's one thing if you're like, I don't really know about this stuff.

TARLOV: They handed me this before I walked out.

BREAM: Right. But if you're like, we're diehard Trekkies and then you do this, it's just par for the course.

WATTERS: If you mess up with something as small as putting on the wrong shirt, think about the big things he's messing up in this city.

GUTFELD: Yes, crime.

WATTERS: Yes, crime, losing $900 million. I mean, that's --this is obvious why he's such a screw-up. He can't even dress himself.

PAVLICH: That's true.

TARLOV: And finally, a lot of buzz over New York Times piece titled The 37- year-olds are afraid of the 23-year-olds who work for them. Well, millennial bosses complain about feeling uncool compared to their trendier and younger Gen Z subordinates. Researchers are calling this the kids these days effect.

So, Shannon, I mentioned to you, I'm 37, I got Gen Z's working for me. They do scare me a little. Have you noticed this fact in your life as a fellow 37-year-old?

BREAM: OK, I am -- I am a Gen X, so you were the ones who are making life hard for us, the millennials. Listen, here's a great thing. When you progress to the next level, you will no longer care if these people think that you should part your hair down the middle or stop wearing skinny jeans.

TARLOV: The skinny jeans thing is brutal.

BREAM: Or if you're using the -- or if you're using the wrong emoji. If you are scared of your 23-year-olds because you're worried about the right, maybe you should not be the manager of the business, I don't know.

You can't be scared of your younger employees. Things change. Every generation changes the way that the workplace works, benefits the way that you handle -- remote learning, everything. Things are going to happen. I want you to know it's going to be OK.

TARLOV: I'm excited. Greg, Gen Z?

GUTFELD: I'm old school. They have to be terrified of me.

BREAM: Right.

GUTFELD: It can't be the reverse. And you're right. Anybody who's scared of the young employees does not deserve to have a job. And by the way, this is such a New York Times-style piece. It's like something where they were all saying -- and you know what, did you hear about this trend? Oh well, Vicky told me this, and Donna -- and it's like it's not really a trend. It was one person at their pilates class, one person at their hot yoga class was talking about this, and then the New York Times spins it into a think piece trend piece. It has no effect on anybody. It's not real.

TARLOV: Well, it was me and it was that soul cycle that I told them.

BREAM: That sounded like Jesse. You know the word Cheugy?

BREAM: They come up with --

TARLOV: Oh yes. I didn't know what the word was.

BREAM: This is same kind of thing that if you're Cheugy --

TARLOV: It's a Gen Z language.

BREAM: Right.

WATTERS: I don't think THE FIVE staff is trendy. I read this and I thought --

GUTFELD: Oh great. Insult the young kids on our staff.

WATTERS: Do you think THE FIVES staff is trendy?

TARLOV: Johnny is trendy.

WATTERS: You think Johnny is trendy? Do you think Sanders is trendy?

GUTFELD: Wait, you are not going through --

WATTERS: Have you seen our staff?

GUTFELD: They are actually well-dressed.


GUTFELD: We have a well-dressed staff.

BREAM: When they're put together, put together.

WATTERS: Not better than you.

TARLOV: And they can cut your mic.

WATTERS: All black, baby.

GUTFELD: Wait when you see what I have underneath.

WATTERS: Yes, I can't wait. Oh, you can't -- oh, OK.

TARLOV: OK. All right, Katie, take us home.

GUTFELD: You won't even want to take the picture.

WATTERS: I thought you're going to Cuomo, everybody.

TARLOV: Get us out of this.

PAVLICH: I can't because Greg is flashing me right now. Never let Gen Z see you sweat, millennials.


PAVLICH: Don't let it happen.

BREAM: No, no.

TARLOV: All right, I guess I messed up that segment. OK, "FAN MAIL FRIDAY" is up next.


GUTFELD: I think that's the Price is Right.

BREAM: It feels a little more (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: No, it's a game show. The Wheel of Fortune. Sorry, Pat. "FAN MAIL FRIDAY," we're answering your questions. This is a little bit of Halloween going on here. Kathy O, what keeps you awake at night. Jesse, does anything keep you awake at night? Now that you got a baby, I would -- don't say the baby.

WATTERS: Don't say the baby?

GUTFELD: Say, the concerns about the baby's future. The questions your baby asks you about climate change.

WATTERS: Biden inflation?


WATTERS: It keeps me up at night. Nothing keeps me up. But I do have to read something. Media relations is asking me to do this. I didn't want to do it, but I feel like I have to.

BREAM: Do it.

WATTERS: This is my first retraction one place at a time. Johnny is trendy and I'm sorry.


WATTERS: All right.

GUTFELD: There you go.

WATTERS: I sand corrected.

GUTFELD: Jessica, what keeps you awake at night aside from that little thing inside you? I'm talking about the baby.

TARLOV: She's not that little. I had a growth scan. I'm going to have a big one. The urge to go to the bathroom which is related to the visitor.

GUTFELD: Because you're peeing for two.

TARLOV: Yes, three or four, actually. I'm not having --


TARLOV: No, it feels that way. Nothing --

GUTFELD: You're fat-shaming your baby and she's not even born yet.

TARLOV: She'll watch it one day and think it's cool. Nothing really, but when there are weird sounds -- like, I live in an apartment building and like neighbors coming home, like that kind of stuff, you'll be like, oh.

GUTFELD: Isn't that weird that you can hear other people that are living there.


GUTFELD: Like, you hear them flushing toilets and you can hear the stuff --

TARLOV: Like, oh they're in they shower. Like --

GUTFELD: Yes. Katie and little Greg.

PAVLICH: Things never used to keep me up. But now I have this. It connected to me for a whole segment. I am terrified and will think of demons all night long. Thank you, Greg.

GUTFELD: You're welcome. Shannon, your mind is filled with positive thoughts at all times.

BREAM: I cannot shut my brain off at night.


BREAM: It's very hard for me. I play a lot of word games and crossword puzzles and nerdy grandma kind of stuff I guess.


BREAM: It takes a lot for me to shove my brain off.

GUTFELD: What keeps me awake at night are the screams coming from my basement.

BREAM: I thought you had it soundproofed?

GUTFELD: Yes, I did but hammer is so loud. All right, this is an Instagram question from GeorgeBush6862.

BREAM: What?

GUTFELD: Wow. What frightens you the most? Shannon, is there -- what frightens you the most? Is it death? Is it barbs?


BREAM: They're scary.

WATTERS: Heathens.

BREAM: I mean, the typical stuff.

GUTFELD: Strangers.

BREAM: I'm not a fan of bugs.


BREAM: I don't like engaging in conversation with strangers. It feels complicated and filled with potential minefields.

GUTFELD: Yes, strange people on subways. I'm going to go with that, Jesse. Yes, we're not driving -- going on the subway ever again. Well, besides failure, I'm going with rodents of all kinds, rats, mice, varmint, possums, raccoons, I'm terrified.

TARLOV: Racoons aren't --

BREAM: Yes, they could be cute.

WATTERS: Racoons?

BREAM: Why not rabbits?

GUTFELD: Katie, what frightens you the most?

PAVLICH: There's nothing more funny than an Amtrak conductor. They're terrifying.

GUTFELD: That's --

PAVLICH: Where's your ticket? You're going to get kicked off.

GUTFELD: But now -- but now, it's where's your mask.

BREAM: They're very -- they're very serious about the mask.

PAVLICH: It's really scary, so there's a lot of trauma.

GUTFELD: Yes. Conductors feel like they have more authority than maybe they do, and no one questions their authority.

BREAM: Right. I don't want to get kicked off in, you know, Newark.

GUTFELD: Yes. They're going to throw you off the train in the middle of nowhere. Jessica?

TARLOV: Not me because I have my ticket ready.

GUTFELD: Did I asked you what frightens you the most?

TARLOV: No, you skipped me.


TARLOV: That's her laugh. Clowns.

BREAM: Oh, yes.

TARLOV: There's nothing scarier than a clown as Carrie Bradshaw would say.

PAVLICH: Fair enough.

BREAM: Agreed.

GUTFELD: Look what happened to her.

TARLOV: What happened to her?

GUTFELD: I don't know.


WATTERS: She's rich and famous.

BREAM: That's pretty good.

GUTFELD: I tell you, it's being scared of clowns. What scares -- what frightens me the most, world poverty.

BREAM: OK, Miss America.

GUTFELD: The climate getting warmer.

WATTERS: Yes, is that right, brother?

TARLOV: Thank you for taking this so seriously, Greg.


GUTFELD: Yes. You people make me sick. You're actually saying, "ONE MORE THING" is up next?




BREAM: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Katie kicking us off.

PAVLICH: I am kicking us off with a very special report of "ONE MORE THING" from our friends at Fox Weather. Before you go trick-or-treating this weekend, make sure you download the Fox Weather app. It's free and available for all iPhone and android devices at foxnewsweather.com. Fox Weather Meteorologist Amy Freeze is here to give us the Halloween weekend forecast. Amy.

AMY FREEZE, FOX WEATHER METEOROLOGIST: Hey, Katie. I thought we would start off by showing what's brewing across the country for what's been actually a pretty frightening week for parts of the country. We start out west where we have the big bomb cyclone and finally they get a break. It's going to be dry in Witch Hazel, Oregon, Boone, Idaho. We'll see temperatures in the low 50s. So, some spooky spots here across the country for Halloween.

Santa ana winds will set up for the West. That means nice breezy conditions all the way into Skull Valley, Arizona. So, that's probably the best trick- or-treating in the whole country. Some snow possible in parts of the Rockies. So, they -- that's the only place we see snow on Halloween this year. It's very quiet in Pumpkin Center in the central plains after it's been very wicked there much of the week.

We've got Bigfoot, Texas hot. So, anybody looking for the revealing costume situation, that's where we're going to see things get a little steamy for Halloween. And lots of goblins getting all the goodies in Candy Town, Indiana where it'll be 60 degrees. We put up Satans Kingdom this wet weather here in the northeast just continues. And there could be some flooding rain, so very soggy for the pumpkins. Kill Devil Hills all the way down the eastern seaboard to Screamer, Georgia. You guys, we're ending up October with perhaps the busiest October for tornadoes that we've seen in history.

So, it's been a wild week of weather and of course getting in on the Halloween fun looks a little better as we head into the weekend.

PAVLICH: All right, well, get your costumes. Amy Freeze, thank you for that report. We're ready for Halloween.

FREEZE: You got it.

BREAM: And speaking of which, Jesse?

WATTERS: Yes, so we know what candy is all about. It's about chocolate. I'm not going to talk about other stuff, the sugar. We're talking chocolate. I've ranked the this is basically the official Halloween chocolate candy ranking. Butterfinger is number one. That's by far number one.

BREAM: What? No.

WATTERS: Excuse me?


GUTFELD: You're so off.

PAVLICH: I'll agree.

BREAM: You just lost two of us.

WATTERS: Don't do that. Don't do that. Let me finish. Twix is number two, Kit Kat number three.


WATTERS: Hershey Bar, you got to have the almonds. Reese's peanut butter cups --

BREAM: Should be number one.


BREAM: I demand a recount.

WATTERS: Butterfinger is the better peanut butter candy with chocolate than Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. If you have a problem with the ranking, screw you. Or you can -- you can talk to me at Instagram. There I is -- yes, there I is -- there I am ranking the candy, because I had to see it and feel it and smell it. And go to Instagram and you can weigh in on the ranking.

BREAM: Eat them all, you're going to really weigh in.

WATTERS: Oh, yes, "WATTERS' WORLD" also, we do a Soros investigation.

GUTFELD: Oh, finally.

WATTERS: The definitive one.


BREAM: All right, we'll see that this weekend. Greg.

GUTFELD: First off, I got to thank my man Jerry Only for these new shirts look at that, Gutfeld! What's it say? Number one on television. And he made -- he made a new logo for me. He didn't like the other one.

WATTERS: He didn't like it?


BREAM: Wait, does this have the exclamation?

GUTFELD: Jerry Only from the Misfits made a bunch of these.

BREAM: It's got the exclamation point, right?

GUTFELD: Yes, of course, it does. That's the secret.

PAVLICH: Where can we get them?

GUTFELD: All right, tonight, I got on got the 11:00 p.m., exclamation point. Amanda Milius -- you know her dad wrote Dirty Hairy and Apocalypse Now.

BREAM: I do now.

GUTFELD: Robby Soave from Reason, Kat Timpf, happy birthday. It's her birthday. Jimmy Failla, comedian, extraordinary. And now let's do this quickly.


GUTFELD: Animals are great! Animals are great! Animals are great!


GUTFELD: I'll be fast. All right, take a look at this raccoon. Don't get scared, Jesse. On the beach stealing chips. But I like how -- you know, he just grabs the bag. Yes, there you go. Little thief.


BREAM: Oh, he's like --

GUTFELD: That's why they wear those little -- what do you call it?

BREAM: Bandana.

GUTFELD: Yes, I don't know anymore. I'm going to shut up. All right.

BREAM: OK, so we want to take just a minute here at FIVE to wish a very happy birthday to John and Rita Grew. And by the way, this is the 80th birthday for both of them. They're super big fans of the show, very patriotic. John is a retired U.S. Navy reservist. They've got four children. Three of them were in ROTC at Villanova, proudly served in the U.S. Navy as an aviator surface welfare office and nurse. They got great grandchildren too. We just -- we know you watch all the time, so we want to say happy 80th. Jessica.

TARLOV: Oh, right. I can't read the prompt anymore. OK, so Halloween is this weekend. You already know this. We had Jesse's crappy recommendations on candy and now we're going to talk about this amazing girl, Rachel Moretzky. she's in the 11th grade in Orlando. And she every year makes costumes for babies in the nicu at her local hospital at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for women and babies.

She's done Superman, Batman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, the Incredibles. It takes a lot of time for her to make each of these but she called it a labor of love and I just --

GUTFELD: Get it, labor? That's funny.

TARLOV: I do get it, Greg. I didn't -- it's so sweet. Anyway, and everyone, trick or treat, do so safely. Have a great holiday weekend.

PAVLICH: I want to see pics of all of your costumes. Yes.

BREAM: OK, I'll see you again at midnight. That is it for us here though on THE FIVE. Have a great weekend.

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