'The Five' on Mayorkas' warning to Cubans against migrating to US, Dems fleeing Texas

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 14, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Harold Ford Jr., Jesse Watters and she wants us directions on a crossword puzzle, Dana Perino. THE FIVE.

The media Democrats showering Texas Democrats with praise for ditching their state on selfie-fueled beer-soaked journey to avoid passing election integrity bills.


JOY REID, HOST, MSNBC: A dramatic, yet effective move taking what could be America's last chance to salvage free and fair elections.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: These folks are going to be remembered on the right side of history.

DON LEMON, HOST, CNN: A last ditch effort to block a restrictive new voting law as the GOP is pushing its assault on our most sacred right as Americans.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Defending the right of the American people to vote is as American as apple pie.

RACHEL MADDOW, HOST, MSNBC: Dramatically left the state of Texas yesterday to block Republicans from passing another draconian anti-voting rights bill in that state.


GUTFELD (on camera): This is worse than 9/11, Watergate, and the Civil War. All wrapped up into one thing. Those future lawmakers are vowing to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to stop Texas from passing those new voting laws, and being on the lamb sure is tough, no joke, Jesse.

The lawmakers are kicking their feet up in a nice hotel and are posting pictures of their lunch but at least they are eating healthy. And then there is President Biden, he invoked Jim Crow again and the Civil War yesterday. But at least he didn't say this again.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I'm convinced that we'll be able to stop this because it is the most pernicious thing. This makes Jim Crow look like Jimmy eagle, this is gigantic.


GUTFELD (on camera): Still not sure what that means. Is that good or bad being Jimmy eagle? Republicans are setting the record straight after what Biden said about their new voting rules.


GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): President Biden is calling Texas names again. This time he is chastising us for making it easy to vote but hard to cheat. President Biden and the Democrats must stop the misinformation.

LIEUTENANT GOV. DAN PATRICK (R-TX): This idea that it's Jim Crow law, Shannon, there's nothing to it, it's a total dimmable lie. Let them read the bill. I'll come to the Oval Office. I'll sit down with the president. I'll go through the bill.


GUTFELD (on camera): That's an interesting point, what he just said. Jesse, wouldn't this all go away if everybody just read the bill?

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: I read the bill, Greg.

GUTFELD: I knew you did.

WATTERS: So, the bill seven so-called racist restrictions on voting are as follows. You can't have a polling station in a tent or a parking garage, so, no pop-up polling stations. And when you request the ballot by mail you have to write your signature and you have to write your I.D. that's on your license, or if you don't have a driver's license the last four numbers of your social security number.

Done. How is that restrictive? It's not, they actually expand voting hours all across the board and companies are required to allow workers to go leave work on election day and go vote. Here's actually what makes it harder to cheat in Texas and why the Democrats are howling.

You can't kick poll watchers out of polling stations and the polling workers have to be able to see the counts. And if you are in a big city, they have to livestream the counting rooms. Also, counties have to clean up this old dusty voter rules, all votes have to have a paper trail so they can't just disappear in a machine, and paying for votes becomes a felony, Democrats don't like that, and of the machines have to have software that aren't allowed to change votes and officials can't just mail out ballots without having them requested so no mass mailing of ballots and no ballot harvesting.

So, read the bill, tell me what you object to or just e-mail Greg Gutfeld at his e-mail address and you can tell Greg what is so objectionable.

GUTFELD: I will be up all night I'll waiting to read them.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Along with your cat video.

CHURCH: My cat videos. All right, Harold, you listened to Jesse go through this, none of that seems objectionable. Did he purposely leave anything out?

WATTERS: I left out the boring stuff.

HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: So, I think I look at this a little differently and I look at it, if last, if you look at an election and you want to get two things accomplished, put aside whom you're voting for because this is how we travel the world and we try to get people to enacts fair elections, we simply want to get as many people to vote as possible who are as eligible, and we want to ensure the integrity of the account.

Now this last election, more people voted than ever before. There seem to be fewer regularities based on 60-state and federal court challenges including two decisions about a Supreme Court which dismissed these efforts.

So, it would seem to me, I like sports. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers who won the Super Bowl last year. If the coach came to the owner and said look, I found a new quarterback, he's bigger, he's stronger and he's got better vision than Tom Brady. If Bruce Arians said we are going to switch quarterbacks after winning the Super Bowl, people would say he's nuts.

Why would you change the rules from last year's elections if your goal is to get more people to vote? Now you can be upset with the outcome. Now, if we want to make sure if there are challenges around the integrity and voter I.D., I'm a believer there ought to be voter I.D. rules. But I didn't hear, those challenges were not, at least were talked about in any serious, relevant, prevalent way in Texas. So, these efforts here I don't understand what they are trying to get.


WATTERS: Right. But the rules in 2020 those were the new rules, remember those were pandemic rules.


FORD: So why don't we just put those in place?


FORD: To watch --

WATTERS: Well, that's what -- that's what will happen but we are trying to make it harder to cheat and easier to vote.


FORD: There's no cheating. What are trying to point out?

WATTERS: Well, if there is no cheating then why have there been hundreds of prosecutions for fraud in the state of Texas?

FORD: How come six judges --

WATTERS: Hundreds of prosecutions in Texas.

FORD: I'm not talking about Texas.

WATTERS: So, tell me what the objection is to all these things in the bill, what's the objection?

GUTFELD: Well, let's --

FORD: Because they seem to be looking for problems.

WATTERS: So, all the things I just read that's actually in the bill, what is objectionable.

FORD: Jesse, I don't -- I think the situation that Dana raised yesterday about Houston making it more difficult for people to vote, I think we ought to make it easier for people to vote.

WATTERS: OK. You're done.

FORD: You don't think we should make it --


WATTERS: You're done. Companies actually have to let you off work to vote on election day and they make longer voting hours, that doesn't restrict voting, Harold, I'm sorry.

FORD: So why -- but why change from last year? Look, I'm not going to argue with you about it, but I don't see a reason to change.

GUTFELD: I want you to argue with him.

FORD: These changes from last year.

GUTFELD: Here's the thing, another part of this that is a little disturbing to me, the media doesn't seem that concerned, they think this is a very dramatic and heroic endeavor but they don't seem that concerned about Biden, President Biden constantly evoking Civil War claims. I mean, imagine --


PERINO: They want him to.

GUTFELD: I mean, but that's -- couldn't you argue that's incited rhetoric? Why is that not incited rhetoric? Why is that inciting, that to me is inciting something. I mean, you are as bad as a confederate slave-owning soldier.

PERINO: That's true.

GUTFELD: Yes. I've always -- I've always felt that way.

PERINO: And the president yesterday in his remarks, he said it's worse than the Civil War. And listen, I mean, that's not hyperbole.


PERINO: If you have to say and that's not hyperbole you've written the speech in a way that is meant to evoke the kind of reaction that we have asked for except for the media keeps -- they continue to say it. And -- but this is on the same day that they are calling these people from Texas, the Democrats that left, so brave and so courageous on the very same day that you have 100 dissidents missing in Cuba and you see one on live, on a live stream being plucked from her home --


PERINO: -- by the security forces and in the meantime, the great thing about this too, is that the left is still not satisfied.


PERINO: The reason Biden has to say Civil War is because they are demanding something that he won't do. What they want him to do is to say that they're going -- that he is now going to back ending the filibuster. Why won't he do that? One, maybe he doesn't believe it but also, he knows he doesn't have the votes to do it.

Obama led him down this path, that you can go ahead and do things that you don't of the votes to do. So now, the left think that this is normal. But look at what's happening, they've met with the vice president, I don't know if they've met with the president or they're going to, Elizabeth Warren she met them in the lobby of her office just to say a quick hi.

And now these people from Texas they have no way to get on TV because the things that they were complaining about, for example, they said, well, they are complaining that they were going to take away Sunday voting. No, that was in the bill, in a draft --


PERINO: -- it got stripped out, they announced that it was stripped out but the Democrats are still saying that that's in the bill and the media is not calling them out on it.


PERINO: Well some of them are actually and I think that's why -- if they sit in D.C. for the next two weeks, I mean knock themselves out but I don't think, I don't see how they continue to get attention for this.


FORD: Can I join you on something?


FORD: I think Biden was a little too hot, the Civil War thing was not adequate, --


FORD: -- was not appropriate and I would agree with what you said yesterday, they need -- the Democrats need to figure out what they want to get done. They are not doing that.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: It's always about the Civil War. Wasn't the Georgia Senate election about the Civil War? I mean, they're always -- this is what happens with the Democrats. They go to Washington, they don't read the bills because if they read the bills like Jesse read that state bill, then they wouldn't object to it.

But everything has to be, you know, what they say, as American as apple pie, to do this, it's un-American to do that, and I'm convinced that, you know, this is another Civil War coming, people, we are losing the democracy. That's what they learn the phrases and they never learn the facts and then you ask a voter, what is the issue? The voter has no idea.

Coke moves out of Atlanta, I don't know if they had any idea what was going on in Atlanta and the devastation the small businesses in Atlanta, Georgia, when they decided to move. But you know what, I have to add one thing, I made a circle of this.

When Biden said yesterday, he says the confederates back then never breach the capitol as the insurrections did on January 6th. This is the important part. I'm not saying this to alarm you, I'm saying this because you should be alarmed.

GUTFELD: That was my favorite.

PIRRO: What does that -- what does that mean?

GUTFELD: That's --

PIRRO: I mean, they don't even know what they are talking about, is one phrase after another.

GUTFELD: Yes. And as Joe Mackey said last night, Biden keeps saying it's the worst thing since the Civil War. the Civil War was a good thing, right?

PERINO: Absolutely.

GUTFELD: It ended slavery.

PIRRO: Right.

GUTFELD: That's the whole point of the Civil War was that it ended slavery. So, it kind of was a good thing. I mean, a lot of people dies, 600,000. But it was for slavery. So, Joe Biden has got to do his history, go back and read some --

PERINO: Freshen up.

GUTFELD: Yes, freshen up. All right. Coming back, immigration hypocrisy by telling oppressed Cubans don't come to the U.S. while the border is still wide open.


FORD (on camera): The Biden administration being accused of hypocrisy over its immigration policies, while Republicans argue that the southern border is wide open. Biden's homeland security secretary is telling migrants fleeing Cuba, don't come to America.


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: The time is never right to attempt to migration by sea. To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear. If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.


FORD (on camera): Meanwhile, the situation in Cuba is getting worse, one protester has reportedly been killed and more than 100 have been detained and a social media activist was arrested in her home on live television.

Greg, do migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. do they deserve any kind of preferential treatment as we look at what's happening in our border right now?

GUTFELD: Yes. I think --

FORD: Migrants coming from other places? But I don't think what Mayorkas said is going to stop anybody from coming?

GUTFELD: No. I think that this is a different situation than what's happening on our border, because these people are fleeing totalitarianism and they're risking their lives going across an ocean. There's no drug cartels involved, there's no people just coming over here for work and then leaving. There aren't, like, people coming over here pregnant and then we allow them. These are people that are trying to escape and I would be interested in an investigation into the root causes. Perhaps they can send --


WATTERS: Raise for alarm.

GUTFELD: -- Kamala to Cuba --


GUTFELD: -- with that.

PIRRO: You think she'll show up?

GUTFELD: I mean, it's interesting because what if, I mean, you know, they're leaving Cuba because of communism. But maybe if it was climate change Democrats would treat it just a little more differently, right?

PERINO: Or maybe if it was about climate change, they would take it more seriously.


PIRRO: But you know what the shame of this is, --


PERINO: Reverse psychology.

PIRRO: Mayorkas himself is Cuban. And for him to say, the quote was, "if you take to sea you will not come to the U.S." The truth of what he is saying and what he has said before is you will be returned if you get to the U.S.

So, we are going to open the southern border, everybody come on in for alleged political persecution or poverty but when you are a victim of a totalitarian government or communist regime, then you're shooting people, or arresting journalists or the president of Haiti also was just shot and killed, then we are going to make sure you don't make it to America because you truly have a true argument for political asylum.

It is an outrage. This guy, first of all, I don't believe anything he says. He's been telling us the border is closed from the day he became the secretary of homeland security. And this is an outrage to the people of Cuba, plus they know if they come from Cuba, they'll probably vote Republican so they've got to stop them from coming in. It's just --


WATTERS: I could be wrong, actually --

FORD: Jesse, what's your take on this?

WATTERS: I think Mayorkas' parents may have actually fled Cuba during --

PIRRO: From Cuba, right. He's Cuban.

WATTERS: -- the revolution. I could be wrong about that. Often not wrong, but could be. So --

GUTFELD: I await a correction immediately after the program.

PIRRO: It will come at first --


WATTERS: We'll look into it in the commercial break. But I think the White House is basically saying, if you're going to vote Democrat, you can come here illegally, but if you're going to vote Republican, don't come because we do know that Cuban-Americans overwhelmingly vote Republican especially in a swing state of Florida. Not so swing recently, but still.

And a lot of the first-generation migrants either by birth or asylum or amnesty vote Democrat. And from what I remember the Biden White House has said people in Mexico in the Northern Triangle, hey, it's Ellis Island down here on the southern border --

PIRRO: Yes, come on in.

WATTERS: -- we're going to give you a lawyer, we're going to give you a bed, some cash or bus ticket, you know, come on in and we'll help you out. Not so with these other people.

PIRRO: Terrible.

WATTERS: So, I have an idea. I've had this idea before but I've changed my mind, I think we should make Cuba the 51st state after they are free because you know eventually communism dies. And here's why. You know I have a problem with making more stars on the flag, it just gives me anxiety about that. It's a nice even number.

But I do think because a lot of natural resources in Cuba, it's just right off our coast right there, hardworking people --

PERINO: I agree.

WATTERS: -- great opportunity for casinos, I think it would make a great 51st state, so when it comes to that let's make it 51.

PERINO: What about, if you did Puerto Rico you could have 52?


WATTERS: I don't like that trade.

GUTFELD: No, no, no. So, but you're talking about --

WATTERS: I don't like that trade. I'd like to just add one.

GUTFELD: No. But you don't have to add one if you -- if we lose a state.

WATTERS: Wo do you like? Who do you like to lose?

PIRRO: Who we lose?

GUTFELD: California. I'd take Cuba over California.


WATTERS: It's got a bigger economy.

GUTFELD: Which one is more communist.

PIRRO: It's a balancing test.


WATTERS: Can we trade Hawaii?

FORD: No. You got to have Hawaii.

WATTERS: Vermont? Sorry, Vermont.

GUTFELD: Just breaking (Inaudible) episode ever.

WATTERS: The counsel has spoken you've been asked to leave.

FORD: Dana, as you think about, I think this is a serious conversation, a serious issue and we're making, we are making -- we're serious about it making a little light of this as well.

PIRRO: Because we all agree.

FORD: But to the judge's point, no, but how do you, do you subordinate some asylum requests over others if people send their fully --


PIRRO: yes, the real ones versus the fake ones.

FORD: So, who determines the -- who determines real versus fake? I'm just -- I have a different opinion.


PIRRO: The judges, the judges who are there. But right now, what the United States has done is they basically said, we are going to assume that everybody from the open southern border is real and those people who are victims of shootings they're not.

FORD: Dana?

PERINO: I think here's the other thing, it's one thing to talk about asylum rules, like these asylum rules that we have today were written specifically for people like the dissidents that we are talking about in Cuba, so that they wouldn't be able to apply seems very strange.

But I think that beyond talking about whether they should come here is that what should the Biden administration going to do to help them there?

FORD: Right.

PERINO: They don't want to leave, they would like to improve -- they are chanting libertad for liberty, and patria y vida, which is fatherland and life, which is after this rap video that they were able to get out there.

GUTFELD: Doing your rap music.

PERINO: I know a lot about rap music.

GUTFELD: It's insane.

PERINO: I encourage everyone to look at this video.

GUTFELD: What's that when you're living with Snoop back in the '90s.


GUTFELD: Those were some amazing times.

PERINO: What was -- and then something in the Civil War.

GUTFELD: Old dirty bastard and you are partying like crazy.

PERINO: But I think that on the immigration front it's one thing, like, that's a dangerous journey to try to attempt to get people to the United States, a lot of people die that way. And imagine if Mayorkas have said we care about you, we are going to be there to help you. We don't want you to attempt that dangerous journey because it is dangerous for your life. We are going to try to do -- and then give, like, do something.

PIRRO: Something.

PERINO: Help them with the internet. Help them with something, I don't know what all it could be. Like, you know --

FORD: They could sweep sanctions.

PERINO: The mayor of Cuba has an idea.


PERINO: I don't even -- I don't endorse that. It might be a surprise.

GUTFELD: It's got to be strange, and I'm not for a hard-core leftist to explain this problem to their kids because if you're telling your children that America is the most oppressive place on earth as people are risking their life and limb to come here --


GUTFELD: -- it's got to be hard to explain that to kids. I look forward to hearing that explanation.

WATTERS: I'll tell Jesse Jr. all about it.

FORD: A lot more to come on this. Straight ahead, Democrats have been warned about a red wave as crime spikes across our country.


PIRRO (on camera): The crime surge across America could come with some serious political consequences. A liberal MSNBC host warning Democrats about the potential for a red wave.


STEPHANIE RUHLE, ANCHOR, MSNBC: If Democrats do not fight back, what are the odds of a red wave?

UNKNOWN: They are excellent, one of the most endearing and enduring trends in political science. Literature is the thing called the midterm effect which is, you know, more than 40 years of the president's party losing seats in that subsequent midterm elections.


PIRRO (on camera): And crime isn't the only concern, longtime Democratic strategist James Carville is calling out his party for putting their woke agenda before voters.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: If we pay such a terrible political price for slightly more than fringe element of our party, I think people start to see this for what it is and people are way more interested in their lives and how to improve them than they are in somebody else's pronouns or something.


PIRRO (on camera): OK. So, I'll start with you, Dana.


PIRRO: All right. So, it seems that crime is putting the Dems on the defensive.

PERINO: When Stephanie Ruhle is asking that question, I wonder like, when she says what happens if Democrats don't fight back? Like, --


PIRRO: Against crime or against conservatives, what are you fighting? Unfortunately, for the Democrats they don't listen to some of the people who care about them the most. Larry Summers who warned them about inflation, James Carville who has been talking about this stuff since last year and they almost lost the House because of this woke stuff. And Rahm Emanuel is just another one who they just continue to ignore.

In fact, they don't even listen to our own Harold Ford, Jr. and I think it's an outrage. When it comes to -- defund the police led to a crime wave. The woke education issues have led to a grassroots movement in the schools. You have cancel culture. You have the environmental issues that are just making people feel overwhelmed.

But while crime is now number one and then jobs and the economy but also inflation is number two. So, I think Biden inflation is a phrase, it's going to catch on. I expect everyone's to be using it by tomorrow. But it's a real issue.


PERINO: And they have, you know, the call is coming from inside the House, they are trying to warn you but you're not listening.

PIRRO: Right, right. And you know what, Greg, Biden's answer to all of this is to go after gun manufacturers and you know, he thinks that if he does that everything will be fine. And yet, it seems that most Americans don't agree with that.

GUTFELD: Yes. No. It's a fatal mistake for the Democratic Party. There already is a red wave, Dana, it's the blood flowing from every city. Thank you. So, it's time for a red wave to meet that red wave. But it drives me crazy about that MSNBC spot and it's the same thing that I saw on CNN with Don Lemon. Is that they only care about the crime as a political issue.


GUTFELD: They don't care about -- they care about the victory, not the victim. So, they are just like, gees, you know, the Republicans are really going to use this against us. Why don't you care about the dead people?


GUTFELD: The people that you claim to care about CNN or whatever that -- Stephanie Ruhle. I mean, turning this into a team sport thing is why we got here in the first place.


GUTFELD: And so, you're looking at four variables really that the Dems have failed safety, with the defining education, being -- not trumpeting school choice as much as they should, in critical race theory, the economy, you're going to see inflation pop up, and then the societal cooperation which seems to be, you know, fraying because of this cancel culture. So they're really -- they're really in a hole.

There's supposed to be a red wave when the blue are in power. And they're supposed to be a blue wave when the red is in power. But I think this is -- this is going to be massive, unless Republicans once again are stupid.

PIRRO: Well, in 2022, Jesse, and I'm sure that look, everybody assumes that at the midterm of the first term of the President, you know, goes to the other party. But now what Greg is saying is it's going to be even more exaggerated. The -- but I think Americans saw this last summer, when Black Lives Matter, the organization, were burning down cities and businesses.

WATTERS: The only reason Joe Biden won this election was because of COVID. Remember, he scared everybody, slapped on the mask, hid in the basement, made it a referendum on Donald Trump and had a lot of help with the big corporations who, you know what they did.


WATTERS: So, he gets in there, and it's all about COVID. COVID is almost over. And that's the only reason he has a high approval rating, if you believe the fake news poll. So, once COVID is over in the fall, where's his mandate? So, COVID is gone. Trump is gone. It goes back to your regular political landscape.

And let's look at the landscape. He's in the 30s for approval on crime, 30s and approval on the border, 30s on approval for gas prices, and the rights got a fire lit under him for critical race theory. So, you got a bad salesman with high crime, high gas prices, hacking, and open borders. That's not good.

PIRRO: So, Harold, why doesn't the left, why don't they understand, or the Democrats that they have got to get on the side of the crime victim and stop with all this -- it was the same with the Texas Democrats. Stop with the phrases and just get involved in the issue.

FORD: I don't disagree with you. I think Jesse said something here a day or two ago, and Greg, you echoed it about this professional activist class that seems to dominate. I think that's what James Carville was getting at. For me, what happened here in New York a few weeks ago when Democrats nominated the top two vote getters were the toughest talkers about bringing gang units back, putting police back in charge, and holding bad officers accountable, which is something that is completely compatible to do, if Democrats don't focus -- Stephanie had it right, and your polling data reinforces it.

If Democrats lose ground on crime and immigration are seen as weak on those two issues, we won't be in the majority in the House and we will likely lose the majority in the Senate. COVID was a big reason to win in 2020 for Democrats. The question becomes can you hold it. And climate immigration will be the two issues.

PERINO: Don't forget Biden administration.

FORD JR.: The two take all credit for that mistake.

PIRRO: Coming up, Britney Spears back in court fighting for her freedom. But first, a major controversy over a gun that looks like a Lego toy.


PERINO: This gun looks like a toy but it is very real and it is causing a major uproar. A Utah company has stopped selling a kit that encases Glock handguns after Lego sent a cease and desist letter. That company described the firearm as "a childhood dream come to life." But critics blasting the modification as irresponsible saying children could be tricked into thinking it's a toy.

There are currently no federal laws that prevent companies from making firearms that look like toys. Judge, does a cease and desist letter like that hold up in court?

PIRRO: Well, it absolutely should. You know, I think that Lego has the absolute right to -- I mean, it's like -- it's patent. I mean, they have the right to protect their images and they're using it without their permission. So, that's a no brainer. I mean, that they would do this, I think is very troublesome to make it a real gun.

And what's interesting is the quote from the company where they basically said, we were trying we've been building guns out of blocks for the last 30 years and wanted to flip the script to aggravate mom. You know, I mean, it's really -- it's a sad commentary, I think, that they made this and it's a real gun.

PERINO: Harold, does it aggravate moms?

FORD JR.: Probably, and I think it probably aggravates police officers law enforcement. You think about the number of times that police officers have to -- the kinds of decisions they have to make and how quickly they have to make them. And it looks like a toy. It may not be a toy. The number of people who've been shot and killed on both sides for a lot of times they were toys. And now you've got a gun that looks -- my son and daughter will know and it won't get anything like this. And I am glad that the cease and desist -- I agree with the judge. I think the season desist letter will stand muster.

PIRRO: Yes, absolutely.

FORD JR.: And I hope they bring out they pass laws preventing these kinds of things from being produced going forward.

PERINO: What do you think, Jesse Watters?

WATTERS: I think the only reason we're doing that story is Joe Biden is so boring. This would never come up on THE FIVE rundown in any other administration, right? So, here's Biden's schedule today. Let's look at it. Ready? First on the schedule --

PIRRO: Answer the question.

GUTFELD: Nicely done.

WATTERS: I'll get there. First thing on Biden's schedule, you want to know what it is?

PERINO: Lunch.

WATTERS: Lunch. Get a lunch with some politicians at 12:45. I don't know what they serve for the lunch.

PERINO: No, they went -- he went to the Capitol for that.

WATTERS: Oh, he walked there?

PERINO: No, he took the car. He took the car.

WATTERS: That's a big deal. OK, so he took a car to had a little lunch, and then nothing until 3:00. He had a meeting, Dana.

PERINO: A meeting with who?

WATTERS: He had a meeting with some politicians. They talked about some things, infrastructure probably. Then they call the lid. So, lunch meeting, lid. That's why we're talking about Legos.

You're right, though you can't profit off of the likeness of another commercial product. So, if they made the gun to look like a Dunkin donut, Dunkin donut would send a cease and desist letter and tell him to knock it off. It would be a delicious weapon, but not legal.

PIRRO: I mean, can you imagine a police officer having to defend himself because he saw this segment and said these guns are real now and defending himself and then the defense saying or the other side basically saying, wait a minute, wait a minute. I mean, he should have known it was a toy. I mean, why did he shoot me when he saw that?


FORD JR.: I totally agree.

PIRRO: I mean, it's a mess in the courtroom.

PERINO: What do you think, Greg?

GUTFELD: Well, a Lego gun raises the question, what hurts more, being shot by it or stepping on it barefoot? This is weird. I'm conflicted. I think it might be problematic. Although I do own a knife that looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid. So, here's the thing. I'm going to have a professional wrestling pose for THE FIVE today, which means an artificial stance. I love this gun. Just to make it interesting.

What this gun shows you, OK, this is -- this is my professional -- like, I'm pretending, OK, what this gun shows you is that almost everything you put on a gun is decorative. So, an AR-15 is a rifle, but it has all this stuff on it that makes all the liberals go oh my God, it's an assault weapon. No, it's not. ArmaLite stands for ArmaLite rifle, but they put a lot of bells and whistles on it.

People -- the problem we have with guns, and it's everybody's right, is that people like to dress up guns like the same way people pimp out their ride, except they're pimping out their gun. This is a pimped-out gun. It's very creative, innovative. I've never heard of this company. Now, I've heard of it.

So. I think it's never been made. This is it. It's one of a kind. It completed its mission, so to speak. And it just shows you that you can pretty much put anything on a gun to piss somebody off.

WATTERS: We can take artificial stances on the show?

GUTFELD: Yes. But by the way, inside my artificial stance was wisdom. And that is that a lot of the things on guns don't make it any more deadly. It just makes it look cool. It's like when somebody buys like an economy car, like a young guy, and he starts putting all these scraps all over -- that's what a lot of people do with AR-15s.


PERINO: See, so you can have an artificial stance, as long as it's wise.




WATTERS: Those are the parameters, Dana? OK.

PERINO: Going forward.


PERINO: OK, up next, Britney Spears back fighting in court in what could be a major step to getting her freedom back. This is a must-see update, next.



WATTERS: Britney Spears battling in court right now to get control over her life back. It's the first hearing since the pop stars and dramatic testimony where she claims she's being forced to take medication and is being stopped from having children. The big issue at hand today, will Spears be able to have a lawyer she picks to represent her after a court- appointed attorney quit. You look like you want me to ask you what you think, Judge.

PIRRO. Let me tell you. I think this is a Civil War of our time. Let me tell you how outrageous this is.



PIRRO: You've got a woman here who is disciplined enough to do all these techno dance rules, who is -- who is constantly working. She's got the perseverance. She's got the precision, the timing to do all that making hundreds of millions of dollars. She's got her father who has some kind of a cook, who's making millions of dollars off of her. Now, get this. She had a lawyer who had no idea that she didn't want the conservatorship that's been going on since 2008, 13 years, to end.

Either that lawyer who's asked to be recused now should be investigated for not telling her she had a right to have the conservatorship ended, and I want to know why this trust company that was appointed by the judge was brought in to be a co-conservator and then all of a sudden wants out.

It seems to me that everybody's got a little bit of dirt on their hands. And this is time for a prosecutor to investigate. This woman needs to be free. She needs to be able to make decisions about whether she wants an IUD in her body and what her finances are. Her father should -- he shouldn't be out of the picture.


WATTERS: Voter IUD, Greg, way to go. So, Harold, the new attorney who Britney allegedly wants to appoint for her is a real hotshot. This guy wins big judgments. He is on the board of the Beverly Hills Bar Association. This guy doesn't need the money. Let's put it that way. He's going to probably free Britney. And that's what this is all about.

FORD JR.: I agree with the judge. I said on this show, if she were broke, we would not be having this conversation. She's wealthy and a lot of people who have taken advantage of her. I agree with you judge. If she can do all that she does to earn the money that she makes, if she can stand on stage and put her life in jeopardy with some of the things she does on stage because she's so active and so entertaining, and you telling me she can't make decisions about herself, her body, and her -- the way she is able to support herself. Shame on this court.

And I think you're right. A lot of people are going to be looked into. And hopefully, this lawyer who takes it up, looks at making law, looks at ensuring that nothing like this happens again to Britney or for that matter, anyone else.

WATTERS: And the lawyers on the father's side are making a fortune, Dana. They just build her Britney who she has to pay her father's lawyers, $1.5 million just for eight months.

PERINO: Can you imagine? I'm going to take an artificial stance. I was trying to think of one. I can't really think of one. The free Britney rally was happening on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Now, that is something. That is something. That could actually lead for more members of Congress because it seems a little bit bipartisan, like the one thing, to look at conservatorships and the law so that she actually could free a lot of people.

But then there are -- this is the other side of it. I do think there are definitely some people that need the help and support their families and a conservatorship makes sense for them.

WATTERS: It does. Usually older in life and clearly incapacitated though. She does not look incapacitated.

FORD JR.: And she's making all the money for the family.

WATTERS: She is.

PERINO: Yes, for everybody. She's paying for everything.

WATTERS: Like a lot of dough, Greg.

GUTFELD: She was at the Lincoln Memorial. Lincoln freed the slaves and she was a slave for you.

WATTERS: We'll be right back?

GUTFELD: I'm pro -- I am pro Britney, but I do have a problem with the free Britney protesters. If that's your priority in life, if you don't know her personally but you flew to D.C., I envy your life that you can -- you can have had that concern. But I have a feeling that there are relatives of the free Britney protesters who are like maybe you should focus your effort on finding a job or at least doing the dishes.

WATTERS: Something tells me that the free Britney protesters are probably taking some of those Biden bucks.


WATTERS: You know what I mean? That's probably how they paid for the flights. "ONE MORE THING" up next.


GUTFELD: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." Jesse.

WATTERS: So, before we get to this great feeding frenzy, just special shout out to T Roy's wife, Dana, who's a friend of ours. He had a little mishap during a triathlon, so I don't do triathlons, and hope you're feeling better. We love you. Now let's do the feeding frenzy.

GUTFELD: It happens during the triathlon.

WATTERS: All right, so the Van Leeuwen Ice Cream Company has teamed up with Kraft mac and cheese. This is a serious story. And they've made mac and cheese ice cream. Now, don't judge it. It's mac and cheese ice cream. It's 12 bucks a pint.


WATTERS: It's dinner and dessert at the same time. I want everybody to raise your little special cups. Greg, that includes you.

PERINO: I can still taste green beans from baby foods.

WATTERS: Let's go.

PIRRO: What does it taste like?

GUTFELD: I hate people with milky white skin.

WATTERS: Oh, my God. I love this. I love it. It's really good. Harold and Watters like it. Gutfeld? Say it.

PERINO: Hard pass.

GUTFELD: If I was on something, I would love this.

PERINO: Take it home then.

PIRRO: What's wrong with you?

WATTERS: Judge, we need a tiebreaker here. We have two against two, four. What do you think?

PIRRO: I think it's great.

WATTERS: Yes, right, Judge. That was an artificial stance, right, Judge?

PERINO: Good job, Judge.

GUTFELD: Artificial.

WATTERS: All right, nothing artificial about How I Save the World though.


WATTERS: Just in case you forgot.

PIRRO: Yes, in case you forgot that he wrote the book.

GUTFELD: All right, Dana.

PERINO: OK, so I wanted to do animals are great but I forgot the thing, whatever the -- what do you call that thing? The music thing?


PERINO: But check out this horse. OK, this is the biggest horse I've ever seen. I can -- I could not even believe it was real.

PIRRO: Wow, how many hands is that horse?

PERINO: He's 6.75 feet tall.

PIRRO: How many hands?

PERINO: He's 7 years old. I don't know how many hands that is. It's a lot of hands. He's 7 years old. His name is Phantom. And he went to this gentle giants draft horse rescue in Mount Airy, Maryland last year. And now he's this viral sensation on TikTok, 11 million views. And they say that at the rescue, he always tries this crowd because people cannot get over how big he is. And I would really like to go see this in person and get a picture next to it.

PIRRO: How do you get -- look at her getting up.

WATTERS: I feel that way when I'm making a point on the show sometimes.

GUTFELD: Almost got it.

PERINO: Almost got it.

GUTFELD: By the way, they don't call them hands anymore, they're called Toobins.

WATTERS: Greg, you are on fire.

PIRRO: Is it my turn?

GUTFELD: No, it's my turn. Wait your turn judge. You're not as important as. Greg's frustration corner. You know when you're traveling, you got to go through TSA security. It sucks because you got all your bags and you can't get them all through and they're -- they started getting -- looking at you like this poor fella here trying to get through. He's trying to go to Fort Lauderdale. And he's at the gate but he can't get the -- he can't get his bag to the -- to the --

PERINO: He should have checked.

GUTFELD: Yes, he should have checked his bag. And meanwhile, I'm behind him waiting and he's just like, the whole lines backing up, and then he's trying to get it. And he doesn't even taken off his wristwatch. So, now he's got to go back again. Anyway, now it's --

PIRRO: It's horrible.

GUTFELD: It's Harold's turn.

FORD JR.: No, I defer to Judge.

PIRRO: No, go, Harold.

FORD JR.: Anyone like Iron Man here?


FORD JR.: I do. Thanks to British -- and that's not an artificial sense. Thanks to British inventor Richard Browning, you can now have an electric jet suit and fly just like the Marvel character. Browning showcase the electric suit at the Goodwood Festival of Speed, a motoring event in southern England. The current batteries are only powerful enough to get a human airborne for a matter of seconds. But that same power could also power a small sheet of homes.

In recent months, the company has even demonstrated their jet students to the Royal Marines to test how their product can assist maritime boarding operations.

PERINO: Wait, is that what was in the Times Square?

FORD JR.: It will come to Times Square soon though. Not bad.

PIRRO: Interesting.

GUTFELD: You just have to get on the horse, Dana, and tied it all together.


GUTFELD: Oh, Judge, I think it's you.

PIRRO: Oh, thank goodness.

GUTFELD: Can I go to you?


GUTFELD: Now, it's your turn, Judge.

PIRRO: Thank you. Sharing is caring. Take a look at these two adorable Golden Retrievers. They took it upon themselves to share a float. You got to watch this, Greg. This is what you do with a float while relaxing in the pool. Look at them hanging out. They're just too cute. I'm going to teach my poodles how to do this.

Now, he gets on and the other one moves over, and then they just float around together on the float all afternoon. Isn't that -- sharing is caring. It's a wonderful thing.

PERINO: We had to rush for that?

WATTERS: It's very off-brand for you, Judge.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

PIRRO: Oh, just stop it. Stop it. No, I'm not too --


GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) for not wearing their correct --

PIRRO: No, they weren't wearing their floaties because they're Golden Retrievers. What do you -- what was your dog?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

PIRRO: The one who couldn't figure out how to get his suitcase through.

GUTFELD: You lay off that dog. Oh, you're on my show.

PIRRO: Tonight.

GUTFELD: You're on my show tonight.

PIRRO: Tonight.

GUTFELD: Oh, a double dose of the Judge. You're going to need some antibiotics for that. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret.

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