‘The Five’ rip Kamala Harris’ science video for kids amid absence on border crisis
The panelists break down the Vice President’s agenda while skipping border meeting in Mexico.
This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on October 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Dagen McDowell, Harold Ford, Jr., Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld.
It's five o'clock in New York City. This is THE FIVE.
Chaos, confusion, and mass cancellations. Thousands of people living their worst travel nightmares across the country. Just this weekend Southwest Airlines canceling nearly 2,000 flights and the disruptions continuing today with more than 350 being called off and another 750 delayed. Frustration boiling over for passengers who say they were completely blindsided.
UNKNOWN: We didn't find out until five o'clock this morning that it was canceled. And then we were on the phone for what, seven hours.
UNKNOWN: Seven hours and 44 minutes.
UNKNOWN: Forty-four minutes before they answered the phone because it was so backlogged.
UNKNOWN: They said they were having problems. They won't what it was and you're lucky you got a flight.
UNKNOWN: The weather is fine and all connecting areas. There's no -- there's no bad weather. There's got to be something behind the scenes that they're not telling us.
PERINO (on camera): Southwest blaming the problems on air traffic control issues and severe weather. But the FAA contradicting that claim and says it is not to blame for what happened. Now the mass cancellations come during a controversy over the airlines new vaccine policy.
Southwest and its pilots' unions denying that it had anything to do with the wave of cancellations but one pilot did warn it could lead to shortages.
YOSH YODER, FIRST OFFICER/AIRLINE PILOT: It's going to bring the airline industry to its knees. They can't operate with a 10 percent loss of their workgroups currently. This affect the consumer. You know, we don't just fly people. We fly organs, we fly blood for hospitals, medical equipment, fresh food. This is going to affect your economy. It's going to affect your lifestyle. And it's going to affect the markets. It is a big deal.
PERINO (on camera): Greg, it seems like the airlines forget that it's not the 1980s when you -- if they said there was a weather issue, you are just like, OK.
PERINO: Because there is no way to tell. Now everybody has it all on their phone.
GUTFELD: Right. And also, I mean, what you are seeing is a government didn't do this, the government isn't controlling this. This is pilots. If this is true. Like if it's actually about the mandates, then you're seeing a group of people who decide that it's important enough that they can actually control a resource that can put a stop to anything because they believe that they have the right to.
I know the personal is always political for the left. And decades ago, that was essential with Jim Crow, makes a personal political but now everything personal is political except I'm willing to bet that 99 percent of the people that are involved in this stance, it's not us versus them. It's not a political thing.
I think it's a personal thing. I think it's about their families and the decisions that they want to make about their bodies but when the left introduced this politics into an issue, it becomes a prism of two ideas. OK, you're either for it or you're against it. You're a Democrat, you're a Republican.
But I think that leaves out, it crowds out the reasons and the stories and the realities that people are basing their decisions on. And I think that's what these pilots are doing. I also think that we are at this stage where we keep redefining normal everyday stuff.
You look at Australia right now. This accelerated government intervention in the name of acceptable risk. They keep making risk and risk less acceptable. So, the government shows up at your house because you went to an anti-vaccine mandate protest.
And we keep telling people different things. This is only for two weeks. There is not going to be a mandate. Masks don't have to be worn outside but then every day we slightly change it. So, something becomes more acceptable and the population falls more and more in line and it makes you wonder, the big question is, what will it be like in 2022 or in 2023?
GUTFELD: Like, how much will we accept, right?
PERINO: And what could even be like in two months? Jesse, the left's -- the left's war on Christmas could continue with delays and shortages of pilots right around the holidays.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. Mayor Pete is going to have his hands full. I mean, he is really in charge of that.
PERINO: Where is he anyway.
WATTERS: Where is mayor Pete?
PERINO: I don't know.
WATTERS: If you have all this labor action happening right before the holidays, Christmas.
GUTFELD: This is Jesse Jr.'s first Christmas, he must have strong feelings.
WATTERS: Jesse Jr. does have strong feelings. He said this morning when I was giving him a walk in the stroller, he said, dad, Joe Biden wants this.
WATTERS: Joe Biden was just bragging about companies laying off the unvaxxed so this is exactly what happens when you slap a mandate on like this. But Dana, if you read the latest in The Federalist.
WATTERS: Sure, you have.
PERINO: I like how you --
WATTERS: The vaxx mandate is a mirage. The rule has never even been written.
PERINO: Right.
WATTERS: It might not be written. It might not even ever be written. And then once it's written, it has to go through lawyers and then once it's established, it's six months until companies have to do anything so the companies fell in line over a press release, over a threat. And now you're seeing the results of that threat.
I was in California over the weekend giving a speech. And I ran in into the lobby of one of these -- I think she was a flight attendant, could've been a pilot. She works for Southwest.
GUTFELD: And she'd say --
PERINO: She could have been a pilot.
WATTERS: I didn't -- she had a uniform on. It was hard to see. It was late at night, Dana. And first she was mad at me. She said you always trash Southwest. And I said there was a lot of fights there. I mean, I'm just doing my job.
But then she said, Jesse, I have been at this company for 22 years and they are about to fire me because I have the antibodies but because of my religious reasons, I do not want to get the shot. And I'm about to be fired after 23 years. She said a lot of the other people, a lot of the other people at the other airlines, they are giving religious exemptions.
American Airlines, religious exemption, check. Because they want to keep people there. But Southwest is not doing that. They are being real, real tough with it and she actually predicted that there was going to be action taken to have something like this happen. And then the very next day, Monday, look what happens.
PERINO: It happened. In August, president Biden, Harold, he said, the supply chain concerns really temporary and that his experts had told him that they would alleviate as the economy improve. But we are not seeing that. And actually, the supply issue now it's front page news. And every leading - -we're all leading with it, there's -- shelves are empty. And now you have airline thing and the cascading effect of that could be that the economy actually does not improve.
HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Without question. You saw on the front page of the papers today that some of the big retailers are contracting their own cargo ship to bring in products to make sure that there are products on the shelves for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Look, I think this airline, they mismanaged this thing without question. And whether it's a mandate or not, they should have told consumers and flyers that they were going to be inconvenience the next day. That being said, the -- if I were a passenger on Southwest Airlines and I was on a plane with an unvaccinated pilot with my unvaccinated seven and six-year- old, I would want to know. And I'm not sure they are sharing it.
I think the airline is probably looking at the liability here and saying that maybe if we don't have everyone vaccinated, we are going to have an even bigger set of problems. two, as I have shared before, I thought Colin Kaepernick was right for teams to be able to say you've got to stand when the national anthem is playing.
All the people defending this freedom platform for those who wish not to get vaccinated, I applaud you but let's be consistent. There is a consequence if you don't get vaccinated in the private sector. This isn't the government telling United Airlines or Southwest, this is, that airlines saying we want our pilots and those who work for us vaccinated.
Now we can disagree with them. I think everyone has the right to express their freedom however they choose but there are consequences when you do express your freedom. And indeed, they are living through this.
If you would've told me in 2020 last year, remember we were in a presidential race last. We just had our first debate and against -- but Biden and President Trump. Then Vice President Biden.
If you would've told me that a year later, we would have three vaccines and that only 60 percent of Americans would be fully vaccinated, less than 60 percent, I would've taken a bet on the opposite side of that and probably bet a whole lot at a loss. Because I would've thought we would have three quarters of our nation vaccinated.
The first that I came on the show, you are kind to have me on the show. Jesse said very clearly, if everyone who is vaccinated still has to wear masks, that's wrong. I'm vaccinated. The likelihood of me getting this virus is so -- is so small and the likelihood of me getting sick from this is very small. In fantastically small.
Those numbers still exist today. I hope people get vaccinated and those who wish not -- who choose not to, there will be consequences. And obviously, those Southwest Airline pilots and the personnel there are experiencing some of those consequences.
GUTFELD: Can I just -- I'm sorry. Can I just, you said something that I think is at the kernel of this problem. it's a -- the question of liability --
GUTFELD: -- is different than the risk. The risk is so small. So you're talking about the liability but you're talking about a pilot that is not going to have any contact with the six-year-old or the five-year-old. And the air circulation in an airplane is amazing.
FORD: But Greg, if you, I hear you. But if the pilot is communicating and has interactions with the flight crew and the flight crew is delivering apple juice to my six-year-old or seven-year-old or ginger ale, that is contact -- now look, I don't -- I'm not a doctor. I'm not a professional. One thing I do know, I don't want the professional say. I do not want to be in an enclosed environment with someone who's not vaccinated.
DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Did you fly before the vaccine? Because the spread --
FORD: I did not.
MCDOWELL: The spread of COVID was not a problem on planes.
PERINO: On planes in particular, right.
FORD: Well, I don't want to be the first.
MCDOWELL: And everybody. So, a lot of this is the fear of the unvaccinated by the vaccinated and that defies the logic of getting vaccinated in the first place. Let me finish. OK?
The -- last year we asked airline employees to get back on the job. The pilots and the flight attendants and gate agents and the baggage handlers. Come back to work. Get America back and moving well before there was a vaccine.
And the spread of COVID on airplanes, fully masked and they do enforce those mask mandates on airlines and even in the airport. The ventilation systems on these planes. So, to ask all of these individuals to work when it was -- it was certainly a lot riskier to do that last year and then to tell them take -- get a vaccine or you're fired, that is profoundly unfair, number one.
And number two, you're a Democrat. Don't you believe in the sanctity of the union employer contract? Because that's what this is about. The pilots on Friday and of course this looks like a coinkydink, that 25 percent of the flights were canceled or grounded yesterday. And there was a lawsuit that was filed on Friday by the pilots' union. But they are challenging this vaccine mandate in courts because they say it violates the Railway Act. So, that's the root of it. But before -- I didn't mean to cut you off.
FORD: No, no, by no means.
MCDOWELL: Before we go, if I hear one person say, pack your patience if you are flying Southwest Airlines. I think they should be pelted by stale doughnuts in public.
GUTFELD: You can throw them out of the emergency exit.
PERINO: Well, the other thing is, if they tell you that it's weather- related, then they don't have to pay for your hotel.
WATTERS: That's what it is.
PERINO: I don't know. I mean, they say that it's not about the vaccines. I don't know. But --
GUTFELD: Does that work with outside of airlines?
PERINO: I don't think so but it could --
MCDOWELL: But this is a credibility problem.
MCDOWELL: They blame the air traffic controller and that was not the problem.
- Air -- FAA is like, no. They're like weather --
FORD: Ultimately -- ultimately the courts will decide this.
PERINO: Well, they better hurry up.
PERINO: All right. Coming up, with his agenda on the ropes, President Biden is now begging Democrats to unite and give him a lifeline.
WATTERS (on camera): President Biden's Build Back Better agenda is in full meltdown mode and it shows. Joe practically pleading with Democrats to save him.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We need to stay together and bound by the values that we hold as a party. Because here's the deal. We won 2020 as a unified party and we look to 2022 and as we do that, we need to stay unified.
WATTERS (on camera): Meanwhile, Democrats are worrying that Biden's tanking poll numbers will sink their chances at holding on to Congress in 2022.
Dana, so it's game of chicken between the moderates and the far left, Biden has thrown in with the far left. Someone is going to have to cave or compromised by the end of the year.
PERINO: I think that they look at all of their numbers and they realize there's a cascade of a lack of confidence. And all of the issues. You can take down from education, immigration, inflation, inflation, foreign policy, Afghanistan. Like all of that. So that means that Joe Biden's credit in terms of political capital is really low.
So, he doesn't have anything any juice. Right? To call and say you better get in line.
PERINO: Because he said he was going to run as a moderate. He was going to run as a person that would unite everybody and he has not done that for the first nine months. Now basically everything is up. Everybody gets it.
He won the battle but Bernie Sanders won the war. And now they are calling all the shots. There is a woman named Abigail Spanberger, she's a congresswoman from Virginia. And she wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday, basically saying, we really need this infrastructure bill. But that ship has sailed.
President Biden said no they will be linked with the 3.5 trillion or whatever they end up with. Now I will say this. Do not underestimate their ability to get something done.
WATTERS: Yes, they'll get something done.
PERINO: I think that they know they have to have something to run on. And so, someone eventually will cave but I do think it will be the moderates.
WATTERS: You do? Well, the moderates are the only reason they have the House majority. So that would be willing to --
PERINO: It's not on the House side. I don't know about Sinema and Manchin on the House.
WATTERS: OK. All right. Greg, your thought?
GUTFELD: I was thinking about a spam burger.
PERINO: Delicious.
GUTFELD: You know what I mean? That's very big in Hawaii, fry up some spam, put it on a potato bun.
PERINO: It's actually, her name is Spanberger. If I pronounce it incorrectly, I apologize. But Spanberger --
GUTFELD: I prefer --
PERINO: -- is also something.
GUTFELD: It's amazing to see the grand unifier who thought he could unify a country. He cannot unify his party. He can barely unify his bathrobe. So why is this the case. His only purpose, as you said, was to unify a voting mass to beat Trump. And it wasn't really that hard for him because they just needed the vessel. They needed the look of an old white moderate that's as comfy as milk and cookies at bed time.
And now what's happening is you're watching the whole thing implode. It was a trick. We're all seeing and the voting public is seeing what's behind the curtain that he was just a false front, you know, designed to win an election. And now the implosion comes now and later.
The thing is though, if you are given the choice, this is what you would have done. Do you want to be Bernie Sanders and lose or do you want to pretend to be something else and win? So, they still -- they still won.
GUTFELD: They pulled it -- they pulled the wool, if I might say so --
GUTFELD: -- over our eyes.
WATTERS: Or the bathrobe.
GUTFELD: The bathrobe.
WATTERS: Dagen, and the poll came out over CBS, no one even knows what is in this thing. And no one thinks it's actually going to help the economy or their own families. So, whatever they are pushing, infrastructure, build back better, no one even knows what's in it.
MCDOWELL: The American people are smart despite the way that Biden and company speak to the vast majority of this country and they know inflation is spiking. You have a variety of commodities that are near or at all-time highs. Gasoline prices at a seven-year high.
And they look at $5 trillion in this new century welfare monstrosity and they think more money equals more inflation despite what Jen Psaki says that we need to spend money to solve the inflation problem.
So, it is -- it is that simple. That they don't -- they're not behind this. The American people for that very reason. However, Joe Biden is standing up there like Willy Loman trying to sell it to America.
And in terms of unity, I think 48 out of 50 Democratic senators in favor of this new century welfare monstrosity is pretty good. That's 96 percent --
MCDOWELL: -- of the Democrats in the Senate. So, what happened to the party that there are only two people are saying, you know, social security and Medicare, $112 trillion haul over 30 years. And Medicare or hospital funds are running out of money in five years. There's nobody there standing up for, well, not bankrupt in America.
WATTERS: So, Harold Ford, Jr., what is going on is Joe Biden working the phones and no one is listening or is he not working the phones? What's happening here.
FORD: He should be working the phones. And the only thing he should be saying is that the country is prepared to pass an infrastructure plan. Let's do it. The rest of this stuff let's come back. let's see how the country digest the first set of things.
PERINO: But he already said --
FORD: I don't -- I don't --
PERINO: But he already said no to that when he went to the Hill.
FORD: Well, he can change his mind. I mean, every person reserves the right to his or her mind.
FORD: And if he is going to find --
PERINO: He might.
FORD: And if he is going to find his way to higher ground, he's got to do it. Look, he was, you're right, Greg. He was elected on COVID and I think his numbers are falling largely because people are saying my lives are not normal. Every time even that the first story, the Southwest pilots are saying what's wrong? Why can't we get some normalcy here? People come at it from different ways.
Dagen and I might disagree on this but we all want this matter to be resolved and we are not there. People thought his stability and competence would find its way through. And frankly, it has not. And then yo have a party. Unfortunately, my old pals in the Congress, they seem to think that they have a 50-seat majority in the House --
FORD: -- and a 15-seat majority in the Senate. You don't. If you get there, then you can come back and perhaps do some of these things. The country would've said this is what we want. The country is willing to go forward on some things. And the thing that they are willing to go forward on is what Joe Biden and Republicans and Democrats in the Senate including Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema negotiated. Pass that first.
WATTERS: Well, you're making a lot of sense, Harold Ford, Jr. I don't know what to make of that.
FORD: I love when you say my name.
PERINO: Nobody ask him --
FORD: Say my name again.
WATTERS: Harold Ford, Jr. I love saying that.
Ahead, liberal crime insanity costing more lives including a cop on his first day on the job.
FORD (on camera): More tragic examples of crime in America. A police officer killed on his first day on the job in Georgia. Dylan Harrison was shot outside the Alamo Police Department on Saturday. A suspect has been arrested.
And a nurse visiting New York City died over the weekend after a homeless man slammed her to the ground moments after mugging another woman. The suspect reportedly on the streets because of bail reform.
Greg, as we think about the way we criticize politicians and policies around crime and defund the police has become kind of the moniker but I think we've moved beyond that. What can be -- and I know you are sensitive around the mental health issues --
FORD: -- but what aside from what can be done to address these kinds of violent crimes that we let into and we obviously are seeing across the nation?
GUTFELD: We have to throw out this bail law. I mean, like the same way that Andrew Cuomo sent contagious COVID patients to rest homes which killed thousands, that's what De Blasio is doing with criminals. He's letting them loose in an innocent, defenseless population and it's killing people. And it truly is defenseless because none of us can have guns.
Like, you know what I mean? We have no immunity against this threat. And God forbid, you know, once the population finds itself helpless, they start even getting angrier and angrier. In city, we are lucky. A lot of us could move out. We got the will and the means. But there are the poor and elderly in a lot of these cities that are screwed. Right?
And think about the elderly Asians that have been targeted and a lot of this hate crimes and stuff. That's a large population in New York City. It's Chinatown. And there are a lot of people -- and this tragedy it's in Times Square in the daytime. This never used to happen even in the 70s.
This is unconscionable. And I don't understand how De Blasio gets away with this. Why isn't he held accountable? Why isn't his wife investigated? She run the mental health program $800 million. How are they getting away with this?
Meanwhile, they are having their kids chauffeured back and forth by a police detective because he doesn't want to brave the dangerous streets. Why does he get a detective driving him and everybody else, except for me, doesn't?
FORD JR.: Dana, we had -- you know, there were reductions in crimes under the president you served under and the president that succeeded him. And there were some things that were done in cities. Do we bring that back or - - I agree with Greg. We got to get rid of bail reform. But what other things you think we should be doing also?
PERINO: Well, I think that the very liberal prosecutors that won't prosecute the crimes is a another one. But the other thing is, we talked about the crime last week of the woman who shoved the other woman into the train. And then when the reporters catch up with that woman's sister, the perpetrator's sister, she says she's obviously mentally ill. They took her off her medicines, they sent her back saying, she's not mentally ill. And the families are begging for help.
I think that may be right -- I actually think that part is what we should really try to focus on because the families are -- if the family says -- like the red flag law, right? Like this person needs help and they need to be committed. They can't keep going back out on the street.
So, one, I think it's the very liberal prosecutors. But if you look in Philadelphia, that guy was just re-elected by a huge margin. So, I feel like a little bit at a loss when it comes to that point.
FORD JR: Dagen, what's the disconnect? I'm going to come to Jesse in the end, but what's the disconnect? Because you see these prosecutors who some -- they don't seem to have a link up with crime reduction and violent crime reduction. What -- why do you think people are voting for these people?
MCDOWELL: I don't know. And I really don't know. There was a woman who -- there was a speech rally yesterday here in New York City of people whose children have been the victim of shootings which is another problem. The New York Post had an editorial today that said New York leaders have blood on their hands.
And we know the price that victims pay. It's injury and death. We know the price that the public pays. It's fear and just chronic paralysis being afraid of getting attacked or seeing a loved one get attacked. We know the price that the police pay. That they are demoralized, they're reticent to do their jobs, they're afraid of losing their jobs, losing their pensions. They're afraid of losing their freedom quite frankly and going to jail. But you have a De Blasio who's after his time as mayor is talking about running for the governor. It's just happening over and over.
Really quickly though with the profoundly mentally ill. This has been something that's going on for 60 years in this country. It started when President Kennedy was in office. And it's the de-institutionalization of the profoundly mentally ill. And they are violent, they're on the streets. This man who killed this oncology nurse by pushing her down. He hadn't taken his, I would guess, abilify shot which is what his family talked about. It's a shot you got to get every month for schizophrenia. He hadn't taken his shot, and that's what happens.
FORD JR: Bring us home here.
WATTERS: Well, just answer your question why are they voting for these crazy DAs. These crazy DAs have the wealthiest campaigns. They're getting boatloads of cash from people like Soros and they can just pepper the whole precinct with tons of signage and everybody go, I've heard of him, boom, and they vote for him.
The other thing is what do you bring back that's worked. The three-strikes laws. Those things work. It's the same criminal and they're all committing the same crimes. So, if the guy in Georgia, he's out on bail for arson, he has two other felony beefs, so that's three. That should have immediately triggered go to prison no bail because it's the same guys doing it.
And then this other mentally ill person. This guy was on a crime spree. He just groped some woman, let out on bail. Sent him to Bellevue, they took him right out of there. Then he ran into some poor woman's apartment, started screaming I'm an African king, I'm an African king. Then goes to the streets robs a person's cell phone and runs this poor lady over and kills her. They had to pull the plug because there was no way she was coming back.
So, if they had taken just $800 million from that pot instead of laundering that cash through all these people to buy votes, they could build one institution in each borough. So, five institutions, one in each borough, reinstitutionalize these people give them the medication that they need so they're not out on the streets committing violent crimes.
FORD JR: I don't disagree. Thank god we got Eric Adams coming here. The city needs it.
WATTERS: Better than this guy.
FORD JR: Up next, Vice President Harris catching more heat as critics accused the vice president of avoiding the border crisis.
MCDOWELL: Surprise, surprise! I said that like Gomer Pyle. Border Czar Kamala Harris is still not taking the crisis seriously. The Vice President is skipping a big meeting in Mexico with secretaries Mayorkas and Blinken. Instead on Friday, she was in Jersey -- New Jersey visiting a daycare center, and then she stopped by a bakery, and she also had time to film this little gem, this space video for kids which critics are calling cringeworthy.
KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I just love the idea of exploring the unknown. You're going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. I want you to really remember this. Never let anybody tell you who you are. You tell them who you are. You got that?
HARRIS: All right. I got more advice.
GUTFELD: She's like -- she's kind of like a cheerleader on psilocybin. You know, it's like this weird bubbly but you don't know why. And I like the fact that she is worse with children than I am, right? She should take a page out of my book. Don't interact with brats. They ask you to do this, don't do it. It makes you look bad.
But remember, she is fake. I mean she's super fake. Remember, she was the one that called Joe Biden the worst thing you could ever call somebody these days which is racist. And when they -- when she was asked about it again when she became VP, she was like laughing. She just laughed. She goes, that was a debate.
I mean calling somebody a racist knowing it's not true, that's pretty bad. And I understand why they have her talk about the moon. They want her as far away from any other kind of practical issues. Like, get her to the moon.
PERINO: Next week, she'll be on Blue Origins with William Shatner.
GUTFELD: She should be.
MCDOWELL: But Dana -- so they get her away from what she's supposed to be responsible for and that's the border crisis, but then they do this. Give us some -- give me the dope on --
PERINO: Well, I don't know. I don't know what's happening. I don't understand it. I really think that her instincts seem to be really off because if you followed her senate career, she never actually passed a bill, but she showed up at every press conference to talk about the bills that had passed. And the root causes of the immigration debacle are they are not going to be solved within this administration where she could go on and give a press release.
If you remember when she had the gaffe where she laughed about going to the border, the next day it was when President Biden said, well now you're in charge of the border. And then about five days later, they're like actually no, just the root causes of the border.
So, here's this person who achieved an incredible accomplishment. She is the first woman vice president in our country. It's an amazing accomplishment. It comes with a lot of power and a lot of prestige, and she doesn't use any of it, and it drives me crazy.
I never -- if I were in her position, I never would have let those three guys go down to Mexico without me. I would have said, actually, you could fly on Air Force 2 with me and you can brief me along the way, and then we'll walk in there together as a team, and I will be the one that is speaking at the -- you know I would like, to take charge of it.
Instead -- it's perfectly fine to talk about space with kids. That's great. But if you think about the enormity of the power that she has and the capacity and the capabilities that should come with that office and she's not utilizing it, it drives me nuts.
WATTERS: At least she didn't sniff the kid's hair. That I think we can be thankful for. And she doesn't love people that explore the unknown. She's anti-Columbus. That's the best explorer of the unknown we've ever seen. There's two scenarios going on.
One, she had the immigration thing removed from her portfolio because the last time she went down there, she brought nothing back, and then border crossings explode. Or she herself removed immigration from her own portfolio and now Joe Biden is sending pretty much the whole cabinet down there. But Biden is running out of time. He can't just keep sending everybody down south to deal with immigration.
Eventually, it comes to Joe. Joe has never been to the border. It's only been what nine months and he's already deputized five people to go fix this problem. He's at 28 approval on the border. He's going to have to do something executive action or administratively to repel people from crossing into this country instead of absorbing them.
MCDOWELL: You know how I know that this is a big problem? Because Harold, Hillary Clinton came out to -- I think it was today and said she will never be out of the game of politics. So, she sees the president stumble busts. And then Kamala Harris, maybe she sees -- she says she's not going to run for anything but we know that might not be true.
FORD JR: I've said before. I think Secretary Mayorkas is probably a good guy but he is not a man you want when a crisis is underway. I would think differently about that. And maybe she's best not to be on that plane.
Two, they need -- the Democrats need to give the wall. Build the wall. Republicans invest in the hemisphere. Democrats, it's important that we send more judges and Republicans -- Democrats and Republicans like more judges to these asylum courts to expedite this stuff at the -- at the at the border. And Republicans, let's get a DREAMers bill.
And five, that's the only way we get to a path to citizenship which is what you guys try to get to under President Bush. President Biden doesn't seem to have a policy. To your point, it does come back to him. As much as I want to blame some of the others as personnel, if you don't have a policy for them to execute, it's hard to fully blame them as to how they're managing this.
We need a policy here. If not, the polling data shows this border crisis in the Afghan part is a huge part of why these numbers are where they are. The 2022 elections and the 2024 election will depend a lot on how we handle this going forward. Say my name again.
WATTERS: Harold Ford Jr.
MCDOWELL: She will be remembered though for that like pre-k speech that she just gave four score and seven years ago.
Up next, the pandemic making work nightmares worse.
GUTFELD: An increasing number of people say work has invaded their sleep Freddy Krueger style. Workers are having dreams in most cases nightmares about their jobs. But there may be some good news. Experts think this can actually help with your career and solve problems. Harold, have you had any FIVE dreams yet?
FORD JR: I do. The last year and a half, I've had a share of dreams that are unlike dreams I've had before, and some of it some of the things we were talking about the table. It has a lot to do with my family, my work all of that combined. And then a lot of the time it's nuts. I mean I can't -- I can't quite figure out what -- I've stopped eating late, I've stopped drinking, I've stopped this late at night and it still come, so --
GUTFELD: Man, I do the opposite. I increase -- I increase the drinking and the spicy food just so I can have insane dreams. And it works, Jesse. What are your dreams about?
WATTERS: I don't like to share my dreams in public because I think it's kind of soft. But because we're doing this for my job which I have to perform, I'm going to share a dream I had. Last night, you could call it a nightmare. Someone told me I was getting fat in my -- here.
WATTERS: And like there was a bulge I remember. And I remember someone that had told me that and it was someone really close to me and it really hurt.
FORD JR: For those of you who can't see, he's showing his stomach here.
WATTERS: So, I work -- so I -- when I went to the gym this morning, I didn't do anything except abs. And that's what you need to do. You got to take your dreams and then you have to deal with that challenge.
GUTFELD: That's why my dreams are often about world peace, Dana.
PERINO: Yes. But that's -- what you're saying is -- what this article was saying that if you are having work-related stress streams, that could actually help your career because -- you had a good point in the commercial break. If you are worried that you're going to be late or if you have a punctuality problem, you dream about it, then you might leave the house earlier.
GUTFELD: That's exactly what you said didn't work and then you said the same thing about your abs. It caused you to do more ab work.
WATTERS: I had a dream the other night too that people -- fans kept coming up to me and interrupting my dreams, like, for selfies. It was like -- how weird is that?
PERINO: I'm dreaming here. I'm dreaming here.
WATTERS: Yes, like, fans are coming up to me in my dreams.
GUTFELD: And did you turn them down? Because then you're a jerk in your dream.
WATTERS: No, no, no, no. I didn't turn them down.
GUTFELD: Dagen, do you have -- do you have nightmares?
MCDOWELL: Yes. I have my biggest nightmare that's recurring is being late oversleeping because my alarm goes off at 2:30 in the morning, but it's -- I have to be on air with no makeup on and my hair is wet because my face is asymmetric without makeup. It's Picasso-esque, and I don't mean that as a compliment. And I have no eyebrows, so I have to draw my eyebrows on. So, I'm -- yes, I look like this coffee mug with no makeup on.
MCDOWELL: So, that's my -- it is the same dream over and over and over again.
GUTFELD: Yes. Well --
MCDOWELL: I'm so bored.
GUTFELD: I'm not going to talk about my dreams.
WATTERS: Yes, just say what happened.
GUTFELD: Well, I just have a lot of dreams that involve hygiene. Like, I'm trying to go to the bathroom but every toilet is broken or dirty and the beds are -- and I'm trying to find a place to sleep but the sleep -- the beds are dirty, the mattress -- I'm always looking for a clean place, a clean place.
PERINO: So, if you are a dream analysis person --
PERINO: Send us your information.
GUTFELD: Yes. Because, I'm not filthy. I'm not a filthy person.
PERINO: No, not at all.
WATTERS: You tell yourself that.
GUTFELD: I tell myself that.
PERINO: Maybe it's COVID-related.
GUTFELD: No. I've been having -- well, maybe. It's been going on for a while though. All right, that's disgusting. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
GUTFELD: I know. It's terrible.
PERINO: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." I want to go first here. We lost a really great hero, American hero, Raymond T. Odierno, a retired Army general who commanded American and coalition forces in Iraq at the height of the war. He kept a 39-year career by serving as the army's chief of staff. He passed away over the weekend after a brave battle with cancer.
I really love this guy, six foot five, a very commanding presence and also just a real gentle giant, full of courage and compassion. And he played football as a cadet at West Point and retained a lifelong interest in the sport. He served three tours in Iraq. And I was really sad to hear that he passed, so rest in peace.
GUTFELD: He's a great guy.
WATTERS: Our last great general.
PERINO: Jesse.
WATTERS: All right, this weekend, I was at the pacific justice institute giving a speech for one of their galas called reclaiming freedom, and we had a really great time there. And I was the keynote speaker. Greg spoke there a few years ago. And let's just say I'm glad I followed Greg. Yes, exactly.
I'm going to be hosting "FOX NEWS PRIMETIME" all this week at 7:00 Eastern time. Tonight, I'm going to be having Don Jr., Sarah Palin, Dinesh D'Souza, Miranda Devine, and Abby Hornacek. That is what we like to call fair and balanced. So, tune in at 7:00. You'll get Watters tonight and all the rest of the week.
PERINO: All right, all week. Greg.
GUTFELD: I just want to read a text from Jimmy McNulty. I have recurring dreams that I have to go number two and every toilet is filled. It's like I'm in a mall and I keep running to the next restroom to find them all full too. That is in my brain.
PERINO: And it's so weird you're sharing -- you're sharing a dream.
WATTERS: McNulty text?
GUTFELD: Yes. Let's do this. Isn't that weird? We're all the same. Greg's Weather Report. I know the weather has been a little weird. Let's go to the golden doodles where it looks like we have 80 chance of high winds with a 73 chance of wild hair. It's great weather for flying a kite but not for being a golden doodle.
WATTERS: That's cute.
PERINO: Yes. You're all tangled.
GUTFELD: Because it's totally messy. You got to have your mousse and your hairspray, Jesse.
GUTFELD: I'm not doing your show all week.
WATTERS: I know. You rejected me. After I filled in when you were off --
GUTFELD: After what you just said.
WATTERS: For your birthday.
GUTFELD: After what you just said, I'm not doing your show.
WATTERS: You're doing it anyway.
PERINO: Harold, you get to go next.
FORD JR: The reason -- the reason my kids love Greg is because you show those dog videos and I know they're probably watching with their mom. General Odierno was a great man. He was there when I was in Congress. We went to visit.
But on a lighter note, Michael Jordan, his shoes, Sotheby is selling off, I believe the first pair of sneakers -- a pair of signed sneakers rather by legend Jordan. The sneakers are owned by a fellow that used to be a ball boy for the Denver Nuggets. Jordan gave them to him after the game back in 80 -- back in the early 80s.
Sotheby says that these collectible sneakers are the fastest growing category of things that they're -- that they're selling. You may know that Jordan released The Last Dance which chronicles his last year with the bulls and literally everything associated with Michael Jordan just gone to record sell highs.
So, congratulations to them and congratulations to Sotheby's. Go, Jordan.
WATTERS: Yes, and to the ball boy.
FORD JR: And to that fellow.
PERINO: All right, Dagen.
MCDOWELL: Yes, get me a pair that he wore when he played for Carolina. That's money. How about some hot bear breath? Check it out. Here's a bear just coming by, getting up in the -- that's hot bear breath. It probably smells like fish and berries. That's my guess.
GUTFELD: Where's his mask?
MCDOWELL: Exactly. Apparently, this bear -- this is out in Colorado near Denver -- comes by about once a week.
PERINO: Is that on a doorbell?
MCDOWELL: Yes, it's a doorbell cam. Ring.
PERINO: Ding dong.
GUTFELD: That's all it's good for.
PERINO: Hello! Is anybody home? He just wants to -- he just like to come in for a moment, have a cup of tea or something like that. Well, what a way to kick off a Monday. Jesse, good luck all week at 7:00 p.m.
WATTERS: Thank you.
GUTFELD: You're going to need it.
WATTERS: I'm going to need it.
PERINO: We'll be there at "GUTFELD!" at 11:00. That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is coming up next. Hey, Bret.
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