'The Five' on Kamala Harris being notably absent
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This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on October 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Dagen McDowell, Geraldo Rivera, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is THE FIVE.
Liberal woke education policies facing a huge referendum with the dead heat Virginia governor's race becoming the epicenter of what is a massive national plight. President Biden campaigning in Virginia tonight after being accused of using the DOJ to silence parents as the controversies in that state pile up.
Students in Loudoun County staging a walk out today. It's over an alleged sexual assault at the school board is being accused of covering up. After a judge found a boy who was reportedly wearing a skirt guilty on Monday of sexually assaulting a girl in the girl's bathroom.
Parents in that same county reportedly being forced to sign NDA style forms in order to view the district's critical race theory inspired curriculum. Former President Obama is dismissing the concerns of parents as "fake outrage."
And then there is the Democrat in this Virginia race, Terry McAuliffe, who has said parents should not be telling schools what they should teach. And this clip from 2019 is getting a lot of attention.
TERRY MCAULIFFE, VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: We don't do a good job in our education system talking about diversity, inclusion, openness and so forth. We don't. How is it that we deal with one another is to me is as important as, you know, your math class or your English class and so forth.
WATTERS: When it rains it pours, Dana. That is not a good clip.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: It's not -- and its interesting is that the education issue has prevented the Democrats and Terry McAuliffe in particular from being able to make this particular race all about President Trump.
So, then now they have to actually defend an issue on the merits. When you have an education issue, it can also be very bipartisan or more importantly, you can swing independents. And if you look at President Biden's numbers with independents, that cratering. And they're not going to get the Republicans, I get that. They've lost some Democrats, but independents help them get elected especially in those northern Virginia suburbs.
The other things is, tonight in Loudoun County, there is a school board meeting, set on the agenda, they set aside time to discuss pickle ball implementation.
WATTERS: There you go.
PERINO: There is no time to set aside to talk about the rape of a student. And the students who walked out today are trying to send a message like, is anyone going to care about us at some point? I do think that people have already voted in some ways because that most important county, Fairfax County, you have all these people that want to live there because it has the best schools -- 10,000 students fewer than they had before 2019.
So it's not just about critical race theory. It is about the fact that these schools shut down in 2019 or 2020 during the pandemic. And even when given all the money and all the information and all the science, the teachers union refused to open back up. And I think that's why a lot of people left.
And so that's one of the reasons this issue, I think, surprised the Democrats. But what I think might surprise them unless they wise up, is that this is not just a Virginia issue.
PERINO: This is a national issue and Republicans might have something to run although they have lots of things to run on for 2022, but education might be one of them.
WATTERS: And Terry McAuliffe, Greg, he didn't have to throw in with the CRT people. He could have said, yes, this is a little crazy, we're going to take a look at it. He didn't have to just dismiss this as a bunch of racists who don't like what's going on at school.
GUTFELD: I think he thought he had an easier battle.
GUTFELD: And he probably did because this is the thing that has been driving me nuts for like a week, all right. How the news decides when to turn the spigot of news on or off. A young girl is raped by a boy, Forget even the part about the skirt, right? This is after the boy had assaulted somebody else.
Adults knew about this. When you think about how horrible this is, it should be a national story because it's bloody insane. This kid rapes somebody in the school, then raped another person wearing a skirt. But, it's not a story. In fact, you couldn't find it anywhere. It made me doubt whether this story was real.
So, I was reluctant to even touch this thing because it was like it was the third rail. You don't want a Jussie Smollett, right? You don't want a Covington kid. Why is nobody talking about this crime? Now, we know that it's true. The rapist has pled guilty. And no one would have known about this if it wasn't for the dad's -- the dad of the victim being arrested and humiliated and called a domestic terrorist by the school board.
This is an indictment of the corporate press. If it was not for the "Daily Wire," if for what happened to that man, no one would know about this. They covered this thing up for the sake of an election. I'm trying to think about why you would cover up a sensational story like this. A story of a double rapist.
A young girl raped in her school by a guy who might have been using a skirt as a ruse. That is a huge, huge story! So it had to be covered up for the sake of the election or because there was some sympathy towards the suspect and some antipathy towards the victims. That's a possibility.
But if you vote for Terry McAuliffe, you are voting for the same corrupt system that condoned a rape because the suspect may have worn a skirt? Who knows? But if you vote for Terry McAuliffe, you are voting for rape.
WATTERS: Yes, Geraldo, this is --
GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS HOST: That is the most outrageous thing.
WATTERS: He got right there at the end.
RIVERA: Talk about hyper --
GUTFELD: I want to out Geraldo.
RIVERA: You had me right there and then you exploded into absurdity.
GUTFELD: I wanted to out Geraldo.
WATTERS: Go ahead, Geraldo.
RIVERA: That father scared the hell out of me. I mean, when you see that father with that violence.
GUTFELD: How would you -- what would you do, Geraldo, if it was one of your family members?
RIVERA: Well, I'm looking -- listen.
RIVERA: I think that that is --
GUTFELD: You would kill them!
RIVERA: -- that is an excellent question. What would I do? I'm merely telling you as a consumer of news. That dad was way over the top.
PERINO: But you don't know what he's mad about.
GUTFELD: How could you not be over-the-top? Your kid's got raped!
RIVERA: Listen, I --
GUTFELD: And I'm not even a parent.
RIVERA: The rape and the -- I agree that it is outrageous, the crime that was committed, and there is a finding of guilt of the child and the guy apparently had another victim. I think it's horrifying. I also think that it is way, way an exception to the rule as these kids struggle with gender identity and all the rest.
GUTFELD: I don't even think it's about that.
RIVERA: I believe -- let me say something even more outrageous. I believe that Terry McAuliffe is right. I believe diversity and inclusion are as important as English and math. This is brand new world.
WATTERS: Really, Geraldo?
RIVERA: We're living in a brand-new world here.
WATTERS: More important than math, Geraldo?
RIVERA: And if you -- if you try to harness or if you try to curtail, this thing has to play out. This now has to play out. We have to see where this goes. We have to be patient.
WATTERS: Geraldo --
RIVERA: We have to be loving to our children. We have to be supportive. And --
WATTERS: I don't know what any of this means, Geraldo.
RIVERA: I'm just saying --
WATTERS: None of this stuff makes any sense.
RIVERA: -- a guy wearing a skirt is not the definition of all these kids struggling with their gender identity.
WATTERS: (Inaudible).
GUTFELD: Right. Okay, okay. I might agree with you.
RIVERA: I'm the father of a 16-year-old --
GUTFELD: You should be pissed!
RIVERA: -- I see these other children as they go through these various changes. We are in the midst of something.
WATTERS: Not what it's about, Geraldo.
RIVERA: This isn't critical race --
WATTERS: It's not about that.
RIVERA: It's not critical race theory.
GUTFELD: Geraldo, do you get angrier and more angry over people who don't get the freaking vaccine, then you are over a rapist.
RIVERA: I am -- I am -- well, that's a total bull crap.
PERINO: Well, not only the rapist, but the covering up of the rape.
RIVERA: How do you say something like that?
GUTFELD: Because I'm listening to your reasoned approach about diversity when we're talking about a rape.
RIVERA: Would you -- would you care about this rape if that guy didn't have a skirt on? Would you?
GUTFELD: That's -- I said that. I did.
GUTFELD: I said that when I started. You didn't hear me. I said forget about the skirt. I said that. Let's not go to the skirt thing.
RIVERA: You said forget about the skirt thing. You mentioned skirt thing from the top (ph).
GUTFELD: No, I said forget about the skirt, there's a rape. So you -- I said that. Let's not pretend you didn't hear it.
WATTERS: Dagen McDowell.
DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That is one of the most absurd things that you've ever said in a world of absurd things, Geraldo. That Greg wouldn't care about a rape if it was just a boy in trousers. That's ridiculous. The superintendent in Loudoun County covered this up.
MCDOWELL: They said he had no record of it and said the predator doesn't exist, went on to another school to sexually assault another one. "The Washington Post" by the way shamed the victim today, which just boggles my mind. This isn't about just Loudoun County. This is about the indoctrination of children and children being in schools at a very young age, being grilled about their sexual identity when the parents are not okay with that.
It is about the introduction of pornographic material, which I have seen, for children who are extremely young. It is about the changing of an entrance exam into Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax County to make sure that -- too many Asian kids don't go to school there. It is a dumbing down of the educational system, one, controlled by the unions that is already destroying the lives and livelihoods of children and their futures to come. Terry McAuliffe is an old-school shape shifting smarmy Bush league Bill Clinton Democrat.
RIVERA: Who will probably win this election.
MCDOWELL: Well, no he won't. Now, I'll tell you --
WATTERS: All right. He said it on the air. We'll run it back next week.
RIVERA: Yes, please do.
MCDOWELL: -- like I will tell you why. Because the parents are sick of Democrats who will stand up for the unions at all cost. And the fact that - -
RIVERA: And what is -- what is this --
MCDOWELL: Let me finish. Let me finish. And the fact that he can't disavow the cesspool of the Loudoun County school system and everything else that's going on throughout the state that he routinely stands up for CRT, which he did, which he introduced when he was governor last time. He shut down three bills that would provide charter schools --
RIVERA: May I have a brief rebuttal?
MCDOWELL: -- charter schools in the country.
RIVERA: May I have a brief rebuttal?
MCDOWELL: He does not stand up for parents and children. He has taken a side. He has dug his own grave. And quite frankly, with what Barack Obama said the other day, he filled the grave. Hillary Clinton--
RIVERA: What did you call him? What did you call him?
MCDOWELL: Barack Obama.
RIVERA: Oh, okay.
WATTERS: All right.
MCDOWELL: Geraldo, you need to get a hearing aid.
WATTERS: Quickly, Geraldo. Do you want to say one more thing, Geraldo, you dug your own grave pretty --
RIVERA: I want to say one more thing. If you believe -- you people have been trying to put me in a grave for half a century, kiddo.
PERINO: You people?
RIVERA: If you believe that the teachers are leading this crusade, you're not looking at the children. The kids are really in charge. They're going through a metamorphosis here. You're going to watch. There's going to be a lot of things happening.
WATTERS: Gibberish. Geraldo, its gibberish. You're talking gibberish.
RIVERS: And it's not a guy in a skirt.
WATTERS: None of that make sense, Geraldo.
MCDOWELL: I really need to add something because --
RIVERA: It is the exception to the rule.
MCDOWELL: -- I have witnessed this where someone I know whom I'm very close to had a child who was threatened with murder when she was a very young child. And you know what the school district did about it? Nothing. They did nothing and they had to pull the kid out of school and it was in Virginia and this goes on every day. The unions and the school districts do not stand up for the children and parents.
WATTERS: All right. Are you friends with Terry? I bet you are, Geraldo.
WATTERS: We're going to find that out next.
RIVERA: I was friends with Clinton (ph) (inaudible).
WATTERS: You know you're friends that's why you're saying what you're saying.
Massive backlash to vax mandates, workers fearful of losing their jobs now taking to the streets.
PERINO: Thousands of New York City workers taking to the street shouting "we will not comply" over vaccine mandates, forcing them to choose between getting the job or losing their jobs. It comes days before the mandate goes into effect. The NYPD's largest police union just filed a lawsuit to overturn the new rule and says there are no widespread COVID infections among officers with the current vax or test policy. And fighter fires -- excuse me -- firefighters are not happy about it either. Watch.
ANDREW ANSBRO, UNIFORMED FIUREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION: We are not anti--vax. We are anti-mandate. Nobody wants this rammed down their throat. The Biden administration, I understand the president made a statement the other day. I hope he can walk that back. I don't believe -- I hope he doesn't believe that first responders should be fired without the city or municipality coming to the table and dealing direct with the affected unions because we have a lot of good points that are backed by science. And this plan with the testing, with the vaccination plan, it works.
PERINO: And liberal host John Oliver mocking police officers who refuse the vaccine.
JOHN OLIVER, LIBERAL HOST: The police are supposed to be keeping the public safe. That is the point of their jobs. Yet some, don't seem to give much of a (BLEEP) about that. If an officer wants to quit over this, (BLEEP) let them. Let the individuals who clearly don't care about public safety stop being in charge of public safety. It is really that simple.
PERINO: One of the things he said, Jesse, was that if there is a public safety concern and a shortage, well, they should just be fired. But there was -- there's been a shortage for the NYPD because of, one, the pandemic.
PERINO: But also remember the protests. There's been a ton of retirements and lack of new recruitment so, it might not be the best time to suggest a bunch of firings right before the holidays.
WATTERS: Well, because Biden is going to ram his head against the wall because the man just is not flexible enough to deal with this situation like this. It reminds me when he proposed to Jill Biden eight times before he got a "yes."
RIVERA: Is that true?
WATTERS: Now, I'm not saying that the marriage isn't great, but I'm just saying most people wouldn't have done that. Most people might have pivoted and done something differently. And that's what makes great leaders. Great leaders are flexible. They are dynamic. If you have a general he might change his strategy when it runs into resistance in a battlefield. A quarterback, Dana, you know.
PERINO: Yes. You got to change it up.
WATTERS: He might get checked on and, you know, throw it to the flat and just pick up the first down. That's what good leaders do. Biden doesn't do that. Biden is now facing labor shortages, inflation, the crime wave, retirements, and all he is doing is just staring straight ahead like this.
And we can't do that. There's off ramps. You have religious exemptions, you can say we're going to delay the implementation. You can say work with us, we'll pay for testing. It's probably cheaper to pay for testing daily or weekly than it is to pay everybody unemployment insurance or all the taxes you're going to lose when people are not working.
But Biden doesn't see that. A lot of the American people feel like you are supposed to unite us against the pandemic, and now instead of doing that, you're dividing us against the unvaxed. And that's the problem we have. And if you're going to protest, don't cause traffic. That's the one problem I have.
PERINO: All right, Geraldo, here you go. The floor is yours.
RIVERA: Well, I am -- I consider myself an open-minded, inclusive person. I'm friends with all kinds of people. I'm even friends with Greg.
GUTFELD: Barely at this point, Geraldo!
RIVERA: But with 700,000 dead Americans, I have zero patience for people who are not getting vaccinated. I am all for, 100 percent in for vaccine mandates. Furthermore, the thing I detest is vaccinated people who are cheering on the unvaccinated to stand up for their freedoms. To me, that's like --
WATTERS: Oh, you don't like people standing up for their freedom, Geraldo?
RIVERA: That's like -- that's like -- this is like the mob on the street - -
WATTERS: Come on.
RIUVERA: -- telling the person on the ledge "Jump! Jump!" When you are vaccinated, you want people to be vaccinated, and to pretend that it's a civil rights issue -- the government, Supreme Court has ruled on this. The law is settled. Their lawsuits will fail.
WATTERS: Those are not true. It's a state issue, Geraldo. You misread the court ruling.
RIVERA: It's not a state issue.
WATTERS: Yes it is.
WATTERS: Massachusetts is actually in the title of the ruling.
PERINO: Greg --
WATTERS: Because it was one of the parties in the action.
GUTFELD: I am always when my predictions go correctly. My prediction from the A block that Geraldo hates the unvaxxed more than he hates the rapist. Thank you, America.
RIVERA: Where do you get crap like that?
GUTFELD: So, anyway --
RIVERA: You say things sometimes that are so crazy, so -- they make -- my ears get read and I just, like this, I gulp and I say it's Gutfeld and he's kidding around.
GUTFELD: I want tell you, John Oliver, I think he either bought or he sold a $10 million apartment. I remember that was like in the Upper West Side or something like that. A person who says "go ahead and fire cops," can say that because they lives in a place --
GUTFELD: -- where he does not need them, right? He doesn't go to the Bronx. He doesn't go to Harlem. He doesn't even go to the Lower East Side where there was just a horrible, violent crime in which a woman was beaten. He doesn't have that problem.
So, to him a bigger problem and a bigger own -- I'm going to own these unvaxed cops, is to tell them to get fired but there are a lot of people that rely on those police officers that he never knows. We're watching a sleight-of-hand again where the media makes against vax mandates the same as against the vax.
I thought the fire chief made it very clear that that is not what they are talking about. And yes, people do have different reasons for getting vaccinated and different reasons for not getting vaccinated, but what we're doing right now, and I've said this to you before, Geraldo, you're falling for it.
The media is creating a duopoly of opinion. So, you're either pro-vax or you're some redneck Trumper who wants your family to die. That's what they do. But if you look at these protest, the firemen, the police officers, if you looked at the protest at Barclays Center, was it after or before the basketball game?
WATTERS: There it is right there.
GUTFELD: As -- it was like a Benetton ad from 1986. It wasn't (inaudible).
RIVERA: Well, that's the migrant caravan.
GUTFELD: It wasn't -- it was a -- so, there's a difference between --
WATTERS: That's New York City.
GUTFELD: -- there's a difference between protests in conflict and we can disagree without falling into opposing camps. If you do so, you're being manipulated, right? That's what I'm saying.
PERINO: And Dagen, the December 8th deadline that the president put on this is falling not just on police officers, but also all this businesses right before the holidays in the middle of a supply chain crisis. So, to Jesse's point, is there any flexibility here that could be found?
MCDOWELL: Well, there is no flexibility with Geraldo. It's either you're vaccinated or you're evil and deserve to get pushed off the edge of a building. They're not -- I guarantee you that -- my prediction is that they don't go through with the federal order --
PERINO: I think.
MCDOWELL: -- because they are going to have maybe 25 to 30 percent of truck drivers who leave the job. But in terms of these politicians and bureaucrats, particularly with the first responders, the very people who were there on the job every single day at the height of the pandemic, where we didn't even really know how easily it was spread before the vaccine --
GUTFELD: Right. I could have fired them.
MCDOWELL: -- even before -- even before masking, you're going to go out and fire them now? And the calculation -- these politicians seem to have made the calculation that a bigger threat to the public safety and security is to have 20 to 30 percent of the police force on --
RIVERA: It's not that.
MCDOWELL: -- let me finish. On the job and unvaccinated rather than having 20 to 30 percent fewer cops on the street protecting people. And that is utter insanity. Meantime, you have John Oliver, I guess from his studio to his apartment, he can roll down the window on his (inaudible) and throw some pepper spray and Swiss Army knives at the people who have no ability to protect themselves.
PERINO: All right, up next, Democrats defund disaster. Wait until you hear what a squad member is blaming for the spike in crime.
RIVERA: Beautiful shot. Jay Black, rest in peace, Jay and the Americans. You know, there's outrageous spin coming from some of the really radical Democrats who pushed to defund the police. As her home city for example of Minneapolis sees a dramatic increase in violent crime with murders up 116 percent, violent crimes spiking nearly 30 percent since 2019, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar blaming the rise on, you guessed it, the cops.
REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): A reduction in policing currently in our city and the lawlessness that is happening is due to two things. One, the police have chosen to not fulfill their oath of office and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve. The Minneapolis Police Department is the most dysfunctional police department in our state and probably in the country.
RIVERA: You know, Dagen, maybe the cops can't do their job because they burned down the precinct.
WATTERS: And you're back, Geraldo!
MCDOWELL: Yes. So she's clearly running for the top person -- the most despicable member of the squad. I would think she wants that sash and that scepter. It shows not only has she demonized and vilified the police. This shows -- other than her hating the police and all Jewish people, she clearly has a real hatred of the people -- her constituents, the people that she represents because she's made their homes and their communities less safe through her demonization of the cops. This is just utter idiocy and insanity.
RIVERA: But isn't it possible -- you know, my day I remember the cops had the blue flu, Jesse. They -- when they had a labor issue that went against them, they just would not show up. They'd say they were sick or whatever. And I'm not saying -- I'm just saying that historically it's not, you know, unprecedented.
WATTERS: Yes, but you're not seeing the blue flu in Minneapolis. You're still seeing people out on patrol, but you're seeing less patrol because of the defund, force a lot of people into retirement, or they cut -- they cut the headcount.
RIVERA: It's true.
WATTERS: I think what she's doing, Omar, and a lot of liberal Democrats do this, is she paints her entire constituency as victims. They don't have any free will. Everything bad that's in their neighborhood, none of that is their fault. It's Republicans. It's White America. It's capitalism. Its police. None of it is their fault, right? So, they don't get the blame for everything.
But see what that does. She sets herself up as saying, You need to give me money. You need to give me power. And we can't make this neighborhood better. It's always going to be victimized. There's nothing we can do to ever become a better neighborhood because we're just victims for the rest of our lives.
So, that's how she plays into white guilt. Send us all the money. This is impoverished. There's a lot of high crime there. Give us all the money. But where does the money go, Geraldo? The money doesn't get to the people. The money goes to her and all of her hustlers who then keep the people down there and then keep her in power. That's how the games played.
RIVERA: Putting aside the ad hominem attack on Congresswoman Omar right there, Dana.
GUTFELD: God forbid.
RIVERA: Isn't the inconvenient truth -- and you know I talk about this all the time. Jesse even predicted in the commercial break I would bring it up, the civil rights issue of our time. The inconvenient truth is that over 90 percent of these homicides are Black men killing other young Black men. That's the truth. We don't talk about it. No Democrat -- even no Republican speaks about it, because it has a an echo of racism. If you bring it up, you're a racist.
PERINO: No. I think that our network does a very good job of covering that issue, especially in Chicago, for example. Like, that is something -- especially over the summer. Every Monday morning, it's like, well, my gosh, look what happened over the weekend. And I remember on the -- over the Fourth of July weekend, when you had record numbers of deaths by homicide and also injured, including children. And you watch network news at night, not a mansion.
OK, so, to your point, yes, it's not talked about enough. But be my guest, Congresswoman. I mean, knock yourself out. If this is going to be the issue that you guys want to run on in 2022, I think Republicans would absolutely love that. Because it's going to be very difficult for the Democrats to separate themselves from this partly because President Biden continues to do what the left wants them to do.
There's been something very strange today I noticed. AOC is way too quiet. She's holding her powder dry because they -- they're keeping her powder dry because they want to get some sort of a bill. But they're on the edge of getting ready -- really mad at Joe Biden. And that's going to be a big fight as well.
The Last thing is the administration has just put out this gender equality piece that they document. What's in there? A big no cash bail provision for all across the country. Well, we've seen -- we cover it here how bad that issue has been.
RIVERA: Well, in that regard, let me just say that it's overshadowed by the Virginia governor's race, but we have a big election, Greg, in Cleveland --
RIVERA: -- for mayor, here for mayor in New York. But in Cleveland, they have issue 24 they call it, which is to install a civilian police review board between the federal monitor and the police high command to check everything cops do. There is still a defund the police movement effectively not talked about as much as Dana suggests, but it's out there, but I don't think it's very popular.
I think that's the real referendum in Virginia and everywhere else, not the schools and so forth. It's really, you know, are we going to let the cops be cops, or are we going to like try to make everybody woke?
GUTFELD: Well, Omar, she called the police dysfunctional. But as far as I can tell, none of them married their brother. So, she's exactly the kind of --
RIVERA: He always goes there.
GUTFELD: Because she deserves it. She's exactly the kind of leftist that you would design in a lab to subvert the American system. And the Democrats look on like they're helpless bystanders shouting, you go girl.
GUTFELD: They're taking -- and also, it's Republicans' fault. If you had a competitive two-party system, you wouldn't have the dregs of the Democratic Party in control. And I mean, dregs in terms of pernicious ideas. It's time for the Democratic Party to terminate their love affair with radical politics. You won. You saw what happened when you won.
Your experiment in radicalism has failed. You have burnt out cities, you have record homicide rates. You have looting as recreational behavior. Minneapolis is dead and they killed it. I mean, it's a dead city. That used to be a beautiful place. So, the experiment failed, people died. Democrats need adults to take over. The problem is, I don't think they exist anymore. They all went to Scotland.
PERINO: They are --
RIVERA: Glasgow?
PERINO: I am so frustrated about that.
RIVERA: Dana, you didn't get invited?
PERINO: No. They are sending half of the freaking federal government to Glasgow and they can't go to the border.
RIVERA: That is true. Straight ahead, is Kamala Harris jumping ship and abandoning a sinking President Joe Biden?
GUTFELD: Kamala Harris looking for the lifeboats on Biden's sinking ship. That's an analogy. Apparently not wanting to put her future political ambitions in jeopardy. The VP has been quietly shunning joint public events with the big guy. She used to be by his side all the time. But now events between the two are on the decline. They reportedly appeared together 18 times in February, but just once in September, and once in October.
Dana, apparently she's unhappy because she didn't get any fun jobs. She's getting like crappy jobs. She wants to have fun.
PERINO: Yes. I don't know if she understood what the Vice Presidential role was. But with any story of a breakup or a will they or will they not break up, you have to ask who's breaking up with who? It is -- I think her team or somebody is putting out the story like this, to say that she's like, I don't -- I don't want to be a part of him. But don't you think it could be the exact opposite?
PERINO: That the West Wing is saying, we don't want -- like, hey, why don't you go and do it? In fact, yesterday, she put up the national gender strategy.
RIVERA: Gender what?
GUTFELD: Strategy.
PERINO: National gender strategy. Oh, she's not going to Glasgow with the rest of the entire federal government. But they announced she will be going to France.
GUTFELD: Oh, well, that's good. That's good.
PERINO: To be determined if James Taylor is going with it.
GUTFELD: There you go. So, Jesse, she failed at the border, so why did she get a second bite of the apple? Why should she --
WATTERS: Because they have a gender strategy. And that strategy is much more important than the border strategy.
GUTFELD: And they gave it to a woman. How sexist is that?
WATTERS: Very sexist. I'll say it now and I've said it before. She's the worst female vice president in American history.
GUTFELD: Yes. I backed you on that.
WATTERS: I know. And everybody does. But Dana is right. It's like they're both avoiding each other because they don't want both of their bad poll numbers to rub off on each other. It's pretty funny. So, her numbers are historically bad. Like, she's less popular than Pence, than Gore, than Dick Cheney, than Joe Biden was when he was with Barak Obama.
And now, she's complaining like she's not getting great roles. Like, she got the border. She went over to Asia to look at the supply chain crisis firsthand. And the only thing she came back was oh, do your Christmas shopping early.
RIVERA: Some toys from China.
WATTERS: Right. So -- and now she's traveling all over the country. And she's pushing Biden's agenda --
RIVERA: I have a job agenda.
WATTERS: And this is be like -- Dana, permission to make a sports analogy.
PERINO: Sure. Of course.
WATTERS: This would be like a wide receiver that just dropped three passes and then complaints to the press after the game that he's not getting the ball enough.
RIVERA: Odell Beckham.
WATTERS: She's blowing it. Every time she gets the ball, she blows it.
RIVERA: Quickly, she's being held hostage, so I really seriously take this opportunity to bring up a hostage crisis that Kamala Harris could figure in a very prominent way. There are 16 American missionaries seriously being held in Haiti by thugs. They're threatening their life, demanding a million dollars for each of them.
16 Americans are being held hostage, nobody is talking about it, from the Christian Aid Ministries. They're going to hurt these people if the ransoms not paid or if our people don't go in there and free Americans. Americans are being held hostage. People are talking about Afghanistan and here and there. This is hundreds of miles -- just a couple of 100 miles from the United States. 16 Americans, five children, one of them an 8-month-old baby held hostage. Kamala Harris could get involved in that issue.
GUTFELD: She could be the bag lady bringing the big bag of money.
GUTFELD: I don't know. Dagen?
MCDOWELL: Does she really want to do anything other than like that Space Jam video. She kind of had that look of like, wait, where's Jennifer Lawrence and Will Smith and De Niro. I thought I was going to have different actors here with me.
GUTFELD: She had a great birthday.
PERINO: Surprise!
MCDOWELL: She did. She's going to be in the tagboard area in Norfolk with Pharrell Williams campaign and for Terry McAuliffe on Friday, so she's getting to hang out with a celebrity there. She has one thing going for it. And she should stand up next to Joe Biden as often as possible. You look at the two of them, she's the only part of the two you would ride in a car with. Like, she looks like she's capable of driving an automobile. She's got that on, Joe.
RIVERA: What do -- what are you saying?
MCDOWELL: I'm saying that Joe Biden is inching closer to pureed food and being fed by people who work for him.
RIVERA: How about me?
WATTERS: We've seen eat, Geraldo. You're fine.
MCDOWELL: And gin. Welcome back. Time for "THE FASTEST." First up, what would you do if this happened to you on airplane? One plane passenger sparking intense outrage online over a photo showing her or maybe his long hair draped over the back of the seat? Greg, you think it's real?
MCDOWELL: The hair or the photo?
GUTFELD: I think -- I would say it's Tiny Tim, but no one would know what I was talking about. On a scale of one being real and 10 being fake. This is fake. This was generated. The other person took a picture of it. They get their online noise gone viral story. This is the first one that's fake ever.
MCDOWELL: The hair does smell though.
PERINO: I don't think it's fake. And I will say that we did this on "AMERICA'S NEWSROOM" the other day, and Hemmer defended her.
WATTERS: Why, Hemmer?
PERINO: I think -- I don't know. I caught him off guard. He hadn't seen it before. He just wanted to be contrary.
GUTFELD: No, that's -- there's no defense for that and it's not real. It's just not really.
WATTERS: The problem is when you undo your tray table, that's the problem. I can almost take that. But then you undo the tray table, it's all over the --
PERINO: You can't take that.
WATTERS: Well, if it's a guy --
GUTFELD: Sneeze into her hair?
PERINO: Pull on it.
GUTFELD: Sneeze and wipe your snot on it. That's the way it stopped this.
WATTERS: You would never do that.
RIVERA: This is getting -- this is getting grotesque.
WATTERS: You'd never be in coach.
MCDOWELL: Or on a commercial airliner.
RIVERA: You got to stay out of your neighbor's space. You got to stay out of your neighbor's space.
MCDOWELL: What do you I think about this?
RIVERA: I think that you can be as outrageous as you want to be. I don't care. Your hair could stand straight up and go this way, that way, any color you want. Just stay out of my space, stay out of your neighbor's space, and we have peace on earth.
WATTERS: Peace on earth.
MCDOWELL: You're not going to -- you're not going to have all that hair getting off that plane if you do that sitting in front of me. Up next, official say a Colorado hiker --
RIVERA: I can see that.
MCDOWELL: -- who had wandered off the trail and got lost for an entire day ignored repeated phone calls from rescuers because the person didn't recognize the number. Thankfully, the hiker did find his or her way back, but had no clue of the search effort. Your wincing, Greg.
GUTFELD: Well, again, I put this as a not true story. I feel like it's not true. But then again, I would like it to be real because I just don't understand why engage in activities where you could get lost.
WATTERS: Like hiking?
GUTFELD: Yes. There's only one reason to go hiking.
WATTERS: To kill your wife?
RIVERA: That's a terrible joke.
WATTERS: Exercise, fresh air, adventure.
GUTFELD: I have no need for that. No?
GUTFELD: No, not at all.
PERINO: I think that he didn't know he was lost. I mean, that's what I -- like, if you were lost and you're worried, of course, you'd pick up the phone.
MCDOWELL: Quit calling me, lady.
WATTERS: You know it's a guy?
RIVERA: Every unknown caller I get --
WATTERS: I thought it was a woman.
RIVERA: Don't you guys get --
GUTFELD: It's auto warranties.
RIVERA: It's auto warranties.
WATTERS: They're all --
GUTFELD: That's why she won't pick it up.
RIVERA: They're all extended auto warranties.
GUTFELD: So, you know what this is? This was caused -- this person was died because of the extended warranty spam calls. He thought that's what it was.
PERINO: There you go.
MCDOWELL: Jesse, I'll give you opportunity to retract your assumption -- retract your assumption that it was a woman that was lost --
WATTERS: Well, no. it makes more sense if it's a man -- well, playing on stereotypes, bad Jesse would say, I'd take an unofficial opinion. I would just say that a guy doesn't like to ask for directions, right? So, perhaps maybe that's what it was.
PERINO: I think also, the article is written weird. It's a Colorado hiker. They got -- they got back to their home.
GUTFELD: They, oh.
PERINO: I'm like, come on.
RIVERA: No, gender pronouns.
PERINO: Nobody can't find them.
GUTFELD: Yes, he can't find them.
PERINO: But what are you looking for?
GUTFELD: Yes, it's they.
MCDOWELL: Yes, thank you.
GUTFELD: They strike again.
MCDOWELL: Also, do they not ask for directions, they also don't put the address in the GPS before you put the car in here.
WATTERS: We know how to get there.
PERINO: That is true.
PERINO: That is true and it's so annoying.
MCDOWELL: It's the most annoying.
PERINO: It is the most annoying.
MCDOWELL: And then -- and then --
GUTFELD: I will not sit through this male-bashing.
MCDOWELL: And then feathering the accelerator, GG, feathering the accelerator is just a no, no.
WATTERS: What does that mean, feathering.
MCDOWELL: Just Google it.
WATTERS: All right.
WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." We have Jesse's Unfriendly Neighborhood Dispute. Let's see that. All right, this is an unfriendly neighborhood dispute. So, I'm -- over the weekend, I'm in Huntington, Long Island, and I'm watching my daughter's flag football game.
And there's a bunch of parents just watching the game, just minding their own business -- taxpayers, I remind you. And all of a sudden, I hear this commotion in the parking lot which is only like 15 yards away. A woman says, he's writing us tickets. He's writing this all tickets.
It turns out some guy on the sly working for the Huntington Department of Public Safety just secretly started ticketing dozens of parents as they were watching this game. He didn't say, hey guys, you might want to move your cars, some voters might want to come through the parking lot. No, no, no, just on the sly, slapping $100 tickets on people.
I go up to the guy, confronted him. I got his name. I'm not going to say his name on the air but I got his name and his badge number. I know his boss. I know his boss' boss. So, the question we posed to the audience. Go to our Instagram page and vote. Is it OK to give parking tickets en mass without a warning?
Who does he really work for? He works for us, right? He could have just said, hey guys, can you move your cars? There were no lines there, there was nothing to show that you can't park there.
GUTFELD: "ONE MORE THING" is now an opportunity to settle vendettas.
WATTERS: It's about the principle of the issue. Dana?
PERINO: Tomorrow, can you do the other neighborhood dispute?
WATTERS: Yes, I will do the other one.
RIVERA: With the poop?
WATTERS: Yes, I will do the poop, even though I don't want to do it.
GUTFELD: He did not -- he did not scoop --
WATTERS: Geraldo, don't blow it.
PERINO: Don't blow it. I just wanted to show you a picture -- a video of our staff when they hear there's free food.
WATTERS: Sanders is in front.
PERINO: The production team on THE FIVE, they work very hard and they get hungry, and then they just got a stampede. I thought that was --
RIVERA: Did you ever eat buffalo?
PERINO: My -- yes, yes.
GUTFELD: All right, let's do -- we got some breaking wind news. Greg's bathroom news. You know, it's not only humans that get the runs. Check out the actual porta potties do too. This was an exclusive tape, exclusive tape for Fox News. Portaloos on the loose at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara. I got this before Fox Weather got it. So, I'm way ahead of you, guys.
WATTERS: You scoop Fox Weather.
GUTFELD: I scoop Fox Weather.
WATTERS: On launch week.
GUTFELD: You want this kind of editorial, Fox Weather.
MCDOWELL: How do you know this isn't a race?
GUTFELD: It's a race to the -- it's a race to the bottom
WATTERS: It's race to the bottom. Very good, Greg. Geraldo?
RIVERA: Tonight's edition of Geraldo news starring Geraldo features Geraldo's daughter Sol. She's a wonderful, wonderful child -- or not child, she's 16. She loves to cook. She has her own YouTube channel that she has started devoted to her love of ethnic cuisine and bringing communities together through shared culinary experiences. She did -- she did the soul food. She did the -- this is the Jewish deli. She did -- what was the first one?
WATTERS: Did she get her Mini Cooper yet?
RIVERA: Not yet, but she has a great loaner. But go to YouTube, Sol Food, you know S-O-L Food. She's wonderful. She's a great cook. And her recipes are wonderful. And I feel blessed.
WATTERS: We're going to check that out. Great endorsement.
RIVERA: Thank you.
MCDOWELL: Yes. Halloween costume, how about a human KitKat. This has come up with the Hershey Company. It's not going to be for sale but it's a good idea. I hate Halloween. That's all I have to say.
PERINO: You hate Halloween?
GUTFELD: Why do you hate Halloween?
MCDOWELL: I mean, I love candy, but I just think adults dressing up, I shouldn't say that. Happy Birthday, Kat Timpf.
RIVERA: I hate Halloween too. I knew we had a lot in common.
WATTERS: All right. Well, I'm not going to be knocking on your door. Well - -
MCDOWELL: I hope not.
WATTERS: -- I would normally, but you know -- not for candy.
MCDOWELL: I do have poop bags though.
GUTFELD: Oh, not for candy.
WATTERS: We'll talk about that tomorrow. That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with Bret.
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