This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 16, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Richard Fowler, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City. This is "The Five."
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: But we're facing a lot of pushback especially from some of the Republican governors. I proposed requirement for COVID vaccines, and the governor of that state calls it "a tyrannical type move?" A "tyrannical typed move?" This is the worst kind of politics because it's putting the lives of citizens of their states, especially children, at risk.
PERINO: President Biden ramping up his attacks on red state governors as his vaccine mandates sharply divides the country. A majority of Americans disapprove of the president's plan to force a shot on over 100 million American workers by a margin of 51 to 48 percent. President Biden not the only one ramping up his rhetoric. CNN's Don Lemon taking his insults against unvaccinated Americans to a whole new level.
DON LEMON, CNN HOST: I think we have to stop cuddling people when it comes to this and the vaccine saying, oh, you can't shame them. You can't call them stupid. You can't call them (inaudible). Yes, they are. The people who aided and abetted Trump are stupid because they believed his big lie. The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them. What else -- or leave them behind because they are keeping the majority of Americans behind.
PERINO: Leave them behind where? Greg, Republican voters who are not vaccinated or not the only ones who are not vaccinated.
PERINO: That is what's so frustrating.
GUTFELD: Well, I think it's frustrating because, you know, Don Lemon is extremely stupid. Right? And he thinks that like by calling other people stupid, would he have the balls for example to call 44 percent of Black stupid, right? He thinks that everybody is this amorphous, like red hat wearing group of people who live out in the sticks. When in fact, there is a whole bunch of categories of people who are not vaccinated.
One of them are people that are young and very fit and think that they can risk the virus. I know a few of those people. You have women who are either pregnant or want to get pregnant and they're -- they have an extra layer of concern that other people don't have. You know blacks that are superstitious of any medical intervention from the government because, hey, Tuskegee.
You have people that are immunocompromised. These are all -- there are a whole sort of people. If you broke this all down, you would find that it's not just a bunch of stupid people. So -- I think there's a reason why this is happening because there is a sensible alternative which is letting people get vaxxed at the pace they decide to without bullying them, which is kind of what's happening.
If people just like have conversations like I talked about getting the vaccine with people who haven't, like tussle with skeptics, but I don't like -- I don't -- I respect him. That's life, and I listen to the reasons. And a lot of the reasons do make sense. Like if they are worried about childbearing, that's fine.
But they chose this easy target because it allows them to create another team sport oppositional kind of thing for a cable news and for Joe Biden so that you will not look at the other problem. So if you -- if -- what's my - - what did I used to say? If America fights among themselves, the people in power escape our collective wrath. That's what they're doing.
If we were unified in anything, then we could focus on crime, homelessness, drug addiction, the border --
GUTFELD: -- Afghanistan. But as long as Joe Biden pits us against each other, that will distract them. And as long as CNN has this kind of like artificial battle to contend with, they might survive another year. But they are bleeding viewers because they don't have the us versus them, you know, dichotomy anymore. Trump's not there. They can't pit Trump versus anti-Trumpers.
They can't do right versus left because a lot of people on the left are leaving the left. So what they are trying to do is vax versus anti-vax and that allows them to get up on their porch like -- and it's or -- not parch, perch, and call people stupid. And it's -- all it is to maintain a certain amount of power, keep the plebes busy.
PIRRO: No, but the way they are saying --
GUTFELD: You weren't even listening, Judge.
PIRRO: I was nodding my head most of the time. And we made eye contact. I saw it.
GUTFELD: We did. I thought you were flirting.
PIRRO: But look, here's the thing. You thought -- here's the thing. Now I'm going to lose my train of thought.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Wait? Are you cheating on me with him?
PIRRO: No. I'm cheating --
PERINO: Wait? Where is Harold?
PIRRO: Yes. What is going on? Okay. When they say that the -- it was the vaxxed versus the un-vaxxed, he is turning the unvaxxed into Republicans.
PIRRO: So he is continuing the left versus Republicans. It's the smart people versus the Trump people. And that's just not the case because in some of the studies, they say it's that most educated people who are resistant to getting the vaccine.
In New York City, it is the minority community that is resistant to getting the vaccine. So if anybody is stupid here, it's Don Lemon and maybe he ought to keep his mouth shut on that stuff if he doesn't know what he's talking about.
GUTFELD: Well, he's an expert in stupidity. That's the thing.
PERINO: Richard, what should we know about, you know, the black community and hesitation because obviously there are -- at the cross (inaudible) we're talking in the green room about all of this so.
GUTFELD: Why does it have to be about color?
PERINO: Green? But not tell us about the minority communities, Richard. You know.
FOWLER: Well, I think there's some -- there is (inaudible) data coming out next week by a group that I know, HIT Strategies who does a tracking poll amongst African-Americans called BlackTrack. I'm looking forward to see what their data says about how black folks feel, their attitude towards the vaccine.
But I do think this. Look, I am here for the mandates, but I don't think you can have a mandate and then shame folks who don't get the vaccine. I think you have to take that approach that doctors take when you walk in to their office and you say you're unvaccinated. They treat you with no judgment and then they begin the education process, right?
What questions do you have? What are your apprehensions? How can I help answer your question? How can I help sooth your apprehension? How can I help deal with your fears, right, and begin to have this conversation. At the beginning of the pandemic, on my Instagram, I had a virologist and I asked her questions about the pandemic. And I'm willing to do it again for those folks who have questions about the vaccine.
PERINO: That's a good idea.
FOWLER: Right? And to just so we can -- and I'm happy to, right, because I think it's but educators --
GUTFELD: You're the real hero.
FOWLER: I try my best. Right? Because, listen, because I don't want to see another American, another black, white, yellow, purple, green die from this vaccine -- die from this pandemic. I want America to beat this pandemic. I want the globe to beat this pandemic. And because there are so many countries that are like waiting in line to get the vaccine, we have the vaccine in this country readily available.
And so the only way we can beat it is by educating folks as fast and as quick as possible in getting folks to take the jab. And we have to educate people and not shame them.
PERINO: Can I mention one thing, Jesse, and then we'll get all of your comments on this or otherwise? So, there's 24 attorney's general in the United States that are going -- from the states -- they are going to sue the federal government. They are Republicans.
Here's what they say, "That the vaccines have helped protect millions of Americans and there are surely others who could benefit from obtaining this treatment. But convincing those who are hesitant to do so would require you to allow room for discussion and disagreement. Instead, you have offered the American people flimsy legal argument, contradictory statements and threatening directives. It is almost as if your goal is to sow division and distress rather than promote unity and the public's health. So we'll see where that lawsuit goes.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, the Democrats don't want to have a conversation. If you have a conversation or you even ask a question, you get nuked up social media. They don't want that. They want brute force because that's their agenda. Now, if I were president, Dana?
WATTERS: This is how I would handle it. First, I would thank the American people for my 50 state victory. It's quite an honor. And then I would focus less on the unvaxxed. I would focus more on the benefits of vaccines. I would say, Americans, you know, you're always chasing the fountain of youth. You know, we all want to live longer. We don't want to die young. You get a shot, you are going to live longer, and that's a fact.
And I would say, hey, we're living normally. We're not wearing mask. We're doing our thing over here. Life is good. Come join us. That's the way to do it instead of shaming and calling people stupid. I would never call people stupid in this country. I would just quiz them on civics and put movie clips in the (inaudible). That's how I would handle it.
But Dana, we're -- to your point, Greg, we're making a lot of progress -- 76 percent of the American people have gotten at least one shot.
WATTERS: In the summer, we were talking 50 percent, 60 percent. We're at 76 percent.
WATTERS: We should be actually kind of giving ourselves a pat on the back and then a jab in the arm, but a pat on the back. We're making progress. We don't need to start punishing Americans. We need to start punishing China. Say it, Richard. China.
PERINO: China.
WATTERS: American people, we would support --
PIRRO: China.
WATTERS: -- Joe Biden if he was more unifying here in this country and hey, let's come together and say, let's punish China and make China pay because Americans have paid enough.
PIRRO: But I wonder, what is enough? I mean, is 80 percent enough? 90 percent enough? I mean, are they going to continue this? I mean, more variants are going to be coming in from other countries.
WATTERS: It shouldn't be about getting to 100 percent. It should be about we got therapeutics. We got vaccines. We're going to live with it and that's life.
PIRRO: You're on your own.
FOWLER: But how do you deal with the misinformation like the anecdote (ph) that was put up by Nicki Minaj, right, which is a false anecdote, misinformation at its finest that impacted the globe, right? I mean, the health department of Trinidad had to stop what they were doing to correct fatal misinformation.
PIRRO: Consider (ph).
WATTERS: What did Nicki Minaj say, Richard?
FOWLER: I'm not going to be repeat it. I refuse to say it on air.
GUTFELD: She brought up her cousin's friend's part of his anatomy that I will not mention here that swelled up due to it. And it brings up a really good point about assessing just any kind of anecdotal -- you need a control group.
So, if -- let's say you get the jab. Ten million people get the jab and the next day, 25 of them get in car accidents. Is that the correlation or causation? No, you have to look and see, find another group of 10 million and see what the rate of car accidents are among them. You might find that people gotten fewer car accidents.
So the idea of like, I talked to a lot of people that self-report symptoms and you go, you have to understand, those symptoms might have been their jab or not. You have to compare it to a control group of similar types. You also have to look at comorbidities.
When a young person says I still got it you would see that they're really, really obese, which the news never tells you the weight, which you have to ask yourself, why are they so quick to shame the unvaxxed, but when you're super fit, they -- when you're super fit and you are unvaxxed somehow you're shamed, but if somebody is obese, oh, you better not say anything.
FOWLER: Well, Greg, to be fair. To Nicki -- to reference Nicki Minaj's tweet, if I was -- I'm not a doctor but I'm healthcare adjacent because of people in my life.
FOWLER: Right. If that were --
WATTERS: Healthcare adjacent.
FOWLER: If somebody walk into --
PIRRO: That's like --
WATTERS: Am I healthcare adjacent because I'm sitting next to someone who is --
FOWLER: No. You're healthcare adjacent adjacent. But if somebody walks into a doctor's office and said here are my symptoms and I just took the COVID vaccine --
FOWLER: -- I'm pretty sure they'll be like, well, let's take some STI test before we say that --
GUTFELD: No, that's exactly what would happen, yes, because, yes.
PIRRO: Okay.
GUTFELD: It was right before a wedding. Clearly, he was at a bachelor party.
PERINO: All right. Ahead, Republicans demand an answer as the heat turns up on General Mark Milley's call with China.
WATTERS: Fox News alert. The Durham investigation has an indictment. A lawyer whose firm represented Hillary Clinton's campaign is charged with lying to the FBI. Let's go to David Spunt for those breaking news.
DAVID SPUNT, FOX NEWS HOST: Hi, Jesse. This attorney's name is Michael Sussmann. He is a well-known cyber security attorney here in Washington, D.C. He was just indicted a couple of hours ago by a federal grand jury as you mentioned, for lying to the FBI. And essentially what happened, September 19, 2016, almost five years ago to the day, Mr. Sussmann met with the FBI general counsel to meet with him and allege that then-candidate Donald Trump had connections to Russia. Negative connections to Russia.
What Mr. Sussmann did not disclose according to Special Counsel John Durham is that not only did he worked for the DNC in 2016. He also did some work for the Hillary Clinton campaign. That is the crux of this story. He makes his first appearance before a federal judge tomorrow. This is the second indictment in the John Durham special counsel investigation. Back to you.
WATTERS: Thanks, David. And we're going to keep you guys updated on that story as it develops. Meantime, more fall out for the Biden administration after saying its got total confidence in General Mark Milley. Remember the new book claiming the general called China to undermine Trump? And so far, nobody is denying that the calls took place. The key now is to find out what was said. And Republican lawmakers are demanding answers.
NIKKI HALEY, FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO U.N.: And for you to go and have the call with the Chinese, there's nothing wrong with that. For you not to tell the president that you had that call with the Chinese and for him not to be aware that's the problem. Is because you want him to be all informed and at his best to proceed. You don't have the back of the Chinese. You have the back of your president.
JOHN RATCLIFFE, FORMER DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: If in fact that is true, then those would be individual counts of insubordination and the appropriate, you know, action would be, you know, court-martial proceeding.
REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): He actually told the Chinese, hey, if we're going to do something, we're going to give you a heads up? I mean, that is so unconstitutional, so wrong.
WATTERS: And Republican Senator John Kennedy is suggesting Biden might scapegoat Milley to distract from his Afghanistan failure.
SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): I know President Biden has said he will stand behind General Milley. And maybe that's true for the short term, but I'm going to give you even odds that eventually the White House throws him under the bus. Because the White House desperately needs someone besides President Biden on which to blame the stunning incompetence in Afghanistan.
WATTERS: Let's hear your predictions, Judge. Does Milley skate on this or does he get canned?
PORRI: You know, I don't have the slightest idea. But what I can't tell you is this. If things get really bad, if the coronavirus, I mean, if they can't get more people vaccinated, the economy is going to -- can I say it? And, yes, Afghanistan is a mess. We're leaving Americans behind. The border is a mess. Inflation is a mess. I mean, somebody has got to go.
If anyone goes, he goes. Look, and I wouldn't be sorry to hear him going because apparently there's only two people who can give him permission to call his Chinese counterpart, assuming that he said what Woodward is a saying he said, and that is the president or the acting secretary of defense which was this guy, Miller. And that both have said we didn't give him permission to do that.
So, you know, it's all about civilian control over the military. I don't like him responding to Nancy Pelosi's calls where she is screaming after January 6th. He gets his withies in a tizzy and he decides that he's going to go to everybody who is involved in the nuclear weapons issue and he's going to tell them come to me first? Since when do they come to you first? You go to the president first.
WATTERS: Yes. Nancy Pelosi is not in the chain of command. All of a sudden she is, Richard. How did that happen?
FOWLER: I can't speak to that, but --
WATTERS: That's the topic.
FOWLER: No, I'm going to -- the topic is whether or not he spoke to the Chinese.
WATTERS: I know, but that's a part of the story. Speak to it, Richard. The floor is yours.
FOWLER: Only in your mind. But I think we should work at actually getting all the facts before we just jump to conclusions. Number one --
GUTFELD: Why would we do that?
FOWLER: Well, because we're the news, maybe.
FOWLER: Well, but number one, any time a book publisher is releasing a book, what they do is they find the most salacious lines of the book and they release them out so people like us can chew over them and because our politics has become so absolutism, so people like the politicians that we just saw there, most of them will likely be 2020 --
PIRRO: But Milley didn't deny it.
FOWLER: Hold on a minute, judge. Hold on a minute --
PIRRO: He didn't deny it.
FOWLER: Hold -- because he's not -- he's doing his job. He's not going to deny it. He's not going to get in the weeds on this. His job is to run the military. So what you have is --
WATTERS: To advise the president. That's his job.
FOWLER: What you have here --
PIRRO: He should advise him.
FOWLER: What you have here is a line released from a book, right, that was clearly sensationalized and then you have actual journalists supporting like our very own Jennifer Griffin who reported that number one, this call didn't happen in secret. Number two, the first call that happened with the Chinese general and with Milley involved was a call that was initiated by the Defense Secretary Esper.
And so, before we get into this -- and we also had our very own Jack Keane who talked about this and says before we jump, let's get all the facts, number one, and let's not call for transcripts because many times, when these calls happen, they happen in secret because they could be talking about a lot of things.
The moment this stuff gets started -- gets released out to the public, we destroyed back channels that we have between us and other foreign governments, especially foreign governments that we have bad relationships with because you don't -- we want to be able to --
GUTFELD: I do the Ukraine phone call.
PIRRO: Thank you.
FOWLER: -- obscure the idea of us going to nuclear war with them.
WATTERS: That is -- that is the Pentagon's opinion. Dana, do you think when Woodward and Costa reported this that maybe they got a leak of the transcripts? Do you think someone told them who was on the call exactly what happened? It's not like they would make something like this up.
PERINO: Okay. Well, all right. Well, I don't know if there's a transcript. I don't even know if there are transcript of those -- there might be transcripts at the Defense Department. I don't know how that works. I would doubt that they got a transcript. I would imagine that this was a description of what was happening in general.
It's because -- actually the accusation is quite general. And that's why we're saying well, we -- could we get the facts to find out what was said and then what was the chain of command? So, did the secretary of defense know or did the secretary of defense's deputy know? Is that good enough? I don't know. He'll have to answer that as will.
Well, I also wonder about this because Costa and Woodward are not just any old authors like somebody who wrote "How I Saved the World," "Everything Will Be Okay" or "The Plus." Okay, nothing in the books that we write --
GUTFELD: Don't pander with me.
PERINO: -- is actually news -- is actually like, you know, breaking news.
PERINO: These two are, well, especially Costa. He is a reporter for "The Washington Post." General Milley is the -- in the office of the Joint Chiefs. He is advising a president as we speak, Trump and then Biden. So, if this guy is usurping the commander-in-chief that's big news.
PERINO: And that should not be held to have a one line leak to sell a bunch of books for us to then find out next week that actually it was all nuance and context doesn't actually allow us to ruin this guy's life? So I'm skeptical about it. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I just don't know and I'm curious about how comfortable the authors are that this is happening.
WATTERS: And if you're Joe Biden, you can't trust this guy, Milley, no.
GUTFELD: Well, I don't know if he knows what's going on.
GUTFELD: I mean, Joe. Yes. I do enjoy the cognitive dissonance and people who can just easily reverse this. Say it's a general going around Joe Biden's back because he believes that that mental decline has become so serious that we've got to do something. The people that would be defending Milley right now would be condemning Milley.
So, you have to like to step back and do kind of like a comparison. We have impeached for less, you know, the phone calls. We've already had two phone calls under Joe Biden. We've had the call to the Afghan president to instruct him to lie. I'm sure there was nuance to that. Milley to China. They're a little bit -- you know, do we know what was on behalf of our country or was it on the behalf of something else?
WATTERS: Not perfect phone calls.
GUTFELD: Not perfect phone calls.
PIRRO: Not perfect.
GUTFELD: So, I -- Milley is a symptom of the emotional spasm that went on from 2016 to 2020. It wasn't the Americans who are having the spasm. It was the media, the people in power. It caused them to overlook a virus that was spreading out of China. It caused them to overlook riots and looting across the country. A concerted effort to disqualify law enforcement all because they hated this guy who had mean tweets and made mean jokes who is an outsider calling B.S. on all of these people, right?
So, this is about getting rid of the most dangerous president in world history, the one, you know, who removed the threat of North Korea from the table, who ushered in peace from the Middle East, the Abraham Accord, who helped Operation Warp Speed begin, get off the ground, and didn't take a paycheck. Didn't take a paycheck. And yet adults like Milley have deluded themselves into thinking that this guy would invade China. That's -- this is -- that's what this is about. It's about the delusion.
FOWLER: But how do you know that? I mean --
GUTFELD: It's part of the story.
FOWLER: Yes, but there's no facts on this.
GUTFELD: China is concerned -- no, China called and said we're concerned about Trump. I'd say screw you. You better be.
WATTERS: There weren't any facts with Russia collision and you guys ran with that forever. Ahead, yet another surge at the southern border as Biden's crisis gets even worse.
GUTFELD: Another self-created crisis gets worse for President Biden. Drone footage capturing thousands of migrants under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. New Border Patrol numbers say there were more than 200,000 migrants encounters in August including over 18,000 children.
And new images show more kids abandoned at the border. Agents rescued a toddler and her infant brother who were left with a note saying they're siblings. How nice, Dana, they've left a note. You know, if this happened under Trump, the media would be calling them Trump's children, right? They call -- they'd call them Trump's babies or whatever.
PERINO: They would definitely blame him. And actually, the silence from a lot of the media on this is really disturbing.
PERINO: How could it be that this is now Biden's fourth-worst crisis?
PERINO: OK, so you have Afghanistan, COVID inflation, and then 208,000 people in August alone come in across the border, abandoned children. The Border Patrol is completely overwhelmed. And the national -- maybe the national focus is not on this issue. But I'll tell you where it is.
In the border counties of Texas that are going to face some really tough -- anyone who's a Democrat there -- Henry Cuellar has been trying to raise the alarm on this, trying to get the Biden administration pay attention. He's a Democrat. He's probably thinking about that October 2022. Midterm.
And the other person would be Mark Kelly, the Senator from Arizona. Think about how those small -- the margins are in the Senate. Mark Kelly has to run for reelection in Arizona. This is an issue for him.
GUTFELD: Yes, you know, Jesse, the woman to my right makes a good point. We're dealing -- we're dealing with non-border privilege, right? Other states benefit from the cheap labor, but they don't have to deal with being overwhelmed at the border because that's not where they live.
WATTERS: Yes, they're not coming to Manhattan, or Washington, or Georgetown, or any of those places. And if they are, it takes a little while, and then who knows what happens. The reason that the media hasn't been covering this all summer is because Biden hid the kids. Remember when the kids were out there, Biden him them.
He just shipped them off to different locations all across the country when there's kids. Then, it's a humanitarian crisis. Then people feel bad for the kids. Of course, we feel bad. It's not Joe's fault. But when it's just men coming across, it's the vast majority of men crossing, single adult males. They don't want to show that, right, because that's a national security crisis, it's an economic crisis, a real border crisis that lands on Joe's platel.
And Joe has lost track of the kids. He lost track of half the kids. How do you do that? You get -- traffic kids across then you just let them go right under Joe's nose. He doesn't care about kids. Next time Joe says I care about the children, it's a lie. He doesn't care about workers either. These young men come across, they steal jobs, they Western Union the money back home, they depress the wages. And he's not even sending any of them back.
We just got the raw data. Like 80 percent get the stay. And then like if you get 200,000, Richard, Richard -- I'm Richard adjacent, in a month --
FOWLER: I'm Jesse adjacent. I don't know why you keep saying my name.
WATTERS: Richard adjacent. If get 200,000 they're catching in a month, 60,000 are getaways. You don't even see him. He's trying to turn Texas blue just like what they did with California. And if you're A Democrat running for president, you start off with Texas, California and New York. That is over 100 Electoral College votes right there in your pocket.
PIRRO: But it's even worse in terms of what is happening in terms of our -- you know, we just talked about COVID and the COVID mandate. The Democrats absolutely refuse to mandate vaccines for the illegals. You can call them whatever you want. I call them illegals. They can actually say no.
If a border patrol person says I want you to go over there and get a vaccine, they have the right to say no. But we don't have the right to say no, we have to get back. So, if we want to come to work, if you want to keep your job -- and then how many of them for the past six months -- and I was down there six months ago, or five months ago, and they were coming across and just shipping him out.
And these unaccompanied kids, 18,000 of them unaccompanied, who's getting them? I'll tell you no one knows. People at the border are telling me that NGOs are showing up and just giving these kids out.
WATTERS: It's child trafficking.
PIRRO: This is child trafficking, sex trafficking, and child labor trafficking.
GUTFELD: What do you say to that, Richard?
FOWLER: Well, a couple of things. One, I think is because how the bill -- how that piece -- how that amendment was written, Judge Jeanine, is because they wanted to get them to Chinese virus -- the Chinese vaccine and not the three America -- available American vaccines.
PIRRO: Really? We're saying you have to take the Chinese vaccine and not the American vaccine?
PIRRO: I don't believe that. I don't believe that.
FOWLER: It's on the paper.
PIRRO: I don't believe that.
GUTFELD: Last time, Richard, remember what happened?
FOWLER: But it's actually on the paper.
PERINO: It's on -- it's on --
PIRRO: So, we're going to give them a different vaccine than we're giving American's.
PIRRO: And the illegal who doesn't speak English --
FOWLER: So, no, let me -- but let me make my point.
PIRRO: The illegal who doesn't speak English says oh, I don't want the Chinese vaccine.
FOWLER: Let me make my point, Judge, because I think you'll find some agreement. Number one, I think the I.G. report that came out today says that we're doing a terrible job on the border. And so, I do think the White House needs to be more focused on how they deal with the border. And I also think that Congress, both Democrats and Republicans need to meet the White House on how they should be working on the border.
I wrote about this in Forbes when talking to -- there's actually asylum seekers who would qualify for asylum if they actually got a chance to get in front of a judge but they can't because the courts are absolutely utterly clogged, because the courts are running on 1980 laws, and they should run it on 2021 laws, but Congress refused to get to work and actually modernize the laws.
WATTERS: Who controls Congress?
FOWLER: I say both Democrats and Republicans. So I think it's about --
WATTERS: Right now. Who controls Congress right now?
FOWLER: But when Republicans control it, they did nothing either. '
WATTERS: Who controls the White House? Who controls the White House?
FOWLER: Both Democrats and Republicans have played political football with immigration for almost --
WATTERS: Is it a crisis? Is it a crisis?
FOWLER: It is a humanitarian crisis with epic proportion.
WATTERS: OK, so, it's a crisis. Deal with it, Richard. It's your party. Deal with it.
FOWLER: It's a crisis that neither party -- neither party wants to deal with.
WATTERS: Write an article at Forbes about that.
FOWLER: I wrote -- I wrote an article in Forbes about the asylum seekers at the border who are utterly in crisis because of the problems at the border that -- because of the lack of modernization in the system.
PERINO: Have you written an article for Forbes?
GUTFELD: No, but I have one coming out on Highlights. I think you'll be quite shocked. They've really -- they're really pushing the envelope with Goofus and Gallant.
PERINO: Yes. And also, I like that one part, which one doesn't belong and you have to circle it.
GUTFELD: Yes, you would like that one.
PERINO: It's a good one.
GUTFELD: It is. Up next, Biden calling code read on global warming as climate hysteria is scaring the crap out of young people.
PIRRO: President Biden making a lot of noise on climate change while pushing trillions in spending, new spending. But that --
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Code red out there for the nation. We can't wait to act.
We have a chance because of the work you're doing to make some significant change to literally and that sounds like hyperbole, save a generation, a lot children. It's not a joke.
PIRRO: But that kind of rhetoric could be scaring a generation 56 percent of young people think humanity is doomed and say climate-related anxiety is impacting their lives. OK, I'll go to you, Jesse. These are incredible numbers. 92 percent of the young people in the Philippines think that the future is frightening, 56 percent and Finland think is frightening. The American kids are just as bad.
WATTERS: Well, if I live in the Philippines, I'd be frightened to.
PIRRO: Is that your answer? Then, we'll move on.
WATTERS: That is my final answer. I'm just kidding. Lovely country. I intend to go very soon. But Dana brought it up in the last block. There's code red flashing lights everywhere, Afghanistan, the border, and Joe is like no, guys, look over here at the sky. It's literally, guys, in the clouds.
And he has to tell, when he says, I'm not joking, folks. This is not hyperbole. It's hyperbole. He doesn't even believe what's in his own teleprompter. You know where that little hoax came from? In 12 years, if we don't do anything, we're all going to die. They stole that from a UN report. AOC, her pal, stole it and spun it.
They actually asked the U.N. reporters that did the report. Is this true? They said no. We got plenty of time. We're fine. We adapt. It's a hoax.
PIRRO: OK, Richard, do you think throwing $3.5 trillion that this is going to solve the anxiety of the young people?
FOWLER: Well, as a millennial at the table, the only one.
WATTERS: I hate when he says that.
FOWLER: Because you're not one? It's OK.
PERINO: Now, you're a millennial adjacent.
FOWLER: Yes, millennial adjacent still makes you older.
PIRRO: Hit it.
FOWLER: I think we got --
GUTFELD: Get to the point. Stop bragging about that. We were all young once and you get -- you're going to get on to die, Richard. So, stop boasting.
PIRRO: OK, be quiet. Go ahead, Richard.
FOWLER: It's OK. It's OK. We've got to take party out of this and realize that thermostats and weather reports don't have Democrat or Republican on it. And remember that like Ida, the storm that just -- like, one of the last hurricanes to hit the United States, even though it was a strong storm when it hit New Orleans and Louisiana, it traveled overland, right, unlike superstorm Sandy which traveled over water, and still had a huge impact, hurricane force impact on New York and New Jersey, which tells you that the idea that climate change is happening is real.
GUTFELD: That's -- we just had a discussion in the A block about anecdotal. You have to look at the research. If you look at the research --
FOWLER: Yes, we can.
GUTFELD: No, there's no correlation.
FOWLER: You can -- you can compete -- you could compare Ida to Katrina. Katrina was the same --
WATTERS: Don't talk about hurricane ferocity around Gutfeld. You don't do it.
GUTFELD: There is no -- there is no correlation between extreme climate like hurricanes and climate change. There are other correlations, but there isn't one there.
PIRRO: OK, let me ask Dana this. Did you know that researchers are potty training cows in order to fight climate change? Now, I always felt that, you know, the didn't want cows because of the flatulence, right?
PIRRO: It turns out that the ammonia in cow urine is known as a greenhouse gas.
PERINO: And they will not be satisfied until you are eating kale for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. None of this is persuasive. I think that -- I felt bad the other day Katie Pavlich didn't get to do her "ONE MORE THING." She was doing these MooLoos they're called on how you're potty training the cows and I'm not selling it as well as she could.
The hyperbolic nature of this climate change discussion means that people just stop listening. If all the answers are that you're at fault, you're -- and there's nothing we could really do about it. And even if we do all of these things, but it doesn't matter because China and India are going to continue to emit more greenhouse gas emissions, and you should really do like take a backseat and stop listening.
I'll leave you with this. A friend of mine -- this is going back a few years so I don't think this is new. Their teacher was talking -- their kid's teacher was talking about how it was terrible for trees to be cut down. And this little girl was crying in her bed because her bed was made of wood.
PIRRO: And she was guilt-ridden. That's a stressor right there.
PERINO: And she's only six. She's only six.
GUTFELD: She's a murderer.
GUTFELD: She's sleeping -- she's like a serial killer.
PIRRO: Well, you know what, they probably -- then probably read her The Giving Tree where the tree gets the leaves, then the limbs, and then whole thing. Anyway, did you know Prince Harry and Meghan are back. The Royal duo getting roasted after Time magazine names them icons.
FOWLER: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting slammed online after Time Magazine named them icons in the latest list of the world's most influential people. A New York Post opinion piece called them Time's most insufferable. Dana, what's your take?
PERINO: Well, the Duke and Duchess of Netflix were a failed royal couple. And then they came to America and they have failed to do what they said they wanted, which is to avoid publicity.
PERINO: And so, the world is ridiculing them, but they just can't get enough. They're addicted to celebrity.
PIRRO: And money, and money. Everything they do is about money right from the get go. I mean, when they started like edging in on some of the big parties with Disney and making sure that she got the voiceovers. But you know, when I really decided -- I mean, everybody loved the idea of this happening of they're getting married. And then all of a sudden Harry turned into a nothing and she was in charge.
But then when she said, you know, we really got married before the wedding, so the wedding didn't matter. And then I said, that's ridiculous. That didn't happen. And people say, how do you know it didn't happen? Well, like two months later, the Archbishop comes out. He says, I don't do weddings just, you know, for the television. They did it the first time in the cathedral. So, she lied about that.
GUTFELD: Well, she's -- OK, can I --
FOWLER: Go ahead, Greg.
GUTFELD: She's a pathological liar. And I love how clueless Time has to be to think that America needs to see more of this stupid irritating hilarious couple. So, this is my message to England. This is America, OK. So, we can say that she lied about the accusations of racism in the royal family. She's a hardcore opportunist. She's running a serious charade on this dude. But the great thing is England can't come after us for that.
They went after, obviously, Piers Morgan for saying the exact same thing. But now, we can say that because she's here. You can't do anything. That's embarrassing to us. And welcome aboard Piers Morgan.
FOWLER: Jesse?
WATTERS: Put up the picture from Time. Something's really off with the power dynamic.
PIRRO: Oh, yes.
PERINO: I knew you were going to --
WATTERS: As a body language expert, he's slinking and sliding and sulking and grabbing on for dear life, leaning in. You never lean in. She's in the power position. Something's off with Harry. And I was at the dentist's office the other day, Richard. They didn't even have Time Magazine. If Time is not in the dentist's office, it's nowhere,
GUTFELD: Time is out of time.
FOWLER: Listen, I've always had a soft place in my heart for Harry. I mean, anybody who has to mourn their mother in public is a very hard thing to do. And I love my mom, so I --
PERINO: Wait, now, come on, Richard.
FOWLER: And "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
PERINO: Before we get to "ONE MORE THING," make sure you download the Fox Bet Super 6 app and enter for a free chance to win $1 million of Terry Bradshaw is money. All you need to do is pick six outcomes from the Sunday's games and then see how it plays out.
Now, it's time for "ONE MORE THING." Greg.
GUTFELD: Let's do this.
GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.
GUTFELD: Yes, I haven't done this in a while. I don't know why. I tried to tone it down a little bit because I know you guys get really tired of hearing that music. But you know what, Animals are great, but sometimes it can be really stupid. Check out this dog thinking he could play Frisbee with Abe Lincoln. The thing is, Abe Lincoln --
WATTERS: He hates Frisbee.
GUTFELD: He hates Frisbee. He hates Frisbee. But like, look at him. He is convinced that Abe Lincoln could play Frisbee with him.
PIRRO: Where did you find this?
GUTFELD: Dog denied.
PERINO: Super cute.
GUTFELD: There you go. So, animals are great, but you know, they're kind of slow.
PERINO: They're very good. All right, I'll go quickly. A new episode of my podcast is up, Fox News Podcast Network. I have Alec Ross. He just wrote a book called The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People, and the Fight for Our Future. He talks about the power of positive thinking too. So, that's a good one. You can check that one out.
GUTFELD: It works.
PERINO: And now, let's do some crazy tricks. Here's a gal doing some crazy tricks, well, a crazy trick. What do you think? OK, I'm not wild about this. I think that juggling is -- even though I can't do it, I think it's actually pretty easy.
PIRRO: You do?
PERINO: Actually --
PERINO: Just kidding. And I'm going to give -- oh, wow, that was going to be a low score. I'm going to give it this. I'm going to give it a solid five.
WATTERS: That's it?
FOWLER: A five?
PERINO: Like, juggling -- I mean --
FOWLER: But she's stepping and juggling.
PERINO: I don't know. She's --
GUTFELD: Did you know that she's blind and deaf, Dana? Did you look at the research?
PERINO: Let me -- let me look at the research. Judge.
PIRRO: OK. All right, did you know that today, September 16 is National Guacamole Day. I have in front of me some beautiful guacamole with chips, and Chipotle is offering loyalty extra points on Guac chips. But I want you to know the Aztec's egg guacamole and the name is derived from their language. Avocados were introduced in Florida and California in the 1800s, a reason why guacamole costs extra. OK. Did you know -- is avocado -- is avocado a fruit or vegetable?
PERINO: Fruit.
FOWLER: It's a fruit.
WATTERS: Vegetable.
PIRRO: It's a fruit.
GUTFELD: It has a seed.
PIRRO: Specifically a berry.
GUTFELD: Yes, it's a seed.
WATTERS: It's a berry?
PIRRO: It's a berry.
WATTERS: I don't believe that.
PIRRO: It's a berry.
PERINO: Go, go, go.
FOWLER: A high school in Sanger Texas has opened a grocery store in its school building to help serve the families in its community better. So, students don't have to wonder about where their next meal is coming from. The store is run by students and it's paid for by points instead of cash or credit. Points are awarded to families based on the numbers of people are that are in each family or in each household.
It's a pretty -- it's a great program, especially as folks are returning. And we saw during the pandemic there's so many long lines, food banks, so this is a way to help students and families who need to eat and they don't know where the next meal is coming from. So, a big shout out to the students in Sanger, Texas.
PERINO: Jesse.
WATTERS: New emojis are coming to all of our iPhones. If you don't have an iPhone, who are you? But here are my three favorites. Pregnant man.
PIRRO: Where?
PERINO: Oh, my gosh.
WATTERS: Sexy lip bite.
PIRRO: No, he's a birthing machine.
WATTERS: I like sexy lip bite. I'm going to use that first.
WATTERS: The hand signal for money. I'm going to be using that a lot with Gutfeld.
PIRRO: That's money?
WATTERS: He never pays.
FOWLER: I like that. I like that.
PERINO: That's fine. When I get -- when I get a million dollars of Terry Bradshaw's money.
GUTFELD: The dog -- that's a dog --
FOWLER: I like that one.
PERINO: All right, that's it for us, everyone.
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