'The Five' on FBI confirming Florida remains are Brian Laundrie

This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on October 21, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

CHARLES PAYNE, FOX NEWS HOST: Hey, that's it for us today. Thank you so much for watching. Of course, you can catch me tomorrow 2:00 p.m., Fox Business, "Making Money." The S&P closed at a new all-time high. Hope you've been listening. Hope you've been watching, making that moolah (ph). Now, THE FIVE. I took care of your wallet. THE FIVE will take care of everything else. Next.

DANBA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Harold Ford, Jr., Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City. This is THE FIVE.

Need a day on Capitol Hill for Attorney General Merrick Garland. House lawmakers getting their chance to grill the nation's top law enforcement official over a bunch of controversial issues with the big focus on Garland's DOJ memo mobilizing the FBI to investigate parents making threats against local school boards. Republicans calling it intimidation and a crackdown on first amendment rights.


REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting. A snitch line on parents started five days after a left-wing political organization asked for it. If that's not political I don't know what is.

REP. STEVE CHABOT (R-OH): We don't need you, your Justice Department or the FBI trampling on the rights of American parents who just want the best possible education for their children.

REP. TOM TIFFANY (R-WI): Are we, my friends, neighbors, constituents, are we domestic terrorists?


TIFFANY: Are we criminals?

REP. CHIP ROY (R-TX): Attorney general, do you believe that a father attending a meeting exercising his first amendment rights and, yes, getting angry about whatever lies are being told about his daughter being raped in the school he sent her to be educated in that this is domestic terrorism? Yes or no.


PERINO: That happened and as new e-mail show the Biden White House was talking to the National School Board Association weeks before and asked the administration to investigate possible acts of domestic terrorism at school board meetings.

Days later, Garland put out the memo directing the FBI to look into threats by parents against school board members. Now, Jim Jordan pressing the attorney general on where exactly he got his data on the uptick of violence.


JORDAN: Your memo, the very first sentence you said in recent months there's been a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, threats of violence.


JORDAN: When did you first review the data showing this so-called disturbing uptick?

GARLAND: So, I read the letter and we have been seeing over time threats.

JORDAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't ask you -- so you read the letter. That's your source?


PERINO: Greg, let's kick it off with you. Have some thoughts.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: I mean, it is scary. This guy's the attorney general and he's less prepared than Jesse Waters. I mean --

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: It's such a cheap shot.

GUTFELD: It is, but you think about it. This guy is initiating, you know, an investigation on parents not because he had statistics, actual specific cases, but because he got a letter. I mean, think how frightening that is.

You know if the letter was about an environmental group or a BLM, he wouldn't have proceeded like this. So it's indeed a political action. You have to put -- you have to admit that. But what's worse is how easy it was to motivate this guy to comply. Just send a letter. I might do that to you, Harold, just for the hell of it. I'll make up something.

But it's also weird how removed he is from reality, right? He was talking about how he reads about stuff in the news. He had no idea about what happened with the Department of Interior last week. The dude is the attorney general, didn't know that an insurrection happened. He has no idea about the statistics behind these police suspect interactions.

He gets all of his direction from secondary undocumented opinions. I mean, if you're going to target U.S. citizens, you should be getting your info not from BuzzFeed, right? You're talking about ruining people's lives. You're an attorney general not an associate producer for "The View." It's disgusting.

PERINO: I do think that the news that we got today that the White House and the National School Board Association was talking before the request went from DOJ to the FBI, to me that raises some eyebrows so to speak.

WATTERS: It does and who do I blame Garland for? Obama. He was the one that brings Garland to the conversation. He was the one that Obama pitched to be the Supreme Court justice because he was so moderate. It turns out he's not moderate, not even competent. You can write a letter to the A.G. and they can activate the FBI.

Oh, and there were some articles in the letter that they linked to and I read some articles about it too. So he got a letter from a liberal and read some fake news and that's how you get an active FBI investigation? And the whole crux of the story was this one parent that was mad. Why was he mad? He was mad because someone raped his daughter in a transgender bathroom and the school covered it up.

And that story is about a week old and the A.G. wasn't briefed on it. Didn't even know about that. The whole case that this whole frivolous thing was based on falls apart and the guy has no clue. And then he says, you know what, not really familiar with the facts of the case of the father. Well he wasn't familiar with the facts of all these other fake threats that they put in this letter.

I read the letter, remember? Twenty threats, only one was credible. And he goes, oh, you know what, the father situation seems like a state's case. Well, what do you think an angry parent is? It's a state's issue.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: So then he comes out and he says, you know what, we're going to investigate this because the Biden White House crafted the letter with these liberal union guys and made the DOJ get involved. Where does that sound familiar? This sounds like the Russia hoax, doesn't it?

So now what's happening is liberals are cooking up this collusion. So they get the Department of Justice to go after their political enemies. It happened with Russia and it happened right here again.

PERINOI: Do you think, Harold, that he regrets writing this memo to the FBI?

HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS HOST: I hope he doesn't. I have a slightly different opinion on this. I think -- we had on this show, I think, we showed what happened. It was a school board meeting down in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, I believe.

And they had some medical experts and some of the parents were there and they disagreed with the experts. The meeting ended and some of the parents followed the medical experts into the parking lot and -- they had this all in film, and told the medical experts we know where you live. So, are there other examples of people who should be?

And I think if you take the word parents out of the thing since -- I don't like the snitch line, but if you're going to go after people who try to assault and attack other Americans that's one thing. Now, this is a fine line we got a balance here because we should not discourage any American from going to any political setting and explaining where he or she feels and no one should try to suppress that.

The line is crossed when a politician or citizen begins to threaten one another. And if you take the word parents out and politicians, I can't threaten someone that I disagree with. If Jesse and I disagree or you and I disagree and I threaten you with physical violence, there's a law -- law should be activated.

PERINO: But I wouldn't call the FBI though, right? You call the local authorities.

FORD: Well, right, but in some instances I think there were those who thought that the local authorities, some people thought the local authorities were part of the group trying to harass them. Look, this is -- I wish we didn't have to deal with this, but I do think that we were -- the facts here should lead us to a conclusion that will decide if someone should be investigated or not.

If I show up at a school board meeting and I yell and I tell a school board member I know where you live, I know where your kids go to school and you best believe you better watch out. I would expect a law enforcement official to call me.

PERINO: And knock on your door. Dagen, last word.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: But A.G. Garland has no facts. He admitted that. There's no body of evidence. That this memo is purely based on the letter that the National School Board Association wrote that they worked with the White House in crafting.

Twenty state school boards recently have come out and disavowed that letter from the national organization saying we're not part of this. We haven't witnessed violence. The threshold for action by law enforcement, Harold, is the -- that the likelihood of violence that is real and imminent, not even -- threats of violence don't stand up.

It has to be likely and real for law enforcement to intervene because the first amendment is so strong, the right to free speech and the right to spirited debate. Here's what's going on here. Questioning critical race theory, parents across the country, you got called a racist. That didn't shut them up. That didn't keep them at home and they kept going to school board meetings.

So, now you need to call them domestic terrorists and seek the FBI and the Department of Justice on them. Why? Because these are parents. These aren't just white parents these are parents of color across the country that are trying to finally dismantle the ecosystem that is keeping children undereducated, uneducated, and stupid.

And I'm talking about the stranglehold of the teachers unions. I'm talking about the white elitists who control school boards across this country. And the reason that they try to do this with the Department of Justice and this memo is because here's what's also coming out, and it came up in the hearing today, is the woke consultants who are being paid with taxpayer dollars and the dollars of parents who are peddling this critical race theory claptrap to students across the country.,

It is going into the hands of the rich and the few including Merrick Garland's son-in-law. So that's where it's going, but it's all -- these are parents -- this is -- the organization called Parents Defending Education. Watch Asra Nomani. Asra Nomani used to write for the "Wall Street Journal" and she is fired up. They're behind this Freedom of Information Act request.

It's all going to come pouring out and finally parents across the country, regardless of your race, will take back the education of their kids from the unions and the woke consultants.

WATTERS: I want to make one more point. I'd also like to blame CNN besides Barack Obama for this because here's why. CNN didn't even report this Loudoun County rape scandal. They didn't report it. MSNBC didn't report it. None of the mainstream media reported that. So he goes on this Capitol Hill hearing clueless about a major development in the crux of this case to label parents domestic terrorists because the mainstream media didn't cover that story because that didn't fit the narrative.

PERINO: But also your staff should brief you and --

WATTERS: His staff --

PERINO: They didn't do it -- they didn't do it on purpose.

GUTFELD: It's not worth watching CNN.

WATTERS: Put Fox on it, the DOJ.

PERINO: They didn't brief him on purpose.

MCDOWELL: Exactly.

PERINO: Harold, real quick.

FORD: In fairness, I didn't racialize this at all. It says race has nothing to do with this for me. And two, but he said the way you impact your school board is you elect new school board members, you don't threaten them with violence.

PERINO: And Election Day is coming up at least in Virginia. We'll see. Okay, much more to come. As Americans panic over inflation, President Biden doesn't appear to have a plan to fix it.


MCDOWELL: President Biden desperately trying to sell his massive spending agenda while voters panic about inflation. The cargo ship crisis getting worse even after Biden promised to fix it. Gas prices are surging and store shelves are empty.

The White House says everything is fine but Americans are taking notice. Nine out of 10 voters are worried about rising prices of goods, ranking yet the top issue among people who are extremely concerned about it. Instead of trying to fix the problems, all Biden can do is push the same talking points about his spending plan.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The cost of the Build Back Better bill in terms of adding to the deficit is zero, zero, zero.

And it does not increase the debt.

When you talk about the number, we shouldn't even talk about the numbers because it's all paid for.

In addition to that, half of it is a tax cut. It's not spending money. It's a tax cut for working class people.


MCDOWELL: Dana, when a politician repeats the same word over and over again, I think he's probably lying. Biden --

PERINO: Oh, I don't know. There's a lot of politicians who do that.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

MCDOWELL: And they're all lying. Biden has lost 11 points in a month among Democrats --


MCDOWELL: -- on his handling of the economy.

PERINO: So, one of our biggest problems is that President Biden is pushing a $5 trillion bill that doesn't address the pain that anybody's feeling, so naturally you have polling Armageddon. Senator Schumer's own PAC showed that in the last five months, President Biden with persuadable voters went from a plus five to a negative 30. So, it's not going in the right direction for the Democrats.

And at the same time, you have the White House trying to woo Senator Manchin and they're trying to isolate Kyrsten Sinema. What I've seen from Kyrsten Sinema is that she's not somebody that you want to dare because she is not going to be pushed around. She doesn't care about that.

There's two big things for them. Senator Manchin says that he doesn't like the short sunsets. This is the gimmick where they pass all the freebies, but they only pay for it for a year and then in the election of 2022, they'll ask all the Republicans, how dare you not be for children et cetera.

But the other thing is Kyrsten Sinema has said she doesn't want any new taxes. So now their whole idea that as you just saw the president say it costs nothing, it costs zero, I don't see how they make that math work.

MCDOWELL: And that's in opposition to even Joe Manchin's small plan. But Greg, it's the lying and response, you know, the tragedy of the treadmill.

GUTFELD: Yes. This is about the supply chain chaos right now. Where are the emergency orders, right, to free up money for truck driver schools? Where are the temporary lift bands on freelance trucking or suspend regulations? You know, Joe's previous emergency orders weren't this urgent and some of them you might say were symbolic. I can't remember which ones, but I remember --

PERINO: Keystone Pipeline.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. So that's a problem there's nobody in charge. Say what you will about Trump. He probably would have crushed this. He would have dealt this the way he dealt with the vaccine. He would have warp speed for truckers the second day that he heard about it. He'd get 80,000 new truckers.

He would have definitely fired Mayor Pete. It would have been hilarious. It'd be like two months crisis. Its two months. What are you doing? You're like -- and then he would be gone. But instead all we get is we get Joe Biden like talking like a 10-year-old trying to explain to his parents a dream that he had, you know, there was this train and then a bird came. It's like it's incredible.

I -- because it's Halloween I came up with an analogy. The White House is coming to Halloween as the headless horseman because this administration has no head. There's no leadership. There's no face of this administration. It's not Jen Psaki. It's a decapitated vessel on a tricycle is what we got right now.

And that's why -- that's why there are no ideas and only spending because there's no head.

MCDOWELL: And they've disemboweled the economy.

GUTFELD: Nice curve.

PERINO: It's a headless and bowel-less.

GUTRFELD: Bowel-less. I don't know what's worse.

MCDOWELL: The economy -- the economy is expected to grow half of one percent right now. It was expected to grow two months ago at six percent and it's all of the inflation, the supply chain problems. It's all Biden.

FORD: The S&P500 closed at a record today. So there is I think a disconnect between everyday middle class Americans, working Americans and perhaps the ultra-wealthy and those who are invested. Not the ultra, but to those who are invested and the ultra-wealthy.

I think what Joe Biden is trying to do is to address some of those things and I'm not one to think that you should over tax anyone. I'm not one that thinks you should over regulate anyone, but I am one that thinks that we've got to lay out what our priorities are and I would agree with Greg.

As you saw yesterday, I thought the president missed an opportunity early in the speech that's why I wanted to go back to the speech because I thought maybe later in the speech he would have articulated more clearly, but he got going and it took him a while to get going, but you've got to lay out why are we spending this money. Is it too much? Is it too little?

And at this point, I would agree we're not there yet. The narrative is not as tight as it should be, but they're going to get a deal. Manchin is going to get a deal with Sanders and if Sanders and the progressives don't want to play with Manchin, then we may not get anything at all and that would be a real disaster for my party.

MCDOWELL: I just want to point out that the wealth gap narrowed under President Trump and its being blown apart under Biden because the rich are getting richer because of the Federal Reserve. The fed -- what the Federal Reserve is doing is making the rich. It's inflating assets but the Biden administration needs the Fed to monetize the debt, to stop up all the debt that they're issuing to fund the spending. I digress.

WATTERS: You want to go Fox Business on us all of a sudden? I can do that.

MCDOWELL: No. It's important.

WATTERS: All right. This is what I say about that, Dagen.

MCDOWELL: Because the working classes are getting screwed.

WATTERS: No, I would -- I would agree. The Fed is going to have to raise rates to tame inflation, right? Eventually you're going to have to suck it up and do that no matter what political cost that is going to be to Joe Biden. So they're going to have to raise them. It's going to make the market correct itself. And then what do we have? We might be looking at stagflation, slow growth, high inflation, higher rates, Jimmy Carter 2.0.

Also, the sound bite from Joe Biden, did he just call the most expensive bill in American history a tax cut that costs nothing?


WATTERS: That tells me he can't sell this thing so he's now using Republican talking points to try to sell this thing. Greg made a great point. We know politicians can't move heaven and, but at least act like you're trying to do something. Declare an emergency. Act like you're doing something with the ports.

Hey, maybe all the unvaxxed people that you fired through your mandate, make them be truck drivers. You don't have to interact with anybody as a truck driver. You stay in the truck, unvaxxed, ride it out. I mean, at least I came up with an idea. He has no idea to solve the number one problem facing this country. He just says it's a good thing, suck it up, peasant.


FORD: You had a great idea about hygiene. This is another great idea.


FORD: I'm going to write this one down, too.

WATTERS: What's my hygiene idea?

FORD: We talked about how you light a candle to get the smell out of the room.

WATTERS: That wasn't me. That was a short cut.

FORD: Oh, okay. I gave you credit for it.

WATTERS: My place smells beautiful. Thank you.

FORD: I gave you credit for it.

MCDOWELL: Yes. And you don't spend trillions to bring down inflation. Up next, a disturbing trend. Another example of people recording crimes instead of calling the cops.


FORD: A disturbing pattern emerging in America. People recording crimes on their cell phones instead of intervening or calling the police. We told you about the shocking train rape outside Philadelphia where police say passengers did nothing to stop it for over 40 minutes. Now, another example in Atlanta where the mayor says witnesses recorded a shooting that left two dead instead of calling the cops.


KEISHA LANCE BOTTOMS, MAYOR OF ATLANTA: We did start receiving phone calls but social media received information and has received more information quite frankly than we have received through our 911 center. We just ask if you can put down your camera, put down your phone, call 911 and then allow us to do what we do.


FORD: Now, Greg, I'm not clinically trained to opine on psychological behavior of what might be behind so this is why I'm coming to you behind the twisted behavior of those whom of these people who are committing these crimes. But I would argue the people who are watching I feel as a citizen, it is the most sickening thing as we shared yesterday.

How do we -- do we -- should we use law enforcement to do it? Should we change laws to hold make good Samaritans respond in situations like this? What's the answer because I hear the frustration in Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms or her comments?

GUTFELD: I think the answer was that guy shouldn't have been in the country or he should have been kept in jail after his first sex assault. So, I mean, we're -- that is the first solution. These days you think you would, I mean, we were talking about this. When you think you would step in, you know, if you see something, say something.

But that's easier to say when the mob isn't salivating for your scalp. There may be reasons why people don't report stuff. I mean, I was thinking about this like what if I was on that train and I stepped in and the cameras turn on me. What side would CNN take, right? Right? What would they say?

They wouldn't say a rape of an incapacitated woman by an illegal immigrant was stopped. It would be like, you know, white man attacks black migrants seeking love. I'm sorry, but you know what, it's true. It's like you -- people are now, when a camera turns on you, your behavior changes. So, could -- I'm trying to think of a way to defend these people. That's the only one I can come up with. But other than that, it is despicable.

FORD JR.: Dana, you had judge Jeanine on who had some thoughts about if we should change these laws. What did she say? How did she --

PERINO: Well, she just said that, you know, we don't have these Good Samaritan laws in terms of there's a duty to report, unless you're in a position of power or government official, when you know that a child is being endangered, then you have to insert -- but it's not uniform.

I also could imagine that -- I would imagine the Democrats are now going to say, the social media companies should be held responsible. That's like blaming the gun, right? So, I again, think that we have to go back to character, but we also should do something to protect people and the police and help them out, help out public officials like Mayor Bottoms, or excuse me, the gentleman from the transit agency in Pennsylvania, which is deport people who should be deported, and there should not be a an appeal.


FORD JR: That's not even a question.

FORD JR: I don't -- I don't disagree with you. But when the instinct -- you and I are southerners, Dagen. An instinct -- when someone's instinct when they see a crime is to take their camera and to film it and to not use their phone to call the police, I think we got a problem. That's a problem we got to address in the country as well.

MCDOWELL: Yes, moral decay. It's a detachment -- you know, you're addicted to your phone. It's a detachment from the real world of soullessness, if you will. But to Greg's point, I tried to explain why somebody would do this. Well, in a lot -- in these liberal cities, these left-wing days, this perpetrator might very well be back out on the street before you get home.

GUTFELD: And what if you hurt him?


GUTFELD: If you hurt the guy.

MCDOWELL: If you hurt them, you're going to get sued, and you might get arrested, number one. And number two, if you call the cops, and then he gets out immediately and finds out, you're putting your family and yourself at risk. So, I'm trying to think about what the calculation might be. But you got to be -- everybody in every major city has to think about what am I going to do when this happens, because it will?


GUTFELD: Well, we'll just have to share the risk. It's always going to go back to people in that -- so that people stick by each other. But we don't see that anymore.

WATTERS: I'm just thinking about what it would look like for you to get into a fight on a train. And that's amusing. And hopefully, that would never happen, Greg.

GUTFELD: It happens.

WATTERS: These phones have turned humans into machines. So, now we are not humans anymore. We are part robot, part machine. We've detached ourselves from reality. We're just now videographers, we're passive videographers desensitized to violence and sexual violence, because we see it all the time on the phone. So, when life happens, we just sit back and it doesn't have anything to do with humanity, because we are not a part of humanity anymore.

So, for the people that do this, here's what I would suggest. You can become a star in your own film. If you put your phone down and go out and be a hero. Try to save this poor woman from being raped. Other people will film that, and then you can star in this big movie which will go viral, all right.

So, put the phone down, participate in life, instead of just watching life happen like you have nothing to do with it.

PERINO: May I offer an idea that you might want to write down for the social media companies. Here's an idea. Like, technology could allow you to do something where if you are -- if you come across a crime where -- when you start to film, you can also hit a button that calls police at the same time.

GUTFELD: And send them.

PERINO: So, you're not going to miss a second, you're not going to miss the crime, but you can call the cops at the same time. That might be something an engineer could work on. And also just always do the right thing. Don't worry about the mob.

WATTERS: Like Live PD. We have a Live PD button in our phones.


WATTERS: Or Cops -- excuse me -- Cops Fox Nation button. Good cleanup, Gutfeld.


FORD JR: You were good. You were good. Tucker Carlson joins us next to preview his new special on the left in clean and green energy.


WATTERS: Welcome back, everybody. Just to let you know, Greg is disgusting. Tucker Carlson is taking on the left's green agenda in a brand new must-see episode of his original series. And here's a preview of Blown Away: The People vs Wind Power which is available on Fox Nation right now.


TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Texas has the most wind power capacity in the United States. But the Texas turbines which are not winterized iced up during a cold-weather event in February of 2021. Electricity output collapsed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have all this federal and state subsidies for wind and solar that have caused an overbuilding of wind and solar in Texas. It's cheap energy. Big companies love it. They love to virtue signal with it. The Texas grid, like the California grid, is becoming increasingly unreliable and difficult to maintain, difficult to keep that power in a steady basis.


WATTERS: All right, Tucker, we're going to take it around the table and let's begin with Dagen McDowell.

MCDOWELL: Tucker, we've seen this happen in Britain in the North Sea where the wind turbines stopped the spinning and energy prices went up like 11 times normal levels. This is where we're going, right?

CARLSON: Well, for sure because there are all kinds of incentives. I mean, this wouldn't exist without taxpayer subsidies. Even people who are open to the idea of alternative energy like me are kind of shocked, you know, the deeper you look at this at the effect on the natural world, on the environment itself by wind farms.

This stuff is terrible for the environment actually the closer you look at it. It's terrible for animals. It's terrible for the landscape, including endangered animals, by the way, and several people who live nearby. And that's why all of these installations are in poor areas that don't vote for the politicians you put them there, period.

FORD JR: Tucker, Harold Ford, it's been a long time, it's good to see you. As we think about wind turbines and batteries for electric vehicles and solar panels, China is leading us in producing in manufacturing and developing these things. And normally, China is not so transparent when they're trying to beat us in something. We saw last week the hypersonic that fast missile that they developed that surprised us.

CARLSON: That's right.

FORD JR: How do we reconcile -- are they doing this -- should we just continue to let them do this because this is not going to be a benefit to them, or do we think about ways to -- have you heard from some of the people you've been interviewing about ways in which we can make this green energy agenda more efficient or these products a better and more reliable?

CARLSON: Well, I mean, the area where China is really leading us is in coal power. I mean, they're continuing to build massive numbers of coal plants. The divide in carbon emissions between the U.S. and China is no longer even close. There's multiples of our carbon output which I think we should note at the very beginning of any conversation about global warming.

But look, we don't have the capacity to build -- we don't have the materials, the rare earth materials among others, we don't have the manufacturing capacity to make the green energy so called projects that the Biden administration is now calling for. So, by definition, we start building these along the -- both coasts soon, that's China's win. Like they're the ones are going to be making them for us, period, and the batteries.

WATTERS: Tucker, how would you suggest the American people stop the building of some of these? Because right now, they're putting in a bunch of these turbines off the coast of Long Beach Island to the Jersey Shore, and all the fishermen are appalled because it's going to destroy their prime fishing waters, and they can't sell the fish to all the people that won't eat the fish shut the shore. How would you suggest people combat this?

CARLSON: Well, I mean, again, there's really -- if you look at what wind farms are, I happen to live near one, they're almost exclusively in places that are economically depressed. And so, they've been kind of taken advantage of by these mostly foreign wind power companies. The way to fight back, I think the environmental community to the extent there any honest people left, they could play a huge role in this.

You're destroying a fishery. I mean, there's a lot of evidence that these things are killing -- make the California condor extinct, for example. Sending whales on the -- you know, in the wrong direction, interfering with the natural sonar of marine life. I mean, these things have a terrible effect on the environment. And so it would be nice for the environmental community to say something about that.

PERINO: Tucker, I remember about -- I think maybe a year or so ago, my aunt Patty Sue, former mayor of Rawlins, Wyoming pointed me to an article it was actually in the New York Times about a big development of wind power that was under discussion in the community was trying to explain to everybody all the problems that you are just talking about. And I understand that that's just happening across the country.

But there's one other thing that we haven't mentioned here, and that was a part of that, which is when these wind turbines -- when the blades and they're live, they're useful live, when they go into a landfill, they do not disintegrate. You could not recycle them. They will be there forever.

CARLSON: It's true.

PERINO: So, I think that there's just a misunderstanding of just how really green these are.

CARLSON: Well, that's right. There's no painless way to get energy. I mean, every energy source has a downside, period, whether it's nuclear, hydro, coal plants, natural gas, it doesn't matter. They all have a downside. Energy is not free, it never will be. But the downside from wind farms so far exceeds their upside, that the only reason they exist -- I mean, there are towns -- and I'm very familiar with some of these towns, in northern New England, for example, where the majority of the town's annual budget comes from wind farm companies.

So, it's kind of like a deal they can't refuse. They're being preyed upon because they're weak. That's the underlying story of green energy I would say.

GUTFELD: Tucker, it's Greg. How are you?

CARLSON: So great. Thank you for having me.

GUTFELD: You look great. Hey, I want to talk about the other alternative energy that we don't hear about anymore negatively, nuclear power. Why is it do you -- why is it -- I get the feeling that the Democrats have quietly embraced it. Like, you don't hear about it anymore after three decades of essentially preventing it from becoming an option. What changed them? Why - - I mean, it seems like there's no anti-nuke movement anymore.

CARLSON: Well, I mean, for one thing, that whole brand of 70 stiles hippies who actually went camping and cared about the outdoors and lived in giant sequoias to keep them from cutting down, I mean, those people are all gone or the right-wing at this point, OK. So, the constituency died. That's the first thing.

Second, if they're not complaining about an industry, that means they're being funded by the industry, so I would follow the money there. But I think nuclear power is not a crazy -- they look -- nuclear power is dangerous, all forms of energy are dangerous. Like, it's just baked in the cake. So, you just -- you have to make rational decisions. We're not getting to utopia with energy. Sorry, ever.

WATTERS: All right, thanks a lot, Tucker. And I was shocked that people don't live in sequoias anymore because I interviewed a bunch of them a couple of years ago.

GUTFELD: I love those people.

WATTERS: I do too. I love them.

CARLSON: They're cool people, I agree.

WATTERS: They are. They are. All right, Blown Away: The People vs. Wind Power is streaming right now on Fox Nation.

Coming up next, a major update from the FBI about Brian Laundrie.


GUTFELD: Fox News Alert. A major update in the Gabby Petito case. The FBI confirming that the remains found in yes -- found yesterday in Florida are indeed Brian Laundrie's. All right, let's take this around the table. Dagen, surprise?

MCDOWELL: Not surprised. How they were discovered was a little fishy.


MCDOWELL: They said that they had been under -- the area had been underwater and then the water receded and they discovered the belongings and now his body. What's unfortunate for Gabby Petito's family is he will never face a jury. There will never be uh punishment for this. He's dead and there's no prosecution.

GUTFELD: Oh wait, let's go to Phil Keating. He might have some information. Phil, are you there?

PHIL KEATING, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: I am here. I did confirm earlier this late afternoon that the skeletal remains were actually just bones. That's what the human remains were. But at that point, we still did not know the identity of whose bones they were.

Then, about 5:15 across town over at the Laundrie home, an unmarked car pulled up, a couple of FBI agents went in for about three or four minutes. And then, just minutes ago, the FBI Denver which has been leading the FBI's investigation due to its proximity and control over the happenings in Wyoming where gabby Petito's body was discovered, they tweeted out, and I will quote to you exactly what they wrote.

"A comparison of dental records confirmed that the human remains found are those of Brian Laundrie." Steve Bertolino, the often-quoted attorney for the parents, Chris and Roberta Laundrie, has also put out a short note saying, "The parents have been notified. We have no further comment at this time. Please respect their privacy."

So, the national manhunt for Brian Laundrie is now officially over. It was in fact his human remains found here yesterday inside the nature park where he had been told by his mom and dad to the FBI that this is where he went off for a hike as he frequently did two days after Gabby Petito was finally reported missing up in Suffolk County, New York by her mother after not hearing from her for weeks and weeks.

And of course, Brian Laundrie returned home from that big summer long road trip out west at all the national parks without Gabby Petito. What he told his parents to explain why she was gone, nobody knows. But the family did go camping following weekend up outside of Tampa, and they've been under investigation. But they probably won't be charged at all now that their son is dead and there's no way to contradict anything they had shared.


KEATING: But Brian Laundrie is dead.

GUTFELD: Thanks, Phil. All right, "ONE MORE THING" up next


PERINO: It's time for "ONE MORE THING." I haven't done this in a while. It is Dana's Sports Corner. I've never seen this before. I want to introduce you to the craziest, most epic, intense sporting event that has ever taken place in the history of the world.

This is the Balloon World Cup. This is a competition that took place in Spain. And the aim of the game is basically you have to keep the balloon from touching the floor. And you can do that any way you see fit. And you have to wear a helmet because it can get pretty physical. In the end, out of the participants from 32 countries, the competitor from Peru took home the win.

GUTFELD: You hate Peru, don't you, Dana?

PERINO: I like Peru.

GUTFELD: Well, you said it angrily.

PERINO: Peru, Peru, Peru, I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, Greg.

GUTFELD: All right, time for this. Greg's Heavy Metal Christmas. You know, with the supply chain chaos underway, it's hard to figure out what you're going to get the kids. So, I figured make it a heavy metal Christmas by ordering the new Melvin's album, acoustic covers of all their songs. 36 songs on this record. If you buy this CD, I think it's five CDs. 36 tracks, all the classics, like The Bit, and Civilized Worm, and Don't Forget To Breathe, and Night Goat.

And they even do some covers like Everybody's Talking. But my favorite song of all time, Honey Bucket on there. Totally different kind of --

PERINO: I think I would like this.

GUTFELD: You would like it. It is actually -- I would call it like deranged metal folk, but so -- with a Beach Boys vibe. The beats -- the vocals are incredible. I -- you got to get that.

PERINO: I will check it out.


PERINO: I will. All right Jesse.

WATTERS: It's time for an edition of mom text. Here we go, mom. Your opening statement about 9/11 and Biden was articulate and understood tonight and not crazy inflammatory and out there; just said and I agree. Meanwhile, you just appeared on Ari Melber's, lawyer, The Beat. Watch it. The section is review of pandemic powers. I didn't watch it.

Number two. How can you make statements like I don't trust the IRS? Do you live in Russia or perhaps you'd prefer to? Number three, I sure hope you're watching and please do not support the undermining governors of Texas, Florida, etcetera. They are criminals and hurting their constituents. Mom that is rough.

GUTFELD: She crossed the line.

WATTERS: She did. And finally, Bret's conversation with the Surgeon General and Education Secretary, I'm afraid of your words tonight. I'm not sure what that means, mom, but keep them coming.

PERINO: She's always afraid. You know, she watches very carefully.

WATTERS: Nervous Pervis.

PERINO: It's great. I love mom text. Dagen?

MCDOWELL: This is kind of my cry for help. This is me pushing my dogs Charlie and Dale on the luggage cart in my building. So, I do this a lot. They seem to enjoy it. But I might have lost my mind. And I think somebody needs to sit me down and have a talk to me about not spending too much time with the furbabies.

PERINO: Remember when the -- in the building where you and I used to live in the same building. Jasper used to ride on that thing all the time. It was very fun, very fun. Harold?

FORD JR: I'm inspired by Dana's Sports Corner. Mine is -- this a big night in sports.

PERINO: I stole it from Greg.

FORD JR: Well, you inspired me. It's a big night in sports. If you are a sports fan, you've got four -- all major four major sports leagues playing. You got baseball. You got the Braves-Dodgers game six. You got the Browns playing the Broncos in NFL. You got the NHL (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: Why are you doing this?

FORD JR: The NBA has three games. We'll do this again Sunday. We'll have all four. We may have five but --

GUTFELD: I have a show that people have to watch, Harold.

FORD JR: Switch over to 11:00 p.m. from the game. To the Exclamation Point and enjoy. It's a good night for sports.

PERINO: Which one are you going to watch? What's your favorite out of those four?

FORD JR: I'm going to have -- I got -- I have three TVs so I'll have them all on. I'll just switch back and forth. And then Jesse and I will be going back and forth. I'll be taking notes on things he wants me to note.

WATTERS: Yes. I'll be at the ballet. I wonder how those games turn out.

GUTFELD: You going to the ballet.


GUTFELD: That's amazing.

WATTERS: I'm really excited.

GUTFELD: I bet you are. Yes.

WATTERS: I can't wait.

GUTFELD: Who's watching the kid? You didn't ask me to babysit.

WATTERS: Greg, you're not legally allowed to do that.

PERINO: I'll watch him.



WATTERS: Dana --

PERINO: Am I allowed?

WATTERS: Well, his bedtime is 7:00. Isn't that past your bedtime.

PERINO: Hey, that works perfect. That works perfect. That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret!

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