
This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on November 4, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Blah, blah, blah, blah. Hi, I'm Greg Gutfeld with Judge Jeanine, Geraldo, Jesse Watters, and she only orders pizza so she can sit at the white table in the middle of the pie, Dana Perino. THE FIVE.

The Democratic Party in a comical chaos after a shellacking at the ballot box. And like Joe Biden going up a flight of stairs they can't figure out how to go forward. Speaking of the president, not taking any blame and claims passing his absurd agenda will solve the country's problems. With Nancy Pelosi hoping to save face so she won't have to buy a new one.


NANCY PELOSI (D), U.S. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Getting the job done producing results for the American people is always very positive. The more results we can produce in a way that people understand in their lives the better is.

I was really very unhappy about not passing the bill last week. And I thought that that was eloquent but not enough, I guess. So now we are going to pass both bills.


GUTFELD (on camera): And after taking it on the chin Democrats are desperately trying to spread the blame. You see more finger pointing going on than in an issue of finger pointing weekly.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): I hope it's a wakeup call for all of us. I'm concerned. I've been talking about our debt, I've been talking about inflation, I've been talking about the fallout we may have.

This is not a center left or a left country. We are a center, if anything, a center right country.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): I think that the results show the limits of trying to run a fully 100 percent super modern campaign. That does not excite, speak to, or energize the progressive base.


GUTFELD (on camera): Meanwhile, skeletal lollipop Democrat James Carville is shredding wokeness in his pathetic little party.


JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRAT STRATEGIST: This is stupid wokeness. Defund the police lunacy. Just take Abraham Lincoln's name off the schools. I mean, that -- people see that. It's just really have a suppressive effect all across the country and the Democrats. Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center.


GUTFELD (on camera): It's true. We need a woke dedox -- detox.


GUTFELD: Jesse, the problem is --


GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT-AT-LARGE: First of all, disavow the Pelosi crap.

GUTFELD: Stop it. Jesse, Senator Manchin says this is a wakeup call. But you cannot wake up the woke because by definition they are already woke. And they believe it's the people like Manchin and the moderates and everybody else in the planet who are unconscious. So, you can never actually have a wakeup call with the woke.

WATTERS: Right. That's why it won't happen. And here's where we are right now. The American people are out to dinner and we are starving. But there is nothing on Joe Biden's menu that we can eat. First, Joe, do you have anything for gas prices? No. Do you have anything for inflation? No. Supply chain, no, we're out of that. But would you like to hear the specials?


WATTERS: Just like, yes, we have mandates climate stuff roads and bridges and government run baby sitters. And by the way, that's all going to be late because the kitchen is a little backed up.

That's what's happening right now. All right? And now they are saying, you know what, the American people are upset because our agenda is not being passed fast enough. No, no, no. We don't like your agenda because that's not our agenda. Our agenda is can you make our lives less expensive?


WATTERS: Can you make it less divisive? Maybe a little more convenient? No, they can't. They're saying we can give you a place to plug in your electric car. No one owns an electric car. We don't even want that.


WATTERS: So, do you know, remember Bill Clinton in '92 he said what, we are going to end welfare as we know it. Got elected and went hard left. Gays in the military, Hillary care got rocked in '94 and then pivoted triangulated and won reelection by saying the era of big government is over.

Who did that? Carville was his top strategist.


WATTERS: Because Carville knows how to read a room.

PERINO: yes.

WATTERS: He can see the people like the police. They respect the founders. They don't want to be called racist because they oppose CRT. And right now AOC is in this little queen's bubble. The met gala bubble, the Washington, D.C. social media bubble, and she doesn't have a clue what the rest of the country wants. Manchin knows. Manchin can read the room. So, Manchin wants to give us what we want and AOC is not going to let us have it.

GUTFELD: Manchin has a lot of rooms to read.


GUTFELD: You know, speaking of division.

WATTERS: It's good, Greg.

GUTFELD: That's the strategy, Dana of the Democrats, that the party is like a co-host who buys everyone on the staff pizza merely to point out that the other co-hosts didn't buy the pizza. Like, here I am buying you pizza but they aren't.

When she could have said, why don't all the co-hosts go in and buy the pizza?

PIRRO: That's it.

PERINO: Should I ask you, would you like to pitch in?

GUTFELD: No, no, no. I don't know what you are talking about.


WATTERS: We just wanted to be asked.

GUTFELD: But is it the -- is it the --

PERINO: I will admit that, no, but I didn't write the note. Anyway, but we wanted to congratulate our staff for amazing ratings.

GUTFELD: I think --

PERINO: It was the point of all of that.

GUTFELD: I think division is what -- is now worth tearing the party about -- apart.


PERINO: You know what? You know what the whole pizza thing was?


PERINO: It didn't cost you anything.


PERINO: Right? It's just like this bill.

GUTFELD: That is true.

PERINO: It's just like the White House has said, it's going to cost you nothing.

GUTFELD: That's true.

PERINO: And then you get all of the benefits. It's like it's amazing. That's how it works. I think the Democrats are in a rock, in between -- in between a rock and a hard place. Because if they ignore the will of the voters that have just spoken, then that will be bad for them.

But if they don't press forward, they would literally have nothing to show their base.


WATTERS: You're right.

PERINO: And in a midterm election you have -- you need your base to turnout. So, I can see why somebody like AOC is trying to make this point. It's like, you know what, you didn't get enough people to turnout that care about the things you said you were going to run on. You haven't accomplished that and that's why we lose.

Manchin has a bigger perspective which is, like the health and the well- being of the Democratic Party for generations to come.

GUTFELD: Right. Yes. Geraldo, yesterday you said this wasn't really a big deal. But you are watching the Democrats now, to them it's a big deal, right?

RIVERA: I don't think so. Let me -- let me tell you. When I was growing up, the two big parties, Democrat and GOP had liberals, mode moderates and conservatives all of them, different --

GUTFELD: All of them.

RIVERA: Percentages of course. But they are all liberal Republicans, moderate Democrats and so forth. Now they're all robots, they're clones. They follow in lockstep to whatever the leader says. So, then you have Joe Manchin who like Liz Cheney is someone who stands up for what they believe in. You may not like it but they are principled people.

Strip away the B.S. All of this talk, all of this drama, all of this vote tonight. There is no way Joe Manchin is going to vote for Build Back Better. It is no way he is going to get there. He hates it. And he's been - - he's been looking a million ways how to let them down easily because he likes the Democrats. But he is not one. He is not going there.

There's not going to be a vote on Build Back Better. And if there is, then he is going to go against it. And I would not be surprised if Krysten Sinema doesn't join him.

PERINO: Right.

RIVERA: And they are going to lose in the Senate. They may win in the House but I think if the Senate doesn't go there, then the House might not either. And this is audacious plot was the progressives who said you can't have infrastructure if we can't have Build Back Better.

So, they kept it hostage. They kidnapped the bipartisan infrastructure bill that would have given us bridges and tunnels and Wi-Fi, and so forth, and so on, because they wanted to jam that and then they lost. Now I think AOC is charming and once in a generation, you know. But she is not happening substantively.

GUTFELD: So, to Geraldo's point, judge, the Democrats are electing the Republicans --


GUTFELD: -- by their policies?

PIRRO: There is no question about it.


PIRRO: Did you say AOC was charming?

RIVERA: Well, get that -- I'm going to --

PIRRO: You call that charming? OK. Well, OK. I will look past that. Look, it's like the cookie jar.


PIRRO: The mom says who took the cookies? She took the cookies. You took the cookies. Everybody took the cookies. It's like it's nobody's fault.


PIRRO: The truth is it's all of their fault. They lost because number one, they can't get along with each other. Number two, they are creating this agenda and this ideology that Americans are not high on. Number three, they are creating their own division, and number four, they can't see what they did so they are going to keep losing.

And to your point, yes, they will continue to elect Republicans. And the real issue right now is what has happened with this election? The thing that has happened is just not an indication of what's going to happen in '22 and '24 possibly, but they have put together coalitions of different parties who are interested in the issue of schools and children in America and working and people are crossing party lines while the Democrats can't even stay together in lockstep.

Pelosi said she is going to get both bills passed. Manchin says not so fast and then you've got AOC saying well, way too moderate. I mean, what should we -- I can't imagine what she wants to do. But the bottom line is, they are not going to get them both passed.

GUTFELD: No. There you go. Coming up, Jesse and I will be purchasing puppies for every member of THE FIVE staff.

PIRRO: I don't even know the dog.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Up next, Democrats terrified about the GOP becoming the party of parents. It's too late.


RIVERA (on camera): Republicans declaring themselves the party of parents after Tuesday's big win. And it is terrifying Democrats. The GOP doing it by focusing on education, vowing to stop critical race theory from being taught in classrooms. And now a former Obama campaign manager warns that liberals if they don't change the narrative, it could be devastating going forward.


STEPHANIE CUTTER, FORMER OBAMA CAMPAIGN MANAGER: And one thing we need to make sure that Republicans in 2022 don't become is the party of parents. Because we need to be the party of parents.


CUTTER: And we are. We are the ones that care about school funding. We are the ones that care about making sure that parents can send their kids to school. Because they have jobs to go to. You know, all of this. We need to own that agenda. We cannot let it go.


RIVERA (on camera): She is right about that.


RIVERA: The White House response -- what?

PIRRO: No. She is not.


PIRRO: She is not right about that.

RIVERA: She is not right?


RIVERA: Let me finish. The White House responding to this fight over education by accusing Republicans of lying.


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: Republicans are lying. They are not being honest. They're not being truthful about where we stand. And they are cynically trying to use our kids as a political football. They are talking about our kids when it's election season but they won't vote for them when it matters.


RIVERA (on camera): There is an air, Dana, of desperation and panic in the sense that they see that they've got to move the chess piece before they made it.

PERINO: Well, here is the thing. This has been building for a while. The parents were afraid that the Democrats would never reopen schools. Right? Because the teachers unions were basically saying they needed all of this money that they've never spent on the school. They wanted it for themselves not for recirculation.

They were afraid, they said, well, you know what, teachers should get vaccines first and then that way they'll be able to open the classroom, they still didn't want to open schools. There was all of that. Then the critical race theory and just additional things in terms of woke-ism that's been building over the years. So, the education basically is like an umbrella for basically values and the culture.

RIVERA: Good point.

PERINO: And the McAuliffe campaign gave the Republicans an opening when McAuliffe said --


PERINO: -- I don't think that parents need to be telling teachers what to teach. That gave the Republicans an opening and guess what, they ran with it. And they are going to run with it all across the country. Because it's not just happening in Virginia. It is happening around the country. Or if it is not there yet, they want to stop it from getting there.

So, the Republicans have an opportunity to have education be the issue. And why shouldn't it be? Have you guys seen the test scores for middle school and high school students?

RIVERA: They are a year and a half off.

PERINO: It's -- it's not just that. They have been going down for a long time. They want to add free community college on top of that when you can't even graduate 60 percent of the people. I mean, it's just maddening to people. And as taxpayers as people who are investing in young people, I'm not a parent but I want young people to succeed. And right now, they are not. So, if the Republicans want to do something different, I'm all for it.

RIVERA: But Jeanine, you ran, judge, for office.

PIRRO: Five times.

RIVERA: Five times. And more --


PIRRO: I have the scores to prove it.

RIVERA: Yes, right. But you know, race is real. Racism is real. I'm not saying it's not in the way the characterization comes from Democrats in their very woke --


PIRRO: Sure, in some situations.

RIVERA: -- context. But you know --


PIRRO: In some situations, it is.

RIVERA: -- you, Westchester County, New Rochelle, and Mount Vernon and these other --


PIRRO: Look, I'm not going to trash my county. I'm going to tell you when I was D.A. I took care of it. You went after somebody because of their race, I took care of it. I put you jail. I punish you. OK? But it's not a racist county. There was no systemic racism in the criminal justice system.

But here's the bottom line. That woman who was talking about Republicans stealing the issue and Republicans trying to be the party of children. You are darn right we are! Because the Democrats are the ones who threw the unions wouldn't allow our kids to go to school.

While the Russian kids are going to school, the Chinese kids are going to school and the private schools are functioning. The charter schools are functioning. And they are collecting all kinds of money as Dana said. And they even spent any of the other money.

I want to know, somebody ought to investigate what's going on with the billion dollars that's going to the schools? And why shouldn't we be the party of students, we are the ones who fought for them. We are ones who want to make sure that they are not raised under a Marxist totalitarian racist ideology.

RIVERA: You and I are blessed that we have school choice. We have real choice. We can go to a charter school if we want, go to a parochial school if we want. I mean, our kids of course go to the other school across town if we want. What are you doing? And why?

WATTERS: Well, I am sending the twins to Catholic school, Geraldo. And then we have to pay someone off to get Jesse Junior into a very elite prep school here in Manhattan. We have to sell my entire portfolio to afford it.


RIVERA: Don't sell it. Don't sell it.

WATTERS: But you're right. That is the privilege that we have because we've been successful. But Geraldo, the Democrats started a culture war they can't win.


WATTERS: They know they can't win it. This was started this sneak attack. The parents snoop on the Zoom classes. We figured out what they were up to. We gave them help at the school board hearings and then they tried to throw us in prison.

And look how that turned out. They basically as Greg said, turned into a tea party of parents. Just like Pearl Harbor another sneak attack. We're going to go islands by islands. We're going to school district by school district, state by state until we achieve unconditional surrender, Geraldo.

RIVERA: Critical mass.

WATTERS: Like just the war we won on Christmas, you are going to have another huge victory here. And here's two major reasons they can't win this war. Republicans, independents, and most Democrats are against this crap. But most importantly, the media is in the box. Who is in the media? Rich white people.

Do you think rich white Democrats are going to get on national television and say what critical race theory is? That all white people are inherently racist, they they're only successful because of white supremacy? Do you think Cuomo, Mica (Ph) is going to go on there and say I'm racist deep down? I'm successful because I'm white. They're never going to say that. They don't believe that. But they are afraid of their left-wing flank. And they discuss that.

So now they just deny it. It doesn't exist. And if you oppose something that doesn't exist you are racist. Does that sound like a strategy to win this war?


RIVERA: Is it -- is it possible, Greg, that our dear colleague is guilty of hyperbole that he is exaggerating the menace --


RIVERA: -- that the critical race theory monster and the boogeyman offers our children?

GUTFELD: You can't -- you can't overestimate the potential damage of not - - of the race obsession that we are seeing. This country is a melting pot. And CRT is designed to break it into warring factions of identity which is the opposite of a melting pot.

The achievements of America are based on different types of people working together. And their ideology is about splitting it apart. What they are doing with the children is even worse. They are pitting the children against the parents.

Billy, because you are white your parents are probably racists because they are white. Add that to that, plus parents know that their child more than anything is not equipped to handled race or gender at that age. The people that are pushing this stuff would be the same people, you know, who want to teach sex ed to a fetus right before they are abort it. So, I think -- I think this obsession with race is going to destroy America.

RIVERA: But do you do? Slavery is real, though?

GUTFELD: No. When?

RIVERA: Slavery was real.


RIVERA: I mean, it's --


GUTFELD: And it's over, Geraldo. Time to switch the tools.

WATTERS: And it's taught in schools, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: All right. What we're seeing is a transfer of actual energy and concentration away from huge issues to race. We are being warned about China right now because we were distracted by race. Our education system is in the toilet because we are distracted by race. Our economy, our politics, our health policy are all obsessed with race when we should be obsessed --


RIVERA: Do you not believe in affirmative action?

GUTFELD: What is that have to do with this?

RIVERA: It does. It does.

GUTFELD: No, it has nothing to do with it. Nothing at all. We are -- we are --


RIVERA: Is race irrelevant?

GUTFELD: Yes. You know what, stop grouping by identity. Stop grouping individuals by their own specific traits. It's the individual, stupid. That's what America is, it's the individual stupid. It's the melting pot, stupid.

RIVERA: On that happy note, up next, Virginia's newly elected black lieutenant governor eviscerating some of the left's twisted narrative that racism is what she wants.


PIRRO (on camera): Virginia's newly elected lieutenant governor Winsome Sears utterly destroying the left's narrative after the media claimed racism is why Republicans won on Tuesday.


UNKNOWN: This is about the fact that a good chunk of voters out there are OK with white supremacy.

JOY REID, HOST, MSNBC: They are dangerous to our national security. Because stoking that kind of soft white nationalism eventually leads to the hard-core stuff.


PIRRO (on camera): But Sears who was the first female and woman of color elected state -- to statewide office in Virginia is hitting back.


WINSOME SEARS (R), VIRGINIA LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-ELECT: I'm destroying all the narratives about race. Look at me! Look at me. I am a heartbeat away from the governorship in case anything happens to the governor. And how are you going to tell me then I'm a victim?

I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show. Let's see if she is a woman enough to do that. I'd go in a heartbeat and we'd have a real discussion without Joy speaking about me behind my back, if you will. She talks about white supremacy. Does she know that I ran against a white supremacist? I mean, Joy, come on. Get your facts straight and then come talk to me.


PIRRO (on camera): Jesse, don't you love this woman?

WATTERS: I'd pay her to see her go on Reid's show. That --


PIRRO: We all would.

WATTERS: -- looks good. I don't know if Joy has the -- I don't know what you'd call it to book her.


WATTERS: But she needs --

RIVERA: Cajones.

PIRRO: Chutzpa.

WATTERS: Yes, cajones. The Spanish version, Geraldo. But she needs the lieutenant governor to be a victim and she is not a victim. And that's why she is such a threat to Joy Reid and the Democrats.

CRT is on a stain on the legacy of Martin Luther King. Remember he aspired to have a colorblind society. You don't judge people by the color of their skin, the content of their character. Joy Reid all she wants to see is color. She just wants to strip everything else out. And all you see is color. You don't see grit, you don't see education, you don't see free will. And that's the point. They can't talk about it. That's why it's so stealth.

PIRRO: And you know, Dana, it was like Larry Elder when he run for governor in the recall in California. OK. He is an African-American but he is a white supremacist. She is I think Jamaican but she's a white supremacist. You know, that's just their term for Republicans, isn't it?

PERINO: Yes, apparently, for Joy. And what the other thing that she said is that this -- they get elected and then that's what leads to the really hard stuff, right? As if electing a Black female to lieutenant governor of Virginia is a gateway drug to white supremacy.

This is absurd. And the thing is, there's a -- in mentoring circles that there's a thing -- there's a saying, you need to see her to be her, OK. So, this is the idea that when you're a little girl, it's a good idea to be exposed to a lot of different women executives or report or whatever you want to do in your life, you should be able to -- oh I can do that, oh I could do that.

So, you think about all the young black girls who can watch Winsome Sears and say, well that's another thing that I could aspire to that I could see myself doing. Winsome Sears and the lieutenant governor -- I'm sorry, the attorney general who won, they are replacing Democrats who actually were accused of sexual abuse, sexual assault and wearing black face.

PIRRO: Right.

PERINO: If Winsome Sears and the new -- I'm sorry for getting his name, the new attorney general were Democrats, right now you know what they would be doing? They would be calling them to run in 2024 because the Democrats, two-thirds of them say they don't want Biden to run. That's what would have happened.

PIRRO: Now, you know, Geraldo, AOC and the Squad has been totally silent about this historic win by Winsome Sears. And they were even asked about it and they refused to comment. What does it tell you about them?

RIVERA: It tells you about ideological blindfolds because they didn't see Larry Elder for he -- who he was. Look at Tim Scott in South Carolina. He came up with a police reform bill that was much better than the one the Democrats offered, and he brought Republican support implicit in his drafting of the legislation.

But he's a Black man who's very accomplished. And their feeling is -- and you know, I go back to you know, their historic roles that they play. But their feeling is if you're not a Democrat, you're not Black. And I think that that is really, really unfortunate. And that's tragic and you know, they got to get over it.

PIRRO: It's a shame. But it comes from the top, Greg. I mean, that's what Joe Biden said, you know, if you don't like me then you're not Black if you're an African American.

GUTFELD: Joy Reid can't invite her on the show. She has to pretend she doesn't exist because that has to -- that has to protect their false narrative of white supremacy, if you -- if you actually see this person, your whole -- your whole thing falls apart.

But what if they are right in one respect, that there are white voters choosing white supremacy, except there are rich white liberals voting Democrat in Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudoun County. They vote Democrat and they vote for policies like higher taxes, right, climate change agendas, progressive education, anti-police reform. These are all things that a white rich liberal can afford but the Black working class can't.

So, here lies the gravest error of the left. They -- when they go after the White working class, they're going after the Black working class. And they pretend by choosing this incredible amount of spending. It's a virtue signal for them. They pretend they're doing well but they're actually hurting everybody because they've shifted from class to race and they can't get out of it.

So, in my opinion, it's the rich White liberal who votes Democrat who is the real racist because they are hurting the Black working class as they try to hurt the White working class.

PIRRO: All right, coming up, Biden being contradicted by his own White House after saying reports of paying migrants are garbage.


WATTERS: President Biden is either lying or doesn't have a clue after claiming reports about giving massive payouts to illegal immigrants are fake news.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yes, but it's not true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, this is a garbage report.



BIDEN: $450,000 per person, is that what you're saying?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was separated from a family member at the border under the last administration.

BIDEN: That's not going to happen.


WATTERS: The head of the ACLU says, a plan to give migrants 450K each is in fact in the works. And he thinks Biden might not be fully aware of what have his own Justice Department is doing. And now, even his own White House is contradicting him.


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: The President is perfectly comfortable with the Department of Justice settling with the individuals and families who are currently in litigation with the U.S. government.

What he was reacting to was the dollar figure that was mentioned, that you mentioned to him yesterday. The reported figures are higher than anywhere that a settlement can land. Again, this is -- this is something the Department of Justice can speak to.


WATTERS: The big clean-up job, Dana.

PERINO: I just -- I don't understand it and it makes me frustrated because it's not hard. As soon as this story broke or when the Wall Street Journal calls the White House and says, would you like to comment, if it is not true, if it is garbage, you deal with it right then, but not five days later and another 24 hours after the President has already said it was a garbage report and very careful on what he said. He goes, that number is not going to happen. He said, $450,000 that's not going to happen.

So then, the follow-up is, well, is it $425,000? What is the figure? Or have the President then say let me take a step back and explain to you our situation, what we're looking at, what the law says, the liability for the American taxpayer, why this would make sense. There's just a million things that you could do. And instead, they let it sit out there for days and then they clean it up, and then they get mad and call it a garbage report. I think it's pitiful.

WATTERS: And Garland, the guy over at Justice who wanted to throw parents in prison for objecting to CRT, he's negotiating this deal?

RIVERA: You mean, the Attorney General of the United States disrespectful of (INAUDIBLE)

PIRRO: Yes, the Attorney General --

WATTERS: Geraldo, your wife wasn't even in that.

PIRRO: -- who wants -- who wants to sic the FBI against parents because they're concerned about CRT and schools, but I digress. Look, the Attorney General has the ability to settle lawsuits that are brought against the administration, and they have been doing it.

And the unique part of all of this is by doing so, they in essence, create policy precedents, so that the next administration can say the Attorney General did it in the last administration, and therefore, this is just the policy of the White House.

Now, how is it that illegals can sue for crime inflicted upon them and say, I'm the victim of a crime when they're brought over by coyotes, kids are being put on --

RIVERA: I know you don't believe that.

PIRRO: That kids are being brought over coyotes? I absolutely do.

RIVERA: That an illegal immigrant has no rights to sue.

PIRRO: Oh, an illegal immigrant --

RIVERA: If you -- if you kill him, they have a wrongful death.

PIRRO: Oh, let me tell you. They have a right to sue, but listen to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that for all the wrongdoing that happens to them on the way here, they come here illegally, and then we give them food and shelter and everything else and they want to turn around and sue us for a crime that we allegedly committed by separating them from a family member which the Flores decision requires that we do.

And then what happens is plaintiffs groups that sue are met -- and collude with a friendly administration that wants to give money to illegals, who as far as I'm concerned, and any red-blooded American is concerned, are not entitled to it.

RIVERA: My blood is pretty red. And you may be offended by it, but a person present in this country to whom a civil wrong is done, a tort as you know, Judge, a tort, T-O-R-T, this is a civil wrong -- these people have been wronged, this judgment has been made.

Now, I believe there should be a wall. I believe this should be a mitigation of the migrants coming in. I think the drones have revealed how overwhelming the problem can be. But still you can't -- you can't rip it from a parent and not expect civil liability.

PIRRO: Yes, you can under the Flores -- under the Flores decision you're required to. And are you saying, let me in, give me food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, give me a job, and then I want to sue your boss because you separate them with the Flores decision. You're wrong.

RIVERA: I'm saying, you may not like the fact that they -- you may not like that they are here, but they have civil rights.

PIRRO: This has nothing to do with whether I like it.

RIVERA: They have civil rights. It has nothing to do with whether you like it. It's true.

WATTERS: All right, you're wrong on Flores, Geraldo. Jeanine is right.

GUTFELD: I -- what it's telling you is that there's two administrations, the front office with the bumbling facade of Joe Biden, and in the backroom, you have the punitive progressives who are turning up these policies to remake America. That's what this is about.

Once in a while, someone alerts gramps that the people in the -- in the back are stealing from him. But he really can't do anything because he doesn't have any power. That was the plan, to elect somebody -- no one would be offended by a genial moderate, old, white man who when he gets in is now irrelevant and they're running the show. If younger Joe could see this, he would also crap his pants.

WATTERS: That's the third day in a row you've mentioned that, Greg. I don't even know if it's true.

GUTFELD: It's probably not.

WATTERS: Probably no.

GUTFELD: No, it's not. But that makes it funny.

WATTERS: That does make it funny.

RIVERA: Who crapped his pants?

WATTERS: We'll talk about that in the commercial break, Geraldo. Stay tuned. Mariah Carey going head-to-head with a Texas bar over whether it's too early to start playing Christmas music.


PERINO: First of all, I would like to apologize for playing that song because it's just a subject of our segment. Is it too soon to start playing your favorite Christmas tunes? Well, a bar in Texas firing of that debate by restricting patrons from playing Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You on the jukebox, warning the holiday classic will be "skipped if played before December 1st and after December 1st. The song is only allowed one time a night.

The singer responded with an image of herself and an armor suit basically saying oh yes, this song can be played any time. We took a poll of our viewers because we really want -- we care what you think. This is what we found out. 59 percent of our viewers who participate in this poll on Instagram said it's too soon, Jesse.

WATTERS: Yes, I'm with the majority as usual. I'm still with my Halloween hangover here. Yes, let's try it. Read the room, Dana. And I'm now getting mentally prepared for Thanksgiving. This is rushing the season. This is like some people wear shorts when it's like all of a sudden, February it turns like 45. No, relax. It's not summer yet. Same thing here. It is not Christmas yet.

PERINO: What about you, Greg? I bet you love this song.

GUTFELD: Well, since Christmas is celebration --

RIVERA: Can you imagine?

GUTFELD: Since Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ, we should ask, what would Jesus do? And Jesus would say, stone the hell out of them if they play that damn music again.

WATTERS: He was pro stoning Jesus?

GUTFELD: That's what I'm saying. He would be against Christmas music this early.

RIVERA: That was the favorite method of execution, not crucifixion.

PERINO: Is that in the Flores amendment too?

GUTFELD: I looked it up in my research, Judge? Look at her looking at me.

PERINO: I like it that --

GUTFELD: She's shaking her head, disgusted.

PERINO: Judge, do you like --

PIRRO: I'm not talking about that. You want to know what I think?


PIRRO: OK, this is what I think. I think everybody is right. But at the same time, I think that this bar should not limit people to being only -- to being able to play it only once a night. I think it's not right.


PIRRO: Because she just gets me --

RIVERA: Because they have rights. What if they're illegal?

PIRRO: It's not right. Yes, jukeboxes have right. They have right to make money. They have a right to play. They have a right to spin back. And that's what I just did.

GUTFELD: Nicely done.

RIVERA: I think the Macy's Christmas Thanksgiving Parade is the beginning of the Christmas season. I really do -- I don't want to overstate how distasteful I find it, but I try to ignore it.

GUTFELD: You don't want to overstate?

RIVERA: I don't --

WATTERS: Geraldo is holding back.

PERINO: That's a hyperbole.

RIVERA: I look -- I look at my front door which is piled high with boxes from Amazon and I have enough to worry about at Christmas time. But the song, I love the song. I love Mariah Carey.

PIRRO: So, let her sing it.

PERINO: Did you meet her?

WATTERS: Did you ever hang out with her?

PIRRO: I met her.

RIVERA: I don't know if I --

GUTFELD: You probably knew his -- her ex-husband, right?

PERINO: Wow, have we finally found --

RIVERA: Her ex-husband, what was his name again?

PIRRO: Tommy Mottola.

RIVERA: Tommy Mottola, right.

PIRRO: Tommy Mottola.

RIVERA: Yes, Tommy.


PIRRO: Yes, we got to --

RIVERA: But the song is a nice song, right?

GUTFELD: No, it's not.

PIRRO: It's a great song.

WATTERS: It's a good song.

PIRRO: Let me tell you.

GUTFELD: She is not a good singer.

PIRRO: She --

GUTFELD: That stupid fluttery thing she does just nauseates me.


GUTFELD: Oh, it's terrible.

PIRRO: You try it some time. You try it.

GUTFELD: I'm not a singer --

RIVERA: So, you wouldn't hang out with Mariah Carey?


RIVERA: Are you saying, you would not hang out with Mariah Carey?

GUTFELD: I have better things to do.

WATTERS: You do not.

RIVERA: Like what?

GUTFELD: Oh, God. You -- if I told you what I'm going to do tonight, you'd be so jealous.

PERINO: Tell us.

PIRRO: Really?

GUTFELD: I can't tell you.

WATTERS: He's going to eat ribs and drink wine.

RIVERA: I am going to polo.

GUTFELD: Oh, there you go.

WATTERS: Oh, Geraldo, you're saying it in front of three million people.

PERINO: In case anybody want to come and see. But I am glad that we have finally found the one person who he has not hung out with.

RIVERA: Who tells --


PIRRO: It's Mariah Carey. Who knew?

WATTERS: Mariah, if you down at polo lounge --

RIVERA: Wasn't he married -- he was married to a Spanish woman also.

PERINO: Did you know her? "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


GUTFELD: All right, time now "ONE MORE THING." I'll go first. Let's do this. Greg's alarming news. You know, I have multiple alarm systems. I'm wearing one right now. I'm always accidentally setting it off at my house on my fortress in my in my basement. But this is the best alarm system I've found. Check -- listen to it.

Isn't that a great sound? That's a --

PIRRO: Is that dog talking?

GUTFELD: It's a Frenchie.

RIVERA: Is that your dog?

GUTFELD: No, I don't have to dogs.

WATTERS: He sounds like some of that pet meta that you like to talk.

GUTFELD: Oh, Jesse. I could listen to that for an hours.

RIVERA: How is that endearing?

GUTFELD: All right.

WATTERS: All right, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: All right, Jesse.

PERINO: Charming is what --

WATTERS: All right, so I'm in between just devouring delicious pizza that Dana provided to the staff today. The producers thought that this would be a good "ONE MORE THING." This is an airplane that stalls out at 16,000 feet. Engine stalls just after a group of skydivers jump out.

And they try to make their way down the sky. The plane just whirling in their direction almost catches them. And the pilot did regain control. I mean, I wasn't as mesmerized by it as the producers were.

GUTFELD: They were suffering from post-pizza nap.

WATTERS: Right, that's exactly what happened.


WATTERS: So, speaking of out of control, I'm going to be hosting "TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT" at 8:00. And hopefully, it'll go better than what we just saw there.

GUTFELD: Well done. Well done. Dana.

PERINO: Well, this pup is headed straight to the doghouse. Look what happened when they had, you know, above ground pool. And he just like, sitting on top of it in the water. It's got all -- it flooded the entire yard.


PERINO: And even when they're trying her to get out, her tail just wagged. She's like, what? What's wrong? I'm hot and I'm getting into this pool.

GUTFELD: But who is it -- whoever is filming it could have stopped this?

PIRRO: Yes, they could have helped.

GUTFELD: Yes, people are more interested in filming dogs doing dumb things than trying to make the world a better place.

WATTERS: I mean, thank God. Look at all your content.

PERINO: Then you can get to "ONE MORE THING."

GUTFELD: No, that's me doing a special on Fox Nation on dogs doing bad things. That's what it's called.

RIVERA: What's that in your arm?

GUTFELD: What are you doing, Judge?

PIRRO: I'm getting ready for my turn. Is it my turn?

GUTFELD: Please, go.

PIRRO: All right, did everybody know that today is the sweetest day of the year. And it's not Valentine's, it's national candy day. So, I call my friends at Uncle Giuseppe's, see Uncle Giuseppe's, which is in New York, in New Jersey, Long Island.

GUTFELD: Does it have a website, Judge?

PIRRO: OK, yes, it has a website, unclegiuseppe's.com. And they have the very famous -- the Judge Jeanine Apple or the Jeanine Apple. But look at all the candy that they brought. And we've been picking. There's like every candy under the sun. Greg ate all the (INAUDIBLE) types.

RIVERA: But he puts some back. He puts some back.

PERINO: Yes -- who puts on the back?

RIVERA: You know, when you double dip?

PIRRO: No, you don't -- you don't do that, Greg.

GUTFELD: No, I didn't.

PIRRO: And then they have chocolate pretzels.

RIVERA: Oh, I want that.


RIVERA: You dropped it.

PIRRO: And then, the best which is Peppermint Patties on the chocolate apple.

GUTFELD: So, what are you going to do with this, Judge?

PIRRO: I'm going to eat it.

GUTFELD: This is what it's all about. You make this plug for these people and then you get your free candy.

PIRRO: No, no.

GUTFELD: What do you think this is?

PIRRO: We knew what was --

GUTFELD: What do you think this is?


PIRRO: -- so we know who to call, Uncle Giuseppe's.

GUTFELD: You're so corrupt.

PIRRO: Oh, yes, it is. It's the best. Go ahead.

RIVERA: Is it time now for all Geraldo's Geraldo news with Geraldo?

PIRRO: Yes. I'll have --

GUTFELD: It always is.

RIVERA: Thank you. Thank you, Judge.

PIRRO: I'll eat some candy.

RIVERA: I am honored to host Cops all access, the new hit show my Fox Nation. That is the companion show to Cops, which was run off the air in a -- in an epidemic of wokeness, has fought its way back. Fox courageously put it back, put it on Fox Nation where it is attracting millions of views.

Everyone is watching Cops. You want to see Cops you love Cops. The blue is back and I'm proud to host it. And the founder of it, John Langley, a good friend of mine. He is a great guy. He put this on the air, kept it on the 30 odd seasons before it got runoff. But John, knowing that it was coming back on the air, was an off-road racer, and he was racing in Baja, California. And tragically, he died. It's a sad story, you know, but his show lives on.

And his family, his son now fronts the show. And it's like I said a big hit. It's an honor to John, the Patriot Award. We'll be honoring him on the program.

PIRRO: OK, and who is on Cops today?

RIVERA: On Cops, Judge Jeanine Pirro was such a spectacular guest, along with Abby Hornacek and Tyrus, and Tom Shillue.

WATTERS: And I'll be on next week.

PERINO: I will be the last person --

RIVERA: And I will bring -- I would love to have you on with me.

PIRRO: I loved it. It's the best.

PERINO: Geraldo, will I be the last person you ask?

WATTERS: I'm already on.

RIVERA: Wait, you're not a cop kind of person. You are so elegant.

PERINO: I always knew that I would be the last person to ask. That would be fine.

RIVERA: But I mean, no, I will ask you.

GUTFELD: I just want to be frisked. All right, speaking of, hey, Bret! How are you doing?

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