This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 12, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Lawrence Jones, Jessica Tarlov, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City. And this is THE FIVE.


CROWD: Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!


WATTERS (on camera): President Biden in the White House being accused of giving, quote, "cover for communists" over their response to the mass protests in Cuba. Thousands of people they are chanting freedom and down with communism while marching in the streets. But the Biden administration is blaming the unrest on COVID cases and deaths.

The president finally getting around to reacting to the situation.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The United States stands firmly for the people of Cuba, as they assert their universal rights. We call on the government, the government of Cuba to refrain from violence, their attempts to silence the voice of the people of Cuba.


WATTERS (on camera): And it's been crickets from self-described socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC. They are quick to bash America but so far have yet to condemn the communist regime. And take a look how the White House press secretary Jen Psaki carefully avoids saying the word communism.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: There is every indication that yesterday's protests where spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the Cuban government's economic mismanagement and repression. And those -- these are protests inspired by the harsh reality of everyday life in Cuba, not people in another country.


WATTERS (on camera): Economic mismanagement, a.k.a. communism. So, Dana Perino, it's funny now, you don't say communism. The liberals say authoritarianism. And it's funny because that's the same where they used to describe President Trump --


WATTERS: -- who was the polar opposite of a communist.

PERINO: Yes. I think I feel like the White House got to a better place today than they were yesterday. And some stronger statements including from the president and the press secretary. While the protests had just started, they had, I think like the deputy secretary of western hemisphere, like they are the only ones that said something and Jake Sullivan said something from the White House from the national security advisor. Not good enough.

But I do think this White House learned a little bit about supporting dissidents and freedom movements after what happened with Iran and the green movement. We didn't do anything during the Obama administration and they took a lot of heat for that, and actually never, I don't think they ever really got over that. So, I think that they finally got there.

But what's also interesting is that the initial response is, oops, this is COVID. It's because of vaccine.

WATTERS: Everything is COVID.

PERINO: And now there could be some of that. But I also think it's very interesting I didn't know about, some of this pop-culture stuff that's going on down here, there's often an artist that will push forward. And there is a rapper named, I got to break beat it, Maykel Osorbo and he's quoted of saying people are tired and they won't take it anymore, and a lot of his work has really been pushing people to think about their conditions. And part of the spontaneity is that those young people there who want a better life.

The other thing I think that you see the White House weighing in a little bit more strongly today than they did yesterday is that Democrats see Florida slipping away as an option.

WATTERS: Yes. Permanently.


WATTERS: So, Greg, I thought socialism was great. The health care system was terrific in Cuba. Why would they be upset with the COVID situation there, then?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I don't know. They've got a hell of an education system, too.

WATTERS: That too. Of course.

GUTFELD: But I will say this, it probably is better than ours at this point in time. You know, the thing is, I think right now this is one example of showing how foreign policy doesn't really matter right now. And not just for our White House, but for our media and for culture in general.

Think about what's going on right now, right? So, you got this stuff going on in Cuba. You just had an assassination in Haiti, you've got China making aggressive moves in, you know, all over the place. You've got Russia in ransomware, which is basically cyber warfare, and now we have this Cuba stuff. But our press is doing other trench reporting in the culture war.

We are now so obsessed about our past, and litigating our past, that we are not looking around and we are not looking in our future and what could happen next. These are the battles that are currently being fought, but we believe that the battle is over nonbinary toilets, right? And pronouns.

And I (Inaudible) him getting but we are spending an inordinate amount of - - an ornament? This is important.


GUTFELD: Thank you. Important amount of time reckoning with our past, as opposed to understanding what -- I mean, imagine, you know, think about pre-World War II. If we were obsessing over the things we are obsessing in America, what would have happened? You know, would we have ever engaged the Germans or the Japanese or anything? We would have been, you know what? We are not able to do that right now, because, you know, Billy doesn't feel right.

WATTERS: Well, we never would have dropped the a-bomb on the Japanese and that probably would have cost millions more American lives. So, what is it with this knee-jerk reaction, everything is COVID, Jessica? They see anything in the world. COVID! Oops, COVID. Sorry. COVID. I mean, is that all we have? Once -- sooner or later COVID is going to be gone. What are they going to blame next?

GUTFELD: It's never going to be gone.

WATTERS: Never going to be, it'll be a variant. It's going to be the Cuban variant.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's tasty.

TARLOV: Well, you are correct about that, we are never going to get rid of COVID, we have to learn to live with it, which we have mostly by this point which is a very good thing. But Jen Psaki also managed -- also mentioned economic mismanagement. I know you would prefer that she, you know, was screaming socialism or communism --


WATTERS: Why would she say communism, do you think?

TARLOV: I'm pretty sure she would and I'm pretty sure that she has said it. But I think that the argument that the White House is trying to make, and I agree with Dana, that today seemed near perfect. I obviously haven't been a press secretary myself but the statement that the Biden White House put out this morning, Tony Blinken also commented on this to make sure that everyone knew because the Cuban government is saying that the U.S. is fomenting this, that we have no role whatsoever in causing this uprising, and it is their people that are upset with how the regime works.

I think we have been forceful, we've been allies to them, we are saying we support you in your, you know, your cause, your desire for freedom, to live free of an authoritarian, and authoritarians come in many packages. They come in communist packages and they come in Putin-like packages now. They come in packages like an Assad. And so, I don't really see a problem with calling them that.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The problem is that they've neglected to talk about the why. You cannot talk about people in the street and not talk about the Cuban-Americans that are here.

When I was on the campaign trail, I spent a lot of time in Florida. And it was very clear that the Latino vote was shifting because of the socialism mess. And it's one thing to read about the stories in history books, but if you sit down with those Cuban-Americans that are in the United States right now and they tell you the broken promises, they believed it, and it broke them.

And they came to America as a result. And so, I think what was tone-deaf is that the president and the press secretary didn't really speak to that audience and say, we hear you, we hear the people that are on the street, and we know the cause of that. That's why the word matters.

WATTERS: Yes. And it was a missed opportunity. Was that a ban phrase? Missed opportunity, Greg? Am I allowed to say that?

GUTFELD: I think you are allowed to say. But you're only allowed one time.


GUTFELD: If you say it twice, then you're ask to leave the show.

WATTERS: I'm ask to leave the show.

GUTFELD: Yes, you are. Because it would have been a missed opportunity.

WATTERS: OK, thank you, Greg. Ahead, yet another bloody weekend in Biden's America. The president meeting with liberal mayors to crack down on guns.


PERINO (on camera): President Biden struggling to deal with the surge in crime as the White House tries to distance itself from the defund the police movement. The president focusing on guns and giving COVID money to cops while meeting with big city leaders and law enforcement officials.

This comes after another weekend of bloodshed. Four people were reportedly killed in New York City and at least 40 were shot and 11 died in Chicago. New York City mayoral candidate Eric Adams said the focus on the meeting was on the root causes of crime.


ERIC ADAMS (D-NY), MAYORAL CANDIDATE: This president is making it clear he's going to redefine the ecosystem of public safety.

Why did it take so long before we heard the gunshots that families were listening and hearing every night? Other communities are waking up to alarm clocks, communities of black, brown, and poor people are waking up to gunshots, and this president said, this is not the America we are going to live in.


PERINO (on camera): So, if you are paying attention last week, and we know you were, Jessica, it felt like there was about to be a pivot in politics because the polling was starting to come in.


PERINO: The White House was start to realize that people like Eric Adams are going to win over the progressives. Their ploy to pin defund the police on Republicans had fallen totally flat and actually hurt them in the long run, so now all of a sudden you see this pivot. Tell me about the Democrats positioning right now and is what President Biden did today an attempt to try to prevent some major bloodshed in the midterms?

TARLOV: I think it's an attempt to prevent some major bloodshed in the literal sense, and midterms bloodshed. I think that this is something that has mattered to Joe Biden over decades. He made the wrong decisions, certainly, on things like the crime bill. But it has always been a passion point for him to be in criminal justice reform and to talk about it.

And I would say it goes back, you know, two, three weeks is actually when the polling started dripped in to say this is the problem which is when we have a press conference on gun control and what's going on in our cities.

I thought it was a good day for the White House on this, for sure. I think Eric Adams is certainly, you know, taking advantage of the new bully pulpit that he will get in November, we are going to elect a Democrat here.

I liked the show of, you know, that we had, there was a female police chief standing there with him, who also spoke. That they are people from both sides of the aisle that are like, great, let's start -- let's get down to business and addressing this.

PERINO: All right. And so, we'll see if they do something on that. Just speaking of Eric Adams, this is what he said, Lawrence, on CNN this weekend about guns and where the priorities should be.


ADAMS: I believe those priorities they really were misplaced, and it's almost insulting what we have witnessed over the last few years. Many of our presidents, they saw these numbers, they knew that the inner cities, particularly where black, brown, and poor people live, they know -- they knew they were dealing with this, a real crisis. We should also have focused on the handguns. The numbers of those who are killed by handguns are astronomical.


PERINO (on camera): All right, so you have his comments, and his appearance at the White House today. And perhaps a new approach on behalf of the administration. Maybe.

JONES: I thought it was a disappointment. I expected more from him. He's talked a lot about the root causes. I don't disagree with him on the root causes, but what are you going to do right now? Second of all, this is a local matter, this is not a federal issue that attempt to federalize this issue is a problem.

He knows what to do. It's very simple. And I call it just a simple justice plan. You bring the D.A.s in, you bring the beat cops in, the police chief, you bring in the chief judge, you assign a judge to these cases, and you give them a week. You tell the gangs, just like they want them to turn in in the guns, you've got a week to clean up your actions, and then you start buzzing down doors.

You get warrants, you make sure the assailant you have one judge that is assigned to these cases to look at the evidence presented, they know who the gangs are. The problem is you have the D.A.s that are allowing people with these weapons charges back on the streets. You've got judges that are assigning bail when people are a risk to society.

So, everybody needs to get on the same page right here. You can talk about root causes all day, but that doesn't solve the problem right now. Now that can't prevent it in the future, but how do you stop the bleeding right now? Bring a body to the table.

PERINO: Greg, one of the things they are doing at the White House is urging local officials to use COVID relief funds in order to pay for more police. So that's like an end run so that they don't have to actually deal with the fact that defund the police hurt them.


PERINO: They are like, here's some COVID relief money.

GUTFELD: It does, it goes back to this initial problem. Why were they so late on this? It's the lateness that cost, I don't know how many lives, you can probably count them -- I don't know, thousands? I don't know. If you add them all up, maybe if the guns were made of Legos the Democrats would have gone after them sooner, because we are watching a government that's more interested in chasing phantoms than felons, and it's probably because it wasn't going to affect them politically. Why did they wait so long?


GUTFELD: Because it wasn't going to affect them politically, and now we on the -- I don't know, for seven, eight months a year we are saying, this is a bad thing, and we were laughed at, we were laughed at by people on other networks, like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. They're shooting in the street? i went out to a restaurant, I didn't see any crime! Idiots.

Because the reason why they couldn't admit there was a crime problem is because then they did have to admit that they were wrong. It's a huge, huge sunk cost when you spend so much time saying that this doesn't happen. They put so much investment in an anti-cop narrative that they can't now admit that it was wrong.

But there is a reason why they do this, and it happens in every political situation. They only choose the situation based on what Republicans do. So, if Republicans come out as pro-law enforcement, they instinctively come out as anti-law enforcement. So, if you come as a Republican, talk about freedom in Cuba, then they talk about freedom as a phrase being antigovernment.

So, you see what's happening here, it's a really stupid professional wrestling type of debate, but they can't let go. And that's what's happening right now. You are seeing them try to let go. We should actually encourage them, but it still pisses me off that they didn't do this sooner.

PERINO: I'll give you the floor.

WATTERS: When I hear root causes from Democrats that just means they're just going to run out the clock. Joe Biden can't actually even articulate what the issue is, and it is black teenagers and 20-year-olds, many without a good education, a dad, or a job, they are shooting people with pistols, other gang members, over turf and clout and drug profits.

Stray bullets are killing innocent people and Democrat D.A.s, prosecutors, and judges are making it impossible to incarcerate these people, as you mentioned. I get it. I'm a realist. There is going to be street violence in the inner city. But we don't have to be so permissive about it. Every time we are so permissive about crime, crime explodes and people died.

Joe Biden used to get this. That was his thing. And now because the left wing animates his base so much, he has now to walk this tight rope. He knows the solution. He won't address the problem.

Trump, love him or hate him, he would actually say what the problem was in really stark terms. People loved him for that, but they also hated him for that. But that's what real leaders do. Joe Biden is not a real leader, especially on crime.

JONES: Here's the problem real quick, because I know we've got to go. It's not just gun violence that's the problem, it's crime in general. The people that feel like they can just go into stores and rob --


JONES: -- or just urinate on the street. It's the fact that there should be no laws, that the fact that everything is petty crime. Criminal justice reform advocates have said drug crimes. We said people that are nonviolent offenders should -- we should be measured in the way that we deal with them. They believe no one should be locked up, and the only reason why they are shifting on the issue is because the polling has changed.

TARLOV: But there were people, like the Chicago superintendent was there, you never meet a police chief who says --


JONES: Yes, he was silenced by his mayor. He was a great police chief in Dallas. He was very and had a relationship with the community and the police, and now he goes to Chicago and the mayor put a muzzle on him.

TARLOV: I'm not saying that there aren't issues with how it trickles down from higher levels of law enforcement, but you were staring a bunch of Democrats who are taking crime very seriously. And we were just talking in the break about, you know, we'll see who Eric Adams puts in as the police chief. That will tell a lot of the story of how this is going to go. But I can't sit here and say, you know, Democrats don't care about crime.


PERINO: I think a bit piece of this also is the prosecutors. And that's happening all over this country.

JONES: Hundred percent.

PERINO: All right. Coming up next, Kamala Harris being called out of touch for what she just said about rural Americans. You won't believe it.


GUTFELD (on camera): Vice President Kamala Harris insulting half of the country by claiming voter I.D. laws won't work in rural America because apparently, people who live there aren't smart enough.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I don't think that we should underestimate what that could mean. Because in some people's minds, that means, well, you're going to have to Xerox or photocopy your I.D. to send it in to prove you are who you are. Well, there are a lot of people, especially people who are living in rural communities who don't, there's no Kinko's, there's no OfficeMax near them.


GUTFELD (on camera): Just to let her know, there's no Kinko's in the rural areas because there are no Kinko's at all.

PERINO: At all.

GUTFELD: They were bought out by Federal Express in 2000, something like that, and then they had their signs taken down in 2006. Score one for the Gutfeld!

Anyway, Lawrence, I look at this as progress before. And when they were making the voter I.D. arguments, they were just insulting Black people. Right? It was only Black people.

WATTERS: Now it's white.

GUTFELD: Now it's white people. We are all stupid according to the Democrats!

WATTERS: Those progress.

JONES: Before I address that point, can we just talk about Kamala Harris for a second?


JONES: She's not good at off-the-cuff!

GUTFELD: I love it.

JONES: It is -- why they continue to send her to do interviews, I don't know. It's a bad strategy for the White House.


JONES: She's become a liability for the message, because she's not prepared, ever --


JOENS: -- even for the questions of the border she's never prepared for the -- but I'm glad you pointed out that she's now insulting all people.


JONES: Right. I think they realized they lost, especially with the black business owners. They are pissed off right now about what happened in Atlanta. The fact that their businesses won't be -- and the fact that they went to Colorado.


JONES: And their laws are worse! I think it was a slap in the face, and so just take her off. Just take her off the trail. No more interviews. I don't think she's prepared.

GUTFELD: yes. You know what, I said this before, Jessica. In her defense, she reminds me of me when I don't want to do something. I just do the worst job possible.

PERINO: On Fox & friend?

GUTFELD: Yes. Like Fox & Friends, I was terrible hosting Fox & Friends, they never asked me again. It's a strategy. And I think she is doing a great job. I find her arresting, ironically.

TARLOV: That's a tough backhanded who want to go with. I was just going to lead with, --


TARLOV: -- I would obviously have not had a discussion about voter I.D. that revolved around Xerox machines and the proximity to getting to what --


JONES: So, you agree with that?

TARLOV: I have not encountered a single person of any political denomination who defended it.


TARLOV: Now, the larger discussion about voter I.D. that I think we are all excited to have as adults at the table, because I know that you love it when I say --


WATTERS: Here you go come down to us --


WATTERS: -- in your ivory tower!

GUTFELD: You know, I live in a rural community.

TARLOV: Right there and --

GUTFELD: What's an adult like?

TARLOV: So, here's the problem. So, 11 percent of Americans don't have valid government photo I.D. Jim Clyburn is now endorsing that --


WATTERS: I don't believe that.

TARLOV: -- well, take it up with the Brendan Center, that's fine.

WATTERS: I will take it up with the Brendan Center!

TARLOV: Jim Clyburn, who I think, you know, really has his finger on the pulse of where we should be going to win elections and kind of, I -- he ordained Joe Biden the nominee in South Carolina and then everything was kind of gravy from there, is backing Manchin's plan which requires photo I.D. but it can be something like utility bill.

JONES: Right.

TARLOV: And I think that if Republicans are desperate --


GUTFELD: Or a phone bill.

TRLOV: Or a phone bill, anything that you get at your home. Because there are issues with people matching birth certificates to their social security cards, et cetera, especially for elderly voters and black and Latino communities. So, let's talk about getting somewhere with that so that we can get to John Lewis and For the People Act --


JONES: So, if it's free I.D.'s for everyone, does that remove the issue about voter I.D.? If everyone gets an I.D.?

TARLOV: I think --


JONES: OK, let's do it. Let's do it.

PERINO: They do it in South Carolina.

GUTFELD: Yes, I think the thing is, I think the challenge that the Democrats have is they can never actually find somebody that they can show as an example. Here's Tom Stevens. He doesn't have -- they always talk about this group, but it's not there. And it's because, Jesse, they know that the -- it doesn't -- IDs don't make it hard to vote, it makes it hard to cheat. And they're trying to make it sound like, oh, this is making hard to vote. Then, show me one person. Just show me one.

WATTERS: According to the Brennan Center, there are 40 million Americans that can't prove who they are.

GUTFELD: Who's Brennan though?

WATTERS: There's 40 million of you guys out there. Wow. We're going to have to really dig into that (AUDIO GAP). I don't know about that one.

TARLOV: They're make use affair, yes.

WATTERS: I don't know about that one.

TARLOV: No, there are --

WATTERS: I don't know about that one. Also, I love what the Texas Governor said. He goes, we want to make it easier to vote harder to cheat. How could you disagree with that? Easier to vote, harder to cheat, did you say that?

PERINO: You just said it.

TARLOV: A few seconds ago.

WATTERS: Plagiarize that because he said it on the weekend. So, all you want to do to make it harder to cheat is what, signature requirements, deadlines, understanding the chain of custody, transparency in the count rooms. All you want to know is what's going on and who you are as you say you are. None of that conflicts with making it harder to vote. None of that.


WATTERS: So, when I see Kamala Harris -- you know how she gets that little shoulder thing going.

GUTFELD: I love it.

WATTERS: She goes, it's a democracy, like that's a point. But is that-- what is like the thing she does with her head? That's not a deep point.

PERINO: It's kind of like this.

WATTERS: Right. Is that a signature move?


WATTERS: So, it's almost like, if you're going to lie to be making convincing. So, here's that lie. (AUDIO GAP) America. She doesn't care if someone who might (AUDIO GAP). She did so many Atlanta (AUDIO GAP) has to (AUDIO GAP) more minutes. I'd almost appreciate it if she said, I want to make it easier to vote for everybody. I don't care if there's fraud. I don't care. There's going to be fraud. That's fine. I just want to make it easier. All we want are guardrails. And why is that so difficult? No one has been able to answer that question yet.

GUTFELD: Dana, to Jesse's point, like the Democratic Party is always about the party of big government and solutions. Like we can solve the pandemic, we can go door to door, we can deal with, you know, systematic -- systemic racism. We have all these big solutions. But then voter ID is like, oh, my God, we don't know what to do. Why don't we just get them free -- why can't you guys just send out IDs?

PERINO: Well, I feel like voter ID is this huge hurdle for Democrats over and over again. But the polling amongst Black Americans and low-income communities is that they like voter ID.


PERINO: So, I think that's one of the reasons that congressman Clyburn is like, I couldn't be for that. Because you know what, everyone is going to be for that, so you got to do it. Kamala Harris' team has been back- channeling for a while (AUDIO GAP) she's been given because her heart (AUDIO GAP) in Georgia, remember that law, the terrible law, you don't have to have a copy of your ID. You just have -- you just have to write the ID number on the thing --


PERINO: -- so that they can match it. That's the requirement. That doesn't seem like too hard to do. And I think pretty much everybody can get a pen.

GUTFELD: Not if you're -- there's no Kinkos. Where would you get the pen?

PERINO: If there's no Kinkos. In South Carolina, where Nikki Haley was governor, they did voter ID, there was a big uproar. She said fine. We will pay for anybody. We will come and pick you up. We will take you to the place and we will take you home. She had a fix of like 30 people in the whole state, and then that issue went away. So, it can go away.

The last thing I would say is Texas Democrats today have all left the state and a huff because they are protesting this voter bill that the Texas legislature is putting through.

GUTFELD: It's a huff on electric vehicle?

PERINO: And guess where they're coming?


PERINO: They're coming to D.C. Why? Because D.C. has the solutions? Rather than staying in their state and trying to work it out, their coming to Washington and please, Kamala Harris, fix it for us.

WATTERS: Wait. You mean you can leave work if you're losing? You can just leave?

PERINO: You can never leave. You're winning.

WATTERS: I never thought of that one before.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right, more to come. Coming up, liberals are outraged over billionaire Richard Branson's historic spaceflight.



RICHARD BRANSON, FOUNDER, VIRGIN GALACTIC: For the next generation of dreamers. If we can do this, just imagine what you can do.


JONES: Instead of celebrating billionaire Richard Branson, his Virgin Galactic crew ushering in an era of space tourism, liberals are throwing shade at the historic space flight. Watch.


BRIAN STELTER, CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Is it moral? Is it ethical to be launching rockets and flying off to space and spending all this money and burn all this fuel in an age of climate crisis?


GUTFELD: What an ass.

JONES: He's not the only one. And socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is trashing the focus on space. "Here on earth and the richest country on the planet, half of our people living paycheck to paycheck. People are struggling to feed themselves, struggling to see a doctor. But hey, the richest guys in the world are off in outer space. Yes, it's time to tax the billionaires."

Where's he going wrong with this, Jesse?

WATTERS: Progressives used to be about progress. Like what is Bernie Sanders, what would he tell Magellan? Let's focus less on sailing, right? Like, oh, Ford, you know what, forget about the car, more people need better bikes. What is this guy thinking? And then you look at history, the history of the civilization are about pioneers and entrepreneurs and innovators kind of pushing the envelope that then reaps the benefits for the masses.

So, we're going to have to colonize the solar system, eventually. That's going to make us the illegal aliens. Then maybe the Democrats would like us. I don't think Stelter believes what he says. I get a real phony vibe from that guy. And they used to tell us about what was immoral to do in the bedroom. Remember, you know, don't tell us what to do in the bedroom. Now, he's telling us what to do in our own spaceship. It's my spaceship. I do whatever I want in that spaceship, whatever I want.

JONES: So, Jessie, you're the resident Democrat explainer in chief on the show. So, what is their angle on this?

TARLOV: I don't think there is an angle. I think people want it to fill up airtime. And it was an interesting story and it was televised. And for people who aren't watching Wimbledon are then watching the football --

JONES: The Bernie, Bernie's quarrel?

TARLOV: Bernie is an eye -- was an ardent Hillary Clinton supporter. But one thing I could agree with Bernie stands about, he's just Bernie. He's consistent. He has been marginally like that for 50 years ever.

PERINO: However --

TARLOV: However what?

PERINO: However, remember when he was against millionaires and billion --

TARLOV: And then he was a millionaire.

PERINO: And then he became a millionaire. And he was like, OK, just tax the billionaires. I mean, if Bernie does all -- maybe if he can play his cards right, he could --

JONES: But on a serious note, Dana, I know we make fun of it, but I'm a firm believer this space is our new defense. We got to be competitive in space. And it is very clear that the Russians are turning the Cold War online. So, shouldn't we be --

PERINO: Yes, we have to explore and expand and that's what humans do. And we do our best here. I think that Bezos will try to take on Branson. But it's that kind of competition, I think is very healthy. It's also like, I'm obsessed with what's happening in the Arctic, and where the United States and China and Russia, everybody is competing for a piece of that. If I left out your country, please forgive me.

JONES: Greg.

GUTFELD: Brian Stelter should embrace space because at his rate of expansion --


GUTFELD: He's going to need a bigger planet.

WATTERS: Oh, Greg.

JONES: I knew he's going to do it.

WATTERS: Branson and Bernie, they're of a type. Branson is the billionaire. He's supposed to do this. Bernie's a socialist. He's supposed to do that. But I go back to what I said in the A block is that the media is a perfect example of that piece is that we are too busy looking into our past instead of looking towards the future.

WATTERS: History is happening now.

GUTFELD: History is happening now or in the future? Forget the --

WATTERS: Future Greg?

GUTFELD: Yes, future Greg. But this -- we're too busy trying to figure out what statue to knock down, right? We got to knock down the statues because -- do you think Russia or China or those other countries you mentioned are sitting around thinking of what statue to knockdown? No.

JONES: They're probably doing the same thing.

WATTERS: They're going to get us that time.

GUTFELD: The person who gets -- who is able to get into space and figure out a way to let's say create a Star Wars-type thing, they run everything.

JONES: Do you mind endorsing because I know it costs a lot of money, and you make the most about all of us, will you pay for my ticket?

GUTFELD: Yes, I'll pay for your ticket. And I don't know if that's true.

PERINO: Would you go.

JONES: I would go. I would go. And I'm afraid of heights but I want to see space.

GUTFELD: I'm afraid of In the Heights movie.

WATTERS: I never saw it.

TARLOV: Really?

JONES: That's a good movie. All right, "THE FASTEST" is up next.

TARLOV: It was a great show.


TARLOV: Welcome back. It's time for "THE FASTEST." First up, soccer mania sweeping the world. England devastated after coming so close but ended up losing to Italy in a dramatic penalty shootout for the Euro Cup. Yes.

GUTFELD: You don't even respond. You don't even know what you're doing with this segment, do you?

PERINO: I do. I do. I will help.

TARLOV: I do. And I was reading the screen in an appropriate time. Dana, you live in a household that cared about this.

PERINO: Yes, yes. So, Peter had been waiting now, since he was a kid, for this to happen again. And it's been a long time coming, 55 years, since they were in a final. And British people are sort of, I would say, glass half full often, but Peters not. However, when it comes to England winning, he was like, I don't know. But he was kind of hopeful. But when they went - - when it went to penalty, he's like, yes, we're not going to make it. So, he was happy they got to the final and he's looking forward to the World Cup which is I think it's 15 months' time.

TARLOV: That's a very mature reaction. Greg.

GUTFELD: To show you how little everybody cares, you had to go to Dana to - - for her find somebody who cared. It wasn't even her. She had to talk -- she had to talk about Peter. That's how -- you know what, here's the thing. Here's the problem with this dramatic penalty shootout. Why don't you just turn the game into penalty kicks?


GUTFELD: Because that's what always -- you always end up at the end with penalty kicks. Just screw the whole like field and just have them all line up. You how much time you would save?

TARLOV: People like it. And I couldn't go -- I couldn't say hey, Jessie, it's your segment, talk to yourself, but I cared. I watched. And I was in a bar that had two rooms and I was in the Italy room. And in the England room, you know, two minutes in, they score and they're --- you know --

PERINO: Oh, yes, Peter woke the neighborhood. That was a big one.

TARLOV: And then there was some crying. Jesse, did you watch? How was your birthday? Whatever.

WATTERS: Best question that chair has ever asked me. And I didn't watch and I don't care.

TARLOV: How as your birthday?

WATTERS: My birthday was great.

GUTFELD: He drunk out me.

WATTERS: I did. I drunk FaceTime you.


TARLOV: About an important matter.


TARLOV: Not soccer-related. Lawrence?

JONES: I don't want soccer. It's a boring sport.

PERINO: Lawrence.

JONES: It's a boring sport. And I know I'm going to get hate mail but we play football in Texas. That's what we do.

TARLOV: Real football.

JONES: Real football.

GUTFELD: You use your hands.

TARLOV: It's a beautiful game. It's just a relentless long game.

JONES: They just kick everywhere. They're just kicking all over the place.

TARLOV: We're moving on. Great responses, everyone, though. Next up, we just found out which generation is the worst tippers. A new study finds that people 18 to 40 don't like to dish out extra dollars when going out to eat or getting delivery.

JONES: Not true.

TARLOV: So, I think Lawrence and I were the only two millennials at the table. I think -- I've been with you. You're a big tipper.

JONES: I always tip. I'm going to just say, I am too.

WATTERS: That's --

TARLOV: Greg, what do you make of this?

GUTFELD: This is an interesting fact because it bears out that the younger you are, the less money you have.


GUTFELD: Which makes sense because when I was 25 or whatever, I was drinking, jingling, and playing doom. I didn't have any money. So, why is the advertising demo so important?

WATTERS: I swear, Greg --

GUTFELD: Because it should be for people like me who is in their early 40s.

WATTERS: P2, it's all the P2.

PERINO: Peter is always one of those -- yes.

TARLOV: It's -- well, in Europe, they help -- they build in the 15 percent tip.

PERINO: Well, kind of. I mean, in Europe -- you know what, you should always tip.

WATTERS: I mean, the service and Europe's atrocious. That shouldn't be a good example.

JONES: I hate the mandatory tipping though. When they included on that -- because you screw yourself. When you put it on that, that's what's you get. Sometime I do more.

TARLOV: Well, that's how they're uncomfortable you know when they hand it to you and then they watch you.

WATTERS: Sometimes I like to stare them in the eye as I give them their tip.

TARLOV: I don't tip if that's what happened. I think actually in my packet, we had all this old quotes from you about tipping where you said like I'm cool with zero if I have to.

WATTERS: I only said that. You know what? I got a lot of crap --


WATTERS: I'm a good tipper. I've gotten better.

JONES: I've gotten better. I'm growing.

WATTERS: I've gotten a lot better.

TARLOV: All right, last topic. Parking can be tough. Just ask this driver who spent eight minutes trying and failing over and over again to back into a spot.

WATTERS: That's terrible.

PERINO: Oh man, that's not good.

WATTERS: That's not even parallel park, right? So that's just backing in.

PERINO: That's just backing.

WATTERS: That's not even parking, that is backing in.

TARLOV: That's parking lot style. Yes.

GUTFELD: So, wouldn't you -- wouldn't this be more interesting to watch the soccer? Why isn't this -- why is it this a sport like professional parking?

JONES: Right.

GUTFELD: That's my new show.

WATTERS: That's not a bad idea.

GUTFELD: No, Greg space wars.

PERINO: You guys, that's a terrible idea.

GUTFELD: Space parking, space wars.

PERINO: In space, you don't have to parallel parking.

GUTFELD: Oh, geez, that's -- the joke is on the space, the parking space.

TARLOV: Parking is hard.

JONES: No, it's not.

TARLOV: It is hard.

JONES: It's not.

TARLOV: Well, you grow up in (INAUDIBLE). I grew up in the city.


PERINO: (INAUDIBLE) everybody has power steering and also you have the robot. Yes, they do it for you.

JONES: The back cameras too. I mean, there's no excuse for this.

TARLOV: But still, there are a number of SUVs on the street trying to fit in spots that are --

PERINO: I think it's funny that someone is filming this.

JONES: She had all that space.

TARLOV: Oh, she's a terrible -- you just assumed it was she. I won't go along with it which is shameful. That is a man that could not park that car.

GUTFELD: But he has identifying as a woman while he's parking.

TARLOV: You have gone too far enough. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Dana Perino.

PERINO: I got a new thing. It's called Dana's crazy tricks. I see all these people doing tricks out there and there's lots of videos, so I started this thing. Here's this guy. Check out this stunt. He can catch a grape from like -- anything he's doing. Throw -- doing push-ups, catch grape, running on the floor, hit him off the wall. I'm super impressed. There you go. Oh, there you go.

Now we don't see the outtakes. We don't see the outtakes, but you know good video, good trick, good stunt. Well done.

WATTERS: It's like my show. I pre-tape it. You never see any mistakes. Greg.

GUTFELD: I'm signing up for DoorDash so I can get my food.


GUTFELD: Yes. All right, let's do this.

WATTERS: Oh, so handsome. Look at your photo.

WATTERS: I know. I'm in a bathrobe there. You know what, sometimes you're on the run and you need to take a shower because you stink because you've been in the car all day, you smell like fast food. Why not stop at a car wash? Get yourself all cleaned up like this little fellow did.

PERINO: That's exfoliating too.

GUTFELD: I can get everything. Get all the fleas out. It feels pretty good.

PERINO: Wow. That's like a lot of splashing.

GUTFELD: You know -- you know that feels good. Well, he's going like this. It's amazing. It's exactly what I wanted at the spot.

JONES: That's not a bad idea.

GUTFELD: Threw me out. Yes, that is an invention -- humans could use that, humans.

WATTERS: Which humans?

PERINO: Let's take you to one. You want me to get one for you and see what happens?

GUTFELD: There you go.

WATTERS: All right, Lawrence.

JONES: That's a strong dog though. Let's look at this. This is a teen golf ball being hit by lightning. Now, Mother Nature didn't appear to appreciate the long drive. The video was captured in San Antonio, Texas --

PERINO: Why are they still golfing?

JONES: -- at Topgolf during the tropical storm Elsa. In a video posted by Topgolf social media on Thursday, an 18-year-old Tomas Gomez can be seen hidden that 88 miles per hour ball during a rainstorm when it was struck by a lightning bolt. Now, he said a 15-year-old caught the viral moment. This is what he said. When I saw the lightning bolt, my first instinct was to run. I slipped on the wet floor and was just happy I caught myself. I was just glad the lightning hit the ball instead of me.

PERINO: Why are they so golfing during that? Yes.

JONES: I know. That's pretty crazy. Somebody is going to get sued.

GUTFELD: It's better than soccer.


GUTFELD: That's what they --

WATTERS: There should be more electrocutions in soccer.

GUTFELD: Don't say that.

WATTERS: That's theoretical. No one wants to get electrocuted.


WATTERS: Obviously. Let me clear that one up. All right, thank you everybody for buying my book. It was number one on Amazon over the weekend.

GUTFELD: Finally.

WATTERS: And we actually sold out on Amazon for a while, but they restocked. We're good. And if you want to watch more of me, you can watch "SPECIAL REPORT." I'm going to be making my "SPECIAL REPORT" debut tonight.

PERINO: Oh my God.

TARLOV: To talk about what?

WATTERS: Many things. Many, many, many important things. You'll just have to tune in and find out, Jessica. I might bring up the Brennan Center's fake numbers.

TARLOV: The Brennan Center is legit, Jesse.

WATTERS: OK, Soros funded.

TARLOV: I want to talk about this and then we'll talk about the Carter -- the Soros thing later. OK, so it was a big weekend for former President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter as they celebrated 75 years of marriage with a party for 300 that included the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Garth Brooks, and Trisha Yearwood, alongside civil rights icons, and everyday Georgians.

I was lucky enough to hear them speak a few years ago where they talked policy in the work of the Carter Center, but I was most taken by their open talk about their marriage and what keeps them going strong after decades and decades. It was mutual respect and partnership. So, whatever your politics, I think we can all raise a proverbial glass to these two.

PERINO: Cheers.

GUTFELD: Bill Clinton.

TARLOV: We should all be so lucky --

JONES: Loud example.

GUTFELD: Bill Clinton is thinking, mine feels like 75 years.

WATTERS: Greg, I knew you would say it.


WATTERS: You're this close.

TARLOV: He's like a nice guy.

WATTERS: That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret.

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