'The Five' on allegations John Kerry shared details to Iran about Israeli attacks
Reported leaked audio suggest John Kerry gave intel to one of America's biggest enemies; reaction the 'The Five'
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 27, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hello, everyone, I'm Juan Williams, along with Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Dagen McDowell, and Jesse Watters. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is THE FIVE.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Starting today, if you're fully vaccinated and you're outdoors, you need -- and not in a big crowd, you no longer need to wear a mask. I want to be absolutely clear. If you're in a crowd like a stadium or at a conference or a concert, you still need to wear a mask even if you are outside. The bottom line is clear, if you are vaccinated, you can do more things, more safely both outdoors as well as indoors.
WILLIAMS (on camera): It's a breath of fresh air. President Biden and the CDC delivering some game changing new guidance on masks. Fully vaccinated individuals can ditch them while outdoors, but if you are in a crowded setting, you need to put them back on. It's the most significant change to recommendation since the lockdowns began over a year ago.
And the administration is hoping that it will encourage more Americans to get vaccinated. But as we know, in politics, optics is everything. And Biden is getting called out for walking to the podium while wearing his mask outside to deliver the announcement. Take a look.
UNKNOWN: What message were you sending by wearing a mask outside alone?
BIDEN: Watching me take it off and not put it back on until I get inside.
WILLIAMS (on camera): Dana, you're a master of optics.
WILLIAMS: I have two questions for you. What do you think of that? Was that a big deal to you?
PERINO: Oh, I think -- look, its welcome news. I think it's late in coming. I think they could have done this a long time ago. I think many of the states are well ahead of where the CDC is, and I do feel like this -- look, I'm not saying that they don't have challenges in terms of a public health crisis, I get that.
But I feel like the communications on this continues to be botched every time you turn around. They'll say one thing, for example, you remember, the CDC said schools can be open and then four days later it was like, well, actually school can't be open. Well, why?
What happened between them was -- the only thing I can think of is that it's politics because it wasn't like new science came forward and said schools can be open and kids are spreading it. That didn't happen.
So I'm hoping that people will take this as (inaudible). I noticed today when I walked from my apartment to here, people that were fully vaccinated, no one was wearing a mask. We were all like walking around. And so maybe it will give people the confidence they need or incentive in order to do that.
But right now I feel like, you know, they botched so much of the communication over and over again that this, I don't know, maybe people won't believe it or they'll maybe continue to listen to state officials who have already said you don't have to wear a mask when you're outside and vaccinated.
The last thing is on the optics, I mean, that is a really good point. Why are you -- if you're going out there to make a statement about how you can -- I mean, without a mask if you are fully vaccinated, why are you walking up there like that? But that's -- the one that takes the cake was when he wore the mask during the Zoom meeting at the climate summit.
When you're by yourself in a Zoom, I'm pretty sure you do not need to wear a mask and I am not, well, I don't think you have to ask the CDC about that. I just think that's common sense.
WILLIAMS: All right, so Dagen, you know, another way to look at this is Biden winning this war against the virus. I was thinking to myself we were worried a few weeks ago about a coming fourth wave, but now it looks like with the vaccines, really, everybody getting vaccinated, I think more than half now of the eligible Americans who have vaccine or had at least the first shot. Is it the case that we can say that the vaccines are winning out and Biden as president, therefore, is winning this big fight?
DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: The American people are winning the war, period. And the Biden -- Biden and Co. need to do more to encourage people to go out and get those vaccines. Twenty-two percent in that Fox News poll said that they didn't plan to get it. So what did they do today? They came out and told the American people they could do something that they've been doing for the last year without being vaccinated.
PERINO: Right.
MCDOWELL: Because transmission outside is rare, incredibly rare. So what are they doing to say, hey, you really go -- need to go get vaccinated, you can do this. They need to come out. I was e-mailing with a very prominent doctor. If you've been vaccinated, they should come out and say you can be surrounded by other people who have been vaccinated inside.
You can go eat dinner. You can be inside someone's home. You can go to a party. That it's the -- right now, case numbers and hospitalizations are low like a mild flu in this country. So, where are we with this? I just think that it is a reluctance to give away power accumulated in government over the last year.
Why do it in dribs and drabs? There are still more than half the states have public mask mandates in place. Get rid of them. Get rid of them. Let them -- are they going to be Neanderthals too, absolutely.
The only thing that's going to come out of this announcement today is surely some left-wing lunatics are going to start picking fights with people who are out in the streets not wearing masks, the self-appointed shame police, the screeching pod people (inaudible) demanding proof of your vaccine. It's going to be a nightmare in New York.
WILLIAMS: All right. So, Greg, I was thinking, you know, I wonder if Biden should acknowledge that Donald Trump played a big role in terms of getting the vaccine in place and the reason I was thinking that, Greg, because I think lots of people picking up on Dagen's point, who are refusing to get vaccinated are older Trump supporters. And so, I'm thinking, well, if he gave credit to Trump, would those people then say, okay, I'll go get vaccinated?
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: I didn't even hear Dagen say that when you said you picked it up from Dagen. Dagen, what did you say about Trump supporter's not getting vaccination? I totally missed that. Is there something wrong with my earpiece because I did not hear that (inaudible), Juan? Is that in some kind of study about Trump supporter?
WILLIAMS: Yes, Dagen said --
GUTFELD: Dagen said that Trump supporters aren't getting vaccinations? I didn't hear that?
WILLIAMS: No, she said --
GUTFELD: Anyway, anyway --
WILLIAMS: She said --
GUTFELD: -- let's move on from that totally loaded false question.
WILLAIMS: Okay. I can tell you what she said if you're interested. Okay.
GUTFELD: Not really because you already -- you already played a little game with that line. Here's the point, and it's not that we always know --
WILLIAMS: I did not.
GUTFELD: Yes, you did. It's the American public are leading this discussion, right, because they always do. We didn't ask to become the United States. We became the United States. And likewise, we're not going to wait for the media or some wonks to tell us it's 100 percent safe. We understand the common sense, right?
Outside, no mask. You want to wear one, go for it, no one cares. If you're vaccinated and you're inside, no mask. But if you're in a crowded place indoors and you don't want people to stare at you, wear a mask. But that's up to you.
But if you're in church and you're vaccinated, don't wear a mask. If you're in a car alone, no mask, you look stupid. If you're jogging, if you're cycling, if you're horseback riding, no freaking mask. If you're going into a restaurant and you don't want the hostess to play cop when you walk in, where the mask.
Here is the problem. You don't want other people playing the cop, right, because the government has taken something incredibly simple that humans can decide for themselves and they're creating confusion and unnecessary conflict. We understand it, we get it.
Whenever the government starts creating regulatory laws, they create an opportunity for conflict that creates the worst kind of outcome. So you think about selling loose cigarettes, right? No cop wanted to arrest a man for selling loose cigarettes, but that's a law.
You start creating little public police officers that run around and they're like the pandemic cop, you're going to have tons of problems. Lastly, what kills me about this is this isn't the biggest pandemic problem, it's the smallest one, which should be handled by us.
We handle the small ones, government handles the big ones. What's the big one? The national crime wave, right? We have murders, we have assaults, we have grand larceny. You could -- are you laughing about it? Juan, only you would laugh about murder?
WILLIAMS: Please, no. There is no -- there is no crime -- this is one of your big fantasies.
GUTFELD: Why don't you read the stats? Okay. Okay. That's my fantasy.
WILLIAMS: I read stats.
GUTFELD: Are you going to call it a fantasy the 500 percent increase in hate crimes. Juan, that's on you. If you think people suffering is funny, good for you. You're on your own.
WILLIAMS: Okay, thanks. Okay. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. All right. So, Jesse, I was struck today that one Republican governor --
GUTFELD: He's always struck.
WILLIAMS: -- Jim Justice of West Virginia is saying he is offering to pay $100, give a $100 savings bond to people 16 to 35 who will get vaccinated. So, Jesse, is that a smart move by the governor?
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: I'd take the money and I have to fact-check you, Juan, on two things. One, black and Hispanic-Americans are getting vaccinated at a much slower rate than as you say older, whiter Trump supporters. Also, there is a surge in shootings and homicide in nearly every single metropolitan area in the United States.
WILLIAMS: I didn't deny that. You said it's -- he said it some kind of crime wave
GUTFELD: Yes, you laughed your ass off, Juan. You laughed at it. You laughed at it. It's on camera.
WATTERS: Okay, Juan.
WILLIAMS: You know, it is -- this is laughable.
GUTFELD: Oh, it is now.
WILLIAMS: This is laughable.
WATTERS: Okay. I will say this on the masks though, Juan. I will say this. Joe Biden was the masked man. He wore a mask when he was sleeping, which was mostly during the campaign. And he might have won this campaign just based on being pro-mask. We all knew it was a joke, lockdowns and masks were much easier than Trump's idea of racing towards a vaccine and living with risk/
But it's much easier to sell fear when you have CNN on your side and all of corporate America wanting to work from home so they can sit back and virtue signal with the mask even though we know if you look at all the charts and I won't to bore you with statistics because sometimes the truth is boring, that mask mandates had nothing to do with the spread of the virus.
I don't need the government to tell me that I don't need to or do need to wear a mask. I don't wear a mask outside anymore, but about 90 percent of people in Manhattan still wearing it. And I'm thinking it doesn't have anything to do with the virus. I'm thinking there might just be shy insecure people that like covering their face.
I'm serious. I think there is a certain segment of the population that enjoyed wearing the mask, enjoyed covering up and does not want to see -- have people see them maybe when they are not looking so good. Also, it helps the thieves. They love the masks too. So that's my point.
PERINO: I liked it when it was cold outside.
WATTERS: We'll see that too. Also, you know what, I'm trying to be positive. It was a good thing the government finally got around to saying we don't need to put a mask on.
WILLIAMS: All right. Up next, a brutal attack on an officer in broad daylight as a record number of Americans say no to defunding the police. Next for you on THE FIVE.
WATTERS (on camera): A savage attack on an NYPD detective caught on tape. A detective in Queens which was doing his job in investigating a crime scene when a man came out of nowhere and hit him on the head with a large stick. Thankfully, cops nab the suspect who is now facing an assault charge.
That tape just underscores the dangers officers face every day on the streets. A new Fox News poll showing an overwhelming 62 percent are now against cutting funding for law enforcement, and now, the LAPD officer whose letter to Lebron James went viral speaking out.
Deon Joseph, a 24-year veteran of the force requested a sit down with the NBA star to talk about the realities of policing after that awful and inflammatory anti-police tweet. Take a look at his exclusive interview with foxnews.com on why he wrote to James.
DEON JOSEPH, LAPD OFFICER: I am about hoping that we can sit down like men and have a civil conversation and understand and humanize each other. That's the main reason that I reached out the way that I did. I think he's a good human being, the things that he's done for children. Now, of course, I didn't like what he said. But I feel like in my heart that, you know, there is hope. If not, he and I, maybe what I have done can spark dialogue across the nation where cops and communities can start sitting down again and humanize each other once again.
WATTERS (on camera): If I were advising Lebron James, Dana, I would tell them to sit down with this guy because he suffered a lot of damage with that tweet. I don't think he even understands the damage he sustained.
PERINO: Well, the damage was deserved. I was thinking today on my way here who is it going to be that steps up that tries to figure out a way to, you know, bring people together and, I mean, I guess a lot of us will wait and see what President Biden says, if anything, tomorrow night on this subject in order to help talk about.
I understand there is an entire issue and know that there is a big point of view and Lebron James has a point of view, but you see what happened to that police officer, the detective, he was whacked out of nowhere and, you know, I am beyond being surprised but I still can be shocked. And I look at somebody like Deon Joseph and think thankfully there is somebody. It might not be somebody in government right now that is going to help bring us together, but somebody like Deon really could.
WATTERS: Yes, Juan, you see the guy hitting the detective in the face with that rod or whatever it was. I can almost guarantee you he is a bail reform person. He probably has a rap sheet. He's probably mentally ill. Should not even be on the streets --
GUTFELD: It's funny.
WATTERS: -- and, you know, you go back and look at the policies that enable a guy to go out there and roam around like that. What is it going to take for politicians to wake up and reverse some of these damaging policies that they have enacted?
WILLIAMS: I don't know which policy you're referring to -- deinstitutionalization of the crazies, you know, I don't know. To my mind, I just -- I just don't want the extremes to take control of this debate, Jesse. I think you can always find one disturbed person, an addict or a thug to, you know, behave badly with a police officer.
Today, we also have going on in this country, people up in arms in North Carolina because apparently a black man was shot in the back of the head in North Carolina. We also have a black librarian in her 60s driving to a funeral, yanked out of her car, her wig pulled off and she's pushed around on the ground by cops.
So, I think we can cite both sides. I just don't want the extremes. I like what Dana was just saying a moment ago. Let's look for where there is reason and where we can find solutions. And I think that, you know, there is no question about the level of injustice that black people suffer disproportionately at the hands of the police.
But I think that when you look at Tim Scott, when you look at Cory Booker, when you look at Karen Bass, they are really working to try to get police reform done this time. Something that's so, that we as the American people can say police are held accountable, the bad guys are held accountable. We have to move on and stop dividing ourselves over this very explosive issue.
WATTERS: Yes, Greg, Juan mentions police reform. You have been talking about society reform. What can we do to help society stop becoming so dysfunctional that they erupt in a situation where the police have to come and respond like this all the time?
GUTFELD: Well, first of, you don't laugh at the facts. You don't think it's funny that over a dozen cities are experiencing dramatic rises in murders and shootings. I'm going to go through the New York statistics because this is where we live. The shootings have doubled since 2019. This isn't that funny, Juan. I'm sorry. Rape is up 15 percent. I wish I could make you laugh as much. Felonious assault is up 42 percent, grand larceny is up 81 percent, murder is up 51 percent since 2019.
And again, I say hate crime is up 500 percent, but of course, that doesn't matter because the felons don't match the mug shots that you would prefer. Having said that, you also have to have the right stats, right?
If you want to look at unarmed suspects being killed by police, by percentage, whites, there are more whites than there are blacks if you look in the percentage of police encounters. I know that's funny. Facts are funny to you, Juan. You can sigh all you want.
WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, you're trying to paint a distorted picture. You're distorting a picture --
GUTFELD: No, I'm actually looking (ph) at the facts. Juan, let me finish. Juan, let me finish.
WILLIAMS: We actually have -- we actually have been through a coronavirus, we are through unemployment.
WATTERS: All right, Juan, let him finish.
GUTFELD: Juan, you let me finish. Juan, you had your chance.
WILLIAMS: You started this.
GUTFELD: Juan, you had your chance.
WILLIAMS: You started and then I respond and you say, don't respond.
GYTFELD: (Inaudible), oh, I get it. I get it. Cool.
WILLIAMS: Yes, because you don't like hearing the truth.
WATTERS: All right, Greg, go ahead.
GUTFELD: I do nothing but read the statistics and come here and do it. You do nothing but recycle your talking points from god knows where. This is where we're heading, right. Because of the anti-police narrative, you're seeing more retirements which is going to lead to budget cuts and slashed salaries.
Candidates with a good education and a solid background will read the room and they will not join the force. Standards will then be lowered since quality applicants will dry up. In 20 years, do you think you're going to have better policing or worse policing?
Because of the ideology spewed by Juan Williams, you're going to have an even worse police force than before. But you know what, the Democrats, they don't give two ducks. Yes, that was a spell check.
WATTERS: All right, Dagen, quickly.
MCDOWELL: Jesse, you want me to go?
WATTERS: Yes, please.
MCDOWELL: Just to wrap that up, to Greg's point, the demonization of police officers will have the same effect as defunding of police department. And it, you know, these liberal leaders, governors, the mayor here, liberal district attorneys, they coddle criminals and then treat victims in whole communities like they are disposable, like they're detritus.
However, thankfully, there is good news because some of these liberals are not irretrievably stupid and callous, and I will point to Ted Wheeler. Maybe it was the stench from his burning city that knocked some sense into him, but just recently he started talking about self-described anarchists who engage in regular criminal destruction who want to burn, bash and intimidate.
We need higher bail and tougher pre-trial restrictions on rioters. He pleaded with the public to cooperate with the police. So, there is hope.
WATTERS: So, he sounds exactly like Donald Trump sounded in 2020.
WATTERS: Got it.
MCDOWELL: Yes. Exactly.
WATTERS: Coming up next. Was it a criminal act? John Kerry facing calls to step down over allegations that he sold Israel out to Iran.
GUTFELD (on camera): Great song. John Kerry accused of leaking sensitive secrets about Israel to Iran. The foreign minister of that country allegedly saying it leaked audio that Kerry told him about Israel's role in covert military strikes on Iranian targets in Syria. Fox has not confirmed the audio and Kerry says it never happened. Many in the GOP are demanding to know more.
UNKNOWN: If this is indeed true, if he did this, he needs to resign immediately. Unbelievable. Just so unconscionable.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): That would be a major foreign policy catastrophe for the country if it were revealed to be true.
SEN. DAN SULLIVAN (R-AK): Revealing secret information to one of America's most sworn enemies, if this is true, John Kerry needs to go.
GUTFELD (on camera): So, all right, Dana, I'm trying to figure this out because I don't -- I haven't heard any audio. They're talking about 200 attacks. How exactly is 200 attacks covert? Wouldn't everybody pretty much know by now that somebody has attacked you?
PERINO: Well, yes. And this is looking back and --
PERINO: -- we haven't heard the audio yet, but it's very interesting because on the one hand, some Democrats are saying, well, everybody knew this because the Israelis revealed it.
PERINO: But John Kerry said it never happened. So, both things can't be true, I don't think. Maybe let's try to figure that out. I think that, you know, John Kerry continues to be somebody who is a tough person for the administration to deal with.
Think of the very first day. Remember when he talked about how people that lost their jobs when the Keystone Pipeline got canceled? They basically -- he said, go gets a solar job. There are no solar jobs. Remember, when he took a private plane in order to go to the climate conference? He clearly wasn't wearing a mask on that one time when they had to try to clean that up.
The other day, he said, we're not even going to be able to make a dent in the climate problem, but we're going to spend trillions of dollars to try to get there. And it goes on and on. I don't know if there's a law of diminishing returns here possibly.
GUTFELD: Yes. Jesse. Don't make me defend John Kerry. But could it be that maybe the Iranian dude just was left out of the loop?
WATTERS: I think this is a classic case of Republicans pouncing, Greg. When a Democrat does something objectively treacherous, insane, and uncalled for, and Republicans criticized but the media says Republicans are pouncing and then the Democrats ignore the story. And in 48 hours, the media just sweeps it under the rug.
I don't think the American people care that much about this story. But I would say that if Pompeo had disclosed classified Israeli military intelligence to the Russians, we would have already had hearings dialed up and potentially special counsel triggered.
But this is just John Kerry looking out for his legacy. He's supposed to be worrying about the temperature, but he's just trying to resuscitate the Iran deal, because that's really the only thing he's proud of in his very long career.
GUTFELD: You know, Dagen, we went through almost weekly dozens of stories where Trump was purported to have done something. And we knew that it was 99 percent of it was all baloney. And then we find out later and then the story just floats away. Do you see -- where do you see this one fitting? Is this one of those stories, but now in reverse or is there some real meat here?
MCDOWELL: Well, with the Trump stories, the immediate reaction from anybody at the Democratic Party was resign, impeach. So, I'm waiting for that reaction quite not quite there from the right.
Just a couple of things. I'm going to quote someone I saw on "GUTFELD!" exclamation point. Larry Kudlow called John Kerry a candidate for the dumbest person in Washington.
MCDOWELL: So, that kind of speaks to who he is. But John Kerry has always had kind of a weird, cozy relationship with Iran, and a weird dislike for Israel. I find it odd. Now, he's the Climate Czar. And that means that he is responsible for essentially toppling our perch as the number one oil producer in the country, making us more reliant on foreign oil from nations that hate us, Iran. We lose our position and our strength in the oil market and on the world stage.
So, that's what John Kerry is up to now which benefits Iran. It's very interesting.
GUTFELD: So, Juan, what do you say about Dagen claiming that John Kerry is the dumbest person in D.C. and probably a racist because that's what she said?
WILLIAMS: You know, I think it's not good that we go after people like that who are doing public service, but you know, it's fine. I mean, if you want to just have fun with it, go right ahead.
GUTFELD: I'll write a book about it.
WILLIAMS: But I do think on this story, I think it's important that you notice that people like Lindsey Graham, you know, strong Republican voice out of South Carolina says he doesn't know whether or not we can trust this so-called tape. The State Department saying the timeline is way off.
Yes, the Iranians knew their targets in Syria were being attacked but it wasn't clear who was. But in fact, you had some Israeli generals and others before this tape supposedly took -- was taped, saying, yes, it was Israel that was involved. So, what you're hearing from the Iranian Foreign Minister doesn't quite make sense.
But I mean, to me, when you talk about, you know, this right-wing going after John Kerry. They don't like John Kerry. It just worries me. You know, like, last week, we had the hamburger story. Oh, Biden is going to take your hamburger. Or you know, it's always -- Kamala Harris' book is being given to immigrants.
These stories are false, but the right-wing echo chamber starts going crazy because you can go after a Democrat.
GUTFELD: Like I say, learn from the best, Steele Dossier all the way. Ahead, it's now official. California Governor Gavin Newsom will be facing a recall.
MCDOWELL: California getting a sequel to a total recall vote 18 years after the original. Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall election in the Golden State. Constituents of all political stripes, fed up with his extensive government-mandated lockdowns and hypocrisy.
Remember when he got caught maskless at that fancy French Laundry restaurant? At was an expensive dinner. And that news comes as California will lose a House seat for the first time in history thanks to the results of the 2020 census. Greg where does this go?
GUTFELD: Well, he Gavin is legitimately terrified. I have received two e- mails from him to Gary Gutfeld. He's got my name on. But the message line, the top line for his fundraising e-mail is please give me a chance to explain. Then he goes on to ask for money. Do you know how much money he asked for? $3.00.
I don't know. There's something pathetic about asking for $3.oo. I guess it's the small donations. But I mean, it's like, I don't know what's that going to do. Look, one thing I learned from this fundraising e-mail. He says at the end, turning the state over -- if the recall wins, it will turn the state over to anti-mask, anti-vax, pro-Trump extremists.
So, if you ever want to learn how liberals in the media will get their information, look no further than a Democrat fundraising e-mail, because that just sound really familiar to you right now.
MCDOWELL: Dana, I think it's pro-jobs, small business owners, and parents who give a damn about their kids who are angry.
PERINO: I think that that's obviously true. But it's not only those who have signed the petition, they're the ones that left California, because not even the sunshine dollars that they pay you with are going to make a difference when you figure out a way that you just don't want to live that way anymore. So, people are getting those one-way U-Hauls and getting the heck out of dodge, Dagen.
WILLIAMS: Well, I just think that, you know, when you look at the numbers, his approval rating is way north of 50. I think it's like 54 percent right now, Dagen. Opposition to the recall is pretty strong. It's even stronger I think at 56 percent. So, my bet if I was betting right now, is that Gavin Newsome will be governor after a recall.
I think you have to get like 12 percent of the previous people who voted in a previous election to come out. You can do that. But it's hard to defeat somebody who's that popular at this moment. With regard to the census numbers, people thought California was going to lose more.
So, the Democrats are breathing a big sigh of relief right now. They thought it was going to -- they were going to lose more in Florida and it just didn't happen.
MCDOWELL: Yes, because, Jesse, it's about the seats in Congress. It's not actually about the people you govern and your state who are suffering mightily from the mistakes, the anti-science mistakes made by Newsom at all in the last year so --
WATTERS: I just want to meet Gary Gutfeld. The guy sounds like a real buffoon but I'd take my chances with him. Maybe he'd be available on "WATTERS' WORLD" this weekend. Let's -- I need to look into that. Maybe I could get his e-mail address.
What do I know, Dagen? I thought Gavin Newsom was going to be the Democratic nominee for president in 2024. Now, he's facing a recall and Caitlyn Jenner is running and now Randy Quaid just announced he's getting into the race.
PERINO: He did?
WATTERS: He just crossed the wires because you know me I have my eyes on the wires.
PERINO: Your on top of it, Jesse.
WATTERS: It's about to be a circus out there in California. But I just think that state is long gone. There's nothing -- there's no coming back.
MCDOWELL: I thought Randy Quaid was still in Canada. That's a Fox News alert. He's in Cali. Thank you, Jesse. "THE FASTEST" up next.
PERINO: Welcome back. It's time for "THE FASTEST. First up, don't look down. A heart-stopping video of the UK's tallest roller coaster stuck near his 235-foot peak with riders documenting the whole ordeal on Tick Tock. Thankfully, everybody was safely escorted down the lift. But can you imagine this happening? I think I was on this one, Greg. Did you ever go on this?
GUTFELD: I it called the London Eye?
PERINO: No. I think it's -- I think it's the one in Blackpool.
MCDOWELL: Yes, it was.
GUTFELD: I've never been to the one in Blackpool.
GUTFELD: But, you know, this is just another kind of an example of how the news works. You never cover an airplane that lands safely. You'd never cover a roller coaster that works perfectly, and you don't cover benign police encounters. So, all three things have something in common.
They happen a million times per year, the mishaps are statistically rare, but the media doesn't care or they will lie about the statistics. Last year, Dana, according to the FBI, there were 10 million police arrests last year, a hundred -- 1,004 police-involved fatalities. 41 were unarmed, nine Black, 19 White, more whites by percentage of arrests. Interesting don't you think? And that those are actually facts from the FBI that I looked up during the break.
PERINO: During the break. Well, I got to love the internet indeed. Jesse --
GUTFELD: That's not the internet.
PERINO: OK, well, I don't know how you looked him up in the break. I just assumed.
GUTFELD: I have them sent.
PERINO: OK. Jesse, rollercoaster enthusiast or not?
WATTERS: Yes, I almost died on a roller coaster one time with my dad. It was one of those rickety wooden ones that you go to on those sketchy fairs. And after we took off, we realized we weren't locked in. There was no seatbelt. It didn't click. So, we basically just cried and hugged each other until the ride was over. But I survived, and thank God because the world would have not been the same.
PERINO: It would have been time. I'm pretty sure it was on this one, Dagen.
MCDOWELL: Jesse, warning, carnival people will come for you, OK. So, don't rip on the carnival, number one. And number two, I have no problem with this because I love roller coasters but I hate all the people at the theme parks and amusement parks. So, if I get stuck up in the sky for a while, it's probably better for everybody.
PERINO: I just -- as I got older, Juan, I can't go on these rides. I get like my -- I don't know. My equilibrium goes off.
WILLIAMS: I'm with you. I try to stay away from it. Although my kids love them, and so you'd have to just try to find a nice-looking person to take the kids on. But this story reminds me -- you know, it's a lot like what we're going through in American politics since 2016. Up and down, here and there, a lot of screaming, ranting, raving. That's why I stay away from these roller coasters.
PERINO: Fun facts. Peter and I got married at the office of hatches, matches, and dispatches or Death, Births, and Marriages, I guess they call it, in Blackpool 23 years ago this August.
Next up, it's like peer pressure but for food. So, there's a study and it found that your co-worker's lunch choice can actually influence if you eat healthy or unhealthy. Researchers also saying what someone has for lunch isn't always what they're craving the most. It's what they see on their colleague's tray. Do you -- do you get this problem, Juan?
WILLIAMS: I think it's normal. I think that people subliminally want to find common ground, establish some relationship, and sometimes people even say hey do you want to buy to my food, that kind of thing. So, I think it's just -- it's just communal and sharing. It gives warm fuzzy feelings.
PERINO: Greg, I just usually get envious of what other people are eating.
GUTFELD: Oh, I'm the complete opposite. Number one, when people are eating at work, it's usually fairly depressing. Let's be honest, no one wants to sit at their desk and eat. So, I look at it as people just gassing up their car. There's no joy to it. So, when I look at what people are eating, I think I don't want that. I'm going to have a nice meal when I get home.
PERINO: I don't know. You haven't seen that producer Brett Zoeller. He gets like the gourmet meals, Dagen.
MCDOWELL: I'm with Greg though. I prefer eating alone watching food shows so I eat and watch cooking shows. But this is done by Mass General -- Massachusetts General Hospital. And I do love a good hospital cafeteria. All of the choice and steam --
PERINO: The jello.
MCDOWELL: The jello, Dana Perino. You're a woman after my heart.
PERINO: The cherry jello is always good. Jesse, I got to give you the last word.
WATTERS: I brought shrimp into the green room my first week on THE FIVE.
PERINO: Oh, it's the worst. It's terrible.
GUTFELD: It's terrible.
PERINO: You almost got banned.
WATTERS: I never heard the end of it.
GUTFELD: And that was the worst thing you did the first week.
PERINO: Yes. But no, there was something else, wasn't there?
WATTERS: There was something else I forget.
WATTERS: I forget.
PERINO: We won't bring -- we won't bring it up. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
WILLIAMS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." I'm going to go first. Look, up in the sky, Jesse. It's a bird, it's a plane, no, this time it's the Super Moon. Last night the moon put on a show around the world. As you can see, it was good enough for Frank Sinatra to sing Fly Me To The Moon.
This month, the moon is cycling closer to the earth than usual. That's why it looks so large. It's called a pink moon after the pink blossoms that come in the spring. We will have a second Super Moon in May next month. That one will be called a flower moon. So, enjoy the nightly show coming from above. Jesse, you're up.
WATTERS: So, Jessie Jr. has been crying a little bit recently. We're trying to get him on a schedule with the feedings. We're almost there. So, I've been looking up hacks on the internet how to stop your baby from crying. I found one idea. Watch.
So, I'm going to have to try this, obviously. We're going to have to buy some of this cool whip or whatever you call it. And I'll let you guys know out there in the audience if it works or not.
PERINO: Oh, boy, Jesse, you're going to get some mail.
WATTERS: I've gotten worse.
WILLIAMS: It may be mail -- it may be mail from your wife. Greg, you're up.
GUTFELD: All right, it's time for Greg's how many nuts? All right, let's roll this tape briefly. They got to see them. They got to see the -- you guys --
WATTERS: Roll it.
WILLIAMS: I guess we don't have the tape.
WATTERS: All right, there we go.
PERINO: All right.
GUTFELD: All right, you guys remember how to do this?
GUTFELD: Juan, how many nuts?
WILLIAMS: I'll guess 21, Greg.
MCDOWELL: Just one, the squirrel.
GUTFELD: Now, keep going. Play the tape.
WILLIAMS: Come on. Take --
PERINO: Four, five, six.
PERINO: Ouch. Seven --
WATTERS: Oh, my gosh.
GUTFELD: Yes, seven. But actually, it's going to be eight nuts because Jesse Watters is going to be on "GUTFELD!" tonight at 11:00 p.m..
WATTERS: Hey, that's right. I forgot to promote that. That's right, I'll be on your show. Larry Kudlow and Jesse Watters have both done your show. You're really -- you're moving on up.
WILLIAMS: He's rolling. I'm telling you. Dana, you're up.
PERINO: Well, tomorrow is going to be 83 degrees in New York. And so, these two little doxins, they gave me an idea for what we got to do tomorrow. Check them out. They're just out there cruising in the lagoon or whatever it is out there. That's all I got. They're just some dogs having some fun.
WILLIAMS: I like the glasses. That's very cool. Dagen, you're up.
MCDOWELL: Yes, I've got about a minute and 45 seconds to kill with just some cat video.
PERINO: You deserve it. You can do like three of your "ONE MORE THING."
MCDOWELL: So, here's this cat climbing into a Dolly's swing. It's a swing for a dog. The only reason I picked this video is because this cat looks like Kat Timpf's cat Chines (PH). Kat Timpf is appearing nightly on "GUTFELD!" exclamation point.
GUTFELD: Oh, that's a plug.
MCDOWELL: So, Chines has a voice. And I've been working on Chines boys. (INAUDIBLE) So, if Chines is talking to you --
PERINO: Does Chines smokes?
MCDOWELL: No. Chines lives a very healthy life. But you know, that's how Chines sound. Chines has his own Instagram account, Chines Timpf. So, check Chines out.
WATTERS: I got to call out the producers for a second. They are been screaming in our ear constantly. We're running out of time. You guys got to wrap it up. Don't talk so much. We have to save time for "FASTEST" and "ONE MORE THING." Now we're sitting here with 45 seconds after being yelled at all week all month.
GUTFELD: Jesse, would you like -- I have a statistics? Would you like to hear some statistics?
GUTFELD: I'll give you some statistics all the way --
WILLIAMS: You know what? You know what I want to hear? I want -- I want more cream in my mouth. I think -- but Jesse, I'm trying to imagine you rocking --
WATTERS: Juan, that did not sound good.
WILLIAMS: Well, that's what you were doing. That's what you propose to do for the baby.
PERINO: Oh, Juan.
WATTERS: We got to edit that out.
WILLIAMS: I was going to -- I was going to say that I can't imagine you rocking that child asleep but it's a sweet thought.
WATTERS: It is. Thank you.
WILLIAMS: Anyway, that's it for us, folks. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret Baier.
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