
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 7, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello everybody I'm Jesse Watters along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Harold Ford, Jr., Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is THE FIVE.

President Biden left Americans behind in Afghanistan and now his administration's being accused of stealing credit for getting people out. The State Department says it helped facilitate the safe departure of a stranded American mother and her three kids. But Army veteran Cory Mills and his team who risked their lives to bring them to safety say the federal government had very little to do with it.

That comes as the Taliban's reportedly preventing at least six planes at an airport in northern Afghanistan from taking off. Secretary of State Tony Blinken claims the Taliban is not blocking Americans from leaving and says the Biden administration is working with the terror group.


ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: They said they will let people with travel documents freely depart. We will hold them to that. So will dozens of other countries. The international community is watching to see if the Taliban will live up to their commitments.

Without personnel on the ground we can't verify the accuracy of manifests, the identities of passengers, flight plans or aviation security protocols. So this is a challenge.


WATTERS: And if you think the situation is bad in Afghanistan now, General Mark Milley says things can get a lot worse.


MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: My military estimate is that the conditions are likely to develop of a civil war. I don't know if the Taliban is going to be able to consolidate power and establish governance. I think there is at least a very good probability of a broader civil war and that will then in turn lead to conditions that could, in fact, lead to a reconstitution of Al Qaeda or a growth of ISIS or other myriad of terrorist groups.


WATTERS: So, judge, Blinken got to be the worst Secretary of State in my lifetime. And I was alive for John Kerry.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: You know what? I think he's the worst Secretary of State ever.


PIRRO: If you go -- if you've got a Secretary of State who's more worried about whether or not we're a racist nation and running to the U.N. and saying at a time when he should be worrying about this, he should be worrying about our exit from Afghanistan, he should be yelling from the roofs, you've got to get my people out before you get the military out.

And instead he's over at the U.N. diddling, well, on this whole issue of that, you know, we're a racist nation, help us convince ourselves we're racist. The guy's a liar. I don't believe a word he says. He says that the Taliban is agreeing or facilitating the movement of Americans out of there? He's wrong, he's a liar. You lie once, you'll have the absolute right to believe you're lying again. That's what I used to tell juries all the time and that's the case right now.

WATTERS: Harold Ford, so Biden's team saying we're not aware of, you know, any stranded Americans. We're not aware of this. Well, they weren't aware of the Taliban takeover either. So either they don't know what's happening and its happening or they're lying about it. That's why their credibility shot.

HAROLD FORD, JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: First, it's good to be back at the table.

WATTERS: Good to be with you, Harold.

FORD: Good to see the magnanimity --

WATTERS: You really missed a couple good weeks didn't you?

FORD: The magnanimity has not left. The -- I'd say a couple of things. Judge, I differ slightly. If you had told me on August 24th that we would have gotten 120,000 Americans out, I would have disputed it. In fact, I came on another show on our network to be critical of how things had taken place and how they'd unfolded.

Now, this doesn't mean that oversight should take place. There are going to be Democrats in the House and the Senate who have already called for it, as a matter of fact, for us to figure out what happened, why it happened.

Even some Democrats saying how could we spend a trillion dollars in the military and the security forces in Afghanistan and run like they did and not be prepared. I think we'll get answers and Democrats will hold them accountable as well.

But I don't lose sight of the fact that we still did the right thing by leaving. And Secretary Blinken, I disagree with your characterization about him being the worst Secretary of State. I think there's a lot of frustration, there's a lot of anger. Here's why I don't -- there's a lot of anger for it. There's a competition for worst and we could have another show to deal will that.

But I think that they have done -- they didn't do everything right and there's no doubt they will be held accountable, but when you look at where we are today, we have to make sure anyone we get out of there tomorrow or the following days, we need to vet them.

I think that there is no doubt they've been -- those on this network and others who have showed -- who said that there's no reason in the world why we should not be extra careful after we've gotten all of our Americans out that anyone wanting to come now we have to make sure they indeed or ones who helped us. And if their security -- their security vetting is --

PIRRO: You're jumping the issue. You're jumping the issue. The issue to get out everybody agrees on. The issue of vetting, everybody agrees on.

FORD: Right.

PIRRO: The hairy (ph) issue that we all agree on at this table, I think, is that they did it in the most hasty and unsafe way they could have. Thirteen servicemen are dead, men and women are dead because they were like sitting ducks in an open area in a cosmopolitan city instead of the Bagram Air Base because we made a political decision and not a military decision.

FORD: Judge, I don't agree with you. I don't disagree with you, but that's not what Jesse asked me. I happen to think that there were mistakes made all along the way, General Milley as well as Secretary Austin both said that, we will get to the bottom of that. There will come a time to do that. But at this point, I agree with all around the table. How do we get people out safely and how do we ensure that they're vetted before they come here. And then let the chips fall where they made in terms of accountability.

WATTERS: All right. So, the Democrat editors, Dana, at "The New Yorker" magazine are saying Democrats in the Biden State Department are blocking Americans from leaving Afghanistan. How will the fact checkers resolve that one?

PERINO: What do you do when that happens?

WATTERS: What do you do?

PERINO: I mean, that is so hard. It's so hard. You might take a day off. It might be what you do. We're in this bizarre dystopian situation where the Biden administration is trying to like pretend that this crisis isn't happening. I know they want to focus on other things, we're going to talk about that in a later block, but Americans stuck in Afghanistan because of your actions that does not mean they are a political inconvenience. Okay? They are stuck and they need help.

And then we're having this weird semantic debate about what is a hostage. Imagine this. If you are on a plane in Afghanistan -- or in Afghanistan, you have a plane. You want to leave, you are cleared to leave, you have the paperwork to leave and the Taliban won't let you leave, what would you consider yourself?

WATTERS: Stranded.

PERINO: And a hostage.

WATTERS: I almost got it right.

PERINO: We're going to get back in sync. The Taliban is preventing them from leaving. Like, so, you could imagine. Let's just say things were reversed. Let's say this were president -- under President Trump's watch and the very same things happen. What do you think Chuck Schumer would be saying today?

WATTERS: Hostage crisis day 30.

PERINO: He will say that -- that you created a hostage crisis and they would be banging the drums on that. The other thing I would say is we didn't get 120,000 Americans out, we didn't get all the Americans out, we got 120,000 people out.

FORD: Correct.

PERINO: Well, we only got 7 percent of the interpreters and to the helpers of the Americans out. That is what I think -- that's what I think is a real moral outrage

WATTERS: Yes. So, 93 percent of the guys that came over just -- they basically got to the front of the line faster.

PERRINO: No connection. No connection. And none of the service dogs.

WATTERS: And none the dogs.

FORD: Right.

WATTERS: None of the dogs, Greg.

PERINO: Well, a lot of the dogs have come back. Let's not --

WATTERS: Well, fact checkers?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: I just was very impressed with the first question that you came out with, is he the worst Secretary of State ever, because it actually created a debate that we had to accept that that was out there. It would be like me saying, am I the greatest talk show host ever?

WATTERS: People are asking that question.

GUTFELD: Not me.

PIRRO: That's right.

GUTFELD: Not me, but some people. First of all, to your point about like, well, the people being Afghanistan, the Americans, that's their choice. That's like a doctor saying to a patient that after a patient died to the family. Well, you know, he was a smoker. You know, he was a couple pounds overweight so, you know. They're like basically kind of saying, it's on them.

PERINO: Yes, we put out 19 State Department cables.

GUTFELD: We told them to come, you know, and then -- but there people disputing that. Also, can we ban the phrase finally the world is watching? Because nobody cares if the world is watching. The entire, you know, the entire Taliban government right now has not a single non-Taliban member, right? And they're still beating the crap out of people in protests or going around doing nasty things.

So the whole world is watching means nothing if you don't do anything after you're watching. It's like people hold up smart phones while you're being attacked. It's like could you help me? Put down the phone and help me you big jerk.

This is -- it goes back to -- everybody agrees, the decision we were into the implementation awful. This is so royally screwed up. It's almost impossible to unscrew it. It's like a car accident. You can't reverse it and get the car back, right? You just hope that the insurance company will total it so you don't ever get that car that never is quite the same.

So I think that like there's no way to undo this. So now we're kind of -- and we didn't -- we didn't accept this, but we're now along for the ride. There's no choice.


GUTFELD: There's really -- when you see the general not even sure. Nobody even knows precisely how many Americans are there. They're not even sure what's going on. So we have to be there, I mean, we just have to sit there and deal with it.

We have no intel. We're told what the Taliban are doing by the Taliban. And we're telling them what we want, please don't hurt the Americans and we'll reward you. So we're the first nation in history to actually extort ourselves.

PERINO: I'm sorry.


PERINO: Go ahead. Go ahead.

GUTFELD: I had one more thing, but --

PERINO: I bet it was great.

GUTFELD: -- but I'll save it for one more thing.

PERINO: I was just going to add one thing about -- to what you were just saying there, the -- on the world is watching.


PERINO: Today when the Taliban announced their government and their cabinet, they're like all on the U.N. terrorism watch list.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. Exactly.

PERINO: Like, is the world watching?

WATTERS: Who cares if the world's watching?


WATTERS: Who's the world anyway?

GUTFELD: Exactly.

WATTERS: But I don't want to name specific countries. I've gotten in trouble for that before. But we know who we're talking about.

GUTFELD: The world as an entity is overrated.


GUTFELD: Have you talked to any space aliens?

WATTERS: Have you seen the world? Not too good. Up next, President Biden just really trying to change the topic and is hoping Americans forget about the catastrophe in Afghanistan.


PERINO: President Biden trying to change the topic after the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal by focusing his efforts on fighting COVID and his massive $3.5 trillion spending plan. Biden is said to give a major address later this week on the next phase in his pandemic response as well. But Republicans are saying not so fast.


SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): I understand the administration wants to turn the page, they want this out of the news, they want to focus on their reckless $3.5 trillion spending bill, but there's a lot of members of Congress who are not going to rest until every American and every legal permanent resident in Afghanistan can get out of Afghanistan.


PERINO: And Vice President Kamala Harris will be out in public this week, too, but not to talk about Afghanistan. The V.P. will be in California tomorrow helping Governor Gavin Newsome because there is a recall election there happening next week.

Jesse, President Biden, all he wants to do is build back better. I mean, he's just like, can we just build back better? That's what he wanted to do. Remember, he said I want to talk about happy things.

WATTERS: That's right happy things. You can't shift the focus if you're Joe Biden. He was never focused on Afghanistan in the first place. If he was focused on Afghanistan, we wouldn't have lost face, lost Marines and lost all those weapons. He wasn't even focused on Afghanistan while he was giving a speech on Afghanistan, remember, Dana? Before I update the American people on Afghanistan, build back better.

The media doesn't have to do what Joe Biden wants to do. The media can focus on what they think the action is going to be. Donald Trump, do you think they let Trump turn the page on COVID? They asked him -- he talked about tax cuts. What do you think about Russia? You don't have to do what the president wants to do.

So the Democrats, they let -- the media lets Democrats turn the page but they'll close the book on the Republicans and that's how this works. The media is in bed with Biden. If Biden goes down, the media goes down because the Democrats go down. They know his poll numbers are horrible. Those are their own media polls.

And if he goes into the 30s and doesn't get this infrastructure thing done, then the midterms are going to be more of a blood bath than they're already shaping up to be. So they're going to say -- which is damning. We're going to ignore stranded Americans in Afghanistan.

And the fact that the president is considering turning the page on stranded Americans, like you said in the A block, that means he sees these stranded Americans as a political problem for himself, not a duty or a priority to rescue. So, you know, he'll spend this $3.5 billion and turn the page --

PERINO: Trillion.

WATTERS: -- but he'll only get credit --

FORD: Trillion.

WATTERS: -- trillion for inflation.

PERINO: Well, there's that as well. He brought up the poll numbers, Greg. It used to be for a few months, the president's worst numbers were on immigration and they are really bad like in the 30s. But now he's upside down on Afghanistan, COVID, economy, crime and immigration.


PERINO: So it's not -- that's not a good trajectory.

GUTFELD: Yes. Everything he touches turns to poop. I just want to -- I want to talk about the recall. That excites me.


GUTFELD: Can we talk about it?

PIRRO: Well, that's for another block.

GUTFELD: Because I just want to put -- no, no. Kamala is going to help him out. Isn't that part of this block?

PIRRO: That's his by Kamala.

GUTFELD: That is in the -- I've read it in the read, judge.

PIRRO: But the recall.

GUTTFELD: Don't you dare question me.

PIRRO: The recall is part of another block and you know it. It's my block.

GUTFELD: My question is, is Kamala Harris the worst vice president in the history of vice presidents? Right?

WATTERS: Well, we've had some bad ones.

PERINO: It is the D block.

GUTFELD: You know what though, she has all the --

PERINO: California.

GUTFELD: Sending Kamala to help Gavin is like asking Charlie Sheen to be your sponsor at AA. This is not a good decision. She has the persuasive skills of gout. She's able to do two things that no person could possibly do. Be invisible and unpopular, like flatulence. She's political flatulence. Anyway.

PERINO: Are you going to save those for the D block as well?

GUTFELD: No, because it was in the read.


GUTFELD: People, it wasn't just me who heard it.

PERINO: It was (inaudible) they're trying to turn the page. Anyway, Judge, I don't have -- today is wrong now.

PIRRO: Dana -- Dana said it's in the D block. Listen to me. She is the cackler-in-chief. I have no idea why this woman -- why they're even asking her to go there. Who's excited about seeing her? She hasn't done anything. She hasn't been present on any of the issues.

I mean, look at Mike Pence. I mean, that guy was -- he was -- every day he was on something. He was working. He was on this issue or that issue. He was always moving. This woman is hiding in a basement. She's probably at Joe Biden's old house.

And meanwhile, Joe Biden, by the way, is -- you want him to deal with Afghanistan? The guy keeps going back to Delaware. I don't know what's wrong with him. Even during Afghanistan, he went back this weekend. He wants to talk about the economic, the $3.5 trillion economic build back better. He can't possibly build back better. We're supposed to have a great jobs report, we're supposed to have 750,000 new jobs on Friday. We had 200,000. The guy's a mess and she's a bigger mess.

PERINO: Well, one of the things that the president did today was go and visit storm damaged areas, New Jersey and New York. He was in Louisiana last week. So Hurricane Ida did provide an opportunity for him to be commander-in-chief, to try to help people that are dealing with that. But on all those issues, but what you say is an issue that's going well for them right now?

FORD: I think that as we have vital national security interests, we have vital national interests, and this president I think is understanding and realizing the rhythm of the presidency. He is down right now in a lot of the numbers you indicated. There was the decision by the governor of Texas to try to rewrite abortion laws and reproductive rights laws which may shift some of the attention as things do in politics.

I'll say this. I gave President Trump tremendous credit for Operation Warp Speed. I was critical of him in other ways in how he handled COVID. I think we have to be willing to give president's credit where it's due and be critical where it's not and understand that any president, and we'll say she one day, he is going to understand what's going right and try to figure out how he can continue to amplify that.

And at the same time, he has a responsibility to respond to Ida. He has a responsibility to try and ensure that we can compete against China. And I would remind us all of this. A year and a half ago at this time, we were not producing enough soap or paper towels in our country. We now have a chip shortage and can't produce enough washing machines, refrigerators and cars because we have no chips.

We have to figure out ways in which two years from now we're not having to be reliant on a global supply chain for us to live our everyday lives. That has to be -- that --

WATTERS: It sounds a lot like the Trump policy. But you didn't answer the question Harold. What was the thing that Joe Biden's doing well right now?

FORD: Well, I think, though, I think -- well, I think -- I think he's being president. I think he's being mature. I think he's being mature. I think he's being responsible. I think he's making clear I will be accountable for the --

WATTERS: Is it mature to strand Americans in a war zone? Is that a sign of maturity, Harold?

FORD: That's 120,000 people got out of there, Jesse. We will find out what went wrong and we will hold those people accountable. But I give them a lot more credit today than I did back on August 24th. I don't give them all the credit and they certainly will be criticized and held accountable for the mistakes they made and there were many.


GUTFELD: Harold, I'm just offended that you used the cisnormative pronoun when talking about she becoming president.

PERINO: I know.

GUTFELD: You felt that, right?

PERINO: I was like, can't we just say they?

GUTFELD: They, I mean, I -- honestly, I thought we've moved beyond these like bigoted --

PERINO: Yes. I picked up on that, too.

GUTFELD: It's got -- me too. I don't know if I can even sit at this table.

PERINO: Well, we have to take a break. Coming up, did President Biden just admit his policies at the border aren't working?


FORD: The Biden administration looking to slow down record border crossings by quietly bringing back a policy Democrats have criticized. "The New York Times" reporting the White House has considered reviving the "Remain in Mexico Policy" in a limited way, even before Supreme Court rulings ordered the administration to do so.

And border patrol officials tell Fox News that the majority of asylum seekers crossing into the country illegally are now being returned to Mexico. So, Dana, I would I ask, short of, or in addition to this, foreseeing those migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico. What else should we be doing at the border to address this crisis?

PERINO: Oh, my gosh. We only have five minutes in this segment. I think there's a lot of things, but the remain in Mexico piece, when President Trump did that initially, I mean, even there were some in the foreign policy establishment who were like, oh, that's actually a pretty good idea.

And then when Biden came in, he campaigned on it, he said we're not going to do that. We're going to end that. And on day one, that's what they did. And then because of other things that they said, which was basically like come on over, until they said, oh, actually please don't come over. Then they have this run on the border.

And the numbers usually go down in the summer. That didn't happen this year so they've got a big problem and they know it. And also, so one, there is doing on the merits and doing the right thing. And then also I think the poll numbers show that he's like in the low 30s I think on immigration and so there's that.

But what's interesting about this remain in Mexico thing is a couple weeks ago when the court ruled, I said and I think everyone agreed, they should just take it as a win --

FORD: Right.

PERINO: -- and say, oh, gosh, you know, we really tried to end that but the courts ruled and we have to follow the law. And it seems like that's what they want to do but this highlights the dynamic that this administration continues to do. They enact bad policy like the eviction moratorium, this deportation moratorium as well, remain in Mexico, and then they get bailed out by the judicial branch, which is usually made up now of Trump judges. It's quite a thing to see.

FORD: Greg, do you think that these people leaving these desperate circumstances, that this is going to make them not want to come to the U.S. or what else? Again, I agree with Dana, but what else can we do? Because I think these people may still come. Now, I do think the remain in Mexico policy is probably going to work a lot better, but do you think that other things can be done?

GUTFELD: I think there's -- it's always -- it's always about the process, and the process -- there has to be the process for the most desperate people. And the problem is, we really don't -- it doesn't seem like we have it nor do we really have a desire to solve this. Instead we kind of conflate these things in desperation with people just coming looking for work.

It's all about friction, right? It's like, you know, friction addresses your motivations and your incentives. Every problem we're seeing is due to an abandonment of friction. So the border collapse was because, you know, Biden waved everybody forward and turned the wall into a dirty word.

But we do realize, probably the simplest visual thing ever. The biggest, easiest solution was the wall because it introduced friction as a visual tool, you see the wall coming up, you're less likely to go there and cross it. Unless you're in desperate circumstances, then you have that other prop -- that other process. It just seems that there isn't any -- there isn't any solution anymore, and there is no real drive to solve it. And I don't know why, except the cynicism, of course, is to say it's for voting reasons. But I don't know.

HAROLD FORD JR., FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Judge, you're going to clean --

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: I don't know what other reason there could be. When you violate the law, and the United States Supreme Court comes out and says you have violated the federal law, which Joe Biden did on the first day of his presidency, it's not about deterrence and punishment for people who have violated our law, it's about just letting them come in and do whatever they want.

Now, we're talking about the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill. You know who that bill is going to cover. We've got 200,000 people who came in July. I mean, how can we afford all this? And what we're doing is we're paying for it all. There's a very simple way to resolve it. We put up the wall and you say, you come here like everyone else comes here. You get a visa, you get our permission. They act like they didn't know how to handle it. I don't get it.

FORD JR.: As you -- as you give your answer this, the desperation thing -- I think the wall -- I agree with -- I hope Democrats agreed they should build a wall. But the desperation, how do we address the desperation of some of these countries as you think about your answer to all of it?

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: American desperation first, Harold. How about that? We have desperate Americans here that are being crushed on the border, all right. Let's pay attention to those people first.

FORD JR.: Without question.

WATTERS: We can deal with those other people after that. Americans should look at the Biden border crisis through the prism of the Biden Afghanistan crisis, the sloppiness, the lack of planning, the lack of empathy towards Americans, the disregard to law enforcement, the denial, there actually is a problem. Can I keep going, Harold? How about, oh, it's Trump's fault. They did the same thing with Afghanistan and the border.

The guy couldn't even coordinate with our greatest ally to the south, Mexico, and we expected him to coordinate halfway around the world with our NATO allies? The guy can't coordinate anything. The best part about bringing in a new president is that you get to keep the stuff that worked from the past president, and you get to get rid of the stuff that wasn't working, and you get credit for all of it.

So, you know, Biden kept the China tariffs. Biden kept USMCA. It's like if you're the coach -- you say Phil Jackson. When Phil Jackson took over the Chicago Bulls --

FORD JR.: He had a guy named Michael Jordan.

WATTERS: Did he cut Jordan? The Remain in Mexico policy was the Michael Jordan of border patrol policy.

GUTFELD: What an analogy.

WATTERS: Then Joe Biden cut it. What's next? Space Force, is he going to get rid of Space Force too, Harold? You get rid of the bad stuff, you keep the good stuff, you get all the credit.

FORD JR.: Just for the record, before we go, Donald Trump want to get out of Afghanistan too, so he continued not that policy.

WATTERS: Not that way.

FORD JR.: Coming up, the California recall is just one week away, and Democrats are ramping up their attacks on the leading Republican candidate Larry Elder.


PIRRO: The California recall is heating up with one week to go. Voters in the Golden State will decide whether they've had enough of rampant homelessness, crime, and COVID mandates and boot Gavin Newsom from office. Democrats wrapping up attacks on the leading Republican candidate Larry Elder.

A Newsome rally speaker even called Elder "A black face on white supremacy." The candidates taking aim at each other.


LARRY ELDER (R-CA), GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: This man has been an absolute disaster. The quality of our schools has declined. Homelessness is up, cost of living is up, forest mismanagement, water mismanagement. And people, as I mentioned, are leaving California for the very first time.

GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): Let me tell you a little bit about Mr. Elder. He is to the right of Donald Trump. He would make honestly Donald Trump blush.


PIRRO: All right, so this is -- this is the segment that you wanted to talk about before. So --

GUTFELD: It was about skin color.

PIRRO: Yes, Greg.

GUTFELD: Make Donald Trump blush.

PIRRO: All right. Well, so what do you -- what do you think about that?

GUTFELD: They can't stop, Judge. Ask me a question.

PIRRO: Can I give the question?

GUTFELD: OK, it's --

PIRRO: What do you think of the fact that they're saying that Larry Elder is a black face of white supremacy.

GUTFELD: Yes. There's three examples of this and it's hilarious to see liberals attack people over skin color in order to protect the most white privileged politician in modern history. Elder, I'm not his consultant, he should go after Gavin Newsome about being white. Like, what would happen? Because they're going after him about being black. He should have fun and go, you sir are extremely white, you know, and you were -- and you are the white face of stupidity.

But you know, white supremacist now is the new Uncle Tom. If you are Black and dare to challenge the party ideology or dare to leave their ideological race-driven plantation, you will now be called a black-faced white supremacist, again, while ignoring the Virginia Governor, the Canadian Prime Minister, a late night comedian, and God knows who else who actually did blackface and were white.

PIRRO: You know, one of the most significant consequences of this race and they say right now, Dana, that Gavin Newsome appears may win but you know, Larry Elder within striking distance is what he has said about Senator Dianne Feinstein.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Right, because it -- well, Senator Dianne Feinstein has said she's not going anywhere. But apparently, all the Democrats are like oh, like what -- counting the days. Like, maybe he's gone somewhere. And so, they're hoping that a -- the Democrats are saying, oh well, if Larry Elder or another Republican wins, and they're the governor and she dies, then he gets to appoint another Republican, and that'll be the end of the Senate.

So, one, it's offensive to Dianne Feinstein. And so, now, not only are they talking about racial issues, talking about sexism, and it's just awful. But did you notice in the comments -- when we said that they were going back and forth with each other, Larry Elder was making all policy arguments.


PERINO: And Gavin Newsom made only personal attacks. And so, I think that's one of the reasons that the Californians that are wanting to vote Newsom out are thinking about it. I don't love the recall process. I don't think it's great, but I understand why people are frustrated in California.

However, I do think when it was announced -- I think was announced today that President Biden is going to go and campaign for Gavin Gavin Newsom. I believe that they must -- they must feel that Gavin Newsom is going to win. And then Biden's team will say, see, he's not a drag on the party. He's fine.

PIRRO: All right, do you agree with that, Jesse?

WATTERS: I do. It was a coin flip until about three weeks ago, and then the Democrats really started to panic. And the unions and Hollywood poured about $10 million into this race. Just at the same time, the press started savagely attacking his race, his divorces, and his taxes, like you said, all personal smears, nothing to do with policy. Now, it's really kind of a tough reach for him.

But if I was running this campaign, I would make it about management. He can't manage the forest, he can't manage the water, he can't manage energy. Keep it about management, because clearly Democrats cannot manage that state.

PIRRO: Well, in addition to that, there's some kind of trillion-dollar fraud going on in the state unemployment division in California. But it's interesting that there's talking about it being an attack on their values if someone like Larry elder comes in and on social justice.

FORD JR.: Look, the great French -- a great French philosopher once said that --

WATTERS: That phrase has never been used on this show.

FORD JR.: It's nothing like the specter of the death penalty to focus one's mind. And Gavin Newsom has gotten very focused here. To your point, Democrats realize, you lose this seat here, this would be an earthquake, a political earthquake unlike I've seen in 20 years.

Gavin Newsom has come under criticism I think for the high taxes, the crime, the homelessness possibly ---

PERINO: And going to the French Laundry.

FORD JR.: That was -- that was the catalyst. That's what allowed I think the flood gates open. But Republicans I think may have caught them some -- might have -- might not have thought this thing could have gotten as serious as that. Because I think if they thought that, they might have ran some more serious candidates.

Larry Elder, I don't have any opposition to him because of his race. I just -- I'm just not sure he's serious enough and qualified enough to be governor of California. I think voters out there will make that determination.

I would agree with you, Dana. It's unfortunate that the clip we showed, showed Newsome attacking him for personal issues. I think personal issues should not -- someone's personal life like that should not be involved in politics. And frankly, Newsome should be challenged on policy as Elders should be.

But unfortunately, politics has gotten to a bad place where we'd like to just attack people personally.

PIRRO: Well, and you know what, it works for some people.

FORD JR.: Yes.

PIRRO: And that's why they do it. And then some people --

GUTFELD: Arnold pulled it off.

PIRRO: All right --

FORD JR.: I'm glad I was the first thought with the French philosopher.


PIRRO: All right, up next, a special tribute to America's dog Jasper.


GUTFELD: Welcome back. Jasper, America's dog, sadly passed away over the weekend. He was 9 years old, but packed in more years of living than most bipeds at the villages. For years, the furry fellow provided this show with plenty of laughs through his many appearances and Dana's endless, endless, endless references in "ONE MORE THING." But we will all miss Jasper. Here's a look back.


PERINO: Well, here he is. This is -- we've waited for him for a long time.

It's Jasper, for real. It's his birthday. He's one year old. He's America's dog.

GUTFELD: I didn't know you had a dog.

PERINO: Oh, yes, I have a dog.

He can squeeze into any possible share that we're going to sit in. It keeps me warm. I don't even need a blanket.

Jasper, we did this about 100 times that night and it never got old for him.

WATTERS: Every time?

PERINO: It never got old. He just never learned that it was coming.

It's been a year since America's dog has been on THE FIVE, but here he is back, Jasper Vizsla Perino.

America's dog Jasper is joining us, much to Greg's disappointment, although I do think he actually kind of likes him. Jasper, say hello to your fans. And he's much better behaved this year than last year.

GUTFELD: Well, he's getting older.

PERINO: So, it's time now for "ONE MORE THING." I'll go first. It's Jasper's birthday. He's six years old today. This is -- he comes every year on his birthday. Jesse can't believe his good fortune.

Hey, that's great. One treat. Yes, there you go.

Obviously, Jasper can sit. That's very easy. He can also catch, as you can see. Catch. High five.


GUTFELD: All right, so here you go. We something right here.

PERINO: I think I'm going to do all right.

GUTFELD: And then I got a whistle. So, this is called the crying whistle. Whenever you start crying, I just blow it.

PERINO: And then like, time out.

GUTFELD: Time out.

PERINO: No, I don't think I'll cry, but thank you so much. I know that the pipe pained you.

GUTFELD: I put that whole thing together over the weekend. Yes.

PERINO: Thank you so much. Yes, it was -- it was very quick. He didn't really show any symptoms until about 10 days ago or so. And I go -- of course, I was a great Google doctor and I thought he had a kidney stone and he was at the vet. Anyway, it was cancer and it was everywhere. And so, he had a very peaceful goodbye on Saturday.

So it's very sad but I would also say, I feel this tremendous amount of gratitude for him and his life, all he gave me. And -- but also, it's fun to look back about the show and the audience and how much everybody seemed to really get a kick out of him. And it connected people from all walks of life. Politics had nothing to do with it. And he was a really wonderful champion. A total legend, I would say. He's a great dog.

WATTERS: A famous French philosopher once said, in the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. That was Camus.


GUTFELD: Well, thank you.

WATTERS: Or Camus as the American --

PERINO: What does that have to do with America's Dog?

WATTERS: I think that's what you're feeling right now.


WATTERS: That's how I'm going to play this out, Dana. But I would like to say one thing. I did sleep with your dog.

PERINO: Yes, that's true.

WATTERS: When you invited me over for dinner, and I asked if I could spend the night because I was (INAUDIBLE) to go home. And I ended up sleeping on the futon with Jasper.

PERINO: No, it was actually a pull-out couch if you remember. It was actually a pull-out couch and Jasper crawled in.

WATTERS: Well, I had a one-night stand on your pullout couch with Jasper who I love. And then I got Rookie, and now I know what made your hearts so big dog.

PERINO: Dog love.

WATTERS: Yes, dog love.

PIRRO: You know, I'll tell you, Dana. I mean, the one thing that --

PERINO: You're the first people to call me.

PIRRO: Yes. But the one thing that gives me a sense of peace is the Rainbow Bridge, you know. And people should Google it. It's where dogs go and animals go and they're able to play and run and play with each other. And there's a beautiful rainbow. And it gives me a lot of satisfaction. I'm sure you've read it. It's --

PERINO: And then, I put a little picture of a FIVE fan photoshopped really made Jasper a star, I think. He's loved this show. He loved Jasper and he made this for me on Saturday to announce Jasper's passing. So, there he is at the Rainbow Bridge. So, thank you FIVE fan. We appreciate that.

GUTFELD: All right, Harold, do have a philosopher?

FORD JR.: Mine is as great American philosopher, Jesse Watters, who once told me like -- we have three dogs and we lost our dog 12 years ago and we said we would never get a dog another year. And then a week later, we had a dog six months, our second dog a year -- two years --

PERINO: You have a fun house.

FORD JR.: So, yes. So -- I'm almost tearing up because I was not a dog person until I married my wife. And now, I can only imagine.

PERINO: Wait, what?

WATTERS: Blow the whistle on Harold.


FORD JR.: I was not a dog person --

PIRRO: No, he was crying about you married your wife.

FORD JR.: And my wife had a dog. When I start dating my wife --

PIRRO: He doesn't get it.

FORD JR.: No, no, no, I don't. When I married my wife -- my wife, she had a dog and --

PIRRO: I know. I know. We got it both. OK, yes.

FORD JR.: Do I need another French philosopher to get this thing going here.

PERINO: Thanks, everybody. Thanks, Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Dana P.

PERINO: Oh, OK, I wanted to -- well, one, thank you for all of your support. Thanks to the table and to Karen Funaro. I think she put the package together. She's a producer here.

GUTFELD: What about that Fritz's?

PERINO: I am getting to that. Just give me a moment because I do -- I want to thank Red Bank Animal Hospital in New Jersey. I thought they were incredible and compassionate and really lovely people and I've loved it. At one point, they said, by the way, we were Googling your dog which was cute.

But Caroline Fritz came through. She's 5 years old. She starts kindergarten next week. She spent her afternoon making a collage of all these pictures of Jasper. He knew her when she was born. And so, she gave a little tribute. Thank you, Caroline Fritz.

WATTERS: Well, this is awkward, but let's talk about How I Save the World. Jasper would have wanted it that way.

PIRRO: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: I was signing books at the LBI Book Swap. And this is becoming a thing now, the Gutfeld shirt. People have showed up every time I sign, a Gutfeld guy and I have to punch him.


WATTERS: That's the standard op. And now, this guy came with a Jessie Watters shirt.

PERINO: What did you do to him?

WATTERS: I can't say it on television, but we made passionate love. Also an awkward turn, my twins' first day of school. Good luck, ladies. Great uniforms. Let's talk about our Fox bet situation. I've already signed up for it. You got to download the Fox bet right now. It's an app, Fox Bet Super App 6. And you enter for a free chance to win a million bucks of Terry Bradshaw's money.

All you need to do is pick from six outcomes from Sunday's game, then watch to see how it all plays out. It's free. Everybody loves free stuff. So, download the Fox Bet Super 6 app now and get started. Greg.

GUTFELD: All right, let's do this. Greg's kangaroos are stupid news. Let's take a look at this video, OK. Just how stupid are kangaroos? Well, they're stupid enough to think that some hammock is actually another kangaroo, and he's trying to fight the kangaroo. This went on for hours.

Kangaroos are so stupid. And he got a pocket. Just put the hammock in the pocket. What's your problem, dude? Anyway --

PERINO: That's holding.

GUTFELD: Kangaroos are stupid. That's it.


WATTERS: Harold.

FORD JR.: Oh, tomorrow, I think no other person in baseball or sports personified excellence and integrity on and off the field like this guy. Derek Jeter had to wait a year to be inducted and be enshrined in Cooperstown. Tomorrow will happen. He'll join Larry Walker, Ted Simmons, and Marvin Miller. Congratulation to a great American, a great baseball player.

PERINO: Awesome. You're going to be there?

WATTERS: Congrats, Jeter.


PERINO: He's going to be there.


PIRRO: All right, Castles USA season two is now available on Fox Nation. And you get to come along as I tour some of the most beautiful, historic castles in the United States.

PERINO: Wait, how did you get these assignments?

PIRRO: First, I've visited Bishop's castle in Galveston, Castle in the Clouds in New Hampshire, Vizcaya in Miami, Glynallyn in Morristown, and Hempstead on the Gold Coast. You're going to love it. Sign up to see real castles and me.

WATTERS: All right. Did you go to White Castle?

PIRRO: Yes, me.

WATTERS: All right, that's a good one.

GUTFELD: Racist.

PIRRO: Yes. Stop it, Jesse.

WATTERS: That's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with Mike Emanuel.

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