'The Five' on Manchin media reaction, Kamala Harris' disaster interview

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Bill Hemmer, Lawrence Jones, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Hey, Greg. It's a big day of breaking news, and we have a time to. The White House struggling to deal with the surge in COVID cases after the president repeatedly promised to shut down the virus. Restrictions are coming back in blue states as a top official say one mandate could be made permanent.

And the White House playing cleanup over a Kamala Harris interview that went completely off the rails.

But first, President Biden's agenda implodes after moderate Senator Joe Manchin says he's a no on the massive Build Back Better spending plan. The squad going nuclear over that.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn't be trusted. You know, the excuses that he just made I think are complete (muted).

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): Let Mr. Machin explain to the people of West Virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): He is obstructing the president's agenda.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): We are not going to let people play these games anymore because they are relying on norms of the all-boys club.


PERINO (on camera): Senator Manchin calling out the president staff for the breakdown after Jen Psaki accused him of betrayal. The press secretary trying to strike a softer tone but sticking by her harsh statement last night.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think the lengthy statement that I issued yesterday outlined pretty specifically the events of the last few weeks and it was important to the president and to all of us to make that clear to the American people.

We don't have regrets about aggressively communicating about it and making sure people understand that if we don't pass this legislation, cost for the American people will go up and economic growth projections will not go on the right direction.


PERINO (on camera): If there's one thing we love at THE FIVE, it's the media montage. Here's the media reaction immediately after Joe Manchin broke that news on Fox News Sunday with Bret Baier.


UNKNOWN: Some breaking news. Senator Manchin has just said that he is a firm "no" on this legislation.

DAVID GREGORY, POLITICAL ANALYST, CNN: Manchin is a mercurial person to be dealing with from people I've talked to within the White House. We know this to be true. And he, you know, may want to be a king maker in some ways when it comes to this legislation.

UNKNOWN: Because Joe Manchin wanted to extend the Joe Manchin show, period.


PERINO (on camera): So, they say they want to continue on and see if they can get them to come around, but how about this for persuasion tactics?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I really enjoyed that audible gasp. It sounded like somebody was getting a foot massage, maybe Toobin was around. But that gasp tells you how emotionally invested the media is in this decision. They were never debating the merits or the contents of the bill. They just wanted a victory at any cost, never mind what it would do to inflation and everybody knew it would be a disaster and they didn't care about what was buried in the bill.

It was just kind of a naked tell when you heard that. Whose side they were on. And then you sit there and you go OK, who's fault is this? Because we just saw that the squad was just about on every single show.

So, it wasn't like people were keeping them quiet, they had every moment and opportunity to explain why this bill should be the best thing since sliced bread, so you can't blame a Joe Manchin.

You actually have to blame the Democrats like Joe Biden who did not have the guts to stand up to the militant progressive wing of their party who turned an infrastructure -- an infrastructure bill into a Candyland of Marxist, you know, dreams and junk science and junk economics.

Lastly, it's like if you think about -- if you think about what liberals consider heroes these days, obviously Bernie Sanders, but you have like Lynne Cheney, you have Adam Kinzinger. You've got John McCain. These are all these people that like stood up and spoke truth to power. Manchin just did the same thing.


GUTFELD: Why is he considered not part of the cool group? I mean, when it McCain did it, it wasn't really a nonprincipled rebellion, it was because he just didn't like Trump.



GUTFELD: Manchin -- Manchin --

PERINO: -- what did you think of when McCain voted for Obamacare?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

PERINO: Then he praises him then.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. So, and then, here you have, you have Joe Manchin doing a principled stance and they are all pissed off about it, but they didn't seem to be that pissed when Lynne Cheney and Kinzinger and McCain are all doing it because, you know, Trump is evil orange man.

PERINO: OK. What about the Biden agenda? What does it spell?

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS CO-ANCHOR: First of all, what the hell am I doing here? Getting Geraldo's chair and Harold's chair?


PERINO: Why do you (Inaudible) curse on THE FIVE?

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: I said you can curse on THE FIVE.

HEMMER: I am allowed, right?


HEMMER: Seven-second are like.

PERINO: But you didn't wear tie.

HEMMER: I think that -- we should take the day off or the afternoon off anyway. I think if you were paying attention to the case at hands, Senator Manchin made his intentions clear the entire time.

Over the summer when Chuck Schumer said I'm good for 1.5 trillion. And then through the negotiating process he opted to 1.7 trillion. There's a report that he went to the White House the other day and said I want the 1.8. Whether it's true or not this is what's reported.

September 29th, and Dana, we talked about this earlier in the show, Manchin put out a statement that he said, what I made clear is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs where you can't even pay for the central social programs like social security and Medicare is the definition of fiscal sanity.

He is always mentioned mean testing. He's always mentioned work requirements. Without a and b there, you're just, you're back to welfare. And a significant way built into this bill.

During that interview with Bret yesterday Manchin mentioned a hearing from years ago. It was joint chiefs chair Michael McMullen (Ph), I think it was 2011, and he was asked the question, what is the biggest danger to America? And his answer was our national debt.

Well, in 2011, our national debt was $14 trillion. Today we're 29 trillion. We've easily doubled that since then. Manchin hasn't changed. He has felt this the entire time. Why does this fail? If you want to find faults, look at the president and look at Democrats in Congress with a 50/50 Senate and a four-seat majority in the House. They overplayed their hand --


HEMMER: -- and now they are stuck with it.

PERINO: Now they're stuck. And they're also, I think being quiet, you know, condescending to the people of West Virginia, just take a listen to Senator Manchin what he set on a local radio show today.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Surely to God we can move one person. Surely, we can badger and beat one person up. Surely, we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough, they'll just say OK, I'll vote for anything, just quit. Well guess what? I'm from West Virginia. I'm not from where they're from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they'll be submissive. Period.


PERINO (on camera): Dagen, you're always, you know, stick it up for rural America, and West Virginia has mostly rural state.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn't win one county in the state of West Virginia. And they made the critical mistake of underestimating somebody because of where they are from. And people from the south have historically used that to their advantage.

It's like, please assume that I'm stupid because I talk funny. Please assume that you can get one over on me easily, because I'm from Virginia or West Virginia. And then you sit back and do you watch there, as I said before, their pomposity melt into horror when they realize that they've lost.

But these temper tantrums that they had on national TV, and I'm talking about AOC and her click, since when the temper tantrums make you look strong. They look weak. They are a party controlled by petulant children. Veruca Salt. I want it, and I want it now!

They are mad, they are stomping and they are blinded by ideology. And they -- this is not the work of pragmatic people. Danger is inside, and Manchin said this on that radio interview, that he said it's not the president, it's the staff. It's the progressive staff, Ron Klain and the people he hired who are pushing this far-left wing agenda at a time when Medicare is running out of money.

So, the Wall Street Journal wrote today in the editorial like, is he going to -- if he wants to make a pivot, he's got to jettison.

PERINO: Manchin says today --

MCDOWELL: And everybody.

PERINO: -- Lawrence, that he and Biden together had an agreement that they were going to do a joint statement, saying we're going to push this off, we're going to do it in March or April, and then Manchin said, well, but the White House then put out a statement blaming him and that's when he decided that's enough.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'm compelled to believe Manchin because he's been consistent. And I also think -- and that statement from Jen Psaki calling Manchin essentially a liar -- the audacity.

I mean, Joe Biden and his camp it should be Manchin based on what the promise during the presidential campaign. Remember back on the campaign, Barack Obama got involved with the race. After saying behind the scenes that Joe was a joke, he forced Buttigieg, Klobuchar out, because they were afraid that someone like socialist Bernie was going to get the race.

And so, they forced all these people out because Joe was the guy, but Joe changed once Georgia happened. He went from being moderate Joe to saying, look, I think we can actually be progressive. Bernie flipped and said he may be the most progressive president. AOC flipped.

And the whole squad coalesce behind Joe Biden. But they didn't do that with Manchin. And so, I think what you are looking at right now is that, you know, the political compass of Joe Biden used to be Joe Manchin. And now he's trying to pretend like Joe changed, Joe Manchin changed when he really was the one that changed.

And I think the voters see this and I think this is why the Biden agenda is dead, because he never really had a compass.

PERINO: Where do we go from there? Well, up next, President Biden is ready to play the blame game after failing to shut down the virus like he promised.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We need honesty with the American people. And will never, ever, ever quit. That's how we shut down this virus.

I'm going to shut down the virus. I'm not going to shut down the economy, I'm going to shut down the virus.


JONES: The president who said he would shut down the virus is failing to keep his promise. Biden is now set to blame the surge of the Omicron cases on the unvaccinated.

The White House says the situation is surging but for some reason the president is waiting until tomorrow to give his big speech, we are expecting more of the same finger pointing and scolding with little mention of using therapeutics to save lives. blaming. The White House giving us a preview. Watch.


PSAKI: He'll talk about what to expect as we head into the winter months and detail additional steps that we will be taking. For those who choose to remain unvaccinated he'll issue a stark warning and make clear unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths.

That is not trying to scare people, or maybe it is trying to make clear to people in the country what the risks are here of not being vaccinated.


JONES (on camera): So Dagen, they've been putting pressure on the unvaccinated for months, and it is still not working. So why continue to push this message tomorrow?

MCDOWELL: That's all they've got. Number one, we are not trying to scare people. You're talking about the winter of death.


MCDOWELL: And essentially telling people, if I'm not vaccinated, I am, but if I'm not vaccinated and I go and see my family, all of whom are vaccinated and have boosters, that I am bringing a winter of death upon my family. That is them trying to frighten the badubies (Ph) of the people for no reason.

It is clearly not working. Number one. The -- Joe Biden said on the campaign trail if the president had done his job and done his job from the beginning, all of these people would still be alive. well, that's on him now because he's been in office almost a year.

There's a few things going on. The fact that you have all of these antiviral drugs that have not been passed out of the FDA. Merck and Pfizer to name two. There's another one. Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant that they could be prescribing people.

With the Pfizer drug, i said it Friday, it completely eliminates death. And another problem is, it is this -- it's this knee jerk of going to have to get a booster in New York. Kathy Hochul is going to force people to get boosters. It's expected that all of the top ecologists are going to make students get boosters in the spring.

Well, kids who are fully vaccinated under the age of 30 there is zero death, that's without a booster. And there's been poultry little work done on myocarditis and pericarditis.

And these colleges are, they're flirting with disaster with the students if they're going to make them get boosters, because they do not have enough research on the effects of boosters and -- I mean, they don't have enough research on the effect of vaccines, but the boosters are not needed in the young because there is no death in people under 30.

JONES: Dana, is there a downside in talking about the therapeutics?

PERINO: No, not at all. And in fact, I think that tomorrow, I just think that they're -- Biden is going to give a speech tomorrow. Because it's so urgent they had to wait until Tuesday in order to give a speech.

I feel like they have to change up their tactics, because I could write the speech today. If they are going to talk about vaccines, boosters, masks, and dire, and doom. And they just say the same thing over and over. And it's obviously not moving the needle.

At the same time, you have some of the mainstream media is now starting to say wait a second, let me look into this data about, you said that mask is working in schools. But can I see behind the curtain? It turns out the data is not there. So, there's questions about that.

I also think that the testing situation is a complete and total disaster. We walk around the city today and people are in lined for two and half hours just trying to get a test. Whereas in Europe you can walk in to anywhere. Or you mailed the test for free or for a dollar you can get one in the pharmacy. Here everybody is sold out.

So, testing in this country has become a complete and terrible situation. So, I do think that they have to try something new. The other thing I would say is that when Kamala Harris said that nobody saw this coming, it doesn't inspire confidence. Because, one, that's how viruses work.

And now that's what her team is trying to say.

JONES: Right.

PERINO: But that's not what she said. She said the scientists didn't tell us that this was going to happen. And even you have Dr. Fauci trying to defend her. And everyone is constantly trying to defend her. But she is the one who said it. So, if they didn't see that, what else are they may be not seen?

JONES: Another moment where she wasn't prepared. Another story that's been out there, Bill, you're a big sports guy. Kyrie Irving, one of the top five players in the league --


HEMMER: Come on back.

JONES: -- was banned --

HEMMER: We need you now.

JONES: -- from Brooklyn --


JONES: -- because he didn't take the vaccine. The other people on his team took the vaccine. And now half of the team is out because they got COVID.


JONES: So now, they're asking him to come back to the team.

PERINO: I hadn't heard that.

HEMMER: I'm wondering what would Harold say right now? Harold would say, thanks for having me today.

GUTFELD: Yes. Thank you, by the way.

HEMMER: Then he go into it. I think the good news is it's not as virulent as the past mutations. I think the good is we got the vaccine. I think the bad news is it's highly contagious. What confounds me is I can't believe how little communication this White House has offered on all of this.

Joe Biden was on camera last Thursday, there was Fauci and Walensky, head of the CDC on Friday. I think it was on C-SPAN. Outside of that, where is the message? Everything Jen Psaki said today could have been said by the president today, but instead we have to wait till tomorrow. Why is that?

He was the COVID candidate for president, he's been the president who's constantly said, get the shot. Well, what do you know? What do we need to know? Christmas is five days away, America.

GUTFELD: What did you get me, by the way?

HEMMER: Working on that.

GUTFELD: You've been --

JONES: Greg --

GUTFELD: I'm an extra-large by the way.

PERINO: In what?

GUTFELD: Wait till you find out.

JONES: Take us home, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes. I would always like to play the 'what if it was Donald Trump' game. But I'm going to do with Joe Biden, which is Joe Biden is a racist with blood on his hands. Right? More people have died under his watch having therapeutics and having the booster shots and having the vaccine, and yet all these people are dying on him. Bloods on his hands.

A lot of people that aren't getting vaccines is demonized. Minorities, right? Racist with blood on his hands. I said this before. I think it's time that we nominate a hostage negotiator who is untethered to the left or the right so you can't save me, or Dana, or any of you fellows and women to end this government public standoff. Right?

Someone that needs to get in there who is not left or right. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Betty White.

PERINO: Betty White.

GUTFELD: Betty White.


GUTFELD: Somebody who can go like, OK, the government is not the right entity to say when this is over. Because whenever they use a war footing, whether it's Afghanistan or the war on drugs or Vietnam, they really suck at it. The public ended the war on drugs just by changing opinion and people talking about it.

I say I'll probably argue that with Afghanistan, too. Probably like Vietnam. So, I think that right now it's the American -- it's the public that has to take control, because the government is too scared of liability, litigation, of being voted out of office to actually have any balls to do anything for this. And I apologize for using the b-word.

HEMMER: Well, it is cable. I think it's fine to say the virus has a mind of its own and we are still learning. Just tell us.

GUTFELD: Exactly, that's why the data keeps changing. And stories changing. You got to be flexible. It's not a prison to --


PERINO: It's not helpful to say that you are going out to wear a mask on an airplane for the rest of your life.

HEMMER: Exactly that.

JONES: Especially the science didn't suggest that. All right. We got to go. COVID restrictions are here in the state. The mandates that the White House says could be here forever. That's next on THE FIVE.


MCDOWELL (on camera): It's COVID deja vu. Blue states once again pushing new restrictions like mask and vaccine mandates. Washington, D.C. just declaring a state emergency and bringing back COVID rules. And liberal leaders still not ready to completely rule out lock downs. Some schools and colleges are already shutting down and going to remote learning. And Tony Fauci, he's a doctor. He wouldn't know it. He's talking about making some restrictions permanent.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco, it's a well over a five-hour flight. Even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it.


GUTFELD: The filtration.

MCDOWELL: Lawrence?

JONES: We know a lot about this virus when it comes to the vaccine, and now and the therapeutics and how to live with it. But we also know that negative impacts of the virus and the shutdowns that were calls. We know what happened to the schools, we know that our kids are going to be like 10 years behind, they were already behind to begin with and now they're just destroyed right now.

We know about the mental health crisis that was already bad, but now with the virus, it expanded. We know about the economy and the businesses that are still suffering.

And so, to note all of that and still be so trigger-happy to shut every single thing down, I think it's pretty demented, it really is. To see what happened to this country, to see the pain of American citizens, because the people that are making these decisions -- it's not going to hit them. It really isn't.

If they want to fly their family to their own private island -- we already know that they don't even follow the rules that they implement. So, it's just wrong on so many levels.

MCDOWELL: This I'm, Greg, wicked pissed about what's going on here in New York City with Bill de Blasio where they've essentially made the decision that it somehow less harmful to fire employees and deprive them of a life and livelihood that that is less harmful than having somebody on the job and be vaccinated.

GUTFELD: Yes, I would call them a stack of life -- lice infested driftwood. But why insult lice?


GUTFELD: You know? So, we basically said -- I don't remember if it was CNN or MSNBC, they all sound the same, but he said, if you want to work and you want to eat or you want to enjoy your life, you have to get a vaccine.

And it was interesting because it's only in this, I don't know, opportunity that he actually understands the use of incentives to control a population. But he doesn't do that with criminals, right?

So, it's like lefties only embrace incentives to control decent law-abiding citizens, but when it comes to criminals, no cash bail, no prison time. That's an incentive for committing crime. And so, they don't use the incentives correctly. They are using them as punishments for people who are just trying to get by. And then they let the criminals out and run free.

MCDOWELL: And Dana, I've noticed this. Speaking of -- it seems like the city has cornered the market on insanity. NYU has a 99 vaccination rate among all students and faculty and they're going to remote exams.



PERINO: Well, I think -- one of the things that I've noticed too is that if you look at this omicron that came from South Africa, the results from South Africa are quite encouraging. It is very transmissible. I mean, like, every -- like, it's exponentially transmissible. But for most people, it's either asymptomatic or very mild like a cold.

And the colds, I'm the worst when I have a cold, I hate it. I get that. But the CDC's protocol are that you have to -- if you test positive, you have to take 10 days off of work. One of the reasons the hospitals are getting overwhelmed is because many people, because it's highly transmissible, are testing positive even if they don't feel sick which means that then they have to stay home for 10 days.

So, you're talking all sorts of people at hospitals, anywhere, maybe even you know, here -- anywhere -- and that's not just in New York City, that's across the country. So, first and foremost, I think the President could do something helpful tomorrow which is to say that he's asked the CDC to revise those guidelines because that is clearly not necessary.

The other thing is, they got to come out tomorrow with some sort of encouragement.


PERINO: Because their numbers are already so bad in terms of just the mood of the country. If he comes out tomorrow with doom and gloom, death, dreary winter, everything is terrible, when we are actually getting pretty encouraging results about omicron.

Now, if this pandemic was different and children were dying and there -- it was like violent -- people were violently sick everywhere, then some of the mandates, maybe you could revisit that. But for this, it doesn't seem to make sense.

MCDOWELL: If -- there is no reason anybody else who is in decent health will ever have to die from this if they can get off their asses and pass these therapeutics. The emergency use authorization went through for the Merck drug and not -- the advisory panel voted in favor of it a few weeks ago. So, where is the --

HEMMER: Or get the vaccine. We didn't live to spend with the Spanish flu forever. We're not going to live with this forever. The whole idea about wearing a mask forever in an airplane is just nuts to me. I would just add this. I think a lot of people come to New York City, they think we're nuts.

PERINO: Yes, they do.

HEMMER: Everybody's walking around with masks and places are closing down as of this weekend, again starting today. However, we had 66,000 new cases in three days in the state of New York. Yesterday, we had 22,000 cases alone on Sunday.

Now, listen our vaccination rate is through the roof. I think we're at 86, 87 percent. That's all good news. We're going to be fine. There was a wedding over in Park Avenue two weeks ago. I had a bunch of friends who attended. They think it was a super spreader. And they think the bride was infected.

And so, for the next three or four days, everybody's home in bed with the fever and the flu but they're OK now because they were vaccinated.

PERINO: Right.

HEMMER: And they were boosted and that is the hope. As far as going forward, Robert Redfield who used to run the CDC, he thinks we're doing this whole booster thing wrong. I think it's a very interesting data point for us going forward. He thinks you should know the level of immunity in your body and that would determine whether or not you need a shot or a booster and when.

GUTFELD: I said that last week. Remember, I said like -- I posed a question and says, what if a booster shot -- booster shot doesn't help you if you -- if what you have is a natural immunity? Could that help? I pose that as a question.

HEMMER: Two things on that. Right now, they're already starting to second guess, why they gave the first and second shot three weeks apart.


HEMMER: It should have been maybe six weeks or even longer. And the second thing is that Redfield, he and his wife, are on the same schedule.


HEMMER: For all the shots and all the boosters and their immunity levels are different.

GUTFELD: I knew that's what happened when you're married.

HEMMER: You bet.

PERINO: That's terrible.

GUTFELD: I don't even know what it meant.

PERINO: Oh, you don't?


PERINO: No, I don't need that. I was just laughing to laugh it with you.


MCDOWELL: Again, there's no need for boosters on people under 30, New England Journal of Medicine. Why didn't Biden come out and say that? No need for boosters.

GUTFELD: Now, you're anti-science though. That's what the media will say.

MCDOWELL: Well, I thought science was in the New England Journal of -- is it medicine or is it --

PERINO: Medicine.

MCDOWELL: Something -- no, it's something else. Like -- never mind. I was about to say something dirty. Kamala causes another train wreck. The Vice President snapping during a disastrous interview.


HEMMER: Kamala Harris once again creating headaches for the administration. Things getting heated between the Vice President and a TV host by the name of Charlamagne Tha God after he asked this tough question.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, TV HOST: So, who's the real president of the country? Is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?



HARRIS: Come on, it's Joe Biden.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I can't tell sometimes.

HARRIS: No, no, no, no. It's Joe Biden. And don't start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he is president.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it's Joe Biden -- and it's Joe Biden and I'm Vice President, and my name is Kamala Harris.


HEMMER: So, you have that, Greg. And there are other segments to this interview that's pretty interesting.

GUTFELD: It's so -- the best part would -- the best part you didn't even clip, it was when he looked over to the side and he goes oh, they can hear me. Because they claimed that they didn't hear him. The thing is, how bad is this, when you are with Charlamagne, with Symone Sanders in the control room, and it's -- you have the most benevolent situation and it still that bad. That's why she can't do other interviews.

I have a feeling that the Dems want an entire clean slate for 2024. It is kind of like when you -- after a car accident or when your car gets stolen and its returned, you just want the insurance company to total the car. You don't want to repair the wreck.


GUTFELD: You know, it's like -- it's like, the care is just not the same anymore even when they bring it into the shop. It's like -- it still has that smell of after whoever did what the back seat. Now, you just want to get a new car. That's what the Dems want, total it. They need an insurance company to come in and just --

HEMMER: You know, Dana, what is -- he's talking about Symone Sanders who's leaving Kamala Harris' office the end of this month.

PERINO: And she's like --

HEMMER: 32. She was saying, we can't hear the question.


HEMMER: Right as Kamala Harris was about the question.

JONES: Unbelievable.

PERINO: Yes. I think that Symone has done her best, right? And she sets up an interview for Kamala Harris that's going to be friendly, and they know that it's going to be. I have a different view about this. I think that this interview helped Kamala Harris with the people she needs to have more confidence in her, and that's their base.

Midterm elections are not about independent swing voters who show up once in a while for a midterm. These are about base elections. At the end of the interview, what Charlamagne says is that's the Kamala I have missed. That's the Kamala I want to see. So, I have a feeling you're going to see a lot more of that.

HEMMER: Who knew that Charlamagne tha God --

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Charlamagne the newsmaker?

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Because this was not the first time.


HEMMER: He was the one who had candidate Joe Biden on when Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you aren't Black.

JONES: This is -- this is where people get wrong with Charlamagne. First of all, he's a liberal, and he's -- he tells people this. But he holds people accountable based on the things they said they were going to do. And that was the purpose of this interview.

Kamala was not prepared. She got very defensive. I agree to a certain extent with Dana that it helped her at the end because he gave her a piece of advice to say, in the future --

GUTFELD: That's him.

JONES: They want to see that prosecutor that was when Republicans -- when you grill Republicans when the Donald Trump administration was in there. But she still didn't answer the question. First of all, we know that Charlamagne wasn't suggesting that Joe Biden was the President of the United States. The question was, who has the most power, which is Manchin. And she refused to answer that question.

He also followed up by saying, is Manchin a problem? She didn't answer that question as well. And then she got into this whole thing about her being the VP and everyone knows that. And then she had a great moment at the end where she was aggressive and -- but there was no substance there which is her problem.

She has great moments when they can script them out with we saw at the early of the campaign with Joe Biden. But when you start getting into policy where she stands on things -- and don't take my word for it, look at her people. Her people don't even trust her to answer the question because she clearly heard the question.

HEMMER: Well, Dagen, the newly boosted Dagen McDowell, how did you -- how did you hear the exchange there?

MCDOWELL: I watched the whole thing twice. Charlamagne was hand feeding the Vice President marshmallows --


MCDOWELL: -- the entire interview. He asked the same question over and over and over again, and actually, a good interviewer will just move on, rather than continuing to bring up Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin. She went into a five minutes soliloquy at the beginning of the interview, and then at the end, just repeated the exact same thing she had said at the beginning.

And Charlamagne kept asking, when are we going to get a real -- get real with the American people and know that Joe Manchin is ruining the country? He's stopping progress and ruining democracy. He just went on and on. Kamala -- the whole thing was just a (INAUDIBLE).

HEMMER: I do agree the first answer went for a long time.

MCDOWELL: Well, and then the end, it was -- and by the way, what the heck was Charlamagne even asking? Why is Joe Manchin allowed to constantly hold up President Biden's agenda? Kamala Harris should have said, you know, she actually had to give a poli-sci lesson in the middle of the interview. Does the President have the power to force a duly elected member of the Senate to do his bidding? No.

HEMMER: And on it went. In a moment here, it could be the rematch of the century, this century, in fact. What Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was saying about 2024. It's next.


GUTFELD: It's the rematch that could signal the end times, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2024.


MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hillary Clinton said that if you win again, it is the end of democracy. Will this be a rematch?

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Oh, I have no idea. I hope so. I mean, I'd like that. But look, the woman is crooked as can be.


GUTFELD: I missed that. We don't deserve him. And there's speculation that Hillary is gearing up for another run after a new round of TV appearances where she keeps throwing jabs at Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If I were a betting person right now, I say Trump is going to run again. This is a make-or-break point. Are we going to give in to all of this -- all these lies and the misinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions or are we going to stand up to it?


GUTFELD: I'm so happy she finally brought up the Russian collusion hoax, you know. You know, Dagen, it's this -- if you follow the arc of a perfect story that followed the script, you know, beginning, middle, and end, this is the end. This is exactly -- if this were a simulation, this is exactly what we're supposed to get.

MCDOWELL: Yes. We know she's running again because she hot rolled her hair.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's what I do.

MCDOWELL: Southern women know. It's like, oh, she's broken out the hot curlers. Lots of questions about Jeffrey Epstein. If she decides to run again, I would greatly look forward to that in addition to the Russia collusion hoax and the dossier and all of that. But to me, this seems like a sequel, like Battlefield Earth 2 but nobody is really asking for.

GUTFELD: I don't know. I kind of want this. You know -- you know what, here's the deal, Lawrence. Fox doesn't need this. We're like huge. We're the greatest cable news network that will ever be. But CNN and MSNBC need this.

JONES: Oh yes, they need it.

GUTFELD: Because they need -- CNN is like about a month away from closing up shop. This could save them.

JONES: This is another Rocky fight and they need it.


JONES: Here's the deal. Hillary is not over this, but so are the Democratic voters. They're not over just in a different way. The thought of that election gives them PTSD.


JONES: And so, I don't think that she would be able to get the nomination because she is the guy -- she's the person, not the guy. She's the person that couldn't beat Donald Yeah. And there'll be forever a stain on her record.

GUTFELD: She gives them PTSD. Bill, gives them -- Hemmer, don't we need new blood?

HEMMER: I guess. I did the numbers though. Trump would be 78.


HEMMER: Hillary would be 77.


HEMMER: Joe Biden to be 82. Kamala Harris approval rating as of last week was 28 percent. I did a Greg Gutfeld for you.


HEMMER: As Greg would say, if this were a fight in the playground, everyone would have a black eye, right? Trump is tied to January 6 and he lost to Biden. Clinton lost to Trump and she lost to Obama. Gavin Newsom facedown recall, but he has issues come out of the COVID, schools, mandates, liberal state. Pete Buttigieg is running the supply chain but he yet have to go to the port in California, right? Yes, it's entirely possible, but I agree with you, it'd be really good for --

JONES: That was good.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. But you know what, he brought up Gavin Newsom, which I think is the -- is the fore-- front runner. And DeSantis, could you imagine that? The governor versus governor, two different approaches.

JONES: Record against record.

PERINO: Let's have it up. First of all, I'd like to go on the record say that hot rollers are some of the best inventions ever and I think they should make a comeback. Secondly, you earlier said you think the Democrats want a clean slate. I think that is true. And I do not think that she wipes the slate clean for the Democrats. I think they would be dreading that.

The other thing is that Hillary Clinton catch a break. She wanted to make News on Sunday about how she might put her toe back in the water. But guess what, Joe Manchin stole all her news on Fox News Sunday.

GUTFELD: There you go. There you go. By the way, I don't like it when you use things that I've said in an earlier block that contradicts what I say later. People aren't -- the blocks are completely different. So, when I say they want a clean slate, but they want this stuff, those are two separate - - it's not -- it's so not fair. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


PERINO: OK, it's time for "ONE MORE THING." I'm going to go first. So, a friend of mine, Jim and Dawn Dyke, they have a wonderful winery called the Mira Winery. And I've been meaning to do this "ONE MORE THING" for a while because they very generously sent specific wines for everyone.

Greg, they chose a Cabernet Franc for you, they thought you would enjoy.

GUTFELD: Who are these people?

PERINO: Jim and Dawn Dyke.

GUTFELD: I love the Dykes.

PERINO: They're the best.

GUTFELD: They're great. Anyway, go ahead. Sorry.

PERINO: It's a wonderful winery. They do a great job. I have a Schweitzer Vineyard Cabernet. You have Jimmy D's red blend. And also, this was actually for Jesse, but he's not here.

JONES: Oh, I'm stealing it. I'm sorry.

PERINO: Then you get it. Hemmer, you have the Serra.

HEMMER: I'll have the Serra. It's very nice.

PERINO: Because it is bold and unafraid, they said. And Dagen, they just specifically sent for you the bottle Chardonnay.

HEMMER: Very nice.

MCDOWELL: But where's screw top.

PERINO: Anyway, check out Mira Winery --

HEMMER: We're moving up to --

JONES: This is what happens when you don't show up for work, OK.


PERINO: Love it. And Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: All right, let's do this, America.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: Here we go. As you know, crime is rising all over the country. It's scary. I can't even look at the news. But at least when the animals seal things, they give it back. Check out this fellow. What are these? It's an elephant? Oh, there he is. It took the woman's hat.

PERINO: Oh, it ate it.

GUTFELD: And she's like what happened? What happened? What happened?

JONES: That's not going to feel good later.

GUTFELD: And then -- what?

PERINO: First, he had that problem. Oh, he gave it back.

JONES: Oh, she gave it back.

PERINO: It's so nice.

HEMMER: He's talented.

JONES: Oh, he's smart.

GUTFELD: He took it, and then -- took it, and then she was like what the heck happened --

HEMMER: It doesn't taste so good.

GUTFELD: And then later, you know, he felt bad because obviously, she said, he hair look terrible without that.

PERINO: And also, you need sun protection.

GUTFELD: That is so true.

PERINO: All right, animals are so great.

GUTFELD: CNN, you need some protection.

HEMMER: I think that elephant had that trick before. I'm just saying.

PERINO: Dagen.

MCDOWELL: I expect to see people inappropriately dressed at the beach in Florida, wherever you go. Like, you're going to see way too much. Well, check out this inappropriately dressed fellow. It was Santa flying on a powered parachute. This is in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I don't know what he was doing.

PERINO: Lots of fun down there in Florida, don't they.

MCDOWELL: A little creepy.

HEMMER: He's in the spirit.

MCDOWELL: Yes. It felt like (INAUDIBLE) Christmas kind of person.

PERINO: She likes bright lights. That's what she says.

HEMMER: He said, ho, ho, ho, here we go, go, go. I want to tell you --

PERINO: All right, Bill, "ONE MORE THING" is a --

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: This is an important moment in the show, so let see.

HEMMER: Let me see if I can stick the landing, OK.


HEMMER: First, one ever.


HEMMER: All right, so I want to take you to Las Vegas here. 19-year-old Lauren Ray, she's got a little dog on her front porch. And there was a pitbull that wanted to eat her dog. Roll the tape here and here's what happened. OK, you got that?

Are you watching this? OK, she can't get away from this pitfall until the Amazon worker comes in the neighbor next door and gets in between all of them and she runs off. Pull a stop here.

JONES: A human shield.

HEMMER: Roll the soundbite here from the Amazon worker. Check it out.




GUTFELD: Is that her dog?

HEMMER: So, everybody is OK. Everybody is A-OK. The Amazon worker came to the rescue. They gave them the Enchanted Christmas at the Las Vegas ballpark. They gave him free tickets. And you thought Amazon was evil. Think you again next time you make that order.

PERINO: There you go. Wow, that was scary. All right, Lawrence.

JONES: All right, this is Tiger Woods and his son Charlie. All right, so yesterday, Tiger Woods and his son Charlie blaze their way to a second place finish at the PNC championship. Tigers first time competing on the golf course since his car crash back in February. They end up getting second place. They lost to John Daly and his son John Daly II.

GUTFELD: Oh, what a dad is he, John Daly and his son.

JONES: I know. I know.

HEMMER: It's great. Good, good.

PERINO: You know what, have you ever seen Dana Reads the News on "AMERICA'S NEWSROOM?"


PERINO: I mean, he scored.

JONES: They did sports.

PERINO: I really work hard on it. All right, that's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret.


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JOHN KIRBY, PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: We respect and we support and we love them. And we want them to have the best possible --

SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Absolutely.

KIRBY: -- Christmas and holidays that they can.

SMITH: Thank you, sir, for your service to the country, and thank you for joining us.

KIRBY: Thank you.

SMITH: All right. That's all the time that we have for today. Thanks for joining us. Neil will be back tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow at one o'clock.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Bill Hemmer, Lawrence Jones, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Hey, Greg. It's a big day of breaking news, and we have a time to. The White House struggling to deal with the surge in COVID cases after the president repeatedly promised to shut down the virus. Restrictions are coming back in blue states as a top official say one mandate could be made permanent.

And the White House playing cleanup over a Kamala Harris interview that went completely off the rails.

But first, President Biden's agenda implodes after moderate Senator Joe Manchin says he's a no on the massive Build Back Better spending plan. The squad going nuclear over that.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn't be trusted. You know, the excuses that he just made I think are complete (muted).

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): Let Mr. Machin explain to the people of West Virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): He is obstructing the president's agenda.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): We are not going to let people play these games anymore because they are relying on norms of the all-boys club.


PERINO (on camera): Senator Manchin calling out the president staff for the breakdown after Jen Psaki accused him of betrayal. The press secretary trying to strike a softer tone but sticking by her harsh statement last night.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think the lengthy statement that I issued yesterday outlined pretty specifically the events of the last few weeks and it was important to the president and to all of us to make that clear to the American people.

We don't have regrets about aggressively communicating about it and making sure people understand that if we don't pass this legislation, cost for the American people will go up and economic growth projections will not go on the right direction.


PERINO (on camera): If there's one thing we love at THE FIVE, it's the media montage. Here's the media reaction immediately after Joe Manchin broke that news on Fox News Sunday with Bret Baier.


UNKNOWN: Some breaking news. Senator Manchin has just said that he is a firm "no" on this legislation.

DAVID GREGORY, POLITICAL ANALYST, CNN: Manchin is a mercurial person to be dealing with from people I've talked to within the White House. We know this to be true. And he, you know, may want to be a king maker in some ways when it comes to this legislation.

UNKNOWN: Because Joe Manchin wanted to extend the Joe Manchin show, period.


PERINO (on camera): So, they say they want to continue on and see if they can get them to come around, but how about this for persuasion tactics?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I really enjoyed that audible gasp. It sounded like somebody was getting a foot massage, maybe Toobin was around. But that gasp tells you how emotionally invested the media is in this decision. They were never debating the merits or the contents of the bill. They just wanted a victory at any cost, never mind what it would do to inflation and everybody knew it would be a disaster and they didn't care about what was buried in the bill.

It was just kind of a naked tell when you heard that. Whose side they were on. And then you sit there and you go OK, who's fault is this? Because we just saw that the squad was just about on every single show.

So, it wasn't like people were keeping them quiet, they had every moment and opportunity to explain why this bill should be the best thing since sliced bread, so you can't blame a Joe Manchin.

You actually have to blame the Democrats like Joe Biden who did not have the guts to stand up to the militant progressive wing of their party who turned an infrastructure -- an infrastructure bill into a Candyland of Marxist, you know, dreams and junk science and junk economics.

Lastly, it's like if you think about -- if you think about what liberals consider heroes these days, obviously Bernie Sanders, but you have like Lynne Cheney, you have Adam Kinzinger. You've got John McCain. These are all these people that like stood up and spoke truth to power. Manchin just did the same thing.


GUTFELD: Why is he considered not part of the cool group? I mean, when it McCain did it, it wasn't really a nonprincipled rebellion, it was because he just didn't like Trump.



GUTFELD: Manchin -- Manchin --

PERINO: -- what did you think of when McCain voted for Obamacare?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

PERINO: Then he praises him then.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. So, and then, here you have, you have Joe Manchin doing a principled stance and they are all pissed off about it, but they didn't seem to be that pissed when Lynne Cheney and Kinzinger and McCain are all doing it because, you know, Trump is evil orange man.

PERINO: OK. What about the Biden agenda? What does it spell?

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS CO-ANCHOR: First of all, what the hell am I doing here? Getting Geraldo's chair and Harold's chair?


PERINO: Why do you (Inaudible) curse on THE FIVE?

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: I said you can curse on THE FIVE.

HEMMER: I am allowed, right?


HEMMER: Seven-second are like.

PERINO: But you didn't wear tie.

HEMMER: I think that -- we should take the day off or the afternoon off anyway. I think if you were paying attention to the case at hands, Senator Manchin made his intentions clear the entire time.

Over the summer when Chuck Schumer said I'm good for 1.5 trillion. And then through the negotiating process he opted to 1.7 trillion. There's a report that he went to the White House the other day and said I want the 1.8. Whether it's true or not this is what's reported.

September 29th, and Dana, we talked about this earlier in the show, Manchin put out a statement that he said, what I made clear is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs where you can't even pay for the central social programs like social security and Medicare is the definition of fiscal sanity.

He is always mentioned mean testing. He's always mentioned work requirements. Without a and b there, you're just, you're back to welfare. And a significant way built into this bill.

During that interview with Bret yesterday Manchin mentioned a hearing from years ago. It was joint chiefs chair Michael McMullen (Ph), I think it was 2011, and he was asked the question, what is the biggest danger to America? And his answer was our national debt.

Well, in 2011, our national debt was $14 trillion. Today we're 29 trillion. We've easily doubled that since then. Manchin hasn't changed. He has felt this the entire time. Why does this fail? If you want to find faults, look at the president and look at Democrats in Congress with a 50/50 Senate and a four-seat majority in the House. They overplayed their hand --


HEMMER: -- and now they are stuck with it.

PERINO: Now they're stuck. And they're also, I think being quiet, you know, condescending to the people of West Virginia, just take a listen to Senator Manchin what he set on a local radio show today.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Surely to God we can move one person. Surely, we can badger and beat one person up. Surely, we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough, they'll just say OK, I'll vote for anything, just quit. Well guess what? I'm from West Virginia. I'm not from where they're from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they'll be submissive. Period.


PERINO (on camera): Dagen, you're always, you know, stick it up for rural America, and West Virginia has mostly rural state.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn't win one county in the state of West Virginia. And they made the critical mistake of underestimating somebody because of where they are from. And people from the south have historically used that to their advantage.

It's like, please assume that I'm stupid because I talk funny. Please assume that you can get one over on me easily, because I'm from Virginia or West Virginia. And then you sit back and do you watch there, as I said before, their pomposity melt into horror when they realize that they've lost.

But these temper tantrums that they had on national TV, and I'm talking about AOC and her click, since when the temper tantrums make you look strong. They look weak. They are a party controlled by petulant children. Veruca Salt. I want it, and I want it now!

They are mad, they are stomping and they are blinded by ideology. And they -- this is not the work of pragmatic people. Danger is inside, and Manchin said this on that radio interview, that he said it's not the president, it's the staff. It's the progressive staff, Ron Klain and the people he hired who are pushing this far-left wing agenda at a time when Medicare is running out of money.

So, the Wall Street Journal wrote today in the editorial like, is he going to -- if he wants to make a pivot, he's got to jettison.

PERINO: Manchin says today --

MCDOWELL: And everybody.

PERINO: -- Lawrence, that he and Biden together had an agreement that they were going to do a joint statement, saying we're going to push this off, we're going to do it in March or April, and then Manchin said, well, but the White House then put out a statement blaming him and that's when he decided that's enough.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'm compelled to believe Manchin because he's been consistent. And I also think -- and that statement from Jen Psaki calling Manchin essentially a liar -- the audacity.

I mean, Joe Biden and his camp it should be Manchin based on what the promise during the presidential campaign. Remember back on the campaign, Barack Obama got involved with the race. After saying behind the scenes that Joe was a joke, he forced Buttigieg, Klobuchar out, because they were afraid that someone like socialist Bernie was going to get the race.

And so, they forced all these people out because Joe was the guy, but Joe changed once Georgia happened. He went from being moderate Joe to saying, look, I think we can actually be progressive. Bernie flipped and said he may be the most progressive president. AOC flipped.

And the whole squad coalesce behind Joe Biden. But they didn't do that with Manchin. And so, I think what you are looking at right now is that, you know, the political compass of Joe Biden used to be Joe Manchin. And now he's trying to pretend like Joe changed, Joe Manchin changed when he really was the one that changed.

And I think the voters see this and I think this is why the Biden agenda is dead, because he never really had a compass.

PERINO: Where do we go from there? Well, up next, President Biden is ready to play the blame game after failing to shut down the virus like he promised.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We need honesty with the American people. And will never, ever, ever quit. That's how we shut down this virus.

I'm going to shut down the virus. I'm not going to shut down the economy, I'm going to shut down the virus.


JONES: The president who said he would shut down the virus is failing to keep his promise. Biden is now set to blame the surge of the Omicron cases on the unvaccinated.

The White House says the situation is surging but for some reason the president is waiting until tomorrow to give his big speech, we are expecting more of the same finger pointing and scolding with little mention of using therapeutics to save lives. blaming. The White House giving us a preview. Watch.


PSAKI: He'll talk about what to expect as we head into the winter months and detail additional steps that we will be taking. For those who choose to remain unvaccinated he'll issue a stark warning and make clear unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths.

That is not trying to scare people, or maybe it is trying to make clear to people in the country what the risks are here of not being vaccinated.


JONES (on camera): So Dagen, they've been putting pressure on the unvaccinated for months, and it is still not working. So why continue to push this message tomorrow?

MCDOWELL: That's all they've got. Number one, we are not trying to scare people. You're talking about the winter of death.


MCDOWELL: And essentially telling people, if I'm not vaccinated, I am, but if I'm not vaccinated and I go and see my family, all of whom are vaccinated and have boosters, that I am bringing a winter of death upon my family. That is them trying to frighten the badubies (Ph) of the people for no reason.

It is clearly not working. Number one. The -- Joe Biden said on the campaign trail if the president had done his job and done his job from the beginning, all of these people would still be alive. well, that's on him now because he's been in office almost a year.

There's a few things going on. The fact that you have all of these antiviral drugs that have not been passed out of the FDA. Merck and Pfizer to name two. There's another one. Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant that they could be prescribing people.

With the Pfizer drug, i said it Friday, it completely eliminates death. And another problem is, it is this -- it's this knee jerk of going to have to get a booster in New York. Kathy Hochul is going to force people to get boosters. It's expected that all of the top ecologists are going to make students get boosters in the spring.

Well, kids who are fully vaccinated under the age of 30 there is zero death, that's without a booster. And there's been poultry little work done on myocarditis and pericarditis.

And these colleges are, they're flirting with disaster with the students if they're going to make them get boosters, because they do not have enough research on the effects of boosters and -- I mean, they don't have enough research on the effect of vaccines, but the boosters are not needed in the young because there is no death in people under 30.

JONES: Dana, is there a downside in talking about the therapeutics?

PERINO: No, not at all. And in fact, I think that tomorrow, I just think that they're -- Biden is going to give a speech tomorrow. Because it's so urgent they had to wait until Tuesday in order to give a speech.

I feel like they have to change up their tactics, because I could write the speech today. If they are going to talk about vaccines, boosters, masks, and dire, and doom. And they just say the same thing over and over. And it's obviously not moving the needle.

At the same time, you have some of the mainstream media is now starting to say wait a second, let me look into this data about, you said that mask is working in schools. But can I see behind the curtain? It turns out the data is not there. So, there's questions about that.

I also think that the testing situation is a complete and total disaster. We walk around the city today and people are in lined for two and half hours just trying to get a test. Whereas in Europe you can walk in to anywhere. Or you mailed the test for free or for a dollar you can get one in the pharmacy. Here everybody is sold out.

So, testing in this country has become a complete and terrible situation. So, I do think that they have to try something new. The other thing I would say is that when Kamala Harris said that nobody saw this coming, it doesn't inspire confidence. Because, one, that's how viruses work.

And now that's what her team is trying to say.

JONES: Right.

PERINO: But that's not what she said. She said the scientists didn't tell us that this was going to happen. And even you have Dr. Fauci trying to defend her. And everyone is constantly trying to defend her. But she is the one who said it. So, if they didn't see that, what else are they may be not seen?

JONES: Another moment where she wasn't prepared. Another story that's been out there, Bill, you're a big sports guy. Kyrie Irving, one of the top five players in the league --


HEMMER: Come on back.

JONES: -- was banned --

HEMMER: We need you now.

JONES: -- from Brooklyn --


JONES: -- because he didn't take the vaccine. The other people on his team took the vaccine. And now half of the team is out because they got COVID.


JONES: So now, they're asking him to come back to the team.

PERINO: I hadn't heard that.

HEMMER: I'm wondering what would Harold say right now? Harold would say, thanks for having me today.

GUTFELD: Yes. Thank you, by the way.

HEMMER: Then he go into it. I think the good news is it's not as virulent as the past mutations. I think the good is we got the vaccine. I think the bad news is it's highly contagious. What confounds me is I can't believe how little communication this White House has offered on all of this.

Joe Biden was on camera last Thursday, there was Fauci and Walensky, head of the CDC on Friday. I think it was on C-SPAN. Outside of that, where is the message? Everything Jen Psaki said today could have been said by the president today, but instead we have to wait till tomorrow. Why is that?

He was the COVID candidate for president, he's been the president who's constantly said, get the shot. Well, what do you know? What do we need to know? Christmas is five days away, America.

GUTFELD: What did you get me, by the way?

HEMMER: Working on that.

GUTFELD: You've been --

JONES: Greg --

GUTFELD: I'm an extra-large by the way.

PERINO: In what?

GUTFELD: Wait till you find out.

JONES: Take us home, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes. I would always like to play the 'what if it was Donald Trump' game. But I'm going to do with Joe Biden, which is Joe Biden is a racist with blood on his hands. Right? More people have died under his watch having therapeutics and having the booster shots and having the vaccine, and yet all these people are dying on him. Bloods on his hands.

A lot of people that aren't getting vaccines is demonized. Minorities, right? Racist with blood on his hands. I said this before. I think it's time that we nominate a hostage negotiator who is untethered to the left or the right so you can't save me, or Dana, or any of you fellows and women to end this government public standoff. Right?

Someone that needs to get in there who is not left or right. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Betty White.

PERINO: Betty White.

GUTFELD: Betty White.


GUTFELD: Somebody who can go like, OK, the government is not the right entity to say when this is over. Because whenever they use a war footing, whether it's Afghanistan or the war on drugs or Vietnam, they really suck at it. The public ended the war on drugs just by changing opinion and people talking about it.

I say I'll probably argue that with Afghanistan, too. Probably like Vietnam. So, I think that right now it's the American -- it's the public that has to take control, because the government is too scared of liability, litigation, of being voted out of office to actually have any balls to do anything for this. And I apologize for using the b-word.

HEMMER: Well, it is cable. I think it's fine to say the virus has a mind of its own and we are still learning. Just tell us.

GUTFELD: Exactly, that's why the data keeps changing. And stories changing. You got to be flexible. It's not a prison to --


PERINO: It's not helpful to say that you are going out to wear a mask on an airplane for the rest of your life.

HEMMER: Exactly that.

JONES: Especially the science didn't suggest that. All right. We got to go. COVID restrictions are here in the state. The mandates that the White House says could be here forever. That's next on THE FIVE.


MCDOWELL (on camera): It's COVID deja vu. Blue states once again pushing new restrictions like mask and vaccine mandates. Washington, D.C. just declaring a state emergency and bringing back COVID rules. And liberal leaders still not ready to completely rule out lock downs. Some schools and colleges are already shutting down and going to remote learning. And Tony Fauci, he's a doctor. He wouldn't know it. He's talking about making some restrictions permanent.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco, it's a well over a five-hour flight. Even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it.


GUTFELD: The filtration.

MCDOWELL: Lawrence?

JONES: We know a lot about this virus when it comes to the vaccine, and now and the therapeutics and how to live with it. But we also know that negative impacts of the virus and the shutdowns that were calls. We know what happened to the schools, we know that our kids are going to be like 10 years behind, they were already behind to begin with and now they're just destroyed right now.

We know about the mental health crisis that was already bad, but now with the virus, it expanded. We know about the economy and the businesses that are still suffering.

And so, to note all of that and still be so trigger-happy to shut every single thing down, I think it's pretty demented, it really is. To see what happened to this country, to see the pain of American citizens, because the people that are making these decisions -- it's not going to hit them. It really isn't.

If they want to fly their family to their own private island -- we already know that they don't even follow the rules that they implement. So, it's just wrong on so many levels.

MCDOWELL: This I'm, Greg, wicked pissed about what's going on here in New York City with Bill de Blasio where they've essentially made the decision that it somehow less harmful to fire employees and deprive them of a life and livelihood that that is less harmful than having somebody on the job and be vaccinated.

GUTFELD: Yes, I would call them a stack of life -- lice infested driftwood. But why insult lice?


GUTFELD: You know? So, we basically said -- I don't remember if it was CNN or MSNBC, they all sound the same, but he said, if you want to work and you want to eat or you want to enjoy your life, you have to get a vaccine.

And it was interesting because it's only in this, I don't know, opportunity that he actually understands the use of incentives to control a population. But he doesn't do that with criminals, right?

So, it's like lefties only embrace incentives to control decent law-abiding citizens, but when it comes to criminals, no cash bail, no prison time. That's an incentive for committing crime. And so, they don't use the incentives correctly. They are using them as punishments for people who are just trying to get by. And then they let the criminals out and run free.

MCDOWELL: And Dana, I've noticed this. Speaking of -- it seems like the city has cornered the market on insanity. NYU has a 99 vaccination rate among all students and faculty and they're going to remote exams.



PERINO: Well, I think -- one of the things that I've noticed too is that if you look at this omicron that came from South Africa, the results from South Africa are quite encouraging. It is very transmissible. I mean, like, every -- like, it's exponentially transmissible. But for most people, it's either asymptomatic or very mild like a cold.

And the colds, I'm the worst when I have a cold, I hate it. I get that. But the CDC's protocol are that you have to -- if you test positive, you have to take 10 days off of work. One of the reasons the hospitals are getting overwhelmed is because many people, because it's highly transmissible, are testing positive even if they don't feel sick which means that then they have to stay home for 10 days.

So, you're talking all sorts of people at hospitals, anywhere, maybe even you know, here -- anywhere -- and that's not just in New York City, that's across the country. So, first and foremost, I think the President could do something helpful tomorrow which is to say that he's asked the CDC to revise those guidelines because that is clearly not necessary.

The other thing is, they got to come out tomorrow with some sort of encouragement.


PERINO: Because their numbers are already so bad in terms of just the mood of the country. If he comes out tomorrow with doom and gloom, death, dreary winter, everything is terrible, when we are actually getting pretty encouraging results about omicron.

Now, if this pandemic was different and children were dying and there -- it was like violent -- people were violently sick everywhere, then some of the mandates, maybe you could revisit that. But for this, it doesn't seem to make sense.

MCDOWELL: If -- there is no reason anybody else who is in decent health will ever have to die from this if they can get off their asses and pass these therapeutics. The emergency use authorization went through for the Merck drug and not -- the advisory panel voted in favor of it a few weeks ago. So, where is the --

HEMMER: Or get the vaccine. We didn't live to spend with the Spanish flu forever. We're not going to live with this forever. The whole idea about wearing a mask forever in an airplane is just nuts to me. I would just add this. I think a lot of people come to New York City, they think we're nuts.

PERINO: Yes, they do.

HEMMER: Everybody's walking around with masks and places are closing down as of this weekend, again starting today. However, we had 66,000 new cases in three days in the state of New York. Yesterday, we had 22,000 cases alone on Sunday.

Now, listen our vaccination rate is through the roof. I think we're at 86, 87 percent. That's all good news. We're going to be fine. There was a wedding over in Park Avenue two weeks ago. I had a bunch of friends who attended. They think it was a super spreader. And they think the bride was infected.

And so, for the next three or four days, everybody's home in bed with the fever and the flu but they're OK now because they were vaccinated.

PERINO: Right.

HEMMER: And they were boosted and that is the hope. As far as going forward, Robert Redfield who used to run the CDC, he thinks we're doing this whole booster thing wrong. I think it's a very interesting data point for us going forward. He thinks you should know the level of immunity in your body and that would determine whether or not you need a shot or a booster and when.

GUTFELD: I said that last week. Remember, I said like -- I posed a question and says, what if a booster shot -- booster shot doesn't help you if you -- if what you have is a natural immunity? Could that help? I pose that as a question.

HEMMER: Two things on that. Right now, they're already starting to second guess, why they gave the first and second shot three weeks apart.


HEMMER: It should have been maybe six weeks or even longer. And the second thing is that Redfield, he and his wife, are on the same schedule.


HEMMER: For all the shots and all the boosters and their immunity levels are different.

GUTFELD: I knew that's what happened when you're married.

HEMMER: You bet.

PERINO: That's terrible.

GUTFELD: I don't even know what it meant.

PERINO: Oh, you don't?


PERINO: No, I don't need that. I was just laughing to laugh it with you.


MCDOWELL: Again, there's no need for boosters on people under 30, New England Journal of Medicine. Why didn't Biden come out and say that? No need for boosters.

GUTFELD: Now, you're anti-science though. That's what the media will say.

MCDOWELL: Well, I thought science was in the New England Journal of -- is it medicine or is it --

PERINO: Medicine.

MCDOWELL: Something -- no, it's something else. Like -- never mind. I was about to say something dirty. Kamala causes another train wreck. The Vice President snapping during a disastrous interview.


HEMMER: Kamala Harris once again creating headaches for the administration. Things getting heated between the Vice President and a TV host by the name of Charlamagne Tha God after he asked this tough question.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, TV HOST: So, who's the real president of the country? Is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?



HARRIS: Come on, it's Joe Biden.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I can't tell sometimes.

HARRIS: No, no, no, no. It's Joe Biden. And don't start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he is president.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it's Joe Biden -- and it's Joe Biden and I'm Vice President, and my name is Kamala Harris.


HEMMER: So, you have that, Greg. And there are other segments to this interview that's pretty interesting.

GUTFELD: It's so -- the best part would -- the best part you didn't even clip, it was when he looked over to the side and he goes oh, they can hear me. Because they claimed that they didn't hear him. The thing is, how bad is this, when you are with Charlamagne, with Symone Sanders in the control room, and it's -- you have the most benevolent situation and it still that bad. That's why she can't do other interviews.

I have a feeling that the Dems want an entire clean slate for 2024. It is kind of like when you -- after a car accident or when your car gets stolen and its returned, you just want the insurance company to total the car. You don't want to repair the wreck.


GUTFELD: You know, it's like -- it's like, the care is just not the same anymore even when they bring it into the shop. It's like -- it still has that smell of after whoever did what the back seat. Now, you just want to get a new car. That's what the Dems want, total it. They need an insurance company to come in and just --

HEMMER: You know, Dana, what is -- he's talking about Symone Sanders who's leaving Kamala Harris' office the end of this month.

PERINO: And she's like --

HEMMER: 32. She was saying, we can't hear the question.


HEMMER: Right as Kamala Harris was about the question.

JONES: Unbelievable.

PERINO: Yes. I think that Symone has done her best, right? And she sets up an interview for Kamala Harris that's going to be friendly, and they know that it's going to be. I have a different view about this. I think that this interview helped Kamala Harris with the people she needs to have more confidence in her, and that's their base.

Midterm elections are not about independent swing voters who show up once in a while for a midterm. These are about base elections. At the end of the interview, what Charlamagne says is that's the Kamala I have missed. That's the Kamala I want to see. So, I have a feeling you're going to see a lot more of that.

HEMMER: Who knew that Charlamagne tha God --

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Charlamagne the newsmaker?

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Because this was not the first time.


HEMMER: He was the one who had candidate Joe Biden on when Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you aren't Black.

JONES: This is -- this is where people get wrong with Charlamagne. First of all, he's a liberal, and he's -- he tells people this. But he holds people accountable based on the things they said they were going to do. And that was the purpose of this interview.

Kamala was not prepared. She got very defensive. I agree to a certain extent with Dana that it helped her at the end because he gave her a piece of advice to say, in the future --

GUTFELD: That's him.

JONES: They want to see that prosecutor that was when Republicans -- when you grill Republicans when the Donald Trump administration was in there. But she still didn't answer the question. First of all, we know that Charlamagne wasn't suggesting that Joe Biden was the President of the United States. The question was, who has the most power, which is Manchin. And she refused to answer that question.

He also followed up by saying, is Manchin a problem? She didn't answer that question as well. And then she got into this whole thing about her being the VP and everyone knows that. And then she had a great moment at the end where she was aggressive and -- but there was no substance there which is her problem.

She has great moments when they can script them out with we saw at the early of the campaign with Joe Biden. But when you start getting into policy where she stands on things -- and don't take my word for it, look at her people. Her people don't even trust her to answer the question because she clearly heard the question.

HEMMER: Well, Dagen, the newly boosted Dagen McDowell, how did you -- how did you hear the exchange there?

MCDOWELL: I watched the whole thing twice. Charlamagne was hand feeding the Vice President marshmallows --


MCDOWELL: -- the entire interview. He asked the same question over and over and over again, and actually, a good interviewer will just move on, rather than continuing to bring up Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin. She went into a five minutes soliloquy at the beginning of the interview, and then at the end, just repeated the exact same thing she had said at the beginning.

And Charlamagne kept asking, when are we going to get a real -- get real with the American people and know that Joe Manchin is ruining the country? He's stopping progress and ruining democracy. He just went on and on. Kamala -- the whole thing was just a (INAUDIBLE).

HEMMER: I do agree the first answer went for a long time.

MCDOWELL: Well, and then the end, it was -- and by the way, what the heck was Charlamagne even asking? Why is Joe Manchin allowed to constantly hold up President Biden's agenda? Kamala Harris should have said, you know, she actually had to give a poli-sci lesson in the middle of the interview. Does the President have the power to force a duly elected member of the Senate to do his bidding? No.

HEMMER: And on it went. In a moment here, it could be the rematch of the century, this century, in fact. What Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was saying about 2024. It's next.


GUTFELD: It's the rematch that could signal the end times, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2024.


MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hillary Clinton said that if you win again, it is the end of democracy. Will this be a rematch?

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Oh, I have no idea. I hope so. I mean, I'd like that. But look, the woman is crooked as can be.


GUTFELD: I missed that. We don't deserve him. And there's speculation that Hillary is gearing up for another run after a new round of TV appearances where she keeps throwing jabs at Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If I were a betting person right now, I say Trump is going to run again. This is a make-or-break point. Are we going to give in to all of this -- all these lies and the misinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions or are we going to stand up to it?


GUTFELD: I'm so happy she finally brought up the Russian collusion hoax, you know. You know, Dagen, it's this -- if you follow the arc of a perfect story that followed the script, you know, beginning, middle, and end, this is the end. This is exactly -- if this were a simulation, this is exactly what we're supposed to get.

MCDOWELL: Yes. We know she's running again because she hot rolled her hair.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's what I do.

MCDOWELL: Southern women know. It's like, oh, she's broken out the hot curlers. Lots of questions about Jeffrey Epstein. If she decides to run again, I would greatly look forward to that in addition to the Russia collusion hoax and the dossier and all of that. But to me, this seems like a sequel, like Battlefield Earth 2 but nobody is really asking for.

GUTFELD: I don't know. I kind of want this. You know -- you know what, here's the deal, Lawrence. Fox doesn't need this. We're like huge. We're the greatest cable news network that will ever be. But CNN and MSNBC need this.

JONES: Oh yes, they need it.

GUTFELD: Because they need -- CNN is like about a month away from closing up shop. This could save them.

JONES: This is another Rocky fight and they need it.


JONES: Here's the deal. Hillary is not over this, but so are the Democratic voters. They're not over just in a different way. The thought of that election gives them PTSD.


JONES: And so, I don't think that she would be able to get the nomination because she is the guy -- she's the person, not the guy. She's the person that couldn't beat Donald Yeah. And there'll be forever a stain on her record.

GUTFELD: She gives them PTSD. Bill, gives them -- Hemmer, don't we need new blood?

HEMMER: I guess. I did the numbers though. Trump would be 78.


HEMMER: Hillary would be 77.


HEMMER: Joe Biden to be 82. Kamala Harris approval rating as of last week was 28 percent. I did a Greg Gutfeld for you.


HEMMER: As Greg would say, if this were a fight in the playground, everyone would have a black eye, right? Trump is tied to January 6 and he lost to Biden. Clinton lost to Trump and she lost to Obama. Gavin Newsom facedown recall, but he has issues come out of the COVID, schools, mandates, liberal state. Pete Buttigieg is running the supply chain but he yet have to go to the port in California, right? Yes, it's entirely possible, but I agree with you, it'd be really good for --

JONES: That was good.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. But you know what, he brought up Gavin Newsom, which I think is the -- is the fore-- front runner. And DeSantis, could you imagine that? The governor versus governor, two different approaches.

JONES: Record against record.

PERINO: Let's have it up. First of all, I'd like to go on the record say that hot rollers are some of the best inventions ever and I think they should make a comeback. Secondly, you earlier said you think the Democrats want a clean slate. I think that is true. And I do not think that she wipes the slate clean for the Democrats. I think they would be dreading that.

The other thing is that Hillary Clinton catch a break. She wanted to make News on Sunday about how she might put her toe back in the water. But guess what, Joe Manchin stole all her news on Fox News Sunday.

GUTFELD: There you go. There you go. By the way, I don't like it when you use things that I've said in an earlier block that contradicts what I say later. People aren't -- the blocks are completely different. So, when I say they want a clean slate, but they want this stuff, those are two separate - - it's not -- it's so not fair. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


PERINO: OK, it's time for "ONE MORE THING." I'm going to go first. So, a friend of mine, Jim and Dawn Dyke, they have a wonderful winery called the Mira Winery. And I've been meaning to do this "ONE MORE THING" for a while because they very generously sent specific wines for everyone.

Greg, they chose a Cabernet Franc for you, they thought you would enjoy.

GUTFELD: Who are these people?

PERINO: Jim and Dawn Dyke.

GUTFELD: I love the Dykes.

PERINO: They're the best.

GUTFELD: They're great. Anyway, go ahead. Sorry.

PERINO: It's a wonderful winery. They do a great job. I have a Schweitzer Vineyard Cabernet. You have Jimmy D's red blend. And also, this was actually for Jesse, but he's not here.

JONES: Oh, I'm stealing it. I'm sorry.

PERINO: Then you get it. Hemmer, you have the Serra.

HEMMER: I'll have the Serra. It's very nice.

PERINO: Because it is bold and unafraid, they said. And Dagen, they just specifically sent for you the bottle Chardonnay.

HEMMER: Very nice.

MCDOWELL: But where's screw top.

PERINO: Anyway, check out Mira Winery --

HEMMER: We're moving up to --

JONES: This is what happens when you don't show up for work, OK.


PERINO: Love it. And Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: All right, let's do this, America.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: Here we go. As you know, crime is rising all over the country. It's scary. I can't even look at the news. But at least when the animals seal things, they give it back. Check out this fellow. What are these? It's an elephant? Oh, there he is. It took the woman's hat.

PERINO: Oh, it ate it.

GUTFELD: And she's like what happened? What happened? What happened?

JONES: That's not going to feel good later.

GUTFELD: And then -- what?

PERINO: First, he had that problem. Oh, he gave it back.

JONES: Oh, she gave it back.

PERINO: It's so nice.

HEMMER: He's talented.

JONES: Oh, he's smart.

GUTFELD: He took it, and then -- took it, and then she was like what the heck happened --

HEMMER: It doesn't taste so good.

GUTFELD: And then later, you know, he felt bad because obviously, she said, he hair look terrible without that.

PERINO: And also, you need sun protection.

GUTFELD: That is so true.

PERINO: All right, animals are so great.

GUTFELD: CNN, you need some protection.

HEMMER: I think that elephant had that trick before. I'm just saying.

PERINO: Dagen.

MCDOWELL: I expect to see people inappropriately dressed at the beach in Florida, wherever you go. Like, you're going to see way too much. Well, check out this inappropriately dressed fellow. It was Santa flying on a powered parachute. This is in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I don't know what he was doing.

PERINO: Lots of fun down there in Florida, don't they.

MCDOWELL: A little creepy.

HEMMER: He's in the spirit.

MCDOWELL: Yes. It felt like (INAUDIBLE) Christmas kind of person.

PERINO: She likes bright lights. That's what she says.

HEMMER: He said, ho, ho, ho, here we go, go, go. I want to tell you --

PERINO: All right, Bill, "ONE MORE THING" is a --

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: This is an important moment in the show, so let see.

HEMMER: Let me see if I can stick the landing, OK.


HEMMER: First, one ever.


HEMMER: All right, so I want to take you to Las Vegas here. 19-year-old Lauren Ray, she's got a little dog on her front porch. And there was a pitbull that wanted to eat her dog. Roll the tape here and here's what happened. OK, you got that?

Are you watching this? OK, she can't get away from this pitfall until the Amazon worker comes in the neighbor next door and gets in between all of them and she runs off. Pull a stop here.

JONES: A human shield.

HEMMER: Roll the soundbite here from the Amazon worker. Check it out.




GUTFELD: Is that her dog?

HEMMER: So, everybody is OK. Everybody is A-OK. The Amazon worker came to the rescue. They gave them the Enchanted Christmas at the Las Vegas ballpark. They gave him free tickets. And you thought Amazon was evil. Think you again next time you make that order.

PERINO: There you go. Wow, that was scary. All right, Lawrence.

JONES: All right, this is Tiger Woods and his son Charlie. All right, so yesterday, Tiger Woods and his son Charlie blaze their way to a second place finish at the PNC championship. Tigers first time competing on the golf course since his car crash back in February. They end up getting second place. They lost to John Daly and his son John Daly II.

GUTFELD: Oh, what a dad is he, John Daly and his son.

JONES: I know. I know.

HEMMER: It's great. Good, good.

PERINO: You know what, have you ever seen Dana Reads the News on "AMERICA'S NEWSROOM?"


PERINO: I mean, he scored.

JONES: They did sports.

PERINO: I really work hard on it. All right, that's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret.


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JOHN KIRBY, PENTAGON PRESS SECRETARY: We respect and we support and we love them. And we want them to have the best possible --

SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Absolutely.

KIRBY: -- Christmas and holidays that they can.

SMITH: Thank you, sir, for your service to the country, and thank you for joining us.

KIRBY: Thank you.

SMITH: All right. That's all the time that we have for today. Thanks for joining us. Neil will be back tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow at one o'clock.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Dagen McDowell, Bill Hemmer, Lawrence Jones, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Hey, Greg. It's a big day of breaking news, and we have a time to. The White House struggling to deal with the surge in COVID cases after the president repeatedly promised to shut down the virus. Restrictions are coming back in blue states as a top official say one mandate could be made permanent.

And the White House playing cleanup over a Kamala Harris interview that went completely off the rails.

But first, President Biden's agenda implodes after moderate Senator Joe Manchin says he's a no on the massive Build Back Better spending plan. The squad going nuclear over that.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn't be trusted. You know, the excuses that he just made I think are complete (muted).

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): Let Mr. Machin explain to the people of West Virginia why he doesn't have the guts to stand up to powerful special interests.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): He is obstructing the president's agenda.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): We are not going to let people play these games anymore because they are relying on norms of the all-boys club.


PERINO (on camera): Senator Manchin calling out the president staff for the breakdown after Jen Psaki accused him of betrayal. The press secretary trying to strike a softer tone but sticking by her harsh statement last night.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think the lengthy statement that I issued yesterday outlined pretty specifically the events of the last few weeks and it was important to the president and to all of us to make that clear to the American people.

We don't have regrets about aggressively communicating about it and making sure people understand that if we don't pass this legislation, cost for the American people will go up and economic growth projections will not go on the right direction.


PERINO (on camera): If there's one thing we love at THE FIVE, it's the media montage. Here's the media reaction immediately after Joe Manchin broke that news on Fox News Sunday with Bret Baier.


UNKNOWN: Some breaking news. Senator Manchin has just said that he is a firm "no" on this legislation.

DAVID GREGORY, POLITICAL ANALYST, CNN: Manchin is a mercurial person to be dealing with from people I've talked to within the White House. We know this to be true. And he, you know, may want to be a king maker in some ways when it comes to this legislation.

UNKNOWN: Because Joe Manchin wanted to extend the Joe Manchin show, period.


PERINO (on camera): So, they say they want to continue on and see if they can get them to come around, but how about this for persuasion tactics?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I really enjoyed that audible gasp. It sounded like somebody was getting a foot massage, maybe Toobin was around. But that gasp tells you how emotionally invested the media is in this decision. They were never debating the merits or the contents of the bill. They just wanted a victory at any cost, never mind what it would do to inflation and everybody knew it would be a disaster and they didn't care about what was buried in the bill.

It was just kind of a naked tell when you heard that. Whose side they were on. And then you sit there and you go OK, who's fault is this? Because we just saw that the squad was just about on every single show.

So, it wasn't like people were keeping them quiet, they had every moment and opportunity to explain why this bill should be the best thing since sliced bread, so you can't blame a Joe Manchin.

You actually have to blame the Democrats like Joe Biden who did not have the guts to stand up to the militant progressive wing of their party who turned an infrastructure -- an infrastructure bill into a Candyland of Marxist, you know, dreams and junk science and junk economics.

Lastly, it's like if you think about -- if you think about what liberals consider heroes these days, obviously Bernie Sanders, but you have like Lynne Cheney, you have Adam Kinzinger. You've got John McCain. These are all these people that like stood up and spoke truth to power. Manchin just did the same thing.


GUTFELD: Why is he considered not part of the cool group? I mean, when it McCain did it, it wasn't really a nonprincipled rebellion, it was because he just didn't like Trump.



GUTFELD: Manchin -- Manchin --

PERINO: -- what did you think of when McCain voted for Obamacare?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

PERINO: Then he praises him then.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly. So, and then, here you have, you have Joe Manchin doing a principled stance and they are all pissed off about it, but they didn't seem to be that pissed when Lynne Cheney and Kinzinger and McCain are all doing it because, you know, Trump is evil orange man.

PERINO: OK. What about the Biden agenda? What does it spell?

BILL HEMMER, FOX NEWS CO-ANCHOR: First of all, what the hell am I doing here? Getting Geraldo's chair and Harold's chair?


PERINO: Why do you (Inaudible) curse on THE FIVE?

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: I said you can curse on THE FIVE.

HEMMER: I am allowed, right?


HEMMER: Seven-second are like.

PERINO: But you didn't wear tie.

HEMMER: I think that -- we should take the day off or the afternoon off anyway. I think if you were paying attention to the case at hands, Senator Manchin made his intentions clear the entire time.

Over the summer when Chuck Schumer said I'm good for 1.5 trillion. And then through the negotiating process he opted to 1.7 trillion. There's a report that he went to the White House the other day and said I want the 1.8. Whether it's true or not this is what's reported.

September 29th, and Dana, we talked about this earlier in the show, Manchin put out a statement that he said, what I made clear is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs where you can't even pay for the central social programs like social security and Medicare is the definition of fiscal sanity.

He is always mentioned mean testing. He's always mentioned work requirements. Without a and b there, you're just, you're back to welfare. And a significant way built into this bill.

During that interview with Bret yesterday Manchin mentioned a hearing from years ago. It was joint chiefs chair Michael McMullen (Ph), I think it was 2011, and he was asked the question, what is the biggest danger to America? And his answer was our national debt.

Well, in 2011, our national debt was $14 trillion. Today we're 29 trillion. We've easily doubled that since then. Manchin hasn't changed. He has felt this the entire time. Why does this fail? If you want to find faults, look at the president and look at Democrats in Congress with a 50/50 Senate and a four-seat majority in the House. They overplayed their hand --


HEMMER: -- and now they are stuck with it.

PERINO: Now they're stuck. And they're also, I think being quiet, you know, condescending to the people of West Virginia, just take a listen to Senator Manchin what he set on a local radio show today.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Surely to God we can move one person. Surely, we can badger and beat one person up. Surely, we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough, they'll just say OK, I'll vote for anything, just quit. Well guess what? I'm from West Virginia. I'm not from where they're from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they'll be submissive. Period.


PERINO (on camera): Dagen, you're always, you know, stick it up for rural America, and West Virginia has mostly rural state.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn't win one county in the state of West Virginia. And they made the critical mistake of underestimating somebody because of where they are from. And people from the south have historically used that to their advantage.

It's like, please assume that I'm stupid because I talk funny. Please assume that you can get one over on me easily, because I'm from Virginia or West Virginia. And then you sit back and do you watch there, as I said before, their pomposity melt into horror when they realize that they've lost.

But these temper tantrums that they had on national TV, and I'm talking about AOC and her click, since when the temper tantrums make you look strong. They look weak. They are a party controlled by petulant children. Veruca Salt. I want it, and I want it now!

They are mad, they are stomping and they are blinded by ideology. And they -- this is not the work of pragmatic people. Danger is inside, and Manchin said this on that radio interview, that he said it's not the president, it's the staff. It's the progressive staff, Ron Klain and the people he hired who are pushing this far-left wing agenda at a time when Medicare is running out of money.

So, the Wall Street Journal wrote today in the editorial like, is he going to -- if he wants to make a pivot, he's got to jettison.

PERINO: Manchin says today --

MCDOWELL: And everybody.

PERINO: -- Lawrence, that he and Biden together had an agreement that they were going to do a joint statement, saying we're going to push this off, we're going to do it in March or April, and then Manchin said, well, but the White House then put out a statement blaming him and that's when he decided that's enough.

LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'm compelled to believe Manchin because he's been consistent. And I also think -- and that statement from Jen Psaki calling Manchin essentially a liar -- the audacity.

I mean, Joe Biden and his camp it should be Manchin based on what the promise during the presidential campaign. Remember back on the campaign, Barack Obama got involved with the race. After saying behind the scenes that Joe was a joke, he forced Buttigieg, Klobuchar out, because they were afraid that someone like socialist Bernie was going to get the race.

And so, they forced all these people out because Joe was the guy, but Joe changed once Georgia happened. He went from being moderate Joe to saying, look, I think we can actually be progressive. Bernie flipped and said he may be the most progressive president. AOC flipped.

And the whole squad coalesce behind Joe Biden. But they didn't do that with Manchin. And so, I think what you are looking at right now is that, you know, the political compass of Joe Biden used to be Joe Manchin. And now he's trying to pretend like Joe changed, Joe Manchin changed when he really was the one that changed.

And I think the voters see this and I think this is why the Biden agenda is dead, because he never really had a compass.

PERINO: Where do we go from there? Well, up next, President Biden is ready to play the blame game after failing to shut down the virus like he promised.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We need honesty with the American people. And will never, ever, ever quit. That's how we shut down this virus.

I'm going to shut down the virus. I'm not going to shut down the economy, I'm going to shut down the virus.


JONES: The president who said he would shut down the virus is failing to keep his promise. Biden is now set to blame the surge of the Omicron cases on the unvaccinated.

The White House says the situation is surging but for some reason the president is waiting until tomorrow to give his big speech, we are expecting more of the same finger pointing and scolding with little mention of using therapeutics to save lives. blaming. The White House giving us a preview. Watch.


PSAKI: He'll talk about what to expect as we head into the winter months and detail additional steps that we will be taking. For those who choose to remain unvaccinated he'll issue a stark warning and make clear unvaccinated individuals will continue to drive hospitalizations and deaths.

That is not trying to scare people, or maybe it is trying to make clear to people in the country what the risks are here of not being vaccinated.


JONES (on camera): So Dagen, they've been putting pressure on the unvaccinated for months, and it is still not working. So why continue to push this message tomorrow?

MCDOWELL: That's all they've got. Number one, we are not trying to scare people. You're talking about the winter of death.


MCDOWELL: And essentially telling people, if I'm not vaccinated, I am, but if I'm not vaccinated and I go and see my family, all of whom are vaccinated and have boosters, that I am bringing a winter of death upon my family. That is them trying to frighten the badubies (Ph) of the people for no reason.

It is clearly not working. Number one. The -- Joe Biden said on the campaign trail if the president had done his job and done his job from the beginning, all of these people would still be alive. well, that's on him now because he's been in office almost a year.

There's a few things going on. The fact that you have all of these antiviral drugs that have not been passed out of the FDA. Merck and Pfizer to name two. There's another one. Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant that they could be prescribing people.

With the Pfizer drug, i said it Friday, it completely eliminates death. And another problem is, it is this -- it's this knee jerk of going to have to get a booster in New York. Kathy Hochul is going to force people to get boosters. It's expected that all of the top ecologists are going to make students get boosters in the spring.

Well, kids who are fully vaccinated under the age of 30 there is zero death, that's without a booster. And there's been poultry little work done on myocarditis and pericarditis.

And these colleges are, they're flirting with disaster with the students if they're going to make them get boosters, because they do not have enough research on the effects of boosters and -- I mean, they don't have enough research on the effect of vaccines, but the boosters are not needed in the young because there is no death in people under 30.

JONES: Dana, is there a downside in talking about the therapeutics?

PERINO: No, not at all. And in fact, I think that tomorrow, I just think that they're -- Biden is going to give a speech tomorrow. Because it's so urgent they had to wait until Tuesday in order to give a speech.

I feel like they have to change up their tactics, because I could write the speech today. If they are going to talk about vaccines, boosters, masks, and dire, and doom. And they just say the same thing over and over. And it's obviously not moving the needle.

At the same time, you have some of the mainstream media is now starting to say wait a second, let me look into this data about, you said that mask is working in schools. But can I see behind the curtain? It turns out the data is not there. So, there's questions about that.

I also think that the testing situation is a complete and total disaster. We walk around the city today and people are in lined for two and half hours just trying to get a test. Whereas in Europe you can walk in to anywhere. Or you mailed the test for free or for a dollar you can get one in the pharmacy. Here everybody is sold out.

So, testing in this country has become a complete and terrible situation. So, I do think that they have to try something new. The other thing I would say is that when Kamala Harris said that nobody saw this coming, it doesn't inspire confidence. Because, one, that's how viruses work.

And now that's what her team is trying to say.

JONES: Right.

PERINO: But that's not what she said. She said the scientists didn't tell us that this was going to happen. And even you have Dr. Fauci trying to defend her. And everyone is constantly trying to defend her. But she is the one who said it. So, if they didn't see that, what else are they may be not seen?

JONES: Another moment where she wasn't prepared. Another story that's been out there, Bill, you're a big sports guy. Kyrie Irving, one of the top five players in the league --


HEMMER: Come on back.

JONES: -- was banned --

HEMMER: We need you now.

JONES: -- from Brooklyn --


JONES: -- because he didn't take the vaccine. The other people on his team took the vaccine. And now half of the team is out because they got COVID.


JONES: So now, they're asking him to come back to the team.

PERINO: I hadn't heard that.

HEMMER: I'm wondering what would Harold say right now? Harold would say, thanks for having me today.

GUTFELD: Yes. Thank you, by the way.

HEMMER: Then he go into it. I think the good news is it's not as virulent as the past mutations. I think the good is we got the vaccine. I think the bad news is it's highly contagious. What confounds me is I can't believe how little communication this White House has offered on all of this.

Joe Biden was on camera last Thursday, there was Fauci and Walensky, head of the CDC on Friday. I think it was on C-SPAN. Outside of that, where is the message? Everything Jen Psaki said today could have been said by the president today, but instead we have to wait till tomorrow. Why is that?

He was the COVID candidate for president, he's been the president who's constantly said, get the shot. Well, what do you know? What do we need to know? Christmas is five days away, America.

GUTFELD: What did you get me, by the way?

HEMMER: Working on that.

GUTFELD: You've been --

JONES: Greg --

GUTFELD: I'm an extra-large by the way.

PERINO: In what?

GUTFELD: Wait till you find out.

JONES: Take us home, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes. I would always like to play the 'what if it was Donald Trump' game. But I'm going to do with Joe Biden, which is Joe Biden is a racist with blood on his hands. Right? More people have died under his watch having therapeutics and having the booster shots and having the vaccine, and yet all these people are dying on him. Bloods on his hands.

A lot of people that aren't getting vaccines is demonized. Minorities, right? Racist with blood on his hands. I said this before. I think it's time that we nominate a hostage negotiator who is untethered to the left or the right so you can't save me, or Dana, or any of you fellows and women to end this government public standoff. Right?

Someone that needs to get in there who is not left or right. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Betty White.

PERINO: Betty White.

GUTFELD: Betty White.


GUTFELD: Somebody who can go like, OK, the government is not the right entity to say when this is over. Because whenever they use a war footing, whether it's Afghanistan or the war on drugs or Vietnam, they really suck at it. The public ended the war on drugs just by changing opinion and people talking about it.

I say I'll probably argue that with Afghanistan, too. Probably like Vietnam. So, I think that right now it's the American -- it's the public that has to take control, because the government is too scared of liability, litigation, of being voted out of office to actually have any balls to do anything for this. And I apologize for using the b-word.

HEMMER: Well, it is cable. I think it's fine to say the virus has a mind of its own and we are still learning. Just tell us.

GUTFELD: Exactly, that's why the data keeps changing. And stories changing. You got to be flexible. It's not a prison to --


PERINO: It's not helpful to say that you are going out to wear a mask on an airplane for the rest of your life.

HEMMER: Exactly that.

JONES: Especially the science didn't suggest that. All right. We got to go. COVID restrictions are here in the state. The mandates that the White House says could be here forever. That's next on THE FIVE.


MCDOWELL (on camera): It's COVID deja vu. Blue states once again pushing new restrictions like mask and vaccine mandates. Washington, D.C. just declaring a state emergency and bringing back COVID rules. And liberal leaders still not ready to completely rule out lock downs. Some schools and colleges are already shutting down and going to remote learning. And Tony Fauci, he's a doctor. He wouldn't know it. He's talking about making some restrictions permanent.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: You know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco, it's a well over a five-hour flight. Even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it.


GUTFELD: The filtration.

MCDOWELL: Lawrence?

JONES: We know a lot about this virus when it comes to the vaccine, and now and the therapeutics and how to live with it. But we also know that negative impacts of the virus and the shutdowns that were calls. We know what happened to the schools, we know that our kids are going to be like 10 years behind, they were already behind to begin with and now they're just destroyed right now.

We know about the mental health crisis that was already bad, but now with the virus, it expanded. We know about the economy and the businesses that are still suffering.

And so, to note all of that and still be so trigger-happy to shut every single thing down, I think it's pretty demented, it really is. To see what happened to this country, to see the pain of American citizens, because the people that are making these decisions -- it's not going to hit them. It really isn't.

If they want to fly their family to their own private island -- we already know that they don't even follow the rules that they implement. So, it's just wrong on so many levels.

MCDOWELL: This I'm, Greg, wicked pissed about what's going on here in New York City with Bill de Blasio where they've essentially made the decision that it somehow less harmful to fire employees and deprive them of a life and livelihood that that is less harmful than having somebody on the job and be vaccinated.

GUTFELD: Yes, I would call them a stack of life -- lice infested driftwood. But why insult lice?


GUTFELD: You know? So, we basically said -- I don't remember if it was CNN or MSNBC, they all sound the same, but he said, if you want to work and you want to eat or you want to enjoy your life, you have to get a vaccine.

And it was interesting because it's only in this, I don't know, opportunity that he actually understands the use of incentives to control a population. But he doesn't do that with criminals, right?

So, it's like lefties only embrace incentives to control decent law-abiding citizens, but when it comes to criminals, no cash bail, no prison time. That's an incentive for committing crime. And so, they don't use the incentives correctly. They are using them as punishments for people who are just trying to get by. And then they let the criminals out and run free.

MCDOWELL: And Dana, I've noticed this. Speaking of -- it seems like the city has cornered the market on insanity. NYU has a 99 vaccination rate among all students and faculty and they're going to remote exams.



PERINO: Well, I think -- one of the things that I've noticed too is that if you look at this omicron that came from South Africa, the results from South Africa are quite encouraging. It is very transmissible. I mean, like, every -- like, it's exponentially transmissible. But for most people, it's either asymptomatic or very mild like a cold.

And the colds, I'm the worst when I have a cold, I hate it. I get that. But the CDC's protocol are that you have to -- if you test positive, you have to take 10 days off of work. One of the reasons the hospitals are getting overwhelmed is because many people, because it's highly transmissible, are testing positive even if they don't feel sick which means that then they have to stay home for 10 days.

So, you're talking all sorts of people at hospitals, anywhere, maybe even you know, here -- anywhere -- and that's not just in New York City, that's across the country. So, first and foremost, I think the President could do something helpful tomorrow which is to say that he's asked the CDC to revise those guidelines because that is clearly not necessary.

The other thing is, they got to come out tomorrow with some sort of encouragement.


PERINO: Because their numbers are already so bad in terms of just the mood of the country. If he comes out tomorrow with doom and gloom, death, dreary winter, everything is terrible, when we are actually getting pretty encouraging results about omicron.

Now, if this pandemic was different and children were dying and there -- it was like violent -- people were violently sick everywhere, then some of the mandates, maybe you could revisit that. But for this, it doesn't seem to make sense.

MCDOWELL: If -- there is no reason anybody else who is in decent health will ever have to die from this if they can get off their asses and pass these therapeutics. The emergency use authorization went through for the Merck drug and not -- the advisory panel voted in favor of it a few weeks ago. So, where is the --

HEMMER: Or get the vaccine. We didn't live to spend with the Spanish flu forever. We're not going to live with this forever. The whole idea about wearing a mask forever in an airplane is just nuts to me. I would just add this. I think a lot of people come to New York City, they think we're nuts.

PERINO: Yes, they do.

HEMMER: Everybody's walking around with masks and places are closing down as of this weekend, again starting today. However, we had 66,000 new cases in three days in the state of New York. Yesterday, we had 22,000 cases alone on Sunday.

Now, listen our vaccination rate is through the roof. I think we're at 86, 87 percent. That's all good news. We're going to be fine. There was a wedding over in Park Avenue two weeks ago. I had a bunch of friends who attended. They think it was a super spreader. And they think the bride was infected.

And so, for the next three or four days, everybody's home in bed with the fever and the flu but they're OK now because they were vaccinated.

PERINO: Right.

HEMMER: And they were boosted and that is the hope. As far as going forward, Robert Redfield who used to run the CDC, he thinks we're doing this whole booster thing wrong. I think it's a very interesting data point for us going forward. He thinks you should know the level of immunity in your body and that would determine whether or not you need a shot or a booster and when.

GUTFELD: I said that last week. Remember, I said like -- I posed a question and says, what if a booster shot -- booster shot doesn't help you if you -- if what you have is a natural immunity? Could that help? I pose that as a question.

HEMMER: Two things on that. Right now, they're already starting to second guess, why they gave the first and second shot three weeks apart.


HEMMER: It should have been maybe six weeks or even longer. And the second thing is that Redfield, he and his wife, are on the same schedule.


HEMMER: For all the shots and all the boosters and their immunity levels are different.

GUTFELD: I knew that's what happened when you're married.

HEMMER: You bet.

PERINO: That's terrible.

GUTFELD: I don't even know what it meant.

PERINO: Oh, you don't?


PERINO: No, I don't need that. I was just laughing to laugh it with you.


MCDOWELL: Again, there's no need for boosters on people under 30, New England Journal of Medicine. Why didn't Biden come out and say that? No need for boosters.

GUTFELD: Now, you're anti-science though. That's what the media will say.

MCDOWELL: Well, I thought science was in the New England Journal of -- is it medicine or is it --

PERINO: Medicine.

MCDOWELL: Something -- no, it's something else. Like -- never mind. I was about to say something dirty. Kamala causes another train wreck. The Vice President snapping during a disastrous interview.


HEMMER: Kamala Harris once again creating headaches for the administration. Things getting heated between the Vice President and a TV host by the name of Charlamagne Tha God after he asked this tough question.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, TV HOST: So, who's the real president of the country? Is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?



HARRIS: Come on, it's Joe Biden.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I can't tell sometimes.

HARRIS: No, no, no, no. It's Joe Biden. And don't start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he is president.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it's Joe Biden -- and it's Joe Biden and I'm Vice President, and my name is Kamala Harris.


HEMMER: So, you have that, Greg. And there are other segments to this interview that's pretty interesting.

GUTFELD: It's so -- the best part would -- the best part you didn't even clip, it was when he looked over to the side and he goes oh, they can hear me. Because they claimed that they didn't hear him. The thing is, how bad is this, when you are with Charlamagne, with Symone Sanders in the control room, and it's -- you have the most benevolent situation and it still that bad. That's why she can't do other interviews.

I have a feeling that the Dems want an entire clean slate for 2024. It is kind of like when you -- after a car accident or when your car gets stolen and its returned, you just want the insurance company to total the car. You don't want to repair the wreck.


GUTFELD: You know, it's like -- it's like, the care is just not the same anymore even when they bring it into the shop. It's like -- it still has that smell of after whoever did what the back seat. Now, you just want to get a new car. That's what the Dems want, total it. They need an insurance company to come in and just --

HEMMER: You know, Dana, what is -- he's talking about Symone Sanders who's leaving Kamala Harris' office the end of this month.

PERINO: And she's like --

HEMMER: 32. She was saying, we can't hear the question.


HEMMER: Right as Kamala Harris was about the question.

JONES: Unbelievable.

PERINO: Yes. I think that Symone has done her best, right? And she sets up an interview for Kamala Harris that's going to be friendly, and they know that it's going to be. I have a different view about this. I think that this interview helped Kamala Harris with the people she needs to have more confidence in her, and that's their base.

Midterm elections are not about independent swing voters who show up once in a while for a midterm. These are about base elections. At the end of the interview, what Charlamagne says is that's the Kamala I have missed. That's the Kamala I want to see. So, I have a feeling you're going to see a lot more of that.

HEMMER: Who knew that Charlamagne tha God --

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Charlamagne the newsmaker?

JONES: I did.

HEMMER: Because this was not the first time.


HEMMER: He was the one who had candidate Joe Biden on when Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you aren't Black.

JONES: This is -- this is where people get wrong with Charlamagne. First of all, he's a liberal, and he's -- he tells people this. But he holds people accountable based on the things they said they were going to do. And that was the purpose of this interview.

Kamala was not prepared. She got very defensive. I agree to a certain extent with Dana that it helped her at the end because he gave her a piece of advice to say, in the future --

GUTFELD: That's him.

JONES: They want to see that prosecutor that was when Republicans -- when you grill Republicans when the Donald Trump administration was in there. But she still didn't answer the question. First of all, we know that Charlamagne wasn't suggesting that Joe Biden was the President of the United States. The question was, who has the most power, which is Manchin. And she refused to answer that question.

He also followed up by saying, is Manchin a problem? She didn't answer that question as well. And then she got into this whole thing about her being the VP and everyone knows that. And then she had a great moment at the end where she was aggressive and -- but there was no substance there which is her problem.

She has great moments when they can script them out with we saw at the early of the campaign with Joe Biden. But when you start getting into policy where she stands on things -- and don't take my word for it, look at her people. Her people don't even trust her to answer the question because she clearly heard the question.

HEMMER: Well, Dagen, the newly boosted Dagen McDowell, how did you -- how did you hear the exchange there?

MCDOWELL: I watched the whole thing twice. Charlamagne was hand feeding the Vice President marshmallows --


MCDOWELL: -- the entire interview. He asked the same question over and over and over again, and actually, a good interviewer will just move on, rather than continuing to bring up Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin, Joe Manchin. She went into a five minutes soliloquy at the beginning of the interview, and then at the end, just repeated the exact same thing she had said at the beginning.

And Charlamagne kept asking, when are we going to get a real -- get real with the American people and know that Joe Manchin is ruining the country? He's stopping progress and ruining democracy. He just went on and on. Kamala -- the whole thing was just a (INAUDIBLE).

HEMMER: I do agree the first answer went for a long time.

MCDOWELL: Well, and then the end, it was -- and by the way, what the heck was Charlamagne even asking? Why is Joe Manchin allowed to constantly hold up President Biden's agenda? Kamala Harris should have said, you know, she actually had to give a poli-sci lesson in the middle of the interview. Does the President have the power to force a duly elected member of the Senate to do his bidding? No.

HEMMER: And on it went. In a moment here, it could be the rematch of the century, this century, in fact. What Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was saying about 2024. It's next.


GUTFELD: It's the rematch that could signal the end times, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2024.


MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hillary Clinton said that if you win again, it is the end of democracy. Will this be a rematch?

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Oh, I have no idea. I hope so. I mean, I'd like that. But look, the woman is crooked as can be.


GUTFELD: I missed that. We don't deserve him. And there's speculation that Hillary is gearing up for another run after a new round of TV appearances where she keeps throwing jabs at Trump.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If I were a betting person right now, I say Trump is going to run again. This is a make-or-break point. Are we going to give in to all of this -- all these lies and the misinformation and this organized effort to undermine our rule of law and our institutions or are we going to stand up to it?


GUTFELD: I'm so happy she finally brought up the Russian collusion hoax, you know. You know, Dagen, it's this -- if you follow the arc of a perfect story that followed the script, you know, beginning, middle, and end, this is the end. This is exactly -- if this were a simulation, this is exactly what we're supposed to get.

MCDOWELL: Yes. We know she's running again because she hot rolled her hair.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's what I do.

MCDOWELL: Southern women know. It's like, oh, she's broken out the hot curlers. Lots of questions about Jeffrey Epstein. If she decides to run again, I would greatly look forward to that in addition to the Russia collusion hoax and the dossier and all of that. But to me, this seems like a sequel, like Battlefield Earth 2 but nobody is really asking for.

GUTFELD: I don't know. I kind of want this. You know -- you know what, here's the deal, Lawrence. Fox doesn't need this. We're like huge. We're the greatest cable news network that will ever be. But CNN and MSNBC need this.

JONES: Oh yes, they need it.

GUTFELD: Because they need -- CNN is like about a month away from closing up shop. This could save them.

JONES: This is another Rocky fight and they need it.


JONES: Here's the deal. Hillary is not over this, but so are the Democratic voters. They're not over just in a different way. The thought of that election gives them PTSD.


JONES: And so, I don't think that she would be able to get the nomination because she is the guy -- she's the person, not the guy. She's the person that couldn't beat Donald Yeah. And there'll be forever a stain on her record.

GUTFELD: She gives them PTSD. Bill, gives them -- Hemmer, don't we need new blood?

HEMMER: I guess. I did the numbers though. Trump would be 78.


HEMMER: Hillary would be 77.


HEMMER: Joe Biden to be 82. Kamala Harris approval rating as of last week was 28 percent. I did a Greg Gutfeld for you.


HEMMER: As Greg would say, if this were a fight in the playground, everyone would have a black eye, right? Trump is tied to January 6 and he lost to Biden. Clinton lost to Trump and she lost to Obama. Gavin Newsom facedown recall, but he has issues come out of the COVID, schools, mandates, liberal state. Pete Buttigieg is running the supply chain but he yet have to go to the port in California, right? Yes, it's entirely possible, but I agree with you, it'd be really good for --

JONES: That was good.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes. But you know what, he brought up Gavin Newsom, which I think is the -- is the fore-- front runner. And DeSantis, could you imagine that? The governor versus governor, two different approaches.

JONES: Record against record.

PERINO: Let's have it up. First of all, I'd like to go on the record say that hot rollers are some of the best inventions ever and I think they should make a comeback. Secondly, you earlier said you think the Democrats want a clean slate. I think that is true. And I do not think that she wipes the slate clean for the Democrats. I think they would be dreading that.

The other thing is that Hillary Clinton catch a break. She wanted to make News on Sunday about how she might put her toe back in the water. But guess what, Joe Manchin stole all her news on Fox News Sunday.

GUTFELD: There you go. There you go. By the way, I don't like it when you use things that I've said in an earlier block that contradicts what I say later. People aren't -- the blocks are completely different. So, when I say they want a clean slate, but they want this stuff, those are two separate - - it's not -- it's so not fair. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


PERINO: OK, it's time for "ONE MORE THING." I'm going to go first. So, a friend of mine, Jim and Dawn Dyke, they have a wonderful winery called the Mira Winery. And I've been meaning to do this "ONE MORE THING" for a while because they very generously sent specific wines for everyone.

Greg, they chose a Cabernet Franc for you, they thought you would enjoy.

GUTFELD: Who are these people?

PERINO: Jim and Dawn Dyke.

GUTFELD: I love the Dykes.

PERINO: They're the best.

GUTFELD: They're great. Anyway, go ahead. Sorry.

PERINO: It's a wonderful winery. They do a great job. I have a Schweitzer Vineyard Cabernet. You have Jimmy D's red blend. And also, this was actually for Jesse, but he's not here.

JONES: Oh, I'm stealing it. I'm sorry.

PERINO: Then you get it. Hemmer, you have the Serra.

HEMMER: I'll have the Serra. It's very nice.

PERINO: Because it is bold and unafraid, they said. And Dagen, they just specifically sent for you the bottle Chardonnay.

HEMMER: Very nice.

MCDOWELL: But where's screw top.

PERINO: Anyway, check out Mira Winery --

HEMMER: We're moving up to --

JONES: This is what happens when you don't show up for work, OK.


PERINO: Love it. And Greg, you're next.

GUTFELD: All right, let's do this, America.


GUTFELD: Animals are great. Animals are great. Animals are great.


GUTFELD: Here we go. As you know, crime is rising all over the country. It's scary. I can't even look at the news. But at least when the animals seal things, they give it back. Check out this fellow. What are these? It's an elephant? Oh, there he is. It took the woman's hat.

PERINO: Oh, it ate it.

GUTFELD: And she's like what happened? What happened? What happened?

JONES: That's not going to feel good later.

GUTFELD: And then -- what?

PERINO: First, he had that problem. Oh, he gave it back.

JONES: Oh, she gave it back.

PERINO: It's so nice.

HEMMER: He's talented.

JONES: Oh, he's smart.

GUTFELD: He took it, and then -- took it, and then she was like what the heck happened --

HEMMER: It doesn't taste so good.

GUTFELD: And then later, you know, he felt bad because obviously, she said, he hair look terrible without that.

PERINO: And also, you need sun protection.

GUTFELD: That is so true.

PERINO: All right, animals are so great.

GUTFELD: CNN, you need some protection.

HEMMER: I think that elephant had that trick before. I'm just saying.

PERINO: Dagen.

MCDOWELL: I expect to see people inappropriately dressed at the beach in Florida, wherever you go. Like, you're going to see way too much. Well, check out this inappropriately dressed fellow. It was Santa flying on a powered parachute. This is in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I don't know what he was doing.

PERINO: Lots of fun down there in Florida, don't they.

MCDOWELL: A little creepy.

HEMMER: He's in the spirit.

MCDOWELL: Yes. It felt like (INAUDIBLE) Christmas kind of person.

PERINO: She likes bright lights. That's what she says.

HEMMER: He said, ho, ho, ho, here we go, go, go. I want to tell you --

PERINO: All right, Bill, "ONE MORE THING" is a --

HEMMER: What's that?

PERINO: This is an important moment in the show, so let see.

HEMMER: Let me see if I can stick the landing, OK.


HEMMER: First, one ever.


HEMMER: All right, so I want to take you to Las Vegas here. 19-year-old Lauren Ray, she's got a little dog on her front porch. And there was a pitbull that wanted to eat her dog. Roll the tape here and here's what happened. OK, you got that?

Are you watching this? OK, she can't get away from this pitfall until the Amazon worker comes in the neighbor next door and gets in between all of them and she runs off. Pull a stop here.

JONES: A human shield.

HEMMER: Roll the soundbite here from the Amazon worker. Check it out.




GUTFELD: Is that her dog?

HEMMER: So, everybody is OK. Everybody is A-OK. The Amazon worker came to the rescue. They gave them the Enchanted Christmas at the Las Vegas ballpark. They gave him free tickets. And you thought Amazon was evil. Think you again next time you make that order.

PERINO: There you go. Wow, that was scary. All right, Lawrence.

JONES: All right, this is Tiger Woods and his son Charlie. All right, so yesterday, Tiger Woods and his son Charlie blaze their way to a second place finish at the PNC championship. Tigers first time competing on the golf course since his car crash back in February. They end up getting second place. They lost to John Daly and his son John Daly II.

GUTFELD: Oh, what a dad is he, John Daly and his son.

JONES: I know. I know.

HEMMER: It's great. Good, good.

PERINO: You know what, have you ever seen Dana Reads the News on "AMERICA'S NEWSROOM?"


PERINO: I mean, he scored.

JONES: They did sports.

PERINO: I really work hard on it. All right, that's it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next. Hey, Bret.


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