'The Five' react to Kamala Harris laughing about tensions in White House
'It's clean-up on 'Aisle Kamala,' Jesse Watters said on 'The Five' after reports emerged indicating tension between the Harris and Biden wings of the White House
This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on November 18, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Emily Compagno, Geraldo Rivera, Kennedy Montgomery, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City and this THE FIVE.
It's cleanup on aisle Kamala, the VP forced to do her own damage control after a brutal report on dysfunction in her office. And allegations that there is a nasty feud going on between her staff and Joe Biden's White House. Kamala's team feels like she's being sidelined and saddled with no- win jobs but the veep once again just laughing off the controversy.
KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We're getting things done and we're doing it together.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULUS, ABC NEWS HOST: So you don't feel misused or underused?
HARRIS: No, I don't. I am very, very excited about the work that we have accomplished. But I am also absolutely, absolutely clear-eyed that there is a lot more to do and we're going to get it done. You know, George, polls, they go up, they go down. But I think what is most important is that we remain consistent.
WATTERS: One of those no-win jobs Harris reportedly hates is being the face of Joe Biden's border disaster. Kamala is proving she is way out of her league when it comes to managing that problem.
HARRIS: Well, it's not going to be overnight. We can't just flip a switch and make it better. The reality is that we inherited a system, an immigration system that was deeply broken and it's requiring us to actually put it back together in terms of creating a fair process that is effective and efficient.
WATTERS: And breaking just an hour ago, Kamala Harris' communications director is out and will be leaving in December. All right, Greg, you've been stewing over this Kamala situation all day.
GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Stewing, yes. I've been stewing and stewing and stewing. The border fiasco is one of the great untold stories. She was given this plum assignment, right? And she does this fact-finding karaoke. And then it's like all done and she pulls the Pontius Pilate, washes her hands.
I don't think I've ever seen that before where somebody chooses not to do the job they give you. She's worse than the cable guy. You know, the cable guy when he -- he'll be four or five hours late, but he'll fix your cable. She did not! She actually thought all she had to do was go there.
Meanwhile, you know, she's a heartbeat away from the president. And the current heartbeat is owned currently by Joe Biden, which is scary. She's like the batter, the on-deck batter and the pitcher is up at the plate and you know he's going to whiff in three. She's that close. That's why people are worried.
I love that Jen Psaki blames all of this criticism on racism and sexism even though it was coming from the White House, which means, I guess that makes Joe Biden a white supremacist. He did go to a funeral to the Grand Cyclops so maybe that's true.
But you get the sense that this is the most inept presidential administration in history yet they've been in politics forever. This isn't like Trump who is the consummate outsider. These are insiders and elites with a combined experience of probably centuries. And they've been doing this job for decades and they suck. What does that tell you? You need people who aren't in government to run government.
WATTERS: So, her answer about the border which was pretty funny that Trump broke the border and then she's having a hard time putting it back together?
KENNEDY MONTGOMERY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, and this is what makes me really mad about Democrats because this is one of their talking points and you hear this over and over again. You hear this from Jen Psaki. Anyone who's got a difficult problem, Alejandro Mayorkas, we can't wave a magic wand, we can't flip a switch, we can't do anything instantaneous.
I get it, government is hard work. Fixing problems and saving people's lives takes a lot of effort and elbow grease and rolling up your sleeves. She doesn't want to do any of those things. Again, you're not going to fix the problem now. She's not even identifying the problem in terms of immigration.
People are suffering. People are suffering at the border. People are suffering in other countries. She doesn't have a plan for any of it. She's not acknowledging that it's a multipronged issue that she simply doesn't have the confidence to solve.
But what has happened in this White House, staffers in the Biden administration have reached critical mass. They have decided that she's the anvil that's pulling the administration down. People -- voters look at her and realize she's the plan B and that's why her poll numbers are lower.
Because she is actually to a lot of people who are paying attention now, they say, I trust her less than I trust the president. And that is saying something.
WATTERS: So that's interesting. I hadn't thought about that. And I think about everything.
GUTFELD: Not really.
WATTERS: The Biden White House thinks --
WATTERS: -- the Biden White House thinks that Kamala is a drag on Joe and they're trying to get rid of her.
RIVERA: Oh, yes. I think that that's the angle in D.C. now. And I do believe that -- I don't know who came first, the West Wing or the Right Wing, but I think they are both now in cahoots when it comes to cancelling Kamala.
You know, I don't know if it's about sexism or racism. I just believe it's because she's unpopular and she's unpopular, partially, because she has refused to be the energized, you know, sidekick to make Joe Biden look good. She was supposed to be the counterpoint. He is the eldest statesman.
WATTERS: The young, bright female that was head of charisma.
RIVERA: And she's going to go out there and the first of everything and she's going to go out there and make some history. And I still say she should have gone and can still can go to the edge of the Rio Grande --
RIVERA: -- and say don't come. Stop. This is not working. Maybe we should restart this border wall. Whatever the, you know, she blames it on, whoever came before her, the Trump administration or whoever --
WATTERS: She'll never do that.
RIVERA: He's her boogeyman. I think that she's got to seize the mantle and she's not doing it. You know -- and I do believe the tragedy is that she is historic. She is the first female, Asian, and African-American and all the rest of that. But, you know, she's blowing it and I think leaving a bad taste for the next one up and I don't appreciate that.
WATTERS: Are you surprised that there's so much drama with the first female vice president?
EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, you guys, I'm not surprised at all by any of her failures nor the drama. As a Californian, as a human that has been watching her for decades, this is par for the course.
COMPAGNO: This is like, you know, you have your friend who assures you, oh, when we have a baby, the relationship is going to be better. Or like as soon as we get married, he's going to change. You guys, living under her watch in California, she was handed the D.A. nomination in San Francisco. She was handed the attorney general position. She's never had to earn and she's never had to cultivate the hearts and minds of Californians and she's never had to earn her way.
This is why she dropped out of the Iowa caucus, it's because she wasn't even popular with the Democrats. She was pulling it 3 percent when she dropped out. She raised less money than Mayor Pete. Her percentage 21 percent less than his. So there's absolutely no change from that day until now except for the position she now occupies, but the failures are par for the course.
She is always been talk only. She has always changed -- even "The New York Times" called her "an uneven campaigner who change her message and tactics to little effect with a faction staff." What's changed her right now? As you said, we just got word no one is leaving in December. Nothing has changed everyone.
WATTTERS: And that should have been an easy interview for her. I mean, Stephanopoulos --
WATTERS: -- he's a hard core Democrat. That's where you go to clean things up and she couldn't even do that --
GUTFELD: No, she couldn't.
WATTERS: -- with Stephanopoulos.
GUTFELD: What is wrong with this country?
WATTERS: What is wrong with these people?
WATTERS: Up next --
MONTGOMERY: Good shuffle.
WATTERS: -- is MSNBC trying to intimidate the Rittenhouse jury? You're not going to believe what the liberal network just did.
MONTGOMNERY: It's all coming back to me now. A shocking allegation of jury intimidation on day three of deliberations in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial as the jury heads home once again for the night. MSNBC looking like complete fools today after the judge banned the liberal network from the courtroom for doing this very stupid thing. Watch.
BRUCE SCHROEDER, JUDGE, KENOSHA COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT: A person who identified himself as James J. Morrison and who claimed that he was a producer with NBC News. He stated that he had been instructed by a Ms. Bayonne in New York to follow the jury bus.
He was ticketed for violating a traffic control signal. I have instructed that no one from MSNBC News will be permitted in this building for the duration of this trial. This is a very serious matter.
MONTGOMERY: Smooth move, Ex Lax. The MSNBC freelancer who followed the jury bus now getting thrown under the bus. The network releasing a statement claiming the producer never intended to contact or photograph the jurors and saying they regret the incident and will cooperate with authorities. How serious is this, Jesse?
WATTERS: Well, it's serious because he got caught. It's probably a stringer who's trying to land an exclusive for the "Today Show." All big networks do that.
RIVERA: Very plausible. Very plausible.
WATTERS: They're just loaded up with cash and they have a bunch of these people just all over Kenosha right now trying to identify a juror and then get that great access because that first juror interview is going to be "the" interview no matter how this thing shakes out.
But the fact that he ran a red light while he was tailing the jury, I mean, that is a dangerous traffic situation and you don't want to endanger any of the jurors. So that's why it was so serious.
But just in the beginning of this thing, the way they misreported the Blake thing, sparked the riots, then had the MSNBC reporter outside saying mostly peaceful with the flames shooting up the sky. And then just smearing this defendant as a white supremacist and now endangering the lives of the jury.
If you could just take MSNBC out of this entire last year in Kenosha, we would have a much more peaceful and safer place.
MONTGOMERY: Interesting. Now, Geraldo?
RIVERA: Yes, Kennedy.
MONTGOMERY: What is going on with the jury? Because obviously they're on day three of their deliberation. They have gone home for the day. We understand that one of the jurors has asked to take the instructions home with them.
RIVERA: How sweet.
KENNEDY: So, tell me what could possibly be going on here? What are the different scenarios?
RIVERA: Say, Bob, what do you think of this? What should I do? Well, Sarah, I don't know. I don't know, obviously. My surmise is that things are not going well for the defendant because if they were on the road to an easy acquittal, I think that would have happened. You've had 24 hours of deliberation.
So, I think that what's happening is that there's a negotiation, perhaps a compromise, a debate on whether to go with one of the lesser included charges rather than the more serious charges, the first degree charges. So, it could be that.
It could be that someone is hung. That someone doesn't know or doesn't want to go along with the majority and is saying, you know, I want an acquittal and you want a conviction or vice versa. The human dynamic gets more gummy, gets more complicated the longer they are out.
Now, comes the weekend. The tailing, the stalking by the NBC freelancer, although I'm right. I think Jesse is absolutely right, that every network does it. That stalking, I believe, is something that information will get to the jurors. They will know that something happened because they're not sequestered, which to me is a monumental error in a case --
WATTERS: They should have been sequestered.
RIVERA: Okay. Thank you -- a case of this serious nature. They should have been, at least, when they began deliberations sequestered at that point.
So, I believe that is one of the many errors in this case. The defense by moving for a mistrial without prejudice is basically saying listen, let's just do this again. And you don't say that when you're ahead, you say that when you're behind.
MONTGOMERY: Interesting. So, let's talk a little bit about what the defense is petitioning from the court. How likely are we to see a mistrial declared? And will that happen after there is a verdict?
COMPAGNO: I think less likely at this point because the judge has specifically said that he might want to hold an evidence hearing with testimony from experts as to exactly what defense is arguing disadvantaged them, meaning the drone footage, the version of evidence that they got. The version of the video was compressed. It was a smaller volume and it was less quality.
And so the judge essentially wants to ascertain, okay, was this prejudicial? How much so? And he would need to rely on expert testimony to that effect.
He's also not heard a rebuttal yet from prosecution to that motion. But to your point, you know, originally, the defense was arguing and they maintained this argument that there's been prosecutorial overreach this entire time.
They said it's been intentional, in bad faith, its prejudiced the defendant. And at that point, they were arguing with prejudice to dismiss it with prejudice to prevent --
MONTGOMERY: Which means he can't be retried, correct?
COMPAGNO: Correct. And then they changed their minds, which is an interesting turn of events or at least submitted differently. And at the time, they argued we don't want to give the prosecution another kick at the cat.
And I think what's interesting about it is that in the court of public opinion, the but for analysis is pretty strong, right? It's different than the court of the actual court of justice. But it's interesting because given another shot, prosecution might actually nail it.
RIVERA: That's going to happen.
COMPAGHNO: So, I would think defense would, you know, want to do everything within their realm, within their power to prevent that from happening. Keep in mind, final point, that the judge can do a whole host of other remedial items or remedial actions toward the prosecution short of vacating a verdict, right? So he can held them -- he can hold them in contempt. He can reprimand them formally, et cetera, sanctions that don't rise to the level of actually vacating, let's say, a potential acquittal or conviction.
MONTGOMERY: Can he take away library cards because that's -- that's actually much more serious. And then --
RIVERA: Yes. He couldn't -- he wouldn't vacate an acquittal.
COMPAGNO: Yes. Yes. Sorry, yes.
RIVERA: That would be double jeopardy.
COMPAGNO: Exactly.
RIVERA: But he could vacate --
COMPAGNO: Conviction.
RIVERA: -- a conviction.
MONTGOMERY: Oh, that's exciting. Well, clearly this has been tried in the court of MSNBC. Let's take a look at Joy Reid with her expert legal analysis. Watch.
GUTFELD: Do we have to?
RIVERA: Greg's favorite.
JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: This Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it reminded a lot of people of something -- the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in which Brett Kavanaugh, who had been accused by a high school friend of committing sexual abuse of her, cried his way through the hearings.
In America, there's a thing about both white vigilantism and white tears, particularly male white tears. Really white tears in general because that's what Karens are, right? They Karen out and then as soon as they get caught, bring waterworks.
MONTGOMERY: Wow. How does she still have a job?
GUTFELD: She has gone full on racist. And I honestly think that the CEO or whoever owns this network doesn't watch MSNBC. Because reverse racism is racism. But she is, I think because she's getting shellacked in the ratings, she's turned it up a notch. She is a full left wing crank.
If you had the right wing equivalent of that mocking, weeping blacks -- mocking the black tears, you would be out the door before you got to that second word "tears." So, this is insane. But you can't just go after MSNBC. You got to throw CNN into the mix.
We are realizing that the American media lied to us to protect the rioters. Kenosha was never a protest. It was never a protest. From the moment it started, it was a crime scene, right? And it was a crime scene created because an armed thug was rightfully shot.
The whole protest lie was fabricated for one reason and one reason only. It was to use it as another way to emasculate the police. That ended up creating the vacuum which thuggery exploited and then drew in a person like Rittenhouse who came to help because he could see a city that he worked in, where his family lived, was being torched. So, it's all back to the media and I know you're surprised I blame them.
But I don't understand Joy Reid. Shouldn't the head of MSNBC pull her aside and say, you do understand you're saying white tears. You are actually --
RIVERA: Could you -- could you demonstrate --
GUTFELD: White tears?
RIVERA: -- a white tear for me.
GUTFELD: No, I can't. Sometimes I will when you're on the --
WATTES: Let me at him.
GUTFELD: I do. I do cry quietly in the break after you're on, Geraldo.
RIVERA: Don't cry for me, Argentina.
MONTGOMERY: Weeps and whimpers. He is at sixes and sevens with you.
MONTGOMERY: Thank you for that. Ahead, liberal comedian Bill Maher out with a big prediction that's going to make Democrats furious. Find out what it is in moments.
GUTFELD: Welcome back. It is looking like a blood bath for Joe Biden, the Democrats in the midterms with Americans losing confidence in them fast. Liberal comedian Bill Maher tried to warn his side over what's coming.
BILL MAHER, LIBERAL COMEDIAN: I think they're going to get whopped -- thumped in the election. I mean, that usually happens in midterm elections, but, you know. I mean, Joe, look, I'm glad he's there, but he has not exactly stuck the landing on a lot of the issues that he was dealing with.
I keep saying this to the Democratic Party. The reason why you're so toxic is because you have become the party of no common sense. We are -- we should be moving toward a color blind society where we don't see race. Wokism, we have to see it everywhere all the time.
GUTFELD: So, Jesse, you and I have been doing this show for almost 20 years. Bill Maher is saying exactly what we have been saying, but it doesn't matter because he reaches people that we can't, right? His side. He's inside this bubble. So in a weird way, he's kind of doing a heroic deed. He's taking the things that we say on "The Five" and he's dragging it to his world and forcing them to hear our common sense.
WATTERS: It's like an intervention, right?
WATTERS: You wouldn't have me be the one --
GUTFELD: To do it.
WATTERS: -- doing the intervention.
GUTFELD: You can't.
WATTERS: You'd have Kennedy or, you know, anybody but me, right?
GUTFELD: Yes, that should be the title of your book, anybody but me.
WATTERS: But this is -- but this is an intervention and it's good because the left has lost the plot. You had Martin Luther King color blind society. That's what we were all aspiring to --
GUTFELD: Yes. Yes.
WATTERS: Until the share of the white vote started to decrease and then all of these coastal, college-educated liberals took over social media. And they figured, why don't we just unite all of the minorities in the country against traditional white working class Americans? And if you do that, you can win the national popular vote.
That just pissed everybody off. It pissed off millions of regular normal working class people, and then it's now starting to piss off normal Democrats. The Democrats need to do this. What did Clinton say? It's the economy, stupid, and I feel your pain. Not it's the climate, stupid, I'm going to cause you pain. Stick to the kitchen table issues and that will work.
GUTFELD: You know, Kennedy, I'm seeing in this weird world a very positive trend where the strongest voices on the left, starting with Dave Rubin, Bill Maher, Glen Greenwald, Matt Tiabbi, they're all like understanding that there's something bad going on, and you're also seeing it on the right where the right are actually changing their views on spying and foreign policy and drug legalization. There seems to be a switch going on and it's very healthy.
MONTGOMERY: It is healthy especially if you look at it from a libertarian perspective because you see, oh, if people are embracing rationalism, they will essentially land at a place where there's limited government.
Where there's limited government, there's self-rule, individual rights and rationality above all. But when you have something -- and Bill Maher was also asked about the term woke and how AOC said we don't say that anymore, that's a stupid word. Only people over 50 say that word. And Bill Maher said you gave us that word.
MONTGOMERY: That was your term. And so now people use it because in deference to you trying to be polite and acquiesce to your silly, naive point of view, they use term like that, but they no longer are. So, people like that have really split the party. And Jesse is absolutely right. My parents are lifelong Democrats, but they look at this party and they do not recognize it.
But you also have people who are new to the party who don't want to see their taxes go away and have nothing to show for it. When Cardi B first started making money, she was driving around realizing there's a bunch of potholes. She's like, why am i paying all this money in taxes? And I was like, welcome to libertarianism.
RIVERA: Cardi B?
KENNEDY: Good to have you. Yes.
GUTFELD: You know, Geraldo, I --
RIVERA: Did she get out of the car to say it? I mean, just --
KENNEDY: She did and she --
GUTFELD: Just stick to the topic, Geraldo. Gosh. You know, it's interesting. I know that Bill Maher probably is not crazy about Fox News. I know that he probably thinks we're all right-wing hacks. But to me, I feel like he's becoming an American hero by trying to save his own party. He's trying to pull his party away from a cliff.
RIVERA: Well, I think that that's very perceptive. And I -- and I agree with it, although I am very angry at Bill Maher and continue to be because he owes me $1,000. We had a bet on the air. He said the Russia collusion narrative was true and I said the Russia-Russia is fake, and we bet $1,000 and he never -- he never paid, nor has he invited me back on the program since because I bust his jaws on that.
He is basically cancel-proof right now, one of the few people who are. He can do or say or maintain any position. And I admire the fact that he is an activist. Remember what happened to Bill Maher and how he got to be cancelled proof. He had the show, Politically Incorrect, on ABC network.
A couple of weeks after 9/11, when everyone say those cowards attacked us, those cowards did this, Bill Maher said, wait a second, they're not cowards. They're the ones who flew the planes and died, you know, maybe the generals who launched missiles from 3,000 miles away are the coward. So, it's very shocking in that climate. He's very courageous, so I've always been a fan of his.
GUTFELD: Not the best line to say after a terrorist attack.
RIVERA: Not two weeks after the attack. But he get -- he lost his show.
RIVERA: As a result, he lost his comfortable gig. But he created the new identity here at the HBO show. He's very funny and I hope that people listen to him. But I -- with respect, I think that he and Grindwald, and Taibi, and the people that you cite, they're the generation after the ones that we're talking about, the activists. The people who are defining what woke is, what's appropriate and what is not appropriate and who are busting people's chops as a result of it, they're the younger --
GUTFELD: Yes, I got you. Yes, that makes sense. Emily, do you think he is going to have any impact or they, echoing what Geraldo says, there's -- oh he's old, he's irrelevant.
EMILY COMPAGNO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I was just thinking about that -- those damning labels that are, you know, like searing a barbecue stamp into your forehead. There could be one that sticks for him. But wait, quick point, I think you should get your $1000 dollars in the next administration, because under this one, it's worth the equivalent of like $0.05. Your dollar will go much further under --
RIVERA: An inflation angle.
COMPAGNO: Exactly -- under the next administration. But I just -- I have to say that, you know, it rings true because it's simply common sense. To your point, Jesse, the reason that Youngkin is the governor-elect of West Virginia is because he campaigned on quote, I will --
KENNEDY: Virginia.
COMPAGNO: Oh, sorry, Virginia -- is he campaigned on, I will listen to parents." It's the common sense. These guys are delusional on the left, to your point. They've shoved everyone into boxes thinking that it works. We're going to talk about it in a moment about what happens in these youth groups that are eating themselves because everyone is sticking those labels on each other and just canceling.
So, Bill Maher, to me, he's just a normal person with common sense. But to your point in the intro, I think it doesn't matter what you say, it's who it is that says it. Because you've been screaming this, we've all been screaming this since day one.
GUTFELD: Yes. Youth groups eating themselves.
KENNEDY: Armie Hammer is like what?
GUTFELD: Nice. All right, up next --
WATTERS: Kennedy, excellent.
GUTFELD: Poor Armie Hammer. What happened to him? All right, up next, drug poisoning deaths surging thanks to street fentanyl. So what does President Biden plan to do about it?
RIVERA: A gut-punching statistic on America's drug epidemic fueled once again by street fentanyl. The lethal poison helping cause a dramatic 30 percent spike in overdose deaths in the last year. The CDC estimating grim landmark, 100,000 Americans died from overdose in just 12 months.
President Biden releasing a statement calling it a tragic milestone. And as critics pointed out, he had no harsh words for China. And given that most fentanyl originates there, you would think he would say something to President Xi. And not a peep about the Mexican border. He had President Obrador. He's with him right now. Not a peep about the dope coming across despite the fact that most of the deadly street drug is processed in Mexico before coming into our country to such devastating effect.
But do you think he thinks maybe, Emily, that it's rude to ask his colleagues about something so harsh as maybe stop the dopers from smuggling fentanyl into our country?
COMPAGNO: I have zero insight to what he's thinking. But whatever it is, it's not enough. It's an abject failure. And for someone who touted his almost 50 years of service in his country as some type of qualifier for the position he now holds, I find it downright offensive and appalling that he doesn't know more and hasn't leveraged that relationship with President Obrador.
The prior president did, to your point, after not one -- not set foot for one instance into politics. Now, we have someone who told us, assured us that oh, I know everything about it, and he's been absolutely derelict.
And keep in mind, guys, that for example, in Sacramento County in California where I'm from, three out of four overdoses are due to fentanyl. It will claim the lives of more residents than gun violence this year. The DEA for the first time in six years issued a public safety alert warning of these counterfeit pills.
It's absolutely flooding every single state. It's why when polled, Ohio residents are most concerned about the Southern Border porousness because their families that are being ripped apart.
A quick final point, a bunch of DAs are now banding together to try to get on the books murder charges for those drug dealers that deal out these counterfeit pills. Because you can fit on the head of a pencil what will kill someone and these guys are just tossing it out like candy.
RIVERA: And yet, it's not a national emergency.
RIVERA: 100,000 dead, that's -- what did we lose in Vietnam, 50,000? So, that's -- this is pretty grim, profound milestone here.
WATTERS: And Delaware has some of the highest per capita deaths from fentanyl, Joe Biden's home state. Fentanyl and coronavirus, the two deadliest things that have hurt this country in the last year, Joe Biden didn't mention either of those things to the Chinese leader the other day.
I believe he's a coward. He doesn't want to confront the leader of China because his donors and his son are still getting rich from China. When you shut down an entire economy and isolate everybody, get rid of the schools, get rid of the sports, get rid of the businesses, and put them all alone, people are going to turn to drugs. And a lot of these opioids are laced with fentanyl so people started dying.
Look, what else? We have domestic abuse surged, suicides among young people surging. You also have the murder rate we saw at the FBI up, bankruptcies, alcohol abuse.
RIVERA: But --
WATTERS: You can't just shut down an entire country --
RIVERA: But in fairness --
WATTERS: -- and have no clue what's going to happen next. Everybody listened to Fauci. Greg talks about it. We didn't do a cost-benefit of the analysis. If you do A, then something is going to happen. No one thought anything about what we were doing in the repercussions and this is a huge repercussion.
RIVERA: But Jesse points blame at this administration. We know it started under the previous administration. Is it fair to make politics of this when this is --
WATTERS: The Democrat governors were the ones that have the lock down lingering.
RIVERA: May I asked the libertarian at the table? May I asked the libertarian?
KENNEDY: It actually -- it actually started under the Nixon administration. And that was the war on drugs which has failed. The reason people are dying from this as Greg has rightly pointed out, it's not because they're putting too much into their bodies, it's because they don't know what they're putting into their bodies because drugs are illegal in this country, and saying to kids drugs are bad, OK.
It doesn't keep them from doing stupid things and putting stupid things in their bodies. If we knew what was in the substances people were ingesting - - because guess what, here's the actual dirty little secret. People are not going to stop doing drugs.
RIVERA: That's like a consumer protection. I agree with that.
KENNEDY: They're not going to stop, so legalize drugs so we know what's in them, so our kids can stop dying.
RIVERA: And Prince, it's not just kids.
GUTFELD: Look, I mean, to solve this problem you have to frame it the right way. This is not a drug epidemic, it is a mass poisoning. It's an act of terror. Despite what the media says, these are not overdoses of patients, right? It is China poisoning people who use drugs these are -- the people who use drugs are actually my people.
I'm one of the people who uses drugs. If you don't care about these people, then you should get rid of your Tom Petty records because that's how he died. You should get rid of your Prince records because that's how he died. You should get rid of the wire DVDs because that's how Michael K. Williams died. I can go back.
These people were all murdered because of our stupid drug policy for one thing. And the fact that we reduced restrictions on opiate prescriptions, the more you punish the law-abiding patient, you force them to unlawful means of getting drugs and they take fentanyl-laced drugs. It is not an overdose. It is a poisoning.
Step one, legalize. Step two, get off the patient's back. Get back to prescribing the right opioids for the right pain.
RIVERA: I think that the only flaw in your passionate argument is you --
GUTFELD: I'm too sexy?
RIVERA: No, you brush -- you brush over the responsibility of big pharma getting America hooked on opioids by flooding --
GUTFELD: Americans get hooked on everything.
RIVERA: And there's a big responsibility right here at home. You don't have to necessarily only blame China or Mexico --
GUTFELD: Yes, we're the ones using it.
RIVERA: -- or to blame the drug companies.
GUTFELD: We will -- we will live healthy lives.
RIVERA: Let's cancel -- let's cancel the drug companies. That's -- cancel culture blowing up in the Democrats faces in spectacular fashion. We'll see that story after this.
COMPAGNO: The left being eaten alive by cancel culture that they created. The College Democrats of America which are tied to the DNC are being rocked by a woke scandal. Because the young leaders in the group can't stop cancelling each other over old offensive tweets. It's so bad the DNC may cut ties to the group.
OK, so Greg, which is worse, their hideous offensive tweets or the fact that they're cancelling each other over them?
GUTFELD: It's amazing because we've -- another thing that we've talked about -- for years, no one is safe in a world where there is no forgiveness. And we've been warning them for years that the movement you started is going to turn on you.
But it is incredible that the ideology that professes compassion, that has always been the bedrock of the left, you know, the Republicans are coldhearted in their bed. But they're the ones taking forgiveness off of the table and now they're facing the reckoning.
I don't have much sympathy for these young Dems because they're hoisted on their -- is it by or on their own petard?
RIVERA: On their own petard.
GUTFELD: By their own petard. Who cares?
KENNEDY: Maybe it's on the petard.
GUTFELD: But I mean, they might have been part of the mob that torch you or you or you over a tweet. And now, they're get -- and now they're getting cancelled. But we have to actually rise above it and defend them the way we wish they would defend us. So, we would have to say, I would forgive anybody over anything bad. I would forgive Kathy Griffin for the headless - - you know, head thing. You got to forgive and -- but once that's off of the table, it's war, right?
COMPAGNO: Kennedy, how stoked are you that we grew up without the internet and without Twitter? I'm really grateful.
KENNEDY: I don't know what my life would have been like if I had social media when I was at MTV. I mean, it would have -- it would have been a very -- if people knew what I was actually up to, there is -- there is no way that I would be a functioning adult, let alone an employed one.
But, yes, is this what you want society to be like? Is this what you want us to devolve into, because this is where it goes? And you know, people thought that this was just a fun little flu that socialist went to when they went to college. But now, you know, people who were engaged in the beginning of cancel culture in 2010, no, you know, 11 years later, they're in power in media. And that's why you're seeing such a dishonest bifurcation.
COMPAGNO: Jesse, the adults in the room are calling this an ultimate reaping of what those kids have sown.
WATTERS: Well, as the most tolerant person of THE FIVE, I am struggling with this story.
GUTFELD: That's a low bar.
WATTERS: Let me see if I'm reading the story correctly here. So, a Muslim offended a Jew who offended a Black. Are you sure that's the story?
KENNEDY: Is that a math problem?
GUTFELD: I don't know.
WATTERS: Where's the white guy in this? Are we saying there's no Christian white male in this story?
GUTFELD: That's amazing.
WATTERS: Is this progress?
GUTFELD: Where are the white teens?
WATTERS: This is not progress? I don't even know how to process that because I was told that racism was the same as being white. And now, you're saying there's no white male in this story yet racism abounds? I don't know. My head is about to explode.
COMPAGNO: Well, Geraldo, the white Christian male is the one in the White House. And according to the DNC which supports him, they now don't want anything to do with this youth group.
RIVERA: This is a dumb scandal and I really hate when they go back to their tweets when they were 13 years old, 14 years old. I mean, when you're 13, 14, 15, all of us if we had that access, we would be in all kinds of trouble. You know --
GUTFELD: We've been in all kinds of trouble without Twitter.
RIVERA: That's true. I'm old, and it is -- and people say --
KENNEDY: Not according to Twitter.
RIVERA: But people say, we are scornful of the youth. Oh, when I was your age. But, I really -- I truly am scornful of the youth. This is my least favorite generation in a long time. The Millennials were so much more, you know, appropriate, it seems to me, than the kids now.
COMPAGNO: Yes, they keep --
RIVERA: These kids nowadays.
COMPAGNO: Yes. They keep getting worse. All right, "ONE MORE THING" is up next.
WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." I received a gift in the mail today -- that never happens -- from a woman Katherine Johnson in Newmarket, New Hampshire. Look at this sign she sent me.
COMPAGNO: Awesome.
KENNEDY: Oh, my garden.
WATTERS: Watters Way. It's a street sign. Katherine passes the sign off and off Route 88 which connects Newfield, New Hampshire to Exeter. Greg did not know that.
COMPAGNO: She stole it?
GUTFELD: She should be arrested.
RIVERA: She stole that sign?
COMPAGNO: That's a misdemeanor.
GUTFELD: How did -- would not find Watters Way. That's an awful thing to do.
COMPAGNO: I got in trouble for stealing (INAUDIBLE) in high school.
GUTFELD: Yes. And by, somebody needs that sign.
COMPAGNO: 100 percent.
KENNEDY: She's clearly (INAUDIBLE)
WATTERS: Wait, Katherine, did you steal this?
GUTFELD: Unbelievable. There's a street that doesn't have a sign and there's a -- the old lady is not going to get her food.
WATTERS: You know what, let's move on. I'm going to --
KENNEDY: Yes, I've been waiting for four hours.
WATTERS: -- be at "PRIMETIME" tonight at 7:00. We have Senator Tom Cotton, Representative Lauren Boebert, Stephen Miller, Lara Trump, Dagen McDowell, so watch tonight.
RIVERA: So, how are you doing with that show?
WATTERS: We're having a good time, Geraldo.
RIVERA: I didn't ask you that.
GUTFELD: All right.
COMPAGNO: That's a replica.
RIVERA: Oh, it's a replica.
WATTERS: It's a replica.
GUTFELD: Tonight, another great show at 11:00. We got Julie Banderas, we got Kat Timpf. We got so many good people. It's disgusting. But let's do this. Greg's winner for best scream. So, this has happened in Lake Tahoe. A woman is working at 711. A bear walks in. Just listen to this screaming.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get out. Hey, hey, out, out, out.
RIVERA: I want to see how you'd react.
WATTERS: She was trying to scare him away.
GUTFELD: He keeps going. I'd watch this --
RIVERA: Is the bear doing the laundry?
GUTFELD: I don't know. All right --
KENNEDY: No, he's squaring the face -- himself on the face for "HANNITY."
WATTERS: All right, Kennedy, you're up.
KENNEDY: Oh, look at this. Let's go to Belgium shall we? The former World Record for laptop dominoes used to be 200, but look at the 752 toppling laptops in a giant domino display. Look at them all falling down. It's a recycling place called Out of Use. Oh I'm from Belgium. Isn't that weird?
GUTFELD: Those are all Hunter's. The Hunter ones stick. They can't do with the Hunter's because they stick.
WATTERS: Oh, Greg.
COMPAGNO: Oh, my God.
RIVERA: Quick, quick, quick.
WATTERS: Geraldo, go ahead.
RIVERA: You know, I live at the Peninsula Hotel when I'm here. But I had a lot of family -- a lot of family -- very nice address. But a lot of family affairs were coming up. My daughter Isabella's 29th birthday, my grandkids --
GUTFELD: What are you doing?
RIVERA: So, anyway, the reason I bring it up is the suite they gave me. They count me.
GUTFELD: Oh my God.
RIVERA: It was the suite that Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton were in when they were getting the results in 2016 that they had lost the presidential election.
KENNEDY: Talk about sticky.
GUTFELD: Who cleared it -- who cleared this "ONE MORE THING?" He's trying to get a free will of you people.
COMPAGNO: The stink of despair --
RIVERA: I had a topless -- I had a topless shot that --
COMPAGNO: -- and failure.
WATTERS: Yes, between you and Delta and him with the Peninsula, this shown is turning into an infomercial. Go ahead.
COMPAGNO: The United States Veterans Corps has toys for a little troops program. Learn more at myusbc.com.
GUTFELD: Good for you.
WATTERS: All right. We will learn more, Emily. That is it for us. "SPECIAL REPORT" is next. And I will not be belching as I toss to you.
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