'The Five' on crime, Biden's plan to pick Supreme Court justice based on race, gender

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 31, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Geraldo Rivera, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld. It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is The Five.

The White House openly mocking Americans concerned about exploding crime. And even dismissing how The Five covers it.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: On Fox is Jeanine Pirro talking about soft on crime consequences. I mean, what -- what does that even mean, right? So, there's an alternate universe.

What I was speaking to was a chyron on Fox News since you raised it which suggested this administration is soft on crime with no basis. And the American rescue plan there was additional funding to support local cops' programs, something that every single Republican voted against.


WATTERS (on camera): But earth to the Biden White House, the crime wave ripping across the country is very real and these stats don't lie. Homicides in major American cities are up 44 percent compared to two years ago, and big part of the problem are the radical policies of the liberal D.A. across the country which allow a revolving door of violent felons back to the streets to harm again.

So far, Biden has refused to even talk about it let alone condemn them. And on his brand-new show, cross-country Lawrence Jones interviewing one deputy D.A. calling out his boss, L.A. District Attorney George Gascon.


LAWRENCE JONES, FOX NEWS ENTERPRISE REPORTER: I guess my big question is, is he upholding state and federal law right now?

JOHN MCKINNEY, L.A. DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY: No, absolutely not. Our district attorney is nullifying important laws, and he is doing it explicitly in an unapologetic way. He is not charging special circumstances, he's not charging gun allegations, he is not charging gang allegations, he eviscerated the gang unit that we had to suppress gang crime in this county.


MCKINNEY: because he wants to see fewer people go to jail and prison.


WATTERS (on camera): Psaki called you out, Judge Pirro, anything you want to tell the press secretary right now?

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, you know, she wants to know why I'm talking about the consequences of soft on crime? Well, I'm talking about the consequences of the Democrat liberal progressive leftists soft on crime criminal loving victim hating group that has made a decision that no bail, no jail and the criminals are -- they should be privileged and that social justice and growth prosecutors should not be a part of the criminal justice system.

And Jen, you are so locked up in your ivory tower that you have no idea what Americans really care about and what they are concerned about. The truth is that the killing of innocents who didn't deserve it, they didn't ask for it, they did nothing but get in the way of a murderer, very often out on your bail policies, and that murderer and that god decides that they should die.

And now you and your own refuse to even recognize what you've done just as we mentioned, the crime wave from 2019 to 2021 is 44 percent up in terms of homicides in major American cities, but Joe Biden ignored all this. joe Biden ignored the looting, the burning, the rioting and he ignored the burning of a federal courthouse and police precincts.

And now, now he wants to come to New York. He wants to come to New York because he wants to get funding the local cops? Well, why didn't they do that when they were defunding, demoralizing, and denigrating cops? Why now? Could it be because this is an election year? A midterm year? And why not increase funding when the cops really needed it?

You people don't stand up for law and order, we do, and you ought to think about one thing. You ought to think about the fact that Fox quadruples all the pals all of those networks that you identified that were talking about important things that I wasn't.

Here's the bottom line, we quadrupled them because we talk about things in Americans care about and maybe you and your friends ought to take a temperature of what Americans care about and talk about it.

WATTERS: Yes, Geraldo, that's --



WATTERS: Yes, you ought to.

RIVERA: You take that, Jen Psaki.

WATTERS: That is a cheap tactic though, you take the four screens and the cables and CNBC and you say, they are looking at this, but they are looking at that. I mean, that is so lowbrow, I mean, for the White House press secretary to pull that move, I mean, that's like a Twitter move right there.

RIVERA: Well, the sad thing is that she is making a media story out of something that's much more substantive. Here we have people dying, with murderers on the increase in the way that causes great, great disquiet in this country. There is -- the cops are demoralized from coast-to-coast. They are demoralized.

I think in some ways the bitter irony is that the deaths of officers or detective Rivera and Mora refocus people on cops and the jobs they do. It kind of sobered people up and they said, my God, what have I been thinking as the precincts burn and as, you know, the other government buildings were trashed?

I really do believe that maybe this is a turning point. I think that Biden coming here, rather than mocking it, let him come, let him get the vibe from the NYPD. They could it be that as with De Blasio the cops would turn their back on the president of the United States? I hope it doesn't come to that. I really, I urge you not to do it.

I want you to be gracious to him, not that I'm talking, I'm not lecturing you, but you know what I mean, he is the president of the United States, so let him come and let them hear you. Let him hear you that we -- you cannot have a criminal justice system that does not prosecute with special circumstance.

If there were two criminals go into a building, one is a gang member and the other isn't, one has a gun and the others doesn't, those are different crimes, we have to recognize that. We have to understand that we have to punish commensurate with the duty to make the street safer. That is the biggest most important job of government is keeping the citizens safe.

WATTERS: Dana, so she is pointing at the screens and one of the screens has the Ukraine/Russia situation, not a single American has died there yet, but right now in Los Angeles, here's a mother who spoke to Lawrence Jones over the weekend a guy gets let out on bail by the D.A. over there, shot her daughter about 22 times. Listen.


ANNA MACHADO, MOTHER OF SLAIN 16-YEAR-OLD: I started running towards, you know, screaming her name. I just saw my daughter with a lot of blood. I started giving her CPR, she is not getting a second chance. She is not. Why should he?

JONES: Did they call you to let you know that they were going to put him back out on the street? No call?

MACHADO: No. No call. I mean, I have found out by the news.


WATTERS (on camera): That was another Soros funded D.A. in Houston.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Are we actually -- and this reminds me of a story we just did on Friday on America's Newsroom. In Oregon, a young woman whose father was murdered is about to get a pardon -- the murderer is about to get a pardon from the governor, and the reason that the victim's daughter found out about it was basically through -- not through the governor's office calling, but it was through somebody in the D.A.'s office going I don't think this is right and then leaking it to her.

So, this is happening everywhere, and it could have just as easily been my -- I could've been the one talking when Jen Psaki looked up, right, because we talk about this a lot. And you don't get to 81 percent of Americans saying they are concerned about crime, just because people are watching Fox. That actually that doesn't happen.

And if you saw what happened on Friday with the turnout here in New York for the funeral --


PERINO: -- that was such a moment and it's not about the funding. Funding is great. Every police officer -- officer's department would love to have more funding, but it's not about that, it's about the policies and the Democrats the thing that they are missing is that they are absolutely linked to these progressive D.A.s and people are starting to put it together.

Because you heard that young widow on Friday in her closing statement, she said I hope that the new district attorney is listening to you through me. And she named him, so everybody is putting this together. It's not just on Fox News. It's also happening at the border patrol. It's the same -- and it's the same issue, right? You are not allowing us to do our jobs and fulfill our commitment that we had sworn to America.

WATTERS: Greg Gutfeld.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: Well, one thing I noticed about the Psaki stuff is, because I'm an expert in sarcasm, when you don't have an answer and you know that you are wrong, you use sarcasm. Because that is how you do it. You got, stop. I mean, she basically was a tweet, her response was a tweet to actual facts, so she did it sarcastically.

It's weird, because we live in a free country with free speech and we feel like we know and we see everything, even including with our own eyes. We will see things and people will meet with your sarcasm. It's really kind of a new thing. Like you talk about crime stats, they laugh. You talk about stories about the mother whose child was killed, they laugh. They say I went out and had dinner, that's what they said on CNN last year.

Even when you show the border visuals like in a totally different issue, they choose to ignore it. Gavin Newsom not wearing a mask. All of these things rely on the fact that even though you see it with your own eyes, you can't get any traction, and why can't you get any traction? Because the so- called free speech, the free press, they don't do crap about it.

That's their side. So, we can sit here in our bubble and talk about this forever, and she can sit in our tiny bubble and laugh at it. And then what they do is the trick is that they turn left-wing politics into context. There are only three variables in that equation about the widow, felon out on bond, victim, murder. That's the three variables.

But then what you do is you layer on the context, right? Cash bail is proof of inequality. Only rich people can afford bail so it's wrong. Long sentences discriminate, COVID is inhumane in prisons, we have to let them out, overcrowding is inhumane. So, what that does, is that it creates the so-called context which is actually just political ideology and then that allows these felons to get out.

And the intellectual talking heads suddenly, like Jen Psaki forget about these variables. They forget about the victim, they forget about the fiend out on bail because they are so drowned in their context, their fake context, it's just political B.S. and it's probably the largest cover your ass strategy, because the politicians and the media know that they are responsible for this new pro-crime climate and this is their only way out.

WATTERS: All right. Jen Psaki, I hope you're watching.

GUTFELD: Call me.

WATTERS: Up next, President Biden's plans for the Supreme Court getting a supreme smack down from the American people.


RIVERA (on camera): Great time. President Biden's big promise to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court not polling well with the majority of the American people. Seventy-six percent want the president to consider all possible nominees for the position rather than laser focusing on a Black woman. But the White House says Americans are just overreacting.


PSAKI: The president is going to select a woman, a Black woman who is qualified, who is prepared, who has impeccable experience to serve on the court. What we can assure the American public of whether they fell on that poll is that he will choose and nominate someone who has impeccable credentials and is eminently qualified.


RIVERA (on camera): And despite that poll we showed you earlier, the media thinks any criticism of Biden's Supreme Court plan is just for ratings.


BRIAN STELTER, CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT, CNN: But let's be honest, Fox wants a fight. Right wing radio and TV wants a fight, they need a fight over the Supreme Court. They are already starting a fight that's rooted in identity politics. All of Fox's prime time shows are outrage that Biden has committed to nominating a justice who is black and female.


RIVERA (on camera): So, I have absolutely no problem with him nominating a justice who is Black and female. Reagan said he was going to do the first female, Sandra Day O'Connor, Greg. Trump wanted to replace RBG with a female, he got Amy Coney Breyer. What's the big deal -- Barrett.

GUTFELD: I don't even care, it's a break even for Dems. Right? They're going to replace a lefty with a lefty so keep your powder dry, it doesn't make -- it's funny to listen to Pillsbury Doughboy, you talk about ratings. They are in the gutter. I mean, they are literally dead. I mean, they doubled their ratings when they watch their own shows. That's how bad it is.

So, we don't -- we don't have to slump for ratings. We don't to divide a country to slump for ratings the way CNN does. But the Dems and the media will make this about equality, equity, history, bigotry, misogyny, all the e's, but it's not about that, it's about politics. You -- the design here is to serve up a nonwhite, nonmale selection to buffer against any or all criticism. Right?

They want the theater is designed so that the critic, let's say I'm the critic or Jesse or Dana is the critic, thinks twice about engaging any kind of negativity, because you know that you will be called misogynistic or you will be called racist.

So that is -- it's all a force field. This has always been a force field, do not be fooled that they are playing tolerance, because they don't care about any nonwhite person if they don't kneel before their ideology. They will destroy you. They will destroy you. So do not believe it's about tolerance or race, this is about creating a s a buffer zone.

RIVERA: But it is, Dana, about politics. I mean, Reagan was about politics with Sandra Day O'Connor. He wanted to get to the female vote in 1980. Trump was about politics with Amy Coney Barrett, he wanted to get the pro- life people really energize about his -- it's always about politics.

PERINO: But also, like look at Amy Coney Barrett. Remember during the hearing, they asked her what notes she had taken and she held up a blank page, because she didn't need to take any. There's -- there's a lot of brilliant people out there that could be considered. And one of the things that's really interesting is the diversity angle, I like this idea, the diversity of thought.

So, Michelle Childs who is one of the possibilities who apparently Congressman Clyburn likes and Senator Graham said very positive things about this weekend, she went to public school. She didn't go to the Ivy Leagues. And that's the kind of diversity that I could really get behind.

I would also just like to take a quick trip down memory lane. If Democrats really wanted to see a Black woman elevated to the Supreme Court, why did they block Janice Rogers Brown back during the Bush administration? And I will never forget it, because anonymously they told the papers, the news -- the papers, that's what we used to call the media, that it was because they didn't want the Republicans to have a shot at nominating the first woman, Black woman to the Supreme Court. And Janice Rogers Brown would've been an incredible circuit court judge and a Supreme Court justice, she didn't get the chance.

GUTFELD: See, that's gross. That's gross.

WATTERS: Yes. They did it to Strauder, too.


RIVERA: I don't remember that --

PERINO: But they were -- Janice Rogers Brown and Strauder (Ph) were around about the same time.


PERINO: And I remember it because I was responsible for the judicial nominees at the time.

WATTERS: It's quite a responsibility.

RIVERA: Who is competent, very competent --

PERINO: I didn't do very well.

RIVERA: But there have been only two Black men. Only, you know, there is only one Hispanic woman, one woman of color now.

PERINO: It's nine seats.

RIVERAA: Come on, a little affirmative action goes a long way.

WATTERS: I don't care about any of that, Geraldo, I care about the suspense. You don't just say who you are going to nominate before you do it, you build suspense. You build drama, you say it's all out on the table, who knows who I might nominate? It could be anybody. And then when you do nominate a Black woman, say that you wanted to nominate the whole time, then you throw it down and everybody goes whoa, Black woman, Supreme Court, this is huge.

And then the media goes crazy because of the glass ceiling, and they love it and everyone is like wow. Then now, it looks like he got cornered by Clyburn to get the primary vote. I mean, whoever gets nominated is going to be -- it's the result of a back room racial deal that was cut so a white Democrat could win the nomination, that's the truth.

I mean, and you are over seasoning the identity politics of this. Right? It shouldn't be what it is about. I mean, the meat of this is her jurisprudence, is here intellect, is her judicial philosophy, and all the focus now because of the press is so into the identity politics, it's just on their skin color. And I think that takes away from her, whoever that person may be.

One thing about Stelter, we don't need a fight. We're crushing it. He's lost half of his audience. Biden needs a fight. CNN needs the fight. That's who needs the fight.

RIVERA: Shouldn't they have just aimed for a Black woman without telling anyone? Just, hey, we like everybody --



RIVERA: We're like this --

PIRRO: But you know what?

PERINO: Why we weren't told --

PIRRO: He promised it during the debate when Clyburn went up --


PIRRO: -- in the middle of the debate and said, hey, you better answer that --

PERINO: Exactly right.

PIRRO: -- you know, promise and get on stage. And he did, on stage he said I'm going to nominate the first African American woman to the United States Supreme Court. So, it was already out. I mean, you know, it could have been differently. It could have been different.

But you know what I found interesting, that there was a poll that said 28 percent of nonwhites -- only one in four 21 percent of nonwhites want a Black female. So, it's very interesting that this identity politics, I mean, who is it for when there is only a quarter of people of color who want a Black female?

And I also think that Tulsi Gabbard said it best when she said the last time, he said he's going to pick someone based on a color and sex, i.e., vice president, he picked Kamala Harris and that was a disaster. So, I don't think he is too good at picking people for a position based on identity politics. America is sick of it. Especially on a court that will be deciding the issue of affirmative action. I mean, it's contraindicated.

RIVERA: Tulsi Gabbard my favorite politician and I want a Black woman on the Supreme Court. Up next, pressure building to cancel Joe Rogan. How the top podcaster is hitting back.


PERINO (on camera): Joe Rogan pushing back against calls to cancel his popular podcast from Spotify over what critics say is the spread of COVID misinformation. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, yes, they are the latest to pressure the company joining the group of liberal musicians like Neil Young who have been taking their songs off the platform in protest.

They are upset with recent interviews Joe Rogan has done with vaccine skeptics. Well Spotify is responding to the firestorm by announcing it will now display a content warning on any podcast discussing COVID. Joe Rogan defending himself here.


JOE ROGAN, PODCAST HOST: The problem I have with the term misinformation, especially today, is that many of the things that we thought of as misinformation just a short while ago are now accepted as fact. Do I get things wrong? Absolutely, I get things wrong. But I try to correct them. I'm not trying to promote misinformation. I'm not trying to be controversial. I have never tried to do anything with this podcast other than just talk to people and have interesting conversations.


PERINO (on camera): Greg, that was not good enough for Joy Behar. Joy weighed in with this.


JOY REID, HOST, MSNBC: Hasn't he been also chastised and corrected and this just goes back to his craziness again? I mean, I don't know that he can be reformed. I was disappointed that more musicians and singers, et cetera, did not pull out. This would've been a good opportunity to show what you believe in and I didn't see it.


GUTFELD (on camera): This is a person that is operating for years on good faith of saying horrible, horrible things and is never admitted it. At least, I mean, the reason why Rogan is so big is because he is so open to being wrong and that's why this podcast is so popular.

I have a new nickname for the prince and his wife Harry Meg. So, Harry Meg managed to get millions and millions of dollars out of Spotify and do podcast. Right?



RIVERA: Meghan Harry is better.

GUTFELD: Stop it. It's Harry Meg. They actually figured out a way to work less --


GUTFELD: -- than royalty. And they claim to hate royalty and they are a bunch of deadbeats. Spotify should be focusing on them and not Joe Rogan. It's so funny to see all of these out-of-touch cranks coming after Joe Rogan because they wouldn't be able to find a podcast much less find his podcast. This is what you call pass along outrage. Somebody says it to you and then you absorb it.

Joni Mitchell, she thinks a podcast is like trying to catch like a tadpole. She doesn't know what it is. You know -- and I'm saying this is somebody who was a big fan, who's been a fan for years. I can't listen to a full podcast of his. I listened to one a week. There's like five a week. They're three hours long. So, even a fan, I'm a fan, I don't watch 70 percent of it.

So, these people are freaking hypocrites pretending, pretending that they know or somehow heard something. If they actually watched one of his podcasts, even if he's wrong, they would see the context is -- like, he's all over the place. He's known -- he's doing an incredible service. They should just go find something else to listen to instead of these little ultimatums.

PERINO: It's interesting with Harry and Meghan. If they had stayed in --

GUTFELD: Harry Meg.

PERINO: If Harry Meg had said this -- had stayed in Britain and said this, then it might have been front-page news.


PERINO: In America, no one cares what you think.


PERINO: It's awesome because you have done a podcast. But Greg is bringing out that's something we've said before, which is a lot of people that criticize Fox News have never watched it.


PERINO: And so, they don't know what is actually being said.

RIVERA: Like your family.

GUTFELD: No, she watches.

WATTERS: Yes, that is true. She hates watching it.

PERINO: Your sister, your sister.

WATTERS: Yes -- no, I -- they've never listened to an episode. And I had never listened to a Rogan episode until last week. And I became a fan last week. And I listened to the H.R. McMaster interview, the Jordan Peterson interview, and this guy, Tim Dylan, who's a comedian.

And I didn't know what Rogan was about until I listened to it. And all he does is listen. And then he asked the questions that you'd want asked at the same time. And it's just like a real conversation. And he's patient. And he covers topics that could be taboo in corporate media.

And the reason the media doesn't like him is because he's better at their job than they are because he doesn't come after something --

RIVERA: Didn't he do an Alex Jones?

WATTERS: -- with an agenda, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: Who cares?

WATTERS: A lot of people have interviewed Alex Jones, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: You had GG Allin on your show.

RIVERA: That's true.

WATTERS: Yes. And you of all people shouldn't talk.

RIVERA: Oh, that.

WATTERS: Yes, exactly, Geraldo. But you know what --

RIVERA: That sort of was grounded.

WATTERS: But that's what -- that's what a good host would do. You go and interview a controversial subject. He listen, you challenge him -- and they do challenge because some of these Rogan interviews, he will say, well, whoa, I'm not sure that's true. And then they'll have a producer pull up a survey or a stat that says, well, oh, you were wrong, and then they'll correct the record in real-time.

No one does that. It's refreshing. And I think they want to censor him because they fear him. Because everybody knows who he is with a huge audience and no one can name a single host on CNN.


PERINO: All right, Geraldo, what you got?

RIVERA: Well, I think that I love Joni Mitchell and Neil Young.

GUTFELD: I bet they're your friends.

RIVERA: But if --

WATTERS: You've hung out, right?


RIVERA: If it had -- if it had been Taylor Swift and Drake threatening Spotify, it would be a whole different story right now. And I do think that the Joy Behars of the world did leap at the -- at the first inkling of the Neil Young thing in anticipation of an avalanche of big names. That did not materialize.

So, I think Spotify, from a corporate point of view, is in the clear. I do appreciate they're finally putting, you know, a consumer warning, the opinions expressed by this are not so on and so forth, so forth.

PERINO: It's like, that's fine, whatever. But what about his point, Judge, that a lot of things that people are complaining about were things that may be used to get you canceled, but now it actually turns out to be true.

PIRRO: To be truth. Right. Well, and that's really started with a lot of the left deciding what was misinformation, what we shouldn't hear. And that was their excuse for canceling people and taking information out of newspapers and or on social media.

But what I think is even more interesting is the fact that the Joy Behars of the world, Neil Young, and Joni Mitchell, they're all concerned about misinformation. But for four years, this country was torn apart with Russian misinformation, I didn't hear any of them come out and say, you know, it's terrible what they did. It's terrible how they tore the country apart.

That was misinformation. Everybody has got to apologize. We've got to shut them down for that misinformation. But no, it's ideological leftist nonsense. And as for Harry Meg, I'm happy to go with that one.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PIRRO: As for Harry Meg, they are pathetic, they are irrelevant. Even their own country doesn't want to give them security. I don't know how they got $25 million out of Spotify and did one podcast.

WATTERS: I want to know though.

GUTFELD: Because they did --

WATTERS: Can I find out how to do that?

GUTFELD: -- they did capitalize out of the thing that they despise. Oh, we hate royalty, but we are royalty. Now we're American royalty.

PERINO: Right. And also, they said, we don't want publicity.


RIVERA: But Meghan and Harry is more elegant.


PERINO: Harry Meg is the point.

RIVERA: Mega, mega, big, mega, Mega Harry?

GUTFELD: You missed the point.

PERINO: We call them the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

GUTFELD: Harry Meg.

PERINO: All right, up next, the top teachers' union president in hot water again over what she reportedly said about parents.

GUTFELD: That's supposed to be --


PIRRO: All right, top teachers union president Randi Weingarten once again at the center of controversy after reportedly quoting a Washington Post op- ed in a now-deleted tweet that says, "Racists are showing up in droves to school board meetings." We reached out to Weingarten for comment, but so far no response.

That coming as liberals continue to resist Governor Glenn Youngkin's executive order making mask mandates in school optional. A court will be hearing a challenge to Youngkin's order this week.

All right, I'll start with you, Jesse. Haven't they learned anything from the election of Governor Youngkin?

WATTERS: No, no, they have not. And it's just funny the party that went to war to keep Blacks in slavery now goes around the country telling everybody else that they're the racist. Judge, the Democrats had a good thing going for a while with the control over the public school system. We didn't know what was going on. And they were indoctrinated all the way to the top.

Now, all of a sudden, the pandemic hits, we look under the rock, and they're like covering up rapes, teaching kids to hate each other, embezzling money. So, the parents come in and say, timeout, timeout, we're not going for this. And I don't think they were prepared for the pushback, because parents have never pushed back. No one has ever pushed back on schooling like that.

So, they just do the only counterpunch they knew how to throw which is your racist. And that may work during the Trump era. That may work on certain Republican politicians. But you can't call millions of American parents racist. And so, they started this fire, and they just can't put it out right now.

PIRRO: Well, Dana, didn't they figure out after the domestic terrorist thing didn't work that maybe it's not a good idea to call parents racist and say that they are trying to -- they're threatening members, and they're threatening them with a recall or firings?

PERINO: I truly think that they believe the outrage about that was manufactured and overblown. And that's why they just continue down this road. for years to come, the school choice movement will have this moment to thank for giving kids a lot more choice -- and parents a lot more choice across the country.

When it comes to masks, I read a story today that was so upsetting. This 7- year-old -- you know how kids sent home a little sample of their homework and their parents can take a look. Well, a 7-year-old, one of the assignments was draw a picture of yourself. And the kid drew a picture of himself with just eyes, no nose or mouth.

And you have to think -- even progressives like Jonathan Chait wrote this piece saying, progressives better pay attention because what they've done to children is really damaging. And they even been blew that off. So, they're not accepting any of the early warning systems.

GUTFELD: That would be a great kid though.

PIRRO: You know --


GUTFELD: Seen and not heard.

PIRRO: But, Geraldo, you know, it seems like -- it seems like --

RIVERA: Can I say something else?

PIRRO: No. I told you we're going to --

GUTFELD: Tell us how great Joni Mitchell was.

PIRRO: Go ahead. Hit it.

RIVERA: The only thing creepier than teaching CRT in school is having a tip line to rat out --


RIVERA: -- people that teach CRT in school. I think Governor Youngkin could be a great governor. He could have a great --

PIRRO: Why is that --


PIRRO: Why is that creepy?

RIVERA: You have a snitch line? Oh, Mrs. Polly talked about slavery today.

PIRRO: They denied -- they denied her teaching CRT.

RIVERA: It's a -- it's a freshman -- it's a rookie mistake. Ditch it.

PIRRO: Really?

RIVERA: Ride the populist wave. No tip lines. Tipline (AUDIO GAP) for the Red Scare, they're for the different era.

GUTFELD: The mask. The masks.

RIVERA: You want to stop masks? Masks are different are different argument. This is snitching over CRT.

PIRRO: All right, OK, are you done? Are you done? OK, go ahead. Hit it, Greg.

GUTFELD: The great thing about the pandemic is it speeds up a lot of stuff and it's sped up the realization that there are a lot of people in high places that think lowly of everybody, talking heads, experts, politicians. You know, Randi Macho Man Weingarten.

The pandemic -- the pandemic basically remove the gasp --

WATTERS: Oh, yes.

GUTFELD: -- from the screen. And now you can see all the power-seekers and how much they hate you because their power is being threatened. And I think the pandemic is going to end up having a lot of positive effects in the future, a lot of red-pilled parents.

Nobody likes to be called a racist. It's now lost its power, I guess, except for -- if you can -- I think you could still call the white leftist who thinks Blacks can't get IDs. They're the true racists.

PIRRO: OK, straight ahead, they just can't help themselves. Liberals are at it again and openly defying their own mandates.


GUTFELD: California demands you mask up when indoors unless you're a powerful politician. Governor Gavin Newsom and the liberal mayors of LA and San Francisco defying their own rules at the Rams-49ers game by posing with Magic Johnson apparently ignoring a statewide mask mandate. Newsom claiming he was just trying to be polite. Look at the blurry people.


GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): I was trying to be gracious and I made a mistake. You know, I mean, I was trying to be gracious and took the mask off for a brief second. But no, I urge people to continue to wear them.


GUTFELD: He is lying. The gracious governor also caught on the Fan Cam with his mask dangling from his lying ear. Every part of his body lies. Are they stupid, Dana?


GUTFELD: Or are they just actually rubbing the public's face in it. This is the -- this is a revolution start. It's not letting me cake, it's let him wear masks.

PERINO: It's stupid. But you know what would be -- what would be smart? He should end the mask mandates for these big sports venues immediately. So, you got --

GUTFELD: Super Bowl is coming up.

PERINO: I got to go to Super Bowl last year. This is before the vaccines, OK.


PERINO: They did a study. They trace not a single case of COVID back to that game.

RIVERA: Really?

PERINO: The only place that they had it was people watching in their homes. OK, fine. So, the governor, now we have vaccines, we have boosters, and we have treatments, and he is demanding that everybody at the Super Bowl wear a mask the entire time when it's completely unnecessary. And yes, this is how revolutions start.

GUTFELD: Yes. So, Jesse, I mean, you got kids outside wearing masks, and this jackass is flaunting the rule.

WATTERS: Greg, he only took it off for a brief second, like the first half and the second half which is just like that. And when you're that handsome --


WATTERS: I mean, you can't put a mask on that beautiful face, Greg. You know -- you know what I'm talking about of all people.

GUTFELD: I know exactly what you mean. Attractive people are going to end this pandemic.

WATTERS: But you know what, I think he heard that it was over on the first end, he figured it's only a couple days away. Let's just get it over.

GUTFELD: Tomorrow is the first, Geraldo, when the pandemic ends.

GUTFELD: Well, it may be exactly the time to be practical about wearing masks in outdoor venues.

WATTERS: Stop it, Geraldo.

RIVERA: I think --

WATTERS: You don't even own a mask, Geraldo.

RIVERA: I think people are so sensitive to hypocrisy, first of all, that they should -- these public officials -- and having -- he almost -- he got a recall behind his hypocrisy.


RIVERA: So, I would be sensitive to people's feelings unless and indeed you said to everyone, outdoor venues, Dana's point, it's fine. Hospitals are doing it.

PIRRO: You know, let me tell you something. He's going to do very well as a politician. He has experience in lying and succeeding. So, he's lied continuously throughout this pandemic. He and himself, believe that they're above the rest of us, so he'll go far. I mean, I'm disgusted by all of them. I really am.

WATTERS: I want to know who's sweet that was. That's the story.


WATTERS: Who invited all these politicians to that's sweet? And what are they getting in return?


WATTERS: That's what I care about.

GUTFELD: Follow the money.

WATTERS: Always follow the money.

GUTFELD: I just know that phrase, follow the money.

WATTERS: It's a good idea.

GUTFELD: It should be the name of the show.




GUTFELD: What do you think.

WATTERS: I think we might have the show like that.

GUTFELD: I'll take credit for it later. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Judge Jeanine Pirro.

PIRRO: OK. All right, now, Who is Hunter Biden? It is available on Fox Nation today. The documentary digs into Hunter's twisted life of power and privilege.

WATTERS: I know. He's the President's son. Do I win?

RIVERA: Oh, good.

PIRRO: I'm talking. For a glimpse of the President's son like you've never seen before. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hunter Biden is the most protected person in the country.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This barely functional human who's got this roaring crack addiction.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And tens of millions of dollars. It came from the Ukraine. It came from China. It came from Russian entities.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And walked in customer clutching three MacBook Pros. When I asked for his last name, that was a long pause and he kind of sarcastically added Biden.


PIRRO: From the tragic event that shaped his childhood to negotiating his family's most lucrative contract while battling addiction, allegedly, this doc gets into it all. The series has four parts. Each one is more shocking than the last. Be sure to log on to Fox Nation and stream it today. He is a disgusting human being. Go ahead.

GUTFELD: That wasn't in the script.

PIRRO: I know.

WATTERS: He allegedly battled addiction.

PIRRO: Well, that's the truth. I don't know if --

PERINO: We got to fact check things.

WATTERS: He didn't put up much of a battle. OK, Judge, I love it. I'm going to watch it. Jesse's Feeding Frenzy.

GUTFELD: Here we go.

WATTERS: Here we go. All right, so we are going to try the McDonald's new fan-inspired menu hacks. So, what they've done, you combine McNuggets' barbecue sauce and a double cheeseburger. That's called a crunchy double. Then a surf and turf combines fillet of fish and a double cheeseburger. And then you have the crazy one, land, air, and sea where they stack a Big Mac on a McChicken and fillet of fish.

Now, the thing is, they don't serve them like this. You have to buy them and assemble them yourself.

GUTFELD: That's stupid.

WATTERS: But it's a really great hack that McDonald's has done and they're very healthy. I'm just -- and that's -- the FDA has not analyzed that statement. That's just what I say.

PERINO: This content, it's misinformation.


PIRRO: This is Keto-friendly.

WATTERS: This is Keto-friendly.


WATTERS: Greg, that's fillet of fish.

PIRRO: Which one?

WATTERS: This is the barbeque one.

RIVERA: Is this a paid commercial?

PERINO: Can I get -- can I get the chicken nugget and --

PIRRO: Can I have the middle one?

WATTERS: You can have whatever you want.

PIRRO: I want the middle one.

WATTERS: And also, tonight, we went to AOC's district, asked some questions about Cortes. And my assistant, Johnny, we send them into the snowstorm to report on the bomb cyclone and he's wearing a really stupid hat. So watch that tonight on "PRIMETIME" at 7:00.

PERINO: And I can't wait -- I can't wait to see Johnny.

WATTERS: Geraldo.

RIVERA: Oh, I thought we're going to see Johnny. No? Erica's birthday on Sunday. She was 47. It's fabulous.

PIRRO: He loves his wife.

GUTFELD: I bet she loves ---

RIVERA: We had a three-day celebration for my gorgeous wife. Oh, we had -- first, we're at the Marble Room. Kevin took good care of her.

GUTFELD: This is pretty good, actually.

RIVERA: Great Steakhouse in downtown Cleveland. I took pictures. There's our pals, Neo, Tony Manisha, Karen --

WATTERS: Wow, no masks. Unbelievable.

GUTFELD: No masks. Geraldo.

RIVERA: Our pals. And it's a shot of Rachel, one of Erica's best friends and Sol, our gorgeous daughter.

PIRRO: You love your wife. That is so nice.

RIVERA: Happy Birthday, Erica. We love you.

PERINO: Happy Birthday, Erica.

PIRRO: Happy Birthday!

WATTERS: All right, Greg, what's up?

GUTFELD: Yes, Fox -- is this human resources? Yes, did you see it Geraldo, no mask? Yes, I got to go. Let's do this.

PERINO: Snitch line.

GUTFELD: Greg's weather alert. You know, we had a huge -- what do you call it? It was a cyclone, blizzard?

PERINO: Bomb cyclone.

RIVERA: Bomb cyclone.

GUTFELD: A lot of things happen. Weird stuff goes on in these blizzards. Check out what happened. We had an actual unicorn sighting somewhere up in New England. I don't know where it is but --

PERINO: That is so cute.

GUTFELD: It did some good clearing and it looks beautiful. Do you know it only took me 20 minutes to do that area? I got back to my car and drove all the way back to New York City.

PIRRO: That's you?

PERINO: How nice of you.

PIRRO: You identify --

GUTFELD: I don't wear anything under that.

PIRRO: You identify that? What is it?

GUTFELD: Judge, just think about that.

RIVERA: Who picks up after that?

GUTFELD: I identify as a sequential hermaphroditic unicorn.

PERINO: Geraldo.

PIRRO: Yes, it makes sense.

PERINO: Geraldo has got his masks on.

WATTERS: There you go.

GUTFELD: There you go.

RIVERA: You know, it makes my ears bigger.

PIRRO: It's Dana's time.

PERINO: OK, thank you. Am I -- am I clear to go?

WATTERS: Please.

PERINO: All right, 16 men, eight women took to the ring this weekend in Miami for Dana Sports Corner. Well, not for me really, but for the first- ever pillow fight competition. Each competitor given a specialized pillow in place of boxing gloves. And then the winners earn a title belt and cash prize of $5,000.

PIRRO: What's in the pillow?

PERINO: That's a pillow.

WATTERS: That's not -- that's not how you do it.

PIRRO: Did they put a block in the pillow?

PERINO: I don't know. It's like the -- I would be -- let me say who won. In the women's final, Brazil's Istela Nunes defeated America's Kendahl Voelker. On the men's side, Hauley Tillman defeated Marcus Brimage.

WATTERS: No, that's just -- no, that's just wrong.

RIVERA: That's wrong.

WATTERS: That's just wrong.

PERINO: Look at how happy he is.

WATTERS: I can't watch that.


PIRRO: You know what, talk about feather -- that's featherweight.

GUTFELD: Nicely done.

WATTERS: Oh, good one, Judge.

PERINO: Judge, very good.

WATTERS: All right, that's it for us.

RIVERA: That's the best line of the night.

WATTERS: "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with Shannon Bream.

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