'The Five' celebrates National Bring Your Dog to Work Day
Jesse Watters brings his dog to set.
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 21, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Emily Compagno, Doug Schoen, Kennedy, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”
Fox News alert, the United States and Iran are teetering on the brink after President Trump ordered airstrikes last night but then called them off up until the last minute. Military planes were ready to target several Iranian assets when the call came to stand down, the president explaining his actions in an interview with NBC.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So did you green light something or had you said if we do it, I'll do this? What was the order you gave?
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: Nothing is green lighted until the very end because things change, right?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You never gave a final order?
TRUMP: No, no, no, no. But we had something ready to go subject to my approval. And they came in and they came in about a half an hour before they said, sir, we're about ready to go. I said, I want a better --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Planes in the air? Or planes in the air?
TRUMP: No, we're about ready to go. No, but they would have been pretty soon. And things would have happened to a point where you wouldn't turn back or couldn't turn back. So, they came and they've said, sir, we're ready to go, we'd like a decision. I've said I want to know something before you go. How many people would be killed? In this case Iranians?
I said how many people are going to be killed? Sir, I'd like to back to you on that. Great people, these generals. They said -- came back and said, sir, approximately 150. And I thought about it for a second and I said you know what? They shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it, and here we are sitting with 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within a half an hour after I said go ahead.
TRUMP: And I didn't like it. I didn't think it was -- I didn't think it was proportionate.
WATTERS: The Democrats and the media spent days worrying the president would bumble us into war. And now that he's shown restraint they're singing a quite different tune.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Donald Trump's approach is to threaten, to bully, to insult, and then to pull back.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A president has to be strong on behalf of the United States not on behalf of these authoritarian figures that he keeps trying to relate to.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What Trump has done was demonstrate to the Iranians that he's a twitter tiger. There's fear in him. And the Iranians are expert calculator when it comes to figuring out the fear that's in their enemies. I think they've got this guy's number.
WATTERS: OK. The Iranians got our number. All right, Greg. Break this down for us.
GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Sure, let me break this down for you, Jesse. All right. It's kind of weird that Donald Trump has made it OK for Republicans to be anti-war. This is what we've noticed with this unusual phenomenon that is Trump is that he's not your typical Republican, OK? So by being antiwar, now the media has transformed into becoming these craven hawks. Like now they're going like why aren't you doing this? I mean, it's kind of weird when you see, because I like Bret and I like, you know, some of these people, but they're kind of like goading him. They're suggesting that there's some kind of weakness by not killing these people.
And so what they're basically saying is you should go to war. We talked about this yesterday. We were trying to figure out what is the response that feels right to the downing of a drone? And I said yesterday it's stuff versus stuff. And that's progress because we're not throwing bodies at each other anymore. And the media seems like they miss that. They want to have the bodies. They want to have the pileup. And what we're seeing right now is -- I think it's progress towards a new way of dealing with a threat that's been around for 40 years.
WATTERS: And the media only wants the bodies because the day before they didn't want the bodies. It's just a reaction to what President Trump did and it shows you how unprincipled they are, Kennedy.
KENNEDY, HOST: I think this is great. And the fact that this president -- this is one of my favorite aspects about his personality, it's not only the anti-interventionism but it's been one of the bigger concerns with Iran is who has his ear? And I'm always troubled when its Mike Pompeo and John Bolton because I think they're impulsive and I think they're a little trigger happy, but then you also have people like his daughter Ivanka.
And if you remember, he dropped missiles on a Syrian air base because of some of the images from Bashar Assad, and perhaps the Russians, gassing Syrians with chlorine gas. But the fact that we're seeing a president take a measured approach and actually not make excuses but talk about a body count and show some empathy, I think that, to Greg's point, making phenomenal progress.
And it's always very disconcerting when you have people on the left, and I lump Hillary Clinton into this category who've never worn the uniform, they've never served, but they're some of the ones who are so quick to thrust us into these incursions.
WATTERS: Are you worried though, Doug, that this could debilitate our deterrence factor, because you sometimes need to disproportionate reaction when someone does something at that level.
DOUG SCHOEN, HOST: The Iranians are vicious killers. They are threatening the state of Israel. They are the ones who destabilize Syria, kept Bashar Assad in power. The Republican Guard only understands one thing, power. And while I think in fairness the president's explanation makes sense, but what I think we lack is a strategy as to how we're going to deal with future incursions because there is a sense among nations in the Middle East that we don't have the power and the fervor that we need to confront radical Islam and terrorism.
So while in the short-term I can agree with what you and Kennedy and Greg are saying, in the longer term I'm worried that we do not have a clear and cogent strategy.
KENNEDY: So appeasing Iran would be a better idea?
SCHOEN: No. Hitting them would have been better. Letting them know that they cannot --
KENNEDY: Wow. So hitting them -- you don't mind if that means creating funerals and bodies and sadness.
SCHOEN: We have created funerals all over the Middle East. And indeed, they're in Venezuela now.
KENNEDY: You know, you're absolutely right. We should probably drop a couple of nuclear devices on Iran --
SCHOEN: No, we should --
KENNEDY: By that logic, absolutely. No, no, they kill people, we should kill more people.
SCHOEN: You're mocking me and mocking a proportionate response.
KENNEDY: I'm not mocking. I'm using a reductio ad absurdum to show how --
GUTFELD: You have gone over my head, Kennedy. And I don't like that.
WATTERS: Emily, I think one of the strategies is if it is an unmanned aircraft maybe you take a step back being the behemoth that we are and we give it some time and see what happens, maybe they come to the table, but if there is a human being, an American in that plane, I guarantee you that those retaliatory strikes would have been swift and firm.
COMPAGNO: I'm thinking 100 percent, but I wasn't going to say it until then. Yeah, absolutely. Look, I think that the benefit of today's occurrences is that, one, it gave Iran an incredible scare that they are one step or we're one step away from something that they would pay dearly for. I will say that those in the military that I've spoked to today were deeply surprised, however, by this decision by the president. But I think it had that two-fold benefit of showing Iran that we were seriously.
And secondly of dealing it in the media, we nipped it in the bud. We nipped it in the bud with a left leaning media, because if Trump had proceeded with either the cyber-attacks, that whole spectrum we discussed yesterday, if he had pursued the kind of financial choke holds to the treasury department can conduct in terms of the elicit financial mechanisms supporting the Republican Guard, or the support structures in those neighboring countries, then they'll still would be talking about throughout this entire decision -- well, he's bringing us to the brink of war and what happens if this. He's blustering in it.
There always would have been that what if. I love that he went there already so that now he explains transparently why he backed away, and then we can proceed with those lesser measures.
WATTERS: I was going to say, do you know what bothers me is you now have John Kerry and former Obama administration foreign policy officials that have been actively speaking and advising the same Iranian regime that is shooting our drones out of the sky, that's a huge problem.
GUTFELD: And also -- issue like Iran is a long-term issue, and it feels like the North Korea issue -- this is something that's going to take decades and whatnot. But the media doesn't like that. The media needs to have them -- doing a show in this fog, right? We don't know -- fact, we don't even know what really is going on, and there could be stuff that's happening between Iran and the United States right now that we have no clue. And it's all going to look really foolish tomorrow.
But the fact is Trump has always been kind of willing to take the longer term approach. It's like we'll see what happens, which is basically a long term approach. We'll see what happens. I'm not that interested in bombing them right now. Maybe I might bomb them later.
KENNEDY: I think the unpredictability is also what makes him a little bit more successful in the foreign policy arena, particularly -- and -- you know, you talk about the fact that he didn't hit Iran, he didn't kill Iranians, and doesn't really have a foreign policy strategy neither do any of the 23 Democrats because I have not seen their policy papers --
SCHOEN: But that doesn't make Donald Trump's approach any better. I want predictability.
GUTFELD: I don't, I do.
KENNEDY: It's always good to telegraph exactly what you're doing.
WATTERS: I don't know if our enemies want predictability.
SCHOEN: Precisely my point.
WATTERS: I think sometimes our enemies, you know, are kept on their toes when they don't know what the commander-in-chief is going to do. All right, coming up, some Democrats are warning that recent inner party attacks on frontrunner Joe Biden could actually help reelect President Trump.
SCHOEN: It's been a tough week for 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden after his rivals harshly criticized him for comments he made about working with segregationist senators. And since joining the race for president, he's become the number one target for his rivals. Don't believe me? Just watch.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To coddle the reputations of segregationists of people who -- if they had their way, I would literally not be standing here as a member of the United States Senate is I think it's just -- it's misinformed and it's wrong.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For his posture to be, to me, I've done nothing wrong, you should apologize, I'm not a racist, is so insulting and so missing the larger point.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is Joe Biden a return to the past?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is. And that cannot be who we are going forward.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is Joe Biden wrong?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, we do not pass laws that take away that freedom from the women who are the most vulnerable.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think if you look at Joe's record and you look at my record, I don't think there's much question about who's more progressive.
GUTFELD: All right.
SCHOEN: But let's give Joe a break, that's the sentiments from some Democrats including this Democrats who want the attacks against Biden to stop because they think it will ultimately help Trump. According to The Hill, quote, lawmakers feel the 2020 Democratic presidential primary field is becoming a circular firing squad with Trump winding up as the beneficiary of internecine fighting. Well, I got that out, Kennedy.
KENNEDY: Yes, you did.
SCHOEN: What do you think of that?
KENNEDY: I think that -- you have so many candidates running, I understand what they're doing, they have to differentiate themselves at some point. And if you wait too long like Steven Bullock waited too long to get into the race, you get left behind the peloton. So you really have a clump of candidates who are, you know, in double digits behind Biden, and they have to do something.
And unfortunately, Joe Biden gave them an entree for this kind of criticism that really sticks to him, and this is the hardest aspect of his past to explain away. He hasn't done a very good job of that. So he has opened himself up to that and they're the ones who stepped in to try and score political points, which is what do you in an election.
SCHOEN: Jesse, I think this is mostly an unfair attack on Biden. Do you agree with me?
WATTERS: Oh, poor Joe. Let's be nice to the frontrunner. He's so fragile. It doesn't sound confident the Democrats are whispering about letting Joe skate by. I think in -- what was it, 2008, Obama attacked the frontrunner Hillary, beat her, and won the general. Donald Trump attack Jeb the frontrunner of the primary, end up winning the general. So you want a competitive primary because you want the eventual nominee to come out battle-tested. Remember last time, I think, Bernie said, oh, I don't care about Hillary's emails.
KENNEDY: The damn emails.
WATTERS: The damn emails. No one cares. That was dumb. It hurt Bernie, but it ultimately hurt Hillary, because Hillary still towards the end could not defend her emails effectively because she wasn't forced to formulate a strategy. If you look at Biden right now, he's so ripe for a takedown. He's so vulnerable. And his jaw --he's got a glass jaw. To now be whining and try to start strategizing this early before the first debate crying mercy?
SCHOEN: I guess you're not too sympathetic.
WATTERS: It looks so much so weak, Doug.
SCHOEN: Emily, are you all sympathetic to Biden?
COMPAGNO: No, I'm not. I think this --
WATTERS: Welcome to The Five.
SCHOEN: I got it.
COMPAGNO: I think it speaks volume about the establishment and what they're trying to do. We saw this in 2016, right, when they basically said, look, leave Hillary alone. Joe is their establishment candidate. But I think the difference is that in 2016, Hillary had that air of inevitability and Biden doesn't have that.
COMPAGNO: And clearly, these other candidates don't think that he has and don't care, they're not interested in the V.P. situation. They're not worried about their careers if he picks a cabinet because they don't think it's going to come to that.
And I think the ones that are clearly kind of toeing the line might argue later, oh, I was help pushing you -- I was pushing you on an issue that's important to the base, but otherwise, it's clear that no one else thinks that he's the inevitable frontrunner, except for, by the way, Trump's pollster, Tony Fabricio, who says he believes it's going to be Elizabeth Warren.
SCHOEN: I think there's a good shot -- there could be one. Greg, do you think he's going to get taken --
SCHOEN: -- down?
GUTFELD: But I will meet you in the sympathetic world briefly --
SCHOEN: Thank you.
GUTFELD: -- because Joe was trying to make a point that he could work with anyone and, ironically, he was talking about Democrats who now don't want to work with him. So it's kind of a rich, full circle like that movie the Lion King?
KENNEDY: Oh, the circle of life, Greg.
GUTFELD: Yes, thank you. I -- OK. So I feel bad --
GUTFELD: Yes. I feel bad for Joe until I remember that he has pulled the very same crap on Republicans repeatedly. The smear machine created by the left is that crocodile that will ultimately eat everybody, and you think you'll be safe but it will eat you too. I mean, remember, he was the one who've said that Trump didn't condemn white supremacy when he did. He also said Romney was going to put you all back in chains. So he's smeared people who essentially voted for Trump.
He's made his bed with the smear machine and, unfortunately, he's got to lie in that bed.
WATTERS: That's why he's so sleepy.
WATTERS: You walked right into it.
KENNEDY: If you want to reach out and show that you can work with the other side, then talk about John McCain and Mike Pence.
SCHOEN: You see, that's the point. As a Democrat, that's where I think this needed to go, and he blew it by talking about Eastland and --
GUTFELD: Because he talked about him before a lot.
SCHOEN: I know that.
GUTFELD: I mean, he did Strom Thurmond's eulogy, right?
WATTERS: He's been telling the same story for years and it all caught up with him.
GUTFELD: Yeah. And now he's -- he's now in a new world where it doesn't matter.
SCHOEN: Up next, new drama in the Jussie Smollett case. And Dominican officials down play the wave of mysterious deaths.
KENNEDY: That's right. Major developments in the Jussie Smollett saga, it continues. A Cook County Illinois judge is appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the handling of the case by Chicago's top prosecutor Kim Foxx, as you remember her office dropped all charges against the actor. It was a big surprise. He was accused of staging a hate crime attack on himself. It's tough to do.
The judge saying that Foxx did not have the right to assign her top deputy to lead the case after she colloquially recused herself. In a statement Foxx said that she disagrees with the judge's decision.
So, Emily, this is really fascinating because I -- you know, you're a lawyer, you can explain this better. But I was wondering if there was some double jeopardy in here, but the special prosecutor said that no, they can reopen the case and Jussie Smollett can be charged once again with all 16 counts of fewer or even more.
COMPAGNO: Yes, and anyone else that has been caught up in this can be charged as well. I want to point out for viewers a couple things. Number one, the judge, Judge Toomin came out swinging at Kim Foxx. He said essentially that her -- the phrase she used, the acting states attorney, (INAUDIBLE), basically was made up in her imagination and, therefore, this is the important part, the arrest, the subsequent prosecution and the dropping of all charges, therefore, is inexplicable. It's like wiping the slate clean. It's all moot. And that's why it restores the entire situation back to that original place.
Secondly, there's a whole host of concurrent investigations happening. And here, the defense was arguing, well, look, we're duplicating the efforts of the inspector general. Judge Toomin obviously said, no, you're not. So right now for viewers, we have the inspector general. We have now a special prosecutor. We have the FBI investigating the hoax. We have the city of Chicago lawsuit against Jussie for costs. And then don't forget the brothers who have sued his attorneys.
Final point, she blamed her ethics -- yes, she blamed her ethics officer on it. And remember, she ran on that platform of I'm going to instill an ethics officer and bring ethics back to the city of Chicago. She failed.
KENNEDY: Other than the fact that this is a high profile actor and the whole case is weird, we're still really fascinated --
SCHOEN: We are.
KENNEDY: -- with it.
SCHOEN: We are. And, you know, notwithstanding, Emily, what you say, Jessie Smollett --
WATTERS: Jussie. Jussie.
SCHOEN: Jussie, sorry.
SCHOEN: Is not -- they are not going to ignore or drop the double jeopardy argument. So this case is going to take a while if it ever comes to trial. And there will be substantial arguments that it is double jeopardy, and my hunch is we might get a plea out of this for a very modest offense.
KENNEDY: I mean, the way he was talking about it. He felt like he was scot-free.
SCHOEN: Right.
KENNEDY: And, you know, he was -- I'm my mother's son, and everyone knows that I would never do anything like this. The real attackers are out there.
WATTERS: Right. And this is why Americans think that the whole system is rigged because Michelle Obama's former chief of staff makes the call to Foxx, then he gets a sweetheart deal. Comey gives Hillary a sweetheart deal. Hillary rigs the primary against Bernie. Mueller stacks him team with 19 Democrats. Celebrities are paying cash bribes to get their kids into school. Sneaky Snipes is messing around with the vote count.
It's all bogus if you're a regular American who is working hard, you feel like if you're not someone who is politically connected or rich, you can't really work the system in your favor. So that's why people are obsessed with the story and they want to see Jussie pay a price.
KENNEDY: Yeah, because Lori Loughlin is not going to prison.
GUTFELD: No. I think Jesse just came up with his book proposal. You just did your table of contents. I have to hand it to Smollett in the sense that he didn't just sink his own career, he sank the show Empire, right? And he's -- I think he's destroying Kim Foxx's career too. He's like that paint canister that bank tellers slip into the money bag to give to the bank robbers, and they're almost there and the whole thing just explodes and they're covered in paint.
My solution for him, and I've said this before, is that he should come clean and meet with the people that he smeared. He smeared these imaginary MAGA supporters. If he actually did a meet with actual Trump supporters, that could go towards a certain path of forgiveness.
KENNEDY: Well, speaking of forgiveness, it doesn't seems like we've got a lot right now for the Dominican Republic. We've been following this story the D.R. tourism minister calling the rash of suspicious deaths of Americans, quote, exaggerated at a news conference earlier. This is Fox News confirms two more Americans have died during recent vacations in recent years there. The daughter of one of them slamming the Dominican official. Watch this.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't understand how somebody can see what you is this 11 deaths now. They all have somewhat of the same cause. They're all in the same area. He's claiming that, you know, this can happen anywhere. And I completely agree heart attacks can happen anywhere, bad things can happen anywhere, but where else are we seeing 11 cases of almost the same thing in the same area, it's the Dominican.
KENNEDY: Jeff Paul is in Santa Domingo with the latest, Jeff?
JEFF PAUL, CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Kennedy, we were in that room as that tourism minister tried to explain what was going on to a room packed full of local and international journalists where he basically summed this up, again, as an exaggeration saying that most of the situation has been fueled by speculation.
He also says that the Dominican Republic has nothing to hide, and that it was the D.R. who reached out to the FBI to help in this situation.
The major concern for them at the moment at least one of them is the tourism, that's the lifeblood for this Caribbean island. But we did at one point, get a chance to ask his Minister of Tourism what he would say to the families of those 11 tourists who have died in the span of 12, the past 12 months from June of last year to June of this year.
He says, while he is sympathetic to those families who have lost the loved ones, he continues to hammer down the fact that he does not believe there is any sort of mystery surrounding the deaths. And the big thing that we are all waiting for and it seems like this entire island and people watching this story waiting for the results of these toxicology tests of three of the Americans who have died, these are the tests that the FBI is involved and assisting with. We might not get those results until next month. Kennedy.
KENNEDY: All right, Jeff. Thanks so much. Greg, I want to start with you, because they have been - a lot of these families have been pressured to cremate their loved ones.
KENNEDY: And the government has not administered toxicology tests majority of these victims.
GUTFELD: That is infuriating. I watched the interview with that young woman and about the fact that they were just saying, the toxicology will be on the death certificate. Can we just - can you just sign this here, so we can get rid of the body. I mean it is pretty outrageous.
The problem right now is the DR has kind of a point about speculation, because it's - we're in this fog of media blather and I include myself in that. I don't know what's going on. I think the most obvious thing is it was a bad batch of cheap booze that was sold to these places--
WATTERS: Or espionage.
GUTFELD: Jesse's got the espionage tip, you go.
WATTERS: Well, first of all, I feel terrible for Jeff who drew that assignment in the DR I mean he might be stuck down there for weeks if this story keeps up. I'd like to take a look at that expense report when he gets back. It was disappointed today to find out that my own handyman has violated my travel ban. He was fixing my sink today and he told me he's going to the DR with 18 people and totally ignored all my warnings. He did say, he was going to do one thing. He said, he's buying all the booze at the duty-free place.
GUTFELD: That was my suggestion.
WATTERS: Stock up that and not touch the minibar. So, I'm glad he's heeding some of our warnings.
SCHOEN: I was invited a couple of weeks ago for a business trip to go to the DR I said, thanks but no thanks and I have friends of mine similarly who are go and come hell or high water.
WATTERS: Like Bob Menendez.
MONTGOMERY: Well, the Dominican Republic has to do something because the perception is that this is a deadly place to take a vacation. And people who have their tourist dollars to spend might just go spend them somewhere else.
COMPAGNO: That's why it was so surprising that the Minister of Tourism is saying unequivocally there are no mysterious deaths. He should get a couple inches and say, we are working on it, we will get back to you, our condolences. And then we have a little bit more credibility, we can extend to them. Second point though it's not just about the booze, because these toxins might have been inhaled or topical or ingested so.
SCHOEN: And that can't be ruled out.
COMPAGNO: Exactly.
MONTGOMERY: No, but the FBI will do much more work on this. But it's a shame for the families who have no--
SCHOEN: Great tragedy.
MONTGOMERY: Recall at this point. All right. The Fastest Seven is coming up next, featuring a crazy fight at an airport, a costly divorce and the comfort foods of the Democrat candidates. Don't go anywhere.
COMPAGNO: Welcome back. Time for the Fastest Seven. First up, a terrifying incident at an airport in Phoenix caught on tape. Surveillance footage released there showing a 19-year-old man rushing through metal detectors and brawling with a group of TSA agents before 10 AM by the way, sending one agent to the hospital and four others into urgent care. They've all since been released and he was subdued and has since been arrested on assault charges. His bail was just $1500, Greg.
GUTFELD: That seems highly personal. Like something when - there's more to this story. Something happened. I don't know what it is, but you know it's a tough job. Everything about the TSA is gloomy, right. It's gloomy for them and it's gloomy for us like it's like it used to be glamorous to travel and now it's just kind of you see the crowd, the spectacle, the noise and your heart sinks. There has to be a way to improve this. Right.
SCHOEN: And they have one.
MONTGOMERY: Bring back the Concorde.
SCHOEN: I was talking to a TSA agent last weekend and he said, they're trying to learn certainty and cheerfulness at the same time.
GUTFELD: That's good.
SCHOEN: But the certainty being more important.
COMPAGNO: And bashful.
WATTERS: I blame Al-Qaeda. You know if it wasn't for the 9/11 attacks, you wouldn't have this ridiculous amount of security where you're having babies being like full body checked and grandmothers being like taken aside. I'm not saying the TSA did something to provoke this, but when you get to the airport and your flight is about to take off and this guy is telling you to take off your shoes again, I'm not justifying the attack, I'm saying, tensions are high, tensions are very high.
MONTGOMERY: Well, and that's why it's a surprising response from the TSA, because they say they're prepared for an active shooter and do drills, but they're not prepared for unruly passengers who might attack some of their agents and I'm like why wouldn't you be--
WATTERS: Combat.
MONTGOMERY: The airports and traveling, yes, it's a giant pressure cooker, but also, they say that this young man is mentally disturbed, and you should - in a nervous hospital.
GUTFELD: There you go.
COMPAGNO: All right. Up next, they always say that marriage isn't over until it's over. One man in Detroit had to learn that the hard way after being ordered by court to share his $80 million lottery jackpot with his ex-wife. He had bought the winning ticket in 2013 while they were separated, but the divorce wasn't finalized until 2018.
Now the winnings were deemed marital property and now he has to pony up $15 million to his ex, isn't love grand. So, Michigan is not a community property state. It's an equitable division state, an equitable distribution state which means that the judges determine what is an equitable distribution and that doesn't mean equal, it means fair. And also, that's why the date of separation doesn't matter like it does in community property states where that stops the economic union clock. Here it's basically a free for all and judges can do what they do.
SCHOEN: My attitude is if you've got $65 million from me, I'm happy to give $15 million--
MONTGOMERY: Slow down, Bernie Sanders.
SCHOEN: I'm a free market capitalist. I'm also not a fool.
WATTERS: I'm thinking if you know you've left a bad marriage and you're now a millionaire I'm not going to be like worry that much about this guy, probably really happy.
SCHOEN: Yes, I bet he is.
COMPAGNO: Well, the fact that he defended it in court meant that he wasn't. He tried.
WATTERS: I'm sure his dirty lawyers are trying to fight it, so they can get paid. You know how those guys are.
COMPAGNO: Kennedy, what do you think.
MONTGOMERY: No, I'm on his side on this one. He bought the ticket. It was his and they had already decided to end their union. So, he should get to keep the scratch and that has to be a tough check for him to write.
GUTFELD: You know what, I'm going to go to the person whose wisdom always comes first in my mind, Geraldo.
WATTERS: I knew you were going to say that.
GUTFELD: Geraldo's advice on a divorce, give them everything they want.
WATTERS: And that's why he's still working.
GUTFELD: Yes, that's right. That's what it is. He always says, give them everything. It's going to hurt, but it won't hurt as bad as if you don't give them everything they want. And I love lotteries. It's a voluntary tax. I wish everything - I wish we had 100 times more lotteries.
WATTERS: Except the Visa lottery.
COMPAGNO: Did anybody see the other case that was embedded in there, the quick check where he bought the lottery ticket is where he had proposed to the ex-wife that then got the money.
SCHOEN: This is so--
KENNEDY: How romantic.
COMPAGNO: All right. So finally, The New York Times asked the 2020 candidates what their favorite comfort food was on the campaign trail. Some of the answers are just downright perplexing.
SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: But when you're vegan that means lots of veggies on the go.
REP. TULSI GABBARD, D-HI, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I try to stay away from it, but Vegan Cupcakes.
PETE BUTTIGIEG, D-IND., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The word got out that I like beef jerky.
REP. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Glass of whiskey at the end of the night.
COMPAGNO: All right.
COMPAGNO: Yes. What do you guys think?
GUTFELD: Can I just say that this is a window into the soul of a phony. Because if you try to virtue signal when the question is asking you about a vice.
GUTFELD: You're a complete fake. Oh, you know I try to stay away from performing charity. That's my comfort food is, I perform charity.
KENNEDY: Eating cupcakes, come on.
SCHOEN: What happened to steaks and French fries.
KENNEDY: Kirsten Gillibrand, she would like - if not.
GUTFELD: Best thing she's ever said.
KENNEDY: I appreciate Tim Ryan.
SCHOEN: Don't worry, it's only one glass.
KENNEDY: Tim Ryan said, I'm an ice cream guy. I don't know why Kamala Harris thought that was funny, but French fries.
GUTFELD: That was weird.
WATTERS: French fries were hilarious.
KENNEDY: Veggies and beef jerky like words got mouth like oh no, the beef jerky parade is now marching down street every time--
GUTFELD: What was it, the vegetarian cake.
COMPAGNO: Vegan cupcake.
KENNEDY: I really shouldn't.
WATTERS: You know what Trump calls comfort food. Food. That's all he eats. And that's why they're all going to lose.
COMPAGNO: Does this even help any of them?
WATTERS: Marianne Williamson saying that she doesn't have comfort food. I've evolved to be on that.
GUTFELD: Yes. She eats spirit food.
KENNEDY: I'm on an air diet. I just breathe.
COMPAGNO: All right, you guys. Fan Mail Friday is up next.
GUTFELD: You guys.
GUTFELD: That is music.
WATTERS: That's not music.
GUTFELD: No, that's music from the chase scene from the original Planet of the Apes. When Chuck Heston is running from the gorilla.
WATTERS: You know him as Chuck.
GUTFELD: The late Chuck. All right. Fan Mail Friday. That's a good question. What is something you like to do that other people would consider weird if they knew. Jesse.
WATTERS: I'm not going to tell you. Definitely not telling you.
WATTERS: Something weird.
WATTERS: Something weird. I mean I'm not a weird guy. I think everything I do is pretty normal. I think you're the weird one.
GUTFELD: Yes, I'm the weirdo. That's right. Whatever this would probably be considered normal. Like I usually bathe daily. That's weird, right.
WATTERS: Well, you take a bath or a shower.
GUTFELD: I shower.
GUTFELD: I shower like in a bathtub.
WATTERS: You strike me as a bath guy.
SCHOEN: I like to watch Democratic speeches for this crowd. That's weird.
GUTFELD: That is weird. You're going to have a lot of fun next week.
SCHOEN: Exactly my point.
GUTFELD: Emily, any weird skeletons in your closet.
COMPAGNO: Well, I like to clean. I like to tidy. That's probably
SCHOEN: Thank you, Emily. You did.
COMPAGNO: Earlier.
SCHOEN: Thank you.
GUTFELD: That was a bit weird, she did it without asking.
SCHOEN: No, she didn't.
GUTFELD: She just ripped it off your face, did it.
SCHOEN: You did it very graciously.
GUTFELD: Kennedy, I'm afraid to ask.
KENNEDY: No, I like eating apples in the shower.
GUTFELD: Really.
WATTERS: That's not true.
KENNEDY: That is 100 percent true. I go to Trader Joe's; I get the envy apples. They're sweet and delicious and there's something about eating an apple in the shower.
WATTERS: You're just bomb for apples. You're not supposed to do that.
KENNEDY: OK, I know it sounds weird, but please go home and try it. Eat an apple in the shower and think of me, but not in a very wholesome way.
GUTFELD: Sometimes, I will go to bed in my gym clothes to save like 30 seconds in the morning. That's weird.
WATTERS: Wait. Really?
GUTFELD: I have to--
WATTERS: Wait. Really? That's so weird. You're like seven.
GUTFELD: It's true.
WATTERS: How much time does it take for you to get your gym clothes off.
GUTFELD: I would do stuff the night before when I was seven to make sure that I could--
WATTERS: Wind up everything.
WATTERS: Pack your bag, oh God.
GUTFELD: Yes, I was sick. All right. What is your worst fear? This from Rose. What is your worst fear happening while on air? Doug.
SCHOEN: Saying something that would produce a reaction that would limit the amount of exposure, I would have into the future.
GUTFELD: That is probably - you just wrote out the fear for everybody on television.
SCHOEN: I think that's right.
GUTFELD: That's what it is.
SCHOEN: 15 years later I'm still here.
SCHOEN: Fingers crossed.
GUTFELD: Kennedy, you don't have that fear, though do you?
KENNEDY: My fear and I actually went over the list with my senior producer, it's saying a swear on air. And I've been next, when you have done that. And so, I had to go with my senior producer like OK in the grand scheme of things what is worst and what is acceptable.
KENNEDY: We actually ranked the bad words.
GUTFELD: Wow. Interesting.
WATTERS: Let me see that list. I can take a look at that.
KENNEDY: Let me tell you. No wonder, you're not supposed to say.
WATTERS: OK. Probably already said it.
GUTFELD: Jesse, you violated.
WATTERS: I never had the fear.
GUTFELD: That's the problem.
WATTERS: That's the problem. So, we had to develop a fear for me.
GUTFELD: That's so true.
WATTERS: We're still in the process.
GUTFELD: Yes. Emily, what is--
COMPAGNO: After you guys were on the last time together. I remember I said to you like I learned all these words that you can see on air that I didn't know you could, that are in that gray area.
WATTERS: Like what.
COMPAGNO: Well, I'm not going to say that.
WATTERS: You say we could tell.
COMPAGNO: Never. But I did know what Doug said.
GUTFELD: You did.
COMPAGNO: Just did. Is that under this now? No, I'm answering that's like second way, true to unrelated. I'm answering the question.
SCHOEN: When I started a long time ago.
SCHOEN: I said something I'm not going to repeat today.
MONTGOMERY: (Inaudible).
SCHOEN: No. Something a little bit--
GUTFELD: Practice - studying in--
SCHOEN: I ended up being a lawyer like Emily having to Google 20 - about 10 years of Fox programs to show that the offensive language that I allegedly used had been used 15, 20 times in the past. And so, I pleaded my case.
WATTERS: Yes, they said on Fox all the time. What's your defense?
GUTFELD: I was told when I started here that whatever could be said on Law and Order I could say, and that didn't help me at all, because if you think about what's said on Law and Order.
KENNEDY: Trunk, trunk.
GUTFELD: Yes exactly. Really bad jokes at the front end over a corpse. So, I've been doing that ever since. One More Thing is up next.
WATTERS: It's time now for One More Thing. I'd like to wish everybody a Happy Bring Your Dog to Workday. Rookie. Rookie get out here. Rookie come here. There is Rook. All right. So here he is. Say hi to Emma. Say hi to Sophie. Hi. Dropped the cookie.
GUTFELD: So, even with Dana's not here, we still have a dog.
WATTERS: That's right. Where is Dana, we really could have used her today.
SCHOEN: This is his first appearance?
WATTERS: This is his - the last time he was scheduled to be here, the Mueller Report dropped. So, we got bumped.
SCHOEN: Did he have an opinion on that?
WATTERS: Yes. No collusion, no obstruction.
WATTERS: All right. Also, I would like to wish my dad a Happy Birthday. So, happy birthday. It is Steven Watters, and also Watters World this weekend. There is my dad at the White House, it was very tough for him there. Watters World this weekend, we have Don Junior. All right. That is the son of the President for those of you guys watching at home.
MONTGOMERY: And the beard.
WATTERS: The beard will be there too. All right, Greg.
GUTFELD: All right. The Greg Gutfeld Show tomorrow night 10 PM. I've got Johnny Joey Jones. I've got the comedian Jim Florentine and I've got the captain and I've got the Tyra's (ph) 10 PM Saturday be there.
Now it's time for this, Greg's Great Mystery. Now, I've been walking around the building, I've been looking at these interesting trash cans. Take a look at our new trash cans. Take that. Let's take a look at that. So, you've got a big circle, a middle circle, a little circle and it's kind of telling you where to put the trash to separate it, but then you take the top off it and what do you find? It all goes into the same place. I think that's a mystery that we need to delve into. I'm going to shut up now.
WATTERS: Kennedy.
KENNEDY: Eat more veggies. I love this story because it just goes to show you never ever have to give up on your fitness. You are never too old to be a champion. Look at Julia 'Hurricane' Hawkins, 103 years old and she won the 100-meter dash at the National Senior Games in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
She set a world record and she didn't start running until she was over 100. Well, she stays in shape by gardening. She did in just 40 seconds, she is a rock star. Look at that. I am so deeply inspired by this and never listen to any woman; they say they're too old to start something. They're just lazy.
COMPAGNO: That's awesome.
MONTGOMERY: She's hot. She's beautiful.
WATTERS: Gardening is a good workout. OK. Go for it.
COMPAGNO: Remember the scene. Olivia Newton John is auctioning a ton of stuff from the iconic movie Grease in part for her charity. Her cancer charity in Melbourne, Australia including by the way that outfit and her leather jacket which is expected to fetch over $200,000 and also including her original script from Grease. I wish so much I was a multi-millionaire so I could get all of this stuff and I want to reenact--
GUTFELD: They were such a great couple.
COMPAGNO: Such a great movie. Best movie of all time obviously.
WATTERS: All right. Doug Schoen.
SCHOEN: You know to hear about Ms. Hawkins. The 103 year old and then to be able to talk about Grayden Lucas, a 13 year old who was born without part of his right arm and has become a champion pitcher up through little league into I think Junior High School now hoping to play major league ball, play college ball and do what Jim Abbott did and Pete Gray did which is to be a one armed pitcher. It's really heartwarming to me and an example of everything that's right about America.
KENNEDY: Good parents and a baseball family right.
SCHOEN: Yes, yes. A young man whose brothers also made it to the highest levels of college and major league baseball.
WATTERS: Excellent.
SCHOEN: I think he is a prospect.
WATTERS: All right, let's put him on the table and see what happens.
GUTFELD: No, don't do that. He's going to jump, and this is going to be all over the media.
WATTERS: Oh! Stop. He is fine. He can survive a fall. All right, Jasper is very jealous, I can tell. That's probably why Dana didn't show up. She knew I was going to have cuter dog. All right. Just kidding, Dana. All right, that's it for us tonight. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend.
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