'The Five' on if Biden will run for reelection in 2024

This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on November 22, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Judge Jeanine Pirro, Harold Ford Jr., Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld.

It's five o'clock in New York City, and this is THE FIVE.

Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself from media attacks in his first interview after a jury found him not guilty on all five charges in his double murder trial. We have brand-new preview clip of his exclusive sit down with Tucker Carlson tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern. The 18-year-old reacting to the verdict.


KYLE RITTENHOUSE, ACQUITTED OF MURDER CHARGES: In my opinion, there's no winners in this case, there's no heroes in this case.


RITTENHOUSE: I defended myself, I was attacked.


PERINO (on camera): Rittenhouse also blasting the way his case became politicized.


RITTENHOUSE: They are saying you can go out and riot and attack anybody and you have the support from the media and the politicians to do whatever you want and kill innocent people and if they defend yourself, you're named a hero. That's the message I believe is being spread.


PERINO (on camera): And despite being called out for misrepresenting key facts in the case, the media is doubling down on their attacks against Rittenhouse.


UNKNOWN: Rittenhouse drove in from Illinois armed for battle.

UNKNOWN: The fact that white supremacist roam the halls of Congress freely and celebrate this little murderous white supremacist. And the fact that he gets to walk the streets freely, it lets you know these people have access to instituting laws.

UNKNOWN: Welcome to the modern Republican Party. This is what these people want. And this is what a majority of white people vote for.

UNKNOWN: It's a warning to every white suburbanite where a Black Lives Matter poster in their window. Those people now know that they too can be shot by a white 17-year-old with an AR-15 if he feels threatened by their desire to see America live up to its potential.


PERINO (on camera): And then just one more piece of sound from Tucker's interview with him in talking about what he believes is really on trial here.


RITTENHOUSE: It wasn't Kyle Rittenhouse on trial in Wisconsin, it was the right to self-defense on trial.


RITTENHOUSE: I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. And I believe there needs to be changed, I believe there's a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case but in other cases. It's just amazing to see how -- how much a prosecutor can take advantage of somebody.


PERINO (on camera): So, the verdict, Jesse, did not settle things, really, in the minds of the media and the public in particular. They couldn't respect the jury trial and they continue to attack him.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. Before we start, I just want to let you know the Waters' World has also had a documentary film crew embedded with someone also very high profile for about a year. That person is Gutfeld. We are going to be releasing this on Watters' World original on Fox Nation, full access. Thanks for your cooperation.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: My pleasure. My pleasure.

WATTERS: It's eye opening, let's put it that way. So, when you watch Rittenhouse on Tucker, you don't see the way the media has characterized. You see a guy who looks pretty measured, open-minded, and thoughtful person. And when you look at him testify too, what do you see? You see someone who scared for their life, crying real tears. And honestly someone who was there in Kenosha that night to help, not to harm.

But the media makes him look like some vigilante who is on some racist killing spree just using his white tears in order to literally beat the murder up. So why do we have this? So, it's because they do character assassination and psychological warfare.

This kid is 17, turned his whole phone over to the prosecution. Now a phone is really a window into someone's personality. At 17, the prosecution didn't bring up a meme, a group text, an account that he was following, there was nothing to make this kid look racially motivated at all.

Yet the media, knowing this, still continue to slander him as a white supremacist. That's malicious and reckless obviously. And then it's the drumbeat of lies. That this guy state lines with an illegal assault rifle to, you know, vigilante justice. These are debunked lies.

So that's basically a disinformation campaign on the American people. They are laying siege to the American people's brain. And that's the most toxic thing you can do to a population. And so, the American people now know this. And they are basically going through a detox of mainstream media. They are cleansing. They are taking CNN out of their diet. They're taking MSNBC out of their diet.

Now when they're presented with facts from a reputable source, they don't trust that, they are suspicious of these facts. They're broken up with them. We are on their own, we are single now. We're going to do our own journalism. We are going to look online and we're going to find the facts for ourselves.

And then it's a huge shift in the way this country has gone. And that's why the legacy media is so scared because they can see their power falling away and they've become so desperate in trying to hold it on. And that's how you see the lies keep piling up.

PERINO: Judge?

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: You know, I think that when you watch Kyle Rittenhouse you see a young boy who's turned into a man after a course of events that would change any of us. He, in talking about prosecutorial misconduct, but at the same time talking about the right to self-defense and articulating it so well from what I've seen so far.

And testifying brilliantly the better than probably any witness I've seen in 30 years. We realize that this kid in the future, may have a lot to offer in terms of society. As long as he uses his life in a way that he is shown us that he would as a police explorer and a fire cadet. And someone who is a life guard and someone who wanted to be a medic.

I think he is a giving kid. I think that what's not giving is the media. The media will never forgive this young man. They will never allow him to live the life that he wants to lead. He will never be safe. There are people who believe that he is a white supremacist, that we are all white supremacists. That the jurors I'm sure are all white supremacist, the judge and every one of us are white supremacist.

And I feel badly for him, because I think he's not going to be able to live a normal life in that regard. But having said all of that, the law, the facts, the evidence were clear. This is a classic case of self-defense. And what's better than anything I have seen is the video.

And we are now in an age where technology is giving us a bird's-eye view of what is happening to crime or to crime victims and crime on the street. We are seeing them in real time, we are seeing what they are doing. We've got witnesses with phones. We are now closer to justice than we've ever been in the history of this country where we had to rely on people's memories, et cetera, et cetera.

PERINO: Except for that -- that might be true, but then the media reporting like the montage we just showed you, like they are not even considering the facts.

GUTFELD: The scariest thing about that montage is that the average white person doesn't want to harm a black person. The average white person, the big secret wants to actually help blacks. And it's proven time and time again. That's like, that's just what people do.

What they are saying, those talking heads, are that white people want to hurt you. I mean, that's what they -- I mean, it's like they are roaming the world. But anyway -- you know, there will be critics that say, do not make Rittenhouse into a hero. And I get it.

But these are the people that have been kept saying that Jacob Blake was an unarmed good Samaritan helping out his family. This is from the people who are engaging or encouraging people to march on behalf of a dead pedophile. You know, there are two people that died at the hands of Kyle Rittenhouse. The disturbing trend is not how happy we are that they died, but how little their crimes mattered to the left and to the people that are calling them, you know, martyrs and something.

These were not black activists. One was a pedophile; another was a spouse abuser. These are the worst people on the planet. And they went after the wrong guy and they paid for it.

This is why the media keeps asking the same question, if Kyle was black would he be treated differently? We've heard that from a lot of people. But those are people who are using their only singular race lens. If Kyle -- the fact is, if Kyle was black, he would be our nominee for the president for 2024, because we see everything through the self-defense lens.

We don't -- we -- everybody here on this table it's like -- where are my glasses? It's like we're the optometrist where we're looking at an issue we got better? Is this better? Is this better?


GUTFELD: We have these multiple lenses. Sometimes I don't even have any. Like I have no lens for sports. I have no lens for business. But I do have a good lens for law and order. I have a good lens for self-defense.

We can shift these things. But if you just have one prism and that's race, then you're going to miss this entire story. And that's what happened. That's why everybody on MSNBC and their viewers were shocked that this verdict was such a surprise, because how could this be? Didn't he killed two black people? Isn't he a white supremacist? How did -- how did this happen in this unjust world?

It's because no, because you are relying on the one race lens. If you had a number of other ones at your behest, if you have those self-defense lens, you could have actually seen this. You could look at what happened with this guy that just got found not guilty when the SWAT team came after him in self-defense. I can't -- his name slips my mind.

PERINO: And one thing, Harold, that I think fueled a lot of the politicization of it was this happened after the summer of George Floyd and then you had the presidential campaign and President Biden then the candidate called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist.

And then kind of said, well, I accept the jury trial but then again tried to undermine. And what do you think about the way he and Harris handled this in the aftermath?

HAROLD FORD JR., FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first off, I want this young man to be able to reset his life, and regain, regain a grip on life. And I agree with the judge. You know, I heard him today say that he supports Black Lives Matter. That there's a lot of complexity and a lot of dimensions that we don't know about. And I hope that to the extent he wants us to learn about that. I hope we are able to.

Two, I listen to both the president and the vice president, they're both lawyers, both have tried cases. They said at the way they wanted to say it and they both accepted the verdict. They had some commentary and I wasn't surprise by that.

What I'm most sort of taken aback by, as I think about this going forward, and I think about my own like and I think about going into a grocery store or restaurant and someone coming in, perhaps with a grievance, with a server or clerk or manager, someone in one of those places, and they might have a weapon.

They might be going after that person. I might be with my son or my daughter. And I may try to restrain him or her and asked him to please stop. And if the way we've interpreted some of these self-defense laws and this Arbery case is really going to be interesting to me the outcome of that. Perhaps more so than the Rittenhouse case.


FORD: Because it seems like there's the elements there and the self- defense issue or you'd be far more informed to analyze this. But if you come in a grocery store or restaurant and you are with your family and you try to restrain someone and they shoot you and they are charge and they say in court I was defending myself because Jesse was coming after me, Harold was coming after me, I was just trying to restrain him.

I hope we -- I hope legislature, so I don't think they contemplated that kind of self-defense. Really think about some of these things as we think about perhaps refining some of these laws going forward. But I wish this kid the best and he's in my prayers.

PERINO: Did you -- one last quick thing?

PIRRO: This kind of thing that you just described is something that courts have dealt with for years. That I have dealt with for years. That you -- you reasonably afraid of that person and therefore you can defend yourself.

FORD: Right.

PIRRO: I mean.

FORD: But he may think I'm coming after him and may shoot me.

PIRRO: Right. It depends -- I mean, it's always the reasonable man or woman.


PERINO: And that's what you have the jury trial.

PIRRO: OK. All right. I'm done.

PERINO: All right. We'll move on. Up next, shocking new details in this holiday parade tragedy. While -- why bail reform could be to blame. We'll be right back.


WATTERS (on camera): Ridiculous liberal bail reform policies now at the center of a horrific Christmas parade attack that killed five people and injured 48 others. We are now learning the suspect career criminal Darrell Brooks was out on a thousand-dollar bond and set free just days before this terrible tragedy.

Brooks was charged with punching his girlfriend and then trying to intentionally run her over with his car. And police saying he was fleeing another domestic violence incident before driving into the parade.


DAN THOMPSON, CHIEF, WAUKESHA POLICE DEPARTMENT: We have information that the suspect prior to the incident was involved in a domestic disturbance, which is just minutes prior. And the suspect left that scene just prior to our arrival to the domestic disturbance.

We actually had a squad and barricades up and he drove right through.


WATTERS (on camera): The Milwaukee County district attorney is now launching an internal review into what he is calling an inappropriately low bail amount.

Yes, judge, this D.A. is the guy that likes low bail, that he ran on that.

PIRRO: Yes, he did run on it. So, you know, I like what he's doing. What he's doing here is he's saying I'm going to take care of this everybody, no problem. I don't know who was the lowest person on the totem pole who went to court on this case, but that person is in big trouble. No, it's you, the D.A. is in big trouble. And I'll tell you why.

This is the rap sheet. OK? It's got I here -- I say I understand to have 50 pages. What you don't know in addition to what we know from the news, and that is that he had a felony charged against him in July of 2020. He was already out on bail, had another felony charge against him on November 2nd, and he has been violated for bail, and then he goes to court on November 5th and they give him bail of a thousand dollars.

But that's not the least of it. This guy, in all of these charges, he's a batterer, he's a drug addict, he's been carrying a gun since he was 18 years old and then he got all the benefits of the criminal justice system. But he's cause strangulation against one woman, then he causes the strangulation against another woman or the same woman. This time it has to be a felony and they force the prosecutor to file a felony.

But you go through this and through all the police arrests, there's no prosecution. So, this guy has used the system, the D.A. is the person who is at fault here, not the bail law that you would allow a guy who just jumped bail to give them a thousand dollars bail is ridiculous.

WATTERS: And Greg, if you watch CNN, it is a red SUV that's responsible for this carnage.

GUTFELD: It's not his fault, he was fleeing a knife fight. All right. So, the car, root cause, the root cause here is knife violence and he was just a victim of systemic knife violence. Also, I mean, an SUV, think of the carbon footprint.

You know, whoever thought that putting violent criminals back on the streets was a wise decision. I think under the rubric of reform, we let our brains spill out of our skulls. It's like we don't release piranhas into an aquarium of goldfish. And it's not just with bail reform, it's stuff like this.

It's also interesting how the stories -- depending on what narrative they sell are turned off or turned on. I could do the story like, what if this guy was white? Because they were doing the thing with Rittenhouse.


GUTFELD: What if this guy was black? But it's obvious that this story fulfills the wrong narrative. So, it's not going to be wall-to-wall coverage. They are going to say the same people that said Rittenhouse intentionally went to Kenosha to murder these guys will say that this career criminal unintentionally killed people. And how soon before they label him, you know, a victim.

WATTERS: And then --


WATTERS: -- the police chief said today he is charging him with five counts of intentional homicide. And we've been investigating his social media footprint, Harold. Man, I can't confirm it, but this guy is bad news. Bad news.

GUTFELD: From his social media, I can confirm by his actions.


PIRRO: How about we confirm it --

WATTERS: Bad news.

PIRRO: -- as a matter of fact --

WATTERS: I'm talking about -- I'm talking about motivation.


WATTERS: I'm talking about motivation.

FORD: Look, there's not much to add to this. This guy, judge, I think I love the way you -- I appreciate the way you analyze this. It says the bail reform, we should have bail reform. But this issue here was just prosecuted here, not doing his or her job. But we need more resources to ensure that - -


PIRRO: No, you don't need resources --

FORD: No, no, just to make sure --

PIRRO: -- you need a D.A. who knows what he's doing.

GUTFELD: Got to sue the city. Can't you --


PIRRO: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

FORD: No, no, I'm just -- I'm only saying we need -- if there is a need for more staffing around that this -- whatever it is, I don't know what this -- I don't know what this - was it pure incompetence. I agree with you. I'm only saying --


PIRRO: No, 50 pages. How long does it take for you to catch incompetence?

FORD: Yes. I mean, my seven-year-old probably could figure this out --


FORD: -- without a law degree. So, the guy -- I agree. I don't know what more to add other than we as a nation -- I'm excited to see and encourage to see the police chief -- I don't know if he's a Democrat or Republican, he appeared to be African-American that he said five intentional acts he's been charged with.

PIRRO: Good.

FORD: We need law enforcement and we need district attorney's and prosecutorial teams that are going to enforce the law. And most importantly, the reason you enforce the law is to protect the public and serve the public. I hope that we get more people wanting to do that.

GUTFELD: Can people sue the city if they're not -- if they're not enforcing the law? I mean, this got to be, this is clear misconduct on behalf of the city.

WATTERS: Yes. And there was no police pursuit apparently.




PIRRO: Not in a situation like this.

WATTERS: So, he was just purposely plowing his car into the crowd.

PIRRO: It depends on whether it's foreseeable. If something is foreseeable then -- OK. Dana.

PERINO: I do think that either they have to be sued or something has to happen because here's the thing. This guy has ruined the lives of so many people. Right before Christmas. They'll never get over it. And only justice might be that this process of having very left-wing progressive district attorney's, prosecutors that are not prosecuting crimes. That it only takes one case to become a rallying cry. I think this one should be at.

If we're going to have to have a conversation about gun laws every time there's a shooting, then it stands to reason that we should have a conversation about prosecutorial misconduct. Which I think this is of the highest order. When it's happening not just in Kenosha, it's happening in cities all across America.

We've been talking about it and I think that starting next year in those elections and the ones that are coming -- it's already happening in Seattle, they don't want to defund the police. It's all across the board. This case should be the rallying cry to end it.

PIRRO: I have to say one more thing, the judge is also at fault. The judge knew what the record was of this offender. He had just run over the mother of his child with his car. And he lets them out when he had already jumped bail, they let him out on bail. I mean, this is total stupidity or not caring about the rule of law. Period. Sorry.

WATTERS: And our hearts go out to the families of Waukesha.


WATTERS: Coming up, unbelievable anarchy in America. Looters going on numerous smash and grab rampages.


FORD (on camera): A series of brazen smash and grab's adding to the already chaotic crime wave in the cities. Police making only three arrests after 80 people with ski masks and crowbars ransacked the Nordstrom store near San Francisco. They were poorly blocked off the road with 25 cars before rushing inside.

In another incident nearby, thieves running away with nearly $1 million in designer products after hitting luxury stores. And near Chicago, 14 people rushed into a Louis Vuitton store and ran out with at least 100 grand in merchandise.

Greg, what can -- what can police in San Francisco or Chicago do better? Is it putting officers in stores, is it beefing up security in and around those areas, what can be done to prevent this kind of -- it seems like a coordinated attack?

GUTFELD: You have to -- this is organized crime. You have to increase the police presence and they have to be free to do their jobs. When this happened in my neighborhood, the police were standing there because they were De Blasio said stay back --

PIRRO: Stand down.

GUTFELD: -- and just destroyed my neighborhood. Right? You know, I don't - - I've got to tell you, you know, Walnut Creek is not red state country. Quite literally, they are liberals who just got mugged by reality. Because they vote in the people that allow the policies that allow for this to happen.

This is the story of disincentives. You know, if you remove the disincentives for crime, you get more crime. And the brazenness is a direct rebuke of the leftists who dismissed the consequences of their policies. If you thought like 10, 20, or 30 years ago we would decriminalize theft or establish a number $900, that would be the very worst part of a radical strategy to undermine a free market in society.

And yet that's what we're -- that's what's happening right now is we're watching -- this is -- this is the decriminalization of theft, you know. And it's like, it's happening -- it's no longer happening in those parts of the neighborhood that you don't go to. That was Walnut Creek. I go there a lot, San Francisco. That's the exact same thing that happened in Soho. You have to go out -- the local government has to pay for this and it's -- if you keep voting in these losers, it's on you.

PIRRO: I think that --

FORD JR.: What would you do if you were -- how would you organize the task force to --

PIRRO: I would put together a task force of state and local law enforcement. But here's the thing. The one thing I noticed there were cars, all right. The cars were so close so that these guys, those looters could run out and get into the cars. A lot of stores have done what Fox has done in the front. You have these concrete pillars so that they can't actually park in those areas and make a quick exit.

There should be a video of every car, every license -- and they should have cameras obviously. I'm sure they do in all the stores. But the problem is that you now have, if you've got a car, you've got the ability to maybe get a search warrant if you know the guy has got a record and try to find out where some of these items are.

But here's the bottom line. It's not just changing the law, it's getting people in to prosecute crime. America, this is what you want, stay with the leftist losers because this -- you're going to pay more for everything whether it's the items or insurance or anything else.

FORD JR: Dana?

PERINO: Well, just as these businesses come out of COVID and people are back and they want to return to normal and they're getting ready to go for Christmas shopping or whatever, this kind of thing happens. And it makes you wonder like, should I not go to the parade? Should I not go out shopping? Should I just order online and stay in my house and become more isolated?

And the question also is we got rid of the mafia, right? This is organized crime. There is a model in order to do it, but this is -- this is the experiment playing out. We are watching like, the high school science experiment play out. We had -- let's see what happens if we have all this left-wing prosecutor.

Oh, OK, this is what happens, and then you end up with people wanting to flee California, people not wanting to have their businesses be opened. And imagine if you're one of the retail workers.

PIRRO: You'd be scared to death.

PERINO: You think you want to go to work there? No wonder that there's like the great resignation. Would you want to be in that Chicago store knowing that the -- these people are there just to --

PIRRO: Look at that.

PERINO: --- ruin your -- possibly your job, but also possibly put you in danger. And thankfully, no one was too injured in this but that's -- that will change. There's only a matter of time that that will happen.

FORD JR: Finding cleanup, ladies and gentlemen, Jesse Watters.

WATTERS: This is just a protest against capitalism, clearly. It's a system that is used by white supremacists to oppress the minority people. It's just private property. I mean, so what if some security agents got maester assaulted. They took a beating. They're supposed to take a beating from the mob. It was a mostly peaceful robbery.

We shouldn't even call them robbers. Why do we need to re-victimize them? We don't know their motivations, Harold.

FORD JR: Why are you looking at me? I agree with you.

WATTERS: What if they were just trying to liberate some luxury goods --

GUTFELD: They were looking for bread.

WATTERS: They were.

GUTFELD: AOC says they're looking for bread, and they have --

WATTERS: Hashtag --

GUTFELD: They happen -- they happen to put bread in Louis Vuitton boxes. Did you notice that?

WATTERS: You know, we can't -- we cannot criminalize crime, Harold. And we shouldn't be identifying them by race either. That will further stigmatize their communities. It's not a good thing. And of course, it's the Republicans fault. If the Republicans haven't cut funding from San Francisco, we could have had a lot more money to spend on education and job training programs, Harold.

FORD JR: The last time, I'm coming to you.

WATTERS: And don't even -- don't put them in prison either. We have to rehabilitate them. We know we need to abolish the prison system. That just creates more --

PIRRO: Yes, spend a lot of money on criminals.

WATTERS: That just creates more -- it creates more crime.

FORD JR: Up next --

WATTERS: How was that? Was that good?

FORD JR: President Biden trying to calm down panicked Democrats while Kamala Harris waits in the wing.

GUTFELD: My favorite topic.


PIRRO: Despite rock bottom approval ratings, and pushing nearly 80 years old, President Biden thinks he's in great shape to run the country again. Biden is reportedly reassuring allies that he is ready to seek re-election in 2024. But it might be too little too late. There is apparently open panic among Democrats that Kamala Harris will take over the potential ticket.

OK, so, I'll go to you, Dana --


PIRRO: -- you're the smart one here tonight.

PERINO: Oh, wow.

PIRRO: OK. So, why would someone --

PERINO: I don't think I'd say that.

PIRRO: Why would someone start a presidential term at the age of 82 who's already in cognitive decline, whose poll numbers are unbelievably low. I mean, do you really think --

PERINO: Well, let's look at it --

PIRRO: Do you really believe it?

PERINO: Let's look at that question just another way which is why would they be trying to reassure people that he's going to run again.


PERINO: Because if they did not say that, immediately, he's a lame duck, immediately. And we're three years from a primary, OK. So, we already see the most amazing food fight between Kamala Harris and Mayor Pete playing out right before our eyes.


PERINO: Like, I'm here for all of this. This is going to be happening. Another reason I think the Democrats are concerned is that the 2020 campaign was a very different one, right? This was Zoom from the basement campaign. This was not out on the trail shaking hands and kissing babies. There's -- none of that was happening. And that will not be the case in 2024.

I think that they have to say that he's running because the alternative to them right now is really, really bad. You don't want to be a lame-duck 10 months into your presidency.

PIRRO: Well, you know, they say that if they're -- if Biden doesn't run, there will be a bruising primary. Who do you think will be in this bruising primary?

GUTFELD: That is a great question. I don't know if I can equal Dana's intelligent commentary, but I will say this. I had hoped that maybe the colonoscopy had cleared Joe's head. But I said he woke up to a country where I think he's already irrelevant. And I think he's -- you know, it's time for somebody new.

So, you know, I did my research and I decided -- I know he's -- I know that Biden is not running. There's only one person.


GUTFELD: There's only one person.

PIRRO: Newsweek. Harold.

WATTERS: Harold Ford Jr.

GUTFELD: I purchased this -- I purchased this on eBay last week. This is -- look at this. Not your daddy's Democrat.

FORD JR: Look at that.

GUTFELD: And I already said, Harold, that if you -- if you run, I will be your campaign manager.


GUTFELD: I will help write your speeches. Fox won't be happy with that but you know what, I believe in this country.

PIRRO: All right.


GUTFELD: -- Harold Ford Jr. to succeed. Do you want this?

FORD JR: You won't be surprised if I have 100 of them, but I'll take that.

PIRRO: OK, so --

GUTFELD: I'm not taking it out of the wrapper.

PIRRO: So then -- you know what -- so then -- so then, let's go to you, Harold. I mean, are you worried about Hillary? I mean, where has she been? What did they do to her?

FORD JR: So, first of all thank you for that.

GUTFELD: You're welcome.

FORD JR: And I don't know -- I know I won't match Dana's intelligence but I'll say this.

PERINO: Oh, you really set me up, Judge.

FORD JR: You take -- you take a year from now -- you think a year ago today, we were debating whether or not the presidential race was over. It seemed like it was three or four years ago, if not longer. So, you got a year. The President has got six or nine months. He's got to do several things. He's got to fix the border. He's got to figure out how you tap this federal oil reserve, and at the same time how we -- I think he should reverse the Keystone Pipeline decision.

We've got to meet the problem where we are -- where we are. And I think the country will reward him for that. Three, I think he's got to talk a little longer-term about where he sees the country going, take some responsibility, accountability for things that have not gone right, and say here's what I'm going to do to make things go right over the next six and nine months and judge me on that.

The American people are incredibly forgiving voters. And if he's able to delay that plan out, he will find himself in a better position. But you --

PERINO: Harold, nothing you say is going to happen.


FORD JR: No, no, but it could. Now, he got --


FORD JR: But if he does that -- but you're right. For him to have to say this means that there's a challenge. There's a challenge.

WATTERS: Biden 2024, but it could.

PIRRO: You know what? You know what? In 2024, Jesse -- I mean, the people surrounding him will not allow him to reopen the Keystone Pipeline. Are you kidding? That goes against everything green.

PERINO: He may have to have some new people. He may have to have some new people.

WATTERS: In 2024, you could see a whole host of things, inflation, higher crime, illegal aliens pouring in at the same rate.

PIRRO: They're already here. Why fix the border?

WATTERS: Even more. And who knows what Russia and China and North Korea is going to do at that point, sky-high inflation. Then his health, his gait, his ability to communicate shot. I don't think he's going to be able to compete in a vigorous re-election campaign.

And then, just look at his popularity. It just went off a cliff since Afghanistan. And now, the Democratic Party has to worry about are we going to let the Republicans gain 60 seats in the Senate if they have Joe and Kamala at the top of the ticket.

So, they're going to have to take stock after the Midterms, see how bad the damage was. And then maybe in the summer of 2003 just put this guy out to pasture and give someone else a chance. But Greg, that is probably the cleanest magazine you've ever purchased from the internet.

GUTFELD: Yes, but not for long. That's why I have it in cellophane.

WATTERS: Let me -- let me see this. Let me see this.

PIRRO: Send it this way. All right, don't go anywhere. Our annual secret Santa pics are coming your way.

WATTERS: You got to get him to sign it.


PIRRO: Who picks this music?

GUTFELD: That's ESG. Don't get it --

WATTERS: It's terrible.

GUTFELD: Don't get mad at me.


GUTFELD: I'm getting -- you're right on the edge of this of me right now.



PIRRO: I didn't do anything.

GUTFELD: All right, look, we got to pick up our -- we got to pick our Secret Santas, so I'm going to go ahead first and figure out which lucky host I will get a gift for. Please, no judge, no judge. All right, now we go around. Don't show anybody.


PIRRO: What's the limit? Do you know what the limit is?

GUTFELD: The limit, if you do it, it's $5,000. If it's me, it's 50. So, while we're -- while we're here doing this, look what's in the middle of our table. This is a piecaken. It came from the Piecaken Bakeshop. If you go to Goldbelly, that website where they sell really overpriced things, you can find this. Look at that thing.

So, what's great about this piecaken, it has pecan pie on the bottom, pumpkin pie in the middle.

WATTERS: What did you call it?

PIRRO: Pecan.

GUTFELD: Pecan. Look, man, I'm in a bad mood right now. Spice cake on top, layered together with cinnamon buttercream topped with apple pie filling. Why don't you show the damn thing instead of my face?

WATTERS: Dana, would you like to cut it?

PERINO: I think I shall.

GUTFELD: It's got -- so, basically, what it has, it has a four-in-one-layer dessert. Look at that. Isn't that incredible?

PERINO: I mean --

GUTFELD: You know what, I was going to take some --

PERINO: You got to use a little muscle.

PIRRO: I'm just going to give you the hat back.


GUTFELD: Give me the -- no, give it -- here, give it to me. The hat is empty, right?


PERINO: Jesse -- are you ready, Jesse? Do you mind if I --

PIRRO: You better put the hat on.

PERINO: Oh, yes.


GUTFELD: Why him?

PERINO: Can you show the camera?

GUTFELD: Why him?

PERINO: Well, I just --

PIRRO: Because she's a lady.

WATTERS: Can we see this?

GUTFELD: She's a lady.

PERINO: Because she's working.

PIRRO: Talking about who? Tom Jones. Tom Jones.

GUTFELD: She's a lady. Oh, that's too much.

FORD JR: I don't need it. I'm just going to pick --

PERINO: Hey, you've been --

PIRRO: Well, people say that's too much. Just don't eat it.

GUTFELD: Oh God bless America.

PERINO: Harold, are you ready?

FORD JR: Yes. I'll take it.

GUTFELD: You know, you don't get this crap in common as China, LeBron James.

PERINO: Now, would you eat this -- every dessert in one, Harold?

PIRRO: I just want the pumpkin pie and the pecan.

WATTERS: It doesn't work like that.

PERINO: I got to say, I would buy this. Oh boy, Harold. Yours is a mess.

GUTFELD: I would eat this.

PERINO: Yours is like the Democratic Party right.

GUTFELD: I would eat this.

PERINO: It is a mess, a mess.

WATTERS: She may be the smartest, but she can't serve the cake.

PIRRO: You know what, it's delicious. The pecan pie is delicious.

FORD JR: I can't -- I can't even have a bipartisan piece of cake.

PERINO: I like the spice cake.

FORD JR: I mean --

PERINO: This would be a very bipartisan way to -- this -- if you had a family that could not agree on a dessert --

FORD JR: This is it.

PERINO: And you just -- you need one thing, the piecaken in from the bake - - the Piecaken Bakeshop at Goldbelly. I'd buy that.

GUTFELD: I'm not going anywhere for Thanksgiving.

PERINO: You're not? You're getting -- what are you going to --

GUTFELD: I'll tell you what.

PIRRO: You didn't get invited.

GUTFELD: Since my experience at Delta --

PERINO: Oh yes --

GUTFELD: I have PTSD from flight attendants.

WATTERS: I thought they made up.

GUTFELD: No, no, no. I'm like, I don't want to be in another situation where somebody tests my -- test me about the -- about the masks and threatens me.

PERINO: I'm going to --

GUTFELD: I'm boycotting flying until there's -- until there's radical change in the airline industry.

PIRRO: I like Delta.

GUTFELD: Well, you know what?

PERINO: I like Delta.

GUTFELD: Delta doesn't like you.

PIRRO: They -- no, American doesn't like me.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?

PIRRO: Well, they don't like any of us.

GUTFELD: No, I don't know about that. I love American. I love United. I love --

PIRRO: You love United?

GUTFELD: I love United but I don't -- Delta's on my -- on my -- what do you call it, bad --


GUTFELD: Santa list. Yes. They're going --

WATTERS: Naughty list.

GUTFELD: They're going to my naughty list. They're getting coal. They're getting coal.

PIRRO: I love Delta.

PERINO: On the Santa list?

PIRRO: We said that. So, when do we buy these gifts?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

FORD JR: We should put it up.

PERINO: So, before Christmas.


PERINO: And we're going to have a show. And then we're going to reveal the gifts on the show. And it's very fun. It's an amazing thing. And you're going to love your gifts. It's going to be fantastic, America.

PIRRO: How do you know?

PERINO: Well, we do.

GUTFELD: You know what you got me last year? You got me something to exercise on. Do you remember that? It was like a -- it was like --

PERINO: It was a Peloton for your -- for the office.

GUTFELD: Yes. Like --

PIRRO: Oh, when you sit down.

PERINO: But you usually get people a framed picture of yourself so --

GUTFELD: Which is far more useful.


WATTERS: I got you a thigh master the first year.

GUTFELD: Yes, it almost took my eye out.

WATTERS: That was the plan.

GUTFELD: Inflicted in my face. That could have been a major lawsuit. I would own this network.

PIRRO: No you wouldn't.

GUTFELD: If I would be missing an eye.


GUTFELD: Which in trade-off, I think it's good.

FORD JR: This thing is good.

PIRRO: It is good. It is good.

GUTFELD: It's the best desert I've ever had.

PIRRO: I agree with you, Harold. It's delicious.

GUTFELD: It is the best dessert I've ever had. Do you want me to tease?





PERINO: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Just a quick Percy playtime update. I'm not going to do this every day. I swear. So, Greg, don't get mad.

FORD JR: Please do.

PIRRO: Please do.

PERINO: Percy now almost says -- he's going to be nine weeks old, right? So, he got to go to the beach for the first time. He's growing so quickly but he is super, super cute, super cute. This is --

PIRRO: He's gorgeous.

PERINO: This is a good little pumpkin right there.

PIRRO: I'm so happy you have him, you know that?

PERINO: Me too. Me too. It was a good thing.

PIRRO: I'm happy for you.

PERINO: Everyone should get their kids a puppy for Christmas. And you can say that I suggest it.



GUTFELD: All right, let's do this. Greg's this is disgusting news. You know, most people are aware that I am non-judgmental. I don't care what you do, who you do in the privacy of your own home. It's none of my business. But when you're out in public, I don't need to see it, especially two different species. I've always said it before. Stay in your lane, animals.

Here we got a meerkat, you know, trying to kind of put the moves on a regular old cat. He starts giving him the old paws and stuff like that. The cat doesn't seem kind of impressed by it. But oh, he's got a little scratch. That happens to me a lot.

PIRRO: What is he doing?

GUTFELD: I don't know what he's doing.

PERINO: He's trying to get the milk, right?

GUTFELD: I don't know exactly what he's doing. But my point is this. This is perverse because we have a society and when they're -- when you break the rules this flagrantly, then the society is going to collapse. So, your meerkat, leave the cat alone.

PERINO: Get a beer cat instead.


PERINO: All right.

PIRRO: I have no idea what you just did.

GUTFELD: Join the Club.

PIRRO: OK. Now, we all know how hot it gets in Florida, right? So, dogs get really hot too. So, here is a Cape Coral family that left the refrigerator open. And Sona, their Golden Retriever puppy, decided to climb in. That's funny. I thought it was.

GUTFELD: So, the door closes, Judge.


GUTFELD: You're disgusting.

PIRRO: No, they stopped the door open because they were taking the beer outside, OK. Now, while the refrigerator may get you away from the heat, we don't recommend your dogs try this.

PERINO: Yes. OK, just to be clear.

PIRRO: Show this to Percy tonight, Dana.

PERINO: Just to be clear, don't do this. All right, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right, so we've had a busy week here in this country, Rittenhouse, football, you name it. Let's check in with Russia, shall we? So, the Russians are just inventing flame-throwing vehicles. That's a Soviet-era sedan that shoots fire. And this is what they do over there, basically. You know, just invent things that shoot fire.

PIRRO: Well, we could do that when they're looting the stores.

WATTERS: Honestly, San Francisco needs a fleet of those things, Judge.

PERINO: It might not be a bad idea. Good export for Russia. Harold, we got plenty of time for you.

FORD JR: That was amazing.


FORD JR: That is fun.

WATTERS: Johnny.

PIRRO: Johnny found it?

GUTFELD: That's how I feel after I eat Taco Bell.

WATTERS: Actually, no, no, sorry. It was my best friend Scott Sanders found it.

GUTFELD: The new best friend.

WATTERS: That's what I forget.


FORD JR: Well, mine is one of the greatest athletes of all time. Tiger Woods posted a video on his Twitter account showing him -- fueling some speculation -- showing him swinging the golf club. You may recall, nine months ago, he was in a car crash that almost ended his life and had all of us -- all of us concerned. To see this is an amazing thing, a 15-time champ -- major champ. I hope it comes back. Best to you, brother.

WATTERS: Best to you, right, Greg?

GUTFELD: You know it. Huge Tiger Woods fan over here.


WATTERS: You were pulling for him, were you?

GUTFELD: I was pulling for him all the way, man. It was like -- it's -- it was a devastating day for everybody.

PERINO: What's up? Can you tell us what's happening on the "GUTFELD! SHOW" tonight?

GUTFELD: The "GUTFELD!" -- oh, it's going to be amazing. I got Tulsi Gabbard on. And I have --

PERINO: Duffy.

GUTFELD: Duffy, Sean Duffy. And I got Kat and I got Tyrus. We're going to talk about Rittenhouse. We're going to talk about the looting. We're going to talk about why Thanksgiving is like under attack.

PERINO: Will you have Secret Santas on the exclamation point?

GUTFELD: We might. I think we have Secret Kwanzaa.


WATTERS: Secret Kwanzaa?


PERINO: Oh, we --

PIRRO: Yes. After he interviews Rittenhouse, then he's going to come to me at the end.

PERINO: OK, that'd be -- are you doing anything --

WATTERS: And "WATTERS' WORLD" originals. We'll have our expose on Gutfeld. Six months behind the scene.

PERINO: Harold, are you doing any edition on TV tonight?

FORD JR: I'm signing a magazine cover.

PERINO: OK. Well, you get busy. You do that. That's it for us, everyone. "SPECIAL REPORT" is coming up next. Hi, Bret.

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