Suzanne Somers' Cancer Crusade

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," December 28, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, GUEST HOST: Despite incredible advances in medicine and technology, death rates from cancer have hardly changed in the past 50 years, so is there anything you can do to protect yourself from that disease? A brand- new book says yes. It passes on all the information you want to know. The book is called "Knockout: Interviews With Doctors Who are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place."

The author of that book, the one and the only Suzanne Somers, recently sat down with Sean to talk about her findings and a lot more. Take a look.


SEAN HANNITY, HOST: I just met your husband. You guys look phenomenal. I mean, it's — and I want to get into this in a minute. You have a horrible story you tell in this book.

SUZANNE SOMERS, AUTHOR, "KNOCKOUT": I — I was diagnosed with full-body cancer. I am the healthiest person you know. You know I do it all. I take vitamins. I grew my own food. I do everything. And it didn't fit, and it was so awful. And...

HANNITY: You wake up, you can't breathe.

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SOMERS: I can't breathe. I — actually, it started in a bar/restaurant the night before. At the end of a work day, I went into this bar/restaurant with my group. I had one glass of Merlot and a salad. I had my glass on the table behind me...

HANNITY: That's what did it. You should have had a steak.

SOMERS: That's right; that's right. I never have — believe me, I make everybody open bottles in front of me now. And I walked out of that restaurant, and I'm — the room is spinning. And I start breaking out in welts, and my hands swell up. And I'm so cold, and I can't breathe. And we fly home. I can't breathe.

And we go to the emergency room, and they save my life. I was really out of breath. And then they did a CAT scan, and after they did the CAT scan, the doctor came in and he said, "I have very bad news. You have a mass on your lungs. It looks like the cancers has metastasized into your liver. You have so many tumors in your chest we can't count them. They all have masses in them. And you have a blood clot and you have pneumonia. So we're going to check into the hospital, because the blood clot will kill you first."

HANNITY: You thought you were going to die?

SOMERS: I was told by six doctors over six days that they could start me on full-body chemotherapy. And I said, "If you know where I'm coming from, I'd rather die."

So during that time, I said to my husband, thinking I would die, I — I've been keeping a file on doctors who were curing cancer. If I get out of here, I want to go to Houston to Dr. Brzezinski (ph), in New York to Dr. Gonzales (ph) or to Nevada. And so I spent the better part of this year interviewing those doctors.

HANNITY: I don't want to stop this story here, because I think it was your sister-in-law said...

SOMERS: Daughter-in-law.

HANNITY: Sorry, daughter-in-law, who said, you know, "Wait a minute. You had all the symptoms of something else. So six doctors told you you had cancer, basically ravaging your body everywhere, around your heart, your lungs, everywhere.

SOMERS: Right.

HANNITY: So they all come in and tell you this, with not the best bedside manner, you point out.

SOMERS: Right. Right.

HANNITY: So — then she looks up this other disease, which is?

SOMERS: It's called coccidioimycosis, which is — the friendly name is Valley Fever. And it says there it looks like cancer on a CAT scan. Everything: pneumonia, blood clots, everything that is — that I was experiencing, and I kept saying in the hospital, "Don't you think this could be a severe allergic attack or a poisoning or something?"

"No, no, no. This doesn't — this doesn't look like it was on a CAT scan.

HANNITY: So you were on a mission. So it turns out you didn't have cancer. They were all dead wrong.

SOMERS: They took a piece of my neck, took a piece of my lung, and found — wow.

HANNITY: And you had cancer once before, though.

SOMERS: I did, nine years ago.

HANNITY: And you did not use chemotherapy.

SOMERS: Yes, and how did you — how did you stop it? I — nutrition and bioidentical hormones. And I did have radiation the first time. Something I might reconsider this time, having written this.

HANNITY: What cancer did you have then?

SOMERS: Breast cancer.

HANNITY: You had breast cancer, OK. See, my mother had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation. And it was awful. It's hell.

SOMERS: It's awful. There are three types of chemotherapy that work for cancer. Testicular, like Lance Armstrong. Childhood leukemia, they're doing great things. And lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's.

After that, with all the tumors, the cancer rate has only dropped by 5 percent in the last 55 years. So you know, one doctor attacked me and said, "I'm afraid that people are going to read your book and not take chemotherapy."

I said, I have a section there, "What you can do to make chemotherapy more effective." I have integrated doctors in there.

HANNITY: But it's all in the book, and people can look at it.

But first of all, you look like you're in your 40s. You're not. Your husband looks like he's — you know, you look like he's younger than you. You've got this like, cougar marriage.


You know, I'm just messing with you. Alright. So you guys have been married 40-some-odd years.

SOMERS: Forty-two.

HANNITY: You both look great. You both take human growth hormone.


HANNITY: And testosterone.

SOMERS: Yes, because we have deficiencies. At our age, we're not making anything. I take it all: estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone.

HANNITY: Well, doesn't that...

SOMERS: I don't make it any more. One day, you won't make it any more, too. So — no, no, but look at me. I put it back, just at optimal levels. If a woman takes — you don't take too much. And a woman takes too much estrogen, you get headaches. You get bloated. You get fat, and it is all about finding the sweet spot, and I have them be sweet spot. And I've found the sweet spot and I'm so healthy and that is why none of this makes sense.

HANNITY: People attack you though for saying all this.

SOMERS: I know.

HANNITY: Why? Oprah attacked you, didn't she?

SOMERS: No, there was a doctor in the office —

HANNITY: Doctor, that's right.

SOMERS: Actually, Newsweek attacked Oprah and I saying, "Oprah Winfrey and Suzanne Somers are the two scariest women in America" because of our take. Now, I looked at that Newsweek magazine. I counted how many pharmaceutical ads are in that magazine. Fifteen full pages.

So I'm just saying, with cancer, next year it will be the biggest killer in the world. It's going to be somebody you know. I hope it's not.

HANNITY: I've really lost people in life.

SOMERS: And I've had it. People in my family.

HANNITY: You were friends with Farrah Fawcett.

SOMERS: I was friends with Farrah Fawcett.

HANNITY: You recommend that she go to Germany?

SOMERS: No, I didn't — she called me, and she asked me...

HANNITY: What you thought.

SOMERS: What I thought about German medicine? I said, yes, there's a clinic over there. She said, "I had grueling runs of chemo. Three grueling runs of radiation. My cancer's back."

She went over to Germany. They gave her a chemo sensitivity test and found that the chemo she had was ineffective.

My question is my — and I interviewed a science writer Ralph Moss. Why aren't we getting chemo sensitivity tests in this country? If we — if we're going to have chemo, I don't we find out what are the right fits?

HANNITY: I was reading your book. I was asking myself the question, "What would I do?"

SOMERS: Right. What would you do?

HANNITY: I would probably be more conventional than you. But, I would read your book in great specificity and detail, because it's fascinating that there are alternatives. And I like the fact that you're thinking out of the box. I like the fact that there are doctors thinking out of the box.

And I...

SOMERS: And having success.

HANNITY: And having success. And I do not care, and you don't care what people are saying about you, which I like a lot, because that's bold. I like that. And you look great, so I need human growth hormone and testosterone? Is that what you're telling me?

SOMERS: I don't know if you need testosterone. It doesn't seem that you need testosterone to me.


HANNITY: Your husband that said — he just explained to me that he takes all that stuff.

SOMERS: Well, he's 73. We just pump him up.


HANNITY: Well, I'm 38 — Oh, jeez.

SOMERS: I don't mean that. I didn't mean that.

HANNITY: You did so mean that. You absolutely did.

SOMERS: ... his energy, his vitality.

HANNITY: He's saying yes you did.

SOMERS: No, I didn't. I didn't.

Let me say one more thing about "Knockout."

HANNITY: Yes. Last thing.

SOMERS: If you have cancer, it's not any of my business what anybody chooses. If you choose conventional chemotherapy, there is a whole section in there of what you can do, what you can take...

HANNITY: To enhance it.

SOMERS: ... so it won't be so harsh, so it won't degrade your body, make the chemo more effective. If you have cancer, and so many people are going to be diagnosed this year, don't you want to know there are other ways? If you read "Knockout," you will find the other ways, because when I had cancer, I wish this book had existed.


— Watch "Hannity" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!

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