
This is a rush transcript from "Sunday Morning Futures," January 2, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Good Sunday morning, everybody. And happy new year. I'm Jason Chaffetz, in for Maria Bartiromo.

Straight ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures": President Biden is facing multiple challenges in the new year, mainly due to his own decision-making. Inflation is running rampant, at nearly a 40-year high. The humanitarian crisis continues at the Southern border, with no end in sight. COVID cases are sharply rising, with tests in short supply.

And murder rates are up in a number of major cities across the country, after progressives pushed to defund police departments.

Coming up, Senator from Kansas Roger Marshall on the president's first year in the White House and what Republicans need to do to retake control of Congress in this year's midterms.

Then: China and Russia are testing the Biden administration's commitment to protecting freedom around the globe, as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo explained last month with Maria.


MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: What is the reason that Russia is building up these troops now? What is the reason that China is flying these jets into Taiwan now and the reason that Iran is making the United States beg for a nuclear deal?

They have all decided to get aggressive now.

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Every action the Biden administration has taken, all the evidence that any world leader can see, any dictator can see shows that America is -- has no resolve, no credibility, no capacity to actually protect the things that matter to the United States and to our friends in Asia or our friends in Europe.


CHAFFETZ: The new ranking member on the House Intel Committee, Ohio Congressman Mike Turner, is here on China's global ambitions.

Plus: As the Omicron and Delta variants cause COVID cases to spike, President Biden says a one-size-fits-all approach to handling the pandemic may not be the best solution, this despite his campaign promise to shut down the virus.

New York Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis is here on that and the impact bail reform has had on the crime spike across America.

Then: The liquor industry is facing a scarcity of beer, wine and spirits due to continuing problems with the global supply chain. Jon Taffer from "Bar Rescue" is here on how bars across the country are coping with the supply and labor shortages.

All that and more, as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."

President Biden's first year in office is just about in the books, and it was highlighted by a series of crises, mostly caused by the administration's own policies, from inflation eating away at whatever wage increases Americans have received, to millions of migrants crossing the wide-open Southern border illegally.

Voters are giving a thumbs-down to the president's job performance. In a recent FOX Business poll, a majority of voters disapprove of President Biden's handling of the pandemic, the economy, taxes, crime, government spending, and immigration. Other than that, it's just going great.

Joining me now to take a closer look at the president's first year in the White House is Republican Senator Roger Marshall.

Senator, thank you so much for joining us.

The president has been in office just shy of one year. But the poll numbers and the people you talk to on the street, I don't -- I can't point to a single thing that people are excited about Joe Biden and what he's doing.


Good morning, Jason, and happy new year to you and your family.

But you're right. These numbers show that America is living a nightmare, a nightmare created by the policies from this White House. I just remind people not too long ago it was President Obama said never underestimate Joe's ability to mess something up.

So, you just take a scan around the country, around the world at the crises created by this White House, a crisis at the border, a culture of lawlessness across the country, inflation, the price of gasoline, the inability to deal with COVID, national security issues.

All these policies are coming to roost right now. And we're all living that nightmare.

CHAFFETZ: Well, let's look further into this poll.

As you look at these numbers, as we pull up this graphic here, Senator, I got to tell you, most Americans are showing that they're very, very concerned about so many issues that are facing the country.

And I -- the president campaigned on the idea that he had a plan, but I think most Americans, they don't see what this plan supposedly is.

MARSHALL: Yes, Jason.

So, when you're a socialist, you see every problem as a nail. And the only solution you have is a big sledgehammer. And when -- again, when you're a socialist, when you're a big government socialist government, you see every problem, you try to hit that with a sledgehammer.

Then there's collateral damage, creating four more problems. And then you try to take care of those four problems, and you create 16 more problems. So we see a compounding of errors now. And when you look at these issues, you can't look at them in little silos. There's always overlap.

So, whether it's COVID and how their mandate is impacting the military, how it's impacting your health care workers, how it's impacting national security, so we're seeing a compounding of errors right now by this administration.

CHAFFETZ: Right at the top of that list, Senator, is inflation.

What should the Senate be doing to tackle inflation? What is the president supposedly going to do to fight inflation? And what are the people in your good state of Kansas telling you about the reality of inflation in your state?

MARSHALL: Yes, well, it is.

Actually, the biggest issues in Kansas right now are inflation and the mandate. That's the biggest impact, right? And, again, those challenges overlap with each other. So, number one, we need to get people back to work.

We have created artificial supply chain disruption by telling people we're going to pay you more to stay at home than to go to back to work. At one point in time, the federal government was paying a family of four $108,000 a year to not work. Can you imagine? So we need to get people back to work.

And then we need to go back to President Trump's energy policies. The price of gasoline, the cost of your utilities are up significantly over the past year. And all those are results of this -- of this president's policies.

So those would be two simple solutions. Let's get back to energy independence. Let's turn American innovation loose again.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, things were actually going well. The border was locked down. The economy was zooming. And we didn't have these inflationary numbers coming at us.

But I want to segue here and talk a little bit about the mandates that you mentioned, because you have authored a bill to try to get rid of the mandates that are being imposed on our military. Tell us about that.

But I got to tell you, as I go and talk to people across America, some vaccinated, some not, I think they're fed up with these mandates. They just don't think that the federal government should be telling them to get an injection. And, if they do or they don't, and they can or cannot go into a restaurant, they think that's a bridge too far.

MARSHALL: Yes, well, certainly, we know that mandates have not worked.

And just look at the past several weeks. We had over 500,000 people with positive test two days ago. And then, just yesterday, I think we were up to almost 500,000 as well. So, the mandates don't work.

What we did in the NDAA, the National Defense Authorization Act, bipartisan legislation, is, we know that the White House wants to give our military personnel a dishonorable discharge if they're separated because of their refusal to take the vaccine.

I think, as an Army doctor myself, former Army doctor myself, I respect religious freedoms. I think that this should be a decision between the Army doctor, the military doctor, their chaplain, and the soldiers as well.

So what we did is, we are able to slip in some legislation that was approved that would prevent that soldier being separated from getting a dishonorable discharge.

Again, I support the vaccine, but I think it should be a personal choice.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, the idea of self-determination, I think, is about as American as it gets.

And, look, I'm pro-vaccine. I have got the vaccine. I have gotten the booster. So has my wife. But people get to make these types of decisions for themselves, not the government. It's amazing to me that so-called liberals are so adamant that they have to do this, that the government is going to take control their bodies.

All right, let me -- let me go ahead and segue into something else. The reason the Democrats can run the table on many of these things is because they control the House, the Senate and the presidency. But there are a number of retiring senators out there, most of which are Republicans.

If we pull up the graphic here, we have got a number of people that are retiring, only Senator Leahy on the Democratic side of the aisle.

What's the strategy for -- in the Senate to actually wrangle back control and give that gavel back to Mitch McConnell?

MARSHALL: Yes, Jason, well, I'm very bullish that will get the majority back in the Senate.

And I think we start by just giving the Democrats more rope, right? Just America is looking at their policies. So I'm very, very optimistic. And I'm optimistic at the polls I'm seeing. You look at generic ballots right now, and what we're seeing is -- in purple states is people are shifting over in these generic ballots to supporting Republicans for the first time in my career.

We have never been and above a minus-six since I have been on Capitol Hill for five years right now, so to be shifting to the positive realm in personal -- in purple states and with educated women, with independents. So those are all huge, huge victories for us.

And those retirement seats you have got up there, I think that we can we can jot down Missouri as a victory, Alabama as a victory. I think we're going to be OK in North Carolina. I think we're really solid in Ohio. We have got some work to do in Pennsylvania.

But we're going to go on the offense. Rick Scott is doing a heck of a job running the NRSC, the National Republican Senate Committee. He has a strategy, reaching out to those independent voters, to Hispanic voters, reaching out and growing the party. The Democrat Party has left traditional Republicans, and as well as the Democrats.

So I think that we have a great opportunity here to pick up seats in Arizona, as well as Georgia. And there will be a couple of jokers that we will pull out the hat -- out of the hand as well.

CHAFFETZ: Oh, I can name some jokers on the list that should be defeated. That's for sure, Senator.


CHAFFETZ: All right, real quickly, I have only got about 30 seconds left.

What do you see are the top-tier issues going into the election, the major drivers by the time we get to the end of 2022?

MARSHALL: Yes, well, I think it remains COVID and the economy, right?

If we get the economy right, everything else falls into place, that as opposed to a one-size-fits-all sledgehammer approach by the federal government, I think that Americans are going to see that that approach doesn't work.

Let's turn it back to the states, to local communities to solve their own problems, and get the economy going again.

CHAFFETZ: Amen to that.

Senator Roger Marshall, thank you so much.

Happy new year, and thank you for joining us on "Sunday Morning Futures."

MARSHALL: Thanks, Jason.

CHAFFETZ: All right, ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures": the dangers surrounding China's global ambitions, as they relate to Taiwan and Russia. What the Biden administration should be doing now.

Congressman Mike Turner, just named the new ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, joins me next.



BARTIROMO: What is behind this incompetence around the CCP, who has been very clear that they want to overtake the United States as the number one superpower?

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): Well, you're right about that.

And anybody who follows what the communist Chinese are doing, they are intent on global domination by the time we get to the midpoint of the century. This is their goal. And if the U.S. is not going to stand up to the communist Chinese, nobody else is going to stand up to them. People are depending on the United States to lead this way.


CHAFFETZ: That's Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn sounding the alarm over China's global ambitions.

Next month will mark 50 years since President Nixon traveled to China to meet with Chairman Mao, which was a dramatic first step towards normalizing U.S. relations with the communist country.

Today, Chinese President Xi Jinping oversees the world's second largest economy, with its military boasting nearly one million active-duty troops. China has vowed reunification with Taiwan, while strengthening its military and diplomatic ties with Russia, leaving President Biden to deal with a major dual threat.

Joining us now for his first interview since being named the new ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio Congressman Mike Turner.

Congressman, thanks so much for joining us on "Sunday Morning Futures." And congratulations for your appointment there as the new ranking member.

REP. MICHAEL TURNER (R-OH): Well, thank you, Jason. I greatly appreciate it.

As you know, Devin Nunes was a man for history in really unwinding the Russia hoax. And, certainly, Kevin McCarthy, hopefully our next speaker, has a strong commitment to national security. So it's going to be a very important time, as we focus on what the intelligence community can do to give information about our adversaries to policy-makers.

And I look forward to serving in the position.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, it is a sole appointment by Kevin McCarthy. He appointed you in this role. You're the ranking member, which puts you in the Gang of Eight, a huge, huge responsibility.

And understand there are some things that we do in Congress, and there are other things that are really important in Congress. And you have one of those important roles.

Let's talk for a moment about China, because China has been on the march. It seems to have a strategy and a plan and momentum. What should Americans really know from behind the scenes about China, its ambitions and its goals?

TURNER: Well, Jason, you have been a strong advocate for rising to the threat of China.

And, certainly, that is what we need to do. This administration, as Marsha Blackburn was just saying, has a decision to make as to how we invest in our military capabilities, in our technology capabilities to counter what China is doing.

China's investing in its military, trying to exceed the United States in our military capabilities, so that they can hold us at bay. In technology, they're investing in technology, in part to advance their surveillance society, by which they use their authoritarian powers to repress their people, but also to reach outside of China and to affect those who -- like democracies like ourselves that they see as a threat.

This president has an opportunity to both hold them at bay and make America strong, and he needs to commit himself to that now.

CHAFFETZ: President Biden hasn't been able to protect our own borders. We have got people streaming across by the hundreds of thousands.

What makes the world think that President Biden is tough enough to actually help protect Taiwan if China moves after the Olympics to some sort of plan for reunification with Taiwan?

TURNER: Right.

Well, that is the major threat that we see. Certainly, authoritarian regimes hate democracies. They hate it when people are seeking self- determination. That's certainly what we have in Taiwan. This president has shown his weakness, both in Afghanistan in responding to Russia in response to their threats to Ukraine.

So, certainly, China sees this as an opportunity. This administration needs to turn to our allies and bolster the world democracies to oppose Chinese efforts to invade Taiwan and to -- as you said, reunification, but also just impose their authoritarian will on Taiwan.

But I think this is a great opportunity and role for Congress and I think why these elections next year are going to be so important. Taking that gavel from Nancy Pelosi, I think, will make a huge difference in the House in being able to reinvest in our military, make America strong again, impose on this administration controls on our border, and set us back on the path to a strong America.

CHAFFETZ: Well, stay with us. We got to go to a commercial break.

But, Congressman, I want to talk to you about Adam Schiff, and I want to talk about Russia and what it's doing in its move forward in what's going on with Ukraine.

Again, congratulations on the new appointment.

TURNER: Thank you.

CHAFFETZ: Stay with us, because we have more with Congressman Mike Turner coming up on "Sunday Morning Futures."



DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think the origins are so obvious. They came out of the Wuhan lab. And I think if anybody thinks anything differently, they're just kidding themselves.

So, you can ask. China has to pay. They have to do something. They have to pay reparations. And China doesn't have the money to pay those reparations. I believe that, worldwide -- I'm not just talking United States -- worldwide, $60 trillion of damage, $60 trillion. China doesn't have $60 trillion.

But they have to do something to make up what -- for what they have done. What they have done to the world is so horrible. It's been horrible all over the world. And it doesn't stop.


CHAFFETZ: That's former President Trump suggesting that China should pay for reparations for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now two years after COVID-19 was first detected in Wuhan, scientists are still split on its origins. While some believe it emerged in the wild, others theorize it escaped from a lab in Wuhan. China has blocked any attempt for a full investigation inside its border, while no evidence has emerged that the virus was of natural origin.

House Intel Committee ranking member Mike Turner is back with us.

Congressman, it's pretty shocking to me, with all the deaths of COVID and how it's impacted the world, that the United States Congress -- Democrats are in charge of both the House and the Senate -- there is no investigation into the origins of COVID-19. I can't believe it.

TURNER: Right.

Well, if you go to the House Intelligence Committee Republican Web site, we have put up on that Web site what are -- some of the things that are known publicly and are a series of questions that need to be answered and need to be getting to the bottom of.

So, one thing we know, that this virus came from China. And we also know that, as you indicated, there's been no nexus or proven source for the virus naturally. And one thing that I think needs to happen, as you read all the articles of the scientists that are debating it, is, the United States needs to declassify all the information that it has that the intelligence community has gathered, because this needs to be part of our public debate to hold China accountable.

We need to look at what we do know and enter that into the public debate, so people can understand that this is not just conjecture as to the origins. There are things that are known. And they're very troubling, and they certainly go to the root of why we need to hold China accountable.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, that would be an interesting question, if Joe Biden ever took a question, as to why he wouldn't declassify that, so the world can have a better understanding.

Congressman, we got to keep moving around the world, because intel is far and wide, in the few minutes we have together.

I want to talk about Russia and Ukraine. What do you see happening there? What is the threat? Is Russia really pulling back? Or are they on the verge of making a move and taking over more of the -- of Ukraine?

TURNER: Well, it's hard to predict what they will do.

But what they are doing, we know, is threatening Ukraine as a valid elected democracy, both having invaded it prior and annexing portions of the country in Crimea and in the Donbass region, destabilizing the country, and seeking to have a portion of the country align itself with Russia, and then threatening the remainder of the country.

This is a real threat to NATO and the United States and certainly democracies. And the fact that Russia could be using tanks to change the map of the world against a democracy, I think, should be troubling to all of our allies.

CHAFFETZ: No, it absolutely should.

And, listen, I also need to ask you about your new role here as the ranking member. I think there's a lot of people that are anticipating that the House will take over control by Republicans in 2022. And you would be the chairman of this important committee.

But how in the world are you going to deal with Adam Schiff? I mean, my own personal belief, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, I don't even know how they have security clearances.

So, what's the strategy of dealing with these people and their approach, because, right now, Adam Schiff still has that gavel?

TURNER: Right.

Well, Adam Schiff has largely been discredited. I mean, even across all media outlets, people understand that the information that he was leaking and even the public statements he was making did not comport to what we knew about the Russia hoax and what was happening in the Intelligence Committee.

But I think what's really important here is that Adam Schiff's use of both the Intelligence Committee and the intelligence community for political purposes and political gain really shows the whole risk of why we need to hold the intelligence community accountable.

We give them powerful tools, both in technology and an ability to gather information about individuals. We need to make certain that there is a high level of accountability and oversight in the use of those tools, because, in the wrong hands, it can be very detrimental to our society.

CHAFFETZ: Real quickly. I have only got about 20, 30 seconds left.

What are the things that you believe the Intelligence Committee should be diving into this year?

TURNER: Our focus should be on what our adversaries are doing and making certain that the intelligence that we have about those adversaries gets in the hands of policy-makers, so America can rise to the occasion.

CHAFFETZ: No, it's -- Congressman, it is a massive role to take on for a retiring Devin Nunes. You have been selected by Kevin McCarthy.

I think you're going to be a great spokesperson for the committee. And your ability to articulate a very complex issue like Russia and China and Taiwan to the American people is going to be a very important one.

It was an honor and a privilege to serve with you. And congratulations on this new role.

TURNER: Thank you, Jason.

Appreciate your efforts to make certain that people understand what's going on in the world and how it affects their lives.

CHAFFETZ: Thank you.

Happy new year.

TURNER: You too.

CHAFFETZ: All right, President Biden acknowledges there's no one-size- fits-all when it comes to fighting the COVID pandemic.

Biden said last week that the solution has to be tailored state by state. So, why all the federal mandates?

New York Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis up next with that.



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.

I'm looking at Governor Sununu on the board here. He talks about that a lot.

And then it ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and that's where the patient is in need of help or preventing the need for help.


CHAFFETZ: That's President Biden last week saying the solution to fighting COVID-19 resides at the state level, despite his promise to -- quote -- "shut down the virus" during the 2020 presidential campaign.

This comes as new cases are rapidly surging across the country due to the Omicron variant. New York set a record yesterday for its highest ever single-day total of new cases, with over 85,000. Florida is also seeing record high cases.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has promised to deliver 500 million at- home tests soon, despite the administration reportedly rejecting a proposal from testing experts in October to ramp up production before the holidays. The president has denied that report.

For more on this, let's bring in New York Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis. She's a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us on "Sunday Morning Futures."

Look, the president has been all over the map. He promised to shut it down. In July, he said essentially it was shut down. Now he's saying it's really up to the states. He said he had a plan, but I can't tell if the guy has a plan, because, if it is, he's holding it really good secret there.

REP. NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS (R-NY): Well, happy new year, Jason. And thank you for having me.

The reality is that the president made a lot of promises during the campaign trail. We're not seeing it come to fruition now. In fact, he was so critical of President Trump, yet we have had more deaths in 2021 under President Biden. And he had the benefit of the vaccination, which we know reduces the symptoms that somebody experiences if they test positive.

And I can tell you, from a state like New York, where we have one-party rule and we see restrictions and mandates and people being fired, losing their livelihood if they choose not to vaccinate, these restrictions have done nothing to really reduce the level of these positive cases.

As you said earlier, we're seeing record positive cases once again. And I believe it's time that this administration focus on therapeutics, focus on treatments. And I have been pushing for that, because the reality is, is that this virus is here to stay. It's various variants, various forms.

But we need to learn to live with it. And the best we're going to do, by both vaccinating people who want to be vaccinated and making sure they have access to it, but also ensuring that we have the therapeutics and the treatment to treat people, including those positive patients that do end up getting sick, even despite having the vaccination.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, I kind of like what Congressman Jim Jordan said. He said, if President Biden's plan is working, how come it's not working?

It just begs the question. You have people now that are saying the wrong way to track this is by the number of new cases. How convenient for the new president to be able to take on this role.

But it also strikes me, Congresswoman, that it is not a very targeted approach. To just blanketly send out 500 million tests, why not target those that are the most vulnerable? Why not target the people that actually are showing symptoms?

I just don't understand why that isn't the prevailing thought there in Washington, D.C.

MALLIOTAKIS: I agree with you.

And this administration, sadly, has been just very reactive. So, instead of focusing on the treatments and therapeutics, they want to focus on more mandates. And you're right. If he believes now this should be the responsibility of the states, why is he continuing to try to enforce this mandate on every business across America?

Eighty-two million Americans would be affected by it, and many will lose their livelihoods as a result. That is why I and 180 other colleagues of mine in Congress have filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, which will be hearing that case, or at least for the stay, on January 7.

CHAFFETZ: Well, good luck with that.

I want to talk about crime, because there is an intersection here. And I know you're keen on crime and being able to fight crime. First of all, we have an open border. It's as porous as it can be. It just flows, people coming across with who knows what, whether it's Omicron or the virus or drugs or whatnot.

But then you also have this crime surge that's happening in these Democratic cities, including New York City, which is close to you.


One of the first things I did as a member of Congress was visit the Southern border to expose what was going on there. And, basically, President Biden has allowed the drug cartels to run our Southern border. We are seeing record individuals being smuggled over the border, but also we're seeing drugs.

Fentanyl, as you know, is now the leading cause of deaths in a new report among 18-to-45-year-olds. So, we can talk about COVID, but among that age group, it is fentanyl. And that stuff is pouring over our border. The drug cartels are making billions and billions of dollars a month just doing that.

And so we need to secure our border. It is shocking to me that President Biden continues to push the Supreme Court to allow him to repeal once again the remain in -- order. He doesn't want to comply with it, despite the fact that it was effective in keeping people in Mexico until their asylum cases can be heard and it's -- they're properly vetted.

Now, locally, we have -- New York City, of course, is, sadly, a sanctuary city. We continue to protect those who are here illegally committing crimes. In fact, someone who was arrested, a Mexican national who was committing drug trafficking, allegedly, fentanyl, here in New York City, was released by a judge back onto the streets.

So we need our mayor to appoint good judges to the bench, number one. But we also need to ensure that he fights for changes to the disastrous bail reform in Albany that has led to individuals constantly being put on -- back on the streets despite having dozen, two dozen, three dozen prior arrests and convictions.

Unfortunately, in New York City, in 2021, we saw five -- nearly 500 murders, which is the most we have seen in a decade here in New York City. And categories of crime, everything from shootings, to rape, to robbery, to car thefts, have all skyrocketed.

In fact, it will be interesting to know that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's home borough of the Bronx is where a third of the shootings took place in New York City, and she is one of the leading advocates of the defund the police movement.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, this idea of the bail reform, getting these people back out on the street as quickly as possible, I think, is not the right way to solve this.

And you have to have prosecutors that are actually going to prosecute these crimes. In Los Angeles, with the district attorney, Gascon, you have seen it as rampant as can possibly be. And the solution ends up just being just absolutely horrendous in terms of its consequences.

I want to turn now. Let's listen to Governor Abbott. He was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo. And I want you to listen to this and give me your reaction to it.


GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): The cartels are advertising on TikTok to get drivers to assist, and then moving illegal immigrants around the state of Texas.

It is an issue that the Texas Department of Public Safety is working to crack down upon. But it shows the extent to which Texas law enforcement officers have to step up and deal with the challenges that are created by the Biden administration importing illegal activity into our country and into our state.



CHAFFETZ: Now, we only have a short amount of time here.

But I think we have been -- you have been talking about this. The crime, COVID, fentanyl, open borders, they all kind of mesh together. But you're left with states like Texas, where Governor Abbott has got his hands full. And the administration is not doing its job.

What can you do in Congress to get the administration to actually enforce the laws that are currently on the books?

MALLIOTAKIS: Well, as you know, those states have taken their fight to court, which is the right thing to do.

And that is why the Biden administration has been forced to reinstate the remain-in-Mexico. The sad thing is, is that now they're even fighting to try to get the Supreme Court to revisit it again, so they can no longer enforce the remain-in-Mexico policy that was clear and was working.

The reality is -- and this is what I asked on the floor to my colleagues and the president of the United States, whose side are you on? Are you on the side of the drug cartels, or are you on the side of the American people?

When you see those numbers, out of 18-to-45-year-olds, the leading cause of death is fentanyl, you know it's streaming over our border. You have a responsibility to do something.


MALLIOTAKIS: And the fact that they go out of their way to continue to allow this illegal migration -- which, by the way, this year will total more than the population of the president's home state of Delaware and the vice president's home city of San Francisco combined.

So we have legislation that would permanently put remain-in-Mexico into law. But we need to take back the House in order to do it, because Nancy Pelosi would never allow it to the floor under this Congress.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, there are 23 retiring Democrats on slate here.

And Republicans better come up with a way to not just be the party of no, but just -- and say, hey, this is our agenda. This is what we would do. This, if you put us in charge, is what we will actually do, because all of these retirements, these wave of retirements creates a great opportunity.

And Republicans, we're going to have to have you back on and talk more about their agenda, what they can do.

But, for now, let's just say happy new year, and thank you.

Congresswoman Malliotakis, thank you for joining us here on "Sunday Morning Futures."

MALLIOTAKIS: Happy new year. Thank you.

CHAFFETZ: All right, COVID-19 has thrown the labor market into chaos.

Businesses coast to coast are having a hard time finding employees. Service industries like restaurants and bars have been particularly hard-hit by the shortage of workers.

Jon Taffer of "Bar Rescue" knows a thing or two about running a business. He's coming up next.

Stay with us.


CHAFFETZ: President Biden unveiled a plan to tackle the global supply chain crisis back in October.

But issues continue to plague most industries across the United States this new year. The alcohol industry is no exception, with one data and market analysis firm showing liquor shortages at about 11 percent. And, in November, consumers paid nearly 1 percent more for drinks than a year earlier, according to the Labor Department.

So, when will things improve? And what do bar owners do in the meantime?

Joining us now is Jon Taffer, host of "Bar Rescue." And if you haven't seen this on the Paramount network, I got to tell you, it's a lot of fun.

Because you put some energy into this. And you know how to run a business, run a bar, run a restaurant.

So, thanks for joining us on "Sunday Morning Futures," and happy new year.

JON TAFFER, HOST, "BAR RESCUE": Happy new year, Jason. Good to be with you.

CHAFFETZ: All right, you're talking to people that are actually out there doing it. They're on the streets. They have got their restaurants. They have got their livelihood on the line.

Tell us the reality of the supply chain. What does it look like across America? And how real is it in this industry?

TAFFER: Well, it's compounded by itself.

Let me explain what I mean. For example, you can't get ketchup packets right now. There's a real crisis. And if you can get them, you're paying 40 cents each for them. So, now you have to buy bulk ketchup. Seems simple. What do you put the bulk ketchup in?

Now you have to buy ramekins to put the ketchup in, but you can't get the ramekins. So, now you have this compounded issue, because of one little shift in a condiment within a restaurant.

Then you look at chicken, for example, Jason. A chicken breast is typically unavailable to many restaurants today. Either it's thinner, it's thicker, it's bigger, or you can't get it at all. So they're changing to chicken thighs, and they're trying to modify recipes.

But if you don't know what you're not going to get until you don't get it, you don't have the opportunity to change and modify your operations, your recipes, your processes, your plates. It's a nightmare.

And then, in a liquor business, Jason, it's equally as bad and no better for business. And here's the big problem. To produce, let's say, a whiskey, well, you need the grain. There's an issue getting certain grains now. Then you have to distill the product. Then you have to have a label.

The label has to be approved by the federal government. That's taking longer than ever before. Then you got to find somebody to produce the label. And if you get that done, good luck getting glass. Most bottles come from China.

There is now factories being built and starting to produce in Mexico. But, Jason, you will wait a year for glass. Now that you got the label, you got the glass, now you got whiskey. Whiskey has to age typically for five years or longer.

So, this reduction in our supply of many of these spirits is not short- term. It's longer-term. But think of that restauranteur who comes in on a Monday morning: I can't get this. I got to get that. I can't get that. This won't fit on my plate. This won't fit in my bun. This doesn't fit in my glass.

It's compounded every day. Then top of it with not as many employees as we'd like to have, and it's a nightmare.

CHAFFETZ: Well, I want to get into that. I want to get into the labor shortages that you're facing and that you're seeing within the industry.

But stay with us, because we're going to have more with Jon Taffer in just a moment, as we look ahead on "Sunday Morning Futures."


CHAFFETZ: We are back with Jon Taffer, host of "Bar Rescue."

Jon, that is the best explanation I have heard about the supply chain, bar none. That was great.

Talk to us now. Give us that same type of analysis on the labor shortages. What are minimum wages doing to the reality? What are tips like for people? Because I have heard that, hey, as minimum wage goes up, people say, ah, you're earning more, you don't need a tip.

What's the reality of what's going on in the street?

TAFFER: Well, first of all, let me explain what income is in a restaurant.

If you work in a casual restaurant, a year or so ago, Jason I wanted to promote a waiter to a host. And I had to duplicate his income to do so. So, we sat down together, we added up his tips. He did about 20 tables a shift. Every table tipped him about $20.

We put it all together, he was making $40 an hour as a waiter. I can't pay that to a host. So, I abandoned that concept.

The restaurant industry provides cash every day. If you just do the math as a consumer and say, this guy has four to five people in his -- tables in his station, he's going to serve X-amount of hundreds of guests during a period. Do the math. It's pretty darn good income in full-service restaurants.

Hours are flexible. So, believe it or not, I'm a believer in higher wages, but I don't believe they should be federally determined. Every state, every region needs to know determine the payroll levels that works for it.

As you know, in Tennessee mountains, I would pay somebody less than I would in downtown Manhattan. And I should because the prices are different in those two markets.

So I might be the first one to say this, but I think the labor model needs to follow the pricing model on a regional or state basis. That makes sense. That protects the worker, because they're being paid at a rate that bounces to the income levels and purchasing of their community, and the business is protected. So there's a logical way to go about this.

But the job market has been disheveled. And, Jason, if you were looking to buy a widget, and the widget market had been disheveled, you would have an open mind to new widgets. So, people are looking for more money. They're looking for more flexibility. They're looking for jobs that they like. They're dealing with child care. They're dealing with health issues.

They have a lot of expectations as to what they want their future to be. And when the market is so disrupted, people think about change. They think about what they can do to make it better.

I suggest they reevaluate the restaurant business. If you're a single mom, the flexible hours, the income per hour, the work environments are all pretty terrific.


Well, look, it is a tough business. And I know, sometimes, you got to go in there and you just tell them, hey, you got to shut it down.

But, Jon Taffer from "Bar Rescue," if you want to learn how business works, how -- the reality of what's going on in a restaurant, I highly recommend this.

You do a great job. I think you have some of the best analysis out there.

Happy new year, and thanks for sharing your insight on how it actually does work.

TAFFER: My pleasure, Jason. Good to see you, and happy new year.

CHAFFETZ: Happy new year.

All right, that does it for "Sunday Morning Futures." I'm Jason Chaffetz, in for Maria Bartiromo. Can't thank her enough for allowing me to sit in this seat.

For more, you can watch us again today at 3:00 p.m. Eastern right here on FOX News.

And be sure to check out my podcast, "Jason in the House." Just type in "Jason in the House," and you can find this wherever you listen to podcasts.

Have a happy and healthy new year. Thanks again for watching us here at "Sunday Morning Futures."

Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful new year, a great day.

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