
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 27, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, and she hot-tubs in a thimble, it's Dana Perino.

This is "The Five."



GUTFELD: Our sorry State of the Union calls for a state of inebriation. So, here's a drinking game for the president's address tomorrow.

Every time he says "folks", drink.

Every time he says "fair share", drink.

Every time he says "extraordinary", drink.

Every time he brags about working tirelessly, drink.

When he frets about lack of compromise, drink.

If he says, "Bring me a bill and I'll sign it", drink.

When he brings up the middle class -- the people he's ruining -- drink.

Every time he says it's the right thing to do, drink.

Every time he cites someone that his policies have helped, drink. If she's in the audience, drink some more.

Every time he says "I never said it would be easy", drink. If he says that after mentioning ObamaCare, drink again.

If he says ObamaCare's rough start was worth it, drink.

And every time he reminds us that running a country is really hard, say, "Yes, we can tell," and drink.

Each time he mentioned an economic recovery no one has seen, drink. Seriously, the only shovel-ready job he has created was speechwriter.

And when he says it won't happen overnight, drink one more.

And when he says "make no mistake", "let me be clear" and "there are those who disagree", drink, drink, drink.

Every time, he says "we can do better" when he fails at everything, or "we are better than that," drink -- which reminds me, what's with all the "we's"? It's you up there, not us.

Finally, each time you feel like you're being screwed, drink.

And if you still buy anything from this gas bag, then you deserve the world's worst hangover. And enjoy it, because you built that.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: After all that, they'd be too drunk to listen to him.

GUTFELD: The whole point is to be drunk and happy, as opposed to sober and miserable.

GUILFOYLE: And listening.

GUTFELD: What do you expect tomorrow, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: I think it would be easier and less exhausting if you set up an I.V., because based on what you said, people would be drinking the entire time. So, if you like to substitute that for water or healthy beverage, you can do so as well.

Look, I don't think there's going to be much surprises. If there are, I will be happy to talk about them, but I think we're going to hear more of his economic failed policies and how we're going to need to redistribute wealth and how we need to help everybody else, which basically is not going to be good for the economy. Let's see.

We've already had an indication of what direction he's going in. And this is his last term, so he's going to do whatever he wants.

GUTFELD: Bob, do you -- the goal here is to pivot away from things he doesn't want to talk about to things he wants to talk about, right?

BECKEL: You know, it's interesting. Income inequality. I read the -
- Dana gave me the battleground poll, which is one of the key states that matter in presidential elections. Income inequality was number one.
That's good news.

The bad news is the solution was lowering taxes, lowering regulations about 50 percent, and 50 percent say tax wealthier people. Among those people who said you ought to do away with taxes and regulations were a lot of his base and young people particularly. So, it's a sort of a two-edged sword.

But every time I have seen Obama in a corner, every time, like Bill Clinton, he seems to rise above it and he will give a great speech and there will be a lot of applause, and I think his numbers will go up. His numbers already went up a couple points, I don't know on the basis of what.

GUILFOYLE: Thanks for that honest statement.

BECKEL: But the -- I think that he has a tendency to do well in state of the unions and people walk away and say -- that's why people still like him.

GUILFOYLE: Because he's likable.

BECKEL: Yes, he is -- his job ratings are --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: And he's really good at reading the teleprompter.

BECKEL: It's not just that.

BOLLING: That's why he's so likable, when it's a prepared speech.
The big sound bite everyone is talking about is President Obama has now said over the past couple days, "I have a pen and I have a phone." Meaning I'm going to use the executive pen, the executive order to get what he wants done in the last three years of his presidency.

The problem is we have a Constitution. Nice try. You'll be able to do some things. You're not going to be able to get to the checkbook. If Congress stays smart and has some teeth, they'll make sure he doesn't do everything he wants to do.

Here's some things -- yes, we're going to hear about income inequality, we'll hear about immigration, we're going to hear about what we need to do in education, we're going to hear all that stuff.

But what you won't hear, and I think it's kind of interesting an outlet, let me just be clear the Republican National Committee put out this list of things at the State of the Union by the numbers, you're not going to hear about the $17.3 trillion in current national debt. You're not going to hear about the trillions of dollars that students are holding, student debt, the whole student debt. The 47.6 million Americans on food stamps and poverty and things like this one -- the decline in the median household income since President Obama became president, down almost $4,000.

So, if things are so great, State of the Union, if things are so great, why aren't all these things happening that aren't so great?

GUTFELD: Exactly.

Dana, at this point, though, aren't these speeches kind of, by the numbers, gruel? I mean, it's rhetorical Ambien. We all know what we're going to get. Are people really listening?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: So, the State of the Union actually takes about five months to put together. In the summertime, you start getting requests from all the cabinet agencies, saying what they want for their priorities and actually the budget process has to track the State of the Union process. So, they've been working out a long time.

I think it is significant that President Obama has been talking about income inequality so much. But recently, they telegraphed they're changing income inequality for the word opportunity. Opportunity is a word that Republicans have been using, so as the owner of the bully pulpit temporarily, he'll be able to try to turn that around and say what he wants to create for people is the opportunity to move up and down the ladder.

The phone and the pen piece, I thought Keith Hennessy out at Stanford had a good point toot. It's more like an erasable pencil because with the U.S. district court that continues to thwart President Obama on some of the major things like the National Labor Relations Board and most recently the Supreme Court over the weekend on the Little Sisters of the Poor, the president's staying power for what he says he wants to do, all of those things could get overturned as well.

They telegraphed so much that they don't need Congress, I think he could have done the thing that is only required by the Constitution, which is to periodically report to the Congress, he could have just sent them a memo and send them a memo that Dan Pfeiffer and leave it at that, because he doesn't need the Congress, what's the point of going up there? Just to give a political speech?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. So, why is he doing it?

PERINO: It's tradition. I think it's become rote.

BECKEL: First of all, it's not inconsequential. He signed an executive order to allow 800,000 undocumented workers to stay here, number one, and Congress did not challenge that. What is going to happen, I think, the storyline after tomorrow night, is courts will be very busy looking at what it is that he can in fact do by executive order, and there's going to be a lot of it, and he's going to start it right away.

PERINO: He already said he was going to do this executive order thing last year.

BECKEL: No, but I understand the Justice Department and the White House counsel have come up with a list of things they think on the margins he can get away with. If I were him, I would do it right to the edge.

PERINO: How bold and how accomplished. What skill does it take to not work and persuade?


GUILFOYLE: But also, what arrogance. What arrogance? I mean, that's the whole thing.

BECKEL: What is arrogant about not listening to a butch of --

GUILFOYLE: How about being bipartisan.


BECKEL: About a non-educated electorate who -- and the Tea Party that refuses to do anything.

PERINO: What do you mean, uneducated?

GUILFOYLE: That's very offensive.


GUTFELD: OK. But the Tea Party, the reason they rose to power is because they read about the issues and they got angry, right? As opposed to the Obama voter who doesn't read about what's going on but they just like the guy.

BECKEL: Besides the far right ideas they have, even Paul Ryan is getting tired of them. Why can't they come up with ideas that maybe, just maybe, will move the ball forward? They don't do that. Their entire idea

PERINO: That's actually not true.

BECKEL: What is it?

PERINO: It's not true.

BECKEL: Name me a Tea Party initiative --

PERINO: I don't need to be. I'm not worried about the Tea Party, per se, but the Republicans and opposition.

You will see Cathy McMorris Rodgers, congresswoman from Washington state, is going to give the response to President Obama. She's a measured, reasonable person with actual experience, mother of three, who is going to be able to say, we're willing to meet you halfway, Mr. President, but here's the things that America wants. This is what we think would be good for America.

Example, on the tax code, corporate tax code, the Democrats come in at
25 percent. Republicans come in at 28 percent. You're telling me that President Obama is so inept at dealing with Congress, he couldn't get a deal done between 28 percent and 25 percent?

GUTFELD: All right.

BECKEL: First, I want to say is if Republican Congress so inept, they couldn't go to get to 26 percent --

GUTFELD: All right. I want to get to this SOT. This is Ted Cruz, as you know, had asked the president to apologize --

BECKEL: Oh, do we have to show him again?

GUTFELD: Yes, we do, Bob, because it upsets you. And you'll have time to respond. And this will be -- we're also going to talk about Jay Carney saying that no matter how badly ObamaCare has fared, it's all worth it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will it have been worth it if you lose the Senate?
I mean, you already lost the House because of the health care law.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will it have been worth it, politically?

CARNEY: Expanding access to quality and affordable health insurance to millions of Americans, reducing the growth in health care costs, which is having --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would it have been be worth it if he loses the Senate? That's a simple --

CARNEY: This is not about politics. So, the answer is, it is absolutely worth it no matter what happens, politically.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R), TEXAS: For the State of the Union, one of the things President Obama really ought to do is look in the TV camera and say to the over 5 million Americans all across this country who have had their health insurance canceled because of ObamaCare, to look in the camera and say "I'm sorry".


GUTFELD: OK, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I don't --

GUTFELD: No, I won't ask that question.


GUTFELD: If you find it a little -- it's more of a stunt to ask the president to apologize because you know he's not going to apologize.

GUILFOYLE: But it's a call for action. It's saying, listen, we feel that you should make an apology about this. I think personally, he should address ObamaCare and the failure it has been thus far because he made pretty specific astounding promises to the American people that were flat out, one might call them lies, disingenuine, not well thought out. That's for sure.

And I think he owes an apology to the American people. I think that would go a long way for people to say, OK, listen, he's owning up to is, because so far, he doesn't. He doesn't like to say he's sorry.

BECKEL: He has no apologies to make for the idea -- initially for the idea of insuring the uninsured and to do things like pre-existing conditions. Here's the thing you have to accept. I don't care if you elect a Republican senate, a Republican House, and a Republican president in 2016, you will never do away with ObamaCare because 15 million people are benefiting right now and there will be millions more, and then we'll have a constituency.

GUTFELD: That's the point?

BOLLING: Actually, if you do get a Republican Senate and then you get a Republican in the White House, obviously, you can do away with it.

BECKEL: What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with it?

GUILFOYLE: He's saying it would be unpopular because people are relying on it, based on his numbers.

BOLLING: But can I just point to couple of things out? Something you said earlier, President Obama signed, he used the executive pen to allow
800,000 immigrants to have amnesty in America.

BECKEL: It wasn't amnesty. It wasn't an amnesty.

BOLLING: It's a form of amnesty. Of course, it is. If they're allowed to stay, it's amnesty.

BECKEL: It's for children, it's for college students who --

BOLLING: Earned their right to stay.


BOLLING: However, do you think he's going to talk about that tomorrow night? You think he's going to say, I used the executive pen to let
800,000 people here illegally stay. Of course, he's not going to say.


BOLLING: You know, and the other thing you talk about -- very quickly, they're telling us to go -- but income inequality. You want the gap to shrink, to close, right?

If you keep letting 12,000 illegal immigrants here, or 12 million illegal immigrants here, what do you think is going to happen?

BECKEL: They're all going to earn a lot of money and they're going to help the economy.

BOLLING: They're going to drop the lower end of the income --

BECKEL: You're talking about the upper end of Hispanic community, you talk about people in the military who graduate from Ivy League schools.

BOLLING: We're not talking about those people. If they were at the upper end of that community, they would be bringing the numbers up. But what they're doing is putting a drag on it because they're working below minimum wage.

BECKEL: That's ridiculous.

GUTFELD: Last word to Dana. One thing we did notice is Jay shaved his beard. So, there's progress.

PERINO: Well, it's a new year, a new day, maybe for Jay.

BECKEL: I tell you what he will not say. He will not say, I'm going to raise taxes on the rich. I think what he's going to say is the ladder up for people on the middle class. I don't think he's going to fall back on the rhetoric, and I think there's going to be a resonance with the American people.

GUTFELD: All right. We've got to go.

Next, our favorite and least favorite moments from the Grammys last night.

Plus, Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon sit down on their first joint interview on the upcoming "Tonight Show" transition. You'll hear from them.

And what happened after "Titanic" heartthrob Leo DiCaprio made a surprise appearance on "SNL"? When "The Five" returns.


BECKEL: Practice, are we on?


BOLLING: This is the real deal.

BECKEL: Super Bowl is just six days away. Sorry, I don't follow these things very well. Players from both teams arrived in New York yesterday.

"The Five" will be counting down the big game on Friday from Super Bowl Boulevard, where it will be 10 degrees in Times Square.

A writer in "The New York Times" actually just asked if it's immoral, immoral for us to be watching on Sunday.


BECKEL: Steve Almond, who must be psychotic, says sending men into the NFL is like sending soldiers off to war in Afghanistan. Really?

He writes that the toll of violence in football is real and, quote, "We not only tolerate this brutality, we sponsor it. And just by watching it at home, essentially, we support it."

Steve, I am second to none in my concerns about what the violence that's happening in the NFL and in college and in high school, but this is the uniquely American sport next to baseball. And the idea that somehow you make people feel that it's immoral to go and watch people, the number of people who will be hurt badly in the Super Bowl this Sunday or two Sundays will be, my guess, is one, maybe two. We have had one very serious accident, Darryl Stingley, who was -- became a paraplegic, and John Elway, who can't play because of concussions.

But you know, you have got to be a little careful -- look, in this day and age, people are not very happy with their lives. The one thing they got to look forward to is football. Do not -- do not think about taking that away. And by God, please don't take this elitist view that it's immoral. You're immoral.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Bob. John Elway is retired. That's why he can't play, not because of concussions.

BECKEL: He retired because of concussions.

GUILFOYLE: So are a large number of players that had --

BECKEL: I think it's a dangerous support. I agree with you.

PERINO: I played for years and I turned out just fine.

GUILFOYLE: Because you're quick.

GUTFELD: That was foosball.

BECKEL: All right. Let me ask you this. Eric, what about the "Chicago Sun Times" saying this -- this guy calling this immoral? I mean, that's --

BOLLING: He's crazy. It's America's -- the globe sport actually -- where they're trying to get a couple teams in the Europe -- I think London is looking for a team, a team in Germany.

Look, it's a fantastic sport. Is there danger? Yes, of course, there's danger. People take this -- by the way, they're well very aware of the dangers of playing football when they're signing their $10 million and
$15 million per year checks.

Immoral -- is it? I'm surprised Steve is taking this approach. Is it immoral? Is abortion immoral, safe? Is paying for ObamaCare when you're a Catholic, is that immoral? I don't see you writing about those.

It's America's football game. It's entertainment. Enjoy it, live with it. I'm all for it.

Listen, let's go. Let's play ball.

BECKEL: Greg, what do you think?

GUTFELD: The irony is there's nothing perhaps more immoral than the "New York Times" editorial board. They propagated more destructive deadly ideas in the last 80 or 90 years than any group of nitwits on the planet.

They never met a communist they didn't like. Remember Walter Durante, who was an apologist for the Soviets while people starve to death.

And using his logic, you shouldn't support the troops either, because there's a risk involve in that. You shouldn't support the building of bridges or the building of the World Trade Center, the new World Trade Center, because people die when that happens as well.

He's just a big baby.

BECKEL: Well, Kimberly, what's your view?

GUILFOYLE: I play through the pain every day on this show. I relate to these men.


BECKEL: Let's not diminish --

GUILFOYLE: I'm not diminishing it. Look, this is an American pastime. I mean, it's really tied in for so many years with our tradition.
Everyone loves American football. And they're grown men.

Like anybody signs up to go and serve overseas, you may a conscious decision to part in something. This is what they want to do. Many of them, it's been their childhood dream.

So, it's unfortunate they got injured, I wish they do not, OK? What can I say? So, better helmets, better equipment, protection, throw some more flags on bad plays and knocking down the quarterback that they shouldn't do.

I agree with you, but it's bad, but at the same time, you've got to -- I mean, we love to watch it.

BECKEL: There's nothing wrong with knocking down quarterbacks.
Particularly when you jump on them and telling them (INAUDIBLE) your
mother, their girlfriend --

GUILFOYLE: So, play hits is bad, that's what I'm talking about.

BECKEL: But I want to say one thing here, Greg, I think it's fairly unfair to say that --


GUILFOYLE: What did you say about mothers, what?

BECKEL: They want to expose the Ellsworth case, they stood up with
(INAUDIBLE) when other people would not do it. "The New York Times" has taken some fairly bold and dramatic steps.

I grant you that they sometimes line up with people that you find unacceptable, but then again, you find most people unacceptable.

GUTFELD: That is true.

BECKEL: But I would just be a little cautious about that.


BECKEL: I got -- I'm not going to let Dana go because I know that Dana is the one who is the expert on football. She is the expert at pain in the NFL.

PERINO: Believe me, I had experienced enough pain every day reading "The New York Times" editorial page.

BECKEL: Well, don't read it.


PERINO: I don't read it anymore, I just read the commentary about it.

BECKEL: If you had a cousin who wanted to play football in high school, would you let him play?

PERINO: The relevant comparison for me is bull riding. Should cowboys not be allowed to bull ride because people get hurt? Is it immoral to ride bulls at a rodeo? No.

BECKEL: It's crazy.

PERINO: It's a little crazy. It's fun to watch, too.

BECKEL: OK. "One More Thing" --


BECKEL: I'm sorry. I'm always at the end of the show.

"The Five" Grammy recap is next. Who cares?


BOLLING: Welcome back, everybody.

Are you ready for the fastest seven minutes on air? Three seductive stories, seven minutes, one snappy host.

First up, last night, CBS hosted the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. It was all the rage on Twitter and Facebook dominating the "what's trending"
list on both. Here's a quick highlight reel of the festivities.


BOLLING: OK. So, K.G., I am a music lover. I'm going to man up here and admit I watched the whole show. No pro bowl and no "Godfather 2", but your thoughts on last night. Did you watch?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I did watch and I thought it was little entertaining.
Other years, I have been snooze alert, but I thought it was good. I like Bob's question like what did Yoko Ono sing? He's cute. Little Bobby --

BECKEL: I had no idea. No idea.

BOLLING: Bobby, you like the Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson.

BECKEL: I like Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson, they're great, great singers, but Daft Punk? Are you kidding me? That's what we used to call a guy, a methamphetamine freak.


GUILFOYLE: They stay up all night to get lucky, like you.


BOLLING: I heard you watched some of it?

PERINO: I did. I got home in the middle of it and I caught a little bit of the Jay-Z acceptance speech and then I saw Pink perform. I really love that song. I didn't love the performance, but what does it matter?

GUILFOYLE: Dana, you're very athletic with your core fusion and all that stuff. You should admire her maneuvers.

PERINO: But I go fully clothed into those things. I really like Taylor Swift. I think she's an amazing entertainer. I prefer the Country Music Awards, and all country music.

GUILFOYLE: And great dress.

PERINO: Taylor Swift had the best dress of the night, I think.

BOLLING: Did you watch it last night?

GUTFELD: Yes, unfortunately, she was always dancing in the front row, because there are people behind you. It's a bit annoying to me. Look at this. Not a good dancer.

I had some problems with it. I mean, always, these rock stars, the male rock stars are aging like women. Paul McCartney looks like Angela Lansbury, Steven Tyler looks like Joan Collins living on the Upper West Side with a little dog with all these scarves.

And Jay-Z, he can't (INAUDIBLE), Pink, you know, you don't need to hang from a ceiling to be a performer, I don't know. And also, come out with a really cool, edgy cause. Other causes are the same. Come out for fracking and see what will happen.

O'DONNELL: We have to move on.


O'DONNELL: Next up, Jay Leno's beloved star of "The Tonight Show"
will soon be passing the torch to Jimmy Fallon on January 17th. "The Tonight Show" moves from L.A. to New York, and Jimmy Fallon takes over the big show. The two sat down with Matt Lauer for a heart to heart on the transition.


JIMMY FALLON, COMEDIAN: Obviously, I look up to Jay so we talk every couple weeks or something like that, and I just love his attention to detail and how he roots for me, all throughout late night. Whatever, he'll give his advice or say, I saw that one piece. That was great.

JAY LENO, COMEDIAN: I think he's probably the closest to Johnny of anybody else in late night.

Dear Jimmy, I would say don't do any joke you don't really believe in.
I would say never put your personal opinion ahead of the joke. Johnny never did that.

FALLON: Dear Jay, I would say -- dear Jay, I hope I make you proud.


BOLLING: Can I start with Greg?

Greg, Steve Allen, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Conan, Jimmy, your thoughts?

GUTFELD: This is all about Conan O'Brien. This is Jay embracing Jimmy to get back at Conan. It's public displays of affection with your new girlfriend to get over your cheating ex, and we're falling for it.
It's a mutual admiration society based on anger over what happen to Jay years ago.

BOLLING: And Jay was very -- I don't know, he opened up his heart and said it like it was. It must have been tough for him to do that.

PERINO: I think he's very gracious. I understand why NBC is going through this effort to do these interviews, but I do think they would be better served, instead of doing couples counseling, you write a letter to me and I write a letter to you, and like we'll have, you know, we'll have mediation.

GUILFOYLE: And order pizza.

PERINO: I think it would be awesome if Fallon did a one-hour tribute to Jay Leno. That would get more press than anything else, and it would show both of them in really good light. We don't need to watch them on the couch with like dark lighting and a spotlight. Like how do you feel?

GUILFOYLE: They looked really good in the blowout. It's beautiful.

BECKEL: Let me say this, does anybody believe that Johnny Carson -- you're not old enough to remember him -- could you imagine Johnny Carson sitting down with Jay Leno and have something like that? Johnny Carson was one of a kind and he was arrogant as hell. He wasn't about to pave the way for somebody else. I give Jay a lot of credit for that.

BOLLING: Thirty years with Johnny, 20 years with Jay. Quick thought on that?

GUILFOYLE: I love Jay Leno. I think he's getting more handsome as he gets older, and I really, really love Jimmy Kimmel. Those are my two favorites.

BOLLING: All right. We've got to go. One quick, here we go, finally, Oscar nominee Jonah Hill hosted "Saturday Night Live" this past weekend. About midway through a fairly dull monologue, a surprise visitor showed up, Leonardo DiCaprio joined Jonah on stage. Let's just say things got a little weird.


JONAH HILL, COMEDIAN: I say, should we get DiCaprio on board? Marty said, I don't know if he can handle it. Sure, he's a movie star, he puts teenage girls in the seats, but we need a real actor, like you. OK?


HILL: What the hell are you doing, man?

Remember when we were on set and I would get really nervous?

LEONARDO DICAPRIO, ACTOR: Yes, yes, I remember.

HILL: Can we do the thing we always did every day, the thing that made me feel safe?




BOLLING: Dana --

PERINO: I love the "Titanic."

GUILFOYLE: Did you hear what he just said?

PERINO: Don't listen to what Bob just said, Kimberly.

BOLLING: Don't listen to what Bob said?


BECKEL: That happens on the show all the time. Listen to what Bob said. Once in a while, he has a gem.

PERINO: I know, but we don't need --

PERINO: It's only Monday.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, that's what I'm saying.

PERINO: Bob, you have a cap and trade on the amount of apologies you can do in any one week. Don't use it all up on a Monday.

GUTFELD: Well, wait, why should he apologized, if he's -- you're complimenting DiCaprio on being open in his sexuality, which I think is admirable?

BECKEL: Thank you very much, Greg.

GUILFOYLE: Dios mio.

BOLLING: Do you follow this?

GUILFOYLE: I really love "Titanic."

BOLLING: Very good. Back to "Titanic."

GUILFOYLE: In "Wolf of Wall Street", Leo was great.

BECKEL: It was great. It was great. I love the thing. A lot of people are going to win awards on that, and I love the "Titanic". I love that nude painting he did.

BOLLING: All right.


GUILFOYLE: What is --

BOLLING: Coming up, some incredible news the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about it, but we'll make sure you know about it next.
Here's a hint, Governor Scott Walker, he's the man.


PERINO: All right, there's something happening in Wisconsin that the mainstream media isn't reporting on, an economic turnaround. Here's Republican Governor Scott Walker.


GOV. SCOTT WALKER (R), WISCONSIN: The state will have $911 million more than previously projected. What do you do with a surplus? You give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money.

I propose that we deposit a portion of these new revenues into the state's rainy day fund and use the remainder to provide much needed tax relief to you, the hard-working taxpayers of Wisconsin.



PERINO: According to a new poll, a majority of registered voters in Wisconsin, 54 percent, think their state is headed in the right direction.
So how did the governor turn things around so quickly?

Listen here.


WALKER: We put in place common sense reforms, allowed the economy to get better. About $1.5 billion in tax relief for the last three years, but also reigning in frivolous and out of control lawsuits and excessive regulations and other things that stood in the way of employers creating more jobs and the other big thing is personal income is up in our state.
That along with good, prude fiscal management has allowed us to create this sizable surplus that we're going to give right back to the people.


PERINO: I'm going to start with Bob because even though you're here in New York City, this morning, you were in Florida with a bunch of people from Wisconsin. And tell me what they told you?

BECKEL: Well, first of all, have you ever talked to a bunch of people from Wisconsin?


BECKEL: It's like talking to a bunch of Norwegians. Well, they're not too emotive, but they were about him.

PERINO: They're so nice.

BECKEL: They like the fact that what he did if he did it. I remember hearing about the $10 trillion surplus Bill Clinton left behind. I had yet to see it. I'll see believe it when I see it.

PERINO: OK, I'm going to pocket that admission and use it at a later day.

BECKEL: You guys are so enamored with this guy.

PERINO: Do you like him, Eric?

BOLLING: Yes, here's why -- because two years ago, he took on the unions, in a very, very --

BECKEL: He didn't take down the unions.

PERINO: He said took on.

BOLLING: Absolutely, he took on the unions.

BECKEL: Didn't take them down.

PERINO: He didn't say down.

BECKEL: Yes, he did.

BOLLING: He renegotiated -- OK, he renegotiated union deals.
Everyone pushed back, 100,000 protesters came to Wisconsin, tried to recall Scott Walker twice. He forged through. He fixed Wisconsin, the union situation. He lowered taxes. He's basically done every Tea Party and conservative talking point in business and the economy.

And look what's happened. He took a $3 billion deficit and turned it into a billion dollar surplus. Tomorrow night shouldn't be about the State of the Union. It should be about the state of Wisconsin and every state --

BECKEL: You believe that guy did that in nine months? You believe that guy did that in nine months?


BOLLING: Bob, it's over two years now.

PERINO: Let me get Greg in here because you have been calling on the Republican Party to find somebody who has experience and that, as you say, is not nuts.


PERINO: That could run. Do you think Scott Walker could be it?

GUTFELD: I think he's probably one of the strongest contenders.
Scott Walker makes President Obama look like a community organizer. Oh, wait, he is.

PERINO: He was.

GUTFELD: But if you look at that money, that's two Solyndras. If he had sunk all that money into solar powered wind mills, the media would see that as noble and giving. Instead, he's doing the true definition of giving back. He's spreading the wealth back to the people who made the wealth. He's right. It is their money. This is not a reward. This is what the --


BECKEL: It attracted companies to Wisconsin by lowering regulations including environmental regulations.

BOLLING: It worked.

BECKEL: Big deal. That's right, and the water and the air get worse.

PERINO: Can you demonstrate that? Is that demonstrable?

BECKEL: Well, let's take a look at Wisconsin --

PERINO: I do. I will challenge you on that one and we'll get some facts.

Kimberly, California and other states are also seeing some better tax revenues coming in. But Governor Jerry Brown has a different approach. He is saying and urging the legislature in California to reinvest those funds to pay off either future debts or invest in education. Which one do you think would be a better approach?

GUILFOYLE: I prefer Walker's approach. I think it's something the rest of the country can relate to. He's probably one of the guy who could pull votes in the South as well because of the way he took on unions. I think he has a really refreshing approach to the economy, to taxes. I mean, I like Jerry personally, but you know, he's -- I don't like --


PERINO: You're on a first-name basis.

BECKEL: You're telling me that Jerry Brown wants to return taxes to people and help education and that's a bad idea?

GUILFOYLE: I didn't say it was a bad idea. I was making it more of a categorical term to say that --


GUILFOYLE: -- Walker!

BECKEL: Do you speak Spanish?

GUILFOYLE: Did you like it?

PERINO: Did you understand it?

BECKEL: I did not understand it. But I'll tell you something -- I want to see a billion dollars go back to taxpayers. When I see that, I'll buy it? I think it's bull and mirrors.

BOLLING: He's lowering payroll taxes, he's lowering property taxes, he's showing exactly what he's doing.

BECKEL: You know what he can do, he can invite that West Virginia company that polluted the water and move them into Wisconsin.

GUILFOYLE: 2016 contender.

PERINO: You mean because of the Democrat governor of West Virginia?
I mean, I can play that game, too.

BECKEL: Those guys should be sent to jail for polluting the water --

PERINO: Does the governor have responsibility in West Virginia?

BECKEL: No, not for that.

PERINO: All right. When we come back, the so-called toughest sheriff in America puts inmates in Arizona in a week-long bread and water diet.
This is the best Monday ever.

They have to go on bread and water diet for allegedly doing something unpatriotic.



PERINO: Bob apologizes.

Does the punishment fit the crime? Next.



GUILFOYLE: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is at it again, and this time, he's coming after inmates' food. To punish prisoners who have been desecrating American flags in their cells, he has enforced a strict bread and water diet for seven days. Do it again, and you get another 10 days. Sheriff Joe has doled out interesting punishments in the past such as pink jumpsuits and undies for inmates, but does this go too far? I don't think so -- at all, in fact.

PERINO: Really?

GUILFOYLE: The whole point of being in prison is punishment. So I don't understand why we have to coddle everybody. And you shouldn't be desecrating the flag.

PERINO: I don't think I've ever disagreed with you before, but I really disagree. I think that food should not be used as a form of punishment when there is no imminent threat to anybody else.

GUILFOYLE: Remember back in the olden days? You'd eat gruel.

BOLLING: What's gruel?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know, but it doesn't sound good.

BOLLING: Maybe we should do that again. I think Joe has got the right idea.

GUILFOYLE: All right!

BOLLING: I wear this for a reason. I wear the flag for a reason. It represents American freedom. There are -- our sons and daughters are dying on battlefields...


BOLLING: ... around the world to -- for the freedom that this flag represents. If people who are incarcerated are burning the flag, stepping on the flag, tearing the flag, it's a complete disrespect. You don't even deserve, deserve the bread.

GUILFOYLE: You don't even deserve...

BOLLING: Give them water. You can probably last a week without anything.

BECKEL: Guess what? A great disrespect that the Supreme Court allowed it to happen. This guy is a descendant of the Middle Ages and before that. He's a direct descendent of Genghis Khan and Robespierre.
This guy is one of the worst, disgraceful, despicable law-enforcement officers. I want to call him that. This is a guy that thought it was really neat to put people in striped uniforms that were done away with in the 1890s and march them around...

GUILFOYLE: And pink jumpsuits and underwear.

BECKEL: ... with big balls (ph). And he gets people riding around with their horses, you know. And they're a problem -- communication is a problem, Joe.

But you know, why do you people still elect this idiot? Come on. He keeps getting news. Why does he get news? Because he does stuff like this so we'll pick it up. Do you think we would have picked this up if he wouldn't have deprived people of their food and their constitutional right to eat?

GUILFOYLE: Well, there wouldn't be a story.

BECKEL: Of course there wouldn't be. This is what he wants and we're talking about it. He's a waste of time.

GUILFOYLE: You're just making him excited. He's going to come up with new ideas now.

BECKEL: I wish he'd come up here and talk to me about it.

GUILFOYLE: Stimulating. OK, go ahead.

GUTFELD: Bob is right. He does this to get on the FOX News. This is something -- I mean, how do people find out about this story? It's got to be from him. Having said that, I would rather have a punisher than a pussycat as a warden. I like his belief that if you don't like his prison, don't come back. It shouldn't be a pleasant place.

So there is -- I think Bob is right, in there is an exercise in self- promotion going on here, but I'd rather have this kind of self-promotion than the feeling-type warden, the one that is interested in making somebody learn how to get in touch with their inner child. I'd rather have them not enjoy the experience, but you can't deny that Arpaio is interested it in for his ego.

BOLLING: How do you think people feel if their sons or daughters or wives or husbands are killed by people who are then incarcerated in these prisons that have food. They have beautiful flat-screen TVs. They've got play areas. They've got gyms. They've got soccer fields. What kind of punishment is that, Bob?

BECKEL: Wait a minute.

BOLLING: There's no incentive not to do it.

BECKEL: Most prisons do not have that. Most prisons do not go down to the Dark Ages like -- and by the way, it's not his prison. It belongs to the people of Arizona. You ought to learn that, Joe. It ain't yours.
Go home.

GUILFOYLE: But they like him. They -- hey, hey, Bob. They like him.
They put him there, so there you go.

BECKEL: Well, they're going to learn. They're going to learn.

GUILFOYLE: By the people and for the people.

BECKEL: They have a guy who deserves to be back with Genghis Khan.

GUILFOYLE: If you don't -- if you don't like it, then don't be a criminal. Don't break the law.

BECKEL: Oh, I see.

GUILFOYLE: And you know what? No. Maybe it serves as a deterrent.
Maybe you're going to learn and you say, "You know what? Being in that prison with that guy really sucks. So then don't do it again."

BECKEL: Why doesn't every prison have red ones (ph) then? Why don't they all wear striped uniforms like this guy? You would just love it.


BECKEL: Really? I missed that.

GUILFOYLE: I'm long done with this now.

BECKEL: I'm sorry I missed that, too.

GUILFOYLE: "One More Thing" is next. Oh, Bob.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." Let's go to K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Hey, thanks for that. OK, so this is...

GUTFELD: You're welcome.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, I love "50 Cent," and I love Meryl Streep, and they love each other, apparently. So this is at courtside at the Knicks/Laker games, having some fun, mugging for the cameras. And then 50 put out the caption was, "Man, I've got a good life."

And the second one, the picture, was "Things got a little gangsta."
Anyway, it's kind of fun and having a good time. People love sports, whether it's basketball or football. Right, Bob?

BECKEL: Yes, sure.

GUTFELD: All right. Eric.

BOLLING: There was a great Heat game right before that game, as well.

OK. This morning, Hillary Clinton sat down with the National Automobile Dealers Association and said this.


CLINTON: My biggest, you know, regret is what happened in Benghazi.
It was a terrible tragedy, losing four Americans.


BOLLING: Yes, so she wasn't always so -- I don't know, humble, apologetic and worried about it. Remember when she said this?


CLINTON: The fact is, we have four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?


BOLLING: So just think about it. One of them is about to run for president. The other one wasn't ready to run for president.

GUTFELD: She's talking to car dealers?


GUTFELD: Ironic, being a lemon -- Dana.

GUILFOYLE: Hilarious. Did you stay up all night to write that?

PERINO: I had a fun little story here about the town where I grew up, I was born, in Evanston, Wyoming. And it's the southwestern part of Wyoming. And the 2002 Olympics that was in Salt Lake City, the Jamaican bobsled team was able to start training there. And Paul Skog, who is an attorney from Evanston, brought the Jamaican bobsledders' two-man team, and they practiced in Evanston. And Bob, this is actually an interesting story. Why are you doing that?

BECKEL: Because I know you're going to get to Jasper at the end.

PERINO: No, I'm not. I wasn't going to, but now I will, because Jasper would be great at the Olympics.

Anyway, you know, it's a story that's complicated. But it's a lovely story about how one American who really cared about his town, Evanston, Wyoming, brought the Jamaicans to Evanston, and now they're going to Sochi, and they will be there at the Olympics. So we'll put it up on our Facebook page, TheFiveFNC.


BECKEL: Bob sled?


BECKEL: You can bob sled on coconut rinds?

PERINO: No, they train here. Remember "Cool Runnings," the movie?

GUTFELD: Bob, you're up.

BECKEL: OK. I'm up. Well, this weekend, a group of us, including Sean Hannity and I, went out and played golf. Now I want to show you some of my...

GUILFOYLE: What a golfer.

BECKEL: This is what everybody ought to do before they do this, which is exercise, because you get very stiff both from playing golf and the night before. This is the exact set-up, if you notice the way my knee is going forward, everybody ought to emulate that. Take that to the bank.
You'll shoot a scratch game.

What the hell is that?

GUTFELD: I think that's you falling down.

BECKEL: Oh yes, fell down. Here's the other thing. Sun when you're out there; get some sun. Doesn't do any good. Everybody is slow. People take it seriously. I don't. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, if I can get it down the fairway, I'm OK. And this is my favorite place, which was sitting down with pain killers.

GUTFELD: All right.

PERINO: Really?

BECKEL: And this will have to wait until "Hannity" tonight. I'm on "Hannity" tonight. I just want you to look at the front of that cart.
Caused a little bit of a controversy.

GUILFOYLE: Bob broke it.

BECKEL: There we go. Sorry. Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. Speaking of sports, he's not just a singer.
He's a ball player. Justin Bieber. The thing at the end is priceless.
This guy is letting him -- letting him do it.

PERINO: What is he doing?

BOLLING: The moves.

GUTFELD: All right, look at that look on his face. He is one tough kid. Oh, get a job. All right.

GUILFOYLE: He has a job.

GUTFELD: "The Five" will be tweeting throughout the State of the Union. Join the conversation. We'll be using #foxnewschat. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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