Some Staffers Steaming

And now the most interesting two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Some Staffers Steaming

Democratic Congressional staffers are complaining that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wasn't invited to speak at tomorrow's ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda honoring Ronald Reagan, insisting it's a -- "sad partisan statement on a day ... remembering someone ... [so] civil."

Vice President Dick Cheney, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and President Pro Tem and Alaska Senator Ted Stevens -- all Republicans -- are scheduled to speak... and Democratic staffers say Pelosi deserves to join them since she's a Californian, like Reagan.

But Republican staffers say their Democratic counterparts are just trying to stir up trouble. They say the Reagan family, not anyone on Capitol Hill, chose the speakers a long time ago, and specifically wanted the President Pro Tem to represent the Senate and the House speaker to represent the House.

Lead Lessening?

A new poll by Zogby International -- whose results have been more favorable to Democrats than other polls -- shows that John Kerry's lead over President Bush is shrinking. Last month Kerry was beating President Bush by a 47 to 42 percent margin... but now that margin is only 44 to 42 percent.

In addition, the president's overall job approval has risen, going from 42 percent last month to 46 percent now. And on Iraq, a majority of Americans now say the situation there was worth going to war over, up nine percentage points from last month.

Sound Barrier?

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed legislation limiting how long dogs in the city can bark. The bill permits dogs to bark for only 5 minutes during the day, and 10 minutes at night.

According to the New York Post, owners of dogs that bark for more than that will face a fine of up to $175, for each violation. Bloomberg insists he's just trying to protect -- "New Yorkers' well-deserved right to peace and quiet." But before becoming law, the bill must first face public hearings and then be approved by the City Council.

Suicide Bombers Sought

Two weeks ago we told you about a report that Iranian intelligence officers were beginning to register volunteers for suicide missions in Iraq and elsewhere. Well, according to the Sharq newspaper in Iran, the World Islamic Organization has now joined the effort -- and it's registered 2,000 Iranian volunteers so far.

What's more, a quarter of those registered are under 18 years old, and some are as young as 7. The paper, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, says the volunteers are ready to act, and just waiting for orders from Iranian authorities. Meanwhile, Iranian MP Mahdi Kuchek-Zadeh says he now wants to volunteer for the suicide missions.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report