'Snowball Express' honors Gold Star families

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," December 25, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham and this is a Special Christmas Edition of “The Ingram Angle, from Washington.” Coming up tonight how the liberal killjoys are trying to ruin everything that's good about this holiday season, from classic Christmas songs, threw it off the Red-Nosed Reindeer, it goes on and on, and I have a reality check for them.

Raymond Arroyo takes us behind the scenes of a special holiday trip for hundreds of Gold Star families and speaks to the catalyst behind it all. Hollywood actor Gary Sinise, the heartwarming story you will not want to miss takes us far away from politics. Plus, my friend and former boss, Bill Bennett, is out with an update to his book The True Saint Nicholas, and he's here to explain it and why it might be the most important part of the Christmas story.

But first, we thought it might be fun to assemble some of our favorites around the table to share some of our best Christmas memories ever, and I'm talking about favorite meals, favorite presents, favorite fights around the table, and yes family photos.

Joining me now for some holiday cheer Matt Schlapp Chairman of the American Conservative Union, Shannon Bream of course host of Fox News @ Night, and Fox News Chief National Correspondent Ed Henry.

All right, we're going to go around the table, but Ed I want to start with you.


Tell us, if you can, your favorite most or most poignant Christmas memory.

ED HENRY, CORRESPONDENT: Well, poignant or you know jarring might be when I was, I don't know, like six or seven and my parents thought it was a good idea to get my sister Colleen (ph) and I a puppy, which is great idea.


HENRY: Yes it's great, except when you get under the tree and they've got the dog in a box, there's ventilation, so that wasn't going to die or anything.


INGRAHAM: Oh no, this is sounding like a tragic.

HENRY: So, they get under the tree thinking you're going to get the latest Star Wars thing or something and they got the camera ready, open the box, and they open the box and this dog jumps out and starts scratching you. It scared the heck out of me, I almost had a heart attack, I was six, I just felt traumatized you know.

INGRAHAM: Did you-

HENRY: I didn't get over it for a long -- no, I got over it.


INGRAHAM: Would you have (inaudible) post-traumatic stress event.

HENRY: I do (inaudible) about it after the show.

INGRAHAM: Yes, a counseling. Shannon?

SHANNON BREAM, HOST: Listen, my mom will laugh when she hears this, but every year she says the same thing, like this year things are really tight, I grew up in a really modest family, and she'll say there's just not going to be a whole lot of Christmas this year.

And so she was always preparing us and then somehow always managed to pull out like great presents and things. And I can remember one year when I was maybe -- I want to say maybe five or six, and peeking out on Christmas morning, because you know our parents were always like sleeping, like you're going to sleep in on Christmas morning, and I remember looking under the tree and there were all there, I was making out with Santa like a coochie.



BREAM: I wanted to make sure that I was going to get good presents.



INGRAHAM: Yes, that's not going to be.

BREAM: Against me. Nobody remember looking at, and if anybody will remember this toy is sit and spin.

INGRAHAM: Oh I love those.

BREAM: You sit on the thing and turns. And I remember looking out and peeking, and like yes, but then I was like go back to bed, and I went and got back in my bed and that was it.


INGRAHAM: I still have my sit and spin.

BREAM: Those are the best exercise.

INGRAHAM: I occasionally just pull it out just for fun.

Matt, your favorite Christmas memory.

SCHLAPP: Well, I don't know if it's a favorite moment but you get the family all together. At this point, we lived in New Jersey and all the Irish family would get together. And I remember thinking how much beer everybody drank and how everybody would just kind of like -- I was like how are they all driving home.


And so, I said—

INGRAHAM: Did you really -- this is your favorite memory? Oh my God!


HENRY: You had a horrible childhood.


SCHLAPP: That was a young age. I was learning how to be a big adult, right.


INGRAHAM: How old were you, when you were worried about what people are consuming?

SCHLAPP: A child.

BREAM: What?


INGRAHAM: Did you have a little pocket protector, your Texas Instruments things, well he had 1.8 beers, and--

BREAM: He won't be able to drive.


SCHLAPP: Oh there wasn't, let me guarantee you, it wasn't 1.8 beers, I can guarantee you that.

INGRAHAM: Yes, you feel like Hermey the Elf who wanted to be the dentist. I mean you are just the too perfect.


Okay, so my friends Ham Martinovich (ph) and I went with my mother to cut down our Christmas tree. There's a tree farm near Glastonbury, Connecticut and we didn't have like a small saw, we had like a big -- you know those big red metal hacksaws or whatever, that's the two-man saw or whatever it's called, two-man saw.

So we cut it down, it was a pretty nice tree. So we brought it back into my house and we were putting it up in the stand. You know those old stands that you could never get them straight, the bowls that would tip over.

And my mother says, and I can still remember her voice, God rest here, it's like hey Laura it's not -- oh fun it's a Christmas cheer, it's an earring that flying across the room.



I love that, it's part of the Christmas here. And so it started to tip over, I'd pull it, she said straighten out the bottom. I'm only maybe I don't know 11, I don't know where my dad was, he wasn't helping. So we put in the - we took it out in this tiny little living room in this braided rug, and I have my hand on it. This big old red saw and Pam (ph) is kind of having cocoa or whatever.

I'm going like, can you hold the tree down? She said, yes fine I'll hold it down. And you know how it gets kind of stuck and you lift it then it went, down on my thumb right here and it was like a gag. You know when those gags where the blood spurts out. It was like a geyser, just like it was shooting up, and this was Christmas Eve of course.

It was Christmas Eve, it comes up and I roll back and I take off and the thing comes, the blood comes out, and Pam (ph) says, are you okay? I said, yes I'm doing great Pam (ph) thanks a lot. And so my mother comes, she goes, oh my god this is a crisis, we've got -- she's freaking out.

I said it's fine, it's not a big deal. Go to the hospital, there to like want to get five stitches, and it's all night, thump, thump, thump. All night long, but every time I see Pam (ph) and I still see Pam a lot, it's like it's still a little sensitive right here, Christmas must be coming.

That was like my - I don't know, it was fun though, it's like an adventure, I've never gotten stitches before. But my mother was freaking out all night, but that was our Christmas Eve.

HENRY: So if you had Matt there, you would have had like the government regulations all laid out.

SCHLAPP: That's right.


BREAM: He'll be making sure everything is okay.

SCHLAPP: I think it's rather impressive that your mother at 11 years old was letting you cut down--

INGRAHAM: Oh yes, those days you can do what anything-


SCHLAPP: We had no OSHA back then.

INGRAHAM: No, no, no.

BREAM: Not at all, no child labor laws.

INGRAHAM: Okay all right. Now your favorite and/or least favorite toys, okay.

HENRY: Oh God, you don't even have a toy favorite. Go to the next person, Shannon.

You'll come to (inaudible) get to pause, we're going to the next person, think about it.

BREAM: I would think my favorite toy that I like remember very early on, there's picture of me sitting there in my diapers playing a little piano keyboard. My family is very musical and I ended up studying music my whole life and studying piano and playing for years and years.

INGRAHAM: Aren't you the prodigy?

BREAM: Well they were trying to find something. I was bad at everything else. I tried gymnastics, skating, like I'm really bad. But when I sat down at the piano, I could actually do something not terrible.

So that little keyboard, I still have a picture of it, it was the start of many things. But the worst way I ever got -- do you remember, you guys won't remember, will you remember Baby Alive the doll that you would feed it.

SCHLAPP: I don't know what you're talking about.



BREAM: It would eat the food and then it would go through.

SCHLAPP: Then it would go poo poo?

BREAM: Yes. And then you had to change the diapers, and I'm like, this is a lot of work.

SCHLAPP: This sounds like my life.



INGRAHAM: It'll encourage people to have big families.

BREAM: No, no, no, and I was like, this is not a toy, this is work. I know I did not find that to be an interesting toy.

SCHLAPP: No, that sucks.

BREAM: It was too much effort.

INGRAHAM: No, no gross. We're going to -- so you people are seeing--

BREAM: Baby Alive.

INGRAHAM: People are seeing what these look like now and we are running that video.

SCHLAPP: Is that favorite toy or least favorite toy?

BREAM: It was favorite and least favorite.

SCHLAPP: My favorite would have been, I loved tennis growing up. My mother was a tennis pro and I got a PDP tennis racquet, like one of the first aluminum tennis racquets, and I was jazzed, yes. I don't have the--

INGRAHAM: Wasn't that Jimmy Connors?

SCHLAPP: No, no it was (inaudible), but it was a big deal, so that was -- I was happy, that's good Christmas.

INGRAHAM: So, how was the club, did you go to (inaudible)?

SCHLAPP: No, we weren't really club people. We worked across.

INGRAHAM: Your mother was a tennis pro, okay--


HENRY: I've got a better memory now.

INGRAHAM: This is like my family table because there's everybody's ribbing each other, that's my memory is.

HENRY: I loved Batman when I was a kid and so I think I have a picture of me in like Batman pajamas or something, and I don't know--

BREAM: Were you making out with Batman, like I was?

HENRY: No - yes, yes, there it is. Batman, just look - I kind of look the same a little bit, all right.

INGRAHAM: You do look the same, you are adorable.


HENRY: I'm ready for action.

The other thing I also loved was, Jimmy Walker had this thing, he said that saying Dynomite!

SCHLAPP: Dynomite!

BREAM: Dynomite!

HENRY: And he had -- I had this rad 8-track player, that's how old I am.

INGRAHAM: Oooh, I love those.

HENRY: You put the 8-track in the side, and it changed the song. You had to do it like a TNT dynamite, BAM, BAM.

BREAM: That sounds awesome.

HENRY: I mean, now with the iPod, it takes a half a second--

INGRAHAM: Yes, you actually had -- no you actually had that. I love that--

HENRY: I wish I had still had that thing, it would be worth something.

BREAM: It would be.

INGRAHAM: --that feeling. Okay, Matt your least favorite involved The Partridge Family, did it?

SCHLAPP: No, I got some -- my mom was also a real style icon and I got the big bell bottom pants, the stretchy pants with the bad colored like different colored pockets. And I remember opening up that present, that did not -- that is not.


I remember it like this is a pain.

INGRAHAM: There you are and you are singing.


SCHLAPP: I was much more Danny than David, so you know it wasn't such a good thing.

HENRY: Wait I think that's Donny Osmond, hold on.


INGRAHAM: Oh was it? Do you guys remember the old 70s Christmas specials like--

SCHLAPP: Oh yes, yes.

INGRAHAM: Let's -- we're just going to walk down memory lane, let's watch.


INGRAHAM: You know what, it was really funny, Raymond Arroyo and I, actually when we were in Vegas on one of my book tours doing a radio show, we actually went to Donny & Marie. And he--

BREAM: It was awesome.

INGRAHAM: I was so in love with Donny Osmond. I was so in love, I had all the life-size posters of him. But when he stepped on our table, you know they're going through yards, they're stepping on the table, like just for a moment, I was ten years old again. I was like, Donny, could you please sing Puppy Love to me?

You guys ever heard of game KerPlunk? Remember when you pull the long sticks and the marbles would fall out? God, don't you--

HENRY: I do not remember this.

INGRAHAM: Was I even -- maybe I had a dream about KerPlunk. How do you not know KerPlunk? What was your favorite toy, my favorite was KerPlunk and Battleship. Come on you played Battleship.

BREAM: That was awesome.

HENRY: I love battleship and I love the Risk, the board game Risk.

BREAM: Yes, oh yes.


HENRY: Oh that was like - that was a board game.

BREAM: That can take hours of your life.

HENRY: Just world domination. I'm still trying.

SCHLAPP: I like Sorry!

INGRAHAM: Oh my God.

SCHLAPP: Do you like Sorry!?

INGRAHAM: Oh Sorry! I love Sorry!

HENRY: What about Sorry!


INGRAHAM: I'm still in trouble. I love that - what is it pumpamatic (ph) or something like that, when you -- the dice. What was it called, pushamatic (ph) or the dice. You know, it'd make that sound, oh no that was--


--but the boards were thicker. Now they're kind of flimsy.

HENRY: They are made in China, you know.


Milton Bradley, is that a Massachusetts -- was a Massachusetts company, am I getting that right?

Okay, the toy I like the best and you know we didn't have a lot of money then, but was Lite-Brite. Do you remember that one?

HENRY: Oh yes, yes.


INGRAHAM: Remember that commercial? Look at that, no that was the best commercial and it you still see it today and I thought, oh the snowman. And we lost all the pegs like the first day.

BREAM: But (inaudible).

INGRAHAM: Couldn't make any of them, yes, but you can still buy a lot of this stuff on eBay and live your childhood.

All right, family traditions, food. What was your favorite food at Christmas and why?

HENRY: My mom always makes the Italian feast, what's it called, the Feast of the Seven Fishes.

INGRAHAM: Feast of the Seven Fishes.

HENRY: Feast of the Seven Fishes. So, we do that, we do like Manicotti and Shrimp Parmesan, all kinds of cool things, and it's awesome except we're not the least bit Italian. So I don't know why my mom did that.

INGRAHAM: Why the heck did you do that?

HENRY: I've no idea but Italian food is awesome.

INGRAHAM: And then, that said, I like that better than a turkey and all that. Ugh.

I love to take the Italian. What's your favorite food?

BREAM: We always on New Year's Day have black eyed peas and cornbread, it's very southern thing.


BREAM: But that's super traditionally we always do that. But I married into the Bream family 20-plus years ago and Christmas Eve, Aunt Dink (ph) has a huge thing at her house every Christmas Eve.


BREAM: Aunt Dink (ph).

HENRY: Dink (ph), okay.

BREAM: Yes. And there is a punch there that I will one day get the recipe too.


BREAM: I don't have it yet, but if you can't find me, I'm still there.


SCHLAPP: Dink (ph) went into the dunk.



INGRAHAM: It's very good. All right, Matt.

SCHLAPP: I want to meet Dink (ph).

INGRAHAM: I want to go there. It's like Yukon Jack grain alcohol and a little orange juice.

SCHLAPP: It's going to completely shock you, but I'm kind of a potatoes guy.


SCHLAPP: So the mashed potatoes are like quite an art form, it takes hours, and it's -- now I'm on the keto diet which sometimes turns into the Cheeto diet, so I'm going to be back into the potatoes.

BREAM: Can you - you eat potatoes on keto?

SCHLAPP: You cannot.

BREAM: I don't know, okay.

SCHLAPP: It's called cheating.


BREAM: Okay, I'm sorry.

INGRAHAM: So, my mother is - was Polish, 100 percent Polish. So she always made the Golumpki, she made the - what's the Kielbasa, which is - because I talk about now, when I go to like New Britain and to Connecticut to the Polish bakeries, the Kielbasa, just the smell - it's so funny how smells take you back to a place.

You could smell something somewhere totally like, oh my gosh you're back in your kitchen with a little table and a little chair and it takes you all back. But Christmas obviously our faith, our family, our friends, food is such an important part. And music, favorite Christmas song.

HENRY: Oh gosh.


BREAM: Because I was born at Christmas time, my middle name is Noel, so I love the song, makes me think of my family.

SCHLAPP: Nat King Cole Christmas Story, and almost anything Nat King Cole sings, wonderful.


INGRAHAM: Silent night, same thing and I will cry. It's like (inaudible) I got to get out of the segment before I start crying, I love that song. I don't know it's just -- it's one of those songs that just hit you right here.

All right, thank you panel for spreading some Christmas cheer. And up next, a special Christmas Angle, the attack of the liberal killjoys, how the Left is trying to ruin everything that's sacred about this holiday season.

Remember, the 12 days of Christmas starts on Christmas, we always get that wrong, remember. Epiphany is January 6th.

Be right back.


INGRAHAM: Liberals are now trying to tell us how to feel, how to celebrate, and if you can believe it, even how to pray during the holidays. A few decades back, well they fought really hard against the campaign by Tipper Gore.

Remember when she was lobbying for warning labels on music that had explicit content in the lyrics. And let's face it, whenever parents for instance raised concerns about music industry's gross explicit lyrics or over-sexualized scenes on TV, well liberals responded with, oh just change the channel.

But today, they have a current case of amnesia because they're now the new censors and the offending content, Christmas songs.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The character in the song is saying no, and they're saying well does no really mean yes. And I think in 2018, what we know is consent is yes.

Did you see in that video how she tries to leave and he grabs her arm and then she looks at her arm and then he closes the things as you can't leave?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean that part is somewhat coercive. I mean I have to say it's making me rethink--


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, it is making me rethink it.


INGRAHAM: And I'm rethinking a lot of things too after watching Nora's (ph) comment there. All right maybe it's really cold outside. Well, notice how the Left -- they don't want to place any limits on what is truly objectionable content, you know hip-hop, rap, some of the worst stuff, which routinely objectifies women, demonizes law enforcement and celebrates things called murder.

But instead, they seek to put the darkest spin on part of our American musical tradition. The Left has no problem with performances like these, but Baby It's Cold Outside is a national disgrace. Thankfully, not everyone is thrilled though about where the politically correct crowd is taking us.


GAYLE KING, CO-ANCHOR, CBS THIS MORNING: Not me. I'm going to go back and—


KING: So I mean so we just have to agree to disagree, I just think that it's a light flirtatious song and she clearly doesn't seem to be so upset. Keep looking at the whole damn -- the whole darn song before you make a decision.


I'm so irritated by that.


KING: Okay, people sit down. We are losing our sense of humor nowadays.


INGRAHAM: Bingo Gayle King. Now even Christmas specials, we still look forward to them every year, they only played once a year and that made them even more special. Even those specials aren't safe from the liberal blacklist.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has been singled out by The Huffington Post as seriously problematic. Have they watched TV recently? People are being sexually assaulted and brutalized 24/7, HuffPo, but a 54 year old claymation reindeer sends them all to the crying room?

Well, actually scenes like this are quite harrowing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From now on gang, we won't let Rudolph join in any reindeer games, right?



INGRAHAM: I love the little whistle around his neck. Well sorry, but I think I have to take a moment here, I think just seeing that scene may have triggered my PRSD, Post Rudolph Stress Disorder.



RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER: I don't want to. Daddy, I don't like it.

FATHER: You'll like it and wear it.

Now, there's one thing I want to make very plain. No dole of mine is going to be seen with a red-nosed reindeer.


INGRAHAM: Summon the grief counselors. Oh and by the way, they say it's sexist because Rudolph's dad of course, as you can see, tells his wife that the search for their son is man's work. So, she can't go out in the cold, he'll go find Rudolph, you stay here on the home front honey.

Now, this is a beloved Christmas special and the longest continually -- continuously running one as well. But do you see what liberals seek to do? They're trying to disrupt and destroy traditions and replace them with their own version of some transitory nonsense.

By seeing dark forces in even an innocent Christmas special, they divide us with the goal of ripping away yet another little innocuous thing that families have enjoyed for more than a half a century.

But nothing fun and traditional is off-limit or I'd say for these any of these censorious liberals. Years ago, they started complaining Charlie Brown, that Christmas special, was offensive too because it was too Christian.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The angel said unto them, fear not for behold I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a savior, Jesus Christ the Lord.


INGRAHAM: I still cry when I see that, never could be made today.

By the way, any day I'm expecting that PETA is going to lodge a complaint about Dr. Seuss' The Grinch. After all, that green guy with the attitude didn't treat Max the dog very well.

Now, the Left are the worst types of moralists, because they claim not to be. They talk about tolerance and diversity and being your authentic self, I'm going to speak my truth.

But what they really want is for you to bow down and worship at their altar of self-righteous political correctness. They want to control what you watch, what you eat, what you hear and yes how you speak. And even, as we saw during the Bush 41 funeral yesterday, how you pray.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just point out that, at this moment, the Apostles' Creed being recited, President Trump and the First Lady not reading. Was that -- everyone had the thing in their head but they're not -- what was that about, Sally?

SALLY QUINN, AMERICAN AUTHOR AND JOURNALIST: Well it's odd because he is the supposed religious person, who has a spiritual advisor Paula White, and he had them speak at -- pray at his inauguration and he has all these evangelicals around.

So, I thought that was bizarre that he didn't even try to read it.


INGRAHAM: First of all, Trump is considered a very religious person. I don't know what she's reading, but Sally Quinn who is a journalist who in her memoir described hexing three people, two of whom died. And she's going to demand that Trump recite a religious creed in a public ceremony or judge him.

That's a no judgment. But again this is the problem of the Left. Depending on the politics at the moment, they go from being libertines to puritans. The once aggressive secular suddenly become religious enforcers and these are the same people who by the way applauded when prayer was driven out of the public schools and who cheered when manger scenes were pulled from the public square.

For ever crowing about how we need separation of church and state, a phrase found nowhere in any of our founding documents. My friend, today's Left is blissfully unaware of how much they've become caricatures of what they accuse conservatives of being.

They claim to be tolerant, they're among the most rigid intolerant people on the planet. They claim to be pro-choice, that only applies to abortion, maybe your gender. They claim to be for creative expression, but they're control freaks and monoliths.

They really -- what they want to do is stifle and marginalize conservative voices, whether they're on college campuses, in the workplace, in the U.S. military, or yes right here on cable TV. And while they point the finger at Trump for being divisive, they're the ones working overtime to divide the country along lines of race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, just to name a few. But above all, liberals have become aggressively boring and no fun at all, and that's the angle.

Joining me now for reaction is attorney and RNC Committeewoman from California Harmeet Dhillon, Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo, and CRO of DSPolitical Jennifer Holdsworth. First of all, I want everyone to know that this is a safe space here, you can -- we won't censor you like some of the liberals.

Raymond, I want to start with you. There is a sense of fun and whimsy that seems to be missing in this whole political correctness moment that we've been living in for some time.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, jokes are out the door. You can't kid, and look, how do we get over difficult situations, how do we overcome and find connections with people we disagree with? We joke, we make fun of each other and ourselves.

That is being pushed further and further out of society. You see it in some of the clips you played. You can't do a little racy or suggestive songs. This was a way in the 1950s that people interacted. It was a way to suggest something without gratuitously hitting you over the head with it.

Now, we're in a gratuitous age where you can't make the quiet sideswipes, the fun jokes on the side, everything's got to be very plain, very black and white, and frankly it's a lot uglier out there today.

INGRAHAM: It's more divisive and not fun. Jennifer, this is what Jerry Seinfeld said a few years ago. He was on with Seth Meyers talking about what it's like to be on the comedy circuit. He's also said he will not perform on college campuses, because talk about an unfun place these days. Let's watch.


JERRY SEINFELD, AMERICAN STAND-UP COMEDIAN: I can imagine some people say, well that's offensive to suggest that a gay person moves their hands in a flourishing motion and you now need to apologize.


I mean, there's a creepy PC thing out there that really bothers me.


INGRAHAM: Jennifer?

JENNIFER HOLDSWORTH, CRO OF DSPOLITICAL: I don't think it's so much about political correctness as it is to just being sensitive of what might really hurt someone. And look, when we talk about Christmas songs, I wouldn't necessarily put Baby It's Cold Outside in the realm of Christmas songs.

When you talk about liberals--

INGRAHAM: Oh even if it's not--

HOLDSWORTH: --criticizing the way--

ARROYO: They played in June?

HOLDSWORTH: --the way President Trump prays, this is a President who is sitting less than a foot away from another President who a lot of conservatives talked about being a Muslim for the last decades, as if there was something wrong with that.

So, I think when we talk about turning the tide of the national conversation into something that's a little less offensive, it doesn't have to do with political correctness. I would like to see what conservatives would have said, had it been President Obama who did not recite the Apostles Creed, when the entire western church did.

INGRAHAM: Well, one of the thing that's different here is that conservatives actually try to say we want to conserve the culture, we want to conserve the -- what makes us different is okay. It's okay to be different. How can you have different points of view?

But what I'm trying to get to, Jennifer, and you didn't quite seem to understand what I'm saying is that in this world of you -- if you're offensive -- if you're offended, I can't say it, I can't even feel it for fear of losing my job, not getting a promotion, and not getting a benefit in the workplace.

People are afraid to speak their minds. That is not liberal, that's scary, and that's censorious. That's what the Left always considered conservatives.

Harmeet Dhillon?

HARMEET DHILLON, RNC COMMITTEEWOMAN: Absolutely, Laura. I mean, conservatives are not in the business of critiquing how people pray, I just think that's crass and he prayed the way and he was -- he felt comfortable doing it. It's not our business to critique that.

But what I see on college campuses and in workplaces, where I do a lot of litigation, is that people are constantly censoring themselves, walking around on eggshells. Young people are actually doing consent videos before they move to second base with a girl so that they don't get sued.

And it's really sucking all the joy out of life and I--

INGRAHAM: And romance.

DHILLON: --and romance, and if I were a young person these days, I mean I would be like stressed out and having to take all the drugs I take now, because they're always worried about what the new rules are.

HOLDSWORTH: Are you saying that consent is sucking the joy out of romance, because that's--

DHILLON: No, what I said was making a video to document the consent is sucking the joy out of interactions between the sexes.

ARROYO: The fear of being dragged before board or the fear of litigation keeps boys from asking girls out and vice-versa in some cases, because they don't know where the lines are drawn.

DHILLON: On the presumption of guilt, don't forget about Title 9 which puts all the boys who looked at a girl in the box for years have to hire lawyers.

HOLDSWORTH: There is definitely a conversation to be had about due process and what we need to do on college campuses. But I think a consent is a completely different conversation.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, you actually interviewed candidate Trump about his faith, and going--

ARROYO: I did, about prayer in particular.

INGRAHAM: About prayer, but again liberals criticizing how someone decides to pray in the moment, it's -- that's wild to me. I want to play what he said to you about his own prayer.


ARROYO: When you pray, what do you pray for?

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don't want to talk to about that. I pray, it is very personal to me. I'm a personal belief. But I certainly -- I pray for my family, I pray for our country. But I don't want to talk to you about that. I think that is very personal.

ARROYO: OK, between you and God.

TRUMP: It is between me and God, yes.


INGRAHAM: I like the fact that he didn't want to talk about that. Liberals are like, don't wear your religion on you sleeve. I get trashed for wearing this cross, by the way, over my --

JENNIFER HOLDSWORTH, CRO, DSPOLITICAL: I never get trashed for wearing my cross, ever.

INGRAHAM: I do. Go to my Twitter feed. You're liberal, you can do whatever you want.

ARROYO: With apologies to the jewelry choices, ladies, the moment criticizing the man for not praying the creed, or reciting it, first of all, you're dealing with a man who I think is new to faith. He is working his way through it, and he is not ostentatious. Jennifer, I would prefer someone -- I would rather a faithful pagan who follows -- protects religious freedom and advances basic morality in our government over a pious fraud who assaults both.


ARROYO: That is the difference that many faithful people had with President Obama. It was the policy, not the man.

HARMEET DHILLON, ATTORNEY: The critics are secular humanists. They don't believe it themselves.

HOLDSWORTH: But there is a very difference between criticizing the way somebody prays and pointing out hypocrisy in conservatism.

INGRAHAM: Why is it --

ARROYO: It's quiet prayer.

HOLDSWORTH: Because liberals have been called Godless for years when they have worshiped a variety of Gods. And I think --

INGRAHAM: What? That is a non sequitur. You are not arguing the point. The point is liberals claim that they are pro-choice, be who you want to be, be your authentic self, my truth. Trump is praying the way he darn wants, and he gets trashed by Don Lemon. Don Lemon used to be someone I actually respected. Don Lemon has gone so for over the line. God bless him, I don't know what is going on with him. But you are so obsessed with trashing Trump that you have got to trash him at the moment when everyone is honoring George Bush. I don't understand that.

I think it speaks so poorly of where this culture is. And I think it goes back to, Jennifer, people are truly just afraid. They are afraid. They're afraid to speak, afraid you feel. Now, if you hum along to "Baby, It's Cold Outside," you might as well have raped somebody. Honestly, it's gone way overboard, and it's just not fun. There's no fun. Can you really have fun? I guess you can smoke pot, do edibles, and then talk about how you might want to change your gender, that is kind of interesting, I guess. But you can't do much else. I guess play sports? Honestly, in the public life, it is very hard. Jerry Seinfeld is right. Humor is dead. And that's why they go to political humor and they trash Trump.

ARROYO: Moving to a secular dogma, which no one really knows -- Pope Benedict coined the phrase, dictatorship of relativism. I think we are here.


INGRAHAM: When we come back, this Christmas, there is a bright spot for the hundreds of those gold star families. They got to make a special trip to Disney World thanks to Gary Sinise and the Snowball Express. Raymond Arroyo takes us there next.


ANNA KOOIMAN, CORRESPONDENT: Merry Christmas everyone, and live from America's news headquarters, I'm Anna Kooiman. On this Christmas Day, our men and women stationed across the country and world got a special phone call from our president, Donald Trump. Over a video conference in Washington, the president spoke to members of all five branches of the military. He thanked them for their service and acknowledged the sacrifices they were making.

The president, who normally spends Christmas at his estate in Florida, stayed behind amid the partial government shutdown.

Meantime, another Christmas message, this one from Pope Francis to Catholics around the world. In his annual address from the Vatican, the Pope called for a fraternity among people of different faiths and races. The Pope said the universal message of the holiday is that we are all brothers and sisters. He also made a plea for political leaders around the world to put aside their differences.

And more than $400,000 is refunded after a GoFundMe campaign turns out to be a scam. Did you hear about this one? A New Jersey couple set up the page after they say a homeless veteran from Philadelphia had given his last $20 when they ran out of gas. But prosecutors say the viral feel good story was all put together by the trio. So all that money has since been returned.

Merry Christmas, everybody. I'm Anna Kooiman. And now back to "The Ingraham Angle" special. Have a good night.

INGRAHAM: This Christmas there are still tens of thousands of troops fighting for our freedoms abroad, and even here at home. But 7,000 troops will never return home. And for those families, the overlooked casualties of the war, the holidays can be really painful.

But the Gary Sinise Foundation hosts a special trip that captures the spirit of Christmas. FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo joined these Gold Star families, Gary Sinise, and the Snowball Express at Disney World for an unforgettable five-day experience, one that holds lessons for all Americans. Watch.


ARROYO: You may have seen this video that went viral last week. The Nashville airport came to a standstill when travelers paused to sing the national anthem in the concourse.


ARROYO: They were honoring children of fallen servicemen and women who were boarding a very special flight. This year, as it has for the last 13, the Snowball Express, sponsored by the Gary Sinise Foundation and American Airlines, has taken more than 1,000 children of the fallen from 87 cities on a Christmas trip filled with joy, family, and remembrance. Their destination was Disney World.

GARY SINISE, ACTOR AND FOUNDER, THE GARY SINISE FOUNDATION: Every one of these children have lost a parent in military service. We want to focus on these kids. We want to bring them together in this healing environment, and also allow them to have a lot of fun when they are doing it.

ELLIE AULT RICCI, GOLD STAR CHILD: It's been really fun. And I like how we got to go on all the rides at Disney World, and because this is my first time at Disney World.

STEPHANIE COLLIER, GOLD STAR MOTHER: Lot of gratitude. It was just amazing at Disney. And it was super special.

ARROYO: Stephanie Collier, herself a war veteran, lost her husband to PTSD once he returned home. She and her three children join the Snowball Express annually.

They had to deal with a lot of a young age. And she was only two months old when her father passed. So it was hard. It's been a huge change in them, too, the smiling faces.

ARROYO: For a moment, grief has been replaced with talk of a favorite ride.

EMILY GRANVILLE, GOLD STAR CHILD: The dino ride we went on.

ARROYO: The dinosaur ride.

GRANVILLE: I love that ride.

ARROYO: Me, too. What's your favorite?


ARROYO: Melissa's Ault Ricci's husband died a month after their daughter Ellie was born. Melissa sees this experience as an important one for her daughter and all the kids here to --

MELISSA AULT RICCI, GOLD STAR MOTHER: -- just have fun and just like let go and have fun and enjoy themselves, which is really nice because they all have quite a burden emotionally to bear throughout life. Sorry. So I just think it's really special to give them this moment.

ARROYO: I know holidays can be a rough time.

RICCI: It can be, especially when someone is always missing.

ARROYO: There was one special area at the resort set aside to remember the absent dads and moms who have brought them together.

ARROYO: In between the fun and all the mirth to be had here, these families take a moment for remembrance. These 650 flags represent the men and women who have fallen in the line of duty or when they returned home. And these families take a moment in this room of remembrance to mourn them.

MARY ELLEN BANCROFT, GOLD STAR MOTHER: When I walked in, I was speechless. It's amazing when you look at these flags and you realize that it represents the parent of every child that is here, and also that this is just a small bit because there are so many others that have lost a family member. And it's just overwhelming. You're speechless. It's very emotional.

My daughter did not know her father. He was the first Marine casualty after the start -- post 9/11. So she was only eight months old when he died. And just going through life without knowing your father, just hearing stories, but then becoming a part of Snowball, it makes you realize and it makes her realize, wow, there are a lot of children here without a father, and you don't feel alone.

ARROYO: The shared experience bonds these Gold Star kids and allows them to establish close ties.

TANNER LOUNG, GOLD STAR CHILD: It's been awesome experience for me over the years. I don't get to act like how I do now due to the fact that people would make fun of me.

ARROYO: What will you take with you back to Arizona?

LOUNG: Probably just spending a bunch of time with our family and friends. The best thing about here is meeting new people and just making friends.

YASMEEN NIXON, GOLD STAR MOTHER: They would feel like they are not alone. And it's children who lost parents. And just to know there's so many of them that's going through the same thing that they are experiencing at such a young age, this helps them cope.

GRANVILLE: I made a lot of friends, and I think it's super special that they do this for us. And I love it here. Every year, we come. We just make new, more and more friends as we come. And it's beautiful.

ARROYO: These two girls met at the airport in California and stuck together for the entire five days.

SARAH KHOURY, GOLD STAR CHILD: I just saw her at the airport and she looked like she was my age. So I was like --

ARROYO: I hear she was filling something out.

KHOURY: She was doing college apps. And I was like, she is a senior like me.

For us as moms, it gives us an opportunity to bond, and then to talk about what we're doing to help out child to grieve. And it's a really good support system for us as well.

COLLIER: This year, I met a new family. It's their first year, and she didn't know much about things that will help her through her grief. And I helped her through this whole time. She's been with us this whole time, and her daughter. And she told me, she told me that her daughter really hasn't talked about what has happened with her father with any other children. So to come here and watch them hold hands and go through the park together, that's the stuff that you really -- nobody else on the outside really gets to see. They see kids who lost a dad, they don't see what they are feeling. And this is a family that sees, they know what we're all going through no matter what it is. And being in the military, life is hard, and then losing somebody in it is very hard.

ARROYO: Every Snowball Express ends with a special concert by Gary Sinise and his Lieutenant Dan Band. This year was no exception.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So I want a rousing applause for Gary Sinise and the Lieutenant Dan Band.


ARROYO: Gary Sinise and the band to been playing for Snowball Express families since 2007, eventually taking the entire program under the wing of his foundation.


ARROYO: What do you think as you watch these families recreating and forgetting about their loss for a little bit and finding that camaraderie with one another?

SINISE: It's wonderful to see them smile. That's the whole thing for me is just to make these kids happy, to let them know they are loved and appreciated.

They get a lot of love, a lot of support, and it's emotional for them, too, because they are all thinking about the reason that they are here. That's why we do it in December. It is a tough time for children that have lost a parent.


SINISE: We show them that we are not forgetting. We remember. We don't forget. That can carry them into the next year with a new sense that, hey, I'm important. What I'm going through is appreciated. It's not being forgotten. And that there are others. I'm not alone in what I'm going through. It's a beautiful event. I'm so proud that we can support it.



INGRAHAM: Not every absent parent died in the battlefield. Increasingly PTSD is claiming the lives on the home front. According to the Veterans Administration, 20 active and retired servicemembers take their own lives every day. This is a reminder of the enduring cost of war and reminds us all that we must never forget the families of our brief service people.

Up next, Bill Bennett is here. The true St. Nicholas, who was he, and why does it matter? His special message this Christmas, next.


INGRAHAM: The Christmas police were out in full force this year, from trying to ban classic songs and even getting rid of Christmas trees altogether. It's good to know if there are still some believers in the traditions of this wonderful season.


INGRAHAM: My good friend, an old boss, Bill Bennett.



INGRAHAM: Former boss, not old. Always former. And his book is, "The True Saint Nicholas, Why He Matters to Christmas." And when you read it, it changes the way you think about the tradition of giving, where that came from, and the religious underpinning of who the Bishop of Myra actually was. So we're going to get into that.

But this whole war on Christmas, Christmas is here now. And you look back on the season, there's so much tumult in politics, Bill, and the culture, and yet it is that time of year where you like things to slow down and maybe it reminds us that we have to do that more regularly, period, in our lives.

BENNETT: It's a good idea. It is a good idea to slow down, and thank you, Laura. And thank you for the book. And I understand you are reading this book at home to the kids.

INGRAHAM: I am, to my children, to my kids. Being careful so we don't reveal too much. Yes, we are reading it.

BENNETT: You have the story before. Yes, it is a special time. And I am into it more. Mrs. Bennett said, you know Mrs. Bennett, she said you turned on the Christmas music right after Thanksgiving. I said I did. I think having kids helps a lot.

INGRAHAM: It does.

BENNETT: And so we are all getting into that spirit.

INGRAHAM: From growing up, I know your brother Bob, and my other old boss, my really old boss, both of you were my former bosses in my youth.

BENNETT: That's right. Aren't you glad there are no more Bennetts to work for?

INGRAHAM: Yes, believe me, that was tough to get through, both of them.


INGRAHAM: Growing up, what is your most powerful memory of Christmas?

BENNETT: In Brooklyn, New York, Santa does come to Brooklyn, and he has got a lot of ground to cover. Going up on the roof of our building and trying to see if we could see Santa and the sleigh and everything. And then we couldn't do it. So we went downstairs into our beds, and then somehow my mother and her husband, my stepfather, got some sound, got something to scrape on the roof. And it sounded like something was coming in for a landing. And said there he is. I'll never forget that.

INGRAHAM: And that feeling. I heard Santa twice last year.

BENNETT: You did?

INGRAHAM: Oh, yes, I heard him. I heard him. I've always believed. I believe to this day in Santa Claus.

BENNETT: And then with our little guys, when they were little, and they are not so little anymore. There's about 13 feet of my sons, as you know, those two guys are big. But we drive over to uncle Bob's, Bob Bennett, your former boss, Christmas party. And when they were little, they would say, see, look, up there, they he goes. You see? And the boys would turn their heads. Those are the memories.

INGRAHAM: It's fun.

BENNETT: It's magic.

INGRAHAM: The evolution and to the Santa Claus that we envision today, what he looks like, the chimney, there's historical roots. Explain those.

BENNETT: In 280 A.D., Nicholas is born to an older couple. They didn't think they would have a child, but then a miracle, another miracle. He is born. They have some money, they die, and he inherits the money, doesn't know what to do. And he decides to give it away, to be a good steward.

In the town there is a gentleman who has three daughters, and he is quite poor, so he doesn't have enough for a dowry. In those days you had to have a dowry to give a daughter off to marriage. I got a dowry from Mrs. Bennett's father. It gave me a big envelope, but it was parking tickets from North Carolina.


INGRAHAM: That sounds perfect.

BENNETT: He handed me this big envelope. I said, dowry? He said, sort of. They're yours now, buddy.

Anyway, so there are these three daughters, and too poor to be married. So one night, and this is the seminal Santa Claus story, in maybe 300 A.D., this young man becomes a priest and then a bishop, takes a bag of gold, and goes to the open window and throws it in the open window, and it lands in a stocking or a shoe. How about that? And he does it three times. He wants to be anonymous. And the third time, the father is waiting up and catches him, throws him to the ground and says, I know who it is. A wonderful irony there because the men who wanted to remain anonymous becomes over time the most famous gift giver.

INGRAHAM: And he didn't want to become a bishop, as I recall in your book. He wasn't -- he thought he was too young and he hadn't done enough. And yet the bishop basically said --

BENNETT: The story was that they said the next guy, the next religious guy, the next believer who walks into our church we'll make the bishop, and that was Nicholas. So he became a bishop. And then he goes to the Council of Nicaea, and he misbehaves because there is a heresy, and Arius is pushing this banned heresy. And Nicholas goes up and slaps in the face. There is a lot of history.

INGRAHAM: I love this. It sounds like the Bennett boys. It sounds like what your Christmas was like, you guys would punch each other. This is the real spirit of Christmas.

BENNETT: A little bit. My mother paid my brother a nickel a day not to fight, for every day he didn't get into a fight. In Brooklyn, it is not easy to stay out of fights.

INGRAHAM: And how about the names that people have -- Saint Nick, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, then there's Papa Noel, Father Christmas.

BENNETT: He goes all over the world. His fame goes all over the world, and his story goes all over the world. Now, we get into the 16th century, and I don't want to hurt sales, but those reformation people, were kind of hard on St. Nicholas. We love you, you destroyed icons and the stained- glass windows.

But he goes into the homes then and becomes this favorite character in people's homes and stories, much beloved of children. And so the name of Saint Nicholas, and then getting towards the end, the Dutch come to New York and they bring with them something called, someone called Sinterklaas. And then Clement Moore, a wealthy New Yorker, writes a poem called "Twas the Night Before Christmas," Washington Irving writes about this gentleman. And then it's America, so Coca-Cola discovers him, puts on about 100 pounds, gets a big red coat, and that is our guy.


INGRAHAM: It is amazing. The metamorphosis, the evolution, but the historical foundation of all of this is real, our entire western tradition.

BENNETT: And the moral foundation. The idea ends as it begins, or it should end as it begins, the idea of a gift being given.


INGRAHAM: And my Christmas message after this.


INGRAHAM: I want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and the days after Christmas. Remember, the season keeps going on. Happiness, health, take time to relax. Rest a little bit if you can. Reach out maybe to someone you haven't been in contact with, someone important to you. Maybe you've been separated for some reason. That's always nice to do, especially at Christmas time.

And 2019, can you believe it, it's going to be full of promise, challenges, I'm sure, but we're going to have a lot of great shows. We have an amazing staff. We couldn't do it without them every single day. We are blessed to have them, blessed to have you.

Thank you for sharing some time with us every day at "The Ingraham Angle."

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