Should girls be allowed to play on boy's sports teams?
Female player cut from male football team
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 27, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Some young girls are now playing on sport scenes that were once only for boys. 12-year-old Maddy Baxter was one of them until she was kicked off her football team from her school. She's a sixth grader and was a First String Defensive Tackle at Strong Rock Christian School in Locust Grove, Georgia. But school officials took her off the roster for next year for several reasons one of which was that the boys might have impure thoughts about her. Here is Maddy's reaction to the decision.
MADDY BAXTER: I can't really go to sleep at night. I've been thinking about what else am I going to be able to do? How is this going to continue and it's really just -- it really, really does hurt. It's not just for me, it's also for any female through any sport that wants to be able to play.
PERINO: And her mom Cassy, is disappointed too.
CASSY BLYTHE: Don't kill a child's spirit just because you have the opportunity to do so. You know, Maddy was able to play the first year.
She did an outstanding job. She gave it every ounce of energy and passion that she had.
PERINO: One thing that probably has not happened to Maddy is that she had big tooth -- lipstick on her teeth as she was reading a teleprompter as I did and there is -- so before you send me the Tweets, I already-- I heard about it. Bob?
PERINO: Do you like the idea of young girls being able to play any sports that they want to play?
BECKEL: I would -- this is open to so many jokes but I'm going to let it go. I'm going to play straight. I think the idea of it is ridiculous because if they get this level, she may not get hurt but if she moves up and she would do it in a big high school for example, the gist -- the reality is that men and women and are built differently and when I played the game, somebody like her -- you don't look at who you're tackling, you don't look at who -- you look at the color of the jersey. And this girl is going to get hurt and a lot of -- and there are sports for girls, there are sports for boys and I hope they keep it that way.
PERINO: What do you think, Eric?
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I'm going to get in trouble again because every time we do a story like this, I get in...
PERINO: That's why we do it.
BOLLING: ... from Twitter and Facebook but here is what I think. I think this is more of the wussification of American men. We're blurring the gender lines to the point where you can't tell who's a boy and who's a girl anymore.
The girls want to be tougher, the boys want to be -- I don't know, sweeter, softer. I just long for the days where it's okay to tell a woman she looks beautiful in that dress, I'm not sure if I can do it anymore because it might be harassing her or opening a door for someone. I might be demeaning to her by opening a door for her. I just happen to like that part of life.
PERINO: What about the -- Greg, you went to Catholic school, right?
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yes, 12 years.
PERINO: Okay so what about the point that the school made which is that the boys might have impure thoughts about her and that was why it might be not good -- it won't be good for her to play.
GUTFELD: Yes, boys do have impure thoughts. They're not just boys but men. I still have impure thoughts. I'm having them right now, stop these thoughts, stop these thoughts. I can't get rid of them. You can't -- I'm with Eric.
People love to deny the differences between girls and boys. They are equal but they are different. Why can't then the boys join the girl's teams?
They will dominate some of those sports if they join those teams. But why not -- why not just blur -- get rid of all gender differences so that it goes both ways, not just girls to boys but boys to girls. And then let it go to college and let it go to pro. See what happens. Let professional male tennis players play against women.
ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: Let donkeys play, chickens, who cares?
GUTFELD: I would love to see that.
TANTAROS: Why do we have rules anymore?
GUTFELD: Donkeys would be great to see...
PERINO: Andrea, would you have one play? Did it ever enter your mind to play any of these sports?
TANTAROS: Football? Definitely not. And I know -- now I'm going to feel heat too because I should say "Go girl! You should do it, yeah, woohoo!"
I agree with Bob on this one. And I do think it's unfair to the boys on the team.
Boys naturally don't want to hit girls. They don't want to charge at them.
They're not going to be playing where they should play and I know that her mom said they shouldn't kill her spirit. I'm worried about her getting killed. And maybe not now because she's 12, but when she gets older, it is a violent, tough game and those boys on the field should have not to play any different.
PERINO: Well, apparently the boys actually like her and they want her to stay. But it was the school's decision. And it's a private school.
BECKEL: If you don't think for a minute that the other teams are going to go after her and go after her hard.
TANTAROS: It's a private school so they can do what they want.
GUTFELD: But if you tackle a woman -- a girl hard, people are going to look at you like a jerk.
BECKEL: No, not really.
PERINO: What do you know about football that -- you like a jerk?
TANTAROS: Not only football.
PERINO: All right. Still to come.
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