She's back! Hillary Clinton returns to the presidential race
Democratic presidential nominee campaigns in North Carolina after taking three days off for her health
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 15, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Melissa Francis -- Juan Williams. We skipped Juan Williams and Greg Gutfeld. Its 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."
Well, she's back. Today, Americans got to see Hillary Clinton for the first time in four days since Sunday after she collapsed while departing the 9/11 memorial in New York City. She's been home recovering from pneumonia, but returns to the trail this afternoon in North Carolina.
HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I have to say it's great to be back on the campaign trail. I'm not great at taking it easy even under ordinary circumstances. But with just two months to go until Election Day, sitting at home was pretty much the last place I wanted to be.
BOLLING: And following her speech, Hillary was pressed by reporters about why it took so long to be transparent with America.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you be a little more specific about what those defenses are that you're referring to and did soldiers get a glimpse of some of that in the way that your campaign handled the events surrounding your illness over the weekend?
CLINTON: You know, my campaign has said they could have been faster and I agree with that. I certainly expect them to be as focused and quick as possible. But I have to say, from my perspective, I thought I was going to be fine and I thought that there wasn't really any reason to make a big fuss about it. So, I should have taken time off earlier. I didn't. Now I have, and I'm back on the campaign trail.
BOLLNG: All right, KG, first appearance since her health scare. How did she do?
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I think she did fine, I mean, but again, she sort of threw her staff under the bus. She said it was, you know, I expect my campaign to be focused and to respond right away, then saying more that it was an error or you know, a fail on their part rather than on the candidate herself.
So, she's very good at deflecting that, that anybody else involved with other scandal, take the fifth, throw the campaign under the bus so, this is kind of again a familiar theme for Hillary Clinton, failure to take ownership and personal responsibility.
BOLLING: What do you think, Greg? You have heard a little wavering in the voice? A little bit.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I have to say, I thought her body double did great. I'm worrying about her health. I think she might need a body triple, just somebody in the back there. I like on the jet, I like the motto, "stronger together" so they can help her up the stairs. It takes a village to get her to that podium. And then she said in the speech that she sweats the details.
Sure that's not the flu? Because you do tend to sweat. Look, she has to get back on the horse. In my opinion, the election has left town without her. I mean, I don't think this speech was the resilient "I'm back." it's kind of I'm sort of back.
GUILFOYLE: It lacks the gung ho.
BOLLING: Melissa, in her absence leading up to the health scare and then in her absence, the polls have been firm for Donald Trump. Is this enough to maybe stop that movement towards Trump?
MELISSA FRANCIS, GUEST CO-HOST: I don't think so. I mean, you know, she stood there and she talked about how she was at home playing with her dogs. If anyone in the audience believes that, I mean come on. Raise your hand. I didn't think so. You know, she's -- it's gotten to the point where I only believe leaked e-mails. I don't believe anything else beside that.
So she's standing up there saying she feels better. She only had whatever it was, pneumonia. Her husband said she had the flu. Something else said, you know, whatever. She had the flu (ph). Nobody can keep the story straight. I just don't believe any of it.
BOLLING: Juan, I think Democrats were probably empowered by what they saw today. Democrats, but anyone else?
BOLLING: Well they saw -- they got their candidate back.
WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.
BOLIING: I mean, there was a lot of discussion among Democrats saying should we switch her out? It is the time to -- wait, tell me you haven't heard any of it?
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, put in a relief pitcher.
WILLIAMS: I think it was followed down in South Carolina and said, oh, we should -- the committee, the executive committee of the DNC should be looking -- nobody said that.
GUTFELD: David Shuster said something then Cokie Roberts say something.
WILLIAMS: These are not reporters. We're talking about people who have some power or say in terms of Democratic politics. But when I hear Melissa say she can't believe a woman who is at home with her dogs, I say, gosh, you know, it's reached a point where something so simple, you know. It's just now, Republicans just feel free to malign and libel Hillary Clinton any time she says anything.
FRANCIS: I'm not a Republican. Are you talking about me? I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Republican
WILLIAMS: Yes, I am talking about but I just -- but I think that, you know...
GUILFOYLE: She's neutral.
WILLIAMS: ...she looks good and her argument which was interesting to me was, because it sounded like she was saying, you know what, women do over prepare. We sweat the details to pick that and it seemed like she was saying, you know, I'm not good at the Donald Trump style game...
FRANCIS: By the way, I didn't believe him today either.
WILLIAMS: ...and therefore, I'm about substance. And she went on to say, you know what, she's been talking to real people. She gets substance and policy and that she can accomplish real change. I think that was the message.
OLLING: Let's bring in a little bit of that, but first, Hillary was back on the campaign trail, and Trump is back questioning her stamina.
DONALD TRUMP, REPUCLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: You think this is easy? Oh, you think this is so easy. In this beautiful room that's 122 degrees. I don't know, folks. You think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? I don't know. I don't think so. I don't think so.
BOLLING: And Trump's doctor gave him a clean bill of health in a report released today. In an interview with Dr. Oz, the GOP nominee says he feels half his age.
TRUMP: When you're running for president, I think you have an obligation to be healthy. I have been going from state to state, from city to city, and so in a certain way, I get a lot of exercise. More exercise than people would think.
MEHMET OZ, DR. OZ SHOW HOST: When you look into the mirror, how old is the person you're looking at? What do you see?
TRUMP: I would say I see a person that's 35 years old. No, I mean, I feel the same.
Tom Brady is a friend of mine. We play golf together. A great quarterback, he's a phenomenal guy, great athlete and I'm with him and I feel the same age as him.
GUILFOYLE: I love it.
FRANCIS: OK, Juan, first of all, I'm not a Republican. Check my voter registration. I thought this was garbage. I thought the Hillary Clinton thing was garbage. I think -- the only thing I believe right now is Colin Powell's leaked e-mails. If there was information there about either of their health, I would believe that.
But other than that, I mean, they're both going to stand up and present papers that say they're the healthiest people to be walking the planet. There's no way that they would put out anything that said differently. And I don't believe a word either of them has to say about their health.
GUILFOYLE: Colin Powell did raise questions about her health in the e- mails, in fact.
FRANCIS: He did say she looks bad. But then again, that's him like watching from home.
GUTFELD: Okay. Still using the personal doctor that wrote the little note? That's like a Yelp review to a restaurant written by a chef. It's like having one of your friends write a book review on Amazon for you, which I never did. Maybe I did it once.
FRANCIS: We all do that.
BOLLING: They did a full blood work-up. There were a lot of numbers, and frankly, some of the numbers were pretty darn good.
GUTFELD: But that's not surprising if it's his doctor.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, but also, OK guys...
BOLLING: No, no...
GUILFOYLE: ...use your common sense here. I know, but guess what, Hillary is using her concierge doctor.
BOLLING: I agree it's wrong.
GUILFOYLE: There's a whole show on this, "Royal Pains." We all have them. I have mine.
GUTFELD: Independent...
BOLLING: That is so true. Dr. Oz.
GUILFOYLE: But guess what, you look at Trump's medical records, and you look at the facts. Look at the guy, is tireless on the campaign. He's last one every time to leave the debates. He's doing all of the interviews. I know because I was at them, and the last person to leave was Trump, talking to all the reporters and the...
GUTFELD: You're not a doctor, Kimberly, even though you pretend to be sometimes.
GUILFOYLE: I can play one on TV. Have you seen me in "Scrubs?" But you see that and it matches. The narrative matches the medical record. With Hillary, you're like, oh, she's amazing (ph), but every time you see, she's like looking faint, she's coughing, she's having coughing fits. She needs help getting up. I mean, there's a real serious doubt about her health and about her stamina.
GUTFELD: She should stop wearing the medic alert when she's on the stage.
BOLLING: Fifty-four days left.
WILLIAMS: Right, so I mean, look...
BOLLING: Is she ready for this final stretch run?
WILLIAMS: I have every indication that she is ready. I mean, the question is, again, comes back to style and substance. I mean, Donald Trump is the style guy. He's out there. He's got that populous energy. But when it comes to substance, you know, so I'm very interested in like today, he's talking to the New York Economics Club, and he says, you know what, I'm going to have a $4 trillion -- how are you to pay for that? $4 trillion tax cut for Mr. Trump. He says he doesn't care, just economic growth.
FRNACIS: He uses dynamic tax accounting, which actually makes a lot more sense.
WILLIAMS: He doesn't say where it comes from before the good (ph).
FRANCIS: He did.
BOLLING: Wait, can we stand...
WILLIAMS: Wait, let me finish this point. Paul Ryan says, why don't you release your tax returns Donald Trump?
BOLLING: But we're still on health, Juan.
WILLIAMS: I'm just saying that.
WILLIAMS: That was embarrassing.
BOLLING: Can I just ad something, I'm probably going to get blown up for asking this question. Tell me right now, should I not do this here? So the debate today is Donald Trump in the report, he says he's 6'2" or 6'3", 237 pounds.
FRANCIS: Thirty-six.
BOLLING: Two hundred thirty-six. That put his body mass index, BMI at 29.5, almost the beast. So, everyone is saying he should lose weight. Here's my question, did Hillary Clinton release her height and weight?
BOLLING: She did?
WILLIAMS: I was looking at the blood pressure and things like that.
BOLLING: And so, everyone is saying, you know, well that's sexist, you shouldn't asking for that. But how come...
WILLIAMS: (Inaudible)
BOLLING: No, but is it...
GUTFELD: It is sexist to say you can't do it to women.
BOLLING: That's my point.
FRANCIS: Juan, did you just say you know how women are? Wait, Juan just say you know how women are. Did you just say you know how women are?
GUTFELD: It was just the same thing.
GUTFELD: Hillary said the same thing. Hillary said, "You know how women are. They tend to over prepare."
FRANCIS: What? You can't say that.
BOLLING: You're losing the point.
WILLIAMS: If I ask a woman, how much do you weigh, you know what the reaction is? Don't ask a woman that.
BOLLING: But it's supposed to be about the health of the candidates.
GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.
BOLLING: Being overweight is an issue. They're making it an issue for Donald Trump. Should we at least have that for Hillary Clinton? I'm asking.
GUTFELD: It's a fair point. I mean...
WILLIAMS: Yeah, he's overweight. That's a fair point.
GUTFELD: No, you've got to be blind about gender. Aren't we in a gender- free society?
BOLLING: Yeah, we're supposed to be.
FRANCIS: Yeah, I do that. I'm just so jarred why you can't ask -- you know how women are. You can't say that, Juan.
WILLIAMS: What do you mean? You mean, I'm not supposed to say...
FRANCIS: You can't lump people into one giant group and say none of us will tell you how much we weigh. By the way, I weigh 123 pounds.
GUTFELD: That's Fantastic. By the way, Juan is just being honest. He's being a married man who knows, but however, in today's society, Eric's right. We're supposed to be able to ask these questions. Feminists should demand to know Hillary's weight.
WILLIAMS: Let me just say...
FRANCIS: I don't want to know either one of their weight.
WILLIAMS: She's the first woman candidate and I think -- you can ask her everything but I just don't think it's relevant. I think in terms of Trump, Trump who says he would be the best shape ever, he is the heaviest president.
GUILFOYLE: By the way, I won't have to say after school today, just say sorry for anything and let it go.
WILLIAMS: I didn't do anything.
GUTFELD: Wait, no, no, we were defending total equality here.
BOLLING: And that's what the left has been playing on. That's the whole thing that you're supposed to treat people equally no matter what the gender is. And my point was, if there's a body mass index issue for Trump, should we at least know if there's one for Hillary Clinton too, just as...
GITFELD: By the way, the BMI stuff is so inaccurate in general.
BOLLING: I agree.
GUTFELD: They say if you're obese. No, it should be about the belt loop.
BOLLING: Yeah, let's leave it at that. Next, we're only 54 days out from Election Day, and this race keeps tightening, the polls, positions have changed, where the candidates stand right now with the voters, that's ahead.
WILLIAMS: Now polls, they're showing a dramatically closer presidential race. According to the latest New York Times-CBS survey, Clinton and Trump are in a statistical tie, Clinton at 46 percent, Trump only two points behind at 44 percent with a three percent margin of error. Trump is also in the lead now in three key states according to two other polls. He's ahead in Ohio and Florida, and also in Nevada. Here are both candidates talking about the tightening race.
TRUMP: Really had a good month. Tremendous enthusiasm in Ohio and Florida and Pennsylvania is coming unbelievably well with the miners that she wants to put out of business. And you know, the whole thing is just working. We really did. We have had an incredible month. (END AUDIO CLIP)
CLINTON: I've always said that this was going to be a tight race. I've said it from the very beginning, whether I was up, down. It didn't matter. I think those are the kinds of presidential elections that we have in America. What matters is who registers to vote and who is motivated and mobilized to turn out to vote.
WILLIAMS: Well, we've got a debate in 11 days, but we're coming off a period in which Hillary Clinton got sick. We had the deplorables comment some people didn't like. I don't know if that really affected anything. But that's when these polls were done, and now we have a very tight race. Gregory, what would you say?
GUTFELD: I would say the race is tighter than Michael Moore's girdle. Hillary has lost more ground than a sloppy grave digger -- screwed that one up. But she is like the location of Lou Dobbs' latest tattoo, left behind.
FRANCIS: I like that one. You know, I like that one.
GUTFELD: I'm telling you, if she loses the first debate, it's over. I think it's now about this debate that she has to come back because it's so close. And think, if she loses, if she loses this election, think what this will do to her speaking fees because -- especially with president Obama now out on the circuit, no one is going to be paying what they normally pay. They're going to go to president Obama first. She cannot be second to Obama on the speaking circuit. That will be humiliating.
GUILFOYLE: And to Michelle Obama.
GUTFELD: That's true, and the other Obamas.
WILLIAMS: Well, Melissa, when we dig into the polls, it says on the issues, Hillary Clinton does have some reason for enthusiasm. Here it says that she's good on the economy, experienced, temperament, health care and the like, 65 percent say Trump is not qualified, 50 percent say he's biased against women and minorities.
FRANCIS: I don't know, whenever somebody starts falling behind the headline, they start pursing down the low to try and find is there any good news in here anywhere. I mean, this -- what I think is very interesting about this race is that it has been more elastic than almost any I've seen. Where somebody is way ahead and they can't come back, and somebody else is way ahead in the other side and can't come back.
So, I wouldn't count anyone out. I mean I think Trump very much has the momentum right now. I agree with you that I think it is all about that first debate. The problem is that the Clintons have set the bar so low for Donald Trump that if he doesn't walk in sort of frothing at the mouth and wearing a swastika, then I don't think that, you know, it's going to look like a victory.
Also, after the debate, I always think it's really interesting that it's like everybody watched a different debate and their idea of who won is so dramatically different. So, we say it's going to matter who wins, but I guess each individual is the judge and, you know, we have no idea when it's over who actually won.
WILLIAMS: Well, yeah, Donald Trump Jr. got into some trouble today because they wanted an apology because he was saying the way the Democrats win the primaries, it would open up like gas chambers and -- for I don't know what's going on there. But you know what, Eric, I think that for you, you must be like, wow, look at these polls? Do you think that this means the election is over?
GUILFOYLE: That's a trap.
BOLLING: I know he got in the polls, but polls indicate momentum and enthusiasm and the momentum and enthusiasm has shifted to Trump. Interestingly, too, it's done it for the first time maybe in the whole cycle that the election is about her, not him. So, all eyes have been on her for the last couple of days, four or five days. And I think Trump is enjoying that, at least certainly with the polling numbers.
Ohio and Florida, you mentioned Nevada, you didn't Iowa and Colorado, which have also gone in Trump's favor. That's huge. In Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Virginia, tightening as well. The big thing, though, and you have pushed back on this quite a bit here, Juan, the senate races. Rubio are now solidly -- McCain looks great. Portman looks great. Heck in Nevada looks good. Burr looks very good in North Carolina.
Ayotte, now -- Ayotte in New Hampshire where everyone is saying Donald Trump is going to bring down Kelly Ayotte, she's up by eight points in New Hampshire, and Toomey in Pennsylvania. So the momentum, look at the polls or don't, the momentum in the campaign has switched.
GUILFOYLE: Right, and the dems had even pulled ads in Colorado because they were so confident, and now she's in trouble here. But yes, it seems because she tried to depict him as somebody that was, you know, unstable or unreliable for the 3:00 a.m. call.
But you know what, he's answered back resoundingly by showing that he is somebody that can be stable, somebody that can be presidential, going down to Mexico, meeting with Pea Nieto, going to console and comfort.
WILLIAMS: Yeah, and lying about it, but you know what...
GUILFOYLE: Moment, Juan. I'm not up. Yeah, yeah.
WILLIAMS: But I wanted to ask you a question.
GUILFOYLE: No, I'm not done, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Oh, I thought you were done.
WILLIAMS: It says...
GUILFOYLE: No. I'm still not done.
WILLIAMS: OK, I got the point. Let me ask you a question.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh. What is this? If I tell you my BMI, can we go, can I talk?
WILLIAMS: It says half of the voters...
GUILFOYLE: Seventeen.
WILLIAMS: On either side harbor reservations about their candidate, and in large part, what they're doing is voting against the other candidate, Kimberly. So, what kind of election if you're voting not for your guy all the time, but you're voting...
GUILFOYLE: Well, you're also talking also about unfavorables, for sure. But I'm saying part of the thing that she's tried to do in the past successfully and that he has been able to respond back, talking about to my previous point, is by showing the fact that he is presidential.
Now he's saying, well guess what, she may be unfavorable, but you know what you're going to get with her, as a third term of Barack Obama. Take a chance on me, to quote a great "Abba" song, and give him a chance, whether it's African-American communities or independent or women or college educated, white women, et cetera. Hey, give me a chance. I'm going to these places. I'm going to Detroit, I'll go to Mexico.
I'm going where there's flooding victims, all of these things to show that he is ready for the task. And I think that's going to help him with some of the undecideds and independents.
WILLIAMS: So you think he wins?
GUILFOYLE: I think that he has a very good chance to win, I mean, just ask Larry Sabato.
GUTFELD: Oh, there's a lot of time left.
GUILFOYLE: Well, right, but the point is this is a very unpredictable election.
BOLLING: Our producers put up a poll where they're tied in one and she's winning in another. Wasn't there one that went out today where he was up by five? Where there two out today where he's up by something?
GUILFOYLE: Maybe we're not allowed to use that.
WILLIAMS: Well, he's still out -- Greg, you think he wins now?
GUTFELD: You know what this reminds me of?
WILLIAMS: Yes or no.
GUTFELD: It reminds me of Trump during the primary where he grinds everybody down so they act like him. The two biggest mistakes that Hillary made was the deplorables and going out on stage with pneumonia or going out on the 9/11 memorial with pneumonia. She did that because Trump forced her to do it. He baits and then he switches.
So then he acts more presidential as she starts making more mistakes. She's going to start turning orange in a little while. I mean, if she really is actually allergic to Trump. Everybody that has lost to him is allergic to Trump.
WILLIAMS: Well, do you guys think he win, I guess so.
GUTFELD: No, I can't...
FRANCIS: No, no way. Way too early.
WILLIAMS: All right, maybe she'll like get a comb over. If you got a computer, you likely have your web cam on the top. Stay tuned because the FBI director has some very important advice for your security. That's next.
GUILFOYLE: Modern technology has greatly enhanced our lives, but with the perks come great risks. A "60 Minutes" investigation showed us just how easy it is for hackers to break into our phones. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: John Herring (ph) warned us he could spy on anyone through their own phone as long as the phone's camera had a clear view. We propped up the phone on my desk, set up cameras to record a demonstration.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're in business.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Then, Herring (ph) called from San Francisco. And proved the hack worked.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You installed a malware in your device that's broadcasting video from your phone.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My phone is not even lit up.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I understand, yeah.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's so creepy.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We live in a world where we can't trust the technology that we use.
GUILFOYLE: It's just so a troubling (ph) story about that. All right, Bill O'Reilly expressed his concerns about hacking dangers last night on his program.
BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS THE O'REILLY FACTOR SHOW HOST: There is no privacy in this world. Hackers can get into your system. You can be taped recorded at any time by anybody. You can be photographed without your knowledge and people can even listen to your private conversations while you're in your home using technology. What an awful situation.
GUILFOYLE: Indeed. The FBI's director has a warning for all of us. Cover your web cams. He does.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You still have a piece of tape over your cameras at home.
JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR: Heck, yeah, and there are some sensible things you ought to be doing, and that's one of them. You go in any government office, we all have our little camera things that sit on top of the screen, we all have a little lid that closes down on them. You do that so people don't have authority don't look at you. I think that's a good thing.
GUILFOYLE: OK, so everybody should do that, indeed. Greg, do you do that at your house?
GUTFELD: Yes, I do cover my web cam at certain times. Look, as long as you live an honest life, why should you worry? Because that's the argument that we hear from pro-Assange people like why should you worry about hacking if your life is on. I got that a lot yesterday. It's like, if you live a good life, you shouldn't worry about a hack. I'm sorry, privacy is about hiding things. It's about hiding stuff.
Your Social Security number is honest. Your medical records are honest. Your credit rating is honest, but you should still be able to hide them.
I'm looking forward to the day that the people that are in love with Assange right now get hacked by Assange. And I will sit back with my red wine, and I will look at all of your naked pictures, flexing.
GUILFOYLE: Flexing? Oh, my God. Was that a shot at Bolling?
GUTFELD: No! Bolling's not pro-Assange.
BOLLING: No, I'm not pro.
GUTFELD: He likes -- he likes Snowden.
BOLLING: And the reason...
GUTFELD: But he doesn't like Assange.
BOLLING: Again, draw the line on a piece of paper, and hacking, stealing people's private information...
BOLLING: ... not good. The other part, where whistle blowing on activity that's been going on, illegally, unconstitutionally, is a vast, big difference.
WILLIAMS: Big government. You're anti-big government.
BOLLING: And think about this for a second. You remember when Snowden first started leaking, he started telling the world what was going on. There was a little bit of an investigation going on, and there were some NSA agents who were actively looking into what their girlfriends and fiancees were doing through the Internet, through the web, through their phones.
I mean, come on. That's a vastly different thing than someone like Assange, who goes in and steals your private pictures. And by the way, no one is going to steal my -- no one is going on my camera. Now, you guys perhaps, but certainly not mine.
GUILFOYLE: Why is this?
BOLLING: I'm probably not -- there's not a big market for pictures of me working out. Geraldo, perhaps, not me.
FRANCIS: Can I be the devil's advocate and go for the other side?
FRANCIS: I mean, this shows we don't have to bother lying anymore. I mean, look at Colin Powell and how liberating that was. He got out there.
GUILFOYLE: He loved this.
FRANCIS: He got to say what he really thinks about people.
GUTFELD: All right. Give me your -- give me your password.
FRANCIS: He got to say what he really thinks, and he doesn't have to -- he doesn't have to live with it anymore.
GUTFELD: Give me your password to your FNC account, the one that has all of your financial records.
FRANCIS: Our whole crew knows...
GUTFELD: Give me your Netflix password. Can I have that?
GUTFELD: Excellent, and I would like other passwords, as well.
FRANCIS: You don't have to wear a girdle anymore, because everyone is going to know what it really looks like, if they're going into your camera. I mean, we can just live a free life, because nothing is private any longer. It's fantastic.
GUTFELD: You go first.
GUILFOYLE: Yes. Here's another problem. Let me tell you something. You know the news, the Samsung, the smart TVs, they have the little camera thing at the top, too. There I was, walking around in the privacy of my home, and all of a sudden, boom. On the TV. Me, yes. It turned itself on and was recording me.
FRANCIS: Are you sure that's what really happened?
FRANCIS: I think there's more to that story.
GUILFOYLE: I'm not kidding.
GUTFELD: I can attest, because I was sitting in a tree while it was happening.
WILLIAMS: Yes, you were out there.
FRANCIS: With a remote control.
GUTFELD: I have a telescope.
WILLIAMS: My problem with this has to do with the fact that we all accept now surveillance in public, if you're on the street.
WILLIAMS: I mean, if you're walking down the street, if you're in the car driving, if you're on the highway, there's surveillance everywhere. We accept this now as a reality.
And I think it's -- you know, to me, a real loss. I can't believe that, you know, Jefferson and Hamilton and Washington would put up with any of this. I mean, that's the reason that they say there's no illegal search and seizure, but now...
GUTFELD: Ben Franklin would love it.
WILLIAMS: ... the computers are involved in illegal searching.
FRANCIS: How do we stop it at this point? I mean, how do we stop it? It's like the cat's out of the bag.
GUILFOYLE: You have to cover the little thing.
FRANCIS: That's -- I mean, that's not going to do all of it. I mean, the television that you're talking about has voice control and voice recognition. So it's recording what you're saying, and it can also do that.
GUILFOYLE: And it has a camera, and it's -- I'm telling you, they have the ability, like the robots, to turn themselves on.
GUILFOYLE: And watch you and spy on you.
BOLLING: You can't draw the line between public and private where you can say it's wrong to be stealing your information or stealing what you're doing in your apartment, but listen, when you step out in the public street...
WILLIAMS: You're gone.
FRANCIS: But I don't think you can physically stop it.
BOLLING: There is a difference between the two.
WILLIAMS: You know, and some of it's good, because, like, if there's a car accident, you can see what happened, right?
BOLLING: Or a crime.
WILLIAMS: Or a crime, hopefully.
But in a lot of times they can even manipulate that. So that -- you know, they make movies out of this, where they manipulate a video, and sometimes, the video starts at a certain point, doesn't reveal what happened before. It's like the NBA. Some guys gets fouled, you say, "Hey, you didn't see what happened before."
FRANCIS: There you go.
GUILFOYLE: All right.
GUTFELD: Just erase your history.
GUILFOYLE: Erase your history? OK. All right, thank you. You can get out of my tree now, Greg.
Want to know where your hard-earned tax dollars are about to go? Stay tuned for an eye-opening update next.
FRANCIS: So most of us who work in America have to fork over part of our paychecks to this guy, Uncle Sam. We hope the government puts our money to good use. But we know that that is not always the case.
A couple of new examples. The Obama administration plans to spend more than $4 million next year on, quote, "emotional wellness" for refugees. The president plans to admit 110,000 of them in the next fiscal year.
And then there is this plan. The government is going to test out online grocery shopping for Food Stamp recipients in Illinois. It's intended to increase food access to the poor. It might be abused, though, and lead to some fraud. I'm just speculating here for a second.
Eric, let me start with you. So states can submit applications to the refugee health promotion, RHP, and get discretionary grant funds that they can spend on emotional wellness. What could possibly go wrong?
BOLLING: And there's probably a list of 400 or 1,000 things -- items that you can say the same thing about.
BOLLING: Fifty years ago, we declared war on poverty. Fifty years ago. The poverty rate was 15 percent then. We spent literally hundreds -- how's this? We spent trillions of dollars every single year fighting poverty. And we're still at 14 percent poverty rate this year, which is down from 15 percent last year.
The war on poverty hasn't worked. We spend way too much money handing over things, doing -- making foolish proposals, ideas like this. It's time to try to cut it back, scale it back and incentivize people to work, not to not work.
WILLIAMS: You know, I am such a fan of yours, but I've got to say that you're talking about children, for the most part. That's what we're talking about today when we talk about poverty. If you go back to something like...
FRANCIS: We're talking about...
GUILFOYLE: We're talking about emotional wellbeing of refugees.
WILLIAMS: He was talking about the war on poverty. And if you talk about the war on poverty, I just want to be clear that today, a lot of poverty comes from, like, single parents who have children, and the children have a very high degree of poverty. That's different when you go back to, like, the New Deal, when it was elderly women like widows, and children. And they were fighting a kind of poverty.
BOLLING: We're still at a 15 percent, 14 percent poverty rate.
BOLLING: And yet, we've spent probably -- I don't know -- $40 or $50 trillion.
WILLIAMS: Right. But we went through -- we went through a terrible recession. We have all sorts of issues.
Now, let's go back to what Melissa's talking about, in terms of the immigrants. I do think it's a good idea, if you're having immigrants, you want them to be well-adjusted, accommodated; you want them to feel as if they can assimilate into a community and don't have to be separate, don't live in separate -- I want them to love America.
FRANCIS: But what does this look like, though?
FRANCIS: I don't know what this could possibly look like, though. If they're going to give millions of dollars for emotional wellness. I mean, it's got to be more structured, more specific. Like, are we going to have any test of outcomes? I mean, what could this possibly mean? It's -- I don't see how it doesn't get wasted.
WILLIAMS: I think it's going on.
FRANCIS: Just a total cynic. OK, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, thank you.
Yes, this is -- when I hear this, I say, "Well, that sounds nice." But again, what are the specifics? What are they looking to achieve? And have they really figured out where these dollars are going to go and be targeted in an effective way?
We're all sort of being humanitarian. This country is No. 1 when it comes to giving relief and aid in humanitarian efforts throughout the world. Amazing.
But you know what else I think we need to do a better job of? Taking care of our own, as well. We need to take care of the people that we have here. OK, in terms of what about the mental health needs of the children that are here already that are living in poverty, like Eric has mentioned, or the families that are struggling?
I mean, honest to God, we have a serious mental health problem in this country that needs to be addressed that could use some specifically targeted dollars to address that. I mean, good God, you've got to be like Greg Gutfeld, smearing your body in peanut butter and running around in the streets, screaming things, in order to get some mental health help.
FRANCIS: Greg, can I ask you...
GUTFELD: You promised that you would not bring that up. You know that was a weak part of my life.
GUILFOYLE: I'm going to say a trigger word for you.
GUTFELD: It wasn't peanut butter.
GUILFOYLE: Creamy Jiff.
FRANCIS: Can I ask you about the online Food Stamps?
GUTFELD: Yes, dear.
FRANCIS; The online Food Stamps, are they going to...
GUTFELD: I'd rather talk about something else.
GUTFELD: I'd rather talk about the refugee stuff.
GUTFELD: I am for -- I am for the emotional wellness thing if it's defined by vetting the ghouls that sneak through among the masses. Because America is about embracing the tired and the weary...
GUTFELD: ... but the current struggle against Islamism makes vetting more important than the embrace. Right now, ISIS just hung live humans on meat hooks like cattle. We officially no longer need horror movies, because we have a 6.7 billion population Freddy Krueger movie going on right now.
So if you know that Freddy Krueger is out there right now, you've got to look at that as a moral decision to lock up your house, arm your house, and kill Freddy Krueger.
BOLLING: Let's clarify. A percentage of that population.
GUTFELD: No, I'm saying the population of the world is now a horror movie.
WILLIAMS: Oh, oh, oh.
GUTFELD: There's 7 billion people that are in a horror movie, "Nightmare on Earth Street."
GUTFELD: And Islamism is Freddy Krueger. It's an elaborate metaphor, but the point is...
FRANCIS: OK, we got you.
GUILFOYLE: I got it.
GUTFELD: ... you can't just kill part of Freddy Krueger. You've got to kill all of it.
BOLLING: Sometimes he comes back.
GUTFELD: And he keeps coming back!
GUILFOYLE: Well, that's like Jason in "Friday the 13th." He's also...
GUTFELD: I was thinking about using that metaphor.
GUILFOYLE: What made you decide to go with Freddy?
GUTFELD: Because Freddy Krueger is scarier.
BOLLING: That hockey mask is pretty scary.
GUILFOYLE: There's also Chucky. The Chucky doll is frightening.
FRANCIS: Very scary, as well.
All right, great conversation. We solved it.
FRANCIS: Ahead, a college dean warns incoming freshman that free speech will prevail on campus, but dozens of faculty members have waged a revolt. Why? Luckily for us, Greg is going to explain it, coming up next.
GUTFELD: A few weeks ago the University of Chicago dean of students sent a letter to new freshmen where he bravely rejected "safe spaces." Safe spaces are where ideas different from the students' are banned. His point: A real education requires debate, not ball pits for babies.
Well, a new letter signed by more than 150 faculty disagrees, saying students should demand areas free from other points of view.
They say safe spaces are needed for the "free exchange of ideas." Yes, blocking different ideas is now part of a free exchange. That's diversity?
They also lauded "trigger warnings," which warn the weak of ideas that might cause a boo-boo.
But shouldn't this faculty letter require a trigger warning? After all, it insults the students claiming they need psychological bubble wrap.
Fact is, safe spaces are less safe than lawn darts dipped in rat poison. For those who flee to villas of victimhood never learn conflict resolution and will flunk the real world. The real world is no safe space. Try eating at Chipotle.
So, the real students who engage in the battle of ideas -- and it is a battle -- will flourish, while the safe spacers become a new soft, spineless underclass. Imagine applying safe spaces into other arenas like sports, military, work.
GUTFELD: You'd never grow.
Demanding immunity from such challenges is demanding an exemption from life. After all, the ultimate safe space is a coffin.
I thought I would end that...
GUILFOYLE: That was pretty aggressive at the end. But...
GUTFELD: That's OK, Kimberly.
GUILFOYLE: The rest of it was amazing.
GUTFELD: Thank you.
GUILFOYLE: Yes, because the problem is, you've got a bunch of little, like precious snowflakes. Everyone thinks it's like a Disney movie.
GUTFELD: Which melt.
GUILFOYLE: Right. That is not reality. It is doing a disservice to young people, because they cannot create an alternate safe universe for themselves from the real world.
I mean, God help us if these are the people that are going into the military. They're going to whine and complain about all these things. I'm not kidding. Like, it's one thing to be respectful, but how about being open and diverse to ideas and viewpoints and freedom of speech and not abridge the First Amendment rights of others, because you say, "Oh, this made me feel uncomfortable"?
I mean, we all know when it's something that crosses the line, but what about -- to me, it's crossing the line when you shut down freedom of speech and tell people to edit every single thing they're thinking or what they say, because it could possibly offend somebody somewhere.
GUTFELD: Amen. Eric.
BOLLING: So the university is supposed to be the bastion of free thinking, of smart thinking, which would obviously include all forms of thought, right?
BOLLING: But again, they shut down the thought that doesn't fit into this -- 150 professors saying it's not going to be cool for them to do that.
Think about what's -- by the way, I sent my son to college this year, and I keep hearing these stories. The place in Minnesota, the college in Minnesota, they pulled algebra and placed -- and replaced it with diversity training as part of the core curriculum.
FRANCIS: Oh, my God.
BOLLING: The valedictorian situation in North Carolina. It's insane how bad our kids are going to be prepared for the world stage when they graduate. They're going to go compete with the Chinese, with the South Koreans...
GUTFELD: Robots.
BOLLING: ... with robots. And they're going to get their butts handed to them.
BOLLING: Because they're not learning the things, the core things that they need to learn.
Algebra, my son is getting his butt kicked right now in Algebra, freshman Algebra. But you know what? It's good. It's better. I'm happy it's happening right now, because he'll be more prepared.
GUTFELD: A safe space for math.
GUILFOYLE: But he was always -- but he was always good in math.
WILLIAMS: I agree -- I agree with you guys on the general principle, but I wanted to make this a serious conversation.
WILLIAMS: Because I think the argument -- the argument is, look, most of the culture is dominated by whites and white men. I was reading, and it said, like, for example, you have pictures of scientists.
BOLLING: Can I just add -- can you just clarify what that comment...
BOLLING: What do you mean most of the culture is dominated by whites and white men?
WILLIAMS: Well, because...
GUTFELD: Did you see the MTV Movie Awards?
BOLLING: Look at television. Look at movies. Look at new films.
WILLIAMS: Can I make my point?
FRANCIS: I know what example he's giving. It's a good example. Go ahead. I know what you're doing.
WILLIAMS: So you know, for example, there are pictures of scientists in books or on the wall and they're all white men. And you say now, if a student, a woman or a minority, is looking, you say, "Wait. Can I be a scientist, or is this an exclusive club?"
Well, I'll give you an example that I thought of for you. You know, you like rap music, right?
WILLIAMS: Is it OK, if you're in your cat -- I just read this and this example. Is it OK, when you're in your car...
BOLLING: Oh, here we go.
WILLIAMS: ... and you're listening to rap music and singing along, to use the "N" word?
WILLIAMS: OK, I'm just saying.
GUILFOYLE: Why are you bringing that up?
BOLLING: What did you just prove?
WILLIAMS: If somebody says to Greg, "Hey, Greg, you're a credit to your race, brother," I mean, you say, "Well..."
GUTFELD: I am from the Middle Earth.
GUILFOYLE: Why did you call him brother?
GUTFELD: But you know what? You're almost saying like I can't watch the NBA, because I'm short. Because how can I understand these tall people?
WILLIAMS: No, but the question is, are you creating a hostile or difficult environment for a young person on campus? That's the point.
GUTFELD: Because you have white inventors, you should...
WILLIAMS: No, no, no.
FRANCIS: Wait, Juan, can I ask you the question? Because I'm taking this seriously. I definitely did read that part.
FRANCIS: I -- walking through the hall, I would not be intimidated if it was all men on the wall who were scientists.
FRANCIS: Would you be intimidated if they were all white? Would you feel like you didn't belong in that lab?
WILLIAMS: I wonder if it's a subconscious thing, I really do. You know, it's not only that, but I think that, for example, the big example is the white woman on the elevator. When the black guy gets on, she's clutching her purse. You know what? You just think what the hell is going on here?
GUILFOYLE: Juan, glass houses.
GUTFELD: That's an urban legend. It used to be...
GUILFOYLE: What happened about you on the plane with NPR?
WILLIAMS: Urban legend. I'll tell you what. You and I...
GUTFELD: Reggie Jackson. Remember, they said it was Reggie Jackson. Muhammad Ali. It's an urban legend.
GUILFOYLE: Remember that? You got in trouble for that, Juan.
GUTFELD: "One More Thing," up next.
GUILFOYLE: About you on the plane.
BOLLING: All right, time for "One More Thing." I'm going to go very quickly. Tonight, 8 p.m. Eastern, you're going to want to see this on "O'Reilly Factor." Oliver Stone sits down with Bill to talk about his new movie, "Snowden." Here's a quick piece.
OLIVER STONE, FILM DIRECTOR: Cyber warfare was started...
BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Whatever it was.
STONE: Cyber warfare was started in 2007, and it has increased its capabilities.
O'REILLY: Right.
STONE: And now it's reached the point where anybody can hack, practically.
O'REILLY: It's out of control.
STONE: Intruding individuals.
O'REILLY: Right.
STONE: And surveillance, Snowden called it a surveillance free-for-all.
BOLLING: All right. Check that one out. It's going to be good. Eight p.m. tonight.
K.G., you're up.
GUILFOYLE: All right. I have a very exciting "Kimberly's Food Court."
I know. All right, did you know that September 15 is National Double Cheeseburger Day? That's correct. So in honor of the occasion, in an ultimately predictable move, I will now eat a double cheeseburger. Except the problem is, I have to put my glasses on. And I do love McDonald's, but apparently, it's a double cheeseburger. I think they got me the baby one, or somebody flattened it. I don't know.
FRANCIS: That's the kids' one. That's the kids' one. See what happens.
BOLLING: Pretty lame. Pretty lame, that burger.
FRANCIS: I would still like to have it.
GUILFOYLE: Carl Jr. would be all over your face.
BOLLING: All right. Greg, you're up.
GUTFELD: All right. Time for...
GUTFELD: Greg's Celebrity Corner.
GUTFELD: Exciting news. One of my favorite movie stars, Jonah Hill, was captured at a spa enjoying some of the many, what they call chess massages that you get.
GUTFELD: Jonah has put on some more weight. He's still very hairy, but he loves getting his neck massaged. Isn't that wonderful? Look at Jonah. Loves every minute of it, doesn't he?
GUILFOYLE: I like that, too.
BOLLING: Very nice.
Is that Hemmer doing the massage?
GUTFELD: Yes. It is. It's Hemmer.
BOLLING: Juan, you're up.
WILLIAMS: So Ellen DeGeneres took first lady Michelle Obama on a trip to CVS. As they call it cotton, Vaseline and stuff.
WILLIAMS: The talk show host made the first lady push the cart, introduced her to coupons, as well as box wine, CoinStar and a credit card machine. But here she is, introducing her to a Halloween mask.
Bernie Sanders?
DEGENERES: It's Halloween. I thought it was.
OBAMA: It's not. That didn't look like Bernie Sanders.
DEGENERES: No, not at all.
BOLLING: Good stuff.
GUTFELD: We dumped out of a "G" block for that?
GUILFOYLE: It's unbelievable.
FRANCIS: Autumn festival time in China, where people take time off from work to look at the moon. But alas, they sometimes get crushed by it. Roll the video. Show them exactly what happened.
FRANCIS: OK, no one got hurt by this thing I want to say right out front before you start laughing -- stop laughing, because now you can feel free to laugh.
WILLIAMS: Oh, my goodness.
FRANCIS: It tumbled all around town, crushing cars, hurting no one, but apparently, the autumn -- the moon turned violent.
GUTFELD: A tape of my kidney stone.
FRANCIS: I don't know. It's hard to follow.
BOLLING: Is that a movie?
FRANCIS: It happened. That was real.
BOLLING: No, it's for a movie. The moon.
GUILFOYLE: Guys, #DoubleCheeseburgerDay.
GUTFELD: Got to go.
BOLLING: "Special Report," next.
FRANCIS: Moonstruck. They were moonstruck.
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