This is a rush transcript from “Hannity," September 10, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker. Thank you as always.

Welcome to "Hannity".

Tonight, President Trump just wrapped up another massive rally, yup, the rallies are back.

Look at this video from Dan Scavino. Do you think the Biden campaign could ever get crowds this size? Just -- you keep watching and keep looking at the video.

Look at it because what you see, that's the overflow crowd. Those are the people that didn't fit inside the massive rally space, the inside part in Freeland, Michigan, tonight. Supporters lining up around the block and down the street. We'll show it all. We've got plenty of time.

According to reports, some were waiting in line for more than 24 hours. We've got the highlights. The president was on fire tonight, along with -- also tonight, a full report. Our 2020 election correspondent Lawrence Jones, he is on the ground. He was at the rally tonight.

Also, we're going to bring you breaking news from the Durham probe. This is huge. Mueller's team led by, of course, his -- well, hit man Andrew Weissmann, the pit bull, caught in a massive cover-up just like Hillary Clinton. Almost all of them, guess what, they wiped their phones clean. Hmm, is that obstruction of justice by team Mueller? We'll investigate and are more charges on the way.

But, first, we start with another blatant lie from the ever-forgetful Joe Biden. Now, Joe actually wants Americans, you, the American people to believe that he can beat COVID, but only if you elect him, if he remembers what it is, in November, December, January.

He claims he sounded the alarm early on about the deadly virus and that President Trump did everything wrong. OK. Joe's lying, just like his friends in the media mob and, well, most liberal Democrats these days.

Joe Biden is living an alternative reality. Once again, here are the facts that the hate Trump media mob will never give you. We'll do their job for them.

In late January, just days before the president issued what was the unprecedented China travel ban and first quarantine in 50 years, ten days after the first identified case in this country -- well, Biden's top advisor, his name is Ron Klain, he was actually praising China's transparency. Huh?

Watch this.


RON KLAIN, BIDEN'S TOP ADVISOR: I think what you have to say about China is, it's been more transparent and more candid than it has been during past outbreaks, though still there are problems with transparency and candor.


HANNITY: Oh, OK, remember. So, it's the same China where zero experience Hunter Biden got the sweetheart $1.5 billion deal from the Bank of China. You know, not Deutsche Bank, not Goldman Sachs, not Chase, no, that would be Joe Biden, Hunter, his son.

Quid pro quo Joe sucking up to Hunter -- he's compromised by China. Peter Schweizer has identified this in detail. And so, on January 28th, three days before the president's travel ban, just seven days after the first identified case, this same Biden health adviser said that he opposed the travel ban, it was premature but they were on top of it, that's what they said. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would you ban Chinese travelers from arriving in the United States?

KLAIN: I wouldn't. I think that's premature. I think it's very important exchange, very important for trade and tourism, and the very, very few of those people will have it. What's more, you know, since this virus broke out, a quarter million people have come from China. So, they're already here.


HANNITY: And then one day before the president's travel ban, January 30th, top Biden health official, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, said, everyone needed to stop panicking, stop being hysterical.

Then on February 1st, that's the day that Biden, day after the travel ban was implemented after 10 days the first identified case of corona, well, Joe himself tweeted out that the travel ban was hysterical, xenophobia and fear-mongering.

On February 13th, top Biden advisor, Klain, he tweeted that we are experiencing a fear epidemic, not a COVID epidemic.

Joe Biden himself called the president's aggressive COVID-19 response, the travel ban first quarantined in over years, hysterical, xenophobia, fearmongering on multiple occasions as late as March the 18th.

And meanwhile, Joe Biden was still holding indoor rallies in the month of March and he was doling out his world famous creepy hugs. Remember those? He wasn't talking about social distancing. He wasn't wearing a mask. He wasn't coordinating an aggressive use of the defense production act plan or sourcing PPE, and he was against the travel ban, against the quarantine against the subsequent travel ban.

Now, that likely saved at least hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Americans from contracting the virus and God knows how many thousands of Americans from dying. And by the way, he didn't get to that until April.

Get this, Biden's press secretary now like Biden blatantly lying and pretending that the ever forgetful Joe was always in favor of the travel ban, that's called the lie. The band that they called Joe multiple times including late march hysterical xenophobic fear-mongering.

Take a look.


BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You're saying that Joe Biden was for closing down travel from China when the president did it?

TJ DUCKLO, BIDEN CAMPAIGN PRESS SECRETARY: Joe Biden has been clear, and I can send you the fact checks if they're helpful, Bret. Joe Biden has been clear that he was not against that travel ban.

BAIER: But he was for it?

DUCKLO: Joe Biden has been clear about this, Bret. Again, I can send -- I can send you the fact checks if they're helpful. This has been fact checked into oblivion.

BAIER: OK, I'm just asking you the question. You're saying yes he was for the China travel ban when the president implemented it to -- 48 hours after receiving that briefing?

DUCKLO: The important thing about the travel ban --

BAIER: Yes or no? Yes or no, TJ?

DUCKLO: And I know -- and I know, Bret, I know that you all like to cite the travel brand. I know that the president --

BAIER: No, no, the president does, that's why I'm bringing it up. Obviously, it's going to be in the debate.


DUCKLO: Bret, hold on. The important thing to know about the travel ban is that even after the president implemented that travel ban -- tens -- or says that he implemented it, tens of thousands of people came in and out of the country.

BAIER: OK, I'm going to take it that you're not going to answer that question, you're going to send me some fact checks.


HANNITY: Bret Baier has the patience of Job there, because he's lying and everybody knows it.

In other words, Joe Biden did everything wrong but now he's going to lie about it and hope that you will all forget what really happened.

You know, I love the Woodward hysteria. You know about Bob Woodward's book, yeah, the president said he wanted to come, fears in America. What do we have to fear but fear itself, FDR said at the height of the Great Depression, World War II. Remember those tough days?

Churchill, you know, the bombing of Britain, out marching with the people of Britain. Was he talking, well, get them in the hills and everywhere, blood, tile, tears and sweat. That's what leaders do.

Biden, you're saying, no, this is hysterical xenophobia, fearmongering, he offered no solutions. Nothing new for Biden and his team to lie.

By the way, imagine if Bret Baier was actually questioning Joe Biden there. That would be -- that would be TV pay-per-view. From defunding the police, he lies about that. Reallocation he calls it.

Fracking, oh, against it, against it, but no, I was always for it. Protests, oh, yeah, no, they're peaceful until -- well, it's showing up badly in the poll. National mask mandate, well, Joe Biden said, oh, no, I don't want that either. OK, he lies about pretty much every position he's ever taken only if it helps him politically, only if the polls and focus groups tell him what to say, like Don Lemon advised him to listen to.

But here's what's more concerning, Joe Biden is actually really weak and frail and doesn't seem mentally alert or on top of his game doesn't seem to have a lot of -- well, let's say mental acuity. Just listen to Biden's top advisor, the guy you just heard from, Ron Klain, saying that the Biden- Obama response, listen to what they admitted about their response to the H1N1 virus, not the N1H1 virus as Biden calls it. Take a look.


KLAIN: I wasn't involved directly in the H1N1 response but I lived through as a White House staffer, and what I will say about it is a bunch of really talented, really great people working on it and we did every possible thing wrong, and it's -- you know, 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time and it's just purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history, had nothing to do with us doing anything right, just had to do with luck.


HANNITY: They did everything wrong, then they didn't prepare for the next real pandemic. Make no mistake: 50 years in the swamp, Joe Biden is now more incompetent than ever.

Nobody -- our own Lawrence Jones, 2020 correspondent on the ground, that he's ever interviewed has been able to identify a single accomplishment in 50 years of Joe Biden in the swamp that has made life better for you, the American people. I could spend the entire show talking about Donald Trump's promises made, promises kept, and records shattered, especially on the issue of unemployment and building the wall and originalists on the Supreme Court, and new trade deals, and pulling out of protracted wars and defeating the caliphate, Soleimani, al-Baghdadi and associates, and al Qaeda leaders all over the world.

Biden lied again this week. He said over nearly 6,200 U.S. military members died from corona. Well, he's wrong again. Well, there have been exactly seven military deaths from COVID-19, not nearly 6,200.

Without a teleprompter, the ever forgetful Joe can barely communicate. Today, President Trump had a few observations about Biden's -- well, precious teleprompter. Take a look at this.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: As we continue to follow the science-based approach to protect our people and vanquish the virus, Joe Biden continues to use the pandemic for political gain. Every time I see him, he starts talking about their pandemic. He's reading it off a teleprompter.

I'm not allowed to use a teleprompter. Why is that, Phil? They ask questions and he starts reading the teleprompter. He says move the teleprompter a little bit closer, please?

I don't know. I think if I did that, I'd be in big trouble I think that would be -- that would be the story of the year.


HANNITY: A teleprompter, can you -- can you -- can you move it down the teleport move I have to read the answer.

President is right, and get this, apparently, Biden's teleprompters not just for speeches because it looks an awful like that he's using it to answer supposedly unscripted questions.

Just listen to Biden's press secretary from earlier today. This is another great moment.


BAIER: Has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local interviews or to answer Q&A with supporters?

DUCKLO: Bret, we are not going to engage -- this is this is straight from the Trump campaign talking points.

BAIER: They're using it.

DUCKLO: And what it does -- and what it does, Bret, is it's trying to distract the American people from --

BAIER: I'm just -- they're using it. They talk about it every day. Can you say yes or no?

DUCKLO: Well, that's because -- they talk about it every day, Bret, because they don't have a coherent strategy --

BAIER: Well, you have an answer, yes or no?

DUCKLO: Bret, they talk about it every day because they don't have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves reelection.

BAIER: But you can't answer the question?

DUCKLO: Bret, I am not going to allow --


DUCKLO: -- Trump campaign to funnel their questions through FOX News and get me to respond to that.


HANNITY: Does he use the teleprompter to answer a question, yes or no? Simple question. That's what you call an evasive non-answer because he'd have to lie again.

I think we all know why his campaign is trying to limit his extemporaneous comments just look at what happened Wednesday. Joe had to go off script, he had a little troubling.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I really I want to thank you all I carry with me I don't have it -- I gave it to my staff, but I carry with me in my pocket. Hey, do I have that around anyone -- where's my staff? I gave it away anyway, I carry a schedule in my pocket.


HANNITY: Hold these truths to be self-evident old man created equal and doubt by -- the thing -- thing, you know? Come on, man. Come on, are you a junkie?

OK, it gets worse. At a different event Wednesday, Biden couldn't even remember what taxes he wants to raise. We know it's trillions but he doesn't remember which ones, whatever they get to put in front of me I'll sign it.

Take a look.


BIDEN: If you change the tax rate, it went from 38 percent to 21. You just sent it back to 38 percent down to 36 percent, 28. That's what he started to try to do but he went down to 21.


HANNITY: Truth is we have an information crisis in the country. This is serious. We don't have any real journalists at fake news CNN, MSDNC, any of the newspapers, networks, ABC, NBC, NBC, state run Democratic socialist TV.

Biden's constant struggles if it was Donald Trump, I promise, it would be a huge story. Instead, "Washington Post" more focused on praising Kamala Harris on her shoe choice, very important story.

Meanwhile, major networks devoted 16 minutes to smearing President Trump. Guess how many minutes they devoted to his Nobel Peace Prize nomination? Zero.

And while the mob and the media, they're doing whatever they can do to prop up the ever forgetful Joe, President Trump, he's on fire. He's on offense. Tonight, he did something Joe Biden simply cannot do, actually hold a real rally, deliver a long forceful speech in front of a massive crowd. Let's dip in and take a look.

TRUMP: This is the most important election in the history of our country. Joe Biden devoted his career to offshoring Michigan's jobs, outsourcing.


TRUMP: Biden supported every disastrous globalist sellout for over a half a century, including NAFTA, China and TPP, you know that. Joe Biden surrendered your jobs to China and now he wants to surrender our country to the violent left-wing mob and you're seeing that every night.


TRUMP: If Biden wins, China wins. If Biden wins, the mob wins. If Biden wins, the rioters, anarchist, arsonists and flag burners win.


TRUMP: But I wouldn't worry about it because he's not winning, I don't think he is.


HANNITY: It's all on the ballot. You're the ultimate jury in 24 days.

Oh, Biden's holding virtual Q&A sessions on Instagram. Only problem, Biden never actually answered any questions per usual.

All right. Here with more, busy night in Michigan tonight, our Hannity 2020 election correspondent, investigative reporter, LJ., Lawrence Jones.

Sir, you get to have some fun. A little bit different than what you reported last night on the show. Just -- I saw the crowd, I saw the overflow crowd, I saw the Lawrence Jones fans surrounding, LJ. Come on, pretty cool.


Well, it looks like the president has a new nickname for the former vice president. Joe Hiden. Now, this is referring to the fact that the former vice president doesn't get out of his Delaware basement that much, but it was a little different for the Trump supporters here today. A lot of them expressed their support of the president, packing the lines, others staying in their cars.

And when it was very clear that they weren't going to get inside of that hangar, they just stayed in the cars. They say that they're supporting the president because he's fighting for them.

Watch what they have to say.


LAWRENCE: This is your first Trump rally?


LAWRENCE: Why are you supporting the president?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because he tells it like it is.

LAWRENCE: What is it about the president that has all these people out here fired up?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's brother people, he doesn't say --



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it's because he tells the truth mainly. And if you ask me, I think we've been surrounded by a bunch of people that aren't telling us the truth.

LAWRENCE: Do y'all believe the polls when they say --


LAWRENCE: -- Joe Biden is ahead in Michigan?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biden might be 5 percent.

LAWRENCE: Do you believe the polls when they say he's --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fake polls. If Joe Biden wins, it's all illegal, simple as that. He stole it from Michigan.

LAWRENCE: Joe Biden has any shot of winning Michigan?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, not at all.

LAWRENCE: The polls say --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He can't even finish the whole sentence.

LAWRENCE: Do you feel like Joe Biden has a shot in this state?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. We got to keep --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's got to be conscious.


JONES: Now, Sean, as you know, we cover both events fair and balanced, and there was a clear stark difference.

Now, many insiders are asking the question, you got the Biden event, about two or four people there outside, you got the Trump event where people were packed outside. Is that an indication of who's going to win Michigan?

As you know, Sean, it's a battleground state. Trump won it last time. Will he win it this time?

Back to you.

HANNITY: And an amazing Senate candidate there. He was there tonight.

LAWRENCE: John James, yes, sir.

HANNITY: John James, yes, sir.

LAWRENCE: Yes, sir. He was there, got a lot of support from -- he got a lot of support from the president. He came up short the last time he ran from office. They're hoping this time, he's leading the polls right now, got a lot of fundraising dollars, Sean. So they're hoping that he can pull an upset here in Michigan.

HANNITY: Been on this show before. He's a rock star candidate, be an amazing senator.

LJ, Lawrence Jones, our 2020 correspondent, on the road, on the ground for us all throughout the campaign, great job as usual.

Here now, FOX News contributor Dan Bongino, co-host "FOX and Friends", Pete Hegseth.

All right, Mr. Hegseth, I read this note that you're saying, there's no doubt there's going to be a landslide. Now, I am Irish. Irish people expect the next bomb to drop on their heads every second of the day, I'm just waiting, OK, what's this next message going to say?

All right. So my question is, I -- my opinion is, everybody better understand, you need a margin here because I don't trust anybody. And I would view this as your six points down, you're on your own 20, you got no timeouts, you got to march down the field, 80 yards, cross the plane and kick the extra point, then you win. That's how I feel about this campaign.

PETE HEGSETH, FOX NEWS HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": It's got to be full two- minute mode. You're exactly right. You take nothing for granted.

But I say that because I'm reading the tea leaves the way I did and saw it in 2016. And Lawrence is out on the street, I get a chance to go out a lot for "FOX and Friends" and talk to people the president's base voters across the country.

And the excitement and enthusiasm is off the charts even beyond 2016, because he's been the proven "promises made, promises kept" leader he said he would be and that never happens with politicians because he's not a politician and they've thrown everything in the kitchen sink at the guy.

And I love, Sean, what he said in Michigan, the way he framed it. This is not -- you know, people have to realize, this is not an election about Donald Trump versus Joe Biden. This is Donald Trump versus the mob in the streets.

This is -- Make America Great Again, MAGA versus Antifa. This is the red hats versus the black mask. This is a quality of life election where voters will look at what he's delivered and realize before the China virus where he -- where he put us, and ultimately then say, who's going to be the one standing between me and my dinner table when I'm trying to eat at a restaurant at night and I'm being accosted?

So, he has a lot of advantages that if he presses them I think will look very good for him on Election Day. So I stand by that note, Sean. I do. Still a long way to go, debates to be had, if Biden actually shows up.

But the president's bringing his A-game right now.

HANNITY: Dan Bongino?

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Sean, when Biden's exposed the debate, I think it's going to be devastating. I'm getting very frustrated the media cover job for Biden, OK?

Number one, he's not a good guy. He's never been a good guy. He's leveraged his connections to enrich his family at your expense. You paid for him to be vice president. Then other people paid his son for skills his son didn't have or can't explain he has to anyone else.

Also, he's a liar. Yeah, he's a liar. He lies about everything all the time and the media covers it up. He lied about the travel ban.

That spokesman tonight, TJ, whatever his face was on with Bret Baier, please put that guy on Fox every single night. With a guy like that, I mean, Biden probably lost a hundred thousand votes tonight just with that joker on TV. He couldn't even tell the truth about the travel ban.

But there's other things, too. I'm begging the Trump campaign, please put up the footage of Biden suggesting he is going to -- repeatedly suggesting, he's going to repeal the Trump tax cuts. Those are middle-class tax cuts, just look it up.

If you're in the middle class, your tax rate was 25 percent. Trump cut it to 22 percent, meaning your tax rates going up three percentage points. You're going to pay thousands of dollars more.

He lied about other stuff, Sean. His mask mandate, we need a mask mandate. Days later, we can't do a mask mandate.

He lied about fracking. Get rid of fracking. I never said I was going to get rid of fracking.

He lied about the Hyde Amendment. The list goes -- redirecting police funding. The guy asked him, would you redirect funding away from the police? The interviewer. He said, quote, absolutely.

Look it up. It's out there. He's a liar. He's not a good guy and when he's exposed in the debates, I think that's going to be the end of his campaign.

HANNITY: All right. But don't -- remember, the expectations are so low. If he can utte two sentences, the mob will say, he won, he won.

BONGINO: That's true, that's true.

HANNITY: Guys, great job as always.

Before we go in this segment, let me show you and the great one Mark Levin is coming up, Biden appearing to use the teleprompter to answer the question. We saw Bret Baier's interview, let's watch the moment.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like to know, what will your administration do to help them give them that chance? Thank you.

BIDEN: Move it up here. You know, there used to be a basic bargain in this country. Workers shared in the wealth their work helped create.


HANNITY: Move it up here. Here, here, oh I'm a talk show host. I barely use the darn thing.

All right. One quick class thing, let's show you the latest ad where the president attacking Joe Biden for supporting some of the violent protests that they first denied was happening.


BIDEN: Your fellow citizens are exercising their rights to peacefully protest.


And peacefully protest.

And peacefully protest.


HANNITY: Got a lot to talk about tonight.

When we come back, a story that should make your blood boil. New documents released by the Department of Justice showing, yeah, a lot of high-ranking Mueller -- members of Mueller's team wiping their phones clean during the Russia probe. Lindsey Graham breaks that down.

And the great one, oh, he's fired up. Mark Levin, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. The great one, Mark Levin, coming up in a few moments. But first, we made you a promise and that is, we will not stop our quest in terms of finding equal justice in this country. New developments tonight, new documents released by the DOJ show that multiple members of Mueller's team, including the pit bull of Robert Mueller, that would be Andrew Weissmann, actually wiped their department phones clean, like Hillary, before turning them over to the inspector general.

Get this, many of them -- they all use the exact same suspicious excuse entering the wrong passwords too many times, had to clean it then.

For example, Weissmann used the password excuse for one device, then claimed, oh, I accidentally -- you mean, like with a cloth, you know, I wiped another one clean.

According to the documents, well over a dozen devices were wiped clean. So you ask yourself, what was the Mueller team hiding? What are the odds that they would all forget their passcodes and all make the same stupid mistake? Do you believe them? I don't.

And, of course, rather than focus on those possible criminal violations, you got the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar Adam Schiff rolling out yet another Russia hoax, months before the election. He's lost it, because he's now trotting out another whistleblower, claiming the suppression of key intelligence about Russian interference, we know they had none.

We know the sub-source of Steele said there's none. We know that Comey was warned before he signed the first of three warrants there's no "there" there. Don't trust the dossier. Hillary paid for it, and Steele has an agenda.

Like all the other Schiff shows, this one is light on facts, heavy on hysteria, and rage against Trump. The attorney general saying there could be more charges though in the Durham investigation. When? Please?

And frankly, it's time for accountability. It's now. The facts make that clear, the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.

Here's the president earlier today.


TRUMP: Durham, who is a very, very respected man and we're going to see what it is, I can't tell you that. I can tell you this -- I can tell you this, they lied, they cheated, they leaked, they got caught, they spied on my campaign. Never in history has there been anything like this and I guarantee if the roles were reversed, and I was on the Democrat side, people would have been in jail at the very highest level.


HANNITY: Here with reaction to all this, Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, I'm going to be blunt. I don't believe a word. This is not an accident. I do not believe them.


HANNITY: The same people that were out charging people for what they themselves may have done here.

GRAHAM: Well, if you can't manage your own phone, why should we trust you to investigate a crime? So, I guess they just ran out of hammers and bleach -- bleaching material.

So the question is, did they obstruct justice? Did they intentionally delete information from their phone because Horowitz was on on the case? That's the question for Durham.

My job as chairman of the Judiciary Committee is to find out how the Department of Justice and the FBI got Crossfire Hurricanes so wrong, why they meant -- lied to the FISA court to make sure it never happens again. As to future prosecutions, I would be shocked if the only person prosecuted is Clinesmith.

HANNITY: So they went after -- you -- well, let's stay there. You believe it will be more.

How was James Comey escape here? He's so arrogant.


HANNITY: He signed three warrants. He was warned before the first one.

GRAHAM: Right, right.

HANNITY: The sub-source told him that none of this is real. They admit now, there was no evidence of collusion. The media mob lied, Mueller's team lied.

They never should have had Mueller even appointed, Senator. They dragged the country through hell.

GRAHAM: Right. So, I made an invitation to Comey, McCabe and Strzok to come before the committee. They will be respectfully treated, to answer questions about the Horowitz report.


I'm working with their lawyers to try to get them into the committee, so we can ask questions and let them give answers to the questions we've been asking on this show. They may have good answers but they need to be asked the question.

HANNITY: OK. So where are we with this and what about these new developments? Because I think they owe us answers, that they all, oh, made password errors so now we're just going to erase the phone completely, and wipe it clean? You mean like with a cloth, that kind of clean? Bleach Bit clean, hammer clean?

GRAHAM: We cannot live in a country where this is tolerated. Trump-Russia, look how much money they spent, how many agents were involved investigating all things Trump and Russia, how many subpoenas issued, how many lives turned upside down.

The question for me, was there a double standard here? It's pretty obvious to me there was.

But stay tuned, Sean. You think you're mad about the phone's been wiped, stay tuned. We'll talk in about 10 or 12 days and we'll see if there's something else you could get mad about. Just stay tuned.

HANNITY: I hate when you're basically telling me you know something I don't know. I hate that.

By the way, congrats on your campaign. You're doing well against --



HANNITY: -- let's see, Barbara Streisand and Rosie and -- by the way, people can get to all this information on your website?

GRAHAM: Yeah, . My opponent's going to raise $75 million from every liberal in the country trying to defeat me. Five or ten bucks goes a long way. We need to keep this seat.

HANNITY: Well, I was talking more about the information about the Mueller investigation, but that's OK, it's all good. Thank you, Senator.

GRAHAM: Yeah, that's coming too.

HANNITY: You're right. We need South Carolina not to be --

GRAHAM: If I lose, you will never hear about --


HANNITY: And Barbra Streisand. Yeah, no, thank you.

GRAHAM: Can I just say in this? If the Republicans lose the Senate, you're never going to hear about this crap again.

HANNITY: That's true. We need the truth.

The great one, Mark Levin, is next. Stay tuned. He's fired up.


HANNITY: All right. So, the hate Trump, the media mob pulling out all the stops in order to take down President Trump basically everything they've been doing for four and a half five years now.

Joining us with reaction, the author of the huge number one "New York Times" bestseller, "Unfreedom of the press", he also hosts the number one show here Sunday night, "Life, Liberty and Levin", right here on the FOX News Channel, I call him the Great One, Mark Levin.

You know, Mark, we're 54 days out of an election. You know, intellectually, I can make the case why Donald Trump will win. He's going to hold his base. The enthusiasm gap is massive.

We got a candidate -- well, let's just be frank, it seems like he needs a nap and a hot cocoa every day, barely campaign.


HANNITY: But I always worry.

LEVIN: Well, here's the word that scares the hell out of Democrats and the media, it's called vaccine. And here's the thing, the president United States and his administration are close to getting a vaccine.

So they bring out Dr. Kamala Harris and she says, I'm not taking the vaccine.

I could give a damn if she takes the vaccine or not. They don't want a vaccine before the election. I want you to think about that.

They're the ones that don't mind if people die. What if we have a vaccine before the elections?

So, the president's supposed to put his foot on the brake and stop progress on a vaccine?

And then you have Woodward -- oh, Woodward wrote something like I gave a damn what Woodward wrote. Like it's the bible, Woodward and Bernstein, the (INAUDIBLE) of journalism.

First of all, I want the media to understand something, there's two candidates running. You might want to actually ask the other candidate, Joe Biden, a few questions every now and then. There are two candidates running. We have six books in the last few months on Trump, on Mrs. Trump, everything you ever want to know about the Trumps, the disgruntled people, the former employees, on and on. How many books do we have about Biden other than Don Jr.? Nothing.

Now, the guy's been in government half a century. He's had employees. He's had staff. He's been a screw-up.

He's been a bigot. He's been all kinds of things. Women accuse him of all kinds of stuff.

Where are the books? There are no books.

Now, where is his plan for addressing the virus? I've looked. I've looked.

Here's a man that was in charge of the 2009 swine flu, how'd that go? Disaster, beginning to end. Who says? His former chief of staff.

So, where's the Biden plan, Mr. Expert, on the virus? February, nothing. March, nothing. April, nothing. May, nothing. June, nothing. July, August, now, nothing.

The guy walks around like he's in the desert with a mask on, I'm going, what's wrong with this guy? And, by the way, he walks in circles.

What's his vaccine plan? Has no plan. They have a 110-page communist manifesto. No vaccine plan.

Plan for opening the economy -- tax the hell out of America. That's how he intends to open the economy.

Plan for creating jobs -- tax the hell out of workers in the country. That's a great plan.

Plan for opening schools -- no, close the schools. Don't open the schools.

These are the Biden positions.

Now, let's talk about operation -- not Operation Warped, that would be Biden. Let's talk about Operation Warp Speed, a vaccine, maybe several, in less than a year, that is unheard of. That is miraculous.

So what do the Democrats say? Oh, that's too fast. It must be political. Insane.

The president's already contracted for manufacturing syringes because he's a businessman, he's two steps ahead. He's already contracted for distribution. They're going to have a vaccine, maybe two. They're going to have manufacturing syringes, they're going to have distribution, while the Democrats are sitting back shooting spit ball.

He got ventilators. He got respirators. He got hospital beds. He got PPEs. He's got testing galore like we've never had before.

What the hell else is a president supposed to do? And where were the Democrats, Biden and Harris? Where was Cuomo and Murphy and all the rest? Nowhere.

The Democratic media wants you to panic. President doesn't want the people to panic.

I said this the other day on the radio, it's kind of going out there. Even without the panicking, what happened? You couldn't get toilet paper. That should make liberals very upset.

Couldn't get toilet paper. You couldn't get paper towels. You couldn't get bottled water. You couldn't get hand sanitizer.

President's saying, I don't want to panic the people. That doesn't mean he's not breaking his back to get something done. They say, oh, the president killed people. Are these people nuts?

The president has saved people. That's why he's trying to get a vaccine. That word vaccine.

Now, let's talk about downplaying and misleading and lying. The issue of downplaying, misleading and lying. I watched this Schmoe, Jon Karl from ABC News. What a disgrace.

Nobody -- never treat Obama with such disrespect, no way. Well, let me ask Jon Karl and the other gaggle a question. For months, the Democrats and the media called violence, looting, burning and killing mostly peaceful. Tell me, was that misleading? Was that a lie, Jon Karl?

Let me ask you -- for years, Obama and Biden refused to call Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. Was that misleading? Was that a lie? Yes, I'd say it was.

For years, Obama and Biden lied about Obamacare. Gee, was that misleading? Was that a lie, Jon Karl? I think it was.

They lied about the Iran deal. Lied. They lied about Russia collusion, each and every day, with the help of the media.

Let me ask you something, Jon Karl. Why did you lie? And why did all of you lie about Russia collusion? But you did.

More questions. Today, the Democrats downplay the anti-Semites in their party of which there's a growing number. Why do they lie about that? Why do they mislead the American people about that?

Today, they downplay and lie about chaos with the mail-in voting. Now, we know there's going to be chaos. We see it in cities and states. Why do they downplay that? Why do they lie?

And they lied about Biden's mental health. Everybody knows Biden's not well. That's why they're typing in the answer, when -- could you raise the teleprompter, please?

And now, they lie about the president killing people. They actually talk about the president killing people.

The president is saving people. The president did all this without the help of a single congressional Democrat, without the help of Joe Biden, without the rest of them.

And apparently, Joe, the president of the United States up there lying to the American people. What a cabal! That means Fauci is lying, Birx is lying, the task force is lying, the FDA is lying, the CDA's lying.

What a bunch of black helicopter knock jobs in the Biden campaign and the media we have today. Anybody who gives a damn what Bob Woodward wrote raise your hand. Exactly, nobody cares. That's it.

HANNITY: Great one, Mark Levin.

Don't forget, Mark's show, "Life, Liberty, & Levin", each Sunday night, 8:00 p.m. Eastern, right here on the FOX News Channel.

When we come back, one of "The View" co-host said African-American conservatives are, quote, props. they still have a job in this woke country? We'll play you the tape and get reaction.

Herschel Walker, Leo Terrell straight ahead. Stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. Democrats, they continue to attack black conservatives. Yesterday, "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin actually referred to African- American speakers at the RNC as props. Really? Watch.


SUNNY HOSTIN, "THE VIEW" CO-HOST: You know you hear all of this coming from the Trump campaign about how black people have nothing to lose and they are going to overwhelmingly vote for Trump and you had all the black people props all over the RNC talking about all the stuff they've done for the black community.


HANNITY: Here with more, former NFL player in his own right, 2020 RNC speaker, Herschel Walker, civil rights attorney Leo Terrell.

Herschel, let's get your reaction. NFL opened tonight with a lot of protesting, some boos from the crowd. I guess if people want to make statements, political, that's fine. Symbolism is one thing. I'd like to see players ask conservatives and liberals and people, how about real action? Let's fix our schools, let's keep -- you know, let's get communities where law and order doesn't exist, keep it safe and secure for every American. I'd like to see stuff happen.

HERSCHEL WALKER, FORMER NFL PLAYER: Well, you know, one thing you can say is he without sin cast the first stone, and they're a great, great example why Donald J. Trump should be president of the United States. So because -- instead of calling names and creating chaos and violence, why don't you get together and try to solve problems? Right now, you want to force someone to believe in what you believe in, which is fine. But if you ever want to swap intellect, I'm very happy to do that as well.

But right now, I want to solve problems and save America because I love the United States of America. And I also offer a -- to send if you don't like the United States of America, I send you to the country you like. So I'm not here to try to call anyone names, what I'm here to do is to tell the truth.

And the truth is Donald Trump should be president of the United States of America because he cares.

HANNITY: Did you face any backlash for your appearance at the -- and our friend Deneen Borelli (ph), I saw her on FOX earlier today, she wrote the book "Blacklash" and horrible names she's called over the years. Do you face any backlash yourself?

WALKER: Well, you know, the backlash, you know if anyone has gave me any backlash, it's fine with me, because like I said, the truth may hurt, but I'm not going to sway away from it.

You know, I love the United States of America. I love Jesus Christ and right now, this country is in chaos.

And right now, I know the person that can lead us out of it is Donald J. Trump, and I know he's the one that can do it. So I'm going to invite him because you know I didn't want to get into this. One of the things I think they need to check themselves on is how many truths have they told the American people when they started out with the Kavanaugh, when they started out with the Russian hoax, when they started out with the leakers, how many lies did they tell American people?

Well, Herschel Walker never told one. What Herschel Walker did is he came on and told the truth that seems to hurt a lot of people's feelings. Well, I'm sorry about that.

Right now, this is the United States of America and I'm going to fight for that, for this country because -- you know, I have kids. I have -- I have a family. So I want my family to enjoy the great things I've had and I said to make this country better, the way we do it is coming together.

HANNITY: Leo, I like action. Barack and Joe didn't do police reform after Ferguson or Baltimore, Donald Trump did. Criminal justice reform, Donald Trump did that too. Opportunity zones, Donald Trump did that. Historically black colleges, the most amount of money, longest commitment, longest period of time, that wasn't Barack or Joe either. Record low unemployment for every demographic group in this country, minorities especially, that would be Donald Trump, not Barack, not Joe.

LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: You know, Sean, you just laid out some facts, and this is a problem. See the Democrats' playbook is no black can leave the plantation. We have to remain. If not, we're going to be called names. I've been being called names recently.

But here's the point -- for Sunny to make that comment, I want to speak directly to her, from "The View".

I got news for you, Sunny. Tim Scott is not a prop, OK? Alice Johnson is not a prop, and the wife of David Dorn, slain David Dorn is not a prop.

I have 30 years invested in the left side. I know what the left side has done. I freely decided to vote Republican. No pay, it's because I love this country, just like Herschel.

So when you make this argument as a lawyer, you should be ashamed of yourself. To call black Republicans a prop, that's a name. That's a name. That's a personal attack.

Tim Scott, Alice Johnson, Herschel Walker, those were the individuals spoke at the Republican National Convention, they love this country and they're free thinkers, Sunny. They think for themselves. They're not being told how to think like the Democrats want them.

HANNITY: You know, I'd like to see everybody unite so that every city and town is safe and secure and law and order restored, and every child in this country has a great education and the job of their dreams. That would be something we should all agree on.

Thank you both.

More "Hannity" nex.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left. Again, thank you for making "Live Free or Die: America and the World on the Brink" number one in the country. And, by the way, you can get one at, 40 percent off by the way, on sale -- sale Costco's, Walmart, Target, Books-A-Million, Barnes and Noble, you name it.

We'll be doing a town hall, virtual town hall tomorrow with Newt Gingrich.

And 53 days as of midnight tonight, two hours from now, you are the ultimate jury.

Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham is standing by.

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