Sen. Kennedy says Nancy Pelosi and the 'managerial elite' think they're more virtuous than ordinary Americans

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity," September 3, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to this special edition of "Hannity."

For the hour, we will highlight some of my opening monologues covering the 2020 campaign of Biden and Kamala Harris.

Let's start with my monologue explaining what would happen if Biden and Harris, God forbid, were elected.

Take a look.


HANNITY: If Joe Biden wins, he has the strength and stamina and mental alertness to do the job, if he implements the extreme agenda that he's now embracing, let me be clear -- America as you know it, we know it, will be destroyed. Our entire way of life will be flushed down the drain.

If the issue of law and order security and safety, if that matters to you and to your family, if free-market capitalism matters to you and your family, if our Constitution, the rule of law matters to you, here's what you need to know -- in 112 days, you are the ultimate jury. Joe Biden doesn't, well, really have any original ideas. He never has.

He's been in the swamp 50-plus years. It's 50 years of elect me and I'll do this. I'll do this. The president says all talk, talk, talk, no action.

Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden alone, 125 combined years of elect me and I'll promise this, this, and this -- nothing but 125 years of meaningless promises and unmitigated failure.

Oh, and on Biden's part, lots of plagiarism. Remember he was accused of plagiarizing a paper in law school. In 1980s, many of his speeches were plagiarized. He was accused of plagiarizing Robert Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, British MP Neil Kinnock. We played that for you last week.

And the scary part is Biden has taken his cues from the most radical, the most extreme socialist, extremist that this party has ever embraced -- the Democratic, modern, socialist party.

Look at the corrupt forgetful Joe Biden team. You've got Biden, Schumer, Pelosi -- that's 125 years of, well, failure alone. Now add to that Bernie Sanders, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Beto Bozo O'Rourke, gun czar.

His latest policy proposals were literally authored by the devout socialist Bernie Sanders. And Joe even plagiarized Bernie's agenda literally in many instances word for word right out of Bolshevik Bernie's a socialist platform.

Now, keep in mind, Bernie wants the government to control all means of production. He wants to nationalize industries like they did in Venezuela and Cuba. He has praised those regimes. And, by the way, honeymoon in the former Soviet Union.

Meanwhile, socialist Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, she's in charge of Biden's climate task force and she wants to ban oil, gas, coal, air travel, and eventually even cows, says we have 12 years and it's all over. Her Green New Deal will cost $94 trillion over 10 years. That will turn America into a socialist bankrupt hellhole.

And then, of course, there's Biden's gun-control czar, Beto Bozo O'Rourke, whose top priority is to literally take your guns away. This is what's at stake in 112 days. Take a look.


BETO O'ROURKE (D-TX), FORMER CONGRESSMAN: Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I'm going to guarantee this is not the last you have seen of this guy. You're going to take care of the gun problem with me.


HANNITY: OK. To recap, Biden has tapped Bolshevik Bernie, he's even plagiarizing him, to lead his economic policies. AOC will lead the Green New Deal climate task force. Beto Bozo, he's coming for your guns. And, by the way, he also has Schumer and Pelosi in Congress.

This is his team? Right there? And Add Beto and add AOC. They win and you can start singing bye-bye Miss American pie because it's over.

What's next? Is he going to tap -- let's see -- the ever incompetent Cuomo to, what, lead his coronavirus task force? Is he going to tap Comrade de Blasio, mayor of New York, as his law and order czar?

After all, just last week, Biden in his own words, he agreed that yes, funds, should be diverted away from the police. In other words, he's embraced the "defund the police" movement. He's the guy that said last week, police have now become the enemy.

In New York City, Comrade de Blasio, already slash the NYPD budget by a billion dollars. He has disbanded the uncovered, the most effective anti- crime unit in the city. He's banned all stop and frisk.

Meanwhile, New York Governor Cuomo, well, he's the genius that let thousands of violent criminals out of jail every single time with his idiotic zero dollar bail policy. And as a result, what are we seeing? Shootings in New York City and New York state, they have more than doubled over the last year. On Monday, at least 17 people shot, that includes three drive-by shootings.

At one point over the weekend, there was a shooting every single hour. And last night, we brought you Lawrence Jones' heart-wrenching interview with the family of that 1-year-old baby boy who was shot and killed. He was in a stroller. He was in a playground in Brooklyn.

Now, this violence is unacceptable. It comes as police all over the country now are under attack. Since May, 12 police officers have now been killed in the line of duty. Two were murdered over the weekend in Texas while responding to a domestic disturbance call.

Over 1,000 other police officers seriously injured -- rocks, and bottles, and bricks, and Molotov cocktails, knives and guns being used against them. The chaos, the carnage in America's big liberal cities, it's out of control.

And, by the way, if you want a preview of coming attractions, that will be America with Biden, Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, and Beto. That's your choice. We can't make it anymore clear.

You are the ultimate jury. So do you want in 112 days law in order to be restored or do you wanted to get worse?

Because Biden wants to defund the police and abolish cash bail just like they did in New York. He's come a long way from calling people predators and, you know, while saying under incendiary things on racial issues, like he didn't want his kids in a racial jungle if we're talking about integration. He used those words.

Like I said at the top, this is now become the single biggest greatest choice election in our lifetime, on every single important issue that will impact your kids, your life, and your grandkids.

Do you want Biden's plans for open borders, for amnesty, the united sanctuary states of America? The minute you get into America, you get absolutely free health care, free, free, free -- free schools for every illegal immigrant and amnesty.

Or do you prefer border security? Four hundred miles of border wall will be built by Election Day. You get to decide.

Do you want Biden's tax increases that he is promising? Or do you prefer lower taxes that Donald Trump is promising?

Do you want Biden's Green New Deal madness or President Trump -- let's see, he's made this country energy independent for the first time in over 75 years. And he's also made it for the first time in 75 years, we are now the world's number one producer of energy. Do you want that or do you want to ban coal and fracking and oil production?

Do you want Biden's activist judges, legislating for the bench, do you want to stack the courts like, well, Democrats have been talking about, or do you prefer constitutionalist, those that believe that's the fundamental rule of law for the United States of America?

Do you want socialized health care? Do you want to keep your private health care? How did Obamacare/Bidencare work out for you?

Do you want Hunter Biden making sketchy billion-dollar deals with the Bank of China, lining his own pockets or do you want a president who will actually stand up to China as this president did earlier today? Do you want zero experience Hunter making millions more in Ukraine?

Quid pro quo Joe, zero experience Hunter, oh, it worked out perfectly, didn't it?

As President Trump said today, there's never been a time when two candidates were so different. Let's watch the president.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: There's probably never been a time when candidates are so different. We want law and order. They don't want a lot order.

We want strong closed borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process. They don't want to have any borders at all. They're going to rip down the wall. It was hard to get that built and now, it's almost completed.


HANNITY: Ultimately, I'm only one vote. My vote is probably not going to mean much in New York.

It comes down to you, you, the American people. You are the jury here.

Do you want America to become a place where working hard, doing the right thing is punished, mob rule, anarchy is rewarded? Because that's what Biden is now selling with his team of Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Bernie and Bozo.

Well, that's -- those are the stakes in the 112 days. You're the ultimate jury. You get to shock the world again and you get to stop what they want to do to this country from happening.

You know, it would certainly be worthwhile just for the pure entertainment purposes to watch the fake news media mob in this country, I'm just thinking out loud. In 112 days, maybe early to 113 days, early in the morning, having to choke on the words "we can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the 45th president of the United States."

How do you think that's going to go over when you get the call that they -- we get to watch them make that call? That would be pretty amazing. We survived eight years of Obama. I don't want to go back.

You know what, America was resilient. This plan is way beyond anything that's ever been proposed -- the most radical, extreme, socialist proposals in the history of this country. It will destroy the U.S. freedom that has created more wealth, more opportunity that we have used for human advancement around the world. That's all because of liberty and freedom. And every time you get a false promise of security, you give up your freedoms.

Bernie Sanders is so pleased with this radical socialist lawless agenda he went on -- well, MSDNC, the conspiracy channel, Roswell Rachel Maddow's channel, last night to congratulate Biden on becoming the most progressive candidate in modern history. Way to go, Joe.

Listen to this.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT): These folks, needless to say, people who represented the progressive wing, they're going to have perspective on things than did Biden's people. But there was serious discussion and I think a real honest effort to come up with a compromise, and I think the compromise that they came up with, if implemented, will make Biden the most progressive president since FDR.


HANNITY: If implemented, America would be unrecognizable. It would be a socialist hell hole. It would be another socialist failure.

We'd lose freedom and we would lose wealth creation and America's stature in the world, it would be the most precipitous decline in the history of mankind. Now we know what Biden meant when he wanted to transform America into Bernie's America.

During the primary, most Democrats try to appease their radical base but then they moved towards the center in what's called the general election. Biden is different, he went hard left, stayed there, and is doubling down on even harder left and even more extreme policy. This isn't about bringing manufacturing jobs back or increasing wages. This is about full-blown extremism, socialism, redistributionism and the end of capitalism.

And keep in mind, the 78-year-old Biden has been in elected office since the '70s. He served eight years as vice president. He gets zero tough questions from the mob and the media, why didn't he have any success in those eight years?

Under President Trump, what have we witnessed? A boom in American manufacturing, the jobs they said weren't coming back. Now, it was Trump. It wasn't Barack. It wasn't Joe who brought those jobs back.

Just like it was Trump who ushered in record after record after record after record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and every demographic group we can think of.

It was Trump who passed criminal justice reform and police reform. It wasn't Joe and it wasn't Barack.

It was President Trump that created opportunities zones, that wasn't Joe, and that wasn't Barack. In five decades in the swamp, what the hell did Joe Biden do?

But now, in order to please his far left handlers, Biden is now trashing law enforcement.

Just this week, what did he do? Referencing, now the police are viewed as the enemy and said he was totally on board with stripping their federal funding, his own words.

Take a listen.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Surplus military equipment for law enforcement, they don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armored Humvee coming into a neighborhood just like the military invading. They don't know anybody, they become the enemy. They're supposed to be protecting these people. So, my generic point is --

HOST: But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

BIDEN: Yes, absolutely. One of the things we also need to be doing is fundamentally changing the way, and I've been pushing it for years, changing the way we deal with our prison system.


HANNITY: What? OK, militarized police.

Hey, Joe, look at these images. They got that equipment when you were vice president.


HANNITY: Up next, we'll do the job the media mob will not do and that is that Senator Kamala Harris and her record, straight ahead.



HANNITY: Welcome back to the special edition of "Hannity".

When Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris to be his VP, he confirmed that this would be a campaign ready to surrender to the new extreme radical socialist left.

Here is my monologue vetting Senator Harris' record.


HANNITY: Senator Harris is a favorite of the radical far left establishment. New York toilet paper "Times", though, they called her a pragmatic moderate -- in no way, shape, or form. That's just another outright lie by "The New York Times."

In 2019, she had the most liberal voting record of any other U.S. senator. She was actually to the left of Bolshevik Bernie Sanders. She was the cosponsor of that insane Green New Deal and maybe they are just trying to cover up his crazy socialist agenda by giving Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez a whopping 60 seconds, we found out tonight, to speak at the Democratic Convention.

Unfortunately, for Kamala Harris, she is now on tape promising to ban all fracking. Pennsylvania, are you paying attention? On day one in office, take a look.


REPORTER: Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? Adding the United States to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice?

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. So, yes.


HANNITY: All right. That one radical move that would cost a half a million high-paying jobs in Pennsylvania. Yeah, 100,000 plus jobs in Ohio, millions of other jobs across the country. It would send the price of oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy, through the roof.

And there's a lot more. As part of her radical socialist agenda, Harris would even ban plastic straws and limit your consumption of red meat. I just love when the government is there to tell me how to live.

And if you like your doctor, if you like your health insurance plan, well, you're going to want to listen very closely to this next insane radical socialist clip. Take a look.


HARRIS: I believe the solution and I actually feel very strongly about this, is that we need to have Medicare for all. That's just the bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it?

HARRIS: Well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care.

Who of us that does not have that situation where you've got to wait for approval and the doctor says well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. Let's eliminate all of that, let's move on.


HANNITY: Eliminate it, move on. Wow.

Then you're stuck with Obamacare. How did those promises workout?

Now, if Harris gets her way, over 200 million Americans could or would have their health insurance stripped away, no choice, no options. I thought liberals were pro-choice. Apparently not on this issue.

And, of course, your taxes, they will go through the roof. She's already plotting major tax hikes. So, let's keep track of this minor part of her radical agenda, Senator Harris would confiscate your private health insurance, your income, yep, it even says by executive fiat we are going to take away some of your guns, your plastic straws, your red meat and that list goes on.

She wants the government to complete would dictate every aspect of your life. That's because like many of the radical socialist left, well, Senator Harris believes that the American people actually says it about one particular voting bloc and demographic are just stupid. Well, you don't believe me, let's go to the videotape.


HARRIS: What else do we know about this population 18 to 24? They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions.


HANNITY: Well, we just lock them all up until they are 25?

Now, if you watch the other so-called news networks or read almost any paper in the country, you will never get the truth about Senator Harris. You will never see these clips, you will never hear about her radical positions and her radical record. They will lie to you day in and day out for the next 83 days and they will continue to push the line that she has a pragmatic moderate.

At this point, the mob, the media has absolutely zero self-respect and they don't concern themselves with anything that recognizes truth. They are now hard-core, statist, partisan Democrats that will say and do anything to beat Donald Trump. It's a cult of hatred, a psychosis, kind of hard to explain actually.

Let's take a look at their vetting of Kamala Harris. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just being told we have a pick and it's Kamala Harris of California. Just told in my ear at the second. For the record, those of applause were from Claire McCaskill.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that Kamala Harris adds a layer of energy to the Biden campaign.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People wanted to be around her. There was a charisma, fascination, for lack of a better word, Anderson, a bit of celebrity surrounding Kamala Harris.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joe Biden could have chosen someone else, but he couldn't have chosen anyone better. She is clearly a great campaigner, but she's also good at governing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Democrats have thought since she stepped onto the stage that she had an incredibly bright future.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think if you think about Kamala Harris, she herself a fighter, right?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's an energetic campaigner. Women's vote, younger people's vote, all of this brings enormous energy.


HANNITY: One, pretty much anybody would have more energy than, well, the ever forgetful Joe. It seems like he needs a nap very often and she only had 2 percent or less.

The coverage was so bad, so abusively biased, one of these fake journalists and lunatic at fake news CNN complained that we were throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Kamala Harris. That's actually called vetting the candidate. Fake news CNN might want to try it out sometime on a Democratic candidate. Just the candidate's record, just the exact things which they have set in the positions they've taken with the accompanying proof, the video and audio tapes.

Especially now, all of the obvious concerns about Biden's, frankly, mental alertness, acuity for fitness for office, his strength and stamina. Now, get this: the media raised those questions about 71-year-old John McCain and his age in 2008. They raised questions about 73-year-old Ronald Reagan during his reelection bid in 1984. By the way, for the record, Biden would be older on his first day of office than Reagan was on his last day of office.

Take a look.


RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT: I'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.


HANNITY: Checkmate, Ronald Reagan won 49 states.

Now, all of a sudden, the mob and the media, they are asked a question about 77-year-old Biden's mental acuity. I'm not a doctor, but he looks kind of fragile, tired, weak to me. And these -- well, constant embarrassments, they're beginning to raise a lot of serious questions.

And people in the country are talking about it, whether the mob wants to cover it up or not. The confusion, the bouts of anger -- are you a junkie? Did you get tested for cocaine? Come on, man.

Almost no one outside of this network even seems willing to seriously broach the subject. We will do our job. In fact, they are actively trying to cover up his apparent issues.

Over there at state-run conspiracy television MSDNC -- well, they seemingly actually cropped out what appeared to be a written script of Biden and having a casual video conversation with Kamala Harris. And by the way, you can actually see Biden in that picture, he's holding the phone upside down.

And ultimately the Biden campaign is hoping that Kamala Harris will bring a much-needed boost of energy, charisma, alertness, that Biden clearly lacks. That was those are fundamentals I think for the hardest job in the world and is one problem with that theory.

Kamala -- well, she doesn't connect with voters. Her presidential bid was a massive failure, a flop. She dropped out in December before any primary or any caucus. She was pulling at a meager 2 percent or less, especially after Tulsi Gabbard's takedown.

Even in her home state of California, she was pulling in single digits. They know her best. But fear not, the media mob, the cult that they are, that hates Trump 24/7, all they will do and say anything they can to help lift her up.

Just take a look at today's front page, New York toilet paper "Times", it's worthless. Basically, it's as good as toilet paper. Compare it to their coverage in 2016 of Vice President Pence, Donald Trump's choice for a running mate.

As we have said many times on the show, back in 2007 forward, journalism is dead, it is gone, it is buried.


HANNITY: Right after the break, my monologue on Joe Biden's past history on the issue of race.


HANNITY: Welcome back to the special edition of "Hannity."

Joe Biden's past comments on race or coming back to haunt his campaign. Here's my opening monologue explaining all of it.


HANNITY: We turn to the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, the every forgetful one, who is now vowing to fight, his words, structural racism in America.

Now, he's doing this from the comfort and security of his basement bunker. And today, he tweeted, quote: Nothing about the fights that we're facing will be easy. Racism has been a fixture in our society for hundreds of years. But I'm ready to get to work on day one. We can't expect anything less from an American president.

Well, the ever forgetful Joe must be confused yet again, because his day one was actually over 40 years ago. And he now has a track record that does not match his rhetoric.

Now, way back in 1973, he was first sworn in as a U.S. senator. So, what did Biden do to end racism during his six terms in the U.S. Senate? His two terms as vice president of the United States?

That is the subject of tonight's "Hannity" investigation into Biden and the issue of race relations 40 years of failure.

We begin -- let's start in 1973. During a speech, then-Senator Joe Biden, he praised Southern Democrats and he said that the two-party system in the South was, quote, good for bleep, I can't say it.

Around the same time, Biden was actively working with desegregationist in order to slow integration. He opposed school busing. According to NBC News, quote, he led the charge on an issue that kept black students away from the classrooms of white students.

In 1977, Biden worried that his children would grow up in a, quote, racial, his words, jungle if integration is not in a, quote, orderly way, whatever that means.

And in 1993, he referred to inner city youth as, quote, predators on our streets, and he coauthored a very aggressive crime bill. Well, that ramped up prison sentences for dozens of crimes. We've got the video evidence, the videotape. Let's go to it.


JOE BIDEN, THEN-DELAWARE U.S. SENATOR: It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. Their resolve is they're about to knock my wife on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons. So, I want to ask, what made them do this? They must be taken off the streets.

We should focus on them now. Not out of a liberal instinct for love, brother and humanity, although I think that's a good instinct, but for simple pragmatic reasons. If we don't, they will, or a portion of them will become the predators 15 years from now.

And, Madam President, we have predators on our streets.


HANNITY: Let's continue.

When the crime bill became law, Biden was so proud of his accomplishments, he bragged, quote, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is now for 60 new death penalty, 70 enhanced penalties, 100,000 new cops, 125,000 new state prison cells.

This is the same guy that pretended to be a civil rights leader for years. After all, in 1987, he lied about marching in the civil rights protest. More recently, he lied about getting arrested by the apartheid South African government while on his way to see Nelson Mandela.

A few weeks ago, he lied about his many political endorsements from the NAACP. They don't endorse -- they never endorsed him. And, by the way, what did he do to fix systemic racism?

OK, it was under Barack and Joe's watch, Ferguson happened. Baltimore happened. Cambridge police happened. Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman happened. That was when he was vice president.

So what did he do to fix the systematic racism in the ‘70s, the ‘80s, the ‘90s, the 2000s? In other words, does that sound -- does this what -- we're about to play -- he sound like a man who's particularly worried about racism to you? You decide.

Take a look.


BIDEN: The largest growth in population is Indian-American, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking.

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR, FOX NEWS SUNDAY: What kind of a chance would a Northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South?

BIDEN: Better than anybody else. And you don't know my state. My state was a slave state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black population in the country.

We've got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, it's -- that's a storybook.

They're going to put y'all back in chains.


HANNITY: We can keep going. First mainstream African-American, first one, who's articulate, bright and clean, who's a story book. What?

Believe it or not, his rhetoric has actually gotten much worse. Few weeks ago, Biden told radio host Charlamagne Tha God the following. You decide.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, RADIO HOST: It's a long way until November, we got more questions.

BIDEN: You got more questions, but I'll tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black.


HANNITY: Pretty obvious what Biden spends most of his days hiding in his basements. Democrats are now being caught on tape. They don't want anyone actually see the real Joe Biden -- the lying, the weird statements, the racial rhetoric, the constant confusion.

The question America is going to have to ask and answer in 146 days, is Joe Biden fit to serve as the commander in chief and the president of the United States?

Now, he's even deploying one of the old Democratic Party favorite tactics. He is now playing the race card. I pointed out and I've done this history so many times come, every two years, every four years, like clockwork. Republicans, they are racist, sexists, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, they want dirty air and water. They want grandma and grandpa to eat dog food, cat food, before Paul Ryan or a Republican Trump look-alike throws granny over a cliff in a wheelchair.

And, today, Biden accusing Trump, the president, of being the first racist president in history. Get ready for a "Hannity" history real lesson in a second.


BIDEN: You have racists, they've existed and they tried to get elected president. He's the first one that has. And the way he pits people against one another is all designed to divide the country.


HANNITY: Put y'all back in chains?

All right. Now, it's time for a "Hannity" history lesson. Forget the fact that Democrats have accused every Republican of being racist. We've gone over -- 1998 radio ad in Missouri, the 2000 James Byrd ad, Al Gore, Republicans don't even want to count you in the census. They will put y'all back in chains.

Let's go over the facts. Here's Joe Biden's history.

It was Donald Trump, not Joe and not Barack who passed criminal justice reform and prison reform. It was Donald Trump. It wasn't Joe and it was not Barack who signed off on police reform. It was Donald Trump also doing opportunity zones, targeting mostly minority neighborhoods to help -- well, build the economies in neighborhoods that have been left behind by Joe and Barack.

It was President Trump, not Joe, not Barack, who ushered in record low after record low after record low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African-American youth unemployment. Joe and Barack, they didn't do any of that.

As a matter of fact, 13 million more Americans in food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate in, oh, since the ‘70s. Had a 51-year low in homeownership rate, and the worst recovery since the '40s. That's their eight years of failure.

And, by the way, three years in, President Trump has done more for minorities in this country than Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer did in 125 years.

Watch this.


TRUMP: You look at employment, you look at opportunity zones and maybe most importantly, you look at criminal justice reform. You look at prison reform. I've done things that nobody else -- and I've said this and I say it openly, and not a lot of people dispute it, I've done more for black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody has even been close.



HANNITY: Coming up, my opening monologue on Joe Biden never ending campaign of blunders, you don't want to miss this one, next.



HANNITY: All right. Since the day he announced he was running for president, Joe Biden has been racking up a blunder after blunder after blunder. Well, we explained in a recent opening monologue. Take a look at this fun extravaganza.


HANNITY: First, we must ask the obvious question, the media mob, the Democrats, they're avoiding it like the plague. Now, I know for a fact, privately, they're scared to death about this. What is wrong with Joe Biden? What is going on with Joe Biden?

The question is this, does this 77-year-old man really have the stamina, the strength, the mental acuity, mental alertness to serve in the toughest most demanding job on earth?

Now, in 1984, well, similar questions were posed to 73-year-old President Ronald Reagan. That was during his reelection campaign, and here's how Reagan famously responded.


RONALD REAGAN, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience.



HANNITY: That race ended right there. Forty-nine-state sweep by Ronald Reagan.

We saw a much different response from Joe Biden. Here's his response -- well, again, we see it often, completely incoherent.

It's actually a little hard to watch actually you know like barking at a reporter. It's not the first time he's done this. He loses his train of thought, he became totally, completely utterly confused -- again, fairly common occurrence with Joe.

Take a look.


INTERVIEWER: But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive --

BIDEN: No, I haven't taken a test why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man. That's like saying, you -- before you got in this program, you take a test where you're taking cocaine or not, what do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?

INTERVIEWER: What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters?

BIDEN: Well, if you can't figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don't know what the hell he's talking about. Did you watch that - - look, come on, man. I know you're trying to goad me.

But -- I mean, I'm so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president in debates. There could be plenty of time. And, by the way, as I joke with them, you know, I shouldn't say it -- I'm going to say something I don't -- I probably shouldn't say.

Anyway, I am -- I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental -- my physical as well as my mental fitness, and to -- you know, to make a judgment about who I am.


HANNITY: OK, come on, man. A cocaine test, are you a junkie? An elephant and a lion.

What did we just watch? This is just simply not normal or appropriate behavior and apparently, Biden even forgot that just a few weeks ago, remember, he was actually telling reporters and the American people that he was constantly tested for cognitive decline.

Occasionally, of course, we'll admit, everyone gets words mixed up here and there, but this is now a daily occurrence for Joe Biden.

And Joe Biden, this is serious, as confused as he is, he's running for the most important the hardest the toughest the most difficult job in the free world, he wants to be president of the United States of America, our commander-in-chief. If he's ever elected, his finger will be on that nuclear button. So, obviously, mental acuity, alertness is very important and yet, Biden seems to struggle even too numerous times to list on this show.

You think I'm overstating the fact? We'll let you decide tonight. Take a look.


BIDEN: Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented white kids.

Why in God's name should someone who's clipping coupons in the stock market make in fact pay a lower tax rate than someone who in fact is, like I said, a school teacher and a firefighter?

Look, tomorrow's Super Thurs -- Tuesday and I want to thank you all. I tell you what, I'm rushing ahead, aren't I?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by the - - you know, the -- you know the thing.


HANNITY: Joe, endowed by the Creator of everything, it's in the Declaration of Independence.

And it was by the way not super -- it was Super Tuesday, not Super Thursday. Clipping coupons in the stock market, what does that even mean?

And the confusion doesn't stop there and I'm going to tell you, even what we're going to show you tonight is just a small sampling. We could go on for the whole hour. Take a look.


BIDEN: Donald Trump does pose an existential -- this -- the -- it's not hypothetical.

I want to be clear, I'm not going nuts.

All right, Chuck, thank you very much.

WALLACE: All right, it's Chris, but anyway --

BIDEN: Chris, I just did Chris.

My son, one of -- my deceased son was the attorney general of the United States and before that, he was a federal prosecutor in one of the largest offices in the country, the -- in Philadelphia.


HANNITY: A little fact check, Joe's son was never the attorney general of the United States.

What is he talking about? Sadly, just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are more deeply troubling examples. Take a look.


BIDEN: If you agree with me, go to Joe 30330.

We choose truth over facts.

Play the radio, make sure the television -- excuse me -- make sure you have the record player on at night. The phone -- make sure the kids hear words.

A hundred and fifty million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability, more than all the wars, including Vietnam from that point on. Carnage on our street.


HANNITY: Truth over facts, 150 million people killed from gun violence, that would be almost half the country.

Tonight, it's not just the confusion, the forgetfulness, the gaffes that you should worry about. It's also his very strange associated fits of rage. He just screamed at that CBS News reporter asked him if he was a junkie and needed a cocaine test.

And this wasn't the first time that Joe imploded in front of a camera. Take a look.


BIDNE: Let me, she referenced me. I agreed with the great job she did and I went on the floor and got you votes, I got votes for that bill. I convinced people to vote for it. So let's get those things straight too.

You have been no caucus? No, you haven't. You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier, you said you were, but you're -- now, you got to be honest.

You said I set up my son to work in an oil company, didn't that what you said? Get your word straight, Jack.

And you want to check my shape on, let's do push-ups together, man, let's do -- let's run, let's do whatever you want to do.

You're full of (EXPLETIVE DELETED)

TRAVELING PRESS SECRETARY: All right. Thanks you guys.

BIDEN: Hold on, shush shush, I support the Second Amendment.


HANNITY: These are the types of things Terry McAuliffe was referring to when he said I'm perfectly fine if Joe Biden stays in his basement bunker until Election Day. He always sees two people a day.

All right, let's take some facts. Joe Biden loses his trend of thought often. He mixes numbers up often. He struggles to remember certain words. At times, he doesn't even know what day of the week it is, what state he's in, and what office he's even running for.

He's experiencing frequent bouts of irritability, anger, confusion. I'm not a doctor. I don't know what's going on with Biden but it's obvious that something is off, very off.

And even though he barely leaves his basement bunker, he looks exhausted. Kind of looks like he needs a hot cocoa and a little nappy every day.

Now, given what we see, wouldn't it be a good idea for him to take that cognitive test? By the way, a comprehensive physical exam, share the results with the American people. President Trump has already done that and more.

It's an honest question at this point, and before early voting starts, we the American people deserve an answer.


HANNITY: More "Hannity" right after this break.


HANNITY: All right. As we continue and wrap up this special edition of "Hannity," that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for joining us.

Don't forget, "Live Free or Die", bookstores everywhere -- hope you have a great weekend.

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