Sen. John Kennedy: Joe Biden may be the nominee, but Bernie Sanders is the head of the Democratic Party

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 18, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker. Good show as always. Thank you.

CARLSON: Thanks.


This is now officially a Fox News alert. Night two of the worst infomercials ever made. Infomercials are a lot more interesting.

In just moments, we're going to dip in briefly, only briefly, let's give you a flavor. We'll give you the full one-minute remarks of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Why? Because that's all they gave her because they're hiding who they really are.

We'll watch a little bit of Chucky Schumer and some of his hate Trump rhetoric, just for fun.

Now, we're going to monitor former President Bill Clinton. Now, Bill Clinton is interesting because I'm going to lay out in a special "Hannity" monologue how he wouldn't even be a nominee of that party ever based on his positions and, by the way, he's embroiled in a huge new scandal today. "The Daily Mail" just published newly uncovered pictures, Bill Clinton reportedly getting back -- I get a little back massage of one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims.

This isn't funny. What I saw in The Daily Mail should scare everybody. We reached out to Clinton for comment. We've yet to hear back.

By the way, whatever happened to the I-believers in the Democratic Party that are outraged that Bill Clinton is about to speak in prime time at their party's convention. Do they have any real values at all? Kamala Harris, any comment at all? We'll have more, straight ahead.

But, first, we're going to bring everything you need to know about last night's big DNC kickoff because if you're like most Americans you actually didn't watch it. In fact, ratings for the convention are way down. Last night, look at this, ABC, CBS, NBC, they garnered a record low 6.7 million viewers, which is down 42 percent from 2016.

Now, just as a comparison, I won't talk about myself, but when FOX News alone from 2016 covered President Trump, it was well over 8 million, one channel, just one channel. Wow.

Now, those who did tune in for the convention got a predictable dose of poorly produced cult-like psychotic rage, hysteria against all things Donald Trump. Oh, I thought they were the uniters, and they go high and we go low, and all that nonsense, all phony rhetoric.

Marianne Williamson, she had a pretty funny line -- that it was like binge- watching a Marriott Hotel commercial. That's pretty funny.

Let's be clear, though, this is beyond a really, really bad infomercial. Yes, OK, it was boring, it was awkward, it was disjointed.

What's worse is: zero substance, nothing. We heard no real solutions on how they will improve the lives of you, the American people. No policy discussions, no mention of the crisis in America's disastrous Democratic- run cities, you know, that Jerry Nadler said the myth that there's violence. A myth?

No new proposals to combat COVID-19, nothing. Remember, they were missing in action. They thought it was xenophobic and hysterical to put the travel ban in effect. They were impeaching the president in the middle of their trial during the beginnings of all this, nowhere to be found. No mentions of how to make this country more safe, more secure, wealthier, prosperous, none of that.

All you got was a temper tantrum, bumper stickers, slogans about pretty much how much they hate Donald Trump and behind the hatred of him is a hatred of we, smelly Walmart shopper Trump supporters, irredeemable deplorables, the 15 percent as Biden says. You know, that the angry people that Obama talked about the cling to God, guilty, yep; our Second Amendment, guilty; bibles, guilty; and religion, belief in God, guilty again.

And by the way, the try -- and I like to save money at Walmart. My book is really price low there, like Costco's.

Anyway, they're trying to bury their radical policies. That's why Ocasio- Cortez gets a minute. Andrew Cuomo, this was a meltdown and psychosis moment for him, blaming Trump for what he's calling the European coronavirus.

Wow, never mind the thousands of seniors who died because of Cuomo's disastrous nursing home policy. We have a new report out today as a matter of fact, Andrew, from the "A.P."

Now, the true nursing home death, they, quote, is clocked in and cloaked in secrecy, they said. It could be more than 11,000 people, not the 6,000 they're saying because of Cuomo's stupid decision. Then, of course, Wolf in Pennsylvania, Murphy in New Jersey, Whitmer.

And we had our old pal, Ohio Governor John Kasich. It's really just a really bad case of sore-loser-it is, kind of like the recent, you know, recently deceased John McCain. He was pretty angry about losing, as is Hillary Clinton and Al Gore and Mitt Romney. They all think they're going to win. They don't win, they get angry.

Anyway, he delivered -- John Kasich -- his own bitter, anti-Trump rant, and pretty much just recanted everything that he had said that he publicly believed in. Good luck with that, John.

And then there was the former First Lady Michelle Obama -- praised by everybody in the mob in the media. And during what were pretty vindictive and inaccurate and untrue remarks, she was so busy trashing President Trump. It's kind of interesting, she didn't even mention Kamala Harris, the first female African-American on a presidential ticket, although according to reports, Michelle Obama apparently pre-taped the speech prior to Biden's VP announcement, couldn't be bothered to retape it. That's how all in she is for Joe. She had almost a full week to tape it.

And for the record, Obama disparaged Republicans all the time. Yep, the Obama administration was very divisive. By the way, his record on the economy, 13 million more Americans food stamps, 8 million more poverty, lowest labor participation rates since the ‘70s, worst recovery since the ‘40s, I can go on. His foreign policy, really, bribing mullahs with $150 billion in cash and other currency, both disasters.

Only person who actually gave any substance at all, got to give credit where it's due. There he is -- comrade Bernie Sanders, Bolshevik Bernie. Remember with Bernie, well, he used to be the -- an annoyance, on the fringe of the Democratic Party, an outlier, barely even tolerated. Everyone there thought he was a kook back then.

Many Democrats embarrassed by Sanders' radical socialist agenda. Now, well, he is the signal caller. He's the leader of the Democratic Party. He controls the party's agenda.

He helped co-write or co-author Biden's economic platform. In other words, Biden plagiarized it, big portions of it.

The Bernie-Biden manifesto, as the president calls it, he is now the mainstream of what is now the Democratic socialist party. This is the most extreme ticket of any major party in the history of this country.

By the way, don't take my word for it. Let's just listen to what Bernie Sanders had to say last night. He's the leader. He's the economic czar for Joe and Kamala. Take a look.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, D-VT: Our campaign ended several months ago, but our movement continues and is getting stronger every day. Many of the ideas we fought for that just a few years ago were considered radical are now mainstream.


HANNITY: That's actually true. No oil, no gas, everything's free, free, free, unless you pay taxes. If you're a taxpayer, if any wealth at all, buckle up. This new radical Democratic socialist party, they will confiscate your wealth, they will raise trillions of dollars in taxes, for the false promises that will never be fulfilled, the socialist utopia.

And, by the way, you can kiss the Senate filibuster goodbye if Schumer becomes the leader, Chucky, Nancy, they'll be more than happy to ram this radical wish list right through Congress, and there is the Trojan horse as the president's referring to Joe Biden, president, he'll sign anything. Dangerous agenda, dangerous possibilities.

But, hey, at least Bernie Sanders got to give him credit, he had energy, he had strength, he had stamina, mental alertness, mental acuity to coherently, energetically, he gave the most passionate speech last night.

Now, Bernie is a year older than Joe Biden, so the criticism about Biden's struggles, like there was criticism about Reagan and John McCain is not about age. Instead, it's what we see every single time Joe Biden pretty much opens his mouth when he dares to venture out of the basement bunker. Today, he actually got his decades mixed up and years mixed up, yet again. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: And four years later to the month in January of 2018, I found myself in a circumstance where -- excuse me, 2012, I found myself standing in the same spot I had stood four years earlier, and I was waiting for a black man, Tom, to come and pick me up from Philadelphia, a guy named Barack Obama, on the 17th of January to take me to Washington, a trip I've made a thousand times commuting every day, to be sworn in as president and vice president.


HANNITY: By the way, Joe, let me help you out. You were inaugurated as vice president -- you might want to write it down on your teleprompter, that was 2009, not 2018 and not 2012. Whew, glad we got that out of the way.

Now, Joe Biden has never been a great speaker. No one has ever really you know been inspired by a Biden speech. But you can go back five years ago, you should see the ad the RNC put out, we'll pull it up later in the show for you, Joe then and Joe now, pretty alarming, seems frail, he seems weak, he seems confused, often mixes up days of the week, often mixes up even the office he's running for. But it was never this bad.

Now, the American people are talking about it. Democrats I know are talking about it and even those few people I know in the media mob, they're all talking about it.

The forgetfulness, the confusion, the trouble with numbers and dates and, of course, these weird bouts with anger. Are you -- are you an addict? Are you -- what did he say, oh did you get a cocaine test, huh? Are you a junkie? Come on, man!

Now, the Trump campaign asks the question that everyone in America is thinking about -- what happened to Joe Biden? We'll let you decide.

Does he still have the strength, the stamina, does he have the mental alertness and acuity he once had? You decide.


BIDEN: So, be successful. I sincerely hope some of you become millionaires and billionaires. I mean that. But engage.

You know, there's a -- during World War II, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing that, you know, was totally different than a -- than the -- this call -- he called the, you know --


HANNITY: Come on, man. Are you a junkie?

At this point, Joe Biden is nothing more than a vessel for the radical socialist left. They know he can be manipulated and he will be controlled that's scary and now, all they have to do is get him across the finish line and hide him as much as possible. In just 77 short days, this country will either stay the course, the path to prosperity, security, freedom liberty, invention, innovation that has made this the richest country in the world.

We have advanced the human condition because of liberty and freedom or we will risk becoming what is the next socialist hellhole. Choice is going to be yours, America.

Here with more, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Senator, I don't know. I take this very seriously. Everybody I know that I meet that I talk to, they all talk about what has happened to Joe. I think it's a fair question.

They asked about Reagan. You and I both have admirers of Reagan. They asked about John McCain.

Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to have any problems. He's years older, and nothing to do with the politics. It has to do with the person.

And, I think that it what their stated plans have implemented -- tell me if I'm wrong -- are dangerous.

SEN. TED CRUZ, R-TX: Look their stated plans are radical and some of the folks you've been talking about tonight are the people who are the rising forces in the Democratic Party. You know, it really reminds me of remember the classic movie "Weekend at Bernie's".


CRUZ: It's "Weekend at Bernie's" in two different ways. Number one, you know, "Weekend at Bernie's", they've got a dead guy that they roll out there, and that's a little bit Joe Biden. I mean, Joe Biden is hiding in his basement, they're going to roll them out to accept the nomination and give one speech from a teleprompter and then they're going to roll him back to his basement and they don't want him to say another word between now and Election Day. That's one aspect of weekend at Bernie's.

But the second aspect is the guy who spoke yesterday is driving the whole train. It is Bernie Sanders, it is AOC, it is Elizabeth Warren, it is the radicals. And Joe Biden is not holding back on them at all. He is letting them drive the entire train.

If these guys win, we're going to wake up in January with Elizabeth Warren as treasury secretary. If these guys win, we're going to wake up with Bernie Sanders as secretary of state and get ready to see him embracing Nicolas Maduro and communist Cuba and get ready to see him going to Iran and letting them have the money to build nuclear weapons.

If these guys win, we'll wake up and see AOC as the EPA administrator and that may seem like a strange place until you realize her whole theme is the Green New Deal, is shutting down jobs across the country. That's who's driving the party, and that is very frightening.

HANNITY: We're talking about -- this the first time in history. Remember, he's embraced Bolshevik Bernie's economic plan, he's pledged trillions of dollars for the new green deal. These are their stated policies.

He's pledging amnesty, open borders, eliminating, you know, the united sanctuary states of America, pledging trillions in new taxes and more bureaucracy. They're pledging no oil, gas, no fossil fuels. They're pledging everything's going to be free.

This is not anything -- they're not stating. We're not making it up. This is their proposal. Those are the people he's aligned with.

How does the country react to this when -- a lot of the country may be watching a lot of fake news?

CRUZ: Well, the Democrats don't want to focus on this. Listen if this election turns on ideas, if it turns on substance, if it turns on policy, if it turns on what actually works for the country, then Republicans are going to have a fantastic election in November, because our policies work, freedom works, free enterprise works. Protecting, securing the border, protecting our homes, having the police enforce law and order, all of that works.

The Democrats' ideas of open borders and socialism, they're disasters, but this entire convention is all about hiding this. The Democrats want this to be a battle of personalities. What they're gambling on, their base hates Donald Trump, and they just want it to be a personality battle. Do you like what Donald Trump says or tweets? And the Democrats think they win just the personality battle.

If we focus on substance, it ain't even close. Let's take something like open borders. It was only a few years ago, you know, Chuck Schumer is speaking tonight. He used to talk about wanting to secure the border. No longer, you can't say that in the Democratic Party.

You remember during the debate when they asked them how many of you will support giving free taxpayer financed health care to every illegal immigrant in America, and every one of them, including poor Joe Biden, raised their hand, and Joe just sort of looked scared he was looking around going, OK, I guess I got to raise my hand. That's where their party is.

And you know what they didn't talk about at all but what their angry base wants to do is abolish the police. It's not just a slogan. It's what the mob is demanding. It's what Bill de Blasio in New York City, just as leading the fight to cut a billion dollars from the NYPD, it's what Minneapolis is doing, it's what Portland is doing. That is dangerous and radical and so, the Democrats don't want the American people to know about it or focus on the substance of what they want to do.

HANNITY: All right, Senator Ted Cruz, great analysis, warning, admonition. The American people decide in 77 days. Thank you.

Naturally, one of the most notable admissions from night one of the DNC convention was the anarchy and the violence that Ted Cruz just spoke about erupted in Democratic-run cities. One commonality, if you look at it, New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, L.A., San Francisco, violent anarchists masquerading as, quote, peaceful protesters, wreaking havoc. Portland, 81 straight days.

Viewer warning, the video we are about to show you is extremely graphic. A manhunt is now underway for a man named Marquise Love who is suspected of carrying this brutal -- carrying out this brutal attack that we showed you last night. This is brutal. And, by the way, thankfully, we're told the victim is recovering from this assault.

Meanwhile, in Seattle, so-called protesters there took to the streets of one residential neighborhood demanding that white residents give up their homes and leave. Take a look.


PROTESTERS: Give up your house. Give black people back their homes.

You're sitting there comfortably, comfortable as (EXPLETIVE DELETED) as if they didn't help gentrify this neighborhood.

He used to live in this neighborhood. I can't live here and my family was pushed out and you're sitting up there having a good time with your other white friends.

So, let's not act like you just are oblivious to this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) because you knew about it all along and you were okay with it.

But guess what? We're not. And we're bringing it to your front (EXPLETIVE DELETED) door. What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do you plan to do about it?

The guy in the window is calling the cops.


HANNITY: Guess what Jerry Nadler says all this is a myth and, of course, you got Biden he said, of course, you know, the police become the enemy.

And of course, of course, I'd reallocate. Remember it was Kamala Harris saying, you know, she supports the million dollars in cuts to the LAPD.

That kind of chaos, that violence, that harassment, not just being ignored by the Democratic Party. They're not saying a word. They're actively in many cases out there with the anarchists. Remember, Joe Biden said all of these things that I just mentioned, Kamala Harris, she's the same thing with the LAPD.

It's pretty amazing. And today, one panel of Democrats at the DNC openly fantasizing about the world without police and prisons. Wow.

Let's watch this fantasy unfold.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why can't -- why can't folks imagine a world without the cops? Why can't folks imagine a world without prisons? Why can't people expand their imaginations to include community care, to include an abolitionist future? I'm talking about like for real for abolition, not just watered down DNC version of abolition.

We're talking about abolishing the police. We're talking about abolishing ICE. We're talking about abolishing prisons.


HANNITY: OK, we all know too well what would happen in a world without law, order, safety and security. How do you ever pursue happiness if you don't have law and order, safety, security? How do you pursue happiness if you get in one of the horrible big cities run by liberal Democrats for decades and you don't even get a quality education? The worst grades ever.

Murders rising, violence spiraling out of control, community suffering -- look at the city of Baltimore. Five years after the anti-police case with Freddie Gray riots, Baltimore keeps getting worse and worse, run by liberal Democrats for decades and decades.

Take a look at this.


KIMBERLY KLACIK, MARYLAND CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Do you care about black lives? The people that run Baltimore don't. I can prove it, walk with me. They don't want you to see this.

I'm Kim Klacik. This is Baltimore, the real Baltimore. This is a reality for black people every single day, crumbling infrastructure, abandoned homes, poverty and crime. All black lives matter. Our communities matter. Baltimore matters, and black people don't have to vote Democrat.


HANNITY: Congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik did that. I will post that on @seanhannity on Twitter and on .

But is this the kind of America that that a child should be forced to grow up in because this is what decades of one-party Democratic rule is getting you or I call it a preview of coming attractions. This country will ever elect this, this group of radicals, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Bolshevik Bernie, AOC, Beto Bozo, Pelosi, Schumer, that's where -- you know, that will be headed your way nationwide, the radical socialists, they get their way.

Here with more: civil rights attorney Leo Terrell, Salem Radio nationally syndicated host, Larry Elder.

Larry, I made a very brave career decision. I did a virtual town hall tonight, I let Leo host it. Now, we gave you lots of props and credit because Leo now has Leo 2.0 hats on top of a MAGA hat signed by Donald Trump.

You know, so, we were talking -- I hope your ears were burning.

LARRY ELDER, SALEM RADIO SYNDICATED HOST: Well, I already have the name for the show that Leo and I are going to have. It's called "Larry and Leo 2.0", you like it, Leo?


LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Look, I'm working on getting -- I'm working on getting President Trump elected.

ELDER: Sean, the DNC can be summarized real easily -- Donald Trump is a racist, Donald Trump is personally responsible for 170,000 people through COVID-19, Donald Trump literally executed George Floyd. That's it.

And you can watch the DNC, and you can see, Sean, these guys still have no blooming idea why Donald Trump won. The number one reason that people gave for Barack Obama, white people for voting for him was economy. The number one reason that black people gave for voting for Obama, the economy.

Charlie Rangel, the retired Harlem long-time congressperson who's never seen a race car he couldn't pick up, even he after he retired attributed Donald Trump victory to economic anxiety. And as you've talked for a long time, Sean, under Obama --

HANNITY: Larry, hang on one second --

ELDER: -- worst economic recovery since 1949.

HANNITY: We're going to dip in for like seconds. This is Chuck Schumer. We're going to show the one minute of AOC, and then let's just listen.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D-NY: -- Joe Biden. He will be a great president. But if we're going to win this battle for the soul of our nation, Joe can't do it alone.

Democrats must take back the Senate. We will stay united from Sanders and Warren to Manchin and Warner, and with our unity, we will bring bold and dramatic change to our country.

Let me tell you some of the things we do, with President Biden, Vice President Harris and a Democratic majority, we will make health care affordable for all. We'll undo the vicious inequality of income and wealth that has plagued America for far too long, and will take strong decisive action to combat climate change and save the planet. We will protect voting rights, fight systemic racism --

HANNITY: Healthcare -- pay attention, Leo, healthcare, how did Obamacare work out? Redistribution and trillions for the New Green Deal, and when he says -- it's just code word when he says an inequality of wealth. That means we're going to rob from this group redistributed to this group of voters.

ELDER: Right, and then -- and then he said that horrible lie, systemic discrimination. I want everyone to watch that Kimberly Klacik video because basically, it is absolute undisputed proof that the Democrats have destroyed cities where black people live in. They don't care. It's absolute pandering.

There is no systemic discrimination in Democratic city, that's a big lie by Chuck Schumer.

Then what you have just mentioned, black people chanting take away homes from white people. This is a race issue party. They are creating a racial division. And I would love to add some ransom money to catch that guy who knocked that kid heads off.

It reminded me of the Rodney King riot and Reginald Denny. We got to stop this race war the Democrats are perpetuating and we have to get back to common sense for this election. There's only one man who can solve this problem and that's Donald J. Trump. We must keep Trump in office or else this city and this country is going to go to the deep end of socialism.

HANNITY: How big a danger do you see, Larry -- go ahead.

ELDER: I was going to say and, Sean, look at Baltimore, the city that the young lady is talking about. When Freddie Gray died, you're talking about a black mayor, the number one and number two people running the Baltimore police department were black, the state attorney that brought the charges against the six officers was black, three of the six officers was black, the judge before whom two of the cases were tried was black, all city council, Democrat majority, black. The U.S. attorney at the time, Loretta Lynch, is black, and the president of the United States is black.

As the comedian Wanda Sykes said, how are you going to complain about the man when you are the man? It is ridiculous.

As Leo has pointed out, these cities have been run by Democrats for decades and they have the nerve to scream systemic racism.


TERRELL: It's just -- it's just crazy. And here's my point, I'm talking to Democrats right now. I'm not talking about Republicans, we know you're going to vote for Trump.

But you, Democrats, got to look at that video and I challenge you to tell me that that video is a lie. It's poverty in Democratic City. It's no education. The public school system has been hijacked by these extremist teacher unions who got their money in the back pocket of Democrats.

And finally, that Democratic commercial with their people are talking about abolishing police, what society on the planet has no police? What society has no police? I -- tell me because there isn't one. It's ridiculous. It's crazy.


ELDER: I think they have no police in heaven. Outside of that, that's about it.



HANNITY: All right, guys.

I'm all in favor, by the way, Leo -- Larry and Leo, he gets top billing, Leo, because he gets -- Larry gets top billing because Larry was way ahead of you. Just saying. I said that in our little town hall today. Leo 2.0.


HANNITY: Larry, you created -- you need to get a percentage of that hat and the t-shirts or whatever else he's going to sell, I'm all in favor.


TERRELL: I'm getting Trump reelected, I'm focused on one thing.

HANNITY: That's what matters. I'm not going to lie.

All right, thank you both.

Here with reaction to the DNC so far, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

Senator, they're actually saying it. Green New Deal, redistribution of wealth, by the way, how did Obamacare work out? They're not -- they're mostly trying to hide it like AOC gets a minute. We're going to carry the whole minute, but you see what they're doing.

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): Yes, and I didn't watch the whole convention last night but I watched the news report, Sean.

Here's what I learned from last night. Vice President Biden may be the nominee of the party, but Bernie Sanders is the head of the party. That's clear.

And really what Senator Sanders has done is pretty breathtaking. I mean, he and -- he and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez have almost physically lifted this party up and moved it to the left. I hardly -- I hardly recognize it.

I mean, their message to America is now -- finish school, get a job and work hard so we can take the money you earn and give it to somebody who didn't. Redistribution and race underpins all of their policies and I don't recognize this Democratic Party.

HANNITY: Now, we're going to take some of Bill Clinton's speech tonight because I want to make a point and I'll go into more detail. I have a Hannity mini-monologue, Senator. I hope you won't miss it.

And we're going to talk about, because we'll hear Bill Clinton. By the way, had a little bit of problems with The Daily Mail today, pictures they uncovered that are beyond disturbing. But, you know, there's Bill Clinton typical him. I wouldn't imagine that if there was well, equal application of the rules that he'd even be speaking there based on what we know his past conduct has been, but we'll put that aside.

But his policies -- the era of big government is over, the end of welfare as we know it. He wouldn't -- he wouldn't even be allowed in this party today.

KENNEDY: No, and I thought the clip you played of Senator Schumer shows how far he has moved politically. Look -- I'm very fond of Senator Schumer, I get along with --

HANNITY: Senator, I don't mean to interrupt you. I want to take this because I'm going to compare this Bill -- it's only about three minutes, I'm going to compare who the real is and then I want to get your comments on the other side. Let's listen.


At first, he said the virus was under control, and would soon disappear. When it didn't, he was on TV every day bragging on what a great job he was doing, while our scientists waited to give us vital information. When he didn't like the expert advice he was given, he ignored it.

Only when COVID exploded in even more states did he encourage people to wear masks. By then, many more were dying. When asked about the surge in deaths, he shrugged and said, "It is what it is".

But did it have to be this way? No.

COVID hit us much harder than it had to. We have just 4 percent of the world's population but 25 percent of the world's COVID cases. Our unemployment rate is more than twice as high as South Korea's, 2-1/2 times the United Kingdom's, more than three times Japan's.

Donald Trump says we're leading the world. Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate tripled. At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center.

HANNITY: By the way, let me remind Bill Clinton as he says this about COVID, that the travel ban, subsequent travel bans and quarantine for 50 years, that was Trump because your party was busy impeaching him.

It wasn't Donald Trump, it was your Democratic friends that put COVID patients and ignored the beds that Trump built, converted to COVID-19, manned with all the PPE, he built them. Not his fault that, well, dopes like Cuomo and Murphy and Wolf didn't use the hospital beds Trump built. No, they sent COVID. "A.P." says today, 11,000 people just died because of that.

But we digress. Let's go back to, well, ever thoughtful Bill.

CLINTON: -- respond to any of that. To beat it, you've got to actually go to work and deal with the facts.

Our party is united in offering you a very different choice, a "go to work" president, a "down to earth, get the job done" guy. A man with a mission to take responsibility, not shift the blame. Concentrate, not distract. Unite, not divide.

Our choice is Joe Biden.

Joe helped bring us back from a recession before and he can do it again. In 2009, Barack Obama and Joe Biden started with the worst economy since the Great Depression. And when they were done, they delivered more than six straight years of job growth.

What did Joe do? He accepted responsibility for implementing the Recovery Act. His work created a lot of new jobs and started many new companies in communities across our country.

Now, Joe's committed to building America back again.


He's given us smart, detailed plans to invest in areas vital to our future, innovative financing for modern factories and small businesses, good jobs in green energy and conservation to combat climate change, a modern infrastructure that brings small town and rural America --

HANNITY: By the way, Bill Clinton there he goes lying again because after eight years, Biden and Obama, Barack and Joe, 13 million more Americans food stamps, 8 million more poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the ‘70s, worst recovery since the ‘40s, lowest homeownership rate in 51 years and accumulated more debt than all presidents, including him before them combined.

Back to Bill. I have a monologue in a second.

CLINTON: Better for families working and raising their kids. Better for people who lost jobs and need new ones.

Better for farmers tired of being collateral damage in trade wars. Better for workers caring for the sick, elderly and people with disabilities. Better because of a living wage and access to affordable higher education and health care, including prescription drugs, and to childcare, a secure retirement, and for the first time, paid family and medical leave.

Joe won't just put his signature on a check and try to fool you into thinking it came from him. He'll work to make sure that your paycheck reflects your contribution to and your stake in a growing economy.

In this job interview, the difference is stark. You know what Donald Trump will do with four more years -- blame, bully and belittle. And you know what Joe Biden will do -- Build Back Better.

It's Trump's "us versus them" America against Joe Biden's America, where we all live and work together.

It's a clear choice. The future of our country is riding on it.

Thank you.

HANNITY: We're going to go back to Senator Kennedy in just a moment.

But, first, let me set the record straight. Remember, 13 million more Americans food stamps, 8 million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate and they're the ones that dumped $150 billion in cash and another currency on the tarmac of mullahs that chant "death to America".

Bill Clinton, you got to remember the Democratic Party that you're talking to tonight, well, at the DNC, totally completely unrecognizable from your views not that long ago. Bill Clinton would never survive as a candidate today. That's a fact.

Bill Clinton worked across the aisle, what, the end of welfare as we know it. The era of big government is over. By the way, are you really going to make the case bill that in fact Obamacare promises were kept because they weren't?

He supported a border wall. Bill Clinton supported deporting illegal immigrants. Bill Clinton signed the now infamous Clinton crime bill -- you know, that's when Joe mentioned predators and stuff like that. That contributed to the mass incarceration of minorities in this country.

Joe Biden supported and championed -- don't forget Clinton praised, oh yeah, like Clinton, Biden, let's see, Hillary, Pelosi and Schumer, they all praised the former Klansman Robert KKK Byrd, the guy that filibustered the Civil Rights Act and was against the Voting Rights Act.

Bill Clinton's mentor, his name you might not know. His name was J. William Fulbright, a known segregationist. And now, today, things got even worse for Clinton's tarnish legacy.

Never before seen pictures, go watch, go take a look there, showing Clinton getting a massage from a victim of Jeffrey Epstein back in 2002 while he was on a trip on Lolita Express with Epstein to Africa.

So, Bill, you can save us the lectures and the lies, which you're known for, and the fact that you're still being celebrated by the Democratic Party. That's mass hypocrisy too.

We continue. We're going to give the final word to Senator Kennedy.

Senator, I just felt compelled to tell the truth.

KENNEDY: Well, actually, Sean, I was -- I don't mean to disrespect him, he was president of the United States. But I was very surprised that they -- they kept by -- President Clinton on the schedule. I -- I mean, I don't know what this means. Does this mean we're not doing #metoo anymore, or that it's just suspended for the night? I hope not.

I think we also know and again I don't mean disrespect, but President Clinton has a -- how shall put it? He's very selective in the reality that he accepts.

HANNITY: That's well said.

Senator, thank you as always for being with us and we appreciate your commentary as always.

All right. We have more developments tonight in our quest for equal justice. Senate Intel Committee released the final installment of the Russia investigation confirming -- we've been telling you for over three years -- there was no Trump-Russia collusion ever. Comey's FBI relied on the fake, phony, bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier.

Hillary, Bill's wife, paid for that. Carter Page -- denying him his civil liberties and constitutional rights, the one and only Carter Page.

You know, Carter, Clinesmith is just the beginning. If there is justice, premeditated on a fraud on a FISA court, only the tip of the iceberg.

CARTER PAGE, FORMER TRUMP 2016 CAMPAIGN ADVISER: You're absolutely right, Sean.

And, you know, as we had two giants talking just now, with Senator Cruz and Senator Kennedy, and it was -- it was amazing because in the -- they had just really grilled Sally Yates a couple of weeks ago.

And if you look -- unfortunately, yes, there's a lot of obvious statements in the Senate intelligence report, but really, Senator Burr, the disgraced former chairman, he ended up just stepping down from that because, you know, there were -- there were so many unanswered questions and it's just such an incomplete job. So, you know, we really need to be much tougher.

And I'm -- I'm greatly grateful to the Senate Judiciary and everything they've done to help re-establish the rule of law in our country because -- you know, and as in the bottom of your screen, they had Sally Yates speaking at the DNC after getting disgraced in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee and you know talking about the weaponizing the justice system which is exactly what she did against President Trump and myself --


HANNITY: I want to tell everybody, we're going to go to the one minute of Ocasio-Cortez, I'm going to quickly tell everybody about your book in a second. She gets one minute. This ought to be entertainment. It's interesting they want to hide the one minute of Ocasio-Cortez. I was told they were getting there.

What is the title of your book? Quick.

CARTER: "Abuse and Power", sure.

HANNITY: No, tell the full title. What's the full title of the book? Don't tell me, you forgot, I'm putting you on the spot.


HANNITY: How they did -- all right, Ocasio-Cortez, I got to go.

PAGE: Yeah.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-NY: -- today endeavoring towards a better, more just future for our country and our world.

In fidelity and gratitude to a mass people's movement working to establish 21st century social, economic, and human rights, including guaranteed health care, higher education, living wages, and labor rights for all people in the United States; a movement striving to recognize and repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, and homophobia, and to propose and build reimagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past; a movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards explosive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of long-term stability for the many, and who organized an historic, grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy.

In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment, and lack of health care, and espiritu del pueblo and out of a love for all people, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for president of the United States of America.

HANNITY: Wow, did I hear that right?

By the way, Carter's full book title is "Abuse and Power: How An Innocent American was Framed in an Attempted Coup Against the President".

All right. Here with reaction to that -- now, I had to write it down and I didn't get it all.

Did she just say, second the nomination for Bolshevik Bernie? Did I hear that right? Ari Fleischer? Because she talked about -- let's see --


HANNITY: What's that?

FLEISCHER: I think what she said is second the nomination of Bernard Sanders. I think Bernie put Biden's name into nomination. She --

HANNITY: OK, all right.

FLEISCHER: I think that's what she said.

HANNITY: I had a hard time hearing it. Forgive me. --


FLEISCHER: I heard something else, Sean.

HANNITY: What did you hear?

FLEISCHER: I heard something else and everybody needs to pay careful attention. It matches the exact language in her Green New Deal resolution. She talks about guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed college, guaranteed job - - guaranteed job with big paid vacation for all people of the United States, not for Americans, not for citizens.

She is including illegals to get a guaranteed job with paid vacation, and all the other benefits that Americans have to struggle to get. Pay very careful attention to her literal words. Nobody, no congressional resolution talks about the people of the United States. It talks about citizens. She doesn't. You just heard it. That's how radical she is.

Come over the border illegally this morning. You should get a guaranteed job with paid vacation. Tell that to struggling middle-income, blue-collar working Americans.

HANNITY: And the pledge for trillions of new taxes. You know, I'm trying to write it all down. Free health care, as you rightly point out, that would include illegal immigrants, guaranteed wage, guaranteed college, guaranteed redistribution. Then, of course, you know, open borders and everything else that is going to be free and we're -- you know --

FLEISCHER: Then you get to the environmental radicalism. And then I mean that's just the economic radicalism, then you get to the environmental radicalism, getting rid of fossil fuels entirely. That's who she is and that's -- she's putting the pressure on Joe Biden, but I didn't endorse much of her green new deal. He's heading in the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez direction. He is not heading in the moderate direction.

HANNITY: We've never -- there's never been a major party ticket this radical. There's a reason she got a minute. Now, she got it all in as much as she can get it in a minute, got to give her credit for that.

But she says it. They're trying to hide most of that. That's why she didn't get more than a minute. I'm sure they were like choking on the minute she gave because she's revealing the truth about what they're going to do.

Now, remember, Biden has supported trillions of dollars for her New Green Deal and madness, including getting rid of the lifeblood of the world's economy.

So the question is, is that America, are they going to buy these promises, it's unfulfillable. It is something, you cannot -- the math -- you don't need to be a Harvard or MIT scholar to add up $94 trillion, $52 trillion, for ten years, and you only make -- take in $4.5 trillion, not that hard to figure out, simple math, Ari.

FLEISCHER: Yeah, and this is Donald Trump's task now, and the job of the Republicans next week in their convention. Republicans have got to sign a powerful light on how bad these Democratic policies are. They need to shine a light on how weak Joe Biden is, how bad the policies are, and how radical left the Democrat Party has shifted.

Keep it simple to those three themes. If they do that, Donald Trump will have a very successful convention. Democrats want only talk about empathy and President Trump's character, Republicans need to talk about Biden's weakness and how radical left they are, and that's the winning ticket for Republicans.

HANNITY: And there's also something else to talk about. I watched Bernie Sanders last night. I'll be honest, I thought he had the most energy, the most passion. He's a year older than Biden.


HANNITY: OK, by the way, they have the roll call is going on.

But I'm watching this and I'm thinking, OK, everyone that I know and meets me asks me, they are talking about, he's lost the fastball if he ever had a fastball. We played a little bit of the RNC ad saying Joe then, Joe now.

Let's just say he looks weak, frail, he certainly doesn't seem to have the strength and stamina that he once did. It's the hardest job in the world. You know, you were there.

And so, my question to you is, everybody I know is talking about it privately, very few are willing to say, raise a question that they raised about Ronald Reagan in '84 and John McCain in 2008. Is it a legitimate, fair question? Because I think it is.

FLEISCHER: It's 100 percent fair, it's what working journalist used to do for a living, I don't know if they will do it anymore. Maybe David Muir should ask hard questions when he has an interview on ABC.

But, look, Sean, we all know how brutally difficult, hard, grinding, pressure-filled physically demanding it is to be president, and you really can't have a president who takes an hour and a half to watch "60 Minutes" in that job and that's what Joe Biden is. He comes across as that guy. And something is going on --

HANNITY: Very quickly, we've got to go to the DNC roll call. Very quickly, hot themes next week, what should they be?

FLEISCHER: Top themes next we had to be defining the difference between Trump who delivered on economic prosperity, growth, and peace abroad, freedom abroad, freedom at home, with Joe Biden who is weak, whose ideas are radical. It's that simple.

HANNITY: All right. Ari Fleischer, thank you as always.

All right. By the way, let's just dip in -- just to show, this is the DNC roll call to officially nominate Joe Biden. Just to give you an idea of what this means. They go state-by-state and just to listen in to hear what's happening.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We proudly cast 11 votes for our next president of the United States of America, Joe Biden.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As a middle school teacher, I know that public educators are doing everything they can to make sure our students have quality learning experiences.

HANNITY: All right. So, despite the Democratic Party pretending Biden is a moderate, that's the roll call, call to vote, the party has virtually adopted the socialist squad including the radical Green New Deal which DNC panelists admitted was a means to destroy capitalism. Actually admitted it, trying to hide this but they admitted it.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The future that we all want, that we are all trying to build is really about the destruction of colonization, white supremacy and capitalism. This is definitely something that we all want to push forward. And so, our hope and our dream is that we do push forward green new deal.


HANNITY: All right. Here with reaction, "Fox and Friends" weekend co-host, and Fox News senior political analyst, Pete Hegseth, and Trump 2020 director of press communications, Erin Perrine is with us.

Got it right, Erin. I apologize last week, sorry. OK.


HANNITY: OK. I will even give you first dibs over my buddy Pete. Let's talk about what you're seeing, what their views are, what you see the state of the race. I mean, when you lose 42 percent from four years ago in terms of tune in, wow, that's a dramatic drop off. I would tell me, I'd interpret that as a lack of enthusiasm.

PERRINE: Oh, it's certainly a lack of enthusiasm. I mean, we know that the Republican Party stands firmly behind President Trump.

But what you're seeing in the Democrat party and this virtual convention is a party that's as broken as Biden's brain. You are saying an environmentalist as he calls himself, Bernie Sanders, standing in front of a pile of timber talking about what a socialist vessel Joe Biden has become.

You have lawn care expert John Kasich standing in an empty grass field talking about how he's a moderate. And then you have AOC hitting Kasich, and then trying to talk about how radical the party is going to be.

This is the Democrat Party. But remember, Joe Biden is radical socialist. He is pursuing the Green New Deal with Kamala pairing up with AOC.

Let's be clear, radical socialism is what the Democrat goal is. AOC staff said it over a year ago, the Green New Deal is about taking away capitalism and completely re-changing our economy to a socialist economy.

That's what's at stake in November and President Trump stands firmly for the groundswell beliefs in this country that our Constitution is what we should be fighting for.

TRUMP: And, Pete, your take?

PETE HEGSETH, FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND CO-HOST: Yeah, Joe Biden may be the nominee they are going to choose, but this is the party of Bernie Sanders. And, you know, Ari Fleischer did a nice job breaking down what comrade Cortez talked about, item by item.

But you would need -- you need a translator to fully understand the social justice wokeness that she rammed into one minute. This is someone who absolutely loathes America, loathes capitalism, loathes freedom, loathes borders, rejects our police. The basic ingredients of what have made us free individuals and provided equal justice are something Comrade Cortez totally rejects.

So, if you want to talk about rising starts, they include her amongst the list. I like ours. I like our Josh Hawleys and our Dan Crenshaws and our Michael Wahls and our Elise Stefaniks and all the young members of the House and the Senate, who are -- they haven't changed their position, Sean. It is -- it is Joe Biden who is morphing into a left-wing version of himself that is bowing to Bernie and Comrade Cortez.

Their radicalism knows no bounds. It's truly anti-capitalism, truly anti- American and they -- they believe, listen, colonialism cloaked in racism. They believe America is defined by her sins, and it comes through every word that they speak. She said, reimagining America. Sounds a lot like transforming America, which Obama talked about a couple of years ago.

HANNITY: All right. Pete, thank you. Always watching in the morning -- during the weekend, on a weekend, you're on all the time. You're like Brian Kilmeade.

HEGSETH: Thank you.

HANNITY: Thank you. Good to see you.

All right. Thank you both.

Night two, worst infomercial ever. Also, we call it the 2020 DNC Adam Schiff show. Lets it put that way. The past two nights, just heard nothing but several Democrats touting Biden and his campaign's far left agenda, more left than any major political party in history, 2016 Republican presidential candidate John Kasich's madness.

Here with reaction to all of this, senior White House advisor Kellyanne Conway.

Kellyanne, I'm sure you have one or two things to say about all of this.


Four years ago, I was with you in Philadelphia, the Democratic convention, and we would say, wow, have you ever seen such a grievance-filled candidate nominee that's feckless and reckless and cantankerous? And the answer is yes, even more so now.

You got Joe Biden who beat all the socialist radical ideas in the primary and the candidates who carry them now capitulating on congratulating to the same people. And it looks a little bit like a swamp-feeding (ph) to me, for a convention that's supposed to be about the people and for the people, you've got lots of folks who've been in and out of Washington for decades.

Bill Clinton, they gave him less than five minutes tonight. If you look at the average time he spoke in the last seven or eight Democratic conventions, 60-some minutes, 25 minutes, 48 minutes. His role has shrunk in the party because the party that he tried to be a moderate in no longer exists. It has been taken over by the squad that doesn't do squat, it's been taken over by the Bernie-Biden manifesto.

And I think most importantly, the person mentioned most in the Biden convention is not Joe Biden, it's Donald Trump -- Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. It's every -- it's every noun, verb and adverb out of their mouths.

It tells you that the Democratic Party themselves has no confidence in the competence in their nominee Joe Biden. They missed their moment.

Joe Biden is the nominee means that Donald Trump continues to run as the outsider, the underdog, the underestimated outsider, even though he's the incumbent president. Usually the challenge to the incumbent owns the mantle of outsider, that cannot possibly be true if you got Joe Biden who has done less in 47 years in Washington than Donald Trump has done 47 months in Washington.

HANNITY: You and I live and breathe and eat politics and have for decades, right? OK, has there ever been a major political party this radical? How will the country accept, whether they try to hide or not hide it?


HANNITY: I mean, he's embraced it, he's owned it and clearly I guess believes in it. We'll see who (ph) done it (ph).

CONWAY: We already know what the public thinks. If you look at polling on issues which is always much more telling than horse race ballot questions because those change over time as people solidify their votes and take a look at the candidates and make their decisions.

But if you look at policy questions, Americans reject everything the Green New Deal stands for. It's expensive, it's intrusive, it's invasive, it's just the worst of the federal government banning cows and gas and air travel and the like.

In fact, when it went to a vote in the United States Senate, Sean, do you really how many votes the Green New Deal got? Zero. Zero, including among the Democrats who are running for president at the time who said that they wanted to support it. It got zero votes when they had to go back and tell their constituents we support this.

We know abortion and the ninth month is a nonstarter, we know raising our taxes -- you know that business tax went from 35 percent down to 21 percent under President Trump, and if you raise it back up again, millions of Americans will lose their jobs. We know that people don't want the big lie of the last ten years, you can keep your plan, keep your doctor, to continue under Joe Biden.

It's President Trump, the health care president, who's been trying to stabilize these changes and make health care more affordable and more accessible.

So, if you look at issues polling, the Democratic Party right now is way out of step with where Americans are. That's why it's very odd that Joe Biden, who beat down all those issues, beat down all those policies and the people who stood for them, is rolling back to the -- rolling back to the hard left and doing that.

Look, if you look at the all the footage of Joe Biden bragging about with Bill Clinton his vote on NAFTA, Donald Trump has done away with that with the USMCA, much better for this country, for job creators, job seekers, job holders. Much better for Mexico, much better for Canada, much better for the United States of America.

Look at Joe Biden and Bill Clinton bragging about their big crime bill in 1994. It's President Trump who's enacted criminal justice reform --


CONWAY: -- such that people who are overcharged and over-sentenced have a second chance at life, and we will be highlighting the number of those people next week at our people's convention.

You will see people who have been consequentially, measurably impacted in their lives because President Trump is in the Oval Office and he is commander-in-chief, and that's really the story of his presidency.

HANNITY: All right. Kellyanne, always good to see you. Thank you for being with us.

Here now with more reaction, former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, FOX News contributor Dan Bongino, Congressman Dan Crenshaw.

Let me start with you, Sarah. Your take on the whole events?

SARAH SANDERS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Look, last night was incredibly clear. Not even the Obamas can bring enthusiasm to Joe Biden's campaign. The ratings were as low as I think they've ever been.

I think the Democrats are going to learn the hard way, that Americans just don't want lawlessness and socialism. They're looking for something that brings a safety, security, prosperity to the country. And Donald Trump has proven he can do that.

The Democrats, I think Kellyanne made a great point, all they're talking about is Donald Trump because they have no enthusiasm and no excitement for their own candidate, because they have a terrible story and track record. They have nothing else but to attack this president who, frankly, has a great story and great track record to tell, and I think you're going to see a lot of that next week.

HANNITY: Dan Bongino?

DAN BONGINGO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, let's be crystal clear about what happened tonight -- this is the single weakest and worst presidential nominee for a major political party in modern American history, and Joe Biden who is about to take this nomination tonight.

We have a man who cognitively can't handle the job description, number one, that's clear as day. It's not an insult, it's not personal -- I have no personal animus towards him.

Secondly, what he can do is he can be blank slate and on that blank slate, who is writing on it? AOC, Bernie Sanders and the radical left.

When you buy a piece of artwork and you bring it home, you want a finished piece. You don't bring home a blank slate and say, paint it in my house.

The problem is, you're bringing home with Joe Biden, if you vote for him, a blank slate, and everybody painting on him is painting on him stuff you ain't going to like -- defunding the police, taking more of your money through taxes and crushing the economy. This is really destructive for the country.

HANNITY: By the way, the roll call that you're watching on your screen is to -- you go state-by-state, you get the delegates, then you get at the tipping point. Yeah, we -- now, he will be officially the Democratic nominee.

Dan Crenshaw?

REP. DAN CRENSHAW, R-TX: Thanks, Sean.

You know, one observation is, look what they're focusing on. They don't focus on their own platform. They focus on Trump and other vague platitudes. They can't focus on their platform because it's so radical.

They want to defund the police. They want to drastically raise your taxes. They want to drastically raise your spending. Remember, they have a modern monetary theorist on Joe Biden's economic advisory panel.

They want to raise your electricity prices. Remember, they have AOC on Joe Biden's energy panel. And they want to put a government bureaucrat in charge of your health care, who will choose your doctor for you.

This is not a popular platform. And there's a reason they won't talk about it. They just attack Trump.

HANNITY: Yeah. Well, I think the main reason is, because it's unworkable. So, they're trying to hide it.

That's why Ocasio-Cortez got a -- got a full minute.

Dan, great to see you. Welcome back. Dan Bongino, thank you, as always. Sarah, thank you also for that.

As you can see, we'll watch the vote tally throughout the evening.

Programming note, Brett and Martha will take it from here for the 10:00 Eastern hour, 7:00 Pacific. Don't forget, Laura Ingraham, just an hour later. She'll be on 11:00 Eastern, 8:00 Pacific Time. You don't want to miss Laura's show, she has a great show.

Now,, 40 percent off "Live Free or Die: America and the World on the Brink." In 77 days, this book lays out all that is at stake in great specificity and detail. So, we can have an informed electorate.

And, yeah, this election matters, the biggest tipping point election I've ever seen. We say that, this is it.

All right. As always, thank you for being with us.

Bret and Martha will take it from here. Let not your heart be troubled, Laura an hour later.


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