
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," February 21, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.



Hello, CPAC? How are you all doing?


First night of CPAC. Grab a seat. We've got great guests. We're going to have a good time. You are on live television. Text mom and dad and grandma and grandpa say I'm about to be on television. Watch me.

Anyway, welcome to CPAC. All of you at home, we are broadcasting from CPAC 2018. We're in National Harbor, Maryland.

A lot of breaking news tonight. Chairman Devin Nunes and the House Intelligence Committee they launched now phase two of their investigation into the phony unverified Russian sourced, right, Clinton bought and paid for dossier. Of course, that was used to influence the election.

Also, Sara Carter is here tonight. We have more breaking news. The FBI informant that uncovered Russian bribery and kickbacks and money laundering and racketeering, that on Uranium One, well, they are now demanding that the DOJ launch an investigation into deep state leaks meant to disparage the informant's character. We have a great lineup of guests that will join us on stage.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka is here. Dan Bongino is here tonight. Byron York, Gregg Jarrett, Tomi Lahren, Charlie Kirk, Kaylee McEnany. Wow.

Also tonight, we have a special tribute to the Reverend Billy Graham who sadly passed away today, the conscience of a nation at the age of 99.

And, later, tonight, President Trump holds an historic meeting at the White House to talk about how to prevent mass shootings, how to protect our students, our teachers. Very powerful, very emotional day today at the White House. We have the highlights.

But, first, it has been one year since we were last right here at CPAC. A lot has happened with President Trump now in office.

There's a long list of accomplishments -- massive tax cuts, booming economy. And then, of course, you have all the destroy Trump forces in this country. They will stop at nothing because they want to topple this president. Now, those forces tonight right here at CPAC will be exposed because, like we have been saying, 2018 is the year of the boomerang.

We'll have that and so much more. We're at CPAC. Tonight's breaking news opening monologue.


HANNITY: You all happy to see the president? He is coming to see you. All right.


He has a lot of accomplishments to talk about now, of course, these are all things that the destroy Trump media never reports on because it doesn't fit their narrative. They are singularly focused on one thing. It is not truth. It's not evidence. It's not facts. It's about how to tear down this president by any means necessary.

That's why they will never tell you that under President Trump, this is one year. Unemployment in America, 17-year low. African-American, Hispanic unemployment have also reached record lows now under one year of President Trump. Thank you.

Jobless claims are at a 45-year low. And since the election, 2.5 million new jobs have been created. And there are 2 million fewer Americans on food stamps in the country.


We have consumer confidence near 17-year high. Business confidence has now reached levels not seen since President Reagan. All of that is before the president's historic tax cuts have even started to kick in. Ninety percent of Americans are expected to see bigger paychecks, 3 million more Americans have received bonuses. Oh, by the way, those bonuses that the Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, they are calling thousands of dollars in bonuses crumbs.

It's a crumb if you are $100 million net wealth person like Nancy Pelosi. Are those crumbs? I don't think that's a crumb.



Also on the economy, President Trump is reversing what was a precipitous decline that we witnessed under eight disastrous years of failed Obama policies. President Trump is cutting regulation at an historic rate. We're eliminating 16 for every new regulation enacted. Look what it's done for the energy sector alone. ISIS has been crushed because he has allowed the military to do their job. We are now rebuilding the military.


Thank you. And the president is demanding that the border wall be built in any immigration legislation. Now, if the Democrat had accomplished half of what President Trump has at this point in their presidency, the liberal media would be trying to put this individual on Mount Rushmore. They want Obama on Mount Rushmore, in spite of his failure.

But we also have those in the media in this country, that's not how they operate. For over a year, the news media colluding with, of course, liberals in this country and basically advancing their agency. They have been hyperventilating over what we have exposed so far as a hoax, a conspiracy, a fabrication. And that is they created about Donald Trump and Trump-Russia collusion even though the media knows there is no evidence to prove any of this is true after nearly 18 months.

There is zero evidence, but, yet, look at the disgraceful coverage you get every single night from your so-called mainstream media.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN: A dizzying 24 hours in the Russia investigation. No longer just inching toward the president. This morning, it is more like careening.

CARL BERNSTEIN, JOURNALIST: I think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than Watergate. We are at a very dangerous moment. That's because we are looking at the possibility that the president of the United States and those around him during an election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, CNN: Donald Trump is afraid, a political hurricane is out there at sea for him. We will call it Hurricane Vladimir if you will, the whole Russia thing.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: This is evidence of willingness to commit collusion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC: There is outright treason. I mean, there is no question that what is he doing is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

STEPHANIE RUHLE, MSNBC: Tom Friedman said the election hack something at the caliber of a Pearl Harbor or a 9/11. Do you agree with that?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, MSNBC: I completely agree with that.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: Donald Trump now sits at the threshold of impeachment.


HANNITY: Let me get the reaction--


It just shows you the people in the media are nothing but liars and frauds. And, by the way, they are really just an extension of the Democratic Party.

By the way, speaking of liberal Democrats, they have been in lock step with the media. You will notice they all say the same thing. They parrot each other. Their fake, phony talking points and their little bubble.

So, you have had Democrats, the media over a year pushing a made up false narrative about so-called collusion but now it's all beginning to boomeranging back as I predicted at the beginning of this year.

Everything the media has accused Donald Trump of in his campaign of doing with Russia is exactly what Hillary Clinton and the DNC and Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele are all guilty of. And people should go to jail and likely will go to jail over all of this.


And that is the real Russia collusion story.

And unlike the media's fake news narrative, we have real concrete, incontrovertible evidence of real crimes and real wrongdoing. Let's look at the phony dossier for example. Hillary Clinton, the DNC, they paid over $12 million plus for the former British spy. Oh, I thought foreigners weren't supposed to influence our elections -- anyway, to create a completely unverified dossier that used government lies and sources. And Steele who hates Donald Trump, didn't want him to win the election, then briefs the media outlets like the 'New York Times, ' 'The Washington Post,' Yahoo News, 'The New Yorker ', fake news the whole network, CNN, and they try to influence the election and manipulate the American voters.

And Fusion GPS, their co-founder Glenn Simpson, he testified that the Clinton campaign and DNC weren't aware of all of this media outreach. That sounds an awful lot like that they were using a phony Russian narrative, phony Russian information that they bought and paid for to influence the American people and to win the election that way.

And then on top of that, you got Steele meeting with the FBI, Steele giving them all of this Russian sourced information. And we now know from two GOP memos that that dossier was used to lie to a FISA court judge all in an effort to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate and the campaign. That, of course, being Carter Page.

And the memos are also exposing how former FBI director Andrew McCabe, he testified without the dossier, the application for that warrant would never have even been applied for, certainly not approved. And we know from the Grassley-Graham memo that the bulk of that application consisted of Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dossier.

Remember, this is the dossier that James Comey testified under oath was salacious and unverified. The FBI and Fusion GPS, they never bothered to even begin to corroborate this. And then you had Comey, remember back in January of 2017, briefing the president-elect before he is inaugurated about how the dossier existed. And he said it was unverified and salacious.

That was only months before when he -- in 2016 in October, well, he was -- that dossier that's unverified was good enough to use as a justification to spy on Carter Page.

This is what we call deep state in action. This is unelected, Obama holdover bureaucrats. They thought they knew better than you, the American people. About who should be the next president and make no mistake about this. The deep state tried to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president and now, they are doing everything they can possibly do to damage and destroy his presidency.

And at one point, remember at the beginning of his administration, over 125 leaks in 126 days.

Here's the thing about all of this. The corrupt officials are all now being exposed. They never thought this would happen. Everything is boomeranging back on them.

And as we like to say on our Twitter account tick-tock. What we have been reporting on for the past year is only a small sample of what is coming. We expect the inspector general's report to have a lot of new information and that will be coming either by the end of this month or early next month.

All right. Joining us here at CPAC with reaction, former deputy assistant to the president, give him a big hand, FOX News contributor, national security strategist Sebastian Gorka. And former Secret Service agent, NRA TV contributor, Dan Bongino.

Good to see you.


HANNITY: How are you?

Welcome to CPAC. They all like free footballs.

BONGINO: Me, too.

HANNITY: Let me start with the year that has been. You were in the White House in the beginning of this. Here you have an incredible turn around in the economy. You know, all in 2016, Dr. Gorka I said to my audience. I said every day and I did it on purpose not to hear myself talk.

I said oh, we have, what, 13 million more Americans on food stamps, 8 million more on poverty after 8 years in Obama, worst recovery since the 40s. Lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s, we doubled the national debt and lowest home ownership rate in 51 years, in one year, this dramatic change has occurred. But it's not reported on. Why?

SEBASTIAN GORKA, FOX NEWS NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGIST: Why? Because the majority of the media is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, the DNC. And let's just be very clear, if we didn't have president Trump's Twitter feed and Sean Hannity, Hillary Clinton would be president, OK?


HANNITY: I'm a convert by the way. There were times I said oh, please don't tweet that, no, no, no.

GORKA: He won. He is up to 47 million followers.

HANNITY: When you add all the social media, it's like over 100 --

GORKA: Just on Twitter.

HANNITY: On Twitter.

GORKA: Why? Because is he jumping over the fake news industrial complex and saying, look, this is the truth. Do you want to defeat ISIS? Do you want people to have jobs?


GORKA: Do you want to close the border?

What is it that Democratic Party going to run on in November? We don't want jobs. We don't want growth and ISIS should come back? Is that what they're going to run on?

HANNITY: They are going to run on I hate Donald Trump.

GORKA: Bingo, right? But not even the Russia thing is working for them because where is the collusion, Sean? The collusion is in the DNC. It's Hillary, her lawyers, a foreign MI6 spy, not registered as a foreign agent.

HANNITY: Wait a minute, FARA matters?

GORKA: When it's a Republican president, like yes, it does, right? But if it's a Democrat candidate, I guess not. And think one more thing, $13 million, I mean, that's a pretty good -- I mean, that's the kind of job I would like. Thirteen million dollars for one file? That's made up.

It's propaganda that came from where?

HANNITY: Russia.

GORKA: Russia, OK?

So they colluded to undermine our election. I will just close on this and let Dan talk. If you didn't believe in God, well, you have to change your mind on November the 7th, right? I mean, it just --


We had divine intervention because she had the media. She had the deep state. She spent $1.4 billion and guess who won? The outsider won. So, God bless Donald Trump.


HANNITY: Well said.

Dan, it's been and I remember I was here in 2015. When all of this got started up on this stage I interviewed Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul.


HANNITY: And all these candidates. Here we are we have had a Republican president and turn around in a year I want to ask the same question, no credit given.


HANNITY: And what's even worse is we have been lied to for over a year. There is no evidence of this. But there is evidence of collusion, paying for a Russian dossier. The Uranium One deal is unconscionable.


HANNITY: We're going to talk tonight with the lawyer for the informant that was on the inside. Where are we in terms of an information crisis?

BONGINO: Well, it's bad, Sean. I always think like what's the Democrats' slogan? What's the headline? I call it the Wheaties box message for the midterms. It's going to be Dems 2018, crumbs and collusion, vote for us. Vote for crumbs -- because that's all they have.

But the irony of this whole thing is the Democrats produce crumbs under the Obama era. Sean, numbers don't lie. Sooner or later, they are going to have to come to accept the fact that their secular stagnation theory, in other words, it wasn't Obama's fault. The economy just stunk for all kinds of secular reasons -- is done. It's one year in office and we have had three quarters now of 3 percent growth.

Obama never hit it at all. The numbers don't lie. The Obamaites and Obamaphiles are going to have to reconcile that.

And on the collusion front, collusion is real. Don't anybody in this room don't think Russian collusion didn't happen. It just didn't happen with the Trump team. There is absolutely no question right now that Hillary Clinton dealt with a foreign agent in Christopher Steele. He is British. He is not from the United States. Who, in turn, dealt with Russian sources.

And I'm telling you, you know the tick tock on this one. There is a lot more to come about Steele's interactions with the Russians that you don't know about that will deeply disturb even a lot of the most skeptical people in the room.

HANNITY: This is the thing that I'm trying to understand here. To me, this is the biggest story that the media has missed in their lifetime. If you have a presidential candidate and we really, we're supposed to care that the Russians are trying to influence the election. And then one candidate pays for Russian lies. And then it's used to get a FISA warrant.

But they don't tell the FISA judge that Hillary Clinton bought and paid for it. There is a footnote that says might have some political tainting. It wasn't political tainting.

So, that happens in October. In January, Comey is telling the president elect it's salacious and unverified. But they are telling a FISA court in October that it's good enough to get a warrant to spy on a member, associate of the campaign.

GORKA: Look, the bottom line here is there is a reason that in 1776 we did not create an internal political police force. America doesn't have an MI5. We don't have a secret police that spies on Americans.

If you have proof, if you have probable cause that somebody is doing something, you have to go to a special secret court and say, look, this is pretty incontrovertible that something suspicious is going on here and we will allow you temporarily to spy on Americans.

But, what happened? We now know that happened illegally. How did that happen? The highest people in the FBI and the DOJ signed off on that warrant application. We have had nine people in just the last two months be retired, move to other positions, or fired.

HANNITY: Higher than 9. I think we are up to 12.

GORKA: All right. That's even worse.

HANNITY: But how does Peter Strzok and Lisa Page still have a job? How is Bruce Ohr still allowed in the building? These are people, I'm sure this audience is aware what they have done.

GORKA: Look, I refuse to use the phrase deep state until about three months ago.

HANNITY: Did you really? Why?

GORKA: Because I felt it was a little bit tin foil hattie. It was a little bit too conspira --

HANNITY: So you thought I was a little tin foil hattie? Is that what you're saying?

GORKA: When I saw the text message come out. When you built it up on your monologues, I pray one day that the text of your monologues for the past four months will be used in a court of law to send people to jail.


HANNITY: If we have equal justice under the law --

GORKA: Right.

HANNITY: -- there will be people, a lot of them that will go to jail.
True or false?

BONGINO: I think so. And I think the next shoe to drop in this, Sean, where those 302s change. What are 302s? 302s are when I was in the Secret Service, when we went out --

HANNITY: This is important what -- what Dan Bongino is saying here, pay very close attention. I was there when.

BONGINO: When you heard it.

HANNITY: This is going to come out.

BONGINO: When I was in the Secret Service after did you an interview, you didn't have to fill out an official formal form. You just typed it out on a Word document. The FBI has a form called the 302, that information on Mike Flynn and on the interviews of Hillary Clinton. There were 302s there.

The big question is going to be, were those 302s changed? Because if the FBI agents in that room and I know who both of them were, who interviewed Mike Flynn, both came out of there, one of them at least came out of there with the opinion that Mike Flynn did not lie to them in that interview.
Someone is going to have a whole lot of --

HANNITY: What has happened to General Flynn is nothing short of a national disgrace.

BONGINO: It was horrible. [applause]

HANNITY: What they have done to him.

BONGINO: Horrible.

HANNITY: Surveillance, unmasking, no minimization, and then, of course, leaking raw intelligence.

BONINGO: The Logan Act. The jaywalking. It's not even jaywalking. People have been arrested for jaywalking. No one has ever been prosecuted for the Logan Act.

HANNITY: You guys are great patriots. Great to see you at CPAC. We'll catch up.

GORKA: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: Give a big hand for these guys. Thank you.

All right. When we come back, Congressman Devin Nunes is willing to subpoena high ranking Obama officials if they don't answer questions about the phony dossier. Byron York, Gregg Jarrett continue from CPAC.



REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF., CHAIRMAN, HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE: We're asking several former and current officials to answer 10 simple questions. And these are questions that the public not only should know and have a right to know but I think they want to know. And that is when did you -- simple questions like when did you learn about the dossier? When did you learn that it was paid for by the Democrats? When did you learn that this was a political piece?

Part of what we sent out today questionnaire with 10 questions on it also with a cover letter that says if you don't answer, this we are giving a couple weeks to answer it, you will be subpoenaed and you will be coming before Congress to tell us when you knew about this.


HANNITY: All right. That was the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes saying he is now going to subpoena former high ranching Obama officials if they do not answer 10 simple questions sent to them about the anti-Trump dossier. Now, according to our own Catherine Herridge now these Obama officials include former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Nunes' questionnaire is part of what he calls stage two of the House Republicans investigation into this phony anti-Trump Hillary bought and paid for dossier.

Now, meanwhile Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff, soon to be MSNBC contributor, he expressed his party's FISA memo will be released this week with reductions after President Trump rightfully blocked it initially because it contains sources and methods and other sensitive information.

And also tonight, ABC News is reporting that congressional investigators are unable to locate an alleged source for the anti-Trump dossier. Really?

Joining us now from 'The Washington Examiner', big warm welcomes from CPAC to Byron York and FOX News legal analyst, our friend Gregg Jarrett is with here with us.

Great to see you guys.


HANNITY: What's really interesting is this has now taken a turn towards Obama. I predicted this was going to happen. A lot of us did. You predicted it and the fact, who knew what, when, and where did the dossier.
Who did they share it with?

Most important questions.

BYRON YORK, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The theme that emerged on the dossier is how high did knowledge of the dossier go in the Obama administration? When we first heard about it, it was a couple people in the FBI knew about it, then we found out that more people in the FBI knew about it. Then we found out that people in the Justice Department, the larger Justice Department knew about it, going up pretty high.

And then we found out that a lot of people in the State Department knew about it. So, I think the Nunes letter --

HANNITY: Was that because of that final last-minute executive order 12333 that you can now share the intelligence with 16, 17 other agencies?

YORK: I think it was more an interlocking web of personal connections. People knew Christopher Steele from doing this. The State Department knew him from Ukraine stuff. And the FBI knew him from the world soccer investigation stuff.

I think it was more personal connections than anything. We need to see who all this Nunes letter is going to and then you will get a better idea of where he thinks that knowledge --

HANNITY: What about the people we do know it's going to? And it seems that well we now know what happened January 5th. And then 15 days later, Susan Rice is writing a note to self. The last act she does in the White House.

JARRETT: It was a classic CYA letter. And a misleading letter as well.

It's inconceivable that the FBI and the Department of Justice would be launching a criminal investigation of a presidential candidate and spying on one of its campaign associates without high officials in the Obama administration knowing about it probably including the president. And so the question now is and Nunes wants the answers to it and he is determined to get it is, who knew this? Was it Clapper and Brennan and Comey?

Comey clearly knew because he was head of the FBI.

HANNITY: But then he went to Trump tower three months later and lied through his teeth to the president-elect.

JARRETT: Or he was telling the truth. He knew this was an unverified.

HANNITY: That's a better point.


HANNITY: Yes, you're right.

JARRETT: The dossier Comey knew was a fabrication. Anybody who reads it and I have read it a hundred times. I laugh every time. It is -- it is.

HANNITY: Do you laugh at this hookers at the brinks in Moscow? Is that the funny part?

JARRETT: It is obviously absurd and preposterous that anybody with half a brain would look at this and throw it in the waste basket and say, goodbye, Mr. Steele, goodbye, Glenn Simpson. We're not going to rely on you.

HANNITY: Let me pick your legal mind and I have got a question for Byron. Legally speaking, who do you see now that is in serious legal jeopardy?

JARRETT: Well, I think James Comey, who signed off on it. Rod Rosenstein who signed off on it. Andrew McCabe signed off on it. Sally Yates as well.

Using a fake document as an officer of the court to convince a judge to spy on an American citizen is six different crimes -- abuse of power, false and misleading statements, it's perjury, it's major fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud and obstruction of justice. Those are the crimes and people need to be prosecuted.

HANNITY: Byron, imagine for just one minute that this is -- let's reverse roles here. This is Donald Trump. Donald Trump pays for a phony Russian dossier. Lied to the American people, manipulate them in the course of a lead up to an election. And then the phony dossier is used to get a FISA warrant to spy on a Clinton campaign associate. Imagine if that is the scenario. Tell us how it would be playing out in the country.

BYRON YORK, THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Well, we would be on fire about it.

HANNITY: We meaning?

YORK: The entire political media world would be on fire about it and we have seen, even when the President has said things like he wants his Attorney General to be loyal. Even though the Attorney General, Eric Holder had described himself as President Obama's wing man. We have seen people get up in arms about things like that. Fairly small --

HANNITY: Pretty honest broker in all of this, but by being honest have you isolated yourself on mainstream media colleagues. You are not a partisan.
You are not me in terms of somebody everybody knows I have a strong opinion, but you are getting to truth here and that is what I see missing from the media more than anything, a desire to ascertain truth.

YORK: I got this idea a while back that the dossier is an interesting thing. And there are people who have been investigating this, trying to pull the threads on this who have learned more and more about it. They still think it's an interesting thing. And as far as the other stories that are -- that dominate other networks and newspapers, I don't worry that this is going to be under covered. That is one of the reasons I pay attention to it.

HANNITY: Where would you say this is going?

JARRETT: Nunes is heading it in the right direction. He doesn't have the authority to prosecute. I think it's important to have a second special counsel. I have no confidence that Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice.

HANNITY: You want Sessions out?

JARRETT: Yes. I mean, look. He is a nice guy. But he has been so compromised that I think it requires a second special counsel.

HANNITY: If he appointed that second special counsel would that give you more confidence in him?

JARRETT: Absolutely. He has the authority to do that. He hasn't recused himself from that aspect of the case.

HANNITY: He didn't recuse himself from uranium one. Now we saw that is back in play.

JARRETT: What's interesting is that two months ago behind closed doors, the deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, according to Fox News and their sources, told congress that after all of this time we still haven't been able to substantiate a single thing in that dossier except that Carter Page flew to Moscow and gave a speech. Which is not a crime. And by the way.

HANNITY: So did Bill Clinton.

JARRETT: Was public information. Which was clearly gleaned from the public venue by the guy who compiled the dossier, Christopher Steele. And then used, knowingly for political purposes. By people like the Hillary Clinton campaign, Glenn Simpson of fusion GPS and others.

HANNITY: You guys have done amazing work. Thank you. Big CPAC hand for these guys. All right. When we come back, Sara Carter here with new bombshell report on the new uranium one scandal and attorney for the informant that was within Putin's network in America back in 2009 and beyond as we continue from CPAC. Stay with us.




HANNITY: Welcome back to Hannity. We are live at CPAC 2018. How are you all doing? Having fun, I hope.



Welcome. John Solomon, Sara Carter, Victoria Toensing. Sara has another breaking news story out tonight. This about the Iranian one scandal that the rest of the media is ignoring. Now the attorney for the FBI informant that it would be Victoria is pressing the DOJ for the investigating leak.
In this report, Sara detailing how Victoria is now asking the Attorney General Jeff Sessions for a leak investigation into an unnamed federal official who she now claims illegally leaked false information about her. 0This is happening way too much. Joining us now with reaction is the attorney for this FBI informant, Victoria Toensing. Fox News contributor, Sara Carter and from the Hill John Solomon. All these guys have been amazing in terms of helping us unpeel the onion and I give them -- they deserve Pulitzers at the end of the day.


You are an attorney for the FBI in 2009 that for what, 30 years of his life he worked in undercover.


HANNITY: Ok. And in 2009. He had infiltrated and discovered that Vladimir Putin had operatives here in America.

TOENSING: Yes and Putin wanted to control the world's uranium and one of the first steps was to buy uranium one to have his Russian company buy uranium one.

HANNITY: Your informant in 2009, long before -- a year and a half later this CFIUS board had approved uranium one sale.

TOENSING: October of 2010.

HANNITY: He discovered Putin's operatives in America involved in briberies, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering and racketeering.

TOENSING: And wanting to control the world's uranium including the U.S. uranium.

HANNITY: OK. America needs uranium, we don't have enough?

TOENSING: We don't. And he did all this work for government two counsel bouts. He now has leukemia and has undergone chemotherapy and guess what happens. Twice now Justice Department officials have given false information about him. Once the first time to the press. That was in mid- November 2017 just right after the gag order was lifted. Isn't that a coincident? And gave it to yahoo news, Michael Isikoff and Reuters and they just printed whatever they regurgitated.

HANNITY: Is it fair to say that this informant that knows about Putin's network. Everyone cares about Russia and the media that they're involved in these crimes. They want to get a foot hold in Russia's uranium network, is it fair he is risking his life?

TOENSING: Yes. He was threatened on numerous occasion. John Solomon goes to the Justice Department after these leaks came out and he gets an interview with a justice department official who says those leaks weren't authorized. They were unauthorized they were not accurate.

HANNITY: Is it illegal?

TOENSING: The leaking was illegal. The first leak there was a second time they gave false information.


TOENSING: After John's article comes out saying the Justice Department says no, that is not.

HANNITY: Is it fair that there is an effort now to trash this 30-year CIA, FBI informant who risked his life, because of politics?

TOENSING: I have no idea why. I just know that John got the quote from the Justice Department officials saying leaks weren't authorized and were inaccurate. Guess what, 10 days later, senior Justice Department officials go up to brief the Hill and they give the same false information.

HANNITY: Unbelievable.

TOENSING: About my client. Now I want that investigation, because I want to know who sent those senior Justice Department officials there. And oh, when they were briefing the hill, they said well, we don't have anything to do with the case. We are just repeating what we were told. So they were given false information. I want to know who did it.

HANNITY: Let's talk to you guys about. This Sarah, we will start with you. Go ahead.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well I think what's important here is that we have to establish who William Campbell is, the informant. He spent the majority of his life working overseas, putting himself in very dangerous and precarious situations in order to give information to the United States government and the U.S. Intelligence community. This is somebody that the U.S. government trusted so much so that he spent more than three decades working for us, basically for the United States. First as a counter intelligence operative with the FBI. Later moving into the criminal division when they went after the transportation logistics international. That was the trucking company that was moving uranium in the United States.

HANNITY: Let me explain this to the audience, because this gets complicated. Remember, everyone cares about Russian influence and collusion. We have an FBI informant that solve Putin's operatives in the country getting ahold of uranium, we had 18 months' notice and we still gave Putin 20 percent of our uranium anyway.

CARTER: We did. And not only that what we know from the informant now is that he not only was dealing with his FBI handlers, but the case was so sensitive that it was going up the FBI chain of command.

HANNITY: And the FBI was paying him?

CARTER: That is right. I mean, in the end, look, the FBI gave him permission to work as informant. Gave him permission to launder money. Money that he was moving for the Russians. So that they could continue to collect information. And in the end, they paid him $50,000, congratulated him, thanked him and then when he got back was a threat from the United States Attorney General's office under Loretta Lynch, from the DOJ saying if you say anything, if you make this public, we will ruin your reputation and we will go after you.

HANNITY: All right. So, pick it up from here. All of this is known. We're supposed to be upset about the Russians influencing our election.


HANNITY: But they got 20 percent of the foundational material.

SOLOMON: Not the only thing they got. They got billions of dollars of new contracts to sell uranium to U.S. Nuclear reactors making us more dependent on Russia than if they took it out of our land, took the uranium out. So I think there is another consequence here. I keep hearing this from the FBI and law enforcement. The more they trash Doug Campbell, the more they discourage people from doing the courageous work that he did. He served his country for 30 years. They have made up a story. I know they know it's false. Here is how I know it. After the first stories came out. I reads these stories and thought that can't be true. Sara and I are looking at the FBI file. These documents are here. He did tell them about uranium one. He did tell them about bribe payments. He laid out all these things and we have the documents. I went to the Justice Department and write a story saying you are wrong. Can we see a copy of the documents? I sent a copy the document they came back and said we have the documents.

HANNITY: How much does this source have?

SOLOMON: Thousands and thousands of pages.

CARTER: Thousands.

HANNITY: And tapes?

TOENSING: The FBI has them all. He didn't keep every single one of them. But he gave lots of oral briefings to the FBI. So they were writing down out notes. They have everything.

HANNITY: They have them anyway.

TOENSING: I don't think the FBI is doing this.

HANNITY: Double the speaking fee and looking at Peter Schweitzer's book 145 million kicked back to the Clinton foundation about the people involved in the deal?

TOENSING: Sean, Hillary Clinton -- President Bill Clinton got half a million dollars.

HANNITY: Speaking in Russia.

TOENSING: For renaissance capital which is a Russian bank controlled by the FFC.

HANNITY: They had control over that -- had a stake in this deal.

TOENSING: Guess what stock they were touting at the time? Whose stock? Uranium one, half a million dollars four months before the CFIUS decision.

HANNITY: This is like unpeeling layers of the onion. All three of you have been phenomenal. Just last quick predictions as John McLaughlin used to say. Will this become bigger than any other scandal we are following?

TOENSING: We know the FBI is investigating the Clinton foundation.

HANNITY: Bigger.

TOENSING: So might have some future there.

CARTER: I think so bigger Sean. Especially with the FBI investigation.

SOLOMON: I am just going to go back to 2006 when Bill Clinton is in Kazakhstan and go forward to when a famous Russian Oligarch --

HANNITY: People go to jailing?

SOLOMON: We will see, depends on if the Justice Department does its job.

TOENSING: They better lay off my client.


HANNITY: All right. Big hand for these guys. They have done amazing work. When we come back. President Trump has a powerful emotion regarding the mass shootings with students, parents and teachers at the White House.
That was earlier today. We will play you the highlights, Tomi Lahren and much more straight ahead.





DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're going to be very strong on background checks. We will be doing very strong background checks. Very strong emphasis on the mental health of somebody. And we are going to do plenty of other things. It's been going on too long. Too many instances and we're going to get it done.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This solution is not going to be a singular thing. It's going to be multi-faceted and it's going to be created by a collection of different people working together.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are dying. And we have to stop this. We have to stop it. If he is not old enough to buy a drink, to go and buy a beer, he should not be able to buy a gun at 18 years old.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fix it. It should have been one school shooting and we should have fixed it. And I'm pissed. Because it is my daughter that I'm not going to see again.


HANNITY: The President holding a very emotional listening session at the White House earlier today on the issue of school safety mass shootings. Joining us now with reaction Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren is with us turning point USA Founder Charlie Kirk and RNC spokesperson Kayleigh Mcenany is with us.

To me the solution is simple. Is that every school should have a full threat assessment, security assessment, retired, armed, military, retired armed police need to be in the schools to be a front line of defense and many said that tonight.

TOMI LAHREN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think that is the logical solution but any time of tragedy it's filled with emotion, as it should be. I think we should all be very honest yourselves.

It's a tragic time and let the victims and families grieve. We need to let them speak. I think everyone here, because we are first amendment advocates believe everybody on either side of the issue has the right to speak on the issue and we can come to some kind of consensus. But I do think that, we also need to tackle the cultural problems at play. It's not just a gun problem. We should have that conversation.


HANNITY: It has to be both. If we decided Charlie that we wanted every single school in America safe, we could do that we are capable of doing big things.

CHARLIE KIRK, TURNING POINT USA FOUNDER: You bring a great point about the threat assessment. It's amazing how many schools have not been properly analyzed and don't know what to do in the case of a horrific shooting. In moments like these it will define the nation's character. We should be deeply troubled by what happened. We also have to stay principled to what we as freedom loving Americans really believe. This is really where it is going to take to us double down and say you know what? We do think we should have mental health checks, but we shouldn't sacrifice second amendment rights.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE SPOKESPERSON: There is common sense like you said the threat assessment, securing these schools, we heard the father who lost his daughter in sound bite. When 9/11 happened guess what we secured our airports. It should have taken one of these not several. I just want to point out Darryl Scott, I sent on the board of Rachel's challenge who lost his daughter. Rachel who lost his daughter in the columbine massacre he has been working on solutions for 20 years. When Tomi talks about the cultural change she is spot on there. We have lost the sense of connection with one another. Respect to your fellow student, your classmate is your friend that needs to be implemented more than anything.

HANNITY: We sit there around the table is this? It's crazy, right?

LAHREN: It's awareness issue. Beyond that whether we are talking about terrorism or school shootings. Safety in general. It's an awareness issue. Like you mentioned people are buried in their phones and not paying tension. Taking pictures on Instagram. They are not seeing what is around them and that leads to less safety in our schools in our airports, malls and the streets.

HANNITY: It is so easy if we wanted to do, we do it.

KIRK: That is right. You could take the guns away, which I don't think it is a good idea and that is not a possibility. You can't take the evil away. Which is what the culture issue is all about. Be very careful in moments like these to give away your freedoms, because when you do you are never going to get them back.



HANNITY: Last word, Kayleigh.

MCENANY: You mentioned evil, if you take God out of our schools and taken God out of our society you will see more and more of this happy on a daily basis.



HANNITY: Exactly right. I really do. It's great to see three young people and there are so many that are coming to CPAC which opened today and they will be here for the Vice President tomorrow and the President on Friday. You guys are definitely helping the country in ways that you can't even measure now. Thank you all for what you do.

MCENANY: Thank you.

HANNITY: When we come back, more Hannity as we continue from CPAC. We lost reverend Billy Graham today. We'll explain.


HANNITY: All right. Sadly today we lost a true American icon, the reverend Billy Graham. He was called home at the age of 99. Back in 2005 I had the honor, the privilege, I interviewed Reverend Graham while he was holding his final crusade. It almost at 500 of these. And I asked him how he wanted to be remembered. Let's take a look.


HANNITY: After six decades, how do you want people to remember you?

BILLY GRAHAM, AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS EVANGELIC LEADERS: I want people to remember me as faithful, faithful to the gospel, faithful to the call that god gave me. When I get to heaven I'm going to ask him why he called me.


HANNITY: That great, good, and faithful servant went home today. And our thoughts and prayers are with Franklin Graham, the entire Graham family and we really appreciate all he is done to be the conscience of America. We will be back here tomorrow at CPAC. But let not your heart be troubled.
Let us give a warm CPAC welcome to Laura Ingraham who is in the comfort of our studio.

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