'Hannity' recaps Biden's 'disastrous week'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 21, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to HANNITY this busy Friday news night.

Tonight, we're tracking multiple developing stories. Former President Trump, he just wrapped up a lengthy meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham. We're going to ask Senator Graham about the meeting.

And straight ahead, we'll analyze the upcoming midterm elections. Speaker Gingrich will join us as a new poll now shows Republicans -- remember they were at a nine point deficit generic ballot -- well, they now have a 13- point advantage and are poised for historic gains, hopefully this election year.

But, first, all eyes are on the White House tonight where Joe Biden just wrapped up another week from hell. Biden's sloppy, bizarre public comments about Russia, Ukraine -- well, it could very well lead to war. We have over a hundred thousand Russian troops now amassed on Ukraine's border, and Biden proudly suggesting that he might be willing to look the other way if it's a minor incursion.

In the past 48 hours, multiple White House officials, they've all tried to clean up those comments and Joey's mess it's so bad that apparently Joe is no longer allowed to even answer questions about the looming conflict in Ukraine that he seemed to green light. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The reason we're not going to have any time for questions now is these guys got to get quickly on the plane and go out and do a major announcement in Ohio, and you guys will ask me all about Russia and not about anything having to do with chips.


HANNITY: Oh, okay, let's forget about the looming global conflict in Europe that you green-lighted and Biden will only entertain important questions on chips. Have any chips that they could put in his head? Maybe make them a little sharper, I don't know just kidding for those of you on the left that have no sense of humor.

Anyway, don't worry because this morning -- well, the chief idiot at the White House, Ron Klain, oh, he cleared everything up. Take a look.


LESTER HOLT, NBC NEWS ANCHOR: I think it's fair to say the White House is pretty aggressively walked back or clarified whatever you want to call the president's comments about Ukraine and Russia and whether the president was signaling that a minor incursion might be viewed through a different lens. Whether the president meant to say that at the time or maybe he was being inarticulate, can you afford any gaffes given the stakes right now in all this?

RON KLAIN, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, I think the president was quite clear and reiterated his point of view this morning, very clearly. President Putin should have no doubt any move by the Russian assembled military across the border of Ukraine is an invasion.


HANNITY: Okay, he wasn't clear. He talked about a minor incursion, stop lying to us, stop the spin, stop the propaganda. You know what? The American people are intelligent and as per usual, Biden creates a crisis and then the White House pretends that it is no crisis and round around we go.

And we see this at the southern border. We see it in Afghanistan. Yeah, Americans are still abandoned, trapped behind enemy lines.

And we see this with inflation, the supply chain crisis. We see it with COVID-19. By the way, check out the cover of "TIME" magazine accurately pointing out Biden's first year is officially in the books and a dark cloud hanging over the White House, really it's hanging over the country.

Remember the guy that promised to shut down COVID-19, rebuild our economy, restored diplomacy and respect around the globe? Well, now, COVID is raging worse than ever, inflation at a 40-year high, and war in Europe, thanks to him and his green light is now pretty imminent.

Now things have become so bad under Biden that even Jen Psaki is now suggest suggesting kickboxing or margaritas to help ease the pain. Going to need an awful lot of margaritas. Take a look.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We've got to stay at it. So my advice to everyone out there who's frustrated, sad, angry, pissed off, feel those emotions, go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekend and then wake up on Monday morning, we got to keep fighting.


HANNITY: Okay, we'll drink margaritas all weekend and act like it wasn't a disastrous week.

Joining us now with reaction, former senior advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller, along with FOX News contributor Miranda Devine.

You know, I went through with President Trump last night, Stephen, the first year of his administration versus the first year of Biden. You couldn't have a more distinct difference than that, the accomplishments, even under fire every second every minute every hour of every day that President Trump had.

Now, the question is, does -- is there any one thing this White House can point to now that they can say is successful? And does this spin routine of theirs -- does it hold water with the American people?

STEPHEN MILLER, AMERICA FIRST LEGAL FOUNDER: Well, the American people can see through the spin because they got to hear President Biden in his own voice. That two-hour press conference showed that President Biden does not have the command of his White House, his facts or his faculties. He clearly stated, clearly stated that he did not have an objection to a minor incursion into Ukraine that his entire government spent two days trying to rephrase walk it back clarify rescind, whatever term you want to use.

The other big takeaway from the press conference is that he plans to stay the course on every single disastrous policy. So we went from the first year of President Trump to the great American comeback. Now, the first year of Biden is the great American collapse.

HANNITY: Yeah, do you -- do you think Ron Klain and Jen Psaki, they have any effectiveness in cleaning up this disaster? Never mind the part that I think disturbs me the most, Miranda, and that is this guy is out to lunch. He seems to be declining right before our eyes almost to the point of times disintegrating with these long, awkward, uncomfortable pauses and sentences that make no sense. I mean he has lucid moments but he has a lot of bad moments.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's true, Sean, but I think he's always had bad moments. It's just that he hasn't been front and center in the hot seat in the White House with all these momentous decisions weighing on him. And I think he's always been of bad character and he's compromised as we know through his son Hunter and his brother Jim in Ukraine and with Russia.

And so, that must also plague him when he's trying to work out what decisions to make. And when he stands there in front of the media for two hours and tries to thread the needle between his own personal compromises and what he's been told by his State Department and people like Antony Blinken, his advisers, about what ought to be done, it just -- it all comes out blurbling out in a big mess and there's no way no matter how much cleanup is done by Antony Blinken or Ron Klain or Jen Psaki, you can't unsay what the president of the United States said. Everybody heard it.

Vladimir Putin heard it. You saw the body language of the Foreign Minister Lavrov when he met with Blinken today in Geneva and he was cocky. The Russians know that they are facing a very weak America and they're like the kids in the candy store. They're just going to run right and do whatever they like while they're going is good. And poor old Ukraine, which really - - you know, fat lot of good it did to kowtow to Joe Biden when he was vice president and do what he told them to do because now they know, they're in a pickle.

And as the president said the other day in response to Joe Biden talking about minor incursions, there is no minor incursion, minor casualties, minor grief when Russia invades another country.

HANNITY: You know, Piers Morgan yesterday in his column, Stephen, said, I want a divorce. And then Rand Paul said, he really shouldn't ever speak publicly again.

And honestly, I don't think that's a bad strategy. Maybe keeping him away from the microphone would be a good idea for the -- for the not only the country but for world peace.

MILLER: Well, I mean, clearly, Biden's staff tried for as long as they could to keep them away from the microphone. And then I guess they eventually lost that battle, and now, the whole country got to see in real time just how far Joe Biden has lost it.

As you mentioned, there's fewer and fewer moments of lucidity and more and more moments of just confusion. I mean, the press conference was bizarre. He yelled at reporters for quoting back to him his own speech in Georgia, where he compared Republicans and Manchin and Sinema to segregationists and slave owners? He lengthily declared the midterms to be illegitimate, unless there was a federal elections takeover? And again this massive blunder with Ukraine.

The whole world has taken the measure of Biden and realized that we don't have a commander-in-chief. That is extremely dangerous and between what happened in Afghanistan, what's happening right now in Ukraine, the Israel- Palestinian conflict that exploded after Joe Biden took office, begging OPEC for energy, we are in an extraordinarily vulnerable position unlike anything we have been in certainly in my entire lifetime.

HANNITY: All right. We're going to have to let you both go. Good to see you.

By the way, Miranda's book, "The Laptop From Hell" is a great read, if you haven't had a chance to read it.

Thank you both. All right, Stephen Miller, Miranda Devine.

Now to Afghanistan. Biden has turned the page. He has no apologies. We will not turn the page.

ANNOUNCER: Americans held hostage, abandoned behind enemy lines day 160.

Day 160 and 173 days since Biden said he'd never abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan no end in sight. Sadly, the same president that botched this withdrawal is now tasked with protecting the thousands of Americans currently inside Ukraine.

Does anyone trust Biden to keep those people safe? Does anyone trust Biden to effectively negotiate with Vladimir Putin? Remember, he told us he has all the leverage with the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan and the Taliban. Apparently, he didn't.

So did this week's marathon press conference inspire any confidence at all? Watch this ad put out by the RNC. Take a look.


BIDEN: The political coverage --


That look --


Some of the political players and some of the --


Let me ask a rhetorical question. No, anyway.


HANNITY: I used to joke about it but it's not funny.

One more question, does anyone think Putin would be amassing you know a hundred thousand plus troops on the border with Ukraine threatening war if Donald Trump was still in office? I tend to doubt that be happening nor do I think he would have gotten the waiver on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

But then again, the Trump family never made millions of dollars with Russian oligarchs like the Biden family and zero experience Hunter did.

Now, earlier today, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham met with the former president who was on with us last night. He joins us now with more.

I see that ad and I'll be honest -- I think the observation of your colleague Rand Paul is not too far off and that is maybe we should keep him away from cameras and microphones because it's really bad.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Yeah, I mean, the news conference was a disaster on multiple levels, but it's not the news conference. He's been on the world stage, Joe Biden, for 40 years. He was in charge of the Ukraine portfolio under the Biden -- the Obama administration.

So everybody in the Ukraine understands that Joe Biden didn't realize his own son was serving on the Burisma board, the most corrupt gas company in the world, while Biden was trying to clean up corruption.

So I talked with President Trump today about this. He's pretty floored like I am. You know, at a certain level, we all -- we all want to pull for the - - for the president, that we could do better with COVID, that we'd make the world a safer place.

So, Putin realizes that under Biden, he can invade the Ukraine and get away with it. He realized that under Trump, he could not invade the Ukraine and get away with it.

But here's what President Trump said to me today that was pretty -- pretty stunning and I think appropriate. He said Putin is realizing that Biden's weak, but he doesn't realize that Biden won't be around in 2024.

So President Trump said today if they invade the Ukraine, the Russians, it will make it impossible for any future president to have a normal relationship with Russia, which I thought was a pretty damn wise observation.

HANNITY: Yeah, by the way, I'm looking at -- what looks like a band-aid on your nose. Now, President Trump didn't pop -- he didn't give you a pop in the nose, did he?


GRAHAM: No, that's Bernie Sanders.

HANNITY: He didn't hit you with a golf ball or anything, if you played golf with him?



HANNITY: But -- look, he's right in his observations and Biden is a disaster.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: And if you want to take out Russia to me it's easy and it's all related something that's good for our national security and that is energy independence and it also is good to stop the 40-year high in inflation because every -- every price of every item we buy will go down because it will cost less to ship it, and we'll pay less at the pump, less to cool and heat our homes, and that would be the one way out.

If I wanted to take on China and stop their territorial ambitions with -- for example, Taiwan, I would just form a coalition and stop all importing from China.


HANNITY: That'll shut them down pretty quick as well, because that's both of their economies right there hanging in the balance.

GRAHAM: Yeah. I mean, Russia is exposed. It's a -- it's a gas station parading as a country. So energy independence for us weakens Russia. The day that America doesn't have to worry about the Mideast in terms of oil and gas is a great day.

China is very much connected to the global economy and when Trump threatened to put tariffs on Chinese products, they changed. When Trump told Mexico if you don't help me secure our border, I'll put tariffs on your product -- products coming out of Mexico, they change. So strength works, weakness doesn't.

But here's my message to President Biden, you claim that no Republican wants to help you. That's not true. You got to do things that we can help you with.

Why don't we put sanctions on Russia now for the -- for the build up, not the invasion? All Democratic sanctions hit Russia after it invade. Let's punish Putin now.

And why don't we do a land lease bill like Senator Cornyn has, doing for the Ukrainians what we did for the British in the early stages of World War II. Endless weapons to make sure they're a bunch of dead Russians if you invade Ukraine.

Biden cannot adjust his policies on energy. He can't adjust his policies on borders because of the left. He can adjust his policies on the Ukraine, but we're running out of time.

HANNITY: I agree. Senator, good to see you. Thank you.

Midterm elections are now less than months away and with Biden polling now at an all-time low in multiple polls, Democrats are now fearing the worst. So far, 28 congressional Democrats, they have announced they will not be seeking re-election. According to 538, that number is likely to grow.

And meanwhile, a stunning new Trafalgar poll by our friend Robert Cahaly showing Republicans are now up over 13 percentage points and a generic ballot question. And by the way, they were down nine points a year ago. If those numbers hold, Republicans would easily win back the House and hopefully take the Senate by pretty wide margins.

Last night on this program, we had former President Trump on. Here's what he had to say about the upcoming elections. Take a listen.


HANNITY: What do you advise Republicans for these midterm elections? Do you plan on getting active and involved in it? And who do you think the Democrats will run in 2024? And are you considering a run?

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT: So I'm very active. I'm doing a lot of endorsements. I'm 158-2. That's a lot of wins, 158 wins. And we're endorsing a whole big flock of very good people.

And, you know, the whole Make America Great Again, it's all about Make America Great Again. It's about America First. That's why with energy and so many things that we're giving away to the enemy, we're giving them away to other people, other countries we're giving all of that tremendous wealth away.


HANNITY: Amazing. We have a guy that was president that actually is coherent and up on the issues.

In 1994, led by the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich the GOP's Contract with America, that ushered in historic Republican gains in the House of Representatives. Republicans had been out of power in the House for 40 years.

The question tonight, can it happen again?

Here now is the author of "Beyond Biden", which, by the way, you can get on amazon.com, bookstores everywhere, FOX News contributor, former speaker of the house, Newt Gingrich.

I happen to be there in the lead up and emceed the night you became speaker. It was a special night for me, and I see very similar things emerging. I don't want people to get overconfident. What would you advise?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, I think you're going to see Speaker Kevin McCarthy. I think you're going to see a big majority in the Senate. You know, if the Trafalgar numbers stick or get bigger, which they could, you're talking about a tsunami. It'll be the largest Republican majority at least in 100 years, and I think it'll be a stunning moment.

So this coming election night may be almost as exciting for us as the one we spent together in 1994. I think the key is twofold. You want to run -- if I could -- a two-sided election.

One is reality -- big government socialism isn't working. Go to any gas station, ask folks as they fill up their car. Go to any grocery store, ask people as they look at the empty shelves, it ain't working.

Second, Republicans have to have -- and this is where you and I are in total agreement I think -- we need a new contract. We need a new positive statement that really affects people's lives and that says to them, you elect us, we're going to work to make your life better. And I think we can have a big impact on that and I think that that's exactly where Kevin McCarthy is.

HANNITY: So, what you're really saying is nationalizing the elections. You know, you had a backbone and you would fight, and I think that's what made you successful and I think -- and well and you were the architect of -- you know, it started with renewing American civilization. You taught candidates how to be a candidate, to be honest. A lot of candidates frankly were not very skilled and I'm saying that very diplomatically.

But you started there with ideas. It became a contract, a set of promises. I like the idea of signing your name, making a promise fighting to keep it and running as a united team. This is what we'll do, give us the ball. We want to do these things.

GINGRICH: Now, look, I believe in that. You and I might not totally agree on timing. Remember, we didn't release it until late September and the reason was you don't quite know what the biggest issues are going to be by mid-summer.

And so, you want to have a contract that people can deal with, but the training program, the education, the thinking about it, that should go on from right now onward. I know that that Leader McCarthy, for example, has a whole number of teams currently working in the House.

I hope the Senate is going to take the same approach. I think that it's very important for the senators to understand that just being negative isn't enough. First of all, it's not enough to win and second it's not enough to govern. You need to give your word and then you need to keep your word.

I'm watching right now. Governor Glenn Youngkin who's doing a great job. He's doing exactly what he campaigned on. The people of Virginia are getting exactly what they voted for, that's how a free society should work, and that's why I think this year that having some kind of contract would be very powerful, then to be elected and say to the Biden White House -- look, we were elected to do these things. We're going to do them.

Remember, we got all the major things accomplished with a Democratic president. We didn't just sit around and stay negative for two years, and I would be very much against -- for the country's sake, I would be against us having a purely negative Congress for '23 and `24.

HANNITY: All right. Mr. Speaker, always good to have you. We appreciate you being with us.

Don't forget Newt's book about Biden -- post-Biden, thank God -- goodness, amazon.com, bookstores everywhere.

When we come back, this is outrageous one bill in California proposing the preteens would be allowed to take the COVID vaccine without parental consent. And more evidence that Dr Fauci thinks very highly of himself.

And Tammy Bruce and Clay Travis are straight ahead. Stay with us.


HANNITY: So another day, another failure from Dr. flip flop Fauci, Dr. doom and gloom, because when the discredited doctor isn't spewing such gloom and doom and lying to you the American people, he apparently sitting in his office looking at photos of himself. That's right, at your screen, take a look right there. Newly surfaced photo showing Fauci sitting in his office home and surrounded by pictures of himself, including a little Fauci bobblehead.

And not that anyone will be surprised at any of this, meanwhile, Fauci is now saying that the Pfizer vaccine could receive authorization for kids now under five as early as next month. What happened to follow the science? Now, will Fauci want them to show, what, proof of vaccination to go to a restaurant or a bowling alley?

And out in California, a new bill from the far left -- well, their state lawmakers would allow pre-teens to be vaccinated and they don't need parental consent.

Here with reaction, Outkick founder, the co-host of the Clay Travis/Buck Sexton show, Clay Travis, along with FOX News contributor Tammy Bruce.

Tammy, we start with you. I look at this -- let's look at the legal side of this if we can and I see, okay, Fauci now -- where's the science that shows kids under five are dying from COVID? Because kids five through 12, we now know die at about the same rate as influenza. And how does -- how come a government would think they have the right to allow pre-teenagers to make medical decisions and not talk to mommy and daddy?

Because you know what? I don't want the government taking over my children's medical decisions. That's my job.

TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. You know, you'd think that the government would have learned from this uprising of parents at the school boards. For some reason, they think we're already kind of placated and we're submissive. That's not the case.

Already, we've seen multiple instances now, even in the last couple of weeks, where data that we were told about regarding COVID was in fact wrong, The number of -- you know, whether it's hospitals and hospitalizations or deaths or -- yeah, any number of data we're finding out is wrong. And then, of course, the nature of what -- how they're determining the nature of the framework of whether or not the vaccines are safe with children.

Ultimately, we're looking at the safest category of people as we know. Ultimately, we're looking at this government and it goes now to California. And this Dem -- this Democratic Party, and not wanting to let a good crisis go to waste. We've seen also and have heard arguments that your children are not your own, that they belong to the community.

And this is a way to reinforce that, especially when it comes to minor children and the choices they're allowed to make. That is only up to the parents. It's going to take lawsuits and it's going to take parents standing up again and again.


Clay, I get your look -- your take on all this. Again, the science. It's -- show me the science that we need to now give kids vaccinations under five, and tell me why the government would have the right to allow pre-teens to make important medical decisions and not talk to mommy and daddy? Because I think mommy and daddy have a right to weigh in on that.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: No doubt, Sean. I've got three kids. They're not getting the COVID vaccine. I've done my research. I've talked to the doctors that I trust. I would encourage every parent to do the same.

And if you come to a different decision, that's fine. And by the way, Sean, that doesn't make me anti-vaccine. My kids have had the measles, the mumps, rubella, all of those shots. That's because those viruses actually produce a significant danger to children, right?

I think this is important out there. I've been fighting against mask mandates in school. I've got public school kids. I went and talked to my local school board.

But if you look at the data, your kids are more likely to drown, they are more likely to be murdered, they are more likely to die in a traffic accident. They are more likely oftentimes if they are young to have significant risk from the seasonal flu than they do from COVID. We have to make rational decisions.

And if you are a parent and you want your kid masked and you want your three-year-old to be vaccinated for COVID, that is your right. But it should 100 billion percent not be a mandate.

My wife and I are going to make a decision for our three kids. They're not going to get the COVID vaccine. I don't believe they need it. Our doctors agree with us. If you're doctors and you disagree, that's your right. But the idea of government mandates here is pure balderdash. It makes zero sense, Sean.

HANNITY: You know, some of the biggest mistakes Fauci made that I kind of resent, I'll give you three quick ones, Tammy, is oh masks, they don't work. He said that in March of 2020. Then, he said if you got the vaccine, you'll never get COVID. Joe Biden said the same thing. Get the vaccine, you won't get COVID.

I know plenty of people with the vaccine and a booster and natural immunity, they're getting it -- some of them even for the second time.

And then he was wrong as a when he said -- oh, no, we'll never mandate this vaccine. He lied about that, lied about the Wuhan virology lab. And you know, these are not small issues to me. These are big issues that they got wrong and why should anybody trust them now? Because I have no trust for him or the CDC or the NIH or Biden or frankly any of these politicians.

BRUCE: You -- honestly, frankly, when you think about it, there has not been one issue, Sean, that they have been correct on, that they haven't gone back and forth on as though they're adjusting to things in the moment. And this is particularly shocking because Fauci has been in his position for decades. You would think that with all of his experience, he would know.

And this is not our first experience with the SARS COVID pandemic, with that kind of virus. So they weren't entirely surprised. They would necessarily have to know about vaccines. How can the vaccine company make statements that end up being ultimately false when it comes to the veracity and the strength of the vaccine and what the vaccine itself would do? Combined, someone should have been able to have said, wait, this is wrong. Ultimately, we know Fauci was correct the first time around before all the politics got poured into that bowl.

So we have to remember that -- you know, there are certain things that we've assessed and we as the sovereign can make our determinations about this, take information that seems correct, make judgments when people seem to be perhaps lying to us deliberately, and realize that there's a history here. Bottom line is as Clay has noted, as you have as well, we're at a point now where we know what's right, what we want to do for our own families and how we're going to approach the situation.

HANNITY: Thank you both.

When we come back in a clear political stunt, the New York attorney general is following through on what was campaign promises to go after the Trump family. Should you be allowed to campaign on something like that and follow through on something like that, or is recusal the proper way to go?

Anyway, President Trump's attorney will join us next to explain how the Trump family is fighting back, straight ahead.


HANNITY: And now, the New York Attorney General Letitia James is now doubling down on her years-long anti-Trump witch hunt and is now claiming that she has uncovered misleading asset valuations from the Trump Organization. Clearly, this is a politically motivated investigation. And according to the former president's lawyers, James is abandoning what are basic, fundamental, fair, prosecutorial standards, all while violating basic constitutional rights, and she's not an objective voice for justice.

Remember what she said, this is what she was saying when she was running her campaign about Trump and about the Trump family. Take a listen.


LETITIA JAMES, NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL: We'll never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will you sue him for us?

JAMES: Oh, we're going to definitely sue him. We're going to be a real pain in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He's going to know my name personally.


HANNITY: Here with more, former President Trump attorney, Alina Habba, is with us.

I guess and --


HANNITY: I'm not really familiar with the attorney general. But if you run on a campaign to go after one person, one company, one organization, one family, and then you do focus on that, would that not require some type of recusal. I've never heard of a case of a prosecutor running to prosecute one individual.

HABBA: Yeah, that's exactly correct that's because it doesn't exist. Just remember when she -- before she was even attorney general, she was saying she was going to go after former President Trump and his family and anybody in his orbit was her quote exactly, recognizing that she actually had no basis at that point. She had not been part of an investigation. She was not even the attorney general.

So then she takes office and she says okay, we're going to weaponize this entire office and you're all going to spend all your energy looking at Trump, anything Trump. Why? Because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican.

Well, like you said, Sean, that violates everything constitutionally. We stand for due process. It's a fishing expedition, which is unconstitutional. It's viewpoint discrimination against our First Amendment rights. It's everything an attorney general should not do. They need to be impartial.

HANNITY: Right. Then let me ask you this because, so far, what I've heard is okay, well, they had a company car and maybe the company car didn't get reported, or they had a company apartment and maybe the company apartment didn't get reported, and somebody should have filed that on the tax form, or that the president gave money -- oh, God forbid for a scholarship for a kid to go to school. And now, we're talking about asset valuation.

I would think a company car, company apartment, giving away -- donating money for a scholarship and asset valuation -- wouldn't asset valuation also be the responsibility of any lender? If they -- they have to agree with the valuation before they sign off on any loan, especially if you're talking about a lot of money?

HABBA: Right, that's the portion that's technically in Letitia James's purview, although she has self-declared that she is part of both the criminal and the civil investigation, which is also unethical.

But as you said, you nailed it. Valuations of real estate property, valuations of any property are really subjective. Lenders that we're talking about are institutional, sophisticated lenders. If you think the Deutsche Banks of the world lend money to anyone without doing their own process and tools and valuation of the assets from the ground up, which is incredibly subjective, incredibly subjective, then you're doubting a lot of the banks that and people that would work with the Trump Organization or the Trump family. It's ridiculous.

HANNITY: OK. Is there a means -- I know there's been a lawsuit file. Is there a means for a request of a recusal in this case, or I would just assume an associate AG would take over anyway and probably have the same agenda, no?

HABBA: The likelihood that an associate, yes, would take over and have the same agenda, highly likely. Anybody working with her is probably of the same mindset. But that's not what we're asking for alone. We're asking for numerous things right now. You know, there's the investigation portion, which has been going on for years.

And despite her claims, we've been giving them millions of documents and there's some great attorneys working on that case right now that have really, really been champions of the Trump Organization and the Trump family, and that's why nothing's happened in so many years.

And then there's our action in the northern district which is the newer action, which is against Ms. James and it's for the unethical acts. And it's not only asking her to recuse herself, but it's also saying, look, we cannot continue with any of these investigations until we take a look at how somebody has been in charge of it and weaponizing the office for years using New York money, meanwhile children are getting thrown in front of a subway.

You know, this is what we're asking -- stop, let's take a look at this office, something's wrong here. Something's wrong.

HANNITY: We're going to follow the case. Sadly, I have determined we don't have equal justice or application of our laws and we have a dual justice system, and it's something we better pay attention to. Justice should be blind.

HABBA: Right, right.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you, Alina, for being with us. We appreciate it.

Straight ahead, woke culture is coming to every aspect of your life, you're not going to believe this one. Even the candy you eat, if you are an M&M lover, wait until you hear this story next.


HANNITY: And now, tonight, we turn to yet another example of far left woke parity tonight, as the maker of the candy M&Ms, I happen to like M&Ms. They say that they're vowing to make the candy more inclusive. OK, it's not inclusive?

Anyway, Mars is explaining that the candy's characters will have a, quote, updated tone, a voice that is more inclusive, welcoming, and unifying. I think everyone that sees M&Ms and like M&Ms finds them very welcoming. Anyway, while remaining rooted in our signature gesture, wit, and humor.

For example, the green M&M will switch its footwear from high-heeled boots to sneakers, but, of course, the madness doesn't stop there as a Virginia high school in Fairfax County is now under fire for so call privilege bingo exercise in the classroom. Look at your screen.

All right. The bingo card, forced students to identify their privilege with the squares including things like able-bodied, being a military kid, having parents that both went to college, even being driven to school among many other things.

Can someone explain the educational value in trying to needlessly divide students and what does the purpose of putting up those barriers between classmates? Now, Fairfax County public schools told us in a statement we have revised this activity and will review the unit plan two we apologize for any offense it may have unintentionally caused. Oh, I've got the vapors.

Here with reaction, the host of the upcoming new show on Saturday night and we knew him back when. I made a prediction years ago that within three years, Lawrence Jones won't even take my phone calls, it's turning out to be true. Anyway, his brand -- his brand-new show debuts, we are very proud of him. I'm happy, "Lawrence Cross Country", LJ, thank you, congrats, we love you.

Along with the host of "Fox Across America", Jimmy Failla is with us.

All right. LJ, we start with you. First of all, I don't even know the M&M characters, all I know is I'm in a hotel room and they got a bar at the side of the bar they have vodka, you know, cashews, and M&Ms. If M&Ms are in there and it's 3:00 in the morning and I wake up and I stumble upon them, I'm good to eat them and I had no idea that the green ones wore high heels until now.

LAWRENCE JONES, "LAWRENCE JONES CROSS COUNTRY" HOST: You know, all I can think about as they all taste the same. I mean, I just want to know --

HANNITY: That's a good point.

JONES: -- if it has the peanuts in or a nut, that's all I care about when it comes to M&Ms.

But, you know, we laugh at this stuff, though, but the progressives, they have really lost their minds. When you talk about the diversity and you see what's happening across the country, Sean, you see crime in minority communities and how it's impacting them. You see education and these unions wanted to shut schools down, we know it's directly impacting the minority kids.

You look at the economy under Donald Trump, there was a record job numbers for black folk. Unemployment numbers with the lowest ever, now it's skyrocketing.

After all of that, they want to talk about M&Ms when they can focus on the real issues that is facing the country. I don't think they care about those issues. I think they care about identity politics, Sean.

HANNITY: Yeah. Mr. Failla, I don't know a whole lot about M&Ms except I agree with Lawrence. I don't know what clothes they were. I didn't know they had these stupid characters. You know what, to me, I look at the green M&M, the yellow M&M, the orange M&M, brown M&M, they all taste the same to me and in the middle of the night, that bag is not surviving in a room with Sean Hannity.

JIMMY FAILLA, "FOX ACROSS AMERICA" HOST: No question. I only assumed you had me on because I look like I get paid in M&Ms, let's be honest. But I just want to point one thing out, Sean. I have never seen a green M&M at FOX, because since they gave Lawrence Jones his own show, he became such a diva, he has the staff remove them from the green room. I don't know if they are.

JONES: Oh, God.

FAILLA: I'm listening into this conversation but I can't keep up.

Here's the thing -- I just want to jump in really quick, the reason the left loves moves like this is because there is no deliverable.

And what I mean by that is there's no way to tangibly measure whether or not this had a positive impact on kids. Now, we know it won't, when you go trick-or-treating then you get a bag of M&Ms, you don't go I wonder what kind of relationship they are in. But this is beautiful for the left because so they can act like they are doing something for kids but nothing is happening.

And here's the thing, really quick, I promise like, we have an obesity epidemic in this country, and obesity is one of the leading causes of COVID. We don't need M&Ms in sneakers, Sean. We need kids in sneaker. You know what I'm saying? It's bad.

HANNITY: All right. Let's talk about this bingo card forcing students to identify so-called privileged.

Lawrence, LJ, explained to me, you know, how just being able-bodied is privileged or a military kid's privilege or if mommy and daddy driving to school and you don't take the bus I guess that is a privilege. Our kids in school, LJ, you know, we're not keeping up. We spend more per capita on education we have some of the worst results.

Why in God's name are we spending time wasting our time in school?

JONES: You know, Sean, I think it's going to go down in history, we as conservatives, libertarian made a big mistake by just giving the schools to these progressives. I mean, this is truly nonsense, and you wonder why when it comes to competing around the world, we are doing so well. We are shutting down schools and teaching this nonsense, you're telling people to hate their parents and tell them that they're racist. We're telling our students to hate their classmates. We're telling people to judge each other by their identity. It's just nonsense. It's really not good help is on the world stage, Sean.

HANNITY: Yeah. Last word, Jimmy.

FAILLA: Great point. And I was going to say, some of these things aren't even privilege, if you're a kid and your parents just graduated college, chances are they are in debt and they hate America. Who wants to grow up in that house?

HANNITY: Jimmy, thanks for joining us. LJ, we'll proud of you.

We'll continue. More HANNITY next.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have for this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible. We hope you set your DVR, never miss an episode, this election year of HANNITY.

In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled, Laura Ingraham, "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" is next. I hope you have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.

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