This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 31, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino, along with Katie Pavlich, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is “The Five.”

Democrats continuing to embrace progressive policies, 2020 hopeful, Elizabeth Warren, making these claims about capitalism while talking about her wealth tax plan.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS.: I believe in capitalism. I see the wealth that can be produce, but let's be really clear, capitalism without rules is theft. Encouraging companies to build their business models on cheating people, that's not capitalism. What I believe is capitalism with serious rules, and that means rules where everybody gets a chance to play.


PERINO: Senator Bernie Sanders joining in on Warren's calls to tax the wealthy, the potential 2020 candidate proposing a plan today to dramatically increase state taxes including a 77 percent tax on billionaire's estates.

And Congresswoman Ocasio -- I'm sorry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Edward Markey are reportedly planning to introduce legislation for a green new deal as early as next week. The goal of the plan is to transform the economy in the name of fighting climate change. This leftward shift creating a rift within the Democratic Party.

Moderate and former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, clashing with Ocasio- Cortez, a liberal activist claiming AOC and not Schultz is the actual centrist.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's easy to call what AOC is doing as far-lefty, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you advocate for economic policies that benefit the broad majority of citizens that's true centrism.

What Howard Schultz represents, the centrism he represents is really just trickle-down economics, tax cut for rich people, deregulation for powerful people, and wage suppression, and benefit cut for everyone else without the overt racism. He is not the centrist, AOC is the centrist.


PERINO: How about that spin, Jesse?

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Well, I mean, ask the people of Venezuela if socialism is benefiting them. I don't buy that argument at all. If Warren loves capitalism so much, why is she trying to institute socialism? I don't think you try to radically change the things you love.

For instance, here, your husband, he loves you, right? You love your dog. You love reading. You're a Republican. He didn't marry you and then try to change you into a Democrat dog-hating non-reader. OK, he accepted it and love you for who you are. Now the problem is she also says capitalism is rules -- without rules is theft, OK?

We have so many rules in capitalism. There's a 185,000 pages in the federal registry of codes, and that's not including city regulations and state regulations. I would say that socialism with rules is theft. So they have this new green deal or whatever, OK, where they would eliminate all oil and gas in ten years.

PERINO: Yes, ten years.

WATTERS: If you're in the polar vortex, how are you going to stay warm with solar panels? Are you going to drive a Prius through a foot of snow? Absolutely, not. And they want to tax estates. So I have to give my kids half of my estate when I die, which will be a national tragedy. It is going to be a disaster.

So, the Democrats have now just become greedy control freaks. They want to tell you what to wear, what to say, want to drive, want to eat, want to drink, and they want to take your health care, they want to take your money, and they want to take your kids' money. Donald Trump is going to win in a slam-dunk if they play this way, OK? He didn't even have to run attacks ads, they're running it against themselves.

PERINO: Take a listen, Greg, to what Elizabeth Warren -- I'm sorry, it's a tweet. This is what she said about this green new deal. Our children and grandchildren, she grow up in a world where they can breathe the air and drink the water and go outside without risking their lives in extreme temperatures. It's time to protect our planet and pass a green new deal. And then she uses hashtag polar vortex. You think it's gonna work?

GREG GUTFELD, HOST: Well, I will say this, I learned from Jesse that the key to a good marriage is don't try to change your spouse.

WATTERS: Exactly.

GUTFELD: I think that's a really --


JUAN WILLIAMS, HOST: I am stunned. I've been silence over here because I was like --

GUTFELD: I think you should write a book. Write a book on this, Jesse.

WILLIAMS: How did Peter and Dana -- I mean, I've known Dana, she's been a Republican all along. What's going on here?

WATTERS: Because she said if you love capitalism -- I love it so much, but then why she's trying --


WILLIAMS: But if Dana started doing crazy stuff, I hope he might say something to her.

GUTFELD: Here's the issue --

PERINO: Well, that's what we're trying to say to the Democrats. Don't do crazy stuff.

WILLIAMS: Well, no. I think that's what people --


WILLIAMS: -- to Republicans in an era of tremendous income inequality.


GUTFELD: Here's the thing, when I -- I always try to steal man -- Warren's arguments. Mean, I pretend like I'm her lawyer trying to explain what she said better than she said it.


GUTFELD: She's basically saying capitalism is good unless it's bad. That's exactly what she said. You can't say that about socialism because it's all bad. Think about this, capitalism -- even with its flaws is easily understandable and successful. Like any -- capitalism is so easy to do that even a kid can do it.

At 6 years old, a kid can understand capitalism and have a lemonade stand. There is no kid trying to operate a socialist enterprise at six unless he has a standing army of 12-year-olds with baseball bats because in order to do socialism, it has to be top-down and it has to be enforced by a government army.

WATTERS: That's called the bully.

GUTFELD: Yeah, they need a bully for socialism.


WILLIAMS: What about a family? Isn't a family -- because the kids aren't providing. You're taking care of your children.

KATIE PAVLICH, HOST: Yes, your children are little socialists and that's why we take half of their allowance --


PAVLICH: This is why you take the allowance. You pay them for the chores and you take half a bit away and say this is going to the government --

WILLIAMS: I think part of this is a response to Gregory. I think we have things like child labor laws. We say, no, you can't do that. You can't exploit children like that. That's --


WILLIAMS: That's not socialism --

(CROSSTALK) GUTFELD: Kids love to work.

(CROSSTALK) WATTERS: That's a hundred years ago, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

WATTERS: That's not years ago.

WILLIAMS: Because that's the rules. I mean, we have rules about things like you can't pollute the air. Oh, why is that? That's --


GUTFELD: Let me ask you this, do you think that old people should work more? I think it's wrong to have retirement at 60 -- what is it, 65? We should kick it up to 75 or 80.

WATTERS: Wait, Juan just hit 65.

WILLIAMS: I'm going to hit 65 --


PERINO: Katie hasn't had a chance to talk.

PAVLICH: So, capitalism is done through free exchanges. Socialism is done through government force. That's the first big difference between the two. And I hate to tell you, Juan, but you're completely wrong about us being in an age of extreme inequality in income. Since 1970, the number of people who have been suffering from starvation style poverty, not just being poor, but suffering from starvation around the world has decreased by 80 percent.

In 1970, it took Americans two months to save up enough money to buy a TV. Today it takes two days to make that much money. Capitalism has been the only form of government -- of government or system program that's actually taking people out of poverty. We've seen the war on poverty fails. We've seen that these social programs are running out of money and they want more of them. A quarter of people in the world today are living on a dollar -- less than a dollar a day. A couple of years ago, 1 in 20 people.

WILLIAMS: Katie, hold on. I just want to respond. I think you're right. Those numbers are exactly right about global situations. But here in the United States, we live in a time when 50 percent of Americans can't afford an emergency $500 bill.

PERINO: That's not necessarily because of wages. That is because of choices or it's because of student loans.

WILLIAMS: No, that's because of income -- we have concentrated wealth now --


PAVLICH: There are more billionaires now than they're been in America.


PAVLICH: As they get richer, they are getting richer, but guess what --

WILLIAMS: Oh, thank you.

PAVLICH: -- everybody else is getting richer faster at a higher rate than the billionaires.

PERINO: I think Greg has a good point.

GUTFELD: Well, OK. So everybody keeps talking about how the median household income is getting lower and this is proof of economic inequality. No, it's because we doubled the number of single households in 50 years, which means that even though there's a decline in median household there are -- it's because there are more households with people actually making more money, but they are the single breadwinner, so, actually, we've been doing really well.

And the other thing that Katie brings up that you just said quickly but it's really important. Technological innovation is making us so well-off, so even when we're making slightly more money, we're actually infinitely richer. Somebody making 20 grand right now is far wealthier than a king in 1910.

WILLIAMS: But, Greg --

PAVLICH: Because of the free market.

WILLIAMS: -- if you get sick, if you have an illness and you can't pay for it, that's not a king.


WATTERS: It's called Medicaid.

WILLIAMS: Half of Republicans favor single-payer. You guys as if it's -- oh, think is ridiculous.

PERINO: Karl Rove wrote about that today.


PERINO: And when -- yeah. But he said when you get into it, like, the number drops off by half --

WILLIAMS: But my point to you, Dana, is look at the reality that people right now in this era of income inequality, including --


WILLIAMS: -- are worried --

WATTERS: It's called the economic boom, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Economic boom for the rich.

WATTERS: Not for the rich, it grew up for the middle class.


PERINO: Next, a Virginia abortion bill creating a brand-new controversy. Obviously, we need another controversy. That's next.


PAVLICH: A Virginia bill reigniting the debate over late-term abortion. The uproar comes as the governor of Rhode Island gets behind a push for similar legislation, and after New York's Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill dropping restrictions on abortion just last week. So, Greg, we have -- I really want to play the sound from the Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, because there's a lot of controversy yesterday, and then I'll get your response.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she can request an abortion if she was so certified? She's dilating.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My bill would allow that, yes.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PAVLICH: All right. So that was not the governor. That was the woman who introduced the bill as a delegate in Virginia. But, the governor responded yesterday on a radio show, he specifically said when we talk about third trimester abortions with the consent of the mother and the physicians, and then he went on to talk about keeping the baby comfortable while the parents and the doctors decide whether to give it medical care or resuscitated after an abortion. What are your thoughts about this, kind of, left swing to late-term abortion?

GUTFELD: Yeah. I think you're conflating two things the governor later clarified. Let's talk about the bill. The thing is, you could --couldn't you argue right now that this is an actual humanitarian crisis? That we've been talking about humanitarian crises, you know, people are shouting at Republicans for splitting up families. Is that worse than splitting up babies?

The fact is you actually need pro-lifers to make noise about this because no one else will. I mean, a total blackout of the movie Gosnell tells you everything you need to know. If no one speaks out about this bill -- and by the way, I focus on the bill because it's about the bill.


GUTFELD: Which I interpret as crazy. If you don't speak up about stuff like that, are you going to push abortion up to the terrible twos? Because there's -- what made this bill interesting, and correct me if I'm wrong, because we rarely read the bills, but I tried. I saw something in there about -- having to do with psychological reasons, like if the birth is psychologically traumatic to the woman, which -- I don't see is a risk of life.

But then you could extend it to the terrible twos. If you're talking about psychological trauma to the mother, you could just go into being a teenager because, I mean, it doesn't get any better. So I think -- I mean, I think this bill has been tabled and I think people are realizing that it is absolute nuts to say that, well, you know, it's not about a threat to the mother's life. It's a threat to her psyche. That's the thing that's scary.

And then they reduce the number of doctors who could sign off on this to make it easier. That was also something. So, I think -- the good news is, because there's outcry it causes people to look at this stuff and it makes you wonder what would happen if there was no pro-life movement.

PAVLICH: Yeah. Well, I think that it's important to say that I'm not conflating the two issues because he specifically said when we talk about third trimester abortions, and then went on to talk about it. So he may have answered the question in terms of hospice care, but he did say he was talking about third trimester abortions and didn't actually answer the question, Jesse, from the interviewer, in the radio interview because he didn't condemn the bill or say that he supported it.

WATTERS: Well, I don't like talking about abortion. It's private. It's very personal and it's very painful. But when I saw the sonogram of my twins, it definitely had a huge personal impact on me. I know other people have that same feeling. But everybody's different. Everybody's journey is different.

And women are faced with a lot of tough decisions. There is a pretty strong consensus in this country that late-term or partial birth abortion is very, very wrong. Split down the middle on abortion. Actually, I think we're a little bit more pro-life, but only 13 percent of Americans support partial birth abortion.

And you can tell how horrible it is and grotesque by the way that people refuse to talk about it in detail. They talk about it in vague clinical terms, because when you actually talk about the procedure in graphic detail, you can't help but feel shame if you support it.

And that's why there's a media blackout on it, and that's why you can tell even the woman supporting the bill didn't want to talk about it. And -- but I believe, and as Greg said, the more you talk about it in detail, the more people know what it is and the more people can say no.

PAVLICH: So, Juan, this bill was voted down but it was cosponsored by 20 Democrats. One of the Virginia delegates, John Adams who cosponsored the bill, apologized to his constituents for cosponsoring it after admitting that she didn't read it. What about Democrats in deciding that they're going to introduce all of these bills across the country and it enables women up to labor to have late-term abortions?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just want to second what Jesse said. I think it's very difficult topic to talk about it. We go back and forth here on The Five but this is a very touchy subject for so many people. I don't take it lightly.

You know, I love kids and I love my grandkids. But I think this is -- I think Ralph Northam is on the right track when he speaks and says this is a decision to be made between women and their doctors, not politicians in some legislature. And the current law right now it says you can have an abortion in the third semester if, in fact, you see that the child has some medical issues that would complicate issues or a threat to the mother's life.

Again, you need two doctors plus the primary care physician to make this decision now. The new bill would have reduced the number of doctors involved. So -- but what we're talking about here is a situation in the country where I think right now it's like -- I think there's seven states where there's only one abortion clinic in the whole state, which is essentially forcing the politicians' attitudes on women.

And I don't think that's right. I just don't think it's right. And, Jesse, by the way, the numbers I see from Pew says 58 percent of Americans, a majority, say yes to legal abortion in almost -- all or most cases.

PAVLICH: But, Dana --

WATTERS: I've seen different polls.

PAVLICH: -- there's plenty of polling. But, politically, this is happening because Democrats feel like Rove v. Wade is going to be overturned with the recent shift in the Supreme Court. Is this something that's going to play well? A

PERINO: That's a huge political fight. And also, it's one -- it's a fight on the merits but it's also a fight on politics. It's a fight in order to get people fund-raising and it gets people to the polls, so that's absolutely going to happen. What President Trump tweeted today, the Democratic Party is becoming a party of open borders, high taxes, abortion on demand, and I can't remember the forth thing, but it is --

WATTERS: It's crime.

PERINO: Crime, high crime, thank you. The question on this is that -- OK, if the Democrats don't want to have a situation like this where they say that their words are being misinterpreted, then -- first of all, read the bill before you cosponsor it. That's a good idea. But also read them carefully because these words really matter.

And we are charged as human beings at the top of the food chain, we have a brains and hearts, and we have science, and we have faith, and all of that informs how we think about things and how we talk about things. A fetus is not viable, to their point, until it's born. And then it's born and it has these inalienable rights that our country bestows upon the innocent. So I don't mind having the debate. It should be held respectfully, of course.

But I do think that the reason that the Democrats are finding themselves in this position today with all of the scrutiny is because they were super un- careful. And I also think that they don't realize that people are actually paying attention. You might not read the bill in Virginia, but that means that everyone else is still going to talk about it.

This bill just passed in New York. There's another one happening in Rhode Island. And the bill was tabled in Virginia, but the Republicans narrowly have the majority in Virginia. They had to fight for it. The bill was table 3 to 2. And it could come back at any time, so that's why it will be a big political issue in 2020.

PAVLICH: All right, not going away. Your tax dollars are hard at work in D.C. paying for the plastic straw police. Greg breaks it down next.


GUTFELD: Washington, D.C. has many problems, most have a D or an R after their names. But thank God the city is tackling the most pressing problem of all, plastic straws. D.C. now has a plastic straw inspector. They visit restaurants warning them of steep fines if they don't get rid of the evil, thin, hollow tubes. Being found with a straw can earn you an $800 fine. That's more than the fine for practicing medicine without a license in Connecticut. Don't ask me how I know.


GUTFELD: Worse, it's more bureaucratic harassment that rattles cashiers and clerks just trying to do their damn jobs, and the hassle solves no problems. The overwhelming majority of plastic waste in the ocean, which seems to be the hot-button issue here, comes from ten rivers, all from Africa and Asia.

It ain't us, which poses a problem for left-wing activists who needed America to protest. Meanwhile, all that stuff you separate ends up back in the landfills because there's no market to sell the stuff. Recycling was sold to us as a magical solution but even mainstream media outlets like 60 Minutes know it's garbage.

So, as usual, our nation's busybodies ignore the consequences of their actions. Plastic straws are necessary for people with disabilities as well as the elderly. But who cares. Every band is considered progress for feverish prigs. After all, why should someone possess a products that makes life easier when the lives of the activists are so grim, more so than those straws, they truly suck.

You know what, Dana, did you know 800 bucks in Wyoming, Florida, and Mississippi, simple assault is a fine of $500.


GUTFELD: But Straws, 800 bucks.

PERINO: You know it happened to me just the other day when I was in D.C.


PERINO: I tried to get a straw.


PERINO: I'm kidding. I actually -- no, I didn't get anything with a straw. But I'm going next week at the State of the Union I'm going to check it out. This reminds me of when I stockpiled light bulbs --


PERINO: -- for years. Remember there was the warning that the light bulbs were going away.

GUTFELD: You're the light bulb lady.

PERINO: Oh, yeah. Every time we went to -- what was it, Fragers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., I'm like get some more light bulbs, Peter. And then we moved them from D.C. to New York.


WATTERS: Did they all break during the move?

PERINO: No. What I feel bad about are the clerks and cashiers --

GUTFELD: Yeah, I've got a few of those.

PERINO: -- getting yelled at by the customers because they want a straw.


PERINO: And the fine, but they don't have to pay the fine, like the owner pays the fine.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say as a resident of the district of Columbia, you can get a straw, Dana Perino. It just won't be a plastic straw.

PERINO: No. Have you tried them?

PAVLICH: They dissolve in your cup.

GUTFELD: Nobody likes it.


GUTFELD: It's still not biodegradable.

PERINO: We should have them on set tomorrow and start The Five with all of our cups with the straws and see how long they last.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, you mean I can spit spitballs through the straw?


GUTFELD: Juan, the spitball is the issue because it gets soggy with a paper straw. You need a plastic straw for spitballs and some other things, but let's not go there.


WATTERS: A dollar bill, Greg.

GUTFELD: What do you mean?

WATTERS: I don't know.



PERINO: I have no idea what you're talking about.

GUTFELD: You know, Jesse, 60 Minutes, like, was it a couple of months ago? Was it December? Did this piece. You know, I've seen people -- John Tierney, he's written about this. John Stossel has written about it. About -- how recycling is more expensive and nobody is buying it, and blah, blah, blah. And they're actually taking the stuff that you separate out and they just throw it back in the landfills. This was on 60 Minutes. So -- if maybe we're coming to our senses?

WATTERS: Well, I was always -- come to my senses because I never recycled ever. And now everything's coming back full circle and I stayed in the same place.

GUTFELD: Jesse, just stay in the same place, Jesse.


WATTERS: I love that. Yes, the inspector's job sucks.


WATTERS: I feel bad for him. Did you get that joke? You missed the joke.

PAVLICH: You feel bad for him.

PERINO: He's already used that joke. So you recycled his joke.



I do recycle.


Here's my honest opinion though. I've flip-flopped on the plastic straws.


WATTERS: I've enlightened. See, it is possible to flip-flop based on facts. If they are getting in the Potomac--


WATTERS: --because they can't be recycled because they're too small. What's the big deal if you use another type of biodegradable straw? Other industries can pop up and make these things, it's not going to cause a huge dent in the plastic industry.

GUTFIELD: You just lost that speaking engagement at the US Plastic.

Don't you know, the more you defend these straws-- WATTERS: They pay well.



PAVLICH: I'll tell you, Jesse, there's more in the Potomac than plastic straws--

WATTERS: Plastic straws, I know.

PAVLICH: --that are much bigger problem. The problem is finding people. I know we might have plastic - or paper straws tomorrow. I brought a real plastic straw just out today. I'm wondering if, you know, the fine for having a straw is $800, what's the fine for smuggling straws into the city?

So if I bring straws in my purse--

GUTFIELD: That's how you smuggle them.

PAVLICH: --how much - it's like 10 straws considering high-capacity straw smuggling?

GUTFIELD: Oh that's true.

PAVLICH: They should come up with that.

PERINO: Man, I had a lot of--


GUTFIELD: Somebody explain - Juan, I'm not explaining you when I did that.

WILLIAMS: Well, I will say this, Greg, that I think we are supposed to be, you know, good stewards of the earth, right?

WATTERS: Right, yes.

WILLIAMS: So, what is wrong with trying?

PERINO: I'm all for it. You know what, I think this is a great time for innovation. The current paper straws don't last long enough so it's annoying. So, all you smart whippersnappers out there--

GUTFELD: You know, I have an idea, plastic straws. Nothing will ever be better. By the way, China, Indonesia, Philippines, they all pollute - they just fill the ocean with plastics. It ain't us.

WATTERS: Can I say just one thing about straws?

GUTFELD: The only people that use straws are babies, okay, or when you go through a drive-thru, so you don't spill, or if you are at a free drink or something like that.

PERINO: How about at the ball game?

GUTFELD: Wait a minute, though.

WATTERS: Everybody can drink out of a glass--

GUTFELD: No, no, I'm saving you heartache. Agree with me when I say this, the disabled rely on plastic straws.

WATTERS: Yes they do and they should be able to have access.


WILLIAMS: The D.C. Bill allows them to have their plastic straws.

WATTERS: I read the bill, Greg.

PERINO: You know the best thing that ever happened at our house?


PERINO: When my mom would actually let us buy those bendy straws.

GUTFELD: Silly straws.

WILLIAMS: They are cool.

GUTFELD: They were great. Don't ban those silly straws, because only silly people will have been.


I don't know what that meant.

PERINO: The straw man.

GUTFELD: The straw man argument again, the media mocking Sarah Sanders. What she said and how she's fighting back. That's next.



SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think God calls of us to fill different roles at different times, and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become President.


WATTERS: I wonder if God wanted me to do this job.


GUTFELD: A mistake he did.


The devil made you do this.

WATTERS: Thank you, Greg.

Democrats in the media instantly mocking Sarah Sanders though for that comment.


JIMMY KIMMEL, HOST, JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE!: No he didn't. Even God was like, what the hell, I can't take my eyes off you people for a minute.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well if he did, it's because he wanted to punish us for taking our democracy for granted. This president is actually the antithesis of Jesus Christ's teachings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe that God called me too to make sure that people know that Donald Trump is not the dude.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what we're both call (ph).


WATTERS: All right. Sanders also taking aim at the White House Press Corps for grandstanding during briefings.


SANDERS: This isn't everybody and I don't want to generalize the crowd, but I mean you do -- you see a lot of like angry faces, people that their sole purpose is to find this gotcha moment to catch you. Their job is not to get information, which is what the briefing is supposed to be; it's to trip you up.

And I think if the briefing you know loses purpose and it isn't a good resource for the American people to get information and answers to real questions, then you do have to wonder if that's the best forum in order to put a message out.


WATTERS: Well going back to the top, Greg, I bet the media's thanking God every day Trump's President.

GUTFELD: Oh my God.

WATTERS: It's the headlines--

GUTFELD: Are you kidding me? They're making more money than ever, the publishing industry especially. I think this is - it's okay for the -- for Kimmel and everybody to make jokes about it, they were actually pretty funny.

But it is an example of media mocking a good, let's say, a Christian displaying their faith openly, when we know they would dare not do that if she had cited him -- the Muslim God or a Buddhist Prophet or whatever. If they had got -- she got in any other direction, if anybody done that, it never would have happened.

I think she probably meant he was the right person for the right time. I don't profess to know what God wants and I am always skeptical when people say that.

WATTERS: She wants what's best for you, Greg.

GUTFELD: I know, I know, but when people cite religion as motivating for an action, I go - I just go, you can't know that. I know what you mean, you're saying this is for the best, but you know I'm always very skeptical of that.

Now I'm going to shut up and watch the hate tweet fly at me.


Oh man, I'm going to hell. All right, bring them on.

WATTERS: What if - that isn't over here, I wanted to get Katie's perspective. Charlie Rangel thanks God Barack Obama was President, said God put Obama in the White House.

PAVLICH: Obama said that he was going to lower the sea level, so I think Obama thought that maybe he was actually God.

WATTERS: It's good, Moses.

PAVLICH: No look, I mean she has her own beliefs.

WATTERS: Yes she does.

PAVLICH: They are the beliefs of millions of people around the country, and the mainstream media and the comedians can make fun of it all they want, they have the right to do so, but it goes to show that they're willing to continue to insult millions of people who agree with the Trump administration and the people that support them.

WATTERS: What do you think, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't think that was -- I think you and Greg said you know well that's her beliefs, let her have them, but I don't think you guys buy it. I mean, to me, if you look at the Ten Commandments, does it say oh it's okay to lie, it's okay to cheat on your wife, it's okay to hang around with porn stars? I don't - I mean--

GUTFELD: What's wrong with that last part?

WILLIAMS: Wait what?

GUTFELD: What's wrong with that last part? That's not in the commandments.


There's no porn star in commandments.

WILLIAMS: What about the paying them off with hush money? That's okay too, yes that's--

GUTFELD: (inaudible)

WILLIAMS: How about the Russian (inaudible) the Mueller probe. The Russians, God bless them, the Russians must have been instructed by God to go after Robert Mueller's probe.

PAVLICH: I didn't hear Sarah Sanders say that Donald Trump was a perfectly moral person. She simply said she believes that God put him in place to do the job--

WILLIAMS: What a choice, what a choice.

PAVLICH: --of the President.

WATTERS: Okay Dana, what do you think about the comment also about -- what you said about the White House Press Corps?

PERINO: Can I talk about the other thing too, though?

WATTERS: Whatever you want.

PERINO: So, remember that the interview was given to the Christian Broadcasting Network, right, so she thought--

GUTFELD: It's a good piece of information. (LAUGHTER) No one told me that.

PERINO: Yes, so she's talking to CBN.



PERINO: When George W. Bush was President, they made fun of George W. Bush for years because there was - I can't remember the exact details, but along the way somebody said that he felt called to do this, and they were like, oh so he - and it was the same type of antipathy for people that are Christian or whatever you are.

Like you're right, like I don't know what Buddhists believe, but I'm assuming Buddhists think that you're in the right place at the right time or that - okay all of that, there's that.


Then what you said, Juan, about like the ten commandments and they're frustrated and all that. But Christians also believe in forgiveness and we don't know what is in his heart and what he has asked God for and what sort of forgiveness, that's like none of our business.

Guess what, the great thing is, we don't have to decide. He gets to judge. So, that's right.

GUTFELD: It could be a she, Dana.

PERINO: It also could be a she.

WILLIAMS: I want to make a point on this.


WILLIAMS: So one day I was interviewing your former boss--


WILLIAMS: --George W. Bush. And afterwards, I got so much flak from my bosses for saying, oh but Mr. President, in my church, we pray for you every Sunday. And people said, why would you say that to George W. Bush?

PERINO: Okay, this is the thing about -- okay and you know what George W. Bush used to say, when people said we're praying for you sir. He would say, thank you I can feel it. Okay? So - but then the media would make fun of that.

WILLIAMS: Well, they made fun of me, I know.

PERINO: So the media for the last two years has spent a lot of time, they send reporters out, go see America, go figure out how we got it so wrong, and this is part of the reason why we can't let them have that. To your point of why the - in the press office room.

I think it's not that they're just trying to trip you up. In the press room, Juan, how do you make news? One of the ways you make news is if you find inconsistency. It's not just that, oh you're going to tell me these things and I write them dutifully down and I don't get to argue back and say well that doesn't wash with this.

And a lot of people in the room are frustrated that they were maybe called fake news on something and it only turns out four months later that that was actually true. So that is why they look for inconsistency, they're trying to break news.

WILLIAMS: But maybe it hurts her that her President says that the press is the enemy of the American people.


PERINO: I don't think it hurts her.

PAVLICH: (inaudible) reporters to take up all the oxygen.

WILLIAMS: It makes it hostile - it makes the press feel hostile.

WATTERS: Juan, do you pray for President Trump at church?

WILLIAMS: Every Sunday.

WATTERS: Oh God, keep it up, Juan. You are doing a great job.

PAVLICH: Good job, Juan.

GUTFELD: I can feel it.

WATTERS: If you think there is nowhere Dana's dog Jasper isn't welcome, well think again. That is next.


WILLIAMS: Imagine a place where America's dog, Dana's dog, Jasper, not welcome and we are sorry to say this, Greg, animals are not great. That's what is happening in Iran's capital city of Tehran where they banned walking dogs in public and also they banned driving Fido around in a car. Authorities hoping the ban helps discourage dog ownership saying, "They create fear, anxiety among the public." Also in Iran, dogs are reportedly viewed as unclean.

Dana, how can we go to anyone but you?

PERINO: Well, here is the thing, we've been waiting for the moment when the Iranian people will finally rise up against the regime and we should be there for them.


PERINO: Like we were not there for them during the green revolution.

GUTFELD: Well, would you call this the paw revolution?

PERINO: I was thinking of the brown revolution, but that's kind of the problem, that they are recommend - they are saying they are unclean, they create anxiety - all this anxiety.

WATTERS: How about the rrrrr revolution?

PERINO: Yes, very, very good. Very good. Also look, for a millennia, human beings have interacted with dogs and had them as their protectors and their companions, or a reason they are called man's best friend. And there is all this crime in Tehran and people actually need their dogs to keep them, one, safe and also it is such a crappy place to live that the dogs actually make it better.

PAVLICH: --that will allow (ph).

PERINO: I am ready to take up on it myself.

WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh.

GUTFELD: Can I? I have to say.

PERINO: You agree?

GUTFELD: Well, (inaudible).

PERINO: --Tehran.

GUTFELD: Well, it's a religious-based law, correct?


GUTFELD: So, we are like - we are--

PERINO: It is.

GUTFELD: Yes, so we are upset when we hear this. Imagine being like a practicing Hindu coming to the United States and going into a Ruth's Chris Steak House. Isn't the cow a sacred animal? And we butcher millions of them a year. So, all is - so in religion, Jews don't eat pork and I believe Muslims detest dogs. And they also don't--

PERINO: They don't eat pork.

GUTFELD: The Hindus embrace cows. Christianity is different. We had an ark.

PERINO: That's right.

GUTFELD: We had an ark.

PERINO: It's an art that--

GUTFELD: I have no idea what I'm saying.


GUTFELD: I mean no. I guess what I'm saying is a lot of this is religious- based. And so we think this is weird but the Hindus must look at us and go like, you are killing our most sacred, symbolic--

PERINO: I appreciate your argument but can't you just agree that this is just stupid?

GUTFELD: I will. I will. I was trying to find a different angle. I was trying to find a different angle.

WILLIAMS: So Jesse, I got to say, when I'm walking down the street, especially in tough neighborhoods where guys are walking around with these pit bulls, I am scared. I am anxious.

WATTERS: Like in my neighborhood, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Oh, that's your neighborhood?


WILLIAMS: Okay, rough streets.


PAVLICH: Rough streets, yes.

WATTERS: I have a different angle on this. I mean I used to hate dogs as much as the Ayatollah did until I bought Rookie.

WILLAIMS: You did?

WATTERS: And now, I love Rookie and I think the mullahs just need a mini poodle like I got. It's made me gentler, calmer, and more peaceful; maybe they'd give up their nukes if they did that.

PERINO: It would numb (ph) your hard edges.

WATTERS: It has. Maybe the CIA should send over some dogs.

GUTFELD: Air drop them.

WATTERS: Yes, announce the dogs (ph) award.

WILLIAMS: And parachute poodles -- parachuting poodles.

WATTERS: There it is.

PAVLICH: Air (ph) the dog.

WATTERS: CIA needs to get on that.

WILLIAMS: So, Katie - so we've heard some -- this is an interesting discussion. We've heard angles about religion, about actually knowing a dog, but according to a lot of the rulers in Iran, this is a symbol of the old monarchy.

PAVLICH: Right, right. They believe--

WILLIAMS: That the rich, the middle class, the upper class have that.

PAVLICH: The upper class - the upper middle class have dogs and they're cracking down -- the regime is cracking down on this because it's the last freedom that any of these people have. They don't have access to social media, the best internet, all that kind of stuff. So now, they're not even allowed to be happy and have their dogs. So, there's a lot of people in Iran who are saying they're going to fight back against this and they're still going to walk their dogs and fight about it in the streets with the people who are patrolling around saying you can't have your dog out.

So, this is just another reason why people hate living there and they're willing to rise up against the regime, another one.

PERINO: We will stand with you.

PAVLICH: Yes, we will.

WILLIAMS: We will walk with you with the leash.

PAVLICH: You know where you can have a dog, is Israel. You can have all the dogs you want there.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?

PAVLICH: Yes, we can.

WILLIAMS: Well, good. By the way, how do you like the dog?

WATTERS: I love my puppy.

WILLIAMS: Wait, it's all over you? Do you have to walk it?

WATTERS: I do, I had to walk it in the free zone.

PAVLICH: It's not a cat, Juan. You have to walk it.

WILLIAMS: I know but I'm saying, you know, maybe somebody else. Jessie hires a dog walker.

WATTERS: Well, on some days, when I'm out, I hire a dog walker. They could be very expensive.

GUTFELD: I heard a man had a rubber suit (ph) dressed as a dog; he does everything I want.

WILLIAMS: Okay. All right. We better leave on that note. Okay.

PAVLICH: That's also banned in Tehran.


WILLIAMS: One More Thing; it's up next.


PERINO: Time now for One More Thing, Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. We haven't done this in a week.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Robots are great! Robots are great! Robots are great!


GUTFELD: Somehow it doesn't have the same charm as animals are great but I'll tell you what, this is another step towards super intelligence of artificial intelligence, a robot playing Jenga, doesn't it use the same kind of strategies that humans do. He's more like a forklift but this is great if you're lonely, if you're a lonely person.

PAVLICH: Yes. You can play with something.

GUTFELD: You can play with your robot. I've never played Jenga.


GUTFELD: I've never played it in my life.

PERINO: I'm really good.

GUTFELD: I hear it's good to play when you're drunk.

PERINO: I'm very good at this.

GUTFELD: Yes and look at this, but he looks like a tiny little forklift. Anyway, this is another step in the right direction for AI. And a case in point, that is why we need artificial intelligence.


GUTFELD: Because humans hit the wrong buttons.

WILLIAMS: Because humans aren't great.

PERINO: But robots are great. Robots are great. Okay, I'm going to go next. Andy Dalton, a quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals?

WILLIAMS: Yes, yes.

PERINO: Kidding. I did know that. So, he's going to join The Daily Briefing tomorrow, so we're going to talk a little football. But, also he's coming on with -- because he's part of a group of other NFL standouts like Matt Ryan, Nick Foles -- Jesse - Aaron Rodgers. They're working on something called It's A Penalty Campaign to harness the power of sport, to prevent abuse exploitation and trafficking on a global scale. So major sporting events like the Super Bowl become this hotbed of trafficking, so It's A Penalty is attempting to stop that.

They have a short film; it's being played by airlines in Atlanta area hotels to help spread the message. Guess what? This morning, in the lead-up to the Super Bowl, federal law enforcement officials announced that they have arrested 33 people in the Atlanta area all ready for sex trafficking in a planned operation. So, you can find more at, but check out Andy Dalton who will be on with me tomorrow on The Daily Briefing.

GUTFELD: So, where there's a Super Bowl, there's more sex trafficking?

PAVLICH: Yes, hot spot (ph).

PERINO: Yes, or any sort of big event like that. But Super Bowl for sure is a bad situation. Juan?

WILLIAMS: Baseball legend Jackie Robinson would have been 100 years old today. You know, his baseball debut marked the first time Major League had a black player in 63 years. Blacks were banned after the Civil War late 1800s. Robinson was a six-time all-star. He led the Brooklyn Dodgers to their first World Series victory in 1955 and Major League Baseball is going to be celebrating the centennial of his birth all year long, the entire 2019 season.

They started today with an exhibit at the New York City Museum. After his death, he won the Congressional Medal of Honor, Presidential Medal of Freedom. And every April 15th, all Major League players wear 42 in his honor. Take a look at Ed Henry's book about this, by the way. Happy Birthday, Jack!

GUTFELD: Do we have to?

PERINO: Did you see--


GUTFELD: I don't want to read Ed Henry's book.

PERINO: Juan, did you see The New York Times special pullout section today?

WILLIAMS: I did and they were so many great photos.

PERINO: Yes, I looked at the whole thing. I'm very well-versed in this now. Jesse?

WATTERS: Sometimes you shear the sheep and sometimes the sheep shears you. Check out this video here. A sheep bounding off two walls like he's Jackie Chan, and tackling an unfortunate farmer. Unlike like the cupid (ph) from yesterday on the trampoline, we have no confirmation that the farmer was okay.

PERINO: Is the farmer okay?

WATTERS: We just hope.

PERINO: You have very strange One More Thing choices. That guy looks like he got hurt. Could someone from the farm please let us know?

GUTFELD: Let me put a call. Yes, they say he's fine.

WATTERS: Okay, good.

GUTFELD: Yes, so we covered.

PAVLICH: All right, thank you. Okay, sticking with the sports theme, real quickly, last year, the first and only father-son foot golf is the new sport where you play golf with your feet and a soccer ball. They were the national champions, Darren and Carson Caruso's, both won their titles in Florida and then recently they went to Morocco to represent the United States against 35 other countries and 400 participants, and came in third place with the United States of America in the first-ever World Cup in Morocco.

PERINO: We will dominate that sport.

PAVLICH: For foot golf.

PERINO: We will be dominating that sport in about ten years, okay.

PAVLICH: Yes, we will.

PERINO: Set your DVRs, never miss an episode of "The Five." "Special Report" is up next. It is very special.

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