Ryun: Americans 'aren't even an afterthought' to Biden administration
American Majority CEO tells 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' how new president is damaging American sovereignty
This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," January 21, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening, and welcome to "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
It is Joe Biden's first day in office, and you know what that means? CNN can finally take that COVID death ticker off the screen. There's no reason for it now. It's not like you can blame Joe Biden for some Chinese virus that escaped from a lab in Wuhan. It wouldn't be fair. Come on now.
CNN dutifully removed it this morning. COVID deaths, settle down, America. It's just a bad flu season.
Joe Biden apparently agrees. He and his family were photographed in Washington last night without masks, but not a big deal, explained his flack today, quote, "He was celebrating a historic day in our country. We have bigger things to worry about." Okay. Makes sense.
By the way, what are those bigger things that Joe Biden is worrying about? Well, since this happens to be Joe Biden's maiden day in the job, we can actually answer that question with some specificity. You can tell what people care most about by what's at the top of their to-do lists.
At the top of Joe Biden's to-do list were two things: opening the borders and crushing our country's last remaining independent economic sector. So that's what he is doing.
First, Biden signed an Executive Order revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. No matter how you feel about fossil fuel, and if you drive a car or fly airplanes or use the hospital or enjoy electricity, you might want to think carefully about how you feel about fossil fuel.
There is no question and there's no getting around the economic effect of this decision. Millions of Americans don't have jobs right now. But with a single shaky signature, Joe Biden just put another 11,000 people out of work in this country just like that. But he wasn't done.
Biden also instructed the Department of Homeland Security to halt deportations of illegal aliens. And when we say illegal aliens, by the way, pretty sure we won't be allowed to say illegal aliens because it'll be hate speech and therefore illegal. But tonight when we say illegal aliens, we mean millions of illegal aliens, not just the countless undocumented Americans that Joe Biden tells us are busy curing cancer, winning Nobel prizes, and in general, being a lot more impressive than you have ever been.
But this doesn't apply simply to them. Biden's order also includes non- Nobel Prize winning illegal aliens, and that means criminals, rapists, murderers, other people who are dangerous to you and me.
So the message is clear: if you break our laws to get here and commit violent felonies once you arrive, sometimes against American citizens, Joe Biden will reward you with blanket amnesty. And just to show how much he means it, Joe Biden will do that on his very first day as President.
It's a pretty strong, straight statement. So why wouldn't, seeing that statement, every poor person in the world sneak into America? Well, of course they would. You would. We would, and they will.
Increasing the size of America's population is the whole point of the exercise and Joe Biden himself explained that when he first started running for President.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people. The idea that a country of 330 million people cannot absorb people who are in desperate need, and who are justifiably fleeing oppression is absolutely bizarre. Absolutely bizarre.
I would also move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the United States.
CARLSON: We can afford to take another two million people in a heartbeat, explained Joe Biden. Really? Can we? We are that rich a country. Are we getting a lot richer? Have you done the math on that, Mr. President? How exactly did you calculate those numbers? Can we see them?
Unfortunately, we can't see those numbers. Joe Biden is not a numbers guy. Joe Biden is all heart, closer to a religious leader than an accountant and that's why in his first address from the Oval Office, Joe Biden unveiled a bust of Cesar Chavez, the famed left-wing labor leader who led the Great Pickers Union in California in the 60s and 70s.
Our easily impressed friends in the media world, needless to say, easily impressed by this. They saw it as a gesture of racial solidarity or something. "Biden's Cesar Chavez bust in the Oval signals a new era for Latinos, activists hope," read a totally real headline in "The Washington Post."
It's all pretty hilarious if you know anything about Cesar Chavez. Chavez, the man not the bronze image in the Oval Office. The real Cesar Chavez, passionately hated illegal immigration. He said so all the time, he never stopped saying it.
Immigration lowers the wages of American workers. That's the whole point of it, of course. Cesar Chavez wasn't well educated, but he was not stupid. He understood exactly what was going on.
He was enraged by the efforts to open our border with Mexico. He knew it was another corporate scam posing as a human rights imperative. We must. Right?
When the government refused to secure the border, Cesar Chavez's men did it themselves. In the winter of 1979, look it up, members of Chavez's Union, the United Fruit Workers formed what they call a human wet line, as in wet back -- their word not ours -- across the southern desert and brutally assaulted Mexican nationals trying to come north for work.
Cesar Chavez's men hit them with chains. That happened for real. That's the guy Joe Biden just told us he reveres. No one believes that. No one knows anything. No one in Central America believes that, believes Joe Biden really has any idea who Cesar Chavez was. All they know is that amnesty has been announced, so of course, they're coming. Why wouldn't they?
QUESTION: What do you want for your people?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What I want for my people, I just want patience and pass that we can get to the U.S. because they are having a new President, Biden. He is going to help all of us. He has given us a hundred days to get to the U.S. and give us legal minted paper so we can get a better life for our kids and family.
CARLSON: A hundred days. They know the details already, better than most Americans do. He's going to help all of us. And they're right.
All of us includes people like Luciano Dominguez-Trejo. He was arrested in this country for sexually assaulting a minor. Thanks to Joe Biden, he gets to stay here. So does Juan Hernandez Rodriguez. Rodriguez is a self- described gang member with convictions for felony grand theft and burglary. He's been ordered removed from this country five separate times, but he's still here. Now, he's staying.
So is Atanacio Arellano-Gutierrez, another convicted gang member convicted of felony burglary. Also Luis Rodriguez-Jacobo convicted of manslaughter. Santos Maria won't be going anywhere either, he was also convicted of manslaughter along with armed robbery.
When Joe Biden tells you the real threat to our country comes from within, these are definitely not the people he is talking about. Of course, he's talking about you. He's certainly not talking about Fernando de Jesus Lopez Garcia. Like millions of people in California, Lopez Garcia is living in this country illegally. He's been arrested multiple times for violent crimes, but the State of California has allowed him to stay in order not to seem racist.
Then finally, inevitably, in November, this happened.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): San Jose transformed into a horrific crime scene in what the Mayor says was a preventable tragedy.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Multiple system failures led to this moment.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice over): Police say Fernando Lopez, an undocumented transient used a knife to stab five people at Grace Baptist Church, which was serving as a homeless shelter. Two homeless people, a man and a woman were killed. Two other transients and a church volunteer were wounded.
Lopez had been deported three times and has a history of domestic violence arrests. Officials said he should not have been out on the streets.
CARLSON: It was a failure of multiple systems. No, it wasn't. Our systems work, we just don't use them. It was a failure of will. It was our country perverted by bad ideas, self-destructive suicidal ideas, which seems to have taken hold among the people in charge.
Immigration law exists to keep things like the things you just saw from happening. In a typical 100-day period last year, for example, Federal I.C.E. agents removed 46,800 immigrants with criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. That's a lot of people, 46,000. Now, they're all staying.
And that's fine with Joe Biden. It's not like they're trying to operate a restaurant in New Jersey during quarantine or walk through a park without a mask on. They're not criminals. They're civil rights heroes.
One thing for certain, they're definitely not aliens, and that's another change we learned about this week. Henceforth, the totally monitored and not at all radical Biden administration demands that Federal agencies refer to illegal aliens as quote, "non-citizens." Now that's less precise, obviously, but it's way less racist, so it's better.
Joe Biden himself is going to try to remember this. Less than a year ago, he kept forgetting, was still using the wrong term.
BIDEN: There are certain things you cannot deport an undocumented alien for, an undocumented person for.
CARLSON: Undocumented alien, oh, sorry, undocumented person -- whew. That was close. At 78, Joe Biden narrowly avoided a moment of white supremacy on television. But rest assured, Joe Biden is careful with his language.
He knows in the name of unity, people should not be allowed to use certain words or have certain thoughts. Everyone must think exactly the same thing all the time.
Now, if that seems like mandatory conformity to you and terrifying, no, it is unity. And that's why in the Biden administration's website, you can now select your preferred pronouns as you fill out the contact form. Bigotry has met its defeat on the White House website. Hallelujah.
We do have one nagging question though. What exactly is the point of all of these -- these things that have been done in the last 24 hours? Will any of these changes, these bigger things that Joe Biden has enacted on his very first day in office actually help any living American?
We're pretty sure the pronoun thing will appeal to whatever tiny group of deluded unhappy people still believe that destroying nature's gender roles is a form of liberation. Talk about a war on nature. So they're very excited. Congrats to them.
But what about everyone else? How, for example, does amnesty and the waves of mass illegal immigration that inevitably will follow make this a better more united country? You're not supposed to ask that question. But it's totally fair. The rest of us live here, we have a right to know. How does this make our country better and more united?
Anyone who tries to answer that question, not that anyone has so far, but anyone who does should first have to explain whatever happened to the State of California, the state with the most illegal immigration by far? How exactly in the course of a single generation did the best state in the Union become the worst state? How did the place that so many Americans desperately wanted to move to become the place that millions of Americans are fleeing? Honestly. What's the answer to that question?
No, one of the media asked today. But during the briefing, the question of immigration did come up and here's how the new White House Press Secretary responded to it.
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Immigration, we consider as part of racial equity, and part of -- which is a broad issue, but that's how the President has spoken about that crisis over the past several months. And clearly, it is an enormous priority to him.
CARLSON: So there you go. That's the answer, I guess. The Biden administration's immigration plan is not designed to improve the United States of America. It's not intended to make Americans happier, or richer, or more secure, or more united.
Now, you might think those would be the aims of every government policy, always. But no, not in this case. The point of Joe Biden's immigration plan is, quote, "racial equity."
Now, we've got to be completely honest with you, and say that we're not exactly sure what that means. The point is racial equity. Unfortunately, nobody asked.
In the coming weeks, we're going to do our best to find out since this is a government policy, it matters and we have a right to know.
But as of tonight, it sounds a lot like punishment. Mass immigration, explains Joe Biden, isn't something that will make your life better. It's something you deserve.
Ned Ryun is the CEO of American Majority. He joins us tonight. I'm just so struck by this, Ned. People have debates over policy, what's good for the country, what's not good for the country? I think honest people can disagree. I've changed my view on a lot of things.
CARLSON: I have never seen an announcement of such huge policies made without any reference at all, to their effect on the American populations. Like that's not even up for discussion whether it's good for us, we're doing it.
RYUN: That's right. No, it's because it's very clear from their actions. The American people are not even an afterthought there. It's clearly not a priority.
I mean, my thought as I'm listening to your monologue is: what's the point of calling yourself a sovereign nation if there's no enforceable borders? If we're just going to tell the world, feel free to come and literally hop on our social welfare programs, which are failing, by the way.
Which oh, by the way, the other amazing part to me, Tucker, about this idiocy on the immigration front. We are literally going to be importing small cities of low-skilled or unskilled workers every month into our country in the face of automation.
What are we going to do when they're out of work? When their jobs are automated? Throw them onto our social welfare programs? How are we going to fund that while the American people are going to get taxed more draconian taxes to actually fund it? You're going to be working for the state before you know it.
There is nothing right now, and I would argue, Republicans are the same way that prioritizes the interests of the American worker and the American taxpayer. That's why Trump -- I mean, the amazing part in all of this, Tucker, is that nobody in D.C. establishment, Democrat or Republican want to even ask the question, why did Trump win? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because he stood up and said, hey, here's a shocking concept. Why don't we actually prioritize the American worker and the American taxpayer and advance and promote their interest and policies that do that?
And nobody wants to ask that question.
CARLSON: You don't even hear it. You don't even hear it raised. I mean, if you cared about the country, and no matter what your voting history was, you would say it's a pretty volatile time in American history. We actually could, you know, have real unrest. Maybe radical change is not a good idea right now.
RYUN: Not right now.
CARLSON: Maybe we shouldn't change the way we vote or change who lives here by the millions overnight. Maybe that much volatility could break the country. I haven't heard one person say that we're the liberals of goodwill and good faith -- patriotic liberals saying, let's just settle down for a second. Where are those people?
RYUN: Do they still exist? I mean, a serious question, Tucker. I'm not sure that they actually exist anymore as the left has completely taken over the Democratic Party.
I mean, you made an interesting point. The fact that Biden made immigration, killing the Keystone Pipeline, removing the Mexico City language that now uses taxpayer dollars to fund overseas abortions.
And oh, by the way, an Executive Order for biological males to go and play on girls' teams and be in their locker rooms shows his priorities. None of those had anything to do with any of the American priorities in regards to actually how do we get back to work? How do we stop these stupid lockdowns? How do we go back to normal? And it showed all of his priorities are the far left because they've taken over the party.
There aren't any rational liberals left inside the Democratic Party. And if they are, they've been silenced.
CARLSON: I don't think there's a single survey you can find, a real one that shows any of those issues in the top 10 list for anybody -- for anybody.
CARLSON: Only the super unhappy activist groups whose lives depend on pushing for some new and exotic attack on nature, are in favor of this. It's really a triumph for special interest politics, I would say.
RYUN: But the amazing part is each one of those issues actually goes after the pipe workers. They endorsed Biden. He does this. It costs him tens of thousands of jobs, importing low skilled laborers going to hurt the minority, especially the black community. All of this stuff of the biological males is going to hurt the suburban moms and their daughters' athletic careers.
Like these are the people that voted for Biden. What were you doing?
CARLSON: No, no, he's following the orders of his corporate masters, obviously.
RYUN: That's right.
CARLSON: Ned, it's great to see you tonight. Thank you.
RYUN: Thanks, Tucker.
CARLSON: Well, we've been against, obviously, violence and terrorism since the day the show went on the air. But last night, we told you we ought to pause and think deeply about this new administration's war on domestic terrorism and what it means and what effect it might have on your ability to live in this country as a free citizen.
A Member of Congress by the name of Brad Schneider lashed out at us and accused us of supporting death and killing for raising those questions. We asked him to come on the show tonight, of course he didn't because he's afraid. But we thought deeply about what he said we'll respond to it after the break.
CARLSON: When the rest of the media and many in the Congress were either ignoring or making excuses for the riots we saw for months in this country, we came out on the air almost every night and told you we oppose political violence of all kinds. On January 6, there was political violence at the Capitol and we opposed that.
But one thing that we oppose every bit as much is the destruction of the civil liberties that make this America, make it a country you would want to live in. Now that point used to be uncontroversial, particularly on the left.
But now, outside a handful of principal mostly far left figures, none of the self-described liberals in the Congress will say this out loud. Instead, they're moving in the other direction at high speed. Democrats are rushing to embrace a new surveillance state in the wake of the January 6th insurrection, using that day as a pretext for creating say, a new secret police force. Not making that up.
We told you about this last night and we mentioned specifically a Member of Congress from Illinois, a character called Brad Schneider. Schneider says he'd like to pass something called the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.
Apparently, Brad Schneider was watching last night. As you hear his reply, ask yourself: is this the guy you want in charge of preventing domestic terrorism? Here's how he responded, quote: "Do I want to see increased monitoring of the types of violent extremist domestic terrorists that attacked the Capitol leaving five people dead, including a police officer? Absolutely. The real question is why Tucker Carlson is okay with their deaths?"
Right. So if you have questions about handing Brad Schneider, whoever that guy is, the keys to your country, voiding the Bill of Rights because Brad Schneider demands that you do after the insurrection on January 6th, then you're killing police officers. You want people to die and maybe you need your civil liberties taken away. We'll see.
Now if this all sounds familiar, it is because every time something horrible happens, creepy little demagogues like Brad Schneider rush to the microphone and tell you, I'm sorry, you can't be free anymore. It happened after 9/11. 9/11? What does it have to do with January 6th? It seems like kind of an odd comparison. In fact, so disproportionate it's laughable and offensive to the 3,000 people who died on 9/11.
But Members of Congress are invoking anyway, by the way, from both parties.
In the same briefing where Brad Schneider gave his stupid and scary opinions, another Member of Congress, a former F.B.I. agent called Brian Fitzpatrick said we must adopt the same attitude toward domestic terrorism that we had toward al Qaeda after 9/11.
REP. BRIAN FITZPATRICK, R-PA.: When you look at what our response was to 9/11, we said never again. We created a brand new department, a Secretary level position in the Cabinet, an entire new department, the Department of Homeland Security.
We took a lot of steps to make sure that we were going to say never again where we go and experience something like 9/11. We need to have that same never again attitude towards domestic terrorism, because both are an equal threat.
CARLSON: What? Who is this guy? Why is he in Congress? We think he's Republican, by the way. Who cares? That's insulting.
What happened on January 6 was on videotape. You saw it. It was bad. We denounced it, we will denounce it again and every day, because who cares? We feel that way.
But to compare that to 9/11? If you're saying that with a straight face, you're a liar and you have an agenda that should make all of us nervous, but a lot of them do. Another congressman, Lou Correa admitted that the quote, "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act is just the beginning." There's a lot more domestic spying to be done, he promised.
REP. LOU CORREA, D-CALIF.: This is the first step in a long procession of actions we have to take to make sure we address the issue of other Americans terrorizing other Americans in this great country.
CARLSON: Yes, okay. The next step in a long procession of actions. Okay, let's just be completely clear. Unlike the many of the people you see calling for new secret police force to be created, we are against all political violence.
But no matter how much of it occurs, we are still Americans. We were born here. We have the right to say whatever we believe. Period. You cannot abridge that right.
We have the right not to be spied on by our own government for having political opinions that people in power disagree with. Period. And anyone who tries to take those rights away is a far greater threat to this country than anyone who showed up on the Capitol on January 6th. Period.
And everybody should say that because it's true, and it would be true if the roles were reversed and the other party was upset. It doesn't matter. These are immutable, undying principles that form the basis of American history and culture and life.
And when they cease to be at the center of our national life, you ought to leave. It is not worth living in a country like that.
Well, if you thought Joe Biden's Inauguration meant the end of fascism in this country, I've got some bad news for you. It turns out fascism is still alive and well and it's highly concentrated in the Pacific Northwest.
Last night in Portland, Seattle, Antifa members once again attacked Starbucks and then turned their attention the headquarters of the Oregon Democratic Party.
CARLSON: Police made more than a dozen arrests. One person was carrying a large knife, bear mace, gas mask and a collapsible baton. Another police said, he had a backpack full of Molotov cocktails.
So this looks a little different from what we've seen earlier in the year, maybe now the Democrats run everything they won't be so pro Antifa. Just a guess.
Jason Rantz has been on this story since the first day. He is a radio show host in Seattle. He joins us tonight with a prediction on that. Jason, good to see you.
CARLSON: It seems like more of a crackdown we've seen before. By the way, I'm in favor of cracking down on violent crazies like Antifa, but has the response changed?
RANTZ: Their response has changed maybe a little bit. I think it looks a little bit more aggressive than we've seen in the past. The question is, will they actually keep up with it? Because in the past, anytime that police have gotten aggressive, you have city leaders both in Seattle and Portland pushing back against the police for being too aggressive.
We had a case just last night with one of the arrests were the person who apparently told police that he admitted to breaking into the Starbucks was just released by a judge on his own personal recognizance.
So they're not taking this seriously, outside of these arrests, which just means it's going to continue and continue and continue. And as you have these conversations about you know, the Democrats saying that they want to root out domestic terrorism and they are focusing on white nationalists and militia right-wingers.
We have a literal group of domestic terrorists who plot openly on Twitter, not Parler, but on Twitter and Facebook. They self-identify as Antifa. They have a flag. They have a uniform and black bloc, they all dress exactly the same, and they have a radical, ideological perspective.
If you want to root out domestic terrorism, you go after Antifa instead of pretending that it's a mythical group created by the right or it's simply an idea whose ideas are so, so, so damaging that buildings end up collapsing once they utter them. It's absolutely ludicrous.
CARLSON: At some point, I'd love for you to take a camera. We're out of time of course, but I hope you'll come back and just get a camera and show us what downtown Seattle and Portland look like after months of unrestrained lunacy. I'm serious. These are great American cities and what do they look like now? I hope you'll come back with that, Jason Rantz.
RANTZ: Absolutely.
CARLSON: Thank you. Well, you've been hearing about reparations for years. It is something Al Sharpton used to talk about a lot, but in the name of something called equity. What does that mean? There's a new push for something called voting reparations. It sounds crazy. But what we've learned, don't dismiss anything. It is possible. That's straight ahead.
CARLSON: Well, the word of the year appears to be equity. You're hearing that a lot from the Biden administration -- Biden administration, that sounds weird to say -- and from the whole Democratic Party, once again, equity does not mean equality.
All Americans, albeit a few demented people aren't, but most Americans are totally for equality because God created us all, therefore we're inherently equal. Equity is very different. Equity is a pretext for racial discrimination.
In a recent issue of "The Nation," a Professor at Washington and Lee University called Brandon Hasbrouck offered his prescription for equity. In the piece, Hasbrouck makes the case for double counting the votes of African-Americans. The Professor calls that a form of vote reparations.
Horace Cooper is the Co-Chairman of Project 21. He joins us to assess. Horace, thanks so much for coming on. On some level, I feel a little guilty even mentioning this because it's such a poisonous and divisive idea that you don't even want to amplify it.
On the other hand, you think well, the things we ignored in the past suddenly became Federal law, so maybe it's worth explaining it before that happens. What do you think of this?
HORACE COOPER, CO-CHAIRMAN, PROJECT 21: Oh, I agree with you a hundred percent. In fact, I would never have even written about this in "National Review" if I had seen other people come out and condemn this. This is really insidious.
This, however, is what we get when we have not allowed the kind of criticism that needs to occur for all of those voices, not just Professor Hasbrouck's, but I'm talking about the Biden administration. I'm talking about prominent progressives who have been saying over and over again that America is more racist or as racist as it has ever been and denying any progress.
CARLSON: It does seem though, and call me naive, but I actually loved the sentence in Joe Biden's Inaugural yesterday when he said it's about unity. It's about bringing the country together, remembering that we're all in this together. I just -- I couldn't love that more.
But I can't think of anything that is more divisive than the idea that some people get an extra vote, like, isn't it obvious to people proposing this that would divide the country irreparably?
COOPER: I think it is obvious. But here's the question I want to ask, like those old segregationists of yore, some of them went around saying they wanted to keep us separate because it was good for us. They were actually trying to help us.
Others did it because they thought it was politically salient to do it. Here's my question. Are those advocates today doing this division on the basis of race? Because it's politically salient? It will empower them? Or are they genuinely people who believe that we need to separate ourselves and organize ourselves primarily on the basis of race?
Either way, it's evil, and either way, it deserves condemnation.
CARLSON: I agree with that. Just say it out loud. Horace, great to see you tonight. Thank you.
COOPER: Thank you.
CARLSON: One of the reasons that people don't denounce ideas like the one you just heard is because they don't want to talk about race. A lot of people don't want to talk about race all the time. We certainly don't. It's so ugly.
And like, what's the point? You'd rather talk about things that you can change. No one can change his or her race. So like, why are we obsessed with it? But they keep throwing it in the face of the country, so it's kind of impossible to avoid it.
In 24 hours, Biden has hit that topic in a hundred different ways. He just rescinded an Executive Order from the previous administration that barred training sessions in the Federal government that amounted to racial attacks on government employees.
Now, in the past, Joe Biden who may not know the difference, by the way, he is pretty out of it, has said these sessions are nothing more than racial sensitivity training, right?
BIDEN: The fact is that there is racial insensitivity, people have to be made aware of what other people feel like, what insults them, what is demeaning to them. It's important to people.
No, they don't want to -- many people don't want to hurt other people's feelings. But it makes a big difference.
CARLSON: Of course, that's the opposite of the truth. He's not upholding racial sensitivity, no normal person is against racial sensitivity or sensitivity of any kind. Being sensitive is essential if you want to get along with other people. These are racial attacks, flat out, attacking people for the way they were born.
The Executive Order of the Biden administration just undid blocked taxpayers dollars from going to the lunatics who do this, who teach that the U.S. is an inherently racist or evil country or that any race is inherently evil or racist because that's just a lie and nothing hurts this country more. They should stop this stuff.
Chris Rufo is with the Discovery Institute. He is a contributing editor at "City Journal." He has announced a new coalition of lawyers that will fight this stuff in court because it is going to wreck the country if we don't pull back. He joins us tonight.
Chris, thanks so much for coming on. Appreciate it.
So tell us -- I think you've been on a number of times to explain what's happening in the Federal bureaucracy where people are told they have to sit there and get attacked because of the way they look. Tell us how you're going to try and end this appalling un-American federally subsidized exercise and race hate.
CHRISTOPHER RUFO, RESEARCH FELLOW, DISCOVERY INSTITUTE: Well, as soon as Joe Biden won the election for President of the United States, I knew that he was going to scrap this Executive Order that he worked on. So I immediately started reaching out to conservative legal organizations and attorneys, and to my dismay, discovered that nobody was working on this issue in the courts.
So I took some leadership and recruited a team of half dozen legal foundations and law firms to fight this in the courts, to take cases hopefully to the Supreme Court that show these trainings that traffic in racial stereotypes that compel speech and to create hostile working environments are not racial sensitivity training, but they're actually illegal under the Civil Rights Act, and unconstitutional under the law.
CARLSON: Yes. And so obviously, so. I mean, the liberals who taught me in elementary school would always say, and they were totally right, don't judge a book by its cover; judge people by who they are inside. Are there any liberals joining you in this effort to stop these racial attacks?
RUFO: There are. There is a really breakaway sect of liberals that have said that Critical Race Theory goes too far. It's abandoned the core concepts of classical liberalism, which say that we're all equal under the law. And to your point that you made earlier equity and social justice is this idea that we're actually not equal under the law and that the government has to take it upon itself to reorder society's fundamentals. That's antithetical to everything that we believe in. That's antithetical to our entire history of progress.
And sadly, the people who call themselves progressives fail to recognize any progress in the past, and they fail to take any action that could make progress in the future.
CARLSON: I agree. You can't have a country under these terms. They won't work. Chris Rufo, thank you.
Well, the Chinese Communist Party was, of course, thrilled to learn the U.S. has rejoining the World Health Organization, but they weren't the only ones. Tony Fauci is very excited. Dr. Fauci. We will tell you why, next.
CARLSON: Tony Fauci, who is a doctor and authoritative and not at all over his head and making it up as he goes along announced today that he is thrilled our country is rejoining the World Health Organization. We owe the World Health Organization a deep debt of gratitude, he says.
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I join my fellow representatives in thanking the World Health Organization for its role in leading the global public health response to this pandemic. And as such, I am honored to announce that the United States will remain a member of the World Health Organization.
Yesterday, President Biden signed letters retracting the previous administration's announcement to withdraw from the organization.
CARLSON: Pretty amazing statement given all we know about the World Health Organization. Lanhee Chen is a fellow at the Hoover Institution and joins us tonight. Lanhee, thanks so much for coming on. I mean, just lay this out for us, if you would crisply, the World Health Organization has led to fight against COVID. Is that true?
LANHEE CHEN, FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION: It's absolutely not true. In fact, they actively fought against the world knowing what China was doing early on. They actually colluded with the Chinese to claim that COVID could not be transmitted from human beings to human being. Then they went and said China was doing a great job trying to contain the virus when in fact, the virus had already left and infected 100,000 people in the region.
And then subsequently, they continued to lavish praise on Chinese leader Xi Jinping about China's COVID response. So no, the W.H.O. has done nothing but fail again and again, and now American taxpayers should be upset that $400 million a year are going to the W.H.O. without any accountability from the organization whatsoever.
CARLSON: So you know that, you're an expert. I know that I'm just a talk show host who reads the news. Dr. Fauci must know that since it's his job, so why do you think he would say something like this?
CHEN: Well, he also, by the way, lavished personal praise on Tedros, the leader of the W.H.O., who, by the way, is the individual that's the most corrupt in the middle of all of this.
So, you know, look, there's this public health cabal out there that I guess, folks are part of, they feel the need to cater to this group of people. But the reality is, we should be focused on solving the problems created by COVID-19 not joining the W.H.O. and trying to cover up the problems that this organization created.
So I don't know why he did this, but this to me should make every American taxpayer upset.
CARLSON: I mean, especially since we really kind of need to trust our public health authorities. This does not inspire trust. This makes me not trust anything they say, which is very bad, isn't it?
CHEN: Well, that's precisely the problem is that the public health authorities should be the one giving us guidance on the best things we can do to defeat this virus. But instead of creating trust, all they do is create anger because of the hypocrisy that comes from the kinds of edicts that get issued by these various authorities.
So yes, this is absolutely a huge problem, Tucker.
CARLSON: It's so nicely put, Lanhee Chen, appreciate your coming on tonight. Good to see you.
CHEN: Thank you.
CARLSON: Thank you. Simon & Schuster, one of the biggest publishers in the world decided to censor Josh Hawley's book earlier this month because they didn't like his politics. There's been a major development in that appalling story and a win for free speech center. Senator Hawley joins us after the break to explain what happened.
CARLSON: Earlier this month, we told you when it happened, the publisher, Simon & Schuster cancelled the book by Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri they were planning to release. They issued a statement at the time justifying it this way, quote: "We cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom." What was that dangerous threat? No, he didn't storm the Capitol. He voted the exact same way that many Democratic members of Congress had voted in a number of previous elections. That was a threat to our democracy. So his book wasn't getting published.
Now, the publisher, Regnery has decided to publish it. The book is called "The Tyranny of Big Tech." The President of Regnery said this, quote: "The warning in his book about censorship, obviously couldn't be more urgent." We invited Senator Hawley on tonight to explain the status of all this.
Senator, thanks so, so much for coming on. I think it sounds like a really interesting book and I'm grateful that someone is brave enough to publish it. What have you learned from this experience?
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY, R-MO.: Well, I've learned Tucker that what these corporations want, and unfortunately, what many on the left want is control. And they don't want unity. We hear a lot of talk now about unity, but sadly, I think they don't want unity, they want control and they want you to have the same opinions, voice the same opinions, toe the party line, and if you don't, then they're willing to use every power at their disposal to shut you down.
That's what they've been trying to do with many, many conservatives. And it's not just me. It's many, many conservatives. And that's why for those of us who believe in the First Amendment, believe in the right of free speech and the Constitution, we have to take a stand and we can't allow this to happen.
CARLSON: I think that's exactly right. And I should say this in full disclosure, I have been published by Simon & Schuster. I have another book under contract to be published. I told them directly, I'm disgusted by what they did to you, not for any partisan reason, but because I believe in free expression, and I don't think you should bow to the mob as they did.
But I wonder going forward, I mean, you found a publisher for your book, but you're a United States Senator, presumably there are other people whose intellectual life has been snuffed out by this moment of uniformity that we are in, enforced conformity. Are you worried about that? Like, what does it do to the country?
HAWLEY: Oh, I'm very worried about it. I'm very worried about it. I'm worried about the folks who have small businesses who have been threatened with boycotts. I'm worried about folks who have been kicked off of social media, or threatened on social media, folks who feel that they are under siege and that is a lot of this country. Tucker, it's a lot of the people that I represent.
And this is a moment, I think that is very scary for a lot of people because you see the left and the corporations. I mean, these monopoly corporations working hand in glove with the left to try to silence speech on a scale that frankly, I've never seen in my lifetime.
And this is a moment where those of us who believe in the First Amendment and by the way, whatever political persuasion, whether you call yourself a conservative or liberal, whatever, if you believe in free speech, this is a time that you've got to take a stand and say, hold on, hold on. We've got to preserve this as Americans.
CARLSON: You'd think that publishers, journalists, people who make a living exercising their First Amendment rights would see this and want to defend you from this censorship. Have any?
HAWLEY: Not really. Not that I'm aware of. Regnery, who is publishing the book has been very brave, of course, but they're independent, Tucker. I mean, come back to the problem of monopoly control, what you see is, there is so much of the power in this country is consolidated into so few hands.
We have only one or two major commercial book publishers, corporate publishers in this country. Ditto with the Big Tech companies, of course, which is what my book is about. So it really takes these independent voices to say, whoa, we're not going to be told to bend the knee.
And what we need now is for everyday citizens to say we're not going to be told to bend the knee, we're going to stand up for what we believe as Americans, the First Amendment of the Constitution.
CARLSON: Amen. I would be glad to talk to you if you were a Democratic senator I disagree with because I think the principle matters. Big is bad. That's the lesson of the moment.
Senator Hawley, appreciate your coming on. I'm glad your book can be read.
HAWLEY: Thank you.
CARLSON: We're out of time. We'll be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink.
By the way, check out Brian Kilmeade on 7:00 p.m. He'll be there tomorrow night.
Sean Hannity, next.
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