Rpt: Clinton ignored call to fire aide accused of harassment

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 26, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Pete Hegseth and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5:00 in New York City, and this is "The Five." The media, liberals, and even Hillary Clinton, herself, proudly proclaimed she was the candidate for women.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: I also wanted to thank you for being a role model to my daughter as well as young women everywhere.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: A new democracy cannot be built on the persecution of women.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Twenty two years ago, Hillary Clinton declared that women's rights are human rights.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Only way we will get sexism out of politics is to get more women into politics.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Arguably been a defining figure in women's empowerment.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: If we are serious about building a better, stronger, fairer America we need to be serious about supporting and nurturing our girls.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fighter for women and children, cops and first responders, healthcare and girls around the world.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Hillary devoted her whole life to making sure women and children have an even shot.

HILLARY CLINTON, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: To all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me, I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.


PERINO: Now, a stunning new report claims Clinton kept a senior advisor on her 2008 presidential campaign even after learning of sexual harassment allegations against him. According to the New York Times, a 30-year-old female staffer accused Burns Strider of repeatedly harassing her. The Times says Clinton, nor her campaign manager call to fire Strider opting for administrative sanctioning instead. He was reportedly ordered to undergo counseling and the campaign docked his pay. The young woman was moved to a new job. So Kimberly, now it may have come full circle, like no one has been immune to these accusations. And these allegations written about in the New York Times finally now reach up into Hillary Clinton's campaign.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST: Well, it's really only a matter of time, right? This has been something that she has been really trying to own the platform to say that she is for women, she is for children, she is for young girls for their voice and to help, you know, make sure that they are taken care of and aren't victimized. But then you see a situation like this, which is continuing to allow this kind of enabling behavior, but we saw first with her relationship with her, you know, husband. And trying to attack the victims there, or trying to cover up misdeeds. So, if you really look at the historical perspective in terms of what she's done and how she's conducted herself she really isn't a champion of women and young girls.

PERINO: You really couldn't ask for a story that was better at putting together the Hollywood and their situation and the Clinton campaign, in which Hollywood supported.

GREG GUTFELD, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST: That's true. I mean, she kept someone on her payroll after being accused of sexual harassment. I never heard such a thing.


GUTFELD: Anyway. But it just goes to show you, to your earlier point, these stories are equal opportunity embarrassments. They hit every political stripe. You might say, hah, I knew it. But then it's going to comes back and hit your team. So, you can't look at it as team sport. But it also talks about being compromised. These stories compromise you. What could she do about this fellow when she, herself, is compromised because how can she fire a guy who's done 1/10 of 1 percent of what her husband's done? So, she is compromised. I mean, she should know sexism. She had a firsthand front row seat of an Olympic athlete in sexual harassment in her husband. So, she probably goes, oh, I can't do anything about this because look at this. So, I don't know.

PERINO: And Juan, one of the things that happened to this young woman, she doesn't reveal -- the name was not revealed in the story. Instead of dealing with him and firing him, she had to move to another job.

JUAN WILLIAMS, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST: Well, I don't think that's true. I think from what I read, he was put into counseling, and then he had his pay docked, as I understand it. So, essentially, at that point, he was suspended. But the problem --

PETE HEGSETH, "THE FIVE" CO-HOST: It didn't say suspended.


Juna: She got moved, but I think -- they stopped paying the guy for several weeks as I understand it.

PERINO: Yeah. But my point was that -- there might be a cultural shift going forward for women who make accusations, that instead of moving them just to another job, so that they don't have to deal with the guy any more, that is what happened in 2008, she got moved.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think there should be a process. I mean, we, on the show talk about the idea that not everything is Harvey Weinstein, right? And so, there should be a proses, they should be able to hear what this guy has to say in his own defense. But to my mind, the idea that she kept him there is an opportunity for conservatives to secure her as a prime example of liberal hypocrisy, right? So, if that's what the point is here, I think you know what? Conservatives, you win this one because guess what, looks to me like liberal hypocrisy. But I will say that it's not fear as some of my colleagues in this table say, oh, Hillary Clinton had to put up with Bill Clinton and therefore she excuses. I don't think that's what happened. And I will say, I think, most American women trying to keep their marriages and families together will put up with a whole lot of nonsense. So, you know what, I don't think that's fair. But you know what, if you guys want to delight in this story, go for it. I will say --

PERINO: I don't think anyone is delighting.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that's why we're doing this story.


WILLIAMS: I think from the Democrats point of view the contrary story today has to do with Steve Wynn, and Steve Wynn the Vegas magnate, who is in power as the finance chair of the RNC.

PERINO: Yeah. That's a story in the Wall Street Journal broke within the same hour of this story in the New York Times.

HEGSETH: Of course. But as influential is Steve Wynn has been in Republican politics, we've all acknowledge that this happens on both sides of the aisle. But your point, Kimberly, Hillary has always been for one thing, Hillary Clinton. Her campaign manager recommended that this guy be fired. This guy is not just an advisor to the campaign, he was the faith advisor. He was Hillary Clinton advisor on faith.

PERINO: Spiritual advisor.

HEGSETH: I'm an old school Baptist boy, I used to be able to know half the bible -- I forgot 95 percent of what I did know, all have fallen and fallen short of the glory of God. Well, everyone sins and make mistakes. But if you're the faith advisor on a presidential campaign and you're accused of kissing people and suggestive e-mails during the middle of the night, maybe the standard should be a little bit higher for you. As opposed to what she did for her husband, excusing it away, and saying, well -- actually, she gets moved and he gets some training and some counseling, but then put back in his position. Is everyone to be believed? Only when it's someone else's problem? That is the hypocrisy. And it's not a scoreboard, Juan.


HEGSETH: But it is important to point out she ran her campaign on being a champion of women. History is riddled with women --


WILLIAMS: But we were in a the montage at the top of the show, Pete, and I waiting for her to say, you know, anytime a woman says something then the guy has got to be thrown out, we'll say, she didn't do that. But that's not what she said. She said her campaign encouraged and inspired women, especially young women and that she was a role model.

HEGSETH: A tweet of November 2015, every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard --

WILLIAMS: And this woman was heard.

HEGSETH: And supported.

GUTFELD: Except for Juanita Broderick. There should have been a tweet under that that says except for Juanita Broderick. What she did in this case pales in comparison to the things that happened before and how she treated people that had accused her husband of things. It is funny -- it's called American values network?

HEGSETH: A very prominent organization.

GUTFELD: It sounds like one of those organizations that are in a made for TV movie. He was obviously doing the wrong kind of praying. He got confused. But it just shows you not everyone is a -- like, perverts are everywhere. You can find them everywhere. Or you can find -- you can find people who commit these problems everywhere. It's not just movie producers.

PERINO: And Kimberly, just going forward then -- I'm not going to turn the page and go backwards, right? Not going that way, but going forward -- I guess, everybody is on notice now, right? It's not just anyone of a particular group, or anyone's industry, or anyone's company, or anyone's party, it's just been everywhere, and women have had their chance to be heard, and do you think that there will be a permanent cultural shift in corporate America?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I think we're seeing that that evolution has been pretty swift and immediate in the aftermath of all this, especially in the Me Too Movement, and now we're going to have to see. What does Hillary Clinton do going forward, is she going to try to capture the mantle here and acknowledge some wrongdoing or mistakes and how she handled things in the past to try and restore some credibility. And that's the point, like she has been the one that has positioned herself as sort of the face of this movement and being supportive of women, what she campaign on, etcetera. So, if you're going to campaign on that and you're going to say that's who you are, then your conduct and the way you comport yourself should be consistent with those principles.

HEGSETH: But that's part of the reason she lost. She campaign on a bunch of thing that she felt like would make people attracted to her, but in actuality they're manufactured issues or based on history that doesn't comfort with those conditions, and people saw right through that. Even though, president -- then candidate Trump was not a perfect candidate on a lot of those issues either. They forgive him for a lot of candor and authenticity as opposed to masking over.

WILLIAMS: Pete, I was following you until that point.

HEGSETH: Until that point?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Wait a minute. So in other words, grabbing a woman in that way, that's excusable. But not --

HEGSETH: Well, he came out --

WILLIAMS: Going through a legal process in which you get someone --


WILLIAMS: But it's OK to excuse Donald Trump, and now, the porn star, but not Hillary?

HEGSETH: Locker room talk is a lot different than --

WILLIAMS: Locker room talk?

HEGSETH: That's how he explained it --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. He said that he assaulted women. That's what he said.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he never had said that.

GUTFELD: Are we going to parse the words?


GUTFELD: I think we're going to have to. From what I remember, which by the way, I condemned when he said it, was that he was talking about when you're in power you can grab women and he said --

WILLIAMS: He said, I.

GUTFELD: He said, you. I think he said, you. This is the problem with this, when you go down this road and you're talking about this crap.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. But I don't think there's any question about things like the porn star. I don't think there's any question. So, at one point, you say, oh --

GUTFELD: Are you sex shaming her?


GUTFELD: Because she's a porn star? Is that what bothers you?

GUILFOYLE: Sounds like it.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Sounds like you're sex shaming her.

PERINO: I didn't get that.

WILLIAMS: No, but I appreciate your input --


GUILFOYLE: That was the idea.


PERINO: President Trump is slamming reports that he once tried to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, new details next.


GUILFOYLE: President Trump is pushing back hard against report by the New York Times claiming he ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June, but backed down after the top White House lawyer threatened to quit.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Did you want to fire Robert Muller?

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Fake news, folks. Fake news. Typical New York Times fake story.


GUILFOYLE: The development comes as the Justice Department inspector general has recovered the missing text messages between FBI agent's Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Were they trying to protect Hillary? This text message from 2016 certainly suggests so. It shows Page telling Strzok, quote, she may be our next president, the last thing you need is going in there loaded for bear. Meanwhile, the chairman of the house oversight commission says the tech confirms the bureau's bias.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: It's clear that they did not wanted her charge. They wanted her to be the president of the United States. They really, really didn't want Donald Trump to be the president of the United States. And they concede throughout these texts that they did things differently in this investigation for many other investigations that they were part of.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So Dana, you know, interesting developments coming kind of rapidly one after the next this week. What do you make of it and where we stand now?

PERINO: Well, again, I still want to be -- maintain what I have said from the beginning, which I want to wait until all of this is over. But it is inevitable that we're going to talk about these little nuggets as they come through. A couple of things about this is that I don't have any reason to not believe the New York Times, and I don't have any reason to not believe what Trey Gowdy is saying. I haven't seen the texts, I haven't talked to the people. I do wonder about the leak in the New York Times like -- I was trying to think who does that benefit, right?

And it could be that this is all going to come out anyway. And that will be what it will be. But also I'm a realist. And perhaps the two lovers at the FBI in their text messages, they want Clinton to be president and they hate President Trump. But guess what, sorry, Greg, Trump becomes president. It also could be the case that President Trump thought about or wanted to, or maybe even ordered and backed off firing Mueller, but also that didn't happen. So, we're talking about a lot of things that could have happened, but we're not -- they're not actually the reality of what is actually today.


GUTFELD: We're talking about something that didn't happen. You're absolutely right. And here is a discussion in which the media is surprised that Donald Trump mentioned firing somebody. The last half of his career he is known for talking about firing people.

GUILFOYLE: Every other sentence.

GUTFELD: To him, firing people is like a cat playing with yarn. It's what he does. And the fact is -- this is the other thing that drives me nuts, I remember on a load of different cable shows talking about the firing of Mueller, whatever, will he or won't he. It was actually a topic of conversation and it was like something -- it's probably a bad thing, he shouldn't do that. He's just listening to this stuff, so people are suddenly shocked that maybe he mentioned it? That's garbage. The other thing too, and I'm going to quote a friend of mine who said this to me that basically what the media is doing is they're waving a red cape in front of a bull and then they're shocked that he charged.

And basically, that red cape is this insinuation of an investigation in which people are actually saying there might not be anything there but we're still going to annoy you and bother you every single day about an investigation. That is the red cape, and so, suddenly surprised that the bull, Donald Trump, charges. So basically what you're doing is, are you creating a criminal by investigating an innocent man by constantly chasing somebody, telling them and investigating them, and then he says something like, oh, they should be fired. And they go, ah-hah, obstruction. We didn't get on you collusion, but now we have you on obstruction.

GUILFOYLE: That's what they do, right. Whether or not it's not the crime, perhaps, but they'll get you lying to the authorities.

WILLIAMS: I learned a lot of guess-what's from Juan on that one.



WILLIAMS: You know I was listening to you with some intensity because I must say sometimes you educate me, brother.


GUILFOYLE: Many times?

WILLIAMS: Yeah. Because I just don't see the world that way. I'm listening because it's so interesting. But I must say to me, I'm struck by the idea that this is just the latest example of what looks like an obstruction of justice case. If he fired Comey, right? He asked Comey are you loyal? He said to Comey don't go after Flynn, right? And now we know that he was thinking about firing Mueller.

GUTFELD: Thinking.

WILLIAMS: Thinking. So you say, thinking. But when it gets to Don McGahn, and Don McGahn -- there's some dispute whether McGahn was saying he was going to quit. But McGahn, clearly, was like a stop sign saying hold on Mr. President, this could be deeper waters than we are ready to go into.
So, pick up on Dana's point now, why is this story coming out now?

GUILFOYLE: Exactly, the timing --

WILLIAMS: And so, you think who comes out as a hero, the hero comes out as Don McGahn, right?

GUILFOYLE: Might be a little bit protective though as well. What is the reason -- why would this come out now during this timing --

WILLIAMS: So Bill Kristol had a tweet, Kimberly, said maybe Don McGahn and some of Trump's lawyers put this out now seven months after the fact because the president is now considering firing Mueller.

HEGSETH: Or maybe that the special counsel released it through four second-hand sources in the New York Times to build -- continue to build the obstruction case that they want to bring even though there's no there, there.


HEGSETH: You know you can set your watch to, every time there's a foreign trip that this president takes because I host Fox & Friends on Saturday morning, we're covering a fake news New York Times poorly sourced story that distract away from the success of the president, and build a case based on old news. This isn't just fake news, this is old fake news.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, you think this story is fake news?

HEGSETH: He never fired Bob Mueller.

WILLIAMS: Wait a second --

HEGSETH: And presidents can talk --


WILLIAMS: I appreciate Greg's point and your point that --

GUILFOYLE: And Dana's point?

WILLIAMS: No. And your point -- but nobody was fired. I think that's a legitimate point. But this is not fake news. Ed Henry of Fox News confirmed this story.

HEGSETH: Why is it substantial news? What does it matter?

WILLIAMS: What does it matter?

HEGSETH: We've known about it since June. The whole media went wall-to- wall --

WILLIAMS: What does it matter?


GUTFELD: We've talked about this very point in June. I remember that.

PERINO: And part of the reason we did is because one of the president's good friend -- and Chris Ruddy of News Max was on PBS with Judy Woodruff saying the president is thinking of considering -- of firing Mueller. And that happens on June 12. Then for the next three weeks everyone from the White House says never happened. So, I guess that that is one of the reasons.

WILLIAMS: What about Donald Trump, he said, oh, not true, fake news at that time.

HEGSETH: He's disputing a lot of the facts --


HEGSETH: John Roberts came up this morning and said --


PERINO: They didn't call for him to -- McGahn didn't --


HEGSETH: McGahn didn't order.

PERINO: Didn't order it. But also, that he didn't threaten to resign.

HEGSETH: But also did not threaten to resign.

GUTFELD: I just find it -- everybody is so shocked by President Trump saying this or that. He probably said it. I assume he says this, and probably saying it's a bunch of baloney, he's probably saying that, too.
That's the person we have as president right now.

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute, wait a minute, I thought you were a Trump guy.

GUTFELD: But didn't you want him to listen to his advisors?

WILLIAMS: I listen to him.


GUTFELD: Who hires and fires people for, what, four decades, you expect him to sit and go, oh, by all means, let me help you with your investigation, let me sit back? You know he's going to fight back.


WILLIAMS: But he says the guy is a liar. And we shouldn't trust him.

GUTFELD: No, no, no. The guy does not tell the truth in a lot of places.
I know that.


GUTFELD: We know. We know when he doesn't tell the truth.

WILLIAMS: Apparently, often.

GUTFELD: He's a transparent person, Juan. And do you want him to listen to his advisors and except when he does, and doesn't do the thing --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I just like to know that I can trust the president.

HEGSETH: I just want to know that I can trust the press. And I know you've got four unnamed second-hand sources in the New York Times, timed nicely over the top of the texts that are devastating, the investigation, there might be a little there, there, too.

PERINO: I was just going to add one thing about Greg was saying that he's been in business for four decades. He's hired and fired a ton of people. He's also been a part of either suing somebody or being sued and having to give depositions. He's well aware of how the justice system works and he understands what obstruction is.

GUILFOYLE: Ahead, President Trump lays out his plan for immigration reform, so will Democrats get onboard? Don't hold your breath.


WILLIAMS: The White House has released a new immigration proposal, it includes a pathway to citizenship for nearly two million dreamers, $25 billion for the border wall, and an end to the diversity visa lottery system, as well as significant curve to chain migration. President Trump says he may be open to, quote, shifting on DACA in order to reach a deal with congress. But some Democrats, well, still not happy. Senator Dick Durbin says the proposal holds dreamers, quote, hostage, house minority leader Nancy Pelosi, she agrees.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: They want the ransom for these children to be $25 billion for a wall when we have all of the needs that we have for infrastructure in our own country? So this is a fight that we will be having, not about people, but about values -- not just about people but about values.


WILLIAMS: So Kimberly, let me come to you because one of the angles here that surprises me, obviously, Democrats aren't onboard. But there's strong opposition coming from people like Ted Cruz, who says, hey, there was no pathway to citizenship in DACA, and you're offering them one. Or Breitbart that calls this evidence of amnesty dodge. Or you look at some of the people who have been so strong on this. Heritage saying this is a nonstarter.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. You can imagine though, this is pretty consistent with some of the earlier, the precursor criticisms, right, of some of the president viewpoint on immigration and DAC. But, ultimately, what we've always said at this table, that he's a deal maker and he's going to want to get this done and get the wall done, so he's going to do what it takes to be able to compromise in the spirit of a negotiation, OK?

So of course, the people that have been very consistent on this, from the beginning, like Ted Cruz and like Heritage and others that would not to see any leeway, saying, "Listen, why are you giving something that" -- they feel like it is a regression backwards, that this is giving even more than, say, President Obama or somebody else would have given. So that's why they're finding it to be --

WILLIAMS: You think it's an opening bid?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, well, I think it's an opening bid. He's got to do that. I mean, what happened before didn't work, right? Like, they weren't able to come to some kind of positive resolution. He's going to have to give something.

But he's also going to have to listen and heed some of the warnings and criticisms of his constituents and his core conservative base that came out strongly to support him in the election. So he's in a bit of a tough position. I don't think he minds it. He's not, you know, I guess uncomfortable or unfamiliar with being in a position, you know, like this.

But you've got to be able to sit at a table and show that you have an open mind, you're willing to hear all sides of it. It's not nailed down in stone yet. They should be expressing their viewpoint. So should the other side. And hopefully, there's going to be some way in between to get some consensus building while still maintaining his core support.

WILLIAMS: OK. So Pete, the president has said he's willing to take heat to make a deal, the heat right now, strong from the right.

HEGSETH: And rightfully and understandably so. It's one of two things. It's either a bad opening bid that will only get worse. It went from 800,000, which is the original DACA number. Now it's 1.8 million. Some estimates say it will be -- end up being four million. It's citizenship when you could have provided some form legal status at the beginning.

Or others are saying, hey, this is brilliant. You're calling the Democrats' bluff and forcing their hand by giving them more than they could have expected in the opening bid and then daring them to be against it.
Because you don't need Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi. They're going to resist, no matter what. You need Joe Manchin. You need eight or nine Senate Democrats to cross the aisle and vote for this.

The question is, how far can he go? Because there's a lot of -- the scars for the conservatives on immigration are deep. And the Center for Immigration Studies this morning said while there's no new applicants for visa lottery and chain migration through this, it provides for the continuation of those categories until the admission of all four million people on the current chain migration waiting list, which based on an estimate for 2007, means it could take 17 years for the current process to run out.

Now, if it takes us that long to build the wall, where are we, really?

WILLIAMS: So Dana, now from the Democrat side, they say, "Twenty-five billion? Wait a minute, that's a ransom demand."

PERINO: Well, what's interesting, you think about what President Trump started on tax reform for the corporate tax rate he opened at 15 percent. He agreed to a 21 percent. OK?

So I can imagine going from 25 billion maybe down to 17 billion. Economic growth, of which there was a good GDP number today at 2.6 percent for the last quarter, gives you a lot of running room for that.

And it was, I think, actually border security, the Republicans are on the right side of this, now, where public opinion is. And I think the other thing is, for the presidency they're going to get a great compromise, or he thinks the Democrats don't want to make a deal. So if they walk away, he can say, "Look, I was willing to give almost 2 million people amnesty and the chance to become citizens. We're going to take their tax dollars. We want them to work. We should allow them to be citizens. And the Democrats wouldn't play." And I think that is actually a strong hand for him right now.

WILLIAMS: So the contrary point of view, Greg, is -- this is from Dick Durbin --


WILLIAMS: Who has been such an important player on the Democratic side. He says, you know, it's not only $25 billion. Trump also wants to limit legal immigration.

GUTFELD: Yes, I would -- I would caution anybody to -- not to listen to Dick Durbin. Because he's an idiot. I think we've figured that out by now. This is a guy who claimed that the phrase, the phrase "chain migration" is racist because of the word "chain." So I guess you can't put chains on your tires during a snowstorm, because that would be racist. And tires are black, so obviously, you hate blacks. That's how dumb this guy is. He's an idiot.

So I hope I fixed that for you.

Speaking of chain migration, I would like to know what Mexico thinks about all of this. Like wouldn't -- shouldn't Mexico be applauding the end of chain migration and the end of sanctuary cities and the end of amnesty? Because these are methods, all of these are methods that allow the fastest desertion from your country of families. People leaving. Wouldn't you want that stuff to end so people stay in your country and make Mexico great again?

I would like to hear them -- I'd I like. If you ask, I mean, I would like somebody to ask the Mexican president, you know, what do you think of chain migration?

And also, the idea of chain migration when you think about it, imagine you're in line for Slayer tickets. The guy in front is in line, and he waves in all of his pals.

HEGSETH: It happens.

GUTFELD: In front of you. That's chain migration.

So I am for a path for everyone, I think it's great. For everyone, but no cutsies. No cutsies.

GUILFOYLE: Everybody hates cutsies.

GUTFELD: Everybody hates cutsies. And I think the bottom line, what unites everybody is the sense that somebody's getting something for nothing or somebody is cutting in line. And that applies to everything in life. Whether it's philosophy of taxation, everything. If you think that somebody is getting something that they don't deserve, it bothers people. And I think that's what's happening here, is when you think that OK, there's a lot of people that want to get into this country, but they're not DREAMers. So what does that mean?

PERINO: I don't think that the Mexicans want -- I think they're -- I think they're totally -- they would be fine with keeping chain migration for 17 years, because of all the remittances.


PERINO: If the president really wants them not to go home, or not to come, then you have to limit the amount of money you can remit to another country.


WILLIAMS: I would just say, I don't know why we're picking on Mexico. Because most immigrants these days --

PERINO: That's true.

WILLIAMS: Don't come from Mexico.

GUTFELD: Yes, but you understand the point.

WILLIAMS: No, I just think that what I fear --

GUTFELD: Talking about just migration.

WILLIAMS: It seems to me it's always about Mexico and the southern border.

GUILFOYLE: Well, because he's bringing up a relevant point that's fact- based --

WILLIAMS: What's that?

GUILFOYLE: Talking about sanctuary cities and what the problem --

GUTFELD: But he's trying to introduce the idea that I'm being racist. That's what he's saying.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's not racist.

WILLIAMS: No. I just don't like the idea that it's always picking on Mexico.

GUILFOYLE: Juan, no. Listen, oh, my God.

GUTFELD: That's racist.

GUILFOYLE: We're talking about the wall with Mexico. We're talking about sanctuary cities with --

HEGSETH: We're facilitating this, because that's where our southern border is.

GUILFOYLE: People coming in from Mexico to California.

HEGSETH: Lawlessness, drugs, gangs.

WILLIAMS: What about terrorists coming over the northern border?

GUTFELD: I'm against that, too, Juan, believe it or not, I'm against that.

WILLIAMS: I appreciate that.

All right. Directly ahead, is it Vanity Fair or "vanity fail"? The magazine's latest cover causing quite a stir. And we're going to show you why, next.


HEGSETH: Come on in. All right. Could this be one of the biggest Photoshop fails ever? Oprah and Reese Witherspoon, along with several other A-list celebrities, grace the cover of Vanity Fair's newest Hollywood issue. But the image is sparking confusion. Look closely over the star's extra body part. If you look very closely, the zoomed-in spot there that we've circled with the red circle, it appears that Witherspoon has three legs. The magazine claims it's simply the lining of her dress.

In another shot right here, Oprah appears to have three hands. So Vanity Fair -- now this happened as a result of a Photoshop, because James Franco, who was accused of sexual misconduct, was edited out of it.

Now, Greg, you're an editor, a magazine editor. Should -- if this mistake happens on your biggest issue of the year, arguably, does someone get fired? How does this happen?

GUTFELD: Well, ironically that happens to be James Franco's hand.

GUILFOYLE: Now, guys.

GUTFELD: Sorry, I couldn't resist it.

But it is, you know, it is an open secret that some celebrities do have hidden third limbs. And this could be it. They're exposing a secret. You know what this --

GUILFOYLE: Would you like to list them?

GUTFELD: All right, I edited a bunch of magazines that it was -- there was a lot of over-tinkering. People, you know, they spend a lot of time erasing blemishes, and stretch marks, and scars on dudes. It becomes completely unreal. And they miss, literally, they miss the big picture. They miss the big picture. So this has happened with, you'll see misspellings on covers. Really obvious ones. Because they're so busy looking at the details that they step back.

And I mean, this has happened a lot more than you think. It happened to me. We won't get into it.

HEGSETH: Did someone get fired?


GUILFOYLE: It happened to you personally? Do we have a photo?

PERINO: Do we have that?

HEGSETH: Check it out.

We'll look for that.

GUILFOYLE: Do you have the app, Photoshop fix?

GUTFELD: They gave me eight abs instead of six. I've got to tell you.

GUILFOYLE: How generous.

GUTFELD: I don't have that many abs.

HEGSETH: They didn't have a picture of the 1 keg.


HEGSETH: You -- I don't know, I haven't been on a magazine cover. You have. What if they Photoshopped extra hands or legs on that? How does that make the actor or actress feel?

GUILFOYLE: They work really well. Look at everything I've got.

Yes, I don't know. I think it's embarrassing for Vanity Fair to be in this position. But it just goes to show you. I'm sure Oprah is like, "We're not going to be on the cover, you know, with him given the current circumstance we're talking about, or running, you know, for president. It's not in her DNA. But apparently her DNA contains an extra hand. It's very interesting.

But it's a bad position for them to be in. So many times, you have to crash on a magazine cover and do something. You're rushing to get it out. Last-minute objections, are you going to make publication in time? What happens?

HEGSETH: Juan, you know, they edited out James Franco because of accusations of sexual misconduct, which he denies. But you've got, you know, pictures of Oprah Winfrey out there with Harvey Weinstein, buddying up for the longest time. Is this a lipstick on a pig moment? They're editing out a guy that's current passe in Hollywood.

GUTFELD: The strangest metaphor to use.

HEGSETH: Meaning they forgave Harvey Weinstein for a decade, but now they edit out James Franco to make themselves feel good on the cover of Vanity Fair. Is this Hollywood, typical hypocrisy?

WILLIAMS: I don't know about hypocrisy. I think what strikes me is more people are interested in that magazine cover, Pete, than otherwise they would even have any reason to look at it.

HEGSETH: You're saying it worked?


PERINO: I'm just going to say a quick comment. I think they did it on purpose so we would a segment on it.

GUILFOYLE: Kind of like Rolling Stone. Remember that?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.

HEGSETH: Vanity Fair, if that was your point, you win. All right. Don't go anywhere. Facebook Friday, coming up next.



GUTFELD: Anyway, Facebook Friday, we're answering your questions. A bag of Fritos, you got a little prize. But I'm old.

GUILFOYLE: What's that?

PERINO: I never got that. Prizes in Fritos?

GUTFELD: Maybe it was just burnt chip.

WILLIAMS: You sure you're not thinking of crackerjacks?

GUTFELD: I kept it for -- no, Fritos used to -- there used to be a little rubber man.

HEGSETH: I thought they did that in cereal?

GUTFELD: Little rubber man. Anyway --

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

GUTFELD: We're wasting precious "Facebook Friday" time.

Renee C. asks, "Kimberly, did you -- did any of you have ever a reoccurring dream and what -- that you would like to share?"

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, not really, no. Well, why?

GUTFELD: Wow, wow, she shut down a nosey viewer.

GUILFOYLE: It's like a naked dream, so I don't want to talk about it.

GUTFELD: A naked dream.

GUILFOYLE: Go to school, supposed to take a test, and you don't have any clothes on.

GUTFELD: Oh, those kind of naked dreams, got you. I was thinking of something completely different. I call those my Dobbs dreams.

Hey, Juan --

GUILFOYLE: It just gets worse.

WILLIAMS: Get out of my head.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, so is it your head?

WILLIAMS: Yes, well, you know. So anyway, let's see. Like I was dreaming that America came to her senses and Republicans stopped defending Trump?
No, no.

GUTFELD: Come on!

WILLIAMS: Here's a real recurring dream I have, and I'm surprised at it. So I'm flying on an airplane, and I'm going in to San Diego. If you've ever through flown into San Diego.

GUTFELD: Yes. It's very short.

PERINO: We're about to do that, by the way.

WILLIAMS: Flying between buildings. They go right through downtown. And so it's like, you're thinking, "I hope this guy knows what he's doing."

GUTFELD: Yes. Airplane dreams are scary.

HEGSETH: Because I'm on the morning show, I don't have a lot of reoccurring dreams, but I have frequent dreams. It's like the morning show paranoia. You wake up at 1:30, 2:30. Am I late? Have I missed it? It happens all the time. So I have the same dream, like, four times each night.

GUILFOYLE: "Groundhog Day."

HEGSETH: It's not the worst.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's kind of fun. Like binge watching Netflix. In your brain!

GUILFOYLE: He's not saying that the dream is!

HEGSETH: A lot of times I get hit by a Mack truck.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.

HEGSETH: Or I'm singing on stage and then my alarm goes off right when I'm supposed to open my mouth.

PERINO: Really? Wonder what that means.

GUILFOYLE: What does that mean?

PERINO: Mine is always being late, either. When I was White House press secretary, I couldn't find the briefing room, and I was dressed in jeans.

And I remember, also, like being on this one, I thought it was so real that I couldn't find the studio. And it was getting to be 4:58, 4:59, and I missed the top of the show.

GUTFELD: I get those a lot. The dream that I have most often is, I'm in a lifeboat with Dobbs and Kilmeade, and me and Dobbs are waiting for Kilmeade to fall asleep so we can butcher and eat him.


PERINO: You dream that over and over.

GUTFELD: Yes. It happens a lot. I can't believe we only have time -- that's it? We only have time for -- one minute? OK, "You're on Mars. You're on Mars, building a colony on Mars. What would you build first on Mars?"

PERINO: A bathroom.

GUTFELD: A bathroom?

WILLIAMS: I agree.

HEGSETH: A bar and rumpus room.


WILLIAMS: Golden toilet.

GUTFELD: Nice. Kimberly?


You could sit on it.

GUTFELD: You wouldn't even say a kitchen? You wouldn't say a kitchen?

HEGSETH: Well, if there's, like, food. There's, like, bar food in the bar.

GUTFELD: I was going to say a cemetery. A lot of people are going to die in that colony. That's how it works, people. You've got to have a cemetery first.

WILLIAMS: Yes, especially Lou Dobbs.

GUTFELD: No, it's Kilmeade. We're eating Kilmeade.

WILLIAMS: Kilmeade. He can beat up Lou Dobbs.

GUTFELD: Casserole. All right. "One More Thing" s up next.


PERINO: It's time for "One More Thing." Mine is short but, you know, I love dogs and Vizslas. I thought this one was cute. I saw this today from the American Kennel Club.

This is a Vizsla named Piper on a pinball machine. They love to get, you know, to track things. That's what they do in their real life, in their jobs. But this is a pinball machine.

Jasper's favorite thing is fish. I don't really have a picture of that. But my Instagram, if you go to Instagram, @DanaPerino, you'll find it there. That's all I had.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Is anybody here nutty for Nutella?

PERINO: Yes. Do you have any?


PERINO: Did you bring any?

GUTFELD: That was another dream.

GUILFOYLE: We just keep winning, don't we, around here? All right.

Well, everybody loves a good sale, right? But would you ever expect, so people went absolutely nutty for Nutella, 70 percent off. First of all, I was a little bit concerned that they did a sale on this. Like, was it going to expire, something like this?

A French supermarket decided to mark it 70 percent off. It actually caused riots in the grocery store, in the little supermarket, because people were so anxious to buy all of the Nutella. I don't if you know, this is extremely popular in Europe.


GUILFOYLE: I like it. Kids like it, too.

PERINO: I like it.

GUTFELD: The French like a lot of weird things.

GUILFOYLE: I was waiting for you to do it.

PERINO: You have a SOT?




GUILFOYLE: Right. So there you have it.

PERINO: I mean this is, like, they -- basically their food costs are too high, and they need more disposable income so that they can buy things. (INAUDIBLE) taxes.

GUILFOYLE: Normally $5.60, and this was $1.75.

PERINO: I mean, that's a huge savings.


GUTFELD: You don't have the world.

GUILFOYLE: You do two segments all the time.

GUTFELD: Ten o'clock Saturday, amazing show, p.m. Walter Kern, Carly Shimkus, Kat, Tyrus. It's going to blow your brains. Anyway, time for this.



GRAPHIC: Greg's Dog Trying to Wake Pig Up from Nap News


GUTFELD: "Greg's Dog Trying To Wake Big Up From Nap News."

All right, we get a lot of these, so let's roll right to it. It's 28 seconds long. We've got a dog, here we are, dog trying to wake up a pig from its nap.


GUTFELD: This goes on for 28 seconds.

PERINO: Does the pig ever wake up?

GUTFELD: Woke him up for breakfast.

GUILFOYLE: Going to eat him.

GUTFELD: It's going to take some bacon.

GUILFOYLE: This is like you and Dobbs with Kilmeade.

GUTFELD: That's terrible. I don't know which -- who is who.

PERINO: Oh, he's up. Then he runs away. And then he runs away.

GUTFELD: Happy ending for everybody.

PERINO: All right. Juan.

WILLIAMS: So, today is National Spouses Day. I've never heard of this before. But --

PERINO: No a man who came up with it.

WILLIAMS: Let's celebrate. This year marks 40 years since I've been happily married.


WILLIAMS: I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Boy, Juan, you deserve a lot of credit." And I agree. I do.

GUILFOYLE: What? Oh my gosh!

WILLIAMS: But I also want to give credit to my wife.

GUTFELD: How nice. You know how long I've been married?

GUILFOYLE: Did you just honor yourself? What is wrong with you?

WILLIAMS: We met in a disco back when you had bell bottoms and platform shoes.

PERINO: And you say you can't dance.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Well, today we have three children, three grandchildren and I just want to say, quoting Stevie Wonder, "I love you from the bottom of my heart."

PERINO: How sweet.

GUTFELD: Now we all look bad.

PERINO: Yes, wow. I showed the dog.


HEGSETH: Well, I've got a hilarious moment of a 2-year-old. Now, I have a 2-year-old. He's proud of himself when he jumps down two sets of stairs. This 2-year-old, take a look at the video. Dad was frustrated that she kept outsmarting him getting out from her room. So he put up one gate. So he put up two gates in the door. And this 2-year-old, while crying because she didn't want to be in her room, scaled both safety gates and went over the top as her parents were hiding at the other end, secretly filming it, because they knew that she -- how could she be getting out? She's 2 years old. I mean, you know 2-year-olds. They're fun, but they can't climb like Olympians.

PERINO: I was upset by that video, in a way, though.


PERINO: She could have got hurt.

HEGSETH: Kids hurt themselves all the time. That's called Friday.

GUTFELD: Teaches the kid a lot of resilience and a lot of skills that he or she can use later in life. If she ever gets incarcerated, this is going to be helpful.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: Life skills.

GUILFOYLE: But you know what? She's like a little honey badger. They always find a way to escape and get out. They're very smart.

PERINO: Did Ronan ever do that?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, please, 100 percent.

PERINO: Climb out of the crib?

GUILFOYLE: Threw himself over the top, boom, out.

PERINO: Really?

GUILFOYLE: All the time.

PERINO: That's so funny. I never knew that.

I was a -- I was a good climber.

GUTFELD: Stop bragging.

HEGSETH: Climbing is great for kids, because then you learn how to fall. You've got to learn how to fall.

GUILFOYLE: You've got to learn how to bounce.

PERINO: Thank God it's Friday. That's what I've got to say. That's it for us. We'll be back here on Monday. "Special Report" is up next. Chris Wallace is in for Bret tonight. Hey, Chris.


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