Reuters Photo Flap

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Photo Flap

Reuters news agency was forced to pull more than 900 photographs from its database today after discovering that one of its Lebanese freelance photographers had doctored at least two pictures.

Adnan Hajj used Photoshop software to manipulate a photo he had taken of a Beirut suburb after an Israeli airstrike. The picture was altered to show more and darker smoke rising from bombed buildings. Hajj denies that the change was intentional, telling Reuters that he was trying to get dust marks off the picture.

An inquiry into Hajj's work also found evidence that he had doctored other photos as well, so Reuters pulled all his photos pending a further review.

The doctored photos were first discovered by bloggers who monitor Middle East coverage.

ACLU vs. NOLA Parish

The American Civil Liberties Union is protesting a Hurricane Katrina memorial in Saint Bernard Parish, Louisiana, because it features a cross and the face of Jesus. State ACLU Executive Director Joe Cook says the government promotion of a religious symbol violates the Constitution and therefore the project should be killed.

But Parish President Henry Rodriguez says the memorial will be located on private land and is being funded by private donations. Rodriguez was not receptive to the ACLU's complaints saying, "They can kiss my backside," though that is not the word he used. He says he and others volunteered their time for the project.

The ACLU insists that even if the memorial is privately funded some public officials are working on it and their efforts amount to government endorsement of religion.

Exercise or Abuse?

A textbook circulating in British schools in Great Britain warns teenage students that some forms of physical education could be a form of child abuse.

The guide is designed to be used in citizenship classes and the publisher has already sold over 30,000 copies.

In a chapter titled "Your Legal Rights" students are told that they "have the right to be protected from emotional or physical abuse." Cross-country running and bullying are listed as examples of such abuse.

The Association for Physical Education is calling the guide nonsense. Its chief executive, Margaret Talbot, says cross-country running is properly organized and supervised and that equating it with child abuse is indefensible.

Death for Dogs in China

Authorities in China have a serious problem. They have ordered mass killings of thousands of dogs in an effort to combat a growing rabies problem.

China has the second highest rabies infection rate in the world, with over 2,000 rabies deaths last year and nearly 70,000 patients being treated for rabies in Beijing alone.

The increased number of cases is in part due to the fact that newly prosperous families buy dogs as pets. According to the Chinese government, 70 percent of rural households have dogs, but only 3 percent are vaccinated against rabies.

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.