Republican and Jamaican immigrant Scherie Murray steps forward to challenge Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2020
Congressional candidate for New York's 14th district Scherie Murray outlines her campaign on 'Hannity.'
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 17, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: I get an e-mail today that says help save Tucker. And I'm like, what's wrong with Tucker? Tucker is fine. He's there. OK, we are glad you're OK.
Anyway, welcome to “Hannity.”
Thank you, Tucker.
Tonight, the disgraceful radical extreme Democratic socialist party, they had what will likely be the first of many failed votes to attempt to impeach a duly elected president. Will somebody please give these people a copy of the Constitution? We'll have more coming up.
Also, we begin tonight to the members of the, quote, squad ramping up their attacks on anyone and everyone who dares to disagree with their extreme, radical, socialist ideas.
Now, the 2020 hopefuls -- they have been put on notice. Everyone in the Democratic Party, you better fall in line or, A, you might be called a racist, or B, they are keeping the squad, the equivalent of an enemies list of fellow Democrats that oppose them, I guess, so that they can campaign against them. It's getting that ugly.
Now, the squad has already lobbed racism charges against both President Trump and even their own speaker, Nancy Pelosi. And while Nancy Pelosi is totally powerless, as we've been telling you, to defend herself, the president is firing back in a big way. Just moments ago, the president wrapped up what was a massive rally in Greenville, in North Carolina, where he had a very special message for the new radical leaders of this Democratic extreme socialist party.
Take a look.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: So, Representative Omar blamed the United States for the terrorist attack on our country, saying that terrorism is a reaction to our involvement in other people's affairs. Her colleague Representative Rashida Tlaib agreed with Omar's characterization of 9/11 and said members of Congress who support Israel forgot what country they represent.
Cortez said that illegal immigrants are more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be. Can you believe that? That's what she's saying?
She describes contemporary America -- that's you. That's me. That's all of us -- as garbage. Garbage. And they are so angry.
Even yesterday, they went on the stand, I say, let me watch this, and the anger -- they were trying to be nice, but it's hard. It's hard for them to do that.
HANNITY: You know, smelly Walmart voters, irredeemable, deplorables, people that cling to their god, their guns, their bibles, their religion. Few politicians have had the courage to call out the radical base of the Democratic Party, but that's why you, we, the American people elected Donald Trump in spite of what New York, California, Washington, and other liberal states wanted.
And while the media mob, the Democrats attacked the president, they do compulsively, obsessively, well, the approval rating among Republicans keeps going way up. And today, new poll show the president's numbers actually increased by five points.
According to another poll, 49 percent of likely voters, certainly a plurality believe the accusation of racism against President Trump are nothing more than a political ploy. That is up six percentage points over the last poll conducted.
And here's why: let me help educate the radical masses. While you may not like it, the term love it, love America, leave America, there's nothing to do with race. And, by the way, it is hardly a new characteristic or concept to the loudest critics of the -- what we call dell blame America first crowd. Was it racist for Senator Kamala Harris to tell President Trump that he needs to "go back from where he came from"? She did that today.
And get this -- in 2016, scores of celebrities, other media elites, remember they all vowed to leave the United States if President Trump was elected. Oh, yes, there are their names. Well, there is nothing racist about that. They didn't like him.
The only problem, none of them actually left. Even offered a plane with caviar and champagne, but they had to promise to never come back.
And tonight, when the media mob and the Democrats focused their daily attacks on the president every second, minute, hour, of every 24-hour day, it's just one pathetic last ditch effort to take the president down. They still have not accepted the 2016 election results of we, the people.
A nine-month FBI investigation, we'll use the words of Lisa Page, nothing. They found nothing. Peter Strzok, no "there" there as it relates to a conclusion, conspiracy to conspire with Russia.
The bipartisan Senate investigation -- same result, nothing. The House investigation, nothing. Mueller concluded, no conspiracy at all with Russia, no collusion. And, of course, no obstruction as per the attorney, deputy attorney general and office the legal counsel.
So, their phantom charges of obstruction and collusion all fell short. And the likelihood is that one week from tonight, I am looking forward to this, when Mueller testifies before Congress, and I would even argue at this moment, if he is silly enough to testify before Congress, because he'll have to answer real questions from real Republicans, I would say the odds are very high that it will be another boomerang against the Democrats.
Even if Devin Nunes is right, they are likely coordinating what they are going to say and how he's going to respond -- why do I suspect that they would do something like that? Now, what do Democrats have left in their playbook?
All right, Russia, Russia, Russia. That is a dud. Obstruction, obstruction, a dud. OK, we'll try racism, racism. That will be a dud too.
Let's use the playbook the Democrats use in every election season, although it's not every two and four years anymore. As I've always laid out and to show you ad after ad after ad that they aired and the history of. No, it's like every day now. You have hysteria boiling over.
The Democratic Congressman Al Green, he actually launched what was the first of probably many pathetic attempts to impeach the president resoundly defeated in the House of Representatives. This is a national embarrassment. Will somebody please get these radical Democrats a Constitution and tell them to read it?
If not, maybe we can have somebody read it for them. Whatever they want to, because they don't clearly understand it. Take a look.
TRUMP: I just heard that the United States House of Representatives has overwhelmingly voted to kill the most ridiculous project I have ever been involved in, the resolution. How stupid is that? On impeachment.
I want to thank those Democrats, because many of them voted for us. The vote was a totally lopsided 332-95-1.
HANNITY: Now, of course, Congressman Green is just doing the bidding of the new leaders of the Democratic Party. Remember this, from newly elected congresswoman, remember Tlaib, remember she said this? So nice. So welcoming and warm and inclusive.
Take a look.
REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: When your son looks at you and says, mama, look, you won, bullies don't win. And I said, baby, they don't, because we are going to go in there and impeach the (EXPLETIVE DELETED).
HANNITY: And during an interview today on CBS today, Tlaib offered no apology or retraction for her vile comments about the president of the United States. I -- why would you ever apologize for doing that? Take a look.
TLAIB: From day one, I truly believe that he has committed impeachable offenses and meet, you know --
GAYLE KING, CBS HOST: But even if you believe that, the fact that you called him --
TLAIB: But I didn't do it on the House floor. And I'm going to be unapologetic to myself. Seventy percent of Americans curse. I am real. This is who I am. I am rooted in where I have come from and it's very common for me and many of my residents to say things like that.
KING: So, you don't regret -- you don't regret that?
TLAIB: Absolutely not. I'm unapologetic about it.
HANNITY: All right. These radical Democratic Party is in a very dark, very scary place. There are no more moderates in today's extreme Democratic Party, as socialism has completely and radicalism completely taken over. Even far left liberal Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco liberal treat, is now considered too moderate.
The so-called squad is controlling all aspects of the Democratic Party's message and their platform, and anyone who gets in their way or doesn't fully support their radical dreams is accused of either bigotry or whatever, and today, Congresswoman Tlaib became the second member of the squad to actually accuse her own house speaker, Nancy Pelosi, of racism. This is number two -- two of the four with liberals that are leading in the house and influencing the 2020 Democratic candidates.
Let's take a look.
KING: Are you speaking to Nancy Pelosi?
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: Our teams are in communication. Our chiefs are meeting --
KING: But shouldn't it be a face-to-face with you and the speaker --
TLAIB: I agree.
KING: As opposed to, as opposed to your people and her people--
KING: Shouldn't it be a face-to-face with all of you?
REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: We're missing, I think, the bigger --
TLAIB: We are new, but we are new members of Congress --
KING: I know, but I want you to answer that question --
TLAIB: But no, I'm very protective --
KING: With all due respect, she doesn't need protection.
TLAIB: All right.
KING: I want to know if you are speaking --
TLAIB: She's the new member, not the speaker.
KING: No, but I want to know--
TLAIB: She has every right to sit down with her in any moment, anytime, with any of us. She is speaker of the House. She can ask for a meeting to sit down with us for clarification.
The fact of the knowledge is -- and I've done racial justice work in our country for a long time. Acknowledge the fact that we are women of color, so when you do single us out, be aware of that and what you're doing.
HANNITY: Pretty serious accusation against the so-called speaker, really the speaker named only, Nancy Pelosi. And as I keep reminding you, she is now nearly a bystander in this new, radical, socialist, extreme Democratic Party, which is why she can't even defend herself from their attacks. Remember, she asked last week, if you have anything to say, say it to my face.
What did AOC do? She went to Twitter and runs out publicly and attacks her again. Take a look.
REPORTER: Are you concerned that the president is goading you?
REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: No, you know what? With all due respect, let's not waste our time on that. We are talking about what we are going to do to help the American people. Our caucus is unified on all of that.
Throughout the whole campaign, I said to the candidates, don't even mention his name. Everybody knows who he is. You don't have to describe him to anybody. We are not having him set our agenda. We are setting our own agenda.
HANNITY: She is not setting the agenda at all, right? Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and Pressley are running the show. The 2020 presidential hopefuls, they are all sucking up to this new leadership. Their beliefs are beyond scary, it would destroy America as we know it. We know about their dreams to turn America into a socialist eco-state known as the Green New Deal.
But perhaps even more alarming are their views by some in this group of four on Israel and the Jewish people.
Congresswoman Tlaib who you just saw actually wrote for Louis Farrakhan's racist anti-Semitic newspaper. She also pals around with a known bigot, her name, Linda Sarsour. In fact, Sarsour was invited guest at Tlaib's swearing in. Sarsour openly support Sharia law, blamed her bad reputation on the, quote, Jewish media.
And as you can see, Congresswoman Omar also hangs out with Linda Sarsour, no surprise there. Omar has frequently tweeted anti-Semitic tropes. She once accused lawmakers of being controlled by, quote, Jewish money. Remember the phrase, it's all about the Benjamins. Omar even accused evil Israel of hypnotizing the world.
But in today's interview with Gayle King, well, Congresswoman Omar said she had no regrets. She regrets nothing. Actually burst out laughing when they asked about anti-Semitism.
Let's take a look.
OMAR: Oftentimes there are things that you might say might not hold weight for you but to someone else, right? The way that we hear and consume information is very different than how the next person might.
KING: So you don't regret your words either?
OMAR: I do not.
KING: Would you like people to --
OMAR: And I never really wanted to--
KING: Would you want to make it clear that you are not anti-Semitic?
OMAR: Oh, certainly not. Yes.
KING: Would you like to make that clear?
OMAR: Yes. I mean that -- nothing I said, at least to me, was meant for that purpose.
HANNITY: Well, at least to me. OK, well, yes, no, anti-Semitism. No laughing matter, neither is al Qaeda or the way Americans talk about those that killed 3,000 of our Americans on 9/11, or the terrorist group Hezbollah. Yet Congresswoman Omar finds apparently all that to be somewhat humorous and funny as we previously have played on this program.
Now, her behavior, obvious beliefs are pretty vile, pretty sickening. Omar now plans to introduce the resolution declaring her support for the anti- Semitic BDS movement which is a boycott all things Israel. And Omar and other members of her squad are now the perfect representation of today's two-faced Democratic Party, built on selective and phony and feigned moral outrage. Each week, they call Trump, other Republicans racist, sexist, you know the routine. Yet no outrage over Omar's virulent anti-Semitism, no concern over Tlaib's work in Farrakhan's paper.
Meanwhile, Democrat Ralph Northam, you know, the governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, apparently sleeping peacefully in the governor 's mansion after his fellow Democrats didn't really seem to care that he dressed up either in blackface or in a Ku Klux Klan outfit. I wonder if Donald Trump did that how they would react.
2020 Democrats are kissing the ring of Reverend Al Sharpton, who became well known for anti-Semitic bigoted language. We played a lot of it last night.
Hillary Clinton's mentor, she said her mentor, Robert Byrd, used to be in the Ku Klux Klan. Al Gore's father tried to block the 1964 Civil Rights Act, that historic legislation. Lyndon Johnson relied on Republican support to get it passed. The Democrats went forward with a filibuster.
The list goes on. We don't even have time to list all of the creepy, crazy, sleepy Uncle Joe's racist remarks and policies over the years. And let's talk about charges of sexual misconduct, again, selective, feigned moral outrage. Only when it's a Republican or Donald Trump or Donald Trump supporter or Donald Trump appointee.
Remember that the I-believers in the Kavanaugh hearings? Well, they're nowhere to be found when a Democrat is accused of wrongdoing.
Case in point, the lieutenant governor of Virginia who Gayle King interviewed, two women, one accused of a rape, another said violent sexual assault both telling people at the time he's still in office and I haven't heard a word from one of the I-believers. You got Keith Ellison. He got a promotion. Bill Clinton served two terms as president.
What about the issue of Russia collusion? What, two and a half years of conspiracy theories, lies and a hoax, Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier put together by a foreign spy with funneled money filled with Russian lies as John Solomon will join us in a minute points out. Even the FBI knew 90-plus percent of it was a lie.
And now, we also know that it was unverifiable, because, of course, Christopher Steele never stood behind his own dossier. I have no idea if it was true what he said under oath.
And don't forget, the media just spent months hyping phantom claims of obstruction against Trump. Did any of them ever talk about Hillary's subpoenaed emails that she deleted and then the Bleach Bit to the hard drive, and acid washed the 33,000 emails, and then, of course, beating up the devices with hammers, removing SIM cards, and by the way, other evidence, all of that happening.
So when you turn on conspiracy theory, Democrat state TV, either MSDNC or fake news CNN, and you hear the echo chamber and their fully typical daily freak out mode, just know that it's more selective moral outrage. They don't really care about these issues, they only care about them if they can use them to bludgeon a Republican, a conservative, or Trump or anybody that likes Trump, and nobody calls their bluff better than President Trump.
Senator Lindsey Graham will join us in a moment with reaction.
First, we turn to a very important story that we told you about last night. It's from "The Hill's" John Solomon, investigative reporter. Last night, he presented an incredible new piece of evidence proving the FBI knew Christopher Steele's dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for was untrue, was unverifiable trash before it was used to acquire a FISA warrant against Trump campaign associate Carter Page to spy on then campaign Donald Trump, then transition team Trump and then President Trump.
And according to Solomon, the FBI actually constructed a spreadsheet showing the validity of each of the dossier's lies, 90-plus percent garbage. They knew that it was garbage. They were warned before they even signed the FISA warrant it was garbage. And it is important to remember what Rod Rosenstein said about FISA warrants in May of 2018.
Take a look.
ROD ROSENSTEIN, FORMER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL: There is a lot of talk about FISA applications and many people that I see you talking about it seem not to recognize what a FISA application. A FISA application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way that we operate. And if it's wrong, sometimes it is, if you find out that there is anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences.
HANNITY: Well, face consequences, much more coming up on this story.
We are joined by the executive vice president, investigative reporter from "The Hill", John Solomon.
John, I want you to add context to texture especially in light of Rod Rosenstein's remark.
If I remember correctly, didn't he sign the four FISA application? This was nine months in, the third renewal application?
JOHN SOLOMON, THE HILL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: He did, and by my reporting last night, and the new reporting I did today, it is clear to me that at the moment, Rod Rosenstein signed the fourth FISA warrant, the FBI was acutely aware of the credibility issues with Christopher Steele.
And specifically the key claim they made in all four FISA warrants that Carter Page had met with these two Russians, Igor Diveykin, and Igor Sechin. By that point, the FBI was acutely aware that those meetings likely did not happen and could not be corroborated. There is no evidence that they corrected that information before the court.
So as the deputy general said there should be consequences for not disclosing that information. And I think he is accurately telling the truth.
HANNITY: By Kavalec and Bruce Ohr, not only that, their own spreadsheet, they knew 90 percent of it was garbage, that is even before all of it was signed, is that what you're saying tonight?
SOLOMON: Absolutely. There's not any doubt about it from my reporting today and from several members of Congress who are confirming that what I reported last night they had been told about in recent days.
HANNITY: Wow. All right. John Solomon, thank you.
Joining us now with reaction to our top story, and that story, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.
So, Kathleen Kavalec and Bruce Ohr --
HANNITY: -- before the first FISA warrant was ever signed, said Steele hates Trump, Hillary paid for it, and it's unverified, but they used it anyway.
GRAHAM: Right.
HANNITY: And then you heard what Rod Rosenstein said. And then you just heard John Solomon's report.
Help me out, Senator. It sounds to me like they premeditated conspiracy to commit fraud of the court to undo -- a first stop and then undo a presidential election, that's how the way I interpret it.
GRAHAM: Well, McCabe also said, without the dossier, there would have been no warrant issued against Carter Page. So, McCabe says under oath, it was outcome determinative. And everything you said about the garbage nature of the dossier I think is true, but this is when we had Mr. Horwitz looking into this. And I can't wait until he tells us what he found.
HANNITY: Yes. All right. So, where do you go with this? Because you are the one guy that can bring them all in.
GRAHAM: Right. And I really do hope, Senator, that the people that did this were also involved in rigging the investigation into Hillary. The evidence is pretty overwhelming she violated the Espionage Act and then she obstructed justice from my little -- you know, my little TV studio, the little that I know about these things.
GRAHAM: Well, I want to ask Comey, what did you tell the president in January of 2017? Here is the dossier, we don't -- I can't verify it, why don't you know about it? And he used the same document and told the court that it was reliable on four different occasions.
I want to know when McCabe reaffirmed again that without the dossier, there'd be no warrant. I want to find out, did Papadopoulos tell them upfront that, you know, if I was working with the Russians, that would be a crime and I would never do that.
I want to know a bunch of things.
HANNITY: I want to know a lot. OK, so you're going to get to the bottom of all of that.
Let me ask you this question. So, we've got new leadership. The 2020 Democratic hopefuls all seem to be reacting to and adopting the policies of the squad, as I guess they are called now.
GRAHAM: Right.
HANNITY: And I think -- I look at the New Green Deal, and I look at every Democrat saying yes, Medicare-for-All, everything is free, no oil, no gas, no combustion engine, planes or cows, and I say, OK, that's the end of the United States as we know it if that is ever implemented.
GRAHAM: Yes. So, their policy choices would devastate free enterprise. It would make us weak. It'd be the end of Israel as we know it. It would be devastating to the American way of life, our prosperity and our future.
Compare that to what Trump is doing. Name one person in my lifetime that has been a better friend to Israel. We've got the strongest economy in decades, and we got the military on par with what Ronald Reagan did. And we got a foreign policy that makes sense.
I think compare and contrast campaign is going to lead to a very big Trump victory.
HANNITY: OK. So, do you think in the time that Donald Trump has been elected until now, do you think that he has lost any, if -- or some of the supporters? They seem pretty passionate in North Carolina, and do you think maybe the best employment situation since 1969 and record low unemployment for all of these very -- demographic groups, when you break down, some traditionally vote Democratic -- do you think he's got a shot at those voters now?
GRAHAM: Here's what I think. I think that he has united the Republican Party. Every corner of the party believes that President Trump is doing a great job with a few outliers. If you're a strong national security guy, he's like Reagan. If you believe in cutting taxes as a conservative Republican, he did it. If you believe in conservative judges, nobody has done better.
So, from a Republican point of view, you don't have a lot to complain about. Compare that to our friends on the other side who are cracking up.
HANNITY: All right. Senator, how you really feel.
HANNITY: All right. Headline, Lindsey Graham on “Hannity.”
All right. I can see that you really want to agree with that and to revise and extend your remarks. Thank you, Senator.
When we come back, media fawning over the squad. They love the squad. We've got the tape to prove it. We'll get reaction, Jeff Lord, Joe Concha.
Jim Jordan, Gregg Jarrett weigh in on this huge big breaking news from John Solomon.
We've got a lot of ground to cover. We're glad that you are with us. News you won't get anywhere else, I'll tell you that.
TRUMP: And I have to say this, and I'll say it just once. What happened to me with this witch hunt should never be allowed to happen to another president of the United States. Never, ever again.
HANNITY: The president earlier tonight, North Carolina, slamming the two- and-a-half year Russia witch hunt. Of course, left wing political cast does not stop there, because also tonight, Democrats voted to hold the Attorney General Bill Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt over the controversy about asking about citizenship on the census, which isn't being asked on the census.
Here with reaction is Congressman Jim Jordan, and the author of the upcoming book, a sequel to his number one bestseller "Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in America Political History", FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.
You know, the president is right here, but I only see one way in preventing that. And we have had issues with the CIA in the past, and the Church Committee, et cetera.
And I guess I ask you -- how do we possibly prevent it, Jim Jordan, if, in fact, the people that were involved in all of this --
HANNITY: -- based on the reporting of John Solomon, are not held accountable?
JORDAN: Read Emmet Flood's letter, if they can do it to a president of the United States, imagine what they can do to you and me, or to any of our constituents, anyone in this country. That is scary.
Understand this about the dossier. John Solomon's reporting is so good. Understand this -- when James Comey said it was salacious and unverified, it turns out that was an understatement. It was complete garbage.
Yet they took it to the court and but for that dossier, Andy McCabe told us this in his deposition, they don't get the warrant.
Final point on this is, when Jim Baker, the Chief Counsel of the FBI and we deposed him, Sean, we asked him why - he told us he reviewed this FISA, normally he didn't review FISA.
This is one of the very few he reviewed. We asked him why. He said, because I knew I'd be sitting in a committee room like this someday. They knew from the start this thing was a problem and they did it anyway. And as the President said, if they can do it to a President of the United States in his campaign, imagine what they can do to you and me. HANNITY: So, they were warned Jim Jordan before they sign the first warrant and warned about - it's not verified, it's political. Hillary paid for it. And that Steele hates no one before. Now we know according to this report tonight that the FBI knew before they signed the warrant.
HANNITY: They knew then that 90 plus percent was BS.
HANNITY: And Baker's comments are key. Now we also had Jim Comey. Yes, you're right. He signed the October 2016 FISA application. And then in January 2017, he told the President it's salacious and unverified and he might have signed a second one the month before, Gregg Jarrett would know that not me.
JORDAN: Yes, they signed three more Sean. And they even signed one, renewed the third FISA renewal happens after Bob Mueller is already named Special Counsel. So, they did it. They surveilled an American citizen for the better part of a year on something that was complete bogus.
GREGG JARRETT, CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. Congressman Jordan is absolutely correct and all those people who signed off on it from Rod Rosenstein to Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and James Comey, they were lying to a court and that's a felony. It's a crime, in fact, it's five other felonies as well.
And it will not be enough for people like James Comey to say, I put my name on that, but I was trusting in the work of others. That is not a defense to defrauding the court because he fixes his name for a reason. He is swearing under oath that the information he is providing is authentic, it is true, and it is verified. So, Comey and the other people I mentioned are in a world of trouble. I guarantee you that Horowitz, the Inspector General has the goods on them.
HANNITY: Now, Jim Jordan, one week from tonight, we expect - we've already booked you to be on this program as a guest. You will be here hopefully one week from tonight. If Mueller testifies Now, why do I think like everything else involving all of this, I suspect that what the Democrats are fearful of now and we are beginning to see that fear emerge.
First of all, they don't want Republicans to ask questions which is amazing because the rules say they must know.
HANNITY: What I think is going to happen here is Mueller has already said what he has to say, he'll refer to the documents.
JORDAN: Right.
HANNITY: Unless David Nunes is right and they're kind of talking with each other which would not be a good thing, but you're going to ask questions, aren't you - won't you have an opportunity to ask questions to Robert Mueller.
HANNITY: What are the things that you think you might be going into without giving away every detail.
JORDAN: Yes. No, look, we're working on that. The whole committee, all the Republican committee we're meeting trying to figure out what's the best approach to take. But I will tell you this, he did sign that for FISA. Well, Bob Mueller didn't sign it, but they signed it after he's named Special Counsel. I think that's significant. I'm sure someone's going to ask about that question. But there is a whole bunch of others we want to get into as well.
HANNITY: And Gregg Jarrett if you remember Congress what would you most want to ask?
JARRETT: Well, I would certainly ask that question. But I'd want to know why didn't you recuse yourself when the President in the Oval Office talked to you about his reasons for firing James Comey, the day before you took the job to investigate the President. Under regulations, you can't be a prosecutor and a witness in the same case.
HANNITY: Great point. All right. Let's see if he shows up a week from tonight. I don't know if he's going to show. When we come back, Joe Concha, Jeff Lord, they're going to weigh in on your corrupt fawning media, fawning all over the squad. That's next. Also, later, the woman who is going to challenge, that's right, Ocasio-Cortez, the real Speaker of the House will join us. First interview, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. As we have predicted, mainstream corrupt media mob running interference for the squad and their feud with the President. They can't help themselves. Why? Because they're state TV. You've got conspiracy TV, MSDNC and fake news CNN. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I felt we're very impressive. They're very committed. They're very passionate. They are very committed to making change that they think is better for the constituents who elected them.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lot of people believe that the right of Americans is to criticize the country, not being criticized by the governor.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's why they threw the tea in Boston Harbor. It's kind of the very beginning, the very beginning of the American experiment is that you have the right to complain. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The women at the center of the controversy say Republicans are putting the President first.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Other than endangering the lives of these four Congresswomen that he targeted in those racist tweets. Do you believe he's putting - do you believe he'd have blood on his hands if there were a racially inspired attack?
HANNITY: Now, get this fake news CNN. They did a focus group with conservative women voters about how they feel about the controversy. And they're not buying the fake news media narrative that CNN had to hear this. Take a look.
DENA MILLER, REPUBLICAN: He was saying that if they hate America so much because what we're seeing out of them and hearing out of them, they hate America. If it's so bad. There's a lot of places they can go.
SHARON BOLAN, REPUBLICAN: I'm a brown skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with you.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You don't think that's racist.
GINA O'BRIANT, REPUBLICAN: Not at all. I'm glad that the President said what he said, because all they're doing is, they're inciting hatred and division. And that's not what our country is about. It's not about that at all. And I don't--
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Isn't what the President does with some of his own comments, his own racist comments.
O'BRIANT: But he didn't say anything about color.
MILLER: Why are they not racist? How come they haven't befriended one of their white female congresswoman colleagues and her--
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because they won't.
HANNITY: Here now with reaction, author of Swamp Wars, the bestseller. Conservative columnist Jeffrey Lord. And from The Hill, media reporter Joe Concha. Good to see you both. You know, I look at the YouGov poll, Jeff Lord, and I find it reveals majority Republicans, 88 percent support the President.
And by the way, that's five points higher than it once was. And then you have another poll out there that, yes, that's pretty much the same thing. The rest views and poll, they like it a lot because they feel like they're trying to use it to bludgeon the President yet again. And that's the feeling.
JEFFREY LORD, AUTHOR, SWAMP WARS: Well, that's right. I mean, and the reason is pretty obvious to anybody who doesn't have blinders on, the President is out there as he was tonight standing up for America and the squad so-called is out there trying to divide Americans by race, which comes from the culture of their political party for 219 years.
On the record for slavery, segregation, lynching the Klan. Now, it's identity politics. The son of segregation. It's all racist. And the American people don't like it. And they know exactly what's going on with the President, and so they stand up with him.
HANNITY: You know, Joe, every two and four years for a long time, every election cycle, I would always play pasts elections where the race card is played. But now it seems like it's not just every two and four years. Now it's like every second of every day. That's just, you know, normal course of being for the Democrats.
But what's so interesting to me is not only are the Democrats and the 2020 hopefuls, they are sucking up to the squad and more importantly, adopting these extreme policies and the so-called leadership of the Democratic Party seems powerless and afraid.
JOE CONCHA, MEDIA REPORTER OF THE HILL: I'm not sure why they're afraid, Sean, considering that the squad is not pulling in almost every poll that I've seen well and look--
HANNITY: Well, that's not fair.
HANNITY: Omar has a 9 percent approval rating and Ocasio-Cortez with 22 percent. You're not being fair. We're calling you out on that.
CONCHA: Well, thank you for that. I appreciate that. Look, everything comes down to race these days, right. And you said that every second of every day you're hearing about the race card. This week we almost saw that literally. Do you know that since Sunday--
HANNITY: Well, I'm saying we're hearing about hating Trump, whatever manifestation it is for that second?
CONCHA: Oh, no, I hear you, Sean. But I'm saying that there is an actual number around this now that since Sunday, according to Gray Beard Media (ph), the word racist has been said on CNN and MSNBC alone more than 2200 times. I don't even know if that's physically or mathematically possible, but that's what's been happening this week and has been the myopic focus completely. And that's for the squad.
Look, the media loves nicknames, right? I mean, I guess the dream team was taken from the 92 team with Charles and Burton Magic. So, they went with the JV squad here instead. And we saw it with Ocasio-Cortez from the very beginning. She was on the cover of Time magazine five minutes after she was sworn into office called The Phenom. She got a 60 Minutes interview only a couple of weeks after taking office. And she even got a town hall on MSNBC before all the other presidential candidates did.
HANNITY: It's MSDNC, get it right.
CONCHA: A lot of corrections going on in the segment now. Certainly, you toss it back to--
HANNITY: Correct.
CONCHA: To Jeffrey Lord please. Thank you.
HANNITY: OK, Jeff. LORD: Sean, look.
HANNITY: I mean we could just tell Joe to be on time. No offense. Go ahead.
CONCHA: It's a lot of rain out here. So, give me a little slack. It's monsoon in Manhattan.
LORD: The number that Joe cited is just absolutely incredible. And I have a column coming out on this tomorrow in The American Spectator. I mean, when you've got CNN and MSNBC standing up for people who are self-identified as anti-Semites and racist, that's pretty bad.
HANNITY: Well, again, how - the question is, has Trump lost voters from 2016? You look at the enthusiasm in North Carolina tonight. And record low unemployment, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment.
One has to wonder if people say, wow, we're doing a lot better than 30 million more Americans on food stamps and 8 million more in poverty under Biden. Obama. All right, guys, good to see you.
CONCHA: Independence are the whole key, Sean, though, independence.
HANNITY: Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has a formidable new rival. Republican wants to take her seat in Congress. That woman challenging AOC will join us next. Also, Lawrence Jones asking New Yorkers, what do they think of AOC? We've got the tape straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right, the new extreme Left is running the Democratic Party from the economy, killing, Green New Deal, higher taxes, open borders, amnesty and a new crop of radicals led by Congresswoman, the real Speaker, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are setting the agenda.
And by the way, want to talk about a dumpster fire, a far-Left radical socialism which fails every single time, it is tried. By the way, my invitation to Ocasio-Cortez, the congresswoman continues.
I'd like her to spend an hour right here on this set. We'll talk about every issue. We'll take our time or offer three hours on 618 of the best radio stations if she'll come. Here's just a small sample of what we have seen from the real speaker so far. Take a look.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is - your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
How many years until the world ends again? We have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50 percent, if not more.
Medicare for All would save the American people, a very large amount of money.
Maybe we shouldn't be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You mean more than 10 million in one year? Your 10 millionth and one dollar gets taxed at 70 percent. Capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world.
Should - is it OK to still have children? But we're here to say that an agency like ICE, which repeatedly and systematically violates human rights does not deserve a dime.
HANNITY: Today we learned that Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is also facing a serious challenge in New York's 14th District because rising GOP star, Scherie Murray is an immigrant and entrepreneur. She announced her candidacy today. This is her first interview. Thank you, ma'am, for being with us. We appreciate you joining us. Thank you.
SCHERIE MURRAY, R-NY, CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: It's a pleasure to be with you this evening, Sean.
HANNITY: You know, you just heard what she said. And we have 12 years. It doesn't matter how we're going to pay for it. 12 years left and we shouldn't be eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don't know anybody that does that and the concentration camp, et cetera, comments and everything that you just heard. What is your reaction?
MURRAY: Well, it's disgusting. I think the narrative on the national level, it needs to be dialed back. And that's why I'm in the race. I'd like to represent the constituents in Queens, and the Bronx. And we see AOC from the time she's been elected. She put out policy like the job killing, Green New Deal.
She then went on to kill the Amazon deal in New York, which would have put some 25,000 jobs in Queens. And so, these are some of the reasons along with kitchen table issues that I do believe that AOC has neglected in her limelight bid to focus on in the congressional district.
HANNITY: Those 25,000 jobs in the district, you're running against her. An average pay 150 grand. I did think the governor and the Mayor of New York were crazy and their giveaways. And I think it's unfair to give benefits to one company and not another company. But that's a different story.
But saying, do we have to question having kids? They did say the Green New Deal, whether you're willing or unwilling to work. Basically, everything is for free. No more oil or gas in 10 years. I don't understand it. If we only have 12 years left and we have to do this all in 10 years, why don't we just party the next 12 years and it's over anyway?
MURRAY: Well, Sean, you have some points there. And I do believe that we have to start talking about the issues that are important to the constituents of the 14th Congressional District in Queens and in the Bronx.
We have infrastructure that is important to the constituents. Our subway system is crumbling. Our roads are in desperate need of repair. Also, Sean, our education, we need to really tackle our education system. The diversity here in New York, the education system, we really need to start talking about policy that's going to connect with the everyday Americans. She mentions no children, right. Or kids. I'm a mom--
HANNITY: Let me ask you this, how would you describe yourself politically and how do you feel about President Trump in the two plus years or two and a half years he's been in office?
MURRAY: Well, I migrated here from Jamaica, and I know firsthand what it is to not just be an immigrant, but to go through the process. Right. And so, what do I think about what the President is doing? I think that the President is delivering on his promises when he got elected.
HANNITY: Well, so you are announcing your candidacy and we're going to watch this very closely. I have noticed that a lot of people in the district diverse. 25,000 jobs, $150,000 on average. She let that go. I don't think that was a good move.
MURRAY: Sean, I just want to get all of your viewers to go to my website so that they can learn a little bit more about--
HANNITY: What is it, real quick.
MURRAY: About me. Follow me on Twitter. It's been overwhelming the level of support that I've received so far. The enthusiasm. So, I just want to say, thank you to all of your viewers and everyone out there that has just encouraged this campaign on our launch today. Thank you, Sean.
HANNITY: Scherie Murray, thank you for being with us. We'll follow your campaign very closely. Coming up, a horrific story over California. Over 20 MS-13 gang members arrested in what prosecutors are describing as a medieval style slaying. Trace Gallagher. Full report. Straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. A gruesome story tonight out of California. Trace Gallagher live in our West Coast Newsroom with the very latest. Trace.
TRACE GALLAGHER, CORRESPONDENT: Sean, of the 22 MS-13 gang members arrested for a series of brutal murders recently in Southern California. Federal investigators say, 19 of them are in the country illegally and all 19 came within the last few years that of course mirrors the timeline that California has been fighting to support sanctuary cities and fighting against the Trump administration's immigration policies.
The feds say the way MS-13 gang members rise in the ranks is by committing murders. And they are now accused of systematically and viciously killing at least seven people, using medieval style killing techniques that law enforcement authorities have not seen in two decades.
One victim was killed for crossing out MS-13 graffiti. Another was a homeless man who made the fatal mistake of falling asleep in a park that MS-13 considers its turf. The 22 gang members arrested are also thought to be responsible for hundreds of other crimes in several other states. But they are all based here in Los Angeles. Sean.
HANNITY: Chilling. All right, Trace Gallagher in our West Coast Newsroom. Thank you. All right. Thank you as well for being with us. We'll never be the hate-Trump, psychotic media mob. Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham has some snippet.
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