Reps. Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis on the IG report fallout
Congressmen Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis speak out on 'Hannity' after the all-important DOJ inspector general report is released.
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 15, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to this special addition of "Hannity", Trumps big week. I'm Jeanine Pirro in tonight for Sean. Without a doubt this has been a momentous past few days for President Trump, his agenda and the nation. The President kicked off the week in Singapore for a historic and successful peach summit with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un.
This was something that many analysts and ponders (ph) thought was totally impossible. But now we have hope that the total verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula is possible. Next we learn that Trump successfully negotiated the U.S. bid to co-host the 2026 World Cup. Remember Obama pushed hard to host the World Cup but ultimately failed to win the bid.
This week we also got some very good news on the economic front. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta just increased its second quarter GDP growth forecast of 4.8 percent. That's more than double the average quarterly growth under President Obama.
And yesterday the all-important IG report was released and its findings vindicated Presidents Trumps decision to fire Comey. And confirmed what we all know to be true about the deep state. Take a look.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: What they did during the election was a disgrace. It's probably never happened in our country before. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. What's going to happen when we go further? And there was total biased. I mean total biased.
STEVE DOOCY, FOX NEWS REPORTER: From what you've seen so far should James Comey be locked up?
TRUMP: Well look. I would never want to get involved in that. Certainly he -- they just seem like very criminal acts to me. What he did was criminal. What he did was a terrible thing to the people.
What he did was so bad in terms of our constitution in terms of the wellbeing of our country. What he did was horrible. I think Comey was the ring leader of this whole, you know den of thieves.
PIRRO: And despite everything we just showed you. It's just not good enough for the main stream media. In fact the press actually ramped up their attacks against President Trump. Take a look at this.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't want little children ripped from their parent's arms. I don't want them marched off to "showers".
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He does not seem to fully grasp or at least acknowledge this repressive regime there in North Korea. It does seem like he is -- this is not the first we have heard him to be drawn to an authoritarian figure.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We can't find a solution to this problem without harming children, right, without putting them into concentration camps?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Advocate (ph) everything into one big miasma.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know -- let me just go out on a limb everyone. And assume that they're going to take this victory lap. And we keep hearing these words witch hunt from the president. You know she'll say it's justified.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This goes strictly with Mr. Rosenstein actually doing the briefing of the president. I certainly hope the President doesn't kill the messenger if he doesn't like the message.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why the praises? I can see we got along OK. We all talk about political communicates like that when constructive talks, you know the language. He's coming out a kiss butt. And it's outrageous. It's outrageous, this guys a killer.
PIRRO: Today South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham went right to the source and responded to the media's constant anti Trump negativity on CNN. Watch this.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-SOUTH CAROLINA: I like the President. I trust him in terms of trying to do things that are big and matter. Here's what I've got. I've got a relationship with the president at a time when I think he needs allies. I'll tell him, I'll tell him.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But people say this is like two faced. Where is the Lindsey Graham of standing up to Donald Trump? What do you say?
GRAHAM: Well I'll tell them when I think he's wrong. But let me just tell you about the critics. When I worded with President Obama and I did on occasion. I was a hero. Now when I work with President Trump I'm two faced. I know how the games played and I don't give a dam.
I'm going to do what's best for the country. I like the president. I want to help him. I hope he's successful. He's been a friend to me. And he says some things I don't agree with. So if you don't like me working with the President Trump to make the world a better place. I don't give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED).
PIRRO: Joining us now are Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis, and Matt Gaetz. All right good evening gentlemen. I'll start with you Congressman DeSantis. I mean this has been a long time effort on your part to get to the inspector general's report.
I have it right here. All 500 and whatever pages of it. I haven't had a chance to read it all. But I promise you I will before my show tomorrow night, your take Congressman DeSantis.
REP. RON DESANTIS, R-FLORDIA: Well I think what it's done is its vindicated Trump. And really both prongs of the Mueller investigation. You mentioned you have a Democrat inspector general basically saying Comey should have fired. I've always said Comey should have been fired.
You've believed that. But the idea that you're going to have an obstruction of justice investigation. Because Trump fired the FBI director who the IG acknowledges had no business being FBI director is a farce. And then the other thing I think it undercuts is the whole genesis of this so called collusion narrative.
They did not give that text message to the congress when we asked. Where Strzok says we will stop Trump from becoming president. This is the guy that six days earlier opens up a counter intelligence investigation against Trumps campaign. This whole thing is infected with bias and it needs to stop.
PIRRO: And Congressman Gaetz, I mean with respect for what Congressman DeSantis just said. Look one of the most damming text messages that he just referenced had to do with Strzok saying don't worry about it.
You know we'll stop it when asked do you think he'll ever be elected President. Now that information was not given to congress. What are you guys going to do about it besides get on a show and complain about it?
REP. MATT GAETZ, R-FLORIDA: Well frankly I think we need to impeach Rod Rosenstein because these text messages that showed that there was an effort not only to reflect biased against the president. But to manifest that biased in a way that impacted people's official actions as government representatives is reprehensible.
We asked for these documents a year ago. And this was blacked out. It was redacted. There's no national security reason not to share this information with Congress. It's just embarrassing to the FBI that they had this swamp alligators crawling around.
PIRRO: Yes, but --
GAETZ: And doing everything they could to be destructive.
PIRRO: But you know what's frustrating Congressman DeSantis is that when the American people. When the viewers watch this and last night I was on Sean's show when he was hosting.
And I said you know what's so sad is I have always believed in the system. Can American's believe in the FBI based upon the fact that it seems that long term damage has been done to the institution?
DESANTIS: Oh, I don't think there's any question about that Judge. And it's not just Strzok and Page. I mean there were other FBI agents. One was said after Trump won who was part of the Hillary investigation. Part of the Mueller investigation. He said via la resistance. That's what his response was.
This is the guy working with Mueller. I mean give me a break. And I think that you also have all the leaking in the report showing just a cascade of leeks. You have agents getting gifts from reporters. So there is broad problems in the headquarters there. And I thought Christopher Wray press conference he was not --
PIRRO: Everyone is frustrated. We know it's wrong. We know that Joe Shmoe would be in jail right now. But it's not happening.
DESANTIS: So here's what I would say.
DESANTIS: This -- the text message. Either Rosenstein knew that that text message hadn't been produced. If that's the case he needs to go. Or he wasn't competent enough to get us the information we requested. To me he should go. So I think his continued position there is really untenable at this point.
PIRRO: All right. And Congressman Gaetz I mean I've everybody say Rosenstein should be going for a long time. What are you going to do about it?
GAETZ: I think we need to file articles of impeachment.
PIRRO: When?
GAETZ: Let's remember this is the same Ron Rosenstein who said -- I think we need to do it immediately. I'm ready to go. I mean we're trying to gather the support.
PIRRO: What do you need Congressman? What do you need to get it done? Talk to me.
GAETZ: 218 votes. I need 218 votes in the Congress of people who have the courage to stand up against a deep state that is actively working against our president today. I mean why does Peter Strzok still have a job?
Why is this guy still an alligator crawling around in the swamp of Washington D.C.? We got to get rid of him. And the fact that we haven't yet shows a lack of leadership at the top of the FBI and the Department of Justice.
PIRRO: Or with all due respect. The prosecutor in me tells me he might be cooperating. But then I say to myself. Self who is he cooperating with? What do you say Congressman DeSantis.
DESANTIS: Exactly.
PIRRO: Who could he be cooperating with?
DESANTIS: Well I couldn't here -- I'm actually not getting all that Matt's saying. But I mean what are we going to do about it? I mean what I would say is you hold these people in contempt. And then if they don't produce what we want. You move to impeach them and remove them from office.
That's the power we have. If we're not going to use that power then we're going to continue having the same stuff. Where we come on your show, we complain, and we don't ever get any results. And so we've got to use the power that we have.
PIRRO: All right. But Congressman DeSantis what Congressman Gaetz just said was that we need over 200 votes for an actual impeachment of Rosenstein. And every time something comes out we say this is another reason to impeach him.
DESANTIS: But you know this Judge if you have a speaker of the house exercising leadership. The majority leader and they say Rosenstein's got to go. They can marshal the support of the congress. And yes it wouldn't even come to an impeachment because when you lose the support of the congressional leadership.
And you're in a position like that you probably can't go. If we just put a resolution on that floor Rosenstein should go and that passed he would be done. So it could happen. We just need people to exercise leadership.
PIERRO: So let me ask you this. Why isn't Paul Ryan doing it, to either one of you?
DEDANTIS: Have him on your show.
PIERRO: You know what? I'll call him to be on my show tomorrow night, Paul Ryan. All right, and final question. In terms of the FBI do you believe that Christopher Wray, who has pretty much sat by and watched all of this.
And didn't too many people take enough of a recognition of the serious damage that had been done by Comey. Do you feel comfortable Congressman Gaetz in his leading the FBI going forward?
GAETZ: Christopher Wray can lead the FBI in an appropriate way. He needs to do so by immediately firing Peter Strzok and by taking far swifter action. I believe Chris Wray understands how damaging the acts of these anti Trump people have been to the FBI.
But frankly I would like to see a production of the documents that get to the very root of all of this. And by the way the root of it is Russia. These people wanted to get rid of the Hillary Clinton investigation. They wanted to launch a phony Russia investigation.
GAETZ: And won't have confidence in anybody until the documents are turned over.
PIERRO: OK. All right, except the problem with not getting rid of Strzok is if he is cooperating then no one's going to get rid of him. Or maybe there is a thinking that let's make him think he's cooperating and keep him here, because there's no reason to keep him. Congressman DeSantis I'll see you tomorrow night on my show Justice. And Congressman Gaetz thanks so much for being with us.
And joining us now with more are the authors of the book, those great guys who wrote "Let Trump Be Trump". The inside story of his rise to the presidency, Fox News contributor David Bossie and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
All right guys. The inspector general's report for me, it was very sad. I-- you know I had seen and followed very closely for so many months all of the -- all of the wrongs, all of the biases that where so obvious. And then in the end after, you know, this huge report we've got, OK they kept their personal biases at the door.
PIERRO: And I don't want to spend a lot of time on this because I want to talk about the good stuff the president's doing. But David Bossie what's your take on it all?
DAVID BOSSIE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well first of all this guy's, agent Strzok this FBI agent needs to be fired, and fired immediately. But he was involved, let's remember, he was involved in the Hillary Clinton interview.
He was involved in Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin's interview. He was involved in Mike Flynn's interview. This is outrageous that he is the center of this. He is clearly biased, somebody who hated this president and still does to this day.
It is outrageous that he's still employed by the FBI. But more importantly, did the Judge who issued the FISA warrant know that he was involved? Did -- was this man involved with leaking the Manafort information two years ago?
This investigation has been going on two years August. And he was involved 11 days later. We know that Strzok -- that there was a leak of the Manafort information. So this is a very incestuous, very bad group within the FBI that's given them a black eye.
PIERRO: All right, but we all know this. And Corey Lewandowski I mean what David says is nothing that isn't obvious. And yet tonight Paul Manafort has been ordered to jail. All right that guy didn't work for the FBI. He wasn't biased.
He wasn't handling Hillary Clinton and the anti-Trump and exposing his biases. Now Manafort is going to jail where he's got a $10 million bond. How do you level this out in your mind that we've got such a great system?
COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Look Judge the -- here's the real problem that we have. The inspector general's Report was very clear about one thing, which the main stream media refuses to cover.
Hillary Clinton took classified emails, put it on an unclassified server, and those emails were hacked or at least accessible by a foreign entity. Why is there not a criminal referral for Hillary Clinton for not protecting classified information? You can think whatever you want of Paul Manafort.
And you Paul and I aren't the best of friends. But the fact that Paul Manafort went off to jail today, when Hillary Clinton continues to walk free. When the IG says that she took classified e-mails put them on an unclassified server, and it says in the report that someone accessed that server from a foreign country, a foreign entity.
PIERRO: Foreign country, remember how Jim --
LEWANDOWSKI: Why is that not a criminal referral?
PIERRO: Well I'm going to tell you why. OK, because I don't think it would make a darn bit of difference. Because I want to know who's going to prosecute her? But let me go now to David Bossie. OK. We got the World Cup. The president had a great week.
You know Kim Jong-un is agreeing to denuclearization. Obama was out there saying you know I'm going to get the World Cup, and I'm going to get the Olympics here. He didn't do anything.
BOSSIE: Look he's had a great week. The president it's one of the great weeks of his administration. The lowest -- the Job numbers today is unbelievable. The lowest in 40 Job list (ph) claims, lowest in 44 years. Our economy is humming.
This president got elected because he said jobs, jobs, jobs and he meant it. Through deregulation, though these tax cuts through and entrepreneurial spirit that he has brought to the presidency. It has been a great week on the economy.
It has been a great week in him dealing with North Korea. Trying to denuclearize the Korean peninsula is something that is generationally important. And let me just say about the World Cup.
The guy who used to the head of the American World Cup said, oh Obama's going to be able to get this for us now that he's president.
BOSSIE: And in 2016 he said oh we can't have Donald Trump because the Cup will never come here. Look again he proves everybody wrong.
PIERRO: OK. So Corey let's talk about the -- those people who are all predicting nuclear war and that the President Trump doesn't know how to negotiate. He doesn't know what he's doing. But aside from all that I want to ask you a question. I'm going to veer off that for a second.
How does this guy fly back and forth to Singapore, do all the negotiating, all the stuff that he's doing and he's walking outside the White House today just greeting a bunch of press and people and answering every question. He's on top of his game. How does he do this?
LEWANDOWSKI: Judge Donald Trump is a machine. And I mean that. I've spent thousands of hours with him. He never sleeps. He just continues to work. And that's why in the first 18 months of this administration he's been so successful.
Go back and look at what he talked about. We're going to have four percent growth. They said you'll never get there. Now the Fed is saying maybe it's 4.8 percent. Because he never stops, he never gives up, he keeps fighting.
He walked out and did that impromptu press conference with Fox today and I'm sure some of the staff said oh no, sir don't do that. Donald Trump is the best when he is Donald Trump. The book that Dave and I wrote "Let Trump Be Trump" is why he is successful, because he does things outside the norm.
He stayed up for 25 hours strait on that airplane. Got off the plane and kept on working. He didn't go to bed for a week like Hillary Clinton did before every debate.
PIERRO: A week. She was in bed for longer than that. But he doesn't drink coffee does he?
LEWANDOWSKI: No coffee. Look you know Donald Trump.
BOSSIE: Diet Cokes.
LEWANDOWSKI: It's no coffee. It is just raw adrenaline and Diet Cokes. And he just keeps on going Judge. And that's why he wears out staff and that's why he's successful.
BOSSIE: He just has a different gear then everybody else, including the staff whether it was on the campaign or at the White House. This guy works 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. And that's why our economy is moving.
That's why he can handle -- people are wondering how can he do so many different things every single day. It's because he never stops. He is a hardworking, incredibly smart, diligent guy. Who is doing an incredible job as president.
PIERRO: And not only that he celebrated his birthday this week to.
BOSSIE: That's right.
PIERRO: All right David Bossie --
LEWANDOWSKI: Judge, Judge look at me. Look Judge have to remember the press never complains now that this president is not doing enough. They complain that they can't keep up with him. I think it's a far cry from Obama who did nothing for eight years.
PIERRO: Well you know when people used to talk about 24/7 news they never really knew what it meant until Donald Trump came into the White House. All right guys. Thanks for being with us tonight.
BOSSIE: Thanks.
PIERRO: And coming up on this special edition of "Hannity" Kristin Fisher will have a live report from the White House on two major stories. And then Gregg Jarrett, Tom Fitton, Mark Penn don't go anywhere.
PIERRO: Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity", Trumps big week. There are two big stories we're following tonight. Starting with the Paul Manafort case, where the Judge today actually revoked his bail and sent him to jail.
Also tonight we're learning new details on whether President Trump will sit down with Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Joining us live from White House with more on the stories, Fox News correspondent Kristin Fisher, Kristin.
KRISTIN FISHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hey Judge. Well things just got very uncomfortable for Paul Manafort. Tonight he is in federal custody on this way to jail, where he will spend the next several months until his trial in September.
Now the president is calling it a very tough sentence for someone who's represented Ronald Regan, Bob Dole and very unfair. But the reason a federal judge did this. Revoked his bail and put him in jail is because he's just been accused of attempting to tamper with witnesses in his federal tax and money laundering case.
Last week the Special Counsel Robert Mueller accused Manafort of trying to contact witness by phone and through an encrypted messaging program. Mueller asked the Judge to either revise the terms of his bail, or send him to jail until trial.
Well today in court the Judge said "this isn't middle school. I can't take away his cell phone." So instead she took away his freedom for a few months. Well the president's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani responded by telling the New York Daily News when the Mueller probe is over "things might get cleaned up with some presidential pardons."
He also said there was a good chance that President Trump will decide next week if he will sit down with the special counsel. Giuliani told the hill today that his mind is made up the president should not agree to an interview, especially after the IG's report. But Giuliani says that the president has not made up his own mind.
Also next week there is a huge hearing on Capitol Hill. On Monday the FBI director and the Inspector General who just issued that blistering report. They will both be testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. So Judge I know there's been a lot of must see TV hearing on Capitol Hill over the last year or so. But this one would defiantly be toward the top of the list.
PIRRO: All right. Thanks so much Kristin. And joining us now to react to Kristin's report Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, former Clinton poster and advisor Mark Penn, author of the upcoming book "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump". All right Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett.
All right guys. I'm going to start with you Gregg. I mean, you know, we're sending now this guy Manafort to jail. Claiming the Judge is saying that he actually tied to tamper with a couple of witnesses.
PIRRO: Why is he in jail and the rest of these bozo's not?
JARRETT: Well that's a very good question. And the judge should be blaming herself. She is the one who failed to issue a no contact order with regard to any witnesses. And I've read through the court documents, Andrew Weissmann's and Robert Mueller's evidence of this incredibly scant and cryptic. It is enough to revoke bail because that's an incredibly low threshold.
PIRRO: Right.
JARRETT: But they also were charging him with obstruction of justice.
PIRRO: Exactly.
JARRETT: In a superseding incitement. That's utterly preposterous given the evidence.
PIERRO: But Gregg, look you and I both know that for them to do this. They indict them, they indict them again. Superseding indictment, they start threatening him and now they throw him in jail. They must be desperate.
Because this is a guy who's charged with a crime that occurred 12 years ago that half the people in Washington were lobbing should be in the same lock up with him. What do they think he has on Trump? He only was with them for a few months.
JARRETT: They know he has nothing on Trump. But that has never stopped prosecutors from putting a document in front of somebody that their squeezing and say sign this. They don't care, those prosecutors about the rule of law and perjury. They suborn perjury by squeezing witnesses all the time. And that is a crime.
PIRRO: All right. Tom Fitton you know the prosecutor in me and the way I ran it off is that they wouldn't allow that kind of thing. But the feds are a different breed of cat. Tom your take on this whole thing with Manafort being in jail, what do you think they think he's going to say? Other than perjure himself?
TOM FITTON, JUDICIAL WATCH PRESIDENT: You know look as the anti-corruption watch dog in me suggests this is all -- this is retaliation by the Mueller team for Manaforts pushing back against his authority.
PIERRO: Yes. I think that's it too.
FITTON: I think its overkill. And I think the Mueller operation recognizes that Manafort is its reason for being. There really is no Mueller investigation to speak of substantively without this bit Manafort indictment, these multiple indictments now. You shut down the Manafort investigation and really everything kind of flitters away.
Because the Trump investigations is going nowhere, there is no Russian collusion. And again it's a nice distraction from that IG report that confirms the Mueller operation was generated as a result of these crooked FBI agents who hated Donald Trump. Who set this thing in motion and where working for Mueller for a good period of time.
Frankly the whole things been tainted. I'm thinking back to the Whitehurst scandal with the FBI labs. Throw out all the cases these folks were involved with, including Manafort.
PIERRO: Right, right fruit from poisonous tree. But you know what's amazing to me Tom. And you're the one that I've always given so much credit to for -- through your foyer (ph) free with information.
But you know now we find out, why was this text never given to Congress? The one where he says we're going to stop it. He's not going to be president is he? No, we're going to stop it. I mean somebody's got to pay for not giving that to congress.
FITTON: You know when you can't blame in the Obama Justice Department for that judge. It's this Justice Department, this FBI that's been covering up all these text messages, all of these emails.
PIRRO: Oh, that hurts.
FITTON: Their fighting us in court right now on every scandal issue the IG has raised.
FITTON: They haven't given us one text message. They haven't given us the McCabe text messages.
FITTON: They are holding back information about DOJ collusion during the Obama administration with the Clinton campaign. This Justice Department and not the Obama Justice Department.
PIRRO: Yes. All right. So, Mark Penn, I mean, what, as you listen to this, what Tom Fitton has said is absolutely the case. This is the Republican Justice Department.
MARK PENN, FORMER CLINTON POLLSTER AND ADVISER: Well, but it's really a state unto itself. I think what happened here with the recusal and the independent counsel and Rod Rosenstein is that they are not accountable to Congress, they can't be fired by the president. They kind of come in and created a government of their own here which we thought when we got rid of the independent counsel statute could no longer happen.
PENN: Absolutely. And look, you see what's happening with Manafort. I mean, Weinstein is out on a million dollar bail.
PIRRO: Harvey Weinstein.
PENN: Right. Made of $10 million bail. Now tell me what league is Manafort in? The judge here is in cahoots with the independent counsel to pressure Manafort to the limit because he is the only guy pleading not guilty.
PIRRO: You know, I got to tell you something, Mark, I think that obviously is very interesting. But as the public watches this whole thing proceed, who would think if Manafort turned on the president now if anything he said and any truth to it given the fact that they've been squeezing him for a year.
I'm going to go to you, Gregg on this whole thing with the FBI.
PIRRO: Now, right now Horowitz is going to testify on Monday.
PIRRO: He is going to try to maybe, you know, explain why in spite of these prejudicial statements the report and the actions were not sufficient to call for a criminal charge against anyone.
JARRETT: What he needs to say is, look, I couldn't prove that their biased influenced decisions.
PIRRO: Gregg.
JARRETT: I couldn't prove it, right.
PIRRO: Gregg, look at this. I got to show you this. This is proof. It's called 500 pages of proof.
JARRETT: Sure. Look, it is a compendium of bias, if you will. But Horowitz said, look, did it influence the decision to clear Hillary Clinton? I can't prove it true testimonial or documentary. Well, of course he can't. Nobody puts their crimes in writing. Nobody confesses to Horowitz we did it for political reasons and obstruct the justice.
PIRRO: This is crazy. This is crazy. Tom Fitton, I tried a lot of murder cases with absolutely no eyewitness testimonies called circumstantial evidence. This is more than circumstantial. This is what people are saying, they are describing what their state of mind is.
FITTON: Well, unfortunately, you know, the inspector general is a typical government bureaucrat. He sees these set of facts that everything that Hillary Clinton did, all of these decisions that the prosecutors made and the FBI made, that fell down in her favor and helped protect her, they all were perfectly defensible and he couldn't second guess them.
PIRRO: All right.
FITTON: You know, look, I don't buy any of that. People should read the report themselves and they are going to see a Clinton e-mail investigation that was a sham that should be re-open and the Russian investigation irredeemably tainted by this anti-Trump bias.
PIRRO: All right.
FITTON: I just can't believe we are still talking about a Mueller investigation after Peter -- after Mr. Strzok said his goal was to stop Trump.
PIRRO: He's going to stop. Right. Mark, and last question to you. And what happens to Jim Comey's book a higher loyalty now?
PENN: Well, look, I hope sales are cut off. I mean, the whole way he has acted here in defiance really, when you look at it now he is in defiance of everyone when he was FBI director. So you'd expect him to be in defiance of everyone that he is a private citizen.
Look, I have thought and I wrote a piece in the Hill, a higher disloyalty. I think that he really, you know, brought down the FBI. This clear to me that Hillary Clinton was the winner in this report because they said the actions were reasonable. I think Trump was a winner because the Strzok test really show the anti-Trump animus and I think Comey and the FBI were losers. They didn't operate in an even remotely professional way.
PIRRO: All right, gentlemen.
JARRETT: I think Comey was going to be destroyed by this--
PIRRO: And that's why you ran and got the book -- I've to go.
JARRETT: That's right.
PIRRO: Time is up. All right, coming up, the destroy-Trump media is melting down over all the president's successes. Sean Spicer and Joe Concha on that next as the special edition of "Hannity" continues.
PIRRO: Welcome back to the special edition of Hannity.
President Trump has had an unprecedented week of success but the mainstream media determined to twist his accomplishments to fit their destroy-Trump agenda. Watch this.
JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: This is Donald Trump's America. And yes, it sounds like something we would be condemning coming out of North Korea.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is sort of a master marketer in many ways and he wants to repeat it as often as possible even though it's not true so that it becomes true in public perception. That is why he declares peace on earth.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's still a lot we don't know in this as we go through it. But as of now it appears is that the official said and the FBI did not act criminally.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Peter Strzok said we will stop him.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's talking about it's more important to get along with North Korea. My question is, where does he draw a line about not getting along with somebody?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The policy on the border is calculated cruelty. His administration's policy rather than being family-friendly is basically based on let's be as cruel as possible.
PIRRO: Joining me now with reaction former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer and yhe Hill's Joe Concha. All right. Sean, I mean, you had to work with those people for a significant period of time. Don't you think that they are losing their credibility?
I mean, the facts are the facts. There's good news. I mean, we were supposed to have a nuclear war with North Korea. Now there is a promise of denuclearization. And we just got the World Cup, you think they'd be happy about that. But instead talking about concentration camps for kids what -- is this working to Donald Trump's benefit?
SEAN SPICER, FORMER UNITED STATES WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think it is. And I would argue that they, in many cases, lost their credibility. It's not that they are losing it. I think that's why the president's numbers continue to tick up.
The American people are smart enough to understand that the president is fighting for them, but more importantly he's getting results for them. And you know, whether it's economy, North Korea, ISIS, et cetera, the president is getting things done. People understand that their lives are better, their lives and safer.
And I think what you continue to see expose is that these journalists in so many cases actually are really exposing their personal biases against not just conservatives, but against him. They continue to throw road block over road block in front of him because it will never be good enough. There will never be a bar high enough that Donald Trump will hit that they will give him the credit that he deserves.
So, i most cases, half of what he has done would have been heralded as a huge triumph. But no matter how good the economy does, no matter how safe we continue to make this country under this leadership it will never be good enough.
PIRRO: All right. Joe Concha, I mean, what about comparing these kids whose parents are being separated them from as likened to children in Nazi concentration camps?
JOE CONCHA, REPORTER AND COLUMNIST, THE HILL: I think, judge, any time you bring up Nazi or you bring Hitler or you bring up the Third Reich, suddenly people their eyes glaze over. It's an argument that so based on hyperbole that it's not a winning argument clearly because you don't want to -- you are arguing the facts and policy.
But you mentioned that the president is having a pretty good week. I don't think too many people would disagree with that. Objective ones, anyway. I would also argue that he is having a pretty good year. When you think about the tax bill that was passed in late December, when you think what just happened with North Korea, obviously the ISIS that Sean mentioned 98 percent of it destroyed.
And then I look at the polling numbers. And he was at 37 percent in the Real Clear Politics average. That's an average of eight polls. That is now going up seven points which is a lot considering how polarize we are to this point.
And look, I made this point a couple of days ago. It's worth repeating. Ninety percent of the punditry in terms of North Korea was negative. And then I look at a poll today from Monmouth and it shows that 7 in 10 think it was a good idea. Reuters, the majority a proof.
You want talk about a contrast between what we are saying in New York and Washington in the media capitals and what the rest of America is thinking in terms of polling you can't see a better disconnect than that in terms of the sentiment on the ground and the sentiment in newsrooms by pundits who are experts from former administration who probably are little bias in this situation because obviously they got nothing done with North Korea whether talking Bush or Obama.
PIRRO: You know, Sean, the president actually came out and I think this is one of the things that most Americans love about him. He said look, with North Korea, I could be wrong. Maybe in six months I'll say I was wrong. I mean, it's that kind of honesty where he just comes out and says, look, right now I have every reason to believe there is going to be denuclearization. Every reason to bring back the tens of thousands of troops that we have over there. And you think that people would support him. Not a chance.
SPICER: Well, because look, this president is a disruptor. He is not following the norms of Washington. Had this been the previous administrations, number one, they would not have done it. But number two, they would have circulated 18 Power Points among 42 assistant secretaries that would have, you know, passed it on to the undersecretaries who would have 14 meetings.
Donald Trump said let's get it done. Fly over there, I want to meet with this guy face-to-face and kind of deal. I can look into his eyes to figure out whether he is a man that wants to make a deal and explain the benefits that his country and his people will yield if we can do this in a constructive way, and I can make the world a safer place. And he did it.
And the problem is, is everyone's head is spinning because he didn't do it the way that he was supposed to. And the reality is and this is the irony of it and Joe alluded to this a second ago.
But everyone who has came before him got nothing done. So they may have followed all of this amazing process that's supposed to happen in Washington but that process has not yielded results. Donald Trump did it his way and he has with so many other things and gotten results that the American people can see are very, very tangible.
PIRRO: Joe Concha, do you think at some point the numbers continue to rise, that the media -- the polling numbers on the president's behalf, that the media will ever come around?
CONCHA: No. Because I have a new theory on this, judge. I think there is a peer pressure at some many quarters of our media.
CONCHA: Where, if you say anything negative -- or positive about this president in any sustained way for just being objective, you go issue to issue, and you say he did well here, he didn't do so well here, but if you do that it's like a Scarlet Letter in the media.
So the default is always to criticize because you want to be accepted among your peers and maybe you think your audience wants to hear something negative about the president instead of just reporting the truth and just being honest about how you feel about a particular issue.
PIRRO: You know, the only reason I say it, Joe, it seems that Dennis Rodman who was very complimentary of the president and his actions with North Korea. He didn't seem that he get a blow back. So it's a gee, maybe this is the beginning of something good, but I was probably wrong, right?
CONCHA: He is an outstanding rebounder that I know about the man.
PIRRO: All right, gentlemen.
SPICER: Look, but Joe is right. I mean, there is a massive pack mentality here. They are so afraid of being out of their sort of pack mentality mainstream minds melt, that they will never do anything that upsets that apple cart. I write about it in my book.
PIRRO: Good.
SPICER: It happened once and it's unbelievable.
PIRRO: All right, guys. Thanks so much. And still to come on this special edition of Hannity, we have an all-star panel that's going to weigh in on President Trump's historic summit with Kim Jong-un and his other triumphs from this huge week. Stay right there.
PIRRO: Welcome back to "Hannity." Earlier today, President Trump joined Fox and Friends where he talked about the I.G. report on the FBI's investigation into the 2016 election. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The headlines right now from the Wall Street Journal "DOJ and Clinton report blasts Comey and agents but finds no bias in conclusion."
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, the end result is wrong. I mean, there was total bias. I mean, when you look at Peter Strzok and what he said about me when you look at Comey and all of his moves.
So, I guess -- you know, it's interesting. It was a pretty good report. And then I say that the I.G. blew it at the very end with that statement. Because when you read the report, it was like Comey. He goes point after point about how guilty Hillary is and then he said but we're not going to do anything about it. The report, the I.G. report was a horror show. I thought that one sentence of conclusion was ridiculous.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What about, apparently the love birds talking about you, we will stop him?
TRUMP: Yes, they said they will stop me. Well, in the meantime, the economy hit an all-time high this morning. Never been better. Jobless rates the lowest, the best in 44 years, it just came out.
PIRRO: Joining me now with reaction is attorney and author David Limbaugh, and GOPAC chairman, David Avella, former Clinton pollster and Fox News contributor, Doug Schoen. Doug, I'm going to start with you. You are the Democrat.
PIRRO: OK. What do you want to give the president credit for this week?
SCHOEN: Well, look, I think you have to give him credit for stopping the nuclear arms race in Korea. I think you have to give him credit for starting a process that we have to forward we can see ultimately where we stand. I think we have to give him credit for the economic news.
That explains why in fact his poll numbers are going up. I think the question of a trade war starting what he did at the G7 all too me as a Democrat are troubling. But to me, the largest questions can the president bridge the divide in the country and start to bring people together with say a compromise on immigration, the wall for DACA? If we can get there, then his numbers go from 40, 45 percent to over 50.
PIRRO: I don't know. You know, David Limbaugh, you know, what we've got is the I.G. report. And it seems that, you know, as the president just said it was like James Comey announcing here's all the evidence of her criminal activity but no reasonable prosecutor will prosecute.
We have the same thing with Horowitz. We've got all of this evidence but we're going to give the FBI the benefit of the doubt and no criminal referral. Does that make sense to you?
DAVID LIMBAUGH, AUTHOR AND ATTORNEY: No, but it's the same pattern going on, a white washing pattern by Comey, by Horowitz and by Wray at the FBI. The same thing specifying specific misconduct and in the end saying we're not going to do anything about it.
And Director Wray the audacity of just spending two minutes saying the FBI did some things and using this as an opportunity to glorify the FBI and shame us, patronize us about how wonderful the FBI is and not talk about how terrible this is and then talking about sensitivity training for FBI people to learn not to be biased when they're not supposed to be biased in the first place.
But let me just say this, Judge Jeanine, people talk about this bias and that there was no nexus between the bias and the decision. There was pervasive bias. Don't -- don't make any mistake about it. It was widespread. Other people have said on your show it's all through the report. Regardless of what Horowitz says at the end, because he's afraid. He's given the benefit of the doubt to the FBI instead of the American people they're supposed to be protecting.
But this isn't just a question of bias. This is a question of these people in the upper echelons of the FBI charged with this investigation of steering an investigation to a desired result.
LIMBAUGH: Stopping Trump -- stopping Trump and promoting Hillary. It's outrageous.
PIRRO: All right. And David Avella, I mean, there is no question about it. That they said, you know, will he ever be president? And Strzok says, we're going to stop it.
So, now you've got Christopher Wray out there. And David Limbaugh makes a great point. He just says, you know, we're really a great team and we'll have some H.R. meetings at this point. Should Christopher Wray go?
DAVID AVELLA, CHAIRMAN, GOPAC: There needs to be firings at the FBI, one. And two, we're now about to see the Obama stooges all start going after each other as they all trying to protect their own reputations based off this report, showing they were as incompetent at trying to influence the election as they were at running a Justice Department that was fair and impartial.
PIRRO: All right. More of this special edition of Hannity after the break.
Gentlemen, thanks so much for being with us tonight.
PIRRO: Welcome back to this special edition of Hannity. But unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. So don't forget though to tune in tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Eastern for justice with me, Judge Jeanine. Counsel to the president, Kellyanne Conway, Anthony Scaramucci.
And don't forget, buy a copy of my book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You want to read the real truth, "Liars, Leakers and Liberals: The Case against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy." It's all in there.
Thanks for being with us. Have a great night, and we'll see you tomorrow night.
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