This is a rush transcript from “Watters’ World" November 21, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Protecting the Republic. That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words.
When you have an election that half the country thinks was crooked, shouldn't you investigate it to make sure it wasn't. The Democrats investigated the last election for three years and found nothing. But Republicans can't investigate this election for three weeks?
President Trump's legal team laid out what they found in just a short period of time.
RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S PERSONAL ATTORNEY: Jessy Jacob is an adult citizen and a resident of the State of Michigan. She has been an employee of the City of Detroit for decades.
She was assigned to voting duties in September, and she was trained by the City of Detroit and the State of Michigan. She was basically trained to cheat. She said that, "I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than when they were actually sent in. The supervisor made that announcement for all workers to engage in that fraudulent practice."
That's not me saying that. That's an American citizen saying that under oath.
WATTERS: This is a Detroit poll worker swearing under penalty of perjury that she was trained to cheat by Democrat election officials to backdate ballots that came in after Election Day.
Rudy says the woman will also testify that she was instructed not to verify signatures, not to invalidate bad ballots and not to check voter ID. She says all the poll workers around her were instructed to do this.
Rudy laid out more direct testimonial evidence from Michigan citizens.
GIULIANI: What they swear to is that at 4:30 in the morning, a truck pulled up to the Detroit Center where they were counting ballots. The people thought it was food, so they all ran to the truck. It wasn't food. It was thousands and thousands of ballots.
And the ballots were in garbage cans. They were in paper bags. They were in cardboard boxes and they were taken into the center.
They were put on a number of tables. At that time, they thought all the Republican inspectors had left, all but two had, and an employee of Dominion. And here's what they jointly swear to.
That every ballot that they could see, everything they could hear, these were ballots for Biden. When they saw a ballot, these were ballots only for Biden, meaning there was no down ticket, just Biden. Many of them didn't have anything on the outer envelope because these ballots were produced very quickly, very swiftly and they are estimated to be a minimum of 60,000, maximum of 100,000.
Many of them were triple counted, which means they were put into the counting machine this way, once, twice, three times.
WATTERS: Makes you sick to your stomach to think that this could have happened. But it gets worse.
The President's legal team has hundreds and hundreds of sworn eyewitness statements testifying the major voter fraud in Atlanta, Philly, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Milwaukee, Las Vegas and Phoenix. These are deep blue cities run by Democrat machine bosses and election boards in key swing states Biden leads.
Over voting, double voting, out of state voting, vote changing, voter intimidation, backdating.
Poll inspectors swear they weren't permitted to inspect hundreds of thousands of mail ballots being opened and processed in Pennsylvania. Dozens of inspectors swear they were denied real access in major Democratic precincts across the country in early morning of November 4th and beyond while Biden chewed away at Trump's lead.
In Pittsburgh, 15,000 people showed up on Election Day to vote, and were told they had already voted by mail when they hadn't. So who cast ballots in their names?
Wisconsin sent out tens of thousands of unsolicited ballots. It's against state law. Democrats violated the Equal Protection Clause by allowing people to cure their bad ballots in cities, but not in Trump counties.
Now all of these arguments and testimonials were laid out methodically by Rudy.
Another lawyer, Sidney Powell claim she has whistleblower testimony and significant circumstantial evidence proving that software in the vote machines rigged vote counts for Joe.
Now, if this is true, it is the biggest scandal in American political history. It's an extremely technical and controversial allegation, the WATTERS' WORLD producers have been looking into it, and we're going to show you exactly what we found coming up later in the show.
So the Trump case is this: don't certify fraudulent results. Let the lawyers present their case in court and let the judges rule, and if it goes through a legal process, a constitutional process, nobody should have an issue with that.
It's an uphill battle for sure, but it's a battle worth fighting.
It was a unique election with tens of millions of mail ballots for the very first time and all the country's powerful interests aligned against the President. Trump was ahead, then a stoppage. And then the outcome delayed while Biden clawed ahead under controversial circumstances.
Now, perhaps that can be explained, but we are seeing early signs that there are other explanations, and those should be pursued all the way.
The Democrats rioted and launched a coup after the last election. Spare us the outrage when a lawyer files a lawsuit.
Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
Remember when Hillary said Trump stole the election and was an illegitimate President?
Remember when Democrats pressured electors to stop Trump's certification?
Remember when dozens of Democrats boycotted Trump's inauguration?
Remember the Obama administration illegally leaked classified information and unleashed F.B.I. agents on Trump's transition?
All of that was over a lie planted by Hillary just to distract from her e- mail scandal. And so far there's more evidence of election corruption than there ever was of election collusion.
Remember, when the mainstream media cared about election integrity? Here's an investigative report from NBC News, demonstrating how Dominion voting machines are easily hacked.
Look at the title of the package right there, "The ease of hacking voting machines" from NBC News.
And speaking of Dominion, last year, Senators Liz Warren and Amy Klobuchar, they wrote a letter to the parent company of Dominion, raising serious concerns about instances of illegal vote flipping in their machines.
And who could forget Biden just last month, bragging about how he had the best voter fraud op ever?
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: We put together I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
WATTERS: Oops. Perhaps that was just a slip of the tongue, or maybe he said the silent part out loud. I don't know either way, the truth is worth pursuing.
Voters are owed fair elections here in America. Millions of Americans died for our right to vote. They died defending democracy and died protecting the Republic.
The country is shot if we can't trust the process on Election Day. It's our duty to have an accurate tally.
Don't trust anybody who doesn't want to ensure that, so keep the faith. We're up against the clock, no doubt. Whatever happens, happens and that was meant to be.
And always remember this, we can be gracious in victory and humble in defeat. That is unless they cheat.
Here with reaction, host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" and author of "The Trump Century." All right, Lou, what do you think about all this chaos post- election?
LOU DOBBS, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK ANCHOR, LOU DOBBS TONIGHT: Well, it's of our making and by our making, I mean, the left, the right of the Republicans, Democrats, this President and his opposition colliding on November 3rd, and it is a donnybrook, that I don't believe we're going to see resolved quickly, perhaps certainly not as quickly as did 2000 -- that contested election.
This one is deeper, it is broader. It is more sinister, frankly. And I think we are in for the long haul on this election. It will be a while before this is resolved, if indeed it is to be resolved.
WATTERS: I find it fascinating that there are people on the left who don't understand why that people on the right might believe that there was some cheating involved considering what they've done to this President over the last four years.
I mean, they had SWAT teams raid the homes of the President's associations. They were secretly recording the First Lady on the phone. Even they were doxing supporters. They tried to take them out with the 25th Amendment.
They spied on his campaign. They rigged the presidential debates. Remember, all of a sudden, it's not going to be in person at the last second, they're going to make it virtual and all the money that poured in from Corporate America the last second? To think that they wouldn't even consider something like this. It just it boggles my mind.
DOBBS: You and I, and I think nearly all of your viewers and most of the country understand what is both at stake here and what is going on here.
The left is carrying out what has been a four and a half year long plot and effort to overthrow the President of the United States. First, as you have documented to block his candidacy and deny him the presidency; once he won the presidency, to overthrow his presidency. It persists to this very day.
And to think of the meanness and the venality of the left is to contemplate the abyss. They have done all of this, and I really believe Jesse, they don't care that they've been caught. The President says this time they got caught in this election, and indeed they have, all across the country, various jurisdictions, stealing -- trying to steal an election.
And this President is demonstrating once again, he is the wrong guy to cross, the wrong guy to think you can overthrow, upend, and somehow stop with a vicious campaign, whether it's verbal, whether it is physical, whether it is what we have seen here, a cyberattack on our election, those voting machines and software.
This President means to see this to the end, and that means to see it to the end of justice for these people who have decided that they would overthrow our government and overthrow our way of life in this country. And it just damn well isn't going to succeed.
WATTERS: You're right. The fact that it does fit a pattern, when you think about they tried to impeach him during an election year, when they censor everything he says on social media.
I mean, he does a press conference, the networks don't even take it. CNN blacks it out. They cut in and try to fact check everything he says in real time. And you're right, there has been this collision between the President and it's the powers that be so to speak for the last four years, and we're just seeing the continuation of that vicious collision between a movement and an establishment.
And I would agree, I think he takes it as far as he can take it, and fights us as tough as he can until, you know you're out of ammo, eventually you run out of ammo. But it's a fight worth fighting and I think that's why his supporters have his back, it is because he doesn't back down for something like this.
DOBBS: I think you're right. I think it goes beyond that. The Republicans have to stand with this President or the Republican Party is watching its death knell.
WATTERS: Well, why aren't they doing that?
DOBBS: They might as well join the funeral procession into the abyss for their party, because this Republican Party will be gone and done if they do not stand with this President.
If the left were to get away with this, if the radical Dems, the Deep State were to get away with this. What in the hell would they not do to this country? To law-abiding citizens? To the Republican Party not well known for its courage and forthrightness in defense of the working man and woman before Donald Trump was voted into office and this movement began?
This is no longer the party of Republican country clubs and big corporations. The Republican Party is now the party of working men and women, the middle class and all who aspire to it. No Republican has expanded the boundaries of the Republican Party to include minorities, to include women, to truly create a big tent.
This is not about reconciling as one congressman wanted done, the head of the Republican study group wants to blend the Reagan agenda with the Trump agenda.
No, this is the Trump agenda, because he is fighting for what this country is all about: opportunity, success, and by God, equality for every single American and he is not only talking it, he has delivered it, whether it's in employment, whether it's in jobs, whether it is in terms of making sure we have balanced trade and quit policing the world.
This is, as you've documented here, in this broadcast, this is shameless what the left has done, and there will be no yielding, certainly, I will guarantee you this, I won't yield and I know this President won't.
WATTERS: All right, Lou Dobbs. There he is everybody. Go check out his book. Thank you very much. Inspiring words.
DOBBS: Good to see you.
WATTERS: WATTERS' WORLD investigates Dominion Voting Systems, what our team uncovered about the software at the center of this election.
And do as I say, not as I do, California's Governor, the latest hypocritical Democrat to his own lockdown orders.
WATTERS: Governors across the country are adding new coronavirus restrictions ahead of Thanksgiving. Some are good, but most are bad.
For example, in Pennsylvania, you're now required to wear a mask inside your own home. In Oregon, no indoor and outdoor gatherings of more than six people from two separate households. Some people might want that.
Violators could face jail time, so inviting your family over for the Holiday is illegal, but crack cocaine isn't. That's right. Oregon just decriminalized all drugs.
New Jersey says don't sing inside your home, and no dancing allowed at weddings in Ohio.
Joining me now to discuss this is Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. That probably works out for you because I heard you're a terrible dancer, Congressman.
REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): And I can't sing either, Jesse. No, it's ridiculous. In Ohio, you now have to be in your home by 10 o'clock. In Pennsylvania, when you're in your home, you have to wear a mask. And in Vermont, when you're in your home, you don't have to wear a mask, because you're not allowed to have friends over to your home.
I mean, this has gotten so ridiculous, and we forget this is America. I mean, I go back to when the first lockdown happened, the Attorney General of the United States sent out a memo to all U.S. Attorneys -- this is back in April of this year -- sent out that memo to all U.S. attorneys, a lot of important things he discussed in there, but near the end of the memo had a great line. He said, "The Constitution is not suspended during a crisis." And amen to that.
And we need to remember that. In fact, I would argue the Constitution is most important when you're dealing with something unique, something big like this. So this is as wrong as it gets. I hope it changes.
WATTERS: Yes. We were pretty obedient at the beginning, because we didn't know what was about to hit us, and then we came out of it. And now it's basically a joke.
You can have crystal meth, get caught with that, they let you walk, but you can't have Aunt Millie over in Oregon with the cousins. It's insane.
Gavin Newsom out in California has all kinds of crazy regulations out there. You can't do this. You can't do that. But he got caught dining at a restaurant called French Laundry, inside, where I think it's about $350.00 a head and he was dining with members of the California Medical Association, who are breaking their own rules.
There's not a lot of things that annoy people, more Congressman, in this country than when politicians say do something, and they don't do it themselves.
JORDAN: No, the double standard drives Americans crazy, and well, it should. I mean, whether it's Governor Newsom, whether it's Mayor Bowser who was, oh, she can go travel, that's essential. She can go travel to the Biden victory party or whatever it is called. I don't think he has won yet. Why don't we have to let this all play out? But she can do that, but we can't leave.
I mean, this is -- we have to be in our homes at 10. But some other -- I mean, it is ridiculous. Americans have commonsense.
The part that gets me the worst, probably Jesse is when Governors tell business owners that we care more about your employees and your customers than you do.
I just fail to accept that premise. I think the small business owner who is running their business cares deeply about the wellbeing of their employees, deeply about the wellbeing of their customers, exercises commonsense and good judgment. Let them operate their business, for goodness sake. Don't put all of these restrictions on them and don't shut them down, which is now seems to be far too many governors and mayors are attempting to do.
WATTERS: Yes, and eviscerate small business because it's the big companies, they can weather the storm, but it's the small mom and pop shops that just don't have the capital to do that time and time again.
All right, Congressman, you will be inside neither singing nor dancing and the rest of your family will be very happy about that in Ohio. Have a great Thanksgiving.
JORDAN: You too, Jesse. Take care.
WATTERS: All right. Trump's legal team says there is enough evidence to overturn the election. And at the center of it all, the Dominion voting machines. A WATTERS' WORLD investigation you don't want to miss.
JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Jon Scott.
Bad news for the President out of Pennsylvania. Just a short time ago, a Federal Judge dismissed the Trump Campaign's lawsuit which sought to throw out mail-in votes in that state.
In the ruling, the Judge said, quote, "This Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit." The move is the latest defeat for the Trump Campaign as they seek to overturn election results.
The coronavirus continuing to ravage the country and now Housing Secretary Ben Carson, who came down with the virus earlier this month said he was quote, "desperately ill." Carson assured people that he is out of the woods now, but went on to say he was extremely sick until taking an experimental medicine, which he says helped.
I'm Jon Scott, and I'll see you tomorrow for the "FOX Report." 6:00 p.m. Eastern. Now, back to WATTERS' WORLD.
SIDNEY POWELL, MEMBER, TRUMP LEGAL TEAM: One of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden, which we might never have uncovered had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system.
WATTERS: Trump team lawyer, Sidney Powell, who singlehandedly turned the Flynn case around made some very explosive claims this week.
Her focus was on Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, a firm that operates voting technology software. There's been a lot of discussion in the country swirling around the vote machines, and trust has been shattered.
WATTERS' WORLD doesn't have access to Sidney Powell's catalogue. So researchers on our team spent a very long time going through her claims. We're going to report tonight on what we were able to verify based off of what she said.
Sidney Powell says Dominion Voting Systems has the ability to flip votes. There have been a couple of instances that we found in this election and other elections, where votes were reportedly incorrectly tabulated into the wrong candidate's column.
Whether this was a small glitch, a statistical error, human error or a characteristic feature, we have not been able to determine that yet.
The Democrat Senators Liz Warren and Amy Klobuchar wrote a formal letter to the owners of Dominion just last year, raising concerns over reports of machines switching votes.
Furthermore, NBC News ran a package highlighting how vulnerable these vote machines were to hacking.
The State of Texas has denied certification of Dominion Voting Systems several times for failing to meet security standards.
And three Princeton Professors have testified that Dominion machines can be easily hacked, and its software is poorly designed.
Now, Dominion made a one-time gift to the Clinton Global Initiative and Nancy Pelosi's former Chief of Staff lobbies on behalf of the company.
Now Smartmatic, the vote technology company did supply voting machines to the Venezuelan Government of Hugo Chavez and according to "The New York Times," there was a minor stake in the company that overlapped.
In 2017, the CEO of Smartmatic admitted that the Venezuelan election had been tampered with, and the count was falsely inflated by a million votes.
Smartmatic is foreign owned, with a controlling interest by Antonio Mugica, a dual Spanish-Venezuelan national. George Soros does not have any ownership stake.
This is what our team has been able to verify from Sidney Powell's allegations and we're going to continue to look into further developments so all Americans have confidence in our election.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dominion has denied all of the allegations made by President Trump's legal team.
WATTERS: Joining me now, Attorney for President Trump, Jenna Ellis. All right, Jenna, everybody watched the press conference earlier in the week. And my question to you is, what is the legal avenues specifically that you're pursuing and in what states specifically?
JENNA ELLIS, TRUMP 2020 SENIOR LEGAL ADVISER: Thank you, Jesse. And what you just laid out was a very clear case of circumstantial evidence that would lead to the inference that we need to make sure that election integrity is preserved and that there is something very questionable going on.
And not only for Dominion, but also with all of the election official fraud and that is the basis of our current lawsuits in Michigan, in Pennsylvania and in Nevada. We've also requested a recount in Wisconsin and we will be contemplating that in Georgia as well, and we're looking into legal options in Arizona.
And so this is why we're saying that it is widespread election integrity issues because this spans six states. It's important for people to understand that not all of the election integrity lawsuits are being brought on behalf of the campaign, even though we share a common interest, of course, in protecting and maintaining election integrity on behalf of America, but not all of those are the campaign lawsuits.
So far, we have asked Michigan and Pennsylvania and Nevada to not certify their election results until we know that they are fair and they are accurate. Every American should want that.
That is the procedural stage, and the common question that I've gotten since the press conference is why haven't you brought forth evidence? We have, and we will in court. We have not yet had what the legal process calls an evidentiary hearing.
That's where you go into court and you say, I have all of this evidence, Judge. Now, let me bring forward the witnesses, the direct testimony of people who saw the events, they heard from election officials who told voters who to vote for or who told them to manipulate ballots, all of those things.
And also the circumstantial evidence, which is all of these ballots being delivered late at night, the counting of ballots in secret that could be manipulated.
All of that has to come out in front of what the law calls a trier of facts, someone who listens to the credibility of the witnesses and examines the testimony. That hasn't happened yet.
And for all of the mainstream media that wants to rush to judgment and say you don't have any evidence, that's completely false and they don't understand the legal process and they don't want to look at what the law requires.
We're not trying this in the court of public opinion, but the American people do deserve to know why we're bringing this case and no one should want to rush to certify false results when we're talking about the President of the United States.
WATTERS: When do you guys expect to have an evidentiary hearing? And in what specific county? Does it start in the county? Does it go to a state judge? And can you get that done soon enough before the certification, or does that not even matter? Would you be able to get this done post certification and then kick it up to, I would imagine Circuit Court judges and ultimately the Supreme Court?
ELLIS: Ultimately, it will likely go to the Supreme Court and there are several different avenues and legal vehicles to get there.
One of our most promising cases is in Pennsylvania, and that's where the mayor argued against a motion to dismiss and if that judge does not grant the motion to dismiss and we believe that he should not, then we will get to have the evidentiary hearing.
And so what's interesting about these particular states, these particular counties is that we have to win on the lower trial court level. If we don't, and that case is actually dismissed, then we have to appeal and we have to go through that whole process before ultimately, the Supreme Court could overturn that, and then we would get an evidentiary hearing.
Typically, that's why litigation takes years and sometimes decades, we are doing this on a very, very tight schedule, because of the constitutional restraints.
However, every American should want us to get our day in court so that we make sure to bring out the evidence, bring out the facts, bring out the truth, and protect the integrity of our elections. That's all we're trying to accomplish here.
We do believe that President Trump won fairly and genuinely by a landslide, and we intend to prove that, but every American should want to make sure that the result is the genuine winner on behalf of the American people, and not simply whoever these election officials and possibly other foreign owned companies want to put into our chief magistrate office.
That's exactly what Alexander Hamilton warned against when he asserted and argued for the ratification of the Constitution with the Electoral College so that we have the constitutional protections in place in case there was corruption or foreign influence. He actually used those two terms.
And that's why we have all of the legal remedies, ultimately, the Supreme Court, the legislatures, the state legislatures, and the U.S. House of Representatives, as different alternatives to make sure that we protect election integrity, when the vote is corrupted and irredeemably compromised in each of these states if that happens, and when that happens.
And America has been prepared for this since 1787. We've had other elections that have been corrupted, and we have to make sure to continue to protect this for freedom and for the United States of America.
WATTERS: All right. There's a legal and constitutional process that's being followed. So everybody just needs to relax and see what happens.
All right, Jenna, thank you very much for your legal expertise.
ELLIS: Thank you so much, Jesse.
WATTERS: Joe Biden holding his third press conference since the election and it's official, the media is a joke.
QUESTION: Look at the way the President is handling this. His refusal to concede, what do you think is really going on here? In your view, Mr. President-elect, what do you think the President is doing?
WATTERS: When President Trump faces the media, ooh, do the gloves come off? But for Joe Biden, they got out the kid gloves.
QUESTION: What do you say to Americans, especially immigrant Americans who came to the United States, looking for political stability and seeing all the things that the President is doing?
QUESTION: Nice to see you as well. How do you justify not taking legal action to get the briefings that you say are critical, that you say you need?
QUESTION: When you take a step back and you look at the way the President is handling this, his refusal to concede, what do you think is really going on here? In your view, Mr. President-elect, what do you think the President is doing?
WATTERS: I don't know how much longer of this I can take. Here to react, FOX News contributor, Sarah Sanders and Tammy Bruce.
Sarah, I don't know. This is getting bad fast. I don't know what to say.
SARAH SANDERS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous. I wish I had had a couple of the softball questions when I was in the briefing room.
I don't remember any reporter at any point ever setting up any type of friendly questions the way that they do with Joe Biden.
WATTERS: Yes, you got --
SANDERS: I don't know why anybody should be surprised --
WATTERS: Ninety nine miles an hour right there.
SANDERS: Yes, and I don't think anybody is surprised. Look, they gave him a free pass during the entire campaign process. He, most of the time didn't even take questions, when he finally did they were scripted and very short.
I don't think this comes as a shock to anybody who has paid attention over the last year and a half on the campaign trail, but it is still astonishing to see the difference in the way that the press treats Joe Biden versus the way they've treated President Trump over the last not just four years, but last probably five and a half years.
WATTERS: Yes, Tammy, here is Joe Biden trying to say something not really sure what he was saying. Let's listen.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: That's a fancy way of saying governors -- governors need to be able to get funding when they -- when they decide they need to -- and bring their National Guard into play.
WATTERS: I don't know. I mean it's -- what is he saying? And what is he being asked? Please help us.
TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it could be really about anything, right? I mean, ultimately, what we're seeing now is what real election interference looks like with an American media that is supposed to be, you know, questioning power in general.
I don't mind. I know Sarah doesn't mind hard questions. When you know what you're doing, you welcome hard questions. You're able to answer them.
But keep in mind, that was a response where there is no real pressure, again, the kind of questions you're getting were like if he had his grandchildren around the fireplace with him and everybody needed to be kind to Grandpa, because you never knew what was going to happen. And yet he still couldn't handle it in a way that elicited any kind of confidence.
Imagine what would happen if he is involved in a major, you know, structural conversations, national security conversations that are tense, where you have an enemy on the other end, whether it is Russia, China -- maybe not an enemy so much for Joe Biden -- Kim Jong-un, some new despot, ISIS that could, maybe it would reemerge. Open borders right now, during a pandemic.
This is the concern -- it is who is going to be running the country? Who should questions really be asked of? And of course, election interference when it comes to a media that was effectively it seems to me to be moving along one particular candidate on top of everything else.
The American people are looking at a fraud in general, when it comes to what was presented to us, a man in the basement, and now this man who seems to not know exactly what's happening, and they're going to have to be some questions answered.
WATTERS: Well, you know, who thinks they run the country? The Squad thinks they run the country. I don't know where they came up with this idea. But here is The Squad talking about how they're going to dictate to Joe Biden what they want to happen. Listen.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): I don't want anybody here to think that we're not winning because let me tell you something, we're winning.
It's working. It's happening.
That's what our next move is, to make sure that the Biden administration keeps its promise.
REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): We're going to make sure that the Biden administration sticks to our timeline, is moving towards our timeline, and so I asked all of you do not move from the needle, do not. We are more than them.
WATTERS: Sarah, it reminds me when you go out on a blind date, and you're sitting at the restaurant, and no one shows up.
SANDERS: Jesse, I haven't had that happen. So hopefully, that wasn't a frequent issue for you, I don't think it probably ever was.
WATTERS: Yes, I walked right into that one.
SANDERS: What we all know is that they're not wrong. Joe Biden is not only too weak, but he's incapable of standing up to the radical left. This is the Democratic Party. They do represent exactly who the Democrats have become.
They are pushing socialism, higher taxes, the Green New Deal, and God forbid, if Joe Biden and his group take over the White House, we know exactly what kind of policy is going to come out of there because they've been broadcasting it and he is not going to be able to stand up to them.
It's why if that happens, the Georgia runoffs are absolutely critical. We have to make sure that there's a firewall in the Senate and that these two races remain in Republican hands so they can stop some of the craziness and the socialism that The Squad is trying to impose around the country.
I know we don't want that here in Arkansas, and I'm pretty sure most of the rest of the country doesn't want what they're selling either.
WATTERS: All right, Tammy, 20 seconds.
BRUCE: Well, I think that was made clear during this last election, it was a red wave down ballot. It should have been red wave at the top of the ballot and we're finding that out. But it was a real statement from the American people that we don't want what these people represent.
We don't want defunding the police. We don't want identity politics. We don't want the cancel culture. We don't want socialism.
WATTERS: All right. Well, this is my squad right here. The three of us: not radical, perfectly normal. There we are.
All right, ladies, thank you guys so much.
SANDERS: Thanks.
BRUCE: Thanks, Jesse.
WATTERS: Turkey with all of the trimmings and a side of politics, how to manage the political minefield at Thanksgiving.
WATTERS: I can see that happening in a lot of homes this Thanksgiving after the craziest presidential election that I've seen. So how do you survive politics at dinner?
Joining us now with his best advice, FOX News contributor and author of "The Spider Who Saved Christmas," Raymond Arroyo.
All right, so very tenuous situation, Raymond.
WATTERS: Hello. Obviously, because my mother is probably not going to serve me dinner unless I say President-elect Joe Biden. So I'll have to sneak it on the side of the table. How do families handle things now?
ARROYO: Jesse, the first thing to remember as my friend Richard John Newhouse used to say, the first thing to say about politics is that politics is not the first thing. We are family. We are not Ward bosses.
But if you have to entertain and welcome partisan members of the family, let me make a few recommendations. This is what we do at our house.
First of all, separate the partisans in what I call youth buffer zones. So if Uncle Henry is like a really mouthy libertarian, and you don't want to hear him, stick him at the end of the table, put kids around him.
ARROYO: Once they start talking about TikTok videos and Baby Yoda, he won't know what the hell they're talking about. He will go silent, which is what you want.
ARROYO: Now if that doesn't work, the other strategy, COVID can be your friend Jesse. Put that rascally big mouth relative out on the porch. You can tap on the glass, hand them the Tupperware containers with food, and raise a glass to them.
And if you really want to shut them up, make them wear double masks, just like Joe Biden, so you can tell them, you know, mash to Joe Biden, put the double masks on.
And at our house, we're going to serve -- there is a new U.K. study that shows mouthwash, gum care mouthwash, Jesse knocks COVID out, kills it. I'm serving that as an after dinner drink right after the apple pie, except for the mouthy of the relatives they can get the coffee and head home because I don't want any trouble with them.
WATTERS: All right, well, the F.D.A. has not approved this study over here, in England, the mouthwash. Listerine may not work in that capacity, but it definitely can keep people closer together.
Raymond Arroyo, buy his book, it's about a spider and Christmas. I'm definitely going to check it out and I'm going to be on my best behavior with my crazy liberal parents ...
ARROYO: Do that. Happy Thanksgiving.
WATTERS: ... on Thanksgiving. All right.
ARROYO: All right, my friend.
WATTERS: Up next, a fiery last call.
WATTERS: Welcome to Mayor Bill de Blasio's New York City. This is not a stunt man and this is not a scene from a movie shoot. This is a man on top of a public bus in Brooklyn, blasting a flame thrower into the air. The crowd around him loves it.
At first I thought it was Juan, but it turns out the guy is a rapper, and the city is out of control.
Good to know this can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone in New York City, just don't let this happen near the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. Boom. That would be the perfect end to 2020 though, wouldn't it?
That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next and remember, I'm Watters' and this is my world.
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