Remembering 9/11: President Trump, Joe Biden visit Flight 93 memorial in Pennsylvania

This is a rush transcript from “The Five," September 11, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Greg Gutfeld, and Dagen McDowell. It's five o'clock in New York City and this is The Five.

America remembering 19 years since the September 11th attacked and the nearly 3,000 lives lost. Somber memorials held at the Pentagon and in New York City where Joe Biden and Mike Pence cross paths in a rare face-to-face meeting while attending the ceremony there.

And President Trump and Joe Biden taking a pause in campaigning to pay tribute to the flight 93 heroes in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Passengers and crew on board try to take back control of the plane from hijackers and save countless lives by giving their own. President Trump remembering them earlier.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No matter the danger, no matter the threat, no matter the odds, America will always rise up, stand tall, and fight back. The only thing that stood between the enemy and a deadly strike at the heart of American democracy was the courage and the resolve of 40 men and women. The amazing passengers and crew of flight 93. Our sacred task, our righteous duty and our solemn pledge is to carry forward the noble legacy of the brave souls who gave their lives for us 19 years ago.


PERINO: Greg Gutfeld, I've always appreciated your take on flight 93 and I was thinking earlier today about how they were really the first Americans to take the fight to the enemy.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. I mean, you know, they went, they didn't go down without a fight and you know, I can't really think about that experience without getting emotional about it. All of us, I think, were -- I was in New York when this happened. And it creates a context for your problems whatever problems you had that day or that month. They kind of evaporate.

If you had a fight with your spouse or you had disagreements with coworkers, these things just kind of disappear because of this abject horror puts everything in a weird kind of order a priority. The words don't matter. It's the deeds. We've said never forget and we haven't forgotten the dead. But we have forgotten the role of the living, we've forgotten the role of the living first responder, the first responders defined by getting there first.

They get their first, so you don't have to. And when they get there, they never know what they are going to get whether it's a terror attack or a bank robbery, or a domestic abuse call. They never what's going to happen. They could end up dead, they can end up heroes, they could end up vilified by mistake.

So, in the short time, it saddens me that we've gone it's 19 years from reverence and respect to demonization and maybe that's just what happens with time. But we said we wouldn't forget but we have. We've forgotten something really important and it's tragic.

PERINO: Jesse, I've always thought about how the passengers on that flight is something that was just so American, not only of course being brave in taking the fight to the enemy but before they rushed the cockpit, they took a vote. And they gave everybody a chance to, you know, have their say. And then they called loved ones before they try to rush the cockpit.

And you know, their intention was to try to basically get the hostage takers out of the cockpit and try to land the plane. Of course, we know that's not what happened. But their intention was to try to live that day and they voted to try to basically take over the plane that had a very little chance of them succeeding.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Let's roll, I think those were the words and we heard those words all the time whether it's in sports, whether it's a parent telling someone to get in the car, whether it's police on a raid about to go in and serve a warrant.

Those are beautiful words and I think we'll always remember that. I try not to think a lot about the pain and suffering that people felt on 9/11, the people jumping out of the towers to avoid suffocating or to avoid burning up in the flames.

I try to think about some of the positive moments and I really saw a positive moment today when Mike Pence and Joe Biden touch elbows like that when they were there in Shanksville. I think always about George Bush's first pitch at Yankee Stadium. I watch that twice when I woke up this morning. You think about w and the rubble standing there warning everybody we're about to come vengeance and justice.

You know, we think about we did in Afghanistan, you know, we missed them in Tora Bora but years later Barack Obama and the SEALS took him out. And that was a great moment of unity for the country. I remember being a producer here during the Iraq war and watching the video of the Iraqis topple the statue of Saddam Hussein.

The feeling that we saw when that rope was wrapped around Saddam Hussein's neck before he was hung. Those were very powerful moments. A lot of the times as you guys have already mentioned people try to politicize it. You hear about the comparison between COVID and the 9/11 death count. I dismissed that. I don't even think about that.

I try to cherish these fleeting moments that we have as a country. Those weeks or months after 9/11, you know. That month after COVID really hit hard in late March and early April. You know, those moments when there's a natural disaster in the hurricane in Texas when everybody comes together.

Those are -- those are few and far between but if you cherish those moments and think about the heroes, I think that's -- that's enough for us to sustain that fire within us. That lights this beacon on a hill.

PERINO: And Dagen, I was thinking today about how there was also economic devastation New York City had to pull back from that as well. And think about what's happening today, not to make a comparison. I'm not necessarily, but my point was to say that you've seen it several times that the Americans pulled together in a crisis. And that includes our entrepreneurs, our small businesspeople, you know, the banks that pulled it together to try to keep this thing afloat.

DAGEN MCDOWELL, FOX NEWS HOST: I've never seen anything like a country coming together not just all 50 states, but certainly in New York City I was here that day. And to more award from Greg, it was the feeling of terror, and horror, and shock, it comes flooding back at this time every year much quicker than I would think.

And in fact, because the -- all the people of the U.S. came together, we came out of a recession in November of that year because we collectively lifted up not just one another and the nation, but the economy as well.

I think today, of course, about the families who grieve deeply and daily because they lost loved ones on 9/11, I also think about the survivors. A colleague of ours told me this morning they are a very close friend of his survived the collapse of the towers but lost all of her colleagues. And she came back to New York City today, today, for the first time in 19 years to hear the names being read out loud.


MCDOWELL: And I also look around me even in the streets of New York City even here and all of Fox News and think about just the brave among us, people are capable, regular folks capable of extraordinary acts --


MCDOWELL: -- of bravery and courage and heroism and true selflessness. I read those stories today.

PERINO: Juan Williams, we should have you maybe reflect on Washington, D.C. We've talked about Shanksville and New York City and of course there was the plane that hit the Pentagon and so many died there as well. We shouldn't -- we should just take a moment to reflect on Washington, D.C. and how it's feeling today 19 years on.

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: You know, Dana, 19 years, and in some cases that's a long time. I mean, memories can fade but for me as a kid who grew up in New York City and loves that city and now lived in Washington, D.C. The memory does not fade.

In fact, I feel very real to me on this 19th year and you can't separate it in my mind from the fact that we are going through very difficult waters right now in America in terms of the pandemic. In terms of the economic upheaval, in terms of, you know, trying to come to terms with some of the race -- racial tensions in the society.

So, I think there's -- you know, we are very vulnerable right now and I think the memory of that tragic today is just searing and it just -- it feels reopen to me, very real at this moment, very close.

You talk about Washington, I mean, that was so scary. I mean, just, you know, where are your kids in that moment. You know, the cell phones went down. Are the kids OK and you get them from school? All that, your spouse, your friends, you know, it's just like, you feel like what is going on? Are we OK?

And there were so many rumors, you know, the State Department is under attack, the capital is next, more planes are coming. And the bravery than that we learned about in terms of Shanksville pretty amazing.

And you know, I, too, was touched by the idea of so many politicians today getting out and going to those places. I was surprised that the president didn't go to his hometown. He's a lifelong New Yorker, but he didn't go there today. I think it, you know, I was just surprised.

PERINO: I think Shanksville is a good place to be as well. And here's the thing, we are OK and we will be OK. We've shown that we can do it over and over again.

OK. Up next, he has the latest on the race for the White House.



TRUMP: Biden was in Michigan. He said, I better get out of the basement, this guy is starting to do very well. Lying about his lifetime of coldhearted globalist betrayal. Biden championed NAFTA, perhaps the worst trade deal in the history of our country and he continued to embrace and promote NAFTA for decades and I told you, he just said it was not as good as the deal I made.


WILLIAMS: President Trump going after Joe Biden on the campaign trail. That was at a rally in Michigan where he accused the former V.P. of selling out American jobs. President Trump reacting to Joe Biden being pressed on NAFTA during an interview. Take a look.


JAKE TAPPER, HOST, CNN: But doesn't he deserve some credit for that? It's better, the USMCA is better than NAFTA.

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It is better than NAFTA, but look what the overall trade policy has done even with NAFTA. We now have this gigantic deficit in trade with Mexico. Not because NAFTA wasn't made better, because the overall trade policy and how he deals with it made everything worse.


WILLIAMS: Greg, I just wanted to check with you and see if you gave Biden credit for being an honest in saying that he thinks the deal that President Trump negotiated was the better than the one that existed previously.

GUTFELD: Absolutely. I was actually pleasantly surprised and I thought that Biden did OK but that could be my fault for always having such low expectations from him. Marie Harf pointed out that that could be the case. If you have such low expectations it's easy to beat them.

But my favorite part of that interview was Jake Tapper's face. He had the look of like a disappointed chemistry professor after a student blew up the lab. And it was great to see for once, you know, CNN veer from the, let's not lay a glove on Joe strategy and to actually get kind of critical.

But it's tough for Joe Because his opponent is now been nominated twice for a Nobel Peace Prize. First for Israel, UAE, and then Kosovo, Serbia. What's next? Bahrain? I mean, Trump is handing out peace plans like pancakes at a firehouse breakfast. Who knew? Who knew the evil orange Godzilla is better than Gandhi?

WILLIAMS: Wow. That would be something. Jesse, Trump promises, you know, and this was, I think the emphasis up in the rustbelt, you know in Michigan, Wisconsin, even in Pennsylvania. Promise to bring back manufacturing jobs. You and I have sparred over this. I look and fact check. And they said since he's been in office the U.S. is down 270,000 manufacturing jobs. What do you think -- how do you appeal --


WATTERS: Actually, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No. Juan.


WATTERS: That was the Obama-Biden administration --


WILLIAMS: OK. All right. What? What?

WATTERS: -- that lost those manufacturing jobs.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

WATTERS: The Trump administration pre-pandemic --



WATTERS: Juan, I have it right here from the brain room. You want to do it?

WILLIAMS: I had it right here from .

WATTERS: Boy. Ready? Changed -- changed --


WILLIAMS: Well, anyway.

WATTERS: -- from January to March 2020, plus 400,000 manufacturing jobs.


WATTERS: That's the brain room. I don't know about that PolitiFact.


WATTERS: These are statistics from the Bureau of Labor.


WILLIAMS: You're mistaking something, Jesse. Jesse, Jesse.


WILLIAMS: Your mistaking is, there was also a hemorrhaging of manufacturing jobs and the total, the total as I said 270,000 jobs, manufacturing jobs lost since Trump took office. But let's not bore the audience with this.


WILLIAMS: I want to hear -- tell me what's Trump pick


WATTERS: I'm fired up, you're actually talking about the facts, Juan.

WILLIAMS: OK. All right. Go right ahead. Go right ahead.

WATTERS: I will see that manufacturing jobs were lost after the pandemic, but I said pre-pandemic they added 400,000, OK? And if want you go back and look at the factories that were lost since Biden championed the China trade deal, 63,000 less American factories since he championed that.

You know how many manufacturing jobs we've lost since Biden backed NAFTA? Four point eight million manufacturing jobs, Juan, since Biden backed NAFTA. Also, under Obama and Biden, the U.S. offshore to 1.3 million manufacturing jobs. We can go toe-to-toe on manufacturing and factories all day, Williams. I'm not here to talk about that.

He was right when he said that the USMCA is better than NAFTA. NAFTA, we get, the textile industry got shredded, all the low and automobile manufacturing jobs totally wiped out. We got the supply chains totally scrambled. Trump came in and re-condensed the supply chain here in America. Has more high-end industrial jobs here now because of the USMCA. Electronics, heavy machinery, those are now consolidated here in the United States. And good to Joe to acknowledge that.

WILLIAMS: OK. So, Dagen, part of the appeal I guess would be from the president to those manufacturing workers in the Midwest, would be to say GDP has gone off. But he promised GDP, you know, four to six percent. We've never come close, I think it's about two and a half, basically what Obama did at the end. What do you say to that? How does he appeal to those workers and say give me another four years if the past four years didn't -- he didn't deliver on the promise?

MCDOWELL: American workers aren't paying attention to the GDP as much as I am a numbers nerd. They care about money in their pockets and the safety and security and that's why Joe Biden is directly lifting all of those messages from Donald Trump.

People care about the fact that wages for the lowest skill workers in this country before the pandemic were rising at fastest pace in 20 years, rank- and-file workers were making more money, their wages going up faster than their bosses closing the income and inequality gap. Something that did not happen under Obama and Biden.

And I just want to know, the Democrats literally because orange man bad, Trump bad, everything that he would say even one year ago, they would do the exact opposite. Illegal immigration, we need to crack down on it, the Democrats came out and said hey, we need to have health -- government healthcare for all illegals every single one of them on that debate stage raise their hands about that.

Now why all of a sudden is Joe Biden saying, yes, USMCA is better than the NAFTA. Why is -- this is the Wall Street Journal's front page. Biden's new China policy looks a lot like Trump's. That's because the swing voters and the people who have jobs in this country were not gobbling up the garbage salad that the Biden campaign has been dishing up for the last several months.

WILLIAMS: Dana, part of the president's economic pitch to voters comes back to that tax cut, but at the moment it hasn't had much impact for people who are, you know, struggling with the effects, the economic effects of the pandemic in terms of lost wages, economic turmoil, even, you know, food lines as we've shown here on The Five. So, how does he make a pitch?

PERINO: Well, I --

WILLIAMS: How does say, hey, you know what, this tax cut was good.

PERINO: Well, I don't have the or the brain room information about the tax cut with me. I do -- I do know that a lot of people will say that the middle class actually did benefit from the tax cut. And what's interesting is that, Schumer and Pelosi actually want to alleviate taxes on the rich. That's an interesting conundrum that they have.

In addition to USMCA, there's a ticket splitting here between Biden and Kamala Harris because she actually voted against USMCA so they're not on the same page on that which is, which is fine. But it does make people wonder if you have Biden as the president and she's the vice presidents, and her policies -- would they be completely different than his? Would they be much further to the left? That is something to keep in mind.

My last point isn't it great to have like, this feeling that there's a campaign and there's football and like they're doing interviews.


PERINO: And they're out on the road. Like, I feel like we should all be pretty happy on this Friday that we are 53 days away from the campaign and it finally really feels like it.

WILLIAMS: All right. Ahead on The Five, the Biden campaign causing controversy after refusing to say if their candidate uses a teleprompter to answer some questions from reporters. That's next for you on The Five.


WATTERS: Joe Biden says he can't wait to debate President Trump but he's going to have to do it without his teleprompter. Biden telling supporters he hopes the president doesn't, quote, "debate him into a brawl" during their first debate later this month. And the Biden spokesman refusing to answer whether the Democratic nominee use a teleprompter to answer questions from the voters. Take a look.


BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Does Joe Biden ever use the teleprompter during local interviews or to answer a Q&A? with supporters?

T.J. DUCKLO, BIDEN CAMPAIGN PRESS SECRETARY: Bret, we are not going to -- this is -- this is straight from the Trump campaign talking points.


BAIER: But, yes, they're using it.

DUCKLO: And what it does, and what it does, Bret, is it's trying to distract the American people.

BAIER: I'm just -- they're using it. They talk about it every day. Can you say yes or no?

DUCKLO: Well, that's -- they talk about it every day, Bret, because they don't have a coherent strategy --


BAIER: Well, you haven't answered. Yes or no?

DUCKLO: Bret, they talk about it every day because they don't have a coherent argument for why Donald Trump deserves reelection.


WATTERS: Dana, do think that guy still has a job today or is that his last time working for the Biden campaign?

PERINO: I do. I think -- I think T.J. has a job definitely.

WATTERS: You do?

PERINO: I do want to point out, Jesse, did you notice how a tie really pose your look together?

WATTERS: I've -- listen, are you saying I'm dressing like T.J. Ducklo?

PERINO: No. I'm just saying that when you were not wearing a tie there was, you know, something going on.

WATTERS: Why is this have to be about me?

PERINO: Here's something though.

WATTERS: Can we make it about Joe Biden using a teleprompter, please?

PERINO: Yes, we can.


GUTFELD: Or that his name is Ducklo?

PERINO: So, I saw that --

GUTFELD: I mean, he represents somebody in a basement and his name is Ducklo.


PERINO: I notice that he didn't say no. Well, you never have to duck for anything, Greg, because you just walk right under it.

GUTFELD: On a day like this, Dana, really? Terrible.

PERINO: OK. Here, I just wanted to say a couple things about that interview.


PERINO: So, one, T.J. did not say no to the question --


PERINO: -- does he use a teleprompter to answer questions. Look, we all saw the video with Biden. I mean, I think I would've tried to have a better answer for that. Maybe to say, yes, because we have notes or something like that. Pushing it back. But then at one point in the interview T.J. says to Bret Baier I'll send you the fact-checks.



PERINO: OK, well, that's something we can do on the panel show. But if you are the press secretary, you are the fact check.


PERINO: That's your job. You don't have to send the interviewer the fact check.

WATTERS: Juan Williams, doesn't Joe using a teleprompter become a bigger story because his flack went on Fox and made a huge fuss over it?

WILLIAMS: I think it's a bigger story in conservative sites. But I mean, what we really going on -- what's really going on here I think is the Trump campaign being very anxious about the upcoming debates. I think that they had thought, you know, Biden would come across as the caricature of the doddering old man demented in the light that they've been pushing for so long.

And instead, what they saw at the convention, for example, was a very good speech performance by Joe Biden.

WATTERS: Juan, have you seen the videos that everyone's talking about where it looks like Biden is reading and then ask him to move it up and then actually reads the notes and the staff puts it? Have you seen those videos?

WILLIAMS: Jesse, do you think politicians don't use teleprompters? Every politician that I've ever know uses teleprompters.

WATTERS: For interviews? For interviews?

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God. My God, you know -- I don't know. I've been around a long time. I apologize. But I'm going to say they use cue cards teleprompters. I've seen all kinds of devices, Jesse.

WATTERS: Yes, I'll use cue cards, but you don't put a script into a teleprompter for an interview or a Q&A one. Everybody knows that. Greg, when you saw this guy --

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. They prompt people on -- they prompt people on answers. Remember, what you got now is the Trump campaign even suggesting that Biden's on drugs enhancement because they can't believe that this guy is doing so well.

WATTERS: Thank for bringing that up. We have the President on Judge Jeanine 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Let's listen to that.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think there's probably -- possibly drugs involved. That's what I hear. I mean, there's possibly drugs. I don't know how you can go from being so bad where you can't even get out of sense. I mean, you saw some of those debates with the large number of people on the stage. He was -- I mean, I used to say, how is it possible that he can even go forward?


WATTERS: Greg, your reaction. Well, I mean, everything's on the table. They've been accusing Trump of doing drugs for the last four years of being on Adderall. So, I mean, like that door is open. I love that interview with Bret Baier because Bret Baier looked like he was slow motioning, turning into the hulk.

When he was trying to get the question, he was just getting -- like, he was just getting bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, that guy acted like me when my wife asked me, you know, why are their cigarette butts in the planter? How did they get there? And there's no answer. But he -- I thought the strategy was brilliant. The spokesperson looked so bad that Biden doesn't look too bad. It's like just a -- just a contrast was all that you needed.

WATTERS: Dagen McDowell.

MCDOWELL: Well, the campaign does seem like they're treating Biden like he's some sort of delicate Hummel figurine and so that's kind of a giveaway. They need to work on -- I made a list of things. They need to work on him not using catchphrases. Like, come on man. And his latest is I truly don't get it.

Also, he needs to avoid eye tics and twitches. I didn't get that from Veep. You need lots of sleep, not too much caffeine. I had one for a while and it was really, really distracting and awful. And then also, I've said this before, Joe Biden, don't lock your knees out because you will go over like a hungover bridesmaid at an Atlanta wedding in the middle of July.

WATTERS: All right, those debates just around the corner. We will be watching. Coming up next, a major warning to liberal cities that can't control anarchy and violence.


MCDOWELL: A major warning to liberal cities struggling to deal with anarchy and chaos across the country. Business leaders in New York City are saying enough is enough and demanding a crackdown on crime and improving the quality of life so people will return. More than 150 CEOs sent Mayor Bill de Blasio a letter demanding action to clean up the city. So, is this what needs to be done to get the attention of liberal leaders?

Greg, I say talk means nothing. It's only when the money walks. Maybe this is a warning.

GUTFELD: Yes. I think -- I think De Blasio has checked out. He doesn't care. I don't know what he's planning on doing. Don't you remember when he ran for president? He's insane. The denialist who say that there's nothing bad happening, don't live where it's happening. Every day I talked to somebody who's packed up and left.

It's not safe, especially for women and children. It's almost like a reverse lottery in New York. You never know when you're going to be the person that gets hit by a mentally ill male because that is a big problem right now. We have severely drug abused, mentally ill man on the street roaming around committing just bizarre random crimes.

Meanwhile, we have rich trust fund brats who are planning to occupy vacant luxury apartments in which they were planning on dropping bricks on people from above. The DOJ has got to get on top of this, especially as I said yesterday. And November is going to be really ugly because you're going to have a combination of Election Day uncertainty that could go for weeks. You have the negative polarization of an entire voting bloc that's been demonized. And you have the abdication of local leadership.

You combine that together; you have the ultimate bonfire of the vanities. And you can laugh and say that I'm being hysterical, but I saw it with my own eyes. It happened in my neighborhood. It's going to happen again. And the businessmen and the people that are live in these neighborhoods, we have to get together because the government is not going to protect us. We have to do it ourselves.

MCDOWELL: Dana, I see it myself too. I had to run inside because of two different people this morning as I was trying to come to work. And then Saturday morning, excrement smeared all over the entrance to my local CVS. The guy didn't even get a ticket, who did it. It is an open sewer that's an oasis for criminals, this city. Does it change?

PERINO: Well, I think that the businesses banding together is a start, but I actually think that their letter should have been sent to Governor Cuomo. Because as Greg said, it feels like De Blasio is like, I don't care. He's checked out. He's being called the worst mayor in the city.

But Governor Cuomo, do you remember during the pandemic when he threatened to take over New York City? And we talked about it just a little bit, but I sort of feel like I think Governor Cuomo does care about the city. I think he will listen to businesses. And I think if there -- if we want to put pressure on anybody to make a difference, that that's where the pressure should be, at the governor's office.

MCDOWELL: Jesse, I'll quickly point out, there's a Wall Street Journal story that came out today, though that it was the governor who overrode the mayor on the shutdown timing and caused a lot of the problems in the city. The governor did. It wasn't actually failure on the mayor.

WATTERS: Well, Juan says I was boring everybody with facts earlier in the show, so how about some colorful antidotes. All right, ready? Here we go. Greg can back me up on this. The other day, we were leaving Fox, and I caught someone urinating on Fox. There was a guy peeing on the building as I left the building.

Also, I don't know --

GUTFELD: With Brian Williams.

WATTERS: I've been here almost 20 years working for this company and I've never seen this before, but there is now a homeless woman who set up an encampment across the street from Fox. You guys knew I'm talking about. She's got the big pink blanket. She's there now. She lives across there now.

Times Square smells like a men's bathroom. The other day there is an attempted rape in broad daylight on 63rd and Lexington. That's outside Bloomingdale's, everybody. There was an armed robbery on 65th and Lexington the other day. On the upper west side, you have vagrants shooting dope in front of moms pushing strollers.

There's windows smashed throughout Midtown at really nice stores. I mean, there's counterfeiters everywhere trying to sell me handbags, and they're very good deals. And I'm being forced to buy really great looking knockoff bags. And I don't want to give these guys any more money.


WILLIAMS: Oh my gosh.

MCDOWELL: Go ahead, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I just -- let's just go back to the letter because I think a lot of this, to me is just so hysterical. I don't even know where to begin but --

GUTFELD: Why is it hysterical? You don't live here, Juan. Those businessmen are -- they're losing their livelihoods.

WILLIAMS: I do. I do live there -- OK, Greg, I do live there. In fact, I'm coming back there to be there with all of you.

GUTFELD: Well, then you'll know. Then you finally experience the joy --

WILLIAMS: Yes, anyway --

PERINO: It is different, Juan.

WILLIAMS: OK, fine, fine, fine. Let me just say this. I think the letter -- the letter that we are talking about comes signed by the big banks, the big retailers. It comes from people in the retail business, you know, the smaller retail stores because they want their customers back. They want people used to come into the city for those services.

I think Broadway wants its customers back. And I think that's why you're seeing, they're saying, let's make things look better. Let's improve the quality on the streets. That goes for Democratic cities. That goes for republican cities. It's not liberal cities. Go look at Lexington. Go look at Miami. These cities have trouble too. It's not a one-sided, distorted picture.

MCDOWELL: It is an open sore, Juan. And I will be texting you the photos of the excrement on the front of the CVS during the commercial break because I took photos of it.

WILLIAMS: You can skip it, kid.



GUTFELD: It is magic. It's "FAN MAIL FRIDAY." We're answering your questions. The first one miraculously shows up from Arthur Z. What's a risk you took when you were younger -- that's kind of vague -- when you were younger that has now paid off? Dagen, you took a lot of risks.

MCDOWELL: Not some bad like rollerblading in New York City and get my sweater caught on the back of a bike rack on a car and getting dragged down 57th street, I digress. You know, a risk is not being afraid of getting fired, not being afraid of getting fired.

GUTFELD: I'm so not afraid of it. It's happened to me three or four times. All right, Juan, what risk did you take when you were younger that's paid off now?

WILLIAMS: Gosh, you know, I would guess that from a very young age, Greg, you know, I was editor in my junior high school paper, my high school paper, and then I went to work at a big-city paper, freshman year -- after freshman year college so I took a risk that I was going to do well in journalism.

GUTFELD: Well, that's now a risk, but not a respect then. It used to be something. Jesse, were you a risk-taker?

WATTERS: My risks usually didn't pay off, Greg, so I'm having a hard time coming up with something. I think one time I took a pay cut to work somewhere that got me the job here. So, I wouldn't say that paid off.

GUTFELD: So, basically you went to Fox and got a pay cut.

WATTERS: No. It's the place I went to before, I took a pay cut.

GUTFELD: OK, all right, way to cover your -- Dana?

PERINO: I'm the opposite of Jessie. I am the most risk-averse person you probably know. So I'm, I think maybe going to meet Peter in New Orleans that time he was back in the states six weeks after we met on the airplane, that was a risk that paid off.

GUTFELD: That's a good risk. That's a good risk. Highly immoral though because you two weren't married. That's just disgusting that you would do that. This is a family show, Dana. There are children at home. It's like -- they're going to go, where they married when they -- when they went on this trip? Disgusting.

I would have to say kind of like that, leaving the country. If I hadn't moved to England, which was a huge risk, I wouldn't have met my wife and I probably wouldn't be at Fox. You have to leave sometimes to come back as they say.

WATTERS: That's deep.

PERINO: That's right.

GUTFELD: Frenchi asks -- I know where this is going. What product or item have you recently become obsessed with and why? Jessie?

WATTERS: Well, because I'm so secure in my masculinity, Greg, I'm going to tell you the truth.


WATTERS: I went to Sephora the other day and I got a bunch of creams, like moisturizers and stuff. I hadn't been doing a lot of moisturizer up until age 40 or so. And I found out that moisturizers are very effective.

GUTFELD: Wow, that's great. So almost a call back to the Duane Reade's story Dagen just told us. Dagen, what was the question? What product are you obsessed with?

MCDOWELL: White strips, crest whites, but I use them so much my teeth hurt, so that's why I'm irritable.

GUTFELD: Wow. I know what Dana -- I know what you're going to say. Tonight, it's going to be --

PERINO: Yes, it's peloton.


PERINO: The peloton. The peloton.

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm telling you, that is THE FIVE for me. You know how people watch THE FIVE? I watch peloton. I just -- I know everybody. I know all their -- I know all the information.

PERINO: Did you do that Cody XOXO ride?

GUTFELD: Yes, I've done -- I've done every Cody ride and Hannah Frankson. They are -- they're my favorites. And I'm actually so obsessed with them, it's probably not healthy. It's probably not healthy at all. Juan, how about you?

WILLIAMS: Well, I must say, I -- it took me a while to read on, you know, an iPad Mini. But now, I read everything on the iPad Mini. And the iPad Mini is so convenient, and I mean, you get everything there, Greg. I think it's an incredible -- you know, you look like (INAUDIBLE)

PERINO: It's like the whole internet.

WILLIAMS: That was a (INAUDIBLE) to get that one.

GUTFELD: Well, I tell you what. You know who's jealous?

WILLIAMS: Yes, unbelievable. But now, you can get books. You know, you can get television.

GUTFELD: You know who's jealous? The iPad Mickey. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.


PERINO: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." And we have a very Happy Birthday Eve to Greg Gutfeld who will have a birthday tomorrow, September 12th. So, we want to say birthday to you.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: And we have a special video for you. Take a watch.

GUTFELD: Oh, video.


LOU DOBBS, FOX BUSINESS NETWORK HOST: happy birthday, Greg. I do have to ask you though, please quit sending those weird pictures and we kind of like it if you'd leave the horses alone. Love you too.


PERINO: Lou never disappoints, Greg. He never disappoints.

GUTFELD: The Dobbs. The Dobbs.

PERINO: And you know, we have a little special something for you that should be coming into the studio now in a very safe way.

GUTFELD: Is that bacon?

PERINO: And it is not a cake.

GUTFELD: Oh, it's ribs.

PERINO: It is something you will enjoy, ribs.

GUTFELD: I shall have one right now.

PERINO: All right, but can you do your "ONE MORE THING" as well?

GUTFELD: All right, I'm just going to do -- I'm going to plug my show which is tomorrow, September 12th. I got Dave Rubin, Joe DeVito, Kat Timpf, and Tyrus. It's on my birthday so watch it for me. And that's it for me because I'm going to eat.

PERINO: OK, enjoy and happy birthday to you. All right, Juan.

GUTFELD: I love -- Chinese food ribs are the best reds.

WATTERS: I disagree.

WILLIAMS: Well, no birthday cake, but anyway, happy birthday, Greg.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Sunday is also Grandparents Day. And as you know, my grandkids are the apples of my eye. So, I was thrilled when I saw this ad from Generations United, where I serve on the board and Aspercreme --

GUTFELD: Where did you got these?

WILLIAMS: -- focusing on active roles that 70 million grandparents play in their families. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When we're shooting baskets, we're doing one on one. At the end of the night, my knees and joints they're going to feel it, but it doesn't matter, because he's worth it.


GUTFELD: I'll eat two of them.

WILLIAMS: Of course, I'm a granddad to Wesley, Pepper, and Eli. Here we are through the years. Generations United is inviting grandparents to send pictures like these to #LoveIsGrand. So happy Grandparents' Day this weekend everyone.

PERINO: Indeed. We'll look forward to the pictures on Monday. All right, Jesse.

WATTERS: Classic Juan "ONE MORE THING." You got to love that. Happy Birthday, Gutfeld.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

WATTERS: A Brazilian woman just broke the Guinness Book of World Records. Greg, what do you think this was? Oh, you guys played the video too soon. I was going to have him guess. Anyway, she surfed a wave 73 and a half feet tall. Amazing. Her name's Maya Gabeira. And she lived to tell about it.

Speaking of amazing waves, "WATTERS' WORLD" will be live on Saturday 8:00. We have Oliver Stone on the show. I don't know if he knew who I was before he came on the show, but now he definitely does. Let's put it that way.

PERINO: Oh boy. OK, Dagen.

MCDOWELL: Really quickly, Happy birthday, Greg. And you know, I won't floss your teeth for you so don't even ask me. The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, you can basically sign up to propose to your future spouse in front of it. This after one of the drivers got engaged at Yellowstone in front of the Wienermobile. Just a piece of advice, don't do that. Don't, don't do that.

PERINO: You could, but you should not. All right, that's it for us. We'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

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