Quentin Tarantino defends anti-cop comments

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 5, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I'm back, America. It's Greg Gutfeld, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she balls with a marble, Dana Perino, "The Five."

Quentin Tarantino is a loudmouth putz. Now that we got that out of the way, the flat-faced fool went on MSNBC to extend his anti-cop blather, linking it to white supremacy.


QUENTIN TARANTINO, FILM DIRECTOR: They got in touch with me because I had made statements in some interviews, you know, along the way, that it suggested that I'm on their side when it comes to this issue of you know, ultimately what I feel is a problem of white supremacy in this country.


GUTFELD: Ah, so all cops aren't murders after all. They're just Aryan jerks. Well, at least he didn't slander the cops. Of course, then he tells them to stop shooting unarmed people. As if they wake up every morning with that on their to-do list. Hey, it's Tuesday, let's shoot someone.


TARANTINO: Just because I was at an anti-police brutality protest, doesn't mean I'm anti-police. We want justice, but stop shooting unarmed people. But they don't want to deal with that. They would rather -- they would rather start arguments with celebrities than examine the concerns put before them by a citizenry that has lost trust in them.


GUTFELD: Yet, when you see Quentin movies, it seems he's more obsessed with killing than any cop. The clueless cretin then cites the First Amendment as if we're denying his right to yack.


TARANTINO: I was surprised. I was under the impression, I was an American and that I had First Amendment rights and there was no problem with me going to an anti-police brutality protest and speaking my mind.


GUTFELD: No one is silencing your speech, you dope. They're just calling you a bozo for what you've said. Even your dad is embarrassed.

But maybe Quentin is the real victim here.


TARANTINO: They want to, they want to demonize me. They want to slander me, say that -- imply that I'm saying things that I didn't say. They want me to shut up and they want to make sure that no other people like me, prominent citizens, will stand up for that side.


GUTFELD: Look, his outrage over injustice might have been fine if he had done it before, when black children or grandmothers get shot in drive-byes. But he seems quite selective with his anger. The only time he expresses rage, suddenly, is against the men in blue -- who are also white, black and brown -- as his movies romanticize the butchering of police.

And let's not forget why he spoke out to restore his bonafides among black activists who hate Quentin's exploitation of black culture. Which leads him to make his worst Mistake: incorporating anti-cop bile as part of black identity. And so he reminds everyone that the worst enemy to a black person is a preening white leftist whose head is so far up his butt, that the only words he speaks are crap.

Did he -- Kimberly.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I'm trying to look over here at Juan, so you didn't call on me.

GUTFELD: But no. Did he help himself out with that interview? It's nice to work with MSNBC.

GUILFOYLE: No. Now I'm actually very concerned because he doesn't seem to be all right in the head. Am I wrong? Like something's gone completely.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, unchained in his head.

GUTFELD: Unchained. Brain unchained.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. This is what's happening.


GUILFOYLE: So I mean, obviously, I agree with you that the reason why he was doing this and Bolling mentioned this yesterday. You talked about -- hey, he's doing this because he was in big trouble with the activists, with Spike Lee, others in the community that said he was not portraying African- Americans in the right way and you know, basically, not treating them properly in terms of the black culture, fine. So now he's trying to get back in the good graces, but his explanation now, no one is stifling his ability for free speech. We just think what he's saying is hateful and awful and part of a larger problem, but that's our right to be able to say that.

GUTFELD: True. Juan, do you agree that's why he did it? I mean, look, I find it interesting with him is that he writes great dialogue for his movies, but when he opens his mouth, it's nothing but just garbage.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I don't know there's all garbage, I mean, there's a real problem in this country with excessive use of force by police.

GUTFELD: Is it of huge problem, big problem?

GUILFOYLE: Really, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't think it's bigger than the one that you talked about.


WILLIAMS: I mean -- I just want to say that when you talk about, you know the drive-byes.


WILLIAMS: And black people, especially young black -- poor young black men involved in the drug culture, killing each other. It's a bigger threat to me. I think everybody.


WILLIAMS: Than what's going on with the cops. But that's not to say that you shouldn't therefore say, hey, you know what, when there are situations where you see the police, let's say the James Blake situation here in New York.


WILLIAMS: You know, just rousting somebody, treating them badly, violating their rights, that you shouldn't say something. If you say something, then you have to be a cop-hater. I don't agree with that. I think you can be a good citizen and in fact, appreciate the role cops play in American life without saying that any time a cop behaves badly, we're going to make an excuse for him.

GUILFOYLE: But where are you getting your information to say that there's a serious problem with excessive use of force by police officers throughout this country?

WILLIAMS: I don't have to go anywhere. I just have to pick up the paper, and as I said, with the one.

GUILFOYLE: No, you don't. You're talking about because now, incidents being reported or somebody has a camera or a phone.


GUILFOYLE: So I think it's.

WILLIAMS: That's totally legit.

GUILFOYLE: No. I think it's actually blowing it up like under a microscope. And you're assuming that because you're seeing some of these instances, but they are in fact, more prevalent and widespread and on the rise, and that there's an epidemic of this.


GUILFOYLE: And I disagree completely with that.

WILLIAMS: What I'm saying to you is, to the contrary, I think the fact that there are video cameras and there are people who are willing to testify is something that is bringing attention to a long-standing problem. And that black people in this country oftentimes feel uptight and overly scrutinized. You know the term driving while black, somebody that they -- said they were walking while black.


WILLIAMS: I think that there's a real feeling, especially in the poor black community, that you know what, cops treat it like they're going into some kind of, you know, occupied territory.

GUILFOYLE: There's an excessive use of force by blacks on black committing crime.

WILLIAMS: That's true. I said that.

GUILFOYLE: That's the real problem.

WILLIAMS: I said that to Greg.

GUTFELD: I want to bring it to Eric. I would -- I said this in the monologue. I would have more respect for Quentin Tarantino if he spoke out more about these other issues.


GUTFELD: But he just chose this one.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: So -- and I think he's conflating to - - yes, Quentin, you have a right to say whatever you want, we protect that. We talked about that right here at this table, no matter how stupid it maybe, you the right to do it. Well, Westboro Baptist Church is one example. This is another example, but the problem we're having, and there are a lot of people are having with Quentin Tarantino said, he's basing it on Ferguson. Remember Ferguson, Mike Brown, it's -- that's where the Black Lives Matter movement started. Hands up, don't shoot started became black lives matter and that's what this rally is all about. So it's based on a lie to start with. And if you're gonna ahead and call cops murders, you can fix it and correct it, good job, glad you did that. But when you base it on a lie to start with, then you got to be called out. And I agree with you, no one's calling -- no one at this table has been calling for a boycott of his films.


BOLLING: And just his films are good.


BOLLING: I mean, let's be honest.

GUTFELD: Also, I love Kurt Russell. Kurt Russell is in his next movie. I have to see every Kurt Russell film.

GUILFOYLE: I love Kurt Russell, too.

GUTFELD: Or he'll beat me up. I think he will.

GUILFOYLE: Tequila Sunrise.

GUTFELD: Yes. Oh, fantastic movie.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God.

BOLLING: Can I just point out also that the police union said, "We will still protect you, Quentin Tarantino."

GUTFELD: Of course.

BOLLING: "Even though you've done this to us."

GUTFELD: That raises the next question. Quentin Tarantino had called the police two weeks before this because he had an intruder in his garden.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It's not -- right.


PERINO: Scary.


PERINO: It is unclear too also.

GUILFOYLE: It's all in the garden.

PERINO: How much thought Quentin Tarantino gave.


PERINO: Before he actually came to this protest?


PERINO: That it is almost seems to me like he didn't think it through and he was surprised by the blowback because he didn't know enough about the issue we've been talking, well, should -- he didn't know enough about the protest, that's what I think.


PERINO: Of course he's free to say whatever he wants, but he's also a Hollywood celebrity. He has the opportunity to have a great platform and talk about issues he cares about. Why he chose this? One, maybe that's the issue that he wants to go forward and talk about, but you look at other celebrities, such as Angelina Jolie. She's chosen a lot of different issues, especially the plight of refugees around the world. She focuses on that. It's not controversial and she actually gets really good work done.


PERINO: But to me he was -- he brought all of this attention on himself. It didn't do the movement any good and he caused more of a controversy to try to get attention for his movie and then that back-fired.

PERINO: Speaking of celebrities. Nobody is saying anything on the other side. There was one person, Robert Davi, he was on FBN, talking about -- he's a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino. He's a Hollywood actor.

GUILFOYLE: Isn't he your friend?

GUTFELD: Yeah. Well, he's a pal.


GUTFELD: This is him on FBN talking about it.


ROBERT DAVI, ACTOR: You know he got support from some of the community. I wrote an article asking for a national day of solidarity for law enforcement. I asked the Hollywood community to come out and in spite of what was going on, say listen, we want to be able to work with our communities, but no one picks up on that. So they'll come out and they'll do marches for anti-protests that are, a negative protests.


GUTFELD: So as you point -- Kimberly's pointing out the obvious hypocrisy and the fact that they only selectively protest certain things, but not others.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I might -- I applaud his courage to be able to come on here and tell the truth and stand up for what's right, because believe me, that's not an easy thing to do in Hollywood. You run the risk that are being demonized or people, you know, boycotting you or freezing you out or blacklisting you -- how unpleasant.

WILLIAMS: You know what I was surprised that?


GUILFOYLE: What it is, Juan?

WILLIAMS: That the white supremacy thing.


WILLIAMS: I didn't get it.


WILLIAMS: Because I think, you know, I can understand, you know, the whole concept of the thin blue line, right? And you go back, I can't remember the name of the guy in California who got pummeled by the police and then it went ended up.

PERINO: Rodney King.

WILLIAMS: Rodney King. And then it went to a jury and they took it and the white jury said, oh you know, we, you know that we need the police and we - - the police protect us from what's out there, right? But I think his line about white supremacy is totally. I mean, I don't get it. What --


WILLIAMS: Maybe you could say that gee, you know.

PERINO: That's where the.

WILLIAMS: Well-to-do people like Juan Williams. They don't -- they want the cops to protect their homes, but I'm not a white supremacist. What is he? So I don't get that part of.

GUTFELD: Yeah. Well you need that kind of narrative to justify the hate.


GUTFELD: That you're pushing against the police.


GUTFELD: Which then creates reaction where the cops don't want to do their job or they want to kick -- they pull back. DEA chief, Eric, I'll play this. Concurred with the FBI director that the crime surge is somehow link to the Ferguson effect, meaning that.


GUTFELD: A reluctance to engage. I'm sure, yes. I think it's a call for. Can I see that, please?


GUTFELD: It says, "I think Director Comey's spot on. I've heard the same thing. Is there a degree of trepidation? Absolutely."

PERINO: Because.

GUTFELD: "Because" -- well, that's a long read. "Now you can do everything right and still end up on the evening news and have your family threatened, have your job in jeopardy, have to move or change professions and you've done it right." This is.


GUTFELD: To the point that yields if somebody is watching you 24/7 like that.

BOLLING: Yeah. And that's the point. That's when the backsides, the downside of Quentin Tarantino making a comment like that that cops are murders, he walks it back. In the meantime, it feeds into the narrative. What do we want? We want dead cops, dead cops walking through the, you know, the corridors here of Manhattan calling for dead cops and violence against cops arise. Remember the two guys who were executed over here in Brooklyn? In days after that, that protest. People -- as Dana points out, people look up to Quentin Tarantino, they look up to Hollywood actors and directors, and it feeds into that narrative. Cop violence is going on. Your point Juan, violence at the end of -- a police officer is going up. Violence to police officers prefers is going up as well, based on this. Black lives matter, has blood on their hands, if though -- they have blue blood on their hands.

WILLIAMS: I don't see it. I don't see it, but you know, so what Rosenberg said, the head of the DEA, act that fits with what the FBI Director James Comey said. Again, maybe they're saying it's anecdotal, but there's no evidence that cops aren't doing their jobs. And some police are saying hey, that's not us. We don't like what the Tarantino's of the world are saying. We don't like the fact that Barack Obama is calling attention to this. But we're doing our job, we're not intimidated, Kimberly, because somebody is holding up a cell phone.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but the evidence could be there, if you actually when look for, if somebody ask you did a study. They did a poll of police officers. I bet you would find a definite concern about how vulnerable they are. And they are (inaudible) spikes in violence around the country, and they are not sure whether the criminals are emboldened or not. Of course it's a theory, but.

WILLIAMS: It's a spike in violence of people killing other people.


WILLIAMS: Usually, sad to say, black people killing black people.

GUTFELD: Right. Yeah. All right.

GUILFOYLE: You've come around to our way of thinking and I appreciate it.

GUTFELD: That was nice of you, Kimberly.

WILLIAMS: She is so condescending and loving.


GUTFELD: Exactly.


GUTFELD: It's amazing.

WILLIAMS: Yes it is.

GUTFELD: All right. Coming up, the 2016 poll positions have changed, according to a brand new Fox survey. Who's ahead now? Who's behind? Stay tuned.


GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs now because the next GOP presidential debate is just five days away on the Fox Business Network. Donald Trump is back at number one, going into the next showdown according to a new Fox News poll. He had been trailing Ben Carson in recent polling, but he's now ahead at 26 percent. Carson at 23, followed by Cruz and Rubio tied at 11 percent. The candidates will have two hours to go at one another next week, but they haven't been waiting for the debate to trade fire.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: All you have to do is look at his credit card. I mean he is a disaster with his credit cards.

MARCO RUBIO, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I just -- I find it ironic that the only person running for president that's ever declared a bankruptcy, four times in the last 25 years is attacking anyone on finances.

TRUMP: Jeb is not a man that's going to make it, OK? He's wasting his time. He's wasting a lot of money. He has no chance.

JEB BUSH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As it relates to Donald, you know he's running for president twice and quit. And I've run for governor in the biggest swing state and won twice.

Marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term and you should be showing up to work.

RUBIO: The only reason why you're doing it now is because we're running for the same position, and someone has convinced you that attacking me are gonna help you.

TRUMP: Anybody that hits me, we're going to hit them 10 times harder.


GUILFOYLE: So this is a good idea? Well, Krauthammer has a suggestion for the group. Quit fighting one another and target Hillary Clinton, instead.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: The nomination is in her pocket. I think she simply wants to run left, so she makes it essentially by acclimation. He wants there to be a coronation. And I think the reason she's able to undertake that is because she looks over at the republican side who should have spent the last five months attacking the seven years of democratic governance and attacking her and her record, but instead, have been lobbing insults at each other and now spending a week gloating over their tribal with CNBC, when they should have quit while they were ahead and come back to what the country wants to hear. What they're going to do?

GUILFOYLE: All right, Bolling. Go after HRC or keep after each other?

BOLLING: It depends who you are. If you're leading, if you're Donald Trump or maybe Ben Carson, you continue to do what you're doing, which is go after anyone -- well, I guess Donald Trump will go after anyone who goes after him, hit him 10 times harder. Why would you change a strategy that's working? If you're at the back, every time you hit Donald, they comes back to you 10 times worst and it doesn't help your number then you start figuring out what else to do. Jeb went after Rubio, it didn't work for him. So maybe everyone who is not Donald Trump right now starts to focus on something else. Hillary Clinton is a great place to start.

GUILFOYLE: At this point, Dana, I don't really think that Jeb needs to hit back on any of them. Just like focus on his campaign, trying to move forward because Donald Trump is taking it to Carson, at Rubio, I mean, the only one else he's not saying anything really about is that Cruz. Come to think of it, right?

PERINO: They will come. I mean, just wait a couple days. Here's a thing, what Krauthammer said I think is true. If you look at Hillary Clinton's biggest weakness, it's trustworthiness. It's actually the thing that you need the most going to a presidential election, and actually it's her biggest weakness of the entire candidate field, she's second to last on trustworthiness. So how did that happen? Over the course of about six months, Hillary Clinton was absolutely pounded by, not just republicans, but different groups. And also because of her own problems with the e-mails and the Benghazi testimony, which proved that she had lied about the video. So her trustworthy number is really low. Republicans in the last three weeks have basically taken their focus off of that and fought amongst each other. Thereby letting her, now she has no completion on her left. They have ridiculous pro-forma debates that she's going to have to show up to. And her trustworthiness number will probably get a little bit better because she is not having been to talk at all.

GUILFOYLE: And maybe we can pop that out. What Dana is referring to, and there is a new Fox News poll out regarding who is honest and trustworthy. Carson getting -- if I could just tag back to you, Dana on this, very high numbers in that regard.

PERINO: Right.


PERINO: Honest and trustworthy is one of the main questions in any presidential election, if you look at that. Carson and Sanders are up. The worst two are Trump and Clinton. So, if I were the republicans, because they don't have, Kimberly, have that many differences about the economy and economic proposals to actually sort of just details where they disagree. I think that they have an opportunity to turn the corner, focus on the fact the conservative economic principles are better for the country than liberal progressive ones. And they can be able to draw that contrast with her.

GUILFOYLE: You know, and look at the next republican at the top -- Kasich, that's -- he should be actually using that to his advantage. It's a strong number of his regard and he's also, somebody who's had joined this command of an important state for the electorate -- Greg.


GUILFOYLE: What do you have thought?

GUTFELD: Not much. I've been traveling a lot, so my brain is kind of fried. I will say this, that the infighting is natural. You can't get away -- it's just something that is gonna be part of the system. You got to get used to it.

GUILFOYLE: But is it a good idea?

GUTFELD: It's destructive. Because what is happening is like, Hillary will benefit from such a distraction. It's like while the police are responding to a riot, she's robbing the bank.


GUTFELD: And that's the problem. And she is -- she is clearly dishonest. And if they focus on her, they focus on her, it will raise their -- all their boats instead of trying to sink their own boats because that's wrong.

GUILFOYLE: This is pretty funny too. Coming from the guy who has the, I hate these people.


GUTFELD: You know what? I think the person that has the most to lose here is Ben Carson, because he's got to answer questions about policy. Right now he is the fonzi of the candidates. He walks in and he's so likable, he's just goes, hey. And everybody goes, I love that guy. I love that guy, but they've got to specific -- go after him, policy wise specifically.

BOLLING: Tuesday.


BOLLING: Tuesday is going to be a big.


BOLLING: A big coming-out party for Ben Carson.


BOLLING: One way or the other.

WILLIAMS: Well, Ben Carson.

BOLLING: He's gonna have.

WILLIAMS: Ben Carson is doing his own Trump now.


WILLIAMS: Because he's staying up late and he is sending out Facebook messages about, oh, response to the critics.

GUTFELD: That was a good Facebook.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. It was interesting, and then he.

PERINO: That he is smart.

WILLIAMS: And then he does an interview with the Miami paper and he says, "You know, people say I'm inexperienced, but the signers and the declaration, they didn't have any political experience."


WILLIAMS: The question is does it work? Because, when you ask some basic questions, you know, Ben Carson can come up short. Now you say they're going to go after Ben Carson on this in the next debate.

BOLLING: Policy.

WILLIAMS: But you know what?

BOLLING: Well, it's a business. I mean the business network.

WILLIAMS: This is not a revelation. They've tried it before. And guess what? It's just pump up his numbers. People say, "You know what? He doesn't know about that, but I like him." And he's not as, you know, as boisterous as Trump and he's not as caustic as Cruz, and not as ambitious as Rubio.

GUILFOYLE: You really like him.

BOLLING: And that same Fox poll.

WILLIAMS: He's a friend, I told you that.


BOLLING: In the Fox poll, Trump has 42 percent.


BOLLING: Of the voters who say, on the economy, who is the strongest on the economy? And Trump gets it -- I mean, Ted Cruz is number two at 10 percent.


BOLLING: Tuesday -- this is going to be a great debate.


BOLLING: This is gonna be.

GUILFOYLE: I'm excited about it.

BOLLING: It will confirm or refute everything that everyone believes about Donald Trump in the economy and the businessman. He does -- it's a big day for.


GUTFELD: Yeah, it probably.


GUTFELD: Then you got other poll that shows that he's the only person that would lose to Hillary. That scares me.


GUTFELD: Because like all the other guys.

PERINO: There, you point that out.

GUTFELD: Yeah, I know, like all these other guys.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

GUTFELD: Can beat Hillary except for him. And so if you're going to sit here and look at the primaries right now and what's going on right now. You might be missing the bigger battle ahead.

WILLIAMS: Well, premature Hillary hating on your part.


GUILFOYLE: All right.


WILLIAMS: We've got a long way to go.

GUILFOYLE: That's a wrap.


GUILFOYLE: Enough of that already.

GUTFELD: Let's keeps going.

GUILFOYLE: Ahead. The new speaker of the House says he'll be able to get along just fine with President Obama, but he won't be working with him on one key issue. That's coming up. Can you guess? Can you?


PERINO: This weekend, Paul Ryan joked that his honeymoon as House Speaker will last about a half an hour. So is it already over? Here's Ryan today at his first weekly press conference.


PAUL RYAN, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Probably, I don't think you get a lot of honeymoons for things like this. Look, this was not a job I was looking for or seeking. It kind of sought me. I realize that it was a duty and an obligation, now I realize it's an honor. And it's an honor that I have this responsibility and this opportunity to serve.


PERINO: The speaker was also questioned by reporters about his relationship with President Obama. He says he's confident that they'll be able to get along.


RYAN: I did run against him in the last election, but I'm not -- I'm a person that can get along with people. I like people who believe passionately in things even if they're not the things I agree with I've always had a good way of getting along with people on the other side of the aisle. We have spoken. We have not met in person.


PERINO: And last night he said, he won't work with the president on one issue in particular -- immigration reform.


RYAN: Presidents don't write laws, the legislature. Congress writes laws. The president in this instance, tried to go around Congress with an executive amnesty. That's not constitutional. He has not been able to succeed in it because it isn't constitutional. So he has proven on this issue that he doesn't want to work with Congress, he wants to go around Congress, and that's why I don't think we should act on this. If we can get consensus on how to better secure the border, do things like interior enforcement, that's something I think we want to work on.

But as far as big immigration bill, I just don't think that this is the White House we should work with on this because he proves and he wants to go around Congress. And that's why I don't think we should act on this.

If we can get consensus on how to better secure the border, do things like interior enforcement, that's something I think we want to work on. But as far as a big immigration bill, I just don't think this is a White House we should work with on this, because he's proven he wants to go around Congress.


PERINO: The other thing is, is that President Obama has no inclination to pass an immigration bill this year, either. I think that we all can admit that, in a presidential election year, it's not going to happen.


GUTFELD: Also, the -- I just wish if anything happens, we've got to lose the word "comprehensive." Because nothing good...

PERINO: Ban it?

GUTFELD: I banned it, like, three years ago. It keeps coming back.

GUILFOYLE: It hasn't been sticking.

GUTFELD: I know, it hasn't.


GUTFELD: Nobody cares. I think the spotlight needs to shift from immigration to the problems of the country that lead to the unease and anxiety about immigration. Because it really isn't about the immigrant. It's about us. And the fact that we feel that our country is in a shambles.

Because we feel that way, we're thinking we don't want more people here. We can't handle people. We can't handle the vulnerability, the terror, or anything else that comes with immigration.

So we almost have to, like, before you have an open house, you've got to clean the house. Which means you have to come up with some very simple, effective rules with immigration. You enforce it, and then let them come.

BOLLING: The immigration debate is, Eric, obviously really hot. And it is fueling a lot of the debate on the -- on the campaign trail. I want to go to Ted Cruz, who had this to say about a bill that was just blocked by Senator Harry Reid.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This ought to be a clear choice. With whom do you stand? Do you stand with violent criminal illegal aliens? Or do you stand with American citizens? Do you stand with our sons and daughters and those at risk of violent crime?

SEN. HARRY REID (D), NEVADA: The new mandatory minimum sentences bill would create, would have a crippling financial effect, and that's an understatement, with no evidence that they will actually deter future violations of the law. This is yet another attack on the immigrant community.


PERINO: Eric, in a stunning twist, the Democrats are now worried about the crippling financial effect.

BOLLING: I feel bad. Paul Ryan is such a great person. He's a great family man. He's a great legislator.

GUILFOYLE: Smart guy.

BOLLING: He's a smart guy. He writes great laws. He works with the numbers. He's fantastic. He's got a tough job now.

Everyone wanted him to do that job. He didn't want to do the job. Think about this job for one second. You're a Republican, right? But in the Republican House, side of the House, you're bifurcated. There's 50 or 60 people who won't go along with the other 180 or whatever it is. You're -- you're not popular in your own party.

This man stood up. He's taken the job. He's going to do the best he can. He's drawing a line on immigration.

I really wish he would draw the line on the budget, though. That's the one I think would be toughest to do. Because if you're really willing to stand up for what you believe in, you can't continue to raise the debt ceiling to 18 to 20, to $25 trillion. Then you need to get real reform in D.C., but that's just -- it's just so hard to do.

PERINO: Well, I think that one thing that we know, Kimberly, in an election year, so there's -- I think you'll see new ideas and good policy things coming out of the House. But they're not going to go anywhere in an election year. I think you'll see some good ideas, but I think any big legislation, comprehensive or otherwise, is unlikely.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. It's not going to happen. I mean, historically, you've seen that. So it proved to be the case.

And specifically, Speaker Ryan is not going to be able to give the Democrats any big legislative victories in any of these areas. He's going to have to make sure that he stays the course, especially with the election coming up. I think that's going to be very important.

PERINO: Will he be able to surprise anybody, Juan? What Eric is saying is true, right, there's a split with the Freedom Caucus and other Republicans. But maybe he has a chance to do something that would be surprising to somebody. Bring people together.


PERINO: Is it possible in Washington?

WILLIAMS: Not right at the moment. Because I think your analysis is on target, that we're in an election cycle already. I mean, it's started. So there's sort of hard lines. And one of the hard lines that he's up against, I think, is on entitlement reform.

So I was in Washington yesterday, and I mean, the argument among Republicans is, "Oh, Paul Ryan is all about the budget." You're talking about the budget, because he's the budget maven. Maybe he can do something.

But Paul Ryan's ideas were things like we need to transfer Medicare from an entitlement program to a voucher. Well, that did -- you know what that did? That got Grandma pushed off the cliff by the Democrats, right?

So you start thinking, then, about Social Security. These are not popular items. And in an election year, as Dana was talking about, they don't understand why we should be bringing this up. You know? So people are, like, running for rabbit holes at this moment on the Republican side. Just leave it as it is.

PERINO: Well, I think he does have -- this year one of the things he could do is just set a baseline. So get some new policy out there. Try to establish some trust with the Freedom Caucus, and get the Republicans re- elected to the House.

GUTFELD: He's got the hairline. It's now the baseline.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

PERINO: So glad he's back.


PERINO: You've seen some of those patriotic tributes to our military at professional sports games, but did you know the Pentagon has paid millions for those salutes? Some senators are irate about it. But should they be? Up next.


WILLIAMS: You know those military tributes you've seen at football games or other sporting events? You know, the ones where the American flag is unfurled and soldiers are often honored.


WILLIAMS: The Pentagon actually paid the major leagues to hold those events, spending nearly $7 million in just the last three years. Some senators are now criticizing the Defense Department for wasting taxpayer money on what they call paid patriotism.

Here are Jeff Flake and John McCain, co-authors of a new Senate report on the matter.


SEN. JEFF FLAKE (R), ARIZONA: When events take place on the field, that everyone assumes is done out of the goodness of their heart, and find out that it's being paid for by the taxpayer, it kind of cheapens everything.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: I think that the money ought to go back to various organizations, wounded warriors, veterans organizations, people who care for our veterans. I think that's where the money should go back to.


WILLIAMS: As someone who's been the subject of (UNINTELLIGIBLE), you know, you stand up and wave and you think, "Oh, my gosh, you know. This is coming from the heart." And we're all, especially in Washington, the military community, celebrating our heroes. I just think why do they do this? But Dana disagrees.

PERINO: I disagree with the criticism of the DOD. I think that if the senators want to complain that the NFL should not have been charging them, that would be one thing. But I think it's wrong to complain about DOD.

Sports marketing is very effective. Do you remember a few years ago when the left was freaking out because DOD actually did recruiting events at NASCAR? And -- I thought that that was a real attack on NASCAR fans.

And I think in this case, the DOD is spending $6.8 million over four years for excellent branding and marketing and recruiting. It's actually money very well spent.

You can argue that the NFL shouldn't charge them for it if they want to have these events. I think that would be great. But I don't think that the senators are right to criticize Department of Defense for making a good business decision. If you want government to run more like a business, that was a good investment.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think you make a smart argument, because it is advertising for recruits.

But Kimberly, if they don't -- they don't label it as advertising.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well -- all right. Where are you going to put the label?

PERINO: Paid placement. Product placement.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, you know, the thing is, I'm with Dana in that I think that the NFL shouldn't charge for this. I mean, NFL, you are the greediest ever.

WILLIAMS: Wait. That's not what she said. She thinks it's good advertising.

PERINO: I'm saying -- she and I are agreeing.

WILLIAMS: You are agreeing; you think they shouldn't have paid for it?

PERINO: I'm just saying that...

GUILFOYLE: Shouldn't have charged for it.

PERINO: ... you can criticize the NFL if you want, even though I'm not necessarily doing that. But I think that when the senators criticize DOD for making the decision, that that criticism is misplaced.

WILLIAMS: All right. Eric.

BOLLING: At first, I thought I was going agree with John McCain, and that would have been a first. But now that I hear Dana's argument, I think I agree with Dana now. Look, here's...

PERINO: Victory.

BOLLING: ... the bottom line. The NFL makes $10 billion. The group, the league makes $10 billion a year. Forget what the teams make. Ten billion dollars to the NFL, $9 billion to baseball. They should be doing this for free.

It is good advertising, though. You remember the Navy commercial during the Super Bowl?


BOLLING: That's one of the best commercials that I've ever seen.

WILLIAMS: OK, so you think...

BOLLING: Private or public.

WILLIAMS: All I'm say something is, if they want to pay for it, Greg, guess what? Say that it's being paid for. Instead, it looks like the Washington football team is doing this out of the goodness...

PERINO: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: Get out of here. Out of the goodness of their hearts. This is an advertising campaign.

GUTFELD: Yes. And the thing is someone should pay for that. I think because I worked in magazines. You didn't give away free ads.


GUTFELD: Somebody has to pay for the ads, or then everybody will demand it.

But I think it's kind of sad that we have to do this. Because in this day and age, military -- marketing our military is necessary. Because they've treated so poorly by the basically the mainstream media. We have politician who say we're all out of options.

WILLIAMS: We love the military.

GUTFELD: No, no, but you know what I'm saying. It's like America loves the military. But they are portrayed in the media as often like unstable. They're -- in movies with the exception of a few, are treated as crazy. This is necessary...

GUILFOYLE: Yes, the fallout from...

GUTFELD: ... for America to see how they're able to watch their game is because of these guys, protecting them.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Because also I see the point, though, that in terms of an allocation of financial resources, I do want to see the vets get more money in their hands...



GUILFOYLE: ... to be able to take care of their needs.

WILLIAMS: But this -- this isn't going away. We'll come back to this. I suspect that Flake and McCain are going to do something here.

Don't move. Eric and "The Fastest Seven" up next.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... the fastest 6-ish minutes on television. Three animated stories, seven accelerated minutes, one affable host. Maybe.


BOLLING: First up, Hillary may be predicting her own future with this comment about presidents not having to disclose their criminal history.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I announce that, as president, I will take steps to ban the box. So former presidents won't have to declare their criminal history at the very start of the hiring process. That way they'll have a chance to be seen as more than just someone who's done time.


BOLLING: Yes, just kidding, that was clearly an error, not Freudian whatsoever. Greg, your thoughts on this.

GUILFOYLE: You think that Bill would ever?

GUTFELD: She's talking about banning the box. You're expecting me to make a joke that I'm not going to make, because this is a family show.

By the way, they're talking about banning the box that you check off for criminal histories. What, is this for all criminal histories? I mean, you could be -- if you hire a rapist, I mean, that's crazy. And that person rapes a customer, you are liable.

PERINO: It's only on the first application, like if you get, so that you're not knocked out of the first round.

GUTFELD: So I should read the story before I...

BOLLING: It's only for federal employers.

GUTFELD: And I should read more than the headline.

GUILFOYLE: You got caught up -- let me defend you -- in the whole ban the box thing. We lost you.

GUTFELD: I was going to make a Bill Clinton joke, and I fried my brain.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. They don't see eye to eye on this.

BOLLING: She was kidding. She made a mistake. She didn't mean presidents.

WILLIAMS: It's a pretty funny mistake.

BOLLING: Because I can see people are like, I can't wait...

WILLIAMS: Given all troubles, right? You know, the foundation and the email. I mean, come on. So you're saying it wasn't Freudian. You were supposed to wink.

BOLLING: I was supposed -- I wrote "wink" in there.

GUILFOYLE: Getting weirder by the minute.

PERINO: Funny.

BOLLING: Right. Good. We'll stay right there. Fallon and Aziz Ansari, that combo alone has to be funny, even when doing a skit on the floundering Bobby Jindal 2016 campaign. I report, you decide.


JIMMY FALLON, HOST, NBC'S "THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JIMMY FALLON": Why are you staying in the race when it's November and you're still only polling at 1 percent?

AZIZ ANSARI, COMEDIAN: I'm going to stop you right there, Jimmy, because I'm not polling at 1 percent. I was polling at 1 percent. I'm now polling at 2 percent. That's a 100 percent increase. It's a huge difference.

You ever taste 1 percent milk? It's barely milk. It's like drinking white water. But man, when you start dumping that 2 percent milk on your Apple Jacks, it's like, pow, you can taste the fat. It's a game-changer, and actually, that is my new campaign slogan: "Jindal 2016, Taste the Fat."



Well, not taste the fat. Not taste the fat. But I mean it's kind of funny. Don't you think?

PERINO: Poor, Bobby. I love him, though. He's a very nice man.

BOLLING: Can I be honest -- can I be honest? Producer Porter, can I be honest? I didn't think it was that funny.

GUTFELD: What I found interesting is I guess...

PERINO: You slamming (ph) Porter?

GUTFELD: ... the only qualification for impersonating somebody is skin color. Because he did not sound like Jindal or act like Jindal. It's just like we found somebody with similar skin color. Let's do this.


PERINO: Well, look, I think in one way, if you're Bobby Jindal, you should be happy. Right? So it's pointing out at 2 percent, he's actually doing pretty OK. I mean, if you look at some of these other guys, they're at 3 percent, and they've been in the race just as long. So I think he might be happy.

GUILFOYLE: Hang in there. If he's happy, fine. Let him.

WILLIAMS: It's not that I thought the writing was funny or the comedy was funny. But I thought it was like, you know, the situation, the idea that they were -- had someone impersonating Bobby Jindal and also, you know, it's like why is he in the race? That's a reminder. I don't think the guy...

BOLLING: A little -- I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: You don't think the guy what?

BOLLING: They were trying a little bit too hard. All right. Country music awards last night, great moments, including Carrie Underwood with Dana's pal, Brad Paisley. The two having some fun with Miranda Lambert's recent ex-hubby, Blake Shelton. And then later, J.T. and CMA award winner Chris Stapleton banging out "Drink You Away."


BRAD PAISLEY, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR: We reached out to all of the candidates to see if they wanted to be a part of tonight's show.

CARRIE UNDERWOOD, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR: Yes. We emailed Hillary Clinton, but all we got was an auto reply from the Justice Department.

(singing): We don't have to be lonely at FarmersOnly.com, Blake.

PAISLEY (singing): We don't have to be lonely at FarmersOnly.com, Blake.

MIRANDA LAMBERT, COUNTRY MUSIC STAR: I appreciate that, I needed a bright spot this year, so thank you. I love country music fans.



BOLLING: Yes. He did a Farmers dot...

GUILFOYLE: Dot com, yes.

BOLLING: FarmersOnly.com ad. Dana, Brad Paisley, a big fan of yours.

PERINO: Well, I'm a fan of -- I love country music, obviously, and I don't -- did I tell you this? A couple of weeks ago when I was walking over by - - on Fifth Avenue, I saw Carrie Underwood. And then she saw me and we smiled and we said hi. And I kept walking. I'm like, "Do I know her? Oh, wait! I know her. She's Carrie Underwood." It was really great.

BOLLING: Did she say, "Oh, wait. I know her"?

PERINO: I'm never star-struck. I actually don't care about celebrities, but seeing her was cool.

GUTFELD: I think that's the greatest story I've ever heard.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, honestly.

GUTFELD: Can you tell that story again, but slower? What happened when you saw Carrie Underwood? What were her eyes like? Go, tell me more.

PERINO: I'm not going to be happy you're back if you keep it up.

I love the Country Music Awards night. I thought it was very funny. I do think -- I'm never one to talk about somebody's marriage break-up. I don't like that.

GUTFELD: You never make fun of a crumbling marriage because you never know.

BOLLING: You never know. All right.

PERINO: And also hearts are involved.

BOLLING: We cut these guys out. They're restless.

GUILFOYLE: Coming at me.

BOLLING: "One More Thing" is up next.

PERINO: No one else got to...


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." As you know, I was away for a couple of days on a book tour all over the country. The people are awesome; they're fantastic. And I meet some interesting people.

If you were in the 1970s, late 1960s fan of something that was called, like, basically monster car artistry, you would know people like Big Daddy Roth or Ed Newton. Somebody shows up in line and does this for me. And this is a guy that I've adored all through my teens. If you notice the style. These were quite popular. That's the work of Ed Newton. It's unbelievable.

But then, I got something even crazier. This is from Barb Sowett (Ph), who made a doll of me. This is the most frightening thing I've ever seen but also most beautiful. I will now sleep with one eye open, because I will have it next to me in bed. It's quite interesting.

GUILFOYLE: It's really staring at me, though.

PERINO: It's got bronzer on the face.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's a unicorn. That's terrible. It has...

GUILFOYLE: And look at your little back.

GUTFELD: I know. It's disgusting. And wonderful. Disgustingly wonderful.

All right. Who's next? Eric.

BOLLING: OK, I'll go. So you know I take a lot of pride in how I look, how I dress. I never wear a tie. But look what happened this morning on "FOX and Friends."


ELISABETH HASSELBECK, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": Wow. Wow. Wow. OK, Brian, Steve, how do you guys feel?

BRIAN KILMEADE, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": I feel all Italian. I feel like I've left my Irish behind.

HASSELBECK: Had to change out of the Eric Bolling, guys. Thanks for that.

STEVE DOOCY, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": Thanks to Boca Tailor (ph).


BOLLING: See? It's only half Italian, Kilmeade. Both of us.

GUILFOYLE: I think they look so handsome. It really looks beautiful. I mean, just good job, guys.


PERINO: You know that I cut everybody off in the previous segment, Eric's "Fastest Seven" on the Country Music Awards, because I couldn't get enough. And you know that Dierks Bentley performed last night. I've got to take -- let you have a look at that.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God, this...




PERINO: OK, so I loved that performance. Greg obviously did, too. And he was wearing a jacket that our producer, Sean (ph), really liked, a leather motorcycle jacket. That song was "Riser." It was written by Travis Meadows, who's a big fan of this show. I will shut up now.

GUTFELD: All right. Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness.

So last night I had a fantastic evening, which is why I'm coming back in my next life as an Australian. Eat it, Greg. Because I was able to emcee, had the privilege to emcee the American-Australian Association's 2015 annual benefit here in New York City.

The association is a New York-based nonprofit. It was founded by Sir Keith Murdoch, Australian journalist and the father of Rupert Murdoch, in 1948 to promote and enhance the relationship between America and Australia. And they had some amazing fellows and educational awards that were awarded last night, which was wonderful. And also the -- please put this down. Bill McDermott.

GUTFELD: Quickly. You know there's Juan.

GUILFOYLE: I highly recommend his book. And he spoke last night and got the award. And it was just an incredible moment. He's really an inspirational guy.

GUTFELD: Juan, quickly.

WILLIAMS: All right. So make my day. Serena Williams, top-ranked tennis player, guess what? She's sitting in a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco. Some guy lingers nearby and grabs her cell phone. What does our hero do? She gets up, dashes out the door, confronts him and gets her cell phone back.

GUTFELD: Got to go.

WILLIAMS: You can see it in the surveillance video.

GUTFELD: "Special Report."

WILLIAMS: That's terrific.

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