
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 29, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. Hello, everyone I'm Eric Bolling. This was a scene outside the hotel in Burlingame, California a short while ago. The anti-Trump protesters back out again today, crowds gathered, blocked the highway access to his venue. Trump just wrapped up his address to the state's GOP a short while ago. You can see him right here exiting the event in a scene right out of a movie. But in order to get to the event Trump had to pull his motorcade on to the shoulder of the highway, the group got out, had to jump a barricade, winding around concrete road barriers, ducked under a fence and entered the venue through the back door, and it's actually an interesting metaphor for the Trump candidacy. They try to block him, but somehow he finds a way in. He reacted to the scene during his address to the California GOP. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That was not the easiest entrance I've ever made.


TRUMP: My wife called, she said there are helicopters following you and we did it, then we went under a fence, through a fence and -- oh boy, it felt like I was crossing the border, actually. See that? It's true.


TRUMP: I was crossing the border, but I got here. They said Mr. Trump, it would be really much easier, sir, if you just didn't speak today and just left and go back immediately to Indiana. And I said, you know, we can't let these people down, right? Do we agree?



BOLLING: Well, the crowds were small compared to the bloody protest that took place last night. Let's just take a minute to look and listen to the anti-Trump protesters as they clashed with police in riot gear again, last night.




BOLLING: You know I absolutely believe protesters who turn violent actually help Trump not hurt him. After all, who can honestly say I'm on the side of these animals? Now Greg, your thoughts on that? Do you agree that this kind of helps him a little bit when they go crazy?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah, maybe. It doesn't help your cause. By the way, I was born in Burlingame. Hello, Mills hospital, great place. There were 20 arrests last night. I bet none of them had to call in sick for work the next day. How much you want to bet?

BOLLING: They didn't have a job.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah. And I'm sure the other -- half of them will get class credit.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Or they're getting paid to hear that.



GUTFELD: But I'm sure that some of them got class credit. It's an elective at many colleges, to be, you know against, riot against Trump. Maybe it's a minor. But it's a difference between right and left-wing protest. The left will trash cop cars, the right will just wash them, you know, because we, we have friends who wear blue. We have relatives who wear blue. We -- and we also know people who drive to work every day. And we know people who run small businesses, so we are less likely to block traffic, we're less likely to break things and we more likely to respect police who are just trying to do their job. Meanwhile, they're being taken away from other areas where somebody could be in trouble, but instead, they're babysitting some infants.

BOLLING: Could -- what do you think, KG, the protesters. And when they get violent like that, don't you kind of want to go for the guy that they're actually protesting?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Yeah, I don't think this is hurting Trump, to be honest with you, because it just like, like that he is brave, that he is courageous, that he'll climb over our fences, goes through fences, do whatever it takes to get there, to do the message, and that he is not faint of heart, that he is strong, has high energy and you know, is willing to face people who oppose him. That's what you want in a leader, right? So at the same time, it's very disappointing because I don't like to see people injured or hurt. There's a way to do this in a peaceful way to respect other people's right, yes, to assemble, a freedom of speech and the First Amendment. So I don't like to see lawlessness, of course not, you know, as a former prosecutor. But in that regard, it is also shows that this is a, you know, a very -- you know, yeah, exciting time in terms of the election process. But, and also a challenging one. It's complex.

BOLLING: When both sides get this heated, I kind of feel it's some sort of movement, no?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Some sort of what?

BOLLING: Movement. You know, it's a groundswell, it's organic. It's not just people -- an issue. This is -- this is growing, it's getting big.

WILLIAMS: I'm not sure what you mean it's getting big. I think what's getting big here. It seems to me that --

BOLLING: When protesters come out in force like this and--

WILLIAMS: Well, I just think that they --

BOLLING: -- you can see literally hundreds of people--

WILLIAMS: But this is --

BOLLING: -- wrecking police cars.

WILLIAMS: There's -- to me there's a consistent pattern of violence at many Trump events, and people have real reason to be angry at Donald Trump, the high-levels of disaffection. This is specifically about the immigration issue. Most of these protesters, it looks to me, are people carrying the Mexican flag, from what I can see, and saying that they don't like Donald Trump's attitude about immigrants; especially illegal immigrants. Inside, he's meeting with people whose relatives were killed by illegal immigrants. So what you have here is two dynamic political forces in American society. And, you know, I think for you to mock these people as oh, they're violent, they don't have jobs or they're crazy students. You know what? People have a legitimate right to protest in America.

BOLLING: The protest peacefully, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Happy violence.


BOLLING: No one has a right to do what they did to those police cars last night; jump on them, break windows, trash them, put people at risk.


WILLIAMS: Oh, please, that's a secondary issue to the idea that--


WILLIAMS: -- there's a larger issue about illegal immigration in this country, and how we treat, and deal with immigration.

BOLLING: I don't know anywhere in the constitution where it provides for violent protests, where people and property could be harmed.

PERINO: Yeah, I think that they have definitely crossed a line last night. I mean, jumping on a cop car, that's like occupy -- the straight out of Occupy Wall Street.

GUILFOYLE: Isn't it?

PERINO: And it actually might be straight out of Occupy Wall Street in terms of the organization and how they get people there and organize that way. I thought that Donald Trump today, handled that better, like that was like the best way to handle it. As Kimberly said like, he -- the secret service says "sir, like this is a bad scene." He says "no, I'm going. And I don't want to disappoint those people." And he's -- there's video of him doing anything it takes to get there. Funny line about crossing the border, even though I'm sure a lot of people will be offended by it. When I lived in San Diego, I read a really good novel called "The Tortilla Curtain," and it's by T.C. Boyle.

And I read -- it stocked with me. I think that was like 14 years ago that I read that book, and it was really about, almost like the scene that you saw last night where Donald Trump is inside, meeting with families who have been victims from people who, that were illegal immigrants when they committed the crime. And then the other people outside who are -- may or may not be illegal, but they certainly know people who are, or they had family members who came over illegally and the struggle that they had. I just commend it, because at the end of it, it just make helps you be a little bit more thoughtful about both sides. America doesn't need to have this kind of protest. We can actually have civil conversation about it and there's a legislative way to do things. And I do think that President Obama pushing on the executive order instead of trying to go through the legislative process has exacerbated this problem.

BOLLING: Yeah, Greg, weigh in on what Juan points out--


BOLLING: That I guess that the protest needs to take it to the next level other than peaceful protest behind a barrier to get attention, to be seen.

GUTFELD: Well, you know, if -- you know, there are bad apples, it's such a cliche in every barrel. We see this on the right and we see it on the left. So you got to admit, you know, you see some guy punch somebody for no reason on our side, that's wrong. You see this, that's wrong. But what gets me is the choice of protesting, a lot of people aren't in the system, so they don't know, maybe you should protest taxes or government intrusion, bureaucracy, energy policy, the kinds of things that affect your day-to-day life. Not just some famous candidate.


BOLLING: Yeah. KG --

GUILFOYLE: Or children living in poverty; yeah, I mean --

BOLLING: I'm wondering if these protests were going on, on the left, in an event -- a campaign event for someone on the left. Wouldn't -- we would have the same reaction. He can't -- I'm trying -- I'm just blown away that you think this is OK that they can, they can --

WILLIAMS: I didn't say that--

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, he's --

WILLIAMS: -- it was OK, by the way, I said --

BOLLING: I didn't? It didn't?

WILLIAMS: I said a legitimate protest is OK. I'm not -- I think when you get involved with violence, I think that guy hurt himself when he was jumping on the police car. But I mean, to me, when you talk about protest and you guys make it out to be like you know, these are a bunch of, you know, people, idle people, they don't know what to do with themselves.

GUTFELD: But -- OK, Juan. The reason why I say that is, it's noon, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock in the -- on a Friday. I'm --

WILLIAMS: Oh no, no. I was talking about the tape from yesterday.


WILLIAMS: But I-- but your point is well taken.

GUTFELD: Yeah, it's like --

WILLIAMS: Go ahead.

GUTFELD: I can't do that, I got a job. A lot of people have jobs. That's the thing.

WILLIAMS: Right. But I'm just saying --

GUTFELD: Would you -- you never.

WILLIAMS: In some -- to some degree, you could say people who take the time to be heard when they said that there's a demagogue at work.


WILLIAMS: And that their relatives and friends and community are being demonized to the world--


WILLIAMS: -- these people are standing up.

BOLLING: Whose are -- you think they're organized?

WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no. I don't want --

BOLLING: Or do these people are just watching TV and then they see, hey, Trump is going to be there, and I'm going out.

WILLIAMS: Well remember, we had this discussion--

BOLLING: Because this feels more --

WILLIAMS: -- about in Chicago, right? We have this discussion in Chicago. Could you blame it on -- I think it was a group.

BOLLING: MoveOn -- yeah, it was Soros group. MoveOn.org --

WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's why -- and I wasn't clear on that, because what we knew was it was somehow like an online thing that suddenly everybody was texting everybody and it's kind of, I didn't know if it just -- it was a combustible thing.

GUILFOYLE: oh, no, but there were connections, because there's people trying to mobilize and get everybody to go out there to do this, you know, "dump Trump, stop Trump" you know, movement. But they're not doing themselves any favors, just like when you saw problems like this with Occupy Wall Street and when you saw problems like this with the Black Lives Matter, and nobody likes this kind of violence and destruction of public property. And those cop cars that they're bashing the windows and breaking -- good job, because now that's, that's your taxes.

WILLIAMS: OK, but I think that, that helps Trump, if that's your point. It helps Trump with people who are already Trump supporters.

BOLLING: Or maybe not.

WILLIAMS: But I don't know that it helps people --

BOLLING: Or people who may not be Trump supporters.

WILLIAMS: That's where I doubt it. That's where I doubt it. I think people who --

BOLLING: Can I throw one more thing?

WILLIAMS: Well, let me just finish the point. But I think people who are not Trump supporters are looking at this and saying, so this is what we're going to get with Trump? Oh, my god. We don't want it. America doesn't want this.

BOLLING: People who are saying, did you notice all the Mexican flags that are waving?

WILLIAMS: That's what I just mentioned earlier.

BOLLING: Yeah. You don't think that's a problem? You don't think that's problematic for the anti-Trump crowd?

WILLIAMS: No, why?

BOLLING: You have a right to peaceful protest in America, issues that affect Americans.


BOLLING: If you're waving a Mexican flag, what are you saying?

BOLLING: You're saying that, in fact, the immigration issue and these people are probably given this California, heavily of Mexican descent. And maybe some of them are, you know, just a play to your point, illegal immigrants from Mexico. I don't know. But waving the flag is not the point, Eric. The point is that we, as Americans --

BOLLING: I think it takes back --

WILLIAMS: I don't have the ability to at this moment to deal with the immigration issue.

BOLLING: I think it takes away from the message they're trying to send.

GUTFELD: It might.


GUTFELD: It might. But you can't --


GUTFELD: You -- I would rather have somebody wave a flag than actually inflict pain on somebody. So I don't -- I think you can wave whatever you want and it doesn't really bug me. I -- what I find comical are the bandanas over the faces. We, we live in a culture where we romanticize protests, it's something to -- it's good to be against something and out on the street throwing Molotov's. Remember the battle of Seattle, they did a documentary about the WTO riots, that's -- when you see these young like these college kids or whoever wearing bandanas over their face, like oh, it's so dangerous. That's actually cowardly when you're covering your identity, you know. If you were actually enraged or upset about something, you go out and you show your face.


GUILFOYLE: Maybe they said they were at work and they left.

WILLIAMS: Do you think it would it make a difference?


GUILFOYLE: I want their boss to do this.

WILLIAMS: Do you think it would make a difference if they were waving the American flag?

BOLLING: Yes, I think that would be a lot --

WILLIAMS: No. You know what?

BOLLING: As long as they're keeping it peaceful. I think they went across the line.

WILLIAMS: Oh, keep it peaceful, OK.

BOLLING: No, but like --

WILLIAMS: So they cross the line waving the American flag, they wouldn't -- it wouldn't be crossing the line?

BOLLING: No, no, they'll definitely be crossing the line.


BOLLING: I think they lose something in translation, so to speak, by waving the Mexican flag instead of the old glory.


GUTFELD: Because I do right the thing that we would want.

GUILFOYLE: They say that it is just under control.

GUTFELD: This is healthy.


GUTFELD: In cultures where you can't express yourself, there's way more violence.


GUTFELD: If you look at what's going on in the Middle East, that's where those -- because people don't have the option to do this.

BOLLING: But, and they do have the option to peaceful protests, right?


BOLLING: Dana, so Ted Cruz right now is watching this coverage, I assume, for the last two hours saying --


BOLLING: Hey, what about me?

PERINO: That's happen -- whenever the protests were a couple of months ago, remember we were saying all the candidates thought, could somebody protest me and then maybe I can get--


PERINO: -- on TV as well?

BOLLING: Kasich, I think so --

PERINO: And then Kasich. The one thing I would say about the student -- well, the people that are there, if it's 1 o'clock on a Friday afternoon, it's -- well, it's probably sort of student-generated.


PERINO: So maybe they don't have classes right after.

GUTFELD: And retirees.

PERINO: Maybe retirees; that they have decided to get out there. But I think that --


PERINO: For the primary, does it help Donald Trump, yeah, probably. But I do think that it's important that if you're a Trump supporter, be thinking about the student vote or the -- millennials are now the largest generation, they are all -- this, as of this year, all of voting age, they're engaged in ways that we've never seen before because of social media and they're likelihood to vote is going to be very strong. And remember Bernie Sanders has received 71 percent of the student vote, so far this year, so they are a force to be reckoned with. I don't think that we can say that they're unreliable like we used to, like to say that the youth vote is unreliable. I think that the millennials are definitely going to be out there voting.


PERINO: So in the general election, this probably doesn't help.

GUILFOYLE: And because of social media and the power and influence of it, the reach, people can find out about this, to assemble and mobilize, to go to try to shut down an event like this, which by the way is their goal.


GUILFOYLE: To stop speech.

BOLLING: One quick thought.

GUTFELD: It's also fun.

BOLLING: If you're in Middle America and you're watching this--


BOLLING: -- right in California, you're going -- really? This is what, this is what I love. I want this protest -- this -- who are these people? They don't definitely don't represent where I am on these issues. So I think I must be --


WILLIAMS: You're saying --


WILLIAMS: You're saying Trump supporters, who are --

BOLLING: No, no. I'm saying --

WILLIAMS: Especially--

BOLLING: I'm saying --

WILLIAMS: -- the people who Trump said --

BOLLING: I'm saying independents --

WILLIAMS: I'm going to build a wall--

BOLLING: But independents sitting in Oklahoma right now who says --

WILLIAMS: I just don't think that's true. I don't think all middle-America. I don't even think all -- let's just talk to republicans, right? I don't think all republicans are pro-Trump, Eric. And I don't think all republicans, Dana.

BOLLING: I didn't say republicans. I said --

GUILFOYLE: Who said that?


BOLLING: I said independents.

GUILFOYLE: He didn't say that.

WILLIAMS: Oh. Well, I don't --

BOLLING: They're trying to make a decision who to vote for.

WILLIAMS: I don't think.

BOLLING: And they see this and they gonna go--

WILLIAMS: Oh my, god, Trump sets off another firestorm in another state. Oh, my god. Is this what we're going to get?


GUTFELD: It's gonna be easy. I mean, but -- that is not -- Trump is not responsible--

BOLLING: Right, exactly.

GUTFELD: -- for what goes on there. But there is -- this is going to happen everywhere. If he gets the nomination -- Juan, you're right, this is going to be an everyday thing and the media is going to eat it up. They're going to love this --

PERINO: You think they're going to run it for --

GUTFELD: This is Christmas.

PERINO: Like live coverage.

GUTFELD: They might. They might --


PERINO: Really?

GUTFELD: The shows might just go around the clock on this stuff.


BOLLING: And you know what ends up happening? The people who may not have been Trump supporters will say, "You know what I got to get behind if they're going to do that, I'm so against that, I'll get behind it.


GUILFOYLE: I think it's a great motivator for the primary like Dana is saying for sure, for the people to say hey, I better make sure and get out there, because I want to like get this on lock. This is too crazy, what's going on? I'm gonna go support him, he's fighting for us, that's I have to say. But general election then, you say OK, who am I going to choose? And will there be a lot of unrest.

PERINO: No, and Jeb -

WILLIAMS: I just --

PERINO: Jeb tried that to say -- remember Jeb Bush, he would try to say that Donald Trump was the chaos candidate, and it didn't stick.

WILLIAMS: No. I hear that.

PERINO: So I don't know, though, Juan. I mean, maybe--

WILLIAMS: No, I hear it.

PERINO: -- people are saying we don't want this in America--


PERINO: But I don't think people think this will continue --

WILLIAMS: No. And Tom Brokaw said --

GUILFOYLE: So it's like captain in chaos?

WILLIAMS: By the way, I agree with you, Eric. This helps.


GUTFELD: Well that solves everything.


GUILFOYLE: Why didn't you say that's (inaudible) --

GUTFELD: If Tom Brokaw says.

BOLLING: That's it.



BOLLING: All right.


BOLLING: We will continue to follow these protests and bring any breaking developments as they come. But ahead, Trump says Hillary Clinton is playing the woman card to win votes, now she's proving him right by doling them out. And later, it's Facebook Friday post your questions for us right now on facebook.com/thefivefnc (inaudible).


WILLIAMS: Donald Trump still accusing Hillary Clinton of playing the woman card.


TRUMP: She's playing the woman card it's the only thing she's got going. That's it. And --


TRUMP: She's playing it as much as she can. I mean, I've been watching it. I mean all she does every time she raises -- if you raise your voice, it's like oh, look what he's saying and look at the way he talks. Give me a break. I mean, she raises her voice much more than I raise mine, believe me. I don't know how she gets by that problem when so many people's lives have been ruined for doing much less than she did. She's only running because she's being protected by the democrats. Without that, she wouldn't have a chance of running.



WILLIAMS: Now she's capitalizing on his jabs by offering supporters their very own woman card in exchange for donations, of course. Gregory, are you going to get one?

GUTFELD: What does that get you? Does that get you a seat on the subway?


WILLIAMS: It looks like --

PERINO: What time?

GUTFELD: A clear path to the bar? You know what, there is a woman's card it's called ladies night at every -- it's like, talk about sexist, like women get free drinks.


GUTFELD: We always have full price. But I think this was a really good move on Hillary's part, because you take criticism and you turn it into a plus.


GUTFELD: And Trump does that. Trump does that when he gets attacked, and when he gets attacks for certain things. He always flips it. And it's just -- it's better to, it's better to embrace the criticism than to be defensive. I think it was a good move.

WILLIAMS: Now she says, oh yeah, if it's health care, paid leave for women, equal pay for women, deal me. And Kimberly, is her response good?

GUILFOYLE: No. I think who cares if I'm a man or a woman, just vote for me because I'm qualified and capable and I have all the experience you could need in the world. And I'm not the captain of chaos, and I'm the best choice for America, and I want to represent all of you.

WILLIAMS: Well, so Roger Stone, Eric--

GUTFELD: Speechwriter.

WILLIAMS: Roger Stone who is, you know, hanging around with Trump says he has, Trump has to deconstruct Hillary Clinton. He can't let her be the former secretary of state, the former senator. He's got to say, hey look, all she's running on is being a woman, can't let her have it.

BOLLING: So I think Hillary -- what this whole woman card thing is cute, it's funny. I agree with Greg in that respect. However, politically --

GUILFOYLE: I like too.

BOLLING: Politically I think it was a mistake. I think she gave away the woman card, because she had fun with it. When you have some fun with it, you kind of disarm everybody.


BOLLING: Like, oh, the woman card it's not --

PERINO: You can't keep revisiting the joke.




BOLLING: You've made it into a fun thing, instead of being very offended by what's going on. So she could have held that out for a while and maybe worked it in to the -- if it ends up being a general against Trump.

GUILFOYLE: Now it's played out.

BOLLING: But it's kind of -- yeah, yeah --

GUILFOYLE: Maybe it's going to ride its course.

WILLIAMS: So, and Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts says, "Oh, this is evidence that Trump is a weak man. He's a sexist." If you ask me, it's like, is he a sexist? It's like asking me, does he have bad hair. His sexism is there for all to see. And right now, 71 percent of women disapprove of Donald Trump.

GUILFOYLE: Personal and physical--


GUILFOYLE: -- attacks.

PERINO: I love the -- when I saw the woman card, I thought, darn, that was smart. We should have thought of that at some point. You know, you could -- the GOP could have done, why not just like embrace and say, I'll give you the woman's card. Like I wish --

GUTFELD: What about the Trump card?

GUILFOYLE: Well, he should like stand that out.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: It's good.

WILLIAMS: I like that.

PERINO: I mean this encounter --

GUILFOYLE: The winning card, yes.

PERINO: And then everybody can have dueling cards.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

PERINO: The other thing is I thought that he hit upon something. He didn't actually say it, but he's inching up to it which is, I think one of her biggest problems is that she thinks that she's above the law. And when he said that the only reason she has such and such is because she's being protected by the democrats. It's not just that I mean, he's getting closer to what I think is one of the things that gets her trustworthy numbers, which is that she thinks she's above the law. And other people's lives have been ruined for doing things -- less on doing things that were like less offensive than what she did. And I think he's talking about the classified server.

WILLIAMS: Well, this is --this --


WILLIAMS: This is crooked Hillary.

PERINO: Right.

WILLIAMS: And we're getting on --I think he's already started using crooked Hillary, but his heart --

GUTFELD: I haven't heard it.

WILLIAMS: He's -- oh yeah, it's out there, crooked Hillary. But anyway --

GUTFELD: I was joking.

WILLIAMS: But his thing is like even on the issues that say, she says she's such a great advocate for women, (inaudible)? She really hasn't done much to women. He's saying pay attention, is Hillary really a strong as she claims? -- Still to come, Facebook Friday.


WILLIAMS: But up next, major drama at last night's NFL draft, that's bongs, gas masks at Twitter accounts and more. You got to stay tuned.


PERINO: OK, as a resident sports expert here on "The Five," I spent the night live-tweeting the NFL draft. Jasper was alongside on me on pins and needles, about who the Broncos would pick. He just couldn't stand the suspense, and it is certainly was a dramatic and bizarre evening. Ole Miss Player Laremy Tunsil was expected to be a top pick, but just minutes before the draft begins, an old video is posted on his Twitter account, showing him smoking a bong through a gas mask. Where I never thought I say. That tape also leads to his (inaudible) slide down to 13. And Tunsil said he was a hacked.


LAREMY TUNSIL, OLE MISS PLAYER: I made a mistake you know, several years ago and somehow somebody got into my photos. You know, things happen, I can't control things. Some people hacked into my phone and hacked my Instagram, my Twitter and I'm just happy just to be a part Miami Dolphins organization. Bless to be here.


PERINO: So sabotaged by a hacking, Eric.

BOLLING: So the way it went down, as that video came up about 13 minutes before the draft. He was literally going to be the -- allegedly going to be the first pick of the draft in L.A. -- L.A Rams. L.A. has a football team again, the Rams. He was going to be him, and then this thing arises. Originally he said that he -- it wasn't him. Then he said, well, I was hacked. The problem is when you have a guy who you're about to spend millions upon millions of dollars on, you can't have that stuff come out. I mean, the -- so the estimates are now somewhere between $7 and $8 million, he lost, because he was eventually picked 13th. Still a great place to be picked, but not one, two, or three where he would have commanded the massive bucks. He thinks also thinks that possibly there was some issues with his ex-girlfriend that she might have posted it.


BOLLING: To get back. And then one more thing, though, when --


BOLLING: When something just happens, you know you talk about pulling the - -

PERINO: The thread on the Twitter?



BOLLING: There are accusations now that he took money from coaches while at Ole Miss, which is another violation. I don't -- I wouldn't -- I wouldn't blame any team from passing on someone with this much history, this much baggage.

PERINO: What do you think about the way it went down now? And it's like now you can be, blackmailed or sabotaged.

GUTFELD: Racist.

PERINO: Of like.

GUTFELD: You know, Twitter --


GUTFELD: Twitter is like Kevorkian then of career prospects. He tried to pull the Wiener defense, like that's not me and then I got hacked. He wasn't hacked. But like Twitter kills more careers than any kind of drug addiction. It's the best time to be alive with technology. But it's the worst time because it abuses you as you abuse it. And I do think that I think it --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'll write a book on that.

GUTFELD: We have to declare an amnesty for these mistakes because we're all hypocrites. At least I'm a hypocrite. If this technology existed when I was his age, I would not be sitting here. I would not be anywhere. That I was an idiot for, well, I still am. But I was more of an idiot even when I was younger. And, but it was never documented.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But now you're just like a (inaudible), whether it was the night idiot.

GUTFELD: Or have a man with pretty glass. I have a glass in high school for young people and the elderly because they make the same mistakes on social networks. They don't realize the reach of the things that they do.

WILLIAMS: You know, I think there's a lot to this story. It's so interesting to me because it's broken families. This is really about the stepfather. The stepfather suing him, in fact, the stepfather (inaudible) and the stepfather may be the one that leaked this more so than I think the girlfriend.

PERINO: That is so mean.

WILLIAMS: That's what I think.

GUILFOYLE: Now, how do people --


GUILFOYLE: -- live with themselves being this destructive and hateful --

WILLIAMS: No, but here's the thing. This is the hard point, Kimberly --

GUILFOYLE: -- to destroy someone's life.

WILLIAMS: -- for this kid in his life, right? So, his money, his moment in the sun and, you know, possibly the father-in-law thinks this is the moment that I can get him and embarrass him and cost him money.


WILLIAMS: I think this is really destructive.

GUILFOYLE: -- going to have less money to give him.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think so. I mean, but to get to your point, Greg, you stop and think about the demise of so many people like Johnny Manziel.

PERINO: Oh, I think we have a little picture here. Let's see. This is him at the bar. This guy you're talking about, Johnny Manziel.

GUTFELD: And the football, right?

WILLIAMS: Yes, so this is last night, Johnny Manziel watching the NFL draft, having a beer because he's nowhere near the football.


GUTFELD: Always has to wear the headband.


WILLIAMS: And then there was another story.


BOLLING: One thing I would --

PERINO: Juan's on a monologue here.

WILLIAMS: No, no, I just want to -- OK, sir.

BOLLLING: This video didn't get leaked. This went up on his own verified Twitter account.

WILLIAMS: Yes. No, somebody hacked him, he said, right? You don't believe it?

BOLLLING: I'll go what we says.


GUILFOYLE: Why would he release it himself.

BOLLING: -- the Twitter is very possible.

WILLIAMS: Yes, that's right.

GUTFELD: But you got, the definition of hacking is breaking in. He had it. He shared his password with somebody. Or, it was already up on the laptop and somebody saw it.

PERINO: Right.


GUTFELD: A buddy did it.

PERINO: I mean, but really what's wrong with that picture?



PERINO: What's wrong with the picture?

GUTFELD: I don't know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you mean? Heather (ph) dresses like that every day.


PERINO: The gas mask?

BOLLLING: The video of the bong.

PERINO: No, I'm telling. No, I'm just saying. You know how I feel about drugs. But seriously, like I thought that we were all supposed to be like permissive of drug use now.

WILLIAMS: Oh, get out of there.

PERINO: Really, what's the problem?

GUILFOYLE: What is wrong with you?


PERINO: I'm not submissive. I'm just saying that is this really supposed to be that --


GUTFELD: It's a portable humidifier. It's a portable humidifier.

WILLIAMS: I want to mention there's another great sports story.


PERINO: I use a real humidifier.

WILLIAMS: Yes, a real -- a great sports story about an L.A. Lakers player, Nick Young. He was with his friend, a fellow player, D'Angelo Russell. D'Angelo Russell then leaked a tape of him talking about having affair with another woman.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right, a teenaged girl.

WILLIAMS: Yes. And this then, of course, becomes a scandal and hurts the team. So, this is not like a once-off thing. It's going on.

GUILFOYLE: No, but also, Juanito, there are teams who said they knew this video existed because people have been talking about it.


GUILFOYLE: Right. So, they're like, oh guess what, thanks. We just paid less and we knew it was there. Winning.

PERINO: You know what? You want Kimberly on your side.

WILLIAMS: Yes, really.

PERINO: She just wrapped that up for us.

All right, a big development on a story that we brought you yesterday. Ronald Reagan's story, extremely upset about a planned comedy starring Will Ferrell involving the late president struggled with Alzheimer's.

Ferrell's agent issued a statement today. You're going to hear that next.


GUILFOYLE: A big update on the controversial comedy in the works about President Ronald Reagan. Will Ferrell was supposed to star in the film that would make light of Reagan's battle with Alzheimer's. But after an outcry from the late president's family, Ferrell's agent put out a statement today saying the actor won't be doing it.

"The Reagan script is one of a number of scripts that had been submitted to Will Ferrell, which he had considered. While it is by no means an "Alzheimer's comedy" as has been suggested. Mr. Ferrell is not pursuing this project."

So, that's a wrap on that, but a tremendous outcry, Dana. And I think, you know, for good reasons because of the seriousness of Alzheimer's, the toll that it takes on the people who suffer from it and the family members that surround them.

PERINO: Well, it's just two years ago that Julianne Moore won the best -- the Oscar for Best Actress for her starring role in "Still Alice."

And if you haven't seen that, I mean it's pretty intense movie about early- onset Alzheimer's. And there are so many people in America that are affected by it. Now, I don't think this was just about the attack that the family is being upset. I think overall, people with Alzheimer's in our family were upset, I think. I mean I don't really understand.

GUILFOYLE: Well, even in the general public as well in terms of in their outcry, it was like, wait a second, this is kind of ill-conceived and not appropriate.

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it's disturbing for sure.

Eric, what do you think?

BOLLING: So is it -- was it ever going to be a big film? I mean, everyone was saying it was going to be this huge thing. Everyone wanted the script. But I don't -- I can't imagine that's a highly sought-after script.

GUILFOYLE: They said that.

BOLLIGN: I mean, only Will Ferrell because he put his name on it, become interesting. It goes any other actor, maybe you don't even want to see it.

So, I happen to say, I think what we could have done instead of walking away from the project completely is Will Ferrell is amazing. He does George W. Bush amazing. He did Ricky Bobby. He did -- I mean, he just does character. He is so good at it.

Why wouldn't he just do Ronald Reagan for the full term of Ronald Reagan. If you want to play around with it at the end, go ahead. So, I thought maybe rewriting the script that way.

But I said that on O'Reilly tonight and he just dismantled me. So, you know what, he really got mad at me. Watch that tonight.

GUTFELD: Killing Bolling.

BOLLING: Killing Bolling.

PERINO: A best seller, hasn't even written.


GUTFELD: Oh yeah. Just an exercise, imagine if it were a liberal icon, if it were -- let me think, if it was -- if you did a comedy about Bobby Kennedy's assassination, or if you did something on any great liberal who died tragically.

The -- we would never have gotten this far. It would have been overwhelming, the outrage. But the script was so lauded among, as an independent, edgy film. That's why that it has been around. It has legendary status. And that's why everybody was so excited. But it just shows you that in Hollywood, there is edgy, it's a nerf (ph) ball.

Again, that there was nothing brave about this. And how do you not see this coming? I don't know. I know that Will Ferrell is a liberal. But as your ideology is so unbending that you couldn't see maybe that this might be some cruelty to this premise.

WILLIAMS: Yes, because the whole idea to me is mockery of people who were sick.


WILLIAMS: I just don't dig it. I mean I don't get it. And I think that you're right. I think it adds on that he's a conservative. And you hear this all about Reagan, by the way, in liberal corners, like, oh, he was losing it. He was losing it.


WILLIAMS: But the idea is that you make fun of him. Now, I think that there are lots of points of weakness in my life, I think in all our lives, where you think, you know, that could be funny, like you know, granddad forget, he left the cigar right there and he's asking you where the cigarettes are. Where are my keys? You know, he always puts the keys on the refrigerator.

But, you know, when it comes to Ronald Reagan, because he's such a political icon, it looks like you're going after the right, and you're going after their hero. And so I think, you know, I don't know why it went that far because it seems to me, pretty self-evident, that's a loser.


GUILFOYLE: So maybe we say this. Thank you for reconsidering, Will Ferrell, and any other actor, we'll find you and hunt you down if you try to do this.

GUTFELD: I'm sure Lena Dunham will stay on the film.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, she can do it.


GUILFOYLE: She can do it, yes, exactly.

WILLIAMS: They've been candidates.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, that's true.

GUILFOYLE: I think it was really exited. I think you know what I'm going to say. Now, it's Friday, stay right there, "Facebook Friday", next.


GUTFELD: "Soul Train" come on, "Facebook Friday", everybody.

All right, let's start with Tracy Z. This is a good question. I had my students design war plaques for a World War II hero today. Who do you consider to be the best example of an American hero? We'll go this way.

PERINO: Well, the first person that comes to mind is George H.W. Bush. He was the youngest fighter pilot, wanted to sign up even earlier. His parents made him wait until he was 18.

And you read the story of Natalie, his training, but then what happened when he was over the Pacific, being shut down and how he's lived his life. I think he's a great example of it. You don't make them like that any more.

BOLLING: So, I'm named after a guy named Eric Bolling and it's my father's oldest brother. So, he was the oldest of 12 and my father was the youngest of 12. My parents were substantially older when they had me. He was killed. He was shot down over New Hebrides Island in the South Pacific, now known as Vanuatu. He's a navy aviator and he's still my hero.

WILLIAMS: That's great.

GUILFOYLE: How cool. What a great story.


WILLIAMS: Well, you know, I find myself always locked up on these. I mean, Jim Thorpe I think is the greatest American hero up here. I mean, you know, now only you see as a great soldier, but he was a great sports hero in multiple scores.

GUTFELD: Great count, too.

WILLIAMS: Yes, and he's got -- yeah, now they argue over whether or not they should keep his remains in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania.

Anyway, I also, though, the reason I find myself in a trap on this is, is I have a friend. And always say them, I have such respect for Muhammad Ali. Remember Muhammad Ali going at the Olympics and his hands are shaking. He lights the flame in Atlanta. And my friend blew up at me.

He said, how can you say Muhammad Ali is a hero? Muhammad Ali avoided the drift. Now, my friend is like 80 years old.


WILLIAMS: But to that black 80-year-old man who served in the military, it was a great disappointment at Ali. But for me, as --

GUTFELD: That guy is my hero.


GUTFELD: Your friend.

WILLIAMS: Well, Mr. Cobb, that one's for you.

GUILFOYLE: There's so many to choose from, right? That's what's so beautiful. No, it's not your -- he's mouthing to me, "Me. Me." No.

But when I think of somebody who served admirably and refused to be released when he was held as a prisoner of war, did not want to go ahead despite his family's status, and, you know, as the admirable, the family is a whole deal. You know, think of John McCain, what he went through as a prisoner of war. It's always really resonates with me about how much people give up when they serve this country so valiantly and they put it all on the line, despite maybe the fabulous and upbringing and the family that they have. They go there and they want to be treated just like everyone else, and I think it's an incredible lesson.

BOLLING: That's a good choice too. And you?

GUTFELD: You stole my choice. I'll just go with me. You know, I do a lot for a lot of people everyday. You know, I'll go off. I'll go away from the military and I won't say the police, because we talked a lot.

I'll say businessmen, small businessmen. People who have to get up every morning and --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Make the payroll.

GUTFELT: Make the payroll. Not take a salary for a couple of years. Pick up the doughnuts. They usually sleep on floors for the first year. They do everything possible so they can get a second business and open a second business. And then all of a sudden, the government shows up and wants to take everything. And you have people picketing you and yelling at you, and all you're trying to do is create something. So, I don't know.

This now is from -- I'll start with you. You'll like this one. Melissa F., not Melissa Francis, what do you think has been you greatest accomplishment so far in your career? Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: If you're going to say in my life, it was going to be raising my son, Ronan, for sure.


GULFOYLE: Like, you know, what parents do, mothers and fathers, people who have children born to them and those that adopt children, I think, is really incredible.

However, the question is career. I would say, working as a prosecutor and prosecuting child abuse, sexual abuse cases definitely, and also some of the, you know, the criminal cases. Things like that. Gang cases, where people were just taking whole neighborhoods and communities under siege.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wouldn't want you coming after me.

GUILFOYLE: No, because you would be in jail.


WILLIAMS: That's what I was talking about, too, in court. Hey Juan, so you said, heard you said, career wise.


WILLIAMS: So, I would guess that, you know, I write books and I love books, and I just have an old book. So, I would guess looking back, what surprises me is that you know Ronald Reagan once said, he said they were giving him an honorary degree. And he said, well, a lot of my classmates thought the first one was honorary.


WILLIAMS: I didn't think that's true with me. It's was like, really, can you imagine? And the book is "We The People".


BOLLIGN: I've been very fortunate. The baseball career is fantastic, started the business with the oil. But I will tell you, this is more fun and more challenging and more rewarding than any of the other three.

PERINO: Yeah, producers are thanking you.

WILLIAMS: Is that because of Dana?


BOLLING: She's family.

PERINO: La familia el cinco.

WILLIAMS: If you stay closer to me, you'll have less fun.

BOLLIGN: And that's right.


PERINO: Well, I mean --

GUTFELDWILLIAMS: It's hard to (inaudible). What did you do before "The Five"? Nothing.

PERINO: I mean I was -- we're going to -- and one more thing is you're going to want to take a look at this because we're going to give a tribute to Fox News Sunday's, having a 20th anniversary.

And I was the deputy to Tony Snow. And we -- I remember Tony Snow is telling me before our press conference, he asked, can you go brief the president because you'll do a better job than I do.

And I said, well, I don't think that's true. But he said, please can you go do it. And I went and I did the first briefing for president for his press conference briefing by myself. And at the end of it, the president said, I never am surprised by a question when you brief me. And I thought that was -- I always hold on to that (inaudible)

GUILFOYLE: Great praise. I like that.

GUTFELD: I have to go and say I agree with Eric. I can't -- my greatest achievement was snowing Fox News into hiring me. I had absolutely no TV experience. I had just been fired from Maxim UK. And somehow, I convinced them.

In the late 90s, I used to do Fox News when I was at Men's Health, and I would show up here and try to figure out a way to get a job. I would ask the -- like you'd ask the booker.

GULFOYLE: You mean, like all those other people?

GUTFELD: Yeah. You'd ask the booker. And it was a pretty and like you think, look, can you get me a job here because you don't know what you're supposed to do.

GUILFOYLE: And how hard it is?

GUTFELD: It's seven years to get here.

Do we have time for one more? Yeah, chief, you don't want to do this question.



GUTFELD: What's the one thing you wish you never did?




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't have any answer for that.


GUTFELD: He said one thing.

PERINO: Well no, I --

GUILFOYLE: And you said, oh, Dana.


PERINO: But you're like making it.


PERINO: But how do you know that it was something -- maybe it was something mean?

GUTFELD: Yeah, it could be. Yeah. All right, look, I don't know. You know, it's like a total silence.

One more thing, up next, "One More Thing".


BOLLING: "One More Thing", Greg.

GUTFELD: Tomorrow night, the show "Greg Gutfeld Show" at 10:00. It's going to be live. It's going to be live.

We're going to be covering the White House correspondents' dinner. It's going to be like a viewing party. We're going to have comedians. We'll be watching it as its happening. We'll be taking speeches. It's like a viewing party meets mystery science theater, but it will be unpredictable. So, tune in.

GUILFOYLE: Will you look out for me there?

GUTFELD: Yes, will.

PERINO: Will you wave to him?


PERINO: May she could do like one thing.

GUTFELD: Oh OK, would you like to do a little thing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like yeah, come on and get out. Hi.

GUTFELD: There you go.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, if he can keep up with me.

PERINO: OK. I guess I'm next. OK.

I mentioned in the last block that we were going to pay tribute to Fox News Sunday, celebrating 20 years this Sunday. The show first premiered on April 28th, 1996. The official anniversary is this Sunday. And we have some exciting news in just a moment.

Tony Snow anchored the first show -- the show from its start in -- until 2003. And then, Chris Wallace took over as host. And here's some play between the two.

TONY SNOW, HOST, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY": Good morning, I'm Tony Snow and welcome to "Fox News Sunday".

CHRIS WALLACE, HOST, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY": Over the seven-plus years, is there one show, one Sunday that stands out?

SNOW: Right after September 11th.

WALLACE: You choked up at the end.

SNOW: Yeah, of course I did. A solitary candle, a flag, a tear, these are the tokens of our renewal. At the end, I got choked up by saying, we're not going to lose, and I get choked up even thinking about it now.

PERINO: OK. He's missed, a lot. I'm going to try to get through the rest of this.

This weekend on Sunday, our very own, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Juan Williams, Karl Rove and George Will, will all be on with Chris Wallace this Sunday. So, don't miss it.


GUILFOYLE: Fantastic, looking forward, yeah.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: KG, congratulations on the gig. That's a great one.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't be hung over.

GUILFOYE: Great. Don't worry. You can monitor me. I am. I'm going to wear a little Go Pro so you can see me move around at the last press correspondents there.

All right, so this is a really great story that I'm so happy when I saw this come across the news all over because it was very disturbing at the time that we heard about it.

Do you remember the story where the U.S. Army was taking a green beret and he was going to be suspended and lose his position, kick him out, because he physically confronted a local Afghan commander who had been accused of raping a boy over the course of many days?

But he stood up. He was courageous. This is another example of an American hero. And now, they've decided to do the right thing and reinstate him. And he said he's very grateful for being able to continue to serve with no hard feelings. He's a good guy.


WILLIAMS: OK. So, last night, it was debate night for me in oil country at the John Ben Shepherd distinguished lecture series at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin in Midland, Texas.

I was joined by the chairman of the Texas Republican Party, chairman of the Texas Democratic Party and former Congressman Allen West. It was a great time before 2,000 people in that (ph) country. That's Friday night, lights country. They played big time --


WILLIAMS: Yes. Well man, I mean, we were having fun.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, how interesting, Juan. That was great.

WILLIAMS: And by the way, let me just tell you something, the level of debate last night, I wish we could see it on the presidential campaign trail. No mockery, no put-downs, serious, debate, sometimes pointed, but terrific. Hats off to the folks in Midland and Odessa for hosting, I think a first-rate debate.

BOLLING: Anyone asked you about the little lizard that's stopping drilling in West Texas?

WILLIAM: No, I haven't. I'm sorry.


BOLLING: All right, very quickly. Catch me in tomorrow morning in full screen. Get rid of that now. Also, I will be Tweeting and Facebooking the White House correspondents' dinner tomorrow night.

And what my goal is this year --


BOLLING: No, no Go Pro. For two years in a row, I've -- I actually gone up on the dais after President Obama leaves. And I've had his dessert because he doesn't touch it.

GUILFOYLE: I've seen it. It's so creepy, but awesome. I'm on O'Reilly.

BOLLING: She's on O'Reilly. Where are we? All right, bye everybody.

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